
MTecknologydoctormo: hi01:53
doctormoMTecknology: I just came in to see if anyone was still impressed, I love flattery01:58
MTecknologydoctormo: might as well advertise01:59
MTecknologydoctormo wants to hear what you guys think about what he's doing with svg. http://divajutta.com/doctormo/locomap/map.svg and http://staging.profarius.com/sites/staging.profarius.com/files/locomap/locomap-fill.svg (all click based)02:12
* _MMA_ thinks he's seen this posted in #inkscape before.02:12
doctormo_MMA_: Yes, the locomap for the usa was, the world one wasn't02:14
_MMA_Sorry I cant offer more of an opinion. :) 'bout to head to bed. 4am wake-up time.02:15
_MMA_Night gents.02:15
MTecknologyHe's doing all the fun svg stuff and I'm trying to make a module to generate the content02:15
doctormoMTecknology: Generate it as xml, load it in and let the javascript finish the job?02:16
andreasnthorwil, kwwii: did you have a ubuntu-art meeting?13:32
thorwilandreasn: no, was canceled because _MMA_ couldn't make it, afair13:32
andreasndid you set a new date?13:32
thorwili think we didn't13:33
kwwiiwe haven't set one yet, but we should13:51
robstai'd like to release another css engine some time, anyone interested in testing?16:13
robstainstructions are here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Documentation/GtkCssEngine16:15
robsta(but you don't need to build librsvg yourself any more)16:15
knomedoes anybody know of a good-looking icon set which includes vinyl icon and possibly also other not-so-used media icons?16:37
knomethanks. :)16:37
knomei actually don't even care if they don't fit into other themes, as long as they are consistent16:38
knomeand don't really need a full icon theme, only some media icons16:38
macvrknome: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Aero-CrazyFolk-RC1?content=67198 ... the media icons are different... does it look interesting?16:54
knomelet's have a look if it's something for me.16:57
macvrknome: not what you were looking for?17:07
knomehave not checked it yet17:08
knomelooks nice, but where's the svg?17:09
macvroh.... it's just pngs... i didnt realize u wanted svg ...17:10
knomeof course i want svg ;)17:11
knomethis was something i was looking after.17:28
knome(there it is now ;))17:30
knomehttp://emonk.fi/open/media-vinyl.svg for source17:30
Skiessiis there any scm repository for the artwork?21:22
SiDiscm ?21:22
Skiessisource code management?21:27
kwwiiit is spread across several packages all of which are in bzr on launchpad21:28
ryanpriorSkiessi: we generally call it VCS, or "version control system", since modern systems control much more than just source code.21:47

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