
BluesKajcmreigrut, have you tried Wicd, much superior to network management00:00
BluesKajbrb, gotta set up the sprinklers00:01
cmreigrutThat was the earlier suggestion, and I'll still probably give it a try00:01
cmreigrutBut at least I have nm functional now00:01
* Captain_Haddock concurs on wicd... it's excellent00:09
robin0800set gui_url_mod 000:09
Captain_Haddockwhile the network manager widget is a big improvement on earlier solutions, it's still far from perfect00:09
Captain_Haddockwicd's "connect before logging in" feature alone is worth its weight in gold00:10
BluesKajCaptain_Haddock, the network managerment widget is unpredictable. Sometimes connects without a hitch and other times it keeps asking for pw's.00:12
BluesKajon my setup at least00:12
Captain_HaddockBluesKaj: yep. I faced a lot of issues with it misbehaving on my laptop... esp. when the pc wakes up from sleep mode00:13
Captain_Haddockand the incessant password requests really ticked me off :/00:14
Captain_Haddocktime to sleep00:15
BluesKajign0ramus , suggested Wicd to me and I'm favourably impressed so far00:15
=== ruben is now known as Guest38803
yogaWhat are blocked updates?00:21
HaRDi437yoga http://osdir.com/ml/kubuntu-users/2009-06/msg00129.html00:36
HaRDi437 KPackagekit is the new in kubuntu so it;s still not so perfect00:37
=== liberfiasco is now known as libervisco
=== Paraselene__ is now known as Paraselene_
panos4everhi guys01:09
shadeslayerign0ramus: there?01:10
ign0ramusshadeslayer, yep01:10
shadeslayerign0ramus: what was that grub editor you were telling me about?01:10
ign0ramusshadeslayer, qgrubeditor01:10
shadeslayerign0ramus: i cant find it01:11
ign0ramusshadeslayer, kgrubeditor is in the repos... should be similar01:11
shadeslayerits kgrubeditor01:11
ign0ramusshadeslayer, http://www.qt-apps.org/content/show.php/QGRUBEditor?content=6039101:11
ign0ramusshadeslayer, ahhh... kgrubeditor replaces qgrubeditor01:12
shadeslayerign0ramus: BIG FAT NOTE :P01:12
ign0ramusshadeslayer, last i used it, it didn't have the graphical effects you were talking about, though :/01:12
shadeslayerign0ramus: the only thing stopping me from having those effects is my architecture :P01:13
ign0ramusshadeslayer, amd64?01:13
panos4everguys do u know the sourcetype for tp-link wn322g for kismet???01:13
shadeslayerign0ramus: were always at the losing end of support01:13
ign0ramusshadeslayer, i am 64-bit capable but still run 32bit OS for reasons like that.  i remember saying in 2004 that everything will be 64bit in the next year or so01:14
shadeslayerign0ramus: heh...everything will be 64 bit in a few years :P01:14
shadeslayerign0ramus: good thing for you...you can have those effects...theres a howto on ubuntu forums01:15
ign0ramusshadeslayer, i blame Enterprise.  but i do want to eventually install a 64bit Kubuntu01:15
panos4everu people dont really know a thing do u???01:15
shadeslayeri blame keeping the default download option as 64 bit01:15
ign0ramuspanos4ever, you're the one with the questions01:16
panos4everi could jys google it right??01:16
shadeslayer*32 bit01:16
shadeslayerpanos4ever: yeah...01:16
panos4everi was testing u01:16
ign0ramuspanos4ever, honestly though, this is support for kubuntu... kismet isn't really a big topic here01:16
panos4everi told u01:16
panos4everit was a shit testing qest01:16
bazhang!ohmy > panos4ever01:17
ubottupanos4ever, please see my private message01:17
ign0ramusbazhang, that is my favorite 'factoid' by far01:17
bazhangpanos4ever, please keep on topic here01:17
bazhangign0ramus, yep01:18
panos4everok ask me01:18
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:18
panos4everi love our kubuntu society01:18
=== nick is now known as Guest1036
Guest1036anyone able to help me get ATI driver to play videos without using 100% cpu?01:27
carbon5hey whats up?01:27
carbon5this is jus a purely ubuntu/ kubuntu help guide right?01:28
kaddiactually this is kubuntu only, if you need help with ubuntu please try #ubuntu01:29
alonkhaha..... i juz wanna ask d same question...01:29
=== Guest1036 is now known as nstuart
carbon5no no dont neep help01:29
carbon5jus thought this was also a "hat" chat01:29
kaddiif you just want to chat have a look at #kubuntu-offtopic :)01:30
paulovao da o cu bando de viado01:49
pauloqm manda é windows01:49
pauloseus burro01:49
pauloDos na veia01:49
FloodBotK2andres_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:56
FloodBotK2andres_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:56
FloodBotK2andres_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:57
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Riddell, Tm_T, fdoving, Mez, tsimpson, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, genii, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, nixternal, PriceChild, Pici or jussi01!01:57
deprecatedPlease fill in the blank, "In kubuntu, we don't use su, we use ________."02:00
ubottuk3b is a feature-rich and user-friendly burning application for KDE (and, as all KDE applications, works fine on GNOME). For a guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto02:00
netdaemondeprecated: sudo02:01
netdaemonor kdesudo to be precise02:01
deprecatedThat's it. I could not think of it for the life of me. Thanks netdaemon!02:02
netdaemonno problem :)02:02
=== david is now known as Guest73561
thomasHello, I booted my computer today and the kde kicker is missing02:41
thomasAnyone have idea on how to bring it back up?02:41
ign0ramusthomas, provided you're talking about the actual kicker panel, "kicker" will bring it back to life02:46
thomasI could be refering to the wrong thing02:46
ign0ramusthomas, kde 3 or 4?02:46
thomasI am looking for the toolbar at the bottom of kde02:46
ign0ramusthomas, afaik, there is no way to reinstate an old panel that's been removed, but you can add a new one and add the same widgets you had before02:47
thomasOk, what steps do I take to add it again02:48
thomasI can add widgets but dont have the bar to add them to02:48
ign0ramusthomas, right click the plasma dashboard (ie, desktop)02:48
ign0ramusthomas, 'unlock widgets'02:48
ign0ramusthomas, 'add panel02:48
SerpardumWhat should I use for RSS feeds in Kubuntu?  Kubuntu have anything good?02:50
ign0ramusSerpardum, as far as widgets? nothing great, imho :/02:50
ign0ramusSerpardum, sage in firefox is pretty good, though02:50
SerpardumI have firefox02:50
thomasI had added the panel but it will only allow me to move left side or right side, not bottom02:51
ign0ramushigh rating, 2.5M downloads https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/7702:51
Serpardumis "Live Boomarks" sage?02:51
thomasI got it, thanks02:52
originIn the K-Menu, under the "Computer" tab in the "Applications" section. How do I add stuff to that? Also how do I make a direct link to the Add/Remove programs bit of System Settings02:52
ign0ramusorigin, to add apps to the Kmenu, right click the icon > Menu Editor02:53
originign0ramus: How do I add to the "Computer" tab from there though?02:54
ign0ramusorigin, ah, good question... i use the classic style menu.  seems the Menu Editor doesn't correspond to the new Kickoff Menu02:55
luis__i have this page: http://www.cabezadejapi.com/cdp_window/cdp_06_chicle.html , but i cant see the video because it says a unknown plugin is missing, can someone help me?02:55
ign0ramusluis__, mplayer plugin02:55
LOLSHARK                                              02:56
LOLSHARK                                               02:56
LOLSHARK                                              02:56
FloodBotK2LOLSHARK: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:56
originign0ramus: Hmm. THanks anyway. I assume it's just .desktop files in a folder somewhere.02:57
luis__ign0ramus: how i can download it?02:57
ign0ramusorigin, most likely02:57
ign0ramusluis__, "sudo apt-get install mplayerplug-in"02:58
ign0ramusorigin, open dolphin.  see the 'places' menu on the left pane?  that's where the Computer entries come from apparently02:59
ign0ramusluis__, de nada02:59
ign0ramusorigin, i just added /opt to that panel, and now it shows up in Kmenu > Computer02:59
originHmm... I'm trying to add to the "Applications" bit though... Hrmm...03:00
ign0ramusorigin, oh... you should be able to use regular Menu Editor for that... right?03:01
originNope. that only adds to the "Applications" tab. I mean the bit under the "Computer" tab that says "Applications". In 9.04 it has "System Settings" and "Run Command..." in it.03:02
ign0ramusorigin, i don't seem to have the same config :/03:03
originYou don't? Your on 9.04?03:03
ign0ramusorigin, oh yes, now i see it03:04
ign0ramusorigin, sorry never used this style menu before... 'applications' is very small on my screen03:04
originohh I see03:04
originign0ramus: Yea, I wanna add stuff to that03:04
originign0ramus: Namely, a direct link to the add/remove programs thing. and  link to Konsole link would be nice too.03:05
ign0ramusorigin, let me see if i can find where they are called from03:05
originI could just stick links in the Favorates area, but that seems klunky...03:05
ign0ramusorigin, hmm... this seems to be trickier than first imagined03:09
originIs it hard-coded into the Kickoff source or something crazy like that?03:09
ign0ramusorigin, highly doubtful.03:10
ign0ramusorigin, but where the config file is.... good question.03:10
originI was going to say, that seems very non-modular03:10
ign0ramusorigin, /home/user/.kde/share/config/kickoffrc is close but no cigar03:11
originAllready saw that.03:11
originI tried searching for a default or system-wide setting in /usr found nothing.03:11
originno usefull hits for "kickoff*"03:12
ign0ramusorigin, results replicated here :(03:12
originWhere in the KDE source-tree is Kickoff anyway? Is it a plasma applet?03:12
ign0ramusorigin, yes, the kmenu is now a widget03:12
originYea I found it. /trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/applets/kickoff03:13
ign0ramusorigin, really?03:13
originYea http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/applets/kickoff/03:13
ign0ramusorigin, so you have to re-compile?03:14
originThat's the trunk version and I'm not running from SVN, but i doubt it's changed much since 4.3 beta03:14
originign0ramus: I dunno yet. I'm just looking for clues in the source.03:14
originign0ramus: Hmm... now I'm not familiar with Plasma Programing or C++ so this is a little difficult... hrmm03:21
originWhat does "::" mean in C++?03:33
ign0ramusorigin, i'm not a programmer either03:35
originI am a programer, just Java. Not C++03:36
ign0ramusorigin, got it!03:36
ign0ramusorigin, http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?action=printpage;topic=3103189.003:36
ign0ramusorigin, specifically: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3103189.msg177837#msg17783703:37
originOhh so you add to the kickoffrc file?03:38
ign0ramusorigin, you have to add a new section: " [SystemApplications] "03:38
luis__ei i have a problem with kubuntu shuting down, it says: unable to halt, no such file or directory, and it doesnt tunrs down :(03:38
originign0ramus: Nice. Okay thanks!03:38
ign0ramusorigin, np... stuff like that bothers me too :P03:39
ign0ramusluis__, is this using the "leave" button in Kmenu?03:41
ign0ramusluis__,  and is that the full error?03:41
originI'm still tracking though the Kickoff code to see how it loads them... because I want to know now.03:42
ign0ramusorigin, i do the same thing... usually im in over my head at first, but as you learn more, it starts to make sense :)03:43
luis__ign0ramus: no, when using konsole to shutdown i also have the halt problem03:43
ign0ramusluis__, can you pastebin your /etc/init.d/reboot please03:44
luis__and yes, thats the full error, it cant automatically shutdown03:44
ign0ramusluis__, "kdesudo kate /etc/init.d/reboot" > copy/paste that file to pastebin03:44
ign0ramus!paste | luis03:44
ubottuluis: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic03:44
ign0ramusluis__, i was having a similar issue, and it was due to the "-d" parameter that reboot doesn't like.03:45
luis__ign0ramus: http://pastebin.com/mbab9f6803:46
ign0ramusluis__, make a backup of this file: "sudo cp /etc/init.d/reboot /etc/init.d/reboot.bak"03:47
ign0ramusluis__, then modify your version in kate; remove the "-d" option on Line 2003:47
ign0ramusluis__, save, exit, restart X.  then *hopefully* rebooting will work properly03:47
luis__holda, i paste sudo cp /etc/init.d/reboot /etc/init.d/reboot.bak in konsole?03:47
ign0ramusluis__, si03:47
luis__ok, i hope03:48
ign0ramusluis__, verify that /etc/init.d/reboot.bak now exists03:49
luis__ok i will reboot now03:49
ign0ramusluis__, you restarted X first?03:49
luis__thx dude, if i have problems, i will contact with u tomorrow :)03:49
luis__i dont have more time, cya03:49
ign0ramusluis__, you have my msn03:49
ign0ramusluis__, saludos03:49
luis__no, i will contact u by irc lol03:49
ign0ramusluis__, ok. goodnight03:50
SerpardumWhat is the name of the widget that shows the open applications on the taskbar?03:54
SerpardumMy son accidnetly removed his, I dont' remember the name03:54
DragnslcrI think it's Task Manager03:54
DragnslcrYeah, it is03:55
Serpardumthanks Dragnslcr03:55
DragnslcrNo problem03:55
originign0ramus: Okay. I've traced it back to the KDE core libaries where it loads the config files... lol04:07
ign0ramusorigin, have fun messing with those! :P04:08
originIt's actualy quite clever. It just asks KDE for it's config. It does't need to know where KDE stores it. Abstraction is awsome. =D04:08
ShlooshAhmuck: You are DISGUSTING, no one wants to talk to you.04:08
ShlooshBecome an hero, you fucking walking embarrassment.04:09
ign0ramusorigin, nice04:09
ign0ramusi smell a ban04:09
ign0ramusinb4 b&04:09
=== TMKCodes_ is now known as TMKCodes
originSo, what was with that guy? Prior argument or just a random troll?04:15
originign0ramus: Yet more abstraction! It loads the dirs though http://api.kde.org/4.0-api/kdelibs-apidocs/kdecore/html/classKStandardDirs.html but that loads them from a resource file...04:16
ign0ramusorigin, "....So the search algorithm basically appends to each prefix each registered suffix and tries to locate the file there."04:17
ign0ramusorigin, awesome.04:17
ign0ramusorigin, so what does " :: " mean?04:18
originign0ramus: No idea. I think it might just declare methods of classes.04:19
originAny C++ coders here care to shed some light on what "::" means?04:19
DragnslcrIt isn't static class method?04:19
originI could go bug the guys in #kde-devel (was that the channel name?) lol04:19
Piciorigin: Try ##C++04:20
originDragnslcr: I could well be04:20
ign0ramusorigin, search engines are terrible for regex04:20
originign0ramus: huh?04:20
ign0ramusorigin, try typing a regular expression from almost any language in a search engine.  useless04:20
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!04:21
Piciorigin: ##c++ would be able to answer all your c++ questions better than we can04:21
PiciYou might need to register to join though.04:21
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode04:21
originPici: True, I was just wondering off-hand.04:22
ign0ramusorigin, Dragnslcr, gnite fellas04:22
originign0ramus: Night04:22
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit04:36
=== shadeslayer is now known as Guest86530
dsmithhow can one upgrade to 4.3 before its relase?04:38
originWHere are my enviroment varables defined?04:39
dsmithorogin, java?04:42
=== hemathor_ is now known as hemathor
joshua__so... what is so great about kubuntu that ubuntu doesn't have?05:19
joshua___how do i install software on kde?05:25
max_add/remove in the kmenu or adept package manager.05:25
bazhangjoshua___, same as on ubuntu (via the cli) or a package manager05:26
joshua___what package manager is on kubuntu?05:26
bazhang!info kpackagekit05:26
ubottukpackagekit (source: kpackagekit): KDE package management tool using PackageKit. In component main, is extra. Version 0.4-0ubuntu8.1 (jaunty), package size 236 kB, installed size 756 kB05:26
joshua___I don't see it anywhere05:27
bazhangsee what05:27
bazhanginstall it05:28
joshua___how did i install kubuntu without installing a kpackagekit?05:29
bazhanglive cd?05:29
joshua___no via cli in ubuntu05:30
bazhangkubuntu-desktop ?05:30
bazhangsudo apt-get install packagename   <---- joshua___05:32
joshua___I did...05:32
joshua___but now when i open kpackagekit...there are no available packages...05:32
joshua___this is messed up05:34
CoJaBo-Aztecjoshua___: kpackagekit is terrible :/05:37
joshua___then why did they tell me to install it?05:38
CoJaBo-AztecIts the default in Jaunty, and is one of the buggiest programs Ive ever used. I have no idea why it replaced the old one o_O05:40
joshua___that is messed up05:41
CoJaBo-AztecEven the error messages are messed up: "A problem we were not expe". And thats why I'm still running Hardy lol05:42
bazhangthere are number of package managers, joshua___ , or even just the konsole you can choose which to install (or remove should you not like it)05:43
CoJaBo-AztecIve heard KDE4's version of Adept is even worse, tho I reverted my install before I tried another manager (I also had problems with graphics and the KDE menu)05:45
shadeslayerMamarok: are you free??05:48
shadeslayerok anyone who can give me some info on the kubuntu-tutorials coming up?05:50
=== sixofour is now known as amerikkka
=== amerikkka is now known as sixofour
shadeslayeryeah...so anyone who can give me info on the kubuntu tutorials?06:11
=== mae_ is now known as mayee
tymonHello, i'm with a problem here with my soundcard... well, its not really a problem, its just that on windows i can tell it do this: "Black output = line out", since my green minijack is not working properly, and i need to do that on ubuntu to get audio too06:22
tymonany ideas?06:22
shadeslayertymon: why do you call the ops??06:26
tymonI mean "oops".06:26
shadeslayeroh.... ok..see this06:26
shadeslayer!sound | tymon06:26
ubottutymon: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP306:26
tymoni dont think that is what i need exactly, i just want to control where the sound will come out in the soundcard, which connector will have the output06:28
* shadeslayer wonders if there actually is something named soubd system....06:28
shadeslayertymon: imho all sound cards are intelligent enough to recognise if there is a headphone plugged in or not and redirect sound as required...but yours seems to be a peculiar case06:31
tymonhm..., nvm06:32
shadeslayertymon: ok06:32
tymonLooks like i can't use the grey exit like i do on windows for it06:32
tymonbut the black one worked fine06:33
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=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
=== bayu is now known as hantu
=== shadesla2er is now known as shadeslayer
shadeslayersorry got disconnected...07:01
insmodi lost right and left menu function on my mouse all users all desktops any idea?07:10
shadeslayerinsmod: alt+F2 > window > select first option and change the settings there07:13
shadeslayerinsmod: its under the window actions tab07:14
shadeslayerinsmod: did it work?07:17
insmodi can not figure where it  is07:17
insmodshadeslayer: no idea what todo there is no menu option07:20
shadeslayerinsmod: no option for window actions?07:22
shadeslayeroh wait....07:22
shadeslayerinsmod: try alt+F1 > system settings > mouse and keyborad07:23
insmodswitched mice now it goes07:25
insmodi think i dropped it to many times07:25
shadeslayerinsmod: hehe..07:27
originWhat does flashplayer 10 output it's sound too?07:45
shadeslayerthe speaker :P07:48
originshadeslayer: The wrong speaker in my case. lol07:48
originI mean what service thing. Because it isn't Phanon.07:48
shadeslayeri think arts...07:49
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP307:49
originI don't see an arts process...07:49
originI have two sets of speakers. Tinny ones and big ones. I want almost everything to play though the big ones and use the tinny ones for notifications. Phonon can do this but Flashplayer isn't useing that apparently so I need to figure out what it's playing it's sound though so I can change it. to the right speakers...07:50
origin*sigh* is there some funky way of forceing GTK apps to use Phonon. Just pushing sound though it I mean instead of ALSA or OSS or something old like that.07:56
Mamarokorigin: that's not a problem of GTK, it's a flash problem IMHO08:01
originMamarok: Before (before I re-installed linux) I solved it by makeing pulse audio the default for everything and set pulse's default sink to the big speakers. So it can be done...08:02
Mamarokorigin: in KDE?08:03
originYea. KDE4 had it's default for all types of sound (appart from the notifications, which were pointed directly at the tinny speakers' output) pointed at pulseaudio. Pulse was setup with the big speakers as the default sink.08:05
originAll KDE4 apps used phonon. So their sound was routed though pulse. Everything else just used pulse.08:05
originKDE itself is the only think that realy makes notification sounds so it all worked quite well.08:05
originpulse isn't installed this time round and I'm looking if it's possible to do it without it.08:06
originI mean. Pulse isn't installed. and flash can play sound, just thought the wrong speakers, so it must be playing though something.08:06
originwhere are alsa's config files...08:07
digdeephi, does anyone use unetbootin?08:10
originAh! Problem solved. Flash was useing ALSA. So I made an /etc/asound.conf to set the default sound card. No Pulse requred.08:12
=== julio is now known as BugsBunnyBR
ActionParsnipyo yo yo09:21
thaoHi, I've just installed Kubuntu into my Laptop (Vaio GGN C190p)09:22
thaoI got sound work perfectly with amarok, vlc ... but not Flash !!!09:23
thaoI tried every solutions in google, but nothing changed09:23
ActionParsnipoh boy09:23
ActionParsniptheres a billion fixes for this09:23
Selihello, I'd need help with packaging - I have a tarball with wrong layout, and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete says it's not a reason to redo the tarball, but it actually doesn't say how to fix it - can somebody tell me?09:24
thaosomething like reinstall, get the one from adobe.com,... no solution work :(09:24
ActionParsnipthao: let me websearch some09:25
ActionParsnipthao: are you running 32bit ubuntu or 64bit?09:25
ActionParsnipok cool09:26
ActionParsnipi'll stop looking then:(09:28
rohanthere is no ubottu here?09:29
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots09:30
ActionParsnipthao: try: amixer -q set PCM 100% unmute09:30
thaoActionParsnip: ?09:30
rohanActionParsnip: ah, sorry, got it09:30
thaoActionParsnip: amixer: Unable to find simple control 'PCM',009:30
ActionParsnipthao: if that doesnt work try: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-installer flashplugin-nonfree; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove; sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer09:32
ActionParsnipI hate flash09:33
ActionParsnipthao: if you bring up kmix (speaker icon near the clock) make sure all sliders are ~80% and unmuted09:34
thaoActionParsnip: I'll try09:34
thaoActionParsnip: I tried running kmix, but the windows didn't show up09:37
ActionParsnipthao: right click on the speaker icon and select show mixer window09:37
thaoActionParsnip: 80% huh ?09:38
ActionParsnipthao: 100% degrades quality some, you can whack it to the to pif you wish09:39
thaoActionParsnip: i set it 100% already,09:40
ActionParsnipok thats cool09:40
thaoalso run the command you gave me09:40
thaoand restart ff09:40
thaoand no sound09:40
ActionParsniplet me hunt some more09:41
kaHi. So stumbled on to this problem once again today. Trying to change ownership on a file with the charachter ø fails. I get the following error: "Could not change owner on this file: verdigrunnlag og �velser.doc". Any Ideas as to how to konquer ;p this issue. I have always solved it from the commandline before. But the whole thing really bugs me and it shouldn't really be an issue, this is after all 2009...09:41
ActionParsnipthao: http://swiss.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1136556&page=309:45
ActionParsnipka: kdesudo konqueror09:45
ActionParsnipka: change the filename then close konqueror09:46
ActionParsnipthao: do you have other flash plugins install like gnash / swfplayer etc?09:47
thaoActionParsnip: no,i don't have09:49
ActionParsnipthao: good09:50
ActionParsnipthao: they fight and nothing works :)09:50
* thao restart09:51
kaActionParsnip: I forgot to say that I am already root ;)09:51
=== carl_ is now known as Snowdeamon
ActionParsnipka: you shouldnt be root, you should be you09:52
ActionParsnipka: enabling the root account reduces system security09:52
ActionParsnipka: and running web based apps (especially irc) is possibly the worst thing to do09:53
kaActionParsnip: It was just my way of saying I already done this as "kdesudo konqueror". Or else I wouldn't be able to change the permissions...09:54
kame/ know the dangers of running root.09:54
ActionParsnipka: good, i just hate folks running x as root when they are just browsing the web, its retarded. Glad you are aware09:55
thaoActionParsnip: finally09:55
thaoit's work09:55
ActionParsnipka: you could try globbing09:55
ActionParsnipthao: nice09:55
thaoActionParsnip: thanks,09:55
* ka scratches his head, while he googles "globbing"09:56
ActionParsnipka: copy the file to its own folder09:56
=== pc4us is now known as Sebbyz
ActionParsnipka: then run a command like: for i in ls; do mv "i$" ./new; done09:58
ActionParsnipka: there is only one file in the folder so only one file will be mv'd09:59
ActionParsnipka: you will need to cd into the new folder too09:59
kahm. But this is only one of many files in one of many different folders. That would take hours. Easier with the commandline then. But as I said this really shouldn't happen. Konq should be able to do simple operations like changing permissions just as well as any comandline...09:59
ActionParsnipka: you can sudo chmod and sudo chown09:59
ActionParsnipka: sudo chown $USER ./<filename>10:00
ActionParsnipka: or you can use: sudo chown -R $USER /some/directory    to recursively chown all files and folders10:00
kaYeah I know, I'm just dissapointed at konqueror...10:01
kaBut thanks anyway. So should I file a bug report? This also applies to changing filenames on files with umlaut characters...10:03
ActionParsnipka: if you wish10:03
ActionParsnipka: i dont use konqueror (or any gui file manager) so I am not aware if this is a sortcoming10:03
kaI have been tempted but the very same notion. But I don't know all the commands I would need to know. But this recurring problem has got me thinking again... As Perry DeAngelis said: "Question everything!"10:07
cristiani've a problem10:07
kacristian: Let's have it10:07
cristianit's simple... I see the same windows on all the desktops... I wanna REAL four desktops in kde10:08
cristianlike gnome10:08
kaHm strange it works the same. So you must have done something strange.10:09
kaThere is a button the lets you see a window on all desktops. Its on the left side on the top. It's a circle with a dot inside. click this and the window will only be visible on that one desktop.10:11
cristianI mean same windows on the panel10:12
cristiansorry for my english10:12
kaaha. Just right click on the taskbar and choose settings then under filters just show windows for current desktop.10:13
kaYou will have to have an empty space to clik on or else you woun't get the right context menu.10:14
cristiani'll see that10:15
cristianka: THANK YOUUU!!!!!!!!!!!10:15
kano problem.10:16
cristianIt's difficult to 10:17
cristianto kde 4.210:17
cristianafter kde 3.510:18
kaAfter a while everything just seems more intuitive..at least for me. But some problems seems never to be solved (the same ones the were in 3.5)10:22
cristianyes, maybe10:23
kahm Anyone else using quassel?10:29
cristianyes, me10:30
kaWhat is the point of having a quassel icon in the systemtray when It sits in the taskbar if I minimize the app? I I try to close it then it shuts down! I mean wtf?10:31
cristianka: hahaha  10:33
cristianI wonder the same thing10:33
cristiani think that konversation is better10:35
kaYes I might have to go back. This is a serious usabilitybug... What were they thinking?10:36
cristianI don't know... It's very uncomfortable10:37
jussi01ka_: there is an option in the settings to turn that behaviour on10:42
jussi01its just not on by default.10:42
jussi01ka: its under Misc in the settings10:43
kajussi01: ah... much better10:44
jussi01ka: :D Perhaps file a bug mentioning that should be on by default10:45
kaI was thinking the exact same thing...10:45
* jussi01 points ka to Launchpad10:46
jussi01!bug | ka10:46
ubottuka: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots10:46
kaIsn't it better to file it upstream?10:47
kaOr does it automatically get redirected to kde?10:48
jussi01ka: quassel is independant of KDE10:49
jussi01ka: however, settings like that will probably be set by Ubuntu.10:49
kaI thought it was the default KDE4 irc client. Maybe I misread default kubuntu to mean default KDE410:49
jussi01ka: I thinkk maybe.10:50
jussi01ka: quassel is cross platform, windows, mac and linux10:50
kaAha good point . I also have issues with the quassel settings. The gui is not consistent.10:51
jussi01ka: so please, We would love to see a bug filed. :)10:51
jussi01or bugs as the case maybe10:51
kaI am on it. just need to formulate my thought to a coherent mass of genius ideas.10:51
jussi01ka: if they are not just settings bugs, you can of course pop them on quassel-irc.org10:53
jussi01and maybe join #quassel to have a chat about them, but dont substitute chat for actually filing bugs :)10:53
kaCould not upload report data to crash database:10:54
kaHTTP Error 503: Service Unavailable10:54
robin0800ka launchpad planed maintenance 24th June 2009 from 09.00 UTC10:55
karobin0800: ah... thanks10:55
shanipribadiis there anyone using kopete to connect to yahoo? cos right now it's not working saying with error 10, even though last night it worked just fine11:01
Mamarok!yahoo | shanipribadi11:01
ubottushanipribadi: At the moment there are many pidgin users experiencing problems connecting to Yahoo IM, you can try changing your paging server to cs101.msg.mud.yahoo.com and see if that helps.11:01
shanipribadiMamarok: ok, ill try that11:02
shanipribadiMamarok: the workaround did not work, i'm gonna try pidgin, i read that they fixed something with yahoo.11:15
Mamarokshanipribadi: well, this workaround is for pidgin :)11:17
eagles0513875Mamarok: thats not accurate to be honest im able to connect to yahoo im both on pidgin on linux and on windows version of it11:18
eagles0513875ahhhh wait11:18
eagles0513875duh nm11:18
Mamarokeagles0513875: think before writing, please11:18
* jussi01 waves to Mamarok11:29
hampanybody that can help me understand how to join other channels? on other servers?11:29
* Mamarok waves back to jussi01 :)11:30
Mamarokhamp: to join a channel, you can type /join #channelname11:31
Mamarokhamp: and to join other servers, you need to add the other server to the servers list in your channel11:31
Think-FreeHi ! Is there a way put use dolphin as an active ftp client ? By default, it seems he is in passive mode11:42
Think-Freeany body ?11:45
shadeslayerThink-Free: missed your question...can you ask again?11:46
Think-FreeIs there a way put use dolphin as an active ftp client ? By default, it seems he is in passive mode11:47
=== shadesla1er is now known as shadeslayer
shadeslayerThink-Free: whats the problem?11:50
Think-Freeshadeslayer : did you see the question ?11:50
Think-FreeI want to connect to a ftp server in active mode11:50
shadeslayerThink-Free: no..i got  disconnected11:50
Think-Freeok : Hi ! Is there a way put use dolphin as an active ftp client ? By default, it seems he is in passive mode11:51
shadeslayerThink-Free: konqueror?11:51
Think-Freethat's the same, it use kio11:51
Think-Freebut it work in passive mode :(11:51
Think-Freeand I can't find a way to turn it in active11:52
shadeslayerThink-Free: is dolphin a necessity? cant you do it any other thing?11:52
shadeslayer!ftp | Think-Free11:52
ubottuThink-Free: FTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd11:52
shadeslayerThink-Free: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-networking-3/active-ftp-and-konqueror-kbear-mozilla-et-all...-376351/11:54
Think-FreeI like dolphin and I don't want to change my ftp client, just configure it ;)11:55
Think-FreeThanks for the link, I'm looking at this11:55
shadeslayerThink-Free: hmm.. i have no idean then...fiddle around tho...and theres always google :)11:56
mjobinkfmclient copy ftp://host/path/file ~/Downoad/11:56
Think-Freeshadeslayer : tks ;)11:56
mjobinby the way, FTP is dead, we shall all use scp/ssh11:58
mjobinshadeslayer: such an old link .... kde 3.2 ? is this still accurate ?11:59
kaor fish12:22
n8wive got a prob with my newly installed kubuntu...i cant set up higher resolution than 1680x1080 eventhough that my ntb supports 1680x120012:27
n8wdoes any of u know the solution for this?12:27
shadeslayer!resolution | n8w12:27
ubottun8w: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution12:27
tdnHow do I disable bluetooth so that the module is not loaded upon startup but only when needed and so that the bluetooth daemon is only started, when I start it and not during startup? I do not want to waster battery on this device, since I almost never use it.12:27
kaThink-Free: just write: fish://username@ftpdomain.com for active mode (I think) or fish://username:password@ftpdomain.com12:28
kaIn the adressbar.12:28
kainstall bum and enable disable there.12:28
n8wshadeslayer: ok thx...12:29
katdn: My last post was to you...12:30
shadeslayerka: i dont think that will help...bum installs or removes scripts/programs....i think he might have to blacklist or remocve the module and modprobe it to get it back :)12:30
tdnka, ok.12:30
kashadeslayer: Nope I don't think so just uses bum for this yesterday... But I am not 100% sure12:31
shadeslayerka: me neither...12:31
shadeslayerka: i got it12:31
Anon1i have a problem, when i try to enter the password after i type "su" in terminal i cant type12:32
shadeslayerka: we can add a line to rc.local to bring down the interface12:32
shadeslayerAnon1: just type the pass and press enter..its a security feature12:32
kaAnon1: Just type and press enter when finished. It's hidden.12:33
Anon1ok thanks12:33
kashadeslayer: ?que?12:33
shadeslayer!password > Anon112:33
ubottuAnon1, please see my private message12:33
shadeslayerka: man hcitools12:33
kaNo manual entry for hcitools12:34
shadeslayerka: man hcitool :P12:34
grandiis there a kde4 version of adept?12:35
kaah sorry I am not quit awake..12:35
shadeslayergrandi: adept is depriciated12:35
shadeslayerka: hehe also see man hciconfig12:35
shadeslayertdn: ok please see the man pages of hciconfig to bring down the interface12:36
grandiso what's going to replace it?12:36
shadeslayergrandi: kpackagekit12:36
shadeslayer!info kpackagekit | grandi12:36
ubottugrandi: kpackagekit (source: kpackagekit): KDE package management tool using PackageKit. In component main, is extra. Version 0.4-0ubuntu8.1 (jaunty), package size 236 kB, installed size 756 kB12:36
shadeslayertdn: you can add a line to rc.local...but that will get the interface down only after the boot...not before it12:37
shadeslayerif anyone has a better idea..please suggest :)12:38
grandishadeslayer: that's quite minimalistic12:38
grandito say the least12:39
kaAnon1: Seems like you could write hciconfig down to stop bluetooth and hciconfig up to start it.12:39
shadeslayergrandi: sorry?12:39
shadeslayergrandi: if you dont like kpackagekit then use apt-get and apt-cache12:40
grandishadeslayer: how do you browse packages with kpackagekit12:40
bazhanggrandi, you can install adept, synaptic also12:40
tdnka, bum appearently only allows me to disable services. I want to not even load the module.12:40
grandior do you use add/remove packages for that?12:40
shadeslayergrandi: have you installed kpackagekit?12:40
shadeslayertdn: ah.... rmmod <module>12:41
tdnshadeslayer, I would really not like to start it up at all.12:41
tdnshadeslayer, that does only remove the module.12:41
grandiI have empty search field there12:41
tdnshadeslayer, I want the module to not be loaded at all.12:41
shadeslayergrandi: just type and press enter12:41
grandidoesn't really help me if I want to browse packages for something interesting12:41
granditype what? the idea of GUI is that it gives you hints to what you can do12:41
grandiwithout those hints I could just use apt-get12:42
katdn: I dont know if it makes any difference. having the module installed but not enabled doesn't use battery or increase boot time...12:42
shadeslayergrandi: thats a downside i agree...12:42
shadeslayertdn: rmmod module removes the module and does not load/start the service12:43
tdnshadeslayer, I know. I do not want the module to be loaded during start up. Same with service. Bluetooth service should not start up during boot.12:44
tdnka, it seems that it does save battery. According to powertop.12:45
shadeslayertdn: as i said it will *not* be loaded12:45
shadeslayertdn: dont listen to powertop12:45
tdnshadeslayer, rmmod only unloads the module. The module is loaded next time I boot.12:45
shadeslayertdn: then blacklist it12:46
shadeslayer!blacklist | tdn12:46
ubottutdn: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »12:46
tdnshadeslayer, thanks.12:47
shadeslayertdn: no problem :)12:47
shadeslayerbazhang: there?12:48
bazhangshadeslayer, yes12:49
shadeslayerbazhang: can i talk for a minute in PM about the kubuntu tutorials coming up?12:49
bazhangshadeslayer, no idea about them, why not just say in channel12:49
grandiIt seems that I have synaptic, add/remove programs and kpackagekit installed12:49
grandiit's as bad as gnome :(12:50
tdnshadeslayer, which Kubuntu tutorials? Sounds interesting. Please let us know about it :)12:50
shadeslayerbazhang: ok.. thanks,should i ask here or ot ?12:50
shadeslayertdn: /topic12:50
shadeslayergrandi: personally i prefer cli12:50
grandiI like GUI because most of the time I don't have any idea what I'm doing12:51
shadeslayergrandi: well apt-cache search <random-intelligent-search> gives me quite a good list12:53
grandisure, but if you browse those packages you can find real gems12:54
grandirelated question. if I want to install kformula why does it want to uninstall 221 packages12:55
shadeslayergrandi: dependency problems12:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dependency12:55
grandithat's what I digured out12:56
shadeslayerargh.. whats the factoid for this12:56
shadeslayergrandi: oh good you know already :)12:56
grandibut considering that kformula is part of KDE Office Suite it's bit odd12:56
shadeslayerany potential package which is *very* important?12:57
grandithat it wants to uninstall?12:57
shadeslayergrandi: yep12:57
grandidolphin, gwenview, kate, kdebase-bin, -data, -plasma, -runtime etc.12:59
shadeslayergrandi: do not install that package12:59
grandiwell it seemed to be quite bad tradeoff12:59
grandikformula vs. working system13:00
shadeslayergrandi: dont worry itll probably be solved in a few days..13:01
tracyvxuIt's the fisrt time to ues the program13:19
tracyvxuIs there anybody ?13:19
tracyvxuhi vistaus13:21
tracyvxuIt's my fist time to use the program13:21
Vistaushow can I see which cd device I have? I already have tried to look it up on dmesg and in /dev, but I dont see it13:21
tracyvxuSorry ! I don't know ! try somebody else !do you use the Kde enriroment like ?13:23
VistausI use Kubuntu 9.04 with kde 4.2.413:23
tracyvxuo! i just shift from gnome.13:24
Vistausbut the commands should be the same in gnome and kde13:24
Vistausso what command did you use on gnome to look up your dvd device?13:25
bazhangwhat about 'sudo lshw'13:25
tracyvxuyou can have a try13:26
VistausI already used that, but the k3b devs say that they need to know exactly which device it is in /ev for example13:26
tracyvxuo ! that's a mess.13:27
VistausI also tried ls -l /dev* but it doesnt come up with a dvd device13:28
tracyvxui wish you can get the anwer from the others.13:28
tracyvxusee you 113:28
Anon1anyone knows how to install alien arena 2009?13:33
bazhangsudo apt-get install alien-arena Anon113:35
JukeBoxHerohi, was installing kubuntu-desktop, then had a powercut, now http://www.imgx.org/pfiles/17388/Screenshot.png13:37
JukeBoxHerohow to come out of it?13:37
shadeslayerJukeBoxHero: whoa!! can you paste your sources.lst?13:38
JukeBoxHerook sec13:38
shadeslayermixael: hey13:38
mixaelshadeslayer: how are ?13:39
shadeslayermixael: im fine :)13:40
mixaelof what are talkin the people here?13:41
JukeBoxHeroshadeslayer: http://pastebin.ca/147248413:41
shadeslayerJukeBoxHero: gimme a moment :)13:42
shadeslayerJukeBoxHero: http://pastebin.com/f5a9867ab << the part above ######### line is a completely untouched original list13:44
=== swinghead is now known as serenity
JukeBoxHeroshadeslayer: need to add those two additional lines?13:45
JukeBoxHerois that safe?13:45
JukeBoxHerocoz one is nightly there13:46
JukeBoxHeroi would prefer stable13:46
shadeslayerJukeBoxHero: only if you want nightly and 4.2.4 :)13:46
shadeslayerJukeBoxHero: as i said only the lines above the #####13:46
JukeBoxHeroshadeslayer: you uncommented backports and partner?13:47
shadeslayerJukeBoxHero: you are definitely missing a few lines..13:47
shadeslayerJukeBoxHero: yes..13:47
shadeslayerJukeBoxHero: edit them to your likes13:47
JukeBoxHerojust those two should be enough?13:47
shadeslayerJukeBoxHero: i would recommend copy the whole of it and backing up your current one13:48
shadeslayerJukeBoxHero: that is except the nightly and 4.2.4 repo13:49
shadeslayerJukeBoxHero: then type this : sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get upgrade;sudo apt-get clean;sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop13:51
JukeBoxHeroshadeslayer: what is that fix missing argument?13:54
shadeslayerJukeBoxHero: did it work?13:54
JukeBoxHero--fix-missing or --fixmising13:54
shadeslayerJukeBoxHero: --fix-broken ?13:54
shadeslayerJukeBoxHero: i wouldnt recommend it...13:55
shadeslayerJukeBoxHero: if you go ahead and something bad happens im not responsible13:55
JukeBoxHerosure you arent13:55
BluesKajHiyas all14:07
=== genii_ is now known as genii
oomCan anyone tell me how to add additional servers to my server list on "Konversation"?  The default only lists one.14:13
oomOh, I might have figured it out.14:15
BluesKajoom, you have to look for the irc url on the net , like undernet : irc.undernet.org and addit to tyour list and configure the server and yur nick/profile identity etc14:15
BluesKajthere is no auto server list in konversation...it's done manually , altho I've heard of a script14:17
oom...and I was unsuccessful.  So, does anyone know how to add additional servers to the server list using "Konversation"?  The default only lists one.14:18
BluesKaj!repeat | oom14:20
ubottuoom: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com  http://wiki.ubuntu.com http://www.ubuntuforums.org or http://www.kubuntuforums.net while you wait. Also see !patience14:20
BluesKajoom, you have to add the servers manually as I posted , above.14:21
victor__Il y a des français ?14:35
bazhang!fr | victor__14:35
ubottuvictor__: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr14:35
* libervisco is really disappointed with the performance of some KDE apps or elements..14:40
=== fox__ is now known as bredoto
espereguhow to make SIP calls on kde?14:42
BluesKajlibervisco, any in particular ?14:42
liberviscoBluesKaj, well it tends to happen when there are content areas with medium to large lists of things or lots of text..14:43
liberviscoscrolling and resizing slows down to an annoying level14:43
liberviscothat's a recurring problem all the way from 4.0 up to 4.3 beta2..14:44
BluesKajin text editors ?14:44
liberviscoI thought it was all my ATI Radeon card with incomplete xorg drivers, but I bought a new nvidia card (in big part because I wanted to have a smooth KDE4 experience) and it still happens, not to such an extent, but still annoying14:45
liberviscoBluesKaj, in text editors, amarok, lists in settings..14:45
liberviscoI guess it's not anything critical, but still.. the idea is to be smooth :)14:47
FanfareHi @ all14:47
BluesKajI have an older nvidia 7600GT card and haven't experienced such a problem , but I don't have any large playlists or texts , altho i have noticed the netradio lists in amarok are slow to respond14:47
liberviscoyeah, that's that kind of thing14:48
FanfareQ: Any alternative to enscript to encode (UTF8-)Text to ps/pdf?14:48
liberviscoanother concrete example is quassel14:48
liberviscocompared to xchat, especially if you've got a window full of conversations, it's gonna be slow to resize and even delay sending messages by a second or two14:49
liberviscoxchat is super snappy no matter how big a conversation backlog you have14:49
BluesKajyeah , not a fan I'm afraid ,  just don't like the "look" quassel has14:49
liberviscoI could get used to it if it was snappier, I like its integration with KDE (notifications and such) :)14:50
BluesKajkonversation 1.2 is working fine here14:50
liberviscoDoes it use QT4?14:51
liberviscooh.. that's a new one..14:51
* libervisco gotta check it out14:51
BluesKajit must cuz it's kde4.214:51
liberviscoonly 1.1 is in repositories14:52
liberviscoI guess that one is Qt3?14:52
=== miguel is now known as Guest7224
kalibervisco: I agree this is a serious bug. Couldn't for the life of me understand why everything was so damn slow.14:53
MIHEYвах )14:55
MIHEYВсем добрый день14:55
MIHEYРуддщ )14:56
anna__wo bin ich?14:56
MIHEYye bkb rfr nfv gj ytvrtwrb14:57
MIHEYкак там по немецки14:58
MIHEYне изучал данного языка14:58
genii!ru | MIHEY14:58
ubottuMIHEY: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke14:58
anna__can anybody read this???14:58
MIHEYgenii tnx )14:58
geniianna__: Yes, we see your typing14:59
anna__ja geil14:59
kaThere is some disappointment with the performance of some KDE apps or elements.. among others quassel. It seems that apps with long listes of text become very unresponsive. Is this a problem originating from QT or KDE4?14:59
anna__jemand hier der deutsch spricht und schreibt????15:00
genii!de | anna__15:01
ubottuanna__: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.15:01
geniianna__: If you stay in this channel, please ask your questions in English :)15:01
=== bigjools-afk is now known as bigjools
ubuntuHello! Quick question. I have Ubuntu but the mouse doesnt woork there any more. so now I\m on a Kubuntu live CD and I just need to retrive some old files from Ubuntu before installing Ubuntu ..but I can\t find the folders in where they were, actually, I cant find any ubuntu folders ..is it possible *i\m on a live CD(15:02
=== dotkomserver is now known as bondgirl
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke15:05
liberviscoka, I wouldn't know..15:05
* genii hands BluesKaj more coffee15:05
bondgirla question about networking15:06
bondgirlcan anyone helpme to config a fixed ip in terminal or KDE modus15:06
* BluesKaj gulps coffee :P15:07
bondgirlubottu: i don' t understand russian :(15:07
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:07
ksfreewhat file manager shoud i use15:07
bondgirlubottu: ifconfig15:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ifconfig15:07
ksfreein kde15:07
bondgirlksfree "kopete"15:08
bondgirli think15:08
Mamarokksfree: dolphin15:08
bondgirlksfree: or fillezilla15:08
bondgirlit dipens15:08
Mamarokbondgirl: if you don't know, please don't say15:08
geniibondgirl: If you are configuring it manually at console, the file to modify is /etc/network/interfaces    if you do: man interfaces   it gives you some simple examples15:08
ksfreeok dolphin then..15:08
Mamarokksfree: dolphin is the default filemanager in Kubuntu 9.0415:08
ksfreeMamarok: is it installed by default15:08
makdaknifeksfree: alternately you can use konqueror (although it is not default ;-)15:09
ksfreei guess that yes15:09
bondgirlGenii : thanks15:09
ksfreemakdaknife: thank you15:09
geniibondgirl: You're welcome15:09
bondgirlmamarok: i was only helping!15:09
Mamarokksfree: of course it is, open the menu and there it is15:09
Mamarokbondgirl: np, just stick to what is default in your advice15:10
makdaknifeksfree: np... konqueror used to be the default filemanager... but I guess that some people felt that its focus should remain on being a browser, while dolphin could concentrate on file management related tasks15:10
bondgirlMamarok: also haven't slept much :(15:10
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Mamarokmakdaknife: konqueror uses the same background application than dolphin15:11
makdaknifeMamarok: indeed :-)15:11
Mamarokand Dolphin is default in KDE 415:11
Mamarokso no need to compilcate things15:11
makdaknifeMamarok: after using konqueror for about 4 years solidly... I found switching to dolphin pretty complicated :-)15:12
makdaknifeMamarok: but I hear your point... loud and clear15:13
Mamarokmakdaknife: well, we are talking about a new user here, so no need to make it compilcated, just stay in context15:13
bondgirlpritty name :D dolphin :D15:15
bondgirlgenii: still don't understand :( make a file that looks like that one?15:15
makdaknifeMamarok: not to argue, but I thought that this was one ofthe beautiful things about linux... there is hardly ever one way to do things... its good to know that if the app you're using doesn't work for you, there are alternatives15:15
makdaknifeMamarok: its sorta like trying to force everyone to use amarok as their media player, just because its installed by default15:16
bondgirlmakdaknife: :D i do like vlc player :D15:16
makdaknifebondgirl: I agree... it definitely has its place... although for listening to music generally, amarok rocks like mamarok15:17
geniibondgirl: There are some examples here: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/setting-up-an-network-interfaces-file/15:17
Mamarokfolks, discussion is in #kubuntu-offtopic, please15:18
bondgirlok :D i do am used to itunes, but for a reason my amarok krashes :(15:18
bondgirl@ home15:18
bondgirlgenii:  thanks15:18
Idhanhow can I create a video from my desktop?15:20
Idhanwith sound include it15:20
zeltakhi guys15:21
zeltakanyone know of a good run the command15:21
zeltak./luckybackup -c15:21
zeltaksorry wrong paste15:21
zeltaki meant anyone know of a good text replacment prog for kde?15:21
MamarokIdhan: there is recordmydesktop15:22
ubottuSome programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Gvidcap, Xvidcap, vnc2swf, demorecorder.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.15:22
ubottuSome programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Gvidcap, Xvidcap, vnc2swf, demorecorder.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.15:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ifconfig15:27
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs15:27
shadeslayer!msgthebot | bondgirl15:28
ubottubondgirl: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".15:28
Serparduma file has an owner and.. soemthing else.  Like root root.  chown jim   changes it to jim root.  How do I change that 2nd entry?  the root?15:29
Serpardumgroup is it?15:29
DragnslcrSerpardum- it's the group that owns the file15:29
bondgirlshadeslayer: thanks :D15:29
shadeslayerDragnslcr: what about chown jim:host15:29
DragnslcrIf you want to change just the group, you can use chgrp. If you want to change both, chown user:group15:29
shadeslayeri think its used as : chowm me:myhost15:31
DragnslcrNo, it's user:group15:32
DragnslcrFile ownership doesn't have a host15:32
makdaknifeyou can do chown rowan\: file15:33
makdaknifethat is equiv to chown rowan:rowan file15:33
smellynoserDoes ubuntu have USB power saving lark by default?15:37
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SerpardumHow do I find out what my Host Audio Driver is?15:40
smellynoserDoes ubuntu have USB power saving lark by default?15:40
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Dragnslcrsmellynoser- you don't need to repeat15:41
sumanhi all.. my mysqld process is taking up 35% cpu even though i am not doing much15:41
sumanis this normal??15:41
DragnslcrSerpardum- either "lspci | grep -i audio" or "aplay -l" should give you some hardware info15:43
SerpardumHmm.. I have nvidia audio, but I n eed to know if it's OSS audio Driver, ALSA audio driver or PulseAudio.  I don't see that in the listing15:45
DragnslcrSystem Settings -> Multimedia will at least tell you if it's using pulseaudio15:47
DragnslcrThe sound system has changed in such weird ways lately that I can't really follow what's used anymore15:48
MamarokSerpardum: if you have a basic KDE system, Phonon uses alsa, unless you have pulseaudio isntalled15:51
liberviscoIs there a kubuntu KDE 4.3 svn repository?15:57
zeltakhi, any one know of a good text expansion/replacement program for kubuntu (not autokey which is broken in jaunty)?15:57
Mamaroklibervisco: yes, but be aware that it's still beta16:04
Mamaroklibervisco: it's in the kubuntu backports PPA, see the topic16:04
declanhello. Anyone else having xorg using 50% of your cpu and Everything being sloooooow?16:05
peabodyI will kiss on the mouth anyone that can help me get nvidia hdmi audio out working16:06
shadeslayerdeclan: whats your processor speed?16:07
declanits a dual core 4400+ amd 64x216:08
shadeslayerdeclan: 4.4 Ghz?16:08
shadeslayerdeclan: tried restarting?16:09
declanyeah. a few times. It's a persistant problem16:10
shadeslayerX i mean :P16:10
shadeslayerdeclan: graphics card?16:10
declansometimes runs fine and then suddenly freezes or slows and looks like xorg is the culprit16:10
shadeslayerdeclan: what does top in a terminal show?16:11
declanonboard ati think its a 320016:11
shadeslayerdeclan: drivers properly installed?16:11
declanthey should be. Auto install by kubuntu16:11
shadeslayerdeclan: actually no..16:11
shadeslayer!ati | declan16:12
ubottudeclan: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:12
liberviscoMamarok, I already use backports.. beta2, I mean svn (nightly)16:12
declantop shows xorg has settled down now but still at 20%16:12
shadeslayerdeclan: you probably need the drivers16:12
declanah ok. I'll take a look. cheers16:12
Mamarokdeclan: that very much sounds like a proprietary driver problem, especially if it's ATI16:12
Mamaroklibervisco: there is nothing never yet AFAIK16:13
Mamaroklibervisco: it will be announced on kubuntu.org if there is something never available usually16:13
liberviscomainly asking because of this http://aseigo.blogspot.com/2009/06/urgen-testing-prior-to-rc-1.html16:13
declani thought ati were playing nicer than nvidia?16:13
shadeslayerdeclan: in your dreams :P16:14
Dragnslcrlibervisco- the release candidate is supposed to be tagged this week and released next week, so there should be new packages available late next week16:14
liberviscocool :)16:14
declanthought maybe amd made them nicer or something?16:14
Mamarokdeclan: if your card is older than a year, then it's likely not in the driver anymore16:14
declanits onboard so is probably quite old16:15
shadeslayerMamarok: were the dependencies solved?16:15
Dragnslcrlibervisco- http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.3_Release_Schedule16:15
Mamarokshadeslayer: what dependencies?16:15
liberviscodeclan, AMD supports open source driver development, but progress on that is slow.. and even around half a decade old driver is still "experimental" even though it has 3D support (and doesn't play well with KDE4 at all)..16:15
Mamarokshadeslayer: oh, you mean KDE 4.2.90?16:15
shadeslayerMamarok: yeah16:15
declanmamarok: so the proprietry fglrx is best bet?16:15
liberviscoproprietary drivers on the other hand no longer support cards older than X85016:15
liberviscodeclan, yes if your card is still supported..16:16
declanlibervisco: ah. thanks. I'll install flgrx and see how that goe16:16
Mamarokdeclan: no, it's probably worst, and the proprietary is what is installed by default AFAIK16:16
shadeslayerlibervisco: ps : kde-nightly is the best16:16
liberviscoWhere do you get that?16:16
ubottuThe Neon Project provides daily Amarok and KDE 4 trunk builds as packages for Kubuntu | See http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/User:Apachelogger/Project_Neon and http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/User:Apachelogger/Project_Neon/KDE/Info for more | Support in #amarok.neon16:16
Mamaroklibervisco: ^^16:16
declanI thought the installed version would be the open source one? I'm confused now. What can I do about xorg spoiling my kubuntuparty16:18
Mamaroklibervisco: yaw :)16:18
Mamarokdeclan: it's not Xorg, it's ATI16:18
Mamarokdon't blame Free Software for the mess made by proprietary manufacturers16:18
declantrue true16:19
declanso do I wait for a new driver?16:19
liberviscoif by any chance you have money to spare and your card is old enough to justify, probably best thing is to buy an nvidia card16:20
Mamarokdeclan: use the free driver, maybe it solves your problem16:20
doudouhey les gens16:20
liberviscoI'd doubt that.. free drivers are worse..16:20
liberviscoin my experience16:20
declanaccording to the guide it has no 3d support!16:20
doudouIs there any french ?16:21
Mamaroklibervisco: not in mine16:21
Mamarok!fr | doudou16:21
ubottudoudou: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr16:21
liberviscoMamarok, RadeonHD?16:21
liberviscoor just radeon (for older cards)?16:21
Mamaroklibervisco: depends on the model16:21
doudouWhere the fuck can I find a french channel ?16:21
Mamaroklibervisco: if you search apt-cache with your card model, you should find it16:22
BluesKaj!fr | doudou16:22
ubottudoudou: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr16:22
geniidoudou: /join #ubuntu-fr     and please watch your language, keep the channel family-friendly16:22
doudou!fr | drif16:22
ubottudrif: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr16:22
liberviscoMamarok, no I meant you.. :P16:22
liberviscoI bought an nvidia this weekend :P16:22
doudou!fr | Szadek16:22
ubottuSzadek: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr16:22
BluesKajok doudou , stop16:23
Mamarokhe is gone16:23
declanthing is that a lot of the time it is ok; seems to be ok now. But randomly (well seems random to me) it goes mad and hits 50% of my cpu and loads of ram16:23
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Mamarokdeclan: then you are luckier than I am, my card is not supported anymore :(16:27
declanAh. Sorry man. That is not a good situation for linux16:27
Mamarokdeclan: well, we can do nothing about it, but hope that the free driver gets better16:28
* Mamarok considers a donation to speed that up16:28
peabodyNOW I get to kiss MYSELF on the mouth16:33
yogaHow come my task panel is not transparent? Tt just have a black back ground.16:37
kaddihi, how can I add some folder to my music collection in amarok? Nothing happens when I trag the folder onto collection16:37
kaddi*drag even16:38
makdaknifeyoga: its possible that compositing has been disabled16:39
yogakaddi: you need to "rescan", don't you?  Or restart.16:39
beatzzHello my friend is having a problem with his nVidia X server settings tool16:39
beatzzit wont allow him to save his settings to the xorg.conf file16:39
beatzzso he has to reset his screen resolution every time he reboots16:39
kaddiyoga: but how do I tell it where to scan=16:40
beatzzgives him an error when he attempts to "Save to X Configuration File"16:40
kaddiyoga: a found it, thanks... didn't know you had to do this via configure... :/16:41
yogakaddi: You may also missed the configuration during the first time start.16:43
beatzzthe error message is as follows "Cannot create new xorg.conf file '/etc/x11/xorg.conf.backup'"16:44
kaddiyoga: yeah that too.. but I wanted to add a folder to the collections. And it'll let you happily drag and drop a selected folder "Files" to "Collection" without actually doing anything. Which is what was confusing me. I thought this was yet another bug in amarok16:44
* libervisco is in neon..17:04
Mamaroklibervisco: and? Like it?17:06
liberviscoyeah, pretty good :)17:06
shadeslayerMamarok: 4.3 ?17:06
liberviscoso far there are no artifacts17:06
shadeslayerlibervisco: artifacts?17:06
Mamarokshadeslayer: why do you ask me? I don't use Neon :)17:07
liberviscothis stuff http://memenode.com/misc/KDE4.3-artifacts/17:07
liberviscobut it's still sluggish on lists etc..17:08
libervisco(like all releases from 4.0 to this)17:09
Mamaroksluggish on what lists?17:09
liberviscoexcept a little less17:09
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shadeslayergot disconnected there.....17:10
liberviscoMamarok, resizing, scrolling etc. of sidebars in kate, amarok etc. when they list a bunch of stuff, sluggish scrolling in quassel (even delay with sending a message for a couple of seconds), and generally sluggish resizing when desktop effects are enabled (on nvidia 9600GT)17:10
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Mamarokwell, I don't have many DE enabled17:11
liberviscoit happens with just default settings17:12
shadeslayerMamarok: neon loads faster than 4.2.4 here :)17:12
Dragnslcrlibervisco- Quassel is just plain slow in general. I recommend grabbing the Konversation 1.2 packages from the PPA17:13
shadeslayerirssi for me17:13
shadeslayerno gui which can lag :P17:14
libervisconeon lacks qtcurve..17:15
shadeslayerlibervisco: yeah....17:15
shadeslayeri had to compile half the things from a svn17:15
* shadeslayer is going OT,someone stop him!!!17:16
achillionHey guys. I need some help with a great annoyance17:17
achillionI was using xubuntu up until now and I just installed KDE (apt-get install kubuntu-desktop). During the first boot everything was fine but now for some reason random programs just hang17:18
achillionthis is mostly programs that belong to KDE like Konsole or settings menus17:19
Mamarokso much for patience...17:22
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phoenixzIm using KDE4.3. Every now and then, for some dumb reason (I connect the power cord), KDE tells me that the screen rendering became too slow and that because of that, compositing was disaabled.. How can I disable this auto-compositing-disabling? Its really anoying since this only happens when there is ntohing wrong..17:24
joshua__I have to say I have been using Kubuntu for about 4 hours now, and KDE is growing on me...17:24
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shadeslayerMamarok: after a month kde 4.3 on kubuntu 9.04 works :)17:29
Mamarokshadeslayer: nice :)17:30
shadeslayerMamarok: i got 2 dependency errors...had to use -f17:30
beatzzWhat would cause someone to have to reset their screen resolution every time they loged in????17:30
beatzzxorg.conf issues? or something else17:30
sotomayorhello people...this is my first time here can someone tell me what this chat is about?17:30
shadeslayerMamarok: okular and kdepim..17:31
sotomayorso this is a a kubutu chat ?17:31
beatzzyea sorta17:31
Mamaroksotomayor: read the topic, please17:31
Mamarokbeatzz: no, it's a support channel, not a chat, discussion is in #kubuntu-offtopic17:32
sotomayorok at the top of the page it says kubuntu spport....ok sorry....so can I get information about my ubuntu software here?17:32
Mamarokbeatzz: what do you mean, reset?17:32
shadeslayerMamarok: i guess the theme is not added to the ppa?17:32
Mamarokshadeslayer: what theme?17:32
shadeslayerMamarok: air17:33
Mamaroksotomayor: you can ask support questions here for Kubuntu, yes17:33
Mamarokshadeslayer: has only just been released by KDE, patience...17:33
Mamarokshadeslayer: it never was in beta 217:33
shadeslayerMamarok: i was just confirming :)17:33
shadeslayerMamarok: itll be in the PPA when RC 1 is out probably17:33
Mamarokshadeslayer: read planetkde,org, so you know and don't have to ask :)17:34
sotomayorok thanks.....my first time here just stumble up on irc and been trying to access this irc chat for a few days17:34
n8wive got toaly stupid question...where do i find all pplication ive manually installed?17:34
n8wi cant find them anywhere....17:35
sotomayorwhat is strongswans?17:35
liberviscohmm xrender makes resizing some windows faster (not bloody amarok though..)17:36
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Mamarokn8w: what is the name of the application?17:36
shadeslayerMamarok: i have this awesome animation when all the windows go transperent...i dont know how im doint it!17:36
Mamaroksotomayor: I don't know, where do you see that?17:36
Mamarokshadeslayer: discussion -> ot, please17:37
tyler_dI am looking to change the clearish blue color of the panel as I am unable to see the copying/moving of files(the details) displayed below?17:37
shadeslayerMamarok: ok..17:37
sotomayori see that when I tried to install ubuntu restricted formats to play and burn dvd's, and  cd's17:37
tyler_dI searched and came up dry, and it was indicated that this was not configurable.... is this still the case?17:37
joshua__are there any tutorials for kubuntu?17:37
tyler_djoshua__: what are you trying to accomplish?17:38
n8wMamarok: hibernate2 i think...but thats not the point, i wanna know where i can find all application i manually install...i wanna know the folder name(ie in win:program files is the def folder)17:38
Mamarok!info strongswan17:38
ubottustrongswan (source: strongswan): IPSec utilities for strongSwan. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.2.9-1 (jaunty), package size 1127 kB, installed size 3108 kB17:38
Mamaroksotomayor: ^^ see above17:38
joshua__nothing in preticular, just wondering if there is like an over view17:38
Mamarokn8w: that depends on the prefix given when you install it17:39
Mamarokn8w: you can use locate applicationname to see where it is, but to start it, you don't need to know that17:39
Mamarokn8w: and if you want to unistall it, neither17:39
sotomayori'm so lost I think I need a one on one with a professional to help me figure this ubuntu software out....i'm so lost17:39
yogaThe Amarok handbook is missing, I cannot find it in the KPackageKit.17:40
Mamarokjoshua__: yes, check kubuntu.org, there are links17:40
Mamarokyoga: because there is non yet, we didn't have time to write it17:40
Mamarokyoga: what do you need help with?17:41
makdaknifesotomayor: you can pm me if you want to chat one-on-one17:41
Mamarokn8w: please keep support in this channel, do not query me17:41
Mamarokn8w: to start an application, you can use either the menu or krunner17:41
sotomayorok how do i pm you on this chat room not real familiar with the way things work on irc or ubuntu17:41
n8wMamarok: sry, i just didnt want to bother other with my stupid questions:)17:42
Mamarokkrunner is started with Alt+F2, then type the application name17:42
Mamarokn8w: there are no stupid questions if it's in the topic of the channel :)17:42
Mamarokand we have all been beginners at some time17:42
yogaMamarok: I have problem subscribing podcast.17:42
Mamarokmakdaknife: do not propose PM support, channel guidelines, please!17:43
sotomayorok makdaknife I think i pm you but waiting on you to come in room17:43
n8wMamarok: ye thx m8, well im quite familiar with the krunner...but not all applications show up in there17:43
Mamaroksotomayor: it's against the channel rules to propose PM support, just for your information17:44
Mamarokn8w: they should though17:44
beatzzMamarok: It changes back to his default resolution every time he restarts17:45
makdaknifeMamarok: sorry... just trying to help... and he wanted 1-on-1 and you're pretty militant about channel rules and I'm not17:45
beatzzMamarok: and he has to change it back to his setting of 1440x90017:45
Mamarokmakdaknife: well, if you do support here you should respect the rules17:46
Mamarokyoga: which vrsion of Amarok do you have?17:46
beatzzMamarok: we're trying to get it so that when he boots up, its at 1440x90017:46
Mamarokbeatzz: he can overrun the default settings in /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:46
beatzzMamarok: we actualy went there, I was guideing him over the phone17:47
yogaMamarok: Amarok Version 2.0.2 using KDE 4.2.217:47
beatzzMamarok: so I dident get to see his xorg.conf first hand17:47
n8wMamarok: ive isntalled suspend2,but nothin rly comes up shile using krunner17:47
Mamarokbeatzz: well, I am not fail proof on Xorg settings to be honest, didn't touch that in ages17:48
yogaCan you try to subscribe to this podcast http://www.hkreporter.com/myradio/channel_podcast.php?channelid=18117:48
Mamarokbeatzz: but the settings in KDE systemsettings -> Display do not stay at all?17:48
Mamarokn8w: well, I don't even know what app this is, sorry, does it have a readme file that came with it?17:48
beatzzMamarok: I guess not, Im gana look at his system tonight, maby post it on LinuxQuestions.org if i cant figure it out17:49
Mamarokyoga: unfortunately, 2.0.2 is already quite old, you should update your version, 2.1 has been released quite some time ago17:49
beatzzMamarok: it proly is xorg, that was my guess, but he dident find anything about resolutions in his xorg.conf file when I was on the phone w/ him17:49
Mamarokbeatzz: you should eventuella have a look at kubuntuforums.net17:49
Mamarokbeatzz: well, because the default settings are not in xorg.conf anymore, but one can add some to override the default ones17:50
yogaOk, I'll try that.17:50
Mamarokbeatzz: the default is detected on installation, then one can change settings in the systemsettings, and if this is not enough, add the resolution to xorg.conf17:51
relevanthi all - i've got a problem. i can connect to this irc chat and to all sites with konqueror but no connection with firefox...does anyone know this problem?17:52
liberviscoIs it normal for nvidia core temperature to be constantly around 49 or 50 C?17:52
beatzzMamarok: how do you "add the resolution to xorg.conf"17:52
beatzzMamarok: obviously by editing it in, but where do u find the code to insert?17:53
Mamarokbeatzz: well, that's something I haven't doen in ages, let me look at old config files I have in the archives, moment17:53
Mamarokbeatzz: here is an example of a very old configuration file of mine, you will have to change the settings accordingly:17:56
Mamarokbeatzz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/203006/17:56
beatzzMamarok: so the Virtual descriptor and the Modes descriptor dont have to be the same value?18:00
beatzzMamarok: ex: Virtual 640 480  Mode "640x480@50"18:00
beatzzi will google some18:01
Mamarokbeatzz: that was just an example I found on my system, I guess it should, yes18:01
liberviscono sound in youtube :S18:06
Mamaroklibervisco: blame flash18:09
liberviscoactually no sound at all right now..18:09
liberviscoand there was no sound in vlc on beta2, but was in amarok..18:10
Mamaroklibervisco: well, you are in Neon, aren't you?18:10
liberviscoyeah.. but I was just listening to music in amarok, in *neon*, then relogged and it doesn't work anymore18:10
Mamarokand Neon uses KDE trunk AND Amarok trunk, so...18:11
liberviscosame also happened in 4.318:11
Mamaroklibervisco: so in normal Kubuntu (not Neon) you have sound problems?18:11
Mamarokbut not in Neon?18:11
liberviscoin both18:11
Mamarokouch, not good :(18:11
Mamaroklibervisco: make sure you use the xine backend in phonon and avoid pulseaudio18:11
ncfi1013_does anybody know how to disable the onboard graphics card for an emachine from 2006?18:12
liberviscoyeah xine is used and "HDA Intel" is preferred over pulseaudio everywhere18:12
Mamarokncfi1013_: in the bios I think, you want to use another card?18:12
liberviscoin multimedia settings18:12
Mamaroklibervisco: and you don't have pulseaudio installed?18:13
ncfi1013_mamarock already used bios and yes i want to use another card18:13
liberviscoMamarok, I do18:13
ncfi1013_dont c it n bios18:13
Mamarokncfi1013_: that of course depends on the age of your BIOS too I think18:14
beatzzSection "Device"18:14
beatzzOption "UseEDID" "False" <====== add18:14
beatzzOption "PanelSize" "1200x800"18:14
FloodBotK1beatzz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:14
Mamarokwether it allows you to switch the card from on board to discrete18:14
Mamarok!past | beatzz18:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about past18:14
ncfi1013_mamarock how do i determine that18:14
beatzz:x sorry18:14
Mamarok!paste | beatzz18:14
ubottubeatzz: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic18:14
liberviscoremoved now.. gonna relogin..18:15
Mamaroklibervisco: wait18:15
ncfi1013_...the age of my bios18:15
beatzzMamarok: well anywaz, I found out how to fix that problem18:15
Mamaroklibervisco: you need to remove ~/.kde/share/config/phonondevicesrc too18:15
Mamarokbeatzz: nice :)18:15
beatzzMamarok: It seems if, your resolutions are strangly being reset every time the system starts up18:16
beatzzMamarok: you simple add those 2 lines into the Section "Device"18:16
beatzzand it forces xorg to start at whatever PanelSize you set18:16
Mamarokncfi1013_: the year of your BIOS is shown when you start the computer and switch to the BOIS18:16
liberviscook brb18:17
beatzzJust sharing the <318:17
beatzzlinux > *18:17
Mamarokbios*, sry18:17
ncfi1013_mamarock so it might not b 2006 mite b older?18:17
Mamarokbeatzz: great, so that's enough, no need to change other settings?18:17
Mamarokncfi1013_: I don't know, you only can find that out, you need to switch to bios on startup, can't tell you18:18
beatzzMamarok: I guess, aparently the UseEDID option = flase will tell xorg to NOT use its default detected settings18:18
beatzzMamarok: the the PanelSize is the next thing xorg will look for to use18:19
Mamarokgreat, thanks for the info, will write that down here18:19
beatzzo_O ?18:19
Mamarokbeatzz: where did you find it?18:19
beatzzsory, wronge URL18:20
beatzzis it normal to become obsesed with linux...... o_O18:21
Mamarokbeatzz: well, obsessed is not the right word, use "fascinated" instead :)18:23
Mamarokbeatzz: that's what happened to me 10 years ago :)18:23
beatzzare you running Kubuntu 9.04?18:25
beatzzMy Amarok 2 dosent work...at all..18:26
Mamarokbeatzz: because you have an old version, unfortunately Kubuntu 9.04 ships with 2.0.2,, which is already quite old18:27
Mamarokthere is a newer version in the jaunty-backports18:27
beatzzi mainly use slack18:27
beatzzso im not shure what ur talkin about18:28
ncfi1013anyway mamarock said to look for the age of my bios in the bios. how do i look for it in the konsole if i can?18:33
beatzzMamarok: What do I do with this? deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu jaunty main18:35
beatzzim here http://www.kubuntu.org/news/amarok-2.118:35
Mamarokbeatzz: well, it moved to jaunty-backports18:35
beatzzMamarok: how do I get to that?18:35
Mamarokbeatzz: what package manager do you use?18:36
beatzzMamarok: when you say jaunty-backports im clueless18:36
beatzzMamarok: apt-get18:36
vbgunzmy notification icon in the system tray is just sitting there unresponsive. how can I kill it?18:36
beatzzMamarok: on this pc18:36
Dragnslcrbeatzz- if you're just using apt-get, you'd have to edit /etc/apt/sources.list manually18:37
Mamarokbeatzz: ok, then you need to add the following line to your /etc/apt/sources.list:18:37
Mamarokdeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ jaunty-backports restricted main multiverse universe18:37
DragnslcrI kinda wish the Updates tab in KPackageKit's source editor showed the repository name for each checkbox18:38
beatzzMamarok: nice thats what i was thinkin of, just dident know where it  was18:38
DragnslcrI can't remember if backports is "Pre-released" or "Unsupported"18:38
DragnslcrThough I guess "Pre-released" would be proposed, huh18:39
MamarokDragnslcr: no security updates18:39
Mamarokok, my wok dish just arrived :)18:39
DragnslcrReally? "Security updates" is backports?18:39
DragnslcrFood, or an actual wok?18:39
beatzzok and then I just apt-get update ?18:41
liberviscoMamarok, it works now, thanks :)18:41
DragnslcrStep 1: Press the Caps Lock key18:42
=== NavadeHo is now known as Nathan`
ryan_sorry about that18:42
ryan_and ty18:42
andemilI have this issue with amarok18:50
andemiland I was told I could get some help here18:51
andemilI filed a bug report at kde-bugs:18:51
andemilI am trying to run amarok 2.118:51
andemilbut it crashed everytime I start it18:51
andemilcan anyone give me a good advice?18:52
beatzzIm actualy trying to get 2.1 as we speak18:52
beatzznot having any luck myself18:52
yogawhen I run sudo apt-get update I get this: W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net jaunty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2836CB0A8AC93F7A W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems18:53
beatzzholy cow18:54
beatzzI just got that exact same error yoga18:54
beatzzwith what im doin18:54
ubottuGetting an error about a PPA's GPG key? see https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA#Adding%20a%20PPA%27s%20keys%20to%20your%20system18:54
andemilyou'll find a lot of info on how to install keys on the web18:55
beatzzim just gana install it from source18:57
andemilI tried to compile several sources but failed miserably :(18:57
andemilThere was always some error during compilation18:58
shadeslayerandemil: i hope you had the required libraries to compile whatever it was that you were compiling18:58
andemilyes I did18:58
andemilcmake did what it should18:58
andemilbut make would not finish....18:59
andemilthere is some good documentation about what libs should be installed to compile Amarok18:59
shadeslayer!compile | andemil18:59
ubottuandemil: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)18:59
andemilwell, the prebuilt packages won't work either :(19:00
andemilthats what I am here for in fact19:00
shadeslayerandemil: what are you trying to install?19:00
andemilas I mentioned: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=19754019:00
andemilamarok 2.119:00
Serpardumhwo do I find out my version of kubuntu?19:01
andemilany kde prog seems to have a "about kde" in the help menue19:01
DragnslcrSerpardum- lsb_release -a19:01
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andemildid I mention that amarok 2.0 sucks?19:03
andemildarn buggy prog....19:03
shadeslayerandemil: are you the same guy who posted this bug?19:04
andemilyep indeed I am19:04
shadeslayerandemil: the bug report was changed to resolved...so isnt your problem solved?19:05
andemilshadeslayer: the very same ;)19:05
andemilshadeslayer: it says: resolved downstream19:05
andemilwhich means that its not their problem19:05
andemilbut some problem in kubuntu19:05
andemilas it seems the phonon installation is buggy somehow19:05
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andemilbut dont ask me how....19:06
shadeslayerandemil: hmm..no idea there...try reinstalling phonon... 2.1 worked here...19:06
andemili tried reinstalling it.. nothing19:06
shadeslayerandemil: im lost...19:09
andemilshadeslayer: me too :)19:09
andemildarn... it MUST be possible to install that prog somehow19:10
shadeslayerandemil: if you need it *so* badly you can give amarok-neon a spin19:10
shadeslayermaybe itll work19:10
andemilshadeslayer: I tried that too19:10
andemilno luck....19:11
* shadeslayer is out of options..19:11
beatzzMamarok: Okay I have upgraded to Amarok 2.1.1 and still it wont play my music ??19:13
beatzzMamarok: Kaffine plays them just fine btw19:13
beatzzit says its playing, but has no progress bar or time on any of the songs, they all show as 0:0019:14
andemilbeatzz: where did you get amarok 2.1.1?19:14
beatzzsudo apt-get install amarok19:14
shadeslayerbeatzz: did you install the codecs amarok suggests19:14
shadeslayerandemil: heheh19:15
beatzznothing was sujested to me, but hmm19:15
beatzzwhere can i find those at?19:15
andemilbeatzz: what repos are you using?19:15
Serpardumhwo do I add a user (me) to a group in kubuntu?19:15
shadeslayerSerpardum: adduser username19:15
andemilbeatzz: I use jaunty and it only has 2.019:15
shadeslayerandemil: see kubuntu.org19:16
beatzzI will show u the 2 I added19:16
SerpardumI already have a user jim.19:16
andemilI only know the ppa repos which feature 2.119:17
shadeslayerSerpardum: adduser jim219:17
andemilbut where do i get 2.1.1?19:17
SerpardumI want to add that user jim to the group vboxuser19:17
shadeslayerSerpardum: adduser jim vboxuser19:17
beatzzandemil: http://paste.ubuntu.com/203058/19:17
Serpardumthx,did it19:17
magreseh... might I bother you folks for a cup of sugar?  (and my sugar i mean advice)19:17
magresby* sugar i mean advice19:18
yogaWhere is PPA's overview page for Amarok backport?19:18
andemilbeatzz: thanx I'll try if I can use that somehow19:18
andemilalthough I know the ppa adress19:18
andemilyoga: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/amarok-2.119:19
magresso I'm a newby at Linux.  I'm not ENTIRELY retarded (I think), but I'm slightly lost when it comes to adding progs to Linux.  I'm trying to get emacs set up for some stuff for work, and I ran configure and then invoked make, but when I try to run the emacs executable I'm getting an error of "cannot open termcap databse file"19:20
magresany thoughts?19:20
kaddimagres: Do you need to compile the stuff yourself? You get a lot of precompiled programs from the repositories.19:21
yogamagres: What don't you sudo apt-get install emacs ?19:21
magressudo apt?19:22
magresalso, yes I need to be able to compile19:22
ubottuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code19:22
magresI have some viscous hydrodynamics code I have to edit/run19:22
yogamagres: How did you get the emacs source tree?19:22
magresgoogle, basically19:23
magresunpacked it into a random folder and started trying to piece my way through the instructions19:23
magresI'm still getting used to the console, so it's been interesting lol19:23
yogamagres: May I ask, why do you want to compile emacs source?19:23
magresso I can use it?  Fucked if I know, lol19:24
magresEssentially its what the rigs at work are running is the only reason19:24
Being_Tsukasaanyone able to help me get the lastfm app scrobbling for me with either amorak or VLC?19:24
magresThe only experience I have with Linux before this was running RHEL, and everything then was in a class on rigs that had everything already set up19:25
yogamagres: ok, you don't have to compile, just install it : (open a terminal, type in "sudo apt-get install emacs")19:25
kaddimagres: you can simply download the precompiled prgoram and run it. this won't keep you from compiling something else at a later time19:25
kaddiyoga was quicker :D19:25
yogamagres: What distribution of Linux are you using?19:26
magreskubuntu 9.0419:26
yogamagres: good, so you can just "sudo apt-get install emacs", then start emacs by type emacs on the terminal.19:27
magresyoga, I am humbled.  In one line you managed to do all of what I've been trying to do for like 3 hours19:28
magreswould you like anything?  Candy, Pizza, oral pleasuring?19:28
yogamagres: You just found out what power that  Debian give you!19:28
magresperhaps, if I knew what Debian was lol19:29
magresmaybe I should go look that up19:29
magresoh right19:30
kubunt1more like the power of linux and package managers, it's that simple with many other distros :)19:30
magresand I'm not on Debian anyways, I'm on Ubuntu19:30
kubunt1..which is based on debian19:30
Being_Tsukasaanyone know about the lastfm app and kubuntu?19:30
yogamagres: In one sentence, Debian is the father of Ubuntu which is the sister of Kubuntu.19:30
kubunt1last.fm app and amarok?19:30
kubunt1amarok has a few plugins for last.fm19:31
kubunt1and kde is the granddaddy19:31
Being_Tsukasahow do i get the lastfm plugins for amarok?19:31
kubunt1poppa smurf iow19:31
magresyeah I'm not really a fan of Gnome, I've used it before and I find KDE to be alot more intuitive19:31
kubunt1Being_Tsukasa: i'm not sure, #amarok is helpful though19:31
Being_Tsukasakde has more bugs than gnome ive heard, but i still prefer it19:32
magresone thing I love on KDE (no idea if gnome has it or not) is widgets19:32
magreswidgets are sexy19:32
kubunt1kde4 is quite stable now, it had a few quirks in the beginning because it's doing something entirely new and beyond gnome19:32
kubunt1i.e.: nepomuk, desktop widgets, and much more19:33
magressounds intriguing19:33
magres(if nothing, I'm enthusiastic about my exploration into a new OS that I know nothing about)19:33
kubunt1just search for 'kde features' and you'll find out more then you can remember in one sitting19:34
shadeslayerBeing_Tsukasa: dont think so.... i have neon and 4.3 beta 2....no serious crash till now19:35
kubunt1http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.3_Feature_Plan should help19:37
kubunt1^ gives an idea of the scope of kde19:38
kubunt1that also will give you an idea of where kde is heading19:39
kubunt1magres ^19:40
takoskihi i'm with ubuntu now i want to format a partition on aonther HD how can i do it?19:44
=== kubunt1 is now known as togetic
togetictakoski: qtparted or gparted19:46
togeticapt-get install qtparted19:46
togeticand do it to it19:46
Mamaroktakoski: Gnome or KDE?19:46
togeticthen you'll want gparted19:47
magresso what are sudo commands, and whats apt-get?  They seem rather powerful19:47
togeticgoogle gparted format partition19:47
Mamaroktakoski: then it's gparted, you are in the Kubuntu channel here :)19:47
togeticmagres: "man sudo"19:47
togeticand man apt-get19:47
magresI need to remember these things19:47
magresyou know, Linux actually has manuals of wtf it does19:47
magresI'm used to the Windows' PoS help files19:47
togeticthus 'rtfms'19:47
Mamarokmagres: sudo is the way to get sudo rights if you are either the first installer or in the administrator group19:48
commander__hey i got GNOME desktop but it won't connect wirelessly19:48
togeticsu = super user19:48
magresoooh I get it, Super User Do19:48
togeticaka, root19:48
commander__am i doing something wrong?19:48
takoskithe command is Sudo apt-get install qtparted?19:48
Mamarokcommander__: ask in #ubuntu, we do KDE here :)19:48
magresno, you want gparted since you're on gnome19:48
togetictakoski: you'll want to get gparted19:48
togeticsince you are using gnome19:48
takoskii want to format no partition!19:48
magreslol engrish19:49
magresno the thing is that you're in a channel for the KDE packaging of the Ubuntu core, when you're using the Gnome package19:49
geniitakoski: Do you know the /dev name of the hd you want to format?19:49
takoskimhhhh yeah19:49
togeticand i'm out of this channel for a little while...19:49
magreslike people here are going to give you advice that applies to KDE and not Gnome19:49
magreshence the whole qtparted vs gparted thing19:50
Mamarokmagres: I think he got that by now :)19:50
magresjust makin sure :D19:50
Being_Tsukasahow do i install a library from the terminal?19:50
magresI tend to, out of no personal disrespect for anyone, assume that anything needs to be explained pretty explicitly.  People sometimes roll 1's on their intel checks19:51
takoskiEsecuzione del processo figlio "qtparted-root" fallita (Nessun file o directory)19:52
geniitakoski: If the partition type is already Linux (type 83 hex) you can just do:  sudo mke2fs /dev/sdX#    where X is the drive letter and # is the partition number19:53
geniitakoski: sudo fdisk -l                 will show you the partiton types for all your drives19:54
magresin other news:  the multiple desktops of KDE is amazing19:56
Dragnslcrmagres- by the way, qtparted isn't maintained anymore. The new KDE frontend for parted is partitionmanager19:56
magresany chance it can shrink partitions w/o destroying them?19:57
n8whey,im tryin to get my ntb to suspend to hdd,but it hangs up while wakin up...it says waking up,please wait n thats it,it never wake up19:58
magresanyone know how to make emacs stop !@#$ing beeping whenever I scroll up while I'm at the top of my program20:02
magresI tend to overscroll and it's REALLY annoying20:02
Mamarokmagres: disable the system beep in the system settings20:03
Mamarokmagres: system settings -> Notifications -> Tab "player settings" and option "no audio output"20:05
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n8whey,im tryin to get my ntb to suspend to hdd,but it hangs up while wakin up...it says waking up,please wait n thats it,it never wake up20:05
magrescrap, it's still beeping20:06
magresjust double checked the setting and its still on no audio output20:06
magresfound a work around or sommat20:07
magrestold it to use system bell instead of system notification20:07
magresand dropped the volume % to 020:07
magressweet, blessed silence20:07
Mamarokmagres: well, that is just a workaround, the other option remooves the beeps but leaves you the music20:08
magresthe music?20:08
magreslike the startup/shutdown music?20:08
Mamarokmagres: yes, when you reduce the volume you can't hear anything, and what, if you want to listen to music while you are using emacs?20:09
magresif I set the system bell volume to 0 it kills all my noise?20:09
magreslike my regular volume is still in the 30s20:10
Mamarokmagres: well, as I said, that's not shutting down the beeps, try the methode I told you above20:10
magresit kept beeping when i did that20:10
magresthat's why i went looking for an alternate solution =/20:11
magresokay I was flat out wrong, I'm not using system bell w/ 0 volume20:13
magresI guess my settings change took some time to set in or something <_<20:13
magresdunno, it works and I still have the good noises coming out of my laptop20:14
magresI'll leave it as it is, lol20:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about acroread20:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about acrobat20:23
ubottupdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/okular/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)20:23
Captain_Haddockcheers :)20:23
Pici!acrobat is <alias> pdf20:24
ubottuI'll remember that, Pici20:24
Captain_HaddockI'm pretty sure that medibuntu used to have it in its repository... can't find it anymore though :|20:24
Captain_Haddockhttp://packages.medibuntu.org/jaunty/acroread.html seems to indicate that it's only available for amd64?20:24
kaddi_Captain_Haddock: I think it's in the partner rep from canonical20:25
kaddi_  apt-cache policy acroread returns:      500 http://archive.canonical.com jaunty/partner Packages for me20:25
Captain_Haddockah! let me have a look-see20:25
Captain_Haddockthanks kaddi_20:25
=== kaddi_ is now known as kaddi
kaddiyour welcome :)20:26
* Captain_Haddock didn't have partner enabled for some reason :/20:27
togetici'm needing help20:42
togetici'm trying to remove kdm20:42
togetici'm going to install xubuntu-desktop and see if the problem is just kdm20:42
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »20:54
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal20:54
yogaI just found the PPA overview page for Kbuntu backport. https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/backports20:59
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liberviscoCan anyone connect to SSH via dolphin in Neon's kde-nightly?21:20
liberviscoit can't for me.. but I am suspecting a missing component in Neon repositories rather than a KDE bug..21:20
LordvedaI have ubuntu 9.04 with KDE 4.2 installed on a Fujitsu Siemens Li Amilo 170521:22
Lordvedaopenchrome is my graphics driver21:22
Lordvedaon KDE I have Kalendar portion in Kontact not showing any of the calendars. What possibly could be wrong?21:24
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amikhow do I find the diffs/changelog between an original package (e.g. apache tomcat) and the one supplied in the repos?21:24
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amikanyone have a clue?21:41
mackk431hi my update manager blocks 4 updates is there a way to install them manually something like sudo aptitude install dist-upgrade for instance21:47
bogdanbivmackk431: I think you should check for something like a -f switch (force install)21:47
bogdanbivsuch as dpkg -i -f apt-history21:48
* carlitos____ hola a todos21:49
bogdanbivamik: I don't know any tool that can do it for you automagically.21:49
amikbogdanbiv: but is it documented anywhere? hopefully a changelog will suffice and I won't need the diff (if nothing too significant is changed)21:51
bogdanbivamik: you should get sources from the package in the repository, unpack them and then compare the sources obtained from the repository with the latest release of your favourite project.21:51
tom_wow I didnt know that here is life :)21:51
tom_ubuntu master waiting for questions :)21:52
Dragnslcrmackk431- dist-upgrade is what you want21:54
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yogaIf I want to upgrade my Kubuntu 9.04 to the KDE 4.3 beta 2, what CLI command should I do use?  Which packages to upgrade?22:08
Dragnslcryoga- you'd have to add the repository to your sources.list file22:18
noaXesswhere can i check, which programm does write when data to my hd?22:24
yogaDragnslcr: I already add the required repository, but don't know which package to update?22:25
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|PaperTiger|In Amarok, is there a way to undo naming a lot of track names? Or deleting the tracks in question and just importing the file with the correct titles?22:39
Dragnslcryoga- as far as I know, just a normal update/upgrade will install the new KDE packages22:40
EqualizeRis anyone having trouble with the new knetworkmanager?22:42
guest1234567EqualizeR: i had22:45
guest1234567but now i fixed22:45
guest1234567with wpa-psk and atheros22:45
guest1234567now works great22:45
EqualizeRmy card is a intel22:46
guest1234567te best thing is22:46
guest1234567reset router22:47
guest1234567try without wpa22:47
guest1234567if doesn't work22:47
guest1234567change driver22:47
guest1234567untill without wpa it works22:47
guest1234567then.... of course you could try to set wpa22:47
kaddi_EqualizeR: knetworkmanager has not worked for me in jaunty ever. I switched to wicd and I've been pretty happy with it so far.. worked flawless22:48
guest1234567here with atheros wpa-psk work22:48
guest1234567it works22:48
EqualizeRyeah i've done it all, wpa, no wpa, broadcast ssid, no broadcast22:48
EqualizeRi will try changing my drivers22:48
guest1234567try before resetting your router22:49
guest1234567i dunno why but if i reboot a lots of time , my netgear router doesn't want my wifi22:49
guest1234567good night :D22:50
EqualizeRyes, with wicd it works...22:51
EqualizeRi guess the new knetworkmanager is bugged22:52
kaddi_the old was too, lol22:52
EqualizeRlol, yes it was22:52
EqualizeRbut not so badly22:53
NiTzerEqualizeR:  Knetworkmanager is bugged.  They are working on it.  At least it remembers some wifi networks now.  But I can't connect at home using AES WPA222:53
halberdwhat do you use to open postscript files?22:53
NiTzerEqualizeR:  WEP works on another network though ... so far22:53
kaddi_ghostview usually.22:54
mackk431hey i still try to figure out why my update program blocks my updates sudo aptitude install dist-upgrade doesnt work22:54
mackk431any ideas?22:54
halberdwhat kind of file is application/x-zerosize22:55
NiTzermackk431:  If you perform a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade from a terminal windows what do you see?22:55
NiTzerhalberd:  empty file I thought...does the file have a byte size?22:56
halberdyeah it is empty22:57
kaddi_halberd: application/x-zerosize suggests that you have a file with 0bytes22:57
* kaddi_ is too slow today22:57
robin0800mackk431 sudo aptitude dist-upgrade22:58
yogaDragnslcr: But I know want to install other packages such as the kernel image, I just want to try the new KDE 4.322:59
NiTzeryoga:  I think you can just add the Jaunty ppa and get KDE 4.3.  The kernel images may be held back unless you perform a dist-upgrade.23:00
yogaNiTzer: ok.23:01
yogaNiTzer: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade23:01
NiTzeryoga:  yep, after you add the ppa apt source to your source list23:02
mackk431ok problem solved thanks for help always appreciate23:02
joshua__I nwws TO FART23:06
bazhangjoshua__, not here23:06
bazhangjoshua__, this is Kubuntu support only; chat in #kubuntu-offtopic23:07
=== administrateur is now known as Hel0ck
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=== worde is now known as word
=== thomas_ is now known as Vlaam
yogaIs there any compize howto doc for Kubuntu?23:31
bazhang!compiz | yoga23:33
ubottuyoga: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz23:33
=== adriano is now known as good
kinardodoes anyone konw of a good peer client that actually works with ubuntu?23:53
geniikinardo: Please define "peer client"23:54
kinardopeer to peer....download23:54
ricardo__where is the send recieve webcam option23:54
ricardo__in kopete23:54
geniikinardo: ktorrent is the default torrent client and works very well23:55
FeasibilityStudyAnyone have any tips on how to tweak xorg.conf to get better performance with an nvidia card?  It seems the new Xorg server that 9.04 uses has tried to phase out xorg.conf.23:56
kinardook, i just got qbittrrent, it seems to be working ok...I'll try ktorrent23:56
=== adriano is now known as good
kinardothanks ya'll Im good now...23:58
=== good is now known as adriano
=== adriano is now known as good

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