
Mamarokgn8 neversfelde00:00
Mamaroknaj, ninja school I would call it00:00
hsittersure 2 weeks each summer :D00:00
shadeslayerMamarok: btw im free for the next 4 weeks,if you guys need a helping hand,just call on me,but you will have to teach me how package things,i dont know a thing about it :)00:01
Mamarokshadeslayer: hm, bug triaging would be a good start then, and reading the packaging guides00:02
shadeslayerMamarok: ill start right away :D00:02
Mamarokshadeslayer: check with hsitter, he is the slave master here :)00:02
hsitteractually I made JontheEchidna slave master :P00:03
shadeslayerMamarok: im already having a chat with him :)00:03
Mamarokoh, you gave him your whip?00:04
hsittershadeslayer: there should be some packaging tutorial from some ubuntuweek or devweek irc talk00:04
hsitterMamarok: not the real one00:04
shadeslayerhsitter: sure ill google it :).....00:05
shadeslayerhsitter: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/HandsOn ??00:06
hsittersomething else00:06
hsitterin any case there a loads of tutorials in the ubuntu wiki00:06
Mamarokshadeslayer: check for OpenWeek or Classroom minutes00:06
shadeslayerMamarok: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/openweekfeisty/packaging00:08
hsitterpretty old :P00:08
shadeslayerhsitter: yeah..i noticed00:08
shadeslayerhsitter: btw neonmake didnt run properly...did you see the paste?00:10
hsitteryes, you need to install libx11-dev00:10
shadeslayerhsitter: CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-2.6/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:57 (MESSAGE): Could NOT find GMP (missing: GMP_INCLUDE_DIR GMP_LIBRARIES)00:14
hsitteror something similar named00:15
shadeslayerhsitter: libgmp-ocaml-dev ??00:16
shadeslayeror libgmp3-dev00:16
hsitterthat  one00:16
shadeslayerhsitter: no offence but do the devels get paid by canonical or are they doing this as a side job ?00:18
hsittermost of us spend their spare time00:19
shadeslayerhsitter: http://pastebin.com/d22baabd900:19
hsittershadeslayer: libboost-dev00:19
shadeslayerthats alot of libraries :)00:20
freinhardwill software-properties-kde live on? if it does i'd fix bug 11644500:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 116445 in software-properties "[kde] software-properties-kde does not check if apt lines are valid" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11644500:20
Mamarokgn8 everyone :)00:28
macofreinhard, valid as in "really exist" or as in "well-formatted"?00:29
freinhardas in well formatted i guess00:29
freinhardalready implemented00:30
freinhardbut can't figure out how to get the bzr commit that implemented it00:30
freinhardhmm doesn't add it to the list in software-properties-kde but adds it to /etc/apt/sources.list00:34
* yuriy likes how bug 18995, a major bug noone's managed to fix in 5 years, with a comment on it saying "I don't think we've got the effort available to fix this in Ubuntu", is a papercut00:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 18995 in hundredpapercuts "[MASTER] "Open With" dialog not user-friendly" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1899500:45
yuriyoh well, hope it gets fixed00:45
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valgaavhmmm ... providing a kubufox would also make a nice papercut :D00:59
hsitterpapercut is a small thing01:01
hsitterkubufux aint is no small01:01
hsitterneither is redoing the open with dialog01:01
* yuriy thinks shtylman should give it a go since he now knows all about conquering foreign open dialogs01:03
valgaavwell for example exchanging the gnome HIG  Cancel|OK acheme to OK|Cancel is just a one line in css FF config file01:03
yuriyvalgaav: interested in starting such a package? : )01:04
valgaavpackaging things really seems to diffcult for me  ;/01:04
valgaavaside from using checkinstall :P01:05
* shtylman thinks yuriy is evil for suggesting such madness :)01:05
yuriyvalgaav: well, a wiki page with precise instructions for all such customizations in one place would be a good start01:07
valgaavthat's not really a problem and I could write it01:08
hsitteryuriy: Tonio_ wanted to start some kubufox thingy01:08
valgaavthough my english is not that bad01:08
valgaavnot that good :P01:08
* hsitter thinks the name should be firefox-kubuntu though01:08
hsitteroff to bed01:08
valgaavI have quite nice integration with this one line in css , kgtk for file dialogs and external theme01:09
Tonio_yuriy, hsitter: the main problem with firefox is files associations01:09
Tonio_not the dialogs, although I'd like it ti be done to01:09
Tonio_there is something to be done on that side, for which I have the base of code too01:10
Tonio_although an extension for default shortcuts and basic settings01:10
Tonio_as well as packaging that notifications for kde4 things should be done...01:10
Tonio_I hope I can do it in this cycle, but there is still so much to do :)01:10
valgaavit's also quite not userfriendly that ubufox is installed by default01:11
Tonio_the first things was to write a binary that would dump kde file associations in a file that we can read from firefox within an extension01:12
Tonio_that's done already and works01:12
valgaavusing apt-get -no-recommends  well most people don't know about it :)01:12
Tonio_valgaav: yup, it should be in the gnome seed, but not as a dep01:12
Tonio_I agree01:12
Tonio_we have to ping firefox packagers for that01:12
Tonio_valgaav: or ubuntufox should depend on firefox, not the opposite01:15
valgaavAs for reverse buttons one has to edit or make file in .mozilla/firefox/..../chrome/userChrome.css with the content like this http://pastebin.ca/147052401:21
valgaavtook my quite a while to google up that hack01:22
yuriyvalgaav: any hack to move preferences to the tools menu? :D01:23
JontheEchidnawhoa: http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/kdm/kfrontend/themes/oxygen-air/screenshot.png?revision=981125&view=markup01:23
valgaavyuriy:  nope ... but  I also wanted to move that01:23
valgaavIjust disabled the menu with an addon called "personal menu" and I'm using a customized menu from it01:25
yuriyvalgaav: hmm doesn't seem to do it for me01:39
valgaavthe buttons ?01:39
valgaavthat's in home folder01:40
valgaav/home/.mozilla  ...01:41
yuriyyou mean /home/yuriy/.mozilla...01:42
valgaav/home/valgaav/.mozilla/firefox/d6r9xj4c.default/chrome ... something like that01:42
yuriyyeah I got it, but it doesn't seem to work here01:43
valgaavI'm on FF 3.001:43
yuriyoh print dialog looks right01:43
yuriythat's about it though01:44
valgaavfile save dialog is right for me too01:44
valgaavthe Save Cancel one when you try to download a file01:44
valgaavthat hack doesn't work for GTK+ file dialog01:45
yuriywhat do you have?01:45
valgaavfor the file gtk file dialog ? :)01:46
JontheEchidnahttp://imagebin.ca/view/vkxKFHU.html <- my GTK+ dialog, using only QtCurve in karmic01:50
JontheEchidnaFF 3.501:50
valgaavhttp://imagebin.ca/view/F1HwOsn.html  this is the dialog I was talking about01:50
valgaavJontheEchidna:  for that kgtk is imho better01:51
JontheEchidnamuch hackier too01:51
valgaavyes well ... I'm using it for quite a while and with FF no problems with it01:53
valgaavit doesn't work as good for some other apps though...01:53
ryanakcaWhere can I find a list of packages in the Ubuntu NEW queue? I have a replacement for a less-than-perfect libqinfinity package apachelogger uploaded for me last night (or the night before)... Was there someone interested in uploading it?01:53
JontheEchidnaryanakca: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+queue01:54
ryanakcaJontheEchidna: thanks01:54
ryanakcaIf anybody is interested in uploading the fixed package, you can get the source by dget'ing http://packages.ryanak.ca/ubuntu/pool/main/libq/libqinfinity/libqinfinity_1.0~beta3-0ubuntu1.dsc02:06
yuriyseele: what's the preferred way to do input validation on a line edit?02:28
seeleyuriy: context? i'm not sure what you mean02:49
yuriyif you have an input field where some things are legal and some aren't02:58
yuriyby default a qlineedit + qvalidator just reject input if it'll lead to an illegal value02:59
yuriywhich is nice and all if you just want numbers or something, but if it's something like the username has to start with a lowercase letter I htink the user needs a hint02:59
* yuriy should check what ubiquity does on that one03:02
ScottKrgreening: I just ordered a Dell mini 10v.  That gives you a week or so to get the usb creator working.05:16
rgreeningit work. but has bugs05:18
* ScottK cracks the whip.05:18
rgreeningand needs packaging05:18
NCommanderScottK, +1 :-)05:59
freeflyingNCommander: how is you yeelong? :)06:36
NCommanderfreeflying, not too happy :-/06:59
NCommanderfreeflying, it seems it has a hardware bug which hangs it hard when I peg the processor06:59
NCommanderI'm hoping a kernel pops out of the woodworks to kludge around the issue07:00
freeflyingNCommander: seems cause by toolchains07:10
NCommanderfreeflying, indicently caused compiling a toolchain :-)07:10
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milian_if anybody needs a free ticket for the LinuxTag in Berlin this week, ping me12:14
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shadeslayeris there an svn for kde 4.3 plasmoids?12:26
shadeslayerjust the plasmoids12:26
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Tm_Tshadeslayer: depends on which plasmoids, as they are in kdebase, kdeplasma-addons, playground/base/plasma atleast12:59
shadeslayerTm_T: i want the show desktop one and the network manager13:03
Tm_Tnetworkmanager is in playground and show desktop is in kdebase IIRC13:04
shadeslayerTm_T: could you provide me the link ?13:04
Tm_Tshadeslayer: are you sure you know what you're doing? as building separate plasmoids from svn is not an easy task13:05
shadeslayerTm_T: hmm.... well i need them for nightly...and i thought that maybe i could compile them on my own..is that a good thing?13:06
Tm_Tnot really13:06
shadeslayerTm_T: ok,ill have a word with hsitter before doing this13:07
shadeslayerTm_T: one small thing.. suppose i compiled something from a SVN checkout and then i rename that folder...nothing will be affected right?13:09
Tm_Taffected in svn? no, as you cannot "touch" svn server without rights really13:10
shadeslayerTm_T: no i mean on my HD...13:10
shadeslayerTm_T: suppose the folder was xyz and i renamed it to SVN13:10
smartercmake hardcode path sometimes, so you may have to rebuild the thing13:11
smarterno idea for other build tools13:11
shadeslayersmarter: so should i recompile or wait for something to crash :P13:11
shadeslayerill recompile just to be safe :)13:11
smarteryeah, no harm in doing that (:13:11
shadeslayerrebuilding :)13:19
shadeslayerTm_T: hehe...i just found binaries of what i was trying to install :P13:29
ryanakcaWhat needs to be done to get device (iPod/etc) support fixed in Amarok2?14:10
rgreeningRiddell: check this page in arora... http://hacks.mozilla.org/2009/06/html5-video-fallbacks-markup/14:11
rgreeningRiddell: video isn't working for arora there... and it's supposed to14:12
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rgreeningOMG.. I didn't know you could search scrollback text in Konsole... what an awesome feature!!!!!!14:26
macois there a way i can tell if a stacktrace i have from a crash has already been uploaded to bugs.kde.org?14:28
JontheEchidnamaco: it requires a bit of intelligent searching14:29
JontheEchidnalook for a unique function name, and try that14:29
JontheEchidnalike if the backtrace had Plasma::crashHereWhenCalled14:29
JontheEchidnasearching for crashHereWhenCalled would more likely than not bring up related backtraces, if there are any14:30
lex79ScottK: can you upload digikam from my ppa for fixing dependency wait? https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/digikam/2:1.0.0~beta1-1ubuntu114:31
macoi get the impression not many people use DrKonqi14:39
macobecause i get a few crashes a day, and they haven't turned out to be dupes14:40
seelerickspencer3: ping14:44
rickspencer3I seele14:44
rickspencer3I mean "Hi seele"14:44
seeleso i'm still unsure how kubuntu's papercuts fit in with the papercut project14:45
seelei thought dave said they would be included in the milestones14:45
seelebut i dont see any listed in launchpad14:45
rickspencer3seele: not sure, hold on14:46
djsiegel_hey seele14:49
seelei had some questions about papercuts14:50
seelei thought kubuntu ones were going to be included in the milestones?14:50
djsiegel_yes, please add them14:51
seeleok.. how do i do that?14:51
djsiegel_click on one of the little arrow things to edit bug status14:52
djsiegel_then you get a milestone combobox14:52
djsiegel_and pick the round-N you want to assign the bug to14:53
seelei dont have a milestone combobox14:53
seelei'm not part of the hundredpapercuts project, is that why?14:53
djsiegel_I was told everyone could add to milestones14:54
djsiegel_ok, I can add them for you14:54
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djsiegel_do you want to tell me which papercuts you want milestone-d14:54
djsiegel_the design team owns the project, so I don't think we can add you to it14:55
djsiegel_let me ask14:55
seele379192 389744 389658 .. i'm still finding people to work on the other confirmed bugs14:55
djsiegel_so are we :)14:55
ikoniaTm_T: shadeslayer is eagles mark 214:55
seeledjsiegel_: yes, but you are more likely to find them than me14:56
ikoniaTm_T: don't let him get away with support in here - he's been told about the dagers/lack of support of running kde nightly builds without a proper understanding14:56
seeleshould i just email you with future milestones?14:56
Tm_Tikonia: how did I support?14:56
djsiegel_seele: I am being told that you can add bugs to milestones14:56
Tm_Tikonia: I merely pointed where the swamp is14:57
ikoniaTm_T: no no, wasn't saying you did, just pointing out this conversation has been had before so don't let him use here as support14:58
seeledjsiegel_: uhm.. i dont see a milestone dropdown box14:58
* seele kicks launchpad14:58
djsiegel_seele: http://files.getdropbox.com/u/217582/milestone.jpg14:58
djsiegel_you don't have that?14:58
seelei can't even edit importance, heh14:59
Tm_Tikonia: roger roger, son (:15:01
macoseele, if you see any papercuts that look suitable for a never-touched-qt-before newbie, point me to them15:03
macoi need something to learn on15:04
seelemaco: any of the papercuts i assign ought to be simple, not sure about any bugs the triagers might assign15:05
seelebut not all of them might be qt bugs, some of them are improving defaults, etc.15:05
seelemaco: i have two bugs for you, they might be boring/tedious but they're peeves of mine for a long time15:06
seelebug 38975115:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 389751 in hundredpapercuts "Change "abort" to "close" or "cancel" in default KDE apps" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38975115:06
macoi just know the first 10 list for gnome made me go "O_O yes, small bugs, but those are going to require building quite a bit of code behind most of those, and at least a few days worth of thinking & researching on libs"15:07
seelemaco: ^^ fix a bunch of labels.. there are a lot so start with applications first and not worry about the debugging errors yet15:07
seelethen there is a similar one for get hot new stuff, but that is more complicated15:08
seelebug 39022615:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 390226 in hundredpapercuts "Make KDE Get Hot New Stuff button labels consistent" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39022615:08
macothe "dim icons on cut" one for nautilus....that doesnt look easy to me, but i guess to someone that knows gtk & glib well it's not an issue15:08
seelemaco: ^^ there are multiple ways people are calling knewstuff and so the buttons and labels are inconsistent15:08
seelesome use the KNS class and others just create their own button15:08
seeleso that would be more interesting programming probably. the upstream person for KNS is jpwhiting if you need background/help15:09
seelehe is usually very helpful and i know he would appreciate someone working on that15:09
seelebut 389751 is definitely easier.15:09
macoalright, i'll take a look at those15:10
djsiegelseele: sorry, my computer decided to melt15:22
seeledjsiegel: that's ok.. i'm still here :)15:23
djsiegelok, seele, sorry15:35
djsiegelcan you give me a bug to milestone for friday?15:36
seeledjsiegel: we are currently working on 379192 389744 38965815:42
djsiegeldo you want all of those for friday, or just the first?15:42
seelejust the first one15:45
seelemy goal is one a week so that we get 10-15 done by the end of the project15:45
seeleyou can assign the other two to the next milestones if you want15:46
claydohhsitter: ping a ling ling15:53
macoi think i'll have reported all of kontact's crashes by the end of the week15:54
nixternalanyone on karmic upgrade to the new kernel and have any issues? ie. black screen of death?16:01
DaskreeCHda black skereen of dooooooooooooooooooooooooom16:02
fenris-nixternal: latest ? 2.6.30-9 ?16:03
hsitterclaydoh: pong16:06
fenris-nixternal: is it have issues ?16:07
fenris-i havent upgrade it yet .. but if there is .. i better not to upgrade it 1st :)16:07
macoi'm on -9 ...seems fine16:08
macowell, my wireless went back to sucking16:09
fenris-maco: me too .. but .. just doing the update .. there is new upgrade for kernel16:09
macobut nothin' modprobe -r and modprobe can't fix ;)16:09
fenris-nixternal: ??16:09
nixternalfenris-: 2.6.30-1016:11
fenris-got issues with it ?16:11
fenris-lets try it ..!!16:11
fenris-upgrading ..16:16
seeleis there a way to split a bug up? bug 388714 has multiple issues16:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 388714 in kpackagekit "Usability flaws in kpackagekit, Kubuntu Karmic Alpha 2, KDE 4.3 Beta 2" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38871416:23
macoyeah, file more bugs ;)16:27
macolp has no system of dependencies though16:27
hsitterwhich is a shame TBH16:28
hsitterbug 9541916:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 95419 in malone "Record dependencies between bugs" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9541916:29
macothat was nice to find in rt16:33
macoJontheEchidna, are you jonathan thomas?16:36
JontheEchidnamaco: yup16:36
macoah ok so you're grabbing all the bugs i've been shoving through drkonqi16:37
JontheEchidnaoh, I was?16:37
* JontheEchidna looks back16:37
JontheEchidnahey, those were you16:37
macoi like drkonqi :D it tells me when i need more -dbg packages16:37
hsitterultimately it would tell you which ones ;-)16:38
JontheEchidnathe kde bugsquad got tired of asking peeps to install them ;-)16:38
macoive got another here for kde daemon waiting for me to click next a bunch of times16:38
macohsitter, yeah well... OH hey you're apachelogger. why the nick change?16:38
hsitterI wanted to get JontheEchidna to do a nick change ;-)16:38
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macoi was thinking about making a wiki page listing which -dbg to grab for which apps16:38
macodoes one already exist?16:38
jmthomasI think one might16:39
jmthomasIt'll take a bit to find though16:39
jmthomasand that's probably a problem16:39
macoyeah...thatd be a problem16:39
jmthomashum, no -dbg help16:41
jmthomasbut that was the page I was thinking of16:41
macoso should i add a table of apps & -dbg packages to the end of that?16:42
jmthomasthat'd be great16:42
macoor rather, start a table and then let people who know what's what fill in what i can't16:43
Quintasanis openoffice.org with kde4 ready for testing?16:44
* Quintasan forgot to check PPA's16:45
hsitterjmthomas: how does one get setup.py to not install to usr/local?16:46
hsitterQuintasan: so it is ready for testing?16:46
Quintasanhsitter: I asked Shtylman to ping me when he's done with PPA but it looks like he forgot, or he's not done yet16:47
hsitterQuintasan: well, ask launchpad16:48
hsitteryou can search ppas there16:48
jmthomashsitter: maybe do something like this? setup.pys are my secret weak point: http://paste.ubuntu.com/202213/16:49
hsitter--install-layout=deb did the trick16:51
* hsitter finds it weird that there is no --prefix= though16:51
claydohhsitter: I don't quite understand your ping from yesterday16:51
hsitterclaydoh: probably better that way ;-)16:51
hsitterclaydoh: nvm it16:51
macojmthomas, anything special needed for kded?16:51
macooh wait...16:51
macodrkonqi answered that by giving me 3 stars16:52
claydohhsitter: the post in question was from 2008 iirc :)16:52
jmthomaskded... that's part of runtime iirc16:52
hsitterclaydoh: well, does that mean he died by now? :P16:52
macohsitter, python setup.py install --help ?16:52
hsittermaco: didn't help much16:53
jmthomasmaco: oh, kde4libs, so you'd want kdelibs5-dbg16:53
macoyeah i have that. thats one you pretty much always need16:53
nixternalFYI for those of you on karmic: Do not update to the newer kernel if you are using Intel graphics16:55
macoalright, i put the only two apps i knew https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/Bugs/Reporting#Crashes16:55
maconixternal, thanks16:55
nixternalyou can get x back with editing your boot stuff in grub, but you get bad X and no compositing and a super slow machine :)16:56
macodont need compositing, but no X...alright then17:01
ryanakcahsitter: Feel like uploading the fixed libqinfinity and then kobby?17:01
macois it that they just made kms default and you have graphics that suck with kms, or is it a bad driver?17:01
rgreeningnixternal: whats wrong with newer kernel?17:03
claydohhsitter: it means i am too lazy to read the 6 page thread to see what it is all about :)17:05
rgreeningnixternal: I've got an intel (4500) and using latest updates (I'm also on grub2 if that matters)... works here.17:05
hsitterclaydoh: good point :D17:05
hsitterryanakca: got qinfinity through NEW yet?17:06
hsitterotherwise I think the fixed upload will fail, unless some nice archive admin feels like rejecting it now17:06
ryanakcahsitter: Not through, usually it takes a month and a bit17:06
macohsitter,  you want me drag sarah in?17:06
hsitterryanakca: I mean in ubuntu17:07
hsittermaco: is she awake at all?17:07
* hsitter is wondering why she is not in here though17:07
macohm thats probably a good question17:07
macoshe's away in #u-w17:07
* hsitter ask the mighty plasma clock17:08
hsittermaco: prolly asleep17:08
hsitter2am over there17:08
macooh right (o|n)z17:08
ryanakcahsitter: hmm... LP says it's still in the queue17:08
hsitterryanakca: go find an archive admin to reject it17:09
hsitterjr is away I think17:09
ryanakcaScott K is away this week too?17:10
nixternalrgreening: are you using the 2.6.30-10.12 kernel?17:11
hsitterthink so17:11
claydohhsitter: I am pinging the dude anyway :)17:11
* hsitter got 4 years of ruby experience17:12
hsitternot even half as long c++17:12
hsitterno wonder I am quite the ruby biatch17:12
rgreeningyeah nixternal17:13
ryanakcahsitter: Done, I'll get you a link to the fixed version, just a sec17:13
ryanakcahsitter: http://packages.ryanak.ca/ubuntu/pool/main/libq/libqinfinity/libqinfinity_1.0~beta3-0ubuntu1.dsc17:15
hsitterryanakca: uploaded, get whoever rejected it to approve it :P17:17
hsitterthen we can go ahead with kobby17:17
hsitterohloh claims that most of my stuff is extremely well commented17:18
hsitterI guess that is a good thing :D17:18
ryanakcahsitter: Ah, he's "Away - off for the night" :/17:20
hsitterfind another admin then17:20
hsittersomeone must be on archive duty today17:20
hsitterprobably the wiki will know17:20
macoi just asked in #ubuntu-devel17:22
ryanakcahsitter: Tuesday: JonathanRiddell17:22
hsitteroh, is it tue again? :S17:22
hsittermaco: thx :)17:22
hsitter*git pull*17:23
hsitterkubotu: hi17:24
kubotusalut hsitter!17:24
hsitterkubotu: karma maco17:24
kubotukarma for maco: 117:24
hsitterah, well, better than negative karma after all :D17:24
macois cjwatson an archive admin? because he's the one that said "yes" when i asked if there were any around17:25
hsittermaco: AFAIK yes17:25
macook. i said what needed to be done, but no response on that yet. they're discussing the intel graphics issues17:25
* hsitter is wondering why ubuntu devs don't have a developer irc cloak17:25
hsitterNightrose: ping17:27
keeswho maintains kdesudo?17:27
hsitterkees: tonio17:28
keeshsitter: have they been around lately?17:28
ryanakcahsitter: hmmm... should the Maintainer: in ubuntu be the kubuntu-devel or ubuntu-motu team for kobby? It was kubuntu-devel for libqinfinity?17:28
macokees, he's here during sensible french times17:28
hsitterit's 18:30 in CEST :P17:29
hsitterkees: yesterday he was around, but he is founding his own company so he is kinda short on time ... I recommend you drop a mail to kubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com :)17:29
hsitterryanakca: both are good, we will supersed-sync once they are in debian anyway17:30
keeshsitter: okay, cool.  I was hoping to get the patch in bug 281877 applied and released.  it's not technically a security issue, but it is a kind of ugly bug.17:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 281877 in kdesudo "kdesudo crashed with SIGSEGV in strlen()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28187717:30
ryanakcahsitter: OK, thanks17:30
hsitterkees: https://edge.launchpad.net/kdesudo17:30
* kees nods17:31
hsitteroh dear, my extragear release script is almost bigger than project neon17:33
ryanakcahsitter: I'm off for lunch, if kobby's karmic build doesn't choke, I'll upload it for you to review :)17:34
hsitterI suppose that either means that the structure of the extreagear release script is quite horrible or the one of neon incredibly good17:34
hsitterryanakca: did kern upload that as well to debian?17:34
hsitterotherwise it needs to go through revu for 2nd ack17:35
ryanakcahsitter: No, he said he'd wait until libqinfinity got through before uploading it. And will do.17:35
lex79jmthomas: when you have time.... launchpad bug 39006917:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 390069 in kmhtconvert "New upstream release kmhtconvert 0.7.4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39006917:48
hsitterjussi01: so, why is there no ubuntu developer cloak?17:56
* freinhard want's one too ;)17:58
nixternalit is a whopping 100f or 37.8c right now...and the humidity is out of this world18:02
macohsitter, you can take the karma away. cjwatson's confused and says to toss it back to the last archive admin18:07
hsitterwell, the try is worth the karma I suppose18:08
DaskreeCHwhats the deal with Grub2?18:18
ryanakcaWhat package contains debugging symbols for choqok? It seems to crash continuously, but gdb only prints (no debugging symbols found)18:29
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ryanakcahsitter: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/kobby18:49
ryanakcaCould another MOTU ack it too please?18:52
Riddellrgreening: you can ask upstream but I think that <source> tag is new-er than the Qt 4.5 version of webkit so it won't be in there.  <video src=""> does work but only with gstreamer phonon backend (audio works fine with xine)18:53
seeleRiddell: so who is authority on branding then. Ken who works on Ubuntu or Nuno who works on KDE?19:16
* DaskreeCH waves19:48
Peace-just to know why in gnome there is a service menu to mount an iso and on kubuntu no?19:51
Peace-i have made for my own use...19:51
macoyou're probably the first to notice that cared enough19:53
macowanna file a bug with a how-you-did-that?19:53
Peace-well could be a good idea?19:54
Peace-i dunno but i don't care anymore ... i just made the service menu for dolphin and i am happy now19:55
macoyes, certainly19:55
Peace-ok i will take care about that19:55
macoi dont know how it works, but if you've got what you did to make it work and can share that, that'd be great19:55
Peace-it's this one19:55
Peace-ok now i will write on lauchpad i guess19:56
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Peace-another thing20:02
Peace-i read pulse could installed on next kubuntu's releases20:03
Peace-i hope it's a joke20:03
jmthomaspretty much everyone here is against it, so it's probably not gonna happen20:07
macono not in the next20:07
Peace-ok this is a good new20:08
Peace-because i use kubuntu for my video editing stuff20:08
macosomewhere down the line, the goal from the audio point of view, is a unified system based around pulse--after the issues are worked out20:08
Peace-and i hate with all my soul pulse20:08
macoand of course for professional audio, you'd use jack, not pulse, duh :P20:08
macothere's a plugin that's not quite right yet that will make it easy for them to work together for cases where your desktop is what you use for professional audio stuff as well20:09
Peace-ah no no , i use kwave kdenlive and blender20:09
macomeh, more of the issues seem to be broken drivers. pulseaudio is like finally having a not-crappy test-suite20:09
Peace-i have enought with alsa20:09
macoalsa's got issues20:10
macopulseaudio being in use by some major distros has helped got some of alsa's issues worked out though20:10
Peace-well guys last thing20:11
Peace-i have created a service menu for kdenlive20:11
Peace-to create presentation on linux20:11
Peace-but i didn't get feedback20:11
Peace-someone could tell me if it works or not20:12
Peace-it's this one20:12
Peace-just to know if i am the one that uses it20:12
Peace-and it works only on my pc20:12
Peace-ok guys thank you for the news i leave20:15
aplg ping20:24
freinhardis there a list of currently broken and known things in karmic or is everything in lp?20:25
macointel graphics break on -10 kernel according to nixternal20:26
freinhardhmm works here20:27
freinhardoh still on -820:27
freinhardso i'd better not reboot.20:27
aplgreboot is overratd anyway20:28
nixternalfreinhard: do you have /etc/X11/xorg.conf?20:34
nixternalif so, in the Device section, change/add ->       Driver "intel"20:34
freinhardhmm well, doesn't boot anyways. how can i avoid loading any graphics driver besides vesa?20:39
freinhardacpi broken.20:53
freinhardnixternal: works with acpi=off for the kernel and 'Driver "intel"' for xorg20:58
freinhardis that a wpa_supplicant or (ioctl confuses me) a kernel/driver issue? http://paste.ubuntu.com/202401/21:18
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dtchenfreinhard: it's an error returned by some layer in the wifi stack; in karmic, it's softmac21:46
dtchenfreinhard: if your wifi iface is in managed mode, that error is required, because it is not allowed21:47
freinhardwho do i need to bug to get a firmware updated in linux-firmware?22:05
dtchenany of the kernel team in #ubuntu-kernel. File a bug affecting linux-firmware; e-mail kernel-team@lists22:09
Riddellseele: can't say we really have an authority.  kubuntu council?22:26
hsitterdo a voting :P22:31
nhandlerryanakca: Doing some kubuntu-website work ;)22:31
hsitterseele, Riddell: you know, if upstream is fine I really think we should just do it22:33
hsitterof course via adding a superset icon theme that just overrides oxygen for start-here-kde, so one can remove the branding easily22:33
hsitterthe thing is, we should squeeze as much branding out of the GUI as upstream would agree to22:34
hsitteras much as we want to have Kubuntu be a KDE refernce distribution, it is not, for one we have the ubuntu stack and a rather unkdeish name and we are not deploying a vinall KDE eitherway22:35
Riddellnote that Ubuntu generally has rules against adding branding so as not to inconvenince our downstreams22:41
freinhardwhere do debug symbols for plasma-widget-network-manager hide?22:42
Riddellfreinhard: you'd need the ddeb22:43
hsitterRiddell: well, ubuntu-desktop changes the gnome foot as well ;-)22:44
freinhardRiddell: ddeb?22:44
hsitteranyway, time for bed22:44
nhandlerNight hsitter22:44
Riddellhttps://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-August/000330.html  freinhard22:44
freinhardRiddell: thx22:45
Quintasanhmm if I want to add another email (quintasan@kubuntu.org) I should "Add UserID" on my current key?22:47
nhandlerryanakca: Can I update your kubuntu/BrokenTable page to see if slightly more advanced ToC's work?22:48
seeleRiddell: soo.. is that a yes or no?22:48
ryanakcanhandler: sure, you'll have to register though, iirc22:49
seeleand it might not be too hard to add an icon picker22:49
ryanakcaRiddell: If you have time, feel like pushing libqinfinity through the new queue?22:49
Riddellseele: as I say I'm not in favour, others might take a different opinion22:51
Riddellryanakca: let me look22:52
ryanakcaRiddell: thanks22:53
ryanakcaRiddell: Awesome, thanks :)22:55
* ryanakca goes to get people to review kobby22:55
freinhardbroken. plasma-widget-network-manager-dbgsym: Depends: plasma-widget-network-manager (= 0.0+svn976478-0ubuntu1) but it is not going to be installed.22:55
freinhardthat version listed is installed.22:56
nhandlerryanakca: Where is it? REVU?22:57
Riddellfreinhard: apt-cache policy plasma-widget-network-manager ?22:58
nhandlerryanakca: That is two of my bug reports fixed today ;)23:00
freinhardapt says: E: Broken packages23:00
DaskreeCHhsitter: which Distro has a KDEish name?23:01
Riddellfreinhard: hmm.  apt-get install plasma-widget-network-manager plasma-widget-network-manager-dbgsym   does what?23:01
freinhardRiddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/202447/23:04
Riddellfreinhard: oh hmm it's probably because we have a transition in the plasma-widget-network-manager package name23:05
Riddellit's changing names to get into sync with Debian23:05
Riddellfreinhard: I've just let the new one through New so it should be on the main archive site in an hour or less, dunno how long it takes for ddebs to catch up23:06
freinhardRiddell: thx.23:07
Riddellfreinhard: or you could compile it yourself and do a manual make install :)23:09
Riddellalthough debugging network manager is not easy23:09
freinhardreason: plasma-w-n-m crashes plasma each time i plug in a pcmcia wlan card23:10
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ryanakcanhandler: Yep, revu, http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/kobby23:17
nhandlerryanakca: I'll try to get to it tonight. I'm trying to write a classroom session and watch the meeting in -meeting right now23:17
ryanakcanhandler: Great, thanks, if not, I'll just prod Roderick tomorrow :)23:18
Riddellcan someone look at kimpanel in revu too?23:29
Riddellwould be good to get that in23:30
nhandlerRiddell: I'll see if I have time. No promises though23:30
RiddellI don't know who packaged it or if it's up to date23:31
jmthomaslooks like kimpanel has needed a license for a month23:32
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Riddellwell that's easy enough to fix23:33
Riddellif I can find where it is in svn23:33
Riddelladded into svn23:36
Riddellso find to add to .orig.tar.gz (or not I'll accept it through New anyway if it's in svn)23:37
rickspencer3Riddell: did the MIR team looks at the MIRs that you mentioned in last week's team meeting?23:44
GonI have a question...23:55
Gonwhy system-config-printer-kde doesn't appear as systemsettings module?23:56

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