
helmethedd8.04 to 8.1000:00
naiand wich one should i install if i want a basic gnome but with nice fonts? (no gdm, no evolution, no ekiga...)00:00
kev2121deany, why #kubuntu?00:00
deanykev2121, hmm, well I thought it was00:00
deanykev2121, maybe not then.  kernel and basic hardware support is the same, the rest are kde apps....00:01
VCoolionai: check in synaptic or by "aptitude show packagename"; you'll need at least gnome and gnome-core I think but probably they depend on each other; gdm is the login window, are you sure you don't want that?00:01
bishopHh why not upgrade to 9?00:01
cabreybishop, depends on your hardware really00:02
usr13helmethedd: http://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-upgrade-ubuntu-8.04-to-ubuntu-8.10-desktop-and-server00:02
bishopcabrey yep00:02
usr13helmethedd: But the easiest way is to get the Alternate CD and just upgrade from it.00:02
shunobiesCould someone tell me how to find your ip address in the terminal setting?00:02
psychhi, whats the best command to copy an entire partition to another disk ?00:03
deanykev2121, there are some good kde apps tho, put some of the ubuntu ones to shame..   lets not mention brasero compared to k3b..00:03
usr13shunobies: ifconfig00:03
cabreyshunobies, ifconfig00:03
psychi planned to do it using a live cd00:03
deanykev2121, brasero is a joke.00:03
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psychonce clonezilla dont work good with logical partitions00:03
cabreydeany, brasero is fine, it works what else do you want?00:03
kev2121deany, I see..00:03
LewisSharpSmall question. How safe is it to upgrade a linux version (example to 8.0.4 LTS). I am wondering because if it's not safe, I'd need to do a ghost of my main partition or something close to that in case of a major problem.00:03
deanycabrey, for you maybe00:03
VCoolionai: gnome-desktop-environment contains all the extra apps , including web browsing, email, CD burning and ripping, encryption tools, audio and video playback, network and communication tools,  document viewers, remote desktop utilities, and much more.00:04
deanycabrey, I and at least 5 other people I know it dont00:04
naii don't want anything of that00:04
kev2121deany, so, apps do not have the same name?00:04
nai(that's why i installed the minimal version so i can only install what i need now)00:04
usr13LewisSharp: You're in a good place actually, 8.04 is LTS and, well, that's  a pretty good place to stay.00:04
LewisSharpno, I mean to that version. I'm a few version down actually00:05
LewisSharpI'm not 100% sure which version I am at right now00:05
usr13LewisSharp: Oh, upgrading TO 8.04  sorry... I didn't read carefully.00:05
cabreydeany, whatever, i'm not getting into a debate over burning software of all things00:05
deanycabrey, and brasero has less features..  It might work for you, thats great.00:05
hipitihopcan someone please help me put grub on an usb attached drive, I have copied the boot (ext3) extended and swap from another drive already00:05
deanycabrey, even shell tools work better00:05
VCoolionai: you need gnome-core then00:05
usr13LewisSharp: lsb_release -a00:06
VCoolionai: run "aptitude show gnome-core" to see what it contains00:06
nztalmy dvd burner, doesn't have burnproof technology, it has some other similar technology so that option is greyed out when i right click "write iso"  to disc.  any chance its being utilized ?00:06
naiVCoolio: nice, thanks00:07
usr13!usb | hipitihop00:07
ubottuhipitihop: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent00:07
LewisSharphum.. Ubuntu 6.06.2 LTS00:07
hipitihopusr13: reading, thanks00:07
VCoolionai: sorry, I doubt that as it seems I don't have it installed while running gnome ?? check again00:08
naiVCoolio already installing gnome-core00:09
nailet's see how it goes00:09
laegis there a way to make sudo apt-get show me everything libgtk*?00:09
shunobiesI can't view my routers admin page in browser because it will only work on Internet Explorer not FF what should i do?00:10
VCoolionai: I think you'll need (one of) the libgnome packages if you only want gnome itself; anyway uninstall gnome-core and run "sudo apt-get autoremove" and you're back where you started00:10
tpcnfHow do I ignore parts/joins/quits in Pidgin?00:12
=== damaga is now known as thytkiiy
Kr0ntabthe freenode webchat is interesting...00:13
coolkourthello, i lost my windows in compiz fhingusion.. any idea or links to get them back. i cant move,close, minimize or anyt00:15
rwwtpcnf: In the buddy list window, Tools > Plugins > check Join/Part Hiding00:16
laegcan anyone tell me what the GTK+ 2.0 dev headers package is called?00:16
cabreylaeg, libgtk2.0-dev i believe00:17
cabreylaeg, but apt-cache search works too00:17
=== paulcdancer is now known as Nanaki
Nanakihey everyone hows it goin00:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pinhg00:18
Nanakii cant find compiz icon to select it..where would it be?00:18
cabreyNanaki, what do you want?00:18
Nanakiim running jaunty right now00:18
Nanakii want to find compiz00:18
hipitihopusr13: your links refer to using syslinux not grub. maybe some clarification is needed, I have a fully working usb flash stick with full ubuntu installation on it that works. I have copied the partions from the stick to a new usb HDD. I just want to setup the new usb attach hdd with grub00:19
coolkourthow do i set up a local web testing server00:19
laegcabrey: "Sorry, try again.00:19
cabreylaeg, sudo aptitude install libgtk2.0-dev00:19
laegcabrey: not apt-get?00:20
rwwcoolkourt: That depends on which web server you want to test. For Apache, install the "apache2" package (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP#Installing%20Apache%202 )00:20
Nanakiit shows compiz is installed but there is no icon under anything to run it.00:20
cabreylaeg, it's listed in the repo as libgtk2.0-dev and yes try aptitude00:20
rwwNanaki: System > Preferences > Appearance > Visual Effects00:20
rww!es | kthyon00:20
ubottukthyon: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:20
rww!ccsm | Nanaki: also, try ccsm00:21
ubottuNanaki: also, try ccsm: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion00:21
laegcabrey: difference between aptitude and apt-get?00:21
cabreylaeg, debian recommends aptitude ;)00:21
coolkourtty rww00:22
rwwlaeg: not much. apt-get install foo and aptitude install foo are pretty much interchangable these days00:22
Gnea!caps | kthyon00:22
ubottukthyon: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.00:22
VCooliowhat is the command to upgrade a single package instead of all possible with apt-get upgrade?00:22
rwwVCoolio: sudo apt-get install packagename00:22
laegcabrey, rww: kk :)00:22
rwwVCoolio: if the package is already installed, it upgrades it to the latest version00:23
hipitihopVCoolio: I think if you just do 'sudo apt-get install <packagename>'00:23
VCooliook, thx, didn't think of that00:23
rwwkthyon: type /join #ubuntu-es00:23
hipitihopcan someone please point me at simple instructions to install grub on to my usb attached HDD00:24
helmetheddi still can't seem to upgrade00:25
helmetheddi've tried the disk00:25
helmetheddi've tried the update manager00:25
jribhelmethedd: you need to explain exactly what you did and how it failed00:25
helmetheddi really could use some help00:25
rwwhelmethedd: specifically what happens when you try them?00:25
helmetheddfirst: update manager only downloads part of the files, then gives an error about not being able to get the rest00:26
helmethedd2nd: disk gives 3 options...00:26
helmetheddreboot now, reboot later, or help me reboot from cd00:27
helmetheddi select helpme reboot from cd00:27
helmetheddso it goes thru some extraction for a bit00:27
helmetheddthen...it sits00:27
helmetheddno reboot00:27
helmetheddso, i reboot it myself thinkin its waiting for me00:27
helmetheddand nothing00:28
helmetheddi tried going into bios to select boot from cd, by hitting esc to bring up the menu, no CD option00:28
JasonosaJhelmethedd, you either need to use paste.ubuntu.com or put your entire thought on one/two lines.  It makes it much easier to follow what you are trying to say.00:29
laegcabrey, rww: XScreenSaver extension development headers not found. :(00:29
cabreylaeg, what are you compiling?00:30
tagalongis there a channel dedicated to game servers for ubuntu?00:30
cabreylaeg, theres an easier way to go about this00:30
helmetheddso.....what do i do?00:30
falseGot a question; Anyone using Intel GMA 45000MHD gfx, and able to tell me how they're working in Ubuntu? I just a new laptop trying to anticipate what troubles I'm going to have installing Ubuntu completely, if any.00:30
NauTiluS1ubuntu en español?00:30
rww!es | NauTiluS100:30
ubottuNauTiluS1: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:30
falseworking in Jaunty*00:30
rwwlaeg: try libxcb-screensaver0-dev00:30
laegrww: using, sudo apt-get build-dep pidgin00:31
laegty :)00:31
laegcabrey: see above :)00:31
rwwlaegL: that probably would work better, yeah :)00:31
progre55hi people! I'm really sorry for an irrelevant question, but the #winehq guys are sleeping.. I have this problem.. while playing CS on linux, after I play a little, the game gets slower and slower, even restarting the CS wont help. I always need to restart my comp. any suggestions, please?00:31
cabreylaeg, thats what i was gonna suggest00:31
cabreylaeg, use checkinstall also00:31
cabrey!checkinstall | laeg00:31
ubottulaeg: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!00:31
helmetheddcan i get some assistance with upgrading?00:31
Jeruvyprogre55: sounds like it could be a memory leak, try monitoring it with top (or some such tool)00:32
falseGot a question; Anyone using Intel GMA 45000MHD gfx, and able to tell me how they're working in Jaunty? I just a new laptop trying to anticipate what troubles I'm going to have installing Ubuntu completely, if any.00:32
Jeruvy!upgrade | helmethedd00:33
ubottuhelmethedd: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading00:33
laegcabrey: i'm actually compiling it to make uninstall00:33
laegcabrey: months ago i installed source pidgin, since my upgrade today to 9.04 it stopped working so i tried to install the new synaptic version but when i do pidgin in terminal it takes me to usr/local apparently00:33
progre55Jeruvy, you mean, run top while playing? and what would I do next? )00:33
IRC-Monitor-814is this cod4 ?00:33
IRC-Monitor-814 ;D;D;D;D;;D;D00:33
Gnea!ubuntu | IRC-Monitor-81400:34
ubottuIRC-Monitor-814: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com00:34
Jeruvyprogre55: just monitor it or log it for a while. See if leakage is the problem (or its something else)00:35
VCooliowow, system froze with swap 100% fill and mem 95%, first time that happened to me; where would I find what app was eating my resources?00:35
progre55Jeruvy, thanks man. but.. how to log? :) sorry for noobness ))00:35
progre55VCoolio, top?00:36
cabreyVCoolio, htop00:36
progre55oops, missed a letter :-D00:36
VCoolioprogre55: is there a history for those? I rebooted00:36
cabreyVCoolio, the log viewer is also good00:36
cabreyVCoolio, just how many apps were you running?00:37
Jeruvyprogre55: use top with -b to log to a file00:37
mdcclviIs there a way to see which graphics driver I'm using? I've installed the Nouveau driver and I'm getting full resolution and wanted to check it hadn't just fallen back to the binary Nvidia driver.00:37
VCooliowell, conky, pidgin, minefield, parcellite, nothing too serious00:37
VCooliocabrey: ^00:37
cabreyVCoolio, do you have like 256 megs of ram?00:37
VCooliocabrey: 51200:38
zer0ohi guys how do i run compiz? its installed but i dunno how to run it, i want to customize it but dunno where it is00:38
progre55Jeruvy, thanks man, appreciate100:38
JoesephOut of curiosity, why did I have to restart after I added the medibuntu repositories to my trusted sources?00:38
rww!ccsm | zer0o00:38
ubottuzer0o: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion00:38
rwwJoeseph: you didn't00:38
cabreyVCoolio, that's odd my netbook sips about ~200megs with that stuff open00:38
Joesephrww: But I did.....00:38
cabreyzer0o, System > Preferences > Appearance > Visual Effects00:38
PovAddicthow do I know what's the correct nvidia-glx-* package for my card?00:39
zer0ocabrey i run kubuntu on System there's no "preferences" where is it?00:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about min00:39
cabreyzer0o, oh uhh kde uses kwin, so ask in #kubuntu00:39
PovAddictor are those version numbers, and so I should get the latest one?00:39
jonaskoelkerHi all.  How do I make pulseaudio "survive" (i.e. keep running after) X server restarts?00:40
jonaskoelkercan I run it as a system service instead of on a per-user basis (like mpd)?00:40
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tagalongAnyone out there have game server experience on Ubuntu 9.04?00:41
cabreytagalong, theres probably an irc room for that00:41
rwwtagalong: I imagine it'd be useful for you to specify which game =/00:41
binskipy2uanyone know of a script, or long command that ll install all the most widely used multimedia apps/codecs, and all their dependencies, instead of searching synaptic package by package?00:41
tagalongI have looked.  Something like #ubuntu-gaming?00:41
ArkhalisSo, is there any reason the wired ethernet port on my laptop would just suddenly stop working from one day to the next? i can still modprobe it with no errors, but it no longer shows up in the network manager.00:41
rwwbinskipy2u: ubuntu-restricted-extras is a good start00:42
ArkhalisThe laptop is only 3 weeks old so i doubt it's the mobo but i guess it could be00:42
JeruvyArkhalis: can you get it working again?00:43
shiznebitArkhalis: try booting from a live cd and see if it works00:43
falseGot a question; Anyone using Intel GMA 45000MHD gfx, and able to tell me how they're working in Jaunty? I just a new laptop trying to anticipate what troubles I'm going to have installing Ubuntu completely, if any.00:43
tsrkhow do i get a list of mounted partitions?00:43
rwwtsrk: type "mount" in terminal00:43
rwwfalse: couldn't you just run the LiveCD/Desktop CD to find that out?00:44
danbhfivefalse: is that a netbook chipset?00:44
tsrkrww, wow, that's too simple, thanks!00:44
Arkhalisshiznebit: I can't really... from a fresh install like live cd the wireless and wired ports don't work. had to install the drivers from source originally00:44
cabrey!intel | false00:44
ubottufalse: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.00:44
nellmathewhey guys what's a small, fast, resource-friendly browser? (mainly resource friendly - flash is optional, for quick browsing)00:44
rwwnellmathew: graphical or command-line?00:45
nellmathewrww, graphical00:45
mahapratim te00:45
rwwnellmathew: epiphany-browser or midori00:45
nellmathewrww, gimme a good command line one too, i might give it a go00:45
PovAddictlinks2 -g00:45
Jeruvy!browser | nellmathew00:45
ubottunellmathew: Browsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary)00:45
rwwnellmathew: w3m or links200:45
Arkhalisnellmathew: google chrome works quite well under wine, if you don't mind doing it that way - otherwise i would try midori00:45
PovAddictnellmathew: links2 has both command line and graphical00:45
VCoolionellmathew: dillo is very fast, but very very basic00:46
nellmathewthanks guys, good stuff..00:46
Arkhalisstrange thing is... my wired ethernet port doesn't even show up in ifconfig anymore... however i have it in etc/modules00:47
=== Dave_ is now known as `Dave`
Um_cara_qualquerhey folks, how i set time when boot ask witch OS i wanna start?00:47
Arkhalisit shows up in lshw as unclaimed though00:47
shiznebitArkhalis: im just not sure then, try makeing a persistant usb install and compile the drivers on that...00:48
terr_I'm thinking of installing ubuntu in one of my computers.  Its a shuttle SN41G2.  I _do not_ know much about it and I have NOT powered it up yet.  1) I read it can boot off a USB drive.  Can anyone recomend a reasonable size thumb (or related) drive for this?  2) I'll follow with a network install  3) It does not have a FDD or DVD/CD.  Can anyone recomend if I _should_ install a FDD and also where I can find a region code free DVD/CDC R/00:48
Arkhalisshiznebit: elaborate please?00:48
xxuriahxx1can some1 help me with partitioning, i have a 10 partition and I would like to increase it - the drive itself is 40 gigs total - please help00:49
terr_I am also considering installing Debian - only because I presently run it.  Can anyone give me reasons to use ubuntu rather than debian?00:49
Arkhalisterr_: 1gb or larger preferrably 2gb for the thumb drive question00:49
terr_Arkhalis: 4GB are readily available too.00:49
VCoolioterr_: ubuntu has more (and friendlier some say) support, especially for newcomers00:50
Arkhalisterr_: the entire "live cd" should fit on a 1gb... everything over that is basically extra space since it will have to be formatted00:50
papnaJust installed 9.04 and nvidia drivers through the restricted drivers manager, and it is keeping my screen resolution low. (xorg.conf seems to have gone all minimalist on me with the new version of X!)00:50
rwwUm_cara_qualquer: Change the "timeout" line in /boot/grub/menu.lst00:51
terr_Arkhalis: good point.00:51
terr_VCoolio: I'm not _really_ a newbie00:51
Um_cara_qualquerrww change to what?00:51
VCoolioterr_: I didn't say that, but then you should go with ubuntu to help newbies :)00:52
Arkhalisanyone else have an idea for fixing my wired ethernet?00:52
rwwUm_cara_qualquer: You mean you want to set the time that OS selection screen is there before it picks the default, yes?00:52
terr_$8 / 1GB, $10 / 2GB  $14 / 4GB00:52
terr_Arkhalis: problem?00:52
Um_cara_qualquerrww thats right00:52
colerok i downloaded a file on my desktop that has a tar.gz extension, can someone tell me what to do next00:53
rwwUm_cara_qualquer: then change the number in the timeout line to the number of seconds you want it to wait before timing out00:53
Arkhalisterr_: Yesterday my wired ethernet port worked fine... today it doesent. It shows up in lshw as unclaimed... i can modprobe it just fine and i have it set in my etc/modules00:54
terr_rww cd /directory_of_your_choice, mv ~/blah.gz .  tar -xvfz blah00:54
jaimehola soy nuevo en esto00:54
papnaaJust installed 9.04 and nvidia drivers through the restricted drivers manager, and it is keeping my screen resolution low. (xorg.conf seems to have gone all minimalist on me with the new version of X!) Can anyone help me get my resolution right?00:54
rwwterr_: I think you meant to tell that to someone else ;)00:54
Um_cara_qualquerrww that's what everybody tells me... but it its already 10 seconds set... but when the pc boots, it dens't take any time... it just waits00:54
jaimealguien puede ayudarme?00:54
terr_Arkhalis: check power.  unplug and replug00:54
rwwjaime: language?00:54
terr_Arkhalis: check with ifconfig if its up00:55
Arkhalisterr_: for wired ethernet?00:55
rww!es | jaime00:55
ubottujaime: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:55
rwwUm_cara_qualquer: Even if you don't press any keys at all during bootup?00:55
Um_cara_qualquerrww yep00:55
drmrhorse_my jaunty will not login after the updates today. my login screen disappears and returns.00:55
Arkhalisterr_:i have shut down and rebooted several times to no avail... also recompiled the drivers from source and reinstalled00:55
coleror is there a program that will allow my iphoone to connect to my desktop.  I have jaadu00:56
=== elad is now known as elad``
cabreycoler, you have to jailbreak it and even then its iffy00:56
terr_Arkhalis: ifconfig will tell you if its connected.00:56
colerjailbreak what00:57
rwwUm_cara_qualquer: do you have a default entry set with the default line?00:57
terr_coler:  cd /directory_of_your_choice, mv ~/blah.gz .  tar -xvfz blah00:57
Arkhalisterr_: yesterday it was listed in ifconfig, today the hardware doesn't even show in ifconfig00:57
ScottGIs there a way to reel in the cd drive after I have ejected it?00:57
rwwUm_cara_qualquer: (I think Ubuntu uses "default 0" normally; if you changed it that might be a problem)00:57
Um_cara_qualquerrww i asked my teacher about it... he said it could be because there's a # in menu.lst line00:57
rwwUm_cara_qualquer: on the timeout line?00:57
terr_Arkhalis: what of when you boot?00:57
terr_Arkhalis: dmesg should show it in the boot sequence00:57
ScottGI think I may have just ejected my CD drive on my home computer ( I am at work now) by accident. I want to pull it back in now00:57
rwwUm_cara_qualquer: yeah, remove that. The whole line should just say   timeout 10   (or whatever number you want)00:57
Arkhalisterr_: I'll try that... one sec00:58
terr_ScottG: get your GF outta bed then00:58
rwwScottG: eject -t00:58
terr_rww REALLY?  Thats how we get it back in?00:58
rwwterr_: That command will close the CD tray on most CD-ROM drives, yes.00:59
elad``Any idea where I can find open domain images of chess pieces?00:59
terr_rww I didn't knwo that.  I always thought we needed to do that Manually00:59
papnaman eject00:59
terr_elad` use a digital camera and take your own!  THen you own the copyright01:00
rwwterr_: nope. I use it all the time to script burning CDs :)01:00
Mike_lifeguardIs there a gtk media player like amarok? I'd rather not install kde cruft if I don't have to. Specifically, I need to write to an MTP player (like the Creative Zen)01:00
nigreaHello guys, I had some problems with mysql-server, I tried to reinstall it from the top, but now it will not let me install it "E: mysql-server-5.1: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 101:00
nigrea" any ideas or suggestions, I could ask in mysql chat but since its more an installing error, I think u could help :)01:00
terr_elad` borne copyright conventions award copyright of a photo to the photographer01:00
rwwMike_lifeguard: Rhythmbox has an MTP plugin. I don't know if it works, though, 'cause I don't have an MTP player.01:00
naiMike_lifeguard rhythmbox, listen?01:01
terr_rww: what about region free DVD/CD R/RW01:01
nailisten is ok01:01
Mike_lifeguardrww: it doesn't, so far as I can tell... and the docs state that it doesn't write to media players01:01
moulinWho can help me with a Sendmail issue?01:01
naiMike_lifeguard also exaile01:01
terr_So for a bootable USB drive - is there any reason to go above 1GB?01:01
ScottGrww: From the man page, it actually sounds like I should use -T not -t01:02
terr_moulin: I use postfix01:02
papnaterr_, You'd be able to store nontrivial amounts of data and extra software on it.01:02
Arkhalisterr_: depends on the size of the live cd01:02
rwwScottG: if the CD tray is open, -T and -t will do the same thing01:02
ScottGrww: Wait i lied01:02
ScottGrww: Yea01:02
papnaScottG, If you don't know, -t is for you--then you know it will end up closed.01:02
Arkhalisterr_: ubuntu 9.04 netbook remix fit on a 1g....01:03
moulinterr_: I want to disable local delivery for a domain01:03
terr_papna: there will be a 160GB HHD in the machine...01:03
ScottGpapna: Yea.01:03
ScottGThanks guys01:03
fattybutterpanceWould anyone know how I might be able to avoid a kernel panic? I get one after resuming from sleep... not right away, but after some internet activity.01:04
terr_moulin: I have never done that.  You better ask someone else - try #postfix01:04
Arkhalisterr_:  it loads  properly according to dmesg01:04
moulinterr_: thanks!01:04
=== mrklean is now known as mrklean2
Arkhalisi'm at a loss here, completely confused01:04
terr_Arkhalis: then your driver is not loaded.  look for the driver.  lsmod I think01:04
nellmathewi'm curious if i "clone a git repository" would that be similar to adding the repos to sources? (would apt inform me of new available updates?)01:05
cabreynellmathew, no git is a software versioning sysem01:05
nellmathewah, thanks cabrey01:06
cabreyit is extremely bleeding edge software01:06
terr_So far I cannot think of why I might need more than a 1GB USB drive.  I mean a CD is < 1GB and they do the job.01:06
nigreaHello guys, I had some problems with mysql-server, I tried to reinstall it from the top, but now it will not let me install it "E: mysql-server-5.1: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 101:06
nigrea" any ideas or suggestions, I could ask in mysql chat but since its more an installing error, I think u could help :)01:06
Arkhalisterr_: so what would i have to do to load the driver?01:06
terr_I'm thinking to make the USB drive bootable all I might need to do is put grub on it - then lift the boot sector and lay it back down again wiht DD01:06
Arkhalislol... game set and match terr_ no need for more than a 1gb01:06
laegcabrey: when i type a command in terminal like pidgin - how do i change where that actually points to?01:07
terr_Arkhalis: hmnm - I've done this b4.01:07
terr_Arkhalis: bin years01:07
laegit's definitely installed with synaptic now but  i remember changing where pidgin looks01:07
Arkhalisbootable usb drive is easier than that01:07
cabreylaeg, it depends on the $PATH01:07
terr_Arkhalis: really?  I've NEVER used USB even01:07
hipitihopif in grub I do 'find /boot/grub/stage1' and it returns (hd0,0) and (hd2,0) how do I know which drives or mount points these relate to ?01:07
Arkhalisthere is even an app out there to take the live cd file (even windows xp) and make it bootable on a thumb drive01:07
redsoxkinghello everyone01:07
rwwlaeg: when you type in "pidgin", bash looks in your $PATH variable and looks in every directory in there, from left to right, until it finds one. You can see what's in $PATH with "echo $PATH".01:08
Arkhalisdoes it all for you01:08
cabreyArkhalis, why do you need >1 GB drive?01:08
terr_Arkhalis: you will need to 1) install the driver in the mkinitrd helper file - means you need to man mkinitrd01:08
terr_Arkhalis: or modprobe blah01:08
Arkhaliscabrey: never said he did... i was saying mine was 2gb but it was extra space01:08
cabreyahh mk :)01:08
redsoxkingdoes anyone know how to convert .ppt to mpeg 4 or AVI?????01:09
terr_Arkhalis: there is a file in /etc which has the list of modules the os needs to load.  I ran into the problem when I upgraded the kernel and didn't rebuild mkinitrd and I was using a SCSI HDD and it dind't have a driver!!! kernel paniced01:09
Arkhalishey cabrey, remember how i was having problems with wired ethernet a couple weeks ago? well yesterday it just suddenly stopped working dissapeared entirely lol01:09
redsoxkingi want to post on metacafe and youtube01:09
Arkhalisterr_: i already have it listed in etc/modules01:09
cabreyredsoxking, uh record it while you're playing it back?01:09
Arkhalisterr_: however, i don't know what this man mkinitrd thing is01:10
MK-ubuntucabrey, i thought u called me.01:10
hipitihopredsoxking: not sure what ppt is but have you tried vlc ? it has many  transcoding options01:10
cabreyMK-ubuntu, oh no haha01:10
timposeyi have a webpage that has some flash links to MP3 files, but none of my browsers in ubuntu will play the audio, it works fine on a windows machine wth firefox but nothing on ubuntu. any ideas?01:10
MK-ubuntuo.O;; lolz01:10
rwwhipitihop: ppt = Microsoft PowerPoint file01:10
redsoxkingppt is a power point presentation01:10
cabreyArkhalis, is this the 1008ha?01:10
Arkhaliscabrey: yep01:10
Darck1Hi all. Got a problem with my display. SOMETHING (I don't know what) runs just after login and changes my display to 800x600 instead of the 1680x1050 that's in my xorg.conf file - any ideas?01:10
cabreyArkhalis, i think i know why01:10
cabreyArkhalis, there was a recent kernel update01:11
redsoxkingcabrey: how do I record it...what app?01:11
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laegcabrey, rww: echo $PATH = /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games - how do i make it find where synaptic would have put pidgin?01:11
terr_Arkhalis: trust me - its important.  Its part of the boot sequence - where the kernel gets extra drivers which are needed but not compiled in.01:11
rwwDarck1: is System > Preferences > Display set right?01:11
cabrey!info gtk-recordmydesktop | redsoxking01:11
ubotturedsoxking: gtk-recordmydesktop (source: gtk-recordmydesktop): Graphical frontend for recordmydesktop. In component universe, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 79 kB, installed size 564 kB01:11
redsoxkingcabrey: thanks01:11
cabreylaeg, are you using your compiled pidgin?01:11
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)01:11
hipitihoprww, that's what I thought but I was never aware those could be made into mpeg4 or similar formats01:11
Darck1Yup. I'm using nvidia-settings for that01:11
Arkhaliscabrey: my dmesg shows it there, and it's in etc/modules but not in my ifconfig.... terr_: i don't doubt it's important... i just don't know what you mean by man mkiniwhatever >< lol01:12
rwwlaeg: "which pidgin" will show where pidgin is installed. Ubuntu's default location is /usr/bin/pidgin01:12
terr_Seesh - $8/1Gb, $10/2GB.  I might as well splurge!!!!  But what a WASTE01:12
cabreyArkhalis, did you recompile the kernel for the 2.6.28-13 update?01:12
cabreyrecompile the module*01:12
rww!dontzap > Um_cara_qualquer (Please see the private message from the bot)01:12
terr_Arkhalis: man gives you docs01:12
Arkhaliscabrey: would the kernet update automatically?01:13
cabreyArkhalis, if you used update-manager or updated using aptitude/apt-get01:13
laegcabrey: not the compiled version, the past few hours i've been trying to uninstall it - last think i did was a config, make and uninstall from /usr/bin/pidgin-2.5.501:13
terr_Arkhalis: what does lsmod show?01:13
cabreylaeg, if you used --prefix during ./configure, you can just delete the folder01:14
Arkhaliscabrey:alright, well i have already recompiled the source and did sudo make install and it errored out01:14
cabreyArkhalis, can you pastebin the error?01:14
Arkhalisterr_: i would pastebin it but i can't get internet on the laptop right now lol01:14
laegcabrey: what do you mean during configure, i installed the latest version with synaptic?01:14
terr_Arkhalis: ugghh.01:14
cabreyArkhalis, use a flash drive or something01:14
Arkhaliscabrey, terr_: give me a bit to copy paste and transfer to this computer so i can pastebin... they will be on the same pastebin though01:15
terr_Arkhalis: I had that problem with the mkinitrd - and my servers were down.  it wasn't just the kernel that paniced01:15
cabreylaeg, no i'm talking about the one you compiled.01:15
pikeshouse88hey guys01:15
ArkhalisI will pastebin lsmod, lshw, ifconfig, and the error when i sudo make install k?01:15
cabreylaeg, ok. you have one compiled version of pidgin from a while ago and one recently installed via apt, correct?01:15
terr_Arkhalis: just us lsmod while root - the driver should be listed.  If not try modprobe blah01:15
laegcabrey, rww: which pidgin = /usr/bin/pidgin01:16
timposeyi have a webpage that has some flash links to MP3 files, but none of my browsers in ubuntu will play the audio, it works fine on a windows machine wth firefox but nothing on ubuntu. any ideas?01:16
laegcabrey: yes but i did a conf, make and uninstall on the compiled version a few mins ago01:16
laegcabrey: then i removed and re-added the apt one01:16
laegnow pidgin = not found01:16
laegwait shit01:16
GuyFromHelldoes anyone know of any software to broadcast a desktop over streaming video or something?01:16
pikeshouse88ok so, theyres a stream that plays with flash. but we all know how much flash sucks. I really want to take the stream and play it with VLC. would anyone be willing to help me decompile the SWF and find the source video?01:16
laegcabrey: yeah, not found - used to run but was bugged01:16
cabreylaeg, run sudo aptitude remove pidgin01:17
pikeshouse88because i have no idea how to do that and its killing me01:17
laegcabrey: it's doing it, bear in mind the source code is still in /opt/pidgin-2.5.5 in case it's relevant01:17
terr_pikeshouse88: ya - I f8ing hate flash too!01:17
gmcmI recently installed the newest version of Ubuntu. I then uninstalled the embedded version of OpenOffice. Now I would like to install OpenOffice 3.1. I've downloaded OpenOffice, but don't understand the instructions for installation. Can someone help?01:17
upgrdmanother than gtk-gnutella, are there any decent p2p programs for gnome/gtk?01:17
sacamanohey, quick question. so i update my repo lists, but for some reason it never asks if i want to upgrade to OpenOffice3.0. why (or more importantly) how do you upgrade?01:17
pikeshouse88terr_: would you be able to help?01:18
sacamanogmcm, go to Add/Remove, and install it that way.01:18
gmcmOk, I'll try that.01:18
VCoolioupgrdman: deluge, transmission, bittornado01:18
rww!p2p | upgrdman01:18
ubottuupgrdman: Peer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information01:18
terr_pikeshouse88: I probably have too many things on my platter at the moment.  However technically I probably can help.  I need to get other things done first.01:18
ubottuGnutella clients: GTK-Gnutella (GTK, stand-alone), gifTui, giFToxic (GTK, based on giFT), Apollon (KDE, based on giFT), mldonkey-gui (GTK, based on MLDonkey), KMLDonkey (KDE, based on MLDonkey), !Limewire, !Frostwire (Java, not in the !repositories) - See also !P2P01:19
terr_pikeshouse88: I need to set up a new desktop, upgrade my firewalls, set up new web servers, set up full ISP style email01:19
laegcabrey: aptitude remove pidgin complete...01:19
danbhfivesacamano: are you using LTS?01:19
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cabreylaeg, if you don't mind cleaning your apt cache: sudo apt-get autoclean01:20
sacamanodanbhfive, im on 8.10, i dont remember if its LTS01:20
Darck1any ideas what this is? http://pastebin.com/d28d0f9d301:20
caronavalguien puede ayudar q pograma puedo bajar para k mi ipod touch gestionarlo?01:20
sacamanogmcm, that keeps it in your official repositories and that way fixes, updates, and patches automatically apply. if you download it straight from the web, or in a .deb package, it wont be updated.01:20
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.01:20
sacamanocabrey, thats spanish01:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sp01:20
danbhfivesacamano: well, 3.0 was abandoned, FYI.  3.1 is in Jaunty.  I'm not sure what happened with backporting it to intrepid...01:21
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.01:21
cabreyhaha oops01:21
sacamanoahhh, that makes sense. thanks danbhfive01:21
Darck1:-( Someone throw me a bone? Every time I log on my desktop gets reset to 800x600 and I have no idea why01:22
terr_Arkhalis:  any luck?  What does lsmod show?01:22
Arkhalispastebinning in one sec sorry01:23
Darck1I did a cat /var/log/syslog to step through everything in there but I can't work out what's happening01:23
`Dave`Can someone tell me how to load programs without using the terminal please01:24
laegcabrey: sudo apt-get autoclean01:24
terr_Darck1: check your /etc/X11/XF86Config-401:25
`Dave`ty Darck101:25
Darck1Thanks terr_ that files a new one to me01:25
Darck1I'll look now01:25
Arkhalisterr_, cabrey: http://paste.ubuntu.com/201781/   shows error for make install on driver at the bottom cabrey also everything else too lol01:25
entropyIs there a better sound driver for an iMac 7,1's card than the Realtek ALC889A? I really need to configure the bass levels in alsamixer, however this driver only gives me Master and PCM.01:25
Darck1um... I don't see a /etc/X11/XF86Config-401:26
terr_Darck1: might be a different version.  that is what mine is.  Also I configured dual heads in so I needed to learn that stuff.01:26
sacamanoDarck1, you sounds like your x.org config01:27
danbhfiveDarck1: have you looked at Xorg.0.log?01:27
ggggwhat's the difference between modules and drivers?01:27
terr_entropy: sorry.  After the latest RIAA crap - we need to boycott all big label music and buy ONLY from artists.01:27
Darck1Okay - no I haven't looked at Xorg.0.log - looking now01:28
danbhfivegggg: in Ubuntu, drivers are loaded as modules01:28
Arkhalisyou see the pastebin terr_?01:28
Arkhalisand cabrey01:28
terr_gggg: drivers live in modules01:28
ggggso device drivers and modules are same?01:28
Darck1last but one line shows nvidia setting 800x60001:28
Darck1(II) NVIDIA(0): Setting mode "800x600"01:29
gmcmsacamano: Do I need to select the entire OpenOffice.org package when installing in order to get the automatic updates, or can I just select the functions I want from OpenOffice (like Database)?01:29
Darck1BUT - this isn't in my config file and I don't know WHAT is setting that resolution01:29
VCoolioif it happens after login it should be a user config I think; I have e.g. ~/.nvidia-settings-rc and ~/.screenrc; maybe you have something there that overrides xorg.conf, is that possible? just guessing01:29
ggggwriting device driver and writing modules are similar?01:29
VCoolioDarck1: ^^01:29
Darck1thanks VCoolio - I'll look there01:29
Darck1Hmmm... I do have a .nvidia-settings-rc file that got changed 06/15/09 but I don't see anything in there that changes resolution01:31
thinkle79The recent kernel upgrade in jaunty to 2.6.28-13 broke my poulsbo drivers from the ubuntu-mobile ppa (I'm on a dell-mini-12). If I run from 2.6.28-13, I have to run in vesa mode with low res. I can boot from the previous kernel (2.6.28-11) but then my broadcom wireless drivers don't load for some reason. Any ideas how to get out of this situation?01:32
Darck1I have .screenrc but it's empty01:33
Arkhalisanything terr_?01:33
danbhfiveDarck1: try creating a new user, and see if the problem remains01:33
terr_Arkhalis: just getting to it now.01:34
Arkhalisaha sorry and thanks01:34
Darck1danbhfile - I'm fairly certain that if I log in as a different user I won't get the error, kinda loathe to do that while I have you all trying to help me01:34
terr_Arkhalis: what if?01:34
chris_lenz123hey guys i need help with my speakers01:35
Arkhaliswhat if what?01:35
terr_Arkhalis: what interface (if) is missing?01:35
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Arkhalisatl1e   or the wired ethernet port01:35
fattybutterpancethinkle79, Can you boot from a live USB, I had somthing simular where modules were not loading... Some links were messed up on my machine.01:35
Arkhalisit shows as attansic in lshw01:35
chris_lenz123they wont work on Linux01:35
terr_Arkhalis: running an asus eee pC?01:36
Miles_Firefoxneed help. with GNOME, where on this server will i found?01:36
Arkhalisterr_: Yeah, 1008ha01:36
terr_Arkhalis: I'm looking for a real cheap one!01:37
thinkle79fattybutterpance: I haven't tried a live USB but presumably wireless would work -- wireless worked fine when I installed jaunty fresh and it worked fine until the recent kernel upgrade. It also works fine now (with the latest kernel) but my graphics are broken and I can't seem to downgrade.01:37
terr_Arkhalis: how fast is the atom verses a 1.3GHz tualatin core celron?01:38
geirhaDarck1: Does the login screen have the correct resolution?01:38
Arkhalisit's decent at full speed but since it's made to conserve battery life it runs slower 90% of the time01:38
terr_Arkhalis: product: Attansic Technology Cor    <--- is that the missing nic?01:39
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Darck1geirha: Yes it does01:39
Darck1that's why I think it's something that's happening in my logon01:39
Arkhalisyeah... it's actually an ar813201:39
terr_Arkhalis: how many bogomips?  Of course I have no rebootted this machien for 2 years so I think its about 130001:39
Miles_Firefoxgnome panel, since is becoming in front of window close button (X). everytime i maximize it respect the limit boundaries of gnome panel. since yesterday. then it (pic) starts to happen. There is a way to fix it?01:40
donnydoes any one know how to install world of warcraft on ubuntu 9.0401:40
geirhaDarck1: Run gconf-editor and browse to /desktop/gnome/screen/default/0/   what's the resolution set to there?01:40
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:40
Arkhalisnot sure terr_ haven't been using it but 3 weeks lol01:40
xcercais there any kind of macro recorder / player ?  whats good for that ?01:40
terr_ 2601.77 BogoMIPS01:40
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php01:40
Arkhalisterr_: running short on time, have to go to work soon01:41
Darck1there is no /desktop/gnome/screen01:41
terr_Arkhalis: check dmesg01:41
Arkhalisok and look for what?01:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about macro01:41
terr_Arkhalis: do you live in Oz?01:41
rz187I have an EVGA Nvidia 8600 gts.....should the drivers i download in an update work for dual screen? cuase its not detecting...i htink im having mobo problems is why im asking01:41
terr_Arkhalis: product: Attansic Technology Cor    <--- is that the missing nic?01:42
ivantisI'm having some trouble getting an smb mount working01:42
ivantisCan someone who has done this before walk me through it?01:42
Darck1- /desktop/gnome/remote_access then /desktop/gnome/session01:42
VCoolioDarck1: try disconnecting and replugging the cables http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=35485&start=1501:42
terr_rz187: you need to configure /etc/X11/XF86...01:42
rz187is there another way? I thought i did this before01:43
geirhaDarck1: It's probably different in newer releases then. I'm on good old 8.04 myself.01:43
CapeONEsup people01:43
Arkhalisterr_: i don't see it in there ><01:43
rz187the 2nd screen isnt showing in Monitor resolution settings, where i think it has in the past01:43
Arkhalisterr_: attansic, ar8132, or atl1e01:43
donnydoes any one know how to use wine ?01:43
sebsebsebdonny: yeah01:43
sebsebsebdonny: of course01:44
cabreyArkhalis, sorry was away for a little bit01:44
joel_!hi | CapeONE01:44
ubottuCapeONE: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:44
donnyi am trying to install wow on ubuntu and it tells me to type this into termanil01:44
Darck1bizarre - but I'm not using experimental - I'll try unblugging and replugging though01:44
donnycd /home/donavan/desktop>/01:44
donnythen wine installer.exe01:44
donnywhen i do that i get this message wine: could not load L"C:\\windows\\system32\\installer.exe": Module not found01:44
Arkhaliscabrey: no worries... i have the pastebin up http://paste.ubuntu.com/201781/ down at the bottom it shows the make install01:45
joel_donny: have you downloaded wine?01:45
VCoolioDarck1: I remember a guy having your problem, stuck at 800x600; it helped him01:45
donnyand i ahve installed it01:45
Darck1okay - I've unplugged and replugged - I'll restart X01:45
cabreyArkhalis, run make clean then just make and post that output. btw if you have another computer running 2.6.28-13, you can use that01:45
Darck1aw shit01:45
terr_Arkhalis: you'll note lsmod does not show the driver.  try this:  locate ar8132 / locate atl1e  modprobe ar8132  / modprobe atl1e  (should be the same name as in /etc/modules)01:46
Darck1all the stuff I've done has made me lose my "Zap"01:46
Darck1anybody remember what the command is to re-enable zap?01:46
Flannel!dontzap | Darck101:46
ubottuDarck1: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.01:46
fattybutterpancethinkle79: I am not too sure, maybe this link may help... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReinhardTartler/X/RevertingIntelDriverTo2.401:47
donnydoes any one know what i should do01:47
geirhaDarck1: It's better to log out and back in again though. That restarts X in a cleaner way01:47
Darck1k thanks01:47
terr_Arkhalis: did you do make init?  (Might not be quite correct - been a while since I've done this)01:47
Arkhalisterr_: modprobe on ar8132 errored... atl1e seemed fine it listed a bunch and the modprobe had no error01:47
terr_Arkhalis: ya - I see.01:47
terr_try make clean01:47
terr_then your make sequence01:48
cabreypastebin it!01:48
terr_damn - I forget the make sequence01:48
Arkhalisok i will one sec01:48
donnyshould i uninstall wine and reinstal it ?01:48
laegcabrey: you there mate? i sudo aptitude remove pidgin, sudo apt-get autocleanand then tried sudo aptitude install pidgin but it says bash: /usr/local/bin/pidgin: No such file or directory01:48
terr_Arkhalis: do this for me:  cd /var/log; dmesg and tell me the bogomips01:48
thinkle79fattybutterpance: Thanks -- I think that's a different graphics driver though. I found this -- http://mok0.wordpress.com/2009/05/25/ubuntu-on-the-dell-mini-10-2/ -- which has a comment that refers to exactly what I'm experiencing. Unfortunately, the solution (install psb-kernel-source) isn't working as I'm getting error building the module.01:48
cabreylaeg, have you tried logging out and back in again?01:49
geirhadonny: Sure you got the right directory?01:49
donnywich directory ? were the wow files are ?01:49
geirhadonny: Try this. In the terminal type wine followed by  a space, then drag the file installer.exe onto the terminal window, then run the command01:50
donnyi think it workes01:51
laegcabrey: before or after install?01:51
Arkhalisterr_: where do i find the bogomips in dmesg?01:51
cabreylaeg, after01:51
terr_Arkhalis: at the top01:51
geirhadonny: Then you had probably "cd"-ed to the wrong directory earlier01:51
donnythank you geirha01:51
laegcabrey: when i install pidgin it also doesn't put any shortcuts in the apps menu like it used to in case that's relevant..01:51
donnywhats -ed?01:51
geirhadonny: -ed as in past tense01:53
FullmoonMy web server runs as www:www, I have user alpha, and beta, the server needs to read the files of the user, but I dont want user alpha to ready betas files or vice verse, how can i set this up?01:53
BrianVhi all. Is it possible to install ubuntu to an existing ext4 partition?01:53
terr_Arkhalis: damn - I can't find my goat book!01:54
donnyo lol i knew that well thank you01:54
darck1tried that and a few other things besides - no dice, still resets to 800x60001:54
nellmathewumm.. how the heck do i get outta zoom desktop in compiz? =X01:54
usr13BrianV: Well, yes, but why not just let the install program repartion and re-format the space for you?01:54
VCoolioDarck1: did you also unplug on the monitor side? That was crucial to the guy I remembered; should have mentioned before; http://cafelinux.org/forum/index.php?topic=25.0;msg=159 ; otherwise I'm out of ideas01:54
BrianVusr13: because I have an existing fedora 11 partition there I want to overwrite01:54
usr13BrianV: Is it empty?  (no files on it?)01:54
BrianVusr13: the problem is, the installer isn't picking up on my ext4 partitions01:55
darck1How could that matter? If it's unplugged at one side then... well... the computer won't know that it's unplugged at the other01:55
usr13BrianV: Delete the partiton.01:55
terr_Arkhalis: make sequence:  configure; make; make install\01:55
terr_Arkhalis: make sequence:  configure; make; make install01:55
nellmathewnvm, just needed to click desktop and super+r, figures..01:55
BrianVusr13: I can't. I have 2 ext4 partitions. The installer just sees it as one big unrecognized lump of disk01:56
VCooliodarck1: [quote] how does that make effing sense [/quote] read the link01:56
Arkhalissorry, got the fiance yaking in my ear what does that mean and that01:56
Arkhaliscan't think lol01:56
BrianVthat is, it doesn't recognize the individual partitions01:56
darck1I just did01:56
darck1okay - trying again01:56
cabreylaeg, gnome sometimes takes a little to update its menu system01:56
sebsebsebBrianV: which version of Ubuntu?01:56
Arkhalisthe dmesg scrolls too far and the top is too far up to read the bogomips01:56
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BrianVsebsebseb: 9.0401:56
sebsebsebBrianV: and the Live CD won't detect the Fedora Ext4 hum01:57
terr_Arkhalis: NEVER but NEVER say "yacking".  tyr dmesg | less01:57
terr_Arkhalis: treat em nice!  they can make your life miserable01:57
sebsebsebBrianV: Ext4 is a bit bad in 9.04 anyway,  since  no 2.6.30  kernel from the repo  as an update and so on01:57
Arkhalisfor some reason when i save my make sequence into a text doc01:57
BrianVsebsebseb: yes. Although now that I think about it... I used LVM, and if I recall, Ubuntu needs extra packages to use LVM01:57
Arkhalistext file that is01:57
sebsebsebBrianV: Ubuntu only do security updates you see, so 2.6.30 does not count01:57
Arkhalistransfer to this pc it comes up gibberish so i can't pastebin it this time01:57
Arkhalisit's odd01:57
terr_Arkhalis: dmesg | grep bogo01:58
BrianVsebsebseb: hmm... that's a problem then. The Fedora install is troublesome, and I was hoping to upgrade easily. It locks up every time I try to backup my disk01:58
terr_Arkhalis: what country are you in?01:58
sebsebsebBrianV: well with the default kernel in 9.04 people can get a lockup when deleting data, it's in the release notes01:58
darck1okay - unplugged and re-plugged, restarting x01:58
sebsebseb!notes |  BrianV01:58
ubottuBrianV: Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) release notes can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyJackalope/ReleaseNotes01:58
terr_oh - working the late shift then01:58
gmaphow do i apt-get install a list of packages from a text file?01:59
sebsebsebBrianV:   Fedora 11 uses Ext4 by default, and it's meant to be pretty good there :)  also  Ubuntu 9.10 released at the end of October will be using by default01:59
BrianVsebsebseb: ok. Well, I guess my strategy then is to try to get the disk to read with the liveCD so I can back it up.01:59
Arkhalisyeah work at a bar01:59
terr_gmap put #/bin/bash as the 1st line and execute it.  chmod +c blah  ./blah01:59
BrianVsebsebseb: then I will reformat to ext3, and start from scratch02:00
terr_chmod +x blah02:00
Ahadielgmap, for pkg in `cat /path/to/file`; do apt-get install $pkg; done02:00
Darck1Well it was a lovely little ride - but it didn't help02:00
Ahadielgmap, but that's assuming each package is on it's own line02:00
sebsebsebBrianV: how about  starting from scratch with  at least / in Ext4, at least then Ubuntu is faster to boot.02:00
Ddordawill Intel Core2Duo E2180 run ubuntu fine?02:00
terr_Arkhalis: I'd like a beer02:00
sebsebsebBrianV: keep data on Ext3 for now02:00
gmapok thx Ahadiel02:00
BrianVsebsebseb: because /home is already on EXT4 from the Fedora 11 install02:01
willI hope this is the channel for people that just did stupid things. I just ran gzip on a directory without using tar first. Is there anyway to unzip all of the .gz files in all of the subdirectories at once?02:01
sebsebsebBrianV: right, but you made it sound like you were going to start over from scratch with all Ext302:01
terr_Arkhalis: what is the cheapest eeepc you have come across?02:01
Ahadielgmap, np02:01
BrianVsebsebseb: I may have to. If EXT4 support isn't ready in Ubuntu, no sense keeping it02:01
gogetaterr_ 900a ebay 150$02:02
SeekingNothingI've got an error when I try to uninstall things that reads "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.02:02
SeekingNothingE: _cache->open() failed, please report." when I enter that into the terminal I get the following error, "dpkg: parse error, in file '/var/lib/dpkg/updates/0004' near line 14 package 'labyrinth': EOF during value field 'Description' (missing final newline)". What do I do?02:02
Mike_lifeguardwill: probably look for an -r option in man gzip?02:02
sebsebsebBrianV: when doing another distro, it's probably  usaully better to start over from scratch well for stuff such as /02:02
samoraihi! gye02:02
BrianVsebsebseb: well, / I would have. But /home I was trying to save02:02
sebsebsebBrianV: delete the Fedora / and start over with an Ubuntu /02:02
Mike_lifeguardwill: or use find and tell it to unzip them02:02
gmapAhadiel: would this work? "$apt-get install | cat pkg.list"02:02
terr_gogeta: a 701 is fine too02:02
samoraiwher's I can get Ubuntu.fr02:02
BrianVsebsebseb: that's the problem. The disk has a / and a /home partition, both EXT4. The installer doesn't see them02:02
Darck1so - something is setting my rez to 800x600 when I log in... but we don't know what...02:02
gogetaterr 900a has a atom but the celroms are not bad02:03
BrianVsebsebseb: it just sees one big unrecognized partition02:03
Ahadielgmap, that doesn't make sense. You would pipe the output of cat pkg.list to apt-get if anything.02:03
Mike_lifeguardwill: confirmed, -r exists for gzip02:03
sebsebsebBrianV: the installer right, but manual install is pretty limited anyway02:03
samoraiUbuntu fr Please I want Link02:03
Ahadielgmap, I'm not sure if apt-get reads from stdin02:03
sebsebsebBrianV: what about gparted?  system > administaration > partition editor02:03
gogetaterr i can get 5 hrs off this 3 cell battery without wifi on02:03
gogeta3 with02:03
BrianVsebsebseb: checking...02:03
gmapAhadiel: ok just wondering, your other way is working anyway.02:03
VCooliogmap: dpkg --set-selections  < path/to/file02:03
Arkhalisalright, i give up... no wired ethernet for me02:04
terr_gogeta: I'm just going to use it as a web server02:04
gogetaterr why you ask02:04
willMike_lifeguard: I've tried gunzip *.gz -r and that is telling me no such file or directory.02:04
infinity217how do i turn off wifi on my eee h1000 (fn+f2 dont work) ?02:04
Arkhalisterr_: what was that dmesg grep bogo what?02:04
terr_gogeta: I don't even need a KB and screen.02:04
Ahadielgmap, that's good.02:04
BrianVsebsebseb: Gparted sees them02:04
Mike_lifeguardwill: no, give it the directory, and use -r02:04
terr_Arkhalis: I just want to know what the bogoips are on the atom cpu.02:04
sebsebsebBrianV: ok well this is how I do it :)   well except last time when I tried the alternate CD out for my first time02:04
Mike_lifeguardwill: gunzip -r /path/to/directory02:04
gogetaterr acer one or a eee ha more storage space unless you add a sd card or usb hdd02:04
samoraiI want to Install Winrar because I have problem tu unzip rar02:04
terr_gogeta: I'd be happy with a broken one!!!  LOL02:05
Arkhalisyeah just tell me what to type and i will tell you before i head out for work02:05
infinity217install unrar02:05
sebsebsebBrianV: step 1  set up the partitions in Gparted   step 2 follow the installer through and finnish off in manual install,  ticking format on the partitions and telling it what to use them as02:05
scunizisamorai: install unrar instead02:05
terr_gogeta: 8GBN is lots02:05
geirhaDarck1: Just to make sure, go to System -> Preferences -> Display properties, set the correct resolution, click apply and close, then log out and back in again02:05
RkyRaccoondoes anyone know how to install alice on ubuntu 9.04?02:05
terr_gogeta: 8GB is lots02:05
Arkhaliscabrey: if you are still here in a bit i will get a pastebin for you when i get to work... when i have wireless access02:05
willMike: I'm retarded. Thank you.02:05
gogetalets switch to privat messags for this02:05
infinity217samorai: apt-get install unrar02:05
Mike_lifeguardwill: no more than most people ^_^02:06
Arkhalisterr_: was it grep | bogo or something?02:06
samoraithanks i test it02:06
sebsebsebBrianV: so much more control with gparted02:06
sumanso here is the thing. i want to install bouml 4.12.* and that is only in the intrepid and jaunty version.... and in their sources.....02:06
cabreyArkhalis, whats a bit? i'll be on here for a while but not straight through the night :P02:06
infinity217how do i turn off wifi on my eee h1000 (fn+f2 dont work) ?02:06
RkyRaccoondoes anyone know how to install alice on ubuntu 9.04?02:06
terr_Arkhalis: join us here:  #gogeta02:06
BrianVsebsebseb: hmm. except they are LVM. So the installer won't recognize them02:06
sumancan i add the sources to my hardy heron and do the install?02:06
willMike: that worked perfectly. Thank you so much. Have a great evening.02:06
sebsebsebBrianV: maybe Ubuntu don't have LVM  yet or something,  Ubuntu is  behind Fedora here and there always, it seems02:06
samoraithanks It's good02:07
sebsebsebBrianV: yeah Fedora is more cutting edge, later stuff  before Ubuntu02:07
infinity217it's too fast to ask anything!02:07
BrianVsebsebseb: LVM has been around for 10 years. I imagine it has it, it's just not in the installer for some reason02:07
laegcabrey: sometimes gnome takes time to update the menu ok, but you also think that after a relog it will reconigse pidgin as a command?02:07
Arkhalisi am there02:07
sebsebsebBrianV: ah ha maybe you need the alternate CD for LVM02:07
laegcabrey: can't i even goto pidgin wherever it is and open it to see if it runs?02:07
Darck1checking .xsession-errors file and I find where it's changing the resolution, I've just got to find out why and how02:07
jackmackghello ubuntuers02:07
cabreylaeg, it's in /usr/bin/pidgin02:08
RkyRaccoondoes anyone know how to install alice on ubuntu 9.04?02:08
sumanhmmmm .... anyone??02:08
Darck1Checking screen 1Comparing resolution (800x600) to maximum 3D texture size (4096): Passed.02:08
infinity217any one?02:09
Arkhalisterr_: you there? i am in the channel but no one else is... gotta go in a few mins =p02:09
infinity217my eee issue?02:09
Mike_lifeguard!ask | infinity21702:09
infinity217how do i turn off wifi on my eee h1000 (fn+f2 dont work) ?02:09
ubottuinfinity217: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:09
sebsebsebBrianV: the alternate CD has some advanced features that the standard desktop CD does not have02:10
RkyRaccoondoes anyone know how to install alice on ubuntu 9.04?02:10
Arkhalisinfinity try this site02:10
Arkhalisone sec02:10
sebsebsebRkyRaccoon: what's that?02:10
laegcabrey: it works when i open it like that directly02:10
terr_Arkhalis: /join #gogeta02:10
RkyRaccoonsebsebseb: its a program for learning programing02:10
sullyHas anybody had any luck swapping the mappings of Alt/Option and Command on the apple keyboards on 9.04? I've read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppleKeyboard, which indicates that Xmodmap no longer works and you need to use the Keyboard Preferences configuration tool. I've tried that, and it doesn't seem to work. Checking "Left Alt is swapped with Left Win" just causes them *both* to be mapped to Alt.02:10
geirhainfinity217: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC/Fixes#Hotkeys02:10
samoraiyes man I get it so Fine02:10
RkyRaccoonsebsebseb: i need it for my computer science class02:10
BrianVsebsebseb: ok, I may have to download and try that02:10
samoraiI move02:10
BrianVsebsebseb: logging out02:11
cabreylaeg, have you tried logging in/out?02:11
BrianVsebsebseb: thanks for the help02:11
cabreysully, yes i've done it02:11
sebsebsebRkyRaccoon: ah ok02:11
sebsebsebBrianV: np good luck02:11
Apollo2366hey guys, I'm trying to transfer files from a windows machine to my Jaunty machine on a crossover ethernet cable. I open network, Windows Network, WORKGROUP, and it gives an error message "Unable to retrieve share list from server" Am I doing it wrong?02:11
RkyRaccoonsebsebseb: alice.org is the site02:11
sebsebsebApollo2366: Have you got Samba installed?02:11
Arkhalisterr_: i have to go to work however i will log in later to get the bogoips for you and answer your questions while i am at work whre i have wireless access02:11
sullycabrey: What did you need to do?02:12
Apollo2366Nope, Synaptic?02:12
infinity217i tried it too complicated, can i do it without hotkey?02:12
lorphis 5.1.30really5.0.75-0ubuntu10.202:12
lorphis mysql really 5.1.30 or is it 5.0.7502:12
lorphi'm confused02:12
VCoolioApollo2366: yes, and after installing "sudo /etc/init.d/samba start"02:12
laegcabrey: brb :)02:12
looterIm using compiz and I can't figure out how to   group similar items in the bottom panel,  anyone helpe me out?  I want it to behave similar to windows in how if I open a new browser window it will group it next to one that is already open02:13
diffNewuserhi guys, I need to compile a network driver for my kernel.  What files do I need to grab?02:13
diffNewuseraside from the module source code02:13
cabreysully, i changed the 'Alt/Win key behavior' to 'Left Alt is swapped with Left Win'02:13
terr_ArkoldThos: hey - thanks02:14
=== LFC|Doppp is now known as Doppp
cabreysully, my layout is 'Generic 105-key (Intl) PC'02:14
infinity217i have installed the eee kernel but nothing wiyh yhe wifi!02:14
sullycabrey: I did that, and it just caused them to *both* be mapped to Alt.02:15
* sully tries doing it and restarting X02:15
infinity217i use 8.10 with eee kernel i tried UNR but the hotkeys dont work too02:15
infinity217i tied it live UNR02:15
sullyUnsurprisingly, that did not work.02:16
RkyRaccoondoes anyone know how to install alice on ubuntu 9.04?02:16
Darck1This is driving me BATSHIT02:16
Darck1no matter what I do it resets the resolution to 800x60002:17
gabriel_I have a .mov file on Ubuntu 9.04 but when I opent it it appears: audio/x-gst-fourcc-Qclp decoder02:17
gabriel_Apple SMC decoder02:17
gabriel_ and I cant hear any sound, how can I fix this?02:17
RogueBondI have a .mov file on Ubuntu 9.04 but when I opent it it appears: audio/x-gst-fourcc-Qclp decoder02:17
RogueBond and I cant hear any sound, how can I fix this?02:17
FloodBot1RogueBond: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:17
ArkoldThosterr_, about what :O?02:17
jlarochehello people02:17
cybotronHello, does anyone know how to change mac address in ubuntu?02:17
Darck1that sounds like somebody up to no good... :-p02:18
b0nnifconfig hw <addr> ?02:18
inx-liveAnyone like CLI distros of Ubuntu?02:18
RkyRaccoondoes anyone know how to install alice on ubuntu 9.04?02:18
shark0derhi all. can anyone tell me why I can't join #php ?02:18
diffNewuserinx-live: you mean like the server version ;)02:18
inx-liveno, not server02:19
jlarocheI was wondering what the best way to completely remove open office? I just installed ubuntu netbook remix on a brand new eee and I want to thoroughly remove the 3.0.1 Open office that is installed by default and then install the 3.1.0 version which is available on the Open Office website...02:19
inx-livejust no GUI02:19
gabriel_I have a .mov file on Ubuntu 9.04 but when I opent it it appears: audio/x-gst-fourcc-Qclp decoder02:19
gabriel_Apple SMC decoder02:19
gabriel_ and I cant hear any sound, how can I fix this?02:19
RogueBond and I cant hear any sound, how can I fix this?02:19
ArkoldThosinx-live, is like... i hate to use sudo02:19
Mike_lifeguardRogueBond: Why are you repeating gabriel_?02:19
wenkohelp...I just lost some data on my HDD, from /usr/share how do I rebuild that?02:20
gabriel_Because I need some help02:20
=== joel_ is now known as sagaci
Titan8990_wenko, how did you "lose" it?02:20
gohmifuneanyone know how to make a series of ennumerated zip files from corresponding folders in terminal?02:20
Mike_lifeguardgabriel_: once is enough02:20
shark0derhey. all people here I see need some help. is this a help chanel or there is one ?02:20
jackmackgDoes any one know ware i can find a key-map of the number given when you press a key on a keyboard. like when i press space i get "150" returned.02:20
wenkoTitan8990_: not important <blush>02:21
wenkoTitan8990_: I ment to delete the skype dir but was up too far...02:21
Darck1oh good god can somebody PLEASE help me - just tell me what log files I can paste or whatever... but this is driving me crazy. Somewhere between the login screen and loading padevchooser it's changing the resolution to 800x60002:21
inx-livediffNewuser: INX has tutorials for beginnings, you can listen to shoutcast streams, chat, gmail, graphical links browers and even watch a video in framebuffer as well as view pictures02:21
wenkorm -r ./*02:21
wenkoit was retarded02:21
sumanalrite.... i have hardy heron and i want to install bouml 4.12. in the hardy heron universe there is onlu 3.* , but in jaunty universe, the latest version is present, how do i install the latest version02:21
Brad_RHey ya'll :)02:21
Titan8990_wenko, your going to be saving yourself a lot of time if you backup and reinstall02:22
sagaciI'm getting this http://paste.ubuntu.com/201795/ error when downloading packages, can someone tell me exactly what i need to take out02:22
diffNewuserhey guys, I need help with this realtek driver compiling02:22
Titan8990_wenko, especially if /home is on its own partition02:22
sullycabrey: Hm. After I set that option, xmodmap reports that Super_L is mapped to *both* mod1 and mod4. Then, running "xmodmap -e 'remove mod1 = Super_L'" gets everything working the way I want. I find this very strange, and in direct contradiction to the Apple Keyboard page's claim that xmodmap isn't useful anymore. I'm somewhat confused, but everything is working, so...02:22
sullycabrey: Thanks.02:22
wenkoTitan8990_: Thats what I am thinking...but im lazy02:22
diffNewuserand it's likely I don't have the correct stuff installed02:22
ArkoldThosis like most of ubuntu users use the same partition for all :p02:22
wenkofrig just another reason for me to just go build a whole new system02:22
cabreysully, heh np, the right alt/super key didn't do that for me :/02:22
nsahooI am considering upgrading the video card. radeon cards used to have bad driver support on linux. are they still bad?02:22
ArkoldThosnsahoo, yes02:23
KillGorackhey, greets is there a partition editor in ubuntu?02:23
nsahooany good nvidia card suggestions? budget under 100, want many windows open on dual screen02:23
=== rachel is now known as Guest89277
ArkoldThosnsahoo, something from series 9000 might run good02:23
Apollo2366KillGorack, Search Gparted in Synaptic02:24
jlarocheI was wondering what the best way to completely remove open office is? I just installed ubuntu netbook remix on a brand new eee and I want to Thoroughly remove Open office 3.0.1 that is installed by default, then install Open Office 3.1.0 (which I downloaded from the Open Office website).02:24
KillGorackI've installed that but can't find it in the menus heh02:24
Titan8990_wenko, well, any solution is going be very iffy02:24
ArkoldThosKillGorack, run it from terminal02:24
calmbolahow can i get usb-imagewriter on 8.04?02:25
Apollo2366It's under System >> Administration, KillGorack02:25
calmbolai want to install 9.04 remix via usb02:25
wenkoTitan8990_: I guess I will back up tonight and re-install02:25
KillGorackheh found it thanks! just wasnt called gparted02:25
wenkoTitan8990_: this was a HUGE n00b mistake02:25
ArkoldThospartition editor or some easy name that ubuntu people put on it?02:26
KillGorackyea that'sit02:26
wenkosudo su == danger Will Robinson02:26
Titan8990_wenko, but from what I'm reading something like this: or pkg in `dpkg --get-selections|awk '{print $1}'| egrep -v '(dpkg|apt)'`; do dpkg --force-all --purge $pkg; apt-get install --reinstall $pkg; done02:26
jlarocheI was wondering what the best way to Completely remove open office is? I just installed ubuntu netbook remix on a brand new eee and I want to Thoroughly remove Open office 3.0.1 that is installed by default, then install Open Office 3.1.0 (which I downloaded from the Open Office website).02:26
Titan8990_wenko, i personally wouldn't recommend it02:26
diffNewuseranyone have any familiarity with compiling the realtek driver?02:26
laegcabrey: ty :) the synaptic version of pidgin now runs when pidgin is put into the cmd line! :) the only thing now is the shortcut not appearing in applications > internet, i did manually remove this earlier because i had been using it for my compiled version - but it had the icon etc and look as it's supposed to, how can i remedy this?02:26
wenkoTitan8990_: I might try that after the backup :P02:27
cabreylaeg, what do you mean by remove? right click -> edit menus?02:27
Titan8990_wenko, ehh02:27
laegcabrey: yes02:27
laegcabrey: i removed the pidgin one before the last uninstall and reinstall02:28
Titan8990_wenko, i meant to take out the: do dpkg --force-all --purge $pkg;02:28
cabreylaeg, go back there and recheck it02:28
laegcabrey: what do you mean? it's not there..02:28
entropyI get an Authentication failure when I run su. I'm being told I need to import a pgp key. how do I do that? 9.04 iMac 7,102:28
cabreylaeg, how did you remove it? uncheck it or click delete?02:28
laegcabrey: both02:28
Titan8990_wenko, have to reboot new kernel02:29
henkboomwhen I try to hibernate I get errors like "/sbin/s2disk: invalid option -- 'x'"02:29
cabreylaeg, apt should've reinstalled the desktop file... hmm02:29
wenkoTitan8990: aptitude is damaged02:29
sagaciis there a gui tool to configure those new black notifications?02:29
dsdeiz_when i do update-alternatives --config what does "*" and "+" mean?02:29
cabreylaeg, do alt-f2 -> killall gnome-panel02:29
henkboomit seems that /etc/acpi/hibernate.sh is calling s2disk with -x and -y parameters, which it doesn't like02:29
cabreysagaci, not yet02:29
henkboomwhat's going on here? =(02:29
wenkomy...ehem, "start bar" is empty02:29
cabreywenko, this isn't windows, what does that mean?02:30
laegcabrey: no change02:30
jlarocheI was wondering what the best way to Completely remove open office is? I just installed ubuntu netbook remix on a brand new eee and I want to Thoroughly remove Open office 3.0.1 that is installed by default, then install Open Office 3.1.0 (which I downloaded from the Open Office website).02:30
cybotronhow to change MAC address in Ubuntu?02:30
entropyI get an Authentication failure when I run su. I'm being told I need to import a pgp key. how do I do that? 9.04 iMac 7,102:30
sebsebsebjlaroche: there is probably a ppa for 3.0.102:30
Darck1okay - I give up, I'm either gone delete this user and do a different user or just put up with this shit02:31
ubottugpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts02:31
sebsebseb!ppa > jlaroche02:31
ubottujlaroche, please see my private message02:31
jlarochesebsebseb: Did you read what I asked?02:31
sebsebsebjlaroche: yes, but you don't just get stuff from websites with Ubuntu, that's the point I am trying to make here02:31
sebsebsebjlaroche: well you can, but not really a need if there's a ppa02:31
cybotronhow to change MAC address????02:31
sagacijlaroche: can you just remove the old open office via synaptic removal02:32
q0_0psudo apt-get install macchanger02:32
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE02:32
cabreylaeg, I can PM you the contents of the .desktop file02:32
laegcabrey: sweet02:32
jlarochesagaci: I know that, but there are so many packages - I want to make sure everything is completely removed02:32
RequinB4I'm consdidering buying a macbook pro with vista installed (i assume with bootcamp?) and i'm wondering if i can install ubuntu, how it will work with GRUB etc02:33
calmbolahow can i get usb-imagewriter on 8.04?02:33
calmbolahow can i get usb-imagewriter on 8.04?02:33
shark0derdoesn't "apt-get install" update to the latest  version ?02:33
safag1hi ,i just got google earth 5 ,but it always crashes ,is ter any bug ,how do i fixxit ?,i m on ubuntu 9.0402:33
jlarochesome people say sudo apt-get remove, other say sudo apt-get purge, and yet others say go to synaptec and "mark all for complete removal"02:33
IdleOneshark0der: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade02:34
jlaroche(god knows what "all" is when it comes to a giant program like open office02:34
q0_0pi use apt-get autoremove is that bad?02:34
shark0derIdleOne: thanks, i'll know for future )02:34
safag1hi ,i just got google earth 5 ,but it always crashes ,is ter any bug ,how do i fixxit ?,i m on ubuntu 9.04hi ,i just got google earth 5 ,but it always crashes ,is ter any bug ,how do i fixxit ?,i m on ubuntu 9.0402:34
jlarochei have a valid point here I believe... but its funny that no one can weigh in02:35
shark0derbut can anyone tell when pidgin 2.6.0 will be available? with new authentification on yahoo I mean...02:35
calmbolaanyone know how i can "burn" an image file onto usb?02:35
RequinB4i guess since i'm here anyway... jlaroche why are you removing ooo02:36
IdleOnejlaroche: they all work to certain degrees I guess but I havent used ubuntu in 6 months, just reinstalled today so...02:36
safag1hi ,i just got google earth 5 ,but it always crashes ,is ter any bug ,how do i fixxit ?,i m on ubuntu 9.04 ,anyone who has faced this problem ? or know d soln ?????????02:36
shark0dercalmbola: what about to extract it onto usb drive?02:36
calmbolashark0der, i want to install ubuntu remix from it02:37
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calmbolanot sure what your question is asking?02:37
safag1hi ,i just got google earth 5 ,but it always crashes ,is ter any bug ,how do i fixxit ?,i m on ubuntu 9.0402:37
IdleOne!patience > safag102:37
ubottusafag1, please see my private message02:37
shark0dercalmbola: www.pendrivelinux.com/usb-ubuntu-netbook-remix-install/02:38
shark0dermaybe it will help?02:38
shark0dercalmbola: on google there are a lot of information about around this02:39
xineHi, my OpenOffice.org and Firefox think I'm in the UK (spell-check-wise) but 'locale' and GDM and so forth all say en_US, using 8.10. Any tips? I've been searching around and only found a really old bug.02:39
Gneaokay, why isn't pulseaudio being updated to 0.9.15 in jaunty yet?02:39
sebsebsebGnea: ,because it does not count as a security update?02:40
sebsebsebGnea: only security updates from those repos02:40
Gneasebsebseb: yeah, well, it keeps on crashing and the only known fix is 0.9.15 and the bug's already been reported02:41
sebsebsebGnea: well maybe there's a ppa for it02:41
Gneamaybe there is...02:41
linuxguy2009Hey guys I was just downloading Cairo-Dock and the plugins, and all the themes and stuff they have.I got all of them working but I have no clue as to what the musicPlayer themes are for or if i even need them.Did the RhythmBox applet replace an older music player applet or something anyone know?02:41
sebsebseb!ppa > Gnea02:41
ubottuGnea, please see my private message02:41
Gneaunfortunately, there is not.02:41
bobook so I have a major problem, I'm trying to reinstall ubuntu 9.04 but ii keep getting a "grub failed to install fatal error" message02:43
terr_I forget how to display the size of the HDD in a machine02:43
boboand I can't boot into anything because my grub is messed up02:43
telestrialHi. I'm currently wondering if there is a way to check if a router is mishandling the ipvf6 protocol ? I travel often to very specific places for work and there are two routers where I can't even load pages in Ubuntu. However, on my Windows partition everything works out okay.02:44
Aacronhey anyone in here know anything about brug?02:44
linuxguy2009bobo boot with live image and use gparted to wipe the drive maybe?02:44
bobolinuxguy: I've tried that, in fact im on a live USB right now, but I'm dual booting with vista and I dont wanna delete it02:45
bobobut i might end up doing that02:45
RequinB4I'm consdidering buying a macbook pro with vista installed (i assume with bootcamp?) and i'm wondering if i can install ubuntu, how it will work with GRUB etc02:45
cognitiaclaevesDoes jaunty play well with vmserver2 yet?02:45
AacronI'm having a very odd issue, and I think that grub is seeing isn't what it sees once an OS is loaded... I have a SiiG Sil0680 PCI-PATA card cause I only have one IDE channel on the motherboard...02:45
evandro-spmeu ubuntu 9.04 está travando muito, alguém tem alguma solução?02:45
boboand just have ubuntu on my comp02:45
linuxguy2009bobo Oh well cant help ya there.Good luck.\02:45
bobook thanks anyway02:45
Ursinhaevandro-sp, vai no #ubuntu-br :)02:46
AacronI finally got ubuntu to load with grub (put on primary IDE), but now I cant load my windows XP02:46
boboHow do I reinstall grub?02:46
soreau! grub | bobo02:46
ubottubobo: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:46
evandro-spir onde?02:46
Ursinha!br | evandro-sp02:46
ubottuevandro-sp: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.02:46
BryanCis there a way to close a stuck dialog box like in windows? (i.e. Alt-F4)02:47
soreau! grub > Aacron02:47
ubottuAacron, please see my private message02:47
xuanyone know how to use 'fsck' in a lvm partition?02:47
bobosoreua: what?02:47
nellmathewanyone know if there's a way to add a "search" box to the panel?.. like google desktop but the textbox is on the gnome-panel?02:47
evandro-spDesculpe, não entendi, é a primeira vez que entro aqui02:47
arpihi, are there any wget experts?02:47
soreauAacron: You probably need to add a Windows entry to your boot loader file, /boot/grub/menu.lst02:47
Gnea!ask | arpi02:47
ubottuarpi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:47
Ursinhaevandro-sp, faz assim: /j #ubuntu-br02:47
soreauarpi: No, just ask your question ;)02:47
evandro-spfazer isso onde?02:48
Aacronsoreau: its there, but I think the hd(#,#) thing is wrong02:48
RogueBondsoreau: its there, but I think the hd(#,#) thing is wrong02:48
RequinB4I'm consdidering buying a macbook pro with vista installed (i assume with bootcamp?) and i'm wondering if i can install ubuntu, how it will work with GRUB etc02:48
Aacronand what it sees in ubuntu isn't right02:48
Ursinhaevandro-sp, na janela onde vc está digitando agora02:48
cognitiaclaeveshow can I install vmware server 2 in jaunty?  Is there a 'how to' ?02:48
Gnea!english | evandro-sp02:48
ubottuevandro-sp: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat02:48
AacronI can use the SGD to manually boot to it but if I try to use the repair functino it blows up and does a complete hard-lock02:48
arpiok, I'd like to use http://www.google.co.uk/sendtophone?...le&gl=GB&hl=en as a pager. I know google stopped their free sms service. This website only sends a message about how to start using Google services to your mobile if you give them your number. So the idea is that if something happens in a program I would be notified via this service.02:48
UrsinhaGnea, I'm explaining him how to join the other channel02:48
soreauAacron: Well, do you know which partition you have what installed where?02:48
Mike_lifeguardCan someone please quiet RogueBond? This is ridiculous.02:48
telestrialI'm having connectivity issues. I can't use an internet connection in ubuntu because it's so slow, but in Windows the connection works exactly how it's supposed to. Any suggestions?02:48
evandro-sp#Fiz certo?02:48
Aacronyep :P02:48
Aacroncan I PM you?02:49
Ursinhaevandro-sp, não, digite assim:02:49
Aacronthis scrollign will drive me batty02:49
Ursinha /j #ubuntu-br02:49
Ursinhaevandro-sp, sem o espaço02:49
RequinB4!wireless | telestrial02:49
ubottutelestrial: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:49
Apollo2366Hey guys, I'm connected to a windows machine on a crossover ethernet cable, I have Samba installed and running, and when I attempt to open a public share, it gives an error message "Could not display "smb://cory-pc/michael/". File is an unknown type."02:49
tyk3I'm having a really irritating time with my network connection. Whenever I turn my PC on, the network manager fails to connect to the wired network. Clicking on it in network manager manually just makes it time out. However, if I reboot the PC, it connects automatically on boot, no problem.02:49
tyk3I've tried disabling network manager, but no dice. It still won't connect till I reboot it. I have absolutely no idea how to go about de-bugging this, and no idea what could be causing it. I'm using 9.04, and the router is using DHCP. None of the other PCs connected to it have this problem, whether they're wireless or ethernet. Does anyone have any ideas?02:49
xineHi, my OpenOffice.org and Firefox think I'm in the UK (spell-check-wise) but 'locale' and GDM and so forth all say en_US, using 8.10. Any tips? I've been searching around and only found a really old bug.02:49
Gneatyk3: get rid of networkmanager and install wicd02:49
=== maxjezy is now known as maxjezyzzz
boboMy grub folder is missing, how do i get it back?102:50
Gneatyk3: sudo apt-get install wicd   it'll take care of it all for you02:50
BryanCanybody?? i just need a simple key combo or terminal comand to close an active window02:50
terr_I _DO NOT_ BELIEVE THIS:  http://www.drives.net/scsihard.htm   <--- they want $225.  I've got dozens of them02:50
n0gearBryanC: alt+f402:50
Gneaterr_: please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic02:50
tyk3wicd is a wireless manager is'nt it?02:50
Gnea!info wicd02:50
ubottuwicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.9-2 (jaunty), package size 247 kB, installed size 1860 kB02:50
nellmathewis tracker disabled by default in jaunty?02:50
BryanCn0gear: hmm, i tried. but it didnt work.02:51
JohnnyBGoodecan anyone help me with crossover?02:51
Gnea!anyone | JohnnyBGoode02:51
ubottuJohnnyBGoode: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:51
xinethanks again for nothing #ubuntu02:51
n0gearBryanC: Check System - Preferences and Keyboard Shortcuts02:51
JohnnyBGoodewhere do i go to get the application?02:51
RequinB4I'm consdidering buying a macbook pro with vista installed (i assume with bootcamp?) and i'm wondering if i can install ubuntu, how it will work with GRUB etc02:52
vkumarany people using 9.04 who have intel graphics here?02:52
boboRequin: try googling it, idk02:52
maxagazhow to check which version of ubuntu do i have on a server02:52
bobovkumar: I have intel graphics02:52
Gnea!info | vkumar02:52
ubottu'vkumar' is not a valid distribution: dapper, dapper-backports, hardy, hardy-backports, intrepid, intrepid-backports, jaunty, jaunty-backports, karmic, karmic-backports, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, medibuntu, partner02:52
ubottuvkumar: Retrieve information on a package: !info <package>02:52
bobothey work great02:52
vkumarmaxagaz: cat /etc/lsb-release02:52
n0gearBryanC: and Close Window02:52
Gneaer uh02:52
Gnea!intel | vkumar02:52
ubottuvkumar: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.02:52
BryanCis there a similar program to "taskmanger" in ubuntu? Maybe i could close the stuck dialog box that way.??02:52
vkumarbobo: is your xorg working well?02:52
boboyeah, it works fine02:53
vkumarbobo: nvm, thanks02:53
BryanCn0gear: is close window a command??02:53
maxagazvkumar, what does lsb stands for ?02:53
GneaBryanC: alt-f4 is rather universal for that02:53
vkumarmaxagaz: not sure. linux standard base?02:53
boboBryanC: system>admin>system monitor02:53
JohnnyBGoodewhat is the command to get Crossover?02:53
BryanCgnea: yeah, i tried that one02:53
JohnnyBGoodeI have jaunty 9.0402:53
RequinB4I'm consdidering buying a macbook pro with vista installed (i assume with bootcamp?) and i'm wondering if i can install ubuntu, how it will work with GRUB etc02:54
IdleOneneed help getting flash player to work? I installed the necessary packages from synaptic and restarted the browser but still doesn't work02:54
RequinB4JohnnyBgoode go to their webside, either complile their source or buy it from them02:54
jon_high9000Hi. I have a problem with my Nvidia driver. has anybody had consistant dimming in the graphics when using the drivers? if so, anybody have any ideas on how to correct it?02:54
boboIdleOne: Try ‌installing from the adobe site02:54
JohnnyBGoodethere isn't a terminal command?02:55
JohnnyBGoodeand its not free????02:55
laegcabrey: didn't work mate02:55
IdleOnebobo i'll give it a shot02:55
nellmathewIdleOne.. goto Applications, Add/Remove... and install the "ubuntu-restricted-extras"02:55
bobogood luck02:55
IdleOnenellmathew: will do02:55
boboIdleOne: what nellmathew said, forgot about that02:55
Malygoscan anyone help me with my broken usb drive? write protect is on :(02:57
maxagazvkumar, ok thanks02:57
evandro-sp#ubuntu: Instalei o ubuntu em minha máquina, 256mb de ram e está muito lento02:57
boboMalygos: try formatting it02:58
kneeskrap3rguys I need some iPhone help and the devs over there aren't responding02:58
kneeskrap3rcan anyone help with a jailbreak02:58
entropyI have imported my pgp key, yet I stillg et an authentication error upon running su.02:58
rz187everytime i run updates on opensuse 64-bit, my video card stops working...any ideas???02:58
evandro-sp#ubuntu: alguém sabe o que posso fazer para deixar mais rápido?02:58
rz187sorry not open suse02:58
Malygosbobo: still can't02:58
RequinB4I'm consdidering buying a macbook pro with vista installed (i assume with bootcamp?) and i'm wondering if i can install ubuntu, how it will work with GRUB etc02:58
bobohmm..... did it come like that?02:59
boboor did you do something to it?02:59
Malygosbecause of shitty windows virus02:59
bobois there anything on the drive?02:59
JohnnyBGoodeI need some assistance with rosetta stone02:59
JohnnyBGoodecan anyone help?02:59
Malygosi got it all backed up02:59
vagothcppHow do you boot ubuntu in runlevel 3? I need to install some graphics drivers02:59
Malygosvagothcpp: telinit 3 ?03:00
vagothcppGDM still runs in 303:00
boboI'm not an expert, sorry the format thing was all i had03:00
Malygosits okay03:00
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:00
vagothcppI was told 3 but its still in GDM03:01
vagothcppDoes ubuntu livecd x64 come with gcc?03:01
=== maxjezyzzz is now known as zyztembolaget
b4rb4hi, have brazilians here?03:03
RogueBondhi, have brazilians here?03:03
vagothcppIs there a way to install an ASUS Wireless car in ubuntu (PCI)03:03
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JohnnyBGoodecan anyone help with Rosetta Stone?03:04
colerdoes anyone use krfb?03:04
hari_PLS EMAIL me the details to install canon  lbp2900b  on my ubuntu9.04@brahmanpc @gmail.com03:04
coleris there a way to always allow connections, instead of going to server and click accept connections03:05
b4rb4i need a help about manage groups, how to able on jaunty... someone help me?03:05
FFMikeanyone know how to add ansi emulation to the shell?03:05
FFMikewent to a telnet site and couldn't see it :/03:06
boboHow do I get my grub folder back, I deleted it03:06
luis_hola alguien sabe que programa puedo usar para imprimir fotos en ubuntu pero que imprima la fecha y la hora tambien03:06
coleris there a better server client03:06
usr13b4rb4: Edit /etc/group03:06
soreau! grub03:06
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:06
b4rb4<usr13> ok dude, i try to do this, thanks!03:07
rz187I guess the updated drivers dont work with my configuration03:07
setuidWhere do I specify which modules get unloaded at suspend and reloaded at resume time?03:07
usr13bobo: You deleted /boot/grub/  ?03:07
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boboyes out of stupidity, dont ask. just, how do I get it back03:07
n0gearwhich progman to play .swf files?03:08
FFMikeno one knows how to add ansi emulation?03:08
hari_anyone know how to add canon lbp2900b printer on ubuntu email me at brahmanpc@gmail.com03:08
usr13bobo: I don't know ha ha that's the first time I've seen that one.03:08
bobousr13: thanks...03:08
b4rb4usr13 and after?03:09
coleranyone recommend a vnp that doesnt take too much memory03:09
usr13bobo: You might try dpkg-reconfigure grub03:09
bobook ill try03:10
usr13b4rb4: log out and back in, and/or restart any effected service as needed03:10
bobono joy03:10
vagothcppHas anyone sucessfully compiled the ASUS WL-138G v2 sucessfully?03:10
ubottuAntivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus03:11
b4rb4user13: ok... but what i want to edit on /etc/group?03:11
usr13!openvpn | coler03:11
ubottucoler: OpenVPN is a vpn technology in Ubuntu, sudo apt-get install openvpn and then see http://openvpn.net/ and see the documentation "HOWTO" noting you have already installed it. ;-) It rocks!03:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ansi03:11
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com03:12
usr13b4rb4: Huh?03:12
setuidUbuntu, from the ancient African word for "Can't install Debian" :)03:12
usr13setuid: Ubuntu is the African word for "Debian is too hard for me"  :)03:13
setuidSo nobody knows? Where do I stuff modules I need to rmmod at suspend and modprobe at resume time?03:13
b4rb4usr13: what i edit on this /etc/groups?03:13
nsahoois there a way to check the power supply capacity of the computer?03:13
nsahoowithout opening it up03:13
usr13b4rb4: I don't know, you tell me?  (What are you trying to do?)03:13
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setuidnsahoo, /sys/bus/platform/drivers/smapi/smapi03:13
vagothcppHow can I install ndiswrappers without internet?03:14
b4rb4usr13: sorry man, my english is poor... hehehe03:14
usr13vagothcpp: Plug a thumb drive into one that does and download the deb03:14
nsahoosetuid: don't have the smapi there03:14
vagothcppi have none that have internet03:14
dsdeiz_how is opera 10b for you guys?03:14
setuidnsahoo, install it03:14
nsahoosetuid: don't have to restart, right?03:15
setuidnsahoo, noe03:15
b4rb4usr13: i'm trying to tell you what i need edit for the manage groups show me enable?03:15
nsahoosetuid: install smapi?03:15
=== william is now known as Guest22072
setuidnsahoo, Yes, install the smapi support for your distro03:15
usr13b4rb4: Tell me more.03:15
nsahoosetuid: is it in apt repo?03:15
vagothcppIs there any other way?03:16
nsahoosetuid: can't find it in synaptic, there are some libs there03:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about spyware03:16
setuidno idea03:16
=== yeehaw is now known as bucky
Malygoscan anyone help me with mysql server? i cant access it using other pc03:16
loofvagothcpp, : you're on the internet right now, dude03:16
coleranyone familair with krfb?03:16
setuidMalygos, is the port open?03:16
Malygosnmap says yes03:17
vagothcppYeh, with a jailbroken iPhone using wifi03:17
b4rb4usr13: well... one frien needs to enable the manage groups03:17
Malygos3306/tcp open  mysql03:17
loofvagothcpp, : download it to your iphone and copy it to your machine that way. :P03:17
telestrialHey. In ubuntu my internet connection is very slow...but in Windows it's the right speed. How can I resolve this?03:17
loofvagothcpp, : i'm assuming the iphone isn't a useless hunk of crap03:17
b4rb4usr13: he is going to system > adm > etc... and see that manage groups are disable...03:17
vagothcppdownload it from?03:17
loofvagothcpp, : you said you needed to download an ndiswrapper, i'm assuming you know which one? :/03:18
telestrialDoes anyone have any suggestions?03:18
vagothcppnot really03:19
usr13b4rb4: You mean System > Administration > Users and Groups  ?03:19
loofvagothcpp, : http://sourceforge.net/projects/ndiswrapper/03:19
ArkoldThosterr_, there?03:19
RequinB4I'm consdidering buying a macbook pro with vista installed (i assume with bootcamp?) and i'm wondering if i can install ubuntu, how it will work with GRUB etc03:19
vagothcppand compile from source?03:19
usr13b4rb4: Tell him to click the Unlock button.03:19
RequinB4vagothcpp - ndiswrapper is in the repos03:20
b4rb4usr13: yeah, i'm follow this path what you write...03:20
loofvagothcpp, : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NDISwrapper read that if you don't understand it you're prolly better off not touching it03:20
b4rb4usr13: and, nothing is enable03:20
usr13b4rb4: Click on  "Unlock"03:21
vagothcppwell asus wl-138G v2 doesnt compile and others have said that they've needed ndiswrapper03:21
b4rb4usr13: just put a root password, and its done?03:21
usr13b4rb4: user password03:21
telestrialHi. Ubuntu is handling my wireless router correctly...when in Windows I get perfect speed...but with ubuntu I get little to NOTHING. Anyone know why?03:21
MachinTrucCould someone please help me test whether I've successfully set up openssh-server? I need someone to ssh to on port 2223 and tell me if they see the Ubuntu banner.03:21
runelindI'm running a barebones installation of ubuntu, and according to the interwebs I'm supposed to be able to get CPU temperature via the command line by looking at /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/****/temperature - however on my system running an NVIDIA ION board, /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/ is empty, am I missing a package or is my motherboard incompatible?03:22
loofvagothcpp, : it didn't come with a linux driver? =S03:22
entropyI have imported my pgp key, yet I stillg et an authentication error upon running su.03:22
b4rb4usr13: so... but just me use this OS on laptop... no have other user03:23
vagothcppIt does, but wont compile03:23
usr13b4rb4: (Ubuntu does not use root)03:23
RequinB4I'm consdidering buying a macbook pro with vista installed (i assume with bootcamp?) and i'm wondering if i can install ubuntu, how it will work with GRUB etc03:23
usr13b4rb4: What are you trying to do?  What are we trying to fix?03:23
usr13b4rb4: What is your native language?03:23
RequinB4b4rb4 yes after unlock put in your user password03:24
loofvagothcpp, : what's the compile error?03:24
=== william is now known as Guest62136
toterRequinB4: You can run ubuntu on vmware03:25
toterthat's what I do03:25
RequinB4toter isn't that resource intensive03:25
RequinB4the thing is i know i can make it work w/o the windows stuff03:25
A|iany idea why i cannot run any kernel modules? (mysql is installed): sudo /etc/init.d/mysql status gives:sudo: /etc/init.d/mysql: command not found03:25
RequinB4i just need to do all 303:25
entropyI have imported my pgp key, yet I stillg et an authentication error upon running su.03:26
toterRequinB4: I can boot Ubuntu on my macbook pro using vmware in 12 seconds.. http://img35.yfrog.com/img35/4968/toterdesktopjaunty20090.png03:26
vagothcpploof, im on windows forgot to copy, will do so and ocme back03:26
kadobanso...i can't seem to find the package in jaunty for tor.  am i just blind, or is it really not there for some reason?03:27
AceKingCan someone help me with redistributing disk space?03:27
toterRequinB4: It's a macbook pro. it is resource intensive... but the macbook can handle it03:27
CaneToadMy Nokia 6230i mobile died....anyone recommend any recent Australia/Euro phones that plays well with connection to Linux, GSM?03:27
usr13AceKing: Sure03:27
RequinB4toter: sweet03:27
entropyI have imported my pgp key, yet I stillg et an authentication error upon running su.03:27
b4rb4usr13: portuguese man... sorry03:27
AceKingusr13: Thank you03:27
loofrunelind, : what nvidia drivers are you running on your ion machine?  you should be able to check the thermals right in the driver control panel under system-> administration (or system-preferences?) i forget which.03:27
b4rb4usr13: my english is not good03:27
DILi have macbook pro xp on boot camp and ubuntu on virtualbox on the mac side03:28
usr13!portuguese | b4rb403:28
ubottub4rb4: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.03:28
RequinB4toter: since you have one, can the macbook pro work with 2GB RAM if i dedicate 2GB to the virtual machine?03:28
n0gearMachinTruc: seems to be down03:28
b4rb4usr13: thanks03:29
loofrunelind: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=nvidia_ion_linux&num=3 see here for reference03:29
toterRequinB4: I bought my macbook pro last week. It has only 2 GB. And with 2 GB, 1GB dedicated to ubuntu, the thing boots in 12 seconds! Imagine what you can do with 4 GB RAM and an SSD drive...03:29
lowlycoderhas anyone managed to use frame buffer objects in opengl in unbutu 9.04? if so, can you post a tutorial?03:29
AceKingusr13: Where do I start?03:30
looflowlycoder: are you using an ati card?03:30
usr13b4rb4: É bem-vindo03:30
toterRequinB4: I'm buying 2 more gigs of RAM next week03:30
RequinB4toter: nice.  I'm also looking at the new ones03:30
=== wrhaynes is now known as Hitman_Forhire
usr13AceKing: pasbebin  df03:31
RequinB4toter: how do you right click?03:31
DrobobotCan anyone help to change MAC address via ifconfig????03:31
rz187can someone help me?  I am trying to figure out how to get the CPU monitor and set on the right of the first screenshot from this link.... http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Slickness+Black?content=7321003:31
markbenI'm having trouble getting trackerd running.  I used Add/Remove programs to install tracker but I don't see a trackerd process running and I'm not getting any results back.03:31
lowlycoderhas anyone managed to use frame buffer objects in opengl in unbutu 9.04? if so, can you post a tutorial?; i'm using a 15" MBP; nvidia card03:31
lowlycoderloof: ^03:31
usr13Drobobot: ifconfig eth0 192.168.1.x03:31
markbenAny idea what I need to do to get trackerd?03:32
usr13Drobobot: ifconfig ethX 192.168.1.x03:32
n0gearDrobobot: MACaddress or IP address?03:32
Drobobotis this number MAC address?03:32
DrobobotMAC address03:32
n0gearDrobobot: u need to use macchanger to change MACaddr03:32
Droboboti have to change it03:32
haiI forgot my pass, I entered rescue mode, drop to root shell.. ran passwd hai<enter> .. set new pass twice, .. reboot, I enter the login info.. but its just black after that.03:32
usr13Drobobot: Oh, MAC address, sorry, that was wrong.03:32
toterRequinB4: The Apple Store guys can show you how. It is very very simple. Instead of clicking the trackpad with one finger, you click it with two fingers03:32
Drobobotcan you send it to me via file transfer?03:33
n0gearDrobobot: sudo apt-get install macchanger03:33
Drobobotno i have no inet working03:33
AceKingusr13: http://paste.ubuntu.com/201813/03:33
usr13Drobobot: ifconfig eth0 down ; ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:11:22:33:44:5503:33
usr13Drobobot: ifconfig eth0 up03:33
RequinB4toter: did you get them to setup the virtual machine?  I'd rather do it myself unless there are other advantages03:34
Aacronsoreau: hey... yeah that didn't work... if I change it to hd(1,0), it seems like it is goign to work but then my system hard-locks03:34
Drobobotok thx i ll try03:34
jlihi, how to enable core dump for my developers?03:35
entropyI have imported my pgp key, yet I still get an authentication error upon running su.03:35
usr13AceKing: Also need to see   fdisk -l03:35
RequinB4toter: anyway that basically solves my problems i guess it'll work out, thanks03:35
toterRequinB4: I'm not sure if they setup virtual machines. I did it everything myself. What's the fun of letting them do all the work?03:35
Filipokany chance i can get you guys to vote for my band?03:36
RequinB4toter: then again it is an apple03:37
usr13Filipok: No problem we will vote for it. What is your question? (about Ubuntu).03:37
toterRequinB4: it is an apple... so?03:38
Filipokusr13: I've pretty much got everything I need. no questions. if this is inappropriate, I apologize and will leave without a further delay or posting of link.03:38
AceKingusr13: I typed fdisk -l in terminal and nothing happened.. Did I type something wrong?03:38
buttons840Anyone know how to configure loopback recording on the alsa mixer sound driver?03:38
usr13AceKing: sudo fdisk -l03:39
Traderso is there a defrag utility for ubuntu?03:39
rz187can someone help me?  I am trying to figure out how to get the CPU monitor and set on the right of the first screenshot from this link.... http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Slickness+Black?content=7321003:39
usr13Trader: No.  It's not needed.03:40
Traderlinux file system doesnt require defrag?03:40
AceKingusr13: http://paste.ubuntu.com/201815/03:40
sebsebseb!defrag |  Trader03:41
ubottuTrader: The default Ubuntu filesystem (ext3) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see http://linkpot.net/behead/ for a simple example on how it achieves this.03:41
markbenany advice on how to install trackerd?  I've selected all the packages I can find in Synaptic but I can't find the trackerd binary or service in /etc/init.d03:41
joezwhere to install udevinfo to Xubuntu, I can't find it by aptitude?03:42
jlarocheokay... need some help here. I uninstalled open office 3.0.1 on my system. Then I downloaded 3.1.0 from the open office site 9the deb package). I then installed 3.1.0 (by unpacking the tar.gz and running sudo dpkg -i *.deb in the main directory and in the desktop integration dir). Unfortunately the program does not work. It crashes over and over and can't open any files. I want to uninstall it but it is no where to be found03:42
jlarochein synaptec and all attempts to run "apt-get purge" or "apt-get remove" have failed (the system says that no such package exists).03:42
sam_Can anyone , recommend any good linux games or windows games that work well on wine. would be much appreciated :-)03:43
markbenDiablo 2 and Starcraft run well on Wine for me.03:43
OpensourceFTWUrban Terror is pretty good03:44
fireballhey all, my user permissions are "wrong", please advise. . . upon start up i receive a message about my .dmrc file being ignored, need 644 permissions and users $home folder not writable by others. . .03:44
markbenI needed to add the Wine repository to get Diablo 2 working though, the Wine version in Ubuntu had problems during install.03:44
sam_diablo 2 haven't played that in years03:44
sam_yeh OpensourceFTW i have ut :D03:44
OpensourceFTWruns on all platforms too03:44
markben+1 to UT03:44
OpensourceFTWworks well with multiple monitors too03:44
sam_is not bad.. just been playing that03:44
rz187is there something better to use then xchat03:45
sam_pidgin! rz187 :D03:45
OpensourceFTW lol03:45
jlarocheokay... need some help here. I uninstalled open office 3.0.1 on my system. Then I downloaded 3.1.0 from the open office site (the deb package). I then installed 3.1.0 (by unpacking the tar.gz and running sudo dpkg -i *.deb in the main directory and in the desktop integration dir). Unfortunately the program does not work. It crashes over and over and can't open any files. I want to uninstall it but it is no where to be found03:45
jlarochein synaptec and all attempts to run "apt-get purge" or "apt-get remove" have failed (the system says that no such package exists).03:45
OpensourceFTWpidgin is too hard03:45
A|iwhy cannot I start/stop kernel modules as root?!03:45
rz187i have that but i dont like it for irc03:45
sam_why is it hard..03:45
OpensourceFTWlol just kidding03:45
sam_:P nice name btw03:45
sam_anyone play wow? lol.03:46
DS28check out Transgaming's Cedega03:46
entropyI have imported my pgp key, yet I still get an authentication error upon running su.03:46
OpensourceFTWive wanted to but never got around. Im scared id like it an then have to pay every month lol03:46
rz187how do i create a perform in xchat grrrr03:46
usr13AceKing: use gparted  Make sda2 smaller, move sda3 down, move sda4 down and make it larger, make sda5 larger03:46
DS28I think that's just for the updates.03:47
DS28not sure though03:47
fireballhey all, my user permissions are "wrong", please advise. . . upon start up i receive a message about my .dmrc file being ignored, need 644 permissions and users $home folder not writable by others. . .03:47
entropycan someone point me to a better cahnnel for pgp key authentication errors?03:47
OpensourceFTWim ready for new diablo to come out03:47
fireballkde updater don't work either, i think it's related03:47
DS28me too D3 looks pretty cool03:47
usr13fireball: $HOME is not supposed to be writable by others.03:48
AceKingusr13: How do I get gparted to run? It tells me Root priveleges required03:48
entropyor maybe a channel with more knowledgeable people of the su command?03:48
FlannelAceKing: gksu gparted03:48
OpensourceFTWyeah it looks like a whole lot of action going on03:48
AceKingFlannel: thank you03:48
usr13AceKing: If it is installed, just run it.  If not download the bootable CD version.03:48
sam_I installed the game and the huge stack of expansions get to the last. DVD it wont open with wine? i ripped, The dvd to my pc... and mounted the iso but it has some layer protection.. and its only showing 2MB file  the game is world of warcraft wraith of the lichking < lol :/03:48
jlarochewell thanks for the non-help. I figured it out myself03:49
usr13!gparted | AceKing03:49
ubottuAceKing: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php03:49
OpensourceFTWive never had too much luck with wine03:49
markbenDS28: I'm remembering when D2 ruined my productivity during exams back in first year uni.03:49
Flannelentropy: You'll be better served if you give all the details--you imported your key to what?  What are you trying to accomplish? (heck, first off, why are you using su instead of sudo?)03:49
OpensourceFTWgod bless them for trying though lol03:49
sam_if anyone has it installed please give me some advice to get it to load :-(03:49
KDeskWhere can I get Firefox for 64-bit?03:49
fireballusr13: how do i fix please, i tried the permissions from properties, so far no luck03:49
sam_trying and going around in circles03:50
usr13fireball: I do not understand your situation.  You will need to tell us more about your situation.03:50
=== chari2 is now known as charitwo
usr13fireball: Tell us exactly what you are trying to do, or what is wrong, and/or what caused the problem.03:51
ZykoticK9rz187, still want to know how to get that system montior?03:51
SinDerElaI need SIS 630 accellerator drivers03:51
OpensourceFTWi would recommend crossover from code weavers. You have to tinker with wine to much03:51
fireballwhen i log in, i get a message that states my ,drmc file is being ignored etc. I think this is also why my kde updater isn't working and backtraces "unusable", because of weird write permissions somewhere03:52
Aacronanyone in here know grub very well?  I'm having an issue and the #grub peeps are not very gregarious in there... :(03:52
entropyFlannel: I used this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto after getting an Authentication error. I followed it all the way to Mail. I am trying to install by this link: http://quitte.de/dsp/caps.html#Installation03:52
fireballit says i need 644 permissions ???03:52
Lunar_LampAacron: don't ask to ask, just ask :-)03:52
DILfireball: i am just recovering from what you are asking google it - one of my 3 drives crashed installed a new one and got the dmrc message i had to reinstall and copy over home folder files03:52
scunizifireball: sudo chmod 644 <path/to/file/or/directory>03:53
usr13Aacron: What are you trying to do?03:53
Aacronokay I have a wierd situation03:53
dewwfireball: make sure your home directory isn't world readable03:53
OpensourceFTWdid you encrypt any of you drives03:53
fireballdil: thanks, trying it now03:53
ZykoticK9rz187, "sudo apt-get install conky", then download the conky theme off that same link and run conky with "conky -c 74972-conkyrc"03:53
AacronI have a sil0680 ide-PATA card that I use cause I have only one IDE onboard03:53
markbenFigured out my tracker problem.  trackerd is installed in /usr/lib/tracker/trackerd.03:54
Flannelentropy: What command are you using to get the gpg error?03:54
markbenIt's only started when you login not like the other services.03:54
DILfireball: i installed on the new drive not over the existing03:54
Aacronand before, I had ubuntu on the 0680, but grub woudln't boot at all... I changed the drive order, and re-installed, and not grub loads and will boot up linux, but will not load windows03:54
ZykoticK9rz187, FYI conky when run in the root window won't show up if you have Compiz's wallpaper feature turned on03:54
entropyFlannel: su03:54
sebsebsebsam_: #winehq is usually better for Wine stuff03:54
cornwallAacron: Is windows still on the list?03:54
Aacroni've read all i can find on it and I cant figure it out03:54
Flannelentropy: Ubuntu doesn't use su.  Use sudo instead.03:54
Aacronand I can mount my windows partition in ubuntu03:55
OpensourceFTWput your windows disk in and reload your bootloader03:55
entropyFlannel: Done and done, thank you03:55
Flannelentropy: you know that caps is in the repositories already, right?03:55
OpensourceFTWgoogle it for exact instructions03:55
Aacronalthough ubuntu doesn't see my RAID set (game and backup drive)03:55
OpensourceFTWive had to do it before03:55
entropyFlannel: yes, and I did install it before installing this.03:55
Lunar_LampAacron: do what OpensourceFTW says - you want something like /fixmbr from memory03:55
Aacronubuntu sees it as two seperate HDs that are empty :(03:55
cornwallAacron: I've read about that problem somewhere.... I think it was on the FAQ of the Supergrub wiki. I'll see if I can find it.03:55
Aacronif i do that then I lose ubuntu :(03:56
Flannelentropy: Alright, I must not understand the question then, but glad you figured it out.03:56
Aacrongrub to boot ubuntu anyhow..03:56
AceKingusr13: I have 125 gb of unallocated space. When I click on ones you told me, the resize option is not available03:56
Aacronif in the grub menu, i edit the entry for windows to hd(1,0), it says starting up, but then my system hard-locks :(03:56
DILdrive cannot be mounted03:57
OpensourceFTWWhen dual booting I recommend unplugging other system drives while installing a new os. That way in the future the bootloaders dont get messed up.03:57
Aacronthat is actually what I had to do03:57
AacronI dotn have a working floppy03:57
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OpensourceFTWjust press F12 to select what drive to boot into03:58
Aacronso I coudlnt' isntall xp while it was on the 068003:58
Aacronneed to be able to put in the driver disk for windows03:58
scuniziAacron: is windows on the second harddrive in the first partition?03:58
Aacronso I installed windows on the motherboard IDE , then moved it to the 680 and put ubuntu on the primary IDE03:59
cornwallAacron: here's some FAQs from the SuperGrub Wiki that has the sort of question you have:03:59
FloodBot1cornwall: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:59
DishtroyerI need help installing my fax modem. Its a PCTEL. I tried figuring it out myself but I'm just not good enoug.03:59
Aacronerm... this would be a better description of what I've been dealing with (forum post) once sec03:59
Aacroncornwall, SGD hard-locks my system too :(03:59
scuniziDishtroyer: is it a usb modem?03:59
Aacronone sec03:59
cornwallAacron: You mean, just BEING in SGD locks it? O.o04:00
Aacronhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1194252 is the post that describes what I'm dealing with04:00
Aacronbut running th e'automagic repair' does :(04:00
Dishtroyer(scunzini) no, its a PCI card04:00
Aacronand tryign to boot windows does04:00
Aacronright now though it just says erorr 17 or 22... cant remember :))04:00
cornwallAacron: Well, all I can do is show you those questions. They seemed relevant. I don't know much about GRUB more than the basics04:01
cornwallAacron: Sorry I can't be of more help04:01
Aacronits okay :P04:01
=== administrator is now known as Guest90862
Aacronthanks for tryin' :P04:02
n2diyTesting, just setup Pidgin on Jaunty.04:02
Guest90862dil: it's fireball, back again. chmod 644 killed that user completely!04:02
Aacroni just dont understand it :( ubuntu sees the drive, can even mount and peruse my windows drive04:02
Aacronoh is there a way to turn off the enter/leave message on pidgin?  killin me04:03
scuniziDishtroyer: not all modems are created equil.. the vast majority and almost all pci cards are software modems. Your chances of getting it to work are I hate to say.. slim. I had the same problem.  I needed outbound fax capability.. (new post hang on)04:03
Guest90862dil: "kstartupconfig4 does not exist or fails. The error code is 3. Check your installation"04:03
DILfireball: i installed on the new drive not over the existing04:03
Guest90862hmmm. What's my best option?04:04
scuniziDishtroyer: so after trying 2 external serial modems and 5 different pci modems from various era's, I brokedown and spent $49 for a usb modem that said it supported linux.. If you'd like a link to what I got I'll give it to you.04:04
DILfireball: i then copied files from home folder to new install - the tutorial did not work forme04:04
Aacronscunizi: wow external *serial* modems were software modems?  din't think is possible :(04:05
KDeskWhere can I get Firefox 3.5 for 64-bit in Jaunty?04:05
n2diyOk, Pidgin has command line completion, does it have up arrow command recall like xchat-gnome?04:05
KDeskOr can I copy the one from Karmic?04:05
Dishtroyerscunizi: before you do that, have you seen http://linmodems.technion.ac.il/pctel-linux ?04:05
Guest90862so make sure i've got this right please, because somehow my write permissions are wrong, my only option is to recreate the user from scratch? Seems a bit excessive]\04:06
scuniziAacron: some are and some arn't.. I use to have an external that worked but it failed after a couple of years.. the replacement was from the same company and similar but didn't work.  I've seen the link,, tried and tried.. nothing..04:06
FoxMulderhi all...04:06
Dishtroyerscunizi: some documentation I recevied from the ubuntu website.04:06
DrobobotHey I have changed MAC address by ifconfig, but after reboot it brings back the older MAC addr...How can i change it permanently???04:07
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ericindcAnyone familiar w/ GNU screen know how I can start a window and cd it to a different directory?04:07
usr13Drobobot: Put commands in /etc/rc.local04:07
OpensourceFTWchange it in your router04:07
scuniziDishtroyer: the 3 externals I've tried were all us robotics.. one worked, one didn't and replaced both with a 3rd.. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1682510400604:07
OpensourceFTWthen power off your router and modem04:07
DILDrobobot:   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MAC_address04:08
Drobobotusr13: that willmake it permanent?04:08
usr13Drobobot: Yes04:08
Drobobotusr13: THANX MUCH!04:09
Dhdo74hey everyone what will stop the beeping noises on my laptop04:09
usr13Drobobot: That will change the MAC address after each reboot04:09
usr13Drobobot: NP04:09
entropyWhere is my local .asoundrc alsa configuration file?04:10
Dishtroyerscunizi: well, my problem is my windows crashed. I can't even boot to it. I tried to put the hard drive into an external usb case and boot to it and grub gives me an error 18. I tried and tried to figure out how to get ubuntu to recognize the PCTEL but failed. I finally grabbed a junk HD off my shelf, loaded windows just enough to get online.04:10
petafileSo I dual boot and use a fakeraid mirror.  One of my drives had a temporary crash while I was runding windows, so I rebuilt it with the intel tool, and now ubuntu won't boot because my /dev/mapper/whatever partition doesn't exist.  HOw do I fix that?04:10
BePhantomhi all, i'm going to install jaunty in a P4 with 1GB of RAM, I'm not going to use hibernation, which size should choose for Swap partition?04:10
=== TheQ_ is now known as TheQ
DishtroyerI wish ubuntu was as easy as windows04:11
OpensourceFTWITs easier in alot of ways04:12
usr13Dishtroyer: What do you mean?04:12
BePhantomis 478MB of swap enough for 1GB of RAM?04:12
usr13Dishtroyer: Ubuntu is easier than MS Windows!04:12
cornwallBePhantom: I'd give it 1 GB, personally04:12
OpensourceFTWyes but you prob dont need that much04:12
DishtroyerWith windows, you click "add hardware and it goes pretty much all by itself04:12
BePhantomcornwall, but i never hibernate04:12
OpensourceFTWbe sure to use ext4 filesystem04:13
cornwallBePhantom: ah, missed that :)04:13
BePhantomcornwall, is 478 enough?04:13
usr13Dishtroyer: What hardware are you adding?04:13
OpensourceFTWprob not04:13
BePhantommaybe less?04:13
unikon whats the cmd to upgrade pidgin isnt it sudo apt-get upgrade pidgin     please correct me if im wrong04:13
Hylianhey, nothing too serious to say, just wanted to say i replaced windows vista with ubuntu 8.04 a month ago, and no complaints. it makes windows look sick.04:13
Dishtroyerusr13: PCTEL fax modem04:14
n2diyDishtroyer: and it is just as easy to catch something with Windows too.04:14
cornwallBePhantom: I'd still put a little more PERSONALLY, but I think that would be enough04:14
FoxMulderjava -version show me the correct version 1.6.0, but in /etc/jvm there's no mention to 1.6.0...is this rigth? http://paste.ubuntu.com/201827/   thanks all...04:14
Dishtroyern2diy: only if you aren't careful04:14
JohnnyBGoodeI need help with my usb microphone04:14
OpensourceFTWI would say use 2gb. Because if you using 64bit its going to use more ram than 32bit. Especially firefox04:14
bastidrazorunikon, having yahoo troubles with pidgin?04:15
petafileIs there a channel devoted to dmraid topics?04:15
ubottuUh, don't you mean !apt ?04:15
el_americanodoes 2.27.2 work with yahoo? I get an instant "Network error"04:15
el_americanosorry, empathy 2.27.204:15
unikonyes im using the previos version 2.5.6 how can i upgrade to the latest04:16
bastidrazor!yahoo | unikon04:16
ubottuunikon: At the moment there are many pidgin users experiencing problems connecting to Yahoo IM, you can try changing your paging server to cs101.msg.mud.yahoo.com and see if that helps.04:16
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cornwallHylian: are you new to Ubuntu?04:16
sebsebsebunikon: Ubuntu only do security updates from the repo, so you need ppa's04:16
Hylianoh one more thing before i go, im so glad gnome apps arent all gnotepad and gnautilus. (wink wink kde dudes)04:16
sebsebsebunikon: or to compile yourself or whatever04:16
bastidrazorunikon, also they are working getting the fix for this out as soon as possible. currently the upgrade isn't available.. you can install the fix from a deb if you want it04:17
sebsebseb!ppa > unikon04:17
ubottuunikon, please see my private message04:17
macoer...kde apps aren't all k* nowadays04:17
el_americanoThat's why I moved to empathy, but it failed with msn. Then I tried the PPA version, and yahoo is failing again.04:17
joshthecoderthere are some gnome apps with g*04:17
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)04:17
unikonthanks sebsebseb04:18
sebsebsebunikon: np04:18
bastidrazorunikon, if switching your paging server doesn't work you could install with the .deb  :: http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Fix-Yahoo-problem-in-Pidgin-114754.shtml04:18
el_americanoI want to revert from the PPA empathy version, but removing the ppa repo and updating didn't do anything.04:19
BGL-[e]i tried loading 9.04 live on an older toshiba (celeron-m) laptop today and the mofo took forever then froze every time :(04:19
BGL-[e]toshiba satellite, don't have the exact model though04:19
BGL-[e]pretty sure it's not having hardware issues as windows wasn't having any freezing or anything04:20
cornwallel_americano: did you try 'sudo apt-get autoremove' and 'sudo apt-get clean' as well?04:20
BGL-[e]i was bummed, i need a live cd to help w/getting some data off the (spyware'd & trojan'd) hd04:20
JohnnyBGoodei need help with a usb headset04:20
JohnnyBGoodeany help?04:20
BGL-[e]think you can get a usb sound card of sorts and plug a headset into that04:21
Ademandoes anyone know of an ls like tool (or an ls flag) that will make its recursive output list the directory structure more like a tree?04:21
bastidrazorAdeman, you could just install 'tree'04:21
bastidrazor!info tree04:22
ubottutree (source: tree): displays directory tree, in color. In component universe, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 29 kB, installed size 96 kB04:22
el_americanokirby@macbuntu:~$ sudo apt-get autoremove04:22
el_americanoReading package lists... Done04:22
el_americanoBuilding dependency tree04:22
el_americanoReading state information... Done04:22
el_americano0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.04:22
el_americanokirby@macbuntu:~$ sudo apt-get clean04:22
FloodBot1el_americano: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:22
Ademanthanks bastidrazor sounds good04:22
bastidrazorel_americano, you would need to uninstall and reinstall the applicatino04:22
cornwallel_americano: now install empathy04:22
JohnnyBGoodeany help with a USB headset?04:23
usr13Ademan:  bastidrazor There's also midnight commander04:23
el_americanoremoving empathy didn't remove any dependencies, so very little is getting removed. I will try again.04:23
bastidrazorel_americano, after removing the ppa do sudo apt-get update04:24
usr13Ademan:  bastidrazor See: http://www.midnight-commander.org/04:24
usr13Ademan: bastidrazor It's in the repos.  sudo apt-get install mc04:24
JohnnyBGoodeCan anyone help me get my microphone working?04:25
el_americanoOK, now it wants to go back to 2.26.1, but: Depends: libempathy-gtk19 but it is not going to be installed and Depends: libempathy23 but it is not going to be installed04:25
usr13JohnnyBGoode: Check to make sure it's not just muted.04:26
Apollo2366Hey, when I put a disk in my CD/DVD drive, Ubuntu doesn't do anything at all. When I try to open Places >> Computer >> CD-RW/DVD+RW it just gives an error message: "Unable to mount location."04:26
JohnnyBGoodeusr13 i can't hear anything in it04:26
JohnnyBGoodeusr13 its a headset with a mic04:27
usr13JohnnyBGoode: Check to see that it doesn't need to be plugged into another port.04:27
JohnnyBGoodei tried plugging it into another usb port04:28
usr13JohnnyBGoode: Oh, it's USB?  Well, I can't help you there.04:28
JohnnyBGoodeok thanks04:28
usr13JohnnyBGoode: Get one that plugs into the sound card ports.04:29
OpensourceFTWis it just the microphone thats not working04:29
Apollo2366He left04:29
Dishtroyerfloodbot has joined #ubuntu04:34
Apollo2366Hey, Zosh04:35
Zosh just installed ubuntu.. I have 7.0404:35
ZoshI want to update04:35
Zoshbut its giving me errors04:35
Zoshit says Could not download all repository indexes04:35
Apollo2366Open Applications >> Accessories >> terminal >> type "sudo apt-get update" and hit enter04:35
koshariZosh why dont you install fresh04:36
ZoshI don't have extra cd04:36
koshariZosh use a usb key04:36
ZoshApollo2366: I did that but it has errors fetching04:36
JayXhey all!04:36
bastidrazor7.04 has reached end of life.04:37
Zosh:( can't I just upgrade?04:37
ramaelhello, Im planning to buy me a new lap. it is Acer Aspire 5735Z-423, and it is not on the list of ubuntu, does anyone know if it is compatible???04:37
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases04:37
mbennette68Hi, is there any documentation on how to set the path on ubuntu or in which file the path is stored?04:37
usr13Apollo2366: Is your internet connection ok?04:37
Apollo2366Zosh, hold on04:37
ZoshApollo2366: ok04:37
koshariZosh it will take a lot longer and theres often the risk of probs when you skip a dist04:37
Apollo2366usr13, yeah why?04:37
cornwallZosh: I think it would be best in the long run to get your hands on another CD04:38
n2diy__Zosh:  get the latest LTS version, 8.10, and then you can upgrade to 9.04.04:38
JayXIS THERE  a way in ubuntu to change the tittle of the panel options (Applications, PLacce & System ) ? I want to make then shorter so i can dock more apps to my panel04:38
koshariZosh you dont have a 1 gb or bigger memory stick?04:38
ramaelI dont want to end up with stupid virows X304:38
Apollo2366Zosh, try "sudo apt-get upgrade"04:38
koshari n2diy 8.10 isnt a LTS ver04:38
n2diy__koshari: I was afraid of that, can' find my notes.04:38
JayXramael:  whats a virows?04:38
ZoshApollo2366: nothing happened..04:39
Zoshhmm wait I have an extra dvd-rw04:39
Zoshmight wrok04:39
Dishtroyer<--- needs info on how to install a PCTEL modem04:39
Zoshwhat burner should I use?04:39
Zoshwhat burner should I use?04:39
koshariZosh you dont have aa usb stick?04:39
Apollo2366Zosh, then download the 9.04 install iso04:39
Zoshkoshari: it's full04:39
Apollo2366put in the dvd04:39
koshariZosh save the info, use the stick and copy it back04:40
JayXIS THERE  a way in ubuntu to change the tittle of the panel options (Applications, PLacce & System ) ? I want to make then shorter so i can dock more apps to my panel04:40
Apollo2366and use brasero if it's already installed04:40
Zosherr it's not..04:40
cornwallJayX: Right click on the panel and select "Add to Panel". There's a small "menu bar"04:40
hikenboothello I setup ubuntu server with a non raided /boot directory and a raided / and /home directory with lvm so its raided and on lvm...On first boot it fails saying there appears to be more than one degraded raid devices...anyone know how to fix?04:40
mbennette68Hi, is there any documentation on how to set the path (persistently) on ubuntu or in which file the path is stored?04:40
Ademanusr13: as I understand it midnight commander is a full file manager really, all I want is dumping out a directory structure in this format: http://docs.python.org/distutils/setupscript.html#installing-package-data04:41
hikenbooti dont think there is a problem with the disks.04:41
Zoshkoshari: hmm I'll try.. :(04:41
hikenbootI think its an installer bug04:41
cornwallJayX: er, sorry, it's called "main menu"04:41
JayXcornwall:  now i know how to add an app, i want more viewing space!04:41
koshariZosh you can use unetbootin to copy the iso onto the stick04:41
Apollo2366Zosh, well there should be something... if there's not, try finding a program in the repos if you can04:41
hikenbootusing the 9.04 server disk04:41
ZoshApollo2366: how?04:41
el_americanothanks cornwall and bastidrazor, I had to remove libempathys, gtks, and commons too, but it eventually reverted. Yahoo still doesn't work, but I'll keep messing with it. Maybe pidgin plus the new server will be the answer for a while, but empathy should be working.04:42
ZoshI can't use synaptic and sudo apt-get install wont install anything04:42
cornwallJayX: This isn't adding an app. the "Main Menu" is just a little Ubuntu symbol that will make things much more consolidated04:42
kainhi all, does anyone know of a site that publishes ubuntu or linux news and stuff like that (like pcworld is for windows)04:42
JayXcornwall:  i want to change t5he tittle of the thing and make it shoerter eg. i want to change the "applications: to "apps"04:42
Apollo2366Zosh, hmm that sucks. Well just download the iso for now.04:42
mslmbennette68, You should have a look at ~/.profile if you want to alter your PATH04:42
bastidrazorel_americano, http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Fix-Yahoo-problem-in-Pidgin-114754.shtml    you could use this deb if !Y is still fubared04:43
n2diy__JayK right click on the panel, then properties, and you can adjust, umm, pixels I think?04:43
mbennette68cool thanks for your help :)04:43
ramaelanyone knows if acer aspire 5735Z-423 is compatible with ubuntu????04:43
n2diy__kain: linuxjournal.com04:44
buckyhikenboot: is this with dmraid04:44
OpensourceFTWit should be04:44
the-alchemistIf my system crashes hard, what actions can I take to diagnose the problem after reboot?04:44
JayXn2diy__:  i want horizontal view, not vertical04:44
hikenbooti think the installer uses dmraid04:44
hikenbootits not hardware raid if thats what you mean04:44
n2diy__JayK right click on the panel, then properties, and you can adjust the location.04:45
Apollo2366Zosh, and keep asking back here. Someone more knowlegable than I will help you out.04:45
el_americanobastidrazor: Yes, I had pidgin working with the new server. I was just trying to move to empathy.04:45
overlordHow do I install a deb for i386 architecture on a 64bit system ?04:45
bastidrazorel_americano, ahh.. cool glad the new server worked04:45
=== Mr is now known as Guest66445
Apollo2366So does anyone know why my CD/DVD drive won't read discs?04:46
Guest66445i still doont gei it04:46
HowToHow do I erase all iptables rules? I only have 2 so far.04:46
JayXn2diy__:  cornwall Im looking to just change the title of the ubuntu menu  i want the "Applications" to be "App;s"  and "System" to be "Sys" (rename / abbreviate )04:47
buckyhikenboot: i stumbled thru the install in expert mode and made sure the partitioner accepted my raid type fs but the kicker was it asked me if i wanted the 'most' option for modules in the initrd04:47
ramaelhave anyone tried ubuntu on acer aspire 5735Z?04:47
n2diy__JayK ah, I'm clueless about that, I thought you meant changing stuff on there panel.04:48
Apollo2366ramael, try looking on youtube for it04:48
arkhalisterr_: You there?04:48
Guest66445its dificult for me to run exe. in ubuntu04:48
ramaelI did  it apollo2366, but notting close comes up04:48
media`Ive never really used any linux other than a gnome desktop.  I installed xubuntu on a laptop I have and when I set it up do I add the regular ubuntu repos04:48
Apollo2366ramael, Google search?04:48
media`or are there certain ones for xubuntu04:48
lwizardldoes anyone know of a ftp client that can be set to limit downloads to 30 files04:49
cornwallJayX: I'm looking in the Gconf-editor and I can't find an entry04:49
JayXn2diy__ ok thnaksz  and its JayX not JayK :P04:49
Apollo2366Guest66445, search Synaptic Package Manager for "wine"04:49
Pici!wine | Guest6644504:49
ubottuGuest66445: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu04:49
JayXApollo2366:  what does "wine" really do may I ask? i been hearing about it alot these days04:50
n2diy__JayX, ok, sorry, don't get old, your eyes play tricks on you, GL.04:50
Apollo2366JayX, I don't really know a whole lot about it, but I guess it just imitates the Windows environment for software.04:50
lwizardlJayX, basically allows you to run some windows program on linux04:50
Apollo2366JayX, it stands for WINE Is Not an Emulator04:51
JayXlwizardl:  when u say "some" you mean "some"?  can i run/use .exe programs with WINE?04:52
=== Guest89108 is now known as jumentous
Apollo2366JayX, yes04:52
cornwallJayX: however, not all programs will work04:52
bastidrazor!appdb | JayX04:52
ubottuJayX: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help04:52
cornwallJayX: some will work without a hitch, and some will just not ever run04:52
lwizardlJayX, yes you can, but some program have flaws. example DVDDecrypter04:52
unikonsebsebseb following the instructions on the softpedia yahoo problem in pidgin fix im using 8.04 LTS wich isnt listed but should be04:53
JayXThanks! bastidrazor04:53
andrewjacksonhey i am a complete noob to linux and was wondering if Ubuntu is a good distro to start on for a noob coming from WindowsXp04:53
olskolirchow do I play wmv in my firefox please?  I need a free codec04:53
bastidrazor!codecs | olskolirc04:53
ubottuolskolirc: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:53
arkhalisterr_: BOO!04:54
cornwallandrewjackson: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/windows/C/04:54
DishtroyerAnyoneknow the error codes for GRUB?04:54
hikenbootwhen it drops me to the shell it indicates both md devices are not active cat /proc/mdstat04:54
losherandrewjackson: Ubuntu is a very good choice for a noob. Make sure you get version 8.04.2 though04:54
Apollo2366So, anyone have an idea as to why my CD/DVD drive won't mount?04:55
bastidrazorDishtroyer, http://www.uruk.org/orig-grub/errors.html04:55
cornwallJayX: I've searched around the configurations, I can't find any values that I can edit for that04:55
Geometryhey all whats a good dock system for ubuntu04:55
bastidrazorGeometry, AWN or Cairo-Dock04:55
hikenbootwhats your cd not doing Apollo236604:55
Geometrywhich would you preffer?04:55
bastidrazorGeometry, i prefer and use cairo-dock04:56
JayXcornwall:  thanks for your help, perhapsthere is a way to change the text to icons? (app's, place, system??)04:56
Geometrywhere can i pick that up at?04:56
andrewjacksonok so if i completely delete my hard drive i could install ubuntu correct?04:56
cornwallJayX: did you even look at that little applet I told you about?'04:56
arkhalischeck the repos Geometry04:56
bastidrazor!info cairo-dock04:56
ubottucairo-dock (source: cairo-dock): A light and eye-candy dock to launch your programs easily. In component universe, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 312 kB, installed size 928 kB04:56
Apollo2366hikenboot, whenever I insert a CD, nothing happens at all, no error messages. Whenever I try to open Places >> Computer >> CD-RW/DVD+RW Drive it gives an error message: "Unable to mount location." That's it.04:56
JayXcornwall:  yea playing with it now04:57
jumentoushi, at what point does a preseed file kick in at? it seems that i can set things like locale on the kernel command line (when remastering the cd) but when included in the preseed file they never get picked up04:57
arkhalisterr_: msg me04:57
hikenbootwhat happens when you umount /dev/cdrom0  and umount /dev/cdrom and sudo eject cdrom?04:58
hikenbootwhat kind of cdrom is it?04:58
Geometryi cant find it in the add move application section04:58
bastidrazorGeometry, sudo apt-get install cairo-dock04:58
Zoshhow do I add permission to a windows drive?04:59
Apollo2366hikenboot, it's a DVD with images, music, and text files on it04:59
ZoshI want to put something to my windows drive04:59
jumentouslast i checked cairo-dock was out of date, there is a repository on the website that you can use for latest version, though i checked a while ago04:59
JayXbastidrazor:  is there a Database of all app's i can get for Jaunty by using "sudi apt-get install" ? ?05:00
hikenbootwhat happens when u do those 3 commands?05:00
shiznebitJayX: synatpic ?05:00
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org05:00
Apollo2366hikenboot, h/o I'll run them05:00
ZoshApollo2366: can ya help me out? :p05:00
bastidrazorJayX, you could look in synaptic at what apps are available based on what repo's you have enabled.05:00
JayXshiznebit: dont i have to add repo's to synaptic to vieew them05:01
ctmjrZosh: tey this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions/ThirdPartyNTFS3G05:01
JayXbastidrazor:  if i dont   have a certain repo installed/enabled can i still get the app using terminal?05:01
Zoshk thanks05:01
the-alchemistIs /var/log/syslog the first port of call to diagnose a system crash?05:02
n2diy__JayX: many repos are in synaptic, but not all of them are enabled.05:02
bastidrazorJayX, synaptic and apt-get both use the same file for repo's .. so no.05:02
shiznebitJayX: no you have to add the repository for that certain app05:02
bullgard4What GNOME program provides the association or mapping of a key pressed to a character sent to the processor?05:02
Apollo2366hikenboot, sorry for the wait, the problem is actually on my friend's comp05:03
hikenbootok so what happens when you run them on  your friends computer05:03
Apollo2366hikenboot, He's running them now05:03
n2diy__bullgard4: do you want to remap your keyboard, or just enter extended characters at will?05:04
JayXis there an online list of all repo's / apps ? ? ? shiznebit: n2diy__ bastidrazor05:04
JohnLHey guys, I'm having a problem booting up the Ubuntu live cd, I keep getting errors, could someone help me out?05:04
hikenbootwhat he might try at a command line is sudo mount /dev/dvd -t iso9660 /media/cdrom005:04
n2diy__JayX, I don't know, google might?05:04
shiznebitJayX: yea, just google PPA05:04
shiznebitJayX: yea, just google " PPA ubuntu "05:05
Apollo2366hikenboot, I'll pass it on, thanks.05:05
JohnLI keep getting "ACPI: Aborted because broken padding."05:05
JohnLAnyone have any ideas?05:05
bastidrazorJayX, be careful.. adding 3rd party repo's can lead to trouble.05:05
JayXbastidrazor:  thanks will keep an eye out for 3rd party05:06
bullgard4n2diy__: After dist-upgrade to 9.04 my computer does not react or react wrongly to pressing arrow keys or the 'Alt Gr' key in GNOME. It is ok on the virtual consoles.05:06
DatzHi when I run "sudo apt-get update" I get The method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/https could not be found05:06
arkhalisJohnL: Google is your friend, first response http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96824705:07
Apollo2366hikenboot, bash:unmount: command not found05:07
hikenbootnot unmount sorry umount05:07
Apollo2366oh lol k05:08
n2diy__bullgard4: hmm, don't know, you might want to look around in system>prefrences>keyboard?05:08
JohnLGotcha. I've downloaded from so many different providers05:08
JohnLI suppose I'll have to try again05:08
JayXdoes anyoneknow how to tether an ipohoneso it can work with ubuntu?05:09
JayXiphone so*05:09
BePhantomhi all, how do i activate the old intrepid update notifier in jaunty?05:09
BePhantomthe one that shows an icon in the deskbar05:09
hikenbootApollo2366, what happens when you mount the insert the cdrom  in your system05:09
jumentousdoes anyone know how to diagnose why a preseed files isn't being picked up?05:09
hikenbootsp /mount the insert/insert/05:10
arkhalisJohnL: be sure to do an md5 checksum on the image of your live cd to save yourself wasting countless cd's05:10
n2diy__BePhantom: Jaunty does that.05:10
Apollo2366hikenboot, sudo eject cdrom ejects the tray, as normal.05:10
bullgard4n2diy__: This opens the 'Keyboard Preferences' dialog. What is the command-line command to open the Keyoard Preferences dialog?05:10
BePhantomn2diy_ jaunty update will pop up, i want the old intrepid icon05:11
n2diy__bullgard4: I don't know?05:11
BePhantomhow do i activate it?05:11
hikenbootcan you try the cd in your system or is he remote05:11
Apollo2366hikenboot, is sp /mount the insert/insert/ litterally what I type?05:11
Apollo2366hikenboot, he's remote05:11
=== solid_liqAFK is now known as SolidLiq
arkhalisJohnL: Also, if you keep getting corrupt files, try using a download utility to account for lost packets and whatnot... if that helps check all your cables and router, you may have a bad connection somewhere05:11
hikenbootsudo mount /dev/cdrom -t iso9660 /media/cdrom005:11
n2diy__BePhantom: can you right click on the icon, and change it in prefrences?05:11
donnydoes any one know how to uninstall thigs05:12
BePhantomn2diy_, no05:12
Apollo2366hikenboot, I think we got the drive mounted somehow05:13
BePhantomthere's some command line thing i have to write but i dont remember exactly what05:13
ZhouYudonny : what is thigs ?05:13
arkhalisterr_: WAKE UP... before i slap you with a trout ><05:13
hikenbootgood luck05:13
donnyzhouYu_i am trying tu uninstall wow how would i di that05:13
Hobbit`is there any way to set up some sort of chron job to call a command ever 10 minutes?05:13
DatzHi when I run "sudo apt-get update" I get "The method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/https could not be found" How can I fix this?05:13
JayXlollol @ arkhalis05:14
ctmjrdonny: use wine to uninstall it05:14
ZhouYudonny : you can simply delete the folder, but if you install it from apt-get. you can simply type "apt-get remove name-of-the-software"05:14
arkhalisI love my job... beer, karaoke, and ubuntu /love05:14
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:14
sabot_Is there a way to view a program already running on a remote server through ssh05:14
bullgard4What GNOME program provides the association or mapping of a key pressed to a character sent to the processor?05:15
petafileHow do I change the root path for grub boot lines?  I can change /boot/grub/menu.lst, but that gets clobbered by update-grub05:15
jumentous3rd time lucky, preseeds, automated installs, anyone?05:15
ZhouYudonny : it's depend on how you install the program. if you use rpm then use the rpm to uninstall, if you compile it yourself then delete the folder.05:15
n2diy_sabot_: vncviewer.05:15
donnywhat would be the best way to install it again ?? i had a error message when i did it last time05:16
andrewjacksonok guys some people are telling me that Ubuntu teaches bad linux habits is that true?05:16
sabot_is the vnc server the remote?05:16
unitheoryandrewjackson, absolutely05:16
loofjayx: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNQ6W_yUnII&feature=PlayList&p=F4C97023F46BB521&index=0&playnext=1 to see how to use your iphone in ubuntu as a modem05:16
BePhantomplease anyone? i want to activate the old update notification icon in jaunty, i don't want this annoying pop up window, does anyone know how to do it?05:16
elkyandrewjackson, did they provide examples?05:17
JayXloof thnaks05:17
Apollo2366This is kind of annoying, whenever I open an application, the top of the window is always under the top panel on my desktop. What's the problem?05:17
loofjayx: np05:17
andrewjacksonno they didnt specify05:17
andrewjacksonplus im such a newb not sure if i would know what they were talking about05:18
elkyandrewjackson, then until they specify, don't worry about it. when they do, then come and ask specifically05:18
Apollo2366andrewjackson, I'm assuming they mean alienating people from the terminal in favor of a gui05:18
n2diy_andrewjackson: if they don't have specifics, then it is just hearsay.05:18
=== haavaros is now known as haavaros|zzz
lucaxis there any program that changes desktop wallpaper and puts a new one from the web, so i dont repeat any wallpaper??05:19
mbostwickhello, whenever I try to boot up a Firefox addon or start a program in wine that uses opengl it fail's ...I think opengl is not working....can anyone help me with this ?05:20
DishtroyerIs there any way to uninstall grub? or at least disable it?05:21
Apollo2366Dishtroyer, why would you want to do that?05:21
ctmjrmbostwick: in a terminal type glxinfo | grep render05:21
unitheoryDishtroyer, if you do that you won't be able to boot from your hard drive05:21
andrewjacksonguys can i use vmplayer to run ubuntu05:22
mbostwicka lot of: Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".: one of: Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual or fbconfig05:22
BePhantomplease help me05:23
linuxguy2009Guys I cant remember what the default Ubuntu 9.04 window manager is, I installed Mac4Lin and I think I told it to change it by accident but not sure.Cause my compiz wont start.Whats the default window manager?05:23
nztalandrewjackson, i know how to untar a .tar.gz file from command line.  a .bz2 file, i'd have to google it.  however, in ubuntu i can right click and extract.  i suppose, thats a crutch from memorizing how to extract .bz2 from a console.  i should find me quick reference cheat sheet, save me the trouble of moving that extracted folder :)05:23
unitheoryBePhantom, for what application?05:23
unitheorylinuxguy2009, metacity and/or compiz05:23
BePhantomi just want the old update alert, the icon that's in the deskbar05:23
linuxguy2009ah thats right.Thank you.05:23
DishtroyerWhen I connect my hard drive to my external usb case, grub gives me an error 1805:23
ctmjrmbostwick: did you install any graphic card drivers?05:23
DishtroyerIt wont boot05:24
mbostwick ctmjr: yes nvidia drivers05:24
andrewjacksonnztal: sounds easier05:24
arkhalisctmjr, mbostwick: thats what i was gonna say, doesn't sound like you have any drivers installed05:24
BePhantomhow do i enable the old update alert in jaunty? like in intrepid05:24
ecreti need 20gigs of ram to run a program. Is it possible to use a part of a hard drive to emulate this ram? I realize this is probably a stupid question and apologize in advance.05:24
unitheoryecret, swap05:25
arkhalis20 gigs? what program uses that much? lol05:25
mbostwickhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=866519 ...brb going to try this05:25
ecretsome nlp stuff, program currently loads it into memory. i have a really big model.05:25
ctmjrmbostwick: try removing them and reinstalling05:25
ecretunitheory: I will google for swap, ty05:26
mbostwickctmjr: tried that :( didn't work05:26
unitheoryecret, i mean you need a large swap partition05:26
WIGGMPkI am having an issue with Brasero and buring a DVD image..05:26
ecretunitheory: oh ok. but using that swap partition, I can make a fake ram drive? Is there a program or keyword that would help?05:26
unitheoryecret, linux uses swap as ram if it needs to05:27
rizali have problem about crontab05:27
Ahadielecret, That is essentially what swap is, fake ram.05:27
DishtroyerI want to boot from my external hard drive but GRUB gives an error 18. What can I do?05:27
arkhalisecret: swap is just a term for using a portion of your hard drive as ram... slower but allows for things like 20gb of ram05:27
arkhalisecret: if you google for linux or ubuntu swap there are plenty of places out on google that tell you how to adjust your swap size05:28
rizali have problem about crontab05:28
stan_man_canI don't want to start a flamewar here, but I"ve heard that Fedora is more cutting edge than Ubuntu. But I've been using fedora for the last day or so and it seems rather clunky graphically05:28
rizalthe script runs fine manually, but it is not running when you've scheduled it to run from cron.05:28
WIGGMPkI am having an issue with Brasero and buring a DVD image.. If I do not have the File/Image Checksum plugins selected, the ISO fails to burn to the DVD... it starts to burn the image and then completes the burn and finalizes the disc in like 5 secs...05:28
ecretah ok . thanks i will do that!05:28
stan_man_canI'm running two video cards, a gtx-260 and a 9500gt, both nvidia, with 4 monitors05:28
Apollo2366stan_man_can, please stay on-topic05:28
stan_man_canHow nicely will ubuntu handle it?05:28
arkhalisecret: good luck, and come back for questions if you have any ^^05:29
ecreti thought i had to buy a 20 gig ram system . i am very glad. thanks unitheory,ahadiel,arkhalis05:29
ubotturizal: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:29
loofstan_man_can, : fedora's pretty crap from a multimedia/gamer perspective. you should try ubuntu05:29
JayXloof that video is a bit usefullll for me, but i need to know the bash file, or how to create n ad-hoc network so i can use my iphone 3g05:29
arkhalisecret: i do have to say lol to that.... 4 5gb sticks of ram could be pricey =p05:29
rizali have problem about crontab05:30
rizalthe script runs fine manually, but it is not running when you've scheduled it to run from cron.05:30
loofjayx: try google :p05:30
stan_man_canloof: I'm rather new to linux and went with Fedora because I use CentOS for my servers, how different are the two?05:30
=== Derander_ is now known as Derander
buckyhikenboot: sudo dmraid -ay will activate05:30
stan_man_canloof: I'm not necessarily looking to play games, i'm just looking for something that might be a bit more stable and run a bit smoother than fedora is05:30
Gold_bulleti have an annoying problem, after installing the D-Link DWA-130 driver via ndiswrapper, Ubuntu keeps locking up when i try to use the driver for more than half an hour, does anyone know whats going wrong?05:31
looffedora/centos are basically aimed more at serverside use, ubuntu is more of a desktop os (just in general)/what a lot of development time is spent on05:31
bastidrazorstan_man_can, burn a liveCD .. if you can get them set up in the LiveCD then you're all set.05:31
losherWIGGMPk: I can't fix brasero, but I can help you burn a DVD from the cli if you wish...05:32
loofstan_man_can, : have you had stability issues with fedora? and have you tried compiz in fedora?05:32
WIGGMPklosher: with growisofs?05:32
losherWIGGMPk: exactly!05:33
WIGGMPklosher: isnt Brasero using the same thing? just a front end?05:33
mbostwick1ok looking through some logs I found this http://pastebin.com/m38fac63805:33
stan_man_canloof: what about differences in how things are done, as in fedora/centos using yum, and ubuntu using aptitude, is it comparing apples to oranges...two completley different things... or is it comparing a granny smith to a macintosh apple... same thing just different name05:33
arkhalisgold_bullet: is the dwa-130 internal or external?05:33
* Gold_bullet waits05:33
Gold_bulletexternal usb drive05:33
bullgard4What GNOME program determines the keyboard layout?05:33
nellmathewis there an app in gnome that i can use to pick up hex/RGB of colors under the cursor?05:33
WIGGMPklosher: its not that it doesnt 'work', its just annoying to have to wait that extra 30secs to create the file checksum, then to wait the 10mins for the image checksum to complete at the end is retarded05:34
ecretarkhalis: yeah...was going to also have to get a new mb/cpu too as mine just holds two sticks. i like linux05:34
loofstan_man_can, : depends on if you consider yum vs aptitude to be like comparing apples to oranges or comparing different types of apples :P05:34
JayXnellmathew:  0_o ? what do u want to do?05:34
mikeparkBePhantom: was your question answered?05:34
arkhalisGold_bullet: Hmm... perhaps a power or heat issue? i haven't the slightest05:34
Gold_bulletarkhalis, the d-link works fine for 30 minutes or a little bit more, but after that a severe system lockdown05:34
andrewjacksonanyone know where i can get a vmware image of ubuntu to run in vmplayer05:34
BePhantommikepark, no05:34
Dr_Willisnellmathew:   many 'color chooser' dialogs in many apps have a 'eyedropper' that lets you do that.05:34
andrewjacksonand yes i already googled05:34
arkhalisGold_bullet: have you used it on a windows system for longer than 30 mins?05:34
mikeparkBePhantom: gconftool -s --type bool /apps/update-notifier/auto_launch false05:34
deaglei'm on ircII, can anyone see this?05:34
Gold_bulletarkhalis, yes, hours on end05:35
losherWIGGMPk: you're preaching to the converted.... :-)05:35
Dr_Willisdeagle:  yes.05:35
nellmathewJayX, yeah what he said, i wanted an eyedropper =X lol05:35
deagle:D thanks!05:35
arkhalisecret: glad we could help you save money then05:35
nellmathewthanks Dr_Willis05:35
bastidrazorandrewjackson, download the iso and install from that05:35
BePhantommikepark, will that enable the old intrepid like update alert icon?05:35
loofstan_man_can, : if you consider it to be comparing apples to oranges, then ubuntu is pretty different from fedora, if you consider it like comparing types of apples, then it's not really that different. i'd say look at some videos of ubuntu on youtube and see if what they show are more along the lines of what you're looking for in an OS05:35
WIGGMPklosher: dont follow ya..? the converted AKA CLI?05:35
Gold_bulletarkhalis,  the problem arose after i installed the latest Nvidea driver for my chipset05:35
deagledoes anyone know how I can restart my window manager from outside (tty) without restarting GDM (i'm running openbox and I need to do openbox --restart)05:35
mikeparkBePhantom: it should05:36
losherWIGGMPk: I just meant that there's no point complaining to me, because I completely agree with you. You could file a bug report, I suppose...05:36
deaglei did export DISPLAY=:0.0 and tried it but got nothing :(05:36
BePhantommikepark, thank you!05:36
arkhalisGold_bullet: unfortunately i haven't the slightest clue why that would happen >< other than an overheating issue but for an external drive that seems rediculous...05:36
Gneadeagle: from a console?05:36
Gneadon't think that'll work05:36
WIGGMPklosher: and have them not fix it lol.. i heard some things about the debian team forking off of the cdrecord project and not doing as well because of some dispute.. however I also hear about the ubuntu burning team changing things...05:36
Gold_bulletarkhalis, perhaps an incompalability issue with linux for my modle of d-link?05:37
WIGGMPklosher: just sucks the user's got caught up in some drama05:37
arkhalisGold_bullet: Hmm, the chipset would make sense with overheating but i doubt thats linked to the dwa-13005:37
Gneayou could start the X session with just an xterm and run from there05:37
mikeparkBePhantom: you're welcome05:37
Gold_bulletarkhalis, well, the usb ports are bart of my chipset05:37
rizalthe script runs fine manually, but it is not running when you've scheduled it to run from cron.05:37
arkhalisGold_bullet: naa, if it's the wireless key i am thinking of, little black and gray one05:37
WIGGMPklosher: honestly they should of stayed with nautilus-cd-create or whatever.. but this is getting off topic lol.. thanks for the thoughts.. ill just use growisofs for now05:37
Gold_bulletarkhalis, yah, its that one05:37
deagleGnea: i just don't want to have the programs running die on me :( is there any way to prevent that?05:38
Gneadeagle: otherwise you'd need to allow X to receive remote requests, which it doesn't by default unless you've changed that behavior via gdm's config05:38
arkhalisGold_bullet: I have the same one somewhere, used to use it for adhoc networking lol (don't ask)05:38
Gneadeagle: yes, run e16 or e1705:38
DishtroyerWake  me when someone answers my question...05:38
Gold_bulletarkhalis, mine sucks...badly05:38
ubottuEnlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version.05:38
arkhalisGold_bullet: try reinstalling it using ndiswrapper... or try charging a phone or something in the same usb port for some time05:39
deagleGnea: oic05:39
losherWIGGMPk: the sad truth is, linux burning tools are inferior, like most of its multimedia stuff...05:39
Gneadeagle: e16, at the very least, allows you to restart the WM if it crashes (it self-heals)05:39
Gold_bulletarkhalis, phone? how will this help?05:39
Gneaso you never lose any running app05:39
arkhalisGold_bullet: that will determine if it's the usb port or the wireless key... other than that perhaps someone else in here can help you more? try asking again05:39
drmrhorse_i broke my jackalope. after i updated compiz and a few other things today, my desktop fails to load. i get to the login screen, login, and the screen disappears and comes back.  tried restarting x, rebooting, recovery mode with xfix. starting a console session then doing startx gets me a desktop with no sound. any ideas?05:39
deaglei like openbox better :$05:39
roxanlshw -C disk is not showing *disk-2: but only *disk-0: and *disk-1:05:39
Dr_WillisGnea:  it had to have that feature... due to how often it crashed.. :)05:39
Gneait'll popup a window and say "oh hai! i just crashed! press F1 to restart!"05:39
WIGGMPklosher: almost brings a tear to my eye... linux... inferior.... the same sentence.... =*(05:39
arkhalisGold_bullet: Like an ipod or a phone... something that draws power from the usb ports05:40
GneaDr_Willis: hehe yeah, now it's like, rock-solid05:40
ctmjrDr_Willis: so true05:40
lacrymologyis there a way to make btlaunchmany run up to, say, 3 downloads at a time?05:40
Dr_WillisGnea:  i try it every so often... then leave it for another year.05:40
rameshwordeagle: openbox is a desktop ? ..05:40
losherWIGGMPk: I know, but the first step to solving a problem is to acknowledge it... :-)05:40
Gold_bulletarkhalis, um, i dont have any thing like that... i only have a broken usb-led thing05:40
deaglerameshwor: a window manager05:40
GneaDr_Willis: i did that too for a couple of years... picked e17 back up late last year, haven't looked back since05:40
rameshwordeagle: so not a complete one like kde, gnome .. ??05:41
justin`anyone know any popular reasons internet connections don't work on ubuntu. My wireless internet disconnects every 5 seconds and it's so annoying05:41
loofgnea: enlightenment???05:41
Gnealoof: yes.05:41
loofgnea: people still use that?? =S05:41
Dr_WillisEnlightnment is slowly growing into  a 'desktop' :)05:41
Gold_bulletarkhalis, i do have a game controller that draws power from the usb ports tho, and the flow is always constant05:41
deaglerameshwor: if by complete you mean overbloated windows clone, then no... it's not "complete"05:41
arkhalisGold_bullet: hmm... dunno then >< I'm at a loss and I don't want to tell you to go buy a new wireless key and find out it's just your usb ports and you wasted money y'know?05:41
philsfmy firefox is hanging pretty often. Is anyone here able to help me with a backtrace I got? http://pastebin.com/f42bbabd405:41
rameshwordeagle: i mean is it in the same group of kde,gnome,xfce.. ?05:42
arkhalisTry that perhaps?05:42
Gnealoof: heh, it's the only one that has been crafted so well as to only require 100mhz and 64mb of ram anymore ;) well, other than fvwm2, fvwm95 and, uh, twm :) windowmaker might get away....05:42
losherandrewjackson: I see images at http://www.thoughtpolice.co.uk/vmware/. Perhaps you forgot to google?05:42
loofphilsf: why not build a new version? 3.5 is like twice the speed of 3.1005:42
deaglerameshwor: i'm not jaded... just prefer to individually pick the apps I like that are more efficient, like rox-filer, openbox, etc...05:42
Dr_Willisrameshwor:  Enlightment is not as complete as XFCE from what i used of it..05:42
Gold_bulletarkhalis, hmm....money....im 14...thats expensive XD05:42
deagleGnea: and openbox! :D05:42
loofgnea: heh, true that, i guess =D05:42
arkhalisGold_bullet: though that won't answer your question for sure but it will eliminate one possibility it's not the power draw on your usb ports05:42
deagleGnea: built from straight C05:42
arkhalisAFK --05:43
Gneadeagle: that doesn't mean it runs efficiently on an original pentium or 486 :) it might...05:43
=== arkhalis is now known as Arkhalis|AFK
Gold_bulletarkhalis, im still thinking that the driver is incompatible with Ubuntu, because it works perfectly in windows05:43
deagleGnea: it runs awesome on my PIII :P05:43
Gneadeagle: heh05:43
philsfloof, Isn't there a package in jaunty?05:43
deagleuntill I play too much with the menu settings :S05:43
unitheoryvintage single-core processors?05:43
deagle\O/ ftw!05:44
Arkhalis|AFKGold_bullet: I was trying to figure out if it was your nvidia update or the wireless key that was the issue05:44
deaglebarely needs a heatsink, much less a fah05:44
Gneai like booting up jaunty with e17 on my sempron - time to gdm login: less than 20 seconds.  time to full desktop: 1 second.05:44
loofphilsf, : i assumed you were using that. if not, then yeah, update from a package =S05:44
philsfloof, I'm using firefox 3.0, the stable version05:45
Gold_bulletArkhalis|AFK, well, on windows this driver causes alot of problems...05:45
WIGGMPkAnyone use Pidgin along with MySpace IM? My account never connects05:45
deagleGnea: speaking of which, where do I tell X to autoload my background? .xinitrc won't do the trick05:45
Gold_bulletArkhalis|AFK, like a full crash of the system05:45
zirodayWIGGMPk: #pidgin might be helpful, that and triple checking your login details05:45
Gneadeagle: i'm not sure with openbox... maybe try #openbox?05:45
deagleGnea: openbox doesn't handle backgrounds05:46
Gneadeagle: have you tried Xsetroot?05:46
deaglehell, it barely gives you a menu to launch stuff from! :D05:46
WIGGMPkziroday: ill check them out, past the login credentials05:46
Arkhalis|AFKGold_bullet: afk for a few, try asking others in the channel.. I really have no idea =p sorry05:46
deagleGnea: oh yeah, it's just I have to do it manually when I log in since .xinitrc wont play nice05:46
Gold_bulletok then Arkhalis|AFK05:47
* Gold_bullet attempts to fix the problem05:47
zirodaydeagle: if you are using openbox then add the command to your openbox startup file05:47
deagleGnea: I guess my real question is: where does ubuntu store info to launch apps from @ startup?05:47
Gneadeagle: iirc, it should go like this:  line1: #!/bin/sh  line2: Xsetroot -s /path/to/the/pic.jpg  line3: openbox05:47
deagleziroday: there's such a thing? o_O05:47
Gneadeagle: that's dependent on the desktop manager05:47
Dr_Willisdeagle:  depends on the desktop. :) kde and gmome both support session management, and the autostart directory05:48
ubottuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot05:48
deaglebut i don't have a desktop manager :P05:48
Gneadeagle: so gnome/metacity carries that in ~/.gconf and ~/.gnome05:48
Dr_Willisdeagle:   teres always making your own .xinitrc or some other methods like we used years ago05:48
Gneawell then, you have to make them launch in the background in .xinitrc before launching your wm :)05:48
zirodaydeagle: yes, http://icculus.org/openbox/index.php/Help:Autostart and #openbox on irc.oftc.net05:48
loofphilsf, : just saying you can get much newer versions either from source or from debs: ie: http://webupd8.blogspot.com/2009/06/firefox-35-rc-1-ubuntu-repository-deb.html05:49
deagleziroday: ooooh thank you!05:49
Dr_WillisOpenbox has some sort of autostart dir/feature/script i recall also05:49
Gneadangit, this soundcard is shot :(05:49
zirodaydeagle: have fun05:49
deaglewait wait dont say stuff people! i need that URL05:49
Gneadeagle: pm it to yourself05:49
deaglethanks! :D05:49
WIGGMPkOk, I just finished burning a DVD image with Brasero (that completed successfully) and now my DVD drive with not mount blank disc's or software discs.. Please help.../05:49
deagleGnea: i'm still on ircII :S05:49
losherWIGGMPk: power cycle it...05:50
deaglebleh, might as well restart X05:50
Gneadeagle: lol i use irssi, used ircII for years05:50
deaglehow do i scroll up?05:50
n2diy_deagle, can't you scroll up, to stop the auto scrolling?05:50
n2diy_up arrow?05:50
deaglescrolls to past comments05:50
WIGGMPklosher: I have "other" things running.. and thats not a solution.. it happens frequently..05:50
deaglepageup gives this: ~05:51
WIGGMPklosher: im encoding video's which take a long time... and I have a lot of DVD's to burn05:51
Gneayou'll either need a decent script or just use irssi05:51
rameshworhey, isn't opening the iso with winzip,winrar and then burning the unzipped files  to cd  the same as  burning the iso from nero or...      i did the first one but xubuntu live cd didn't boot..05:51
n2diy_deagle: still need the url?05:51
Gnearameshwor: no05:51
zirodayrameshwor: you have been told before, no.05:51
rameshworziroday: yes. i was told to check md5...05:52
``y7guys, it looks like i have to say bye to ubuntu. basically when i run ubuntu as my router, it screws up my ONT to where I have to reset the ONT (verizon fios thing). debian doesn't have this issue, nor do any other standard routers, such as linksys or actiontec. unless anybody has any additional ideas on how to fix this...??? :(05:52
* Arkhalis|AFK beats terr_ over the head -- REPEATEDLY -- with a very veRY VERY small trout (I suck at fishing)05:52
zirodayrameshwor: burn the livecd via the iso image, do not uncompress it and burn the files.05:52
=== Arkhalis|AFK is now known as Arkhalis
Gnea``y7: are you using ubuntu or ubuntu-server?05:52
losherWIGGMPk: I understand. But if it's a firmware bug in your burner...05:52
Arkhalisterr_: wakie wakie05:53
Gneaubuntu-server is made for running as a router05:53
``y7Gnea: to be more exact: ubuntu-8.10-desktop-amd64.iso05:53
WIGGMPklosher: never happend in Intrepid or XP/Vista..05:53
``y7Gnea, because i'm using the computer as a desktop/server05:53
WIGGMPklosher: which leads me to believe its an ubuntu bug05:53
``y7Gnea: and because i'm a n00by to linux05:53
Gnea``y7: then you probably need to get networkmanager/wicd to have some sort of exception... i don't have vzw fios so not sure how that works05:54
losherWIGGMPk: Good that it's not hardware. A brasero bug?05:54
deagleyey! GUI :D05:54
deagletty's scare me :S05:54
deagleyou know... i'll give e17 another try :P05:54
``y7Gnea: any reasons to go to ubuntu-server over debian? i'm guessing ubuntu-server takes away some features that ubuntu already has, but i don't really know. i guess i'll look into it05:54
WIGGMPklosher: thats a long shot i think... could brasero effectively disable my dvd drive...? for the system...? maybe a udev problem? somehow05:55
unitheorydeagle, you could try out opengeu05:55
Dr_Willisgoogle is our friend. :)05:55
unitheorydeagle, ubuntu-based distro using e17 as the default desktop05:55
deagleWIGGMPk: if it's any condolence, i've had to disable brasero completely05:55
Dr_WillisE17 - the windowmanger/desktop that reinvents its self more then... err... hmm..05:56
Gnea``y7: i use ubuntu-server because it updates more often than debian. it's essentially the same as debian, only more ubuntu-ized.  network setup uses the standard /etc/network/interfaces05:56
losherWIGGMPk: can you eject the drive from software?05:56
Dr_WillisI cant think of anything tht does it MORE then E1705:56
deaglelosher: eject :D05:56
Gnea``y7: BUT, you can make the desktop ubuntu use it too05:56
WIGGMPkdeagle: actually that just depresses me even more... it seems like Ubuntu sacrificed too much in the hopes of booting faster..05:56
harikapadducan any one help me with "Port Forwarding" In Ubuntu Firewall, i need to access MS SQL Reports from my web server via this firewall05:56
Gnea``y7: just start editting the interfaces file and network manager will freak out and go "oh, it's editted, so i'll auto-fail"05:56
deagleDr_Willis: you must ADORE lmgtfy.com right? :D05:56
WIGGMPklosher: from software? the eject button works... lemme try from nautilus05:56
Dr_Willisdeagle:  never been there.. that i rember...05:57
loof``y7, : http://www.slavepits.com/2009/06/ditching-verizon-fios-actiontec-router.html ?? check if they did anything different05:57
deaglelosher: type in eject in command line05:57
Gnea``y7: but, like i also said, networkmanager and wicd have the ability to add exceptions05:57
Dr_Willisdeagle:  but i got a picture of a bunny with a pancake on its head for you.. :P05:57
Gnea``y7: as in, they can run a script for you if you have a special connection05:57
WIGGMPkdeagle: losher: says, "unable to find or open device"05:57
DirectorBonesyWhat is ubuntu's official usage stance on the propietary ATi drivers?05:58
deaglethey SUCK!05:58
deaglej/k idk05:58
losherWIGGMPk: ok, open a terminal and try 'sudo eject cdrom' (you only have one cdrom, right?)05:58
DirectorBonesyWell, by official I mean how easily are they loaded.05:58
DirectorBonesySince, Arch seems determined to make my life annoying in that regard. :/05:59
n2diy_DirectorBonesy: don't know, Ubuntu officials don't hang out here, to my knowledge? But if you can get it to work, who would care?05:59
deagleone of the reasons I picked nVIDIA over ATI was due to  their linux friendliness05:59
WIGGMPklosher: I have 2.. but only 1 has power to it right now05:59
unitheoryDirectorBonesy, many proprietary driver can be loaded from system > administration > hardware drivers05:59
WIGGMPklosher: it just returns with nothing....05:59
Apollo2366This is kind of annoying. Whenever I start an application, the top of the window always appears underneath the top panel on the desktop. Help?06:00
losherWIGGMPk: what kind of drive is it? internal? sata? ide?06:00
harikapadducan any one help me with "Port Forwarding" In Ubuntu Firewall, i need to access MS SQL Reports from my web server via this firewall06:00
Dr_WillisApollo2366:  using the ubuntu netbook remix?06:00
Apollo2366No, regular desktop ver06:00
WIGGMPklosher: internal sata LG GSA-T50L (I have searched online for this and found not similar posts)06:01
WIGGMPklosher: its a laptop..06:01
harikapadducan any one help me with "Port Forwarding in Ubuntu?06:01
Apollo23668.10 btw06:01
Dr_WillisApollo2366:  Odd.. You can hold down the alt-key and  alt-click on  wndow anywhere to drag it down...06:01
=== elad is now known as elad``
losherWIGGMPk: type 'df -h' . Is there a line for the cdrom?06:02
Apollo2366Dr_Willis, Cool, didn't know that. That's a bit easier than resizing it06:02
Dr_WillisApollo2366:  i got a tool for windows called 'kde-resizer.exe' tht adds that feature to windows also. :P06:02
WIGGMPklosher: no06:02
harikapadducan any one help me with "Port Forwarding" In Ubuntu Firewall, i need to access MS SQL Reports from my web server via this firewall06:02
Apollo2366Dr_Willis, Doesn't work with GNOME does it?06:03
unitheoryDr_Willis, i thought windows had that feature ootb?06:03
linuxguy2009Where are the startup apps kept track of in 9.04? I dont see a sessions under admin menu. I think thats where it used to be.06:03
unitheoryApollo2366, yes it does06:03
WIGGMPkharikapaddu: install gUFW06:03
losherWIGGMPk: and finally, type dmesg|egrep sr0    Are there any messages?06:03
Dr_Willisunitheory:  not the  alt-click/drag  from anywhere.. that ive ever seen.06:03
unitheoryDr_Willis, maybe you're right. i haven't used windows in a long time06:03
JayXloofhow do i create an ad-hoc for ubuntu?06:03
WIGGMPklosher: yes, not sure what im looking for but yes..06:03
Dr_WillisApollo2366:  its a X standard feture.. works with most every desktop in linux ive seen.. some can turn it off..   some games  canm mess up with it..06:03
JayXhow do i create an add-hoc network **06:04
Apollo2366unitheory, is it in the repos? Wait, why is... oh. Wait... KDE on Windows?06:04
deagleJayX: makes it simple ;)06:04
Apollo2366I've never heard of that06:04
stoobs76so, i wanna run ubuntu, and vista, can someone help me?06:04
saikihow do we upgrade xsane? the version that comes in jaunty will FRY my scanner..06:04
=== cellofel1ow is now known as cellofellow
unitheorylinuxguy2009, it's been renamed startup applications06:04
losherWIGGMPk: ok, wanna paste the lines to http://paste.ubuntu.com06:04
WIGGMPklosher: getting there now06:04
JayXdeagle:  ok, may i get assitance in creating an ad-hoc in ubntu06:04
Apollo2366Dr_Willis, are you running KDE on Windows?06:04
linuxguy2009Ah Im stupid wrong menu.Thanks06:04
harikapadducan any one help me with "Port Forwarding" In Ubuntu Firewall, i need to access MS SQL Reports from my web server via this firewall06:05
unitheoryApollo2366, is what in the repos?06:05
safaghi has anyone tried google earth ?06:05
WIGGMPklosher: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d2201235c06:05
loofstoobs76, : there are guides to dualbooting vista and ubuntu on google06:05
Dr_WillisApollo2366:  no.. the name of the tool for windows is called 'kde-resizer.exe' nothing to do with kde.. other then a missleading name. :)06:05
deagleJayX: o_O? i meant look up WICD it's an app that lets you do that06:05
Arkhalisstoobs76: Try searching google for directions on how to dual boot...06:05
saikihow do we upgrade xsane? the version that comes in jaunty will FRY my scanner.. so an upgrade is really needed06:05
harikapadducan any one help me with "Port Forwarding" In Ubuntu Firewall, i need to access MS SQL Reports from my web server via this firewall06:05
Arkhalisloof: lol, nice06:05
Dr_WillisApollo2366:  ebcause the writer added a 'kde feature ' (he thoght) to windows06:05
Apollo2366unitheory, I was going to ask about that resizer tool, but I was mislead by the name06:05
JayXdeagle:  ohh my bad :P06:05
=== anttia_ is now known as anttia
loofArkhalis, : well, it's true =S06:05
stoobs76im brand new to linux, my friend suggested it, and no, i dont even know what KDE is06:06
Arkhalisloof: I just laughed cause we basically said the same thing06:06
safagmy google earth crashes everytime i open it after seeing earth in ubuntu 9.0406:06
WIGGMPkharikapaddu: install gUFW (GUI for Uncomplicated Firewall) its easy to configure and straight forward.. but dont keep asking the same question over and over.. people will answer if they see and know the answer06:06
scales11stoobs76: kde is a desktop manager, it controls how windows look and where they are placed06:06
losherWIGGMPk: I see an i/o error, but nothing really significant. What os version is this?06:06
=== joshthecoder is now known as joshthecoder_afk
WIGGMPklosher: Jaunty amd64, 2.6.28-1306:06
Dr_Willis!kde | stoobs7606:06
ubottustoobs76: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde406:06
JayXdeagle:  i hipe its a GUI app, i suck @ terminal06:07
loofArkhalis, : yeah lol06:07
stoobs76awesome, thanks06:07
scales11hey all, anyone do custom installs from cli ?06:07
ubottuScanning software: XSane, the GIMP (GNOME), Kooka (KDE). For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR06:07
unitheoryscales11, yea, once or twice...06:07
usingartistxliveI'm back, with the hosed xorg/xserver that crashed from neverputt. I was able to duplicate the crash using ubuntu-based UltimateEdition. The only way I can get to command prompt is via the "recovery mode" from the grub menu. But, when choosing shell, it asks for maintenance password. Nothing I put in there takes. How do I get past that password? It doesn't take the normal sudo password.06:07
scales11unitheory: no more?06:07
loofstoobs: http://www.lmgtfy.com/?q=dual%20booting%20vista%20and%20ubuntu lolol =D06:08
dsdeiz_when you do 'update-alternatives --config" what does '+' and '*' mean?06:08
harikapadduHow to install  gUFW (GUI for Uncomplicated Firewall) in Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop?06:08
Dr_Willis!find gufw06:08
ubottuFound: gufw06:08
Dr_Willis!info gufw06:09
losherWIGGMPk: see if you can get status:  sudo hdparm -i /dev/cdrom06:09
ubottugufw (source: gui-ufw): graphical user interface for ufw. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.20.7-0ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 272 kB, installed size 1296 kB06:09
unitheoryscales11, i put e17 on a minimal installation once.06:09
WIGGMPkharikapaddu: "sudo apt-get install gufw"06:09
loofusingartistxlive, : the maintenance password is the root password not your user password06:09
scales11unitheory: e17 is still in beta. i dunno how stable it is..i have a netbook and was trying to go with a slim install.  i tried crunchbang, it was ok...06:09
WIGGMPklosher: /dev/cdrom: HDIO_GET_IDENTITY failed: No message of desired type06:09
stoobs76loof: that was pretty funny06:10
usingartistxliveloof, there is no root password enabled with Ubuntu. So, no matter what I put in there, even using other passwords I may have used in the past, even putting "root" "toor" "admin" and leaving it blank do not work.06:10
loofstoobs76, : heheheheh =]06:10
unitheoryscales11, right. i run xubuntu on my eee pc.06:10
dsdeiz_when you do 'update-alternatives --config" what does '+' and '*' mean?06:10
WIGGMPk!root > usingartistxlive06:10
ubottuusingartistxlive, please see my private message06:10
loofusingartistxlive, : yeah you have to enable the root account. you did do that, right? =S06:10
losherWIGGMPk: sorry, I'm out of ideas at this point. The system seems to have forgotten all about your cdrom...06:11
scales11unitheory: which eee? why xubuntu? i didnt think it really was much lighter than plain ubuntu......06:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kooka06:11
WIGGMPklosher: well that sucks.... lol06:11
hobbet1i have intreped is there a program to see who is on my home network and what they are doing?06:11
jared__i love you guy06:11
saikihobbet1, why not use your own router's?06:11
WIGGMPklosher: is there a command to make udev activate? or for the sata ports to be scanned again?06:12
scales11unitheory: i was thinking about lxde with a minimal install, but still so much to set up!06:12
FloodBot1jared__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:12
unitheoryscales11, 701 surf. xfce is lighter and has lighter apps than gnome.  e17 probably has the most "bang for the buck" in my opinion06:12
hobbet1i am not sure what you are telling me saiki?06:12
the-alchemistYeah, paste your loveletter into the pastebin :P06:12
saikihobbet1, what router do you have?06:12
losherWIGGMPk: there is 'sudo /etc/init.d/udev restart' but I can't guarantee it won't interrupt your long running jobs. I bet your hard drive is sata too, right?06:12
scales11unitheory: e17, how stable is it though06:12
hobbet1i have an airlink, but i have a belkin also available06:13
WIGGMPklosher: both of them... on a raid006:13
unitheoryscales11, pretty stable.  it never crashed randomly06:13
WIGGMPklosher: well im gonna roll the dice...06:13
saikitry these urls:
jeeves_mosshow can I fix the sound on my Acer Aspire One D115 laptop?  I can't figure it out06:13
* WIGGMPk crosses his fingers06:13
unitheoryscales11, only slightly more stable than windows ;]06:14
saikihow do we upgrade xsane? the version that comes in jaunty will FRY my scanner.. so an upgrade is really needed06:14
usingartistxliveubottu, am reading your msg, and looking at the site. I can't get in to do any editing. I know what to try, but I can't even boot into command prompt without that maintenance password.06:14
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:14
entropyI have completed Appendix A of http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=789578 and it worked. I am now trying Appendix D, and I did complete Appendix D, audio does show within Playback of pavucontrol, however I have no option to switch the stream to an equalizer, and when I run alsamixer, I get this http://pastebin.ca/1470742 - which didn't happen until I modified the .asoundrc verbatim,...06:14
entropy...uncommenting the default EQ setting (where you actually set the levels). Help?06:14
scales11unitheory: haha06:14
usingartistxliveloof, I can't get in, to enable root password06:14
WIGGMPkusingartistxlive: why do you need to enable root? just use sudo06:15
WIGGMPklosher: nothing... thanks for troubleshooting with me..06:15
losherWIGGMPk: sorry I couldn't solve it...06:15
unitheoryscales11, with a minimal install the good thing is you can try out a bunch of desktop environments and remove them if you don't like them and you control what's installed06:16
WIGGMPklosher: its ok..06:16
usingartistxliveWIGGMPk, I can't boot into X, it crashed to jibberish. I can't boot into anywhere except up to where that pswd is required.06:16
WIGGMPkusingartistxlive: in the recovery console? have you tried using a livecd?06:16
losherusingartistxlive: can you boot a live-cd ?06:17
* WIGGMPk rawr /flex06:17
usingartistxliveWIGGMPk, yes, I am on a live DVD ubuntu-based ArtistX, on the crashed machine.06:17
Arkhalisterr_ : Wake up ya lazy bum!06:17
WIGGMPkusingartistxlive: so mount your / and edit the xorg.conf file (paste the contents on pastebin)06:18
scales11unitheory: yeah i know but i still have to go into every detail06:18
scales11unitheory: plus i have tried them all :)06:18
drmrhorse_i broke my jackalope. after i updated compiz and a few other things today, my desktop fails to load. i get to the login screen, login, and the screen disappears and comes back.  tried restarting x, rebooting, recovery mode with xfix. starting a console session then doing startx gets me a desktop with no sound. any ideas?06:18
WIGGMPkusingartistxlive: are you comfortable with the command line? show me what "sudo fdisk -l" tells you on pastebin06:18
usingartistxliveWIGGMPk, okay, will check, back in a bit I hope....06:19
unitheoryscales11, all of them? theres what like 7-10 desktop environments?06:19
loofusingartistxlive, : you could try ALT+PRINTSCREEN+RSEIUOR06:19
ibmmanwhat do you use to extrat .rar files in ubuntu06:19
WIGGMPkibmman: archive manager... just double click on it06:19
scales11unitheory: i have been messing with arch, and ubuntu for a while now06:19
jeeves_mossok, sound with my 82801G audio controller, I can't get it to work.  how do I fix it?06:19
losheribmman: use 'unrar'06:19
scales11unitheory: i just cant settle on one though06:19
WIGGMPkibmman: losher oops thats right..06:19
drmrhorse_for unrar you need ubuntu-restricted-extras, no?06:20
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free06:20
scales11unitheory: ubuntu has its options and settings a little spread out, harder to find in a whim06:20
Dr_Willisdrmrhorse_:  not that i am aware of.06:20
Dr_Willisdrmrhorse_:  it might be included in that (the restricted-extras is a meta-packages)06:20
ktnei'm trying to install firefox 3.5beta on ubuntu06:20
vossdrmrhorse, try rolling back to a previous kernel in grub06:20
drmrhorse_thats what im thinking06:20
ktnei downloaded the .bz2 file and unpacked it in /tmp06:20
WIGGMPkDr_Willis: that is awesome....!!!06:21
Dr_WillisWIGGMPk:  what is?06:21
scales11unitheory: night06:21
unitheoryscales11, i hear good things about arch but haven't tried it06:21
unitheoryscales11, peace06:21
ktnebut when i try to run ./firefox, i get an error: ./run-mozilla.sh: 399: ./firefox-bin: not found , but ./firefox-bin is right there, in the same directory06:21
ktneany idea?06:21
WIGGMPkDr_Willis: nvm... im having a converstation with my self i think... IE: (the restricted-extras is a meta-packages).... that is awesome...!06:21
losherktne: is it executable?06:22
SyphonSilenthey guys06:22
SyphonSilenthow do I open an rpm file?06:22
ArkhalisWIGGMPk: Talking to yourself can be good sometimes06:22
WIGGMPkDr_Willis: as in, its an awesome meta-package... yea just nvm06:22
Dr_WillisWIGGMPk:  meta-packages are veyr common in the Ubuntu packages. :) like 'ubuntu-desktop' and 'kubuntu-desktop'06:22
loofusingartistxlive, : actually, that should be ALT+PRINTSCREEN+R (takes back keyboard control if X is holding keyboard/mouse. you can then ctrl-alt-f1 to a terminal, login, enable the root account, and fix your install06:22
scales11unitheory: arch is nice but lots of setup,  and then when i think i am all set, more setup! pacman is decent though, but autocomplete is slower than ubuntu, much slower,06:22
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)06:22
drmrhorse_voss: i will try this but the kernel didnt update06:22
scales11unitheory: bye for now06:22
ktnelosher: yes it is executable, green in the console06:22
WIGGMPkArkhalis: i suppose it could.. but im completing other people sentences...06:22
ramashello, first time to join the support chat06:22
WIGGMPkDr_Willis: oh I know... im just completing your sentence with my own..06:22
SyphonSilentDoes anyone use the Prozilla download accelerator?06:22
losherktne: sorry, dunno then...06:23
Tohuw!welcome | ramas06:23
ubotturamas: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.06:23
ArkhalisWIGGMPk: I have solved many a problem by just talking to myself lol06:23
ramashow do we ask for help here06:23
drmrhorse_oh wait, voss jaunty only has one kernel version06:23
ramaswhats the protocol06:23
ramasthx Tohuw06:23
WIGGMPkramas: ask06:23
Tohuw!ask | ramas06:23
ubotturamas: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:23
ramasok here goes06:23
sam____i've suddenly became unable to use the internet on ubuntu, can anyone help me out? thanks06:23
SyphonSilentDoes anyone use the Prozilla download accelerator?06:23
losherSyphonSilent: why do you think you need to open an rpm?06:23
vossdrmrhorse, thats not true go into grub using esc and youll see06:23
ramasI installed jaunty on my girlfriend lap a GW6009mx06:23
mbostwickhello I am trying to get glx working but I am getting this http://pastebin.com/m413786c806:23
ramasvery nice06:23
entropyI have completed Appendix A of http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=789578 and it worked. I am now trying Appendix D, and I did complete Appendix D, audio does show within Playback of pavucontrol, however I have no option to switch the stream to an equalizer, and when I run alsamixer, I get this http://pastebin.ca/1470742 - which didn't happen until I modified the .asoundrc verbatim,...06:23
SyphonSilentbecause thats what the file comes as06:23
entropy...uncommenting the default EQ setting (where you actually set the levels). Help?06:23
drmrhorse_k, brb06:23
Tohuw!enter | ramas06:23
ubotturamas: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:23
loofdrmrhorse_, : what else did you install? sounds like you installed new video drivers and managed to mess it up06:23
karatekickzcan anyone tell me where to to add a paramater to the vnc launch in jaunty?06:23
Arkhalis!tag | ramas06:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tag06:24
drmrhorse_no, just the updates06:24
drmrhorse_nothing new installed06:24
vossdrmrhorse, still try it06:24
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz06:24
losherSyphonSilent: ok, I'll bite. What file?06:24
jerroomesam is your network connection up, dns and gateway indicated ?06:24
saikihow do we upgrade xsane? the version that comes in jaunty will FRY my scanner.. so an upgrade is really needed06:24
=== noname is now known as Guest85843
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about alsamixer06:25
SyphonSilenthttp://prozilla.genesys.ro/downloads/prozilla/yoper/   its a download accelerator06:25
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP306:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wav06:25
TohuwI can't seem to get X to start on a RAGE Pro PCI with an Envision en7220 monitor. I have the horizsync and vertrefresh set correctly, and I've tried vesa, ati and fglrx. Any suggestions?06:25
sam____um, well my connectin works from both my other computers06:25
DeCypher1How do i install the compiz manager06:25
ubottuSo, you wanted to lure me into saying I don't know anything about anything? Yeah, that would be funny, of course. Now leave me alone.06:25
sam____and when i boot into xp it works fine06:25
The_Warlockhow to i access my ubuntu box remotely using a mac?06:25
ramasI have hardy working on the same model for my dad, ok, will do,  then on  hardy I have no problem whatsoever with blank cd-r's bur my GFiend just told me when she tried to burn a cd with brasero it kept telling her to insert a media, and that the blank cd icon wont show on the desktop, any ideas? as I tell you the same model and dvd-burner works like a charm on hardy06:25
saikiDeCypher1, you mean fuse-icon? or the other one?06:25
ubottulife is something very few people know about in this channel - and anyway, it's probably offtopic, perhaps you want to try #ubuntu-offtopic06:25
sam____and it worked fine on ubuntu until recently. aparently my ip address is though, which is probably a problem06:25
karatekickzwarlock you use vnc06:25
unitheorywhoa I didn't realize it was called iagno; i thought it was lagno06:26
mbostwickhmm I found this...http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=115300 but is there a way to check old packages ?06:26
karatekickzget a vnc client for the pac06:26
DeCypher1saiki: i wanna install compiz manager06:26
karatekickzthen direct it to your server ip06:26
WIGGMPkramas: what type of project ar eyou trying to burn with brasero?06:26
loshervoss: do you need help?06:26
TohuwDeCypher1: it's in the repository, something like compiz-config-settingsmanager. Do an apt-cache search for compizconfig or compiz-config06:26
unitheoryDeCypher1, the settings manager?06:26
ramasshe said it was an audio cd06:26
stan_man_canThe 64bit download is named amd_64, will it work win 64bit intel processors?06:26
ramasfrom mp306:26
DeCypher1unitheory: ya06:26
jerroomesam____ do you have a static ip or dhcp ?06:27
unitheoryDeCypher1, compizconfig-settings-manager06:27
vosslosher not really I was just enjoying ubottu06:27
ramasno errrs from lame, it just kept saying to her the cd was empty06:27
ramaslike no medium to write to06:27
WIGGMPkramas: join the club... VCD's and Data CD's are a known bug for Brasero06:27
jerroometry out sudo dhcpclient06:27
dsdeiz_you guys using opera 10b?06:27
WIGGMPkramas: well that might different than.. it doesnt give you the "cannot write with the current set of plugins"??06:27
Tohuwvoss: please use !command > voss when testing bot commands to avoid spam in the channel, or private query the bot.06:27
coz_ramas,  have you tried gnomebaker?06:27
unitheorydsdeiz_, i am!06:27
drmrhorse_voss: there is only one kernel version for jaunty. it hasnt updated so i dont have any more choices06:28
dsdeiz_unitheory: how is it? :-?06:28
loofdrmrhorse_, : http://www.lmgtfy.com/?q=disable+compiz+from+commandline06:28
DeCypher1unitheory: Thank you06:28
unitheorydsdeiz_, great!06:28
=== Arkhalis is now known as Arkhals|AFK
ramasWIGGMPk: mmh but never had an issue like this, and what worries me is that that cd creator doesnt see it as well06:28
dsdeiz_i'm having trouble using facebook with opera :(06:28
jerroomeTohuw what does your syslog and xorglog files indicate when launching X06:28
sam____sudo: dhcpclient: command not found06:28
vossdrmrhorse, are you connected wired or wirelessly?06:28
unitheorydsdeiz_, on 10b ?06:28
ramasWIGGMPk:  basically no blank cd icon will appear on the desktop as usual06:28
Tohuwjerroome: one moment, let me check06:28
=== joschi_ is now known as Joschi
WIGGMPkramas: coz_ suggested using Gnomebacker.. hav eyou tried that?06:28
saikihow do we upgrade xsane? the version that comes in jaunty will FRY my scanner.. so an upgrade is really needed any help on how to do this would be appriciated06:28
unitheorydsdeiz_, what problems?06:29
drmrhorse_loof: so youre saying that i should disable compiz from command line?06:29
dsdeiz_i can't post comments on the walls06:29
WIGGMPkramas: wait, your saying the system doesnt mount the blank cd?06:29
ramasnope not yet, It will have to wait until sat when I see her06:29
ramasyep exaclty06:29
loofdrmrhorse_, : what do you think?? =S06:29
unitheorydsdeiz_,  i can...06:29
dsdeiz_oh no!06:29
drmrhorse_i think that let me google that for you dot com is a site that smart asses use06:29
stan_man_canUbuntu 9.04's 64bit install is named ub ubuntu-9.04-desktop-amd64.iso, will that also work with Intel processors???06:29
WIGGMPkramas: does it mount it at first.. then fail to burn.. then not mount again???06:29
ramasWIGGMPk is not just brasero, she says no blank cd icon will appear inm the desktop,06:29
loofdrmrhorse_, : possibly!06:29
ramasit wont mount06:30
dsdeiz_did you do anything or did it just work all 'out of the box'?06:30
loofbut yeah, try disabling compiz06:30
loofand you'd likely have to reboot06:30
unitheorydsdeiz_, works ootb06:30
coz_ramael,  is this a fresh install   ... an upgrade... and was this happening from the get go?06:30
WIGGMPkramas: well... worst case scenario its the hardware.. meaning her cd/dvd drive might have went.. you'll need the machine to trouble shoot it though06:30
ramasWIGGMPk: is not from the plugins or anything she cant burn anything cuz seems the system doiesnt get aware of the blank cds06:30
coz_ramael, sorry06:30
WIGGMPkramas: is there another OS on the machine to test?06:30
coz_ramas,  was this a clean install .. an upgrade...and was th is happening from the get go?06:31
WIGGMPkramas: do other cd/dvd's work? like software/games/etc?06:31
loofyou can try turning it back on, but make sure your hardware supports compiz and you're running in a res that compiz can actually display properly06:31
Tohuwjerroome: O06:31
ramasWIGGMPk: machin is brand new, we burn stuff with vista before wiping06:31
Tohuwjerroome: Sorry, mistype, one moment06:31
unitheorydsdeiz_, i do have flash installed06:31
Ownerif i want to dual boot ubuntu latest version and windows xp which one do i install first because i have a problem06:31
unitheoryOwner, windows06:31
ramasWIGGMPk: all other cd media are read fine, she has spent several days rippping her library of music for rhythmbox and stuff06:31
vossramas, do you have a spare cd burner you can use to test it with?06:31
coz_Owner,  then make sure window is defragged properly before installing ubuntu unless its on a separate drive06:32
karatekickzanyone help me with headless vnc issue?06:32
loof0wner: installing windows first is probably easier. there are guides to installing xp & linux & dualbooting on youtube & google06:32
mutewOwner, Windows....06:32
WIGGMPkramas: im not sure on this one bud.. someone more knowledgeable will need to tackle this.. perhaps the media??? have you tried different brands??06:32
coz_karatekickz,  if  no one can here try  #linux channel it is more across the board and less ubuntu specific06:32
mutewOwner, Ubuntu will atleast play along nicely and add Windows as a multi-boot option06:32
Tohuwjerroome: I'm seeing two things of interest: "gdm_config_value_get_bool: assertion 'value->type == GDM_CONFIG_VALUE_BOOL' failed" and "failed to start x sefveral times in a short time period; disabling dispaly :0"06:33
karatekickztried linux help... they werent helpful06:33
karatekickzI also googled a ton06:33
mutewOwner, The same cannot be said of Windows, it will overwrite the MBR on install and you will have to use another method to access the Ubuntu install.06:33
karatekickzthis seem distro specific06:33
karatekickzI need to find where vnc gets loaded06:33
=== Arkhals|AFK is now known as Arkhalis
mutewkaratekickz, What's the exact issue?06:33
karatekickzim running vnc headless...06:34
sparrI use kate for programming under KDE.  What is a similarly featureful editor for GNOME?06:34
karatekickzit defualts to 640 480 I need to send it a parameter on boot06:34
mutewkaratekickz, and?06:34
ramas1WIGGMPk:/voss nope not really dont have any usb based ones, I have the pc and as I tell u my fathers exactly same model worked like a charm with hardy, I was hoping this was a known bug with hardy but I couldnt find any threads in the forums dealing with this06:34
karatekickzI need to find the file that lauches it06:34
stan_man_canactually the easiest thing for me personally when setting up a dual boot is to install on seperate hard drives and change in bios06:34
mbostwickcan someone tell me where  libGLcore.so.180.44    libGL.so.180.44 are packaged06:34
ramas1sorry a known bug with jaunty06:34
stan_man_canmakes formatting or removing one of the OS'es alot eaiser without mucking with the boot managers06:34
vossramas, what kind of disc is it?06:35
dsdeiz_unitheory: oops, it works now.. :D sorry about that.. Opera's kewl.. B-)06:35
RabbitbunnyI've forgotten a word. What are those things over there by the clock? I'd like to make one and Google doesn't work without nouns06:35
ramas1she says it is a normal-regular cd-r, Im mad at me because that was the one thing of hw I didnt try before handing it over to her06:35
losherkaratekickz: I'm confused. How do you know you're running vnc headless if you didn't start it yourself by hand?06:35
newbyx86Schweet. Got my Ubuntu server all up to date.06:36
ramas1she says the brand is sony, I told her to buy a verbatim and imation tomorrow and try those maybe its some kind of weird model of cd-r I have heard of ones not working06:36
mutewkaratekickz, How about looking into ~/.vnc/06:36
ramas1Ive never had issues with those brands06:36
dsdeiz_unitheory: how to install the flash player for it? :-?06:36
mutewOwner, which dll?06:37
unitheorydsdeiz_, sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree06:37
sam____so does that mean my computer doesn't have dhcp set up or something?06:37
ramas1so no other ideas?06:37
hemanthhow can I mount an ip ,which I'm anle to ping on port 2106:37
dsdeiz_oh same with firefox.. ok thanks got it already ;)06:37
Ownermutew i am not sure the name but i can look it up06:37
jerroome`sam____ what did the command return, I had a connection interruption and didn't get your reply06:38
karatekickzlosher its started in my install im running mythbuntu but I think it starts with ubuntu as well06:38
loofstan_man_can, : that's a crappy way to dualboot06:38
ramasanyone still following me?06:38
mutewOwner, do that and let me know.06:38
mutewOwner, also when did you get the error?06:38
sam____returned: sudo: dhcpclient: command not found06:38
jerroome`ramas repeat06:38
Ownerright after i installed ubuntu06:38
bazhangsam____, dhclient eth0 for example06:38
sam____oh okay06:39
jerroome`sam____ did you try dhclient, I told you the wrong command before06:39
zortecIs there anyone who can help configure my network in nm?06:39
ramasjerome: what was the last part u got?06:39
bazhangsam____, sudo dhclient eth0 (for ethernet)06:39
losherkaratekickz: ok, so what problem are you trying to solve?06:39
sam____doing that now06:39
mutewOwner, Does the WinXP option show up in the Grub boot menu?06:39
karatekickzI need to find where vnc is launched06:39
VirusTBXhey who was it that told me to install WICD ? ?  that thy messe sp ym system!06:39
karatekickzthen simply add a paramter06:39
Ownermutew yes06:39
karatekickzits so simple06:39
DeCypher1UHM sombody.. help please? http://i40.tinypic.com/2isvywl.png06:39
karatekickzyet nowone can tell me06:39
=== VirusTBX is now known as JayX
karatekickzI have 3hours in this06:39
sam____There is already a pid file /var/run/dhclient.pid with pid 13451907206:40
mutewBut it doesn't boot when you select WinXP, right?06:40
jerroome`ramas nothing06:40
Ownerit only says a file is missing06:40
SyphonSilentcan someone help me find a download accelerator?06:40
bazhangsam____, don't worry about that06:40
mutewkaratekickz, did you find a .vnc folder in the remote system?06:40
sam____so where do i tell you from?06:40
ramasjerome: so u didnt catch anything from what I told voss ... ok again06:40
JayXloof was it you that told me to install WIDC to creat an Ad-hoc?06:40
bazhang!info aria2 | SyphonSilent06:40
ubottuSyphonSilent: aria2 (source: aria2): High speed download utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.2-1 (jaunty), package size 1250 kB, installed size 3532 kB06:40
zortecNM says that my device is not managed.  It worked when I first installed ubuntu, now the network is not being monitored.  Any ideas?06:40
sam____after listing some other stuff: No DHCPOFFERS recieved.06:40
losherkaratekickz: did you look in ~/.vnc like mutew said?06:40
JayXWhere can I view the log, of this chatroom online???06:40
Ownermutew, all it says is a file that is missing06:41
sam____No working leases in peristent databas - sleeping.06:41
mutewOwner, I need to know the file name.06:41
Ownermutew, let me go look up which file it is06:41
zortecJayX: I don't believe there is a log of this IRC room.06:41
mutewOwner, Was it nt32.dll?06:41
JayX< --- Needs to know : Where can I view the log, of this chatroom online???06:41
drmrhorse_my x session problem was fixed by changing from kdm to gdm. kdm used to work for me with gnome, but no more i guess06:41
losherJayX: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com06:41
ramasmy gfiends lap has jaunty, it doesn mount the blank cd's and as such it cant burn them, brasero for ex keeps askling her to enter a medium to write to, the blank cd icon wont even show on the desktop06:41
vossSo its cd-r not cd-rw06:41
OphelixHiya I got a Question06:41
bazhang!logs > JayX06:41
ubottuJayX, please see my private message06:41
Ownermetew, i have no idea brb let me check06:41
ramasvoss: nope she says theyŕe cd-r06:41
OphelixIs there a way to get a USB Game Controller working in ubuntu?06:42
vossThey might have already been used06:42
ramasvoss: I told her to buy a couple more tomorrow, verbatim and/or imation Ive had good exp with those brands06:42
zortecI'm unsure how to configure my network.  I want to set up a DSL connection so I put in the username and password, but I don't know what to put for service.06:42
ArkhalisOphelix: it should work automatically... if you need calibration there is an app called Joystick Calibrator in the repos06:42
JayXlosher, bazhang   #ubuntu.txt is this chat room right?06:42
zortecMy network is working fine, but it's not being managed by network connections06:43
vossby the way what is the brand of cd burner in there?06:43
ramasI have the hope its just some issue with the cd brand and another iwll work06:43
jerroome`ramas I have never heard that some brands weren't working, can't give you any hint for it, as voss said, are you sure the cd are blank ?06:43
mutewkaratekickz, try searching for the vncserver -geometry...06:43
bazhangJayX, yep06:43
zortecIt says that no valid active connections are found.06:43
karatekickzI see nothing in there other than passwd06:43
OphelixWell it doesnt, its a Tesun USB 706, but Im running it on the EEE-PC Hardy Lean Kernel, would that make a different06:43
mutewkaratekickz, command call, it should be in /etc (probably in rc.local) if you are running it headless as you say.06:43
ramasshe says the cd's come from a bunch her father bought u know, from office max06:43
karatekickzalso why dont I see .vnc when I ls the /~06:43
bazhangSyphonSilent, please ask in channel (not via PM)06:44
ramastjhey dont have labels and come in a tower06:44
karatekickzI looked and rc.local06:44
karatekickzno reference06:44
vossramas what is the brand of the drive06:44
jerroome`sam____ are you allowed to connect to that network ? isn't it filtered trough MAC adresses ?06:44
ramasI can fetch u the model and brand of the burner06:44
mutewkaratekickz, do a grep for "vncserver" in /etc06:44
ArkhalisOphelix: I am running on an eeepc 1008ha and every controller i have plugged in works automatically /dev/input/js    if the app needs a controller location06:44
sam____um, it could be, i guess, but it's my own home network and everything else works fine without having to do any setup of that kind06:44
Ownermutew, it does not say the dll name all its says, "some dlls are needed for loading the kernel"06:45
Arkhalistry the joystick calibrator to see if it's really there... if not perhaps try finding drivers for it06:45
mutewkaratekickz, or if your fs has updatedb then try and do a "locate xstartup"06:45
OphelixAlright Ill give it a try one minuto06:45
losherkaratekickz: you need 'ls -a' to see files starting with a dot06:45
ArkhalisOphelix: try the joystick calibrator to see if it's really there... if not perhaps try finding drivers for it06:45
mutewOwner, in that case you could try booting from the WinXP cd and running the repair option.06:45
jerroome`do you use that network for the moment with another machine, if yes have a look at your dhcp-server config06:45
zortecWhere can I find a troubleshooting guide for the network manager on 9.04?06:46
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
Apollo2366Hey, I'm having trouble with Pidgin using the Yahoo protocol.06:46
Ownermutew, alright thank you very much06:46
loofJayX, : i said to watch that video on youtube and try that06:46
JimBiggshi there people, i've got a problem, X won't start (or will start but display a black empty screen) since a few minutes ago (after the restart following today's update)06:46
SyphonSilentDoes anyone know how to use Aria2?06:46
JayXloff i did, but i dont have the bash commands to create an ad-hov06:46
ArkhalisOphelix: please tag your message when you come back so i know you are talking to me... don't always catch it without06:47
JimBiggsanyone having video issues since the last update?06:47
OphelixArkhalis: Alright ill be sure to do that06:47
rameshworrApollo2366: same here. it's not working..06:47
ArkhalisOphelix: perfect, thanks06:47
karatekickzthx for helping btw mutew06:47
SyphonSilentDoes anyone know how to use aria2?06:48
JayXloof i did, but i dont have the bash commands to create an ad-hov06:48
jerroome`JimBiggs can you access a terminal ?06:48
mutewkaratekickz, any luck yet?06:48
Apollo2366rameshworr, that's three for three then, I think it's a problem with Pidgin06:48
karatekickzwhat would the exact comand be for the grep request?06:48
Apollo2366rameshworr, my friend has the same problem06:48
karatekickzany parameters?06:48
JimBiggsjerroome`, yes, i'm in it just right now, but all i can see in dmesg is "[drm: i915_get_vblank_counter] *ERROR* trying to get vblank count for disabled pipe 0"06:48
mutewgrep "vncserver" /etc -r06:48
losherJayX: what's an ad-hoc?06:48
jerroome`if yes, backup your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file06:49
ramasvoss: sorry the lap is at her home I canbt find the burner model and I dont recall what it was, all I can tell u is a Gateway mx 6009m with celeron 2.1Ghz processor06:49
mutewkaratekickz, grep "vncserver" /etc -r06:49
jerroome`and then execute sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg06:49
JimBiggsjerroome`, backup done, and then?06:49
JayXlosher, good question... it something to do with shareing a network connections06:49
JayX!info ad-hoc06:49
ubottuPackage ad-hoc does not exist in jaunty06:49
JimBiggsjerroome`, ok, i'll try that straight away and keep you updated ;)06:49
OphelixArkhalis: Alright sweetness all i needed to do was install the configurator thanks!06:49
usingartistxliveloof ,WIGGMPk, how do I get the terminal from a live-cd to administer changes to the installed OS, or, if easier, how do I get the root password enabled on the installed OS from the live-cd terminal? I got lost in the shell there for awhile.06:49
ramasmy father has the exact same model and the burner worked without issues to burn 2 dvd¡'s and a cd-r last week06:49
jerroome`don't need to reboot06:49
zortecWhere can I get help for network manager?06:49
vossramas, the best strategy try the other brand cds tommorow, if they dont work , replace the drive06:49
JayXlosher,  wifi connection*06:49
jerroome`execute telinit S06:49
ArkhalisOphelix: Glad to help, and remember if the app you run needs the controller location it's /dev/input/js06:49
jerroome`and then launch X manually again06:49
JimBiggsjerroome`, telinit S ?06:49
unitheoryJayX, losher, ad-hoc is a network with a mobile device such as a laptop acting as the access point06:50
JimBiggswith startx?06:50
jerroome`with gdm if you use gnome06:50
JimBiggsoh ok gdm06:50
karatekickzlots of permission denied when run from /~06:50
mutewlosher, an ad-hoc connection is a type of network connection built without the aid of any external networking infrastructure..06:50
karatekickzno hits06:50
JimBiggsok i'll try that straight away ;)06:50
OphelixArkhalis: Got it Alright thanks again06:50
loshermakes sense, thanks all...06:50
mutewlosher, so for eg. the connection between a couple of laptops, mobiles or PDA's without the use of a router is an ad-goc connection.06:50
ramaswell, we'll see wuth the other cd's Ill have more info tomorrow and then Ill ask again if necessary, if its worth it, in windows vista she burned a dvd prior to wiping it, the lap is brand new06:50
JayXunitheory,  so then how doe tethering work? is the lapot is the access point?06:50
JimBiggsjerroome`, telinit S shows me a recovery menu, what should i choose?06:51
unitheoryJayX, not sure about that one ;]06:51
JayXunitheory,  ok :P06:51
sam____also, when i go into attached devices it only shows my windows desktop and my macbook, not the ubuntu desktop06:51
jerroome`normal resume or similar06:51
sam____on my router that is06:51
ramasthx for the help, I hope I dont have to downgrade it to hardy, as it works pretty well and she has all her apps and look and feel already set in jaunty06:51
vossramas, you can also try creating an ubuntu live cd on another computer and if it wont boot the disc then you know.06:52
karatekickzI gotta run mute thanks for the help so far...I guess I will google more06:52
losherkaratekickz: which parameter do you want to add?06:52
JimBiggsjerroome`, i think i screwed something up with telinit S, i'll just reboot06:52
karatekickzwhatever teh screen res para is I have to google again06:52
jerroome`ok, reboot06:53
jerroome`but don't worry, nothing can be broken06:53
mutewkaratekickz, try searching for vncserver -geometry 640x48006:53
mutewkaratekickz, that should be the command line invocation06:53
ramasvoss: k, but she says data and music cd's are mounted fine, the only proib is with blank cds06:53
losherkaratekickz: as I understand it, mythbubtu runs the gnome desktop, and gnome has a VINO server built in, which serves vnc'06:53
JimBiggsjerroome`, could this issue be because i added the "latest video drivers source" in apt lately? (like a week ago06:54
karatekickz nah it defaults cause I am running headless06:54
mutewlosher, but he's talking of a headless vnc system.06:54
ramasproblem is she doesnt live with me yet so I wont be sure until friday when I see her and the laptop06:54
karatekickzI cant even find a reference for freaking vnc06:54
karatekickzits simple06:54
karatekickzI just gotta add that paramte06:54
vossramas, a ubuntu live cd is an iso . If the system will boot the live cd, then its not a drive reading problem06:54
karatekickzI acannot belive this is that difficult06:54
karatekickzvery frustrating06:54
losherkaratekickz: so when you run 'ps ax' is there a vncserver running?06:55
ramasanyway, thx Ill be back probably if the other cd's dont work, she has xp in another partition Ill try to see if she can burn from there...06:55
JimBiggsjerroome`, no luck still the black empty screen (but there's sound ;)06:55
jerroome`JimBiggs, could be, but I didn't heard anything about it06:55
unitheoryvoss,  some faulty drive can still boot livecds06:55
karatekickzim vnced in right now06:55
karatekickzusing it06:55
Warrigal_How do I configure the compose key such that composing _a or _o results in the character I want?06:55
karatekickzso yes a vnc server is running06:55
jerroome`pastebin return of lspci06:55
Arkhaliskaratekickz: I hate problems like that... then when you figure it out you go well that was easy! (only with more vulgar language)06:55
karatekickzlol thats how this one is06:55
jerroome`and also your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file06:55
losherkaratekickz: but you didn't start the vncserver explicitly?06:55
ramasyep I just installed jaunty from cd a week ago06:55
vossuni, but a drive that cannot read a live is a definite hardware failure06:55
karatekickzmyth gave me the option to install it06:56
JayXloof how do i make a bash comand to create a Ad-hoc network?06:56
karatekickzso I assume its set to load on boot06:56
ramasas I tell u guys the oinly issue on thw whole hw in the laptop is with these blank cd's06:56
JimBiggsjerroome`, how could i pastebin anything? it's on my laptop and i only have access to the term :(06:56
JimBiggswell, the console06:56
ramasthe system treats them as if no medium was in the drive06:56
loofjayx: http://www.prash-babu.com/2008/08/how-to-createjoin-adhoc-network-in.html06:56
bazhangJimBiggs, pastebinit06:56
vossramas, the whole might be those crappy office depot cds in which case youre golden :)06:56
jerroome`give me a sec, I don't have an issue directly06:56
losherkaratekickz: back to what mutew said then. Grep for vnc in /etc/init.d/*06:56
Arkhalisramas: sorry if my question is redundant and already been answered... but try updating the firmware on your cd drive06:56
bazhangJimBiggs, sudo apt-get install pastebinit06:56
bullgard4[GNOME] After dist-upgrade to Uuntu 9.04 the arrow keys and the 'Alt Gr' key function wrongly. They do work correctly in the virtual consoles. How to fix this?06:56
jerroome`use w3m or lynx as browser06:57
JimBiggsbazhang, that's clever ;)06:57
bazhangcat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit (for example)06:57
JimBiggsjerroome`, ok, will do ;)06:57
JimBiggsbazhang, very clever ;)06:57
losherkaratekickz: mutew: sorry I'm behind you guys06:57
JimBiggsi'll do that06:57
ramasok that sounds good will see the manufacturer and see if theres a fw upgrade if the other cds dont work tomorrow06:57
karatekickzits not in xconf06:57
JimBiggsjerroome`, so lsmod, lspci and xorg.conf right?06:57
Arkhalisramas: only problem with firmware is06:57
ramasshe says theyŕe sony, but I doubt it as she says they dont have any labels or anything06:58
losherkaratekickz: if it's forked from mythbackend, you'll never find it...06:58
ramasif u screw u blow the hw?06:58
Arkhalisramas: a lot of the time there are only windows installers for updating firmware so you may run into problems there06:58
karatekickzk im in that directory06:58
karatekickzso just grep "vncserver"?06:58
karatekickzcause it appears hung06:59
losherkaratekickz: 'grep vnc /etc/init.d/*'06:59
unitheorygrep grep grep06:59
karatekickzfrom /~ ?06:59
mutewkaratekickz, cd /etc06:59
mutewkaratekickz, grep "vncserver" . -r06:59
usingartistxliveHow do I enable root in the installed ubuntu by using a live-cd?07:00
JimBiggsjerroome`, lsmod: http://pastebin.com/f7f303fd, lspci http://pastebin.com/f20a8d21b, xorg.conf: http://pastebin.com/f2e99e6907:00
ramasshe has xp install in another partition  I left it there... just in case... like these cases07:00
magnetron!root | usingartistxlive07:00
ubottuusingartistxlive: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo07:00
losherkaratekickz: I'd prefer he do: sudo grep vnc /etc/init.d/*07:00
JimBiggsjerroome`, and dmesg: http://pastebin.com/f7489a0df07:01
Arkhalisramas: good choice lol and good luck, hope it helps07:01
jeeveshow can I connect to a windows 2003 server through a VPN?07:01
karatekickzdude it does nothing no output07:01
karatekickzback to prompt07:01
TohuwCan't get X to start using vesa, ai or fglrx. In syslog, I'm seeing two things of interest: "gdm_config_value_get_bool: assertion 'value->type == GDM_CONFIG_VALUE_BOOL' failed" and "failed to start x sefveral times in a short time period; disabling dispaly :0"07:01
losherusingartistxlive: it's tricky. if I recall, you need to a) fsck then mount the root directory07:01
magnetron!enter | karatekickz07:01
ubottukaratekickz: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:01
Arkhalisanger solves no computer problem... only cause them lol07:01
ramasthx you'll see me here tomorrow with more q's and info if they dont work, this is a weird one, dont think its a hw prob as the laptop is just new, anyway, gotta run thx07:02
Arkhalisramas: night07:02
losherusingartistxlive: did you wanna do this or not?07:03
* losher thinks to himself, it's like pulling teeth tonight...07:03
loofTohuw, : what video card are you using? did you make any driver changes? i'm assuming x started before you did something to break it?07:03
* Arkhalis agrees with losher07:03
kandinskidoes ubuntu have a good self-hosted web analytics package?07:04
jerroome`ok, give me a minute07:04
JimBiggsjerroome`, take you time, i'm stuck here anyway :p07:04
ggggis it possible to share files with samba from ubuntu to windows xp?if possible how?07:04
usingartistxlivelosher, yes, I need to enable root on the installed os with the hosed xserver/xorg, while using a live-cd, so I can reboot and get past the "recovery mode's" maintenence password07:04
karatekickzgroan thanks for the help im giving up for the night07:04
losherusingartistxlive: ok, so the easiest way I can think to do that is to generate a root password on the live system & copy it to the hosed server, ok?07:05
usingartistxliveI have a fresh terminal open and ready07:05
loofkandinski, : good compared to what?07:05
djolefolIs iCon 401 3G USB modem working with Jaunty? Do I still have to disable ZeroCD first?07:05
gggghow to use samba to share files to windows xp?07:06
losherusingartistxlive: tell me the name of the root partition of the server07:06
JimBiggsjerroome`, is it possible easily to revert to the "standard" video drivers instead of the xorg-edgers to make sure they're not the issue?07:06
kandinskiloof: google analytics quality07:06
usingartistxliveusing nautilus, it shows up as "disk"07:06
kandinskiloof: not only good statistics-wise, but also full of eye candy07:06
Tohuwloof: Rage ATI XL, but I also tried the builtin (also ATI) card. It worked before I upgraded to jaunty.07:06
jerroome`for the moment you are using standard video mode07:07
jerroome`how is your X launched07:07
zetherooI am trying to use the Istanbul Screen Recorder but it seems to freeze after I initiate the recording session07:07
jerroome`ps -ef | grep X07:07
dsdeiz_lspci to know what video card you have right? either nvidia/intel/ati?07:07
losherusingartistxlive: can you paste the output of 'df -h' to http://paste.ubuntu.com ?07:07
loofgggg: http://www.lmgtfy.com/?q=File+Sharing+With+Ubuntu+9.04+Using+Samba07:07
JimBiggsjerroome`, http://pastebin.com/f243cf94307:08
loofkandinsky: lol, google analytics quality. GOOD LUCK07:08
djolefolThere are different opinions about iCon 401 at the forum: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1160081&highlight=iCon+40107:08
JimBiggsjerroome`, how do you know i'm using standard mode? because there's not the "uxa" stuff in xorg?07:08
bazhangloof, please don't lmgtfy07:09
bazhang!samba > gggg07:09
ubottugggg, please see my private message07:09
loofbazhang, : when my link is better than ubottu, it's relevant :P07:10
bazhangloof, desist in future thanks.07:10
usingartistxlivelosher: http://paste.ubuntu.com/201863/07:10
unitheory!samba > unitheory07:10
ubottuunitheory, please see my private message07:10
Warrigal_Is there an X11 channel?07:10
ganymede_if use ip addr add (some-ip-here) dev eth8, then that means i can have separate daemons listening on the same ports on different IPs?07:10
linuxguy2009Hey guys I just noticed that a few apps a installed in Wine have been removed from the wine menu, but I just noticed that they have for some reason been moved to the Other menu.How do I get rid of them? I have tried gconf-editor.07:11
TohuwWarrigal_: #xorg07:11
losherusingartistxlive: good. Now cd /media/disk/etc07:11
Warrigal_Tohuw: gracias.07:11
Tohuwlinuxguy2009: alacarte07:11
linuxguy2009Sorry I meant the menu editor.07:11
Amaranthdon't do that07:11
Tophuis there a way to burn an backup of my 9.04 install once I get it set up the way I like it (compiz, stylus, awn ...) to a dvd or something so that I can reainstall and have everything already set up?07:12
JimBiggsjerroome`, so what do you reckon, am i out of solutions (appart from reinstalling?)07:12
ggggubottu, thanks07:12
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)07:12
AmaranthDo not use the "Delete" feature in alacarte07:12
JimBiggsthat would be a pain :(07:12
ggggloof, thanks07:12
loofkandinsky: http://www.google.com/urchin/index.html07:12
AmaranthIt shouldn't even be there07:12
Tohuwlinuxguy2009: ah. so they don't show up in alacarte?07:12
loofgggg: np07:12
dsdeiz_thanks ubottu!07:12
linuxguy2009Yes they show but they wont delete.07:12
usingartistxlivelosher, okay, I'm there07:12
dsdeiz_thanks ubottu !07:12
jerroome`I wouldn't reinstall, but I don't have an immediate issue07:12
JimBiggsjerroome`, :(07:13
wickinghello. i’ve added a file /etc/hal/fdi/policy/10-x11-input.fdi to my HAL config. how can i tell HAL to immediately use these new settings without a restart of the computer?07:13
jerroome`try to repair broken packages07:13
Tohuwloof: any ideas on why when I use the fglrx driver I get "no screens found" even though I'm using a standard and simple xorg.conf?07:13
JimBiggsjerroome`, so you confirm there's nothing i could do to "revert to standard video drivers" as i should already be using them, right?07:13
JimBiggsjerroome`, how to repair broken packages?07:13
losherusingartistxlive: ok, now lets generate a root password. Type: sudo passwd root . It will prompt you to enter & repeat a root password07:13
jerroome`you can either reboot and launch in rescue mode, or launch telinit S and choose repair broken packages07:13
JimBiggsjerroome`, ok07:14
ganymede_Tophu: you can tar and gzip your entire home directory, or maybe just the dot-folders07:14
loofhmmm, what drivers are you using?07:14
JimBiggsjerroome`, is that normal that i can't use the arrows to change the menu in telinit S?07:14
loofTohuw, : what ati drivers, i mean07:14
jerroome`if you boot in recue mode, you first have to drop to a root shell in order to set your network connection and after that laucnh repair broken packages07:14
linuxguy2009I was messing with Lego Digital Designer and a few NVIDIA demos.hehe Darn shortcuts are in Other and just wont delete.07:14
jerroome`I can, I don't know why you can't07:15
usingartistxlivelosher , passwd: password updated successfully07:15
JimBiggsjerroome`, i'm having a very bad feeling :(07:15
Tophu@gany: so no way to burn an install disk :-(07:15
unitheorylinuxguy2009, can't you use gnome's menu editor?07:15
Tohuwloof: What do you mean? I'm using fglrx as the driver. fglrx is installed properly; it was working before upgrade07:15
losherusingartistxlive: ok. now look at the file /etc/shadow: the first line should say root: followed by a bunch of weird characters07:16
JimBiggsjerroome`, when i type any key it writes over the menus, and the arrows arent reponsive07:16
linuxguy2009Yes I have used alacarte many times its great.It just wont do it for some odd reason.07:16
jerroome`after you have launched the xorg reconfigure command, you aren't using any third party drivers for graphics anymore07:16
Amaranthlinuxguy2009: Don't use the "Delete" option in alacarte07:16
unitheorylinuxguy2009, uncheck the boxes next to the entries you don't want to show ?07:16
Amaranthlinuxguy2009: It causes problems later07:16
JimBiggsjerroome`, oh ok ;)07:17
losherusingartistxlive: you may need to say 'sudo cat /etc/shadow' to read it...07:17
jerroome`than just reboot07:17
zetherooplease help, Istanbul Screen Recorder is not working for me ... I have a terminal output if anyone is interested ...07:17
jerroome`and go to rescue mode07:17
Tohuwloof, do you need to see my xorg.conf, and if so is there a quick way to put it on pastebin when all I have is root prompt with networking?07:17
bullgard4[GNOME] After dist-upgrade to Uuntu 9.04 the arrow keys and the 'Alt Gr' key function wrongly. They do work correctly in the virtual consoles. How to fix this?07:17
JimBiggsjerroome`, ok, i'll try that :/07:17
sparrare there any good Free alternatives to GPSDrive or TangoGPS?07:17
xooocan anyone think of a temporary fix for this pidgin-yahoo network problem?07:17
linuxguy2009unitheory: thats a good temp fix. So I did it. Im thinking its reading them from a folder somewhere.07:18
Amaranthlinuxguy2009: ~/.local/share/applications/wine/07:18
Tophu@xooo: I thought they came out with an update that fixed that07:18
usingartistxlivelosher, I just opened it from nautilus, and it shows root:x: then some numbers and ":"s07:18
xoooTophu: tell me how to do it because mine isn't fixed07:18
unitheoryxooo, you can change the server pidgin connects to if you don't want to update pidgin07:19
xoooid like to update pidgin07:19
looftohuw: i didn't think that the ati rage xl was supported by fglrx??? are you SURE it is??07:19
Stanley_I just installed ubuntu 9.04, is root disabled by default? how do i enable it? I'm trying to do things and it won't let me07:19
losherusingartistxlive: ok, that bunch of numers & stuff between the colons is the password you just generated. We need to copy it to the server07:19
Aacronif anyone was in here earlier when I was having the grub issues, I fixed em!!  (YAY for me!).  As I thought, what grub sees when it is installed from inside linux is different from what it sees when it it loaded from MBR right after POST.07:19
linuxguy2009Amaranth: Big thumbs up, you da man/woman!07:19
JimBiggsjerroome`, i just tried booting with the previous kernel, and it didn't work better, so that could mean it's really video related, right?07:19
Amaranth!root | Stanley_07:19
ubottuStanley_: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo07:19
Tophu@stanley: all commands cane be executte as root by useing sudo <command>07:19
Tohuwloof: no, actually. I'm not certain. this computer has two cards, a built in ati and the pci rage. one moment, let me try something07:20
AacronStanley_: sudo07:20
Tophusudo so drops you into root07:20
Tophusudo su*07:20
linuxguy2009Ill have to remeber that one next time.07:20
Stanley_so it's sudo in unbuntu instead of su07:20
Stanley_ ?07:20
Aacronyeah, SuperUserDO07:20
Tophuon that front page it says yahoo problems are fixed07:20
Aacronleast hwo I remember it :P07:20
usingartistxlive losher, okay, it is as you say from "sudo cat...."07:20
wickingagain: i’ve added a file /etc/hal/fdi/policy/10-x11-input.fdi to my HAL config. how can i tell HAL to immediately use these new settings without a restart of the computer?07:21
jerroome`yes it is07:21
linuxguy2009Man i love this wallpaper-tray app from the repos.Its cool.07:21
Stanley_I'm new to linux and all I've used so far is CentOS on my servers, I tried to use Fedora but it seems a little clunky07:21
Aacronwell now that my GRUB issues are solved, i now need help getting my not-so-supported SiiG sil0680 Medley card to play nice in Ubuntu07:21
losherusingartistxlive: ok, we need to copy the password to the server file /media/disk/etc/passwd. Do you have a favorite text editor?07:21
JimBiggsjerroome`, i rebooted in rescue mode, selected the xfix menu entry, but still no luck :/07:21
Stanley_So I'll have to get used to doing things "differently" in ubuntu07:21
Tophu@linuxguy2009: is that the one that auto rotates wallpapers?07:22
linuxguy2009Stanley deb distros like Ubuntu and Debian are great to start with.Good luck to you!07:22
Aacronfrom what I have read, I need to use dmraid07:22
jerroome`then I'm out of ideas07:22
looftohuw: with that card i think you should be using mesa07:22
xooowhere do i manage how ubuntu does updates? mines not doing it automatically. i tried update manager and its not in there.07:22
usingartistxlivelosher, I have gedit open07:22
jerroome`maybe you should go to a xorg chat07:22
Aacronthing is last time I tried to use it, it gave me some funky erorr about dos: something size exceeded partition07:22
linuxguy2009Tophu yeah its cool I love it. I accidentally left the timer at 0 and set it to rotate and it was swapping papers like crazy till i reset it in gconf.hehe07:22
jerroome`those people might be able to help you better07:22
JimBiggsjerroome`, i switch to #xorg, let's hope there's some people as helping as you ;)07:22
losherusingartistxlive: ok, open /media/disk/etc/shadow in the editor07:23
JimBiggsthanks a lot !07:23
unitheoryxooo, system > administration > software sources07:23
jerroome`you welcome07:23
jerroome`sorry I couldn't fix your problem07:23
JimBiggsjerroome`, at least it ruled out the obvious i believe :D07:23
JimBiggswell, it's not your fault is it? at least you tried!07:23
jerroome`good luck07:24
losherusingartistxlive: you might encounter permission problems. You may need to run sudo gedit /media/disk/etc/shadow to get it to work07:24
Aacronanyone use pidgin in here?  I'd like to turn off the enter/leave messages but I dunno how to?  Course I could just install and use a real IRC client... :|07:24
linuxguy2009I learned a cool tweak the otehr day for the gnome panels, you can go to gconf and apps/panel/toplevel and set them to 0 delay for show and hide, and also 0 for how much of the panel shows when hiding and disable the animation.There totally hidden until you need em and there fast.Love it!07:24
Aacronyeah think I'll do that be back in a minute07:25
usingartistxlivelosher, I closed it and reopened it with sudo07:25
JimBiggsjerroome`, thanks ;)07:25
losherusingartistxlive: ok, open a second terminal and do the same with /etc/shadow i.e. sudo gedit /etc/shadow07:25
ArkhalisI'm sleepy07:26
coz_guys where is the menu editor in kde4?07:27
losherArkhalis: I'm pouring myself a brandy07:27
usingartistxlivelosher , would a copy/paste from the first terminal to the opened gedit work?07:27
Arkhalislosher: I am bartending right now lol... Alcohol, money, karaoke, and linux /heaven07:27
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loofTohuw, : i mean, you're trying to run opengl on an 8mb video card, right? or just trying to run X?07:28
losherusingartistxlive: yes, and that's exactly what we need to do. We want to cut&paste the root password i.e. everything between the first two colons from /etc/shadow to /media/disk/etc/shadow07:28
linuxguy2009Man I swear if I would have known how cool linux was back in the day I would have switched in a minute.I dont think I could live without it now.07:28
losherusingartistxlive: we on;y need to change the first line. I hope it's clear what I mean...07:29
usingartistxlivelosher, does it matter that the rest of the numbers in the terminal are different from the numbers in gedit? That is, not counting "root".07:29
Arkhalislinuxguy2009: I love linux except for gaming, I play too new of games for wine to handle so I spend most of my time on windows... everything else is linux07:29
losherlinuxguy2009: linux wasn't as cool as it is now, 'back in the day'....07:29
unitheorylosher, yes it was :P07:30
linuxguy2009hehe true I bought a box of Mandrake 8.0 back when i was younger and had no clue how to do anything on it but install it. Its changed a lot.07:30
losherusingartistxlive: the rest of the numbers are ok to leave as is, we only want to cut & paste the actual password07:30
unitheoryi guess it depends on how you define "cool" and "back in the day"07:30
usingartistxlivelosher, okay, root line only, copied and pasted.07:30
losherusingartistxlive: ok, close both editors, we're done07:30
usingartistxlivelosher, "save" first, I suppose07:31
mbostwickOk I am going crazy...http://pastebin.com/m58352ba0...I can't get glx to work on xorg :(07:31
losherusingartistxlive: yes, on the /media/disk/etc/shadow, save then exit...07:31
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linuxguy2009Ok well g'night guys!07:32
Arkhalisnight linuxguy200907:32
usingartistxlivelosher, thank you. I'll be back if I have any more problems.07:32
Stanley_Is there any way to get skype running on 9.05 64bit07:33
zortecI need help to configure my sound.  It is not working.07:33
losherusingartistxlive: ok, I'll hang around for 5 minutes to be sure you can at least get past the boot...07:33
Arkhaliszortec: have you tried this?07:33
Arkhalis!alsa | zortec07:33
ubottuzortec: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP307:33
Tohuwloof: yeah, forgot that rage xl is only an 8mb, and that fglrx would not work with it. switched back to the other one. I updated fglrx to the latest version, and now I get a "no screens found" (this card is an radeon xpress 200g series).07:33
zortecI'm using the HDA Nvidia alsa device07:34
mbostwickanyone know what would cause this: dlopen: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions//libglx.so: undefined symbol: _nv000046gl07:34
rizali have problem about crontab07:35
rizali have problem about crontab07:35
rizalthe script runs fine manually, but it is not running when you've scheduled it to run from cron.07:35
FloodBot1rizal: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:35
Tohuwloof: I also see: This ATI proprietary linux driver does not guarantee support of video driver ABI higher than 2.0 video driver ABI version of the X server is 5.007:35
loofTohuw, : yeah, i was like "uhhhhh, fglrx on an 8mb card??? i'm amazed you were trying to run X!" lol =S07:35
Arkhaliszortec: right, but have you set them all to also mixer to see if you get sound07:35
zortecOk, got the sound working but it's very low07:35
Stanley_I have a Nvidia GTX-260 and an Nvidia 9500GT that i use to power 4 monitors, What Drivers should I install?07:36
zortecArkhalis: I had to turn up the PCM control07:36
loshermbostwick: my first guess is that the module was built for a different version of xserver than the one running...07:36
loofTohuw, : you should try using MESA if you want opengl on the card07:36
zortecArkhalis: Where would I set them all?  I only see one drop down for mixer07:36
Kasm279i cant get ubuntu 9.04 to work with my laptop's touchpad, and its an issue in kernel 2.6 as it works with 8.10 and DSL07:36
Arkhaliszortec: good, my sound is rediculously quiet as well... haven't worked that one out yet07:36
loofstanley: the closed source nvidia drivers. 180.60 is the newest as i recall07:36
Arkhaliszortec: ah, that was me being dumb ignore the "all"07:37
zortecArkhalis: I'm going to search around and see why sound on linux is extremely quiet07:37
Aacronquick question: I'm not sure I like xchat-gnome too terribly much... options I'd like (like auto-identify) are not here... any recommendations?07:37
Stanley_loof: So I should use Nvidia's drivers?07:37
Arkhaliszortec: there may be a fix in that alsa reference i just showed you07:37
unitheoryAacron, xchat can auto-identify07:37
Arkhaliszortec: if you find a solution msg me a website (i've just been too busy to figure it out)07:38
Arkhalisplease ^^07:38
zortecArkhalis: No problem :)07:38
Kasm279any ideas?07:38
AacronI'm using xchat-gnome (said it was supported by Ubuntu, the normal xchat wasn't?)07:38
Aacronunitheory: so should I de-install this one and use the other xchat?07:39
ArkhalisAacron: just set your identify as a perform action on boot of xchat07:39
loofStanley_, : yeah07:39
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unitheoryAacron, i'm not familiar with xchat-gnome.07:39
Stanley_loof: is there a tutorial available for that? I've seen a couple but am not sure which one to use07:39
Aacrondont see the self-identify option anywhere (nor a way to turn off these pesky scrolling enter/leave messages)07:40
Aacronkk, guess the other is safe?07:40
AacronWas kinda leery of stuff that doesn't say 'supported by ubuntu' on it :P07:40
loofthe newest off the nvidia site07:40
loofwhich is 180.6007:40
AacronI'll be back in a minute then... try out the other one07:40
Kasm279any ideas at all?07:40
Tohuwloof: what should I use for the "driver" paramter in my xorg.conf to use mesa?07:41
unitheoryKasm279, what model laptop?07:41
Kasm279Averatec 3725-EH1 (3700 series), unitheory07:42
haihow can I continue booting the system from rescue mode while im ssh'd in07:42
Stanley_loof: Can they be installed via the packet manager or is it manual07:42
Stanley_loof: also, nvidia' website shows it as the latest version being 185.18.1407:43
Arkhaliszortec: Hey, think this may help... let me know if it does http://dollarunderscore.wordpress.com/2007/05/28/sound-quiet-after-upgrade-to-ubuntu-704/07:44
unitheoryKasm279, make a backup of your xorg.conf and try the solution in http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-312821.html07:44
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k2000Can anyone help me recover a corrupt ntfs filesystem contained in a raid0 array.  The corruption is a result of a defective memory07:45
Aacronahh this is much better so far07:45
loofStanley_, : ahh, my bad. 185 >> 180. so yeah, use those07:47
unitheoryAacron, if you right-click on the channel tab the hide join/parts setting is in there07:47
Aacronkk thanks :P07:47
Stanley_loof: and is it really as easy as "sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-185.18.14-pkg2.run" ?? I remember last time it was alot more difficult07:47
losherk2000: there is an ntfsfix program, but it's no substitute for chkdsk, You really need to get a windows system to check/repair the fs07:48
k2000losher: when I try to boot windows from the installation cd it hangs b4 detecting the hard drives07:49
rizali have problem about crontab07:49
rizalthe script runs fine manually, but it is not running when you've scheduled it to run from cron.07:49
k2000losher: It has vista on it07:49
loofStanley_, : yeah it's pretty simple if you choose the basic options. http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/185.18.14/README/index.html is the whole manual (pretty big, not really needed) see sections 15 and 13 for details on multi-monitor support.07:49
losherk2000: sorry, I know even less about windows than I do about linux...07:49
nellmathewanyone know how to change gnome tray icons of specific apps? (dropbox's 16x16 icon is annoying in my theme)07:50
k2000In linux I see both hard drives07:50
Stanley_How do i exit X before installing?07:50
k2000linux even detects a ntfs filesystem on the first hard drive07:50
k2000but the second hard drive's filesystem is listed as unknown07:50
unitheorynellmathew, afaik each application controls the appearance/presence of its tray icon07:51
nellmathewah thanks unitheory07:51
k2000I dont mind tryint the ntfsfix in linux07:51
Arkhaliszortec: you there?07:51
loofStanley_, : backup your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file before you go ahead with the install, tho, just in case you have problems you can put it back in place and use your old x config file that way07:51
k2000I was successfull with most of the time I used it on non-raid drives07:51
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losherk2000: by all means try it, but if you read the man page, you'll see if recommends booting into windows...07:52
unitheorynellmathew, if you can set the app to disable its tray icon there are application out there that let you make tray icons for any program and you can configure them if i recall correctly07:52
|RyanHey, I'm about to burn BackTrack 4 preRelease to a Dvd. Do I just burn the iso straight to the DVD and it works? or is there specific things I need to do?07:52
unitheoryand i continue missing the s key07:53
k2000I tried everything I know in windows :(07:53
k2000I'll try again then07:53
zortecArkhalis: I'm still here, what did it for me was to turn up the Surround slider in the volume control07:53
k2000just in case I missed something07:53
Apollo2366Might be a noob question, but where do I change the default applications for different filetypes?07:54
losher|Ryan: if it's an iso, be sure to burn it in 'image mode' is the only gotcha...07:54
nellmathewunitheory, thanks, sounds good enough. i'll look into that then..07:54
Stanley_The installation requirements say: XFree86/X.Org 4.0.1/6.7  and to check type: XFree86 -version/Xorg -version07:54
unitheoryApollo2366, right-click on the file you want to change then it's under the "open with" tab07:54
Aacronhey k2000, I just had a huge thing I had to deal with for grub07:55
Aacronand I had similar issues07:55
Stanley_it said ntohing was found so i did a sudo aptitude install Xfree8607:55
AacronI resolved it... maybe you're having a similar issue?07:55
Stanley_And it's still not giving me a version07:55
|Ryanlosher: Any recommended software for doing this?07:55
losher|Ryan: what os version are you running?07:56
Apollo2366unitheory, it works once, but the default application for that filetype remains the same07:56
Arkhaliszortec: using the sudo alsamixer command? I just fixed mine by turing up the line out as well (apparently it affects the sound some)07:56
|RyanUbuntu 9.0407:56
zortecArkhalis: Let me give that a try. :)07:56
zetherooseems like none of the screen recording apps really work ... they all have glitches ... what a pain!07:56
unitheoryApollo2366, sorry, right click the file then click properties then open with.07:57
Arkhaliszortec: other than that I've got nothing google doesn't so good luck... going on a smoke break. if you need me msg me and i'll get back to you in a few07:57
Apollo2366Oh ok thanks, unitheory07:58
losher|Ryan: dunno, I use the command line myself. growisofs  -speed=4 -dvd-compat -Z /dev/cdrom=file.iso07:58
|Ryanlosher: And that will burn it to my DVD? 'file.iso' being BackTrack4, in this case?07:59
losher|Ryan: yep, that's the theory....07:59
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loofStanley_, : did it error out saying that it required xfree86/xorg in those versions? or just tell you? if you've got a recent install of ubuntu (say, 9.04) you're fine08:00
Arkhaliszortec: back now lol, that do anything for you?08:00
Stanley_Loof: okay thanks. It does error out saying I need to exit out of X first though, how do I do that ?08:01
bkraptoris firefox 3.5 being backported to jaunty?08:01
SyphonSilentahh wine is so confusing08:01
darkdelusionsSyphonSilent: how so08:02
unitheorymore inadequate than confusing imho08:02
SyphonSilentall the repositories and authentication keys lol08:02
SyphonSilentI dont understand08:02
zortecArkhalis: That was a fast smoke break.08:02
loofStanley_, : init 3 as root will drop you out of X; obviously if you're in X talking to us here on irc on that machine you're wanting to upgrade the drivers on, then that will kill your X session and all your apps you have open in X08:04
unitheorySyphonSilent, sudo wget -q http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/387EE263.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add - && sudo wget http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/sources.list.d/jaunty.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list && sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install wine08:04
SyphonSilenti wish I understoon what that mean lol08:05
SyphonSilentthanks =]08:05
Stanley_Loof: I thought there _was_ no root?08:05
Arkhaliszortec: I'm working right now, bartender. So my smoke breaks are short but sweet08:06
DeCypher1How do i go about opening a .desktop file?08:06
losherStanley_: there is no root password. But there is a root...08:06
loofyou could try "sudo init 3"08:06
alkamidI have a question concerning 8.10-9.04 upgrade08:06
psychosmoseBonne nuit ;-) !08:06
alkamidI have a minimal install of Intrepid08:06
zortecArkhalis: Ah :)08:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gdm08:06
alkamidif I upgrade, will it stay "minimal" ?08:07
Stanley_losher: how do i get in root then?08:07
Stanley_loof: sudo init 3 does nothign08:07
zortecArkhalis: You have any news on the 9.10 release?08:07
loofStanley_, : there is a root account, it's just disabled by default. i'd recommend re-enabling it. if you need to recover your system ever in the future you'll need to know your root password08:07
alkamidI mean I'm no tsure if it's not going to instlal any addidtional stuff that I simply don't need08:07
DeCypher1How do i go about opening a .desktop file?08:08
Stanley_So i'm logged in as root now in terminal and when i type 'init 3' nothing happens08:08
Stanley_DeCyper1: I believe a .desktop is just a shortcut08:09
loofStanley_, : system->administration->users and groups. you can re-enable root there and assign the root account a password. be aware, you don't want to be running stuff normally as root, it's mostly only for major system upgrades/changes/major software package updates (wine needs to be installed as root, as an example)08:10
Stanley_loof: yea I have it unlocked and a password set now, so i go into terminal type 'su' enter my password and i'm in root, now i type 'init 3' and _nothing_ happens08:11
Arkhaliszortec: I don't sorry, again with the been too busy (two jobs and school)08:11
zortecArkhalis: No worry, I was just curious08:12
MachinTruccould someone help me test an installation? i just need you to telnet to on port 2223 and tell me if you get a debian prompt08:13
MachinTrucit works locally but i need to make sure it works from remote hosts before i leave this computer08:13
Arkhaliszortec: Gotta start closing up which means bed time for me in a bit... see ya later08:13
ArkhalisNight all~08:13
zortecArkhalis: Night man08:14
nzeroxMachinTruc, I?l test it for you08:14
MachinTrucok, thx08:14
nzeroxtelnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused08:15
MachinTrucdid you specify port 2223?08:15
nzeroxMachinTruc, I send you result in pm08:15
nzeroxMachinTruc, I did08:15
loofStanley_, : er, sorry, try telinit 308:15
thomthomHow do add a kernel enty to grub08:15
vigoTo clear out all the kernels at boot is a grub thing or CLI thing, there are for or five kernels to choose from now and I think I want to clean that up a bit?08:15
sleepy_catok the question sounds weird .. but i am calling a function repeatedly.. i want an english term which signifies "calling the function again and again"08:16
loofStanley_, : it'll kill any graphical ui you have running though08:16
Stanley_loof: still nothing08:16
jerroomethomthom you need to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst08:16
loofand you're in as root?08:16
osxfr33kIs there a command in the terminal to log all messages that are printed during rpmbuild -bb of the kernel.spec file?  Including all warnings etc?08:16
thomthomI know that, I need to find the correct information about the kernel08:16
zortecosxfr33k: For that I'd set up a cron job08:17
mafsi_loof: or you can install Startup-Manager :)08:17
zortecloof: I second Startup-Manager08:17
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osxfr33kzortec, never used a cron before08:17
jerroomesleepy_cat if the funtion calls itself, it's recursivly, otherwise, I don't know how to call it ... :)08:17
osxfr33kso echo will not do the job?08:17
sleepy_catno not like that08:18
sleepy_cati am calling that function at time 0 then again at time 2 and again at time 508:18
jerroomethomthom which correct information ? there can be a lot08:18
Stanley_loof: let me reboot first and i'll be back and try those commands again08:18
sleepy_catso .. i am calling it.. its not recursive08:18
loofStanley_, : or you could use startup-manager (i've never used it). i'm pretty sure there's also a keypress (escape maybe?) during boot to give you a list of boot options, of which a console with & without networking is an option08:18
sleepy_cathow to phrase it in english08:18
unitheorysleepy_cat, recurring?08:18
sleepy_cathmm.. not sure08:19
jerroomeperiodic ?08:19
thomthomwhen I installed the new kernel through synaptics I was doing something else while and when it asks you what to do with menu.lst I wasn't paying attention and kept the installed version08:19
sleepy_catno not periodic08:19
sleepy_cati think repeatedly .. sounds more appropriate08:20
bigchriscan anyone tell me what is the best app for desklets/widgets?08:20
sleepy_catrecurring is also proper08:20
thomthomI didn't do the thre way merge like I usually do08:20
zortecloof, Stanley_: You can just use escape during the boot up.08:20
sleepy_catwhat looks better repeatedly or recurringly..08:20
zortecOh, for my problem earlier I removed network manager and installed wicd if anyone wants to know08:20
sleepy_catthe sentence is ".. when the function is called ........."08:21
unitheorythomthom, you could also probably reinstall the latest kernel, right?08:21
Stanley_loof: init 3 and telinit 3 are both still not working08:21
vigoosxfr33k: Logs? http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-linux-gnome-system-log-viewer/08:21
jerroomethomthom, so you just have to look inside /boot to see the version of your new kernel and then add a line with the correct kernel name inside menu.lst08:21
jerroomewhere is the problem ?08:21
DeCypher1How do i rename a GDM Theme08:21
alkamidI have a question concerning 8.10-9.04 upgrade: I have a minimal install of Intrepid; if I upgrade, will it stay "minimal" ?08:21
alkamid I mean I'm no tsure if it's not going to instlal any addidtional stuff that I simply don't need08:21
thomthomunitheroy: I tried that08:21
zortecalkamid: It depends what packages you pull in.08:22
loofStanley_, : or you could use startup-manager (i've never used it). i'm pretty sure there's also a keypress (escape maybe?) during boot to give you a list of boot options, of which a console with & without networking is an option08:22
alkamidzortec: what does it mean?08:22
zortecalkamid: What does 'minimal' mean, is that what you want to know?08:22
vigoalkamid: Make a good backup now, you cannot go wrong with that.08:22
loofStanley: do zortec confirmed, you can hit esc during bootup to get the boot options screen, from there boot to console with networking, and install the driver there as root08:23
MachinTruccould someone help me test an installation? i just need you to telnet to on port 2223 and tell me if you get a debian prompt08:23
jerroomethomthom pastebin ls /boot and cat /boot/grub/menu.lst08:23
zortecMachinTruc: Sure, one second08:24
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic08:24
alkamidvigo: of course I will, I thought it's a well-known fact what the upgrade does (:08:24
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning08:24
mafsiMachinTruc: The authenticity of host '[]:2223 ([]:2223)' can't be established.08:24
mafsiRSA key fingerprint is e0:95:b2:cb:b7:1b:b4:01:76:a1:2b:de:41:47:82:83.08:24
mafsiAre you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?08:24
MachinTrucit works, unitheory just did it. Thanks for the help.08:25
vigoalkamid: Okee dokee, just makes sense to me to back up anything before making any changes or even if a power surge hits or whatever, I am big on backups.08:25
osxfr33kvigo, that might help with a lot of the warning and install messages.  I just want to catch all tha gets printed  in the terminal window to a text or file08:26
osxfr33kany simple way of doing this?08:26
chanuxno automoc packag for hardy. Any idea howto get?08:26
osxfr33kand ita almost 30 minutes of messages08:26
Spike1506i removed some locals with localpurge, is there any way to restore those?08:26
ashlessburnhow do u see who is online08:26
unitheoryosxfr33k, i think you can append ">> file.txt" (or something like that) to the end of the command08:27
thomthomjerroome: http://pastebin.ca/147082008:27
unitheoryosxfr33k, or rather just > file.txt08:28
osxfr33kya I think that works for most of the messages but the warning and some minor things don't get printed into the file that way08:28
vigoosxfr33k: Erm, I use to know that script, is like /mv or something, but with a lot more calls. Yeah, unitheory is on the right track.08:28
osxfr33kSo > rather than >>08:28
unitheoryosxfr33k, for instance if you "ls > list.txt" you get a file with the output of ls08:28
osxfr33kWill it catch the warning messages?08:28
osxfr33khow about this08:29
osxfr33krpmbuild -bb kernel.spec08:29
osxfr33kvery lengthy08:29
thomthomI copied and pasted the 2.6.30-5kernel then change it 2.6.30-9. but that didn't work08:29
=== kipas_angin is now known as myphnix
_rubenwhy build a kernel rpm for ubuntu?08:29
unitheoryosxdude, rpmbuild -bb kernel.spec > report.txt08:29
osxfr33knot necessary rpmbuild but similar08:29
osxfr33kmake etc08:30
unitheoryshould work but i'm not sure ;]08:30
osxfr33kthanks will try08:30
jerroomethomthom : just add this to menu.lst http://paste.ubuntu.com/201900/08:30
_rubencommand 1> stdout.txt 2> stderr.txt ... stdout.txt will have normal output .. stderr.txt will have the errors08:30
vigoosxfr33k: Maybe this one...https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxLogFiles08:31
ryancranyone here have pyclutter working on jaunty??08:31
jerroomethomthom : also add the uuid line08:31
vigoosxfr33k: Is basically a syslog with an rpm added in?08:32
thomthomwill do, brb08:33
subdolusCan a single USB thumbstick hold two bootable images? Can I use grub/lilo/whatever to give me a choice between the two, AFTER I've chosen to boot the USB stick without a harddrive08:34
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vigosubdolus: I am not sure, try two LiveCDs or have you tried a LiveUSB.08:36
thomthomjerroome: thanks, what did you do differently, I copied and pasted entry then changed 2.6.30-5 to 2.6.30-908:37
n0gearsubdolus: excellent question, been wondering the same for a while08:37
thomthombut it didn't work when I did it that way08:37
subdolusI can't imagine why it wouldn't work08:38
Stanley_When I hit escape on bootup I have 5 options, Ubuntu, Ubuntu Generic, Ubuntu, Ubuntu Generic, and Memtest08:38
subdolusjust after some suggestions/direction08:38
Stanley_nothing about booting to terminal08:38
jerroomesubdolus : I'm sure it works, I already did it08:38
jerroomethomthom I did the same08:38
subdolusjerroome: how did you acheive it?08:38
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ashlessburnanybody on here really good with ubuntu i mean ungoldy good08:39
thomthomare you supposed to update-grub after you add the entry?08:39
ashlessburnpm is so08:39
jerroomethomthom no certainly not08:39
Stanley_Does anybody know how I can exit X to install the Nvidia Drivers?08:40
thomthomwell, maybe I did something wrong when I tried it the first time, not to worriy though, 2.6.30-9 is in the enrty and loads, so thank you08:41
=== rotkeppchen is now known as greenkeppchen
rabelaiswhy is there a significant delay between what my mic pics up and what I hear back in my speakers when I aplay /dev/dsp  ?08:41
loofStanley_, : it's after that, it's after you've selected your os.08:41
ashlessburnrablais try changing your audio playback matching the device u have there should be several options for the audio config08:42
ashlessburnsometimes the defulat or pic auto detect is not as good08:42
loofStanley_, : i'm just kinda now realizing, you might just wanna install the drivers via the restricted drivers option in system->administration->hardware drivers =S08:42
Stanley_Will I get the same performane loof?08:43
hero_nocturnalwhich virtual machiine is better virtual box or vmware,,or is thr any other more better one08:43
vigoStanley_: What kernel are you using now?08:43
loofclose, the drivers will only be a couple months older08:43
Stanley_Somebody in #nvidia also suggested "apt-get install nvidia-glx"08:43
rabelaisashlessburn: what? how does that affect the bufferring of the recording device?08:43
Stanley_vigo: latest, just downloaded today08:43
ashlessburnit can by using a diffrent config08:43
rabelaisashlessburn: I don't follow, can you explain a little more?08:44
ashlessburnhad the same issue with teamspeak...it was set to oss and i changed it to ati alsa and worked perfectly08:44
ashlessburnmore of what it sees it as08:44
k2000anyone know why my ubuntu live cd is running SUPER slow and when I type sudo top I get cpu load: 1.70 1.90, 1.59 ? I just booted and did nothing else08:44
loofStanley_, : yeah, just get them from the hardware drivers page in system->administration->hardware drivers08:45
rabelaisashlessburn: so what exactly do I change in aplay? I'm just feeding it /dev/dsp...should I give it something else/08:45
k2000(I have a raid0 issue at the moment, I dunno if it could be related)08:45
Stanley_loof: Would "apt-get install nvidia-glx" work better ?08:45
ashlessburnhmm just a feed. shouldnt tech be affected however what ubuntu version are you on08:45
loofStanley_, : i *think* it would pull the same date/version, depends on if you want to do it commandline or via the gui08:46
rabelaisashlessburn: the command I'm issuing is "aplay /dev/dsp"   if that's wrong, then what command should I use to play back the microphone input from the console?08:46
ashlessburnshould be a simple audio setting actualyl which u can test through GUI try going into your sound prefrences and test it through gui08:47
Freewolfhey all, is there anybody who can help with kmyfirewall configuration?08:47
ashlessburnonce thats doen try the diffrent audio resources. ones that will not work will error out or not playback08:48
vigoStanley_: about halfway down. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultiseatX#Edit%20/etc/X11/xorg.conf, Edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:48
hero_nocturnalwhich one is a better virtual machine virtualbox or vmware08:48
ashlessburnthe device you are using analof or digital?08:48
rabelaisashlessburn: let's say that's set...what program do I use to play back the microphone out to my speakers?08:48
thomthomwho here is testing karmic08:48
rabelaisashlessburn: I was assuming this was done with aplay, if that's wrong and I should use another program, what program should I use?08:49
samoraiI want to install Home 3D08:49
vigothomthom: That is #ubuntu+1 I think08:50
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+108:50
samoraiI look French Chat08:50
ziroday!fr | samorai08:50
ubottusamorai: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr08:50
thomthomthanks vigo08:50
Mashanyone knows how to establish my gnome-ppp connection i did install the package but when i got connected it easily disconnected what might be wrong ?08:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about papul08:51
zirodaymadhurya: ?08:51
ubottuSome topics are controversial and often end in negativity. Take care on subjects like war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, potentially illegal activities and suicide. The topics are not banned; stating your position is ok, but trolling, baiting, hostility or repetition are not. If you are asked to stop, do so politely. Disputes to !appeals, please adhere to !Freenode Policy and the !CodeOfConduct08:51
zirodaymadhurya: you might want to do that in PM with the bot as to not flood this channel.08:51
rabelaisMash: most likely networkmanager is interfering08:51
ubottuIf you disagree with a decision by an operator, please first pay #ubuntu-ops a visit. If you are still unhappy, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam/AppealProcess for the steps you should take. If you feel the need to discuss the channel rules, please contact the ops on IRC or via the email address on the aforementioned page.08:51
ashlessburni dont really really on those. more of a test and pray...its more the device compatabiltiy which after 9.04 is greatly increased i personally have never used the CMD line to test these features as bc they are not real world just simple...the gui adds the real delay well bc it is gui08:51
ashlessburnmore of a why then why not08:52
rabelaisashlessburn: thanks for your help, I'm not communicating my issue to you properly...but thank you08:52
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rabelaisMash: disable networkmanaged by rightclicking on the little networked computers up at the top right and uncheck (enable networking)08:53
jerroomesubdolus I can't find that configuration again, but as I remember, I just installed grub on it and did mapping inside it to set the image I want to boot as hd008:53
rabelaisMash: your ppp program should work without failing then08:53
Mashok rabelais thanks08:53
Apollo2366Hey, semi-noob question here. Where are program files kept in Ubuntu?08:53
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zirodayApollo2366: many different places, what are you looking for exactly?08:54
rabelaisApollo2366: everything is in your home directory /home/<username>08:54
rabelaisApollo2366: firefox is in /home/<username>/.mozilla08:54
=== CaptainChaos is now known as Cunctator
zirodayrabelais: those are the configuration settings, not all the program files :)08:55
zirodayApollo2366: to see all this files provided by a package you can do dpkg -L <packagename>08:55
rabelaisziroday: apologies, I figured he was asking for the user-specific program files08:56
MaelosHow do you get the reverse of that -- i.e. what file does a package belong to?08:56
madhuryahow can i see if python is installed in my system?08:56
Mashok be back later try my luck08:56
zirodayMaelos: install the apt-file application08:56
FreewolfI'm running kMyFirewall with sudo command so with root access but it won't change iptables even if it shwos that it changed08:56
vaibhav_today's update removed lots of mono packages, , are they cleaning it up?08:56
jerroomemadhurya just type python08:56
=== madhurya is now known as i_am_an_indian
cemchi. is there a command line tool for downloading mail from an exchange server using MAPI? sort of like a fetchmail, but with MAPI08:57
ktneis there any way to install 32bit mplayer  on amd64?08:57
* i_am_an_indian asks if there are any indians here :)08:57
ktnei_am_an_indian: aren't there two types of them? you didn't specified which one :)08:58
zirodaycemc: evolution should have that ability08:58
zortecktne: You can use aptitude or apt-get to install mplayer.08:58
zirodayi_am_an_indian: #ubuntu-in08:58
ktnezortec: i can't find the mplayer 32 bit package08:58
rabelaisktne: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6268508:58
zortecziroday: Good day :)08:58
zirodayzortec: howdy08:58
ktnerabelais: i went there but it looks quite outdated08:58
ktnefrom 200508:59
raidghos1I try to use the bttv as module for Multimedia video controller: Brooktree Corporation Bt878 Video Capture but not working as it should.08:59
i_am_an_indianziroday: thanks08:59
cemcziroday: I'm looking for something more light than evolution, something that could fetch the emails in a maildir08:59
zortecktne: You can also use aptitude to search for packages, for instance: sudo aptitude search mplay will pull up all packages that are related to that term08:59
Apollo2366Okay, that didn't seem to help much. What I'm really trying to do is install an extension from an .xpi file. Can anyone tell me how to do it?08:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about email08:59
Maelosziroday: apt-file will search the entire apt cache wont it?08:59
ktnezortec: there is no 32bit package there09:00
MaelosI want to know which package on the filesystem a particular file belongs to09:00
raidghos1also tried bt878 snd_bt87x bttv without luck.09:00
Myrttii_am_an_indian: do you know you're ban evading?09:00
zirodayMaelos: err or the whole repo09:00
vigoI like Thunderbird, but that is kinda heavy far as System Processes go.09:00
i_am_an_indianMyrtti: whats that?09:00
rabelaisApollo2366: you should just be able to reference the file from firefox (use file:///) and it should give you the install prompt09:00
ActionParsnipvigo: try mutt, very light09:00
Maelosright repo, as defined by sources09:00
MaelosIm more interested in the local dpkg db09:00
Apollo2366rabelais, Thanks I'll try it.09:01
vaibhav_ vigo : use evolution09:01
Myrttii_am_an_indian: changed your nickname to gain access to the channel. Please re-join #ubuntu-ops09:01
ActionParsnipMyrtti: doesnt it go by ip?09:01
ktnezortec: there appears to be a tool called "ia32-apt-get", this might do the trick09:01
zortecktne: You could not find any packages with mplayer?09:01
ktnei have found, but they are all 64bit09:01
vigoActionParsnip: Thank you, I use Mutt on gNewSense. I like it!09:01
zortecktne: I just ran the search and there is an mplayer package.09:02
Myrttii_am_an_indian: fail09:02
ktnezortec: what i need is 32bit mplayer on 64bit installation09:02
ActionParsnipvigo: means you can check you email via ssh from anywhere ;)09:02
b0whello! anyone know about a good program for ipod on linux?09:02
i_am_an_indianwhat does /echo do?09:02
zortecktne: The name of the package is 'mplayer' in aptitude09:02
vigoI love the slogan.09:02
Maelosdpkg --search <filename>, thanks ubuntu docs (and rtfm me)09:03
b0wvigo are you talking to me?09:03
vigob0w: Not yet, no09:03
b0wnever mind, anyone know any good program for ipod on linux?09:03
ActionParsnipMaelos: or: apt-cache search <thing>09:04
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod09:04
Myrttii_am_an_indian: rejoin #ubuntu-ops09:04
chanuxb0w, banshee, rythmbox, amarok?09:04
MaelosActionParsnip: not the same09:04
vigob0w: I do not do Ipod stuff, but have seen some in the repos or Synaptic.09:04
Apollo2366rabelais, Thanks a bunch! It worked.09:04
MaelosActionParsnip: that'll search packages which aren't installed too09:04
rabelaisApollo2366: welcome09:04
b0wwell thanks for your help guys09:04
ashlessburnso still waiting on the ubuntu god to msg me09:05
ActionParsnipMaelos: oic, erm: dpkg -l | grep <somethin>09:05
Mashrabelais it's the same i did disable but no luck to stay connected09:05
ActionParsnip!ask | ashlessburn09:05
ubottuashlessburn: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:05
Mashand i copy the problem could i post to you ?09:05
chanux!automoc hardy09:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about automoc hardy09:05
rabelaisMash: sure09:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about automoc09:05
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning09:06
ActionParsnip!find automoc09:06
ubottuFound: automoc09:06
nahiracan anyone help in typing syriac or persian language in openoffice, I can't choose the language09:06
ActionParsnip!info automoc09:06
ubottuautomoc (source: automoc): automatic moc for Qt 4 packages. In component main, is extra. Version 1.0~svn906755+0.9.88-0ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 28 kB, installed size 124 kB09:06
ActionParsnipnahira: install the language pack in the package manager of you choice09:06
zortecI'm curious, how many questions get asked in here on a daily basis?09:06
ActionParsnipzortec: lots and lots09:07
zortecFor the regular users, who might can answer that09:07
vigonahira: There are many Language Packages in the repositories.09:07
ActionParsnipzortec: its the sole purpose of the room09:07
zortecIt's a good thing no one has the FT job of answering questions in here09:07
Mashwho got the KPPP packages for Ubuntu 8.1009:07
chanuxActionParsnip, No automoc on hardy repos :( what can I do?09:07
zortecI think they might go insane09:07
i_am_an_indiani have heard that indian languages can be used with ubuntu? is that true? how can i do that?09:07
zortecIs Indian an official language?09:08
ActionParsnipchanux: you can compile it or find an equivelant09:08
nahiraI'm new to ubuntu so don't know where to start at all09:08
losherzortec: support is surprisingly hard work...09:08
Myrttii_am_an_indian: are you ignoring me, please join #ubuntu-ops.09:08
ActionParsnipzortec: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_India09:08
ashlessburnvlc vs gstreamer in ubuntu 9.04 running into several codex issues however gstreamer seams more stable then vlc in some aspects, cd music video play back in .avi wandering if there is possibly a pkg im missing...tried the libdvdcc still no luck09:08
chanuxActionParsnip, aptitude search didn't give me anything09:08
ActionParsnip!info automoc hardy09:09
ubottuPackage automoc does not exist in hardy09:09
zorteclosher: I remember when you guys helped me out quite a bit, but it occurred to me with all these questions... does that mean maybe the support docs need to be expanded?09:09
chanuxActionParsnip, all sources found on Google are version specific09:09
whatis_tuxI saw that it's possible to user some folders like /home as a mount point for partitions... but is it possible to use /home/$user as a mount point for a partition?09:09
i_am_an_indianMyrtti: ok i have joined09:09
zortecI think the docs in ubuntu are great, but it seems a lot of issues are unresolved09:09
ActionParsnipchanux: then you will need to compile it, find an alternative, or upgrade to a release with it in09:09
chanuxActionParsnip, Only availble for Intrepid+09:09
nahiraActionParsnip: how to install the package?09:09
zortecnahira: You can install packages multiple ways: synaptic, apt-get (cli), aptitude (cli), or add/remove09:10
ActionParsnipwhatis_tux: sure is09:10
losherzortec: in my experience, many people don't read docs...09:10
ActionParsnipwhatis_tux: add a normal entry to /etc/fstab to do the moounting and you can mount to the folder09:10
JimBiggsguys, how do i revert to before the update of this morning? it screwed my display, and don't know how to fix it :/09:10
ActionParsnipnahira: what package?09:10
ActionParsnipJimi_Neutral: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg; sudo shutdown -r now09:11
e-framehello, my mp3 player is 1GB, but in gparted t shown as unallocated 235.33 MB. how come?09:11
Martens1984I have this update that won't install09:11
nahirathe package for syriac language09:11
ActionParsnipe-frame: can you please pastebin the output of: sudo fdisk -l09:12
Martens1984Has anyone a sollution?09:12
ashlessburne-frame...do u have other prgrams installed? make sure it is a fat 32/16 format. most likely you will have to part the disc to get full read09:12
nahirazortec: what you mean by (cli)09:12
JimBiggsActionParsnip, i tried this already, but it doesn't revert to the previous versions of the packages, does it?09:12
=== OsamaK_ is now known as OsamaK
ActionParsnipnahira: my guess is this: http://packages.ubunut.com/intrepid/language-pack-gnome-syr-base09:13
Martens1984How can I solve this?09:13
Martens1984E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)09:13
ActionParsnipJimi_Neutral: tat only defaults the display to failsafe, it does not revert any packages. you will need to uninstall what you installed as well as its deps and then install the older version09:14
zirodayMartens1984: we need the errors above that :)09:14
ActionParsnipMartens1984: sudo depmaod --configure -a; sudo apt-get -f install09:14
e-frameActionParsnip here: http://pastebin.com/m8c5140009:14
JimBiggsActionParsnip, is there a way i can check what was installed lately, and then find the versions that i should install back?09:14
ashlessburnmartens1984, After you get that error, try apt-get -f install to force an install of the files that didn't get loaded because of the error. Then try apt-get upgrade again, apt-get -f install back and forth until only the package that has the error is left.09:14
Martens1984ziroday: there is no error above09:14
Martens1984ashlessburn: doesn't work09:14
nahirayes but on the page it says: "Please note that you should install language-support-syr" and i can't find that one09:15
zirodayMartens1984: can you pastebin the output of sudo dpkg --configure -a please09:15
e-frameashlessburn it is fat3209:15
ashlessburnmartens1984, tired a reboot to duplicate?09:15
ActionParsnipe-frame: it's picked up as a 1Gb: Disk /dev/sdb: 1001 MB, 1001652224 bytes09:15
ashlessburne-frame, yes 32 i believe09:15
nahiraActionParsnip: yes but on the page it says: "Please note that you should install language-support-syr" and i can't find that one09:15
ActionParsnipJimi_Neutral: you can look in /var/cache/apt  unless you have cleaned out the old debs recently09:15
dsdeiz_how do you guys make opera fast? it's a resource hog here on my end :(09:16
ashlessburnmartens1984, what are yuo tryign to install to get that error09:16
Martens1984ashlessburn: sudo apt-get upgrade09:16
ashlessburnmartens1984, really thats is what version of ubunut and what bit09:16
Martens1984ashlessburn: ore sudo apt-get install -f "package"09:16
e-frameActionParsnip: yes, i typed "df -h" and it said "/dev/sdb1             953M  4.1M  949M   1% /media/disk"09:16
ActionParsnipdsdeiz_: its always been slick here. try: http://www.ghacks.net/2007/03/29/10-tips-to-speed-up-opera-9/09:16
zorteclosher: I picked up the linux cookbook and how linux works.  I'm intrigued by linux09:16
the_undefined9.04 hibernated desktop pc but was not able to "wake it up". Now after rebooting I only see a black screen (monitor activity is there). Magic SysRq lets me reboot and stuff but I can't figure out how to get access to the system again : /. Any help would be highly appreciated !09:17
ActionParsnipe-frame: there you go them, thats 1Gb of space with 4M used09:17
e-framebut in gparted it shown as unallocated 235.33 MB09:17
ActionParsnipe-frame: gparted knows nothing.09:17
dsdeiz_how do you get the last pid again?09:17
ActionParsnipe-frame: i'd go by what the kernel says, not some dumb gui app09:17
chanuxActionParsnip, Why sources are version specific? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/automoc09:17
nexxI'm on my iPod so it will be a tad slow typing but I recently reinstalled ubuntu and everything was great... but now the GUI won't load... startx shows that no screens are found09:17
losherzortec: that's great. One well organized book is worth a hundred disorganized web pages09:17
ashlessburnmartens1984, go into /var/lib/dpkg/info and delete everything do the same to /var/cache/apt/archives an do the same thing....this can break something so be careful not to delete important files...09:18
ziroday!pastebin | Martens198409:18
ubottuMartens1984: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic09:18
JimBiggsActionParsnip, could it be xserver-xorg-video-intel-2%3a2.7.99.901 ?09:18
zorteclosher: I admit, ubuntu has great docs but I think at times it's hard to locate the information you need, maybe other users can relate to those experiences09:18
ActionParsnipJimi_Neutral: possibly, look at the created date09:18
JimBiggsand how do i reinstall the old version?09:19
e-frameActionParsnip: yes, right. last time it's just /dev/sdb without /dev/sdb1 :D09:19
zorteclosher: worse case scenario.  You search google and ubuntu docs and don't find anything and no other users have had the problem you are.09:19
ashlessburnthe_undefined, what motherboard do u have09:19
nexxany ideas? :)09:19
nahiraActionParsnip: yes but on the page it says: "Please note that you should install language-support-syr" and i can't find that one09:19
JimBiggsso i should apt-get remove xserver-xorg-video-intel-2%3a2.7.99.901 and apt-get install .... what?09:19
=== chanux is now known as ARiDAK
ActionParsnipchanux: each relelase uses different kernel versions for a start. as well as other differences. Thats why your sources file has the release name on the end so that you only install hardy debs09:19
ubottuAt the moment there are many pidgin users experiencing problems connecting to Yahoo IM, you can try changing your paging server to cs101.msg.mud.yahoo.com and see if that helps.09:19
ActionParsnipnahira: then try and find it, you may need a ppa09:19
losherzortec: I think locating info is a general problem, not specific to Ubuntu. And it predates the internet...09:19
ActionParsnipe-frame: i generally dont use gui apps outside of opera, i find them misleading and slow09:20
DanteXguys  im on xp64 i do tn game i just watch movies and torrent and surf convince me to ditch windows09:20
ActionParsnipe-frame: i trust the kernel only09:20
InnxisYahoo Pager Server: cs101.msg.mud.yahoo.com is dead09:20
the_undefinedashlessburn: Not 100%, it's an old machine I had laying around.09:20
zorteclosher: true.  it also helps if you know how to take advantage of search techniques and keywords09:20
the_undefinedashlessburn: my sounds very similar to this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/211173 , but I think I got a ATI card in there09:20
zorteclosher: 90% of the time I can find the information I need09:20
ashlessburnthe_undefined, try a BIOS update to fix the issue alot of boards (ASUS,gigabyte) have issue with wake on sleep09:20
nexxon iPod: ubuntu worked : now GUI won't load: startx says no screens found ???09:20
the_undefinedashlessburn: how would I update the bios?09:20
losherzortec: one of the advantages of running e.g. 8.04 instead of 9.04 is that you're much less likely to run into problems that haven't been solved09:21
zortecubuntu works on an ipod?09:21
e-frameActionParsnip: so what partition editor can be "trusted" ?09:21
ActionParsnipe-frame: i like cfdisk09:21
zortece-frame: I used qparted I think it was09:21
vigo!offtopic | DanteX09:21
ubottuDanteX: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:21
ActionParsnipe-frame: just my take, others love gparted09:21
the_undefinedashlessburn: The system actually gets beyond the bios, the GRUB loader shows -09:21
InnxisThe new yahoo pager server is: cs102.msg.mud.yahoo.com09:21
nexxno I'm on mine because it's the only way to get on irc09:21
ubottuAt the moment there are many pidgin users experiencing problems connecting to Yahoo IM, you can try changing your paging server to cs101.msg.mud.yahoo.com and see if that helps.09:21
zorteclosher: you mean the other way around?09:21
MyrttiDanteX: so whats your question?09:21
e-frameActionParsnip & zortec : well i'll try them.09:21
ashlessburnthe_undefined, that is dependant of the baord...asus has easy flash utility however generic would be go to the board website get the latest bios extract the bin file and boot to floppy (with bin file on floppy) on some boards they support the usb flash drives09:22
nexxany help? I don't like typing on this iPod lol09:22
zortecI think it would be nice in the chat room to have some kind of points system or at least be able to thank users who give help, not sure if that has come up before09:22
the_undefinedashlessburn: ok, hope mine does - the damn box ain't got no floppy09:22
InnxisActionParsnip: That pager doesn't work anymore. They changed it09:22
the_undefinedashlessburn: thanks a ton for your help man09:22
ashlessburnthe_undefined, no problem any questions email me ..om for addy09:23
ActionParsnipInnxis: thats all i know dude. I think you may need the newer pidgin, its been sorted in that I think09:23
ActionParsnipInnxis: theres one on getdeb but if you come to upgrade, uninstall it first so your system is inline with the repos09:23
ashlessburnthe_undefined, pm09:23
the_undefinedashlessburn: will do, hope I can figure something out with your pointers so : )09:24
slestakgodd morning room.  ihave a dell optiplex with 9.04 insatlled.  i think ive troubleshot this thing well and have a faulty onboard nic.09:24
InnxisActionParsnip: I did post the new one for those who use pidgin 2.5.6<09:24
zortecnexx: I might be wrong, but I don't believe there is a lot of support for running ubuntu on an ipod09:24
ActionParsnipnexx: boot to recovery mode and select fix grapics, you will then get a gui09:24
ashlessburnis there a irc admin?09:24
ActionParsnipashlessburn: there are ops09:24
zortecashlessburn: there are irc ops09:24
losherzortec: do I? It's getting late...09:24
nexxI'm not running ubuntu on an iPod09:24
nexxit is on my computer09:25
zorteclosher: less problems if you run 9.04 instead of 8.04, you said 8.04 instead of 9.0409:25
ActionParsnipnexx: i know, you need to boot to recovery mode and select fix graphics09:25
=== ARiDAK is now known as chanux
nexxI'm on irc from my iPod so it is hard to type09:25
ActionParsnipnexx: you will then get failsafe settings, also uninstall any drivers you recently installed so you can have another crack09:25
nexxalright how do I boot to recovery?09:25
slestakit works, just very slow.  ive got dell coming tomorrow to  relace mobo.  my biggest concern is ive overlooked something.09:26
ActionParsnipnexx: esc when grub shows up, select recovery mode09:26
chanuxActionParsnip, I can't find any automoc source binary for Hardy. Any option other than dist-upgrade?09:26
Stanley_How do I take advantage of some of the cool graphics in 9.04?09:26
Blended1is ubunto dell's?09:26
ActionParsnipnexx: if you stopped taling about how typing on a sucky ipod sucks then you'd get sorted faster09:26
rabelaisslestak: did you check to see what lspci reports? and then what ifconfig reports?09:26
zortecStanley_: You need to turn on compiz.09:26
losherzortec: no. 8.04 has had bugfixes applied to it for ages, so it's very stable. 9.04 on the other hand, is new, and hence much more likely to have bugs in it...09:26
ActionParsnipchanux: find an alternative or compile09:26
Stanley_zortec: How do I do that?09:26
zortecStanley_: What wdm are you running?09:27
Blended1fun tell someone how to do there first compile09:27
losherzortec: with software, in general, the newer it is, the buggier it is...09:27
Stanley_zortec: wdm?09:27
slestakit has  broadcom gigabit nic, which i know has had a worse exp than others for drivers09:27
Stanley_zortec: Gnome09:27
chanuxActionParsnip, I'm sorry I do not know how to find an alternative. Help me if possible :)09:27
zortecStanley_: Sorry, window manager... I forget not everyone is up with the acronyms09:27
JimBiggsActionParsnip, how do i know which version of the xserver-xorg-video-intel-2 package i need to install once i've uninstalled the current one?09:27
Stanley_zortec: I made the assumption thats what you meant, but yea Gnome09:27
zorteclosher: I had problems with gnome-do so I removed it and just am using ALT+F209:27
chanuxActionParsnip, Google always get me to that launchpad thing when I look for automoc :(09:28
i_am_an_indian_can i make ubuntu look like vista?09:28
i_am_an_indian_and where can i find themes for ubuntu?09:28
=== MadMax is now known as Guest42848
losherzortec: lots of people here had problems with 9.04 that didn't exist in 8.0409:28
rabelaisi_am_an_indian_: google is your friend09:28
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy09:28
zortecStanley_: It would be under visual effects09:28
slestakrabelais: i get an ip with ifconfig, and no errors are reported.  i just get 17k/sec on local lan copy, where with same cable to dell netbook (linux mint) gets 10M/s09:29
ubottuTo change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubottu xfce-themes09:29
rabelaisslestak: what module is loaded for the nic?09:29
chanuxi_am_an_indian_, gnome-look.org ?09:29
zortecStanley_: Right click on the desktop and go to Change desktop background, make sure that you have your 3d drivers installed09:29
slestakim sorry,i dont have access right now09:29
ActionParsnipchanux: try a different search engine, or go to the developers site for source09:29
zorteclosher: I used 7.10 and then 9.04 now09:30
Stanley_zortec: I get the error "The Composite Extension is not available"09:30
slestakrabelais: let mesee if i have ssh on it yet, just refreshed install to get 64bit on there09:30
zortecStanley_: Did you install compiz?09:30
Blended1is e17 AVAILABLE ON UIBUNTU?09:30
rabelaisslestak: do you remember seeing a large number of ethernet errors when checking ifconfig/09:31
losherzortec: I used 7.10 then 9.04 then 8.0409:31
zortecStanley_: What video card do you have?09:31
Stanley_zortec: I _just_ installed "simple-ccsm" but thats it09:31
vigochanux: Is that Kdenlive?09:31
zorteclosher: ah, so you downgraded... that is interesting09:31
Stanley_zortec: I have a Nvidia GTX-260 and an Nvidia 9500GT09:31
slestakrabelais: i dont recall seeing any, buti should check dmesg or daemon.log maybe09:31
Stanley_zortec: i have 4 monitors, only using 3 though09:31
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zortecStanley_: Make sure that you install the restricted nvidia drivers09:31
jasonmchristoshello, using gtk recordmydesktop to record the audio skips in the output file09:32
zortecStanley_: They should have been available in your updates09:32
jasonmchristosplease help09:32
rabelaisslestak: it won't show up there, it'll be in ifconfig, next to sent, received, and errors09:32
Stanley_zortec: Yea the drivers are insstalled09:32
slestakrabelais: u going to be around a bit?  it is 4:30 am right now, but i will be in office in a few hours09:32
losherzortec: I got 9.04 working, but lots of little things weren't quite right, and there was nothing in 9.04 I needed, so I downgraded.09:32
chanuxvigo, Qt plexydesk09:33
rabelaisslestak: not likely, I'm going to sleep soon09:33
zortecStanley_: You don't have an ATI chipset?09:33
vigochanux: Ok, still looking.09:33
Stanley_Zortec: No, I have an nvidia chipset, 780i09:33
rabelaisslestak: just some tip offs, broadcom chips have been misdetected in the past...so you might be using the wrong driver even if you do get an IP09:34
Kartagisdoes /etc/lsb-release ever change?09:34
zortecStanley_: Ok install xgl with gnome09:34
Stanley_zortec: is that a  command line install, add/remove programs or packetmanager ?09:34
slestakrabelais:  think you may have a point.  im going to troubleshoot this some more09:34
zortecStanley_: I didn't have to install it, but let me get you the link to follow09:35
bimadeltahello all09:35
vigochanux: Sure looks like the Kdenlive thing, here is one page. http://ubuntuforums.org/search.php?searchid=60886472 and here is another: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KdenliveSVN09:35
Stanley_zortec: thats not opening up a forum for me, just the community page09:36
chanuxvigo, Thanks loads09:36
zortecStanley_: sudo apt-get install server-xgl09:36
bimadeltahi chanux can you help me please09:36
zortecStanley_: That should enable desktop effects09:36
Stanley_zortec: couldn't find package09:37
bimadeltahi chanux can you help me please09:37
slestakrabelais: oh well, imup and im the stupid one who didnt get openssh and dns pointer worked outbefreo leqving so i deserve to drive in :)09:37
Kartagisdoes /etc/lsb-release ever get overwritten?09:38
jasonmchristoshello, using gtk recordmydesktop to record the audio skips in the output file please help09:38
=== i_am_an_indian_ is now known as papul
jasonmchristosis there an alternative program?09:38
Stanley_zortec: wrong package name ?09:39
slestakrabelais: thx for help09:39
bimadeltahelp me who know how to remastering ubuntu live cd09:39
lstarnesKartagis: it usually changes between releases09:39
zortecStanley_: Did you install envy?09:39
Stanley_zortec: probably not.09:39
jasonmchristosBroken pipe: Overrun occurred.09:40
papulhow can i install ubuntu from scratch09:40
Stanley_zortec: this is a fresh install i did tonight so09:40
papulonly the packages that i need?09:40
zortecStanley_: Ok, let's check your config file09:40
=== sale_ is now known as sale
Kartagislstarnes, some guy here says it changes at linux mint. is that possible?09:40
zortecStanley_: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:40
vigopapul: Use the Minimal Install, or Unet thing.09:40
zortecStanley_: from the cli09:41
papulvigo: how?09:41
lstarnesKartagis: it can.  linux mint is not ubuntu but it is based on ubuntu09:41
zortecis linux mint really based on ubuntu?09:41
vigopapul: Have you looked at the Minimal Install?09:41
lstarneszortec: yes09:41
Stanley_zortec: what am  I lookinf ror in this file ?09:41
zortecI thought they were two different versions09:41
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD09:41
=== SolidLiq is now known as solid_liq
zortecStanley_: What does the composite line read?09:42
Stanley_zortec: composite line?09:42
papulzortec: let him use pastebin09:42
zortecStanley_: copy and paste the contents of your xorg.conf file09:42
zortecStanley_: Is that the full file?09:43
Stanley_zortec: yes09:44
zortecStanley_: We are trying to find a line for composite09:44
Stanley_zortec: and I'm assuming it's not there?09:45
DdayHow do i instal a tar.gz program?09:45
halberdunzip with tar -xzf somefile.tar.gz09:45
zortecStanley_: not in the file you c&p09:46
lstarnesDday: untar it then read the instructions contained in the INSTALL or README files09:46
DdayHow i untar it?09:46
Stanley_zortec: thats the whole file when i typed "gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf"09:46
lstarnesDday: tar xzf file.tar.gz09:46
DdayIs there a - or not?09:46
lstarnesDday: it doesn't matter09:47
jasonmchristosSOLVED - see http://p-s.co.nz/wordpress/?p=490. I had to set Advanced>Sound>device from DEFAULT to default (no kidding!). A frequency of 48000 worked for me. I need an amazed, head-shaking emoticon to capture how I felt when that worked.09:47
lstarnesDday: you can use the - but tar doesn't need irt09:47
jasonmchristosits a matter of caps lock09:47
zortecStanley_: You said Nvidia 9600?09:47
Stanley_zortec: no, a nvidia gtx-260 AND a nvidia 9500GT09:48
zortecStanley_: Can you run lspci -l and copy and paste the results?09:48
Stanley_zortec: http://pastebin.com/d7de4c4c809:49
Stanley_zortec: brad@brad-desktop:~$ lspci -l09:49
Stanley_lspci: invalid option -- 'l'09:49
Spike1506Stanley_, sudo lspci -l09:50
Spike1506nvm me Stanley_09:50
zortecStanley_: just do lspci09:51
zortecStanley_: copy and paste that09:51
znhwhenever a message popups I have the PC speaker instead of a music file, anyone?09:51
Stanley_zortec: http://pastebin.com/d32b22c6909:51
zortecStanley_: Are you sure you have already installed all the nvidia drivers?09:52
zortecStanley_: Also at the cli type glxgears and wait about 5 secs, let me know what kind of fps you get09:52
zortecStanley_: Let me know if I'm going too fast09:53
Stanley_zortec: Hardware Driver says I'm using NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (version 180) [recommended] and it's currently activated and in use09:53
faldoznh what given config files did you change exactly?09:53
Stanley_zortec: also, i go into nvidia-settings to setup my screens09:53
znhfaldo, none. default Ubuntu Jaunty installation09:53
znhfaldo, also when I hit backspace in an empty textbox I hear the music that goes over headphones through the PC speaker09:54
Stanley_zortec: I did do "nvidia-xconfig" which modifies the xconfig.conf to use the nvidia x driver09:54
znhfaldo, kinda fun.. but shouldn't be :P09:54
faldoI can't tell so if you changed anything09:54
zortecStanley_: You should be getting high frame rates if your driver is working when you run glxgears09:54
znhwish I did09:54
ne2k__I am starting to get EXTREMELY AGGRAVATED with ubuntu. Firefox keeps hanging up at absolutely unacceptably frequent intervals. I go to click on a link or search for something and the application turns grey for ten seconds and then comes back. WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?!09:55
zortecne2k__: It just randomly hangs?09:55
zortecne2k__: Did you try removing all your addons or doing a fresh install?09:55
grawityne2k__: Do you have any Firefox addons? Does this happen with, for example, Epiphany-browser?09:55
zortecgrawity: I will let you go ahead and help him :)09:56
Stanley_zortec: http://pastebin.com/d56af5e109:56
ne2k__when this was happening a few weeks ago, I managed to track down the problem to "tracker-indexer" using all the processor time. it does appear to be using rather a lot again09:56
zortecStanley_: Ok confirmed that the driver is working09:56
faldozhn some people usally can't stand what they're given and need to tweak datas given by the system, it's terrible09:56
ne2k__zortec: no, I did not try removing all my add-ons and doing a fresh install09:57
zortecStanley_: Press ALT+F2 and type compiz --replace and let me know what happens09:57
dennyhow would I go about trying to get something on the 'hundred papercuts' list?09:57
Stanley_zortec: my windows flashed a bit09:57
zortecStanley_: Is compiz working now?09:58
zortecdenny: What's the hundred papercuts list?09:58
Stanley_zortec: how can i tell? if i go into visual effects and go to "extra" it still gives me the error "The composite extension is not available"09:58
zortecStanley_: Minimize windows or close windows and you should see desktop effects if they are working09:59
Ritz2007any female like to chat with me09:59
jribRitz2007: this isn't that kind of channel09:59
Stanley_zortec: nope09:59
Ritz2007cant get you dear09:59
zortecStanley_: We will keep working at it09:59
jribRitz2007: this channel is for ubuntu support only, not other stuff10:00
dennyzortec: a list of UI annoyances that should be fixed before 9.1010:01
dennyI'd like to add 'windows don't restore to their last position' to it10:02
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jribdenny: that's up to the application itself to implement10:02
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dennyjrib: you're missing my point10:02
dennyand it shouldn't be, anyway10:02
zortecStanley_: Try updating your nvidia drivers using synpatic10:02
zortecStanley_: err, synaptic10:03
dennyDon't Repeat Yourself - the window manager should handle window placement, giving the app a chance to override if it wants to10:03
dennyeach app shouldn't have to implement position-memory separately, that's pretty stupid10:03
Stanley_zortec: how do i go about that?10:04
zortecStanley_: You said this was a new install, did you do anything at the cli with your nvidia drivers?10:05
Stanley_zortec: cli being terminal?10:06
zortecStanley_: yeah, what drivers do you have installed, can you go in synaptic and let me know?10:06
zortecStanley_: is it the ubuntu-restricted or linux-restricted drivers?10:06
BigMikehow can I tell what version of flashplayer I have?10:07
zortecStanley_: For your particular video card, you might have to install the drivers from the official nvidia site10:07
Stanley_zortec: Could it be an issue with me running two monitors on my gtx-260 and one monitor on my 9500GT?10:08
laclasseBigMike, type 'about:plugins' in your firefox url bar10:08
zortecBigMike: Just a guess, but probably there is a --version switch you can use from the cli10:08
zortecStanley_: It could be an issue.  Have you tested it with just one monitor?10:08
Stanley_zortec: Nope.10:09
Stanley_zortec: I think i'm using nvidia-glx-18010:09
BigMikeok guess there is a flash update now10:09
Blended1does ubuntu have that suare box thing for the desktops10:09
e-framezortec & ashlessburn , this is my sdb partition after i re-format my mp3 under win*** http://e-frame.pastebin.com/m7e5ee1a410:10
zortecStanley_: There is a bug related to that driver package10:10
zortecStanley_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-180/+bug/231697/+viewstatus10:11
zortecStanley_: See if that is the problem you are having.10:11
ashlessburne-frame. what did u do10:11
ashlessburnstep by step10:11
Stanley_zortec: yea it appears to be10:11
Stanley_zortec: thats the same error i get10:11
zortecStanley_: Try the workaround which is to download the drivers from the nvidia site10:12
zortecStanley_: Right now there doesn't seem to be a solution to that bug10:13
zortecStanley_: But you can try downloading the drivers from nvidia and installing them10:13
Stanley_zortec: I was trying to install driver sfrom their site but nobody could tell me how to disable X10:13
Stanley_zortec: which is needed to install the drivers10:13
e-frameashlessburn: i run cfdisk, delete all partition, then create one. in linux fstype. then i go to win** box and reformat it to fat32. everything goes ok, the mp3 player runs well, then i plugged it in my ubuntu, it's automounted and shown as 1GB drive, but when i check with fdisk, it shown as in the link. :D10:14
e-framebut it works XD10:14
Blended1how easyis ubuntu to set upsprint wireless  modems ...?10:14
zortecStanley_: You don't want to disable X, but you can restart X10:14
Stanley_zortec: it tells me x needs to be disabled to install10:15
anitahi to all10:15
zortecStanley_: Try this, go to System->Administration->Services10:16
slestakrabelais:i am in office now, lspci == Broadcom BCM575410:16
zortecStanley_: From there you can disable the graphical login manager10:16
Stanley_zortec: how do i turn it bak on?10:17
zortecStanley_: sudo update-rc.d -f gdm defaults, startx10:17
slestakrabelais: installing pastebinit real quick10:17
bullgard4[GNOME] After dist-upgrade to Uuntu 9.04 the arrow keys and the 'Alt Gr' key function wrongly. They do work correctly in the virtual consoles. How to fix this?10:17
zortecStanley_: sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove to disable10:17
Stanley_zortec: and how to enable?10:18
zortecStanley_:  sudo update-rc.d -f gdm defaults, startx10:18
ashlessburne-frame, how you tried a reboot without the usb flash in10:19
slestakrabelais: http://pastebin.com/f30ae14e610:21
slestakthere is ifconfig, and it does show errors, that is with just 5 minutes use on the nic.10:21
Stanley_zortec: i did the sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove and logged out and looged back in and i'm still in X10:21
vigoStanley_: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/hardware/C/restricted-manager.html10:22
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)10:23
zortecStanley_: That is why I asked if you enabled the restricted drivers10:23
zortecStanley_: following what vigo suggested10:23
bimadeltasee ya!!!10:25
e-frameashlessburn: i din't do any reboot. there is another machine with win** os10:26
ashlessburne-frame, you have a simple problem. seems the soultion woul dhave been simple as well. jsut for testing have you tried another falsh drive?10:27
e-frameashlessburn: currently this is the only flash drive right now :D well i'm gonna wipe it, since there is no important data. any good suggestion about re-creating partition using the whole space on disk?10:29
sara_FACKA MEN10:29
ashlessburne-frame, use a boot in program and make sure that it is fat 32/16 make sure ur part is 3 nto 2 and u should be good to go10:30
sara_YEA MEN10:30
sara_YEA MEM10:30
sara_YEA MEN10:31
ashlessburne-frame, make sure there is no propriety software on the drive...some drives come with security software and boot log ins, u can wipe them each drive is diffrent how too thoguh10:31
faldohi Odo10:31
Odofaldo, hi10:31
e-frameashlessburn: yea, after each format, i find it restores it's system files.10:32
faldoI'm psychic mode pluggin (for pidgin) ;)10:32
faldosorry Odo was thinking of this pluggin ;)10:33
BigMikeyahoo work on pidgin for you?10:33
OdoFailrar, np10:33
Odofaldo, np10:33
ashlessburne-frame, you might want to contact the drive manf to see if there is a wipe or 9f-disk) program for the drive  ....was it a high end drive?10:33
faldoodo thanks10:33
Spike1506BigMike, there where problems with yahoo and pidgin, there is a new release where the issue has been fixed10:34
e-frameashlessburn: no, just ordinary mp3 player made by polytron10:34
Spike1506BigMike, you can download it via the pidgin website or wait till its avaible in ubuntu repos10:34
BigMikeok i have a code that works if anyone wants it for older versions10:34
erUSULSpike1506: BigMike there is a ppa and it is in getdeb too10:34
e-frameashlessburn: at first i just want to make it a bootable flash drive to run portable OS10:35
ubottuWith Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.10:35
BigMikeok well I fixed mine by adding to the hosts file10:35
zortecDid Stanley ever come back?10:37
BigMikeubuntu is pretty stable for sure10:37
zortecStanley_: I was just checking if you were back10:37
vigozortec: Not yet10:37
halldor89hi, I'm running hardy heron and I need newer version of pygobject than is in the repository, what options do I have (other than upgrade my ubuntu installation)?10:37
Stanley_So  I went back to the 173 restricted driver and my video card wasn't supported so X wouldnt' start. so while I had no X i installed the 185 drivers which wouldnt' work either so I loaded into "low graphics mode" and re-enabled the 180 drier sfrom the restricted menu and i'm back and running again10:38
zortechalldor89: You would have to search the net for the latest package10:38
iceroothalldor89: backports or installing a new version by hand10:38
zortechalldor89: You could try enabling more repositories if you haven't done so10:38
iceroot!backport | halldor8910:38
ubottuhalldor89: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging10:38
halldor89iceroot: thanks a lot, that's probably what I'm looking for10:39
Stanley_zortec: thanks :) see above!10:39
ashlessburnwell thats easy10:40
zortecStanley_: I'm not sure what you want me to see above10:40
Stanley_ So  I went back to the 173 restricted driver and my video card wasn't supported so X wouldnt' start. so while I had no X i installed the 185 drivers which wouldnt' work either so I loaded into "low graphics mode" and re-enabled the 180 drier sfrom the restricted menu and i'm back and running ag10:40
iceroothalldor89: also have a look at apt-pinning  because if you enable backports ALL packages are upgraded10:40
ashlessburne-frame, thats easy unetbootin10:40
iceroot!apt-pinning | halldor8910:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about apt-pinning10:41
markithi, I've a minimal installation of 8.04. dpkg-reconfiture locales does nothing, and directory /var/lib/locales/supported.d/ is empty. "locales" package is installed, what else do I miss?10:41
markitI just want to change to it_IT-UTF810:41
Stanley_zortec: just to my explanation of what happened10:41
zortecStanley_: Ok I see it now, let me read10:41
halldor89iceroot: which problems can that cause (everything being upgraded)?10:41
zortecStanley_: Great, so you have compiz working with dual monitors?10:42
e-frameashlessburn: yea, i've tried unetbootin. thx10:42
Stanley_Well, no, I'm back to the 180 drivers I had originally10:42
Stanley_zortec: so nothings really changed10:42
iceroothalldor89: for e.g. if firefox 3.1 is in backports you will get it if you have installed firefox 3.010:42
iceroothalldor89: so apt-pinning can hold back the other packages10:43
halldor89iceroot: thx, I'll look into it10:43
Jimi_Neutrali have a file that im trying to get off a hdd and i keep getting an I/O error so someone told me to try and snapshot the image and put it on another drive and then pull it off the new drive that works....he told me to install linux and do something with lvm but then after that i had to go home after work, i really need to get this file off this hdd, can anyone help?10:43
zortecStanley_: so you still have no compiz?10:43
iceroothalldor89: also you can just upgrade one package, enable backports then sudo apt-get update and then sudo apt-get install pprogam-you-want-upgrade10:43
Stanley_zortec: correct, also still on the driver version that has the bug10:43
slestakcan anyone tell me the version of the tg3 driver that is included with jaunty?  I have downloaded 3.92 from broadcom,but dont want to build it if ubuntu already has this version10:43
kloshello :)10:43
icerootmarkit: sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales10:44
zortecStanley_: Ok what were your video cards again?10:44
Usamahello, my friend is having problem installing from dvd. he says the partionar doesn't see his disk but it can see it by another ways like fdisk10:44
klosanyone knows in which beta the new design is going to be implemented?10:44
markiticeroot: does NOTHING, just returns to prompt. I'm trying locale-gen now10:44
Stanley_zortex: Nvidia GTX-260 and Nvidia 9500GT10:44
zortecStanley_: It's a confirmed bug in ubuntu about the dual video cards with compiz, but did you try just one monitor to see if that works?10:45
ashlessburne-frame. do u ahve a windows computer10:46
e-frameashlessburn: no. it's on my friend's lapto10:47
BenTMhi @ all how can i disable mod_perl modul in apache? i try to install an twiki an have to disable mod_perl10:47
e-frameashlessburn: no. it's on my friend's laptop10:47
ashlessburne-frame, i mean do u have acces to a windws machince10:47
e-frameashlessburn: yes10:47
icerootBenTM: a2dismod mod_perl   then restart apache10:48
icerootBenTM: to enable a mod  a2enmod10:48
BenTMok thx ^^10:48
slestakcan anyone tell me the version of the tg3 driver that is included with jaunty?  I have downloaded 3.92 from broadcom,but dont want to build it if ubuntu already has this version10:49
BenTMand a overview about running mods?10:49
ashlessburne-frame, try http://infrarecorder.org/10:49
SAMER_hello pls any one can help i want to connect to internet form ubuntu 9.04 using band luxe modem10:50
e-frameashlessburn: what's that? why did you suggest that?10:50
icerootBenTM: ls /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/10:50
bob_rockhi everyone. how to change resolution permanently. I use driver from Nvidia (X.org 96' driver) and my VGA is Geforce2 MX400.10:51
ashlessburnits what i had to sue to get my cd/dvd to work major programs didnt work10:51
Matissehow do I find out, if my new sata hd is recognized? it has no filesystem on it10:51
Weed37__hi guys cant seem to get my graphics effects working have tried to enable them in apperance but says canott enable effects ? any ideas10:51
CaMasonit seems my wireless device on my eee can't connect since the recent kernel update. Any thoughts on where I can look?10:52
slestakMatisse: look in dmesg output for a line that contains "sd"10:52
CaMasonkernel is 2.6.28-1310:52
bob_rockhelp me please!10:52
Weed37__hi guys cant seem to get my graphics effects working have tried to enable them in apperance but says canott enable effects ? any ideas10:52
=== odder_ is now known as odder
ashlessburnbob_rock, run to nvidia site see if they have a driver for the card for linux10:53
DaraelWeed37__: What graphics card/chipset do you have?10:53
Weed37__idk m810:53
Matisseslestak, thx, seems to be there10:53
Jimi_Neutralanyone able to help me through a dd process?10:53
Weed37__Darael, how do i find it new to ubuntu10:53
DaraelWeed37__: if you have an Nvidia or ATI graphics card you'll need to enable the drivers10:54
markitI've tried "sudo loadkeys it" but I get "Couldnt get a file descriptor referring to the console". with dpkg-reconfigure console-data I've choose italian keyboard but still I can't get accented or other italian-specific keys10:54
bob_rockashlessburn: I use Ubuntu Jaunty. my problem is just changin resolution permanent.10:54
Weed37__Nvidia and i have tried that10:54
DaraelWeed37__: if you go to system->administration->hardware drivers it'll show you if there are any available10:54
Weed37__their is 3 options their10:54
Weed37__but can only choose 110:55
DaraelWeed37__: if there's one with a [recommended] tag, I'd use that10:55
Weed37__yeah i picked that10:55
slestakinteresting, the tg3.c file at apt.wikimedia.org is a newer rev that the tg3 from broadcom10:55
Weed37__it says downloading then nothing happens10:55
bob_rockashlessburn: please give me the right code to change resolution in /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:55
DaraelWeed37__: have you rebooted since installing the drivers?10:55
Weed37__hmmm no10:56
Weed37__i will try10:56
bob_rock please give me the right code to change resolution permanently in /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:56
ashlessburnbob_rock without restriceted or manual it looks like u cannot fro that card10:56
Weed37__ty Darael10:56
bob_rockashlessburn: what do u mean?10:56
ashlessburnbob_rock, what is ur card again10:57
bob_rockashlessburn: i am just able to change resolution for login screen but not the Desktop10:57
bob_rockashlessburn: Geforce2 MX40010:58
zortecbob_rock: That is an old card... you need the restricted drivers to use it10:58
bob_rockzortec: Tell me more how to do that!10:58
ashlessburnbob_rock, please read article http://www.ubuntux.org/ubuntu-8-04-screen-resolution-limited-with-nvidia-geforce2-mx-40010:59
ashlessburnbob_rock, read problem solved please10:59
zortec!ubottu restricted | bob_rock10:59
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:59
bob_rockashlessburn: i'll read it, wait for my confession.11:00
ashlessburnwill do11:00
toanhelp me with apache211:01
toanwhen i type11:01
f7eeHow does that OBEJX Server For Mobile Phones calleed?11:01
toan/etc/init.d/apache2 restar11:01
toanhave error11:01
f7eeI need to copy some multimedia to my mobile phone via bluetooth11:01
toan* Restarting web server apache2                                                (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address
toanno listening sockets available, shutting down11:02
toanUnable to open logs11:02
toan                                                                         [fail]11:02
FloodBot1toan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:02
toanplease help me!11:02
vigo!pastebin | toan11:02
ubottutoan: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic11:02
Weed37_Darael, still getting same issue11:02
f7eeOBEX Server11:02
DaraelWeed37_: hmm...11:02
=== chari2 is now known as charitwo
DaraelWeed37_: usually the only reason it would fail to install the drivers is if Synaptic was open11:03
Weed37_nope that is closed11:03
DaraelWeed37_: so you can't activate the restricted drivers? how odd.11:04
Weed37_restricted drivers ?11:04
vigobob_rock: From the forums that card looks unsupported, maybe 'legacy' drivers work with it, but I do not know: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=48099111:05
bob_rockvigo: I'll read it.11:05
zortecbob_rock: Didn't you say you were going to read the other article?11:06
Weed37_restricted drivers ? Darael11:06
bob_rockwait i'll read them all11:06
zortecWeed37_: Restricted drivers in synaptic11:07
DaraelWeed37_: the drivers for nivdia cards (well, most of them) that provide 3d acceleration and stuff like that are closed-source, so we call them "restricted"11:07
zortechow do we get him the doc on restricted drivers?11:07
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:07
zortecthanks vigo, I haven't used the bot much11:08
Weed37_ty guys11:08
vigozortec: Thank you, your assistance and help is spot on.11:08
zortecvigo: I'm glad to help. :)11:09
=== randabis1 is now known as randabis
wdouis anybody here?11:11
wdoucan you here me?11:11
wdoucan you here me?11:11
zortecwdou: I can't hear you, but I can see your messages11:11
wdoue ubuntu is a good system!11:11
wdoui came from China,and my computer like a rubbish when it go with windows xp,but ubuntu goes well!!haha11:12
cyberghoser1wdou, true it is11:12
bob_rockThanks for the help but I got confused. Well my display driver run smoothly in Ubuntu Jaunty & I could be able to change resolution that i want it (using Nvidia X Server Settings), but after restarting , it gets back to 1024x768. All i want is to keep stay in 1152x864. is there a way to do that11:13
wdoubut i find a problem:when the ie go under wine is very slow! i can't fix it11:14
zortecbob_rock: You could edit the xorg.conf file and find display modes11:14
zortecbob_rock: Are you sure that your video card supports that high of a resolution?11:14
kosharihow to set multiple exclude locations with rsync?11:14
Bodsdabob_rock: maybe take a look at the  xrandr   command11:14
wdoucan anybody help me?11:14
bob_rockzortec: I could get 1600x102411:15
Bodsdawdou: why are you running IE in wine? Will firefox not do?11:15
Daraelbob_rock: try modifying the command for nvidia-settings so that it has a gksu on the front11:15
erUSULwdou: do not use ie11:15
Daraelbob_rock: the default menu entry runs without gksudo so it can't save to xorg.conf11:16
zortecbob_rock: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:16
wdoue~ i should use ie,because i should see how the webpages display in IE11:16
Daraelzortec: there's no need for that.  Just gksudo nvidia-settings11:17
bob_rockDarael: I did it11:17
meingbgI'm on Ubuntu Intrepid, and 'apt-get install libpci-dev' is failing with "Couldn't find package libpci-dev." What can I do?11:17
zortecwdou: Instead of use IE, I would just install an addon for firefox like IETab or IE Switcher11:17
Bodsdawdou: IE is not a could standard for web page display11:17
benoKrapowdou: IETab will only work in windows11:17
ShadowBotFree daily updated HTTP, Socks, and IRC Proxy at Http://ShadowStrikers.Hoxt.Me/ucp.php?mode=register <--- Don't forget to bookmark us!!!11:17
Daraelbob_rock: so having run it with gksu, you should be able to use the "save to X configuration file" option11:17
bob_rockzortec: i'll I want is the code to change permanently in /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:17
zortecbenoKrapo: It should work in both windows and linux11:17
zortecbenoKrapo: Firefox addons I don't believe are os independent11:18
wdoui'll have a try,thanks11:18
revelations 11:18
benoKrapoexcept when they use MS ActiveX to display their content :p11:18
bob_rockDarael: If I follow your steps, it gets error11:18
meingbgDoes anyone have experience with KVM on Ubuntu Intrepid?11:18
benoKrapoI do use one meingbg11:18
Daraelbob_rock: you may have to rename your existing xorg.conf - sometimes it has trouble with it11:19
zortecbob_rock: You need to have superuser rights when you edit the xorg.conf11:19
bob_rocktell me to show the paste link to my /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:19
zortecbob_rock: otherwise it will not save11:19
=== sysad is now known as Guest69044
mobi-sheepwdou: http://browsershots.org/11:19
Guest69044good day everyone11:19
bob_rocktell me to show the paste link to my /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:19
zortecbob_rock: ?11:20
Daraelbob_rock: ummm... what do you mean?11:20
Guest69044i have a problem with 9.04 jaunty11:20
ziroday!pastebin | bob_rock11:20
ubottubob_rock: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic11:20
zirodayGuest69044: we need to know it to help you out :)11:20
Guest69044can anybody help me figure it out?11:20
=== haavaros|zzz is now known as haavaros
zortecGuest69044: Not if you don't tell us anything :)11:20
amews_ajHow can I format an hdd using ubuntu live cd?11:20
Guest69044k here's how it goes11:21
zirodayamews_aj: System > Administration > Partition Editor11:21
bob_rockubottu: Thanks. that what i meant11:21
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:21
slestakamews_aj: gparted11:21
Guest69044i have vmware server 2.0.1 installed11:21
amews_ajBut won't that just remove partition table?11:21
zortecamews_aj: You could use fdisk in linux to format a drive11:21
Guest69044and i am making a tutorial of some sort but everytime i try to prnt screen the console jaunty just hangs11:21
Guest69044the vmclient is pclinuxos11:22
Guest69044i kept getting that inanimate screen11:22
Guest69044any idea?11:23
bob_rockzortec: what do you think11:23
amews_ajzortec: built in or ?11:23
SAMER_any one can help to setup modem in ubuntu 9.0411:23
zortecamews_aj: I think fdisk is built-in, don't quote me on that11:23
bob_rockzortec: your advice?11:24
zortecbob_rock: I'm looking at your xorg.conf11:24
bob_rockDarael: this is my xorg.conf : http://paste.ubuntu.com/202012/11:24
Jimi_Neutrali have attatched a slave hdd and im using kde desktop, does anyone know how i can view this hdd graphically11:25
zortecbob_rock: You should separate the resolutions and then I would run this command:11:25
zortecbob_rock: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:25
Guest69044i get no response?11:26
zirodayGuest69044: we can't really support vmware here due to its proprietary nature, nor do I have a solution for you. Have you tried virtualbox (open source edition)?11:26
Guest69044must have joined the wrong group11:26
bob_rocksorry missclick11:26
zirodayGuest69044:  and patience is a virtue :)11:26
zortecGuest69044: Have you tried a different virtual software like virtualbox or vmware?11:26
bob_rockwhat did you say?11:26
zortecbob_rock: You should separate the resolutions and then I would run this command:11:26
zortecbob_rock: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:26
Guest69044virt box should be good11:26
zirodayGuest69044: also #vmware may be of some help to you11:27
dotI have installed scim and anthy and so on, but how do I write my japanese letters on ubuntu 9.04?11:27
Guest69044hope so11:27
zortecdot: Did you test out your keyboard when you installed ubuntu?11:27
dotzortec: yeah? I chose swedish imput but I have ubuntu in english11:27
laegi have the following pidgin.desktop file in /usr/share/applications ( http://pastebin.com/m342addc2 ) but it does not display the shortcut in applications >> internet menu - from a previous install in edit menus i had unchecked pidgin and also deleted it - how can i remedy this?11:27
bob_rockzortec: what i have to is run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg from the terminal?11:27
H2L29bonjour tout le monde11:28
kurujust for the record, upgrading from interpid to jaunty broke mailman's web interface with apache11:28
kurunot sure what happened11:28
kurucan't debug11:28
kuruno logs11:28
kurunothing useful11:28
FloodBot1kuru: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:28
zortecbob_rock: yes, after you are done with editing the xorg.conf file11:28
zirodaydot: you are using scim correct, do you see the scim menu?11:28
H2L29oops sorry11:28
kuruah.. I'm not flooding, I'm typing .. bah11:28
dotziroday: noup I cant see scim menu why?11:28
aTrdoes anyone knows where to change memory limit for php in lighttpd?11:28
PervertedMonkHi, where is the gallery on ubuntu forums?>11:28
zortecbob_rock: make sure you edit it with root privileges11:28
=== MakX is now known as MakX_
Jimi_Neutralany kde desktop uers here11:28
kuruand I'm pretty pissed off at the whole thing11:28
zirodaydot: hmm it should be there, can you right click on a text box, select Input Method as scim?11:28
=== MakX_ is now known as MakX
zirodayJimi_Neutral: #kubuntu11:29
dotziroday: yes11:29
zirodaydot: do you see the scim menu now?11:29
Jimi_Neutralziroday, ty11:29
bob_rockzortec: I did it but it mess up my xorg.conf. I'll prefer run : sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop11:29
doton irssi I take imput method so I can choose between SCIM bridge imput method and SCIM imput method11:29
dotbut Cant see the menu11:29
dotbut now I can11:29
zortecbob_rock: did you backup your xorg.conf file first before you started making changes?11:29
dotzortec: It bumped up11:30
bob_rockzortec: yap11:30
dotwhen I chose scim imput method11:30
veasmkiiHey guys, how would i add text to the end of xorg.conf with command line?11:30
zortecbob_rock: copy and paste your xorg.conf file11:30
=== Cap1ain is now known as Caplain
bob_rockzortec: I did it11:30
zortecdot: What bumped up?11:30
zirodaydot: personally I'd ask in #ubuntu-jp as I'm sure they'd know11:30
dotziroday: the menu up there11:30
veasmkiii've tried echo "new line here" >> /etc/X11/xorg.conf but it wont write to it11:31
zortecdot: I would check your keyboard layout and make sure that you selected the right language with your keyboard11:31
dotokey thanks11:31
bob_rockzortec: tell me which code that i have to insert to my xorg.conf11:31
amews_ajfdisk does not seem to format drive, only partitioning.. ?11:31
zortecdot: you might also have to install japanese character support, just a guess11:31
bob_rockzortec: ?11:32
dot いま11:32
zortecbob_rock: yeah I'm here11:32
zirodaydot: yes you are speaking japanese currently11:32
zortecdot: your keyboard is working correctly11:32
dotgot it working11:32
dotbut how do I change between japanese and english with shift + space11:32
zortecbob_rock: can you paste your xorg.conf?11:32
dotso it will start working :|11:33
simmerzhi. I'm using ssh-agent as per the default setup, but it's sending the wrong key when connecting to a server. I have three different keys with which to connect and each does something different, but it doesn't use the one I specify unless I set SSH_AUTH_SOCK=""11:33
zortecziroday: I wish there was a queue for questions so we could address one person at a time :)11:33
bob_rockzortec: i can do that by using sudo gedit or sudo nautilus11:33
bullgard4[GNOME] After dist-upgrade to Uuntu 9.04 the arrow keys and the 'Alt Gr' key function wrongly. They do work correctly in the virtual consoles. How to fix this?11:33
zortecbob_rock: you mean gksudo?11:34
zortecbob_rock: gksudo gedit I believe11:34
bob_rockzortec: yes11:34
dotいいね got it working11:34
bob_rockzortec: is it diferrent sudo with gksudo11:34
BenTMi want to know about loaded modules in apache per: apache2 -t -D DUMP_MODULES  apache reports: bad user name ${apache_run_user} should i use www-data as user?11:35
zortecbob_rock: you use gksudo for gui apps is my understanding11:35
zortecbob_rock: and sudo for cli apps :)11:35
zirodayBenTM: try sudo apache2 -t -D DUMP_MODULES11:35
Anon2666Need help anyone please11:35
bob_rockzortec: i think the result is just the same. both are able to save11:35
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:35
noMasterI have carelessly deleted my programm menu. Now there are only "system" and "browse" icons. Please help! How to repair programm menu?11:36
zortecbob_rock: I would just use gksudo to be on the safe side11:36
laegi have the following pidgin.desktop file in /usr/share/applications ( http://pastebin.com/m342addc2 ) but it does not display the shortcut in applications >> internet menu - from a previous install in edit menus i had unchecked pidgin and also deleted it - how can i remedy this?11:36
Anon2666I made a fresh and full install of ubuntu 8.10 on my friends laptop, but when i tried to reinstall winXP in shows up a BSOD11:36
zortecAnon2666: You should install windows first and then ubuntu11:36
zirodayAnon2666: windows help in ##windows11:36
bob_rockzortec: well i did you way, but how to solve my problem?11:36
zortecAnon2666: if you are going for a dual boot system11:36
zirodaylaeg: do you have an image named pidgin in your icon theme?11:37
zirodaylaeg: or does changing to human show the pidgin icon?11:37
Anon2666what i did is use entire disk on ubuntus partition11:37
zortecbob_rock: I need to see your xorg.conf11:37
bob_rockzortec: http://paste.ubuntu.com/202012/11:37
jack_why Kopete and Pidgin doesn't connect to my Yahoo account on ubuntu 9.04 ? :(11:37
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete11:38
bazhang!yahoo | jack_11:38
ubottujack_: At the moment there are many pidgin users experiencing problems connecting to Yahoo IM, you can try changing your paging server to cs101.msg.mud.yahoo.com and see if that helps.11:38
ziroday!yahoo | jack_11:38
BenTM@ Ziroday: i always login with root11:38
jack_ok i`ll try11:38
zortecbob_rock: It will be just a second and I will get back to you11:38
zirodayBenTM: yeah that's also really not a good idea. Try sudo -u www-data <apache command> then11:39
bob_rockzortec: i'll be waiting.11:39
dotnow I can write japanese in irssi, but how can I write japanese in like firefox or so11:39
jack_Connection 10 - active refused11:39
zirodaydot: select scim as the input method11:39
dotziroday: where?11:40
shredder12I have installed windows xp using virtual box in jaunty.. but how do i install the drivers in it using a cd ??11:40
zirodaydot: not really sure (never used it myself), but https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SCIM11:40
dsdeizhi let's say firefox already has a new version, is the package being upgraded in the repository too?11:41
zortecbob_rock: Take a look at this and see if it helps.11:41
zortecbob_rock: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8397311:41
SAMER_any one there can help to install modem in ubuntu11:42
bazhang!latest | dsdeiz11:42
ubottudsdeiz: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.11:42
zirodaydsdeiz: not unless it qualifies for a SRU (so major bugs or security only)11:42
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto11:42
jack_ubottu: doesn't work ... Connection refused :(11:42
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:42
shredder12 I have installed windows xp using virtual box in jaunty.. but how do i install the drivers in it using a cd ?? help!!11:42
jerroomeAnon2666 : why did you use entire disk for ubuntu if you wanted to install Windows afterwards ?11:42
Guest69044from there you can install drivers11:42
dsdeizhmm, let's say it was upgraded, do i just do sudo apt-get upgrade?11:43
kbpcan anyone tell me what does "D" stand for in "SSHD" and how is it different from SSH?11:43
jack_Kopete too11:43
zirodaykbp: daemon11:43
dsdeizit was upgraded in the repository rather11:43
Guest69044SSHD is the daemon11:43
jerroomeAnon2666 :  if you want everything working without any configuration, install windows before Linux11:43
zirodaydsdeiz: yes, or use the update manager to recieve all available updates11:43
kbpok thank you ziroday & Guest69044 :)11:43
bazhangdsdeiz, there is ff 3.5 but not the rc11:43
jerroomeI'm not sure that Windozs is able to shrink disks11:43
Anon2666Hi, can anyone help me on reinstalling my windows xp? Ive try to install a fresh ubuntu but when i reinstall xp it comes up with BSOD11:43
dsdeizahh i see.. what if it's not upgraded in the repository.. do i compile it on my own? or get a deb file?11:44
bazhangAnon2666, install windows first11:44
bob_rockzortec: i did it but my brain is not good to follow the ways. tell me which code do i have to insert to my xorg.conf11:44
bazhangdsdeiz, or a PPA11:44
laegziroday: when i actually look in usr/share/application the pidgin icon is there if that's what you mean? if not how do i check my icon theme? also, changing to human? please bear in mind it's not just not displaying the icon, it's not displaying an entry.11:44
hoontekeAnon2666: likely that you didnt' put windows on the first partition11:44
Guest69044has anyone tried dual booting PCBSD and Jaunty11:44
dsdeizahh now it makes sense.. thanks :)11:44
hoontekewindows likes being in the first partition, what it deems as C:11:44
iflemaAnon266: forget 1. WinBlows 2. install gparted, shrink a partition, do what you should not, then boot live ubuntu and reinstall grub. google this.11:45
Anon2666i made a full install of ubuntu "used entire disk"11:45
BenTMok thx11:45
zirodaylaeg: ah, I was under the assumption it was not displaying the icon but the entry.11:45
jerroomeAnon2666 : you don't need to repeat yourself the whole time, a few people answered you ...11:45
bazhangAnon2666, you need to get help from ##windows if you can't install that; for help with fixing grub after a successful install,11:46
bazhang!grub > Anon266611:46
ubottuAnon2666, please see my private message11:46
laegziroday: trying to manually create the entry doesn't let me select the icon, point is the synaptic should manually create the entry and .desktop file - i did the latter manually last night...11:46
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:46
zortecbob_rock: Run xvidtune from the cli11:46
bob_rockzortec: SubSection "Display"  is just working for my login screen11:46
bob_rockzortec: the result is xvidtune11:47
bob_rockUnable to query monitor info11:47
jimmy_birerif you lost grub after installing windows,boot ubuntu live cd,fire up a terminal,type grub-install11:47
gartralwhy was compiz updated/11:47
bob_rockzortec: result = Unable to query monitor info11:47
jimmy_birerconfiguring xorg.conf is so hard11:48
lf4jimmy_birer: What are you trying to do?11:48
zortecbob_rock: Ok, disable Xorg and then run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:48
zortecbob_rock: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop (or kdm for KDE)11:48
jimmy_birerlf4:im trying to convince people to switch back to their windows,just kidding!11:48
bazhang!ot > jimmy_birer11:49
ubottujimmy_birer, please see my private message11:49
lf4haha nice11:49
Guest69044hehe cool11:49
jerroome!ot > jerroome11:49
ubottujerroome, please see my private message11:49
jimmy_birerbazhang,are you want to make me scream?11:49
julen_toma toma11:49
jimmy_birerany time i join,you f*** my brains11:49
bazhangjimmy_birer, please take chat elsewhere11:49
zortecI need to sleep, night guys11:52
hoontekeI'm out too11:52
Guest69044thanks for the chat people11:52
Guest69044see yah...11:52
bob_rockzortec:  after running sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg . the result of my xorg.conf is http://paste.ubuntu.com/202038/11:53
tgblbHey, has anyone ever got gnome-voice-control working in 64-bit ubuntu?11:54
bob_rockzortect: you leave me?11:57
bob_rockIs is a good manner for zortec to leave me in the middle of instruction. I mess up my xorg.conf. room help me11:58
natschilbob_rock: what's wrong with your x server?12:00
natschilbob_rock: what version of ubuntu?12:00
bob_rocknatschil: Ubuntu 9.04. I'll explain from the beginning.12:01
deloparti cant find any suitable channel12:02
delopartwhat iis the port of daarp12:02
veasmkiiCan anyone help me get this to work: echo "new line at end of file" >> /etc/X11/xorg.conf. I Just want to add text to the end of xorg.conf from a script12:04
=== janne is now known as Skiessi
jack_can anybody tell me a instant messenger client for ubuntu 9.04 who can connect to yahoo account ?12:05
eykosiouxveasmkii, if you're not root... probably won't be able to write there (even if you sudo)12:05
Bodsdajack_: pidgin can i believe12:05
natschilveasmkii: you need to run as root, i.e. sudo echo ......12:05
bazhangpidgin jack_12:05
jack_Bodsda: pidgin doesn`t connect :(12:06
veasmkiinatschil, doing this makes no difference :(12:06
bazhang!yahoo > jack_12:06
ubottujack_, please see my private message12:06
natschiljack_: kopete?12:06
jack_kopete and pidgin12:06
veasmkiidoesn't even ask for the password, so i don't think it accepts sudo12:06
jack_i can't connect to my yahoo account12:06
eykosiouxenter as root veasmkii12:06
cyberghoser1jack_, pidgin don't work for me either , i use amsn obviously it works for me12:06
natschilveasmkii: what's  the problem?12:06
eykosiouxroot (enter, your pass)12:06
bob_rocknatschil: I installed Nvidia X server setting my VGA is Geforce2 MX 400. Graphic runs with no problem only i just want to keep resolution 1125x864 even though i reboot the machine. in fact it always gets back to 1027x768. for the clue he is my /etc/X11/xorg.conf http://paste.ubuntu.com/202061/  All I want is resolution 1125x864 no matter it is restarted.12:06
bazhangjack_, you need to follow the instructions12:06
jack_cyberghoser1: can i connect to yahoo id with amsn ?12:06
eykosiouxalternatively, write a script and run it as sudo12:06
Myrtti!noroot > eykosioux12:06
ubottueykosioux, please see my private message12:06
cyberghoser1jack_, for me it works right now, i hope12:07
jack_ok i`ll try ..12:07
=== dYna is now known as basti
mobi-sheep!yahoo | jack_12:07
ubottujack_: At the moment there are many pidgin users experiencing problems connecting to Yahoo IM, you can try changing your paging server to cs101.msg.mud.yahoo.com and see if that helps.12:07
veasmkiinatschil: i'm trying to add lines to xorg.conf with the command line/script12:07
natschil!nvidia | bob_rock12:07
ubottubob_rock: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:07
bazhangjack_, change your paging server as above12:08
natschilveasmkii: ok, log in as your normal user, do "sudo su" and then 'echo "the stuff you want to write" >> /etc/X11/xorg.conf'12:08
tiguxor try finch12:08
veasmkiinatschil: doesn't seem to like it:  sudo su echo "test" >> /etc/X11/xorg.conf          bash: /etc/X11/xorg.conf: Permission denied12:09
natschilveasmkii: no. do sudo su <Enter> then echo "test".....12:09
mobi-sheep!x11 | veasmkii12:09
ubottuveasmkii: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution12:09
kosharishould i exclude /sys and /dev on my rsync backup?12:10
SAMER_no one to help12:10
th0rkoshari: no12:10
mobi-sheepveasmkii: Learn to edit the file manually as you're risking your X11 to be corrupted as you're attempting to add [unknown lines] from script.12:10
natschilveasmkii: and you wouldn't want to do echo "test", as that would simply write "test" to the file12:10
bob_rocknatschil: It is not the problem of installing but changing resolution permanently!12:10
bob_rocknatschil: the code for my xorg.conf please!12:11
bazhangnatschil, no need to enable root12:11
veasmkiinatschil: Brilliant, that works :)12:11
natschilbazhang: I never said there was a need12:11
bazhang!noroot > natschil12:11
ubottunatschil, please see my private message12:11
jack_ubottu: i did that allready, i get Connection Refused12:11
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:11
veasmkiithanks very much natschil12:11
bazhangnatschil, so please dont suggest it here12:11
natschilveasmkii: np12:11
natschilbazhang: I never suggested it12:11
kosharith0r why , arnt they dynamicly created?12:12
Mashrabelais still up ?12:12
natschilbazhang: I simply said to do "sudo su" and then edit the file12:12
th0rkoshari: yes, so why back them up? They are of no use to you and will change as conditions change12:12
Bodsdanatschil: why not just  sudo $EDITOR file12:12
jack_cyberghoser1: i can`t connect to yahoo with amsn12:12
bazhangnatschil, gksudo gedit (not sudo su)12:12
bob_rockubottu: It is not the problem of installing but changing resolution permanently! the code for my xorg.conf please!12:12
kosharith0r thats why i asked,12:13
Bodsdabob_rock: what are you trying to do?12:13
cyberghoser1bob_rock, something like this should help: Modeline "1024x600" 48.96 1024 1064 1168 1312 600 601 604 622 -HSync +VSync # 60 Hz12:13
cyberghoser1change the resolution to yours12:13
natschilbazhang: right, but he wanted to append something from a command , assuming without X , to the file -> no gksudo12:13
mobi-sheep!pidgin | jack_12:13
Mashcould anyone help me on this12:13
ubottujack_: The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete12:13
MashUnable to run /usr/sbin/pppd.12:13
Parsii want to make sure i've latest version of vga driver, how could i?12:13
Mash--> Check permissions, or specify a "PPPD Path" option in wvdial.conf.12:13
cyberghoser1in xorg.conf always12:13
bazhangnatschil, then sudo nano12:13
mobi-sheep!yahoo | jack_12:13
ubottujack_: At the moment there are many pidgin users experiencing problems connecting to Yahoo IM, you can try changing your paging server to cs101.msg.mud.yahoo.com and see if that helps.12:13
bob_rockBobsda: I installed Nvidia X server setting my VGA is Geforce2 MX 400. Graphic runs with no problem only i just want to keep resolution 1125x864 even though i reboot the machine. in fact it always gets back to 1027x768. for the clue he is my /etc/X11/xorg.conf http://paste.ubuntu.com/202061/  All I want is resolution 1125x864 no matter it is restarted.12:14
natschilbazhang: I think there's something with permissions on xorg.conf that don't seem to let you use echo12:14
mobi-sheepjack_: Try changing the paging server or you can upgrade to latest pidgin version 2.5.712:14
natschilbazhang: to append some lines12:14
laegi have the following pidgin.desktop file in /usr/share/applications ( http://pastebin.com/m342addc2 ) but it does not display the shortcut in applications >> internet menu - from a previous install in edit menus i had unchecked pidgin and also deleted it - how can i remedy this?12:14
Goutampls can anyone help me change my ubuntu resolution to 1024 x 768..... this resolution option is not there in the display settiings12:14
jack_i already have 2.5.712:14
mobi-sheep!X11 | Goutam12:14
ubottuGoutam: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution12:14
bob_rockcyberghoser1: which code that i have to insert  http://paste.ubuntu.com/202061/12:14
bazhangjack_, did you change the paging server yet12:15
Goutamubottu: thnx :D12:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about thnx :D12:15
MashPPP negotiation detected.12:15
Mash--> Unable to run /usr/sbin/pppd.12:15
Mash--> Check permissions, or specify a "PPPD Path" option in wvdial.conf.12:15
PervertedMonkHi does Xchat incorporate the new notification system in Jaunty?12:15
Jassonhi how to put system to suspend-to-disk mode?12:15
Mashcan you help me on that ?12:15
cyberghoser1bob_rock, under the monitor section in xorg.conf add this:12:15
cyberghoser1Modeline "1024x600" 48.96 1024 1064 1168 1312 600 601 604 622 -HSync +VSync # 60 Hz12:15
mobi-sheepPervertedMonk: Yes -- Assuming you set everything up.12:15
cyberghoser1change 1024x600 to your resolution and reboot12:15
natschilGoutam: ubottu is a bot :)12:16
Jassoni write echo 4 > /proc/acpi/sleep but noth happens12:16
io__ubuntu it?12:16
PervertedMonkmobi-sheep: what setting up is required?12:16
bob_rockcyberghoser1: i want 1125x86412:16
=== TamCore[oFF] is now known as TamCore
bazhangio__, /join #ubuntu-it12:16
jack_bazhang: i did, CONNECTION REFUSED is the answer from pidgin12:16
cyberghoser1change 1024x600 in my code to yours12:16
Bodsdabob_rock: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1134230&postcount=212:16
bob_rockcyberghoser1: is it : Modeline "1125x864" 48.96 1024 1064 1168 1312 600 601 604 622 -HSync +VSync # 60 Hz12:17
Mashanyone knows gnome-ppp configuration |12:17
Mashanyone knows gnome-ppp configuration?12:17
Goutamnatschil: that means my ques ws answered automatically???12:17
mobi-sheepPervertedMonk: Look somewhere under Preferences.  I get notification messages when somebody highlighted my nickname.12:17
bazhangMash, dont repeat12:17
mobi-sheepGoutam: No.  I redirected the command to you.  ubottu is not that intelligent. ;)12:17
achillionIn order to get circular scrolling and double finger scrolling working for my touchpad, is it preferable to edit xorg.conf, or install gsynaptics? (Xubuntu 8.04)12:18
natschilGoutam: in a way, someon wrote !X11 |Goutam ,and ubottu then got its entry for X11 and displayed it12:18
Goutammobi-sheep: oh my god.... irc is great ... i dnt know why was i stuck wid IMs for so many days for technical information........12:18
natschilGoutam: some questions are asked a lot, so it's easier to save stuff in ubottu than repeating the whole thing12:19
PervertedMonkmobi-sheep: which setting enables the ubuntu notification thingie though12:19
cyberghoser1bob_rock,  try this: Modeline "1125x864" 48.96 1125 1064 1168 1312 864 601 604 622 -HSync +VSync # 60 Hz12:19
dattamy flash is lagging all the time when i go to scribd.com12:19
mobi-sheepGoutam: IRC was used by people to keep in constant information during World War II and such. :)12:19
jack_jack@AlexDej:~$ pidgin12:19
jack_warning: incompatible stripping characters and condition:12:19
dattawhat should i do about this because it doesn't really work12:19
jack_what`s this ?12:19
eykosiouxi'm having problems connecting with a public key through ssh on one server12:19
metalfan__how do i know if this ubuntu-server installation has encrypted home enabled or not?12:19
mobi-sheepPervertedMonk: I think it's already toggled on.12:19
eykosiouxthe rest work okay, but this one keeps asking for a password12:19
=== ck is now known as Guest72782
natschilmobi-sheep: umm...IRC was created in 198812:20
laegUser's $Home/.dmrc file is being ignored. This prevents the default session language from being saved. File should be owned by user and have 644 permissions. User's $home directory must be owned by user and not writable by other users - i get this on login, how can i remedy it?12:20
PervertedMonkthat sucks...it highlights my nick in red in Xchat mobi-sheep but no ubuntu notification appears12:20
natschilmobi-sheep: that would mean IRC was something like 20 years older than the internet :D12:20
natschilmobi-sheep: s/20/4012:20
mobi-sheepnatschil: Err.. Maybe not World War II but a similar small regional/international wars. :)12:21
bob_rockcyberghoser1: ok i ll try it and doing sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop right12:21
Boohbahnatschil, mobi-sheep: ahh yes, the IRC-over-morse-code protocol :)12:21
mobi-sheepPervertedMonk: When closing XChat, does XChat go to a tray?12:21
refic"not world war II but similar small regional wars" :)12:21
PervertedMonkmobi-sheep: yes12:21
Bodsdasmall? religeous? << offtopic?12:21
mobi-sheepPervertedMonk: Okay.  Close it.  I'll send you a message in 10 seconds.12:22
reficBodsda: yeah, sorry12:22
JanhouseHow can I make keyrong store passwords?12:22
Bodsdaty :)12:22
mobi-sheepPervertedMonk: Test.12:22
dattaplease tell me what is wrong with flash in ubuntu12:22
dattai need to read the document from scribd12:22
JanhouseOn Debian it remembered synaptics password. On Ubuntu it doesn't12:22
PervertedMonkmobi-sheep: the xchat icon blinks :) but i was talking about the ubuntu notification like when transmission finishes downloading a torrent12:23
ActionParsnipJanhouse: run it with  gksudo synaptic12:23
natschil!keyring |Janhouse12:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about keyring12:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about keyring12:24
JanhouseActionParsnip, I can't edit menu.12:24
ActionParsnipJanhouse: which menu?12:24
Janhousemain menu12:25
JanhouseI hate that I have to retype password every time12:25
ActionParsnipJanhouse: is it editable with a right click then choose something from there?12:25
JanhouseWhy keyring doesn't store those passwords?12:26
ActionParsnipJanhouse: its security. once you et setup yu will rarely type it12:26
the_dark_warrioWhat is the updating policy of Ubuntu? I have Glade installed from repo (3.6.3) but glade is already at 3.6.612:26
the_dark_warriowill Ubuntu update to 3.6.6?12:26
bazhang!latest | the_dark_warrio12:26
ubottuthe_dark_warrio: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.12:26
JanhouseBut it doesn't even offer to remember those passwords.12:26
ActionParsnipthe_dark_warrio: it gets updated when it gets updated. if you can find a ppa or deb with the newer version on then go for it12:27
ActionParsnipJanhouse: it does for a short time12:27
the_dark_warrioI see. Thanks!12:27
freeallHi. Does anyone know how to get the width+height of a terminal. Here I think in how many number of chars there can be horizontally and vertically.12:27
JanhouseAfter I installed jaunty it asked it, yes. I told it to remember password. it seems like it store them in /dev/null :D12:28
ActionParsnipJanhouse: are you on about so you dont have to password up for sudo, or are you talking about something like wireless security keys?12:28
JanhouseFor beginning I would like keyring to remember sudo password.12:29
ActionParsnipJanhouse: if you want to edit your gnome menus you can use alacarte12:30
ActionParsnip!info alacarte12:30
ubottualacarte (source: alacarte): easy GNOME menu editing tool. In component main, is optional. Version 0.11.10-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 55 kB, installed size 1240 kB12:30
JanhouseSo I don't have to enter it every time I am trying to install .deb package or something like that12:30
PervertedMonkmobi-sheep: san?12:30
ActionParsnipJanhouse: not going to happen. you willalways be asked for security verification12:30
mobi-sheepPervertedMonk:  Send me a message in 10 second.12:31
ActionParsnipJanhouse: you can use   sudo -i   to get an elevated console which you can run your admin tasks in12:31
JanhouseSucks. On Debian there was option to remember my password for ever.12:31
ActionParsnipJanhouse: keep its use to a minimal though12:31
vegawhat about putting NOPASSWD in sudoers file?12:31
ActionParsnipJanhouse: dont you think that is massively unsecure?12:31
PervertedMonkmobi-sheep: This is gmathews12:31
JanhouseCan't I decide what is secure for me?12:31
PervertedMonkmobi-sheep: come in mobi-sheep san12:31
achillionHey guys. I have a problem with the sensors plugin. It works ok, but every time it gets loaded at startup I get an error that "hddtemp" was not executed correctly. Is there any way to fix this?12:32
JanhouseNo freedom for users...12:32
ActionParsnipJanhouse: ubuntu is aimed at folks new to linux so it trys to enforce a lot of security by default so newbs can be ok12:32
zirodayachillion: what does /etc/init.d/hddtemp start say?12:32
th0rJanhouse: see vega 's comment about NOPASSWD12:32
JanhouseI am just saying that it should offer remembering passwords.12:32
ActionParsnipJanhouse: you can configure it differently but i refuse to support it. too many users doing it then breaking their systems12:32
tunnuzHello people ... what to do when the partitioner hangs at 33% during install?12:32
zirodayachillion: or if you don't want that at all you can do sudo apt-get remove hddtemp all together and then dpkg-reconfigure sensors-applet12:32
ActionParsnipJanhouse: it does for a grace period, then you will be asked again12:32
zirodaytunnuz: wait12:32
ActionParsnipJanhouse: if you run: sudo apt-get update12:33
tunnuzziroday, I'll wait, but is there a timeout?12:33
mobi-sheepPervertedMonk: I got the notify-osb message -- but not when the XChat is active (displayed) on Windows.12:33
kbpI need  help with Samba: how can you add more than 1 path in the parameter? (for example I want 1 user can access 2 paths on the server, do I use ";" or "," or ..?) thanx alot12:33
tunnuzziroday, I could wait for hours :)12:33
laegUser's $Home/.dmrc file is being ignored. This prevents the default session language from being saved. File should be owned by user and have 644 permissions. User's $home directory must be owned by user and not writable by other users - i get this on login, how can i remedy it?12:33
zirodaytunnuz: no, its partitioning correct?12:33
ActionParsnipJanhouse: then run: sudo apt-get upgrade    you are not asked for your password on the upgrade as you are in the grace period12:33
achillionhm, that might work. Before it kept telling me that I didn't have hddtemp. Would reconfiguring it make it stop looking for hddtemp?12:33
tunnuzziroday, what do you mean?12:33
JanhouseActionParsnip, this problem with keyring not remembering passwords on ubuntu is main reason I am mostly using terminal...12:33
zirodaytunnuz: which part of the install is at?12:33
zirodayachillion: yes12:33
tunnuzziroday, it's creating the ext3 file system.12:34
PervertedMonkmobi-sheep: what does that mean...and how do u get the notify-osb message12:34
Bodsdalaeg: run   sudo chmod 644 ~/.dmrc12:34
scales11tunnuz: check your install media12:34
JanhouseI hate typing my Uber long password every time I want to update my sistem12:34
zirodaytunnuz: and how large is the hard drive/partition?12:34
tunnuzziroday, 80 GB12:34
ActionParsnipJanhouse: you can use   sudo -i   to get an interactive sudo and you can run multiple cli commands without worrying about the sudo timer expiring12:34
usr13Janhouse: You are terminal?12:34
zirodaytunnuz: then you will need to wait (a while)12:34
scales11tunnuz: you may have burned a bad cd.  you can do a disc check i think right at boot12:34
ActionParsnipJanhouse: you could cron a script to run as root to upgrade your system while you sleep / are at work12:35
tunnuzscales11, I checked the install media, and there was a problem with libradius, then I burned another one, now the problem is with libruby, but I don't think that libruby is fundamental for partitioning.12:35
sjokkishi. i want to prevent my system from loading the floppy module on boot. i've added it to /etc/modprobe.d/backlist.conf, but that isn't helping. i'm sure i've spelled it correctly.12:35
zirodayscales11: its really not a good idea to interrupt an install, especially during the formatting stage12:35
laegBodsda: done, is that it?12:35
Bodsdalaeg: possibly, try it12:35
laegBodsda: ty mate12:35
JanhouseThat is not a solution. I guess I am too used to Debian. I will have to get used to Ubuntu and the way it works.12:35
mobi-sheepPervertedMonk: Join #xchat -- I'm there and I just asked the question.12:35
tunnuzziroday, ok I'll wait for a while12:35
scales11ziroday: i dont disagree with you there, i meant to check it before hand.12:35
lstarnestunnuz: it may be needed for programs that are programmed with ruby12:35
zirodaysjokkis: its /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist (no .conf) and the syntax is blacklist <module>12:36
Bodsdalaeg: your welcome12:36
tunnuzlstarnes, yes but during install?12:36
Janhousebut it is like going back to Windows where it asks "Are you sure???". Only in this case I have to enter LONG password to move on.12:36
tunnuzanyway I'm downloading a new image ... just in case12:36
achillionziroday, I just reloaded and it's fine. Thanks for the help!12:36
scales11tunnuz: if you are getting errors then something is wrong with your disc, i dont think you can just elude to the fact that one .dll is corrupt and figure it will install ok12:36
usr13Janhouse: You could also change your system so that it works just like Debian.12:36
zirodayachillion: have fun12:36
sjokkisziroday: strange. i had a file named /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf from before. isn't the old syntax (without .conf) deprecated recently? perhaps that's where the problem is12:37
ActionParsnipJanhouse: its a good security measure and is much more secure than users logging on as root and runing web apps which is massively unsecure12:37
tunnuzscales11, that's why I'm downloading a new image12:37
zirodaytunnuz: check out the md5sums before and after buring the disk, if having trouble downloading use a download manager or bittorrent12:37
JanhouseI am not talking about running web apps as root. :D12:37
sjokkisziroday: no bother. i'll just add a symlink12:37
zirodaysjokkis: nope, its always been /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist AFAIK12:37
JanhouseI am talking about running synaptics at my home.12:37
ActionParsnipJanhouse: i know but its that sort of security imposed by using sudo12:38
sjokkisvery strange. anyway. thank you ziroday12:38
BodsdaJanhouse: the fact of the matter is, it is there for a reason, If you truly understand all the consequences then you should be able to discover for yourself how to remove the behaviour12:38
scales11tunnuz: well then that is good.  bad cds happe, you can also run a chksum before you burn it, to make sure your image is good12:38
zirodaysjokkis: have fun12:38
ActionParsnipBodsda: +1 there12:38
chevdorjust a quick note to those who kept saying we cannot boot up on a RAID1/10 array, it IS possible and it works.12:38
JanhouseBodsda, yeah. I will eventualy :D12:38
ActionParsnipchevdor: sure is, get a raid card and you can have any level of raid yo desire12:39
sjokkisyo yo12:39
Xcellpoof  ur a yo yo12:39
ActionParsnipyo yo sjokkis12:39
bazhangXcell, ??12:39
BodsdaJanhouse: then I wish you good luck in your adventures, as long as they are not in this channel as that would be unfair to new users with itchy terminal fingers12:39
Xcelllol itchy terminal fingers...12:40
Xcellapt-get removebillgates12:40
chevdorActionParsnip: well people kepts saying this is not possible :) I am using no raid card but the NVIDIA nForce4 on chipset, also called FakeRaid or whatever12:40
bazhang!ot > Xcell12:40
ubottuXcell, please see my private message12:40
ActionParsnipchevdor: yeah fakeraid suck imho12:41
chevdorActionParsnip: fakeraid works imo :) (not enough experience using it to say it sucks), so far the bench under windows showed great results, windows installs in 8 minutes....12:41
ActionParsnipchevdor: try a raid card with 256Mb cache12:42
Bodsdachevdor: 'installs' in 8 minutes, it can barely start the setup procedure in that time on a non-raid 1.8ghz machine12:42
chevdorActionParsnip: pci ?12:42
ActionParsnipchevdor: pci-x12:42
tunnuzscales11, in fact ... the md5 is ok12:42
chevdorActionParsnip: because then you are limited to the pci / pci-x bandwidth12:42
scales11tunnuz: ok12:43
mobi-sheepPervertedMonk: Hi.12:43
tunnuzshould I burn it from an ubuntu machine?12:43
tunnuzI'm using OSX to burn it12:43
chevdorBodsda: not saying this is good or not, that it boots or not.... I am saying, usually it takes around 40 minutes (on my pc) and now it is down to 8 minutes, on the same pc12:43
Bodsdatunnuz: should make no difference, just burn at a low speed12:43
PervertedMonkmobi-sheep: :)12:44
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Bodsdachevdor: wow, thats good :)12:44
chevdorActionParsnip: you are running it ? what is the price ? that would be nice to compare12:44
mobi-sheepPervertedMonk: Hmm.  It does not work.  You're looking at... (Let me get it).12:44
PervertedMonkmobi-sheep: is there an osd plugin?12:44
tunnuzBodsda, like 8x or like 2x?12:44
ActionParsnipchevdor: its less bursty though due to the cache12:44
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mobi-sheepPervertedMonk: If you're using Ubuntu Jaunty, it's already installed.12:44
chevdorBodsda: to be VERY honnest I had crappy HD before because I always thought it does not change anything... well it does !12:44
Bodsdatunnuz: your burning the ubuntu cd yeah? slowest possible for most accurate results12:44
Oli```Anybody know any good tutorials for stripping down a ubuntu install to use it as a fast, lean media-center? I've already got boxee (and some other apps) installed but I the machine to boot faster and be a little more responsive12:44
Bodsdachevdor: yeah, i have had similar experiences with hd speed12:45
ActionParsnipOli```: run:    dpkg -l | less12:45
chevdorActionParsnip: with my current solution, cache is not bad because I have 4x32Mo... well let's count 2x32Mo because Mirroring does not improve speed12:45
ActionParsnipOli```: read through the apps and remove what you do not use. rubbish like evolution, evince, openoffice, gimp are good starts12:45
mobi-sheepPervertedMonk: Look under XChat Preferences --> Chattings --> Alerts12:45
nate[oz]any gedit experts on? :)12:45
zirodayOli```: you can start from ubuntu-minimal and then build what you need, or use the XBMC live usb. If you want to improve boot time then profiling it is probably your best bet12:45
PervertedMonkmobi-sheep: on jaunty..but maybe an xchat plug in?12:46
cealhow do i configure my broadband on ubuntu?12:46
BodsdaOli```: 'stripping down' and 'media-center' dont usually go in the same sentence, but try something like minimal ubuntu + fluxbox, or puppylinux as a base12:46
ziroday!anyone | nate[oz]12:46
ubottunate[oz]: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?12:46
mobi-sheepPervertedMonk: You want to toggle on "Show tray ballons on: " -- Say my name now.12:46
PervertedMonkmobi-sheep: !12:46
ceali have been searching forums without any luck: none of the methods work...12:46
ActionParsnipnate[oz]: its a text editor, not much to be expert in really12:46
chevdorBodsda: going from a crappy hd to a nice one helps a bit, plus adding raid0 makes it very nice (raid 10 even better in my case because I did not like the x2 failure factor of raid 0 :))12:46
usr13ceal: pppoe?12:46
Bodsdachevdor: yeah12:46
cealusr13: yeah12:46
usr13!pppoe | ceal12:47
ubottuceal: Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE12:47
ActionParsnipchevdor: and raid0 isntstrictly raid ;)12:47
zopiacwhere is smb.conf?12:47
fcnhi i'm trying to track total size of action on my local area network using libpcap. i'm looking for example code or some good tutorial. can someone please help me?12:47
tunnuzBodsda, thank you12:47
ActionParsnipzopiac: /etc/samba/smb.conf12:47
zopiacActionParsnip: thanks12:47
cealusr13: i tried this method12:47
mobi-sheepWhat is ChanServ?  Would #ubuntu considered as ChanServ ?12:47
Bodsdatunnuz: your welcome12:47
cealusr13:it keeps saying nothing found12:47
Bodsdamobi-sheep: no, chanserv is a bot12:47
chevdorActionParsnip: that sounds like trolling... I won't go into this and just say : yes indeed, thus the name "0", and I don't use raid 0 anyway but raid 1012:47
usr13ceal: Tell us more.12:47
zirodaymobi-sheep: chanserv is a service offered by freenode, more information in #freenode12:47
cealfirst about the connection12:48
nate[oz]ActionParsnip it becomes more complicated when plugin development comes into play12:48
cealit's not programmed into my modem12:48
ActionParsnipchevdor: well theres no redundncy in raid0, and the r in raid stands for redundant12:48
ceali have to double click an icon and it asks for password and i connect like that in windows12:48
ActionParsnipchevdor: it uses the same mechanics of multiple drive acces but isnt true raid12:48
cealhold on let me tell you the exact error i get...12:49
PervertedMonkmobi-sheep: beep me12:49
BodsdaActionParsnip: the I stands for inexpensive, but thats relative to how much you paid, :)12:49
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mobi-sheepPervertedMonk: Beep.12:49
PervertedMonkmobi-sheep: yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!12:49
chevdorActionParsnip: raid 0 has been a result of the RAID architecture, now the meaning of raid is more 'multiple disks'. Now I agree w/ you, when someone says I use raid0 to make it more secure, i start feeling bad :)12:49
mobi-sheepPervertedMonk: It worked when your XChat is not active, right?12:49
ActionParsnipbobslaede: true but they can be inexpensive, there is stil no redundancy in raid012:49
usr13ceal: Did you use pppoeconf?12:49
PervertedMonkyep mobi-sheep12:49
cealusr13: yes i did12:50
PervertedMonkmakes nosense if it was active though mobi-sheep12:50
mobi-sheepPervertedMonk: Yeah.  Mine too.  I'm trying to figure out how we can do this with XChat window displaying.12:50
ActionParsnipchevdor: true but theres still no redundancy so isnt true raid in a sense of the acronym12:50
ActionParsnipchevdor: otherwise you are right12:50
chevdorActionParsnip: do you run your pci-x card on your pc ? Do you know of a linux hd benchmark software ? if so, we could compare, that would be fun :)))12:50
usr13ceal: Tell us the exact error?12:50
cealhold on12:50
ActionParsnipchevdor: no idea duder12:51
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mobi-sheepPervertedMonk: Well -- Yes but I'm trying to figure out.  Beep me.12:51
PervertedMonkmobi-sheep: testing12:51
=== AnotherKnightWho is now known as sejo
cealit says it12:52
MaT-dgis it possible to install firefox 3.5 beta/RC from the repo's?12:52
cealhas found the network devices successfully; but i just get a window that says "looking for eth0"12:52
ziroday!info firefox-3.5 > MaT-dg12:52
mobi-sheepPervertedMonk: I'll look for XChat scripts.  There must be something there.12:52
ActionParsnipMaT-dg: its beta so i doubt it12:52
cealthen it cycles to wloan0 and pan012:52
usr13ceal: ifconfig12:53
cealit keeps looking for PPPoE Access Concentrator12:53
ubu1I have a problem. I have Flash but I cant play videos from Cnet Tv. Please, help!12:53
cealwhat in ifconfig do you want to know?12:53
PervertedMonkmobi-sheep: sweet :)12:53
usr13ceal: pastebin it12:53
ceali cant it's on the laptop and i am on the desktop!!12:54
pawancant mount volume12:54
usr13ceal: We need to know if you have eth0 or eth1 or what.12:54
cealthat's what is shown here12:54
usr13ceal: What is the ip address for your modem?12:54
mobi-sheepPervertedMonk: On a plus note, it do work when XChat is minimized too, not just tray'd.12:54
cealthat's the router itself right?12:54
cealrouter modem are all the same rt?12:55
usr13ceal: Set eth0 to an IP in that subnet.12:55
Janhouseok ActionParsnip, easy solution. Had to open gconf-editor and make gksu save passwords in keyring ;)12:55
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount12:55
cealit is set to
PervertedMonkmobi-sheep: sweet guess thats what i wanted..thanks!12:55
ActionParsnipJanhouse: i prefer security12:55
usr13ceal: What is the model number of your modem?12:55
cealHuawei SmartAX MT84112:56
JanhouseI prefer security on server not on desktop pvc12:56
mobi-sheepPervertedMonk: Welcome.  Sorry we both could not active everything. :)12:56
adacI installed passenger for to be able to run ruby on rails with apache2. Now I have the problem that other php webapps won't open anymore. any ideas?12:57
ActionParsnipJanhouse: you are only as strong as your lamest duck12:57
usr13ceal: Do you have the modem set for pass-through?12:57
Mylistohey everyone12:58
Mylistoheres a post that I came across on a forum12:58
MylistoSo we need to build interesting new feedback loops such as using a PA system, and/or personal amplification devices (with headphones), a voice synthesizer to help amplify certain qualities &/or annoyances... an oscilloscope for visual feedback on various vocal effects, and also a histogram display for visual feedback on what frequencies we're producing. Once multiple rounds of that have been experienced, NLPers are far more capable12:58
Mylistoof hearing differently and adjusting their own output with greater efficacy and consistency. Then begins a range of skills-drills to discover further strengths & weaknesses, as well as practice new sounds and such.12:58
FloodBot1Mylisto: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:58
Mylistoare there any programs for ubuntu to do any of these things?12:58
JanhouseI don't download weird programs, don't run them as root. And I have firewall that blocks most ports. Anyway I am in lan :D12:58
ubu1I have a problem. I have Flash but I cant play videos from Cnet Tv. Please, help!12:58
alejandrohi, I have a german compaq laptop which I have to set to UK keyboard each time I turn it on... it keeps switching back to a german keyboard model.12:59
Mylistoubul: you have firefox?12:59
ActionParsnipJanhouse: we'll see eh.12:59
JanhouseOnly way to actually do something to my PC is to get to it physically :D12:59
alejandroSo I'm always in keyboard layouts setting it back when I turn it on... any idea how to fix that-12:59
ActionParsnipJanhouse: just remember there are many good reasons why ubuntu is how it is, you just circumvented many professional meetings and decisions by highly qualified linux engineers12:59
cealhere's the error in pppoe in case needed http://paste.ubuntu.com/202100/13:00
ActionParsnipJanhouse: doesnt make any sense to me but if you are happy then thats all that matters right13:00
JanhouseThey made it for everyone else. :D13:00
cealusr13: i did this with just the laptop connected to the modem; no luck same error13:01
zandenis there anyway to configure the kernel to prevent users from listing others running process , and limiting them as just ps -x ?13:01
ActionParsnipJanhouse: whatever13:01
SafariI got a question i want to install KDE desktop to try and i tried kubuntu and i don't like it much cause everything has a different name and all is it possible to just install the KDE desktop and not install the programs?13:01
JanhouseActionParsnip, could you please give me one reason not to save gksudo password in keyring?13:02
ActionParsnip!puregnome | Safari13:02
ubottuSafari: If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal13:02
bazhangJanhouse, please take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic13:02
Safarithanks :)13:02
cealcan anyone help me out?13:03
ActionParsnipJanhouse: if you dont understand why its a bad idea then you clearly have no idea of security and why ubuntu is set how it is. Its people like you that need the security measures. the fact that you are asking me proves this13:03
ceali get this error when i try to configure my broadband for ubuntu 9.0413:03
ceali execute the command pppoeconf13:04
ubu1I have a problem. I have Flash but I cant play videos from Cnet Tv. Please, help!13:04
usr13ceal: You need to go through the proceedure again and see where you went wrong. Just that it cant find eth0 isn't enough information for us to go on, we need to know exactly what went wrong.13:04
usr13ceal: Can you ping ?13:05
Spike1506what does pppoeconf do?13:05
ceallet me try...13:05
cealit shows the error spike13:05
ActionParsnipubu1: can you watch youtube and other flas goodies?13:05
usr13ceal: Can you ping ?13:05
ubu1yes, i can watch youtube fine.13:06
Spike1506ceal, i mean: what does it actually do? *has no clue what pppoeconf is*13:06
alejandrohi, I have a german compaq laptop which is stuck on a german keyboard model. It keeps switching back to it on reboot.13:06
cealpppoeconf is used to configure the broadband i guess13:06
cealit finds out all the network interfaces successfully13:07
ActionParsnipubu1: weird13:07
karelI have ubuntu 9.04 (upgraded yesterday from Xubuntu 8..), but I can't play mp3's with Rhythmbox nor Amarok. Yesterday I installed "ubuntu-restricted-extras" and I was able to play mp3's with Rhythmbox (not with amarok) and today I installed Banshee to put some music on my iPod and now Rhythmbox/Banshee/Amarok won't play mp3, I uninstalled Banhsee - Rhythmbox is still not working, amarok has been silent all the time :S, could anyone help plea13:07
cealbut then keeps scanning for access concentrator;13:07
cypr1nushello, where can I find setting for eth0 network card, file like if-eth0 ?13:07
usr13ceal: Do you have another PC connected to the internet at this time?  ... Obviously you do.  YOu have saddled a dead horse.13:07
Mylistoanyone here versed in audio applications for ubuntu?  I have some small things I want to tackle13:07
ceali did it without it too13:07
cealno luck usr 1313:07
ubu1yes. I don't know what to do.13:08
usr13ceal: You can only initiate one connection at a time.  You already have one connection and will not be able to make another.13:08
ActionParsnipubu1: I'd log a bug duder13:08
Mylistoanyone here versed in audio applications for ubuntu?  I have some small things I want to tackle13:08
cealusr13: but i did it with just the laptop connected to the modem and nothing else too;13:08
usr13ceal: You need to get a router and share the connection.13:08
ActionParsnipMylisto: just ask13:08
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount13:09
cealusr13: is my modem a router?13:09
usr13ceal: If you tell the PC you are using to disconnect, then the other one will be able to connect.13:09
safaghow do i uninstall music tracker plugin in pidgin ?13:09
cealusr13: i am gonna try it13:09
cealand get back to you ok13:09
karelPidgin->Plugins and disable it13:09
ceali am sure it wont work still13:09
usr13ceal: that is the way it works.13:09
Mylistoactionparsnip: its kind of complicated...13:09
usr13ceal: If you get a router that does pppoe you can use that.13:10
safagkarel:  dude ,i wanna remove it , and get early version ,coz new one in not stable13:10
ActionParsnipMylisto: you could use pastebin and write an essay if yu wish13:10
=== mafsi is now known as mafsi_away
cealusr13: does the fact that the username and password not being programmed into the modem have any significance?13:10
karelsearch it in Synaptic and remove? did you try that?13:10
Mylistoactionparsnip: if you go to http://www.nlpconnections.com/27556-post4.html I'm talking about doing what is talked about in the fourth paragraph13:10
usr13ceal: If you connect one PC with two NICs and tell it to share through the other NIC, you can have two connected.  etc. etc.  But only one pppoe connection can be initiated .13:11
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic13:11
safag karel:  no ,how do i do it ,i installed ubuntu 2 days ago ,i m a newbie , how do i do it?13:11
usr13ceal: If the modem does pppoe authentication, you can use it to share with multiple PCs.13:11
karelsafag: System>Administration>Synaptic package manager13:11
buchanyone have some knowledge to sound and flash problem? My problem is Flash (Like youtube ect ect) sound doesnt work but Rhythmebox in ubuntu works great?13:11
usr13ceal: But I do not think that particular modem does pppoe13:11
safagkarel:  opened , now ?13:12
xuebixceal: most routers will have a function to tell the modem your username and password13:12
ActionParsnipMylisto: crazy stuff13:12
karelsafag: quicksearch pidgin-musictracker13:12
cealusr13: but my connection is pppoe usr1313:12
BryanCI get slightly faster audio when playing music using xbmc. Does anyone know what can cause this?13:12
ceali am actually using the modem to access the net13:12
safagkarel:  got it ,it has a green mark ,now ?13:12
Mylistoactionparsnip: why would you say that?13:13
ActionParsnipMylisto: sounds complex13:13
karelsafag: I have it in different language but, right click on it and set it to be removed13:13
safagkarel:  mark for removal or complete removal ?13:13
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate13:13
karelsafag: removal I guess13:13
safagkarel:  then if i again install old version , stable version of it ,then it will work fine ?13:14
pawanhow to mount13:14
safagthrough getdeb.net13:14
karelsafag: yeah, it should13:14
ghostlinesdoes anyone know if it's possible to mount a remote dvd drive?13:14
safagkk i will od it now ,thanqqs13:14
karelsafag: you know where to get the old version?13:14
safagyaa ,www.getdeb.net13:15
ActionParsnipghostlines: if its shared properly, yes13:16
bob_rockwho is the one that helped me?13:16
sipiorBryanC: might be playing back at 48kHz, instead of 44.1.13:16
JanhouseActionParsnip, and yet you couldn't tell me one reason why not use it as I do. P.S. Is Debian less secure? It offers that option to store it in keyring...13:16
dylanmcdI'd like to setup a custom Ubuntu install with a different window manager, customized vim settings, and stuff like that. Has anyone done something like this? Could you point me in the right direction?13:17
karelMy Amarok doesn't play mp3 (amarok 2 and ubuntu 9.04) anyone has any ideas?13:17
wbcHow may I add Windows XP to the GRUB list when it is installed on an external hard-drive?13:17
ActionParsnipJanhouse: im not entertaining it. it does make the system less secure, just as having the root account disabled is a good practise too13:18
mobi-sheep!remaster | dylanmcd13:18
ubottudylanmcd: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility13:18
Janhousestill nothing...13:18
FeasibilityStudywbc edit /boot/grub/menu.lst13:18
FeasibilityStudywbc examples should be in that file.13:18
ActionParsnipJanhouse: its there for a reason. if you want a less secure system its your call. why don't yu just chmod every single file to 777 and be done13:18
dylanmcdmobi-sheep: Thanks, I'll check out those links13:18
ActionParsnipJanhouse: the you wont have any security issues will you as all files wil be accessible13:19
ActionParsnipJanhouse: no matter who the user is13:19
mobi-sheepdylanmcd: Also --> http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/remastersys :)13:19
bazhangJanhouse, please chat elsewhere13:19
=== WelshDragon is now known as YDdraigGoch
bob_rockubottu: after digging my machine, the way to change resolution permanently is just go to System -> Preferences -> Display. No need to dig up my /etc/X11/xorg.conf. Just reboot my machine and it stays to resolution what i want.13:19
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:19
chevdorbob_rock: bummer :)13:20
=== PervertedMonk is now known as gmathews
felix__Hello! I have a problem with my graphics card. I updated ubuntu today and now the card does not work anymore. I can't activate the driver via the GUI tool.13:21
gmathewsHi what is a good newsreader for ubuntu..to open .nzb files?13:21
felix__It is an Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT.13:21
wbcIf sda is hd,0 is sdb hd,1?13:22
bob_rockchevdor: Funny story at me, They try give me the way how to go to the moon in fact what i need is just how to ride bicycle.13:22
ActionParsnipgmathews: http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-replies-archive.cfm/578168.html13:22
sipiorwbc: yes, although the comma is usually used to separate the disk from the partition number, so hd1, not hd,1.13:22
zeeblewhat is a .nzb file, gmathews?13:23
zeeblepan is a nice news reader though13:23
chevdorbob_rock: :))13:23
gmathewszeeble: http://www.binaries4all.com/nzb/13:24
LinuxFreakDAnyone had a problem with acidrip freezing on crop detection and know a quick fix?13:25
bob_rockchevdor: I don't know remember what i have talked to but thank for the eager to help.13:25
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bob_rockchevdor: I don't remember i mean13:25
zeeblegmathews: well, none of those supported news readers looks to be available on linux13:26
manousosanyone from greece in here13:26
ubottu#ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes13:26
=== Co_ is now known as richi_rich
bazhangmanousos, #ubuntu-gr there surely will be :)13:26
ActionParsnipyeah all 19 of them13:27
ActionParsnipwell 18, now i left13:27
LinuxFreakDAnyone else had a problem with acidrip freezing on crop detection and knows a quick fix?13:27
bob_rockubottu: !love ubottu13:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about love ubottu13:27
manousosφιλε μου ειμαι νεοσ με το λινουξ και δεν ξερο πως να μπω στους ελληνικους σερβερ13:27
mafsimanousos: type (without quotes) "/join #ubuntu-gr"13:28
zeeblegmathews: but. apt-cache search shows me stuff like hellanzb and lottanzb. check them out13:28
kurehi, ive just bought external burner(dvd writer??) and it doesnt get over writing speed 1x, a read something about DMA, coult someone help me pls??13:28
gmathewszeeble: shweet gonnna try them out quick13:28
manousosσε ευχαριστώ13:28
LinuxFreakDubottu: !gay13:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gay13:29
PiciLinuxFreakD: don't do that.13:29
LinuxFreakDyaaaaa.... right Sure he doesn't13:29
Picimanousos: Not here, type: /join #ubuntu-gr13:29
zeeblegmathews: do apt-cache search nzb and try them all out13:29
Haidoura_KVhi guys, I have ubuntu 8.10 and I want to upgrade it to 9.04, I bought installation ubuntu CD 9.04 .. can I upgrade with an install CD and not an upgrade CD ??13:29
ActionParsnip!botabuse > LinuxFreakD13:29
ubottuLinuxFreakD, please see my private message13:29
bob_rockubottu: !kill ubottu13:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kill ubottu13:29
sipiorPici: he was thanking you, actually :-)13:29
ncopacould someone please help me find the build script source for linux-headers-*-generic package?13:30
bob_rockwhat is the command can be used for bot13:30
jussi01!bot | bob_rock13:30
ubottubob_rock: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots13:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about acidrip13:30
ActionParsnipbob_rock: depends what you wanna know, she knows much13:30
ncopawant to look how they make that nice symvers, .config and symlinks13:30
ActionParsnipLinuxFreakD: try !info <package name>13:30
LinuxFreakD!info acidrip13:31
ubottuacidrip (source: acidrip): ripping and encoding DVD tool using mplayer and mencoder. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.14-0.2ubuntu5 (jaunty), package size 63 kB, installed size 308 kB13:31
bob_rockthank anyone13:31
rblstin my 8.04 the main volume control in gnome does not affect volume, how can i fix this?13:31
LinuxFreakD!info dvdrip13:31
ubottudvdrip (source: dvdrip): perl front end for transcode and ffmpeg. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:0.98.9-0.0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 1386 kB, installed size 3088 kB13:31
Picisipior: oh :)13:31
gmathewszeeble: crap these ones don't have a gui ;/13:31
zeeblethere's one for KDE13:31
BlueAidan_workanyone using pgadmin3 on 9.04?13:31
LinuxFreakDwhich do you guys prefer for copying home dvd's to your harddrive... not meant to reburn. In an .avi file.13:31
LinuxFreakDdvdrip or acidrip13:32
BlueAidan_workit seems any time I do a find/replace all in the query window in pgadmin3, it just pegs one core and sits there.13:32
zeeblegmathews: apt-get install klibido13:32
ActionParsnipLinuxFreakD: i think k3b does it13:32
gmathewszeeble: libido?? lol.13:32
rblstin 8.04 the main volume control in gnome does not affect volume, how can i fix this?13:32
LinuxFreakDhmm I will check that one out, thanks13:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about klibido13:32
LinuxFreakD!info k3b13:32
ubottuk3b (source: k3b): A sophisticated KDE CD burning application. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.5+kde4svn935857+really1.0.5-3ubuntu5 (jaunty), package size 718 kB, installed size 2260 kB13:32
BryanCsipor: could you possibly tell me how / where to change that? I havent noticed a setting for that.13:33
zeeblegmathews: http://klibido.sourceforge.net/ dont blame me, i didnt name em, hehe13:33
bob_rockubottu: !smb13:33
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.13:33
gmathews!info klibido13:33
ubottuklibido (source: klibido): usenet binary grabber for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.5-5ubuntu4 (jaunty), package size 390 kB, installed size 1308 kB13:33
zeeblegmathews: well, figures. your'e downloading all the nzb pr0n to boost your libido, perhaps :p13:33
gmathewshahahah shuuuuuush zeeble :)13:33
zeebledont think i've ever been to a bin NG..13:34
bob_rockubottu: !nick kaka13:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nick kaka13:34
bob_rockubottu: !nick13:34
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode13:34
Pici!msgthebot | bob_rock13:34
ubottubob_rock: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".13:34
eremiteHow do I make Opera Unite my default browser in Ubuntu jaunty?13:35
eremiteI cant figure it out13:35
eremiteIt wont let me make it the default13:35
mobi-sheeperemite: System --> Preferences --> Preferred Applications ?13:36
eremiteTried, apps still use FF to open sites13:36
ActionParsniperemite: its in here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser13:36
xuebixkernel compile on celeron m 540 = bad idea + 3hours and counting (and i removed the crap)13:36
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ActionParsniperemite: you will also need to set it in other apps that have their own browser knowledge if they do not tap into the default one (or if you have statically set it in an app)13:37
ActionParsnipxuebix: not bad at all13:37
bob_rockubottu: !tell bob_rock about love13:37
ubottubob_rock, please see my private message13:37
bob_rock ubottu: !tell bob_rock about smb13:38
ActionParsnipxuebix: try compiling kde, x and alsa on a 650Mhz Slot A athlon13:38
ActionParsnipxuebix: 3 days13:38
=== HardStyle_ is now known as HardStyl
xuebixlol, you win13:38
eremiteActionParsnip, this should be as simple as checking a boix.  It has been in every other Opera release.  Im not reading your long-ass link, it doesnt have the info I asked for.13:38
ActionParsnipxuebix: gentoo back in the day :)13:38
ActionParsniperemite: it does if you press ctrl + f and type default13:39
bob_rock ubottu: !tell bob_rock about share13:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about share13:39
ActionParsniperemite: i didnt expect you to read it all13:39
bazhangbob_rock, /msg ubottu please13:39
mobi-sheep!tell bob_rock about msgthebot13:39
ubottubob_rock, please see my private message13:39
Picibob_rock: Please stop playing with the bot in the channel.13:39
eremiteThat info si outdated.  Im asking for Opera Unite instructions, which are not the same as these.13:40
xuebixubottu: !info KernelCheck13:40
eremiteI did that already, but the option USED to be in Opera.13:40
bob_rockSory I just practice how to use it13:40
eremiteYou used to be able to check a box in prefernces that asked if you wanted to check if Opera was the default on startup.13:40
bazhangeremite, opera unite is not in the repos13:40
ActionParsniperemite: http://my.opera.com/Tamil/blog/set-opera-as-default-browser13:41
eremitewhat does that have to do with anything?  I have it installed, and I have been using it.13:41
bazhangie NOT supported here13:41
buchAnyone who can help me blacklist my VIA 82xx sound card (I tried http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=200452&highlight=disabling+hardware)13:41
eremite<ActionParsnip>, please stop linking me to useless articles.  THIS IS ALL OLD INFO you are sending me to.  Not compatible with Opera Unite.13:42
bazhang!ot > eremite13:42
ubottueremite, please see my private message13:42
ActionParsniperemite: welcome to ignore. you are so ungrateful13:42
bob_rockI want to create a script. the Procedure of my script (1. Disable my wireless wlan0 ) (2. Wait for 3 second) (3. Enable my wireless wlan0).  Tell how to do that!13:45
DJonessorry, wrong channel13:45
usr13bob_rock: Why do you need to dissable and re-enable the NIC?13:46
bob_rockusr13: Free hot spot force me to do that13:47
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore13:47
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore13:48
usr13bob_rock: /etc/init.d/networking stop ; sleep 3 ; /etc/init.d/networking start13:48
bob_rockusr13: thanks13:48
usr13bob_rock: np13:49
gmathews!info klibido13:50
ubottuklibido (source: klibido): usenet binary grabber for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.5-5ubuntu4 (jaunty), package size 390 kB, installed size 1308 kB13:50
bob_rockusr13: is it possible to use macchanger inside the script, meanwhile it asks for the password13:50
AzMooHey guys, I'm having issues getting my ethernet card working on 9.04. lspci tells me it's an Nvidia MCP67 and lsmod tells me that the forcedeth module is loaded. It detects the interface but never gets an IP address. I can see it making the request on the router though, and it returns an address, but it never accepts it.13:51
Mylandoes anyone know how can I acces an IRC network over a proxy?13:52
n0geardoes restricted-extras package include flash?13:52
lkarydasHi all!13:52
bazhangMylan, tor, ask in #freenode for details13:52
Mylanbazhang: tnx13:52
Picin0gear: yes13:52
bazhangn0gear, yep13:52
=== ck is now known as Guest9082
lkarydasCan anyone help me with an x crash problem, please?13:53
n0gearPici: do i need to get that libdvd package to play DVDs or is it included as well13:53
Picin0gear: I don't recall, sorry.13:53
usr13bob_rock: add the file to sudoer's file13:53
bazhangmedibuntu.org for that n0gear13:53
bob_rockusr13: how?13:54
usr13bob_rock: visudo13:54
xuebixeremite: Maby gconf>desktop>gnome>url-handlers>http/https could be your answer not sure13:54
neongraui have a sendmail setup from an gentoo server i want to migrate to ubuntu server. i already have 2 proper .mc files to generate 2 sendmail.cf's but i can't seem to figure out how to integrate them with the ubuntu startscripts or its /etc/mail/sendmail.conf :(13:54
mdmneongrau: m413:55
neongrau#/usr/sbin/sendmail -C/etc/mail/sendmail-rx.cf -L sm-mta-rx -bd -O Loglevel=14 -qp13:55
neongrau#/usr/sbin/sendmail                            -L sm-mta-tx -bd -q15m13:55
usr13bob_rock: bob_rock ALL=NOPASSWD:/home/rob_roc/bin/on-off-net13:55
neongrauin fact all i need to do is figure out how to thell the init script to start and stop these 2 sendmail processes13:56
mdmneongrau: mc files are a script for the processor m4, you need to convert them to .cf files.  and you do this with the command m413:56
usr13bob_rock: Where /home/rob_roc/on-off-net  is your script to turn off and on your net.13:56
bob_rockusr13: Tell the clear way!13:56
neongraumdm: i know, i already got them, my prob is the init.d script of ubuntu13:56
BlinkizHi. I need some advice. Am about to start documenting our network and servers here. I want to use the right tools for this from the beginning. Some kind of web-based is the best. Like a wiki och a special open source project aiming at creating a documentation portal. Any advice please?13:57
sipiorneongrau: the sendmail script in /etc/init.d should already handle starting and stopping the service. did it not get installed when you added sendmail?13:57
mdmneongrau: what is the problem you have with the init script?13:58
neongrausipior: ofc but default is it just starts sendmail with whatever /etc/mail/sendmail.cf there is (from the default setup)13:58
JonnyAre there any swish++ experts here? I'm having trouble getting filters to work when using index++13:58
lkarydasCan anyone help me with an x crash problem?13:58
sipiorneongrau: and you can't simply replace sendmail.cf?13:59
neongrausipior: i can and i did already. it's starting the one process, and 2 queue runne rprocesses i don't want in that form (it fails to see the proper pid files)14:00
mmx_sseHi all14:00
AzMooDoes ubuntu have a firewall set by default?14:01
mdmneongrau: do you mean its starting an MTA and a MSA?  that is your conf file, one recives email the other sends it14:01
usr13bob_rock: Create the script, name it on-off-nic, chmod 4755 on-off-nic; mkdir bin/; cp on-off-nic bin/; visudo ; (add line):  bob_rock ALL=NOPASSWD:/home/rob_rock/bin/on-off-net14:01
usr13bob_rock: something to that effect...14:01
bkraptordoes anyone know how to control the new pointer acceleration scheme in xorg 1.6? http://www.x.org/wiki/Development/Documentation/PointerAcceleration14:01
scuniziAzMoo: yes.. it uses iptables to do it.14:02
AzMooscunizi: is there a gui to turn it off?14:02
neongraumdm: yep thats whats it's probably doing. but it's not starting the 2nd process the way i want (with -C/etc/mail/sendmail-rx.cf) as extra options14:02
sipiorneongrau: what syntax are you using to specify the location of these files?14:02
scuniziAzMoo: what are you trying to do that you can't?14:02
usr13bob_rock: Then you can create a launcher on the desktop for it.14:03
schaf-lappyi want op !14:03
bazhang!ot > schaf-lappy14:03
ubottuschaf-lappy, please see my private message14:03
eremiteOK, I figured out how to set Opera as the default browser even when it wouldnt work via System>Preferences>Preferred Apps.  I made an html file, right clicked it and chose to open the file with Opera instead of FF3 as the default app.  Problem solved.14:03
sipiorneongrau: can you modify the settings in /etc/default/sendmail?14:03
AzMooscunizi: I'm having trouble getting an IP from dhcp. Can get the network if I set it static and I can see the request for an address on the router, but it doesn't accept the response.14:03
usr13bob_rock: actually you can't do it in exactly that order.14:03
brianVCan someone recommend a GTK-based editor for writing PHP code? I've been using kate under KDE, but I am stuck with Gnome for now14:03
bob_rockusr13: seem my wlan0 cannot be stopped and it says ERROR: Can't change MAC: interface up or not permission: Device or resource busy14:03
mdmneongrau: its supposed to do that.  the process that you think of, sendmail is on half of the smtp archtecture.  When your email client sends mail (when you do) you connect to one part, it then tells the other part to pass that mail on.  Its suposed to be like that, its part of the architecture, its part of security, and its supposed to be like that14:03
mdmneongrau: that isnt a ubuntu thing btw its a smtp and sendmail thing14:04
usr13bob_rock: mkdir bin ; cd bin ; nano on-off-nic ; #add lines as needed ;  chmod 4755 on-off-nic ;  visudo ; (add line):  bob_rock ALL=NOPASSWD:/home/rob_rock/bin/on-off-net14:04
scuniziAzMoo: the firewall wouldn't be preventing that. but it was a good thought.  Is this a wireless connection?14:05
natschilcan anyone recomend me a good svn server that runs well on ubuntu?14:05
woozlyDNAT       tcp  --             tcp dpt:23456 to: - how to delete it from iptables?14:05
usr13bob_rock: You're trying to change the MAC address?14:05
AzMooscunizi: nope, wired.14:05
neongraumdm: have a look -> http://pastie.org/52153914:05
ubu1How to close virtual keyborad?14:06
natschilbrianV: gedit. You can also use kate under gnome though14:06
sipiorwoozly: remember to add the "-t nat" table specification when you issue an iptables -F.14:06
mdmneongrau: what about it?14:06
AzMooscunizi: I fixed it.14:06
scuniziAzMoo: how?14:06
brianVnatschil, I could, but that would require installing kdesdk, and several hundred mb of libraries14:06
disappearedngCan someone help me? I moved my mysql db to my other harddisk, now my mysql complains it can't read lrwxrwxrwx 1 root  root        73 2009-06-23 20:55 gupan5_1 -> /mount/950gb/gupan5/SQL_TEST/gupan5_1/SQL_DATABASE_DO_NOT_TOUCH/gupan5_1/14:06
brianVnatschil, I'll look at gedit. Gnome feels like an alien land after using KDE for 5 years solid14:07
AzMooscunizi: DHCP had a reservation for the MAC with the wrong hostname. Switched it to the correct hostname and everything came good.14:07
mdmneongrau: do you mean you want to have the init script use those? change them to sendmail.cf and submit.cf14:07
disappearedngI tried chown mysql:mysql but it doesn't work14:07
natschilbrianV: I know the feeling :)14:07
AzMooscunizi: ta for the response :)14:07
scuniziAzMoo: np :)14:07
neongraumdm: exactly, the config part of sendmail is perfectly fine. just the starting/stoppting via the init script is my prob14:07
AzMooscunizi: having said that, *is* there somewhere to modify the firewall, for future reference?14:08
mdmneongrau: either rename sendmail-rx.cf to submit.cf or change the init script14:08
bob_rockusr13: scirpt always says error (ERROR: Can't change MAC: interface up or not permission: Device or resource busy)14:08
scunizi!ufw | AzMoo this is popular but doesn't touch everything iptables can do.14:08
ubottuAzMoo this is popular but doesn't touch everything iptables can do.: Ubuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist14:08
ubu1How to close virtual keyborad?14:08
mdmneongrau: as for the queue options you have to change those as well, altho the only thing I notice that inst normal is the log level14:08
usr13bob_rock: if you change the nic you must first take it down, ifconfig eth0 down14:09
cyberghoser1bob_rock, did your resolution got fixed finaly ?14:09
AzMooscunizi: nice one, thanks. I've played with iptables a bit in the past for masquerading, so I'm not entirely unfamiliar.14:09
usr13bob_rock: How old are you?14:09
bob_rockcyberghoser1:  hey good to see you. After digging my machine, the way to change resolution permanently is just go to System -> Preferences -> Display. No need to dig up my /etc/X11/xorg.conf. Just reboot my machine and it stays to resolution what i want.14:10
cyberghoser1bob_rock, yes that was the fastest way14:10
cyberghoser1i thought you didnt had success with it thats why i didnt suggest it :)14:11
ubu1How to close virtual keyboard?14:11
neongraumdm: s.th. different. any idea why "killall -9 sendmail" doesnt work on ubuntu?14:11
bob_rockusr13: got problem with my age?14:11
jerroomeneongrau why wouldn't that work ?14:11
mdmneongrau: killall means kill with process signal 9 (SIGKILL) all processes named sendmail.  Not processes named sendmail.real, sendma or anything EXCEPT sendmail14:12
neongraujerroome: thats my question14:12
ktneis there any way i can access my phone memory card in linux? i want to copy some mp3s there14:12
kingsofleonhowdy pardners14:12
joeyeyektne, is your phone memory card removable ?14:12
mdmneongrau: killall is baiscly a sledge hammer of last resort. And surely not a nice way to hand processes14:12
usr13bob_rock: Not really, but sounds like you may be trying to hack into someone else's network.14:13
ktnejoeyeye: i think so, but i have no other way of accessing it14:13
joeyeyewhat kind of phone ?14:13
neongraumdm: so when i have "root      6674  0.0  0.8   8848  2060 ?        Ss   09:12   0:00 sendmail: accepting connections"14:13
neongraushouwl a killall sendmail work or not?14:13
enovativi want to be able to remote to my linux box thru the use of a web browser...i am researched that i could VNC, but have found that it is not completely secured...so then i found some info on something called Hamachi.....a secure, encrypted VPN to VNC over...has anyone used this combination with success ?14:13
ktnejoeyeye: sony erricson w350i, it's a 512mb flash thingie14:13
jerroomeneongrau : yes it should14:14
sipiorneongrau: you ran the killall as root, right? can you kill it by process?14:14
felix__Hello! I have a problem with my graphics card. I updated ubuntu today and now the card does not work anymore. I can't activate the driver via the GUI tool. It is an Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT.14:14
bob_rockusr13: no its free hotspot but just for 5 minutes. for the time being I have to do manually.14:14
sipiorneongrau: process number, i mean14:14
neongraujerroome: thats what i expected. but it doesnt14:14
enovativi want to be able to remote to my linux box thru the use of a web browser...i am researched that i could VNC, but have found that it is not completely secured...so then i found some info on something called Hamachi.....a secure, encrypted VPN to run  VNC over...has anyone used this combination with success ?14:14
jerroomedoes ps aux | grep sendmail gives you back a sendmail process ?14:14
=== solid_liq is now known as solid_liqAFK
ktnejoeyeye: i have an USB cable, if i connect it then it looks like a disk drive in windows14:14
ktnejoeyeye: but nothing happens in ubuntu14:15
neongraukilling by process id works fine. but gets annoying while trying to get the setup working having to kill 3 processes manually every attemtp :S14:15
scunizienovativ: use vnc over ssh..14:15
scunizi!ssh enovativ14:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ssh enovativ14:15
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. Putty is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)14:15
enovativscunizi: thanks14:16
joeyeyektne - that's because linux needs the appropriate device driver/library to access the device14:16
mobi-sheepIs there any con in installing Ubuntu from Minimal Disc?  I have done this on a machine and it seems that the startup is somewhat faulty.14:16
jerroomektne : do you see your phone when typing lsusb in your terminal ?14:16
aethelrickhi all14:16
jerroomeif yes, you can certainly read from, you need to find the right id14:16
sipiorneongrau: between pidof and xargs, i think you can whip something up to solve that :-)14:16
mdmneongrau: use /etc/init.d/sendmail stop to stop sendmail14:17
jerroomeand then try to dump the content with od or hexdump14:17
neongrausure. but it'd nice to know why a brand new install of ubuntu isn't behaving like any other linux  used the last 10 years14:17
mobi-sheep!vnc | enovativ14:17
ubottuenovativ: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX14:17
aethelrickanyone here using ubuntu as a streaming media server? more specifically, do you know of any server software that is better than mediatomb?14:17
jerroomeif your able to dump, you're able to read14:17
mdmand neongrau no sendmail does not run as sendmail, it runs as sendmail-mta and sendmail-msa14:18
mobi-sheepenovativ: The guide do include ssh-over-vnc.14:18
mdmerr msp14:18
jerroomefind out which fs is used and mount it14:18
enovativmobi-sheep: thanks i will read and then implement14:18
mdmaethelrick: do you mean like mythtv?14:18
sipiorneongrau: it might be useful to try with the verbose (-v) switch, to get more data. my guess is that the process name is confusing killall.14:19
znhenovativ, FreeNX is faster and more secure I'd recommend that over VNC14:20
aethelrickmdm: sort of. I currently have a SuSE box setup with mediatomb that streams audio and video to my PS3 which serves as a media extender. This box is "headless" and not in the lounge near the TV (which is good because my lounge is quiet). It's been over a year (maybe two) since I set this up and I'm wondering if there;s anything better out there as I'm about to migrate the box to ubuntu14:21
disappearedngHey when I do a chown 700 onto a symlink do I change the insides of the symlink too?14:21
enovativznh: thanks14:21
enovativznh: i heard of FreeNX14:21
=== mafsi is now known as mafsi`away
neongraumdm: "killall -9 sendmail-mta" did indeed work, would've been nice to see the correct processname in ps :S14:21
sipiordisappearedng: not by default, but you can specify a no-dereference switch (-h, i think, check the man page)14:22
mdmneongrau: dont use it, it would be a good way to loose email14:23
enovativznh: do you have to install the freenx client14:24
neongraui'm just using it because the setup isn't yet working and bc of the pid files not matching i can't properly stop them14:24
mdmaethelrick: what you are decribing is on aspect of mythtv, I run a 4TB media server in my ofice, with 3 tvs all reading from it as well as two media players that play music.  I assume that is what you mean by streaming14:24
enovativi want to see my linux box from work, but i do not have the "rights" to install software on my machine at work14:24
aethelrickmdm: yup14:25
znhenovativ, yes. But webbased applications are not secure enough for remote desktop things14:25
SHBotHow can I know if my system is 32 bits or 64 bits?14:25
BodsdaSHBot: uname -a14:25
aethelrickmdm: does it play nice with PS3 and Mac (iTunes) for clients?14:26
enovativznh: of well freenx will not work...all i want to be able to do is fire uop a broswer, and get to my linux box14:26
stewSHBot: dpkg-architecture|grep DEB_BUILD_ARCH_CPU14:26
enovativso does put me back at using SSH and VNC ?14:26
stewSHBot: uname -a could tell you you are running a amd64 kernel even if your system is a 32 bit install14:26
znhenovativ, SSH requires a application as well14:27
mdmaethelrick: others use it to (the ps3 I know).  But I own neither a mac nor a ps3 myself.   Its anything that can read the actual myth stream or UPNP14:27
Bodsdastew: who would be doing that?14:27
aethelrickmdm: thanks, I'll check it out14:27
mobi-sheepenovativ: SSH + Screen + Console-based Apps? :314:27
enovativznh:  on the client ?14:27
znhenovativ, yes14:27
enovativmobi-sheep: i don't get it14:27
enovativi guess there should be a way to do this like windoze Web Connection14:28
stewBodsda: lots of people?  especaily those wanting to use more than 4g of ram on a i38614:28
mobi-sheepenovativ: It's like accessing to your computer's terminal from your workplace.  What are you trying to do from your workplace though?14:28
romulohi there, whats the name of the black notification app? since i replaced gdm with kdm i no longer get them, even with compiz enabled14:29
delopartis there a way to covert to mp3 from flv14:29
deloparti am using ubuntu14:29
Bodsdastew: just never heard of anyone wanting to run a 64bit kernel with a 32bit distro, -- why not just run a 64bit distro?14:29
enovativmobi-sheep: i am teaching myself jooomla and php, so i want to be able to connect my linux box from work, and on my lunch break continue my studies14:29
mobi-sheep!info notify-osd | romulo14:29
ubotturomulo: notify-osd (source: notify-osd): daemon that displays passive pop-up notifications. In component main, is optional. Version 0.9.11-0ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 142 kB, installed size 780 kB14:29
stewBodsda: becuase lots of proprietary software isn't available in 64 bit, and one doesn't feel like dealing with chroots14:30
Daraeldelopart: well, flv is a video format, so you'd need to extract the audio...  It's probably doable with ffmpeg14:30
sarmisakstew: why don't you just install with --force-architecture?14:30
Bodsdastew: erm. ok14:30
romuloubottu: i get notifications, but not the black beauty ones14:30
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:30
mdmBodsda: becase some of us have more then one system and dont like to keep two local repositories14:30
burnohow can i change an icon?14:31
Bodsdamdm: thats a more reasonable reason, thanks14:31
stewsarmisak: because pretty much people should never use --force-anything, and lots of this proprietary software isn't available as a .deb anyway14:31
mobi-sheepenovativ: VNC is slow -- even on local network.14:31
sarmisakstew: if you are compiling it, it should compile for 64bit easily. if it is a .bin file, then you are right14:31
mdmBodsda: it was simply an example, i wouldnt call it more reasonable.14:31
delopartis there a way to union of two thing s on ubuntu14:32
deloparti downloaded video which is two parts14:32
Bodsdamdm: its a more likely example then running a 32bit distro on a 64bit kernel14:32
deloparti convert it to mp3 and i put on my mp3 player14:32
enovativmobi-sheep: so is there a way to access my linux box from a web browser ...securely...without installing a client on my windoze box at work ?14:32
sarmisakdelopart: cat file1.ext file2.ext > newfile.ext14:32
stewsarmisak: neither, and some of the i386  stuff i'm using doesn't have source available.  some of the stuff can't be compiled for 64bit easily.  other stuff I'm using can be compiled for 64 bit easily, and it doesn't work14:32
delopartbut this is two partes i need one part to listen easily14:33
iceroot*.pl = pearl?14:33
delopartsarmisak,  this is mp3 file14:33
delopartdoes it work14:33
lstarnesiceroot: perl14:33
mobi-sheepenovativ: You want the screen, don't you?  The GUI.14:33
icerootlstarnes: thx14:33
mobi-sheepenovativ: There are way to ssh into your linux box using Putty (standalone application) which mean you don't have to install anything.  Just click and run.14:34
ian_Problem with pidgin on jaunty: "Available-Connecting " on status...14:34
delopartlet see14:34
raidghostGood afternoon14:34
mobi-sheepenovativ: But as for displaying your X11 screen constantly, it may be slow.  You also can do this --> ssh -X (Forwarding) which mean it'll bring the GUi to your screen.14:34
Spike1506how come firefox shows me a � for characters like: é14:35
=== Nathan is now known as Guest27828
mdmiceroot: probbly, but locking files to their extensions is a very dos centric way of looking at files14:35
Spike1506it did work a few days back14:35
usr13mobi-sheep: Can you do that from a MS Windows box using putty?14:35
sipiorSpike1506: change the font? or the default encoding?14:35
ian_I can't connect actually14:35
mobi-sheepusr13: Putty is for Windows.14:36
vadi2How can I choose what sound device should be getting the audio output and input?14:36
mdmmobi-sheep: use -Y instead of -X14:36
=== zomg8796 is now known as gohu56
delopartit is to big14:36
Spike1506sipior, what is the default encoding?14:37
usr13mobi-sheep: Does he need vnc?14:37
mobi-sheepusr13: It's for terminal.  He might want to run VNC standalone application.14:37
AzMoo!info nvidia14:37
ubottuPackage nvidia does not exist in jaunty14:37
mobi-sheepenovativ: You should try vnc-over-ssh first to see if it does work well to your needs (and is NOT slow).14:38
mobi-sheepenovativ: Then if that does not work well, you'll know your alternative choices.14:38
sipiorSpike1506: hunt around in your firefox preference dialogue for "Fonts", and then try the "Advanced" button to set the default character encoding to UTF-8, for example.14:38
neolimaanyone can help me with Samba Pdc?14:38
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto14:38
enovativmobi-sheep:  i will do so...you have been a big help14:38
mobi-sheepenovativ: No problem.  To clear this up, run ssh -X (or ssh -Y) in your machine and run a command "firefox &" would bring a firefox to your screen (from your remote machine).14:39
farisHey guys, I seem to be having an issue with ubuntu detecting my cdrom drive I think it has to do with the ata_piix error, I also can't boot into the live cd without getting an error14:39
farisdue to ubuntu failing to detrct my cdrom14:40
delopartis there a channel to ecsound14:40
enriqhi. how do I mount a .img14:40
delopartin that serer14:40
sipiorfaris: have you verified that the drive works under other operating systems?14:40
farisyes it work under windows14:40
neolimaAnyone can help me with SAMBA PDC?14:40
=== TamCore is now known as TamCore[oFF]
jack_can anybody tell me a software for ubuntu to video my desktop ? :D14:40
jack_can anybody tell me a software for ubuntu to film my desktop ? :D14:40
enovativmobi-sheep: thanks....hey..what is the url for the logging of this channel so i can look for this later at work14:41
Pici!screencast | jack_14:41
ubottujack_: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Gvidcap, Xvidcap, vnc2swf, demorecorder.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.14:41
delopartis there a channel for multimedia problem in that server14:41
=== TamCore[oFF] is now known as TamCore
ImpRadarjack: 2secs there was an artical in linux format this month ill go look14:41
mobi-sheep!logs | enovativ14:41
ubottuenovativ: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/14:41
raidghostlosg meg her og der14:41
bastidrazorenriq, from my understanding you would need to convert the .img to .iso .. then mount it .. poweriso can do the conversion14:41
Pici!no | raidghost14:41
ubotturaidghost: Hvis du vil diskutere på Norsk, vennligst gå til #ubuntu-no. Takk!14:41
jack_i need a software to record my desktop14:41
farisistanbul can do that14:41
jack_because i have low resolution with my phone14:41
enriqbastidrazor: thanks14:42
Picijack_: read the response that ubottu told you above14:42
jack_i red it :p14:42
delopartis there anyone to face that problem14:42
tunnuzHello, I'm back.14:42
tuntunHi. Is it possible to use an NTFS partition for linux swap?14:43
mobi-sheepenovativ: http://maketecheasier.com/use-ssh-x-forwarding-to-run-remote-apps/2009/06/2214:43
farisI don't think thats possible14:43
usr13tuntun: No14:43
jerroometuntun no14:43
stewtuntun: perhaps by putting a swapfile on it, but you certainly could not use the entire partition14:44
ImpRadarjack_:  ow ok lol what did you think, any of them any good14:44
tunnuzSo ... this is the fourth time I burn my Ubuntu image and the same file result to be corrupted when I check the drive for defects. The checksum is correct before burning and the verification after burning says it's ok.14:44
tunnuzAnd of course the partitioning still hangs at 33%.14:44
jerroometuntun accessing ntfs isn't fast at all on linux, so putting swap onto is a very bad idea14:44
mdmtuntun: contrary to CI, yes you can make swap on a nfs partition.  I would ask why you want to do it however14:44
farisCould the jumper settings on my ide dvd drive be the cause of ubuntu not being able to use the drive, even though it worked in windows?14:45
jack_found :D14:45
sipiormdm: ntfs, not nfs.14:45
mdmsipior: same idea, again why tho14:45
sipiormdm: glutton for punishment?14:46
tunnuzIs there a way to install from an USB drive?!14:46
mobi-sheepfaris: Do you have more than 1 disc readers?14:46
mdmmount whatever, make a file, loopback mount it, mkswap on it14:46
tuntunstew, I've got a 20gb NTFS partition, cant create any more because there are already four partitions, can I get linux to use the NTFS instead?14:46
usr13!usb | tuntun14:46
jerroomemdm : how do you manage to use a ntfs partitionb as swap ???????14:46
ubottutuntun: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent14:46
NET||abuselooking into using pgp keys a bit more for secure mail, signatures etc..14:46
mobi-sheeptuntun: Linux use a SWAP filesystem, not NTFS filesystem.14:46
NET||abusewhat keyserver would people recomned using?14:46
farismobi-sheep: No i have just the one, with two hard drives(one ide,one sata)14:46
mdmjerroome: I would call it stupid linux tricks more then anything else, its why I asked why he wanted to do it14:46
jerroomeok, because it doesn't make sense14:47
usr13tuntun: What exactly is your situation?  (What do you need to do?)14:47
NET||abuseand what resons do people generally have for getting into key usage and web of trust key signing etc..14:47
stewtuntun: you can create more than 4 if you make one an extended partition containing multiple logical partitions14:47
jerroomesee u another day guys ...14:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about quit14:47
mdmthe ONLY way I see it could make sense if you were doing it on a diskless box, even then I would tell you to put in more memory and do whatever you needed more memory for elsewhere14:47
tuntunI've got a 20gb NTFS partition, half-full14:48
tuntuncant use an extended partition14:48
mdmtuntun: just shrink the ntfs partition and make a swap partition in the cleared spacve14:49
usr13tunnuz: Or, if you have enough RAM, I guess you could just not use swap14:49
jeffwyehdoes anyone know what drivers to install for the ati x1400 mobility in jaunty?14:50
Picijeffwyeh: You should be okay using the open drivers.14:50
jeffwyehPici: does that mean radeon/radeonhd? i'm not sure what drivers i'm using as of now, as compiz worked out of box, so i never had a need to look into it14:51
Picijeffwyeh: If it worked ootb, then its using the proper drivers then. The restricted drivers do not support the x1400 in Jaunty.14:51
bastidrazorjeffwyeh, that would be the radeon drivers.14:51
tunnuzusr13, I guess you were talking to tuntun :)14:51
usr13o, sorry14:52
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info14:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about scsi14:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sata14:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bacula14:52
Pici!msgthebot | tunnuz14:52
ubottutunnuz: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".14:52
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com14:52
tunnuzah thanks14:53
jeffwyehPici: i guess the problem then is that i'm getting an error saying my video card doesn't have shader model 3.0 when i try to run some games. would installing radeonhd drivers solve that?14:53
drcode_hi all14:53
BenTMi try to install an twiki system, after installation i get follow msg.: Can't locate Unicodepath in @INC14:54
drcode_is there ubuntu for old pc like pentume 200 with x?14:54
Um_cara_qualqueranyone knows a nice video converter?14:54
raidghostdrcode_: i38614:54
sipiorUm_cara_qualquer: Handbrake is quite nice.14:54
mdmdrcode: yes its called download it and install it, there is nothing extra special about them14:55
Um_cara_qualquersipior: sudo apt-get install handbrake right?14:55
drcode_some light ver of ubuntu?14:55
sipiordrcode: you might have a look at xubuntu. consider stuffing the box full of as much memory as you can get your hands on.14:55
drcode_I know some projects like puppy linux and DSL14:55
usr13drcode_: xubuntu14:55
drcode_is there somthing based on ubuntu?14:55
drcode_xubuntu will work on p200 ?14:55
sipiorUm_cara_qualquer: not in the repositories, to my knowledge, but easily available from their website.14:55
Um_cara_qualquerlets see14:56
Picijeffwyeh: You could try, I'm having a hard time finding info on whether either of the support SM314:56
loompeki have a question.. how could i add another operator for mobile broadband connection in NetworkManager?14:56
jeffwyehPici: thanks, i'll give it a shot. last question: where/how do i install the radeonhd driver?14:57
Picijeffwyeh: Install the xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd package14:58
jeffwyehPici: alright, thanks!14:58
usr13jeffwyeh: apt-cache search radeon14:58
kohlrakhow do i find out what services are using what ports?14:59
DougieRichardsonhi all, any Xorg experts around?14:59
Picikohlrak: sudo netstat -tanp14:59
kohlrakthank you pici14:59
usr13kohlrak: netstat -pantu14:59
kohlrakah, more info, thank you user13 XD15:00
Dave__is it possible to use the desktop cube thing with double monitors?15:02
usr13DougieRichardson: What do you need to do?15:03
DougieRichardsonusr13: have a problem with xorg.conf being lost on shutdown15:04
paav1i got a little problem, any new sites made i cant load but they work from proxy ip15:04
usr13DougieRichardson: What video card are you using?15:04
bob_rockusr13: You are the man15:05
usr13bob_rock: np15:05
DougieRichardsonusr13:  Intel15:05
Dishtroyer<---- Needs help installing a PCTEL fax modem15:06
BlakHat_hi guys, i just installed kubuntu 9.04 inside my windows 7 c:\ drive. does anyone know how i can start it?15:06
BlakHat_hi guys, i just installed kubuntu 8.04* inside my windows 7 c:\ drive. does anyone know how i can start it?15:06
bob_rockusr13: your script looks like nothing happen to my wireless connection, but actually I am disconnected. thanks so much USR1315:07
usr13DougieRichardson: So you are using i810 driver?15:08
burnocan someone help me please? Pidgin is showing in every viewports taskbar... can i change that? using ubuntu 9.0415:08
bullgard4 After 8.04.2>9.04 upgrade NetworkManager_Applet shows "Wired Network > device not managed". But I can ping another computer in the LAN and call web sites via Firefox. How to make that the state message will change to 'Auto eth0'?15:08
DougieRichardsonusr13: I'm not sure in the wonderful world of autoconfigures Xorg - how to tell?15:08
usr13DougieRichardson: Tell me what you've done to install video driver.15:09
GalbadoreDoes anyone else have the problem with apt-get update/upgrade starts and on larger files, a few Megabytes or more, comes to a screaching crawl. But only from the main archive.ubuntu.com repository. I use a different one mostly, but it's been going on for a while with the main one.15:09
mbeierlburno: usually only windows that "require attention" show in all viewport's taskbars.  Is pidgin trying to inform you of something, perhaps?15:10
DougieRichardsonusr13: sorry you miss my point - the system has functioned fine until the last few days.  The driver works, there's no issues there.  If i suspend and resume it's fine and if I hibernate too. However if I shutdown and boot I get a blank screen.  Running repair mode and xorg's check util finds xorg.conf errors and repairs them.15:11
GalbadoreRight now, a 4.757MB file and shows 15 min, which is horrible.15:11
GreyGhostBlakHat_, reboot didnt work?15:11
BlakHat_GreyGhost no15:12
* mobi-sheep sings a "It's a bug. It's a bug. It's a bug" song to to burno and mbeierl15:12
BlakHat_GreyGhost it goes straight to windows15:12
mbeierlmobi-sheep: really?  I haven't hit it yet then :(15:12
usr13DougieRichardson: What version of Ubuntu are you running?15:12
enriqwhere does a smb share get mounted when doing Places/Connect to server?15:13
DougieRichardsonusr13: Jaunty15:13
erUSULenriq: ~/.gvfs/15:13
mobi-sheepburno: Look in your Pidgin Plugin.15:13
Adam1989does anyone have any advice on getting the intel integrated graphics to work better on ubuntu 9.0415:13
enriqerUSUL: cheers15:13
burnombeierl: no, nothing, the buddy list allways shows in every viewport... i don't even have an chat window opened...15:13
gemilanghelp, how to format my harddisk?15:14
mobi-sheepburno: Do you use Message Notification plugin?15:14
GreyGhostBlakHat_, try chkdsk /r15:14
usr13DougieRichardson: Do you do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ?15:14
BlakHat_aight lemme try15:14
mbeierlmobi-sheep: DOH!  I never noticed - 'cos I just checked here (4 viewports) but on the one I checked, I had so many others opened I didn't see it.  :)15:14
burnomobi-sheep: no i don't15:15
mobi-sheepmbeierl: Here you go.  You have a bug too. :)15:15
DougieRichardsonusr13: well, whatever is called from the recovery option on grubs boot menu, same effect though15:15
JustcopI am having a problem with my sound. It only seems to be able to work with one program at a time. When I have a music program open youtube videos have no sound. I have to close the music prgram and reboot firefox to make it work.15:15
mbeierlmobi-sheep: yay!  I have a bug, I have a bug.15:15
rhineheart_mI can't ping domain but only IP address.. what is causing the problem? thanks..15:15
gemilanghelp, do you know how to formating harddisk?15:15
Adam1989sorry dougie were you talking to me?15:16
mobi-sheepburno: Try toggling that.15:16
mbeierlgemilang: to what purpose is the format?15:16
gemilangmbeierl, just want to clean it up15:16
legend2440DougieRichardson: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/intel-graphics-performance-guide-for-ubuntu-904-jaunty-users.html15:17
mbeierlgemilang: what file system type?  Do you have the hard drive currently accessible in Ubuntu?15:17
mobi-sheepburno: Toggle off "Insert number of messages in your X property" and try now.  If that does not work, well, nevermind then.  It's a bug.15:17
burno mobi-sheep: i can't toggle it, when i'm noch in the viewport, where the program is15:17
DougieRichardsonusr13: thanks for your help, I think we're looking at different issues though - I need to go, I'll check in with the Xorg team later.  Not sure if this is an Xorg or an init issue to be honest15:17
Adam1989Thanks Dougie, i owe you one. Cheers from Australia :)15:18
mdmrhineheart_m: what do you mean ping a domain, ICMP only works on IP addresses.15:18
Justcop I am having a problem with my sound. It only seems to be able to work with one program at a time. When I have a music program open youtube videos have no sound. I have to close the music prgram and reboot firefox to make it work. Sometimes I have the reverse problem, there is no sound in the music program.15:18
usr13DougieRichardson: I don't know either, was just googling for answers but.. nothing yet.15:18
DougieRichardsonlegend2440: Driver already works, it appears to be an init.d issue15:18
* DougieRichardson waves all15:18
DougieRichardsonusr13 legend2440: thanks anyway15:18
gemilangmbeierl: actually those harddisk has an lastest ubuntu then i dont need to use again coz i have the others with ubuntu too15:19
usr13DougieRichardson: There may be newer drivers you can get from intel that... well give that a try.15:19
rhineheart_mI got it.. I just edited.. /etc/resolv.conf.. thanks anyway15:19
mattalexxHi, I am trying to use gedit to work with PHP but I'm used to selecting a variable by double-clicking it. This is a problem because gedit doesn't regard "$" as a word char. Anyone have a similar experience and might be able to point me in the right direction?15:19
Justcopcan anyone help me with my question? (see above)15:20
gemilangmbeierl: yes right now im using ubuntu, and i want secondary harddisk to be formatted15:20
mobi-sheep!info gedit15:20
ubottugedit (source: gedit): official text editor of the GNOME desktop environment. In component main, is optional. Version 2.26.1-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 527 kB, installed size 1884 kB15:20
mobi-sheepmattalexx: As you can see, it's a simple text editor.  You might want to try geany.15:21
mobi-sheepmattalexx: Also, useful information for you to check out.15:21
Justcophelp me please15:21
mobi-sheep!ide | mattalexx15:21
ubottumattalexx: Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans15:21
usr13gemilang: What filesystem type do you want on the second HD?15:21
rhineheart_mis it possible to be using more than 3 audio cards and each should have different music?15:22
Dreamgliderhow can i see the creation date of a file ?15:22
usr13Dreamglider: ls -l15:22
gemilangusr13: nothing i just want empty my secondary harddisk15:22
mattalexxmobi-sheep, thank you for your response. The thing is, Gedit has everything I need but I need one thing to be different. I wonder if maybe I could write a plugin or something.15:23
mattalexx... or compile it myself or something.15:23
blubbi have some problems with my wireless-lan-card. Normaly i can activate it, pressing a special key, but since i installed ubuntu, nothing happens.15:23
usr13gemilang: What filesystem type do you want on it? ext3?15:23
mobi-sheepmattalexx: That's always possible.  However, I do not know how to do this myself. :)15:23
JustcopI am having a problem with my sound. It only seems to be able to work with one program at a time. When I have a music program open youtube videos have no sound. I have to close the music prgram and reboot firefox to make it work. Sometimes I have the reverse problem, there is no sound in the music program.15:23
usr13gemilang: fat32?15:23
mattalexxusr13, why?15:24
mattalexxAre you installing Win on it?15:24
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gemilangusr13:  what your recommend?15:24
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Nanakihey does anyone know about kiba being available on a 64 bit version?15:24
Nanakiof jaunty15:25
mobi-sheepmattalexx: I think that's small price to pay if you need to highlight $ <and variable word> although.15:25
tunnuzUff ... still the partitioner hangs on 33%. Same file of the CD is corrupted if I perform the disk test ... !! Sounds impossible.15:25
usr13gemilang: sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/hdb1  # But make sure hdb1 is the correct drive/partition15:25
JustcopI am having a problem with my sound. It only seems to be able to work with one program at a time. When I have a music program open youtube videos have no sound. I have to close the music prgram and reboot firefox to make it work. Sometimes I have the reverse problem, there is no sound in the music program.15:25
JustcopI am having a problem with my sound. It only seems to be able to work with one program at a time. When I have a music program open youtube videos have no sound. I have to close the music prgram and reboot firefox to make it work. Sometimes I have the reverse problem, there is no sound in the music program.15:25
JustcopI am having a problem with my sound. It only seems to be able to work with one program at a time. When I have a music program open youtube videos have no sound. I have to close the music prgram and reboot firefox to make it work. Sometimes I have the reverse problem, there is no sound in the music program.15:25
FloodBot1Justcop: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:25
mattalexxCompiling it myself is the small price to pay? mobi-sheep15:25
tunnuzUff ... still the partitioner hangs on 33%. Same file of the CD is corrupted if I perform the disk test ... !! Sounds impossible. Should I try with the gparted live cd?15:26
ubuntunomim now on my LiveCD and for some reason I cant increase my linux partition in gParted? I can decrease the win part, but cant utilise it?!?!?15:26
Nanakihey does anyone know about kiba being available on a 64 bit version of jaunty15:26
gemilangusr13:  thank you, i will try.15:26
JustcopI am having a problem with my sound. It only seems to be able to work with one program at a time. When I have a music program open youtube videos have no sound. I have to close the music prgram and reboot firefox to make it work. Sometimes I have the reverse problem, there is no sound in the music program.15:27
usr13!sound | Justcop15:27
ubottuJustcop: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP315:27
usr13Justcop: Quit repeating yourself.15:27
GreyGhostJustcop, stop spamming .. if anyone knows the answer .. he/she will reply ..15:28
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Supra_993he i have Asus Eee laptop i install ubuntu co dent reach wireless drive what should i do ?15:28
Husainiwhat Justcop problem ?15:28
DishtroyerAnyone know how to install a PCTEL fax modem?15:29
maveasHow do I make an image of a usb harddrive?15:29
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cabreymaveas, use dd15:29
Supra_993 he i have Asus Eee laptop i install ubuntu co dent reach wireless drive what should i do ?15:30
Husainimaveas : look administation > create usb images15:30
JustcopI have a real problem that I am having difficulty searching for an answer for but instead your talking through how to format a hard drive for someone that can't be bothered to read on the interenet15:30
jay1how do i find my java path?15:30
maveasWhat if it cannot read it's SA?15:30
GreyGhostDishtroyer, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto/PcTel15:30
GreyGhostthat hlps?15:30
Husainimaveas what do you mean ?15:30
mbeierlJustcop: we are all just volunteers here.  If you don't like that, don't yell at us.15:30
Husainimaveas its not works?15:30
sipiorJustcop: can you think of a reason why we should trouble to help an unpleasant person?15:30
maveasIt's making the click of death..15:30
GreyGhostJustcop, you dnt pay us .. we choose who to help when we can help15:31
maveasBut I think it's a problem with it's SA / bad blocks.15:31
mbeierlSupra_993: which type of eeepc do you have?15:31
Husainiyou need to select the images first in your drive15:31
GreyGhostJustcop, simple solution to ur prolbme .. don't close firefox/ nor music player ..15:31
Supra_993inteal atom 90015:31
usr13Justcop: Some of have a problem with YOU.  In fact most of us by now I would suppose.15:31
cabreyHusaini, he wants to make an image *of* the drive, not write one to it15:31
mobi-sheepmattalexx: Heh.  Not that.  I mean halt your PHP coding to figure out how to manipulate gedit into highlight $variable.  Slacking off, ie.15:31
mbeierlSupra_993: sorry - is it a 900, 700, etc?  Do you know?15:31
Supra_9931 min15:32
Supra_993no it 90015:32
achillionDoes anyone else find that Unison is very slow when synchronizing to a network drive? I'm trying to see if there is a way to make it faster or if there's a problem on my end.15:32
mbeierlSupra_993: ok.  I am sorry - I did not fully understand your question - what are you trying to do?15:32
Supra_993i want a wireless driver15:33
Husainimaveas http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/linux/create-a-bootable-ubuntu-usb-flash-drive-the-easy-way/15:33
axxclo fellas, is there a way to make languages appear in Language Support dialogue ?15:33
maveasomg, I dont need to do a ubuntu usb flash drive15:33
cabreySupra_993, the 900 should work out of the box, what version of ubuntu?15:33
cabreymaveas, I know what you are saying15:33
cabreymaveas, you can use dd to create an exact image of the drive15:34
mbeierlSupra_993: so you installed the Ubuntu netbook remix 9.04 or what version?15:34
cabreySupra_993, use 9.04, everything works completely out of the box15:34
maveasyeah, but how? :S15:34
mbeierlSupra_993: oh - I see you installed standard Ubuntu 8.10?15:34
Husainimaveas read the link15:34
Supra_993so where i get 9.0415:34
Husainii already give for you15:34
mbeierlSupra_993: I agree with cabrey - 9.04 is really what you want.  It works much better on the Asus eeepc15:34
cabreyHusaini, you're not listening to what he wants15:35
maveasHusaini: What do I need that for?15:35
Supra_993where i get the 9.0415:35
n-iCehu5h_ :)15:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dd15:35
n-iCeHusaini :)15:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ddrescue15:35
maveasHow do I mount a broken harddrive?15:35
cabreymaveas, it is a commandline tool if that doesn't bother you15:35
mbeierlSupra_993: http://ubuntu.com/15:35
mobi-sheepachillion: Syncing for first time will be slow as there are everything to be sync.  If that's not your case.15:35
DishtroyerGreyGhost: the article referes to breezy badger 5.6. I am running Hardy 8.015:36
maveascabrey: that's fine with me15:36
Supra_993thank u alot15:36
maveasI just need to do this image for a friend. He really misses his harddrive :/15:36
Husainiyou want to create iso images or what ?15:36
usr13axxc: System > Administration > Language Support15:36
maveasNo Husaini ..15:36
mbeierlSupra_993: there is a banner near the right hand side that says "Ubuntu netbook remix"  That is better still for Asus eeepc15:36
Supra_993i will15:36
GreyGhostDishtroyer, aww.. sory then i cant really help .. i dnt knw much bout that modem ..15:36
axxcno languages appear15:36
cabreymaveas, make sure that it isn't mounted. then do 'dd if=/dev/sd[x] of=/path/to/image/file.img' where [x] is your usb drive15:37
achillionmobi-sheep: It's always slow, even on subsequent synchronizations. I also notice that it stops at certain files (the same files every time) for long periods of time, while those files aren't any bigger than the rest15:37
mobi-sheepmattalexx: I just looked into this -- It's just me contributing to your bit --> http://www.andphp.com/2008/02/23/gedit-for-php-development-textmate-ish/15:37
maveasit isn't mounted? :S15:37
muhahey what kind of flash plugin should i use whit jautny amd64 bit15:37
mobi-sheep!flash | muha15:37
ubottumuha: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash15:37
cabreymuha, adobe's 64 bit plugin15:37
ubottuYou can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava15:37
maveasIt cannot even mount.. the drive is broken..15:37
ranceI have a ssh problem in ubuntu that the man page doesnt cover, and I need some help.  How do I alter the ssh implementation of ubuntu to allow the plain text hostnames to be included in a users known_hosts file.  I'm having an issue with keys being updated and on my centos boxes I can edit known_hosts with confidence because the plain text hostname is in the entry, but on ubuntu I cant tell which entries to change, so I end up blowing15:37
rance away the whole file, how can I make the known_hosts entry in ubuntu show the plain text hostname?15:37
mobi-sheepOh there are flash64 factorid.  Thanks cabrey. :)15:38
DishtroyerGreyGhost: Thanks anyway15:38
mbeierlcabrey, muha: It is still a little buggy though...15:38
GreyGhostmaveas, if its broken then its gonna be hard ..15:38
cabreymaveas, does it show up in /dev/?15:38
usr13maveas: If the drive is broken, you will need to get another working drive of the same type and take it appart (in a clean room) and switch platters.15:38
muhado you have a link15:38
maveasusr13: lol, not.15:38
cabrey!flash64 > muha15:39
ubottumuha, please see my private message15:39
muhai allready installed gnash but i cant get it working15:39
maveasHow do I see if it's in dev?15:39
cabreymuha, uninstall gnash15:39
maveasI'm not that kind of a geek yet..15:39
usr13maveas: sudo fdisk -l15:39
maveasThere is something15:39
maveasMind if I paste?15:40
usr13maveas: What do you see?15:40
cabreymaveas, ok which one is it? 'sdb' 'sdc' etc?15:40
cabreymaveas, use pastebin15:40
usr13maveas: use pastebin15:40
Husainii think he need partimage, but its ok15:40
Husainisorry :)15:40
GreyGhostmaveas, wat do u mean by broken btw?15:41
usr13maveas: mount15:41
maveasIt sounds like it cannot read it's SA15:41
usr13maveas: See if it is mounted.15:41
maveasOr there are some bad blocks..15:41
cabreymaveas, ok now we have the drive identifier. so 'dd if=/dev/sdc1 of=/path/to/image/here.img'15:41
mattalexxmobi-sheep, See that last post by "Matt Alexander" on the 6th? That's me.15:41
maveasUps, sorry, sdc1 is another harddrive..15:41
maveasLol, fail on me15:41
usr13maveas: mount |grep sdc115:42
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joeyeyehow do I discover what version of graphics driver my ubuntu install is using (I'm on Jaunty)15:42
usr13maveas: Is it mounted?15:42
maveasIt's not sdc.. It's not even there..15:42
FloodBot1maveas: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:42
mobi-sheepmattalexx: Heh. :)15:42
=== the_squircle is now known as squircle
oenone1hellow guyz15:43
oenone1how are we today ?15:43
usr13cabrey: What is he trying to do?15:43
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cabreyusr13, make an image of the drive using dd, but first he has to find the identifier15:43
chanuxI was compiling bip (IRC proxy) & got following error(s)http://pastebin.com/d24f8d7db . Someone please help me.15:43
mobi-sheepmattalexx: I use Oblivion color myself.  Forget the Darkmate, I think.  I never owned an OSX myself.  Sooo. ;o15:43
maveasI thought it was possible to make an image of a broken drive..15:43
cabrey!pm > muha15:43
ubottumuha, please see my private message15:43
axxcany1 ?15:43
maveasBroken as in SA cannot be read or bad blocks..15:44
cabreymuha, yes its a jaunty specific page15:44
GreyGhostjoeyeye, u using nVidia driver?15:44
GreyGhosthey oenone115:44
Maximoquestion, Is there any little program/application that I can use to send free text messages?15:44
maveasOkay.. am I lost here?15:44
oenone1hi there greghost15:44
muhahttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava this code works whit jaunty?15:44
axxcthere're no languages appear in Language Support dialogue15:44
joeyeyegreyghost: well my adapter is the Intel GMA950 - I want to see if using uxa acceleration will have any effect, but don't know what driver is currently used15:44
cabreymaveas, if the computer doesn't even recognize it we can't do anything15:45
usr13maveas: Is it /dev/sdc1  ?15:45
maveasusr13: no15:45
GreyGhostjoeyeye, try glxinfo15:45
mobi-sheepHow do I find the best (fast) server nearest to my connection?  I remember something about that in synaptic?15:45
joeyeyegreyghost: ok will do - brb15:45
usr13cabrey: Yes, I told him, it it is broken, he will not be able to read it.15:45
squircleMaximo: try google, there are tons of websites that can send free texts, and you can probably set up a cURL script to do it automatically. also, that kind of question needs to go in #ubuntu-offtopic15:45
usr13maveas: If the drive is truly broken, you will need to get another working drive of the same type and take it appart (in a clean room) and switch platters.15:46
oenone1can someone teach me how to install planeshift un jaunty15:46
squircle!hi | HaliFax15:46
ubottuHaliFax: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!15:46
usr13maveas: Or pay someone else to do it for you.15:46
n-iCeWhy Ubuntu?15:46
Maximosquircle: thanks for you reply and soon joining #ubuntu-offtopic..15:46
n-iCeAnd why Debian?15:46
maveasNo thanks15:46
GreyGhostmaveas, u can try some data recovery tools ..15:46
maveasusr13: no thanks man15:46
GreyGhostbt it will have to mount somehow ..15:47
Husainioh god15:47
joeyeyegreyghost: what am I looking for ? I see this "OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) 945G GEM 20090326 2009Q1 RC2 x86/MMX/SSE2" ...15:47
maveasI will15:48
GreyGhostjoeyeye, wats uxa acceleration?15:48
squirclehi #ubuntu, i'm having a problem doing administrative actions through GNOME apps. For instance, whenever I go to add a user, the "Unlock" button is greyed out and the tooltip says "This action is not allowed". however, I can still gksudo <appname> and it'll work. any ideas?15:48
joeyeyegreyghost: it's an Xorg option as far as I understand15:49
Husainimaveas can u tell , you want to create the image file in your drive ? right ?15:49
mbeierlsquircle: you (or a group you belong to) are in the sudoers list?15:49
ubuntunomany reason why i cant increase the size of partition on gparted? i can shrink but cant utilise the empty space. im on live cd.15:49
GreyGhostjoeyeye, hmm .. i dnt knw much .. but glxinfo gives u driver info and version ..15:49
mbeierlsquircle: (just checking the basics... lemme know if you've already covered those)15:49
squirclembeierl: yeah, I am, and I can use sudo fine in the terminal, as well as gksudo.15:50
joeyeyegreyghost: glxinfo gives me the opengl version15:50
maveasHusaini: huh?15:50
mdmsquircle: adding users is an administrative task, as such needs admin rights.  This is why it is greyed out for your normal user account and why it requires sudo access to run15:50
GreyGhostHusaini, he has a drive .. it is broken .. he wants to try and create an image of it to try and recover data15:50
mbeierlmdm: but would the "unlock" button not do that for him?15:50
squirclemdm: I know that, normally I just click on unlock and type in the administrative (root) password, but it has stopped becoming available for me to click15:50
squircleit used to work15:50
Husainimaveas , look and read your notice , good luck :)15:51
GreyGhostjoeyeye, no .. driver too OpenGL version string vendor string etc15:51
adacSomeone know a nice tutorial how to install and set up php5-cgi?15:51
_whiffWill Office 2007 work with Wine 1.1.24(under Interpid)15:51
squirclembeierl and mdm: it works when I'm at the machine locally, but if I'm accessing it through VNC or NX, it won't work, but I can still just run gksudo15:51
cabrey!appdb | _whiff15:51
ubottu_whiff: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help15:51
_whiffubottu: You a bot?15:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about You a bot?15:52
mbeierlsquircle: oh.  Interesting.  That's something different as if somehow the remote control is not allowing you to do a sudo-like operation...15:52
mobi-sheep_whiff: You probably will face less issues if you were to run Windows XP in !virtualbox and install Office 2007 in it.15:52
mdmsquircle: if you are already accessing it remotly just use adduser15:52
_whiffubottu: Never mind, I got my answer.15:52
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:52
chanuxI resolved my problem.15:53
_whiffmobi-sheep: I'll try wine first. I don't own a copy of XP.15:53
Husainin-iCe if you said like , what are you using now ? as i know ubuntu and debian is easy to manage :)15:53
Maximosfire: kind of like setting up a cURL script to answer automatically...15:54
cabrey_whiff, office 2007 works nicely under wine, have you checked the appdb?15:54
squirclemdm and mbeierl: it's not just adding users, it's any GNOME administration program that requires root access in the admin menu (users, services etc.), but ones that open directly as root (with gksudo) still pop up the box for the root password and work fine, it's just these magic unlock buttons have stopped working. if I knew the app names, i could just run gksudo system-config-users or whatever, but these magic buttons wont' work anymore.15:54
imatechare there any good open source ivr systems out there that run on linux?15:54
mbeierlsquircle: yes, I see that, and it appears that there's been some bugs reported on it, for example: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/policykit/+bug/23879915:55
mdmimatech: asterisk15:55
cabreysquircle, did you uninstall policykit?15:55
_whiffcabrey: Not installable according to them.15:55
mobi-sheepsquircle: users-admin ?15:55
squirclecabrey: no15:55
neothecathas anyone had a problem with UrbanTerror (and i assume others also), going from fullscreen to windowed for no reason, and then losing all keyboard/mouse control?15:55
cabrey_whiff, oh yes I ran into that problem also, I managed to get around it15:55
squirclemobi-sheep: it doesn't work if I go to run command -> gksudo system-config-users15:55
cabrey_whiff, it was a regression15:55
squirclecabrey: is policykit uninstallable?15:56
mobi-sheepsquircle: I mean "gksudo users-admin"15:56
cabreysquircle, you might've accidentally uninstalled it :/15:56
imatechthanks mdm...i see YATE in my package manager..15:56
_whiffcabrey: So, its worth a try?15:56
imatechhave you used asterisk?15:56
cabrey_whiff, yea there is a tutorial somewhere, let me find it15:56
squirclemobi-sheep: it still launches as a normal user (despite asking for my password) and the unlock button is still greyed out15:56
_whiffcabrey: http://samanathon.com/how-to-install-microsoft-office-2007-in-ubuntu-9-04/ <-- This one?15:57
mbeierlsquircle: I think comment #10 (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/policykit/+bug/238799/comments/10) is pretty telling - it looks like VNC is treated as a remote login and if the remote logins are disallowed, then policykit won't auth you15:57
mdmimatech: I use trixbox, its has aserisk on it yes15:57
legend2440squircle: read post #6 and 7           http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=729815915:57
scribawfhow do I convert rpm package to deb?15:57
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)15:57
squirclecabrey and mobi-sheep and mbeierl and legend2440: I'm using NX, not VNC, would this still apply?15:57
cabrey_whiff, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=117336515:57
cabrey_whiff, or that one, but that one is a bit misleading15:58
mbeierlsquircle: probably, but I don't use NX much so I can't confirm.15:59
egw_there is a cpanel for create users in linux and set their personal webpage in home?15:59
usr13schmidtm: Are you sure there is not a deb  version of it you can get?15:59
_whiffcabrey: "I suggest start with version 1.1.12 to 1.1.16" Nothing below 1.1.18 is available.16:00
usr13schmidtm: What are you wanting to install?16:00
GreyGhostegw_, a what to do what?16:00
squirclembeierl: i checked and dpkg says policykit is installed, so I'll assume it's this bug. is there any way other than gksudo to launch the users admin panel as root?16:00
egw_i have a test host for personal webpages16:00
egw_but i want to be more autmatically16:00
squirclembeierl: even sudo users-admin from a terminal doesn't work16:01
mbeierlsquircle: you want the GTK graphical panel?16:01
legend2440!nvidia > me16:01
ubottulegend2440, please see my private message16:01
ndy40hey guys whats up16:01
ndy40a good day from me to u16:01
ndy40i got this issue guys16:01
GreyGhost!ask | ndy4016:02
ubottundy40: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:02
squirclembeierl: preferably, if not, i could just use the terminal and adduser blah blah blah16:02
mobi-sheepndy40: We all got issues. :(16:02
ndy40i have finally been able to get ubuntu 8.04 to see my wireless hardware on my presario cq4016:02
luckyoneare there any good web based media players? I want to be able to play music directly from my NAS via a web portal16:02
ndy40to get it to work i had to compile the driver supplied by broadcom16:03
squirclembeierl: it says in the comments on this bug that *somehow* the policykit policy can be adjusted16:03
ndy40and now my wireless is up but16:03
ndy40when i restart system it no longer comes on16:03
ndy40i have to run modprobe wl.ko16:03
spaceball1My X/Display Manager/Window manager is broken somehow; I just installed xubuntu 9.04.  The desktop looked fine right after install.  I rebooted, and none of the widgets appear when X starts up.16:03
ndy40and i think from the readme file the mention this has a fault on 8.0416:04
elcomprendopls help i messed with my source list and know i cannot update16:04
elcomprendosomeone pls help16:04
Halitechluckyone, edna works as a web server - http://edna.sourceforge.net/16:04
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bastidrazorndy40, add wl to /etc/modules .. that will load wl module on boot16:04
Halitechelcomprendo, can you post the output of cat /etc/apt/sources.list - use pastebin16:04
muhai dont understand this bit "   1. Move the file in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins for a site-wide install (or in ~/.mozilla/plugins for a single-user install):" what file ??? check this site https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AMD64/FirefoxAndPlugins?action=show&redirect=FirefoxAMD64FlashJava16:05
ndy40so i humbly ask how do i rectify this and get my wireless comeon automatically16:05
spaceball1I was hoping ubuntu would be user friendly enough for a "normal" person to use. :-\16:06
mdmspaceball1: it is16:06
Gird3rFor getting wireless to work, I would agree with spaceball1. However, I can't demand it to work 100% flawless.16:06
squirclembeierl: found it, it's sudo ck-launch-session polkit-gnome-authorization to change the policykit settings, thanks for all your help, i guess i'll stick around and answer some other, less technical questions ;)16:07
spaceball1mdm: Well, I haven't done anything "weird", and I'm pretty sure any normal person would give up at this point.  The system is unusable.16:07
mbeierlsquircle: YAY!  sorry - was away from keyboard for a moment there and just catching up16:07
mdmspaceball1: other then installing some packages with apt, all of my boxes were little more then boot the cd and install the os16:07
krishmishspaceball1: it is comfortable to learn16:08
squirclembeierl: now i just have to figure out what policykit settings to change, and, for once, google isn't helping16:08
mbeierlso, anyone know if there is a way to get the distribution update to use a specific mirror?  The one that it's using for me right now is really slow16:08
Gird3rI have no big problems with ubuntu, except wireless.16:08
Halitechspaceball1, describe "unusable"16:08
krishmishspaceball1: its how u approach16:08
Mithranspaceball1:  I had issues with 9.04 and xfce my self. Lost my panel and didn't want to give it back.16:08
spaceball1When I turn on the computer, all I see is a blue screen and a mouse pointer.16:08
Halitechspaceball1, what video card?16:08
mdmspaceball1: granted I gave them all static ip addresses, and hand did the resolv.conf.  But other then that almost everything installed and ran fine.  That wich didnt run fine required me to configure it before it ran.  It was really that simple16:08
spaceball1Halitech, I'm not sure; I could open up the computer to find out, perhaps.16:09
erUSUL_mbeierl: System>Administration>software sources16:09
Halitechspaceball1, is anything installed on it right now?16:09
usr13Gird3r: Put the right wireless card in and it works fine.16:09
spaceball1Halitech: It displayed correctly on initial install, but after reboot, X never came back to life "correctly".16:09
krishmishspaceball1: if its the first time u are using ???16:09
spaceball1Halitech: No.16:09
mbeierlerUSUL_: that'll change it for the dist upgrade too?  Thanks!16:09
spaceball1krishmish: I've used linuxes a plenty personally, but yes, this is my first time on this system and with xubuntu 9.04 specifically.16:10
Halitechspaceball1, ok, sounds to me like you were using the livecd to install which worked okay but didn't set up properly on reboot16:10
spaceball1Halitech: No, it booted from the hard drive just fine the first time.16:10
tavisomeone help me to setup a nokia 3600 slide camera16:10
tavito use it whit gyache?16:10
spaceball1Halitech: I did change the resolution from 1600x1200 to 1024x768.16:11
krishmishspaceball1: hmm...then im surprised however how u could find it difficult...cos i myself learnt it first thing first time before i could get to any linux distro16:11
KlingaNHello! I just installed Linux Jaunty (9.04) and this is my first time trying Linux. I have been searching Google for an answer to the following but with no solution. -- Is there any way to get an external monitor through VGA to work with version 9.04? I have a HP Mini Note 2133.16:11
krishmishspaceball1: :-)16:11
spaceball1Halitech: (that is the only thing I did; 1600x1200 was hard to read on this screen).16:11
GreyGhostndy40, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-942105.html16:11
Gird3rusr13: Well, it's not a internal card, it's an USB stick that I plugged in, I got the driver to work. Now I need to get the damn thing to connect to my wireless router. I tried with network manager but that one is.. well. Bleep beyond belief. So after searching i tried that network thingy, wich is way more friendly.16:11
Halitechspaceball1, might be the native driver didn't like the resolution, I would figure out what card it is and install the proper driver16:12
Gird3rBut I still have not succseded in getting it to connect anywhere.16:12
krishmishKlingaN: isnt it like u wanna use it as a projection?16:12
spaceball1Halitech.  Hmm... any chance you know how to change the resolution to 1600x1200 in some xorg.conf file or something?16:12
dakarn/etc/X11/xorg.conf it should be16:13
krishmishspaceball1: dakarn is right16:13
Halitechspaceball1, Ubuntu does everything automagically so hard to edit things16:13
GreyGhostelcomprendo, wats the error?16:13
krishmishspaceball1: i had such an issue myself16:13
spaceball1I've looked there, and it had no resolution settings, AFAICT.  Hmm...16:13
krishmishspaceball1: i had to google for it16:13
squircleHalitech: i just found that out through playing with policykit: hard to edit default policy ;)16:13
mdmGird3r: first off this is a hardware and driver issue, not a linux or ubu issue.  Secondly I would think that if you put gasoline in your diesel truck it will not work, no matter if gassoline trucks are more popular and for years you have put gassoline in your car and it "always" worked16:14
KlingaNNobody who can help me in my matter?16:14
dakarnmmm there's a lot of people who use chopped up distros of ubuntu and they don't have all the pretty gnome packages for setting everything up via gui16:14
mdmGird3r: I on the other hand plugged an ethernet cable into the rj45 socket and it works, without anything "special"16:14
Halitechsquircle, I know they are doing it to make things easier for new users but when things don't work right, makes it hell to correct16:14
Gird3rI got the ndiswrapper to "wrap" the rt73 driver to my USB stick.16:15
ubuntunomim running ubuntu on this slightly older computer. would i see a significant speed increase if i change to xubuntu? possible to do without new clean install?16:15
ScottGHow do I format a drive with ext3?16:15
achillionubuntunom: I've been running xubuntu and from personal experience I find it quite faster on my old laptop. you can apt-get xubuntu-desktop to have access to xfce from the login screen16:15
dakarnscottg: fdisk16:15
vigge_sWeCPU load averages 1.16 (1 min), that is 1.16% CPU, right?16:16
bastidrazor!xfce ? ubuntunom16:16
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:16
ScottGdakarn: Ah that was the name. Ok ill read the man page16:16
bastidrazor!xfce | ubuntunom16:16
Halitechubuntunom, possible but hard to say as the newer xubuntu isn't that light anymore ... if you want to check, open a terminal and do sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop, log out and then change the session to xfce and log back in16:16
squircleHalitech: exactly. it took me half an hour just to find out how to launch the policykit editor, of course, how would a new user know what policykit is, and why would they want to change it. oh well, i guess we'll have to adapt.16:16
usr13ScottG: fsck.ext316:16
Gird3rMeh, after having been playing around with the terminal for 3 days and constanly trying commands I have been told to try, I might just continue using terminal.16:16
erUSUL_ScottG: use gparted16:16
mdmvigge_sWe: 116% and they are considerd extremly roguh estimates, and often quite wrong16:16
ScottGerUSUL_: Thats true I could. Whats wrong with fdisk though?16:16
mdmand ScottG you create filesystems with mkfs16:16
dakarnubuntunom: xfce is faster than gnome, you could just install the new WM because technically xubuntu has all the same packages and libraries as ubuntu16:16
erUSUL_ScottG: fdisk only does partitions it can not format them16:17
Halitechsquircle, I hope they change things back somewhat to allow manual configuration16:17
krishmishspaceball1: pls try this to reconfigure....sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg16:17
ScottGOK you guys have just thrown like 4 different commands at me. What do I use?16:17
erUSUL_ScottG: if you want to format via cli use mke2fs16:17
Hyliansay i have a starnge question, im looking for something that will let me know if bad weather is coming on linux. there are a ton of apps for windows that will do it, will linux weatherbug or something do it?16:17
usr13ScottG: To format /dev/hdb1 in the ext3 filesystem do:  sudo fsck.ext3 /dev/hdb116:17
DirectorBonesySo I installed the ATi propietary driver. It works decently; except that at proper resolution for my 23'' monitor, it's displaying it over approximately a 19'' area, leaving a black border around the edge of the display. What should I do to fix this?16:17
ubuntunomdakarn: so i'll just apt-get install xfce?16:17
erUSUL_ScottG: gparted is a gui program that make it easy to do all sorts of disk editing16:18
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels16:18
usr13ScottG: So chage hdb1 to suit your needs.16:18
squircleHalitech: Some super-intelligent person will come up with a custom-crafted ubuntu-based distro that allows custom configuration. Of course, I always install from the alternate CD, configure LVM, and install the base system first, edit all the config files, then install GNOME on top of that. it's my roundabout "expert" way of doing things :)16:18
dakarnubuntunom: yes then select xfce4 as the xsession at login16:18
erUSUL_ScottG: if installed is aviable in system>Adminstration>Disk Editor16:18
usr13erUSUL_: He asked about formatting, not partitioning.16:18
spaceball1Oh, and also, if I do Ctrl-Alt-Del, the screen fades out.  If I do Ctrl-Alt-Del again, I see a "unlock screen" windows.  I can type in the window and unlock the screen.16:18
grungii'm just testing irc16:18
Gird3rmdm: The method to get the USB stick to connect to my wireless router is not a disscussion point. For me I don't care if I have have to type 10-20 or more commands into terminal, or go edit some files here and there. (Well the exception would be having to compile the drivers in c, wich is far beyond my knowledge, spare because I have only used ubuntu for like 4 days).16:18
mdmHylian: tons, from plugins to web brosers to desktop apps, even in METARS16:18
erUSUL_ScottG: partition editor Disk Editor16:18
ubuntunomdakarn: can i make it permanent choice xfce? so it wont even ask it?16:18
edbianubuntunom: It will ask if you want it as the default upon login.16:19
mdmGird3r: it is becase you are using a hack to get windows drivers to work on a linux box16:19
Halitechsquircle, I do close to the same but I use the debian net install cd16:19
Hylianthere are tons of weather apps, thats true, but i have had a hard time finding one that will make an audible sound when bas weather apporaches..16:19
legend2440spaceball1: if your menus and panels are missing try opening terminal  and type   xfce4-panel16:19
usr13Gird3r: Look at the results of   fdisk -l   to see that you are looking at the right drive.16:19
bastidrazor!purekde | ubuntunom .. follow the uninstall instructions for gnome16:19
ubottuubuntunom .. follow the uninstall instructions for gnome: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »16:19
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
usr13ScottG: Look at the results of   fdisk -l   to see that you are looking at the right drive.16:19
Hylian*bad weather approaches lol16:19
spaceball1legend2440: Any idea how to open a terminal?16:19
Gird3rmdm: Output was: gird3r@gird3r-ftw:~$ fdisk -l16:20
DatzHello, when I "sudo apt-get update" I get "E: The method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/https could not be found."  I think this is preventing me from getting some latest packages with added repos in sources.list.  How can I fix this?16:20
Gird3rIn short terms, got nothing.16:20
legend2440spaceball1: alt+f216:20
squircleDatz: You're trying to install from a secure HTTP mirror, something your apt doesn't support, use an HTTP/FTP mirror instead16:20
spaceball1legend2440: Hmm... I don't think that worked for me.. I can try again...16:20
Bananejoin #ci16:20
mdmGird3r: you have to do it as an admin user, i.e. use sudo16:20
dakarnbastidrazor: i wouldn't remove all the gnome packages without knowing what dependencies are needed16:20
squircleHalitech: that's especially useful, especially when you have a machine that won't boot off cds, i have to load the debian installer through floppies, and then apply the ubuntu bootstrapper. all i can afford are old pentium II servers16:21
Hyliani guess what i want is a desktop app or something, not a webpage, i want it to make a sound if bad weather shows up16:21
Datzsquircle:  So I should remove the repo with the https?16:21
ScottGusr13: Yea I know I am. I have mounted it. I have just unplugged it and plugged it in a few times so its all the way to e16:21
Datzfrom sources.list?16:21
spaceball1legend2440: (I mean Alt-F2 didn't seem to switch screens)16:21
dakarn!conky |hylian16:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about conky16:21
squircleDatz: yes16:21
DirectorBonesySo I installed the ATi propietary driver. It works decently; except that at proper resolution for my 23'' monitor, it's displaying it over approximately a 19'' area, leaving a black border around the edge of the display. What should I do to fix this? Running Ubuntu 9.04 with an ATi Radeon HD4830 on a Hannspree HF237 23'' HDMI monitor.16:21
DirectorBonesyI had this problem in Windows 7, too, but it was easily fixed by adjusting a setting that doesn't seem to be in Linux's version of Catalyst.16:21
dakarnhylian: you should look at conky. you can make it display pretty much anything on your desktop16:21
Hylianso conky will do that.. thanx16:21
dakarnconky will do many things, try not to get overwhelmed =)16:22
legend2440spaceball1: alt+f2 should pop up a box called Run Application16:22
spaceball1legend2440: But thanks for the xfce4_panel tip.16:22
usr13ScottG: You should un-mount it before unplugging it.16:22
bastidrazordakarn, installing xfce after the gnome uninstall will fix all required dependencies16:22
spaceball1legend2440: Ah!16:22
Halitechsquircle, thankfully the systems I've been working on lately will boot from cd and after Debian 5 you can't use floppies to boot any longer as the kernel is just too big now16:22
GreyGhostDatz, or u can try installing apt-transport-https16:22
squircleHalitech: that's why it's such a pain ;)16:22
Gird3rmdm: I only got output about my hardrives. It shows nothing about any wireless or any network related.16:22
Hylianok, but just to be anally clear, the only thing i need it to do is make a audible sound when bad weather apporaches, and it will do that, right? LOL16:22
GreyGhostDatz, *if u have to use that repo ..16:22
spaceball1legend2440: Thanks, that sounds like a good guess.  I'm going to have to leave irc to try this.  xfce4_panel was the command you recommend?  With no flags?16:22
mdmGird3r: I wasnt the one who told you to run fdisk.  I dont know why you did it to begin with16:23
Hylianthanx all16:23
dakarnbastidrazor: doesn't networkmanager-gnome require the gnome dependencies?16:23
Gird3rCOnfused myself.16:23
Halitechsquircle, yeah, I'm hoping my little endeavor to revive old computers won't require me to resort to boot from floppies :(16:23
DirectorBonesyAh, there, the setting that isn't available to be changed freely is Display Scaling I believe; where it has an option to scale image to full panel size, or No Scaling. It's set to full panel size- why isn't it using the entire size of my display? Is Xorg somehow detecting it totally wrong?16:23
ScottGusr13: Hm, damn I might not have. I will remember that16:23
legend2440spaceball1: xfce4-panel   with no flags16:23
DatzGreyGhost: I don't remember what it was for anymore, update worked now.  :)16:23
squircleHalitech: hopefully the manufacturers will release a BIOS update to allow that from time to time, unlike dell :(16:23
mdmGird3r: if you want to list the interface try ifconfig -a, assming the install worked it would have created one16:24
spaceball1legend2440: Thanks; I'll give that a go.  Thanks all; hopefully I'll sign in again with a working X...16:24
ScottGusr13: Is there any way I can make /dev label it as sdb. Kinda annoying its all the way to e16:24
GreyGhostDatz, i suggested just in case u wanted something from that https repo ..16:24
GreyGhostanyway ..bbl16:24
Gird3rmdm: I got information about my networking. Also about wlan0 and some wierd wlan0:avahi16:24
Datzsquircle, GreyGhost: Now I have a new problem. What can I do to fix this?  http://pastebin.com/m53954f5116:24
mdmGird3r: sorry aslso assuming it is a 802.11 usb stick and not a GMRS or EDGE thing16:25
Halitechsquircle, hard to say but when you are dealing with old P2's I doubt it16:25
Gird3rmdm: Maybe I should provide more information. :p16:25
Datzsquircle, GreyGhost: Install transmission?16:25
squircleDatz: GreyGhost is gone, and the problem is that you need a newer version of transmission-common16:25
usr13Datz: sudo apt-get -f install16:26
Gird3rmdm: Lsusb shows: Bus 004 Device 002: ID 148f:2573 Ralink Technology, Corp. RT2501USB Wireless Adapter16:26
DirectorBonesygod i'm too used to arch but they did some annoying things to the repos aaa16:26
squircleDatz: try installing transmission-common, then transmission-cli16:26
mdmGird3r: no the fact you said it was a wlan0 tells me what it is and that its using the avahi daemon16:26
Datzsquircle: usr13: thanks16:26
ubuntunomwhy is it that i cant increase my partition size in gparted live even though i have unallocated space?16:26
* Datz has join/parts disabled on IRC ;)16:26
muhathank you my flahsplaer works berfectly16:27
Gird3rmdm: THe avahi appeared when I was playing around with the ndiswrapper and adding rt73 drivers and trying to get the wireless to have that driver "wrapped" as the documents on ubuntu FAQ told me to do.16:27
squircleubuntunom: what filesystem is it?16:27
|Ryanwhat's the command to download a torrent in command line?16:27
edbianubuntunom: Are you mounted on the partition you're trying to resize?16:27
Gird3rmdm: Note it was windows drivers.16:27
usr13ubuntunom: Are there other partitons on either side? If so, you will need to move one.16:27
squircleedbian: it's gparted live, so it wouldn't be mounted by default16:27
squircleubuntunom: I recommend PartedMagic anyways, a *lot* better than gparted live16:28
mdmGird3r: avahi is a configuration daemon for it.  I would think it ran it when you wanted to use WPA for the network16:28
edbianubuntunom: Is it part of an extended partition with a swap partitions (that is mounted possibly) ?16:28
Datzusr13: I don't know if that command fixed anything.  squircle: transmission-common is at the newest version.16:28
ubuntunomedbian: im on livecd. partition to resize is ext3. to its left is unallocatd space16:28
Gird3rmdm: Okay.16:28
bastidrazor|Ryan, if you use transmission you can have it monitor a directory for .torrent files.. you could wget the .torrent file and it would start.16:28
OldEagleHello, I'd like to know how to check if ubuntu recognizes my GPU and uses the radeon drivers16:28
usr13squircle: Mounted?  You may be using wrong term...16:28
spaceball1legend: It worked!16:28
shadeslayerhi after i followed this : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=208855 im stuck at find /boot/grub/stage1...it says no file found :(16:29
OldEagle(since X configures everything all by itself, xorg.conf won't help)16:29
squircleusr13: you can't resize a mounted filesystem, and gparted live boots off a CD, i'm using the right term16:29
edbianubuntunom:  Is there corruption?  It gives no errors?  Is there a little orange emergency sign in the list of drives?16:29
usr13Datz: That means that transmission-common is already installed.16:29
squircleDatz: it's just a mismatch between dependencies... can you just not sudo aptitude install transmission?16:29
legend2440spaceball1: good but unfortunately next time you reboot they may disappear again16:29
usr13squircle: Oh yea.... ok.16:29
firecrotchI've never run a 64-bit version of Linux.  Does it run well? Any unique problems that I may run into from a 64-bit install?16:29
spaceball1Thanks!  I don't know why xfce4-panel did not start up, but typing it in a terminal brought it back up.16:29
legend2440spaceball1: good but unfortunately next time you reboot they may disappear again16:29
ubuntunomedbian: no all looks clean ...16:30
Gird3rmdm: I tried compiling the original Ralink drivers, it failed and I found no solution for getting the maker to work. I tried wrapping the rt73 driver supplied from the cd (copied to harddrive first) after playing around I finnaly got the driver to show up under wlan 0. Network manager loosed the connect to hidden essid or what it is called under the process.16:30
spaceball1legened2440: Right; I'll try to figure out what happened.  But at least I can switch windows now and use firefox, etc.16:30
squirclefirecrotch: i'm using ubuntu 64-bit right now, and it's perfect, just make sure you have a 64-bit processor16:30
usr13squircle: But if he's using bparted from a Live CD, why would it mount the partitions?  That does not make any sense.16:30
shadeslayerfirecrotch: you might find software which is only 32 bit16:30
mdmGird3r: do you mean your AP isnt brodcasting its SID?16:30
=== keppchen is now known as rotkeppchen
OldEagleHello, I'd like to know how to check if ubuntu recognizes my GPU and uses the radeon drivers. OS: Ultimate edition (ubuntu gutsy)16:30
squircleusr13: it wouldn't, but somebody else said the partitions might be mounted, but they wouldn't be because he/she is running them off a CD16:30
squirclerunning gparted*16:31
shadeslayer!ATI | OldEagle16:31
ubottuOldEagle: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:31
shadeslayer!hardware | OldEagle16:31
ubottuOldEagle: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection16:31
Gird3rmdm: I dunno. I don't know so much more. I'm pretty much clueless about how all this works.16:31
bastidrazorOldEagle, ultimate edition isn't suported here.. but you can do less /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see if it loads radeon drivers16:31
ubuntunomthere is a key sign on linux partition and swap ... does it mean its locked somehow? i am on live cd though16:32
firecrotchsquircle: But 32 bit software can be run on the 64bit versions of Ubuntu, right?  And I'm sure I have a 64-bit processor... running Vista x64 on it right now :)16:32
jpastoreare any of those 100 paper cuts to be addressed better dual monitor support? where can I send suggestions?16:32
mdmGird3r: you have an AP, maybe an AP built into something else (like a router/firewall).  It can be set to NOT brodcast its id.  This is actualy one way of securing i.  But when you did it means nothing can find it to autoconfigure it.  So you have to do it by hand16:32
shadeslayeranyone who can help me with gfxboot ??16:32
garuhhhhi! my hibernate/suspend/resume works.. but i have to press Enter a couple of times.. any idea how to troubleshoot this problem?16:33
dva5912Anyone know how well ubuntu works on the Dell D600?16:33
Daraelubuntunom: Assuming you're in gparted, right-click the partition in question and choose "unmount" or "swapoff"16:33
Gird3rI used the network tool in system (had to install the tool) to assign an ESSID and turn DHCP on on wlan0.16:33
dva5912Im planning on getting that notebook but if wireless is no go im not getting it.16:33
OldEagleThanks you guys. I've read all the articles inthe world on how to install video drivers to no luck. If Ultimate edition is not supported here, sorry for asking, but its Ubuntu after all with a bunch of eye candies and other stuff16:33
squirclefirecrotch: as long as the 32-bit libraries are installed, yes. for instance, FirstClass comes in 32-bit only, i just had to install some 32-bit libraries (which should be installed by default, if not, there's just a few 32-bit library packages to be installed). i have tons of experience with 32-bit dependencies and libraries and stuff, so if you need any help, i'm usually around :)16:33
ubuntunomDarael: unmount is grayed out16:33
usr13dva5912: Works fine.16:33
squirclefirecrotch: also see here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47479016:33
usr13dva5912: Oh wait, dono about D600, mine is X600  sorry.16:34
firecrotchsquircle: Much thanks :D16:34
Gird3r mdm:The AP I tried to assign manually via terminal, but it did not change the AP line uner wlan0.16:34
squirclefirecrotch: anytime :)16:34
usr13dva5912: But probably just fine...  dono what the difference is tho.16:34
Daraelubuntunom: hmm... that's odd... try swapoffing the swap first?  an extended partiton keeps the key icon until all its component partitions are unmounted or swapoffed as appropriate16:34
Datz1Hi, is there a way to jump to a safe mode GUI with a keyboard shortcut?16:35
Gird3rmdm: with the command sudo iwconfig wlan0 ap mac adress16:35
dva5912I dont ether usr13, but its linux.... It can be fixed :)  i hope16:35
micahthis is hella tight never even knew about ubuntu before today16:35
usr13Datz1: Ctrl-Alt-F6 will take you to console mode.16:35
mdmGird3r: I would think you had to turn on DHCP because you are not usuing static IPs, a common situation.16:35
micahis it true you cant get virsuses on ubuntu?16:36
mdmGird3r: that sounds correct.  Did it now work?16:36
dva5912not the big ones no16:36
ubottuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2116:36
mdmmicah: no, just that there are not very many16:36
Gird3rmdm: wlan0     IEEE 802.11g  ESSID:off/any16:36
Gird3r          Mode:Auto  Frequency:2.412 GHz  Access Point: Not-Associated16:36
Gird3r          Bit Rate:54 Mb/s   Tx-Power:20 dBm   Sensitivity=-121 dBm16:36
Gird3r          RTS thr=2347 B   Fragment thr=2346 B16:36
Gird3r          Power Management:off16:36
Gird3r          Link Quality:0  Signal level:0  Noise level:016:36
FloodBot1Gird3r: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:36
jsjohnsenI have a problem with the resolution on my external screen, are any willing to help?16:36
micahokay well thats good i gues16:36
Hylianhello again, i am afriad conky isnt gonna work for me. i need something thats gonna start at boot, be on the desktop or deskbar, and give me audible weather alerts, anyone with any ideas? does weatherbug's linux distro do that, because i cant find any options for it...??16:36
legend2440spaceball1: read third post from bottom by Billi this is how he got xfce-panel to start on boot    http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-415082.html16:37
micahhow do you go to your regular windows operating system when this is installed?16:37
mdmmicah: becase of how linux, well unix, in general runs applicaitons you can not get one to infect antoher (one of the aspects of a virus).  in fact its damn hard to get two programs to even talk to eachother (which is why they user things like semphores and sockets)16:37
edbianHylian: You can make any program you want start at boot time (or log in)  Do you want me to explain how?16:37
dva5912WOuld the Del D600 be ok for me for internet (email, youtube, etc) and programming?16:37
micahyes please edbian16:37
Hyliani'm looking for something that is designed to hang around. not conky. although conky has some other uses..16:38
mdmGird3r: it looks liek you havnt finsihed setting it up16:38
edbianmicah:?  I was answering Hylian's question?16:38
Gird3rmdm: Okay.16:38
shadeslayerHylian: i like superkaramba :)16:38
Hyliani have been looking on my own for 2 days. im starting to think i might have to use wine and a windows app16:38
Daraelmicah: If you want to reboot to windows, assuming you left it in place when you installed Ubuntu, you have an option at boot time.  You can even make it default if you like16:39
edbianHylian: "Hang Around" ?  Conky will stay on the desktop until you log out.  What do you mean Hang Around??16:39
Gird3rmdm: So how do I fix the ESSID and AP? Since nethier ESSID or AP get's set if I use respective command in terminal.16:39
Hyliani downloaded superkaramaba, but i have been having a hard time finding a widget, because none of them that i have read list audible weather alerts as a possible option. in windows i have 3 options...16:39
edbianmicah: Do you want help with something?  I'll be glad to help!16:39
usr13Gird3r: Log on to the router and change settings.16:39
Hylianedbian, i mean something that im not gonna accidentally close because it's listed in th taskbar below.16:40
Hylianso conky is not an option for me, but thanx for the suggestion16:40
Gird3rmdm: Well, I can only acces it from dads laptop since he is connected to the router. And it has Vista on it.16:40
usr13Gird3r: Change settings so that essid is brodcasted  and if the dhcp server is off, turn it on.16:40
Gird3rmdm: It's a dlink.16:40
mdmGird3r: the easiest would be to wimply use network manager16:40
PiciHylian: I beleive there are options you can set in Conky to have it not showup there16:40
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:41
edbianHylian: You can configure conky to do that.  It is ridiculously configurable which I admit is daunting but that makes it powerful.  I understand if you want to use another app but I think you should at least understand that conky is powerful enough to do what you have described so far.16:41
bastidrazorGird3r, plug in to the router via ethernet to get the initial set up. then you're good16:41
Hylianim gonna be honest. i am looking for something relatively easy to set up. i want something thats gonna be install, choose possible sound, and enetr zipcode, tada, done.16:41
Gird3rmdm: I will take a look on the router and see if I find anything about essid.16:42
edbianHylian: That's fine :)  Thank conky is not a good choice :)16:42
edbianThank conky*16:42
edbianThan conky**16:42
Hylianif i had the know how then maybe, but i have to admit, the fact that conky looks like it's a terminal app doesnt fire my confidence.16:42
edbianmicah: See my personal message??16:42
Hyliananyone know of a superkaramba widget that does this?16:43
edbianHylian: So you want an app that can run a command on certain weather events.  Is this correct?16:44
Hylianhe he i installed weatherbug, something i did not want to do, because it's adware. but it doesnt give me the option to have audible alerts, so i am thinking it doesnt have that option..16:44
spaceball1https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-panel/+bug/53897 mentions the same issue I ran into.16:44
Ahrihi, when i install "unclutter" it seems to get auto-run with the args "-idle 1 -root" (which i don't want). how can i find out where it's being run from?16:44
usr13Hylian: Install something else.16:44
Hylianno, i just want an app that will see that thunderstorm or tornado headin my way and will make a beep or something, so i can get out of the way. lived through one very close pass of a tornado, don't want to do it again, LOL :)16:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about chrome16:45
Hylianusr13, that16:45
pronoyis there a chrome variant for linux ?16:45
dakarnhylian: conky isn't a terminal app, but you have to edit the .conf manually16:45
Hylianusr13, that's a wonderfull idea, what?16:45
usr13Hylian: Weather Report16:45
Frostshockhi everyone16:46
=== rotkeppchen is now known as greenkeppchen
ubuntunomDarael: said Could not deactivate Swap - Killed! Any ideas?16:46
jsjohnsen I have a problem with the resolution on my external screen, and I need some help - anybody?16:46
usr13Hylian: Right click the pannel and choose Add to Panel and find Weather Report16:46
Frostshocki have some wierd issues with my mute button on my hp 2230s.. the physical mute button only works after i have put the computer in standbymode..16:46
SAMER_i have a broplem how to connect internet via ubuntu16:46
firecrotchjsjohnsen: what seems to be the issue?16:46
boopiedooanybody here who uses adobe air app tweetdeck in ubuntu? i have a question?16:46
monty_hallHow do I disable the login bongo sound in Ubuntu 9?16:46
Hylianok, but i am looking for something more than a weather report. if that's all i wanted, i would never have even come here, there are web pages for that. i want an app that will alert me of bad weather, will weather report do that?16:46
=== Unikum is now known as Iderik
Frostshockmonty_hall: its under settings->sound16:47
Picimonty_hall: System>Preferences>sound  I believe there is a second tab for system sounds16:47
Daraelubuntunom: have a look in the system monitor and see if it's using the swap space.16:47
Hyliani am using weather report now. nice app.16:47
boopiedoodoes anybody here use the adobe air application tweetdeck on linux? why is it asking me for my root password and then keyring password?16:47
ubuntunomDarael: u reckon i dont have enough memory to deactivate swap?16:47
Daraelubuntunom: I dunno, but it's worth checking16:48
Hylianbut, unless im mistaken, it doesnt alert me to bad weather...16:48
legend2440spaceball1: just curious why you don't just use Gnome instead?16:48
jsjohnsenfirecrotch: I have a IBM R50e, connected to a samsung LCD. I can not get the resolution higher than the resolution of my laptop (1024x768).16:48
usr13Hylian: Open the blinds.16:49
ubuntunomDarael: 29% percent usage ... i wonder if i could kill enough programs for it not to use swap?16:49
spaceball1legend2440: Because I didn't know any better at the time; I was seeking a light-weight easy-to-use distro.  This system is circa 2002.16:49
usr13Hylian: My PC won't cook my breakfast for me. :(16:49
jsjohnsenfirecrotch: When I do different things only an area corresponding to 1024x768 pixels is active (unless I use 1024x768 then the entire scrreen is active)16:50
Daraelubuntunom: if you've got used swap and there's anything open you can close, try it.  You could also remember the disk device name (/dev/something), close gparted and run "sudo swapoff devicefile" in a terminal where "devicefile" is the identifier given by gparted16:50
Hylianusr13, have you read what i have written? i want audible alerts... audible..16:50
del_diabloAnybody know a  "light" music player?16:50
usr13Hylian: No, did not see that.16:50
spaceball1legend2440: I may indeed switch the window manager to gnome at this point, though.16:50
legend2440spaceball1: ok wel if you wanted to try Gnome you can follow instructions on this page for removing xubuntu and installing Gnome   http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome16:50
edbiandel_diablo: Graphical or CLI ??16:50
monty_hallI went under sys->sound and nothing called "login" or similar.  I played all sounds - no bongo.  Actually I have sounds disabled.16:50
spaceball1legend2440: Thanks again.16:51
jsjohnsendel_diablo: try Audacious16:51
del_diabloedbian, so long it supports running in the systray16:51
del_diabloedbian, and is not MPD16:51
ubuntunomDarael:i'll try killing it through terminal16:51
edbiandel_diablo: What do you mean by "running in the system tray" ?  Minimize to the tray and keep playing?16:51
del_diabloedbian: that it runs in the tray, in some way16:51
hiptobecubicThe ubuntu uses grub2 correct?16:52
hiptobecubicthe newest*16:52
imatechmdm..what kind of hardware do you use with trixbox?16:52
edbiandel_diablo: Try banshee16:52
=== arvind_k is now known as arvind_khadri
del_diabloedbian: too bloat <-<16:52
tonyf12For some reason, my laptop is unable to perform DNS lookups on releases.mozilla.org or chat.freenode.net (or other servers that point to freenode) while using Ubuntu. Windows is able, as is everything else on my network. Any ideas, or even ways to fix it?16:53
kapildel_diablo: what's wrong with mpd?16:53
bastidrazorhiptobecubic, my default install of 9.04 uses grub not grub216:53
Mike_lifeguardAnyone here familiar with Banshee? I don't see a 'next' button to skip to the next track. That's fairly basic, so I assume it's there and I'm just hallucinating... right?16:53
del_diablokapil: It requires a server, unless somebody here got a unknown hack for it16:53
tonyf12atm, I'm connected directly to holmes.freenode.net because chat.freenode.net doesn't work.16:53
edbiandel_diablo: Totem?16:53
ville__anybody know what the deadline for getting new package to Karmic universe is?16:53
kapilyou can use ario (graphical player) with mpd16:53
Daraelubuntunom: you can tell it not to use swap with "sudo sysctl vm.swappiness=0", if that's any help16:54
del_diabloedbian: No tray support, and too bloat......... its a movie player on the top of that16:54
Piciville__: See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule and if that doesn't answer, try #ubuntu-motu16:54
=== greenkeppchen is now known as pikepi
edbiandel_diablo: sudo apt-get install mplayer and then just mplayer <filename.mp3>16:54
edbiandel_diablo: It is it's own "serveR"16:54
kapilexiale is another graphical player.16:54
Hylianim sorry, if i sound upset. i just want a program to flash on the screen, make noise, and on windows, i have that. im starting to think wine'ing one of those is my only hope. i shouldnt be so afraid but i almost died to a tonadoe, and so i am a little leary...16:54
gbw!help yahoo16:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about help yahoo16:54
ville__ok Pici16:54
del_diabloedbian: systray support?16:54
mdmimatech: do you mean FXO cards?16:54
gbw!help yahoo kopete16:54
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:54
gbwhello, is there any problem with yahoo and kopete/pidgin?16:55
mmekubottu: i dont think you are intelligent :P16:55
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:55
Pici!yahoo | gbw16:55
ubottugbw: At the moment there are many pidgin users experiencing problems connecting to Yahoo IM, you can try changing your paging server to cs101.msg.mud.yahoo.com and see if that helps.16:55
bastidrazordel_diablo, try rhythmbox.. it supports what you want16:55
=== pikepi is now known as K_O-Schleim
trippsssshello I'm using intrepid ibex and am trying to load an SRAM PC card, which apparently uses the memory_cs module to provide access to the card through a free major device number. However, memory_cs.o|ko is not on my system anywhere (/lib/modules). What can I do to install this module?16:55
edbiandel_diablo: There is an app called "trayit" I think.  Lets you make a tray icon for any program.  You'll have to search synaptic for the exact name.  That will let you try whatever you choose.16:55
=== K_O-Schleim is now known as rotkeppchen
RazumcevÇäàðîâà Àìåðèêîñû16:55
del_diablobastidrazor: too bloat <-< the same applies to Amarok <.<16:55
usr13mmek: Having a conversation with a bot is useless  :)16:55
gbwPici, it doesnt work16:56
Picidel_diablo: Try exaile, its pretty lightweight, or at least it was the last time I used it.16:56
edbiandel_diablo: This is a really old system huh.16:56
kapiledbian, del_diablo: you are looking for "alltray"16:56
Picigbw: Which?16:56
Hylianwell thanx guys, im gonna try singer's windoze program in wine and see what i get...16:56
Razumcevâû ñëûøèòå16:56
edbiandel_diablo: That's it! ^16:56
Pici!ru | Razumcev16:56
ubottuRazumcev: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke16:56
trippssssubottu, where do I find memory_cs module16:56
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:56
gbwPici, scs.msg.yahoo.com doesnt work16:56
Picigbw: Thats not what ubottu suggested to use.16:56
del_diabloPici: that one is way too bloat <.<16:57
del_diabloI think i'l try something with alltray16:57
usr13trippssss: I'll tell you like I told mmek,  Having a conversation with a bot is useless  :)16:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about weather16:57
seginDo I look like a weather bot to you?16:57
gbwPici, err, I meant cs101.msg.mud.yahoo.com16:57
DirectorBonesyHow do I get the ATi driver to overscale to the actual size of my monitor?16:57
Picigbw: Take a look at http://www.celticwolf.com/useful-information/faqs/26-pidgin-yahoo then16:58
tophuin jaunty's native ncv server is there a way to make it auto accept incoming connection? like if I set a password don't make it prompt on the local machine for permission to let the remote connection in16:58
DirectorBonesyIn Windows, the Control Center app had a slider for this. I can't seem to find one in the Linux version (argh)16:58
usr13DirectorBonesy: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:58
trippssssah I'm reading where 2.6 kernels don't use memory_cs anymore16:58
edbiantophu: Under System -> Preferences -> Remote Desktop16:59
Gird3rmdm: I used the network tool in System-administration to manually enter ESSID, ip-adress I wanted, gateway and subnet mask.16:59
edbiantophu: See the check box: "configure network automatically to accept connections"17:00
tophulol I found it thank you17:00
mdmGird3r: do not forget about encrytion and the key17:00
edbiantophu: NP17:00
tophuI even read that line 2 times :-(17:00
Gird3rmdm: The dlink is not encrypted.17:00
tophuthis is why I love uuntu you guys always rock17:00
edbiantophu: cya17:00
Hylianok, i guess then i have another question, if i manage to get one of those windoze progs to work via wine, then how would i have linux start it at boot up17:00
Hylianand thanx for your patience17:01
usr13ubuntu has changed to uutu17:01
edbianHylian: System -> Preferences -> Start Up Sessions17:01
Hylianthanx dude17:01
ubuntunomDarael: unfortunately doesnt work. i think i gotta del all linux partitions and make a new clean install ... crap!17:01
edbianStart Up Applications*17:01
Daraelubuntunom: I'm sure you won't need to do that17:02
usr13Hylian: System > Preferneces > Sessions17:02
trippsssswhat is the command to find what packages contain a file again?17:02
edbianubuntunom: I have never had to reinstall and I've screwed things up faaaarrr worse17:02
usr13!language | micah17:02
ubottumicah: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:02
Husainihi micah17:02
edbianmicah: Calm down.  PM me again17:02
Husainiwhat your problem ?17:02
ubuntunomDarael: ok ... i'll try killing those processes a bit more17:02
Daraelubuntunom: make a note of your swap partition, and make sure to close gparted17:03
Machtinhow to watch my connections?17:03
usr13Machtin: tcpdump17:03
HusainiMachtin : i think u need monitoring tools17:03
DirectorBonesyusr13: That didn't help my problem.17:04
cypr1nushow can I give internet access to eth1 (static ip) on my server?17:05
DirectorBonesyThere is no xorg.conf and that is causing me a headache trying to tell the graphics card my display is about 4'' bigger than it thinks it is /o\17:05
=== Killerkid1 is now known as Killerkid
Gird3rmdm: Last bit of info I can think off:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/202226/17:06
ubuntunomDarael: it just doesnt do it :(17:06
HalitechDirectorBonesy, yes there is but its mostly ignored17:06
mdmGird3r: is there some reason you dont use network-manager?17:06
DirectorBonesyHalitech: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf after running aticonfig --initial doesn't bring up anything in nano.17:06
kaisome one here17:07
Daraelubuntunom: hmm...  this is more than a little odd... but you don't need to delete all your Linux partitions, just the swap one17:07
Gird3rYes, when I leftclick it says: Wireless network: Device is not handled.17:07
HalitechDirectorBonesy, strange, mine does17:07
Gird3rHowever, I get only one selection. The standard Auto eth017:07
ubuntunomDarael: from gparted?17:07
kaisome one knows how to setup a server17:08
DirectorBonesyHalitech: Oh, stupid me, forgot to capitalize the X. Where do I configure the size of the screen, blargh.17:08
Daraelubuntunom: if you can, otherwise you'll need a system that doesn't use swap at all17:08
kaisome one knows how to setup a server17:08
mdmGird3r: then try iwlist wlan0  ap, what does it say?17:08
legend2440DirectorBonesy: do you have controls on the monitor itself to resze the screen. thats what i had to do. i had a 1 inch border around mine until i resized it17:09
kaisome one knows how to setup a server17:09
usr13cypr1nus: What do you need to do?17:09
kaisome one knows how to setup a server17:09
DirectorBonesylegend2440: I don't think so, let me check.17:09
HalitechDirectorBonesy, when I installed the ATI driver I didn't have to set anything17:09
Machtinusr13: thanks :)17:09
kaisome one knows how to setup a server17:09
Gird3rmdm: It says: wlan0     Interface doesn't have a list of Peers/Access-Points17:09
Halitechkai yes17:09
mbeierlkai: someone knows how to repeat themselves?17:09
usr13kai: Sure, what is your question.17:09
kaii will serve webspace17:09
mdmGird3r: doesiwlist wlan0 scan tell you anything?17:09
Halitechkai, you're a borg?17:09
kaiand user can sinup and get free space17:10
kaiapache is cool17:10
del_diablowell.............. potamus came pretty close, lashing it into tray would however make it unable to play of. It also lacked a way to autostart its music, making it eve more useless :/17:10
DirectorBonesylegend2440: No, I don't.17:10
kaihow can i make user alow to singn up17:10
DirectorBonesyHalitech: I had this problem on Windows 7, too. For some reason it really does not want to believe this monitor- which has a properly detected model, mind you, HF237- is actually 23''.17:10
mdmkai: yes17:11
legend2440DirectorBonesy: yeah mines an old fashioned crt17:11
DirectorBonesyThe border on my screen is about 4'' horizontal and 2'' vertical, this is not fun. ;_;17:11
Gird3rmdm: wlan0     No scan results17:11
usr13Machtin: np17:11
HalitechDirectorBonesy, here's mine ... http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/202231/  I have an X1300 with a 21inch crt dell monitor17:11
kaiuser can see a side on the server and sing up and get free space17:11
mdmGird3r: do you know the mac address of the AP?17:11
kaihow can it be17:12
legend2440DirectorBonesy: you dont have the ati catalyst control center?17:12
mdmkai: yes17:12
SAMER_i ahve one question i want one usb modem work with ubuntu and windowes17:12
newbeebant compile v4lvd getting errors while make17:12
DirectorBonesyHalitech: Part of it could be the HD4830 not liking linux, but I need shader model 3.17:12
SAMER_any one have usb modem name17:12
usr13kai: Something like vdeck?17:12
boerzelHi there! Does anybody know a photocopier software for Ubuntu/Kubuntu?17:12
kaii understand how to setup apache a litel bit17:12
DirectorBonesylegend2440: I do, but there's no option to manually set oversampling which is what I need to fix it /o\17:12
HalitechDirectorBonesy, good chance  you are right17:12
kaiwhat is vdeck17:12
del_diabloso any suggestions for music players, that are "light"?17:12
hans100hello, I have a problem with a shared library. I created a symlink in /usr/lib/, but after running ldconfig, the link does not appear in ldconfig -p17:12
GreyGhostDirectorBonesy, can i see ur xorg.conf?17:13
DirectorBonesyGreyGhost: Not much to see, let me pastebin it. One sec.17:13
Gird3rmdm: Yes, I know the mac adress, however, It gives me two: Wireless one and WAN one.17:13
usr13kai: see vdeck.com17:13
newbeeknows anyone video loopback device driver for v4l217:13
pronoydel_diablo: light? try xmms and banshee17:13
hans100but I can see the correct symlink in /usr/lib17:13
legend2440DirectorBonesy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=712917:13
pronoydel_diablo: really depends upon ur defination of light17:14
trippsssswhat is the package for pcmcia-modules for ibex?17:14
mdmGird3r: try iwconfig wlan0 <ap sid> <wireless port on ap mac>17:14
ubuntunomDarael: It actually says that Swap is active and that is the reason i cant increase the size ... im doing clean install. nothing major on this comp. thanks for your help though!17:14
kaisome one used vdeck17:14
kaiis it free ware17:14
hans100has no one an idea?17:15
usr13kai: What is your nataive language?17:15
DirectorBonesyGreyGhost: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/202241/17:15
Gird3rmdm: How do I fins out ap sid and the port?17:15
usr13!german | kai17:15
ubottukai: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.17:15
del_diablopronoy, uses very little resources. Do not use long time to start up. No not needed fuctions that can and will steal resources(ex: fetching album art)17:15
del_diablopronoy: Banshee is MPD FFS <.< MPD = needs server. I need a music player, not a client to get music of a server!17:15
pronoydel_diablo: how bout audacious or xmms17:16
kaisome one is using vdeck17:16
mdmGird3r: its the part of that router that is acting as an AP, I would think someone set it up at some time or its somehting generic like what a DSL provider sends you17:16
hans100hello, I have a problem with a shared library. I created a symlink in /usr/lib/, but after running ldconfig, the link does not appear in ldconfig -p, but I can see the correct symlink in /usr/lib17:16
kapildel_diablo: you have misunderstood the purpose of mpd. it is a music playing daemon. you can use different clients to select what to play.17:17
edbiankai: Say "Does anybody here use vdeck?"17:17
del_diablopronoy: It still needs a server17:17
Daraeltrippssss: the stock modules packages, though you may need udev17:17
GreyGhostDirectorBonesy, wat card?17:17
del_diablopronoy: unless you can get me a hack to get around that17:17
trippsssscould someone help me properly mount my pcmcia memory card under ibex? pccardctl status displays the proper info but lsmod | grep pcmcia doesn't show memory_cs which I think I might ned17:17
edbiandel_diablo: mplayer (mplayer is not mpd)17:17
trippssssDarael, ok i'll try that17:17
pronoydel_diablo: don't have that much time....if something comes up ...let you know17:18
trippssssDarael, udev is already installed17:18
Gird3rmdm: The only thing I find containing thw word sid is the routers original ESSID, wich is dlink.17:18
micahed you still on here?17:18
mbeierlkai: vdeck is commercial web hosting software for companies who do web hosting for $$$17:18
Gird3rmdm: About port, I dunno. Haven't found anything about it.17:18
DirectorBonesyGreyGhost: ATi Radeon HD483017:19
mdmGird3r:  then it is posible it is setup as dlink, have you ever used that AP before?17:19
kaiis some free ware17:19
DirectorBonesylegend2440: That's too old- that command doesn't even work anymore. aticonfig does, but the only oversampling option I see is for TVs.17:19
GreyGhostDirectorBonesy, wat does fglrxinfo say?17:19
DirectorBonesyoverscanning, rather.17:20
DirectorBonesyLet me check.17:20
Gird3rmdm: dlink I tried with network manager and the network tool, as ESSID.17:20
kaiis some free ware similar17:20
DirectorBonesyGreyGhost: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/202243/17:20
mdmGird3r: well you can keep guessing or you can look  ESSID is what you want17:21
usr13Gird3r: Connect via wired connection and log into the router and change the configurations to suit your needs.17:21
GreyGhostDirectorBonesy, thats good then .. so the problem is that u cant set a high resolution ? wat res are u at atm?17:21
usr13Gird3r: What is the model number of your router?17:21
mbeierlI tried changing my local apt sources list, but then upon doing an intrepid -> jaunty dist upgrade, it is still fetching from far away, slow mirrors.  Anyone know how to force dist-upgrade to use local mirrors?17:21
pronoy!torrent > pronoy17:21
ubottupronoy, please see my private message17:21
pronoyis there a torrent client which has a daemon icon ?17:22
gmachine_24mbeierl: I think the updates only use *faraway* mirrors if the local ones are busy/down.17:22
trippssssmbeierl, where do you purchase/download vdeck?17:22
DirectorBonesyGreyGhost: The problem is, at maximum resolution (1920x1080) it's giving me a 4'' wide black border on the side of the screen and a 2'' wide one on the bottom, and I can't fix it. In Win7, this was simple: activate overscanning. But I can't seem to DO that in Linux.17:22
petllama how do i configure libjpeg to allow tiff2pdf to convert tif files with a jpeg in it? I have libjpeg installed, but when i try a convert i just get an error from tiffOPEn that it cannot open17:22
danieriehi i have problems with my teamspeak 2 codec17:23
kaiis cpanel free17:23
tonyf12For some reason, my laptop is unable to perform DNS lookups on releases.mozilla.org or chat.freenode.net (or other servers that point to freenode) while using Ubuntu. Windows is able, as is everything else on my network. Any ideas, or even ways to fix it?17:23
mbeierltrippssss: I don't think regular public can.  I think it's an ISP/hosted partner thing: http://vdeck.com/contact.htm17:23
gmachine_24danierie: tell us what the problem is don't just say you have a problem17:23
Gird3rusr13: It's an Dlink DI-52417:24
pronoyis there a torrent client which has a notification icon that sits in the notification area and enables you to close the window of the client ?17:24
trippssssmbeierl, cool thanks17:24
usr13cat /etc/resolv.conf17:24
usr13tonyf12: cat /etc/resolv.conf17:24
gmachine_24pronoy: they pretty much all do that17:24
pronoygmachine_24: not transmission17:24
danierieok my friends say and ive tested it with the local test mode that i sound horrible ive checked all codecs but none of them worked17:24
mbeierlkai: cpanel is not free http://www.cpanel.net/products/cpanelwhm/purchase-cpanel-products.html17:24
gmachine_24pronoy: I use transmission and it does that17:24
danieriei also tested with audacity17:24
pronoygmachine_24: what ? how? by default ?17:25
danieriebut theres no problem with the sound because it sounds nrmal17:25
anodesnipronoy, utorrent + wine17:25
kaifound it see the video looks ok ,17:25
Mike_lifeguardpronoy: transmission does, I'm using it right now17:25
kaiis ther some for free17:25
gmachine_24pronoy: well, not by default. after the window comes up and you select "ok" you can shrink the main window17:25
mdmGird3r: can you get into the 524 via ethernet?17:25
gmachine_24there is no reason to use wine to run a torrent client17:26
gmachine_24pornoy: but you can try some of the others. azureus, bittorrent.17:26
danieriegmachine_24: can you help me possibly?17:26
gmachine_24danierie: do we know what your problem is? did I miss it?17:26
kapilkai: gforge?17:26
pronoygmachine: pornoy ? :D   i don't get any window..i just add the torrent and then it sits around17:27
tonyf12usr13: Does that file take other hostnames? Or just IPs?17:27
=== joshthecoder_afk is now known as joshthecoder
KlingaNIs there really no way to connect an external monitor to my HP 2133 Mini Note (VIA Chrome drivers)? I am using openChrome-drivers but I can't find any workaround. I'm dependant on my external monitor.17:27
newbeehey, my cam will not work with flash 10 any ideas?17:27
danierieok so i will write again in teamspeak 2 my soundinput is horrible i mean it sounds horrible17:27
danierieto others17:28
gmachine_24danierie: sorry. I just reread you original posts. I'm not familiar with teamspeak codec.17:28
=== zassd is now known as asd1
kaicpanel looks very nice the video is good17:29
danierieok thanks anyway17:29
danierieor is it any how :D17:29
Steve^phpmyadmin failed to install properly the first time, how can I re-run the install? (Including dbconfig-common bit)?17:29
revilodrawmy fan cuts in at 50 degrees, how do i alter it to make it 55 degrees?17:29
hyperactivecrondcan someone help me with partitioning gpt disks?17:29
danieriei will try to install it in my vb or with wine17:29
gmachine_24pronoy: when I select a torrent I want to download, and then click 'ok' when I am asked if I want to use transmission and I say ok, a window opens so I can see what files are included in the torrent, then I select 'ok' if I want to d/l them or cancel if not.17:29
newbeeis the any webcam streaming solution for ubuntu?17:30
hyperactivecrondHere's the situation: i've got a 1TB external USB/Firewire/eSATA hd.  I got it because my brandnew macbook pro's hd took a shit.17:30
pronoygmachine_24: actually i have the torrents on my desktop...so17:30
usr13Gird3r: OR: http://edmullen.net/manuals/dLink_di524_router_quick_install.pdf17:30
hyperactivecrondmacs need GPT to boot from them17:30
gmachine_24pronoy: then there's a box showing me what torrents are being d/l or u/l if I'm seeding... and you can shrink that.17:30
Hylianstill no go. too bad weather report doesnt do audible alert or i would be a happy camper... :(17:31
gmachine_24pronoy: you mean the small torrent files that you use to start the d/l, right?17:31
Gird3rusr13: Will take a look.17:31
Gird3rmdm: Thank for your help. Need to reconsider some things.17:31
pronoygmachine_24: yeah17:31
gmachine_24pronoy: ok, so what do you do to start a download then?17:31
hyperactivecrondis there any way to make an efi external hd boot on a legacy bios pc?17:31
tavihow ican put some videos on a nokia 3600 slide?17:31
w-heathi all, is ext4 considered stable? are the data loss issues that I read about a while back resolved?17:32
pronoygmachine_24: just open transmission and click the plus button and add the torrent for download17:32
pronoygmachine_24: thats standard i guess17:32
bhsxdoes anyone know a way to use Virtualbox to boot a persistent usb install?  have a link or howto?17:32
gmachine_24pronoy: well, you can start the download automatically when you're at the torrent site but that's ok17:33
gmachine_24pronoy: it's the same process really17:33
pronoygmachine_24: never mind i think it won't hurt if it sits around anyways..i'll chose a different desktop...enough of asthetics17:33
RkyRaccoondoes anyone know how to install Alice on ubuntu 9.04?17:33
gmachine_24pronoy: so when you click + to add the files to download then you have another window listing the download, how many peers are connected, etc?17:33
ubottuLDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. For more information, installation instructions and getting clients to authenticate via LDAP see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer17:33
Hylianif i am not mistaken, you can set virtualbox's "cmos" or "bios" to load a usb device as it would a floppy. then it would just boot off your usb thumb drive17:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ext417:33
snakeacidhi all sorry that i ask i am new on linux and BT i use my eeepc 1000h is there acapi script aviable?17:34
gmachine_24pronoy: ok man. but it's easy to shrink that window.......17:34
neothecathas anyone had a problem with UrbanTerror (and i assume others also), going from fullscreen to windowed for no reason, and then losing all keyboard/mouse control?17:34
revilodrawis it possible to change the temperature at which the fan cuts in?17:34
gmachine_24revilodraw: do you mean outside of changing the BIOS settings?17:34
Ranakahhello... one question... how to add burn window efect to ubuntu jaunty?17:34
RkyRaccoondoes anyone know how to install Alice on ubuntu 9.04?17:34
revilodrawgmachine_24: yes17:35
trippsssshmmm still no luck with loading sram pc card. can't find any specific ibex help. regular debian howtos all point to memory_cs module but it seems deprecated in 2.6 kernels17:35
Wrexhello, new ubuntu user here, is there a way to check what kind of video drivers I have installed?17:35
GreyGhostRkyRaccoon, wats alice?17:36
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots17:36
pronoygmachine_24: i downloaded deluge-torrent...i got that notification...... thanks for your time17:36
RkyRaccoonGreyGhost: its a program for learning computer programming.  I need it for my computer science class17:36
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.17:36
Hyliannice bot17:37
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".17:37
hyperactivecrond@everyone ^^17:37
GreyGhostRkyRaccoon, http://www.alice.org/ u mean?17:37
RkyRaccoonGreyGhost: esy17:38
unkowhats the command to see my audio codec? i forgot it17:38
RkyRaccoonGreyGhost: yes17:38
Hylianman i cant stand kubuntu, it kde4. thank goodness for ubuntu. kde4 is obnoxious. i wish they would take ll the bug patches for kde4 and put them into kde3, wishfull thinking huh?17:38
amikhow can I uninstall sendmail? I've apt-get remove/purged it, apt-get says it's not installed, but it's still up and running...17:38
RkyRaccoonGreyGhost: it has a linux client but I've been having trouble getting it to work17:38
shadeslayerhi anyone who can help me with gfxboot-grub?17:38
ZokuduRkyRaccoon wouldnt the easiest method just to put it into a windows virtual box?17:38
timingis there a netbook remix related irc channel?17:38
GreyGhostRkyRaccoon, wats the problem?17:38
shadeslayertiming: this is it :)17:38
RkyRaccoonZokudu: probably17:39
Steve^phpmyadmin failed to install properly the first time, how can I re-run the install? (Including dbconfig-common bit)?17:39
usr13Hylian: Yea, I like KDE3.517:39
timingshadeslayer: never mind then, this channel is going to fast for me :-)17:39
RkyRaccoonGreyGhost: i dont know how to install it properly17:39
GreyGhostRkyRaccoon, wat type of package is it?17:39
RkyRaccoonGreyGhost: tar.gz17:39
micahyo ed17:40
=== Martineo_ is now known as Martineo
mobi-sheepSteve^: My guess is "sudo aptitude reinstall <xyz-package>"17:40
Steve^mobi-sheep, tried that, the auto-config does not reappear17:41
pronoyGreyGhost: do they have alice for ubuntu..i just checked the link and i really like it ...17:41
micahhaha yeah so i really did fuck my computer system recovery wont even work erased my windows operating system on accident17:41
mobi-sheepSteve^: "man phpmyadmin"17:41
edbianmicah: Try not to swear buddy.  althought that does suck17:41
mobi-sheepSteve^: There should be a command for configuration.17:41
mobi-sheepSteve^: And join #ubuntu-server too.17:42
micahso can i not ever go back to windows operating system on this computer?17:42
GreyGhostpronoy, tell that to RkyRaccoon17:42
RkyRaccoonpronoy: they make a linux client but I cant seem to get it working17:43
`Dave`DOes anyone know some software to rip isos please17:43
zagibumicah: no, once you've started to use Linux, you can't go back to Microsoft OS ;)17:43
RkyRaccoonpronoy: its kind of a fun program but its very limited17:43
`Dave`like make an iso out of a disk17:43
mobi-sheepmicah: Yes you can go back to Windows.  You'll need to grab a copy of Windows in first place.17:43
pronoyRkyRaccoon: linux client for mac right ?17:43
RkyRaccoonpronoy: they have a windows client, a mac client, and a linux client17:44
GreyGhostRkyRaccoon, its 106 mbs .. so i cant really try myself .. :(17:44
macvrzagibu: dont toy with new users... they might take u seriously ;p17:44
c0mp13371331337`Dave`: dd if=/path/to/cd of=/path/to/file.iso17:44
RkyRaccoonGreyGhost: its ok, thanks anyways17:44
pronoyRkyRaccoon: right now i see only mac and windows...hang on which version ?17:44
Vladislaswhy my VGA with chipset sis not support 3D17:44
RkyRaccoonpronoy: 2.017:44
ice_creamhi, i'm having trouble getting an ubuntu guest to receive a real ip address from dhcp. I bridged connections in WinXP host, but it's still assigning some weird 10.0.x.y address instead of 192.168.x.y   (also asked in #vbox , unsure which one is better)17:44
zagibu`Dave`: you mean like every cd/dvd-burning software?17:44
zagibumacvr: I hope they do understand smilies, though17:45
pronoyRkyRaccoon: ya got it..so what's the issue...install it17:45
wolf_hello, I have the following problem: I created a symlink in /usr/lib because my canon-driver needs an older version of libtiff, so I run sudo ln -s libtiff.so.4 libtiff.so.3 and then ldconfig. but now libtiff.so.4 does not appear in ldconfig -p17:45
Vladislaswhy my VGA with chipset sis not support 3D Anythink answer????!!!17:45
RkyRaccoonpronoy: ok, how?17:45
GreyGhostRkyRaccoon,  did u extract the tar.gz?17:45
pronoyRkyRaccoon: well first of all you need java on your pc17:45
RkyRaccoonGreyGhost: yes, how do i launch it17:45
PervertedMonk!info sabnzbdplus17:46
ubottusabnzbdplus (source: sabnzbdplus): web-based binary newsgrabber with nzb support. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.4.9-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 219 kB, installed size 1092 kB17:46
pronoyRkyRaccoon: go to terminal and cd to that folder17:46
GreyGhostRkyRaccoon, tell me wat exactly does the folder contain..17:46
pronoyRkyRaccoon: ./configure after that17:46
frg22hello, when I goto burn DVD's the data is transferred fine, but when I eject and reinsert the DVD it appears on my desktop (but the files within are hidden? and the icon on the desktop is that of any flatfile)17:46
Vladislaswhy my VGA with chipset sis not support 3D Anythink answer????!!!17:46
RkyRaccoonGreyGhost: it contains a lot of folders, too many to list17:47
pronoyRkyRaccoon: ok no..it says its a direct run...so cd to that folder and issue "./run-alice17:47
toterHi... i just came here to show off how fast linux boots on my laptop.17:47
toter11 seconds, baby17:47
edbiantoter: Badass17:47
my_hazwhat is a good tool for creating .srt files?17:47
GreyGhostRkyRaccoon, tried wat pronoy said?17:48
RkyRaccoonGreyGhost: hold on17:48
zagibuVladislas: what does lspci say about your VGA card?17:48
toterAnyone with a faster boot?17:48
jaweeI plugged up an iPod in Rhythmbox and added some mp3 music. Afterwards, I synced and then ejected. Now no music shows up on the iPod (8GB Pink iPod Nano 3rd gen I believe). I plugged it back in and the music still showed up on the Rhythmbox player and was playable.17:48
edbiantoter: I wish I'm dealing with 24 seconds (not counting the bios post or grub)17:49
shadeslayertoter: ill be back in a moment17:49
shadeslayertoter: i have a 19 sec boot...want to reduce it further :)17:49
zagibutoter: if I already had my HyperOS Hyperdrive 5, I could beat you...but I don't have it, yet :(17:49
shadeslayertoter: im going for a while,just be here when i come back :P17:49
Vladislas@zagibu 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 771/671 PCIE VGA Display Adapter (rev 10)17:49
toterI compiled the 2.6.30 kernel.. it reduced one second from the boot time17:50
toteri was using 2.6.2817:50
mobi-sheepshadeslayer: Faster bootup?  Don't use encrypt your filesystem then.  (But that's just me).17:50
Vladislaszagibu: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 771/671 PCIE VGA Display Adapter (rev 10)17:50
toterI would love to test boot time on my laptop with an SSD... but they're like 299 dollars17:51
edbianI have a system at home.  The longest part of my boot is the "loading..." phase.  During which khelper is running.  Any advice on speeding this up?17:51
Hyliani have a strange question, is there a way to use a vista sidebar gadget in linux? there is an awesome weather alert gadget for it...??17:51
zagibuVladislas: http://www.google.ch/search?q=linux+%22Silicon+Integrated+Systems+%5BSiS%5D+771%2F671+PCIE+VGA+Display+Adapter%2217:51
flohackI have a strange permission problem. I wrote a java program for sending faxes using hylafax via asterisk and get "/usr/bin/java: error while loading shared libraries: libjli.so: cannot open shared object file" when sending a fax.17:51
micahokay im back anyone care to explain how add users and there passwords?17:51
GreyGhostRkyRaccoon, ?17:51
RkyRaccoonpronoy: worked, thanks man, I didnt have java when i tried before17:51
RkyRaccoonGreyGhost: works, thanks for the help17:52
jawee I plugged up an iPod in Rhythmbox and added some mp3 music. Afterwards, I synced and then ejected. Now no music shows up on the iPod (8GB Pink iPod Nano 3rd gen I believe). I plugged it back in and the music still showed up on the Rhythmbox player and was playable.  I need to get the music on the iPod again.17:52
cornwallHylian: check out gdesklets. They're in the repositories17:52
PiciHylian: I very much doubt that something like that would exist.17:52
edbianHylian: I think that the sidebar code is buried deep deep into the vista Kernel.  I don't think you can run it under wine unless you find an exe somewhere on the net17:52
GreyGhostRkyRaccoon, i didnt really help .. bt nice to hear :)17:52
flohackThe java binary is called using a wrapper which outputs the result of 'ldd /usr/bin/java' and everything is fine with that.17:52
Hylianthe only problem is that the gdesklets weather program does not do audible bad weather alerts, or i couldnt find the option.17:52
zagibujawee: it's because you use a pink iPod...they only accept Britney Spears songs17:52
pronoyRkyRaccoon GreyGhost : *thumbs up*17:52
unopflohack, does /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-  exist?17:52
GreyGhostnice job pronoy17:52
flohackunop: Thanks for helping! yes it does17:53
cornwallHylian: You could always put the weather channel on another workspace ;)17:53
=== _derive is now known as derive
flohackunop: I checked with 'sudo su uucp -' that it's readable as well17:53
Hylianor are you saying that gdesklets can run vista gadgets?17:53
jaweezagibu: It is my mom's. I know that in Amarok you have to specify so I didn't know if there was some sort of difference. I was trying to be specific as possible.17:53
cornwallHylian: Nah, I didn't know that you had tried them already. Thought you just wanted little desk apps17:53
flohackunop: and the script is not running chrooted, I checked that with 'ls -Al /' within the wrapper and piped the result to a logfile.17:53
giorgiosalve a tutti17:53
zagibujawee: sorry, I was not serious of course, and I also can't help you with your problem17:53
giorgioposso fare una domanda17:53
Pici!it | giorgio17:53
ubottugiorgio: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)17:53
Hylianit's starting to sound lie my only option, i am thinking about installing another browser, and making home noaa.17:53
pronoyGreyGhost: thx17:53
frg22hello, when I goto burn DVD's the data is transferred fine, but when I eject and reinsert the DVD it appears on my desktop (but the files within are hidden? and the icon on the desktop is that of any flatfile). The files I goto burn are also "hidden" before I burn them, but there's nothing to make them as such. I extracted them from a UDF iso17:54
unopflohack,  what does this give you?   readlink -f /usr/bin/java17:54
micahcan someone tell me how to add another user without password im new to ubuntu?17:54
zagibujawee: maybe the problem is caused by different playlist files?17:54
GreyGhostmicah, System - > Admin -> Users and groups -> unlock -> then add user17:54
flohackunop: /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-
GreyGhostdont knw if its without password though ..17:55
Hylianthere are so many free version for windows, you would think that there would be a linux program that would do it too. i dont watch tv. my entertainment is my pc.17:55
micahokay thanks grey17:55
gmachinetv sucks17:55
mobi-sheepHylian: Conky!17:55
jaweezagibu: maybe. I know next to nothing about iPods.17:55
Hylianyes but atleast with a local channel i wouldnt have to worry about weather a tornadoe is coming or not17:55
pronoygmachine: +117:55
flohackunop: I just tried 'cat /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- > /dev/null 2>> /tmp/asterfax.log' within the wrapper script and that is fine as well17:55
unopflohack, hmm .. there's a version discrepancy there.. does  /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- exist (as opposed to /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- ?17:56
gmachinepronoy: hey there17:56
flohackunop: I'm a bit puzzled17:56
Hylianok does conky play an audible alert when there is bad weather?17:56
mobi-sheep!conky | Hylian17:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about conky17:56
yanchohi, how can i get the gcc for 64 bit so I have :  x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc please?17:56
ice_creamhi, how do i list all the mount types available?   (ntfs, cifs, ext3, etc.. full list)17:56
micahoh to enter without a password just type root to username17:57
pronoymicah: go to terminal and check the man pages for addusr17:57
shadeslayertoter: hey there :)17:57
flohackunop: ? I never mentioned /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-, did I?17:57
Hylianmobi-sheep, does conky play a sound, or audible alert when there is bad weather? because if i just wanted weather, id be happy with weather report17:57
totershadeslayer: so...17:57
wadThe svn client in Ubuntu is version 1.5.4 but I need to have 1.6.x instead. Do I need to build it from source, or is there a better way? (I'm a bit confused, since http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/devel/subversion claims that it's actually 1.4.6 which it isn't.)17:57
shadeslayertoter: yeah i need to reduce my boot time :)17:57
flohackunop: That's what you have on your machine17:57
tavisomeone help me whit a nokia 3600 slide and a usb cable?17:57
shadeslayertoter: ive already removed splash....17:58
tavihow to put some songs on it?17:58
unopflohack, well, it's the version that's in the sun-java6-bin package on jaunty currently17:58
shadeslayertavi: plug it in > copy > pastee17:58
mobi-sheepHylian: If you only want weathe applet -- You can add a Weather applet in your Gnome-Panel or add a really nifty Firefox Addons (Forecastfox).17:58
flohackunop: I'm using hardy, that's the reason17:58
mobi-sheepHylian: Right-click on your panel and "Add to Panel"  --> Look for weather.17:58
unopflohack, in any case, does this shared object exist in the directory heirarchy for your java version ?17:59
SuperninjaWHAT IS UBUNTU17:59
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com17:59
SuperninjaIS IT LINUX17:59
totershadeslayer: well, i didn't do anything fancy... make xconfig, unchecked some boxes and rebooted. voila... 11 seconds17:59
PiciSuperninja: Drop the caps please.17:59
flohackunop: Yes, and from within the wrapper script I can read that file (dumped it to /dev/null to check)17:59
JoelioHi all, just installed Karmic mini, but I'm getting 'sleep: invalid number '0.1'' upon booting.. any ideas<17:59
GreyGhostSuperninja, stop shouting ..17:59
lb_is there a way to measure total disk usage? I have run a process that takes looong time and read about pv17:59
jaweeSuperninja: It's a distribution of Linux17:59
shadeslayerHylian: or a better thing would be to add a location by clicking on the time display thing17:59
lb_only later :(17:59
PiciJoelio: Karmic support in #ubuntu+117:59
GreyGhost!caps | Superninja17:59
ubottuSuperninja: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.17:59
Hylianmobi-sheep, your not listening. an AUDIBLE alert, a sound played out of my speakers. i want it to play when there is bad weather.17:59
shadeslayertoter: what boxes?17:59
shadeslayer!caps | Superninja17:59
yanchohi, how can i get the gcc for 64 bit so I have :  x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc please? gcc seems only to be 32 bit :S18:00
gmachineI don't know. I'm blind.18:00
Hyliani love your bot18:00
PiciHylian: I don't think anything exists specifically for your need, you may need something programmed specifically for your needs.18:00
SuperninjaIs ubuntu better than windows18:00
shadeslayerSuperninja: yep18:00
GreyGhostSuperninja, define better ..18:00
Pici!ot | Superninja18:00
ubottuSuperninja: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:00
mobi-sheepHylian: It's possible but I don't know how to do that myself.18:00
unopflohack, strange .. i wonder if this has anything to do with the CLASSPATH variables being tainted in your script's environment18:00
shadeslayerSuperninja: no viruses,faster boot times....18:00
gmachineSuperninja: it is different.18:00
pronoySuperninja: hell yeah !!18:00
mobi-sheepSuperninja: Fsck Yeah!18:00
SuperninjaHow can I have it18:00
flohackunop: I dumped the 'env' output and there is nothing related to 'CLASSPATH' in there.18:00
shadeslayerSuperninja: more customizations and options (KDE,Gnome)18:01
flohackunop: I'll pastebin the environment18:01
gmachinesomeone should take superninja into a private chat18:01
SuperninjaI am from finland18:01
farchumbreWhat does env refer to in ubuntu?18:01
totershadeslayer: when you execute make xconfig to compile a new kernel, there's a ton of stuff you can uncheck... And I optimized it for new, shiny macbook pro 64-bit18:01
unopflohack,  i would use strace now -- and spend sometimes pouring through it's output18:01
Hylianthe super sad part if it is, i have 8 options for this specific task in windows. i'd really hate to go back to bloat tastic windows to do this one task18:01
mdmHylian: libweather-com-perl or libgeo-metar-perl18:01
flohackunop: Good idea, I'll try that and have a look18:01
unopfarchumbre, in what context?18:01
pronoySuperninja: chose an option and you'll get a better one in linux18:01
shadeslayertoter: you re compiled the kernel?? no thanks18:01
mobi-sheepSuperninja: Talk in #ubuntu-offtopic -- Please.  We'll answer your questions there.18:02
Picimdm: How exactly is that going to help?18:02
laegupgrading to 9.10 broke VLC, can you tell me how to add vlc c_korn PPA repo please?18:02
SuperninjaAre you Americans?18:02
tavisomeone help me whit a nokia 3600 slide and a usb cable?18:02
unopSuperninja, i'm not18:02
Picilaeg: Please ask in #ubuntu+1 for Karmic18:02
totersuperninja: you're from finland and you don't know what linux is? Traitor!18:02
farchumbreunop, it is a command i have to do to install a program18:02
Pici!fi | Superninja18:02
ubottuSuperninja: Tämä kanava on tarkoitettu vain englanninkieliselle keskustelulle. Jos haluat suomenkielistä apua (K)ubuntun ongelmiin, liity kanavalle #ubuntu-fi / #kubuntu-fi :-)18:02
laegPici: karmic?18:02
GreyGhostSuperninja, not here please ..18:02
Picilaeg: 8.1018:02
pronoySuperninja: we are from everywhere... go to this channel #ubuntu-offtopic18:02
Picilaeg: er, 9.1018:02
SuperninjaMiten sinne pääsee18:02
totersuperninja: renounce you citizenship!18:02
mdmPici: it will give you the abilty to write a perl script to flash the lights, bring down an interface, power off the comptuer or whatever else you want it to do18:02
lb_!de | lb_18:02
ubottulb_, please see my private message18:02
laegPici: i apologise, i meant 9.0418:02
unopfarchumbre, env should be installed by default - it is part of the coreutils package18:03
SuperninjaI am sorry.18:03
shadeslayerHylian: oh...if youre that specific,use something else18:03
Picimdm: I don't think that Hylian is up for programming something in Perl for this18:03
pronoytoter: :D lol18:03
Hylianoh boy. i have to admit. i havent written any scripts for anything since my qbasic days. i think that's over my head.18:03
flohackunop: here is the strace...any idea what $ORIGIN is? http://pastebin.com/d426a6d3c18:03
tyler_dmy evolution account does not have the option for exchange?18:03
totershadeslayer: if you want to shave some seconds from your boot time, you have to compile the kernel. Did you see the results? http://img504.yfrog.com/img504/4968/toterdesktopjaunty20090.png18:04
dethrayhaving a problem with my sound...it all seems to be coming out of my subwoofer.  I am using the hda intel module in alsa18:04
pronoyPici: is there a way to know what new options are being included in 9.10 .. i don't think they'll like such a question at #ubuntu+118:04
unopflohack, no idea .. sorry18:04
shadeslayertoter: whats the rpm of your drive?18:05
Hylianhey mdm, just how easy is it to write perl script. because if it is anything like fortran cobol or pascal, i would rather just let the tornado come.18:05
mobi-sheeppronoy: They're not working on features at the moment.18:05
ed__pronoy: Have you googled "ubuntu 9.10" or looked at the ubuntu website?  I know that they are very open about their release schedule18:05
pronoyed_ mobi-sheep: roger18:05
unopflohack, it seems to be some directory that is relative to where your java executable is18:05
toterpronoy: yeah, now if he says he doesn't know what nokia is, i'll call matti vanhanen myself18:05
animusoncan anyone help me get ProFTPd working on my server?18:05
kenoxhello all18:06
mdmHylian: easy is a matter of opinion, but with cpan modules very18:06
mobi-sheeppronoy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicKoala/TechnicalOverview#New%20features%20in%20Karmic18:06
totershadeslayer: 5400 rpm18:06
kenoxi have some problem after updating my ubuntu18:06
shadeslayertoter: same as me....18:06
flohackunop: That seems to be the problem.18:06
* shadeslayer installs bootchart18:06
gmachinekenox: details please18:06
Picipronoy: Why wouldn't they?18:06
farchumbreis anyone using thinkfinger?18:06
kenoxi get the mouse pointer but no windows18:06
shadeslayerfarchumbre: i used too18:06
Hylianid rather die than program that tough stuff. did you know that fortran scripting is a form of tourture and is against the geneva convention.18:06
kenoxswitching to tty118:06
kenoxissuing of kill gdm and then gdm does the trick18:07
farchumbreshadeslayer, have you have problems With multiple keyboard layouts?18:07
farchumbrei use english and spanish18:07
pronoyPici: well in their topic its written channel's for development purposes...so....18:07
KoolDhow do i unpack a tgz.uue file???18:07
unopflohack,  it's strange that quite a few .so files aren't being found ... it looks like the process is trying to find them in quite a few locations and is then giving up18:07
gmachinekenox: tty1 - tty-6 are command line18:07
rakudavehow come that when I use "apt-get upgrade", some packages are held back, but when I use the update-manager, they get installed? What do I have to do to get apt-get to install the same packages?18:07
shadeslayerfarchumbre: it crashed a few times and ran quite well....only thing was that it used to hang after sudo commands...18:07
Hylianseriously, anyone know if perl is easy. the highest lvl of programming im interested in is somehting like html18:07
shadeslayerfarchumbre: not any i remember off...18:08
gmachinekenox: tty7 starts the guis18:08
mobi-sheeprakudave: sudo aptitude full-upgrade <-- maybe.18:08
Picipronoy: It actually says 'discussion'18:08
flohackunop: It's just looking for libjli.so in various places18:08
kenoxyup i issue the commands "killall gdm" and then "gdm"18:08
Hylianisnt it apt-get dist-upgrade18:08
unopflohack, well, not just that .so .. but quite a few others too18:08
pronoyPice: eh ? oh yeah :) lol....but still its really early to ask .....18:08
kenoxno direct login to gnome18:08
rakudavemobi-sheep: thanks, didn't know about that option18:08
ed__Hylian: perl is ok.  Similar to C. Python is a dream in syntax :)18:09
gmachineI would caution anyone attempting a full upgrade - esp without backing up all your data18:09
Hylianok, is there a way to get wine to install a msi file?18:09
magnetronHylian: yes.18:09
farchumbreshadeslayer, i use spanish and english, and after using thinkfinger (sudo) the spanish layout indicator turns to '??'18:09
flohackunop: No, it just does a stat64 for the directory and then an open for the libjli.so file18:09
gmachineie, a full upgrade vs. a fresh install18:09
Hylianok cool18:09
GreyGhostHylian, it does so normally ..18:09
=== BlackJack is now known as Dreaman
KoolDhow do i unpack a tgz.uue file???18:09
shadeslayerfarchumbre: no idea..im not a devel you know ;)18:10
farchumbreshadeslayer, hoW did you install thinkfinger?18:10
animusoni cant seem to get ftp working properly, i dont know why18:10
gmachinekenox: I don't believe tty1-tty6 will work with gnome18:10
rakudavemobi-sheep: doesn't exixt...18:10
flohackunop: HEHE, setting ORIGIN to the right value before invoking java works around the problem...18:10
ed__Is there a way to start a gnome session automatically when I log in without using GDM?  I would like to log in via CLI and then have gnome start immediately upon login.18:10
unopflohack, really? that's odd18:10
mobi-sheeprakudave: What does not exist?18:10
=== ed__ is now known as edbian
flohackThat still does not explain why it goes wrong in the first place though...18:10
rakudavemobi-sheep: apt-get full-upgrade18:10
PiciHylian: I *think* its: wine /path/to/msiexec filename.msi      I'm not sure if you can do it without the path to msiexec, but doesn't hurt to try18:10
farchumbreis anyone using multi keyboard layouts (e. g english, spanish, french) With usb external keyboards or thinkfinger?18:11
mobi-sheeprakudave: That's not what I said.18:11
shadeslayerfarchumbre: its on their wiki18:11
kenoxno you got me wrong: i boot up the OS, iget only a mouse pointer, then i switch to tty1 and issue the commands, then everything becomes normal.18:11
shadeslayerfarchumbre: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ThinkFinger18:11
wrinkliezhey guys, i uninstalled a program, but the gnome menu says that its still there.  but the weird thing is, when i use the menu editor, it says that the program isnt there18:11
wrinkliezany ideas? -_-18:12
Dr_Williswrinkliez:  when you next log in. that item may vanish18:12
edbianwrinkliez: Sometimes there is a small bug with the panel and it will leave apps that are actually missing.  If you reboot it will go away and you can manually remove it with the menu editor.18:12
Dr_Williswrinkliez:  what was the program anyway?18:12
wrinkliezDr_Willis:  thanks! lemme give it a shot18:12
mobi-sheepwrinkliez: killall gnome-panel18:12
wrinkliezhaha thanks everyone :D18:12
shadeslayerHylian: im not going to answer in PM18:12
shadeslayer!pm > Hylian18:12
ubottuHylian, please see my private message18:12
edbianwrinkliez: Yes you can also kill / restart the gnome-panel18:12
Dr_Williswrinkliez:  if it was somthingyou installed via wine. you may need to manually remove a .desktop file for the wine items18:13
animusoni cant get my ftp to work properly -- i can access through domain.com but i want it to access through ftp.domain.com :-/18:13
wrinkliezDr_Willis:  it was gnupaint18:13
developeri need some help to install QT Creator18:13
Piciwrinkliez: Or sudo update-menus  may also fix it18:13
magnetronanimuson: are you setting up the client or the server?18:13
flohackany java packaging cracks around?18:14
=== Orest is now known as Orest^bnc
flohackjre, that is?18:14
animusonits the server18:14
developerHelp !!!18:14
=== Orest^bnc is now known as Orest
developercan anyone support me with this?!18:14
magnetronanimuson: so you need to configure your DNS18:14
Pici!helpme | developer18:14
ubottudeveloper: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience18:14
pedro__epale q tal el nuevo kernel??18:14
pronoydeveloper: ask the question !!18:14
Hylianwell for some very odd reason, non of my windows apps want to run properly in wine. lol. i should say, none of my weather apps want to18:15
Picideveloper: Are you having issues installing the qtcreator package?18:15
shadeslayerHylian: did you check appdb of wine?18:15
ballooozahello, why is my 32 bit box not recognising all 4 GiB (3.6GB) of ram, I thought 32 bit was good up to 4 GB, I have an nvidia card, with 1GB of memory, this seems odd, because there is 1GB less memory then the ammount on 64 bit (I am too lazy to install 64 bit, I do have a 64 amd)18:15
shadeslayerballoooza: no you need 64 bit18:15
magnetronHylian: why is that odd? did it work for anyone else? (check the appdb)18:16
rakudavemobi-sheep: sorry, I overlooked the fact that you used aptitude... -_-18:16
shadeslayerballoooza: 32 bit recognises only 3.2 GB of RAM18:16
developerI want to install QT creator , complete. Can anyone help me pls????18:16
Hylianyeah, what i meant to say is they load, but strangely, and then dont function properly18:16
Picideveloper: sudo apt-get install qtcreator18:17
shadeslayer!pm > balloooza18:17
ubottuballoooza, please see my private message18:17
shadeslayerwhy does *everyone* pm me ??18:17
Hylianlol, i wonder if i can make a progrma to do this in qbasic for linux, lol18:17
gmachinebecause you're a girl?18:17
shadeslayergmachine: definitely not!!!18:17
gmachinewell then I'm out18:17
pronoyshadeslayer : really ?!?! :D18:17
pronoygmachine: lol18:17
animusonis this the correct line to be using for ftp in the dns? "ftp     14400   IN      A       domain.com"18:18
ballooozasorry, I am sorta new to irc18:18
laegis anyone elses VLC borked after upgrading to 9.04?18:18
shadeslayerballoooza: and you call yourself an advanced linux user ?18:18
Hylianok one more time for anyone new. i want to have a program that will play a sound when bad weather shows up... any takers?18:18
shadeslayerlaeg: nope18:18
ballooozathat is not nice, will sombody else help me18:19
laegshadeslayer: the video window and control window have become separated18:19
Mike_lifeguardlaeg: borked how?18:19
Picishadeslayer: Drop the attitude18:19
unopanimuson,  doesn't look right .. an A record resolves a name to an IP address not another name (you'd use CNAME then)18:19
shadeslayerlaeg: thats standard18:19
laegshadeslayer: no it's not18:19
laegthe video should run inside the video window18:19
shadeslayerPici: im not showing any attitude...18:19
Mike_lifeguardlaeg: that's a regression; they say it'll be fixed in the next release18:19
laegi get two windows when i ppen anything18:19
Mike_lifeguardlaeg: for info, ask in #videolan18:20
shadeslayerlaeg: ok ill help you in a moment18:20
hey`Hi, my computer is sounding too low.18:20
flohackHow can I 'export' an environment variable using the dash shell?18:20
pronoylaeg: reinstall vlc18:20
hey`music, videos etc18:20
notjohnanyone familiar with xfs_freeze?  is it possible to determine if a volume is frozen using any of the xfs_ tools?18:20
hey`don't know what's going on18:20
shadeslayerpronoy: no need18:20
PAPULhey`, change ur speakers18:20
unopflohack,  variable="value"; export variable18:20
gmachinelaeg: 9.04 "borked" a couple media programs, including the latest version of amarok18:20
Mike_lifeguardpronoy: no, that's useless - it's a known regression18:20
shadeslayerlaeg: theres a setting somewhere...one moment18:20
flohackunop: Thanks!18:20
Mike_lifeguardshadeslayer: no, that's useless, because it's a regression in VLC18:20
hey`PAPUL thanks a lot, how didn't I think such thing18:21
Mike_lifeguardwhy does nobody listen to me? :)18:21
hey`it's a laptop18:21
gmachineMike_lifeguard: I'm listening18:21
Hylianyou know, never mind my problem, as much as i want this, ubuntu is running like a top for me for the most part. you guys have enough on your plate here. maybe ll give ya a ring tommorrow.18:21
PAPULMike_lifeguard, i am listening.18:21
pronoyMike_lifeguard: me too18:21
burnoIs there a program wich combines ICQ and Skype?18:21
PAPULhey`, desktop or laptop?18:21
gmachineI switched from amarok to songbird in 9.0418:21
Mike_lifeguardburno: pidgin has a ton of IM protocols18:22
lb_burno: there is a Skype plugin for Pidgin18:22
burnocool, thanks18:22
lb_burno: http://eion.robbmob.com/18:22
shadeslayerMike_lifeguard: nice...i never noticed this :)18:22
Hylianhey gmachine, i am not super knowledgeable so i may be way off on left field, but this sounds like a video driver issue..18:22
PAPULhey`, try another os and see if it is the same18:22
Mike_lifeguardshadeslayer: annoying as all getout, but at least they know about it18:22
gmachineMike_lifeguard: see, people are reading you18:22
=== erUSUL_ is now known as erUSUL
Mike_lifeguardgmachine: Yes, I know, that was more rhetorical and/or cathartic. thanks anyways :)18:23
shadeslayerballoooza: ok look its standard 64 bit is for 3.2 GB and above and 32 bit is for upto 3.2 GB18:23
gmachineHylian: yeah, I don't know. My mplayer actually plays videos so who knows18:23
gmachinenp, Mike18:24
Hyliancan anyone point me to a fairly easy beginers scripter to make my own apps?18:24
shadeslayerMike_lifeguard: if somebody did not point it out i would have never known :P18:24
erUSULHylian: python18:24
PAPULare the latest cards from nvidia supported in ubuntu?18:24
shadeslayerHylian: in??18:24
PAPULthe graohic cards18:24
pronoyHylian: i can tell you about a good IDE anjuta .....see if that help18:24
shadeslayerPAPUL: YES18:24
kaithank you by18:24
pronoyPAPUL: ofcourse18:25
shadeslayeranjuta is good :)18:25
PiciHylian: I have some basic code that pulls weather alerts using python, let me clean it up and I'll put it up on a pastebin for you.18:25
Hylianok what language does python script in? i thought there where several, i guess what i am asking is where should a noob scripter start, what language?18:25
GreyGhostPAPUL, they have nvidia drivers now ..18:25
PiciHylian: Python is a language.18:25
Mike_lifeguardHylian: python /is/ the scripting language18:25
laegpronoy, gmachine, shadeslayer: think i already tried reinstalling vlc, i'll do it again anyway18:25
PAPULare there any games for ubuntu18:25
pronoyHylian: python is a language18:25
PAPULgames like crysis18:25
Pici!games | PAPUL18:25
ubottuPAPUL: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php18:25
gmachinelaeg: don't bother18:25
Mike_lifeguardlaeg: don't waste your time please18:25
shadeslayerlaeg: its a known regression..no point of a reinstall18:25
ballooozaPAPUL: yes18:25
pronoyPAPUL: you can install crysis on wine and then play18:25
Hyliani appreciate that pici, really i do. but i have no problem getting the weather. all i want is for a sound to be played when it is bad weather.18:26
shadeslayerpronoy: haha18:26
laeggmachine, Mike_lifeguard, shadeslayer: videolan said to ask here why the PPA isn't working18:26
gmachinelaeg: it's annoying but just use another program18:26
Mike_lifeguardlaeg: which ppa?18:26
laegW: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net jaunty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY D739676F7613768D18:26
DEVIL1234hello all18:26
pronoyPAPUL: they have games like crysis but not as good as crysis itself...you can check out nexuiz, tremulous, vendetta and many more18:26
laeggmachine: :)18:26
shadeslayerlaeg: vlc is in !medibuntu18:27
Hyliani might just install xp today *kringe*.18:27
shadeslayer!medibuntu > laeg18:27
ubottulaeg, please see my private message18:27
babahi; is there an application on windows that supports ext4 yet ?18:27
laegMike_lifeguard: i added deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/c-korn/vlc/ubuntu jaunty main18:27
laegthrough the software sources gui18:27
administerHow do I get the keyring manager to stop asking for my password to unlock in Evolution? It doesn't accept the password I give it, and it annoys the hell out of me18:27
Mike_lifeguardhm, fun, let me see...18:27
DEVIL1234exist one posibility to mount udf image?18:27
simplemathProblems with 9.04 and graphics with ATI X1200 card. Anyone else?18:27
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php18:27
laegMike_lifeguard: then in term i put sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com18:27
PAPULhttp://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php doesnt work18:28
ballooozaPAPUL: some of my favorites = alian arena 2009 (free), cedege (not free, not a game, an emulator), neverball (addicting free version of a super monky ball style gam,e) flightgear (flight sim, hard to use, ) yo frankie, (all around awsome) wime (free kind of cedega, plays less games, usualy more workarouds for heavy games)18:28
Mike_lifeguardlaeg: I always forget how to add keys, but that sounds about right18:28
erUSULDEVIL1234: yes you can mount any iage of a filesystem linux support18:28
Hyliani dont know about you guys, but i have had way better luck with virtualbox from sun that the ose version18:28
erUSULDEVIL1234: sudo mount -t udf image_file_name.img /mount/point18:28
gmachinewhat in god's name is 'monky ball'18:28
shadeslayergmachine: haha....18:29
PAPULso one cannot be a hardcore gamer using ubuntu18:29
pronoy balloooza PAPUL http://sathyasays.com/2008/01/12/25-top-3d-linux-games/18:29
Hylianwoah? you dont know about monkey ball? it's a blast, literally18:29
Mike_lifeguardlaeg: do you have the launchpad page for that PPA handy?18:29
shadeslayerPAPUL: one sec18:29
gmachineHylian: I'll look it up18:29
pronoyPAPUL: hardcore gamer !!  yes why not !! ?!?!?18:29
ballooozaprony: thanks, will give it a look!18:29
shadeslayerPAPUL: read : http://www.whylinuxisbetter.net/18:29
Hylianwell thanx a lot dudes. im gonna read up on what programming language to start with, anything as easy as html? please?18:30
pronoyshadeslayer: hi 5 for that one18:30
* shadeslayer hi5's back18:30
freeanshu how to get internet connection in ubuntu(wired)....i have a motorola cable modem with star hub connection(singapore)18:30
freeanshuat first wen i plug in the ethernet and on the connection,a smalll icn at the top gets activated and in the end it says:disconnected ,...everytime18:30
PAPULis there any way to do a minimal install without the internet18:30
shadeslayerPAPUL: no18:30
PAPULby saving the files in pen drive18:30
pronoyPAPUL: minimal install of what btw ?18:31
Mike_lifeguardlaeg: after adding the key for that PPA, what happens?18:31
shadeslayerPAPUL: a minimal install gets packages from the server and installs them18:31
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com18:31
DEVIL1234thx for helping18:31
shadeslayerPici: was !ubuntu recently added??18:31
gmachine"While moving across the floor the player can collect bananas by rolling into them to score points and attempt to earn an extra life (earned at every 100 bananas)"18:31
mrroboto_Morning all.  I could use a hand fixing my X, I fear I broke it.  I used the add/remove package man. to add the ati driver, and after rebooting, cant get display.18:31
freeanshu how to get internet connection in ubuntu(wired)....i have a motorola cable modem with star hub connection(singapore)18:31
Hyliani have had a lot of luck with xubuntu on slow laptops. except every once in a while xfce doesnt load the deskbar, but thats fixable18:31
freeanshuplease help18:32
PAPULi want to install only the packages that i need18:32
shadeslayermrroboto_: try booting to recovery konsole and use fix X server18:32
freeanshui cant get connected18:32
laegMike_lifeguard: standby18:32
freeanshu how to get internet connection in ubuntu(wired)....i have a motorola cable modem with star hub connection(singapore)18:32
freeanshui cant get connected18:32
gmachinemrroboteto: so what do you g18:32
freeanshuplease help18:32
shadeslayer!repeat > freeanshu18:32
ubottufreeanshu, please see my private message18:32
ojii_hi all18:32
pronoymrroboto_: boot and go to recovery option...there you have a fix x option18:32
gmachinemrroboto: what do you get18:32
shadeslayerfreeanshu: dial up conection?18:32
PAPULi have the minimal install iso but i want to run it from the pen drive18:32
mrroboto_shadeslayer: sounds like what I need, how do I get to it18:32
shadeslayer!usb > PAPUL18:32
ubottuPAPUL, please see my private message18:32
mrroboto_gmachine: just colored garbage18:33
flohackunop: Is there a simple way to strip the first element from an array in dash?18:33
gmachinemrrobot: ok18:33
shadeslayermrroboto_: reboot > recovery console (2nd option)> fix x server18:33
ojii_i try to install an app that requires gtk2.4.0 or higher, i have jaunty but it tells me my gtk version is too low although in synaptic it says 2.16.1, how can i fix this?18:33
shadeslayerfreeanshu: no idea then18:33
ballooozaPAPUL: I am just a computer geek, more of a light hearted gamer, but alian arena is a more "hardcore"  varity, one thing to expect with linux games: more options, less easy to access, meaning most games will have the ablity to use any type of controller, and many of them, use super high graphice, but these options (sadly for a novice linuxer, for me, it is a bit out of the way too) in configuration files, these are located in the gam18:33
ballooozae directory (to put in perspective: C:\programfiles\game, but on linux they are in many different places, it depends on the game.18:33
freeanshushadeslayer: what if it is dialup?18:33
shadeslayerfreeanshu: then see !dialup in ubottu18:34
Hylianthanx all, bye18:34
gmachinecan you guys please do the game talk in a private chat18:34
freeanshushadeslayer: ok18:34
freeanshushadeslayer: thanx a ton18:34
shadeslayeror going to ot :)18:34
Mike_lifeguardor set up a new channel (using two hashes)18:34
shadeslayerfreeanshu: no pronlem :)18:34
mrroboto_shadeslayer: alright, I'll give it a shot, I'll report back soon either happily booted from my hard drive, or seeking more help on the livecd18:34
laegMike_lifeguard: i was copying and pasting the sudo key command from here http://mailman.videolan.org/pipermail/translators/2009-June/000123.html which wasn't going in correct from the copy so i copied it half and half and now doesn't give the error :)P18:35
shadeslayermrroboto_: best of luck18:35
pronoy!fr | florian618:35
ubottuflorian6: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr18:35
laegshadeslayer: what would you recommend from medibuntu repo?18:36
shadeslayerlaeg: uh...vlc18:36
tavisomeone help me whit a nokia 3600 slide and a usb cable?18:36
pronoylaeg: w32codecs18:36
shadeslayerlaeg: that is a supported repo...please dont install vlc from other repos18:36
shadeslayerpronoy: that too :)18:36
laegwhat's wrong with the default ubuntu repo?18:36
laegpronoy: have already i believe18:37
shadeslayerlaeg: that is the default ubuntu repo for vlc18:37
pronoylaeg: can you play .rmvb files without realplayer ?18:37
laegpronoy: .rmvb is nasty18:37
laegi believe so18:37
GreyGhostshadeslayer,  multiverse i think ..18:37
laegit's been years since i've encountered media i couldn't play18:37
pronoylaeg: yes but very light....and the quality can be retained18:37
laegshadeslayer: so why do i need to add medibuntu if i have it by default?18:38
laegpronoy: i'll just check synaptic for w32codecs18:38
shadeslayerGreyGhost: really?? i thought only medibuntu had vlc18:38
animusonok my bind is failing to start now :-/ but it doesnt tell me why it just says [ fail ]18:38
shadeslayerlaeg: if vlc is in multiverse...then no need..18:38
shadeslayertavi: not in P<18:38
shadeslayer!pm > tavi18:39
ubottutavi, please see my private message18:39
shadeslayer!nokia > tavi18:39
ubottutavi, please see my private message18:39
GreyGhostshadeslayer, one sec ..ler me confirm ..18:39
ojii_how can i ignore a check for something when using './configure'?18:39
pronoyojii_: why would you wanna do that ?18:40
shadeslayerGreyGhost: sure...new info for me too :)18:40
GreyGhostshadeslayer, Package: vlc Section: multiverse/graphics18:40
ghabitHello. I have Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E6850 @ 3.00GHz with 2gb ram. Which of arch I must choose? i386 or amd64?18:40
ojii_pronoy: because my tomoe install fails on the gtk2 check, synaptic tells me i meet the requirement tho....18:40
pronoyojii_: a file installs only after making sure the dependencies are satisfied18:40
alone_in_lighti have some troblem18:40
alone_in_light can anybody help me18:40
GreyGhost!ask alone_in_light18:40
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:40
GreyGhost!ask | alone_in_light18:41
ubottualone_in_light: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:41
pronoy!ask | alone_in_light18:41
shadeslayerghabit: amd64 runs a bit faster but has less support , 32 bit is for ram < 3.2 GB and has more app support18:41
animusonok my bind is failing to start now :-/ but it doesnt tell me why it just says [ fail ]18:41
ojii_ghabit: just my personal opinion: 64bit rocks! the boot feels sooo much faster!18:41
alone_in_light!ask i have troublem when i installing pidgin 2.5.718:41
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:41
shadeslayerojii_: yeah..18:41
ghabitThanks guys!18:41
GreyGhostalone_in_light, "!" commands are for the bot ..18:42
GreyGhostalone_in_light, wats the problem?18:42
ubuntunomim well happy with the speed of XFCE, but how do i make a launch icon into the desktop ?!?18:42
pronoyGreyGhost: Lol18:42
alone_in_lighti can't see my friend icon/photo18:42
shadeslayerubuntunom: drag and drop maybe?18:42
tonyf12Has anyone managed to get Runescape HD working in 9.04? It won't work native, or in wine. SD works fine in both.18:42
pronoyGreyGhost: it almost seemed that he was adding the ! to make us answer :D18:42
alone_in_lightin pidgin 2.5.718:42
ubuntunomwont do it18:42
alone_in_lighti use yahoo protokol18:42
alone_in_lightcan you help me18:42
alone_in_lighti need help18:43
GreyGhostalone_in_light, hmm .. should be for the pidgin guys i guess? unless it works on some other linux distro ..18:43
shadeslayerubuntunom: hmmm...no idea then...keep asking18:43
pronoyalone_in_light: i would advise you to join here #pidgin18:43
GreyGhostpronoy, ;)18:43
EgyCoder09hi all , i am php developer and i'm new to ubuntu and i want to use notepad2 as my default editor for php files ??18:43
gmachinealone_in_light: there is some problem connecting to Yahoo via pidgin at the moment.18:43
dakarn!yahoo |alone_in_light18:43
ubottualone_in_light: At the moment there are many pidgin users experiencing problems connecting to Yahoo IM, you can try changing your paging server to cs101.msg.mud.yahoo.com and see if that helps.18:43
ojii_how do i fix this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/202285/  synaptic tells me i meet that requirement...18:43
GreyGhostEgyCoder09, does notepad2 work in wine?18:43
alone_in_lightafter i install pidgin 2.5.7 my icon dissappear18:43
alone_in_lighti have upgrade my pidgin18:44
pronoyalone_in_light: you can upgrade to the new pidgin, yahoo is upgrading servers, its got a new authentication protocol...so pidgins been modified ... try that or ask further at #pidgin18:44
gmachinealone_in_light: have you been reading the replies?18:44
Computer_Mandoes anyone know where the mouse pointers are in the directory tree?18:44
EgyCoder09GreyGhost: yep it works if i ran it through wine and i have to ( open file from file menu ) but when choose the file to open with ( notepad2.exe ) it's open the notepad2 with new blank fil18:44
alone_in_lightbut no one answer my question18:44
Spike1506im trying to compile zsnes under ubuntu 9.0418:45
animusonmy bind is failing to start and it wont tell me why, it just says [fail]18:45
gmachinealone_in_light: we ALL answered your question18:45
Spike1506but i get this error: --enable-libao --enable-release --disable-debugger18:45
laegpronoy: synaptic has no results for w32codecs18:45
Spike1506ehm: tools/fileutil.cpp:1: error: CPU you selected does not support x86-64 instruction set18:45
alone_in_lighti want to know why my buddies photo dissapear in my pidgin18:45
pronoylaeg: try apt-get install if its installed it'll tell you18:45
dakarnalone_in_light: this is a ubuntu help channel, you should ask in #pidgin18:45
gmachinealone_in_light: forget it.18:45
ojii_argh why is there no tomoe in the repos for x64 :(18:45
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Mike_lifeguardWhen doing an apt-get upgrade, what does it mean "The following packages have been held back" & how can I override that?18:46
Dr_Willis!info tomoe18:46
ubottuPackage tomoe does not exist in jaunty18:46
alone_in_lightwhat server #pidgin18:46
GreyGhostEgyCoder09, u mean .. u want new files to open in tabs?18:46
ojii_wtf ubottu!18:46
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.18:46
shadeslayerGreyGhost: sorry missed your post..just saw it now :)...thanks for the heads up18:46
tonyf12alone_in_light: Same server18:47
GreyGhostshadeslayer, np18:47
gmachineMike_lifeguard: it depends on why they are held back but obviously it means they were not installed.18:47
pronoyalone_in_light: on freenode !18:47
GnuSebHello there, I was wondering if anyone could point me towards some sort of application the which I can record bits of streamed sound for direct quotation from online without having to have a microphone18:47
alone_in_lightokey thank a lot for help me18:47
eurythmiawhen using recordmydesktop, I want to specify my usb headset as the sound device from which to record; could somebody help me to figure out which device that is?18:47
ubuntunomshadeslayer: had to go to /usr/bin and drag and drop from there ... couldnt do it from the 'start' menu18:47
animusonhaha i never noticed that at the bottom of the APT help view XD18:47
gmachineMike_lifeguard: there has been an issue recently with upgrading to a new kernel and other things but I thought that was fixed.18:47
GreyGhostEgyCoder09, nope .. no idea .. :( .. gedit comes with syntax hilighting .. keeps me happy :)18:48
Mike_lifeguardgmachine: well, synaptic seems happy enough to upgrade these packages, so I guess it's a non-issue. Confusing though.18:48
EgyCoder09GreyGhost: nope , look when i double click on ( notepad2.exe ) it's works fine ... but when i doubleclick any php file or choose ( open with "notepad2.exe" ) it's also open a new blank file .. so i have to clicl ( file -> open file -> choose file to open it )18:48
gmachineMike_lifeguard: try upgrading via synaptic. that fixed the problem for me18:48
gmachineMike_lifeguard: right.18:48
GreyGhostEgyCoder09, ahh .. oki .. let me try then ..18:49
pronoyEgyCoder09: i had the problem with gedit so i switched to geany :)18:49
EgyCoder09GreyGhost:  http://www.flos-freeware.ch/notepad2.html this if u want to install notepad218:49
animusoncan anyone help me with my bind problem?18:49
edbianEgyCoder09: geany is my fav :)18:49
dakarnwhy use notepad when you can use mousepad =O18:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mousepad18:50
[cgk]adesanimuson: there is a chan #bind that is pretty helpfull18:50
GreyGhostEgyCoder09, presently i have to install WINE first ;)18:50
EgyCoder09pronoy: it's not happen with me while using gedit .. the problem is i love notepad2 very much and i can't live without it really :)18:50
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke18:50
pronoyEgyCoder09: omg ! you should see a psychiatrist !  :D lol.... don't mind18:50
EgyCoder09GreyGhost: if i will waste ur time .. forget it :)18:50
pisecxhi. is it possible to disable windows disks from places menu?18:51
GreyGhostEgyCoder09, naah .. i need WINE . jst its a fresh copy of ubuntu here ..18:51
pronoyhwilde: what ?!18:51
mrroboto_I return defeated, on the livecd again =(  Running the xfix in recovery changed the colored gargage to about 1/2 desktop, 1/2 static, but still nothing useful...18:51
hwildepronoy, not talking @ you18:51
GreyGhostpisecx, allaborate18:51
EgyCoder09GreyGhost:  so will you stay in contact with me to tell me what i can to do18:51
tonyf12Can I mount (not burn) an ISO using Ubuntu?18:52
fccfpisecx: remove the corresponding line from /etc/fstab18:52
pisecxfccf: no lines...18:52
GreyGhostEgyCoder09, u here for next 20 mins?18:52
EgyCoder09i waste 2 days to try to solve this problem18:52
pronoyhwilde: i know...don't bother the bot unnecessarily18:52
EgyCoder09GreyGhost: yep18:52
pisecxGreyGhost: what does it mean?18:52
EgyCoder09GreyGhost: i waste 2 days to try to solve this problem18:52
GreyGhostEgyCoder09, i'll try ..18:52
zagibupisecx: he told you to explain better (elaborate)18:52
GreyGhostpisecx, wat do u want to do?18:52
fccfpisecx: ok, elaborate18:53
pisecxthere is places menu, it shows windows disks. if you click it - it will be automatically mounted. I what do disable it at all.18:53
EgyCoder09GreyGhost:  the fast solution is i will switch to windows to code in it .. but the problem that i'm coding a web interface for ( Nessus command ) and i have to try the plugins and the options then test it on my code :(18:53
pisecxfccf: it is better?18:53
laegpronoy: on your instructions to check for w32codecs - http://pastebin.com/m3417ea7318:54
pisecxfccf: GreyGhost and there is no corresponding line in /etc/fstab18:54
pronoypisecx: you don't want to mount it or mount it automatically or not display it ?18:54
pisecxpronoy: do not display it in places menu18:54
pisecxpronoy: possible?18:55
felixsullaMy wireless on my laptop often loses connection if left on overnight. Unclicking/reclicking "Enable Wireless" in the panel doesnt help, but logging out/in or restart gets it working again every time. Is there something in command line that does the same thing to wireless that logging off/restarting does?18:56
GreyGhosttonyf12, sudo mount -t iso9660 filename.iso /media/iso -o loop18:56
pisecxfor example, using gnome configuration tool or something18:56
pronoylaeg: no !! sudo apt-get install w32codecs  !! not just apt-get install18:56
Doonzhow do i show hidden files in ls18:56
GreyGhosttonyf12, rather look up the command mount .. will help better ..18:56
felixsullaDoonz: ls -a18:56
fccfDoonz: ls -a18:56
pronoypiscex: to be very frank it never bothers me so i really don't bother with places.... so......sorry18:56
animusonno one is responding at #bind :(18:56
pisecxDoonz: or ls -A if you don't want to show . and ..18:57
edbianDoonz: ls -a (-a for all)18:57
usr13felixsulla: You might try getting rid of the network manager18:57
Doonzapparently its not hidden18:57
Doonzhow would i search for a directory18:57
felixsullausr13:  ? Isnt there a command to just reset the wireless?18:57
fccfanimusion: patience ... explain your situaiton ... it may take hours for someone to notice18:57
usr13Doonz: find18:57
edbianDoonz: find -name <dir>18:57
magnetronfix-wireless-command , why didn't i think of that18:58
GreyGhostthats weird .. apt just died .. first time for me ..18:58
Doonzbah forgot the -18:58
pronoyanimusion: repeat the question 2 or 3 times :) someone will come to your adi18:58
[cgk]adesanimuson: #bind is nothing like this chan18:58
edbianDoonz: It searches recursively from where the terminal current is18:58
usr13Doonz: example:  find . -name etc -type d18:59
ubuntunom_how can i make sure that whenever i insert DVD vlc would play it?19:00
ScucciHaving a little trouble with this morning's update. My X-Fi audio card is no longer being seen by the system. Ideas?19:00
scottyghi all!19:00
felixsullaDoes anyone know the command to reset wireless from the command line?19:01
usr13Doonz: If you know it is somewhere in one of the subdiretories of /home or $HOME then cd there first and issue command: find -name dir-name -type d19:01
animusondoes it matter what you put for the last argument in this line? "@       IN      SOA     ns1.domain.com.      info.domain.com. ("19:01
usr13felixsulla: /etc/init.d/networking restart19:01
GreyGhostattempt installing wine part two ..19:02
pronoylaeg: success ?19:02
ubuntunom_felixsulla: ifconfig ath0 down and then ifconfig ath0 up . Not sure what u mean with reset though19:02
JohnnyBGoodeCan someone please help me with my microphone?19:02
usr13felixsulla: or ifconfig eth1 down ; ifconfig eth1 up # Where eth1 is your wifi device.19:02
scottygdoes anyone know how i can get my ati 3100 graphix card to work?19:02
felixsullaubuntunom_: My wireless connection to my router keeps dying on me if I leave the laptop on for days19:02
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:02
pronoyubuntunom_: open the directory containing the video file and select open with vlc in properties by right clicking on it19:02
selltribHi all, is this the correct channel to ask about a RAID 5 issue, trying to rebuild it after 1 hdd died *yes i have full backups* :-) i think i know what i'm doing, juist want to make sure i'm on the right track19:03
pronoyJohnnyBGoode: what's the issue.....just ask19:03
fccffelixsulla: that happens for me in windows and ubuntu, rather common19:03
scottyghelp with ati 3100 card please!19:03
ubuntunom_pronoy: did it with .vob file but still open movie player19:03
pronoyselltrib: only if you are using ubuntu or any of its variant19:03
JohnnyBGoodepronoy: i can't seem to get my internal mic or external mic working. ie. no recording19:03
felixsullafccf: So in Ubuntu, what do you do to reset it?19:04
selltribPronoy yep using Ubuntu19:04
mattalexxIn Firefox for Gnome, the downward arrows on the bookmark bar are huge. Any way to remove them to conserve space?19:04
scottygdoes anyone know why my driver doesnt work from ati?19:04
usr13mattalexx: sure19:04
usr13mattalexx: F1119:04
pronoyubuntunom_: did you check mark the option... ? its really irritating when it opens with movie player....now after check mark it opens with vlc only19:05
fccffelixsulla: I actually turn my computer off when I go to bed, or plug directly into the network ...or sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart19:05
pronoyJohnnyBGoode: try changing the input device19:05
JohnnyBGoodepronoy: under settings?19:05
pronoyJohnnyBGoode: also try if its mute or lowest volume...of line in and other input from the mixer19:05
mattalexxusr13, fullscreen? No I meant horizontal space on the bar itself19:05
scottygi installed a linux driver for my ati cad..it didnt work19:05
felixsullaIs /etc/init.d/networking restart basically what happens when you boot up/restart?19:06
pronoyJohnnyBGoode: right click on volume icon and open volume control19:06
fccffelixsulla: essentially yes19:06
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felixsullaThanks everyone. I'll try that next time it dies...19:07
selltribI've unmounted the raid array, i've run fsck /dev/md0 and it's taken about 6 hours to complete it had a few issues but it's done now. Ive i'm now about to remove the bad hdd with this command "mdadm --manage /dev/md0 -r /dev/sdd" I then remove the hdd from the machine and install the new one. I belive then I need to mirror the partition table onto the new hdd  which is this command "sfdisk -d /dev/sda | sfdisk /dev/sdd" then i r19:07
JohnnyBGoodepronoy: all bars are fully up. should the capture bar be up as well?19:07
DungeAnyone can please explain what does this error means?      install: error: cannot install 'linear.la' to a directory not ending in /usr/gtkdfb/lib/ts/19:07
porter1Is there any proper way to get Exchange to work with Ubuntu, or should I just give up?19:07
pronoyJohnnyBGoode: try it... also check what are you using as an input device...alsa ? mine's realtek oss... try varying that too19:07
* GreyGhost|AFK kicks wine-gecko19:08
pronoyGreyGhost: what happened ?19:08
scottygis ati compatible with ubuntu?19:08
usr13Dunge: ls /usr/gtkdfb/lib/ts/19:08
sebsebseb!ati |  scottyg19:08
ubottuscottyg: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:08
pronoyscottyg: it is19:08
scottygif not, piss on it, i'll install fedora19:08
JohnnyBGoodepronoy: there is no input device selection. it just says sound card19:08
fccf!attitude | scottyg19:09
ubottuscottyg: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines19:09
Dungeusr13 : path exist19:09
GreyGhost|AFKscottyg, we can use harsh language too u knw ..19:09
Dungeusr13 : this is while doing a "make install" on some lib19:09
pronoyJohnnyBGoode: ok what version of ubuntu are you using ?19:09
Dungeconfigured with a --prefix19:09
felixsullaHow do I know what my wireless is "called" ? Is it ath0? or..?19:10
pronoy!sound | JohnnyBGoode19:10
ubottuJohnnyBGoode: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP319:10
pronoy!mic | JohnnyBGoode19:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mic19:10
zagibufelixsulla: iwconfig19:10
asanchezfelixsulla, iwconfig19:10
JohnnyBGoodepronoy: HDA Alsa is enabled19:11
Dungeusr13 : do you have a clue or you said randomness?19:11
wildc4rdevening all19:11
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pronoyJohnnyBGoode: and all the volumes are turned up ?19:11
DeCypher1can someone help me, this is the seconds time it happened over 2 days, for some reason my GDM like crashes and restarts and im not sure why19:11
JohnnyBGoodepronoy: yep19:11
pronoyJohnnyBGoode: what os version are you using ?19:12
ubuntunom_christ this brasero is starting to piss me off ... how long will it take to create image checksum at the end!19:12
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JohnnyBGoodepronoy: 9.04 Jaunty19:12
zagibuDeCypher1: accidentially hit ctrl+alt+backspace?19:12
pronoyJohnnyBGoode: hang on19:12
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DeCypher1zagibu: no, i open up firefox, then it crashes19:12
unitheoryzagibu, ctrl+alt+backspace is disabled by default in 9.0419:13
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zopiacfullscreen apps are completely graphickally messed up :(19:13
zagibui see19:13
usr13Dunge: No I don't have a clue.  What are you tryint to install?19:13
usr13Dunge: "randomness"?19:13
zagibuhehe, aptitude install something19:14
pronoyJohnnyBGoode: is your line in switched on ?19:14
zagibuthey should implement that19:14
JohnnyBGoodePronoy: how would i check that?19:14
zagibua metapackage that points to a random other package19:14
pronoyJohnnyBGoode: open volume control and preferences19:15
eurythmiaI know that my usb headset is card 1 (amixer -c 1 shows me that), but I still don't know what the device is ... any help?19:15
laegpronoy - new one - http://pastebin.com/m7404906219:15
JohnnyBGoodePronoy: there is no preferences option. there is a "select controls" tab19:15
joeyeyejohnnybgoode: go to system | preferences | sound19:16
zopiacis there a way to open programs in windows mode, even if they are by default fullscreen?19:16
pronoyjoeyeye: not on jaunty yet19:16
JohnnyBGoodepronoy: there is no preferences under system19:16
joeyeyemy bad19:17
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html - Use the #ubuntu-server channel for support19:17
henkboomWhen I try to hibernate I get the error message "/sbin/s2disk: invalid option -- 'x'", from /etc/acpi/hibernate.sh, anyone know what the problem is?19:17
pronoyJohnnyBGoode: go to the sound tab19:17
budo does ubuntu include support for watching flash videos yet?19:17
JohnnyBGoodepronoy: where? i see no sound tab19:18
sebsebsebbudo: most Linux distros don't come with Flash by default, you can install it though19:18
mazda01i don't know what is going on but when I do a ls -la on any directory it's not showing me all the directory names. There's a place holder for the directory but the name is missing. This happens running as root or as my user. Any help please?19:18
henkboomI find the line '/sbin/s2disk -x "$xres" -y "$yres" $DEVICE' in hibernate.sh, but s2disk is complaining that there are no -x or -y options =/19:18
elad`I left my computer for 24 hours. It had no heavy tasks running the the background, and none scheduled - that I know of. When I came back and turned on the monitor, the screen showed the desktop for a second, but then I got a near-blank screen - only a little "-" blinking in the top corner. (Continued)19:18
henkboombudo: of course19:18
unitheory!flash | budo19:18
ubottubudo: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash19:18
tonyf12GreyGhost: Thanks for the mount thing. Was afk,19:18
pronoyhey everyone where is the sound preferences in jaunty !! please tell JohnnyBGoode  so that he can enable the line in option for volume control !!19:19
ubuntunomdo i need to install something else besides restricted-extras to burn non-copyrighted DVDs with Brasero?19:19
joeyeyein jaunty it's under system | prefs | sound19:19
elad`I shut down the computer and turned it back on. Without unplugging the HDD where Linux has sat, the computer wouldn't get past the mem-count screen (actually, it was probably stuck in the IDE recognizing routine). I touched both HDDs, and both were smoldering hot.19:19
elad`What happned?19:19
GreyGhost|AFKtonyf12, np19:20
JohnnyBGoodeI have no "sound" tab anywhere in the system section19:20
GreyGhost|AFKEgyCoder09, still trying Notepad2 :( nt much success19:20
joeyeyejohnnybgoode: no preferences under system ?19:20
elad`Why would linux even touch the windows HDD? Why would it be so hot?19:20
JohnnyBGoodejoeyeye: nope19:20
henkboomJohnnyBGoode: System->Preferences->Sound?19:20
JohnnyBGoodehenkboom: none19:21
joeyeyejohnnybgoode: you're on jaunty ?19:21
kafitzsounds like more of a motherboard issue to me elad`..19:21
JohnnyBGoodejoeyeye: yessir19:21
EgyCoder09GreyGhost: if i will waste ur time .. forget it ??19:21
pronoylaeg: you don't have w32codecs installed but i doubt that'll help you in the vlc issue..w32codecs is just for playing all types of vids .. you can install xine and then install w32codecs19:21
elad`kafitz, I'm running Windows just fine right now.19:21
henkboomJohnnyBGoode: try System->Preferences->Main Menu, maybe the sound option is hidden in there19:21
kafitzoh hm19:21
elad`kafitz, have been for the past two years, steadily, almost never turning it off.19:21
JohnnyBGoodehenkboom: sir there is no preferences under system19:22
mattalexxWhat is the "Connect to server" equivalent in Thunar?19:22
joeyeyejohnnybgoode: type "gnome-sound-properties" at terminal prompt19:22
mazda01i don't know what is going on but when I do a ls -la on any directory it's not showing me all the directory names. There's a place holder for the directory but the name is missing. This happens running as root or as my user. Any help please?19:22
JohnnyBGoodejoeyeye: its not installed, should i install it?19:23
laegpronoy: vlc issue is fixed, thanks :)19:23
joeyeyejohnnybgoode: I would ;)19:23
laeggmachine, shadeslayer: ty19:23
budoas a windows user thinking of entering the IT field, is it worth it to learn linux?  what are the advantages?  what are the disadvantages?19:23
henkboomJohnnyBGoode: if you have no preferences menu, try right clicking on the menu bar and clicking "edit menu", the preferences item might be hidden19:23
burnois it possible to see, why a game doesn't run with wine? some kind of log file...?19:23
JohnnyBGoodejoeyeye: sorry if i seem dim, I am hesitant when it comes to linux.. hehe19:23
pronoylaeg: ok so if you want all possible vids to be played by the system you can install w32codecs..hang on i'll give yoiu the link19:24
ubottuSetting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE19:24
livingdaylightcan i play an iso directly?19:24
hobomananyone help me out, my ubuntu 8.10 keeps shutting right off, just dead drops power right off in a matter of a second, im almost entirely certain that, a multitude of flash objects, or sometimes often, a single one, glitches it somehow triggering it,19:24
livingdaylightit is a dvd iso image and wonder whether i can play it without burning it to disc first19:24
laegpronoy: why isn't it in synaptic? i wish i could install everything through synaptic, even software which is unapproved by ubuntu19:24
hobomantheres times it runs all day without, but, not if i start multi tasking and alot of flash, or even just, streaming flash vids...19:25
mazda01here's a screenshot. http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/3700/lslaerror.png19:25
hobomanits horrible, will another browser maybe fix this? any recommendations, etc?19:25
phoenixzIm using the Virtual machine manager to create virtual machines local and then I copy those to another server. I saw that I can also connect to that other hosts and create them there directly so I tried.. but then I get this error: http://pastebin.ca/1471491  What is the problem here?19:25
pronoylaeg: i am not sure but i think synaptic is just a gui to install the packages provided in the repo19:25
JohnnyBGoodejoeyeye: ok i just installed it19:25
fccfbudo: ubuntu rocks, if you are going to go into the IT field.. It would be best to have as many operating systems under your belt as possible... adv/disadv will show themselves as you are learning19:25
joeyeyejohnnybgoode: great - now is there a system  | prefs  sound menu item ?19:25
livingdaylightcan i play an iso directly?19:26
livingdaylightit is a dvd iso image and wonder whether i can play it without burning it to disc first19:26
pronoylaeg http://www.debianadmin.com/install-libdvdcss-and-w32-video-codecs-in-debian-and-ubuntu.html19:26
hobomani know how hard it is to get help in here, so, i'm just going to ask again, and again, can someone recommend a good browser thats fully operable that should handle flash well? firefox keeps killing my ubuntu19:26
kdublivingdaylight: mount -o loop image.iso will make it look like a cd19:26
JohnnyBGoodejoeyeye: no sir19:26
edbianlooking for a good how to to start learning common lisp19:26
livingdaylightkdub, i do that in a terminal?19:26
dakarnhoboman: what do you mean firefox keeps killing ubuntu?19:26
livingdaylighthow does it get played?19:26
joeyeyejohnnybgoode: grr... ok type "gnome-sound-preferences" then19:27
kdublivingdaylight: yep19:27
hobomani'd like to know another browser to try, but, i've heard chrome isnt really like, fully operable,19:27
joeyeyejohnnybgoode: grr... ok type "gnome-sound-properties" oops19:27
ejukovHello, Russia!19:27
kdublivingdaylight: actually, mount -o loop disk.image /path/to/mountpoint19:27
Tamale2Hi everyone.  I'm getting a lot of random lockups in Ubuntu 9.04 after upgrading from 8.04. Can someone help me troubleshoot the freezes?19:27
mazda01weird ls -la problem. anyone help please?19:27
JohnnyBGoodejoeyeye: command not found19:27
burnois it possible to see, why a game doesn't run with wine? some kind of log file...?19:27
axisysanyone here uses ldap on ubuntu? I am getting this error http://pastebin.com/f69ad9ef119:27
axisysopenssl s_client -connect ldap.example.com:1636 works fine19:27
livingdaylightkdub, sorry, that's too hard19:27
kdubmazda01: is it aliased?19:27
dakarnhoboman: opera is the second best to firefox if you can't run it19:27
hobomanit is i believe, killing it, by i mean, randomly it shuts off, sometimes more frequently, always when i am in firefox, with flash content, sometimes i can go all day, on simpler pages, but19:28
laegpronoy: ty, but if it's in the repo then how come i can't just sudo apt-get it?19:28
joeyeyejohnnybgoode: "gnome-sound-properties19:28
mazda01kdub, is what aliased, that command. Not that I am aware of. I didn't create any aliases19:28
kdublivingdaylight: its the easiest way i know19:28
pronoylaeg: you see the w32codec pack comes with a specific package and a client19:28
hobomanlike, i wish that, flash glitch would just crash FF but it screws my damn whole computer just power it BOOM gone,19:28
pronoylaeg: like xine UI or mplayer thats why19:28
hobomanand its off, not even, shutdown, which is horrible19:28
pronoylaeg: ok i gtg cya man...best of luck19:29
JohnnyBGoodejoeyeye: got it! :)19:29
kdubmazda01: you need to be more descriptive of the problem19:29
hobomanthanks da-karn, i'll see if its gonna help at all. if not, i'll keep looking for a solution19:29
dakarnhoboman: worst case scenario you can get the Dillo web browser19:29
joeyeyejohnnybgoode: great!19:30
Tamale2Hi everyone.  I'm getting very frequent random lockups in Ubuntu 9.04 after upgrading from 8.04. Can someone help me troubleshoot the freezes?  It's freezing while simply using firefox and sometimes just sitting idly.19:30
zopiacis there a way to open programs in windows mode, even if they are by default fullscreen?19:30
joeyeyeTamale: what's your network ? Wired or wireless ?19:30
eurythmiahow do I set recordmydesktop to use my usb headset?19:31
joeyeyeTamale2: what's your network ? Wired or wireless ?19:31
supersashohi.. how can i print in OOo two sites on one A4 paper? in msoffice there was this option in print window in OOo writer it is not and i can't find it anywhere else19:31
javierbuenas tardes19:31
JohnnyBGoodejoeyeye: so how do i fix the mic issue?19:31
sebsebsebTamale2: how much RAM?19:31
Tamale2joeyeye: wired19:31
Tamale2sebsebseb: 4gb19:31
joeyeyejohnnybgoode: what kind of mic ? usb ? Line in ?19:31
JohnnyBGoodejoeyeye: usb19:32
joeyeyejohnnybgoode: do you see it listed with lsusb ?19:32
Tamale2sebsebseb: actually, only 3gb.19:32
sebsebsebTamale2: are things slow and laggy at all?19:32
Tamale2sebsebseb: no, while the computer is running it's running great.  9.04 is significantly faster than 8.0419:33
Sirisian|WorkIs there a way in the ubuntu server to check all your HDs and the size of them?19:33
JohnnyBGoodejoeyeye: thank you my friend :)19:33
sebsebsebTamale2: did you do Ext4?19:33
Tamale2df -h19:33
joeyeyejohnnybgoode: are you all set ?19:33
somebee_I think my server has been hacked (with a rootkit of some sort) but I cannot detect anything with either chkrootkit or rkhunter. And I have tried disabling root-access via ssh, but ssh wont restart (I get /etc/init.d/ssh restart -> sshd: OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-5 on i686-pc-linux-gnu -> Unknown option -t). Any ideas what I can do?19:33
sebsebseb!langauge |  andy__19:33
ubottuandy__: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:33
andy__fuck  the  word19:33
JohnnyBGoodejoeyeye: i think i am19:33
Tamale2sebsebseb: no, no ext419:34
GreyGhost|AFKthanks Pici19:34
Sirisian|WorkTamale2, I think mine are in a raid. 3 of them19:34
Sirisian|WorkIt shows 63 GB /dev/sda119:34
sebsebsebTamale2: don't know then, but what I know is that Firefox in Ubuntu can  go  pretty bad for some of us, usaully with a lot of tabs open and some Flash in it19:34
Dexter_#divid3byZ3r0 on irc.freenode.net19:35
Tamale2sebsebseb: even if it didn't have any problems in 8.04?19:35
somebee_and I suddenly cannot scp anything, nor start pure-ftpd either19:35
axisysit is working now.. i forgot to put the double quotes around the basedn19:35
sebsebsebTamale2: yep19:35
Tamale2sebsebseb: I'm totally confused because there's nothing in the logs19:35
torn_Is anyone here using Ubuntu Netbook Remix on a netbook?19:35
Sirisian|WorkIs there a way to see the HD configuration or if LVM was used during installation?19:35
=== Guest14557 is now known as NavadeHo
torn_I have the MSI Wind u100, 3-cell battery, and with the wireless LAN turned off and the brightness at 0%, I can barely get 2 hours of battery life on Ubuntu Netbook Remix 9.04.19:36
tamalesebsebseb: ha, it just locked up19:36
torn_Does Ubuntu consume more power on idle than Windows XP?19:36
Spike1506dont think so19:36
mazda01kdub, i pasted a picture. did you maybe not see it? it's here: http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/3700/lslaerror.png. I don't know how else to describe it. If I am in my home directory and I issue ls -la   i get a llong list but some of the folder and file names are missing as it shows in the picture.19:36
sebsebsebtamale: well could be Firefox causing it19:36
torn_Reviews of the netbook say a 3-cell battery will get you 2:30 to 3:00 hours of battery life, with the wireless LAN turned on at 50% LCD.19:36
tamalesebsebseb: firefox wasn't even running19:36
jedi06i'm looking for a bluetooth mouse for a dell studio is there any considerations i should take.  Do i need to make sure they are linux compatible19:37
sebsebsebtamale: ok well I don't know19:37
joeyeyemazda01: do you have a font/background same color issue ?19:37
tamalesebsebseb: well, thanks for trying.  can anyone point me to where I can go for help for complete freezes / lockups in 9.04 ubuntu?19:37
stuNNeddo i have to have in /etc/hosts?19:38
sebsebsebtamale: oh maybe there's something in the release nots19:38
stuNNedor what are the benefits rather, of having it?19:38
sebsebseb!notes |  tamale19:38
ubottutamale: Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) release notes can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyJackalope/ReleaseNotes19:38
fccfstuNNed: yes .. that allows your local machine to access the local resources19:38
porter1mazda01, try changing that awful blue background with black.19:38
joeyeyetamale: I had this I think due to wireless and installed the jaunty backports - problem went away19:38
threexkIs there any reason not to delete old kernel packages?19:38
torn_So Ubuntu shouldn't be consoming more power than Windows XP on a netbook/laptop battery?19:39
tamalejoeyeye: interesting.. but I don't have any wireless devices.. this is a desktop19:39
sebsebsebthreexk: if the later kernel works for you, then you should be able to remove the older ones no problem19:39
tamaletorn_: depends on the video card in my experience19:39
threexksebsebseb: thanks19:39
sebsebsebthreexk: it's just if you have some issue with the later kernel, then you have old ones you can try as well19:39
mazda01joeyeye, as you can see the text is black and the background is blue.19:39
sebsebsebthreexk: np19:39
joeyeyetamale: I know you have no wireless. I was not sure that mine was a wireless problem or not - there was no give away errors in logs - system just froze ...19:39
torn_tamale, in this case, it is a netbook.19:39
usr13threexk: You may need to revert to one of the old ones, not likely, but possible.19:40
stuNNedfccf: thanks for your input, can i have as ' localhost.localdomain localhost' and ' localhost' ?19:40
mazda01porter1, the text is black. it should show up. this just worked a little bit ago. like a day ago. I changed the colors a long time ago.19:40
threexksebsebseb: makes sense.  I think I'll plan to keep the older ones around for a while, until I'm pretty sure there's no problem with the updated19:40
torn_I can barely touch 2 hours of battery life, even with my wireless card turned off and the screen at 0% brightness.19:40
tamalejoeyeye: I'll gladly try what you did.. how do I enable the same repos?19:40
joeyeyemazda01: yes but test.mpg is purple...19:40
tamaletorn_: you can watch your system load with several monitoring apps19:40
sebsebsebthreexk: ok good idea I guess19:40
usr13threexk: You could leave 2 just to be safe.19:40
om26erplz tell me how to install lates vlc 1.0rc4 plz19:40
mazda01joeyeye, yeap! that was it. THANKS!19:41
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs19:41
porter1mazda01, maybe you were using a different terminal. All I know is that folders use that exact color that you are using for the background.19:41
joeyeyemazda01: select a region of text using mouse ... do you see it ?19:41
sebsebsebom26er: Ubuntu only do security updates from those repos,  and that's a release candidate  rc419:41
mazda01joeyeye, now trying to solve a myth2xbmc issue with connecting to database. Any experience with it?19:41
sebsebsebom26er: might be a ppa for it, but probably not,  but you can probably directly install from VLC19:41
fccfstuNNed: that is right 0.1 is the hostname resolution for the local machine and 1.1 is localhost ... both have to be there in order for everything to stay happy19:41
torn_tamale, it's mainly on idle, 0 - 4% CPU usage.19:41
mazda01porter1, i solved it. thanks19:41
torn_I turned off many services and startup applications, as well.19:41
jedi06i'm looking for a bluetooth mouse for a dell studio is there any considerations i should take.  Do i need to make sure they are linux compatible19:42
om26erhave any body installed vlc1.0rc419:42
joeyeyemazda01: I'm not familiar with myth2xbmc ... what is it ?19:42
om26erplz tell me how to install19:42
stuNNedfccf: so the above setting is fine?19:42
fccfstuNNed: yes19:42
sebsebsebom26er: rc4  release candidate 4  so not even a final release19:42
GreyGhost|AFKEgyCoder09, you still around?19:42
ubuntunomdoes restricted-extras package include codecs and all to play DVDs?19:42
mazda01joeyeye, it's a mythtvfrontend for the xbox so you can connect to the mythtv backend and delete recordings after you watch them, schedule recordings, watch live tv, etc etc. Mythtv is awesome!19:42
om26ersebsebseb for me it has a feature that i always wanted19:42
stuNNedfccf: ok thanks19:43
sebsebsebubuntunom: you need libdvdcss2  from  midibuntu to play encrypted dvd's19:43
EgyCoder09GreyGhost|AFK: yup .... waiting you :)19:43
ubuntunomsebsebseb: thanks19:43
fccfsebsebseb: medibuntu?19:43
sebsebsebubuntunom: np19:43
sebsebsebfccf: what about it?19:43
joeyeyemazda01: I'm familar with tversity ... not mythtv, sorry - but I will check mythtv out as I was looking for a media server for ubuntu19:43
fccfyou said midibuntu19:43
humboltwhy is there no ffmpeg in jaunty?19:43
stuNNedfccf: is there a way to update the /etc/hosts file on the fly after changes have been made?19:44
sebsebsebfccf: yeah maybe I spelt wrong or whatever,  but  when they Google it :d19:44
lstarneshumbolt: you might need to look in the medibuntu repos19:44
stuNNedfccf: for the system?19:44
sebsebsebubuntunom: Google that since I may have given wrong spelling/name19:44
humboltlstarnes: that's what I have19:44
joeyeyehumbolt: you can install ffmpeg with gstreamer19:44
mazda01joeyeye, if you just want a media server and not to be able to record live tv using a capture card,. then I would go with XBMC. It's awesome!19:44
lstarneshumbolt: it should be in main19:44
Morph`Ubuntu Question -- I've installed compiz&emerald, and I want to have gnome use those by default at login, instead of GTK. How do I do this?19:44
ubuntunomsebsebseb: will do19:44
fccfstuNNed: I wouldn't see a need to update the hosts file, what are you trying to do?19:45
joeyeyemazda01: IS xbmc DLNA compat ?19:45
ubuntunomsebsebseb: so its not just apt-get ins libdvd...19:45
GreyGhost|AFKEgyCoder09,  oki .. i want you to do the following ..open file manager .. show hidden files .. go to home/username/.wine/drive_c19:45
MellowDudehi i have a amd Athlon 64  cpu with ubuntu 32 bit install what kernel will be the best the linux-k7 or the k7-smp19:45
mazda01joeyeye, yeap!19:45
sebsebsebubuntunom: you need to add that other repo, and then that should work19:45
mazda01joeyeye, there's an itunes plugin also.19:45
sebsebsebubuntunom: after updating the repos19:45
ubuntunomsebsebseb: okkay google it is :)19:45
GreyGhost|AFKEgyCoder09, create new dir Notepad2 and extract ur .zip there .. all of it if u want ..19:45
joeyeyemazda01: does it transcode ... ?19:46
sebsebsebany: oi19:46
joeyeyemazda01: I want it to deliver media to my directv hd dvr ...19:46
GreyGhost|AFKEgyCoder09, create a notepad2.sh file there and use gedit to put this in it http://pastebin.com/m66eddc2219:46
fccfMorph: you might ask in #compiz19:46
MellowDudeany help on there19:46
jlarochehey... i was wondering if anyone has noticed that you can't open more than one terminal in the latest version of ubuntu netbook remix.... anyone know why?19:47
GreyGhost|AFKEgyCoder09, now check in properties that the .sh has execution rights ..19:47
mazda01joeyeye, not sure. you'd have to research it. i don't think so though. you could easily setup a script to do that though.19:48
GreyGhost|AFKEgyCoder09, still with me?19:48
fccfjlaroche: hmm i didn't know that ... you should be able to do a Ctrl+Shift+T to get a second terminal tab19:48
spaceball1somebee_, what makes you think your server has been hacked?19:48
joeyeyemazda01: thanks for the heads up! Much appreciated, I am reading the website now!19:48
EgyCoder09GreyGhost|AFK: yup .. doing what u said ..19:48
entezflareHey, can anyone help me out? I just installed ubuntu and the sound doesnt work...19:48
jlarochefccf: ctrl+shift+t doesn't do anything19:48
mazda01joeyeye, cool.19:49
ActionParsnipentezflare: if you run: sudo lshw -C sound   you will see what your soundcard is19:49
sebsebsebentezflare: Great (sarcasm) yet another person with sound issues!   Did it work on the Live CD?19:49
somebee_spaceball1: that it was reported scanning for other servers and trying out root-passwords etc on other servers around the net.. when I ssh'd into it there were 10-20 ssh-scan (or something) running19:49
usr13!sound ubottu | entezflare19:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sound ubottu19:49
stuNNedfccf: know how upon an ubuntu install it asks what hostname you would like the computer to be, and the default is user-desktop for ubuntu desktop version?  well that is not a fqdn19:49
ActionParsnip!sound | entezflare19:49
ubottuentezflare: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP319:49
stuNNedfccf: so i want a fqdn but the is confusing me19:49
entezflareuhm, live cd?19:49
usr13!sound | entezflare19:49
errorahi all19:49
somebee_spaceball1: and I cannot restart sshd, nor do scp, or anything. I did a hard shutdown/restart after removing root-access inn sshd-config, but still logging in with root works19:49
sebsebsebentezflare: the bootable CD,  hummm you make it sound like you used Wubi the WIndows installer :(19:50
GreyGhost|AFKEgyCoder09, once ur done with that .. try right click open with and point to the .sh ..19:50
sarmisakhi all19:50
entezflareyeah, i used wubi19:50
om26er./configure --prefix=/usr plz explain me this line19:50
entezflareAgh, so many responses xD19:50
sebsebsebentezflare: ok  Wubi is not recommended by  most  experienced users :)19:50
EgyCoder09GreyGhost|AFK: i will try and tell you .. thank u very much for be with me :)19:50
om26er./configure --prefix=/usr19:50
fccfstuNNed: so a fqdn is www.google.com or www.ubuntu.com, are you hosting something there?19:50
sarmisaksebsebseb: exactly.19:50
om26ersebsebseb ./configure --prefix=/usr19:50
sebsebsebsarmisak: yep19:51
erroraom26er: it's mean to install all in /usr19:51
entezflareCrap >.<19:51
sebsebsebentezflare: however I guess it worked, and that means you can remove Ubuntu easilley :)19:51
sebsebsebentezflare: ,but sound issues hum19:51
ActionParsnipentezflare: lshw wil tell you good stuff19:51
redsoxkingWHAT is this Phonon: KDE's Multimedia Library  The audio playback device HDA Intel (STAC92XX Analog) does not work. Falling back to PilseAudio.19:51
GreyGhost|AFKEgyCoder09, was a nice experiece trying out something new .. hope it works .. if it dsnt let me knw .. the shell script can be made a bit beautiful with variables and all .. but who's gonna look at it anyway ;)19:51
redsoxkingno sound now WTF19:51
sebsebseb!language |  redsoxking19:51
ubotturedsoxking: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:51
stuNNedfccf: fqdn would be google.com or ubuntu.com19:51
stuNNedfccf: about to, setting the machine up for it19:52
entezflareagh, 1 sec19:52
sebsebsebentezflare: probably would be more annoying to  set up a proper dual boot with Windows,  Windows and Ubuntu, and then find out your sound dosn't work19:52
ubuntunomif i changed to using XFCE should i uninstall gnome (gdm?) or no point?19:52
stuNNedand for some reason my mail aliases isn't working19:52
redsoxkingN E help?19:52
errorasorry =)))19:52
entezflareactually, i downloaded the ISO, burned it to a disk19:52
entezflareyeah, cuz wubi kept crashing...19:53
om26ercould not find libmad on your system19:53
om26erplz help19:53
entezflarethen i did the full install19:53
sebsebsebentezflare: ,but  a proper partitioned install is the best way to have Ubuntu,  with that said and done  run the command  ActionParsnip gave,  pastebin the output, and he can probably help19:53
=== stefw_afk is now known as stefw
lstarnesom26er: aptitude search libmad19:53
shadeslayerActionParsnip: hey you there19:53
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: even booting off usb is better than wubi19:53
ActionParsnipshadeslayer: sup19:53
stefwHi folks... I'm new to the channel and thought I'd toss in my greeting19:53
sebsebsebActionParsnip: yeah probably19:53
fccfstuNNed: so when you have your server setup  you will change the hostname to yoursite.com and have the outside IP address tied to it as well, so that when you type yoursite.com into firefox you will get yoursite.com and not a 40419:54
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: i'm in a conundrum which is worse, gentoo live cd or wubi.....19:54
sebsebseb!new |  stefw19:54
ubottustefw: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com19:54
jlarochehey... i was wondering if anyone has noticed that you can't open more than one terminal in the latest version of ubuntu netbook remix.... anyone know why?19:54
shadeslayerActionParsnip: remember this : http://tuxtraining.com/2008/09/28/how-to-make-ubuntu-extremely-fast19:54
sebsebseb!welcome | stefw19:54
ubottustefw: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.19:54
hero_nocturnalwhats the difference between solaris and opensolaris19:54
ActionParsnipshadeslayer: aye19:54
sebsebsebhero_nocturnal: off topic here  try #ubuntu-offtopic19:54
* stefw is a Linux geek, but still rather new to Ubuntu as more than a desktop system19:54
jlarochewhen you click on the terminal icon a term window opens like normal, but if you click on the terminal icon again it simply opens up the existing term window19:55
entezflare1 sec, brb19:55
shadeslayerActionParsnip: ok...i somehow managed to mess something up :(19:55
shadeslayerActionParsnip: i cant boot now :P19:55
fccfjlaroche: have you tried Ctrl+Alt-F1, Ctrl+alt+f2 etc ... these are virtual terminals Ctrl+alt+F7 should bring you back to norm19:55
shadeslayerActionParsnip: is the fstab loaded before grub?19:55
spaceball1somebee_, if it were me, I'd monitor the network traffic and/or reinstall from scratch.19:56
* shadeslayer reinstalled grub,just to be sure19:56
ActionParsnipshadeslayer: no grub loads before everything19:56
yokihi all, i have got a problem with my recording/sound input on my asus eee pc 1000H, running netbook remix 9.0419:56
yokii changed my asound.conf according to http://mpd.wikia.com/wiki/Configuration to http://pastebin.com/d470d575119:56
yokithe problem is that it simply doesn't record (or too quiet) i don't get any error messages or something19:56
yokianybody knows what the problem could be ?19:56
FloodBot1yoki: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:56
shadeslayerActionParsnip: so its grub.... i dont know what happened....one sec..19:56
GreyGhostEgyCoder09, any news yet? cos i've to go to bed soon :(19:57
somebee_is there a way to force-reinstall ssh/sshd with apt-get?19:57
spaceball1somebee_, but I'm not familiar with the rootkit scene...19:57
EgyCoder09GreyGhost: it works fine man .. thank you very much :)19:57
GreyGhostEgyCoder09, my plesure19:57
jedi06Hello does anyone use bluetooth mouse?19:57
somebee_spaceball1: thats probably what I will do, but I need to save a lot of stuff from it, and scp / ftp etc does not work.. Guess I need to physically remove the disk etc19:57
yokihi all, i got the following problem with my microphone/recording: http://paste.ubuntu.com/202345/19:58
entezsorry about that...comp messed up19:58
spaceball1somebee_, the sshd error you referred to earlier makes it sound like the init script is trying to invoke sshd -t.19:58
shadeslayerActionParsnip: ill reinstall grub19:58
spaceball1somebee_, Have you tried invoking sshd -d by hand?19:58
spaceball1(or similar)19:58
jedi06Trying to find a linux compatible bluetooth mouse for my dell studio 153519:58
entezk, i opened lshw, what now19:58
somebee_sshd -t / sshd -d -> Unknown option -t ... is there another way to force restart sshd?19:58
GreyGhostshadeslayer, wat hpnd?19:59
shadeslayerGreyGhost: i have no idea...trying to check it out ;)19:59
fccfsomebee_:  /etc/init.d/openssh restart??19:59
GreyGhostshadeslayer, as in whats up? i missed most of ur discussion i guess ..i was busy figuring out notepad2 + wine ..20:00
ceil420how do i unlock an encrypted drive (used LVM + encryption while installing 9.04) using that nifty long-ass hexadecimal key that i generated on first boot? ubuntu forgot my passphrase ;x20:00
Morph`hmmm, I don't suppose there's a way to put the window titlebar buttons on the left-hand end and the app menus at the top of the screen, is there?20:00
somebee_fccf: that was the point, it does not work -- > /etc/init.d/ssh restart ->sshd: OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-5 on i686-pc-linux-gnu Unknown option -t20:00
shadeslayerGreyGhost: and thats what i meant...i somehow managed to mess up grub :P20:00
entezi opened lshw, what do i do now? i want my sound back T.T20:00
shadeslayerActionParsnip: Running "embed /boot/grub/e2fs_stage1_5 (hd0,4)"... failed (this is not fatal)20:00
mezarubuntu 9.10da firefoxta flash playerlarda sorun yaşayna oluyomu acaba?20:01
ceil420entez, somebody was probably asking what your audio hardware is. pastebin the information from lshw and give a link to whoever told you to run the command20:01
mezari cant speak english20:01
mezari speak turkish20:01
Pici!tr | mezar20:01
ubottumezar: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.20:01
sebsebseb!tr |  mezar20:01
tekonivel-oi wonder why my Intrepid has no candidate for tcl/tk.20:02
mezaraha türk:D20:02
mezarselam sebsebseb20:02
sebsebsebmezar: what?20:02
fccfsomebee_: uh, that would be a non ubuntu version of ssh?20:02
zaccourhow do i default my sound settings?20:02
GreyGhostmezar, if u want flash player then ..20:02
GreyGhost!flash | mezar20:02
ubottumezar: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash20:02
spaceball1somebee_, you can use aptitude and/or apt-stuff to uninstall/reinstall sshd...20:03
tekonivel-oit should exist (http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/tcl)20:03
Mike_lifeguardAnyone know a media player that will dock to the systray like windows media player? (ie has controls)20:03
tekonivel-obut apt-get sayys it's not available :(20:03
tekonivel-osame for tk20:04
Arv3nDoes anyone know how I can use two Macs to install Leopard when one has a broken optical drive (without firewire)20:04
shadeslayerActionParsnip: have a look : http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/202349/20:04
fccf!usb | arv3n20:04
ubottuarv3n: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent20:04
spaceball1somebee_, apt-get remove sshd ; apt-get install sshd # something like this?20:04
joeyeyedoes anyone know of good UPnP/DLNA media servers for Ubuntu ?20:04
zaccourArv3n, this is Ubuntu support20:04
sebsebsebArv3n: that's not an Ubuntu question,  try #mac20:04
Arv3nWrong channel, sorry.20:04
FloodBot1Arv3n: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:04
sebsebseb!language | Arv20:05
ubottuArv: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:05
ceil420Arv3n, try #macosx20:05
zaccourhow do i default my sound settings?20:05
GreyGhosti wonder if i'll ever get +o here :)20:05
somebee_spaceball1: E: Couldn't find package sshd ... hmm20:05
jedi06Hello does anyone know about bluetooth mice for linux what should i look for20:05
joeyeyesomebee: it's openssh ...20:06
spaceball1somebee_, try openssh-server ?20:06
spaceball1somebee_, or openssh (joeyeye probably knows better than I)20:06
ceil420it's -server in debian20:06
ceil420(and ubuntu 9.04)20:07
talcitehas anyone every gotten an LSI 3801 storage controller working with ubuntu server?20:07
ceil420how do i unlock an encrypted drive (used LVM + encryption while installing 9.04) using that nifty long-ass hexadecimal key that i generated on first boot? ubuntu forgot my passphrase ;x20:07
GreyGhost somebee_ , try using apt-cache search xyz .. once in a while .. amkes life easy ;)20:07
SoulBladehey guys.. on ubuntu 9.04 im trying to update to the latest version of javac... i did a sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk but after running javac -version i still get 1.6.0_020:07
ceil420<3 apt-cache20:07
ceil420policy and showpkg, too20:07
SoulBladei am expecting something beyond that20:07
SoulBlade1.6.not zero_not zero20:08
shadeslayerActionParsnip: *any* ideas would be appreciated20:08
fuffal0I have to use Nvidia X Server Settings to enable my second monitor (in twinview) - and it works fine.  My problem is that it won't let me save the X configuration, "unable to create new X config backup file '/etc/X11.xorg.conf.backup'.  How can I fix this so that I don't need to setup my monitors everytime i reboot20:08
ActionParsnipshadeslayer: i'm not too hot on grub configs. Do you have the bvackup from before you played?20:08
GreyGhostSoulBlade, what version were u expecting?20:08
fccfjedi06: bluetooth is a standard .. most should work ... more info here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8791920:08
shadeslayerActionParsnip: i didnt even change the grub...i dont know how it went from ubuntu to debian20:09
ceil420debian has the 'Candidate' written in 6-14-1 format20:09
=== smitty is now known as Guest87743
SoulBladesomething like 1.6.0_1420:09
fccffuffal0: run nvidia-setting as root to be able to save ... I.e. sudo nvidia-settings20:09
joeyeyedoes anyone know of good UPnP/DLNA media servers for Ubuntu ?20:09
SoulBladethey've released 14 updates since the initial release of 6.020:09
fuffal0ahh alright thanks20:09
GreyGhostSoulBlade, were they security updates?20:10
shadeslayerActionParsnip: but the thing is it loads windows fine :P20:10
SoulBladeno i think they fixed some compiler bugs20:10
jedi06i don't want any usb adapters fccf.  My laptop has internal bluetooth that is the reason for getting bluetooth i don't want a dongle.  They are still compatible?20:10
ceil420SoulBlade, have you tried completely uninstalling the old version before installing the new?20:10
SoulBladeat the very least im unable to compile a file that others are and my version is earlier20:10
fuffal0alright, and how do I make an X program launch at startup?  (ie: launchy)20:10
shadeslayerActionParsnip: and when i choose ubuntu it says unrecognised string20:11
SoulBladei guess i can try that one20:11
ceil420wtf kinda cheap spellcheck doesn't recognise "uninstalling"... (of course, it doesn't know wtf contractions are, either)20:11
GreyGhostSoulBlade, u can manually download and install from scratch if u want ..20:11
humboltI always get this, when I try to install ffmpeg: Package ffmpeg is not available, but is referred to by another package.20:11
joeyeyesomebee: /etc/init.d/ssh restart20:11
humboltIn jaunty that is20:11
ActionParsnipshadeslayer: i can give you mine. its good the windows loads though: http://pastebin.com/f29018d2b20:11
fccfjedi06: that all depends on the hardware that is in your computer... if ubuntu is seeing your bluetooth hardware than most should work ...20:11
SoulBladethere's some other javac since i just did a remove and i still have a javac in my path20:11
yokihi can anybody help me with my problem recording/audio input: http://paste.ubuntu.com/202345/20:12
kujiuhi, anybody know on which version of ubuntu pyqt3 will become unsupported ?20:12
ceil420SoulBlade, shoulda purged20:13
ceil420SoulBlade, ftfmp,  "purge is identical to remove except that packages are removed and purged (any configuration files are deleted too)."20:13
ceil420apt-get purge <package>20:13
jedi06fccf, yes it does20:13
macowhat package provides baobob?20:13
digitalvaldostaDoes anyone know how to fix the issue with 9.04 crashing video playback? Video was working when I had 8.10. I have even tried the videos in the Examples folder (ogv)20:13
jedi06why do you say most and not all fccf20:13
ARMENIANis the grub menu supposed to have 2 different versions of linux kernel one that is a version behind20:14
digitalvaldostaif anyone know please I.M. me cause I am stepping away. :D20:14
ARMENIANlike i have a linux kernel -13 and one that ends with -11?20:14
fccfjedi06: cheap manufacturers, cheap products, .. stick with logitech, or microsoft and you should be alright20:15
sjzzalxDear patrons: when I git pull after an apt-get dist-upgrade, I get git-upload-pack: /usr/local/lib/liblber-2.4.so.2: no version information available (required by /usr/lib/libcurl-gnutls.so.4)20:15
sjzzalxgit-upload-pack: /usr/local/lib/libldap_r-2.4.so.2: no version information available (required by /usr/lib/libcurl-gnutls.so.4)20:15
ThunderWolfI just installed ubuntu 8.04 LTS server edition on a machine i have at home, it has a network card but i dont have a eth0 interface. Whats going one?20:15
lstarnesARMENIAN: it keeps backups in case of a bad kernel upgrade20:15
ceil420ARMENIAN, you probably updated your kernel, and didn't remove the old one. i'd keep it there in case something happens to your current kernel20:15
sjzzalxThis is pulling from an archive hosted on the Ubuntu server. Does Ubuntu plan on fixing this sometime?20:15
unkmarThunderWolf: lspci20:15
shadeslayerActionParsnip: i found a backup...yayyy20:15
lstarnessjzzalx: you could try running sudo ldconfig20:16
ARMENIANlstarnes: ohh, ok, just making sure :) what if there is another upgrade, will I have another entry in the grub menu or will one be removed?20:16
ActionParsnipshadeslayer: backup the current one too20:16
the_dark_warrioI have a microphone but using Ubuntu's sound recorder, the volume of the recorded sound is too low... any hints?20:16
lstarnesARMENIAN: I'm not sure20:16
unkmarThunderWolf: that card might not be supported without some additional drivers.  What kind of system is it on.  Model number and such.20:16
ubuntunom__how do i get XFCE to start VLC when DVD is inserted?20:16
ARMENIANlstarnes: ok, doesn't mattery really, thanks20:16
ThunderWolfunkmar its found20:16
jedi06ok fccf thank you, do you have a pref on a laptop mouse?20:16
sjzzalxlstarnes: thanks, but that didn't work :(20:16
ActionParsnipshadeslayer: its 8K and is worth it20:16
Slart_ubuntunom__: isn't there a "default app" chooser somewhere?20:16
shadeslayerActionParsnip: now you tell me :P...i already copied it20:16
jedi06i'm looking at microsoft 5000 fccf20:17
musicpenguinquestions about pci slots?20:17
lstarnessjzzalx: it might be a good idea to file a bug report20:17
macokujiu, i cant debug now since im at work, but if youre trying to record through the mic on a laptop screen, they're almost universally broken in 9.04 and you should use a plug-in mic instead20:17
shadeslayerActionParsnip: pastebin to the rescue20:17
digitalvaldosta:-? has anyone experienced the issue of any and all video playback crashing? If so how do you fix that? :-/20:17
squircle!ask | musicpenguin20:17
ubottumusicpenguin: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:17
musicpenguinwhats the differnce between pci and pci 2.1 or is that the same as the pci-e20:17
fccfjedi06: I actually use a Microsoft Wireless Mobile Mouse 3000 with my laptop ... usb dongle style20:17
Slart_digitalvaldosta: try running any media player using the terminal..see if you get an error message20:18
musicpenguinsquircle, do you know?20:18
jedi06fccf that isn't bluetooth?20:18
sjzzalxlstarnes: I will consider it, but they always seem to be ignored20:18
macowhat package provides baobob?20:18
squirclemusicpenguin: pci is pci 2.1, which is different from pcie. there are many different revisions of pci, most in use are 2.1 and 2.2.20:18
PhilB77Hello all - has anyone used (and had a good experience with) TheLinuxLaptop.com? Thanks in advance :}20:18
lstarnesmaco: baobab?20:18
fccfjedi06: nope, but I have friends with netbooks and they don't have any trouble20:19
musicpenguinsquircle, how can i tell what i have?20:19
macolstarnes, or that? what's the package20:19
yokihi all, i have got a problem with my recording/sound input on my asus eee pc 1000H, running netbook remix 9.04, the problem is that i simply doesn't record (or too quiet) i don't get any error messages or something,(btw: i changed my asound.conf according to http://mpd.wikia.com/wiki/Configuration to http://pastebin.com/d470d5751) anybody know something ?20:19
squirclemusicpenguin: you mean pci or pci-express?20:19
macolstarnes, aptitude's finding no package called either of those names20:19
shadeslayerok heres to hoping i can boot again :)20:19
musicpenguinsquircle, i know i dont have a pci-e...but im not sure i have pci 220:19
lstarnesmaco: according to apt-file search baobab, try gnome-utils20:20
stuNNedfccf: so if is set to 'localhost' and is set to 'foo' my fqdn would be indigo.localhost since is within the subnet of
digitalvaldostaSlart_, I can't remember the command to run a video file on my desktop with VLC20:20
squirclemusicpenguin: type lspci in a terminal20:20
ufdcan anyone help me20:20
squircle!ask | ufd20:20
ubottuufd: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:20
macolstarnes, oh that sounds large....lovely... thanks20:20
ufdmy sound has gone after updates were installed and now i got no sound20:20
musicpenguinsquircle, ok..now what? i see pci20:21
GreyGhosthumbolt, multiverse/universe repos are activated?20:21
ufdim susing a ibm thinkpad t4320:21
GreyGhosthumbolt, and sudo apt-get update?20:21
musicpenguinsquircle, 00:1e.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801 PCI Bridge (rev d4)20:21
jedi06fccf you can get that at bestbuy or walmart?20:21
humboltGreyGhost: they are and yes, I did that several times20:21
unkmarThunderWolf: it is found?  but doesn't give a eth0?20:21
fccfstuNNed: you are confusing the issue... see this post... explains all http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=340720:21
musicpenguinsquircle, 00:1c.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) PCI Express Port 1 (rev 04)20:22
gogetajedu06 ebay20:22
unkmarThunderWolf: ifconfig -a20:22
squirclemusicpenguin: the easiest way is to just look at your motherboard. you can visibly tell the difference between PCI and PCI-E slots20:22
fccfjedi06: wouldn't know... I shop at Fry's20:22
humboltGreyGhost: I downloaded the package from packages.ubuntu.com now. Still a --reinstall is not possible20:22
musicpenguinsquircle, no...how?20:22
gogetapci-e is smalleer isnt it20:22
lenaHi, I might be in need of some help. When trying to install gimp using kpackage my screen turns black and does not respond to ctrl+alt+backspace nor powerbutton. Anyone heard of such a bug or know where I can find the logs that might tell me what has happen?20:22
squirclegogeta: NOT ALWAYS20:22
squirclegogeta: sorry, caps lock20:22
ThunderWolfunkmar it shows eth0 ! O_o20:22
musicpenguinsquircle, is pci-e compatible with pci20:22
squirclemusicpenguin: no20:23
unkmardoes it give an IP with it?20:23
stuNNedfccf: thanks!20:23
unkmarThunderWolf: does it give an IP with it?20:23
shadeslayerActionParsnip left??20:23
ThunderWolfunkmar nope20:23
squirclemusicpenguin: just look up a picture on google! pci are usually white or grey, and PCI-E comes in different varieties20:23
musicpenguinsquircle, so you cant take  a pci and put it in a pci-e?20:23
squirclemusicpenguin: no20:23
musicpenguinok thanks20:23
ubuntunom__it seem tha ti have two cdrom drives in my /media and that confuses vlc. how can i delete other one permanently? or how do i get vlc to open whenever disk is inserted?20:23
unkmarThunderWolf: ifconfig eth0 auto20:23
musicpenguinsquircle, and this?   00:1c.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) PCI Express Port 1 (rev 04)20:23
KlingaNGreetings! I am using a netbook named "HP Mini Note 2133". Along with this I am for the first time trying Linux, Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty).20:24
KlingaNProblem is as follows - I can not connect an external monitor and identify the monitor and use it as an extended desktop - but I can only use the same resolution as the netbook screen. The graphics driver is a "VIA Chrome G9".20:24
squirclemusicpenguin: that's the controller for your PCI-E channels20:24
gogetamusicpenguin pce--e20:24
unkmarThunderWolf: you would normally set a static IP for a server.20:24
GreyGhosthumbolt, try sudo apt-get install ffmpeg ubuntu-restricted-extras20:24
ThunderWolfunkmar it says Host name lookup failure20:24
ceil420how do i unlock an encrypted drive (used LVM + encryption while installing 9.04) using that nifty long-ass hexadecimal key that i generated on first boot? ubuntu forgot my passphrase ;x20:24
unkmarThunderWolf: you wouldn't want it wandering around when you are trying to find it.20:24
musicpenguinsquircle, so that still means it could still be a simple pci?20:25
wernerjCan I switch between python2.5 and python2.6 easily? I tried update-alternatives, but it has no configuration for python.20:25
gogetacell420 your acrewed20:25
ThunderWolfunkmar so what should i do?20:25
Lokiananyone have experience setting up pinyin input for ubuntu similar to that of windows?20:25
=== Purple is now known as Guest30878
fccfKlingaN: I'm not sure if linux supprts the VIA chipset for multiple moniters... shoulda got a dell20:25
squirclemusicpenguin: there are practically no motherboards that don't have PCI, and most newer ones have PCI-E20:25
=== Guest30878 is now known as PurpleWater
somebee_spaceball1: reinstalling openssh-server and then rebooting seemed to have helped.. now root-login is disabled atleast.. thanks for the help so far!20:26
GreyGhosthumbolt, any luck?20:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pinyin20:26
musicpenguinsquircle, i have a dell dimension 310020:26
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk20:26
gogetadell eeek20:26
squirclemusicpenguin: and what are you trying to put in it?20:26
musicpenguinsquircle, i wanna upgrade my video card...20:26
kdubKlingaN: i would doubt VIA has dual monitor support, i might be wrong though20:26
juliantollmuy buenas tardes a todos20:27
KlingaNfcff: I have a Dell Dimension 8000 aswell - I was thinking about installing Linux on that one - but I figured I would have to mess even more with drivers on that one, since it's got customized parts.20:27
digitalvaldostaSlart_, ok here is a link to the errors http://textsnip.com/a5b16420:27
squirclegogeta: I'm running 256 dual xeon dell servers, so no eeek with dell ;)20:27
humboltGreyGhost: I am in the process of clean wiping /var/lib/apt/lists20:27
entezagh, restarted and nothing....20:27
GreyGhosthumbolt, try that .. it might work20:27
humboltSame result20:27
musicpenguinsquircle, i just dont understand the specs..for example..i wanna get a Gforce but then i see an E-Gforce but the box says pci not pci-e20:27
Slart_digitalvaldosta: ok, I'll take a look20:27
ubuntunom__why is it that movie player opens everytime i insert a disc? need to change it VLC20:27
fccfKlingaN: you can always try it out using a live cd to see how it works with any particular hardware20:27
* digitalvaldosta is stepping away please send your help for my crashing video playback via IM. Thanks20:28
humboltTry yourself please. With --reinstall. To verify if this is really a problem at my end.20:28
unkmarThunderWolf: I ponder what Host name lookup failure means.20:28
GreyGhosthumbolt, hmm .. no idea ..20:28
SimetricalSo, when running gparted I'm getting this error on Jaunty: "/usr/local/sbin/gpartedbin: error while loading shared libraries: libparted-1.7.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory".  I tried Googling but didn't see much that was helpful.20:28
ufdhas anyone had sound issues or audio problems ?20:28
squirclemusicpenguin: it says it should have 2 PCI slots and one PCI-E slot, but I don't know if it's PCI-E x16, required for a video card, but I can check, one moment20:28
GreyGhosthumbolt, cant .. ubuntu update is using package maanager ..20:28
entezWell, i guess ill follow the other links...20:28
juliantolltengo un pequeño problema quien puede ayudarme20:28
SimetricalDoes anyone have any ideas on what might cause this?  Some packaging dependency error?20:28
edbianWhere is the code in nautilus that makes the system calls that show the files?20:28
unkmarThunderWolf: pastebin /etc/network/interfaces20:29
musicpenguinsquircle, i also have a pci wirless card...but the end of it looks different than the video pci cards20:29
Slart_digitalvaldosta: seems someone already reported it https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/synaptic/+bug/37845320:29
unkmarThunderWolf: that is not a command.  but a request to see that file.20:29
squirclemusicpenguin: video PCI cards these days are rare, are you thinking of AGP?20:29
shavinderi have been facing problems with yahoo room access through pidgin since last week. I can seem to join any yahoo room. Can any body help me outplease?20:29
squirclemusicpenguin: and can't you just pop the case off and check for yourself?20:29
ubottuAt the moment there are many pidgin users experiencing problems connecting to Yahoo IM, you can try changing your paging server to cs101.msg.mud.yahoo.com and see if that helps.20:29
GreyGhost!yahoo |shavi20:29
ubottushavi: please see above20:29
musicpenguinsquircle, this doesnt have agp20:29
Slart_digitalvaldosta: have a look at this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1132119.html20:30
=== Brucee is now known as Bruceee
somebee_hmm, scp does not seem to work because my server cannot find ssh2... it has worked before :_/20:30
wernerjCan I switch between python2.5 and python2.6 easily? I tried update-alternatives, but it has no configuration for python.20:30
HodappPCI video cards aren't as rare as you might think... there are still more PCI cards made than AGP because AGP is phased out but PCI is not.20:30
shavinderokay thanks20:30
musicpenguinsquircle, i did pop it open....and see a pci slow but wasnt sure about the pci-e and how it looks like..i do see a very small slot about 1.5" long20:30
SigiHi im trying to listin music with amarok, only its scrols very fast to music!!! with no sound at all, no error messages20:31
unkmarPCI vid cards are handy for multiple monitor support.  As in support beyond 2 screens.20:31
squirclemusicpenguin: that's your PCI-E slot, but most video cards are x16, that slot is just x120:31
GreyGhostSigi, mp3?20:31
SigiGreyGhost: yes20:31
musicpenguinsquircle, oh ok..so whats a better choice ..to get a pci card or a pci-e card20:31
GreyGhostSigi, installed the codecs?20:31
unkmarThunderWolf: I am curious if the file is set to auto config or static IP.20:31
ceil420how do i unlock an encrypted drive (used LVM + encryption while installing 9.04) using that nifty long-ass hexadecimal key that i generated on first boot? ubuntu forgot my passphrase ;x20:32
squirclemusicpenguin: i don't think there are any x1 PCI-E video cards, you'd have to get a PCI one.20:32
SigiGreyGhost: uuuh dont know, i can play songs with rythmbox..20:32
squirclemusicpenguin: if you can find an x1 PCI-E video card, get it20:32
ThunderWolfunkmar i think auto config20:32
GreyGhost!mp3 | sigi20:32
ubottusigi: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:32
SigiGreyGhost: Thanks!20:32
Slart_ceil420: if you can do it without the passphrase what keeps anyone else from doing the same thing? what is the point of encryption then?20:33
unkmarThunderWolf: Mine is auto and states: auto eth0 (newline) iface eth0 inet dhcp20:33
fccf!pm | KlingaN20:33
ubottuKlingaN: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.20:33
musicpenguinsquircle, is the pci-e 1X faster than the average pci?20:33
Slart_ceil420: I'm not saying it's impossible.. I'm just saying I would be surprised if there was a way20:33
ceil420Slart_, it generated like a 30 digit hex key that i could use if the passphrase is lost20:33
squirclemusicpenguin: a lot faster20:33
musicpenguinsquircle, oh ok thanks..20:33
musicpenguinsquircle, http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/418Let27xnL._SS500_.jpg&imgrefurl=http://hardware-center.blogspot.com/2008/07/evga-e-geforce-6200-256mb-ddr-pci.html&usg=__3lhOjBhFzFjIcjDYF9oJ-_iSc-k=&h=500&w=500&sz=30&hl=en&start=1&um=1&tbnid=ppd8Tih63zEskM:&tbnh=130&tbnw=130&prev=/images%3Fq%3DEvga%2BE-GEFORCE%2B6200%2B256MB%2BDDR2%2BPCI%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26um%3D120:34
ceil420i s'pose i could try it at the startup screen..20:34
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Slart_ceil420: and you can't use that?20:34
RandomtimeUgh, why can't Micro$oft use an open standard such as ext3 for their file system, instead of the monopolistic NTFS. It would make my life in a windows based world so much easier20:34
musicpenguinsquircle, look at the end of the pci card..it looks different than my slot20:34
somebee_I get "Executing ssh2 failed" when trying to scp something from my server... what am I missing? I do not have a ssh2 binary, and I cannot seem to find any either20:34
Agionhi, how can I kill my sounds?20:34
epicreviewshow do you turn off the beep noise? what's the terminal command?20:34
HodappPCI-e x1 would be 250 or 500 MB/sec; PCI maxes out at 133 MB/sec, if memory serves me.20:34
squircleHodapp: you're correct20:34
musicpenguinHodapp, thanks20:34
musicpenguinbut why does the end look differnet?20:35
squirclemusicpenguin: because some cards have a slot like that for backwards compatibility. don't worry about it, it'll fit20:35
Slart_epicreviews: system, preferences, sound.. I think it's the second one.. on one of the tabs there is a checkbox for "play alert sound" or someting like that20:35
KlingaNubottu: Sorry, I really had no clue. I am using a 19" screen with a no support for external monitors for my GFX Card so it's all blurry. And in this conversation I find it hard to read due to all the status messages here - I don't find a way in Pidgin to disable them.20:35
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:35
digitalvaldostaok, Slart_20:35
musicpenguinsquircle, ok thanks..but ill start looking for a pci-e 1x20:36
epicreviewsthanks a lot Slart_! I was about to go insane :P20:36
scottygtrouble with yahoo servers in pidgin?20:36
squirclemusicpenguin: good luck20:36
musicpenguinsquircle, thanks for your help..it was greatly appreciated. you cleared a lot for me :)20:36
Simetrical!yahoo | scottyg20:36
ubottuscottyg: At the moment there are many pidgin users experiencing problems connecting to Yahoo IM, you can try changing your paging server to cs101.msg.mud.yahoo.com and see if that helps.20:36
=== Slart_ is now known as Slart
squirclemusicpenguin: anytime :)20:36
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Slartepicreviews: you're welcome =)20:36
SigiGreyGhost: now its doenst even trying to play, or should i reboot ?20:36
scottygcan someone tell me a new server that works?   thanks!20:36
Agionhow can I get my sounds work. the sound card is busy and I don't want to reboot?20:37
fccfKlingaN: if you go to plugins by right clicking on the pidgin icon on your top panel you should be able to hide join/part/quit messages20:37
epicreviewswhat do you mean "new server" scottyg?20:37
Agionand I don't know any program that uses the sound card20:37
GreyGhostSigi, hmm ..20:37
GreyGhostno idea bout amarok ..20:37
usr13scottyg: What doyou need?20:37
JorgeJorgessonI seem to be having an issue starting the mysql service upon startup.  It used to work, but now it does not anymore.20:37
GreyGhost!yahoo | scottyg20:37
ubottuscottyg: At the moment there are many pidgin users experiencing problems connecting to Yahoo IM, you can try changing your paging server to cs101.msg.mud.yahoo.com and see if that helps.20:37
SigiGreyGhost: should i try to install new version? or compile one?20:37
beam_Can anyone tell me how i can compile C++ files on ubuntu? Thanks20:37
mattalexxAny way to get rid of these arrows in Firefox? : http://files.mattalexander.me/misc/Screenshot.png20:37
KlingaNfccf: Thank you. And sorry, I didn't know it was rude to PM persons. :/20:38
scottygthanx ubottu!20:38
GreyGhostscottyg, do not split ur msg over many lines .. write in one line .. following problems becomes impossible..20:38
squircle!enter | scottyg20:38
ubottuscottyg: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:38
shavinderI am able to connect to yahoo usnig this server cn.scs.msg.yahoo.com    but i can only talk with my buddies. I cant join any room :-(20:38
GreyGhostSigi, no idea .. hv never used amarok .. i use gnome :)20:38
ceil420mattalexx, hide the bookmarks bar20:38
gogetasquircle x1 pfft nivida gtx cuda :20:38
SimetricalSo, when running gparted I'm getting this error on Jaunty: "/usr/local/sbin/gpartedbin: error while loading shared libraries: libparted-1.7.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory".  I tried Googling but didn't see much that was helpful.  Does anyone have any ideas on what might cause this?  Some packaging dependency error?20:38
SigiGreyGhost: im also using gnome :P but amarok is best :)20:38
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unkmarThunderWolf: unkmar leaves for now.  Sorry I didn't have more time to help you with your network problem.20:39
GreyGhostSigi, i;'m happy with the default thing ..20:39
mattalexxceil420, I like the bookmarks bar and I'd like to use it. I just wish that all of my folders would be visible. If those gigantic arrows were gone, they would fit with room to spare.20:39
usr13mattalexx: This is the Ubuntu channel not firefox20:40
scottygthanx shavinder!!!!!!!!!120:40
Agionhi, where should I save a launcher file so that I can launch a program from console?20:40
f7eeI'm in kubuntu 9.04. How can I update OpenOffice to 3.0 or 3.1. version?20:40
GreyGhostSigi, try sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs20:40
squircleAgion: anywhere that's in your $PATH variable, usually /usr/local/bin20:40
beam_usr13: Hello there. Do u know how i can compile C++ files on ubuntu? Is there a special compiler or something?20:40
mattalexxusr13,There are no arrows on the bookmarks bar in FF for Win or OS X.20:40
gogetaagion anywhere if you make a synbolic link20:40
squirclebeam_: g++20:40
Agionok. thanks20:40
shavinderScottyg: can you connect now? how about the rooms?20:41
GreyGhostSigi, no one sec20:41
usr13mattalexx: I never said there were.20:41
ceil420Agion, :/usr/local/bin$ ln -s /path/to/program20:41
KlingaNfccf: Um, I don't have an icon on my top border, except the "e-mail"-icon which I can left click on to focus Pidgin. I chose "Plugins" in Pidgin, but no option to remove "join messages" from this chat.20:41
digitalvaldostaSlart_ , that worked but that will only be per user not system wide. :-/20:41
gogetayep then you can just type it in the term20:42
usr13beam_: g++20:42
shavinderwell whatever the hell YAHOO is upto I think community would come up with a solution soon. Lay ppl like me should trust God20:42
fccfKlingaN: you are running netbook remix?20:42
gogetashavinder ?20:43
beam_usr13: Thanks, but then how do i use it?20:43
GreyGhostSigi, try sudo apt-get install libxine120:43
SigiGreyGhost:  libxine1-ffmpeg?20:43
gogetashavinder what you whant with yahoo20:43
SigiGrayGhost: ok20:43
beam_usr13: How do i get it to work?20:43
shavindergogeta: I am crying about the yahoo room problems being faced by pidgin users20:43
KlingaNfccf: No, the ordinary Ubuntu 9.04. Ubuntu Netbook Remix is adapted for Intel Atom processors. I have got a VIA-processor. Do you write "Klingan:" manually or is there a command for this? Like /last ?20:43
gogetashavinder thers a linux yahoo client20:44
SigiGrayGhost: Already got those packages :)20:44
shavinderFirst i could not connect but some angle found a fix, Now i can talk with buddies but cannot "join" any room20:44
Slartdigitalvaldosta: ok.. I didn't look to closely at the solutions in there20:44
fccfKlingaN: move to PM20:44
GreyGhostSigi, hmm .. what else is left ..20:44
gogetashavinder as well as a 3rd party voice and webcam enabled20:44
shavindergogeta: i have heard it is from last century?20:44
usr13beam_: man g++20:44
SigiGrayGhost: im now trying the ffmpeg.20:44
digitalvaldostaSlart, that's one step closer than I was before. lol20:44
shavindergogeta: could you send me a link anyway? I shall try it out20:45
SigiGrayGhost: yeah!!!! sudo apt-get install libxine1-ffmpeg  was needed :)20:45
SigiGreyGhost: Thx for the help :)20:46
gogetalooks like its 2 hyears old20:46
GreyGhostSigi, oh oki .. will remmeber that .. np20:46
gogetaguess its dead20:46
GreyGhostme off.. bye all20:46
shavinder:-) thought so. I shall just put more faith into the community and God :-))20:46
shavindercya guys20:47
tunnlratokay bad question but are there drivers for ati xpress 1100 cards for ubuntu and how do i find them?20:48
DuonggaVswww.thienduongvn.com <-- Chat room sex girl show Webcam Hot hot20:48
DuonggaVswww.thienduongvn.com <-- Chat room sex girl show Webcam Hot hot20:48
Steve^tunnlrat, any graphics drivers should appear in the hardware dialog20:48
FloodBot1DuonggaVs: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:48
yaaaranybody know why i can't get connected to a windows machine using the remote desktop client in 9.04? do i need a special lib or something? it works fine from the windows machines in the office...20:48
Steve^tunnlrat, system -> admin -> hardware drivers20:49
tunnlratSteve^, yeah it doesn't show any drivers in there all it shows is for my wifi which already works with the preinstalled drivers20:50
Steve^tunnlrat, do you have extra things ticked in software sources? mine didn't show up at first20:51
kain_hi, does anyone know how to uninstall limewire?20:51
sohohey guys question, my ubuntu isnt working properly20:51
kain_i don't find it in my add/remove...20:51
sohohow can i remove it completly from my computer and reinstall it?20:51
Steve^kain_, how did you install it?20:51
mobi-sheepkain_: How did you install it in first place?20:51
kain_umm, 2 sec, i'll check20:51
Sladei have a bit of a problem, I just changed the resolution in my xorg.conf.  The resolution is correct, but my screen is kind of crunched and the bottom part is cut off. Also it seems the horizontal alignment is off. What directives in xorg.conf do i change to make it work properly?20:51
Steve^soho, just run the install disk again and make sure it clears the paritition ubuntu is currently installed on20:51
kopolee11hello i recently upgraded to ubuntu 9.04 and everything works fine except now i have no sound20:51
Steve^soho, assuming you've exhausted other options20:51
tunnlratSteve^, yeah i do, i've also added the wine sources since first install20:51
kopolee11previously i did20:52
sohosteve but i also have like 3 "kernels" on my startup screen20:52
sohohow to i remove those20:52
kopolee11is this a common problem? thanks20:52
Steve^tunnlrat, ok, can't help on a particular card, google is your best bet20:52
ceil420soho, i'd just not worry about them. they're there for backup20:52
kain_i went to the site of limewire and downloaded the .deb20:52
mobi-sheepkopolee11: I don't know.  However, this may be useful information for you.20:52
mobi-sheep!sound | kopolee1120:52
ubottukopolee11: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP320:52
kain_and used GDebi Package Installer20:52
sohoi started with hardy, then ibex and now karmic and all the kernels are still there when i restart20:52
sohooh ok20:52
ceil420soho, the kernels themselves are only a few megabytes20:52
tunnlratSteve^, yeah i am lookin there now lol20:52
sohothanks guys20:52
Steve^soho, you could remove them manually, but they do no harm20:52
kopolee11ok thanks a lot. i'll check those out again. the reason i'm very confused is that it worked in the previous version. thanks20:53
scottygwhere do i put my conky rc file?20:53
Steve^soho, if you do a clean reinstall, they'll dissapear20:53
gogetashavinder https://launchpad.net/~loell/+archive/ppa20:53
sohosweet great20:53
soholet me reinstall20:53
zopiacis there a way to open programs in windows mode, even if they are by default fullscreen?20:53
tunnlratSteve^, if what i see on the net is correct anything newer than ubuntu 8.10 will have to ati driver support for older cards20:53
EgyCoder09>hi guys again i faced a problem .. i am coding a web interface for ( Nessus ) using PHP .. the problem that some options require Root Priv .. and i use system function to run the command ??20:53
mobi-sheepkopolee11: Did you check synpathic?20:53
scottygand how do i get conky to load at bootup?20:53
kain_mobi-sheep: i downloading the .deb from the limewire site20:54
KatieKittyscottyg: u r using fluxbox or gnome?20:54
kain_mobi-sheep: downloaded*20:54
mobi-sheepkopolee11: Wrong message.20:54
Steve^^kain_, try system -> admin -> computer janitor20:54
mobi-sheepkain_: I know.  Did you check the synpathic?20:54
scottygthanx katie20:54
kain_ooh oops20:54
scottygis ubunto gnome?20:54
mobi-sheepkain_: System --> Administration --> Synpathic Software Package.20:55
kopolee11mobi-sheep: What should I check in synaptic? (assuming that's what you mean)20:55
mobi-sheepscottyg: Yes.20:55
gogetascottyg yes20:55
=== Steve^^ is now known as Steve^
mobi-sheepkopolee11: That message wasn't for you. :320:55
gogetascottyg kbuntu is kde and xbuntu is xfce20:55
Rob235why do i keep getting a 'too many open files' error in transmission when i only have a couple torrents going20:55
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kopolee11oh, my apologizes.20:55
scottygok now where do i put my pesky conky rc file?20:55
kain_mobi-sheep: thx i found it in synaptics :)20:55
mobi-sheepkain_: Good! :)20:55
silareIs there any way to customize notify-osd?20:56
tunnlratlol dumb question but how to i install a .run file??20:56
=== Unikum is now known as Iderik
Steve^tunnlrat, I don't think you do20:57
scottyghello anybody?  where do i put the conky rc file please????20:57
crashanddietunnlrat, type "file filename" to see if it's actually something you can execute20:57
tunnlratSteve^, its to install the ati drivers i found ati-driver-installer etc etc.run20:57
crashanddietunnlrat, tunnlrat, chmod +x filename.run20:57
crashanddietunnlrat, ./filename.run20:57
crashanddiescottyg,  ~ ?20:58
EgyCoder09>hi guys again i faced a problem .. i am coding a web interface for ( Nessus ) using PHP .. the problem that some options require Root Priv .. and i use system function to run the command ?? ?20:58
crashanddieEgyCoder09, quick answer: don't do it20:58
scottygcrash what does that mean i am new20:59
gogetaegycoder sudo20:59
EgyCoder09crashanddie: y ?20:59
scottygdoes anyon here run conky?20:59
* ice_cream nods20:59
crashanddieEgyCoder09, long answer: create a user group that has the rights to the executable, and add the daemon to that group20:59
phantomcircuitI'm running 9.04 with the latest update.  When I press the full screen button on youtube flash movies the flash plugin crashes with this error:20:59
phantomcircuitGtk-Message: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module": /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/modules/libcanberra-gtk-module.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS6420:59
phantomcircuitXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".20:59
phantomcircuitany ideas?20:59
FloodBot1phantomcircuit: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:59
EgyCoder09gogeta: i know that i can have root access using ( Sudo ) but how can i talk with the shell using system function20:59
gogetai knoe21:00
crashanddieEgyCoder09, or alternatively, check which user group the daemon already runs under, and add that group to those having the right to execute the things you need21:00
gogetasame command21:00
EgyCoder09crashanddie: i will try it , thanks : )21:00
crashanddieEgyCoder09, sudo will be no good to you here, it's a major security risk21:00
crashanddieEgyCoder09, plus sudo requires you to input the root password21:01
gogetathats is true21:01
crashanddieerr -- user password21:01
lstarnescrashanddie: no21:01
gogetanot always21:01
lstarnescrashanddie: user password21:01
crashanddielstarnes, yeah, I corrected21:01
crashanddiegogeta, so you'd be willing to give a PHP app the ability to run any command with sudo powers? Djeez21:01
SimetricalYou can configure sudo to permit running certain commands without a password.21:01
SimetricalYou can set it so it only allows specific commands.21:02
Simetricalman sudoers21:02
scottygdoes anyone know where i put a conky rc file?21:02
aarkeriowhat for is .rnd file?21:02
crashanddieaarkerio, research and development21:02
ceil420scottyg, ~21:02
scottygi googled it but there is no info21:02
SimetricalI actually once had to give a web app the right to graceful Apache.  It was horrible, but it was either that or compromise the purity of the interface.21:02
crashanddiescottyg, ~ = home directory21:02
scottygceil, can ya tell me how to do it?21:02
crashanddieSimetrical, to graceful apache?21:03
scottygohh i  just put the conky rc in my home dir?21:03
Simetricalcrashanddie, apache2ctl graceful.  Graceful restart.21:03
ceil420scotty, with a dot in front of it21:03
crashanddieSimetrical, ah, ok21:03
silareIs there any way to get C++ or Python or Java to cause something to execute in a shell so I can try to make a script for installing missing GPGs?21:04
jbarketQuestion. I just upgraded to 9.04 and my graphics in Gnome are now borked to hell. At the login screen and it's completely hosed. How can I drop to the CLI to reconfigure x or... whatever is necessary here21:04
usr13jbarket: Ctrl-Alt-F621:05
mobi-sheep!tty | jbarket21:05
ubottujbarket: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution.21:05
mobi-sheepjbarket: Remember CTRL + ALT + F7 (BACK TO GUI!)21:05
jbarketSo uh, assuming that isn't working, can I just go ahead and guess that things are locked?21:05
NexxHey there, I've been a bit frustraited. I've been having this issue where I will install the latest Ubuntu via Live CD, I'll update everything, restart and everything will be fine. Then the 2nd or 3rd time I restart, it won't load the GUI and will go into text mode. This has happened a couple times now. Recovery mode, startx, etc... aren't working21:05
mbeierlsilare: Java - runtime.exec() http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/java/lang/Runtime.html#exec(java.lang.String)21:05
Thib_!yahoo | Thib_21:06
ubottuThib_, please see my private message21:06
PsyberSis there a way to automatically have aptitude run a script any time it upgrades the kernel?21:06
usr13jbarket: dpkg-reconfigure xorg21:06
Piohiiripuhuuko kukaan suomee?21:06
silareThanks a lot, mbeierl.21:06
kopolee11sorry to ask this, but is anyone able to tell me which model is right for my chipset. I am able to give you an url to a webpage with all my sound information. thanks.21:07
mbeierlsilare: you're welcome.  I don't know anything about the other languages :)21:07
crashanddiesilare, C/C++: system(char * cmd) (#include <cstdlib>)21:07
jbarketon boot, how can i drop straight to the cli before gnome fires up? hahaha. i think i did a bad thing21:07
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crashanddiesilare, and I won't answer the last one because python is evil21:07
NexxHey there, I've been a bit frustraited. I've been having this issue where I will install the latest Ubuntu via Live CD, I'll update everything, restart and everything will be fine. Then the 2nd or 3rd time I restart, it won't load the GUI and will go into text mode. This has happened a couple times now. Recovery mode, startx, etc... aren't working. Any ideas?21:07
Piohiirieli ilmeisesti ei21:07
usr13jbarket: dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg21:08
KlingaNIs there any way to "click" on the notifications in top-right-corner to "link" you to the message in Pidgin ? 9.0421:10
NexxHey there, I've been a bit frustraited. I've been having this issue where I will install the latest Ubuntu via Live CD, I'll update everything, restart and everything will be fine. Then the 2nd or 3rd time I restart, it won't load the GUI and will go into text mode. This has happened a couple times now. Recovery mode, startx, dpkg-reconfigure etc... aren't working Any ideas?21:10
the_dark_warrioMy sound is bugged... every sound comes with many "pops"... Any hints?21:10
usr13Nexx: What display adapter are you using?21:11
silareMuch needed. xP21:11
silarembeierl: xD It's fine. Java will help still. ^_^21:11
silarecrashanddie: Oh, sweet. C++ too then. xD Thankies. Python is a bit of a mess at times though, you're right. x.x21:11
=== qwerty is now known as Guest26947
hydrianthe_dark_warrio: bad speakers, bad driver, crazy mixer settings,  EM leakage.21:11
Nexxusr13: What do you mean? Like my video card?21:11
usr13Nexx: Yes21:11
the_dark_warriohydrian: they worked fine on Hardy21:12
mobi-sheepKlingaN: You might want to ask in #pidgin.21:12
Nexxusr13: 2 Nvidia 9800's21:12
KlingaNIs there any way to disable status messages in this window? Like: "XXXXX has joined the room" or "GuestXXXX changed name to XXXX"21:12
KlingaNThank you21:12
Thib_it appears that the quick fix for Pidgin's Yahoo problem no longer works21:12
hydrianthe_dark_warrio: That probably means crazy mixer setting or a driver issue.  Maybe a new version of the driver messed things up with your card.21:13
mbeierlKlingaN: that would depend on what software you are using to display "this window"21:13
mobi-sheepThib_: And what is Pidgin's quick fix?  Updating to new version or that paging server hack?21:13
KlingaNmbeierl: Pidgin21:13
henrik__how do l activate tty6 and have gnome running there and on tty721:13
the_dark_warriohydrian: and they were working fine on Jaunty too, except the microphone. So I was changing the Sound properties to see if I could make mic work and now the sound is like this. The strange thing is that I changed all back and still bugs...21:13
mbeierlKlingaN: there's a hide extraneous join/part messages... gimme a sec to say where21:13
jordanAre there any monitoring plugins to perceus to do things similar to ganglia, nagios cacti, etc?21:13
Thib_mobi-sheep: the Pidgin people have switched from advising to use a different login server name as an interim workaround to upgrading, to asking to upgrade21:14
jordanit seems like Warewulf 3 will do that, but I can't find much information on it21:14
crashanddiesilare, if you're just doing quick scripts (testing if file exist, etc), you're probably better off learning shell rather than creating java/c++ apps21:14
hydrianthe_dark_warrio: that is probably your issue.  Check all of the mic record volumes.21:14
Thib_that's because the workaround no longer works (Yahoo is refusing connections to that server now)21:14
henrik__how do l activate tty6 and have gnome running there and on tty721:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ltr21:14
hydrianthe_dark_warrio: aka crazy mixer settings21:14
crashanddie!repeat | henrik_21:14
ubottuhenrik_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can  search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.21:14
pgraceis there a way to pass some default config information into dexconf so it will append it to the autogenerated file?21:14
Mike_lifeguardWhat's the next long term release?21:14
Thib_I'm not on a system where I'm allowed to install arbitrary software, I can only install through the update manager21:14
silarecrashanddie: Ah, good point... I guess I can go Googling for those things. xP21:14
usr13Nexx: sudo nvidia-settings21:15
the_dark_warriohydrian: I see... but I left everything on Autodetect (as was before) and still bugs21:15
scottygcan anyone help me fix conky21:15
crashanddiesilare, what kind of script do you need?21:15
mbeierlKlingaN: it's one of the "plugins": Join/Part hiding21:15
henrik__how do l activate tty6 and have gnome running there and on tty7 ?21:15
MenZa!anyone | scottyg21:15
ubottuscottyg: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?21:15
Nexxusr13: Thanks I'll take a look real quick21:15
scottygmenza yes?21:15
CigeI'm kind of having a problem with pidgin, gchat won't work with it.21:15
silarecrashanddie: You mean things like bash scripts and all, right?21:15
crashanddiescottyg, /join #conky21:15
crashanddiesilare, yeah21:15
mbeierlKlingaN: in your main pidgin buddy list window, tools -> plugins, scroll down to join/part hiding21:15
scottygi have been doing that and i was ignored21:15
Thib_so hopefully Pidgin 2.5.7 will hit the Ubuntu update manager soon...21:15
ubottuAt the moment there are many pidgin users experiencing problems connecting to Yahoo IM, you can try changing your paging server to cs101.msg.mud.yahoo.com and see if that helps.21:15
mobi-sheep!patience | henrik__21:15
ubottuhenrik__: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can  search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.21:15
MenZascottyg→ Read the message from ubottu.21:15
crashanddiemobi-sheep, didn't spot the trailing underscore21:16
sjokkishi. i'm having some problems with one of my harddrives. it's a sata 1 hdd, but it only gives me 140MB/s cached and 2MB/s buffered reads. what could be the cause of this?21:16
CigeIt's been a problem for a while and I can't figure out why21:16
crashanddiesjokkis, DMA?21:16
sjokkisit also makes some mechanical noise when it does IO21:16
mobi-sheepcrashanddie: Uh?21:16
crashanddiemobi-sheep, concerning henrik__21:16
sjokkiscrashanddie: what do you mean?21:17
hydrianAnybody hear real familiar with cifs/samba mounting.   I'm having problem with using the 'setuids' option when mounting to a samba server.  It is ALWAYS writing at the user that mounted the cifs fs and not the local user that writing the file.21:17
KlingaNmbeierl: Thank you!21:17
b0redhi.  I added a 'DSL' connection through the UI.. why I can't see it when I click the connections icon in the tray?21:17
mbeierlKlingaN: you're welcome.  it certainly cleans things up ;)21:17
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silarecrashanddie: I'm just trying to learn a bit of scripting, and I figured a good start would be something where I could punch in a GPG key's value and it'd go hunting for it and do those commands.21:18
crashanddiesjokkis, hdparm -p /dev/harddrive21:18
crashanddiesjokkis, replace harddrive with your actual hard drive number21:18
crashanddiesjokkis, it will reply something like "using_dma = 0 (off)"21:18
henrik__how do l activate tty6 and have gnome running there and on tty7 ? now when l going to tty6 my tty7 is closing down21:19
scottygno one is in the conky room...great21:19
crashanddiesilare, definitely bash/shell scripting then21:19
scottygi have 2 processor cores and i want conky to reflect that.21:19
sjokkiscrashanddie: it tells me "HDIO_SET_PIO_MODE failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device"21:19
usr13henrik__: Ctrl-Alt-F621:20
crashanddiescottyg, this isn't a conky support channel.21:20
silarecrashanddie: Ah, alright. Any recommendations on where I'd find a goog tutorial?21:20
mobi-sheephenrik__: Use a new workspace instead of TTY?21:20
sjokkiscrashanddie: i get that error with all my drives. not just the problematic one21:20
crashanddiesilare, google21:20
scottygohhh no....oh well i thought i could get a script21:20
gmathews_!info pan21:20
silarecrashanddie: Ah, alright. Thankies.21:20
ubottupan (source: pan): A Newsreader based on GTK2, which looks like Forte Agent. In component main, is optional. Version 0.132-3.1ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 755 kB, installed size 3292 kB21:20
henrik__l am running "boxee" fullscreen mode. on one tty and surf and another stuff on one.21:21
henrik__usr13,  when l do that my tty7 is closing down21:21
Hilikushey guys21:21
usr13henrik__: What do you mean?21:21
crashanddiesorry guys, fiancee calling for dinner, bbl21:22
usr13henrik__: Why would just going to tty6 make tty7 "close down"?21:22
henrik__usr13, if l am on tty7 and go to tty6 my gnome is closeing on tty721:22
henrik__l am not doing it.. the system is doing it21:22
Mike_lifeguardIs there a way to make a list of my currently-installed packages so I can install them en-masse in a new Jaunty (or maybe Karmic) installation?21:22
usr13henrik__: "closeing"?21:23
b0redhi.  I added a 'DSL' connection through the UI.. why I can't see it when I click the connections icon in the tray?21:23
usr13henrik__: Ctrl-Alt-F721:23
hero_nocturnalhow can i make a lan using switch and lets say 3 guest computers, is there any software who automates all this21:23
usr13henrik__: What are you trying to do?21:23
mobi-sheepMike_lifeguard: Use synpathic to generate package download script.21:24
Cigepidgin hasn't been working for me lately.  My gchat account won't connect, although all my other accounts will21:24
usr13hero_nocturnal: What?21:24
predictableDoes anyone know what this means?/home/chad/.setup5344: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory21:24
henrik__if l am on tty7 and gnome are running. when l go to tty6 and login there. and go back to tty7 my gnome are close21:24
kopolee11Apparently ALSA is using the wrong model for my chipset. I got this information from this. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting While following the steps to fix this, I hit a snag with finding the correct codec. I simply can't find it. Does anyone have any experience with this. I can give you the link to my sound setup information. Thank you. (Sorry for repeating, but I can't seem to figure it out)21:24
henrik__l will have it so l have gnome running on tty7 and tty621:24
Hilikusis there any way to bookmark things in such a way that when i am in my lan they resolve using the local host name and outside use the external ip? i tried editing /etc/hosts but the host that it maps to depends on where i am21:25
PsyberSMike_lifeguard: in Synaptic, File -> Generate Package Download Script21:25
hero_nocturnal<usr13>: i want  to make a small lan , so  that we may play cs , but how to create the connection21:25
PsyberSMike_lifeguard: or alternatively, File -> Save Markings21:25
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Mike_lifeguardmobi-sheep, PsyberS: found the option, but it seems to have created a script with only the hashbang (O.o)... will try again21:26
JonyBlazecan anyone help me with installing artwiz fonts, I have followed the instructions included with the fonts as well as any post I can find on the forums and still cant get them to work21:26
Hilikushero_nocturnal: you dont need anythign special, just the hardware and then you just use the other computer's ip21:26
mobi-sheephero_nocturnal: Use a router?21:26
usr13henrik__: I don't know why that would happen. Never seen that sort of behavoir21:26
mobi-sheep!fonts | JonyBlaze21:26
ubottuJonyBlaze: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer21:26
predictableDoes anyone know what this means? /home/chad/.setup5344: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory21:26
predictableI was trying to ./unreal.tournament_436-multilanguage.run to get the game going21:27
Mike_lifeguardmobi-sheep, PsyberS: Yep, same thing again: just the hashbang21:27
hero_nocturnalhilikus: so if i connect the computers using switch and manually give the settings, will it work21:27
scuniziHow do I change a recordmydesktop recording which defaults in ogg to avi?21:27
usr13predictable: It would be hard to know. Would neet to know more about .setup534421:27
Hilikushero_nocturnal: you dont need to manuallt give the settings, its easier if you let the router assign the ips through DHCP21:28
predictableusr13: but its talking mainly about libgth-1.2.so.021:28
danieriehi which ftp software should i use in 64 bit ubuntu :D?21:28
Hilikusso basically, just connect them to the same router and you're done21:28
tavisomeone can say to me how to make a phone camera intoa webcam?21:28
predictablegtk rather21:28
RooblyRooWhere's the equivilent of an /etc/inittab in ubuntu, whereby you can specify the default run level?21:28
scunizidanierie: filezilla or gftp ..21:28
hero_nocturnalhilikus: and what if i want to distribute internet to other users,21:29
Hilikushero_nocturnal: yoiu mean share your internet connection with others?21:29
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Stanley_I have an Auzentech Xplosion sound card. They don't provide Linux Drivers, how do I go about gettint it working?21:29
mobi-sheepMike_lifeguard: I don't think you should need to be able to read the file?21:30
hero_nocturnalhilikus:yupp, i am getting the internet from some external network and i want to distribute it among some guests, so what steps do i need to follow21:30
danieriefor filezilla theres no 64bit support i thought?21:30
PsyberSMike_lifeguard: interesting, that seems broken :)21:30
FFMikeanyone know of a telnet program that has ansi emulation?21:30
PsyberSmobi-sheep: the file it generates is empty, it isnt an issue of him reading it or not21:30
zopiacis there a way to open programs in windows mode, even if they are by default fullscreen?21:30
WeeJayHi! is anyone else having issues connecting to Yahoo using pidgin on ubuntu 9.04?21:30
scunizidanierie: maybe not.. that's why I gave 2 choices.. open synaptic and see if either or both are listed.21:31
mummertcjust installed ubuntu on an external usb drive, everything with the install went very smoothly21:31
jbarketHm, so I reconfigured xorg but no such luck. When I boot, the boot screen (and the shutdown screen when I tap the power button) are fine, but when the login screen for gnome comes up, it's garbled... titled nonsense. I found somebody else on the ubuntu forums with this problem but no answer yet. Anyone familiar with the problem?21:31
WeeJayI saw there is a new release by pidgin team but did not see an update21:31
tavisomeone can say to me how to make a phone camera intoa webcam?21:31
=== mummertc is now known as carl5
Mike_lifeguardPsyberS: huh? The file is only 10 byes... wouldn't it be somewhat larger than that?21:31
Hilikushero_nocturnal: if it's wired you just connect them all to the router and connec the external connection to the router as well. you might nieed to configure the authentication for your external connection in your router21:31
mobi-sheep!clone | Mike_lifeguard21:32
ubottuMike_lifeguard: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate21:32
carl5but I ran into a strange problem with the monitor. if I run it at 1920x1200 the fonts are terrible, like there are vertical stripes in the screen. at 1600x1200 it works fine. any idea what could cause that?21:32
Mike_lifeguardah, nice21:32
gkffjcs_Hi all, how do you enable creation of ntfs partitions in gparted under ubuntu, my stand alone gparted live cd seems to have not problem creating ntfs partitions, but the gparted installed in ubuntu has ntfs greyed out... ???21:32
toterStanley_: I think your soundcard can work with Linux. Check this website: http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Vendor-AuzenTech21:32
rednammocHi! Ist there an way to encrypt an partition without formatting it ?21:32
darkhelmetlivehow do i ssh to a host but *not* add the key to known_hosts?21:32
Hilikuscarl5: are you sure youre graphics card supports that?21:32
hero_nocturnalhilikus: will the router automatically distribute the internet then? coz some days back a friend of mine told me that his friend had the internet connection and they use internet after building a proxy server21:33
carl5Hilikus: yuo can probably set your known hosts file to /dev/null21:33
carl5Mike_lifeguard: there is also dpkg --get-selections21:33
Mike_lifeguardcarl5: yeah, I found that just now as well... but !clone seems to have worked ok. Thanks21:33
Hilikushero_nocturnal: you dont need a proxy for that21:34
hero_nocturnalhilikus: so when do we use the proxy servers21:34
tavisomeone can say to me how to make a phone camera intoa webcam?21:34
carl5apart from the monitor problem, I also don't know how to disable the "your job has finished printing" messages21:35
animusonhow can i enable the Rewrite commands for a directory?21:35
usr13hero_nocturnal: You can install firestarter and use it to share internet connection.21:35
mobi-sheepcarl5: If you're using Jaunty, it should display that in notify-osd.  It does that for my printer.21:35
Hilikushero_nocturnal: when you want to route http traffic through a server. to make sure that everything goes through some computer. if you do my method everything goes directly to the router, with a proxy you can do stuff like packe sniffing or blocking urls and stuff21:35
usr13animuson: chomd -w /dir/name/here21:35
carl5mobi-sheep: i don't know how to configure that21:36
usr13animuson: Correction:  chomd +w /dir/name/here21:36
Hilikuscar5 what do you mean set it to /dev/null21:36
mobi-sheepcarl5: I didn't configure anything.  Just the printer setup.21:36
carl5mobi-sheep: I want to turn it off21:36
toterAnyone with some tips on how to compile a kernel on 64-bit machine? I'm trying to shave one more second from my linux boot time. I already compiled the kernel 2.6.30, but I can't get it to boot in 10 seconds! http://img504.yfrog.com/img504/4968/toterdesktopjaunty20090.png21:36
Stanley_toter: are you familiar with that at all? I'm a little hesitant to try it myself as I'm very new to linux21:36
rednammocHi! Is there an way to encrypt an partition without formatting it ?21:37
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hero_nocturnalhilikus: if in case i want to make a server and route traffic thru it, then in that case what i have to do, where shud be the position of the switch then and what are the different servers reqd21:38
toterStanley_: I'm not, and yet I compiled my own kernel. Read about it and try! There's no better weekend project21:38
gogetastanle lol21:38
Stanley_toter: True. My fear with linux is that I'll destroy something21:39
mobi-sheeptoter: You shaved the entire weekend for 10-seconds?  Fun fun fun. :)21:39
SirBob1701hey guys i have a logitech revolution and an update a few days ago has it changin scroll types with middle click in stead of the standard linux copy and paste for middle click.  I've tried a bunch of stuff to fix it ( mostly with xorg.conf ) and I can't figure it out could someone help me?21:39
Hilikushero_nocturnal: yo need to connect your external connection to the proxy and connect everything else in a network that talks to the proxy but not to the router21:39
Stanley_toter: But i guess thats how you learn21:39
Mike23324For some reason sound isn't working for me. I just upgraded from Intrepid to Jaunty hoping the latest version of Ubuntu would fix this problem but it hasn't, can someone help me solve this issue?21:39
mobi-sheeptoter: What's the link?21:39
gogetatoter does it matter21:39
gogeta10 seconds lol21:39
Hilikushero_nocturnal: and about the software, that i dont know. ive never done it21:39
RiverRatI have a laptop that is 1024x768 but the display is only using the 800x600 pixels in the center.  Anyone know the fix off the top of their heads?21:39
animusonusr13: the chmod didnt do anything, error log says this: "/var/www/animsuon/.htaccess: Invalid command 'RewriteEngine', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration"21:40
kevin__anyone know why i cannot toggle my wifi on an eee 900ha with ubuntu netbook remix?21:40
carl5RiverRat: try going to the Display prefs and checking the resolution21:40
hero_nocturnalhilikus: so in that case i dont need a router? how do i connect the computers then to the server21:40
Hilikusanimuson: did you enable the rewrite module in apache already?21:40
gogetakevin eeebuntu has all those tools21:40
sjokkishi. i'm having some problems with one of my harddrives. it's a sata 1 hdd, but it only gives me 140MB/s cached and 2MB/s buffered reads. what could be the cause of this? hdparm -p gives me an error21:40
Hilikushero_nocturnal: you do, you need something to connect the clients to the proxy, either a hub, a router, a switch21:41
gogetakevin you need a eee compiled kerneel to get full controle21:41
dva5912will ubuntu run on this:http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=12043858751021:41
animusonis it not enabled by default?21:41
gogetats in snaptic21:41
Cliff`Hi everyone :) Is there anyone that may be able to help me with Ubuntueee for my EeePC? I want to get rid of the menu and big icon desktop and have a normal gnome menu and desktop21:41
JonyBlazeok when i do fc-cache -fv   i get /usr/share/fonts/truetype/artwiz: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 0 dirs (thats where my artwiz fonts are) anyone have any ideas what could cause it not recognize my fonts as fonts?21:41
mbeierlis there the equivalent to the update-manager's GUI "A new version (9.04) is available" that is headless?  can I do a distribution upgrade without using the UI?21:41
vvpalinquestion what is good burning software to use ??21:41
toterStanley_: don't be afraid. If you do not destroy it... how are you going to learn?21:41
mbeierlvvpalin: brasereo21:41
hero_nocturnalhilikus:thnx for the info and the patience21:41
WillyVWadeAnyone know if you can make a USB stick that boots my CD-ROM? My boot from CD is disabled yet boot from CD is fine.21:41
vampirefroghi all. how can I show my mounted partitions in the gnome Computer?21:41
mobi-sheepkevin__: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC/Fixes#Wireless21:41
carl5dva5912: check out http://www.linux-on-laptops.com/dell.html21:41
toterStanley_: If you are really afraid, use windows21:41
Hilikushero_nocturnal: np, good luck with that21:41
SirBob1701hey guys i have a logitech revolution and an update a few days ago has it changin scroll types with middle click in stead of the standard linux copy and paste for middle click.  I've tried a bunch of stuff to fix it ( mostly with xorg.conf ) and I can't figure it out could someone help me?21:42
Almindoris the archive-mounter configurable?21:42
vvpalinmbeierl,  is it easy to use, im only familiar with nero21:42
Almindorit always mounts dos-style for me21:42
dva5912:D yay21:42
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HilikusWillyVWade: its possible to make it, but make soure your mobo supports it21:42
dva5912one prblem21:42
animusonhilikus: is it not enabled by default? how would i enable it?21:42
mbeierlvvpalin: yes, it comes installed with 9.04 (and probably earlier ones too) by default21:42
dva5912it dont got a sata as the site sways21:42
gogetakevin https://launchpad.net/~loell/+archive/ppa21:42
vvpalinmbeierl,  thank you =]21:42
mobi-sheepCliff`: You installed Ubuntu Netbook Remix?21:43
Hilikusanimuson: try this21:43
gogetakevin http://www.eeebuntu.org/21:43
Hilikussudo a2enmod rewrite21:43
mbeierlvvpalin: you're welcome.  iirc it looks similar to nero21:43
carl5dva5912: it looks like it will work21:43
Cliff`mobi-sheep: ues21:43
PsyberSis there a way to automatically have aptitude run a script any time it updates linux-image?21:43
ZykoticK9vampirefrog, typing "mount" in a terminal will list everything that is currently mounted21:43
totermobi-sheep: very funny... show me your bootchart png file and let's see who's gonna laugh21:43
WillyVWadeHilikus: My MoBo boots from USB but not CD. If I boot a distro via USB, I can use my USB drive21:43
animusonthanks hilikus :)21:44
vampirefrogZykoticK9: my partitions are mounted. in Computer i only see the root partition and the cdrom21:44
Cliff`I am not using the UNR right now. That EeePC is next to me. I am using Linux Mint 7 on this computer right now21:44
mobi-sheepCliff`: There should be a program where you can toggle back to Classic Desktop Mode on your UNR.  You need to find it.  It's in Applications/System.21:44
HilikusWillyVWade: if it does then its easy to do it, i've done it with unetbootin but there are several apps to create a bootable usb key21:44
Cliff`ok thanks. I will look21:44
Hilikusanimuson: did it work?21:44
ojiican someone explain me why ./configure fails on ubuntu (what i mean: http://paste.ubuntu.com/202422/)21:45
ojiiit somehow never get's the right version numbers of packages21:45
ojiihad the same problem with gtk before21:45
mobi-sheeptoter: I'm running on encrypted partitions so naturally it'll be slower and I have to type in password at boot prompt too.  [mobi-sheep laughs out wickedly evil]   >:}~21:45
RiverRatcarl5, 800x600 is the highest resolution listed.  It is a Trident video card on an older laptop.  Do I need a different driver?  (sorry for the delay, it decided to reboot)21:46
vampirefrogojii: looks like you need to install SCIM and the scim devel packages21:46
ZykoticK9ojii, looks like you need to run "sudo apt-get install scim" for that software to compile21:46
totermobi-sheep: all right, it's settled... i'm not gonna laugh, don't worry21:46
WillyVWadeHilikus: I know how to boot a distro from USB21:46
carl5RiverRat: hmm. try going to system->administration->hardware drivers and see if it says anything there21:46
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carl5RiverRat: what laptop is it?21:47
WillyVWadeBut I want to boot from USB, which bounces to the cd rom21:47
gogetawillybwade ?21:47
ojiiZykoticK9, vampirefrog: scim IS installed! look at the bottom of the paste!21:47
HilikusWillyVWade: why do you want to bounce to the cdrom??21:47
totergogeta: i guess it doesn't matter... how fast does your linux boot anyway?21:47
mobi-sheeptoter: If you give me the link on your compiling-kernel guide, I might be up to it.  But I want to read the guide at the moment.  Pretty please with a ribbon on it.21:47
gogetatotter pretty quick21:47
vampirefrogojii: even if scim is installed, for ./configure you need the devel package21:47
RiverRatcarl5, an old Toshiba Satelite21:47
ZykoticK9ojii, i gots nothing for ya.  Good luck.21:47
vampirefrogojii: try apt-get install libscim-dev21:48
Mike_lifeguardWhat's the next long-term release?21:48
WillyVWadeHilikus: USB botting is fine for nice >512MB stciks21:48
vampirefrogojii: and scim-dev21:48
ojiivampirefrog: not scim-dev ?21:48
gogetatoter the best distro for compling everything in gentoo21:48
RiverRatIt is spinning and looking now.21:48
ojiiah okay21:48
vampirefrogojii: just try both21:48
gogetaemerge ownez21:48
ojiithanks vampirefrog21:48
carl5RiverRat: sometimes the descriptions at http://www.linux-on-laptops.com/toshiba.html will say how someone else got it working21:48
HilikusWillyVWade: and yours is smaller than that?21:48
ojiigonna tell u in half an hour when the downloads are done if it worked21:48
RiverRatcarl5, Thanks, I'll go read up there.21:49
totergogeta: show me the bootchart png file then... "pretty quick"... I believe you... show me how fast21:49
WillyVWadeWell when I have non > than that usable they are.21:49
vampirefrogso any idea how i can make my (ALREADY MOUNTED) drives in Computer?21:49
GeysserHi all!Anyone help with Rhythmbox problem?21:49
gogetatoter where is it and i will21:50
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toterok.... my is here. http://img504.yfrog.com/img504/4968/toterdesktopjaunty20090.png21:50
totershow me yours21:50
toterif you boot faster than this... you're the man21:50
gogetatoter boot times are pc dependent21:51
ojiitoter: how do you make that?21:51
gogetamy little atom and ssd is gonna be slower21:51
totergogeta: blah blah blah... show me how fast21:51
gogetaif i knew how i would21:51
ojiivampirefrog: just btw: libscim-dev is part of scim-dev21:52
xTEMPLARxi dared to question why my Pidgin crashes one time... and monkeys flew out of my butt, dared me to ask again, then flew back in.21:52
totergogeta: hey... you said it doesn't matter... i'm just curious how fast yours boot21:52
vampirefrogojii: k :P21:52
WillyVWadeHilikus: So can I bounce USB to CD?21:52
HilikusWillyVWade: ive never heard of that, no21:53
vvpalinquestion, is there a limitation to wine as to how many connections it can have ?21:53
Stanley_I develop Wordpress websites and they all display funny in Linux, yet in Windows they work fine with IE....Firefox...Chrome... Why is that?21:53
totergogeta: it doesn't matter to me as well... 11 seconds.. cough cough21:53
ojiitoter: how did you measure your boot time?21:53
vvpalinim trying to use alt.binz and i can only get one connection going21:53
xTEMPLARxmonkeys I say21:53
gogetatoter thats what i asked and he kept ranting21:53
* xTEMPLARx swears it21:54
vvpalinor can someone recommend me a badass newsgroup reader with nzb support21:54
stz184Stanley_ is your problem font's related?21:54
toterojii: using a program called bootchart21:54
xTEMPLARxnzb is the new black.21:54
totersudo apt-get install bootchart21:54
HilikusWillyVWade: im not saying it cant be done, i just have never heard of it21:54
Stanley_stz184: It could be that the fonts are throwing off the sizes21:54
xTEMPLARxfonts shmonts.  everything's the same size in the console :D21:55
Stanley_stz184: So yea possibly. Should I just install all my windows fonts to linux?21:55
toterI compiled the kernel using this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/i386/kernel-baking.html21:55
gabriel_Good afternoon Everybody21:55
stz184Stanley_ may be you doesnt have installed the same windows fonts that you use on your websites21:55
mobi-sheeptoter: http://tinyurl.com/m4m54d <--- More processing power than you. :321:55
=== peter is now known as Guest61820
SlartI've got some problems with usb in virtualbox, I'm using the proprietary version and I've been able to use usb devices before.. but now they are just greyed out in the little usb connect thingy.. am I the only one with this problem? (running 64bit jaunty)21:55
toteri don't use 6.10, but the guide worked fine for 9.0421:55
GeysserRhythmbox crashes on import.Any help?21:55
ojiivampirefrog: do you know by any chance what package i need if it fails on gtk2? (i have the normal gtk2 stuff but can't find devel stuff)21:56
Stanley_stz184: are there any font packages available? Also is it as easy as dropping them in a directory or do i need to install them21:56
vampirefrogojii: usually you can find this stuff by doing 'apt-cache search gtk dev' or something like that21:56
gabriel_I want to backup my home directory on ubuntu 9.04 and I want to know which software is good for that, I need an easy one21:56
totermobi-sheep: yes, you are right... but is it yours?21:56
gogetatotem well ok installed how  it  work21:56
ojiithere's a apt-cache search? awesome!21:56
mobi-sheeptoter: Yes.21:56
vampirefrogojii: or synaptic :P21:56
stz184Stanley_ check your private msgs21:57
totermobi-sheep: so... can you boot in less than 11 seconds?21:57
gogetatotem its crashin21:57
piccagabriel_: rsync21:57
gabriel_ok thanks21:57
mobi-sheeptoter: I took the screenshot.  This one is my laptop.  I don't know if I can boot in less than 11 seconds because of encrypted partition but I'm willing to be up for the fun of it.  I'll be back in 20min.  Small errand.21:57
ConexionFor some reason Ubuntu (Jaunty) isn't loading into GUI mode when I restart it. It just goes into text. Nothing has failed, doing startx says it can't find any screens, I've tried reconfiguring and messing with nvidia-configure, and I've tried restarting gnome while in it and nothing seems to be working. Any ideas? (I'm currently on the live CD on the same cpu)21:58
ojiivampirefrog: you rock! that search just made the whole ./configure and compiling myself unneccessary!21:58
vampirefroglol :)21:58
=== Guest61820 is now known as znh
gogetatotem Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 021:58
gogetaat org.bootchart.Main.render(Unknown Source)21:58
gogetaat org.bootchart.Main.main(Unknown Source)21:58
vampirefrogojii: the synaptic package manager also has a search feature :P21:58
totermobi-sheep: that's the spirit! it's fun, i know... try it man! I'm curious, because your laptop is faster than mine21:58
gogetayou get that21:59
ojiivampirefrog: i know, but the thing i searched happend to be the last one it finds, so i never find that in synaptic...21:59
gogetatoter i installed it how it work21:59
gogetaand ill post it21:59
=== TamCore is now known as TamCore[oFF]
ConexionFor some reason Ubuntu (Jaunty) isn't loading into GUI mode when I restart it. It just goes into text. Nothing has failed, doing startx says it can't find any screens, I've tried reconfiguring and messing with nvidia-configure, and I've tried restarting gnome while in it and nothing seems to be working. Any ideas? (I'm currently on the live CD on the same cpu)21:59
ehazlettis there a way to make it so apt doesn't start an application after install (i.e. mysql)22:00
boss_mcConexion: have you checked your xorg.conf?22:00
totergogeta: restart the machine... the png file will be located at /var/log/bootchart22:00
ojiiis there a command (command line) to search a dir for a (partial) filename?22:00
Conexionboss_mc: Yeah, everything seems in place, should a pastebin it?22:00
boss_mcConexion: back it up and try `sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg`22:00
stz184how to force ubuntu to remember that i want to display, not to run nfo and php files?22:02
boss_mcConexion: pick the defaults unless they're obviously wrong22:02
Conexionboss_mc: I'll give that a try, I think I tried it once with some weird flag, but I'll give it a go :)22:02
boss_mcConexion: you might have used -phigh to make it ask no questions... (maybe more questions, I don't remember which...)22:03
Conexionboss_mc: Yeah, I used -phigh, should I try it without that?22:03
boss_mcConexion: try without, I think it asks more questions...22:04
hey`hi, I have a very low sound in my laptop.22:04
forbzie22just installed virtualbox but there is no menu item to start it ?22:04
hey`it was alright before.22:04
forbzie22how do i start manually22:04
Conexionkk :) I'll be back, hopefully on my real system and not the live CD :P22:04
gogetatoter http://img30.imageshack.us/img30/3748/gokulaptopjaunty2009062.png22:04
JustcopI've found a patch on bugzilla which repairs a problem I have with a particular app but I don't know how to install it.22:04
KlingaNfccf: :)22:04
Justcopthe patch iss here http://bugzilla.gnome.org/attachment.cgi?id=136069&action=view22:05
KlingaN!pm fccf22:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pm fccf22:05
totergogeta: nice... do you have a netbook?22:05
gogetatoter 24 seconds off a single core wwith a slow ssd22:05
Justcopforbzie22 look under Applications > System tools, thats the default launcher location22:05
guntbert!ot | gogeta22:05
ubottugogeta: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:05
KlingaNIs there any command to PM a person?22:05
KlingaNLike /pm <name>22:06
totergogeta: thanks for sharing... interesting22:06
gogetatoter you can see the ssd is bottelneccking it22:06
totergogeta: i guess you can load it faster by compiling the kernel yourself22:06
guntbertKlingaN: its /msg <nick>, but remember...22:06
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.22:06
JustcopI've found a patch on bugzilla which repairs a problem I have with a particular app but I don't know how to install it. How is this done. The app is banshee and the patch is here http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=58502622:08
totergogeta: you can also remove some services, like cups, bluetooth, avahi...22:08
mobi-sheeptoter: Back.  You use Ubuntu Kernel?22:08
KlingaNYes, thank you. I had a long  conversation with fccf and wanted to resume it after my reboot. :-)22:08
guntbertgogeta: how did you obtain that chart?22:08
ZykoticK9Slart, I just tested and I no longer have working USB under VirtualBox either.  It use to work.22:08
gogetatoter i have those22:08
totermobi-sheep: yep, 2.6.3022:09
gogetaguntbert apt-get install bootchart then just reboot it will be in var/log/bootchart22:09
JustcopZykoticK9 you need to have the ose version of virtual box for usb support, the open source version doesn't include it22:09
guntbertgogeta: thx :)22:09
thorsonb it is is!22:09
SlartZykoticK9: yup.. it worked when I last tried it.. just a week or so ago22:10
unitheoryJustcop, ose is Open Source Edition22:10
thorsonbwhere can i find my grub22:10
thorsonb ?22:10
SlartZykoticK9: I've asked in #vbox too.. perhaps they know something about it22:10
=== thorsonb is now known as JayX
ZykoticK9Slart, i'm using the Sun's version and 9.04 64-bit same as you.22:10
JayXwhere can i find my grub22:10
JustcopZykoticK9 sorry you need the closed source editon not ose22:10
JayX i need to edit my grub22:10
=== fuson is now known as Soteriouloucas
ZykoticK9Justcop, thanks man - that is the version we are both using (Sun's version, rather then the OSE edition)22:11
unitheoryJayX, if you don't know where it is you probably shouldn't be editing it22:11
SlartZykoticK9: I'll pass on anything I find22:11
guntbertJayX: gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst, but be careful22:11
VCoolioJayX: /boot/grub/menu.lst22:11
JayXunitheory:  i knew where it was, but i forgot22:12
profxavieranyone know if request tracker is available for Ubuntu ?22:14
vvpalinone last question22:15
vvpalini just switched from windows ... how would i mount my ntfs drivers22:15
sjokkisi'm using pulseaudio for sound, and it seems that only the first pulseaudio daemon that is started is allowed to output any audio. obviously, this is a big problem with various users (like mpd) starting their own server. what to do?22:15
vvpalini know how to mount fat drives but never tried ntfs22:15
mobi-sheepAnybody here experienced with git?  "git clone --reference linux-2.6/ git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-jaunty.git" does not work and although I could do download the whole thing, but I don't want to download 700+ MB.22:16
gkffjcs_Hi all, how do you enable creation of ntfs partitions in gparted under ubuntu, my stand alone gparted live cd seems to have not problem creating ntfs partitions, but the gparted installed in ubuntu has ntfs greyed out... ???22:16
king36weis jemmand wie ich mein sound karte installiert bekomme unter ubuntu22:16
sjokkislol deutsch22:17
king36lol ja kannste mir hellfen22:17
mobi-sheeptoter: What do you use to get boot.png?  I want to do "before" and "after"22:17
VCoolio!de | king3622:17
ubottuking36: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.22:17
carl5has anyone else run into this problem where font quality becomes very bad at 1920x1200 ?22:18
sjokkisvvpalin: just mount them the same way. if it buggers you about the filesystem, add -t ntfs22:18
unitheorycarl5, nope. i have 1920x120022:18
sjokkisman mount for details lol22:18
carl5unitheory: what sort of cable are you using between monitor and video card?22:19
sdlssudo apt-get install kde4-devel says there is no such package22:19
unitheorycarl5, i have a laptop22:19
sdlshave hte names changed?22:19
vvpalinok thank you sjokkis22:19
ZykoticK9Slart, easy fix!  Add yourself to the vboxusers group, then log out / log back in - and USB works!  Just tested, it's working.22:20
dtchensdls: kde-devel22:20
sdlskde-devel is kde4 devel?22:20
SlartZykoticK9: mm.. I just noticed that I don't have a vboxusers group at all =/22:20
SlartZykoticK9: I just reinstalled it.. it claims to have created that group now.. perhaps that will fix it22:21
gogetasdls i would say kde 4 lol22:21
ZykoticK9Slart, hopefully22:21
unitheorycarl5, what's wrong with your fonts?22:21
FAJhi i need help really bad:  i just installed jaunty and used an old /home directory, but now when i log in, all i see is A BLANK SCREEN WITH A MOUSE!  Can anyone help please?  I just removed compiz* and am going to restart, but the login happens, it seems to be with gnome..... help please?22:21
ubottuAvoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience22:22
gogetafaj you dont need gnome anyways lol22:22
carl5unitheory: there was some sort of vertical striping; it made the fonts look like they had really bad antialiasing, but when I dragged windows across it I could see them changed as they moved. I changed to 1600x1200 and it all got better22:22
FAJgogeta: that's not real helpful...22:22
=== weatherkid_ is now known as CyberAspie
ZykoticK9FAJ verify that you don't have an .xinitrc in your home folder - if you do "mv .xinitrc .xinitrcBACKUP" or something22:23
unitheorycarl5, you can adjust antialiasing in system > preferences > appearance > fonts22:23
FAJZykoticK9: ok will do in a ssec.22:23
carl5but it was not the antialiasing, because that would not change when the windows were dragged horizontally22:24
carl5it was like there were vertical stripes, and whatever part of the letter hit them would be changed22:25
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carl5anyway, I will do some more reading about it; I got a call and have to run22:26
FAJZykoticK9: i think it was posssibly b/c some stuff was invalid??22:26
SlartZykoticK9: ah.. had to reinstall to make it recreate the group.. still didn't put my user in it.. but after doing that everything works again..=)22:27
djcb`hmmm... where can i find the vmlinux file needed for oprofile on jaunty?22:28
djcb`it used to be packaged22:28
sdlskde-devel is kde4-devel22:28
ZykoticK9Slart, well thanks for pointing out a problem I wasn't even aware I had.  Glad it's fixed for both of us :)22:29
FAJZykoticK9: what if i copied the xorg.conf from the livecd and used that for now?22:29
ZykoticK9FAJ that grey screen with the mouse says it's NOT an xorg problem - it can't load your windows manager22:29
FAJZykoticK9: ohhh ok22:29
=== ghost is now known as Guest40616
ConexionUgg Ubuntu is wearing me out. It keeps loading in text mode: I've tried startx, dpkg-reconfigure all, reinstalling nvidia drivers, nothing is 'failing' but startx can't find any screens, I reinstalled ubuntu and it worked until about the 3rd time I restarted it, I've tried repair mode and searching online and can't find anything. Any ideas?22:31
FFMikelooking for a telnet client with ansi emulation.. anyone?22:31
FAJZykoticK9: no .xinitrc22:32
ConexionUbuntu is wearing me out. It keeps loading in text mode: I've tried startx, dpkg-reconfigure all, reinstalling nvidia drivers, nothing is 'failing' but startx can't find any screens, I reinstalled ubuntu and it worked until about the 3rd time I restarted it, I've tried repair mode and searching online and can't find anything. Any ideas?22:33
FAJZykoticK9: nothing... still black22:34
unitheoryConexion, perhaps something you installed is causing problems?22:34
waraihello, last Wow patch 3.1.3 made fps a lot worse, Opengl rendering is simply not working anymore with wine, any suggestions?22:34
Conexionunitheory: Only installed emerald, gparted, and the nvida drivers22:35
Conexionafter the first restart it was fine22:35
gogetawarai winetricks and install d3dx922:35
Conexionthen the second time it wouldn't load22:35
ZykoticK9FAJ, and this is a fresh install, have you tried creating another user and logging in with the new user?  Perhaps it is something in your home folder - perhaps it isn't?22:35
gogetawarai should let you render dx9 nativly22:35
FAJZykoticK9:  no i have not tried creating any other users... how should i go about that?  in tty?22:35
ZykoticK9FAJ, is it black or grey?22:35
waraigogeta: I'll try it out.22:35
FAJZykoticK9:  definitely black :)22:36
gogetainprove fps alot22:36
MoLootIt's been a while since I installed ubuntu, but am about to perform virtual machine install... Can someone refresh my memory if there is a place to select which software you would like to install in the installer?22:36
ZykoticK9FAJ, black is different then grey.  not sure what to suggest for you man.22:36
xiongevolution: trouble moving messages from folder to folder and trouble emptying trash22:36
axisyshow do I find out which pkg /usr/local/bin/cpan belongs to ?22:37
OpensourceFTWjust let it install where it wants. Make sure to get it from the website and not the opensource version22:37
FAJZykoticK9: :\ all i see is the mouse....22:37
ZykoticK9FAJ, see http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/add-a-user-on-ubuntu-server/ for adding a user cli22:37
ConexionAny other ideas? -  Ubuntu is wearing me out. It keeps loading in text mode: I've tried startx, dpkg-reconfigure all, reinstalling nvidia drivers, nothing is 'failing' but startx can't find any screens, I reinstalled ubuntu and it worked until about the 3rd time I restarted it, I've tried repair mode and searching online and can't find anything.22:37
OpensourceFTWthe opensource version lacks some features22:37
OpensourceFTWlike usb support22:38
toterConexion: maybe it's faster for you to reinstall it then to fix it22:38
Conexiontoter: I already did that =/22:38
kinja-sheepConexion: Old weak machine?22:38
MTecknologyI'm trying to start using vmware workstation on Ubuntu 9.04 when I try to launch it I get this error. - http://vmware.pastebin.com/d16002c8522:39
Conexionkinja-sheep: Nope, brand new. Intel i7, two Nvidia 9800's, 2TB, 12gb ram22:39
n0deHello. I'm confused. ubuntu8.04+Raid1... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mdadm/+bug/120375 does this mean it's resolved? cos i'm still having the issue.. please help,thx :)22:39
chachincould anyone help me... my laptop's camera wont turn on after i installed ubuntu 9.04 im tring to use aMSN and video chat but camera wont turn D:22:40
Squarcis it posible to use the System Monitor in (k)ubuntu to monitor a remote machine running fedora?22:40
toterConexion: whoa... weak machine you have there22:40
Conexiontoter: Heh, lol22:40
ZykoticK9MTecknology, I don't use VMWare but it seems like the kernel modules are either not installed or installed with the wrong permissions.  All those messages about "could not find module..."22:40
axisysdpkg -S /usr/local/bin/cpan22:41
axisysdpkg: /usr/local/bin/cpan not found22:41
axisysdid not work22:41
kinja-sheepConexion: You're on *that* machine right now or you're using a different machine?22:41
=== bpgoldsb_ is now known as bpgoldsb
Conexionkinja-sheep: I'm on that machine right now using a live CD22:41
Stanley_Conexion: I see your problem. Your computers not fast enough for Linux22:41
Squarcanyone? is it posible to use the System Monitor in (k)ubuntu to monitor a remote machine running fedora?22:42
kinja-sheepConexion: No other machine to stay online with IRC?22:42
ZykoticK9Squarc, just an FYI sorta thing - but gkrellm had a gkrellmd daemon that you can use to remotely monitor boxes with, i'm sure it's available on fedora22:42
toterConexion: dude, maybe it is something related to the nvidias... Does X work well with your graphics card?22:43
totercheck this website22:43
FAJZykoticK9: it was just something with louie.....22:43
bobesponjais there a way to install postgresql-8.2 (with apt) on jaunty? I need it for work22:43
FAJZykoticK9: ermm.... the first account lolol22:43
usr13Stanley_: What is his hardware?22:43
JeruvySquarc: you probably want something like ntop22:43
kinja-sheepusr13: His hardware is pretty insane.22:43
usr13Conexion: What is your hardware?22:43
Squarcjeruvy: looking it up :) thx22:43
ConexionThanks Stanley_, lol - kinja-sheep: I can get on my iPod on IRC - toter - X seems to be fine the first few start ups22:43
kinja-sheepusr13: Conexion: kinja-sheep: Nope, brand new. Intel i7, two Nvidia 9800's, 2TB, 12gb ram22:44
Stanley_usr13:  Intel i7, two Nvidia 9800's, 2TB, 12gb ram22:44
ZykoticK9FAJ well, not really sure what to suggest for you - you could always just move your actual files (not settings) over to the new account???  Good luck man.22:44
Stanley_Conexion: Are you running 9800's in SLI ?22:44
FAJZykoticK9: yah that is what i am thinking, or rm the perms on the old account so i can just acces them22:44
chachinso could anyone tell me what to do to make my camera work again22:44
usr13kinja-sheep: Stanley_ And he cannot get X to play right?22:44
ConexionStanley_: Yes22:44
kinja-sheepConexion: Right.  At third bootup.22:44
Squarcjeruv: but does that also alow me to monitor things like memory and CPU ?22:44
kinja-sheepusr13: Err... At third bootup.22:45
toterConexion: After you solve this problem, you have to install bootchart to see how fast you can boot linux on your machine22:45
Conexiontoter: Hah, sounds good22:45
kinja-sheepHeh @ toter22:45
Stanley_Conexion: I believe there are some funky settings associated with running sli. Don't trust my opinion though but might be somethign to look into22:45
usr13Conexion: Did you try:  sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf22:45
kinja-sheepusr13: Hold on.    Conexion:  Get online with your iPod.22:45
Stanley_Conexion: also try "sudo nvidia-xconfig"22:45
ConexionI did a mv xorg.conf xorg.conf.old22:45
kinja-sheepusr13: He is using LiveCD at the moment.22:45
toterConexion: do that as soon as possible... Better, compile 2.6.30 and share the bootchart png with us22:45
Conexiontried nvidia-xconfig :P22:45
kinja-sheeptoter: Let's help him install the machine first.  He can slice bread with that new machine of his.22:46
usr13Conexion: Yes. first try:  sudo nvidia-settings22:46
ConexionI'll get on IRC on my iPod and restart k? - I did sudo nvidia-settings, I'll get on, one sec22:47
toterkinja-sheep: all right... is it working yet? :)22:47
kinja-sheeptoter: Oh I put aside the laptop and use this computer.22:47
Stanley_Did conexion mention what drivers he was running?22:47
kinja-sheeptoter: Brb.22:47
ConexionI'm doing the most recent propritary, 18022:48
nexxk this is conexion on iPod22:48
toterConexion: did you get the 64-bit edition?22:48
Stanley_I'm using 180 and I can't seem to get compiz working, also apparently there are some issues with two video crds22:48
Conexiontoter: yup22:48
toteri mean, the ubuntu distro22:48
Stanley_but that might just be when using more than two monitors (i have 4)22:48
=== thorsonb is now known as Jayx
Jayxim bacl22:48
=== Jayx is now known as JayX
ConexionStanley_: I got compiz working no problem on 2 monitors22:48
Conexionbrb, restarting22:48
Conexion(nexx is my iPod nick)22:49
Hilikusis there any way to bookmark things in such a way that when i am in my lan they resolve using the local host name and outside use the external ip? i tried editing /etc/hosts but the host that it maps to depends on where i am22:49
JayXok Conexion22:49
JayXis google chjrome ready for ubutnu?22:49
unitheoryJayX, no22:49
JayXunitheory:  what other browsers are thier for ubuntu?22:49
Hilikusso bcasically a conditional host, if i'm in network X use "comp" , else use "comp.external.com"22:50
unitheoryJayX, opera, seamonkey, links/lynx22:50
unitheoryJayX, and many more. search in add/remove programs fro browser22:50
nexxthere is Dillo web browser :p22:50
unitheoryif you don't like features22:50
nexxalright I'm logged in, text mode22:50
MrKeunerhi, server's (not any user's) public key located? there is no private/public key in /root/.ssh/. I am using Jaunty22:51
MrKeunerwhere is...22:51
lstarnesMrKeuner: look in /etc/ssh/22:51
thorsonbunitheory:  thanks22:51
MrKeunerlstarnes, oh, thanks22:52
thorsonbis there a command from terminal to reinstall ububnto  over?22:52
nexxstartx shows no screens found . that is my only lead22:53
thorsonbis there a command from terminal to reinstall ububnto  over?22:53
zaccouri noticed gnome-do is in synaptic. is it updated by the community?22:53
kinja-sheeptoter: Where did you get the kernel-2.6.30?  I "git" and get 2.6.28-9-3122:54
n0deHello. I'm confused. ubuntu8.04+Raid1... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mdadm/+bug/120375 does this mean it's resolved? cos i'm still having the issue.. please help,thx :)22:54
quickhandHello.  Does anyone know if it's possible to have netbook-launcher enabled on one virtual desktop, and not the others.  That would be freaking fantastic.22:54
FrEaKmAn_any ideas why I cant do apt-get install apache2-dev?22:54
zaccourthorsonb, just put in the disc or flash drive22:54
toterkinja-sheep: kernel.org22:54
kinja-sheepzaccour: Not likely.  You enabled the multi/universal repo?22:54
nexxwhere did you guys go? :p22:54
sebsebsebthorsonb: no command that re installs Ubuntu22:55
zaccourkinja-sheep, not yet, i know how to though22:55
q0_0pif i use transmission-cli on server box, can i also access it though the web interface?22:55
toterkinja-sheep: and i used this guide to compile the kernel: https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/i386/kernel-baking.html22:55
unitheoryFrEaKmAn_, you need the source repositories enabled22:55
toteri'm using ubuntu 9.04, the guide worked fine22:55
Stanley_FrEaKmAn: sudo aptitude install apache2 apache2.2-common apache2-mpm-prefork apache2-utils libexpart1 ssl-cert22:55
nexxkinja, toter, stanley, usr... I'm on my iPod22:55
wcomniskygood afternoon22:56
kinja-sheepnexx: Roger roger.22:56
toternexx: ipod? where's the bootchart png?22:56
wcomniskycan anyone help me?22:56
nexxwhat should I try to do? :p22:56
sebsebsebwcomnisky: late evening here22:56
ubottuwcomisky: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:56
sebsebsebwcomnisky: or night22:56
nexxonce ubuntu works I can do that:p22:56
toternexx: sorry man... just kidding...22:56
wcomniskyhere (in Brasil) it's about 18h5622:57
sebsebsebwcomnisky: nearly 11pm here22:57
wcomniskyubottu> ok, sorry22:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ok, sorry22:57
BowblesHow can I change my keyboard layout from french to english with only command line access?22:57
wcomniskyi have an eeepc 70122:57
wcomniskywith xandros22:57
kinja-sheepusr13: nexx is here (on iPhone) -- the SLI issue.  Know how we can help him now?22:57
wcomniskyand desktop with ubuntu jaunty22:58
ubottuwcomisky: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:58
soloIs there a way to scroll up past login to read last night's posts in this irc?22:58
kinja-sheep!logs | solo22:58
ubottusolo: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/22:58
Stanley_wcomnisky: Read that whole thing... especially the part about all on ONE line22:58
sebsebsebStanley_: heh I was thinking of doing !enter ,because of that guy22:58
nexxthanks :p it's a tad hard to type22:58
wcomniskyafff.. sorry :) next try22:58
Stanley_sebsebseb: haha, i haven't seen !enter, lets try it22:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ente22:59
ubottuStanley: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:59
toter!br | wcomnisky22:59
ubottuwcomnisky: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.22:59
kinja-sheepnexx: You might want to install it right away (and update) but don't enable the nvidia 180.  That way, you can reboot 10 times and see if it's still good. :>22:59
sebsebsebtoter: uh yeah, but his English seems ok22:59
nexxso try reinstall but don't use the nvidia 180 yet?23:00
wcomniskyi have an eeepc 701 with xandros, and desktop with ubuntu jaunty; when i connect on ubuntu via eeepc using krfc, the windows doesnt refresh23:00
barney-stinstonHey guys, I'm having a bit of trouble with Teamspeak on my Ubuntu 8.04 system23:00
barney-stinstonwondering if anyone could help23:00
kinja-sheepnexx: I guess so since I'm the one giving you advices so far.  We need to narrow down and pinpoint the source of the problem.23:01
Stanley_nexx: Yea just do a fresh install an reboot 10 or 15 times to see if you get in alright23:01
kinja-sheepnexx: It's hit and miss approach. :)23:01
ubottubarney-stinston: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:01
sebsebsebbarney-stinston: Windows only program?23:01
Stanley_nexx: and then update ubuntu and reboot 10 times again, and then enbaled the restricted drivers and reboot 10 times again ... :) get the pont?23:01
nexxlol kk. it'll be just a short bit as it takes awhile to reformat 2 tb :p23:01
Slartsebsebseb: teamspeak is available for linux too.. or used to be, at least23:01
toternexx; how come the live cd boots  fine and after you reinstall it doesn't load X23:02
Slartbarney-stinston: I've used it in the past.. not recently though23:02
Stanley_nexx: only one step at a time that way you can find whats causing the problem23:02
nexxwe think it has to do with nvidia drivers23:02
Stanley_nexx: why not have a smaller partition for your OS and the rest for storage?23:02
kinja-sheeptoter: Probably because it wasn't using 180 nvidia.  Just your basic Xorg would be my guess.23:02
barney-stinstonWell no, they have an Linux installation.. and I do have it installed, I can access the actual program and everything. The problem is that when I'm on there, I have problems with it having me constantly muted, like Mute Microphone and Mute Speakers/Headphone are constantly on, whenever I click on either of them nothing happens23:02
kinja-sheepnexx: Use LVM.  This way, you can resize it to 2TB later without having to reinstall.23:02
kinja-sheepnexx: Nevermind.  You're using Desktop CD.  >_>23:03
waraiGuys, I just installed d3dx9, and Wow 3.1.3 is still very low in terms of framerate, plz help :(23:03
waraiWow worked so much better with opengl rendering23:03
nexxtrue... should I just install to a small size and divide the rest up?23:03
MrKeunerserver's /etc/ssh includes both an rsa key and a dsa key, can i use any of them in order to give the server permission to backup data on a client?23:04
kinja-sheepnexx: A single 2TB hard drive?23:04
laegwhen i shutdown or restart ubuntu how come it tells me it will do it in 60 seconds? is it better if i let this 60 seconds pass?23:04
nexxa 1.5 and a 512gb23:04
toternexx: use the basic xorg driver and then install bootchart. that solves my problem... what is your problem again? :)23:04
toteri'll shut up now23:05
solokinja-sheep , ubottu , Thank you! Have a great day!23:05
barney-stinstonyou guys have any idea how I can fix this problem then?23:05
kinja-sheeplaeg: Right-click on the <Username> applet on top-right and edit Preferences and turn off "Confirm dialog..." would be my guess.  Otherwise, try Google.  It does not make any difference waiting.23:05
ulb<?> about synaptic, does IGN mean "ignore," and if so, how can I fix those repositories?23:06
barney-stinstonDon't mean to pester ya guys, but Seb/Slart.. anyone... any ideas on how I could fix my problem with teamspeak?23:06
hero_nocturnalquit quit quit23:07
laegkinja-sheep: cool ty23:07
kinja-sheepnexx: Just pick a size and install it.  I'd prefer finding a small HDD for my linux setup and having that 2TB HDD separate.  That way, I don't have to move files all times everytime I were to start out with a new installation and such. :323:07
kinja-sheepulb: It's part of the progress.  It's normal.  Don't worry about it. :)23:08
ulbpart of the progress?23:08
nexxI'd use my 512gb for ubuntu if my bios would recognize it on boot :p23:08
Slartbarney-stinston: oh.. haven't seen your question yet..23:09
barney-stinstonWell no, they have an Linux installation.. and I do have it installed, I can access the actual program and everything. The problem is that when I'm on there, I have problems with it having me constantly muted, like Mute Microphone and Mute Speakers/Headphone are constantly on, whenever I click on either of them nothing happens. Is their anyway to fix that so that I can speak on Teamspeak?23:10
kinja-sheepulb: There are nothing new (packages related to the repo URL) that need to be reported. (Would be my guess).23:10
Slartbarney-stinston: ah.. now I see.. let me guess.. you're running something else at the same time.. Enemy Territory or something?23:10
barney-stinstonEnemy territory?23:10
ulbic, ty kinja23:10
barney-stinstonUm, I'm running only Pidgin... and well, not much else23:10
Slartbarney-stinston: never mind.. it's an online fps based on Wolfenstein I think23:10
Slartbarney-stinston: ok, so you can hear others talking?23:11
barney-stinstonNo I cannot, it has me muted Speakers/Headphones as well as Microphone23:11
Slartbarney-stinston: how do you start teamspeak? just click on it in a menu? or you start it from the command line?23:11
Slartaleron6: please.. drop the caps23:11
ulbaleron, Yahoo broken pidgin23:12
Slartaleron6: if you behave I'll tell you what is wrong23:12
bazhang!yahoo | aleron623:12
ubottualeron6: At the moment there are many pidgin users experiencing problems connecting to Yahoo IM, you can try changing your paging server to cs101.msg.mud.yahoo.com and see if that helps.23:12
ulbgo to the pidgin site and look under news23:12
aleron6so wat is wrong eh23:12
ulbthis happened on the 21st23:12
ulbyahoo changed the protocols23:12
bazhangaleron6, read the message above23:12
barney-stinstonwell i just open it up from the program that is in the folder it left in my Home Folder after I installed it23:12
aleron6i did23:12
laegwhere can i find a selection of login screens?23:13
bazhangchange your paging server aleron623:13
Slartbarney-stinston: you double click on the teamspeak file?23:13
aleron6wheres that23:13
aleron6i dont know where that is23:13
vvpalinis there anything like the k-lite codec pack for ubuntu ?23:13
barney-stinstonIt says it's a Shell Script fil23:13
laegvvpalin: w32codecs23:13
vvpalini tried vlc and im not happy with it23:13
laegtry mplayer23:14
Slartbarney-stinston: ok.. hang on..let me check something real quick23:14
vvpalinawesome thank you23:14
bazhangvvpalin, ubuntu-restricted-extras , and some from medibuntu.org w32codecs23:14
kinja-sheepvvpalin: What is wrong with vlc? :323:14
vvpalincant run as root23:14
chervaI exidently clicked "Save action" ( or something like that ) when I was closing firefox and then save current session ... anyone knowing how to make firefox ask me again every time ?23:14
bazhangvvpalin, use sudo23:14
kinja-sheepvvpalin: You don't want to run everything in root.23:14
vvpalinim not on ubuntu23:14
vvpalinim on BT23:14
bazhangthen ask for help in their channel vvpalin23:15
vvpalinand yes i know all about how bad it is23:15
kinja-sheepBT? Meh.23:15
bazhang#remote-exploit iirc23:15
vvpalini know im there23:15
bazhangit's offtopic here23:15
kinja-sheepbazhang: BT?23:15
vvpalinwhats offtopic? asking for codecs ?23:15
bazhangkinja-sheep, backtrack is ubuntu-based, not Ubuntu23:16
bazhangat any rate vvpalin has his/her answer already23:16
Slartbarney-stinston: ok.. try this.. open a terminal23:16
vvpalinyes thank you again23:16
Slartbarney-stinston: that's in applications, accessories23:17
Slartbarney-stinston: then do "cd teamspeak" or whereever you have teamspeak installed23:17
barney-stinstoni am actually terribly bad at this stuff, sorry, i have it installed in my home folder, would that be cd teamspeak still?23:18
kinja-sheepbazhang: Thank you for telling me that.  I never knew what BT was.  I googled and apparently "BackTrack 4 Pre-Release was released on June 19, 2009."  It was interesting thing to know.  Yes, offtopic.  </end>23:18
Slartbarney-stinston: yes.. when you start a terminal you will be in your home folder by default23:18
Slartbarney-stinston: you can type "ls" to get a list of folders and files in the current directory23:18
bazhangkinja-sheep, their channel is #remote-exploit if you want more info :)23:19
plaziaanyone have an x-fi working with pulseaudio? I did have it in 8.10 but I've dist-upgraded to 9.04 and its' not listed. Do I have to re-install the creative driver or is there a newer one?23:19
Slartbarney-stinston: remember to use capital letter where needed.. teamspeak and TeamSpeak is not the same in linux23:19
barney-stinstonoh okay23:19
barney-stinstonI believe cd TeamSpeak2RC2 worked23:19
barney-stinstonbarney-stinston@barney:~/TeamSpeak2RC2$   .. thats what i get now23:20
Slartbarney-stinston: you can also press <tab> to make it autocomplete if you have typed the first couple of letters23:20
barney-stinstonoh okay23:20
Slartbandwidthcrunch: great.. if you type "ls" now.. do you see a file called "teamspeak" or something like that?23:20
Slartoops.. sorry bandwidthcrunch23:20
xim_im trying to unzip multiple zip files but the filenames have spaces in them, and when i do "for i in *; do unzip $i; done" it seems like its only sending the characters before the first space into the i variable and all the unzips fail....any suggestions?23:20
Slartbarney-stinston: : great.. if you type "ls" now.. do you see a file called "teamspeak" or something like that?23:20
Slartbarney-stinston: the one you usually double click on to start teamspeak23:20
unopxim_, you need to quote $i to "$i"23:21
barney-stinstonyeah, well i believe it's just the folder23:21
barney-stinstonoh wait, ls again23:21
barney-stinstontwo seconds :p23:21
barney-stinstonI see it23:21
xim_unop thanks so much! it worked23:21
Slartbarney-stinston: ah.. what is the file called?23:21
barney-stinstonjust TeamSpeak23:22
Slartbarney-stinston: ok.. then in the terminal try typing "padsp TeamSpeak"23:22
sea4everHi, is there a way to upgrade a distribution if I have a newer dist on CD?23:23
yillowhy is right clicking disabled after the latest update?23:23
barney-stinstonexec: 88: TeamSpeak: not found23:23
sololosher , I was "usingartistxlive" early this morning. If you see this, thank you for the walk-through last night on root password from live to installed! The repairs to x worked. Have a great day!23:23
Slartsea4ever: just insert the cd.. I think it will popup a window asking you if you want to update23:23
sea4everOr do I have to backup my settings and install from scratch?23:24
Slartbarney-stinston: hmm.. no typos? uppercase, lowercase all correct?23:24
Slartbarney-stinston: oh.. wait.. my bad.. try this instead.. "padsp ./TeamSpeak"23:25
yillowhy is right clicking disabled after the latest update?23:25
Slart!details | yillo23:25
barney-stinstonteamspeak is already running, redirecting startupinfo23:25
barney-stinstonIf teamspeak is not running, delete the file "/tmp/.lock_teamspeakclient"23:25
ubottuyillo: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:25
barney-stinstonso i guess i should close teamspeak and try that again?23:26
Slartbarney-stinston: ah.. you need to shut down teamspeak first23:26
barney-stinstonsorry :p23:26
Slartbarney-stinston: correct =)23:26
barney-stinstonokay i'll try it again23:26
barney-stinstonokay it's up23:26
Slartbarney-stinston: now for the billion-dollar question.. does it work?23:27
yilloSlart: well, here are my details. my right clicking does not work. not in applications, not on the gnome desktop, not on the taskbar. that's it.23:27
barney-stinstonYeah :D23:27
barney-stinstonit works!23:27
barney-stinstonThanks a lot Slart, most appreciated23:28
yilloeven after a restart it still does not work, and this occured after the latest update23:28
psieHey guys, I am running Ubuntu 9.04 on a USB (Not a live cd, its a full install) and due to space issues I want to delete all gnome help files. Is there a package responsible for this? Or how do i remove all gnome help files?23:29
maveasIs there a shorter version of rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty?23:29
Slartbarney-stinston: you're welcome.. padsp is used to run applications that use OSS.. another sound system that was used earlier in linux.. it just translates whatever oss-stuff the app is trying to do into something that works with pulseaudio.. the new sound system ubuntu uses..23:29
kinja-sheepOooo.  sshfs is pretty nifty tool!  Daddy like like!23:29
edbianmaveas: shorter?  5 letters is too long for you?23:29
barney-stinstonOh okay, I'll keep it written down. Thanks so much for the help, very kind thing to be helping random people out :]23:29
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:30
maveasedbian: huh? can I cut down on --ignore-fail-on-non-empty?23:30
laegi'd like to store the new gdms i've downloaded with the default unbuntu ones, where can they be found?23:31
barney-stinstonhey while I'm here, I've been having another problem with my firefox. It seems to spontaneously crash... maybe more so when I have a few tabs open that are loading stuff, but sometimes even when I only have one tab open23:31
edbianmaveas: "sudo rm -r dir name"23:31
kinja-sheeplaeg: How did you download them?23:31
laegkinja-sheep: from art.gnome.org23:32
edbian-r makes it recursive23:32
yillowhy does right clicking not work after the latest update? how can I enable it again?23:32
laegbarney-stinston: first thing you'll need to do is start the fox in safemode - try #firefox or irc.mozilla.org #firefox23:32
edbianmaveas: "sudo rm -r <dirname>"  to be more clear23:32
maveasNice, thanks23:32
kinja-sheeplaeg: Look in System --> Admin --> Login Window --> [under Remote tab]23:33
kinja-sheeplaeg: I turn mine off myself though (ie auto-login).23:33
laegkinja-sheep: hold up, i thought i had to keep the tar.gx file they came in but it appears i'm actually installing them with the gdm manager when i load them23:33
barney-stinstonhow do I open it in safe mode :$23:34
kinja-sheepAlrigh (I think).23:34
laegkinja-sheep: ty :)23:34
kinja-sheepbarney-stinston: Open what in safe mode?23:34
barney-stinstonFirefox :P23:34
kinja-sheepbarney-stinston:  Oh.  ALT + F2 --> "firefox -safe-mode"23:35
barney-stinstonThank you23:35
ebilI can't seem to get resolv.conf to update in the manner I want. eth0 and ppp0 both pull dhcp addresses, I want to dismiss the nameserver/domain entries sent on eth0 (I think I fixed that by making an interface block with a mostly empty request line) but then even if I add prepend domain-name-servers, I only get the two nameservers provided by my ISP to ppp0 and my nameserver never makes it into /etc/resolv.conf. I'd rather not edit23:36
ebil by hand and lock (which seems to be the going solution)23:36
kinja-sheepbarney-stinston: In the future, read manual configuration (for any packages) by typing "man firefox" (Long & Detailed) -- OR -- "firefox --help" (Quick Summary).23:36
barney-stinstonOkay thanks Kinja :]23:37
kinja-sheeptoter: Mmm.23:40
kinja-sheeptoter: You there?23:40
toterkinja-sheep: so... nexx is running xorg fine on his machine?23:41
kinja-sheeptoter: He's not here. :3  And I found something that might help you cut down your bootup even more further.23:41
toterkinja-sheep: tell me...23:42
kinja-sheeptoter: ##  Increase the start speed of multi-core CPU systems. ##23:42
kinja-sheepThis will slow down systems that  have a single CPU. For multi core CPUs, we can change the services to all start together (in parallel) during boot time. The command to do this is:   sudo perl -i -pe 's/CONCURRENCY=none/CONCURRENCY=shell/' /etc/init.d/rc23:42
toterkinja-sheep: yeah yeah, i saw that... Mine is already set to "shell"23:43
kinja-sheeptoter: You ran the command or you set it up in GUI?  I got this somewhere off a site.23:43
toterit improved speed a lot using his23:43
toteri went /etc/init.d and then sudo nano rc23:43
ebilany way to make sure my local DNS rules get inserted into my resolv.conf file?23:44
toteri changed the value there and rebooted23:44
pshrhello, any one know itunes equivalent for ubuntu23:44
bazhangpshr, for doing what23:44
ebilpshr, gtkpod23:44
=== Husaini is now known as husaini
bazhangbanshee can sync your ipod23:44
pshrwell bazhang stanford is on itunes23:44
bazhangpshr, podcasts?23:45
=== husaini is now known as Husaini
pshrisn't that cool :) well total lectures :)23:45
liamo1What is the terminal command to decompress a zip file, please?23:45
ebilthere used to be things like pymusique, but I think they're all dead23:45
kinja-sheeptoter: Thanks.  Found bunch of lines and stuffs.  Cool. ;)23:45
ebilliamo1, depends what format the compressed file is in...23:45
bazhangpshr, most of the major audio apps support podcasts23:45
edbianbazhang: .zip23:46
bazhangrhythmbox, amarok, etc23:46
pshrbazhang, any thing that can mimic itunes ??23:46
pshrwell video lectures aint possible are they ? bazhang23:46
=== don is now known as Guest81759
kinja-sheeptoter: Click on IRC links open up Firefox for you?23:46
bazhangpshr, as in ITunes Music Store? or what23:46
ebilpshr, I like amarok, but it can't do itunes store23:46
liamo1ebil, it is a standard .zip file23:46
Guest38194hi everyone23:47
ebilliamo1, unzip file.zip23:47
=== Guest81759 is now known as don0rism
ZeitgeistWarriorCan anyone give me a good program to convert .flv to .avi Devede and ffmpeg seem to crash any time I try to use them23:47
liamo1thanks ebil (kind of obvious!)23:47
Guest38194hi everyone23:47
pshrjust on to the podcasts bazhang so cant say right off23:47
bazhangpshr, I will try, got a link?23:47
edbianZeitgeistWarrior: ffmpeg is the best program for that.  If it crashes it is because you're giving it a corrupt file.23:47
Guest38194i wanna learn23:47
fretegihello guys23:47
pshrok bazhang23:47
edbianGuest38194: What is your question??23:48
pshrbazhang, http://itunes.stanford.edu/23:48
Guest38194a lot of question brother23:48
Guest38194i wanna start learning linux, how23:48
ZeitgeistWarrioredbian: This file I gave it is directly from youtube and plays just fine as a .flv file23:48
kinja-sheepGuest38194: You use Ubuntu at the moment?23:48
toterkinja-sheep: yes23:48
Guest38194not now23:48
kenshi_tengo un problema con el audio23:49
don0rism1.step done ;)23:49
kenshi_en jaunty23:49
Guest38194i know nothing about linux at all23:49
kenshi_al parecer los drivers estan instalados23:49
kenshi_pero no suena nada23:49
edbianZeitgeistWarrior: Just to be sure try using a different file.23:49
Guest38194but i insist to learn it23:49
kinja-sheeptoter: Alrigh.  I have [that] solution for xchat but I'm guessing you're using Pidgin or something similar. ;)23:49
edbianGuest38194: :)  It's a lot of fun.  Go to ubuntu.com and download a live CD :)  Burn the iso (using an ISO burner) and boot your computer from it.  Do you know how to do all of that?23:50
kinja-sheepGuest38194: For starter, make a backup of your precious ring (documents, music, photos, pr0n, videos, etc). :323:50
toterkinja-sheep: i'm on osx leopard23:50
fretegianyone know why yahoo doesnt seem to work on any linux chat clients at the moment23:50
Guest38194i see edbian23:50
sebsebseb!yahoo |  fretegi23:50
ubottufretegi: At the moment there are many pidgin users experiencing problems connecting to Yahoo IM, you can try changing your paging server to cs101.msg.mud.yahoo.com and see if that helps.23:50
toterkinja-sheep: so... did it work for you? do you have a 64-bit processor?23:50
Guest38194guys, support me to learn linux yah:)23:51
fretegipging service?23:51
kinja-sheepOps, we should introduce !Yahoo on topic for at least 2 weeks.23:51
sebsebseb!new |  Guest3819423:51
ubottuGuest38194: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com23:51
hoolzhey guys any good firewall apps for ubuntu?23:51
Guest38194i wanna browse ubuntu.com and find live cd, and download it23:51
pshrbazhang, rythmbox might work i guess, but where from should i get the link to the feed23:51
kinja-sheeptoter: Yes on Firefox links.  Yes on 64-bit procesor.23:51
isiahhow can I get all the needed software repositories?23:51
bazhangpshr, just trying right now, will take a minute to sync my music collection23:52
hoolzanyone run a ftp server on their ubuntu?23:52
toterkinja_sheep: do you think your linux installation is a little faster after you put concurrency=shell on rc?23:52
Guest38194i just know, irc chat that provide opensource, here i am, so glad23:52
kinja-sheeptoter: Oh I don't know.  Password prompt @ bootup and I don't really... err.  I didn't time and such.23:53
kinja-sheeptoter: But I'd like to believe it is. :)23:53
fretegiwhat is a paging server??23:53
hoolzanyone run a ftp server on their ubuntu?23:53
toterkinja-sheep: install bootchart and check your boot time23:54
kenshi_hi somebody can help me to find23:54
kenshi_i dont have audio23:54
kenshi_in ubuntu23:54
kenshi_but the codecs are installed23:54
bazhanghttp://itunes.stanford.edu/rss.html  pshr this seems to be the best way23:55
pshryeah bazhang worked for me thanks23:55
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »23:56
=== zehrique_ is now known as zehrique
darrellI installed festival and the default voice is creepy, how do I change it?23:56
dsdeizdoes the default gnome-session read .xsession?23:56
toterkinja-sheep: After changing the rc file, you have to install insserv23:57
toterkinja-sheep: http://man-wiki.net/index.php/8:insserv23:57
fretegiso the paging server, is there another port that coincides with it?23:58
fretegicurrently on 505023:58
kinja-sheeptoter: Bootchart installed.  What do you mean?  You mean the shell thing in rc file?  Why insserv?23:58
Guest38194guys...what's easy linux to understand at the first time, i wanna learn it23:58
Guest38194debian,ubuntu,redhat, or others23:59
fretegiguest38194 get ubuntu23:59
fretegivery very similiar to win XP23:59
kinja-sheepGuest38194: I'm not lying to you.  Ubuntu is a good linux to start with.23:59
KlingaN1I just installed 9.04 on my Netbook (HP Mini 2133) but I am having serious problems with my external monitor due to the VIA-graphics. I am thinking of installing 8.10 - is there any way to revert to an earlier version of a kernel? (I've never had 8.10 before)23:59
fengmanI started with ubuntu23:59
Guest38194thank you fretegi and kinja-sheep23:59
Guest38194but i know nothing about linux at all23:59

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