Gon | I have a friend who need to add a IPP printer, but he can't found the GUI ... | 00:03 |
Gon | system-config-printer-kde is loaded ween I plug a usb-printer | 00:03 |
Gon | when* | 00:03 |
JontheEchidna | ~seen a|wen | 00:38 |
kubotu | a|wen was last seen 1 month, 9 days, 2 hours, 9 minutes and 24 seconds ago, quitting IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) and a moment before saying "good luck with the packaging ... i expect you to have the beta done, when i look in again next time :)" | 00:38 |
JontheEchidna | eek | 00:38 |
JontheEchidna | oh, the quit message explains taht | 00:38 |
JontheEchidna | Also explains why the kile updates stopped last month :D | 00:39 |
vorian | a|wen :'( | 00:47 |
vorian | ~seen obama | 00:48 |
kubotu | nope! | 00:48 |
vorian | me either | 00:48 |
ryanakca | seele: Should I place the wiki's editbar at the top of the page or under the breadcrumb, with a "Show editing options" link on the same line as the breadcrumb, but far right? Nice thing about having an editbar above the page contents is that you don't have to look for it in the page, shezam, it's right there for you.... | 01:13 |
ryanakca | (The question is open for all to answer, please give me input on what we want the wiki theme to be like) | 01:14 |
nhandler | ryanakca: What exactly is the "breadcrumb"? | 01:24 |
ryanakca | nhandler: You are here: Foo >> Bar >> Baz | 01:35 |
nhandler | ryanakca: Ah, one of the bars I filed a bug about ;) | 01:36 |
ryanakca | nhandler: Aye. To see it at the top, see http://wiki.ryanak.ca/kubuntu/ ... you'll need to login | 01:37 |
nhandler | I personally think a link on the same line as the breadcrumb on the far right would be too small and out of the way to be useful | 01:38 |
ryanakca | It was for bug 390253... that fix there also fixes 389722... | 01:38 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 390253 in kubuntu-website "KubuntuNew theme: Edit panel should be at top of page, not bottom" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/390253 | 01:38 |
ryanakca | bug 389722 | 01:38 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 389722 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 "skip-name-resolve is not included in default my.cnf" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/389722 | 01:38 |
ryanakca | bug 389772 | 01:38 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 389772 in kubuntu-website "Kubuntu New Wiki Theme - Bottom div too tall on short pages" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/389772 | 01:38 |
nhandler | I like having it at the top/bottom of the page because it is very easy to get there when you need to edit a wiki page | 01:38 |
ryanakca | My opinion as well. OK, I'll commit, mark them as fix commited and move on :) | 01:39 |
lex79 | JontheEchidna: don't forget launchpad bug 390069 :P | 01:40 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 390069 in kmhtconvert "New upstream release kmhtconvert 0.7.4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/390069 | 01:40 |
nhandler | ryanakca: It does cover up the search box a little. Not sure if that matters though | 01:40 |
nhandler | It also would be useful to have some way to always have the edit options at the top showing (a preference) | 01:41 |
ryanakca | nhandler: I can always move the content block down a tad... as for always on, I'm not sure... I can set it to always be on by default... but we'd probably have to have a vote and see what everybody's preference is if we set a default that affects everybody | 01:41 |
nhandler | ryanakca: I don't think having it always on would be a good default, but a preference would be awesome (if possible) | 01:43 |
ryanakca | nhandler: I'll find out | 01:44 |
ryanakca | nhandler: As for bug 389955, can we really expect people to be using the Kubuntu theme on the Ubuntu wiki? I could fix it, but it would require javascript which a) the sysadmins would probably rather I avoid, and b) would fail on browsers that don't support javascript | 01:53 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 389955 in kubuntu-website "Kubuntu New Wiki Theme - "You are here" text is incorrect" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/389955 | 01:53 |
nhandler | ryanakca: I would expect a fair number of Kubuntu theme users to use wiki.ubuntu.com since a lot of links point there. However, if a good solution doesn't exist, I don't think it is pressing that the bug be fixed now | 01:56 |
ryanakca | nhandler: Hmmm... now that I think of it, the current implementation for having the editbar at the top fails if users are in graphical browsers (works fine in text browsers, w3m, etc) without js... because I'm hiding the bar off the screen, 4000px to the left, and sliding it in when it's wanted. But I can't slide it in / out without JS... | 02:09 |
lex79 | Riddell: launchpad bug 391426 | 02:10 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 391426 in kde-style-qtcurve "New upstream release kde-style-qtcurve 0.65.0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/391426 | 02:10 |
ryanakca | nhandler: Therefore, should I place it at the very bottom of a page and slide it up to the top of the window when it's wanted? Or do you think the distance between Show editing options in the top left corner of your window and having the edit bar at the very bottom of the page would cause confusion / seperate the two? | 02:10 |
JontheEchidna | lex79: lol, another new qtcurve? upstream is way too fast | 02:11 |
lex79 | yes, too fast :) | 02:13 |
JontheEchidna | for MIR reports they ask how active upstream is: "dead", "calm", "vigorous", "frentic" | 02:14 |
lex79 | I'm trying qtcurve style and is very nice but oxygen is oxygen :) | 02:14 |
JontheEchidna | they need a new one: "like the QtCurve dudes" | 02:14 |
nhandler | ryanakca: Would it be possible to check if javascript is enabled and to fall back to the old style if it isn't? | 02:18 |
ryanakca | nhandler: Ummm... quick google says no, not without something serverside... which for us, means no. | 02:22 |
ryanakca | nhandler: hmmm... setting the bar to the bottom of the page and then calling it up reintroduces bug 389772 ... so I guess that since NetSurf and dillo are the only two graphical web browsers (excluding Mosaic, etc. from the 90s) that don't support javascript, I'll stick to the javascript support for the bar... text browsers, even though most don't support javascript, are unaffected. | 02:45 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 389772 in kubuntu-website "Kubuntu New Wiki Theme - Bottom div too tall on short pages" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/389772 | 02:45 |
nhandler | ryanakca: If we are using javascript for the bar, is there a reason not to use it to differentiate between wiki.ubuntu.com and wiki.kubuntu.org for bug 389955 | 02:46 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 389955 in kubuntu-website "Kubuntu New Wiki Theme - "You are here" text is incorrect" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/389955 | 02:46 |
ryanakca | nhandler: Nope. It can be done... It just isn't high on my priority list :) | 02:47 |
nhandler | No problem. You got the ToC bug fixed, which was the most annoying one ;) | 02:48 |
ryanakca | nhandler: Well, almost fixed... it's only commited... I'm going to fix as many bugs as I can before starting the eternal process of prodding sysadmins... | 02:49 |
nhandler | ryanakca: Did we see if any of these bugs are valid in ubuntunew? | 02:50 |
ryanakca | nhandler: Nope, feel free to check for them though and file against the ubuntu-website project... | 02:50 |
nhandler | ryanakca: I'll look tomorrow. I need to prep for a Packaging Training session now ;) | 02:54 |
ryanakca | nhandler: OK | 02:54 |
e-jat | nixternal: +1 from me about the new kernel :) | 03:04 |
=== shadeslayer is now known as Guest86530 | ||
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shadeslayer | would someone give me their opinions on bug 391481 | 06:45 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 391481 in hundredpapercuts "Improving IRC Support" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/391481 | 06:45 |
=== shadesla2er is now known as shadeslayer | ||
freinhard | launchpad doesn't support git repos yet? | 09:25 |
Seli | hello, I'd need help with packaging - I have a tarball with wrong layout, and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete says it's not a reason to redo the tarball, but it actually doesn't say how to fix it - can somebody tell me? | 09:28 |
freinhard | Riddell: seems like plasma-widget-network-mamanger-dbgsys still can't live with plasma-widget-network-mamanger | 09:32 |
freinhard | Seli: debian/source/format | 09:45 |
Seli | freinhard: could you be a bit more specific? I don't see anything about that in the guide | 09:49 |
freinhard | Seli: see man dpkg-source | 09:57 |
Seli | freinhard: I already have, but I still don't see how that helps me | 09:58 |
Seli | what I want is basically just rpm's "%setup -c", since the tarball misses one directory level | 09:59 |
Seli | or, put differently, I want to package the tarball contents, but the buildsystem adds additional mess to the extracted data | 10:00 |
freinhard | Seli: tried to clean it up with a rule in rules? | 10:11 |
Seli | no, why should I? I somehow expected turning tarball contents into a _all.deb package wouldn't be a rocket science | 10:13 |
Seli | not to mention if I clean up debian/ it will presumably stop working very quickly | 10:23 |
DreadKnight | ffs... latest updates screwed up my install | 11:14 |
DreadKnight | intel gma 945 user.. | 11:14 |
DreadKnight | i don't know how to fix it... | 11:15 |
DreadKnight | how would i go for booting another kernel? | 11:15 |
DreadKnight | if i still have an older one. | 11:16 |
freinhard | DreadKnight: put Driver "intel" in your xorg.conf | 11:18 |
DreadKnight | i managed with another kernel | 11:18 |
DreadKnight | or not hmm | 11:18 |
freinhard | DreadKnight: doesn't boot? adding acpi=off to the kernel boot params did it for me | 11:19 |
DreadKnight | i managed to boot using another kernel so far | 11:19 |
freinhard | -8 works -10 doesn't | 11:19 |
DreadKnight | i get the login screen, but not able to log in... | 11:19 |
DreadKnight | i'm into -11 atm.. lol | 11:20 |
freinhard | where did you get that one from? | 11:23 |
DreadKnight | latest updates.. | 11:23 |
DreadKnight | -9 is fail as well .. even -8 | 11:23 |
DreadKnight | i just can't log in for some reason | 11:24 |
DreadKnight | get an x session, but x crashes or something when loging in... and i get the login screen again... | 11:24 |
DreadKnight | fail | 11:24 |
DreadKnight | i could log in with -7, but video acceleration is a total joke | 11:32 |
DreadKnight | nixternal blogged about this.. then deleted post or something.. meh | 11:33 |
neversfelde | is 4.3 rc already tagged and if, can I help with packaging? | 11:55 |
sygma1982 | halihoooo | 12:33 |
sygma1982 | van itt valak?i | 12:33 |
sygma1982 | anybody here rák? | 12:33 |
freinhard | neversfelde: can't a 4.3rc yet: http://websvn.kde.org/tags/KDE/ | 12:39 |
freinhard | +see | 12:39 |
shadeslayer | hey anyone here? | 13:59 |
shadeslayer | i need to ask if this is normal : http://imagebin.ca/view/NAY6f7.html | 13:59 |
shadeslayer | if it is , then im not filing a bug...if it is ill file one at night | 14:03 |
shadeslayer | *if it is not | 14:04 |
shadeslayer | ill be right back | 14:04 |
rgreening | anyone else get bitten by the mesa/dri update last night? | 14:05 |
shadeslayer | so.... | 14:12 |
JontheEchidna | shadeslayer: I think it is on purpose | 14:16 |
shadeslayer | JontheEchidna: really? | 14:21 |
JontheEchidna | yeah, can't say that I agree with the implementation though :/ | 14:21 |
shadeslayer | me neither...doesnt look good | 14:21 |
JontheEchidna | it looks really retarded, like they're making it the width of the task entry just for the hell of it | 14:22 |
shadeslayer | totally agree.... | 14:22 |
shadeslayer | if they had to make it this way,at least those arrows should be on the extreme right... | 14:23 |
rgreening | seele: ping | 14:27 |
shadeslayer | is there a gui option to set different wallpapers on each desktop (not activity) | 14:37 |
rgreening | seele: here's a papercut - Akregator - can't interact with the icon in system tray (possibly only when integrated with Kontact) | 14:41 |
JontheEchidna | shadeslayer: zoom out, then there should be a "plasma settings" button | 14:49 |
shadeslayer | JontheEchidna: then?? | 14:52 |
JontheEchidna | ok, after configure plasma | 14:53 |
JontheEchidna | different activity for each desktop | 14:53 |
JontheEchidna | then zoom back in | 14:53 |
JontheEchidna | each virtual desktop should now have a different plasma activity | 14:53 |
shadeslayer | yum! | 14:54 |
shadeslayer | JontheEchidna: will this increase mem usage?? | 14:55 |
JontheEchidna | a bit I suppose | 14:55 |
shadeslayer | hmm | 14:56 |
shadeslayer | thanks for the ttip | 14:58 |
shadeslayer | *tip | 14:58 |
seele | rgreening: pong | 15:20 |
seele | rgreening: is that something easy to fix? add it to the papercut project | 15:20 |
rgreening | dunno how easy/hard. I suspect easy... | 15:20 |
seele | part of the problem is i dont know how hard some stuff is to fix which is a qualifier for papercuts :( | 15:20 |
rgreening | Well, it's a keyboard accelerator and a system tray icon.. theoretically, easy. | 15:21 |
rgreening | rather mouse/not keyboard | 15:21 |
seele | ok, i say add it and if it becomes too hard then we'll just make it not a papercut | 15:22 |
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rgreening | seele: whats the process to add it? DO we need to open a bug for it? And how/where do we add it? I'm also sort of tied up today... | 15:26 |
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rgreening | seele: nm. seems it was fixed since I last used that feature. YAY! | 15:28 |
rgreening | lol. I'll crawl under a rock again... | 15:28 |
nixternal | good morning kubunauts | 16:21 |
ScottK | So we have a netbook seed now. | 17:31 |
ScottK | rickspencer3: ^^ | 17:31 |
rickspencer3 | ScottK! | 17:31 |
rickspencer3 | when can I try it? | 17:32 |
rgreening | ScottK: good stuff. | 17:32 |
ScottK | Next we need to upload the metapackages (just did a diff for that and Tonio_ is reviewing). | 17:32 |
ScottK | Then we need the new default settings packages (Tonio doing) | 17:32 |
rgreening | ScottK: I'm going to work on packaging usb-creator-kde today. It works.. but has bugs we need to resolve. | 17:32 |
ScottK | Then we ask slangasek to start cranking out some images. | 17:32 |
rgreening | whee | 17:33 |
ScottK | rgreening: Excellent. That's an important component of the netbook strategy | 17:33 |
rgreening | It took me a while to remove all the gtk/glib/gobject references. I had to get REALLY creative :) | 17:33 |
rgreening | callbacks, lambda, all the fun python bits... | 17:34 |
* agateau remembers | 17:34 | |
rgreening | mucho thanks agateau :) | 17:34 |
rgreening | lambda rulez | 17:34 |
rgreening | :) | 17:34 |
agateau | :) | 17:34 |
rgreening | I owe beers to agateau next UDS | 17:35 |
* ScottK would insist on something harder. | 17:35 | |
rgreening | now, now... this is a public channel | 17:35 |
* agateau does not drink alcohol, but a coke would be fine! | 17:35 | |
rgreening | :P | 17:36 |
* rgreening prob shouldn't either | 17:36 | |
rgreening | ScottK: are you on jaunty still or have a system with karmic? | 17:36 |
rgreening | or anyone else for that matter with karmic? | 17:37 |
ScottK | rgreening: On Jaunty still, but my netbook will be karmic once it arrives and your usb thingy works. | 17:37 |
rgreening | Need to see if update-notifier-kde is working for them. FOr me it complains and fails. | 17:37 |
rgreening | dunno why | 17:37 |
rgreening | ImportError: No module named QtCore.. but thats not true... | 17:38 |
ScottK | rgreening: What happens if you go into a python shell (python) and try import QtCore | 17:40 |
rgreening | works as expected | 17:40 |
rgreening | It's like there's a hidden character in the program... and it's not actually looking for QtCore but something else... | 17:41 |
rgreening | other python apps work (like my usb-creator-kde) and has the same import line... | 17:41 |
ScottK | Weird | 17:43 |
* seele pokes agateau to look at some paperkuts | 17:48 | |
rgreening | ScottK: yeah. boggles my mind. | 17:48 |
rgreening | ScottK: ok, so I can the contents of the file to another file and run it... it works. | 17:49 |
rgreening | s/can/cat/ | 17:49 |
rgreening | aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! | 17:50 |
* agateau adds seele poke for tomorrow todo | 17:50 | |
agateau | rgreening: wrong version of python interpreter? | 17:52 |
agateau | have to go | 17:52 |
agateau | bye | 17:52 |
rgreening | nope.bye | 17:52 |
rgreening | :) | 17:52 |
* Quintasan just deleted all his bookmarks | 18:11 | |
rgreening | Riddell, JontheEchidna: either of you running karmic? | 18:16 |
JontheEchidna | yus | 18:17 |
rgreening | need to test update-notifier-kde (it doesn't run for me) from the pyshared dir. If I move it somewhere else, I can make it run.. strange. | 18:17 |
rgreening | JontheEchidna: ^ | 18:17 |
rgreening | can you see if it runs for you? | 18:17 |
JontheEchidna | pyshared dir? | 18:17 |
freinhard | /usr/share/pyshared/ | 18:18 |
rgreening | /usr/bin/update-notifier-kde is a link | 18:18 |
rgreening | ya | 18:18 |
JontheEchidna | oh, ok | 18:18 |
JontheEchidna | ImportError: No module named QtCore | 18:18 |
rgreening | ok, not just me then. Riddell ^ | 18:19 |
rgreening | update-notifier-kde is busted when run from the pyshared dir... dunno why. | 18:19 |
rgreening | I think it needs to be somewhere else (python-support)? | 18:19 |
freinhard | rgreening: that's where it is on jaunty | 18:20 |
rgreening | bizzarre. | 18:20 |
ScottK | rgreening: Riddell is on vacation. Please fix. | 18:20 |
rgreening | something is definately amis. And it's not a problem in the actual file. I tested moving/renaming, and it runs if not in the pyshare dir. | 18:21 |
ScottK | rgreening: What I'd do to troubleshoot this is edit the update-notifier-kde file to print sys.path right before the import and see if it's missing something. | 18:22 |
rgreening | JontheEchidna, Riddell: update-notifier-kde fails to exec from pyshared dir in karmic. However, moving to any other dir, it can be executed. | 18:22 |
rgreening | ScottK: ^ | 18:23 |
rgreening | this seems a python issue | 18:23 |
rgreening | perhaps | 18:23 |
ScottK | rgreening: Yes. Thus my advice. | 18:23 |
rgreening | I tried with both 2.5 and 2.6. Same result also. | 18:23 |
Quintasan | oh, if I'm also running karmic, if noone's around poke me :P | 18:24 |
rgreening | ScottK: sys.path reports the same path (with the exception of the first entry (the dir it was run from) | 18:27 |
ScottK | rgreening: Next I'd try to reinstall it and see if that helps. | 18:30 |
rgreening | done that | 18:30 |
ScottK | rgreening: OK. How about a no change rebuild and install that? | 18:30 |
rgreening | ScottK: here's the problem. I don't know how to fix though. PyQt4 and dbus exist in /usr/share/pyshared. The import statement will look in current dir beofre system wide for import classes/modules. update-notifier-kde.py cannot exist in the top level pyshared dir. period. Someone care to offer fixes :) | 18:32 |
rgreening | I think this differs from where PyQt4 and dbus install modules in Jaunty... and hence why broke here. | 18:33 |
ScottK | I don't understand. Why can't it exist there? | 18:34 |
rgreening | from PyQt4.QtCore import * ... theres a dir PyQt4 in pyshared, so it thinks that's where QtCore exists. It doesn'. | 18:35 |
rgreening | the current path is in sys.path as first in list. | 18:35 |
rgreening | same for a dbus dir. | 18:36 |
rgreening | and these lines break as the imports will fail using the current dir. | 18:36 |
ScottK | I see | 18:36 |
rgreening | this must have change from jaunty. | 18:36 |
ScottK | Yes. I believe so. | 18:36 |
rgreening | ScottK: do you have a PyQt4 dir in usr/share/pyshared? | 18:37 |
ScottK | rgreening: I do | 18:37 |
rgreening | check you sys.path | 18:37 |
rgreening | maybe that changed | 18:38 |
ScottK | rgreening: http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/203036/ | 18:39 |
rgreening | your first entry is blank. mine wasn't. it was the current dir. | 18:40 |
rgreening | so, that's changed. and broken some things we do. prob others. | 18:41 |
ScottK | I think that may be an actual on purpose change. | 18:41 |
rgreening | Any ideas on correct fix ScottK, Riddell? I think it needs to move directories or be in a subdir off pyshared | 18:47 |
rgreening | ScottK: it runs if I move to a subdir update-notifier-kde in usr/share/pyshared | 18:48 |
ScottK | rgreening: I don't think update-notifier-kde should be in /usr/share/pyshared. | 18:53 |
rgreening | should be in pysupport (my guess) | 18:54 |
ScottK | rgreening: Nope. | 18:54 |
ScottK | We don't use helper specfic directories anymore | 18:54 |
ScottK | Either it's an application and should be in some place like /usr/share or it's a private module and shouldn't be in the public module space. | 18:55 |
ScottK | share/bin | 18:55 |
rgreening | ScottK: this package is messed up. In install it say copy the .py to python-support but it gets installed to pyshared. | 18:57 |
rgreening | wtf | 18:57 |
rgreening | :{ | 18:57 |
ScottK | That's a recent change in python-support (new to Karmic, IIRC) | 18:57 |
rgreening | grr | 18:57 |
rgreening | ok, I have no idea. I have to get back to usb-creator. Can you look at a fix or enlist someone else to address? | 18:58 |
rgreening | schmidtm: ^ | 18:58 |
rgreening | sry.. meant ScottK^ | 18:58 |
* ScottK is ENOTIME for the next few days. | 18:59 | |
rgreening | feel free to enlist | 18:59 |
ScottK | Already did that once a long time ago. I don't care to repeat it. | 18:59 |
rgreening | you are the recuiter in this case | 19:00 |
rgreening | :P | 19:00 |
rgreening | deal out the pain | 19:00 |
rgreening | Bug #391731 | 19:07 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 391731 in update-notifier-kde "update-notifier-kde fails to run from /usr/share/pyshared dir" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/391731 | 19:07 |
rgreening | there, maybe someone who has some time can resolve ( JontheEchidna perhaps ) | 19:08 |
Quintasan | rgreening: I'm supposed to make update-notifier-kde to be installed into /usr/share/bin? | 19:15 |
rgreening | Quintasan: I have no idea on the '''Correct''' way to do this. Things have changes in Karmic. Previously it would have been in python-support and we had a link in /usr/bin to it. I personally think we should install update-notifier-kde.py as /usr/bin/update-notifier-kde and not a symlink. Everything else gets installed correctly. | 19:20 |
rgreening | so, no symlink, but the actual file, renamed as update-notifier-kde in /usr/bin | 19:21 |
Quintasan | rgreening: I will remove *.links files then, and place the *.py into /usr/bin | 19:21 |
rgreening | It's how (for example) ufw does it. | 19:21 |
rgreening | Sure, it will at least make it work. If someone else wants to change, they can make the case... | 19:21 |
rgreening | Quintasan: make sure you work from trunk and update | 19:22 |
rgreening | or send me the diff so I can apply to trunk | 19:22 |
Quintasan | I need to practice working with bzr so I will try doing it with bzr first :P | 19:24 |
rgreening | bzr checkout http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/update-notifier-kde/trunk | 19:30 |
rgreening | then make your changes in trunk dir. | 19:30 |
rgreening | once done, bzr export update-notifier-kde from in trunk. creates a new dir above trunk. test build from the exported dir. | 19:31 |
rgreening | Quintasan: ^ | 19:31 |
Quintasan | thx | 19:31 |
rgreening | if it builds and installs/runs fine, go back to trunk and bzr commit (add your comments) and then bzr push. Then it's in bzr yay. Then we can upload from there. | 19:32 |
rgreening | don't forget to dch -i in the trunk/debian dir before export. Update the revision to next .. etc. | 19:33 |
rgreening | Quintasan: ^ | 19:33 |
=== blueyed_ is now known as blueyed | ||
Quintasan | why on earth devscripts need postfix? | 19:37 |
ScottK | Quintasan: Install it without recommends | 19:40 |
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk | ||
seaLne | ok that was impressive just plugged a hp470 usb printer in for the first time and karmic set it all up for me, sweet :) | 19:52 |
Quintasan | rgreening: It's alive :D | 20:03 |
rgreening | good stuf | 20:04 |
Quintasan | bzr: ERROR: Cannot lock LockDir(http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Ekubuntu-members/update-notifier-kde/trunk/.bzr/branch/lock): Transport operation not possible: http does not support mkdir() | 20:08 |
Quintasan | ? | 20:08 |
Quintasan | rgreening: ^ | 20:13 |
rgreening | Quintasan: are you a member of kubuntu-members team in launchpad? | 20:15 |
Quintasan | yup | 20:15 |
rgreening | and you did a checkout? | 20:15 |
Quintasan | err, bzr checkout? | 20:15 |
rgreening | yeah | 20:15 |
Quintasan | yup | 20:15 |
rgreening | and then a bzr commit | 20:15 |
Quintasan | this is what I get at commit | 20:16 |
Quintasan | rgreening: I did bzr commit -m " too long to paste here" and this is what I got | 20:20 |
rgreening | Quintasan: I think it's cause the checkout url was http ... | 20:21 |
rgreening | Quintasan: edit trunk/.bzr/branch/branch.conf so it has this as the bound_location | 20:22 |
rgreening | bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Ekubuntu-members/update-notifier-kde/trunk/ | 20:22 |
rgreening | see if that fixes it | 20:22 |
rgreening | bzr+ssh instead of http | 20:24 |
Quintasan | hm it's doing something but stuck at 0% | 20:25 |
rgreening | are you behind any fw that could block ssh? | 20:27 |
Quintasan | hmm wrong | 20:28 |
Quintasan | it uses port 666 dunno why :D | 20:28 |
Quintasan | maybe cause of ssh config | 20:28 |
rgreening | lol | 20:28 |
Quintasan | ARGH | 20:29 |
Quintasan | now I have wrong permissions on .ssh | 20:29 |
Quintasan | what permissions I should have rgreening? | 20:29 |
rgreening | ls -al .ssh/ | 20:30 |
rgreening | total 24 | 20:30 |
rgreening | drwx------ | 20:30 |
Quintasan | 700? | 20:30 |
rgreening | yeah | 20:30 |
rgreening | what you have | 20:30 |
* Quintasan guessed that | 20:30 | |
Quintasan | 755 | 20:30 |
Quintasan | yay | 20:31 |
Quintasan | worked | 20:31 |
Quintasan | now bzr push? | 20:31 |
rgreening | 3 bits. 4(r=on)+2(w=on)+1(x=on) | 20:31 |
rgreening | yep | 20:31 |
Quintasan | no push location known or specified | 20:32 |
rgreening | np, do this... | 20:32 |
rgreening | bzr push lp:~kubuntu-members/update-notifier-kde/trunk | 20:33 |
rgreening | and that should now save the location so next time, bzr push works | 20:33 |
Quintasan | no new revisions to push, is this good? | 20:34 |
rgreening | hmm.. | 20:35 |
Quintasan | https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/update-notifier-kde/trunk <- mine commit is listed there | 20:35 |
rgreening | Quintasan = Michał Zając? | 20:36 |
Quintasan | y | 20:36 |
Quintasan | yes | 20:36 |
rgreening | you pushed /trun and not trunk | 20:36 |
rgreening | essentially a new branch | 20:36 |
rgreening | lol | 20:36 |
Quintasan | hmm | 20:36 |
Quintasan | I did | 20:36 |
Quintasan | lol | 20:36 |
Quintasan | how do I revert this? | 20:37 |
rgreening | oh, wait.... | 20:37 |
rgreening | I think both a new branch was created and you also updated the original... two different runs I guess... | 20:37 |
Quintasan | let me check | 20:38 |
rgreening | https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/update-notifier-kde/trunk | 20:38 |
Quintasan | looks like I screwd it | 20:39 |
rgreening | Quintasan: ? | 20:39 |
rgreening | looks ok in the url I posted above | 20:39 |
Quintasan | rgreening: nothing, just wondering how I missed "k", can I delete the other branch? | 20:40 |
rgreening | yep. | 20:40 |
rgreening | open... https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/update-notifier-kde/trun | 20:40 |
rgreening | see the trash can icon near to middle of page just after lp:~kubuntu-members/update-notifier-kde/trun | 20:41 |
rgreening | click it | 20:41 |
Quintasan | done | 20:41 |
rgreening | :) | 20:42 |
* Quintasan will double-check letters next time | 20:42 | |
Quintasan | :P | 20:42 |
rgreening | lol | 20:42 |
rgreening | I know we all want to drop the K in kde programs, but that was extreme | 20:42 |
* Quintasan points at paperKuts | 20:43 | |
rgreening | Quintasan: testbuilding now | 20:51 |
rgreening | Quintasan: you need to change something... | 20:54 |
Quintasan | hm? | 20:54 |
rgreening | It should be called update-notifier-kde (no .py at end). | 20:55 |
rgreening | :) | 20:55 |
rgreening | Quintasan: change this line in the .install - *py usr/bin/ | 20:55 |
rgreening | change it to : *py usr/bin/ | 20:56 |
rgreening | change it to : update-notifier-kde.py usr/bin/update-notifier-kde | 20:56 |
rgreening | I think that will work | 20:56 |
rgreening | Quintasan: ^ | 20:56 |
rgreening | Quintasan: apparantly that does NOT work as I thought... | 21:02 |
rgreening | lol | 21:02 |
rgreening | maybe we should just rename the python program in the package itself to not have the .py on it. It's a main program executable afterall. | 21:03 |
rgreening | Quintasan: I'll leave it to you to figure out the best way to handle. You'll need a core dev to review and upload (ScottK, Riddell, etc) as it's in main. When you make changes to bzr now, no need to bump to another version in changelog (as it's not released yet). | 21:05 |
rgreening | I have to run.... | 21:06 |
Quintasan | rgreening: the solution you proposed worked for me :P | 21:06 |
rgreening | hmm... maybe I screwed up... It created a dir with the .py in it when I tested... | 21:07 |
Quintasan | or not | 21:07 |
rgreening | yeah | 21:07 |
rgreening | lol | 21:07 |
Quintasan | it made a directory :/ | 21:07 |
rgreening | yep | 21:07 |
Quintasan | guess I will rename the .py file | 21:07 |
rgreening | bzr mv it | 21:07 |
rgreening | to keep history intact | 21:07 |
Quintasan | ok, I will work on it | 21:08 |
rgreening | bzr mv update-notifier-kde.py update-notifier-kde | 21:08 |
rgreening | ok, later. good luck. | 21:08 |
Quintasan | thanks | 21:08 |
rgreening | np | 21:08 |
Quintasan | ScottK:https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/update-notifier-kde/trunk <-- please review rev. 80 and upload if it's good :) | 21:51 |
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