
matsubarawgrant, around?00:31
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wgrantmatsubara-dinner: I am now.01:05
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matsubarahi wgrant, could you point me to a bug where I could reproduce bug 386236?02:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 386236 in malone "Subscribers portlet doesn't handle failure to load list well at all" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38623602:06
wgrantmatsubara: There's an example in the QA entry about the portlet view timing out.02:07
wgrantmatsubara: Bug #13167902:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 131679 in compiz "Crash inside doPoll()" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13167902:08
matsubarawgrant, thank you02:09
MTecknologyWhere's the link about sabdfl announcing the intentions to release lp code?02:09
lifelessnot sure offhand :P02:10
wgrantThey're always a bit hard to find.02:11
* wgrant Googles02:11
wgranthttp://arstechnica.com/open-source/news/2008/07/mark-shuttleworth-launchpad-to-be-open-source-in-12-months.ars is one.02:11
MTecknologyI remeber it being on blog.lp.net02:12
wgrantI don't think sabdfl's announcement was mentioned there.02:13
MTecknologyok, thanks02:13
wgrantBut there was further information on the open sourcing there months later.02:13
MTecknologyI'm excited02:13
MTecknologyI expect to learn a lot from it02:14
wgrantUnfortunately the date is now undefined :(02:14
SamBwgrant: what, they don't even give a date for next postponement ?02:15
wgrantSamB: They say some time late July or early August.02:15
mwhudsonwgrant: _i_ haven't heard anything about it being as late as august02:15
SamBI hope they don't think that means they can get away with not getting me a birthday present02:16
MTecknologyAre you guys planning on accepting patches if somebody goes and fixes 50 or so bugs?02:16
wgrantmwhudson: The wiki was changed by kfogel to include early August yesterday. I'm inclined to believe that.02:17
ajmitchso I see, https://dev.launchpad.net/OpenSourcing says "late July / early August"02:19
nhandlerIt looks like we are getting a Personal bug dashboad in the upcoming 2.2.6 update02:24
wgrantnhandler: I know a review dashboard, but not a bug dashboard...02:24
wgrants/a/of a/02:24
MTecknologywhat does soyuz do?02:24
wgrantMTecknology: Managed Ubuntu and PPAs02:25
nhandlerwgrant: I was just going off of https://dev.launchpad.net/VersionThreeDotO/Bugs02:25
wgrantnhandler: Neither of those two things happened in
nhandlerwgrant: Darn. And whatever happened to those "bug bags" that I believe they were talking about at UDS Jaunty. Are we ever going to see those? Or were they just an idea?02:28
MTecknologyIs there any Wiki on how to use the PPA?02:30
nhandlerMTecknology: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA02:31
MTecknologyI want to at some point generate some packages but the process of packaging scares me. I tried to fix a bug in a package once - and never succeeded02:32
nhandlerMTecknology: If you are interested in stuff like that, you might be interested in the weekly Packaging Training Sessions that are being held02:33
MTecknologynhandler: -classroom?02:34
nhandlerMTecknology: Yes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Packaging/Training02:34
MTecknologyI have that channel constantly open but I'm usually pretty busy. I'll try to be there for one of them :P02:35
nhandlerMTecknology: Now that I think about it, we did have a session about PPAs ;)02:36
wgrantnhandler: No idea. I haven't heard about them since UDS...02:37
MTecknologyI've been working on a really big project (for my scale) and I'm excited to finish most of what's there and generate a package for it. :)02:38
MTecknologyHow hard is it to create a ppa for a project?02:41
wgrantMTecknology: PPAs are owned by teams or people, not projects.02:41
wgrantCreating one is trivial. Packaging can be much harder.02:41
MTecknologyok, thanks :)02:41
=== Snova__ is now known as Snova
nhandlerI'm getting a lot of Internal server errors with bazarr branches on LP tonight.03:05
thumpernhandler: now?03:06
thumpernhandler: pulling, pushing or codebrowse?03:07
mwhudsonnhandler: example?03:07
wgrantI got a codebrowse one earlier, but refreshing worked.03:07
MTecknologyIs it possible to delete a ppa?03:12
MTecknologyor via question only?03:12
wgrantMTecknology: You can request that a PPA be disabled.03:12
wgrantWhich is the best that can be done.03:12
wgrantThat will eventually hide it from listings and remove it from disk,.03:13
MTecknologyk, thanks. I was just curious because I had one for a long time that hasn't had anything uploaded yet03:13
MTecknologyIf I have two package that will both need different dependencies, do I need two ppas?03:13
nhandlerthumper: On code browsing on several branches. Refreshing fixed the error each time03:16
thumpernhandler: this is a side effect of how loggerhead currently works03:17
thumperthe initial hit is populating some caches03:17
thumperwhich almost always causes the first call to time out03:17
nhandlerthumper: Did something change? I never used to get these errors03:18
thumpernhandler: probably just load03:18
thumpernhandler: although we did upgrade bzr recently03:18
thumperso it is possible that a regression appeared03:18
thumperbut more likely to be load IMO03:18
nhandlerthumper: Ok, it isn't as annoying as some of the other issues, so I guess I can live with it.03:19
wgrant(it does look pretty bad, though)03:19
thumperwe know03:19
thumperit is less bad than it used to be03:20
thumperit used to toss the cache after every page :)03:20
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
RAOFI just want to say that loggerhead is _awesome_, and getting better.04:11
RAOFI like the new throbbers while it's generating code diffs.04:11
mwhudsonajaxspinner.com :)04:12
RenatoSilvaCa I open a bug for http push in lp?04:14
thumperRenatoSilva: anyone can open a bug04:17
wgrantI suggest opening a bug against your firewall, though.04:17
thumperit doesn't mean it'll happen soon though :)04:17
thumpera more likely solution is push over email04:18
wgrantI suppose you cansort of already do that.04:18
RenatoSilvawgrant: I can't open my whole company network because of jsut me. It's a security issue.04:19
thumperwgrant: kinda, although emails to merge@code.launchpad.net means something kinda different04:19
RenatoSilvaSomeone tould me about _merging_ through email04:19
wgrantthumper: Right, hence 'sort of'04:19
thumperwgrant: we could have push@code.launchpad.net04:19
wgrantRenatoSilva: There are much worse security issues.04:19
wgrantAnd people can work around SSH blocking completely with even a tiny bit of trickery.04:20
thumperwgrant: outgoing ssh is bad how?04:20
RenatoSilvawgrant: which does not imply the one I mentioned is not important :)04:20
wgrantthumper: I have no idea.04:20
RenatoSilvaworkaround the blocking? how? :)04:20
* thumper considers stealing company secrets04:20
wgrantRenatoSilva: corkscrew + HTTPS proxy + external server == win04:20
thumperRenatoSilva: ssh tunnelled over http to home can work04:21
RenatoSilvawell I have to idea why outgoing ssh would be bad either, but I imagine they have a good reason for that :)04:21
wgrantRenatoSilva: I wouldn't assume that...04:21
RenatoSilvaI asked to open IRC port once, they did not even answer :(04:21
thumperI'd assume that say "block everything"04:22
RenatoSilva* I have _no_ idea04:22
thumperRenatoSilva: you need to find a real person to talk to04:22
thumperRenatoSilva: then convert them to the cause04:22
RenatoSilvaI will try04:22
thumperit is very easy to ignore email04:22
RenatoSilvaanyway, I'm afraind of transporting my private SSH key to work04:22
thumperslightly harder when they are standing in front of you04:22
thumperRenatoSilva: so create another ssh key04:23
thumperRenatoSilva: you can register multiple with LP04:23
RenatoSilvaok, I can call it "SSH Key for Launchpad at work", ok...04:23
wgrantthumper: Unfortunately you can't restrict certain SSH/OpenPGP keys to a subset of Launchpad capabilities :(04:23
thumperwgrant: no04:23
RenatoSilvarestrict why?04:25
thumperwgrant: but you can remove them and generate another if you feel that one has been compromised04:25
wgrantthumper: True.04:25
RenatoSilvawgrant: corkscrew + HTTPS proxy + external server == windows???04:25
RenatoSilvausing home pc is a non-go04:25
RenatoSilvaexternal server is my home pc?04:25
wgrantCould be.04:25
RenatoSilvacan't be :)04:25
wgrantWhy not?04:25
wgrantAnyway, the first step is to hunt down somebody who administers your company firewall (or one of their minions), and convince them.04:26
RenatoSilvaok I think I'll try that04:26
wgrantSince it's easy to work around, there's minimal security benefit in blocking outbound SSH.04:27
RenatoSilvaI ask if I can open a bug because if you say that will never be done, then I would not open the bug04:27
wgrantRenatoSilva: Better to have a bug recorded as Won't Fix for people who might think to ask in future.04:27
RenatoSilvaI don't like opening a bug without a pretty good reason04:28
RenatoSilvawgrant: ok04:28
RenatoSilvabug 39144904:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 391449 in launchpad "HTTPS Push" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39144904:29
wgrantIs edge going to update today, since Storm has been reverted?05:38
nhandlerwgrant: I thought an update was scheduled for 9-10 UTC05:39
wgrantnhandler: Right, but after 9 UTC pre-2.2.6 Launchpad will be gone.05:40
wgrantSo icon regressions won't be obvious.05:40
nhandlerAh, ok wgrant05:41
thumperedge gets updated with the rollout too05:48
wgrantthumper: Right, but I was hoping to have a several hour windows of an up-to-date edge and 2.2.5 still being on launchpad.net.05:53
wgrantBecause there are still lots of missing icons that I was hoping to notice by using both during that window.05:56
wgrantOnce 2.2.6 is released, those icons will probably vanish forever.05:56
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mrooneyHmm, "Launchpad couldn't import bug #563906 from GNOME Bug Tracker.". it hasn't been able to ever update since that was linked about a week ago, from bug 38818506:26
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 563906 could not be found06:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 388185 in nautilus "grammatical error in nautilus" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38818506:26
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MTecknologyYou guys know what... blueprints still hand out too much karma..08:44
robinjml: hey08:52
=== spm changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad in ReadOnly from 0900-1000 UTC 24-June | https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: — | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Open Sourcing: https://dev.launchpad.net/OpenSourcing
robin bzr push lp:~scut-tang/mysql-server/mysql-6.0-infoschema08:54
robinbzr: ERROR: Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:~scut-tang/mysql-server/mysql-6.0-infoschema": The remote branch at ~scut-tang/mysql-server/mysql-6.0-infoschema has no URL specified.08:54
robinWhat does the error msg mean?08:54
spmjml: re robin's issue above. we had to do a manual "update set branch_type = 4;" yesterday, on that branch. Was killing crowberry. fwiw....08:55
wgrantrobin: That'd be why. Your branch was doing bad things again, so they had to hack to disable it...08:57
wgrantrobin: You let the push succeed, even though it took ages?08:57
robinwgrant: Oh, my god.... About one hour. I see the size is not big, so I let it go08:58
robinwgrant: My project mid-term evaluations is coming soon. So it is urgent for me. I am sorry.09:00
wgrantrobin: Do you have the .bzr.log snippet that was requested about 24 hours ago?09:02
mrooneyMTecknology: maybe you just undervalue blueprints ;)09:02
robinwgrant: No, I upgrade my branch, so I think it would be fine and do not record logs.09:03
MTecknologymrooney: that could be the case... but I gained 7,000 karma in one night of playing w/ them09:04
wgrantrobin: Hmm, actually, it looks like it did stack this time.09:04
wgrantSo it might have behaved properly.09:04
robinwgrant: That means it goes to the right thing?09:05
wgrantrobin: What do you mean?09:05
robinwgrant: I mean the situation may be improving?09:06
wgrantrobin: Looks like it.09:07
wgrantrobin: But it still took an hour to push?09:07
robinwgrant: Yes. The problem is mine, or the system? Why jml do the same thing works?09:08
wgrantrobin: Something in your branch must be triggering a bug in Launchpad somewhere. But I'm no Launchpad developer, so I can't help with that end of things.09:08
robinwgrant: ok. think you all the same.09:10
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MTecknologyyou're going offline :'(09:46
MTecknologyAny plans how long it'll take?09:46
gmbMTecknology: About an hour, hopefully; see /topic.09:47
gmb09:00-10:00 UTC.09:47
wgrantBugs should be readable this time, too.09:47
gmbNone of that... whatever silliness it was that caused the problem last time. Sorry, I'm not properly awake yet. I need intravenous tea.09:48
MTecknologyit's already that late09:49
MTecknology0340 here09:49
wgrantgmb: isUserAffected needing launchpad.Edit, it was. But yes, tea is good.09:50
wgrantSo is dinner. /me goes to dinner.09:50
gmbwgrant: Ah, yes. Thank you. Go eat.09:50
gmbMTecknology: I'm not sure what you mean. It's 08:51 UTC, wherever you are.09:51
MTecknologygmb: I mean in my tz ;)09:51
gmbMTecknology: Of course. Brain, tea, etc...09:51
MTecknologyI guess I should just go to sleep then.....09:53
MTecknologyI'll sqeeze in last minute stuff though09:53
wgrantMTecknology: Fortunately it's readable, so you can look for bugs to fix. bzr can also commit locally, so you can fix bugs. So there's no excuse for going to sleep. Nyahah.09:53
* wgrant really goes to dinner.09:54
mrevellLaunchpad going read-only in four minutes09:56
MTecknologymrevell: can I report that as a bug before it goes off? :P09:57
mok0Here it's five minutes :-)09:58
MTecknologyhere is says 109:59
MTecknologyand reported09:59
MTecknologybirds are chirping... it's time for sleep.09:59
MTecknologygood luck with updates guys09:59
jtvMTecknology: doing that again eh?10:00
MTecknologyjtv: good morning/evening10:00
MTecknologyya, I enjoy my nap time10:00
jtvMTecknology: good night :)10:00
MTecknologyhour earlier tonight :)10:00
MTecknologyjtv: g'evening Have a great rest of your day10:01
dennyseem to be offline rather than read-only?10:03
wgrantdenny: It's offline for a couple of minutes at the start, normally.10:04
wgrantWhile they do the first bit of the upgrade and restart the serverss.10:04
dennyokay, thanks10:04
* wgrant wants to file a bug on the maintenance page.10:09
wgrantmrevell: Or can you fix that without a bug?10:09
wgranthttp://blog.launchpad.net/maintenance, I speak of.10:09
mrevellwgrant: Hey sure, what's the problem?10:09
wgrantmrevell: The two launchpad-users links are distinct, and both wrong.10:10
mrevellthanks for spotting that wgrant, I can fix it right now10:11
wgrantMuch better.10:12
mrevellwgrant: :)10:12
thekornhmm, I'm sure I've read somewhere that the OPenID service is supposed to work in maintainance mode, is this correct?10:15
wgrantIt is.10:17
wgrantI can log into some RPs, at least.10:18
wgrantThere would have been a few minutes there where https://launchpad.net/~username didn't work, but not long.10:19
wgrantOh, hmm, indeed. It's broken for sites that ask for a URL.10:20
thekornwell I get timeout errors when I try to login10:20
wgrantYou're right.10:20
thekornlike OOPS-1271C57310:20
wgrantI can log into Canonical sites that don't ask for an OpenID identity, but just go straight to Launchpad.10:21
mrevellSorry guys, we're looking into the timeouts.10:21
thekornsuper, thanks10:21
wgrantIs the master auth DB locked? I can get a GET through if I don't make a POST for a minute or so.10:30
* rowinggolfer reads topic10:35
rowinggolferexplains everything, thanks10:35
=== spm changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad rollout blues, back ASAP | https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: — | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Open Sourcing: https://dev.launchpad.net/OpenSourcing
leoquantlaunchpad beta down?11:16
dholbachleoquant: there was a scheduled maintenance11:18
wgrantWhich the topic suggests doesn't seem to be going terribly well.11:18
jtvleoquant: upgrade11:18
leoquantoops sorry...11:19
rowinggolferwho is boomer calling a poof?11:47
* rowinggolfer tries to cheer up the demolarised launchpad devs.11:48
rowinggolferwho are hopefully toiling at the codeface11:48
wgrantrowinggolfer: Sounds like they're at the dentist.11:48
wgrantOr maybe you meant demoralised :P11:48
rowinggolferheck... that's a freudian11:49
spm** fwiw, most services should be back **11:49
wgrantThanks spm.11:49
rowinggolferI'm still being refused a connection :(11:49
=== spm changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad rollout blues: Mostly Back | https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: — | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Open Sourcing: https://dev.launchpad.net/OpenSourcing
spmrowinggolfer: edge? lpnet?11:50
wgrantbzr, I presume.11:50
rowinggolferbzr push11:50
spmrowinggolfer: 'k. that's one of the 'not back yet' services. :-/11:51
rowinggolferwgrant - some molars in there, ironically11:51
rowinggolferspm - ok. no worries.11:51
* rowinggolfer phones lawyer11:51
wgrantWhat was the disaster this time?11:52
mrevellAnd we're back11:52
spmmrevell: not quite.11:53
bialixbzr+ssh is not working yet, at least for me11:54
bialixnew translation page... hmmm... I found old interface better11:55
spmbialix: yah. codehost/browse are still broke. lists as well.11:56
lamalexany eta?11:56
bialixbefore I'm as project maintainer can see is there new translations11:56
bialixperhaps I need to file a bug about this11:57
bialixspm: what's "lists"?11:58
spmemail lists11:58
bialixah, ok11:58
spmlamalex: not yet; fast as we can basically11:58
lamalexspm good enough for me, thanks :)11:59
spmcodehost should be back!12:04
wgrantspm: Indeedily. Danke.12:04
spmand browse. yay.12:05
spmmailman/lists should be groovy too12:05
=== spm changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: — | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Open Sourcing: https://dev.launchpad.net/OpenSourcing
spm*** All should be good again ***12:13
rowinggolferspm - works for me!!12:14
bialixno, not all is good. new translation page is worse than before (for me)12:18
jtvbialix: in what way?12:24
bialixjtv: before I'm as project maintainer can see is there new translations12:31
bialixnow the last modified column is gone12:32
bialixhow can I see is there newer translations available to package into release?12:32
bialixwhere I should file a bug about this?12:33
bialixfound: rosetta12:34
jtvbialix: it's still on the template overview pages, it's just that there's a new overview12:34
bialixjtv: there is not template overiew page anymore12:34
bialixbefore there is link to see all translations12:35
bialixby default I saw only translations in my language12:35
bialixnow I see *all* translations12:35
bialixand no link for template overview12:36
jtvbialix: under "Templates"12:36
bialixjtv: https://translations.launchpad.net/qbzr12:37
bialixthere is no Templates!!!12:37
* wgrant can't find a useful view either.12:37
bialixjtv: you guys broke what was good in translations overview12:37
bialixnow it's much much worse12:38
jtvbialix: if you browse to the trunk series, you'll see the whole thing for trunk.12:38
bialixjtv: and how I should browse trunk series?12:39
bialixmore mouse clicks I suppose12:39
bialixnow it's worse12:39
bialixdefinitely worse12:39
bialixthere is no dates either12:39
bialixthere is link to template12:40
bialixand only now I see dates12:40
bialixnow I should make 4 more clicks12:40
bialixbefore I need 1 click12:40
bialixwhere is improvements?12:40
jtvbialix: this way you get to see the overall status.  For getting to the translations efficiently, we're working on moving that to your personal page.12:43
jtvbialix: so that'll show what you've been working on, with direct links.12:43
bialixI'm talking as project maintainer right now, not as translator12:44
danilobialix: how did you see if a new language showed up before?12:44
bialixyou made the life for project maintainer 4 times harder12:44
danilobialix: did you have all languages set as your preferred languages?12:44
danilobialix: I disagree, we have maintainers who are so much happier now12:45
bialixdanilo: before I saw only my languages when I click on https://translations.launchpad.net/qbzr12:45
danilobialix: we may have made your life much harder, but lets figure out what we can do about it12:45
bialixand then I was need to click on link under it that gives me full summary with dates12:45
danilobialix: well, are we talking about you as a translator or you as a project maintainer?12:45
bialixI need to repeat this 3rd time: I'm talking about troubles to project maintainer12:46
danilobialix: as a maintainer, you should start on +templates page; if you have only one template, I suggest you bookmark qbzr POT page which gives you all the details you want12:46
bialixdanilo: look at this page: https://translations.launchpad.net/qbzr12:46
bialixdo you see there templates?12:46
danilobialix: well, we can always put a last changed date on that page12:46
bialixdanilo: that's good I'm using LP for 3 years and I know how to search things12:47
danilobialix: for project maintainers, we expect you to click right to "Templates" link near the top, if you are interested in admin-related things12:47
bialixjust think one sec about new users12:47
danilobialix: I agree there is a problem for you, because you are used to deal with how Launchpad was before12:47
wgrantdanilo: Why can't I see +templates?12:47
danilobialix: and I feel we should figure out how to best suit a user like you12:48
wgrant(I have no privileges over that project)12:48
bialixdanilo: before the path was shorter and *obvious*12:48
danilobialix: except that it was not so obvious for translators, and for more complex projects, they couldn't see translations overview12:48
bialixdanilo: now I need to click 4 more tim,es and it's not obvious12:48
danilobialix: ok, understood; you said something about filing a bug; so, please do that, and we can go on with it there12:49
danilobialix: solution can be even better for you (i.e. we could add "last modified on" directly on the translations.lp.net/qbzr page)12:49
bialixthat will be the best12:49
bigonis it normal that pkg uploaded to a ppa this morning before the maintainance was still not availliable?12:53
bialixdanilo: what is lp/translations UI version I should mention in the bug?12:53
danilobialix: don't worry about it, I'll be triaging bugs and we'll know what is it about12:55
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
thekorn_allenap: thanks a bunch for this awesome new advanced search option for tags13:08
allenapthekorn_: Cool, you're welcome. I hope it works properly now :)13:08
thekorn_allenap: but this bug made my day: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/zeitgeist/+bugs?field.tag=*+-boobar&field.tags_combinator=ANY13:09
wgrant1.7M bugs. You've got a lot of work to do!13:09
allenapthekorn_: Oh my, that's a good one :)13:09
* allenap is not quite sure how the tag passes validation :-/13:11
bialixdanilo: https://bugs.launchpad.net/rosetta/+bug/39156913:12
ubottuUbuntu bug 391569 in rosetta "overview page should show last edit date to help project maintainers" [Undecided,New]13:12
danilobialix: great, thanks13:12
bialixI hope my point makes sense not only for me13:14
danilowgrant: about not seeing templates, in general, it's aimed only at maintainers and administrators to be able to manipulate them; if you've got good reasoning for seeing it (it would be just a simple list for you, but it would be one more item in the UI for users to be confused about, which is why it's not listed yet)13:14
wgrantdanilo: How can I see templates otherwise?13:15
danilowgrant: (and to finish my sentence), if you've got a good reason for seeing it, please file a bug :)13:15
wgrantHiding information because I can't change it isn't a good idea.13:15
danilowgrant: well, usually, you'd only be interested in languages, and you can see templates just like in ubuntu: you browse to a language, and see all pofiles which correspond to potemplates13:15
bialixwgrant: even though I'm maintainer of project it's not obvious how to reach templates page13:15
danilowgrant: it's hidden because there's not anything you would want to do about it13:16
danilowgrant: what would you like to do with a list of templates?13:16
wgrantdanilo: Get to the template page, for one thing.13:16
danilowgrant: I am not saying you are not correct in asking for it, I am just interested in why would you want to do it? unless there's a reason, I wouldn't want to expose it13:16
wgrantI can only get to that by guessing that I should go into a translation, then go up a level.13:16
danilowgrant: that's not an answer, because then I have a question: why would you want to get into a template in a project you are not maintaining?13:17
wgrantI've no need for it - I speak only English. But nowhere else in Launchpad seems to make things hard to find just because I can't alter those things.13:17
danilowgrant: I am mostly looking for "because I want to achieve this"; having stuff complicated for those who want to do stuff that's not common is not too bad imo13:18
danilowgrant: ok, so I'd say the question is: what are the benefits from hiding list of templates from everyone (i.e. less clutter), and how does it compare to benefits of showing it13:19
wgrantdanilo: Launchpad already has much worse clutter; an extra navigation tab won't hurt. What you are doing seems inconsistent with the rest of Launchpad.13:20
danilowgrant: people are already struggling to find stuff they do need in LP, I don't want to put stuff they don't need in their face; but I could be wrong, and if someone comes up with a valid request, sure, we'll think about it13:20
wgrantThe only information that everybody shouldn't be able to view is something private.13:20
danilowgrant: yeah, that's called active UI design :) we didn't do much of that before, but we try to do more of it, and it means not being completely consistent with what LP did before13:21
danilobecause what LP did, was usually a mess13:21
wgrantThis is true.13:21
wgrantBut I don't like this move much.13:21
danilowgrant: well, it might make sense to list all templates on the basic overview page, somewhere near the bottom; but then we've got an ugly problem with projects which have hundreds/tens of templates13:22
wgrantdanilo: I think the import queue is less useful to a normal user than a template list.13:23
danilowgrant: anyway, if you feel like it's really important, please file a bug, and I'll discuss it with beuno and we'll either do something about it, or agree to disagree13:23
wgrantI don't feel it's really important. I just wondered why it was like this.13:23
danilowgrant: that might be true today (when imports usually happen in a few minutes), so point taken13:24
* bialix agrees with wgrant13:24
danilowgrant: so, perhaps we can remove import queue from the list of tabs as well13:25
wgrantdanilo: ... that wasn't my intention.13:25
danilowgrant: well, I'd say that they are actually more important, because import queue allows you to see when a file you uploaded as a translator will be imported, or if it was imported already13:26
danilowgrant: we'd certainly keep import queue available, but perhaps not that much into anybody's face13:26
wgrantdanilo: But I as a translator can't see the template list? I haven't used Translations, so I don't know all about this.13:26
danilowgrant: why would you want to see them? as a translator, you would work on a single language; browse into that language, and you'll see a list of all templates you can translate to that language13:27
wgrantdanilo: Why do I as a normal user want to see a bug list?13:27
wgrantI just need to file bugs and look at the duplicate finder.13:27
danilowgrant: to see if what you are filing is a duplicate?\13:27
bialixdanilo: is casual translator have rights to upload po files? I thought it's available only for project maintainers13:28
wgrant+filebug does that for me.13:28
danilowgrant: to see if any one of them has a solution for your problem?13:28
wgrantbialix: That was my impression.13:28
danilobialix: translators can upload files to their own language13:28
danilobialix: they can download PO file, work in an offline PO editor (such as POedit, Kbabel, Gtranslator,...) and upload that file back13:29
bialixit's make sense, yes.13:29
danilowgrant: so, granted, I agree it would be a good practice to allow people to see how a project is structured, and see what templates their projects have13:30
wgrantdanilo: Launchpad has a huge problem with splitting views between different roles.13:30
danilowgrant: but, it would take careful consideration to not hurt how translators would use the application13:30
wgrantIt shouldn't hide them entirely.13:30
danilowgrant: ok, point taken; you are free to file it as a bug, if we can come up with the right place to put the link on (or just let it be accessible once you follow a pasted link), it should be an easy fix13:32
alkisgI'm trying to send a message to my team mailing list and I get "linux.sch.gr@lists.launchpad.net  local delivery failed" - what could cause this?13:35
daniloalkisg: is that from recently?13:35
alkisgdanilo: yes, right now13:35
alkisg(and another one 1 hour ago)13:35
daniloalkisg: I've heard of some troubles with email set-up a few days ago, let me check on it now13:35
daniloalkisg: it should all be working correctly; can you please forward the two rejection emails to feedback@launchpad.net and someone who knows more about it will check up on it13:41
alkisgThank you danilo :)13:42
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=== mars changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: mars | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Open Sourcing: https://dev.launchpad.net/OpenSourcing
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mvohi, I get timeout from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager now, is that a known issue?14:17
mvoi.e. LP not fully back up yet or something?14:18
* mars looks14:18
marsah, need to shut of my beta tester redirection to edge...14:20
marsmvo, that page came up for me in maybe three or four seconds.  Did you try reloading it?14:21
marsmvo, regarding that page in particular - some high-traffic pages, like launchpad.net/ubuntu, are known to time out on occasion.14:23
mvomars: thanks, how its back14:25
marswe have a "performance week" every two months or so where everyone hacks on things like page timeouts.  I'm sure one of the registry guys has that page page on their "to fix" list :)14:25
marsmvo, no problem14:25
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cumulus007Hi, some source code is visible on this page: https://edge.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/karmic15:07
marscumulus007, looking15:08
marscumulus007, !15:10
cumulus007you can see it too?15:10
marscumulus007, thanks for point that out.  Thankfully, it's just JavaScript.  I'll hand it off to the team :)15:10
cumulus007Okay :)15:10
marssinzui, ping, ^ care to take a look at the above page?  May need an RC fix.15:11
sinzuiThe fix is already in PQM/buildbot15:11
sinzuiThe bug already has two dupes15:11
marssinzui, oh good, thanks :)15:12
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yusufshunanhi! i am trying to login to launchpad using my email address but it says that the email belong to a group... how can i login to launchpad using the email address15:55
yusufshunanwhen i try to login i get the error "The email address ___ belongs to a team, and teams cannot log in to Launchpad."15:59
yusufshunanhow can i delete the team and assign the email address to me16:00
marsyusufshunan, what team address are you using?16:00
yusufshunanmy email address is shunan@maldicore.com16:01
yusufshunanthe team is https://launchpad.net/~maldicore16:01
sinzuiyusufshunan: this is not good. you can never use your email address for a team, because you cannot get it back16:04
yusufshunanhow about when the team is deleted? it that possible? how to do that?16:05
sinzuiyusufshunan: We need an admin to do db surgery to change the team's address to you, because that address is permanent, even if you try to remove the team or change its email address.16:06
bacyusufshunan: the team is using hussain.maldicore@gmail.com as its address, not the one you listed above.16:06
yusufshunani know, it is my college, i changed the address to him... but even than when i try to login using the my email address it says that it belong to the team16:07
sinzuithat is true as I said before, the address is still there, but it cannot be seen16:08
yusufshunanhow to get the email back?16:08
sinzuiyusufshunan: we can ask an admin on your behalf. You cannot because you cannot login to ask a question. (yes there is some irony here)16:08
marsheh :)16:08
yusufshunansinzui: thanks!16:09
sinzuiyusufshunan: I created question https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/75193 for you. I'll assign it to an admin now16:16
yusufshunansinzui: can you change the question to delete the team? as it is an inactive team of 2 members :)16:18
sinzuiyusufshunan: that will not fix the address. Launchpad rarely deletes, the team would be deactivated, not gone16:19
yusufshunanok, so does that mean hussain.maldicore@gmail.com would be assigned to the team and than he will not be able to use the email to login to launchpad in the future?16:20
yusufshunanthat would be bad too!16:20
huxainyusufshunan: that email is assigned to the team only. for my launchpad account i use hussain@maldicore.com16:22
yusufshunanok cool... thanks!16:22
sinzuiOh have I messed up the instructions about who gets the email address16:24
sinzuiyusufshunan: what is your launchpad-id the ~ part in the url16:24
yusufshunanhe he! itz ok! keep the question as it is...16:24
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sinzuiyusufshunan: the admins are in a very long meeting. I don't think your address will be fixed until tomorrow. When I receive notice, I will send you and email to login/reset your password to restore access.16:27
yusufshunansinzui: thatz more than i was expecting... thanks dude!16:28
huxainsinzui: i have edited the question16:33
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marshi RainCT17:05
RainCTLaunchpad is rejecting the mails I send to @lists.launchpad.net.. eg., http://paste.ubuntu.com/202975/plain/17:05
* mars looks17:06
marsRainCT, destined for the Gnome Zeitgeist list?17:07
RainCTmars: for the list here: https://launchpad.net/~zeitgeist17:08
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marsRainCT, and you are a member of the zeitgeist team?17:10
RainCTmars: Yes (even an admin, actually)17:10
marsRainCT, ok :)17:10
marsI wonder if that is due to the mail outage we had yesterday...17:11
marsbarry, ping17:11
barrymars: pong17:11
marshi barry, just wondering, RainCT got a "local delivery failed" error for something he sent to the ~zeitgeist list (he's a team admin)17:12
barrymars, RainCT danilos reported the same thing internally.  we're investigating17:13
marsbarry, since you are the mailman founder, would your wizardly skills happen to illuminate an immediate and obvious answer?17:13
marsbarry, cool, thanks :)17:13
barrymars: it doesn't appear to be a mailman problem.  something with the exim for lists.launchpad.net i suspect17:13
marsbarry, yeah, that's what I was wondering :/17:14
marsbarry, is it still happening?  Or was it just a temporary outage?17:14
barrymars: unknown at this point17:15
barrymars: but that's two independent reports at least, so probably still happening17:15
marsRainCT, did you try re-sending the message?17:15
RainCTfailed too17:16
marsbarry, ^17:16
barrymaybe exim just needs a restart17:16
marsRainCT, thanks for reporting the problem17:17
RainCTNo problem. Thanks for looking at it.17:20
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mac9416Hello, when will Launchpad be back up?17:28
spmmac9416: errr... it is up. ???17:31
mac9416spm, a friend just won five bucks ;-) The mailing list for my project didn't work a few minutes ago.17:31
mac9416I'll try again.17:32
* huxain is away: away17:33
mac9416Fly away. Be free!17:34
marsmac9416, it looks like the exim server that handles the mailing lists is having issues - we're working on it right now.17:38
mac9416mars, OK, thanks a lot :-)17:38
marsok, need to step out for a bit17:40
mac9416mars, get that mail server working ;-)17:40
=== mars changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: mars (out, back in μ minutes) | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Open Sourcing: https://dev.launchpad.net/OpenSourcing
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boredandbloggingi'm trying to remove a team, but keep getting an error18:29
Jon[Away]You stole my nick.18:33
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JonThats what you get.18:34
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JonI just love it when idiots like you steal my nick, I can ghost hem.18:35
mac9416Well, y'know jon is kinda common. See, I have a very unique nick :-P18:36
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kirklanddoes launchpad support vhosts?19:02
kirklandcould the qemu project point bugs.qemu.org to bugs.launchpad.net/qemu ?19:02
sladencongratulations on the new release.  ...and even more clicks and page refreshes required to add a bug as occuring in a second project... :)19:02
JonWhat is launchpad?19:02
kirklandJon: http://launchpad.net19:03
JonWhat is it first?19:03
JonI dont go to random websites.19:03
RainCTJon: what are you doing here if you don't know what Launchpad is? :P19:04
JonWonderin what it is.19:04
JonAnyone wanna tell me?19:04
RainCTJon: open the page and there it explains what it is19:04
kirklandJon: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Launchpad_(website)19:04
kirklandJon: is wikipedia less random?19:05
Jonno thanks19:05
Jonim too busy19:05
kirkland"Launchpad is a web application and web site supporting software development, particularly that of free software. Launchpad is developed and maintained by Canonical Ltd."19:05
Jonwhats it do?19:05
RainCTbut apparently not busy enough as to be in a random channel and ask questions19:05
Jonsit around and use storage and ram?19:05
* Jon away19:06
zirpumust be british.19:06
Jonno im not19:08
RainCThe was pretty boring for a troll :P19:10
RainCTbtw, Wikipedia says «Mark Shuttleworth announced at OSCON that the *complete* source code is expected to be released within the next twelve months»19:11
RainCTah, ignore that19:12
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=== mars changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: mars | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Open Sourcing: https://dev.launchpad.net/OpenSourcing
cody-somervilleMarking a targetted task as won't fix will close it, right?19:37
marskirkland, Launchpad does not support vhosts19:37
beunocody-somerville, it should, yes19:38
kirklandmars: any plans to one day?19:38
marsIIRC, we looked at vhosts last year - don't remember the story behind it though19:38
cody-somervillebeuno, Can you help me understand the status of LP #358641?19:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 358641 in netbook-launcher "Incorrect Translation in Spanish Network (ENG)->Red (SPA) ¿?-> Rojo (red colour)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35864119:40
beunocody-somerville, the bug is clear19:42
beunobad translation19:42
cody-somervillebeuno, the bug status is now19:42
cody-somervillebeuno, approving the karmic target makes the UI understandable19:42
beunoyou've declined it for Jaunty19:43
cody-somervillebeuno, refresh19:43
cody-somervillebeuno, its much more understandable now19:43
cody-somervillebeuno, (note: I don't have any trouble understanding the bug, its the launchpad UI)19:43
beunoI see what you mean19:43
marsthat's a really busy bug19:44
cody-somervillebeuno, I think that if a bug gets targeted, it should automatically get targeted to the trunk or w/e its called19:44
beunocody-somerville, would you like to file a bug about this wierd way of interacting with series targeting?19:44
cody-somervillebeuno, will do19:44
beunocody-somerville, thanks. It's something we need to fix, as it's where Launchpad should shine the most.19:45
cody-somervillebeuno, also, now that the two packages don't have that little icon to indicate a drop down, it looks like thw two packages belong to the Ubuntu Netbook Remix Launcher project instead of Ubuntu19:48
cody-somervillebeuno, which is pretty neat if that were true19:48
warp10I have received an email messege from a LP ML (that is: Mythbuntu-documentation) I'm not subscribed to. Anyone knows if it is a known LP bug?19:48
beunocody-somerville, true. Abother UI bug.19:55
marswarp10, just a moment, I'll look into it19:56
marswarp10, what is your launchpad username?  I'd like to check the team memberships19:56
warp10mars: warp1019:56
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marswarp10, does it state the rational "You are receiving this message because...", at the bottom of the mail?19:59
barrymars: et al.  i believe we've fixed our lists.launchpad.net problem.  you should be good to go now. please ping me if you have any more bounces20:00
warp10mars: Nope! I can paste or forward you the message, headers included, if you want to give a deeper look20:00
marsbarry, ^ looking at warp10's message20:00
marswarp10, please, that would help20:01
marsit doesn't look like you have any direct or indirect relation to mythbuntu-documentation20:01
warp10mars: your email?20:02
warp10mars: indeed. Never been part of it20:02
barrywarp10: does the message you received have the mythbuntu-documentation footer?20:02
marsmac9416, RainCT, mailing lists should be back online.20:02
mac9416mars, thanks so much, man :-)20:03
warp10mars: just sent. It's the whole raw message, just like gmail gives to me.20:04
RainCTmars: great, thanks20:04
warp10mars: if you mean the links to post, unsubscribe, etc: yeas, it has20:04
marsbarry, ^20:05
barrymars: sorry, what am i supposed to look at?20:07
barrywarp10: you are subscribe dto the ~mythbuntu-documentation mailing list20:08
barrywarp10: if your lp id is also "warp10" that is :)20:08
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marsbarry, it is :)20:09
barrythere ya go then!20:09
warp10barry: 1) I wonder why, since I'm not part of the team; 2) I don't see that ML listed in my +editemails page20:09
warp10barry: mars: brb in about 20 mins.20:10
marsbarry, I don't see warp10 on https://edge.launchpad.net/~mythbuntu-documentation/+mailing-list-subscribers ?20:10
barrymars: first entry!20:11
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marsbarry, sorry, I'm blind today20:11
barrywarp10: could you be a member of the mythbuntu team?20:11
barrywarp10: in which case, you'd be a member of mythbuntu-documentation by virtue of indirect membership20:11
barrywarp10: i can't tell about #2, though i suppose that could be a display bug.  how many entries are on your #editemails page?20:12
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andrea-bsmaybe he was an indirect member: motu => ubuntu-dev => ubuntu-dev-without-bugmail => mythbuntu => mythbuntu-documentation  (ubuntu-dev-without-bugmail is a deactivated member of mythbuntu)20:15
marsandrea-bs, maybe.  That relation doesn't show up on https://edge.launchpad.net/~warp10/+participation, because it isn't active, but the subscription would still exist.20:16
marsbarry, ^ a possible explanation if the list doesn't show up on +editmails, either20:17
andrea-bsin any case, launchpad should show the subscription on +editemails and let the user to unsubscribe20:18
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warp10barry: I'm not in the mythbuntu team, and actually I don't see any good reason why I should be part of mythbuntu. andrea-bs'idea doesn't look good, I don't see any relationship between ubuntu-dev and mythbuntu, at a first glance20:36
warp10barry: regarding 2#: I have 22 entries20:37
barrywarp10: just a sec, otp20:38
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barrywarp10: very strange.  when you visit ~mythbuntu-documentation, it tells you that you are not a member of the team?20:50
warp10barry: Yeah, it does: "You are not a member of this team."20:51
barrywarp10: could this possibly be bug 28724820:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 287248 in launchpad-registry "+mailing-list-subscribers shows people who aren't team members" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28724820:51
warp10barry: not sure, looks like this one involves the pending members thing, mostly. But maybe there is a common cause, don't know20:54
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barrywarp10: can you add your own experience to that bug?  we can at least investigate20:54
warp10barry: yeah, I'm writing a comment rigt now :)20:56
beunoleonardr, do you know if the issue with uploading attachments with launchpadlib is solved?21:03
warp10barry: I just sent the comment, but now I'm wondering if the raw email message (that I sent to mars too) could help you triaging.21:04
barrywarp10: it definitely could21:04
barrywarp10: can you sanitize it and paste it?21:04
warp10barry: sure! What do you prefer, attachment or pastebin?21:04
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barrywarp10: attach to the bug would be great21:06
* warp10 nods21:06
leonardrbeuno, i don't think it is. i would need to land a launchpadlib branch to fix it, and i can't land  any launchpadlib branches until gary switches us over to buildout21:06
Sam-I-Amhey guys, i'm having a problem with a particular PPA and dependency management21:10
beunoleonardr, thanks21:10
Sam-I-Amas in, this particular PPA isn't giving me an option to add dependencies21:10
rockstarcprov, ^^21:10
marsrockstar, beat me to it :)21:11
rockstarmars, yeah, I was expecting though.  :)21:11
cprovSam-I-Am: which one ?21:11
Sam-I-Ami thought it might just be my browser... hacking the URL to add dependencies seems to have worked... but neither firefox nor opera show the usual options on the ppa's home page21:13
cprovSam-I-Am: just added it to my PPA -> https://edge.launchpad.net/~cprov/+archive/experimental21:13
cprovSam-I-Am: the 'Edit dependency' link is on the new details-table in the PPA page21:13
cprovSam-I-Am: below the repository-size (the section that is asynchronously loaded).21:14
cprovSam-I-Am: found it ?21:15
Sam-I-Amso on this url i see the usual repo size, build dependencies, etc...21:15
Sam-I-Amhowever, this one doesnt show it...21:15
cprovSam-I-Am: isn't that the PPA you want to use as build-dep ?21:16
Sam-I-Amno, i need that one to depend on msk-1 and msk-221:16
Sam-I-Amand i dont see the usual place to edit those21:17
cprovSam-I-Am: are you Matt Kassawara ?21:17
Sam-I-Ami hacked the url for it to add /+edit-dependencies and got to the right place...21:17
Sam-I-Amthats me21:17
cprovSam-I-Am: ah, cool21:17
Sam-I-Amyeah, my real name apparently isnt sam21:18
cprovSam-I-Am: the msk-11 has no uploads yet, that's why it doesn't allow you to tweak the dependencies21:19
cprovSam-I-Am: it's an UI bug21:19
Sam-I-Amfor the others i seem to remember adding dependencies right after i created the PPA... so the first upload would get built correctly.21:19
Sam-I-Ami just uploaded a bind9 package a few mins ago... it should be showing up somewhere.21:20
Sam-I-Ami got the accepted email21:20
Sam-I-Amstill claims no packages tho... nothing building.21:20
Sam-I-Amwait, nevermind, upload got stuck21:20
Sam-I-Amok, now its uploaded21:21
Sam-I-Amtoo many ppas :/21:21
cprovSam-I-Am: yes, you are right, we don't show 'Edit dependencies' for empty PPAs and we should.21:21
Sam-I-Amhuh, wonder how i did it before... guess they all broke the first time around.21:21
Sam-I-Amcould have sworn i was able to do it...21:22
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cprovSam-I-Am: can you please file a bug about it, in most of the cases you already know what dependencies to set before start uploading.21:22
cprovSam-I-Am: you were, this ui change landed today.21:22
Sam-I-Amha, so i'm not nuts then...21:23
cprovSam-I-Am: just a little bit ;)21:23
Sam-I-Amha, thanks... lots of people tell me that for some reason21:23
* cprov suspects it's mostly because of the misleading nickname21:24
cprovMr Matt :)21:24
Sam-I-Amlots of the folks i know from irc and in person call me sam... although i think rockstar calls me matt21:25
cprovSam-I-Am: so, that's it then, thanks for pointing this problem, file a bug and the fix will be in edge.l.n in a blink.21:25
cprovbut he is a rockstar! :)21:25
Sam-I-Ami call him paul...21:26
cprovehe, I like to think we are a bunch of funny people ...21:26
* cprov dashes for dinner21:27
Sam-I-Amthanks man21:27
=== cprov is now known as cprov-afk
* Sam-I-Am files bug21:27
cprov-afkSam-I-Am: no, thank you for using PPAs and helping us to get it right.21:27
Sam-I-Amonce i figured the dependencies out they're working quite well21:27
Sam-I-Ami think i have 11 of them now...21:28
Sam-I-Amif someones going to break something, its me!21:28
cprov-afkSam-I-Am: cool! I saw, you have quite a lot of ppas21:44
cprov-afkSam-I-Am: the dependencies are not super-easy to understand, you're right. We could extend the docs and also point to example in LP21:45
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Sam-I-Amcprov-afk: yeah, coming from an environment where i built everything in chroots and had quite a bit of control over the build environment its been fun21:51
Sam-I-Amcprov-afk: the cant-upload-binaries was the first thing that got me21:51
Sam-I-Ami havent found a way to build source (-S) and binaries in the same run... upload the source to launchpad and keep the binaries on my local build box.21:52
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maxbThe default is to build source and binaries in one run21:54
maxbYou'd just need to construct a suitable _source.changes file afterwards21:55
Sam-I-Amhmmm, dpkg-buildpackage seems to build one or the other... unless i'm missing something.21:55
Sam-I-Ami use dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -kgpgkey21:56
Sam-I-Amthen i need to use another with -S to get the source package for launchpad21:56
maxbYou are missing something. It builds both21:57
maxbunless you use -S/-b/-B to ask for subsets21:57
Sam-I-Amhmm... i dont remember it building a source.changes file without the -S21:58
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maxbSam-I-Am: It does not22:14
maxb21:54 < maxb> The default is to build source and binaries in one run22:15
maxb21:55 < maxb> You'd just need to construct a suitable _source.changes file afterwards22:15
Sam-I-Ami was trying to grok that...22:15
Sam-I-Amhow does one construct one of those considering the checksums?22:15
Sam-I-Amwell, signingh22:15
maxbUse debsign22:16
maxbit can sign or resign a .changes and/or .dsc22:16
maxbSo all you need to add, is a little bit of sed and grep to delete the binary bits from the changes file22:17
maxbOf course, you could just run dpkg-buildpackage -S; dpkg-buildpackage -b, and that would scarely take longer22:17
Sam-I-Amyeah, or lately its just let launchpad do it for me...22:18
Sam-I-Ambut sometimes i want the package sooner22:18
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=== mcasadevall is now known as NCommander
Sam-I-Amare there any plans to produce statistics on # of downloads for a PPA?23:00
beunoSam-I-Am, yes23:00
Sam-I-Amcurious if anyone besides me uses my ppas...23:00
beunoit's being worked on23:00
Sam-I-Amanother question... is there any way on the main launchpad web site to search for PPAs containing packages matching a certain string?23:09
Sam-I-Amseems that would be a good way to find custom builds of stuff that might be useful23:09
marsSam-I-Am, have you tried "ppa some-custom-string" in the search field, in the upper right?23:10
Sam-I-Amwell, looking at the main search box in the middle of the launchpad.net home page...23:10
marsSam-I-Am, or you could try this (not sure if it would work): inurl:ppa some-custom-string23:10
Sam-I-Ami tried "ppa slapd" and "ppa openldap" thinking it might find my packages23:11
marsSam-I-Am, that is the same search box, so it should work23:11
* mars tries it23:11
Sam-I-Ammy PPAs are named msk-1, msk-2 ... respectively, but their aliases contain things like "openldap" and "gnutls"23:11
Sam-I-Amfigured those... or the packages within, might be searchable23:12
marsthis turned up a few results: https://launchpad.net/+search?field.text=inurl%3Appa+openldap&field.actions.search=Search23:13
marsit is still just a simple keyword-based search though23:14
Sam-I-Amyes it did23:14
Sam-I-Amits just not very intuitive... like a specific PPA search function23:14
Sam-I-Amtime to head home...23:16
ajmitchSam-I-Am: it's certainly possible, but I've only seen it done by a site not on launchpad23:16
ajmitchppa-search.appspot.com iirc23:16
Sam-I-Amjust a thought...23:17
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