
ftamy netbook is usable again! at last00:08
ftasame problem as for audio (wrong perms) but with the video card :P00:10
ftaudev-extras was missing from UNR00:10
ftad'oh! (firefox-3.6:9299): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead00:13
BUGabundoI know00:19
BUGabundoI told you about those00:19
BUGabundowhen I loose keyboard00:19
asachmm. libxcb bug?00:26
asacAdd diagnostics for XID collisions00:29
asacThis should help with diagnosing crashes caused by over-eager XID00:29
asacreuse in Xlib, see bug 581526.00:29
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 581526 could not be found00:29
asacgnome bug 58152600:29
ubottuGnome bug 581526 in gdk "XID table corruption from reuse of XIDs, resulting in leak, incorrect window destroyed status ("unexpectedly destroyed"), and crash" [Critical,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=58152600:29
asacmozilla bug 46774400:31
ubottuMozilla bug 467744 in Widget: Gtk "crash @gdk_window_new from moz_drawingarea_create_windows after GdkWindow 0x???????? unexpectedly destroyed" [Critical,Reopened] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=46774400:31
ftait's when hovering flash01:02
BUGabundonot for me01:03
BUGabundobut then again, I haven't tested it much01:03
ftain the url i pasted above01:03
asacyeah. can happen randomly01:07
asacwhever xids are created for windows01:07
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg
* BUGabundo $ bed ; echo command not found. please try apt-get install sleepdisorder 02:58
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg
asac Launchpad will be going offline for maintenance in 14 minutes.09:47
asacfta: ffox rc3 build212:31
asac!info xulrunner12:46
ubottuxulrunner (source: xulrunner): XUL + XPCOM application runner. In component universe, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 279 kB, installed size 1020 kB12:46
asacgwibber from karmic crashes13:15
* asac lunch13:52
asactransition started https://edge.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/ffox3514:14
asacnow lunch14:14
fta2[181607.641134] scim-bridge[21407]: segfault at 10 ip 00007f5413f949c6 sp 00007fff810e7e18 error 4 in libscim-1.0.so.8.2.3[7f5413f27000+d6000]14:23
fta2[182087.850012] evolution[32523]: segfault at 71233c20 ip 00007f9392f14e59 sp 00007fffcbbde6d0 error 4 in libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0.1702.0[7f9392e5f000+43e000]14:23
fta2[182719.297984] evolution[2317] general protection ip:7f6a8159d335 sp:7fff7ed8a710 error:0 in libc-2.9.so[7f6a81523000+168000]14:23
psyke83hi folks, the art team are planning on shipping an incremental update to the Human theme in Karmic, but the use of a non-zero trough border in the Murrine engine seems to be causing a problem. Can someone with a free minute take a look at the report? https://bugs.launchpad.net/libgtk/+bug/32786315:09
ubottuUbuntu bug 327863 in murrine-themes "non-zero GtkRange::trough-border value produces strange boxes in Firefox" [Undecided,Invalid]15:09
psyke83I've tested the latest 3.5rc2 build in the repository and the issue still exists. No other applications exhibit problems like this, so it's most likely a xulrunner/firefox issue15:10
asacpsyke83: let me check15:59
psyke83asac: thanks. The theme update isn't in the repository yet, I can give you a link to a tarball (installable via gnome-appearances-properties) if you wish to test16:01
asacpsyke83: is that ffox 3.5 only?16:04
psyke83asac, nope, it's reproducible with firefox 3.0.x as well16:04
asaccan i see the problem without installing the new stuff?16:04
asacah ok.16:04
psyke83asac, nope16:04
asachmm so this was reported on 1st jan16:04
asacwhy cant i see that with the current stuff then?16:05
asacpsyke83: so yes, please gimme a link16:05
psyke83asac: kwwii hasn't uploaded it yet, one sec16:05
psyke83asac: if you're logged into ubuntuforums: http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=118788&d=124585607216:08
psyke83otherwise: http://connogriofa.googlepages.com/Humanity_v0.8.tar.gz16:08
asacthoughti can drag that onto the preferences dialog :/16:08
psyke83asac: the Install button should do the trick16:09
psyke83I didn't test drag'n'drop, may be a bug16:09
psyke83note that the theme is renamed to "Humanity" in that tarball16:10
asacinstall button crashes the dialog :(16:12
asacpsyke83: it installed it sucessfully, but i dont see any humanity now16:13
asacoh found it16:14
asacits greyed out16:14
psyke83odd, works fine here on Karmic. If you have problems: sudo mv ~/.themes/Humanity /usr/share/themes16:14
asacyes it works16:15
asaci see the problem16:15
asacpsyke83: what does "through-border" mean?16:16
psyke83asac, the trough-border is a property of the GtkRange widget - in other words, the spacing around the scrollbar16:17
psyke83trough as-in, pig trough ;)16:17
asacpsyke83: the space between the throbber and the border?16:18
asacthrobber == grip16:19
psyke83asac: yes, that's16:19
psyke83*that's it16:19
asacbut the main problem is below the listbox16:19
asachere https://bug471789.bugzilla.mozilla.org/attachment.cgi?id=35504116:20
asacthere is the CC List:16:20
asacif you look here: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=47178916:20
asacthere are not CC folks filled in16:20
ubottuMozilla bug 471789 in Shell Integration "Strange boxes created by GTK" [Normal,Verified: worksforme]16:20
asacthere is the scrollbar16:20
psyke83asac: yes, but those gtkentry boxes sometimes have horizantal scrollbars when the text overflows, so I think that an "invisible" scrollbar is getting drawn16:20
asacand the listbox with all the CCed names16:20
asacthe main problem is below that listbox and not the scrollbar16:20
psyke83asac, an example: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=c5d40fe278ee41a121e651ac3ee607b4&t=113058216:21
psyke83reduce your firefox window to a smaller size and pay attention to the CODE boxes16:21
asaci have never seen a horizontal scrollbar in the comment box though16:21
asaci dont see it on the vertical side where a scrollbar would be16:22
asacCODE boxes?16:22
asacwhere is that?16:22
psyke83sorry, the window size isn't important. Look at "Part C", at the code boxes16:23
psyke83the code box underneath "i386 users:" and "amd64 users" where the text scrolls16:23
psyke83contrast that to the other code boxes which do not need a horizontal scrollbar - it seems that the trough-border is being drawn in the cases where a scrollbar isn't necessary (in code boxes with short lines)16:24
asacpsyke83: do you refer to this screenshot: https://bug471789.bugzilla.mozilla.org/attachment.cgi?id=355040 ?16:26
* asac looked at the bugzilla one16:26
psyke83asac: I didn't file the bug, so that's not my testcase. I'll navigate to that site and test16:27
asacpsyke83: just say me where you are looking at ;)16:27
psyke83asac: here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=c5d40fe278ee41a121e651ac3ee607b4&t=113058216:28
psyke83skip to "Part C"16:28
psyke83(of post #1)16:28
asacoh ... ok ;)16:28
psyke83sorry, I though I sent the link ;)16:28
asacnot sure if you did. maybe further above ;)16:28
psyke83the testcase image isn't appropriate, because that website requires a login to display the affected elements. At least this forum post can be seen by both of us easily enough16:29
asacpsyke83: do you only see this on horizontal scroolbars?16:39
psyke83asac: it appears so, yes16:40
psyke83asac: since this is a quirk only in Firefox, I was going to add a hack to the gtkrc (setting the trough-border to 0 for GtkEntry cases in Firefox); unfortunately, you can't change the GtkRange properties in Firefox without changing *all* the elements (including the actual browser scrollbars)16:45
psyke83*I meant GtkRange cases in Firefox16:48
asachmm. thought we had a bug for ubufox being broken in ffox 3.519:02
asacah bug 34797219:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 347972 in ubufox "Does not work with Shiretoko Web Browser (Firefox 3.5)" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34797219:02
asacso tell me why launchpad doesnt find it if i search for 3.5 in ubufox package19:02
ftamy public tab is empty in gwibber :(19:07
asacyes everything is empty here19:07
asac(karmic version)19:07
asacalso it crashes19:07
asacguess its webkit or something19:07
asacfta: bug 39173519:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 391735 in malone "bug search returns no hit when searching for a version like "3.5"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39173519:07
asaci cant believe it, do you see the same?19:08
asacthis is really annoying ;)19:08
asaci get bug 30839719:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 308397 in ubufox "localizable general.useragent.locale pref shipped by ubufox breaks mozilla OS usage stats (ubuntu not counted)" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30839719:09
fta1 hit: bug 30839719:09
asacbut on that bug there isnt even any 3.519:09
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
ftaBUGabundo, is your public tab empty in gwibber?19:44
BUGabundobut I haven't fecthed the last updates fta19:45
ftait's empty since it 1st appeared19:45
BUGabundolet me check for update19:46
ftaasac, d'oh! http://launchpadlibrarian.net/28293831/buildlog_ubuntu-intrepid-amd64.xulrunner-1.9.2_1.9.2~a1~hg20090624r29543%2Bnobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd1~intrepid_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz19:51
asacfta: which commit did this?19:53
fta~ mozilla 42771519:54
ubottuMozilla bug 427715 in Security: PSM "nsCryptoHash apparently being called while NSS is in shutdown state [@ NSSRWLock_LockRead_Util]" [Critical,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=42771519:54
asacfta: guess they are on it given that their trees are burning ;) http://tinderbox.mozilla.org/showbuilds.cgi?tree=Firefox19:56
ftayep, i didn't even bother trying to patch it19:56
ftai 1st thought it was our system nss, but it's different this time19:57
BUGabundoasac: fta: did you guys know http://mozillaca.com/ ?20:05
BUGabundoa laconica for mozilla devs20:05
ftabut i have enough with identi.ca20:06
ftayour last dent appeared while i was fragging a bunch of aliens, making me lag and die20:07
BUGabundoerr back20:10
BUGabundoso did you ?20:10
psyke83asac: re bug #327863, do you think that this issue will get resolved in Karmic without upstream intervention?20:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 327863 in murrine-themes "non-zero GtkRange::trough-border value produces strange boxes in Firefox" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32786320:24
asacpsyke83: please dont hide it. I will escalate it20:24
asace.g. dont work around20:24
asacif you know a workaround keep that in mind and maybe comment in the bug how that can be done, but hiding that now, will remove the pressure from us fixing it upstream20:25
psyke83asac: I'm not going to add any hacks to the gtkrc, don't worry. I think that Ken Wimer may be apprehensive to use the theme update as-is if it exposes this bug...20:26
psyke83asac: I would like for the theme to be pushed into the repository as-is, and having the bug exposed will encourage the bugfix to come quicker ;).20:26
psyke83if it's not fixed by release, we can push an update to the theme that sets the trough border back to 0 (the current default for the older version of the theme)20:27
asacpsyke83: yes. thats what i would think is best. i will check with kwwii if you want20:28
psyke83asac: I'll send him an excerpt of this log so he's kept informed20:28
psyke83thanks for taking a look at this issue, I appreciate it20:28
asacpsyke83: yeah. ping me in case you have problems getting this theme update in20:29
psyke83asac: will do, thanks20:31
ftahm, FIREFOX_3_5rc3_RELEASE20:35
NCommanderasac, fta ping?20:35
ftaand SEAMONKEY_2_0a3_RELEASE..20:35
asacfta: didnt you get my ping earlier today?20:35
ftaNCommander, yep?20:35
ftaasac, not sure, i was busy with work20:35
NCommanderfta, asac, care to look at the new TB backtrace :-/20:35
asac13:31 < asac> fta: ffox rc3 build220:35
NCommander(we have a memory corruption issue in fontconfig thats been kludged around ATM)20:36
asacNCommander: yes20:36
asaci am eager ;)20:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 385325 in thunderbird "[armel] thunderbird-bin crashed with SIGSEGVI" [Medium,Confirmed]20:36
NCommanderasac, BTW, where was that se of fontconfig patches again, maybe I can get lucky and someone else has alrady fixed fontconfig for me20:36
asacNCommander: you mean the behdad tree?20:37
BUGabundoasac: ahhah20:37
asacNCommander: http://cgit.freedesktop.org/~behdad/fontconfig/20:37
NCommanderasac, thats it; I figure its a worthwhile shot to see if if that fixes it20:37
asacNCommander: try tag 2.6.99.behdad.2009060120:37
asacyes definitly worth a try (doesnt cost much to spin that somewhere i guess)20:37
NCommanderasac, thanks, hopefully I'll get lucky20:37
NCommanderasac, as it stands, we now have a issue in the JS library20:38
asacis a tarball ... not sure if the packaging needs a dist-tarball though20:38
NCommanderasac, nope, but I can work with this20:38
BUGabundo   Your browser doesn't support cross-domain  XMLHttpRequests. :-(20:44
BUGabundoactualy its running noscript20:44
asaclaunchpad search20:45
asacits soooo annoying ;)20:45
BUGabundouse google20:45
ftaMook_sb, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/28299655/buildlog_ubuntu-hardy-i386.songbird_1.3.0~a~svn20090624r14060-0ubuntu1~usd1~hardy_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz20:46
asacbug 29176020:46
ftaMook_sb, only on hardy20:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 291760 in network-manager "network-manager roams to (none) ((none)) - background scanning" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29176020:46
Mook_sbfta: thanks, looking20:46
NCommanderasac, so any ideas?20:46
ftasystem gstreamer too old?20:46
asacNCommander: i am not there yet ;)20:46
NCommanderasac, ah ;-)20:47
asacchatting on three fronts besides this one20:47
Mook_sbfta: sounds like it20:47
asacNCommander: hmm #2 0x40a64cf0 in FcPatternObjectAddString (p=0x0, object=1, s=<value optimized out>) at fcpat.c:66420:48
asacstill optimized out20:48
Mook_sbgoogle finds http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-multimedia&m=121380268225018&w=2 which says added in -base 0.10.2020:48
NCommanderasac, no, not that backtrace20:48
NCommanderasac, the one after it :-P20:48
Mook_sbfta: so your claim of base >= 0.10.7 probably isn't going to be happy :)20:48
NCommander(fontconfig got built with optimization by accident on that run)20:49
ftaMook_sb, hardy has 0.10.1820:50
Mook_sbfta: yeah, that's what it appeared to install; so you're right, too old20:50
asacah good you made the debugging printfs20:51
NCommanderasac, that's what fixed it unfortunately20:52
NCommanderasac, which suggests either race condition or memory corruption20:52
micahg1asac: another crazy FF discussion bug 38782220:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 387822 in firefox-3.0 "Clicking on Firefox address bar doesn't select all text" [Undecided,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38782220:53
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg
asacNCommander: so now that backtrace is reproducible?20:53
NCommanderasac, hrm?20:54
NCommanderasac, the new one is, which is what I got when I added debug printf *sigh*20:54
asacNCommander: yes. but did you run it multiple times?20:54
asacNCommander: or just once?20:54
NCommanderOh, yes20:55
NCommanderIts reproducable, hangs in the same spot20:55
NCommanderasac, the behdad fontconfig causes the old trace to be reproduced20:55
asacNCommander: +    print ("Encountered an FcTypeVoid\n");20:56
asacdid it actually built?20:56
NCommanderYes, it did20:56
NCommanderHow it did is a different question20:57
NCommanderyou can see some of the printf's in the trace I put20:57
asacyes. i think there is something busted. try to do it again ;)20:57
NCommanderprint() must be defined somewhere20:57
asacwhere do you see the output?20:58
asacor which print are you seeing ?20:58
NCommanderThe value of the pointer returned20:59
NCommanderI should probably make my printfs a little clearer20:59
NCommanderbut I didn't plan to post the patch20:59
asacyeah. so i guess after fixing the printf ;) .... and it still crashing there a valgrind might give more hints21:00
NCommanderasac, no valgrind on ARM21:01
NCommanderdon' you love this architecture?21:01
asacNCommander: you use gcc-4.4 i guess?21:03
NCommanderasac, mostly, I remember I ended up building bits with 4.3 (of TB) due to a broken compiler21:03
asacdesparate try, but maybe gcc 4.3 is better21:04
NCommanderfor fontconfig?21:04
asacfor all tbird21:04
* NCommander wants to find a good place to hurl21:04
asacNCommander: did you do a clean respin?21:04
asac(after switching to gcc-4.3)?21:04
NCommanderasac, not yet, that takes hours21:04
NCommanderI was going to let it run overnight21:04
asacthere are odd warnings21:04
NCommanderasac, why do you think 4.4. is responsible?21:05
asaci dont thihnk. just want to rule out that some 4.4 regression kills us here (and that you have a half 4.4 half 4.3 build)21:06
asac###!!! ASSERTION: id differs from id in atom table!: 'd_val == idval', file xpcwrappednativejsops.cpp, line 104621:07
asacthings like that look kind of odd to me21:07
NCommanderasac, I was able to find someone else who was able ot trip a similar assertion21:07
asac"This is pretty much always bad. It usually means that native code is21:07
asacmaking a callback to an interface implemented in JavaScript, but the21:07
asacdocument where the JS object was created has already been cleared and the21:07
asacglobal properties of that document's window are *gone*. Generally this21:07
asacindicates a problem that should be addressed in the design and use of the21:08
asaccallback code.K"21:08
NCommanderasac, http://groups.google.com/group/mozilla.dev.general/browse_thread/thread/afdae3bc27a25eeb21:08
asacmozilla bug 426563,21:13
asacmozilla bug 42656321:13
ubottuMozilla bug 426563 in XPCOM "arm xptc stubs need to explicitly place symbols in text section" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=42656321:13
asac"Using GCC 4.2, the assembly generated from the arm xptc stubs doesn't21:13
asacnecessarily have any code emitted before the SharedStub symbol, causing it to21:13
asacend up in the wrong section -- often the debug section, which doesn't get21:13
asacmapped and so causes a segfault.21:14
asacNCommander: does that patch apply to tbird?21:14
NCommanderIt applied fuzzy21:14
NCommanderTestbuilding now21:14
asacmozilla bug 47690321:14
ubottuMozilla bug 476903 in XPCOM "Setting nsNavHistoryQueryOptions.sortingMode to any value raises exception on Fennec" [Normal,Reopened] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=47690321:15
* asac searches for ARM fixes in xpcom21:15
asacmozilla bug 47690321:15
asacubottu: wake up21:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wake up21:15
asacmozilla bug 47690321:15
asacmozilla bug 33978321:15
ubottuMozilla bug 339783 in Build Config "stop shipping sherlock plugins" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=33978321:15
NCommanderI think I'm going to have to take a look at that handwritten ASM21:16
NCommanderIt might be an OABI/EABI issue again21:16
asacmozilla bug 47690321:16
ubottuMozilla bug 476903 in XPCOM "Setting nsNavHistoryQueryOptions.sortingMode to any value raises exception on Fennec" [Normal,Reopened] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=47690321:17
asacwake up ;)21:17
asacah ;)21:17
asacthe commit says: "summary:     b=476903; additional ARM xptc marshalling fixes (avoid unsigned char dependency); r=bsmedberg"21:17
asacso take that patch too if it applies21:17
asacNCommander: ^^21:17
asacthere are two patches actually21:17
asacyay. how much i love xptcinvoke ;)21:18
asacbut i really think this could be it ;)21:18
asachaving bad xptcinvoke will cause massive corruption most likely ;)21:18
asacso: https://bug476903.bugzilla.mozilla.org/attachment.cgi?id=363974 https://bug476903.bugzilla.mozilla.org/attachment.cgi?id=36852921:19
asacNCommander: ^^21:19
asactake those two on top of what you applied above21:19
NCommander368529 does not apply21:22
NCommanderneither apply21:22
asacok lest see what landed before that in bonsai21:23
asachg history doesnt go back to branchpoint of 3.021:23
NCommanderasac, this is TB2, remember21:24
NCommanderTB3 is known to work fortunately21:24
NCommanderGod help us if we had to port the entire stack21:24
asacNCommander: right21:24
asacthats why we have to look in bonsai21:24
asacthe branch for ffox 3 was done long ago and isnt in mercurial21:24
asacso look what isnt applied from the list on that link21:25
asacand apply all that ;)21:25
asacthen continue with the patches from above21:25
asac(this MUST make them apply)21:25
NCommander2006-12-05 19:00 looks promising21:25
NCommanderUgh, that sounds like overkill21:25
NCommanderWhen was TB2 branched?!21:25
NCommander(i.e, I don't know if I need code from say 1999 ;-))21:25
asacNCommander: the branch was created for ffox 1.521:25
asacNCommander: there are just a few commits21:25
asaclet me check21:25
NCommanderI just want a time line to work again21:26
asacNCommander: http://bonsai.mozilla.org/cvsgraph.cgi?file=mozilla/xpcom/reflect/xptcall/src/md/unix/xptcinvoke_arm.cpp&rev=1.1321:27
asacso seems 1.8 was the first commit21:27
asacthat didnt go directly in the tbird 2 branch21:27
asacthats what happened on tbird 2 branch (after the branching)21:28
asacso that matches21:28
asacthat everything after 1.7 from the first line isnt in yet21:28
asacseems 1.8 was cherry picked to 1.8 branch too21:29
* NCommander feels like puking21:29
asacso everything after that is a candidate21:29
NCommanderI don't like playing grope the patches21:30
NCommanderThat's how we got sidetracked with the NSPR patch21:30
asacso mozilla bug 32280621:30
ubottuMozilla bug 322806 in XPCOM "ARM crash [@ XPTC_InvokeByIndex]" [Critical,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32280621:30
asacand mozilla bug 33978321:31
ubottuMozilla bug 339783 in Build Config "stop shipping sherlock plugins" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=33978321:31
asacthat bug sounds wrong :(21:31
NCommanderasac, to my knowledge, TB2 works fine on old ABI ARM systems21:32
NCommander(Debian port arm)21:32
asacwhat a mess. wrong bug id in commit21:32
asacNCommander: yeah21:32
asacso look at http://bonsai.mozilla.org/cvsquery.cgi?treeid=default&module=all&branch=HEAD&branchtype=match&dir=&file=mozilla%2Fxpcom%2Freflect%2Fxptcall%2Fsrc%2Fmd%2Funix%2Fxptcinvoke_arm.cpp&filetype=match&who=&whotype=match&sortby=Date&hours=2&date=all&mindate=&maxdate=&cvsroot=%2Fcvsroot21:32
NCommanderWho the heck makes a library platform specific21:32
asacand pick the commit 1.921:32
NCommanderIts like21:32
asacand 1.1321:32
asaci think 1.10 is not relevant for tbird 2 ... seems to be a follow up commit on some more general changes they did to 1.9 branch21:33
NCommanderI hate to be dense, but why do you think its an xpcom issue, it looks like its a JS issue21:33
* NCommander knows more about Mozillas underpinnings than I care to, but not so much on the relationship21:33
NCommander^ between modules21:33
asacNCommander: well. if xpt is broken you are doomed to get bad corruption21:34
NCommanderpoint very well taken21:34
asacbecause thats basically implementing how functions are called21:34
asacso before xpt is known to work well, it doesnt make much sense to look furthre21:34
NCommanderIs there an xpt test suite21:34
NCommanderOr can I keep dreaming?21:34
asacalso almost all arm specific (and other minority arch) fixes i saw were either alignment or xpt issues21:35
asacso if you look at current arm patch we have its:21:36
asacand xulrunner/xpcom/reflect/xptcall/src/md/unix/xptcstubs_arm.cpp21:36
asacand looking at the commit messages from bonsai it sounds really like there are issues ;)21:37
asacso i would think applying:21:38
asacand http://bonsai.mozilla.org/cvsview2.cgi?diff_mode=context&whitespace_mode=show&subdir=mozilla/xpcom/reflect/xptcall/src/md/unix&command=DIFF_FRAMESET&file=xptcinvoke_arm.cpp&rev1=1.12&rev2=1.13&root=/cvsroot21:38
Mook_sbyes, there is a series of xptcall tests21:38
asacnot sure if http://bonsai.mozilla.org/cvsview2.cgi?diff_mode=context&whitespace_mode=show&subdir=mozilla/xpcom/reflect/xptcall/src/md/unix&command=DIFF_FRAMESET&file=xptcinvoke_arm.cpp&rev1=1.9&rev2=1.10&root=/cvsroot is 1.9 specific21:38
NCommanderI wonder if I could just take xptcinvoke_arm.cpp from TB3, plot it into TB2 and hope for the best21:38
asacNCommander: i wouldnt think you can. they probably changed a bit of api or something21:39
Mook_sbthough I thought there was more than http://mxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey/source/xpcom/reflect/xptcall/tests/21:39
asacNCommander: 1.10 commit was: Bug 361533  arm port is broken XPTC_PUBLIC_API / XPTC_InvokeByIndex weren't updated for arm21:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 361533 in evolution-exchange "evolution-exchange-storage crashed with SIGSEGV in strcmp(): crash when clicking plugin in plugin Manager (dup-of: 145287)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36153321:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 145287 in evolution-exchange "evolution-exchange-storage crashed with SIGSEGV in strcmp()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14528721:40
asacpatch by romaxa@gmail.com r=timeless moa=timeless (this is ports only)21:40
asacthat suggests that there were changes on 1.9 that probably touched more than just that file21:40
asacNCommander: does ffox 3.0 work?21:40
Mook_sbthere was an XPTC_Invoke change, yes21:40
asacif so, really try just these two:21:40
asacBug 361533  arm port is broken XPTC_PUBLIC_API / XPTC_InvokeByIndex weren't updated for arm21:40
asac22:38 < asac> http://bonsai.mozilla.org/cvsview2.cgi?diff_mode=context&whitespace_mode=show&subdir=mozilla/xpcom/reflect/xptcall/src/md/unix&command=DIFF_FRAMESET&file=xptcinvoke_arm.cpp&rev1=1.8&rev2=1.9&root=/cvsroot21:40
asac22:38 < asac> and21:41
asacthey seem to not touch API21:41
asacMook_sb: thanks!21:41
NCommanderasac, yes21:41
asacNCommander: maybe together with the one you already fuzzily applied from 1.9.1 branch (but i dont see it here in 1.9 branch so its probably not neeeded)21:42
ftaasac, xul didn't fail on karmic, seems it's nss after all :P21:42
NCommanderasac, well the one that was fuzzy broke gdb21:42
NCommanderMook_sb, got a guide on how to run the tests?21:42
asacthe test situation on 1.8 branch wasnt really great21:43
Mook_sbNCommander: IIRC, I just ran the executable via run-mozilla.sh21:43
asacNCommander: yeah. you might want to build with --enable-tests21:43
asac(i think there is --disable-tests in rules)21:43
Mook_sboh, you probably want to build --enable-debug :p21:43
NCommanderMook_sb, that I got21:43
asache alread did that ;)21:43
NCommanderasac, why do I have that feeling I should run in F-E-A-R when the testsuite is run21:44
Mook_sbyeah, shouldn't be getting the Components object went away warning otherwise :)21:44
asacNCommander: enable tests doesnt run them automatically afaik21:46
asacjust builds it21:46
asacso you can run some xpcom tests ;)21:46
asacand see it crashing (hopefully)21:46
NCommanderI feel like I probably should hurl21:46
asacNCommander: just hack the version in tbird 3 ;)21:46
asacnobody will notice ;)21:46
NCommanderasac, well, we don't have TB3 in archive yet21:47
asacwas kidding21:48
asacarmin76: do you guys have tbird 2 working on armel?21:50
NCommanderso gcc-4.4 currently ICEs21:52
NCommanderInternal Compiler Error when building TB221:53
asacyeah. and i really think that building half tbird with a different compiler calls for troubles21:53
asacNCommander: or is that because of the new arm patches?21:53
NCommanderasac, no, it was doing this before21:53
NCommanderasac, I'm going to do a make clean and force GCC 4.321:53
NCommanderWhat a nightmare21:54
asacNCommander: i think you better reconfigure with GCC 4.321:54
micahgasac: could gcc 4.4 be why karmic users are having trouble with FF?21:54
asacmicahg: what kind of troubles?21:55
micahgI've been seeing a lot of crash reports21:55
micahgon alpha221:55
micahgI've been sick, so I haven;t had time to look at them all yet21:55
asacmaybe apport was enabled now?21:56
NCommanderasac, I am21:56
micahgasac: should I expect a flood of reports?21:56
asacmicahg: we usually get quite a few during development cycle. the more users upgrade, the more crashes you get22:00
asacmost are invalid as it seems22:00
micahgare there any additional tips I should know about22:00
asacwith just a few having a readable trace22:01
micahgif retrace fails, I should mark invalid?22:01
asacmicahg: yes. invalid and open bug up after removing coredump (e.g. unprivate)22:01
asacmicahg: i think i gave you a script for that?22:02
micahgI still need to look through remainging files for private info, right?22:02
micahgI haven't ahd time to look at them yet?22:02
asacthe invalid-crash.sh script is it22:02
asacah ok22:02
asacwell. look into it22:02
asacfor invalidating crashes its reawlly handy22:02
asacbecause removing coredump and opening up is time consuming22:02
micahgbut do I still need to look at the other attchments?22:03
micahgto make sure there is no proviate data?22:03
asacyou just need to change to your name in the script22:03
asacand create a cookies txt somehow22:03
asacmicahg: if the stacktrace is bad like here:22:03
asacbug 39164822:03
ubottuBug 391648 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/391648 is private22:03
asacyou just remove coredump and open up and invalidate22:03
asacthere is not much sensitive stuff in the other extensions22:04
asacerr file attachments ;)22:04
asac(not extensions)22:04
micahgwill do22:04
micahgthat should help a lot22:04
asacso running the script will just do it right22:04
micahgshould be able to clean a lot up sat night them22:04
micahgI'm hosting my first loco event on Sunday22:04
asacgreat!! very cool22:04
asacnice ;)22:05
micahgwas I right about bug 38782222:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 387822 in firefox-3.0 "Clicking on Firefox address bar doesn't select all text" [Undecided,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38782222:07
asacmicahg: yes22:15
asacmicahg: hmm. seems the scripts are broken now22:22
asacguess need to write them using launchpadlib22:22
ftaasac_, asac: what has to be done to package a plugin with nspluginwrapper?22:52
=== asac__ is now known as asac
ftaripps, i'm thinking about adding support for additionnal build-deps in my bot, both globally and per package/arch, like lintian and binutils-gold in this example: http://paste.ubuntu.com/203183/23:22
rippsfta: how do plan to implement it, something like autoppa uses with control.in?23:22
ftanope, the bot will just add those to control, no need to touch the packaging branch23:23
rippsoh, i see, it will inject the new build-dep into the control before upload23:23
rippssounds good23:24
rippsI see there's two build-deps fields, one distro specific, and one universal23:25
ftathe idea is to put there build-deps that are good to have in ppas (like lintian) but not in the real archive, or builds deps needed for backports23:25
rippsIs the universal necesary, since the debian branch should contain the universal control?23:25
rippsokay, i see, less work for making official packages23:26
ftathe global 'all' could be any package name instead, it applies to all arches.23:27
ftawhile in the package section, it's possible to target one or more dists and arches23:27
rippsfta: is their going to be field for package versions, or do I just append (>= version) to the package string?23:28
ftalike 'build-deps' => { 'karmic' => 'binutils-gold [!amd64]' }23:28
ftalike 'build-deps' => { 'karmic' => 'binutils-gold (>= 1.2.3)' }23:28
ftait's a list of strings23:28
rippscool, sounds like a plan.23:29
ftalike 'build-deps' => { 'karmic' => 'binutils-gold (>= 1.2.3), foo | bar' }23:29
ftasomething like that23:29
ftai need to see if we need the same thing for Depends23:30
rippshmm... of course it depends on the package, but I don't see how it would hurt to modify Depends while we're messing with the control23:31
fta${shlibs:Depends} will take care of most cases but not always23:32
BUGabundofta: http://lifehacker.com/5045164/google-chromes-full-list-of-special-about-pages23:32
rippssome programs, such as mpd, need to extra depends, such as adduser, because it creates a root service that uses it's own user23:33
BUGabundowhy don't the Chrome commands pages work on Chromium?23:33
=== asac_ is now known as asac
ftaBUGabundo, good question, read the code Luke23:35
ftaripps, but aren't those depends already in the packaging branch?23:35
* BUGabundo wonders who the heck is Luke, since I don't do code23:35
rippsfta: yes, but I was just giving an example :P23:36
ftaoh, ok23:36
ftaBUGabundo, you don't know Luke?23:47
ftaBUGabundo, "use the Force Luke"23:47
BUGabundothat I know23:48
BUGabundobut _he_ didn't code eiher23:48
asacso NM 0.7.1 with modemmanager is now ready i would think for early adopters ;)23:52
asacBUGabundo: wanna check ;)?23:52
rippsWhat's modemmanager?23:53
BUGabundoasac: what the heck23:53
BUGabundoif it fails I can always knock on your doors23:54
asacripps: a separate daemon optimized for 3G modems ... so you get advanced features23:54
BUGabundoso if you don't see me here tomorrow, grab me at the airport23:54
rippsoh, don't use 3g, so I don't need it :)23:54
asacNM uses it to handle 3g connections (and later maybe even plain modems, if someone steps up)23:54
BUGabundoso now I get signal streng?23:54
asacand network type (e.g. HSDPA, GPRS, etc)23:55
asacalso you can scan23:55
asacand change pin ;)23:55
asaci think even SMS for some modems (but no UI in NM for that - naturally)23:55
BUGabundosed source.list23:56
BUGabundoso ha++y I typed my pass wrong 2 times23:56
asacyeah. i think you should disable NM ppa for that23:56
BUGabundoso does it replace NM ?23:56
asac(not sure if i took the needed care)23:56
asacBUGabundo: it upgrades it23:57
BUGabundoI don't have the NM ppa23:57
BUGabundoI think...23:57
BUGabundobetter check23:57
BUGabundo# deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/network-manager/ppa/ubuntu karmic23:57
asacso you get mm-enabled-network-manager + mm-enabled-applet + mm23:57
asacso its disabled.23:57
asacis nothing new in there for karmic anyway23:57
BUGabundodoes it have anything not in karmic archive?23:57
BUGabundoah ok23:57
BUGabundothat's what I though23:58
asacBUGabundo: oh. until tomorrow you might need to downgrade the applet (we need to bump it to 0.7.1 final stil ... but thats not a difference for most things)23:58
BUGabundoaptitude should take care of tha23:58
BUGabundolet me just email gnomefreak23:58
asacabout what?23:58
BUGabundo*before* I test this23:58
BUGabundojust wondering how he is23:58
asacgood .. wish him quick cure from me ;)23:59

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