
TheMusoHey rickspencer3, robert_ancell.00:00
robert_ancellTheMuso, hi00:00
rickspencer3hi TheMuso00:00
rickspencer3guys ready?00:01
rickspencer3this should be brief00:01
rickspencer3any agenda items?00:01
rickspencer3to add?00:01
rickspencer3robert_ancell: ?00:01
rickspencer3so the meeting is mostly announcements this week, but some discussion regarding paper cut bugs00:03
rickspencer3pitti: Reminder: do you merges (https://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html) pitti: spec status Karmic Sprint is in Dublin00:03
* TheMuso is already sorting out flights for that.00:03
rickspencer3oops, that should have been ..00:03
rickspencer3pitti: Reminder: do you merges (https://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html)00:03
rickspencer3pitti: Reminder: do you merges (https://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html)00:03
rickspencer3ah forget it00:04
* rickspencer3 can't copy and paste today :P00:04
* awe remembers00:04
rickspencer3hi awe00:04
rickspencer3back for more?00:04
rickspencer3TheMuso: robert_ancell: are your specs all reviewed by Martin?00:04
awewas looking for some launchpad help and realized y'all had the east coast mtg in progress00:04
robert_ancellrickspencer3, yes00:04
rickspencer3east coast of Australia, that is00:05
TheMusoAll of mine have gone through a review, and one is approved. The audi oone still needs reviewing after changes needed to be made. Unfortunately I haven't really had the community help on this with some bits that I h oped for.00:05
rickspencer3TheMuso: did you get your work items on the blueprint?00:05
TheMusorickspencer3: Yes.00:05
TheMusoIn the whiteboard.00:05
aweTheMuso: what kind of help do you need?  Review?00:05
rickspencer3about 30 work items went missing from the burndown chart last night:00:06
rickspencer3pitti will fix it tomorrow I suppose00:06
TheMusoawe: That and someone to fill in about volume scaling stuff, I don't really understand that.00:06
rickspencer3awe: can you help?00:07
aweon the review part yes.00:07
aweon the volume scaling stuff i'll offer what knowledge i have00:07
rickspencer3ACTION: awe to review Audio spec and to comment on volume scaling00:08
aweTheMuso: please send me a link to the spec00:09
rickspencer3Ken is tracking U1 status here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/DesktopIntegration/Status00:09
TheMusoawe: just a sec.00:09
TheMusoawe: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-karmic-audio-experience00:10
rickspencer3kenvandine is also expecting the plan from DXE eow00:10
rickspencer3"the plan" being their work items and what they plan to do in their iterations00:11
rickspencer3robert_ancell: TheMuso: any questions, or should I keep going?00:11
robert_ancellgo on00:11
TheMusokeep going, I've shot ahead again. :p00:11
rickspencer3bryce says that x is on track wrt to quality, and ahead wrt to packaging00:12
TheMusoNice to hear.00:12
rickspencer3also that the kernel changes seem have more or less fixed the issues with i965 in Jaunty00:12
* TheMuso mostly has NVIDIA hardware here so won't get to enjoy some of the niceties coming our way eg KMS.00:13
rickspencer3when KMS is turned on, he expects a flood of bugs00:13
rickspencer3TheMuso: yes, that is unfortunate ... perhaps next release00:13
rickspencer3unless the -nouvea guys pull a rabbit out of the hat for you00:13
rickspencer3they are working on KMS iirc00:14
rickspencer3also, there's this edgers stuff that is very popular00:14
rickspencer3so you can get a taste of the latest and proposed by installing the xorg-edgers ppa00:14
robert_ancellrickspencer3, so tempted but will keep away from that in the interest of having a working machine :)00:15
rickspencer3in the meantime, here are a couple of links that are interesting:00:15
rickspencer3essentially bryce had invented a similar tool to what you guys have been using to track GNOME updates00:16
rickspencer3you might want to check that out and see if there is some cross pollination that might be helpful00:16
rickspencer3so this brings us to paper cut bugs00:17
rickspencer3the upshot was this:00:17
robert_ancellTheMuso, are you in the regional membership board for Ubuntu - I want to blog about versions but I need to be a member00:17
* rickspencer3 waits00:17
TheMusorobert_ancell: Yes I am, but I think you'd be best getting membership by the usual channels.00:17
robert_ancellTheMuso, I need a testimonial00:18
robert_ancell(according to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership)00:18
TheMusoTHat I can do.00:18
robert_ancellTheMuso, thanks. rickspencer3 done interrupting :)00:18
rickspencer3no interuption, that's what this is for00:19
rickspencer3back to versions: there was some discussion about ...00:19
rickspencer3having one page for packages on the CD, and another page for packages that someone has expressed on interest in00:19
rickspencer3then community members could ping seb and ask for foo package to be added to the tracking list00:20
robert_ancellThat was the idea of the (+) sign. I was initially considering a tag system where you toggle which packages are shown by tag (e.g. karmic, jaunty, ubuntu-desktop)00:20
rickspencer3back to paper cut bugs?00:21
rickspencer3so ..00:21
rickspencer31. some engineers are being flooded with related bug mail00:21
rickspencer3ignore the bug mail because the design team is picking 10 bugs per week to fix, so00:22
rickspencer32. Look for the paper cuts mail each week, and pick something to fix, if there is a good match for you00:22
rickspencer3however, if it looks like more than about 4 hours of work for you, you can either:00:23
rickspencer3just comment on the amount of work, and leave it for someone who has the time or could do it faster00:23
TheMusoThere is one audio related bug that is marked as a paper cut, I'll probably work on that sooner than the round its marked for, which I guess is fine.00:23
rickspencer3or if you think it is non-trivial for anybody to fix, you can set it to invalid00:23
rickspencer3TheMuso: yes, that is fine00:23
rickspencer33. Paper cut bugs should be prioritized at about the same level as spec work00:24
rickspencer34. Please expect about half a day every two weeks, at least00:24
rickspencer3if you have excess capacity, by all means, fix more paper cuts00:24
rickspencer3</end paper cuts spiel>00:24
rickspencer3questions, thoughts regarding paper cuts?00:25
TheMusoNot from me.00:25
rickspencer3any other business?>00:26
rickspencer3ok then, that's a wrap!00:27
TheMusorickspencer3: Now that I have a calendar, we need to schedule a time to talk about my goals for this 6 months for PDR.00:27
rickspencer3thanks guys00:27
rickspencer3thanks awe00:27
awerickspencer3: np00:27
rickspencer3TheMuso: yes00:27
rickspencer3please do so, your morning/my evening00:27
TheMusorickspencer3: Ok will get on that ASAP.00:28
awerickspencer3: I also have a question for you whenever you're done with TheMuso00:28
rickspencer3awe: sure00:28
awehow do bugs in lp get linked to upstream bug trackers?00:29
awei couldn't find the obvious button and/or control to do it00:29
bryceawe, I can answer that00:29
rickspencer3go ahead bryce00:29
bryceit's kind of non-intuitive, but...00:29
rickspencer3bryce: have you done this before?00:29
bryceclick "Also affects project"00:29
brycerickspencer3, hah, like daily!00:29
awei see now00:30
bryceawe, if you're lucky someone will have specified the default upstream project, and you can just paste in the URL to the upstream bug00:30
awelp non-intuitive.  nah..00:30
bryceawe, if not, then try typing in the name of the upstream bug, or use the Choose link to search for it00:30
awebryce: yea, it looks like i can just paste the url00:31
bryceif it's not in there, then you can register the upstream project - sort of a pain in the ass, but you only have to do it once.00:31
bryceawesome, then you're set00:31
bryceawe, a couple things I like to do00:31
bryce1.  in the upstream bug paste in a link to the ubuntu bug, so you can cross-reference later on00:32
awealready did that...00:32
bryce2.  tell the original bug reporter to subscribe to the upstream bug, so they can answer questions directly00:32
bryce(if the reporter is !you)00:32
awethe upstream's in bugzilla00:32
bryceotherwise you'll be cut-and-pasting questions and answers back and forth, which is extraordinarily mind numbing00:33
aweoh, i guess there's a cc list00:33
bryceyeah, but in bugzilla you can't add arbitrary people to the cc00:33
bryceguess it's a spam thing *shrug*00:33
rickspencer3bryce: is that "registered upstream project" available in python-launchpadlib?00:33
awewell, i've verified that the *code* is busted, so i don't think there'll be a lot more conversation00:33
brycerickspencer3, yes, it is called a "watch" in launchpadlib speak00:34
rickspencer3so for my triaging button, if watch is not null, can I use python-launchpadlib to create the new bug?00:34
bryceactually lpapi allows having *multiple* watches00:35
bryceso you'd want to check if num(watches) == 000:35
rickspencer3in any case, you can use new bug and just copy the info over?00:36
brycein theory00:36
rickspencer3so I can make seb128's "upstream" button that way00:36
rickspencer3and if there is no watch, make a picker for the project00:36
rickspencer3and perhaps create a watch for the package while I;m at it00:37
* TheMuso sighs. Another new piece of code from Lennart that pulseaudio depends on, i.e pulse by lennart depends on another new piece of code from Lennart.01:14
* TheMuso sighs again. This piece of code needs 2.6.31 or better. :S01:18
KenEdwardsYingying_Zhao, sorry I was late to the call01:55
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pittiGood morning06:48
pittibryce: btw, how do you collect feedback about xorg-edgers? people crying in #u-devel when it breaks?06:52
pittibryce: (e. g. I dist-upgrade daily, and usually don't have much trouble with it)06:52
pittibryce: btw, Jesse sent a patch to fix suspend/resume with KMS, works fine \o/ I applied it to i915 locally for now06:52
pittigood to see some bug fixing upstream again06:52
brycepitti, good to hear07:12
brycepitti, we accept bug reports about problems in xorg-edgers07:12
bryceindeed, those are the easiest bugs for us to upstream, so we encourage people with troubles to post them to launchpad and we push them from there07:12
pittiI filed one in the past, but it got fixed upstream fast07:12
brycesee?  :-)07:12
pittiwell, it got fixed before I even filed it :)07:13
bryceahh, even better07:13
Zdraif I take current live cd, it will boot with kms on intel hw?07:13
pittibryce: anyway, seems that most troubles that I still have are with suspend, everything else works just fine07:13
bryceZdra, tomorrow's daily live cd should I think07:13
brycepitti, great to hear07:13
pittibryce: http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=21719 is my last one07:13
ubottuFreedesktop bug 21719 in Driver/intel "resuming with external monitor fails" [Normal,New]07:13
pittiand Jesse just replied07:13
brycepitti, awesome07:13
brycepitti, yeah if you feel like filing the bugs straight upstream, go for it07:14
pittibryce: extremetuxracer is fun to play now! (~ 30 fps with 800x600)07:14
pittibryce: I usually do, yes07:14
Zdrabryce: ok, thx07:14
pittiat least this early in the game, when we don't need to track them for release purposes yet07:14
brycepitti, having a bug in launchpad as well is useful if there is a patch I should be pulling in07:15
pittibryce: right07:15
pittibryce: the i915 one is against the kernel, though07:15
pittibryce: btw, do you trip over i915.ko patches a lot?07:17
pittibryce: yesterday I figured out how to just build the module without much fuss, so it shoudl be possible to dkmsify it easily07:18
pittiso it might be useful for xorg-edgers07:18
bryceyeah I've not done kernel builds so much myself07:18
pittibryce: I added the recipe to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild FYI07:19
pittitook me a while to figure out07:19
brycebut I've a procedure worked out with the kernel team to pass bugs along to them once a kernel patch is found, and they take it from there07:19
pittibut I really don't feel like building the entire kernel to test a 915 patch07:19
* bryce bookmarks07:19
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
* pitti deletes /etc/modprobe.d/i915-kms.conf07:27
huatsmorning everyone !07:57
huatsrobert_ancell: hey07:59
robert_ancellhuats, morning07:59
huatsrobert_ancell: evening !07:59
huats(well for you)08:00
didrocksmorning o/08:00
huatsrobert_ancell: just so that you know, I have started a bit on anjuta...08:00
huatsI'll continue today08:00
huatshey didrocks :)08:00
robert_ancellhuats, sweet, I was making a mess of it :)08:00
didrockshey huats, robert_ancell08:00
huatsrobert_ancell: don't be too hard with you08:01
huatsso far I haven't seen tons of stuffs to fix...08:01
pittihey robert_ancell08:06
robert_ancellpitti, hey pitti08:06
pittibonjour didrocks and huats08:06
didrockshey pitti :)08:07
huatsguten morgen pitti08:08
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seb128didrocks, hey08:42
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=== slomo__ is now known as slomo
didrockshey seb12808:51
seb128didrocks, hello08:51
seb128had a good evening and night? ;-)08:51
didrocksyes, very nice :-) You?08:52
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i was trying to figure out last night why the "About Ubuntu" menu item has disappeared from the panel in Karmic09:02
chrisccoulsonit seems ubuntu-docs no longer ships a /usr/share/omf/about-ubuntu/about-ubuntu-C.omf file anymore, which the panel checks for the existence of first09:02
seb128chrisccoulson, right, I was writting that09:03
seb128chrisccoulson, I just reviewed your gnome-panel merge looks correct09:03
seb128do you know if 08_clock_applet_event.patch is still needed?09:03
chrisccoulsoni wasnt sure if that was an ubuntu-docs bug or not, or whether we should change 01_layout.patch in gnome-panel09:03
seb128we dropped it before because I think it was fixed upstream in some way09:03
seb128but debian still have it09:03
seb128chrisccoulson, did they rename the file or what?09:04
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i wasnt sure about that patch or not. it seems we dropped it once already, but debian still have it, so i wasnt sure how to justify removing it really, without understanding what it does09:04
chrisccoulsondebian have some pretty wierd patches to their panel :-/09:05
seb128I've stopped resyncing some packages on debian because they have too many weird changes09:05
chrisccoulsonyeah, i've started to notice that, especially with gnome-session too09:06
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pittiuh, why did the desktop workitems drop yesterday? http://piware.de/tmp/desktopteam-burndown-karmic.png09:20
laxmiI am from Nepal09:23
laxmifacing a problem09:23
laxmir all u sleeping?09:24
pitti!ask | laxmi09:24
ubottulaxmi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:24
pittilaxmi: hello09:24
Laneyseb128: I will make a tomboy upload for you, you only had to ask09:24
laxmiI lost gdm conf file09:25
seb128Laney, I'm fine syncing on debian if they do upload it one day09:25
Laneywe just have a big problem with lack of DD time09:25
seb128laxmi, try #ubuntu for user questions09:25
seb128Laney, well that's why I suggest not blocking on debian ;-)09:25
seb128chrisccoulson, gnome-panel uploaded09:25
chrisccoulsonseb128 - thanks09:26
seb128chrisccoulson, I'm not sure if your replied about my question on whether they renamed the index09:26
Laneylet's do it then, because meebey is now away for some days09:26
seb128Laney, ok, let me know if you need sponsoring09:26
LaneyI will do, just give me 2 mins to fix up the changelog09:26
chrisccoulsonseb128 - which index is that?09:27
seb128chrisccoulson, the about ubuntu one09:28
seb128you said that the omf is not there in karmic09:28
seb128has it been renamed or something?09:28
seb128pitti, should we move empathy back to universe to get the new version built?09:28
chrisccoulsonah, yes. the about-ubuntu-C.omf file has gone. it hasnt been renamed, but the package is only shipping the translated files now09:29
pittiseb128: sure, go ahead; I kept it in main for now to make the dependency problems more obvious09:29
seb128chrisccoulson, do you know if that's a mistake or a choice?09:29
chrisccoulsoni was thinking that the about-ubuntu desktop file would make more sense shipping with ubuntu-docs. then the panel could just check for the existence of the desktop file09:29
seb128could be09:30
chrisccoulsoni'm not sure if that was a mistake or a design decision in ubuntu-docs09:30
chrisccoulsoni tried to speak to mdke on #ubuntu-devel last night but i dont think he was around09:30
seb128ok, no hurry to get that changed anyway09:31
chrisccoulsonno problem. i'll try and speak to mdke again later09:32
seb128slomo, helo09:42
seb128slomo, do you think you could tweak the gstreamer packages to have gnomevfs ranked lower than gio?09:42
asachmm.  Launchpad will be going offline for maintenance in 14 minutes.09:47
seb128asac, yes announce on the mailing list this week, they switch it to read only for one hour at 9utc09:53
seb128ie in 6 minutes from now09:53
Laneybug 38110109:54
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/381101/+text)09:54
Laneyoh I forgot to close it in the changelog09:55
seb128Laney, thanks09:55
Laneycan you add that before sponsoring? I've got to go for a littl ebit09:55
Laneyback soon09:55
slomoseiflotfy1: not sure if that is a good idea atm... the gio plugin is still far from perfect because of misdesign in gio :/ i'll improve the situation a bit for 0.10.24 in the next days though and improve the usage in totem...10:22
slomoerm, seb128 ---^10:22
slomoseb128: not sure if that is a good idea atm... the gio plugin is still far from perfect because of misdesign in gio :/ i'll improve the situation a bit for 0.10.24 in the next days though and improve the usage in totem...10:50
seb128slomo, ok because it takes over gio and breaks rhythmbox right not for example10:51
seb128ie vfs locations don't work when installed10:51
slomoseb128: yeah, that's why the gnomevfs package does conflict with meta-gnome in debian ;) that's the worst solution for this problem though, it would've been better if joss just talked to me before doing that...10:52
seb128ok, I didn't do that change but I though it could be a good idea to rank gio over gnomevfs, fedora does that apparently from what people told on IRC10:53
seb128brb session restart10:53
seb128bryce, pitti: is running the xorg edger ppa a good idea for everybody? will those things all land in karmic?11:09
pittiyes, it's a staging area for karmic, with pretty much upstream git head COTD11:10
seb128testing current git code seems a nice idea but if that's a different version from karmic or what will land there that seems split of feedback and efforts11:10
pittiI asked bryce about that some days ago, since that was my concern as well11:10
pittihe said currently xorg-edgers feedback is preferred, since upstream is more interested in that, and we still do regular karmic updates11:10
seb128well, upstream is interested in git trunk right11:11
seb128but that doesn't mean they will roll stable tarballs of those versions before karmic11:11
pittiwe should stop testing xorg-edgers after FF11:11
seb128or that we will track the unstable versions11:11
pittiright now they are working towards 2.8.0 final for -intel11:11
seb128ie I think xorg-edger had intel drivers versions which didn't land to jaunty before jaunty11:11
pittiright, as I said; it's not a good idea to run it forever, but it's good right now11:12
pittifor catching regressions early and comparing/reverting to karmic11:12
seb128I don't like much the idea to run something different than what we ship to our users11:12
pittiseb128: well, *shrug*, it was just a suggestion, not a "everyone do it now!" :-)11:13
seb128yeah, I'm just thinking about that11:13
seb128I feel early testing is good but from an another side we should be working on what users get too11:13
seb128so I'm a bit torned on what I should be running11:13
pittiright now, we will definitively get new stuff into karmic, so better to report regressions on the day they happen11:13
seb128we could as well push those snapshots to karmic proper if we feel they are good enough to be used11:14
seb128anyway thanks for the replies11:15
seb128I think I will keep running karmic versions for now so I know where we stand11:15
pittiseb128: btw, except for the compiz memleak, how is it working for you now?11:15
pittiperformance, artifacts, suspend/resume, KMS, etc.?11:15
seb128kms turned on after upgrading recently11:16
pittisuspend with external monitor is broken for me (upstream working on it), otherwise it's pretty much perfect now11:16
seb128things work fine so far, suspend resume, vt switch11:16
pittiseb128: right, 2.6.30-10.1211:16
pittisuspend got fixed for me with a recent upstream patch to i91511:16
pittiso it seems that didn't affect your 965, only my 94511:16
seb128I never had performances issues but I'm not using anything which require speed11:16
pitti(although the fix wasn't 945 specific)11:16
seb128ie no game, nothing using 3d drawing, etc11:16
pittiseb128: try extremetuxracer :)11:17
seb128the only real issue I get is that memory leak11:17
seb128I've to reboot at least once a day11:17
pittiwe should rename that to "opengl-benchmark" and require everyone to use it for an hour every week :-P11:17
pittiseb128: right, that could be a mesa memleak, or compiz itself11:17
pittiseb128: did you get it in jaunty?11:17
pittiif not, would be worth downgrading compiz to jaunty and check if it's still there11:18
seb128compiz didn't change really in karmic I doubt it's due to it11:18
pitti    compiz | 1:0.8.2-0ubuntu8.1 | jaunty-updates | source, all11:18
pitti    compiz | 1:0.8.2-0ubuntu13 |        karmic | source, all11:18
seb128we didn't get a new compiz version in karmic11:18
seb128right, only minor changes11:18
pittiany upstream code changes in the 6 ubuntu revs?11:18
seb128one patch from debian re-added11:19
seb128otherwise they are changes in the packaging or the wrapper11:19
seb128I doubt it's due to compiz11:19
pittiokay, so likely mesa then11:20
seb128grrr, launchpad still down11:20
seb128do they need to do their update in european work hours?11:20
pittiseb128: ^ that's why the retracers fell over, so don't worry about the cron mails11:24
seb128yeah I figured ;-)11:24
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Laneypngquant is in universe and is a new build-dep of tomboy12:51
pittikenvandine: ugh, just tried gnome-scan the first time; that thing is terrible!12:53
* pitti purges and reinstalls xsane12:54
pittithe UI is totally in the wrong order, and it doesn't even offer the simplest color/contrast corrections12:54
pittiKenEdwards: is that any better in the current version?12:55
pittikenvandine: ^, sorry12:58
seb128pitti, did you use the karmic version or the ppa one?13:00
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seb128pedro_, ola13:29
pedro_salut seb128, did you got my email?13:29
seb128pedro_, yes, we didn't switch yet so I would not do any change for now13:29
pedro_seb128: i know just thinking in the future there13:29
seb128especially that rhythmbox is still a cool project and has somewhat responsive upstream now13:29
seb128well the "move to universe" will not really be revelant with archive reorganization13:30
asacis there a way to refer to a spec in changelog? so that launchpad parses it somehow?13:30
seb128and I'm fine having desktop-bugs still looking at it13:30
seb128asac, launchpad parses it to do what?13:30
pedro_seb128: alright, that's good to know :-)13:31
asacseb128: not sure if launchpad has a feature for that ;) ... maybe so that you can get a clickable URL in the launchpad changelog?13:37
asacbut nevermind. i will just use the full url13:37
* asac lunch13:52
seb128asac, enjoy!13:53
kenvandineseb128, has anyone reported compiz segfault with the update that came last night?13:55
seb128dunno I'm not working on compiz nor watching its bugs13:55
* kenvandine searches13:55
seb128I upgraded yesterday night and got no segfault there but I don't think compiz changed recently13:56
kenvandineit was in the upgrade last night13:56
didrocksseb128: do you want a bzr branch for planner?13:57
didrocksok, I attach a diff.gz so13:57
seb128well you can use a +junk on your account if you want13:58
seb128just don't use the team vcs for it13:58
seb128ie we can use it for review and upload but we will not keep it there13:58
didrocksseb128: ok, I prefer to not use it, though, attach diff.gz and debdiff13:58
seb128did the version change? otherwise debdiff is enough13:58
didrocksseb128: yes, upstream version changed13:59
seb128diff.gz is good then13:59
didrocksseb128: I think we have to setup a list of packages we don't want in bzr13:59
didrocks(maybe, merge it with versions.py)13:59
didrocksI will give a look at that14:00
seb128I would say everything on the default page is team maintained14:00
seb128everything in the + details is not14:00
didrocksok, so everything in default page in bzr, the other, not...14:00
seb128right, something around those lines14:00
seb128I think we should write an another page for the extra components14:00
didrocksI agree14:01
seb128have this list in a public place so other people can edit it14:01
seb128and have it updated once a day only that's enough14:01
pittiseb128: karmic14:02
cassidyseb128: bigon: are you going to provide an empathy-full package or something with geoloc support?14:03
dobeypitti, seb128, james_w: anyone care to advocate ubuntuone-storage-protocol and ubuntuone-client? :)14:05
pittihey dobey; just returned from lunch, it's on my list now :)14:06
kenvandinepitti, cool :)14:07
seb128pitti, ok you might want to use the ppa one karmic is outdated by years14:07
seb128cassidy, nothing planned for that that I know but that seems rather a toy that an useful thing, focus would better be spent on making the im part work correctly ;-)14:08
cassidyseb128: I agree, but people already starts to ask on #telepathy how to enable geoloc :D14:09
cassidywe'll probably provide a full package in our PPA14:09
seb128yeah do that ;-)14:10
seb128is there a way to split the option in an another binary?14:10
seb128or is that a build option changing the main binary?14:10
cassidybigon: ^ Not sure to understand, I'm not a packaging guy :)14:10
seb128cassidy, the question is "is geoloc a different .so which can be moved to universe"?14:12
bigonseb128: no it modifies the binnary and the libs14:12
seb128ok, so it's not easy to have it as something not installed by default but available by installing an another binaruy14:12
bigonI will upload the full pkg in the ppa and a pkg only with webkit support to the main archive (or at least proposing a patch)14:14
mvois launchpad oopsing for somone else too when going to https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager ?14:16
StevenKmvo: I get timeout error too14:17
seb128mvo, yeah, timeout on edge there14:17
bigonseb128: we want webkit (adium theme) suport in karmic right?14:21
seb128not sure14:21
seb128pitti, kenvandine: ^14:21
seb128webkit is an another issue for CD space14:21
seb128I'm still watching if GNOME will make it a requirement this cycle or not14:21
kenvandineseb128, gwibber is going to require it too14:23
kenvandinei am not ready to do the MIR for that yet though14:23
seb128gwibber is going to be installed by default?14:23
kenvandine"social from the start"14:23
kenvandinenot as it is today... more integrated as a desktop service14:24
seb128well, I though that would require installer integration etc14:24
kenvandinenobody liked that idea14:24
seb128just dropping gwibber in the desktop doesn't seem a big win to me14:24
kenvandinethat isn't what we are doing14:24
seb128the thing is hard to use and not bring a lot14:24
seb128ok, I'm waiting to see how things are turning then14:24
seb128I sort of fail to see what value gwibber is bringing14:25
seb128we should rather have facebook integration or whatever in the im client14:25
kenvandinei guess you aren't into social networking :)14:25
seb128the way pidgin-facebook is doing14:25
kenvandinethat is just for chat14:26
kenvandineand it isn't reliable :/14:26
seb128well, I've tried gwibber in jaunty14:26
seb128and I fail to see how it does something decent out of watching twitter14:26
seb128ie it doesn't seem a replacement to facebook login right now14:26
kenvandineit will be14:26
kenvandinefacebook has added APIs to do most things14:27
seb128anyway I'm not a web2 addict14:27
seb128gwibber doesn't seem the right way though14:27
seb128but I will watch what you guys are doing14:27
seb128I would have though that integration to desktop components was the way14:27
kenvandinethat is what we are doing, sort of14:28
kenvandinethe config for gwibber will be in gnome-about-me14:28
kenvandinefusa is going to use it too14:28
seb128*shrug*, extra gnome-control-center patching without upstream discussion14:28
kenvandineand hopefully other stuff will jump on the band wagon14:28
seb128seems you are going the wrong way about that14:28
kenvandineseb128, we discussed it... they are going to do the work14:28
seb128rather than getting a proper framework upstreamable you take a random application and try to workaround it14:29
seb128I'm sort of part of the upstream team for gnome-control-center (not active recently)14:29
kenvandinerodrigo_ or dobey :)14:29
seb128and I've read nothing about that on bugzilla, mailing list or IRC14:29
kenvandinediscussed on irc14:30
Laneyseb128: what do you want to do about tomboy? promote pngquant or patch that stuff out?14:31
pittipngquant is a nice tool14:32
Laneyit's given us quite some space savings14:32
pittibut what does tomboy do with it?14:32
pittiah, for compressing help images, etc.?14:32
LaneyInstalled-Size: [-12820-] {+7684+}14:32
pittiI use it in my "scan-document" script14:32
pittiit rocks14:32
pittiLaney: I'd say, keep and MIR14:33
pitti5 MB for the price of 19 kB? deal14:33
pittikenvandine: was the gwibber integration discussed at UDS with gwibber/g-c-c upstream?14:37
kenvandinerodrigo_ and dobey, one of them will do the g-c-c work14:38
pittiand the g-c-c upstream is fine with that?14:38
pittikenvandine: as you remember, that's a major point I banged on in the spec, since it seems pretty weird to me14:39
kenvandinepitti, we really wouldn't want to carry a patch like that... so getting it upstream i very important14:39
pittidobey: reviewed14:47
hggdhseb128, good morning (at least for me), and can we add the Evolution apport hook I wrote to the Evo package?14:54
seb128hggdh, hi, what does it do exactly? did you open a bug about that?15:00
hggdhseb128, no, I have not yet opened a bug on it, I decided to ask before; it grabs a bit of non-private data from gconf (disabled plugins, and similar), and anonymises the BTs15:02
seb128seems a good idea but I need to see the hook before saying if it's good to be added or need changes ;-)15:02
hggdhseb128, no problems; I will open a bug on it, and add the hook as an attachment; Should I subscribe you?15:03
seb128subscribe ubuntu-main-sponsors rather15:06
seb128I'm subscribe to evo so I will get the email15:06
seb128but the sponsoring list is better to keep track of what need to be uploaded15:07
hggdhOK, thansk15:07
seb128hggdh, you're welcome, thank you for working on those changes ;-)15:08
dobeypitti: hrmm. is it absolutely necessary to split out the python module bits for our daemon and u1sync to python-foo packages? there are other packages that don't (like gnome-app-install)15:09
chrisccoulsondevicekit-disks can monitor smart data on hard disks can't it?15:09
pittiyes, it does that now15:10
pitticheck out palimsest15:10
pittiit draws nice graphs and has a nice smart list15:10
chrisccoulsonthanks. will there be something in the users session that can notify of smart failures?15:10
chrisccoulsonthe only reason i ask is because someone opened a bug report asking for smartmontools on the default install, but i think that's sort of redundant now in karmic isnt it?15:11
pittiI'm not actually sure what that does, though15:12
pittichrisccoulson: well, so far we don't install gnome-disk-utility by default15:12
pittiit's quite a power user tool15:12
chrisccoulsonah, ok. i'll leave that for now15:13
pittiI didn't quite make up my mind whether we want it15:13
chrisccoulsonpitti - you're looking at polkit-1 arent you?15:13
pittichrisccoulson: but it says "Provides notifications related to disks", so I guess it's something like SMART alerts15:13
pittichrisccoulson: yes, it's in NEW15:13
pittichrisccoulson: and all the stuff up to new g-d-u is in ubuntu-desktop PPA15:13
pittiseb128 was working on new gvfs, AFAIK15:13
chrisccoulsonthe migration to polkit-1 looks painful. i just looked at the fedora spec, and it seems gnome-session is completely broken with it15:14
pittichrisccoulson: if you have stuff depending on pk-1, please upload to the PPA for now15:14
pittiand we move it over once it's through NE15:14
seb128pitti, I've 1.3.1 ready locally but it doesn't build in karmic due to devicekit-disks15:14
pittiseb128: should build against ubuntu-desktop PPA15:14
pittichrisccoulson: YM http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/PolicyKitOne ?15:14
seb128pitti, I can upload the new gvfs to the ppa if you want15:14
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, thats the one15:15
pittiseb128: if it's no effort for you, would be nice for testing15:15
pittiseb128: and further patch development15:15
seb128ok, I need to upgrade devicekit-disk locally to the ppa version first to test gvfs locally15:15
seb128will it break my laptop install? ;-)15:15
pittinot more than usual15:15
pittiNEW processing seems a bit stuck, but I hope I can upload all of that new crack to Karmic soon15:16
pittiI don't quite like that transition, but seems we're pretty much sold on it anyway15:17
seb128pitti, I don't do regular archive admin work atm but I can look at desktop changes you upload15:17
seb128just let me know if you need a review15:17
pittiand, for you happiness, it drops some old stuff like libsexy, libgnome, etc. :)15:17
pittiseb128: policykit-1 and policykit-1-gnome should be in NEW: they are by and large package renames only (forks)15:18
pittiseb128: but don't worry for now, it's not super-urgent15:18
seb128pitti, ok15:21
mvoseb128: iif you binary-NEW something anyway, could you please check auto-upgrader-tester too (with a extra pretty please?)15:25
seb128mvo, I'm not binary-newing anything but update-manager accepted now for you ;-)15:27
* mvo hugs seb128!15:28
* mvo hugs seb128 15:28
* mvo hugs seb128 15:28
* seb128 hugs mvo ;-)15:28
* seb128 hugs mvo ;-)15:28
* seb128 hugs mvo ;-)15:28
seb128will auto-upgrade-tester run somewhere regularly?15:29
seb128and publish logs?15:29
mvoseb128: not currently :( but at least its available via a package now, there is still no DC kvm machine15:29
mvoand kvm is really the best test environment15:29
mvobtw, why does bluez-gnome conflicts with gnome-bluetooth?15:30
seb128mvo, because gnome-bluetooth is basically a bluez-gnome fork and have similar filenames etc15:31
mvohm, thanks. right now its kept back on upgrades if you have both installed, what is the right solution here, is one replacing the other in the future? or will the fork be maintained in parallel?15:31
baptistebluez-gnome is dead15:32
mvobaptiste: so we will go with gnome-bluetooth and bluez-gnome will vanish from the archive?15:33
seb128mvo, gnome-bluetooth will be used in karmic15:33
seb128mvo, not sure if bluez-gnome will be dropper or demoted15:33
mvoaha, thanks15:33
mvothat is fine then, I just want to know about it in the context of upgrades to ensure that the right thing happens15:34
mvoI see that asac will take care of it, excellent15:35
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asacgnome-bluetooth vs. blueman15:39
asacso far blueman makes the race15:39
asacseb128: mvo: ^^15:39
asacbut that might change depending on how well gnome-bluetooth catches up on features15:39
seb128asac, did you consider that gnome-bluetooth is a GNOME thing, ie regular tarballs, translations from upstream etc?15:40
asacyes. that will get into the equation15:40
asaci have to talk to gnome-bluetooth dev on what features will be added still15:41
superm1asac, seb128 looks like translations are done in launchpad for the blueman project too https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/blueman15:44
mvoasac: thanks, I added a note that we need to ensure clean upgrades to the spec15:49
superm1oh didn't see you disconnected before i said this, will replay. " asac, seb128 looks like translations are done in launchpad for the blueman project too https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/blueman"15:50
asac6:41 < asac> i have to talk to gnome-bluetooth dev on what features will be added still15:50
asacthats what i said ;)15:50
asac16:47 < asac> (also have to talk to blueman folks, whats up with their project - e.g. why didnt they contribute to  gnome-bluetooth, will they join efforts in future etc.15:50
asac16:47 < asac> )15:51
seb128superm1, I disconnected after and read that, that's good but doesn't mean they are as active as GNOME translators ;-)15:51
asacyeah. i asked on both channels now to see whats up15:51
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asacpitti: do you see any reason why the karmic usbutils/udev/udev-extras combo wouldnt work in jaunty? (I need libgudev for NM ppa)16:08
pittiasac: should work fine, it's in https://edge.launchpad.net/~pitti/+archive/ppa16:08
pittiasac: people tested it for the keymap stuff16:09
asacpitti: so i dont need the udev part?16:09
pittino, jaunty's udev should work fine16:10
* asac copies to ppa16:10
dobeypitti: did you miss my question re: python packaging earlier?16:19
pittidobey: apparently I did; my keyboard broke and I had to reboot16:20
kenvandinepitti, mad typist?16:20
dobeypitti: hrmm. is it absolutely necessary to split out the python module bits for our daemon and u1sync to python-foo packages? there are other packages that don't (like gnome-app-install)16:20
pittidobey: I really really recommend it; you'll go nuts later if you don't, as soon as you want to support KDE16:21
pittialso, I like to follow the Python policy16:21
kenvandinepitti, what does that have to do with python-?16:21
kenvandinepitti, i agree though... just don't see how that affects supporting kde :)16:21
pittikenvandine: if you lump everything together in one package, you have to replicate half of it for KDE16:22
pittiotherwise you'd pull in all the nautilus/gtk dependencies16:22
kenvandineoh... well shouldn't that mean the nautilus bits get built into ubuntuone-client-gnome?16:22
kenvandineoh... nevermind16:22
pittiand shipping u1sync/python modules in two different pacakges cries for trouble, too16:22
kenvandinei see16:22
pittikenvandine: that's exactly what I was proposing :)16:22
pitti(more or less, yes)16:23
dobeywell, the u1sync and its modules can probably be in one package.16:23
pittidobey: right16:24
pittione python-ubuntuone-client and one ubuntuone-gnome package, or so (I'm not fussed about the names)16:25
dobeyright, will be something similar16:32
huatsseb128: as you know the anjuta stuff has been uploaded16:33
chrisccoulson1would someone mind inviting me to try ubuntuone? :)16:33
huatsso if you have anything to be done....16:33
seb128huats, excellent16:33
huatsjust say it :D16:33
seb128huats, looks on versions.html?16:33
huats(I am looking at the page and I don't really something to do)16:33
Laneyhit the + for more16:34
huatsLaney: :D16:35
huatsthanks :D16:35
huatsI have left for a few weeks... and now there are lots of changes !16:35
Laneyhuats: there's always the huge sponsor queue too16:36
huatsLaney: sure16:36
huatsLaney: to be honnest I'd like to do a few uploads til the end of the week16:37
huatsnext week I'll try to do some sponsoring16:37
LaneyI want to start doing sponsoring more often16:37
Laneymaybe sponsor-5-a-day16:37
huatsLaney: any reason why you haven't updated glom ?16:38
huatsor was it just the lack of time ?16:38
LaneyI think I started it16:38
Laneyplease feel free16:38
huatsok will do then16:39
Laneyhuats: I was going to convert to a dh7 style rules file16:39
Laneythat should be fun to do16:39
huatscan someone merge lp:~christophe.sauthier/glom/ubuntu on the desktop-team branch ?16:54
huatsthanks in advance16:54
huats(it is the first import)16:54
huats  16:54
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ccheneybryce: what should i do about reporting the intel kms resolution bug? It seems to still not be fixed, I mentioned seeing it at UDS, but the intel guy said it was fixed already, i guess it still hasn't made it into the kernel tree18:03
ccheneybryce: should i report it against the intel video driver or the kernel, etc?18:04
ccheneyit seems to be related to seeing two ghost connected DVI ports18:04
ccheneybryce: and is there any way to force the resolution for KMS to the correct one?18:07
* ccheney can no longer maximize anything since it draws it off screen :-\18:13
* ccheney tries to find place on wiki on how to disable KMS18:15
bryceccheney, boot with i915.modeset=0 I think18:18
ccheneybryce: ok i'll try that out18:18
ccheneybryce: do you know if there is already a report about the x200 intel 4500 bug where it detects the extra DVI ports and sets the internal display to the 'ghost' resolution?18:19
bryceccheney, for reporting bugs, you can report them against both linux and -intel to get maximum attention; I'll upstream ones filed against -intel, ultimately the kernel is what'll need fixed though18:20
bryceccheney, yeah, that sounds like a missing quirk bug18:20
bryceccheney, still should be reported tho18:20
ccheneybryce: i don't recall his name but he mentioned already knowing about the bug i showed him at UDS18:20
ccheneybut yea i'll get it reported to make sure it is fixed18:20
brycejesse barnes (jbarnes)18:21
brycehe hangs out on #ubuntu-x if you want to chat with him18:21
ccheneyyea that is him :)18:21
ccheneybryce: what do i do to get the full xrandr dump that ubuntu-bug does?18:31
ccheneybryce: i was going to include what xrandr reports also when mode setting is off18:32
pittigood night everyone18:32
kenvandinehey pedro_18:32
kenvandinelater pitti18:32
kenvandinepedro_, wanted to talk butterfly hug day18:32
falconseyehello someone can help me get surround sound on my toshiba x205-s9800 with ubuntu?18:33
pedro_kenvandine: hello, sure18:33
kenvandinepedro_, when do you think we can do it?18:34
jcastropedro_: can we do it like, asap?18:34
jcastropedro_: lots of people complaining about MSN sucking but not many bugs18:34
pedro_kenvandine: i was thinking about that, since we're going to guadec18:34
jcastroI'd like to make people go file bugs18:34
pedro_jcastro: asap for me would be like in two weeks from now on18:35
kenvandinepedro_, we need a nice list of bugs to work on18:35
kenvandineand we might be able to get some resources onto fixing them18:35
jcastropedro_: dang.18:35
jcastropedro_: so, what are you doing this friday? :p18:35
kenvandinei was hoping for next week :)18:35
pedro_since we're going to be traveling for the desktop summit18:35
pedro_i can ask to someone else to run it though18:35
jcastropedro_: can we jam one in next week?18:36
jcastropedro_: that would at least get us a bunch of bugs when were are at guadec with upstream18:36
pedro_Tuesday perhaps?18:36
kenvandinethat would be great18:36
kenvandinethen we can have bugs to work on while at guadec18:37
jcastropedro_: thanks, I know this is last minute.18:37
kenvandinepedro_, we really appreciate it18:37
pedro_ok all set then I'm going to create the page and all that and let you guys know for a quick review18:37
pedro_my pleasure ;-)18:37
ccheneybryce: bug 39172018:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 391720 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[gm45] KMS does not detect screen resolution properly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39172018:41
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jcastropedro_: linking to this page from the hugday page would be useful: http://live.gnome.org/Empathy/Debugging19:27
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pedro_jcastro: will do it19:54
pedro_nice the telepathy ppa was updated with empathy 2.27.320:00
pedro_and butterfly there is 0.3.4-120:00
pedro_will promote that for testing on the hug day20:00
kenvandinepedro_, i assume all for jaunty?20:05
pedro_kenvandine: yeap on jaunty20:05
bigonkenvandine: I will drop the indicate patch as cassidy asked me20:09
kenvandinei have a fix for that20:09
kenvandinefor the potential crasher anyway20:09
kenvandinebigon, i have a debdiff that should fix the issue cassidy was concerned with20:40
kenvandinewith some help from tedg20:40
kenvandinebigon, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/203105/20:42
tedgFor the record, I think it's more likely to be a memory leak than a crasher.20:42
kenvandinetedg, cassidy said it should be a critical... but i wasn't getting that20:42
bigonI will prepare a patch20:44
bigondo I build with webkit or not?20:44
kenvandinei think so :)20:44
kenvandineother things will drag that on the CD too20:44
tedgkenvandine: Oh, I get it.  If the indicator gets activated, you'll still get the signal.  And then bad stuff will happen.  But, it seems that the cb_data needs to be free'd somewhere as well, and I'm not seeing that.20:45
tedgIt needs to get removed from the hash_table as well.20:48
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