
=== zorael_ is now known as Zorael
mathiazRiddell: do you still need a mysql-server-core-5.1 for akonadi?00:05
mathiazRiddell: IIRC mysql-server-core-5.0 was introduced to support akonadi00:05
djsiegel1pitti: check it out: https://edge.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/karmic00:17
torkianohello, I'd like to request the package of a new version of autotools (1.11)00:46
torkianoHow is the process? The same as new packages?00:47
torkianoThe problem is that version of autotools is not in debian00:48
torkiano1.11 is important because a very usefull macro: AM_SILENT_RULES00:48
torkianomore info: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=580062 and  http://live.gnome.org/GnomeGoals/NicerBuilds00:48
ubottuGnome bug 580062 in general "Add shave support to gnome-common" [Normal,Unconfirmed]00:48
torkianoDo you know a PPA with automake1.11 ?00:50
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ianloichey, quick Q01:39
ianloicI've done some deb packaging before but I can't work out how to make a *_source.changes for uploading to a PPA01:40
ianloicI can easily get my *_i386.changes01:41
ianloicnm, worked it out01:45
ScottKianloic: PPA question are best in #launchpad.01:47
ianloicScottK: ok, I'll go over there01:48
wjblackHi all!  I think I have my nifty new PPA set up correctly, but keep getting "Could not find PPA named 'r8169-2.6.30-backport' for 'bblack'".  I've tried various other iterations of the PPA name and userid with no luck.  Every invocation of dput seems to succeed.  And I'm stuck.  Anyone have an idea of where I might've gone wrong?02:47
ScottKwjblack: PPA questions are best asked in #launchpad.02:48
wjblackOkie-dokie.  Thanks!02:48
ubottuUbuntu bug 277556 in open-vm-tools "should build kernel modules with dkms" [Undecided,Confirmed]02:54
candrewsthe bug contains a new version of open-vm-tools02:54
candrewsUnlike the version currently in Jaunty or Karmic, this version compiles and works.02:54
candrewsAnd it introduces dkms support, which makes using open-vm-tools much easier.02:55
candrewsThe package needs a sponsor to upload to karmic... any takers?02:55
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pittiGood morning07:04
\shguten morgen pitti :)07:05
pittidjsiegel1: great work!07:05
pittihey \sh, wie gehts?07:06
\shpitti: regarding the time of the day...I'm fine :)07:07
\shhttp://www.infoq.com/presentations/katz-couchdb-and-me <- very nice talk about why someone would work on something cool and why someone would spend his/her savings to work on FOSS07:09
mneptokpitti: morgen07:17
pittihey mneptok!07:18
StevenKMorning pitti07:18
mneptokpitti: greetings from Finland :)07:18
pittimneptok: taking revenge on Linus?07:18
StevenKpitti: Do you have time to source NEW something I'm planning to upload in about an hour? It's a little meta package.07:18
pittiStevenK: sure07:18
mneptokpitti: that depends on when i can connect with liw ;)07:19
StevenKpitti: mobile-meta is exploding out to mobile-meta and unr-meta07:19
StevenKmneptok: Haha07:19
* mneptok is hoping to go to Helsinki tomorrow for lunch07:19
mneptoknow is breakfast with a crazy Trukish German from Stuttgart07:20
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\shgnarf...if developer_brain is None: print("Please ask SysAdmin...they know what to do and how to do your job")07:27
dholbachgood morning07:28
\shpitti: back to your question: My mood just changed from "what a wonderful day" to "I have to go home, fast"...07:34
pitti\sh: children are so demanding :)07:34
\shpitti: children are not the problem...our developers are07:35
amitkso how does one update the readahead list on an upgraded system?07:36
\shand they are really demanding...especially when they screwed up07:36
\shbrb coffee and some other drugs07:36
* dholbach does some sponsoring and takes a look at bluez-gnome and glade-307:37
Chipzz\sh: mv developer killfile :P07:43
\shChipzz: cluebat -> dev head -> works07:47
Chipzz\sh: first cluebat, then killfile in that case :)07:48
mneptokdev | beer > bed07:48
* dholbach takes a look at cpio and gimp too07:48
* dholbach takes a look at newt and pyopenssl too07:54
* dholbach takes a look at libsepol too08:00
=== mthaddon is now known as afk
alkisgasac: Hi, ogra told me you're the nm maintainer. I'm having this bug in the default alternate cd/LTSP installation both in Jaunty and Karmic: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/367227 - can I somehow help debugging it?08:27
ubottuUbuntu bug 367227 in network-manager "network manager connection editor adding wired connections does not work" [Undecided,New]08:27
robert_ancellDoes anyone know why I get a "readonly transport" error when following the instructions to add me to Planet Ubuntu? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PlanetUbuntu08:28
RAOF__robert_ancell: Because you haven't run 'bzr launchpad-login $YOUR_LP_NICK', and so lp: branches are resolved as http:// rather than bzr+ssh://?08:29
slangasekScottK: out of town on a sprint, so I'm afraid I wasn't really able to08:29
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=== RAOF_13 is now known as RAOF
robert_ancellRAOF__: Didn't help. All my other branches work fine08:31
robert_ancellFull error: bzr: ERROR: Cannot lock LockDir(lp-140615476490448:///~planet-ubuntu/config/main/.bzr/branchlock): Transport operation not possible: readonly transport08:32
dholbachrobert_ancell: bzr break-lock lp-140615476490448:///~planet-ubuntu/config/main/.bzr/branchlock08:33
tkamppeterseb128, hi08:33
robert_ancellbzr: ERROR: Unsupported protocol for url "lp-140615476490448:///~planet-ubuntu/config/main/.bzr/branchlock"08:34
dholbachjust "bzr break-lock"?08:34
tkamppeterseb128: In the last days a new patch for evince was attached to bug 258421.08:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 258421 in gtk+2.0 "GTK apps should send PDF to CUPS when printing" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25842108:35
robert_ancelldholbach: break-lock completed but didn't print anything.  Retrying the commit still not working :(08:35
seb128tkamppeter, hi, I noticed, I'm waiting for upstream comments08:35
dholbachrobert_ancell: does it give you another URL for it?08:35
dholbachrobert_ancell: which branch did you check out?08:35
tkamppeterseb128: I have tested it and it works perfectly.08:35
robert_ancellI checked out what the Wiki page linked to: bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Eplanet-ubuntu/config/main/08:35
seb128tkamppeter, noted08:35
dholbachrobert_ancell: you're not in ~ubuntumembers that's probably why you can't write to it08:36
robert_ancelldholbach: Aha, another group :)  How do I get into that?08:36
dholbachcould it be that mono is somehow broken in karmic right now?08:37
RAOFdholbach: Seems to be working here?08:38
directhexsome stuff is in NEW afaik08:39
dholbachah ok08:39
dholbachI'm in the middle of some kind of transition then08:39
dholbach(on amd64 if that's relevant)08:39
dholbachoh well08:39
directhexor was08:40
RAOFI think that's finished?  My mono stack updated today; previously it was held up by packages in NEW.08:40
directhexslow mirror?08:40
dholbachit wants to remove mono-common and mono-jit here, not sure if that's correct :)08:40
directhexdholbach, yes, that's correct08:50
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directhexdholbach, there's been some unsplitting in cases where it served no purpose. and moar splitting in other places to make up for it08:50
Hobbseecome on karmic graphics.  it's time to freeze like you usually do.08:51
HobbseeNo murphy's law today, please!08:51
NCommanderHobbsee, murphy was an optimist08:57
HobbseeNCommander: yeah, well08:57
NCommanderHobbsee, of course, Finagle made him pale in comparsion08:58
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seb128how often is merges.ubuntu.com updated?09:03
directhexdholbach, should be a performance bump in karmic mono fwiw, and a good <=25% ram consumption drop in apps09:04
seb128slangasek, did you run an autosync yesterday?09:07
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slangasekseb128: no09:46
seb128slangasek, ok thanks, I will do one then ;-)09:46
slangasekyes, please :)09:46
geserseb128: could you please also sync new packages from Debian? thanks09:47
seb128geser, will do09:47
asacalkisg: if you have eth0 configured in /etc/network/interfaces, this means that NM will not manage that device (by default). So its a feature from what I can tell.10:02
alkisgasac: yes, that's fine. The problem is that I can't create system connections for the other NIC, eth110:02
alkisgOr, better, I *can* create system connections (I can see them in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections), but they're not displayed in nm-connection-editor.10:03
alkisgSo when eth0 is in /etc/network/interfaces, I can't manage eth1 with network manager and _system_ connections10:03
alkisgI'm able to manage eth1 with _user_ connections (not checking the [ ] Available to all users), though.10:04
alkisgI've reproduced it in 4 out of 4 test installations in Jaunty and Karmic10:05
alkisgasac: so, if I can send anything to help debug it, please tell me to.10:07
asacalkisg: please file a separate bug using ubuntu-bug network-manager ... the reporter of your bug does not have any eth1 or so10:09
asacalkisg: or are you seeing the same polkit error?10:09
alkisgasac: he does have eth0 and wlan010:09
alkisgIt's not specific for wired interfaces, any two NICs will do, if one is in /e/n/i then NM can't manage the other with system connections10:10
alkisgasac: I've been seeing three or four different error messages because of this. Yes, polkit was one of them.10:11
asacalkisg: yes, but he complaings about not beinga ble to add a wired connection10:11
alkisgasac: ok, I'll file a different bug, but I think it's the same one.10:13
alkisgThanks :)10:13
asacalkisg: we can dupe it then10:21
asacalkisg: gimme the bug id when you have it10:22
alkisgasac: Do you prefer that I do it from a Karmic PC experiencing the problem, or a Jaunty one?10:22
asacalkisg: please do it on the same system where you experience the problem10:23
alkisg(or I can use my real jaunty laptop with eth0 and wlan0)10:23
asacalkisg: if you see it on jaunty thats ok too10:38
alkisgasac: ok, reporting now... (I think it was present since at least hardy)10:39
asachardy didnt have 0.7. so that would be odd10:39
alkisgYes, I think it was there in 0.610:40
ogracould that be related to the "permissions on /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/" bug ?10:40
alkisgogra, I tried chmod'ing the connections to 777, they still didn't show up10:41
ograah, k10:41
alkisgasac, ogra: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/39104010:49
ubottuUbuntu bug 391040 in network-manager "When eth0 is unmanaged, system connections for other NICs aren't displayed nor used" [Undecided,New]10:49
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asacalkisg: thanks11:16
asacalkisg: how did you configure your system connection? you get quite a few errors11:16
asacInvalid Setting ... and so on.11:16
sjokkishi. any of you know what the timeline on getting plymouth into ubuntu is?11:18
bigondholbach, I've posted a new patch for bug #38859011:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 388590 in empathy "Update empathy to 2.27.3" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38859011:20
slangasekkirkland: do you recall if putting the service manpage in section 8, but the binary in /usr/bin, was an explicit decision?11:20
slangasekkirkland: normally the mapping is bin -> 1, sbin -> 8; I think the util probably belongs in /usr/sbin11:20
alkisgasac: The "Invalid Setting" is displayed every time I press a digit or letter in the dns server box. So, for it's displayed 10 times... No big deal there, I guess a validation function is called "on keypress" instead of "on exit"...11:20
alkisg(possibly for the "Apply" button to be automatically enabled)11:21
lifelesspitti: bug 391015 - could you read the last 3-4 comments there.11:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 391015 in bzr "apport package hook for Bazaar" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39101511:55
kblinhi folks12:05
kblinwhat's the most appropriate channel to discuss missing packages?12:05
slangasek... missing?12:06
slangasekas in, software that's not yet packaged?12:06
kblinubuntu has libwbclient, but not libwbclient-dev12:06
kblinif you're trying to develop against libwbclient, that's kind of sucky :)12:06
slangasekkblin: oh, that's easy; #samba-technical, tell bubulle what you want in it. ;)12:07
kblinfair enough12:08
slangasekI wasn't aware there were any public headers available for wbclient12:08
kblinslangasek: "it's a debian issue"?12:08
kblinslangasek: well, libwbclient.h is the public one12:08
kblinwbclient.h is the internal one12:09
kblinof course I can easily fix this locally12:09
kblinjust wanted to check who to complain at.. :)12:09
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pittilifeless: done12:21
ogracjwatson, i get strange xauth messages with a ssh -X login in karmic, is that on purpose ?12:45
ogra/usr/bin/X11/xauth:  creating new authority file /home/ogra/.Xauthority12:45
ogra/usr/bin/X11/xauth:  unable to link authority file /home/ogra/.Xauthority, use /home/ogra/.Xauthority-n12:45
cjwatsonogra: err, no idea, I don't believe that ssh has changed in any relevant way12:48
cjwatsonogra: you sure you don't have ~/.Xauthority owned by root, or something?12:48
ograi have an ubuntu-desktop session running on that machine ... one sec12:49
ograok, ignore me :P12:49
ograogra@babbage2:~$ ls -lh .Xauthority12:49
ograls: cannot access .Xauthority: Stale NFS file handle12:49
ogranot properly unmounting Sd cards is evil12:49
ograat least if you run the whole system from it12:50
ograthough that error annoys me since a while ... should be more informative12:50
* ogra tries to find where that text comes from to file a bug12:54
slangasekkblin: there's no reason to diverge from Debian on this, and we'll happily pick up the fix from Debian - so it's simplest to just fix it once there, especially since bubulle has more time to work on Samba packaging than anyone else right now :)12:55
kblinslangasek: sure. just kidding :)13:01
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
* ogra sighs failing to find where the text for the error is actually defined13:09
torkianoHello, reading https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-karmic-gnome-3 I think that would be helpful for you this link: http://www.gnome.org/~fpeters/299.html13:12
torkianoCan I add that link to the blueprint page?13:13
pittitorkiano: it's already linked from the spec13:14
torkianopitti, oh, great, I did't see it13:15
torkianopitti, you can also link to http://live.gnome.org/GnomeGoals . There are more documentation to help cleaning, for example: http://live.gnome.org/GnomeGoals/RemoveLibGladeUseGtkBuilder13:18
=== WelshDragon is now known as YDdraigGoch
torkianoon the other hand, I think that you can be interesed in bug #39090913:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 390909 in automake "[needs-packaging] automake1.11" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39090913:20
* ogra files bug 39109413:21
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ubottuLaunchpad bug 391094 in glibc "the "stale NFS file handle" error should be reworded" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39109413:21
ncopacould someone please help me find the build script source for linux-headers-*-generic package?13:32
ncopawant to look how they make that nice symvers, .config and symlinks to header dirs13:32
Picincopa: Have you asked in #ubuntu-kernel?13:34
=== pedro__ is now known as pedro_
kirklandslangasek: i don't think it was conscious14:06
kirklandslangasek: fwiw, f11 has /sbin/service and service.814:06
kirklandslangasek: would you like me to update the package to match that?14:06
slangasekkirkland: don't bother, the change is committed now to Debian so you can pick it up on merge :)14:11
slangasekkirkland: fwiw, /sbin is wrong because this tool has nothing to do with system recovery :)14:11
kirklandslangasek: heh14:11
kirklandslangasek: k14:11
kirklandslangasek: did you pick up these changes from debian?14:11
slangasekI tweaked it when submitting the patch to the maintainers sitting next to me14:12
kirklandslangasek: heh, cool14:12
slangasekkirkland: btw, we're discussing (intermittently) extending the 'service' command to also be the authoritative runlevel editing interface; some background material here if you happen to be interested: http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2009/04/msg00058.html http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2009/04/msg00056.html14:12
pitticjwatson: BTW, does the "detect KMS" usplash change actually work for you? for me, usplash still starts in the initramfs14:13
kirklandslangasek: awesome :-)14:13
kirklandslangasek: any chance we'll ever support chkconfig?  :-)14:13
* kirkland ducks14:13
mdzara_: I checked out mago, but the tests in it seem to depend on a python module 'desktoptesting' which is not in mago or python-ldtp. where do I get it?14:13
pitticjwatson: oh, hang on, you didn't actually change that14:14
pitticjwatson: ignore me, please14:14
kirklandslangasek: let me know when the dust settles and i'll merge the package14:14
ara_mdz: weird, did you get the last from lp:mago ?14:14
slangasekkirkland: no, because chkconfig is crazy14:14
kirklandslangasek: hehe14:15
slangasekit's a goofy name, and not a very relevant interface14:15
ara_mdz: it looks like a bad merge. Let me fix it14:16
kirklandslangasek: did you maintain the --status-all option when you sent to debian?14:16
kirklandslangasek: that was an enhancement i made on the red hat one14:16
slangasekkirkland: sure - I took the Ubuntu patch, un-dpatchified it, moved the executable to the right dir, and submitted14:16
slangasekkirkland: Debian bug #53430014:16
ubottuDebian bug 534300 in sysvinit-utils "Please add /usr/sbin/service to sysvinit-utils" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/53430014:16
kirklandslangasek: it's a little flimsy since debian/ubuntu init scripts are notoriously bad at having status options :-)14:17
kirklandslangasek: cool, i never did really like that it was a dpatch14:17
slangasekyeah, we've run that test today :-)14:17
slangasek"what's all the question marks?" "ohhhh."14:17
kirklandslangasek: service --status-all 2>/dev/null14:18
kirklandslangasek: i dump those to &2 so that they're easily filtered14:18
kirklandslangasek: ^ is more elegant, imho14:18
* slangasek nods14:18
slangasekwell, soon enough we'll be moving everything to upstart jobs :)14:19
slangasekso then we don't have to worry about implementing status commands \o/14:19
kirklandslangasek: your patch -> +VERSION="`basename $0` ver. 0.91-ubuntu1"14:19
kirklandslangasek: dunno if that matters to you14:19
kirklandslangasek: i know you don't need my +1, but otherwise, the patch looks good, i agree with /usr/sbin/service14:21
andrew_sayersevand, evand1: I've written a blueprint for the migration assistant (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallProgramsFromMigrationAssistant) that I'd be willing to do some work on.  Could you have a look and tell me what you think?14:25
sladenpitti: any chance of getting the update-manager whack-a-mole fix past it's 3 months awaiting SRU?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-notifier/+bug/36919814:26
ubottuUbuntu bug 369198 in update-notifier "update-manager auto-opened after each apt use when security updates available" [Medium,Fix committed]14:26
cjwatsonpitti: the point was to make it work properly when started in the initramfs, not to remove it from the initramfs :-)14:26
cjwatsonpitti: I expect the latter will be done later but I didn't get that far14:26
pitticjwatson: I just don't understand the change then14:26
cjwatsonpitti: if KMS is available, it's stupid for usplash to try to change the screen size14:27
mvosladen: I just asked aobut it on #ubuntu-testing14:27
cjwatsonpitti: it should just use the native resolution14:27
mvosladen: it needs a sru-verficiation14:27
pittibut if KMS is available, it shouldn't start at all, no?14:27
cjwatsonit should be able to14:27
cjwatsonwe may not want to do that *by default* in karmic14:27
pitticjwatson: ok, I see14:27
ograpitti, there might be slow booting ARM boards that want usplash14:27
pittisladen: well, we need some people giving testing feedback14:28
pittisladen: did you test it? does it work for you?14:28
evand1andrew_sayers: I'm happy to look it over and get back to you.  What's your preferred method of contact?14:28
ogra(not sure we'll ever have KMS for the graphics there though, but if we have it it should work)14:28
cjwatsonpitti: but that isn't governed by whether you have KMS available - it's governed by whether you have dm-crypt, or whatever14:28
cjwatsonor a slow system, all the corner cases, blah blah blah14:28
andrew_sayersevand1: How about andrew-evand@pileofstuff.org?14:28
andrew_sayersevand1: And thanks :)14:29
ara_mdz: done, get the latest from trunk and it should be fixed14:29
evand1andrew_sayers: works for me, I'll shoot you an email as soon as I've had a chance to look it over.  I'm about to go on holiday, so unfortunately I may not be able to get back to you until next week.14:29
evand1andrew_sayers: thanks for looking into it.14:30
andrew_sayersevand1: no hurry... where's the best place to pull migration-assistant code from, so I can be familiarising myself while I'm waiting?14:31
mdzara_: thanks14:32
evand1andrew_sayers: it's going through a rewrite at the moment.  I haven't pushed a branch yet as it's currently a bit of a mess of random bits of code.  I've documented a bit in the spec wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MigrationAssistant/Karmic and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MigrationAssistant/Karmic/DBusService14:35
evand1I have a bit to add to that dbus page, I'll try to sort that today.14:36
evand1andrew_sayers: perhaps give some thought as to how application suggestions fits in at the dbus api level14:38
andrew_sayersevand1: Yeah, making it part of the normal install changes things quite a bit.  If there's a big rewrite going on, I'd be interested in getting more involved.  How about you e-mail me when you get back from holiday, and we'll talk about how I can help out?14:40
evand1andrew_sayers: absolutely!  That sounds great.14:41
ogradirecthex, whats the mono debugger called (i knew that once but forgot)14:57
Laneyogra: mdb15:00
ograah, thanks15:00
paulliuHow to version a native package from Debian if I want to change it? Add "+nmu0ubuntu1"?15:43
mok0paulliu: append "ubuntu1"15:44
paulliumok0: But if there are Debian NMUs, append "ubuntu1" seems get into trouble?15:47
mok0paulliu: what is the full release string?15:48
paulliumok0: "1.11.1"15:48
paulliumok0: Debian NMU will be "1.11.1+nmu1" if there's NMU in the future.15:48
mok0paulliu: so "1.11.1ubuntu1" ?15:48
paulliumok0: If we use "1.11.1ubuntu1", then Debian NMU will not be auto-sync.15:49
ograif you made ubuntu changes (which ubuntu1 indicates) it should not be autosynced15:49
ograbecuse your cnahes might need a manual merge15:50
ograso what mok0 says is right15:50
paulliuogra: ok. I see. Thanks.15:50
ograinstead of blindly autosyncing the packagfe will then automatically show up on merges.ubuntu.com15:51
ograwhere you can inspect it15:51
maxbThe important thing here is that as far as dpkg is concerned, "u" < "+", so "ubuntu1" < "+nmu1" which is as it should be15:51
rtg_NCommander: do you have time to look at makedumpfile ? Its got some install problem with Karmic.16:19
NCommanderrtg_, on which architecture? ARM?16:19
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rtg_NCommander: I think its related to initramfs-hooks16:20
NCommanderrtg_, sure, let me take a look16:20
maxbThe "/bin" issue is fixed already16:21
rtg_maxb: thats the one16:21
NCommandermakedumpfile installs fine here on amd6416:21
NCommander(version 1.3.3-0ubuntu3)16:21
NCommander(on karmic)16:22
rtg_NCommander: my mirror update must have just missed it. I now see the upload16:22
* maxb hugs gb.archive.ubuntu.com16:22
NCommanderrtg_, ah well, if you want me to look at anything, feel free to ping me :-)16:22
rtg_NCommander: no problem, sorry for the noise.16:23
NCommanderrtg_, no problem16:23
=== evand1 is now known as evand
Sarvattcjwatson: no change at all in usplash under KMS for me when its built into the kernel incase that was supposed to change any. same segfault 3 seconds into the boot and it leaves the graphic up after it dies in an inteldrmfb16:36
cjwatsonSarvatt: I was unaware of your segfault so it wasn't intended to fix that ;-)16:39
cjwatsonSarvatt: the purpose of my change was to cause usplash to use the native screen size under KMS, nothing more16:39
cjwatsonmy changelog must have really sucked - you're the second person to completely misunderstand the purpose of that change today16:39
* ogra wonders what "KMS built into the kernel" means though16:40
amitkogra: CONFIG_KMS=y or something similar16:41
ograamitk, ah, well, for me there is still a module switch i need to flip to make my driver use it16:42
cjwatsonit's enabled on i915 with the current kernel16:42
ograi thought it meant the driver is compiled in, into a custom kernel16:42
cjwatson"works for me" is all I can say :)16:42
ograah, so i can drop my /etc/modprobe.d entry16:42
cjwatsonthough it didn't work until my most recent initramfs-tools upload16:42
* ogra didnt follow so closely, i'm drowning in "mono on ARM" 16:43
nixternalbryce: hey, issues with intel and kernel 2.6.30-10.12 that has KMS enabled...fyi if you didn't know already16:43
Sarvattit means its not a module and you get the high resolution framebuffer from the start of the boot process instead of it switching about 15 seconds or so in otherwise :D16:43
cjwatsonSarvatt: I suggest you revert that and use the initramfs-tools I just uploaded instead16:44
cjwatsonwhich modprobes it in early userspace16:44
ogracjwatson, did you see my grub2 issues with booting from SD recently ?16:45
cjwatsonthe way I've dealt with AGP modules is not really ideal16:45
cjwatsonogra: no16:45
ograi have an old cmpc here where i did a fresh install ... booting from HD grub2 switches to decompress the kernel immediately, booting on the same HW from SD it sits about 5 min before it starts decompressing the kernel16:46
Sarvattcjwatson: you arent putting drm into the initrd too? it needs to be loaded before i915 and after intel_agp16:47
ogra(identical systems, kernels and indeed the same grub2)16:47
ogracjwatson, i was wondering if it was worth a bug or if its to much of a corner case16:48
nixternalbryce: disregard my last statement :)16:49
Sarvattwell usplash segfaults 5 seconds in on the ubuntu kernel with i915 in the initrd, graphic stuck on the screen and no throbber/progress bar, same deal17:09
cjwatsonSarvatt: ok, at least it's clearly nothing to do with the changes I made ;)17:15
macois this why nixternal is in #kubuntu-devel warning us not to update our kernels if we use intel?17:15
cjwatsonSarvatt: I suggested trying to get a core dump out of it17:15
nixternalwhat I find interesting is that in dmesg I see "[drm] Initialized drm 1.1.0 20060810"17:16
nixternaland "[drm] Initialized i915 1.6.0 20080730 for 000:00:02.0 on minor 0"17:17
nixternalonly way I can boot up with 2.6.30-10.12 is by setting nomodeset in grub17:17
nixternaland xorg telling me it can't open drm17:17
cjwatsondid you ensure to load the appropriate agp module before i915 gets loaded?17:18
cjwatsonthat bit me the other day17:19
Sarvatti've been asking him for a dmesg of it failing for the past 20 minutes to try to help #ubuntu+117:20
macoany archive admins about?17:20
macoapachelogger's looking for someone to accept libqinfinity17:21
nixternalSarvatt: d'oh, let me pastbin that for you..s.orry didn't see that request17:21
Sarvattthats why i said something about drm in the initrd thinking that might be the problem but its fine on my machine as is17:21
maco(if you're confused, yeah he just had libqinfinity rejected a few minutes ago. that was a broken one. this is the fixed one)17:21
nixternalSarvatt: http://paste.ubuntu.com/20224417:22
Sarvattyou're booting with nomodeset there17:23
nixternalok, let me try something for you17:23
nixternalwill have to ssh in to grab it for you17:24
billybigriggerwhen did firefox-3.5 show up in the repos?17:25
ogra__billybigrigger, in jaunyt i think17:26
billybigriggerstill no flash sound in it :P17:27
nixternalSarvatt: http://paste.ubuntu.com/202247/17:27
ogra__billybigrigger, what has flash sound to do with firefox ?17:27
billybigriggerany word on that guys? i remember dtchen saying something about getting sound in flash, but was waiting on an ia32libs update or something, that i haven't seen17:27
billybigriggerogra::: nothing17:27
billybigriggerogra::: i was just sayin :P17:27
* ogra__ has sound in flash with ff 3.5 17:28
billybigrigger32bit or 64bit?17:29
ogra__32 indeed17:29
macohe had an explanation in a bug comment somewhere, on how to make 64bit flash work well...but i think it was deemed too involved a process when adobe 64bit is just around the corner17:30
billybigriggermust be nice :P17:30
* maco uses swfdec17:30
ogra__"billybigrigger> still no flash sound in it :P"17:30
ogra__that didnt really indicate you use 6417:30
Sarvattnixternal: dont see any problems there17:32
Sarvattnixternal: what happens?17:32
nixternalSarvatt: when it would go to boot into X/KDM like normal, it just locks up, I have lighter than normal _ in the top left corner17:33
nixternalnot blinking, but I can ssh into the box17:34
Sarvattdo you have an /etc/X11/xorg.conf?17:34
nixternalFatal server error:17:34
nixternalCannot run in framebuffer mode. Please specify busIDs        for all framebuffer devices17:34
Sarvattyep fbdev problem17:34
Sarvattxserver needs the patch in karmic17:34
* ogra__ sells nixternal a new framebuffer 17:35
Sarvattwhat you need to do is add this to /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:35
* nixternal steals the framebuffer from ogra__ and runs17:35
SarvattSection "Device"17:35
Sarvatt        Identifier "intel"17:35
Sarvatt        Driver "intel"17:35
ogra__Nicke_, pfft, i got enough framebuffers around ... but you will have to pay for that one, mind you !17:36
ogra__err s/Nicke_/nixternal/17:36
Sarvattnixternal: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=508476   https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/383407   if you want more info on it17:38
ubottuDebian bug 508476 in xserver-xorg-core "xserver-xorg-core: Cannot run in framebuffer mode. Please specify" [Grave,Open]17:38
nixternalSarvatt: groovy, thanks17:39
ubottuUbuntu bug 277556 in open-vm-tools "should build kernel modules with dkms" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:47
candrews_could someone sponsor that bug fix and get it into karmic?17:47
candrews_(That link includes the fix, just a package review and upload are required)17:48
cjwatsonryanakca: do I want to know why libqinfinity has both .so.0.* and .so.1?17:49
cjwatsonmaco,ryanakca: sorry, I think this has exceeded my available mental bandwidth right now. It would probably be best if the same archive admin reviewed it who rejected it previously18:06
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ryanakcacjwatson: because upstream has broken sonames, and thanks :)18:22
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Riddellmathiaz: akonadi needs mysql-server-core-5.0 (or 5.1).  amarok needs mysql 5.118:45
mathiazRiddell: ok - I'm working on updating 5.1 so that it can move to main18:46
mathiazRiddell: so I'll keep the -core package structure for 5.118:46
mathiazRiddell: there will be a mysql-server-core-5.1 and mysql-server-5.118:46
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Riddellmathiaz: great.  is 5.0 being demoted then?18:49
mathiazRiddell: that's the plan18:49
\shmathiaz: what about the missing mysql-cluster support in 5.1 packages , as mentioned by nobse?18:58
mathiaz\sh: nothing for now - I think he's working on packaging it separatly18:59
mathiaz\sh: not sure though.18:59
mathiaz\sh: I'm not aware of his whole plan though.18:59
\shmathiaz: yes...but hopefully demoting 5.0 to universe and pushing 5.1 to main doesn't upgrade mysql 5.0 installations...19:00
mathiaz\sh: well - the proposal is to have mysql-server depend on 5.119:01
\shmathiaz: he..that's my problem with this transition19:01
mathiaz\sh: well - what would be the other option?19:02
mathiaz\sh: move mysql-server to universe?19:02
\shmathiaz: pinging nobse and trying to push mysql-cluster somehow into ubuntu/debian (or vice versa)19:02
\shmathiaz: or working on our own for mysql-cluster (7.2 is the latest version imho)19:05
mathiaz\sh: ok - so your concern is that moving from 5.0 to 5.1 in main means dropping support for mysql-cluster?19:06
\shmathiaz: yes19:06
\shmathiaz: or mysql-server depends on mysql-server-5.0 | mysql-server-5.1 which could mean: new installations will install 5.1 and older installations won't be botherd (if I'm correct here)19:08
mathiaz\sh: hm - that's a good idea19:08
mathiaz\sh: however I think you need something like "real-package | virtual-package"19:10
mathiaz\sh: ex mailx control: depends: postfix | mail-transport-agent19:10
lamontmathiaz: the current program is Depends: default-mta | mail-transport-agent19:13
lamontthough that's just mailer evil19:13
mathiazlamont: and default-mta is a virtual or real package?19:13
lamontit's provided by one of exim4 (debian) or postfix (ubuntu)19:14
mathiazlamont: ok.19:14
lamontafter much discussion about the difference between a metapacakge and a provides.19:14
lamontprovides was slightly less horrible19:14
lamontthough probably not adequately reflected in policy19:14
\shmathiaz: whatever the solution will be, but we need to take care about those issues...19:17
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* dupondje needs somebody that can release a new busybox version into karmic20:32
dupondjeas the current is broken :x20:32
dupondjesomebody awake that can push a new busybox version ?20:40
ubottuUbuntu bug 391299 in busybox "Sleep of Float broken! (Enable SLEEP_FANCY & FLOAT)" [Undecided,New]20:50
dupondjecan somebody put it as High priority ?20:50
dupondjecause it breaks booting in Karmic :(20:50
mathiazstgraber: what's the url of the PPA where the asterisk packages can be found?21:11
* dupondje tickles cjwatson 21:15
dupondjenobody awake? :(21:16
stgrabermathiaz: https://edge.launchpad.net/~revolution-linux/+archive/asterisk21:28
mathiazstgraber: merci21:29
stgrabermathiaz: np21:45
dupondjebadly need cjwatson  :(21:46
Nafallodupondje: hmm. so it's not worth just asking the question and see if anyone knows the answer? :-)21:49
dupondjewell busybox needs to gets fixed asap21:50
dupondjeits broken, and makes Karmic unbootable :x21:50
ubottuUbuntu bug 391299 in busybox "Sleep of Float broken! (Enable SLEEP_FANCY & FLOAT)" [Undecided,New]21:51
dupondjethe bug21:51
dupondjeand patch :P21:51
dupondjefixed it, just needs to get into repo's21:51
dupondjeNafallo: see :) nobody answers ;)21:56
Nafallodupondje: sure. but I can't see how the issue is blocked on a single developer :-)21:57
dupondjecan't see somebody else commiting new versions of busybox then cjwatson  :p21:58
Nafallodupondje: that doesn't mean no one else CAN do it. I see Scott have done uploads in the past for example :-)22:00
Nafalloanyway. that's not the issue :-)22:01
dupondje:) well somebody needs to do it then :D22:01
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mdzgrub-pc seems to be asking a lot of questions when it upgrades23:15
slangasekkirkland: sorry, think I failed to parse your earlier comment -- "+VERSION=" ?23:27
chrisccoulsonmdke - you there?23:27
kirklandslangasek: hiya23:36
kirklandslangasek: yeah, in the patch you sent to Debian, the service script sets a VERSION variable23:37
kirklandslangasek: which was something-ubuntu123:37
kirklandslangasek: just a nit, that Debian might want to prune that, perhaps23:37
nixternala bit late there kees, but it is nice knowing I don't have to bug you all of the time now :)23:51
ajmitchnixternal: I thought KDE wasn't meant to have any of those problems23:52
nixternalwe don't, but just in case23:53

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