
=== sattam1 is now known as sattam
somaunnwhat is the cmd to see the kernel version03:44
sattamsocceroos: ask in #ubuntu03:46
socceroossattam: i think you're talking to somaunn? =)03:47
sattamoh sorry03:49
socceroosyou're right mate. =)03:50
DKcrosshello friends08:21
DKcrosssocceroos,  how are you man?08:22
=== maxb_ is now known as maxb
=== Hodge is now known as Hodgestar
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
altmanHi, does anyone know how to create a source package (.tar) that can be built just using "./configure" and "make" and "make install"?17:35
=== kklimonda__ is now known as kklimonda
redsoxkingdoes anyone talk in this room? LoL21:31
nhandlerredsoxking: This room isn't for normal chat. It is for classroom sessions (see the topic). There will be a sesson in 3.5 hours21:33
redsoxkingok cool, whats the topic?21:49
nhandlerredsoxking: Please read the channel topic. The upcoming session is about pbuilder21:51
redsoxkingok ok, im new at this i just found this and I've only had linux for 2 weeks, sorry, never used a chat room b421:52

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