
bodhi_zazendoctormo: if they need help, and they got "lost" in #ubuntu (too big) you can sent them to ##beginners-help if you wish00:00
dindamade it00:01
dindaor rather I made it *this far*  :)00:02
cprofittdoctormo, #ubuntu-meeting00:02
cprofittdoctormo, pleia2 #ubuntu-meeting00:08
Vantraxlo all00:11
pleia2k, am back w/ pizza00:16
* pleia2 shares and pops into -meeting00:16
cprofittdoctormo, #ubuntu-meeting00:17
doctormocprofitt: That's for the notifs, what's the points so far?00:42
Vantraxsorry that ive been a little awol lately01:04
cprofittI think we need to have another meeting next week... to keep us moving on the structure01:04
pleia2thanks for chairing again, cprofitt :)01:04
cprofittthanks pleia201:04
Vantraxi had my hip pop out over the weekend and work has been very hectic01:04
=== pleia2 changed the topic of #ubuntu-learning to: Ubuntu Community Learning Project | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning | Next Meeting: Monday June 29nd @ 7pm EDT (23:00 UTC June 29nd) | Support in #ubuntu
=== pleia2 changed the topic of #ubuntu-learning to: Ubuntu Community Learning Project | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning | Next Meeting: Monday June 29th @ 7pm EDT (23:00 UTC June 29th) | Support in #ubuntu
DougieRichardsonBefore I go to bed, I have to mention the meeting times01:05
cprofittstructure page started -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning/Structure01:06
Vantraxgo DougieRichardson01:06
dindaDougieRichardson: yes, might good to rotate at least a few to better for UK/european folks01:06
cprofittdinda, DougieRichardson we do need to look at the poll again to see what the best alternate time is01:07
pleia2Vantrax: how early can you be to a meeting UTC?01:07
DougieRichardsonUTC? 1630 earliest01:08
Vantraxi can do 8am so thats 2 hours ago01:08
pleia2ok, so we could bump it to 22:0001:08
pleia2DougieRichardson: does that help?01:08
Vantraxi could get about 30-40 min at 21:0001:09
DougieRichardsonYes that's a bit better - what's that for most of you stateside?01:09
pleia2that'd be 6PM for us01:09
cprofitt16:30 UTC would be 2:3001:09
cprofitt22:00 would be 6pm01:09
cprofitt6pm is much more possible for me...01:10
cprofittbut it is not fair that Vantrax always has to do this from work01:10
Vantraxits ok01:10
cprofitta 14:00 UTC would work -- that would take my lunch time01:10
cprofittbut I would not be fired for doing so01:10
Vantrax8am  -  9am no one is in the office01:10
DougieRichardsonsee,  I can't from work - mil network/no irc01:10
pleia2Vantrax: would be sleeping then :)01:10
doctormoThe guy got himself born in Australia :-P01:10
cprofittthough the summer is a crap shoot for doing things at work01:10
VantraxI work at a university01:10
cprofittmy boss micro manages during the summer to a tremendous degree01:11
doctormoI think 6pm would be better for me, less likely to fall asleep for a nap and wake up late again01:11
=== pleia2 changed the topic of #ubuntu-learning to: Ubuntu Community Learning Project | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning | Next Meeting: Monday June 29th @ 6pm EDT (22:00 UTC June 29th) | Support in #ubuntu
dinda6 PM Eastern?01:12
dindathat pleia2 is quick!01:12
cprofittI can deal with 6pm EDT01:12
DougieRichardsonthat's great, thanks all01:12
cprofittI wish universities paid decently around me01:12
cprofittI would be able to get a Masters that way...01:12
* DougieRichardson yawns and wavew goodnight01:13
pleia2a friend of mine works for the NJ university, he mostly stays for the benefits :\01:13
dindacprofitt: some do offer tuition reimbursement01:13
pleia2doesn't really make a competitive salary01:13
* dinda waves to DougieRichardson01:13
cprofittdinda, many here offer 100% free courses after two years...01:13
* DougieRichardson waves dinda01:13
cprofittbut the base pay is terrible in comparison to what I make at a K-1201:13
Vantraxuniversities dont pay well here...01:14
dindacprofitt: really?  I've seen the opposite here in TX01:14
Vantraxthe benefits are good tho01:14
dindauniversities pay much better than k1201:14
dindagreat benefits01:14
cprofittdinda, sent you a private with the information01:14
Vantraxdinda: they pay better at the upper levels01:14
Vantraxnot at the entry levels01:14
cprofittI am the highest I can go and not be Administration01:15
dindahow long you been there?01:16
cprofitt11 years01:17
* dinda points folks to http://webapps.ubuntu.com/employment/01:18
dindasome sys admin jobs open currently01:18
cprofittI still have some learning to do on the Ubuntu/Linux side01:19
cprofittbefore I would consider myself ready01:19
dindawow - 11 years - makes one very comfortable and safe01:19
cprofittif it were Windows / AD / SQL...01:19
cprofittlongest I have ever held a job01:19
Vantraxi actually put in for a canonical sysadmin job:P01:20
Vantraxit vanished into the ether...01:20
cprofittthere is another one Vantrax01:20
pleia2cprofitt: how many of your agenda items did we get to?01:20
cprofittall but one01:21
cprofittI am good pleia201:21
dindaVantrax: the hiring process can take months01:21
pleia2which one?01:21
cprofittthe one we did not get to really will depend on our structure01:21
cprofitthow to approve courses01:21
cprofittI think we need a review board... but we need a structure before taking that on01:21
cprofittor that is part of our structure01:21
Vantraxdinda: ahh, im tied up for a few months now on this AD project01:21
Vantraxcprofitt: that would be part of it01:22
dindaok, outside time now01:26
* dinda waves to all - you folks rock!01:26
doctormoVantrax: I actually held a job at Canonical, it's a great place to work, broke my heart though to leave, so be warned.01:26
Vantraxlol yeah01:26
Vantraxthat happens01:26
Vantraxlong as they pay me enough that my wife wont kill me ill be happy01:27
* Vantrax 's wife is a banker01:27
doctormoVantrax: Oh god, my wife's already sharpening the bread knif, out of work for 6 months now.01:27
Vantraxdinda you still around02:49
Vantraxboard mailing list is ubuntu-learning-board@lists.launchpad.net02:52
doctormoMorning all15:31
cprofittpleia2, are you here?20:53
pleia2for a few more minutes20:54
pleia2cprofitt: what's up?20:54
cprofittI apologize for Montel - he was banned by UBT last night20:55
cprofittand has been told on multiple occasions not to bring bots in to channels20:55
pleia2yeah, I know :\20:55
pleia2you guys did your best20:55
=== doctormo_ is now known as doctormo

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