
=== gbutters_away is now known as gbutters
foxbuntulwizardl, hello03:27
fluvvellI've been installing a backend server with diskless server, when I go into the mcc to change settings and add packages, the control centre progress screen comes up and it hangs.06:12
Technophilwhat version(s)?06:41
mazda01anyone else use myth2xbmc?07:12
wombomazda01, As per the Mythtv-users channel go and ask at question in the XBMC channel08:46
mazda01mazda01, thank you. I was just curious if someone else uysed it.08:49
zacatlanHi, I am trying to evaluate whether I should install mythbuntu or not. Can anyone please tell me if it is possible to install and run mythbuntu and asterisc in parallel11:33
cumulus007Do the daily builds of mythbuntu conatin the latest translations?17:13

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