
sadmac2Keybuk_: what's supposed to be in 0.6?14:18
Keybuk_0.5.3, plus a few fixes to the util/ stuff, plus some migration tools Debian want14:27
sadmac2Keybuk_: hmm. almost doesn't seem worth a minor bump14:30
sadmac2Keybuk_: side note, I've done the style cleanup on the state transfer patch. It still needs test cases though.14:31
Keybuk_it's more of a statement of intent14:34
Keybuk_0.5 was tagged as a development series, while 0.3 was stable14:34
Keybuk_calling it 0.6 means it can be labelled stable14:34
sadmac2Keybuk_: are we still on target for a 1.0/0.10 at LPC?14:36
Keybuk_sadmac2: yes14:50
sadmac2notting: petr should probably be in here16:06
plautrbaKeybuk_: yes16:09
Keybuk_ah hi :-)16:10
sadmac2Keybuk_: since I'm not a dev engineer anymore, petr will be the RHEL 6 Upstart maintainer16:10
Keybuk_it was more of a "who is Petr?" kind of question, but you pretty much answered that :-)16:10
Keybuk_plautrba: pleased to meet you!16:10
plautrbaKeybuk_: hi, nice to meet to too 16:10
Keybuk_RHEL 6 and Fedora?16:11
plautrbafor now it's for rhel6 but i would like to involve in fedora too16:12
sadmac2plautrba: where are you out of? I don't think we even met.16:14
Keybuk_sadmac2: you'll be still doing the Fedora packages?16:15
Keybuk_when is RHEL 6 scheduled for? what kind of timeframe?16:15
sadmac2Keybuk_: yes16:15
nottingKeybuk_: *cough*16:15
Keybuk_notting: you can't say? :p16:15
Keybuk_or you have no idea?16:15
plautrbasadmac2: i am from brno16:15
sadmac2plautrba: ah. cool16:16
nottingKeybuk_: the former16:16
plautrbasadmac2: i'm sure we haven't met yet16:16
Keybuk_I'd strongly prefer you were able to run 0.6 in RHEL 616:16
Keybuk_since that'll be the stable version that Ubuntu and Debian will also be using16:16
sadmac2notting: ^^yeah, we need to look into this16:16
Keybuk_and the version I'm trying to bribe SuSE into using16:16
Keybuk_(instead of using 0.3 or 0.5)16:17
nottingKeybuk_: unlikely as it stands now, given the format changes16:17
Keybuk_notting: 0.6 is basically compatible16:17
Keybuk_it's me declaring the 0.5 version "better" than the 0.3 version, and fixing up the last few bits that aren't the same16:17
sadmac2Keybuk_: you say it'll be compatible with 0.10. Does that mean 0.10 is keeping start/stop on?16:17
notting? 0.5 wasn't compatible with 0.3.16:17
Keybuk_notting: it's mostly compatible, a few bits that aren't will be fixed for 0.616:18
Keybuk_sadmac2: 0.10 will read the 0.6 jobs, and apply some logic to making them work16:18
Keybuk_sadmac2: I may simply still support "stop on" to allow easier transition16:18
sadmac2Keybuk_: how will it know which one is which? folders? new job_version stanza?16:18
Keybuk_sadmac2: 0.10 jobs use "while/on", 0.6 jobs use "start on"16:19
sadmac2Keybuk_: either can use exec foo with no other info in the file16:19
nottingKeybuk_: including file locations, or is that a lost cause?16:19
Keybuk_sadmac2: and both will behave the same way in that case16:21
sadmac2notting: shouldn't be hard to make it support the old location as well as the new16:21
sadmac2Keybuk_: true.16:21
* sadmac2 goes to feed himself16:22
Keybuk_notting: I'd like to get everyone on broadly the same page16:22
ion_keybuk: Karmic will get 0.6 instead of 0.10?16:22
nottingKeybuk_: what's your schedule?16:22
Keybuk_ion_: Karmic will get 0.6, 0.10 is due for plumbers so that's "too late" for Karmic16:23
Keybuk_and will go into Karmic+116:23
Keybuk_Debian will have 0.6 in unstable when it's released16:23
Keybuk_and will move to 0.10 in September for squeeze (the next release)16:23
ion_Ok. Will Karmic get a startup based on 0.6 (if that’s even possible) or still sysvrc?16:23
Keybuk_notting: 0.6.0 this week, 0.10.0 for plumbers16:23
Keybuk_ion_: yes, partly16:23
nottingKeybuk_: if we don't actually use it for anything native beyond rcS... what does 0.6 buy me? :)16:24
Keybuk_notting: support16:24
Keybuk_cf. your recent crasher bug with 0.3.x16:24
Keybuk_which already didn't effect 0.516:24
ion_How are you planning to support 0.6 jobs in 0.10? How about /{etc,lib}/init/$formatversion/ and have separate parsers for both trees (and yet another separate piece of code to yield 0.10-compatible jobs based on the 0.6 parser’s result) in order to not contaminate the 0.10 code with 0.6 stuff? Too idealistic? :-)16:29
ion_One could then easily rid the codebase of 0.6 stuff in n years when nobody uses 0.6 anymore.16:30
Keybuk_separate parser code is probably the easiest way16:43
sadmac2Keybuk_: if you still have a directory change in mind, it might actually simplify things. Folder x for 0.6 jobs, folder y for 0.1017:41
ion_/lib/init/0.6/jobs, /lib/init/0.10/jobs, /lib/init/42.0/jobs, or call the 0.6 format “0”, the 0.10 format “1” and the 42.0 format “2” and use /lib/init/{0,1,2}/jobs17:46
sadmac2ion_: I don't think we're doing them in /lib17:46
sadmac2Keybuk_: why do you have better candy in the UK?!17:49
* sadmac2 eats an aero bar17:49
Keybuk_a not unreasonable idea might be just to have 0.6 jobs in /etc/event.d <g>17:51
Keybuk_yeah I do mean that17:51
Keybuk_sadmac2: you're in the UK?17:51
Keybuk_ion_: you appear to have misspelled /etc17:51
ion_keybuk: I thought the distro-supplied jobs were supposed to go to /lib and the user jobs or overrides to /etc at some point.17:54
sadmac2Keybuk_: no. Friend found them at an import store.18:00
sadmac2Keybuk_: but I now have one more reason to come.18:00
Keybuk_ion_: no18:01
sadmac2ion_: it never felt right to me. If anything I'd say distro jobs would go in /share, if there were such a thing.18:01
Keybuk_jobs go in /etc18:01
Keybuk_they're configuration files18:01
sorenion_: Perhaps you're thinking of udev rules?21:06
sadmac2soren: no, there was discussion of upstart keeping its config in /lib (the reasoning being that job definitions are "like udev rules"), but it was canned21:07
sorenion_, sadmac2: Oh, I see.21:08
* soren crawls back under his rock21:08
=== ion_ is now known as ion

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