
RAOFWell, as long as you don't want to actually bring up X, nouveau-kernel-source now does KMS on all cards I have access to.00:06
RAOFIf you'd like it to bring up X, we'll need a newer libdrm-nouveau :)00:09
RAOFAnd I'll need to remember how to git.00:11
RAOFAt least the new kernel module was satisfyingly easy to build out-of-tree.00:12
bryceRAOF, have you looked at the bits we've got in xorg-edgers and sarvatt's ppas?00:15
RAOFSome of it, yes.00:15
RAOFBut shipping an entirely new kernel for the nouveau modules isn't the friendliest idea :).  For the purposes of making that work, I'm just hacking everything locally.00:16
* bryce nods00:24
bryceI played with it some myself last week00:25
brycewasn't able to get up X - probably same problem you're seeing00:26
brycejust a black screen00:26
RAOFWell, now rather than getting X to crash I can get it to hardlock my system.  That's progress, I guess.00:26
RAOFWorks fine without KMS, at least.00:28
RAOFSo, I guess it might be worth updating, next time libdrm is updated.00:30
RAOFDamn, nvidia hardware with nouveau is _so_ _much_ _faster_ than intel.00:31
Sarvatt.........at what?00:34
RAOFAt 2d.00:34
RAOFSpecifically, at GNOME-Do.00:34
RAOFSarvatt: If you'd like an updated nouveau-kernel-source package that doesn't require building an entire kernel in your PPA, I've got one here.00:35
Sarvattupload it to edgers?00:36
RAOFNot sure if I'm in that group.  I guess I can join if I'm not!00:36
RAOFMmmmmm.  Karmic's GTK isn't the stablest toolkit ever used by man.00:37
Sarvattif you want to send me the source i'll upload it for ya, think tormod has it moderated and he went to bed00:41
Sarvattits got the drm to support it up there already00:42
SarvattRAOF: do you have it up on another ppa where we could copy it or something?00:59
RAOFWell, netconsole is surprisingly easy to set up.03:53
=== maxb_ is now known as maxb
maxbWhich package should get "KMS breaks usplash" bugs?09:28
maxband ditto "KMS breaks desktop brighness applet" bugs?09:29
maxbHmm, I guess I'm in the wrong channel, actually :-)09:30
jcristaumaxb: not sure about usplash, but the latter is kernel.09:32
Unggnuhi all10:54
UnggnuAre there still plans for an X testing live cd or are they suspended? I am interested in KMS testing for -ati without messing up my system :)10:55
UnggnuIs it worth a bug report against -intel KMS when it uses the wrong resolution at start but xrandr shows still all and the correct one works fine?10:57
UnggnuI don't think that a quirk is needed because standard x modesetting doesn't have this problem10:59
dazjorzHi guys :)11:08
dazjorzI'd love to help test the Nouveau driver for my card, 7900 GS11:08
dazjorzI need to go in a moment, have some more questions (for example: can I choose a driver to use for this session when I boot?); if I come back in about ten hours I'll try to get it up :)11:10
Unggnudazjorz: Not much around atm11:12
Unggnudazjorz: just come back later :)11:12
dazjorzI'll stay around :)11:12
RAOFdazjorz: Shoot.  I've done most of the nouveau packaging for Ubuntu.11:16
RAOFYou can't really choose which driver on boot; the binary blob and nouveau drivers are mutually exclusive.11:16
dazjorzI thought there was this page which described current progress for most cards, so I'll check whether mine is in there11:18
dazjorzanyway, I really need to go now11:18
dazjorzbye :)11:18
geofftHas the regression with xserver-xorg-video-intel on the Thinkpad T400 been reported? 16:53
jcristau"the regression"...16:53
geofft"it doesn't work any more" 16:54
jcristaueven less details and it'd be perfect.16:55
geofftI'm assuming that if it had been reported then that would be unambiguous :) 16:56
geofftBasically, with -0ubuntu9.3, X dies with an error about being unable to allocate enough memory. -0ubuntu9 is fine 16:57
geofftI'm happy to re-upgrade and post my Xorg.0.log, but I was wondering if this is known 16:58
geofftlooks like not? 16:58
jcristautalking about jaunty, then, i guess.  maybe bryce knows.17:00
geofftyup. Jaunty, x-x-video-intel 2:2.6.23-0ubuntu9.3, Intel integrated video 17:04
* jbarnes looks for jithin17:51
Sarvattjbarnes: i doubt he tried it, or he wasnt using xorg-edgers with it so it didnt work :D17:56
Sarvatthe probably saw the changelog didnt have the right patch name17:56
Sarvattboth people i was talking to said it fixed it for them17:57
ccheneyjbarnes: i showed you the thinkpad x200 back at UDS that had the problem with ghost DVI ports showing up and causing KMS to set the internal display to the wrong (too high) resolution, you mentioned there already being a fix out of tree for that, do you know what the status of that is currently?18:22
jbarnesccheney: I think that fix has been pushed into drm-intel-next18:47
ccheneyjbarnes: do you know when that will go into the kernel?18:48
jbarnesSarvatt: yeah jithin confirmed too... I think he tried to apply my patch after I had pushed some stuff that conflicted18:48
ccheneyjbarnes: 2.6.31?18:48
jbarnesccheney: yeah18:48
superm1bryce, i just uploaded the 9-6 AMD driver to karmic. i had to hunt down a whole bunch of patches to get it compiling on 2.6.30.  it might be useful for that x-updates PPA or edgers PPAs that people are using 2.6.30 with older ubuntu releases.  the patches only get applied when you are building against
Sarvattccheney, if you want to try it out without interfering with the ubuntu kernels http://sarvatt.com/downloads/tormod-kernel/18:50
Sarvattjust built one with drm-intel-next last night to test out the suspend/resume stuff18:50
ccheneySarvatt: ok, if i get some spare time i'll take a look at it18:50
Sarvatt(thats 2.6.31 as of last night)18:51
* ccheney is busy with moblin at the moment18:51
ccheneythe ubuntu bug i filed is bug 39172018:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 391720 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[gm45] KMS does not detect screen resolution properly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39172018:53
Sarvattahhhh i thought that was happening but i couldnt get anyone on 965 to install driconf to disable it http://cgit.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/commit/?id=b8e638d4895d2d342306bb6443a455f73903ce2019:18
Sarvatta few people were having the same exact crashes i get on 945 when i enable texture tiling and it was only disabled on <965 before19:18
Sarvattwhat package should be attached to this bug? netbook-remix metapackages dont pull in ubuntu-standard which udev-extras is a part of so they dont get permissions set right to enable DRI atall on karmic21:41
ubottuUbuntu bug 384934 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i945gme] Xorg very slow after upgrade" [Undecided,New]21:42
jbarnesSarvatt: 945 texture tiling won't really work right now21:43
Sarvattubuntu-meta?  it probably affects other metapackages as well if they dont pull in ubuntu-standard21:43
Sarvattyeah, someone on 965 had the same exact error i did when i enable it with blender dropdowns giving a bus error 21:44
Sarvattbut i couldnt convince them to install driconf to try turning off texture tiling21:44
Sarvattoh nice, thats fixed now with tiling on21:45
Sarvattof course blender dropdown menus still dont render on 945 at all but at least it doesnt crash blender anymore :)21:46
Sarvattwonder if theres a mesa extension i can disable to fix that, LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=1 works, it hasnt worked since december when i got this aspire one and started messing with it21:49
jbarnesmaybe one of the front buffer rendering bugs21:49
Sarvattthe changes for DRI2GetBuffersWithFormat make the buttons show in the right place before though, without it the buttons would leave the window and overlap my gnome panel up top 21:50
Sarvattunlike before rather21:50
Sarvattdang, compiz is really broken on i965 right now, that has to be the 10th bug report since yesterday with the same problem21:52
ubottuUbuntu bug 391808 in xorg "Xorg segfault 0 on Dell XPS 1330 Intel 945 graphics card" [Undecided,New]21:53
Sarvattbryce: are you sure 109_release_direct_rendering_resources.patch apples to mesa 7.4.1? they didnt bring that back into 7.4 branch only in 7.5 and master21:55
bryceSarvatt, how do you mean?21:55
bryceSarvatt, it seemed to apply and build okay; are there problems with it?21:56
Sarvatti dont know, its just there are quite alot of compiz failing to start with the same backtrace since the mesa update21:57
Sarvattall on 96521:58
Sarvattlet me pull up some21:59
Sarvattthe one i linked, plus https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/391694 and umm..21:59
ubottuUbuntu bug 391694 in xorg "xorg crashes right after logging in" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:59
ubottuUbuntu bug 391703 in mesa "xorg crash during/soon after login in intel_renderbuffer_set_region" [Undecided,New]21:59
bryceok yeah was just looking at one of these22:01
bryceSarvatt, you've traced it definitively to 109?  Perhaps that should just be disabled then22:01
Sarvattno i havent, i just looked at it and saw that what you picked for 109 hasnt been pulled into 7.4 branch but 108 has22:02
Sarvattit was just a guess that it might not apply on 7.4, it could be 108 needing more updates from 7.4 branch too, its just definitely something in those 2 patches that have been added22:03
Sarvattthat was added to 7.4 branch right after 108 got added22:04
Sarvattand they had to release a 7.4.4 that just had that22:05
bryceok, getting a better backtrace from one of the reporters, that may help narrow it down22:05
Sarvattbacktrace is in 3: /usr/lib/dri/i965_dri.so(intel_renderbuffer_set_region+0x41) [0x7f003dea5f01] and that update touches that22:06
Sarvattdont have access to that pastebin22:06
brycehrm, that backtrace doesn't look useful22:06
Sarvattdo you see a null anywhere in 3?22:07
ubottuUbuntu bug 391808 in xorg "Xorg segfault 0 on Dell XPS 1330 Intel 945 graphics card" [Undecided,New]22:08
bryce#4 0x00007f1e9af1f66d in DrawableGone (glxPriv=0x0, xid=0)22:09
Sarvatti'm really not good at tracking that down, but http://cgit.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/commit/?h=mesa_7_4_branch&id=1dbbc39f48ce5f9aa63ab42930b14e48938b326f  was important enough for them to release a 7.4.4 right after 7.4.3 and seems to touch the problem with the 108 patch's commit22:14
Sarvattmaybe they should install libgl1-mesa-glx-dbg and libgl1-mesa-dri-dbg to get more info22:15
bryceok yeah, I am digging through the code and will verify22:15
Sarvattyeah here we go22:17
ubottuFreedesktop bug 22408 in Drivers/DRI/i915 "intel_renderbuffer_set_region crashes when sent NULL as region" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]22:17
brycehmm, sounds like really we need to merge in 7.4.422:18
brycebut we can patch for now22:18
Sarvattif you arent going to pull in 7.5 anytime soon because of the decision about gallium for sure, that should merge cleanly and build fine.. there was another fix besides 108 and 109 for the memory leaks  but i'm not sure how they interact with 7.4 because neither were added to 7.4 branch (he said 7.4.3 would be the final 7.4 series but that null fix was major enough to do a 7.4.4)22:21
bryceSarvatt, think we should snag http://cgit.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/patch/?id=4b8cd0b0ad48c3b0129451924f7461ffcbbc8597 too?  Was also referred to in that bug22:21
Sarvattoh yeah that looks like part of it too22:23
bryceSarvatt, all these bugs can be duped to bug #391808, which is the one I'm working on22:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 391808 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i945] Xorg crash in intel_renderbuffer_set_region() on Dell XPS 1330" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39180822:28
Sarvattok i'll do that now22:29
bryceok, stuck package in my ppa, and am running a build locally to doublecheck22:33
bryceI sure wish mesa built faster22:33
bryceI think it really ought to be split up per driver instead of being one big ball of everything22:34
Sarvattgot all i could find on the ubuntu-x mailing list22:36
Sarvattyeah its really bad now with 7.5+ because the build process fails 90% of the time on amd64 ever since they redid the osmesa build process22:37
brycewhat was the gallium decision you mentioned?  I've been horrible about not following upstream discussions lately22:38
Sarvatthavent been able to work out how to get it to build right, its a race in the install part of the packaging but adding -j1 to cd $(DEB_BUILD_DIR)/$* && $(MAKE) DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp install didnt help it22:39
Sarvattmaybe cd $(DEB_BUILD_DIR)/$* && sleep 5 && $(MAKE) DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp install ?22:40
Sarvattits on debian-x mailing list, let me see if i can find it22:40
Sarvattgallium builds by default now and they were asking if they should package it or disable it22:40
bryceSarvatt, pushed to my ppa:  https://edge.launchpad.net/~bryceharrington/+archive/ppa22:43
bryceSarvatt, yeah given how intricate mesa can be, I think I'd be most comfortable waiting until it's packaged in debian.  They're good at sorting out a lot of the packaging issues and such22:44
bryces/good/much better than me/ :-)22:44
Sarvattbryce: you didnt include 111 in the series23:03
Sarvattjust testing without it? didnt know if it was intentional or not23:03
bryceoh crap23:04
bryceSarvatt, btw, how's the DDX rewrite for -ati going?23:13
Sarvattnothing really changed, they're cleaning the older one they have up a little so it works without KMS/libdrm-radeon1 though -- http://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/driver/xf86-video-ati/log/?h=kms-support23:15
macowhat nixternal was saying about -10 breaking intel graphics yesterday...was that just a side effect of his computer having poor KMS support? like, if i'm currently running with KMS no problem, should i be ok with -10?23:18
RAOFI certainly am.23:19
RAOFPeople keep saying -10 doesn't boot right.  It's worked fine for me :)23:19
Sarvattoh shoot, here I was packaging up a mesa 7.4.4 from the tarball and updating the patches to apply but debian already did it23:22
Sarvattit was a side effect of him not having an xorg.conf maco23:22
macoyou need one now?23:23
Sarvattyou'll be fine if it worked previously23:23
Sarvattno theres a bug where fbdev kills the server if its loaded and it gets loaded when you dont have an xorg.conf23:23
macooh. ok thanks. ill go get updates then23:24
bryceSarvatt, <maxb> bryce: It's working fine for me. I can't crash it by doing what I could reliably crash 1ubuntu3 by doing23:26
Sarvattgood to hear :)23:27
bryceSarvatt, so 110 alone seems to fix the crash.  But I'll put in 111 as well just in case23:27
Sarvattdebian has 7.4.4 as well as 7.5 with gallium disabled now btw, jcristau has been  busy :)23:27
Sarvattubuntu patches 104 105 108 110 and 111 are all upstream in 7.4.423:28
bryceSarvatt, btw I uploaded the patch which fixes bug 388032 too; I'll go ahead and close it23:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 388032 in xorg-server "[KMS] no display with KMS enabled (intel)" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38803223:29
bryceSarvatt, yep, all cherrypicks.  Like I said, maybe we should just pull 7.4.423:29
bryceesp. if it looks like 7.5 is still not quite ready for primetime23:30
Sarvatti havent heard anything but good things about 7.5, wouldnt say its not quite ready for primetime by any means. all of the stability fixes go in there and they test stuff on 7.6 before pulling it back into 7.5. they merge the stability fixes into 7.6 every week or so so i've been having to cherry pick from 7.5 into master.. very odd23:46
Sarvatt(test new stuff that isnt just a fix on 7.6 I mean)23:48
Sarvattthey just pulled in alot of the intel goodies from master to 7.5 last week :)23:48
=== dazjorz_ is now known as dazjorz
Sarvattits just the build process i run into problems with but i have a feeling the refreshed 04_osmesa patch might fix that, i've been dropping it completely23:52
Sarvatt7.6 is going to be required for radeon KMS if that gets decided upon, i kind of question how stable 7.6 is going to get by release time because of all the problems on the radeon side with radeon-rewrite in there.. they seem to be taking a KMS/libdrm-radeon1 or nothing approach to it for the time being, the same major bugs have been in the dri1 side for quite some time  :D23:57

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