
yogaI just upgrade to kde 4.3 on Kubuntu 9.04, but I get the error message "no greeter wedget plugin load", when I start re login to KDE. And idea?00:01
liberviscoI'm afraid choppy resizing may become a KDE trademark :S00:17
libervisconot that compiz with GNOME is completely innocent of it, but this is notorious00:18
mubuHey guys. I have a few partitions that when mounted i can access all of their files but they show up as 0 bytes total size and 0 bytes of space availabe. I believe they are fat32 and ntfs. How can i fix this? Thanks00:45
yogaMy key-board short cut does not work after I upgrade to KDE 4.3, such as Alt+F2, or Alt+F3.00:49
yogaKDE 4.3 works properly after I do an update again, there were missing packages.01:08
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.01:13
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk01:20
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ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dw01:21
yoga!du | yoga01:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about du01:22
bjb1959I need some help so I can keep using kde 4.2.4 and not have to go back to gnome. firefox and gcstar, programs I use a lot no longer work well. firefox won't run without doing a killall first everytime you want to run it and gcstar starts movies without sound. no problems for either in gnome01:26
sotomayor_may i pm someone familiar with linux problems?01:27
zer0owhatz ur prob soto?01:29
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mubuIs there anyway to have a column that shows the folder size in nautilus? THanks01:34
ign0ramusmubu, you may have better luck asking gnome questions in #ubuntu01:35
kmeihi, i need help01:59
kmeican anyone out there help me01:59
kmeiyes, kubuntu01:59
kmeiim a linux noob02:00
Quintasankmei: Just ask your question, all in one line please so we can catch up :)02:00
surajwhats quassel02:00
Quintasansuraj: Jaunty's default IRC client02:01
bazhangan irc client02:01
suraji m new to this.....whats irc02:01
ncfi1013can anybody tell me how to disable a graphics card to a 2006 emachine?02:02
bazhangsuraj, you are on it now02:02
kmeiI wanted to try linux so my friend gave me a cd with kubuntu on it. I install it and what not, then i realize that perhaps my computer cant handle it. it lags and what not, so i want to try another client. So i downloaded another version and put the iso on a cd, but i can't boot from the cd.02:02
kmeiany advice? i cant figure out if its because kubuntu cant read iso's or what02:04
bazhangkmei, did you md5 the iso02:05
kmeino i did not02:05
bazhangsounds like a corrupt iso or a bad burn02:05
bazhang!md5 | kmei02:05
ubottukmei: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows02:05
joshua__can someone smart help me?02:06
bazhangkmei, once that is confirmed, then burn very slowly, do the disk integrity check (make sure bios is set to look for CD first)02:06
=== donavan_ is now known as donny
kmeibut can i boot it from kubuntu as opposed to be windows02:08
joshua__I didn't mean UT02:10
mcdanielzOk, i have a problem. I installed kubuntu a while ago, and it was working fine, then today i accidentally clicked something and it removed the part of the taskbar that shows running tasks02:11
ncfi1013can anybody tell me how to disable a graphics card to a 2006 emachine?02:11
mcdanielzand so i tried to remove taskbar, and make new on02:11
mcdanielzand now i cant resize or move widgets02:12
mcdanielzcan anyone help me?02:12
ryshmcdanielz: That part is called taskmanager .... it is an widget02:15
ryshyou can add it again02:15
ryshright click the bar and add widget02:15
mcdanielzhow do i resize things like the audio? i tried unlocking and locking, nither work02:15
mcdanielzor move things to the right, like networkmanager02:15
ryshFirst you need to add the taskmanager again ... it will takeup a lot of space on that bar ...02:16
mcdanielzok, done02:16
ryshthen click (unlocked widgets) the cashew at the richt corner of the bar02:17
rysha second bar opens on top of the bar ...02:17
mcdanielzi see02:17
ryshand all widgets get a star over it when you hover your mouse over it ...02:17
mcdanielzcan i resize like that too?02:17
ryshyou can rearrange  every widget that way02:18
crxhey all, how can u install blocked updates? why are they blocked?02:18
mcdanielzrysh, thank you very much02:20
ryshmcdanielz: welcome :-)02:20
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mcdanielzis there a way to disable grouping?02:20
mcdanielzgot it02:21
ryshmaybe when you click an empty place on the tasmanager and choose taskmanager settings02:21
crxhey all, how can u install blocked updates? why are they blocked?02:24
bazhangcrx, they are held back?02:24
crxyeah, it says updates are availble. but they are blocked. sorry first time kibuntu user02:25
bazhangcrx, that is normal, they will be held back waiting for other software packages to complement them02:26
crxlinux-headers-generic and stuff like that02:26
crxohhh, was hoping thats why sound doesnot work.02:26
ncfi1013can anybody tell me how to disable a graphics card to a 2006 emachine? requesting an alternate solution to looking in bios menu as bios doesnt detect onboard graphics card02:27
* robin0800 any one here02:44
halberdeveryone has perished in the fires of mount doom02:44
WalzmynAnybody else having weirdness with ocular?02:51
Walzmynerr, okular?02:51
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lninjoxwhats the name of the ubuntu server channel02:59
Walzmynlninjox: i'd guess ubuntu-server02:59
lninjoxnew to the channels please excuse my laziness03:01
bazhangno way you could know :)03:02
bazhangfor future reference you can /msg alis list help03:03
Walzmynah ha. I had "trim margins" set on okular03:03
WalzmynIt still shouldn't be earting up text03:03
SiVA_everytime I try to play a DVD movie it's about a 50/50 chance it actually works. What is with DVD's and linux? What am I missing?03:03
WalzmynSiVA_: same DVD or one will work always and one will never work?03:04
SiVA_some will never work and some do03:04
SiVA_I remember installing some restricted packages before and that solved part of the problem03:05
WalzmynSiVA_: hmm03:05
WalzmynSiVA_: Anything in common with the ones tha twon't work?03:05
Walzmynare they from a different region or anything?03:06
SiVA_not sure.. they come from blockbuster... ? :)03:06
WalzmynSiVA_: oh, then I'd think they'd be good03:06
* Walzmyn shrugs03:06
SiVA_yea, looks like I have restriced-extras installed03:07
SiVA_maybe i'll try restarting03:08
sumanwhat is a good newsgroup client for kubuntu?03:11
ncfi1013can anybody tell me how to disable a graphics card to a 2006 emachine? requesting an alternate solution to looking in bios menu as bios doesnt detect onboard graphics card03:18
DesignsEdgeHave an issue with firefox, kubuntu 8.04 x64, no plugins running - freezing03:27
ncfi1013can anybody tell me how to disable a graphics card to a 2006 emachine? requesting an alternate solution to looking in bios menu as bios doesnt detect onboard graphics card03:28
FeasibilityStudyncfi1013: If BIOS doesn't recognize your onboard graphics card, then something's wrong with the BIOS03:32
ncfi1013how do i determine what is wrong with the bios feasibilitystudy?03:32
FeasibilityStudyncfi1013: I don't know.  Is the BIOS supposed to detect it?  I mean does it have a section to enable/disable graphics card?03:33
DesignsEdgesee if it has a graphics init first question03:33
ncfi1013its supposed to feasibilitystudy03:39
ncfi1013"graphics init"? designsedge. dont understand03:40
lizhi all, if I install the kde4-desktop, will it install the latest stable release of kde4?03:41
DesignsEdgein my bios, it states init display first - onboard or PCIe --03:42
kurosi'm trying to rdp from linux into linux using krdc and it doesn't recognize my pc as a server how do i set up my ubuntu machine to accept incoming krdc sessions via vnc?03:44
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ncfi1013ok thanx for all yr help03:57
coz_hey guys  running  karmic and kde 4.3 beta but was the same in the 4.2.3  ..if I click on a button in an application  like xcaht or ccsm I get a wood block sound or small drum sound...how to turn those off?  I lookd in settings but no sounds are like these04:10
=== brandonh523 is now known as BWizZ
BWizZis anyone alive?04:14
kalorinbefore i start hacking around and do something I really don't want to do (blow up my system)04:19
kalorinI'm running 8.10 and i want to install ufraw 0.1504:19
kalorin0.13 is what's out for 8.1004:19
kalorinbut 9.04 has 0.1504:19
kalorinis there an easy way to do such a thing?04:19
kalorinwithout doing a dist upgrade (because historically those have never worked for me)04:20
lizanyone know if installing kde4-desktop will install the latest stable kde4???04:23
sunnydrakekalorin: what's ufraw is?04:24
kalorinit's a graphics program that allows you to pull in raw images from digital cameras and work with them04:24
kalorinand then pop them into gimp or just save them as .jpg's or whatever04:24
SerpardumHow can I add an icon to kde?  I.E.  "kdesudo virtualbox" so I can click it instead of alt-F2ing and typing every time.  I know how to make a script file.  but how can I make an icon in teh .. start.. menu?04:24
Serpardumkalorin: why arent you going to 8.10?04:25
SerpardumI'm not sure what ufraw is however04:25
sunnydrakekalorin: if it's not a kernel module just get sources compile and use "checkinstall" it will generate .deb pacage which you can freely install04:25
togetici need to install the kernel source tree for kubuntu...04:26
togeticwhich is what package?04:26
kalorinSerpardum: I'm on 8.10, I don't want to go to 9.04 at the moment04:27
kalorinyeah no kernel module04:27
kalorinperhaps I can just pull the .deb's from the jaunty repository and install them04:27
sunnydrakeokkay anyone with kernel knowledge here? i wish to make usb install of ubuntu but use "unfied kernel" instead of ubuntu one.. (unified kernel provide native windows kernel api to execute windows procs..)04:27
kalorinI kind of hate to build something if I don't have to04:27
kalorin[23:26] <togetic> which is what package?04:28
kalorinI believe04:28
sunnydrakekalorin: you could try but there is always some dependencies in deb or sources... best luck :)04:28
kalorinyeah we'll see04:28
* kalorin shrugs04:28
togetickernel sources would be linux-headers and linux-image?04:28
kalorinheaders being the lib's04:28
kalorinimage being the kernel itself04:29
togeticthere it is04:29
kalorinsunny, oh that's nice, they ahve intrepid packages04:30
kalorinI bought a canon 5d-2 and the raw cr2 files aren't supported in 0.1304:31
sunnydrakekalorin: that's why im building unfied kernel... there is some friend designer who works in photoshop and i wish to make linux with windows procs support for her..04:32
kalorinyeah I don't do photoshop04:33
kaloringimp will do everything that I could possibly want photoshop for04:33
kalorinand with the ufraw package (which is working like a champ now that's it's installed btw) you can load raw and color balance and all that jazz04:33
kalorinwant to see something cool/04:33
kalorintake a look at that IMG_0002.cr2.jpg picture04:34
kalorinit's about 6megs04:34
kalorintaken on a cloudy day, hand held, iso 800 with a 70-200 f/2.8 L lens and a 5d, at about 3 yards distance04:35
kalorinit's sick the detail that I got on that04:35
sunnydrakekalorin: gimp is nice i worked both in PS and GIMP there is some cons and pros in both products but this is questions of habit ... and she is designer not some tech savvy person so there only way for her to migrate into GPL is easy ... :)04:36
kalorinyeah that's true04:36
kalorinsorry that's iso 40004:38
sunnydrakekalorin: i had history of over 12 years using windows as work enviroment and good collection of helper programs but one day (a year ago) i  switched to linux(but had been using *nix platforms since 99) :)04:38
coz_any way to turn off the wood block sounds when I hit a button on applications like ccsm or xchat?04:39
kalorini think i started with deadcat like 404:39
kaloringet this04:39
kalorinbecause I had a 28.8 modem that I was playing quake on, and a 10base 2 Thin Net network04:39
kalorinand I didn't want my gaming machine that I was playing on to lose frames cause ti was dealing with the interupts of the modem04:40
kalorinthat's what got me started :)04:40
togeticwhat else do i need to install besides linux-headers?04:40
kalorinbut yeah, when vista came out I went to kubuntu04:40
kalorintogetic: depends if you want the restricted drivers04:40
kalorinI usually just do linux-generic04:41
kalorinand let it pick al the rest of the stuff that I need04:41
togeticthe restricted drivers include what exactlY?04:41
sunnydrakekalorin: hehe at &X0 to disable compression and play hexen or doom lag-free ... been there seen that :)04:41
kalorinlinux-generic, linux-headers, linux-restricted-modules04:41
kalorinwell it's the nvidia drivers vs. the free X drivers04:41
kalorinI prefer to use the nvidia cause they seem faster to me04:42
kalorinthings like that04:42
kalorinyou can do a search on linux-restricted-modules and it'll tell you what all is in there04:42
sunnydrake:) keep finger crossed for gallum3D project :)04:42
togetici'm trying to get the nvidia driver installation to work, but it needs the sources for the current kernel04:44
togeticguess i need to point directly to the sources since i've downloaded everything there is for linux-source04:44
kalorinhaven't herd of that one yet04:44
togeticheard of what one?04:45
togeticmy prob?04:45
kalorintogenic, just install the restricted drivers04:45
kalorinI'm thinking next is to set up a myth tv server and play around with that in my copius amounts of free time04:45
sunnydraketogetic: in resticted there is generally properitary hardware drivers( wifi etc) .. if you need video card driver go to nvidia.com and also make sudo apt-get install linux-headers that all after it  just run  .run file04:45
SilentDishello.  bit of a search here.  I'm looking for a 'simple' snmp monitor.  My router has snmp capabilities, I was curious if there was something like a plasma widget, or something similar, to just read out a few of the items and display it nicely on the kde desktop.04:46
sunnydrakekalorin: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=search&q=Gallium3D but to get it read articles on official site of gallum3d04:47
togeticwher is the kernel source path?..04:48
togeticwill need to do ./NVIDIA-DRIVER.BIN --kernel-source-path04:48
togeticperhaps i need to rever to an older kernel04:48
sunnydraketogetic: /usr/src/04:48
sunnydrakesunnydrake@main:~/Desktop/install/games/dccnitghtmare/bin$ ls /usr/src/04:49
sunnydrakeati               linux-headers-2.6.27-14          linux-headers-2.6.28-11-generic  linux-headers-2.6.28-13-server  rpm            vboxnetflt-2.1.404:49
sunnydrakefglrx-8.62        linux-headers-2.6.27-14-generic  linux-headers-2.6.28-11-server   linux-headers-2.6.28-3-rt       rt73.tar.bz2   vboxnetflt-2.2.404:49
sunnydrakeglibc             linux-headers-2.6.27-7-generic   linux-headers-2.6.28-13          linux-rt-headers-2.6.28-3       vboxdrv-2.1.404:49
sunnydrakekqemu-1.4.0~pre1  linux-headers-2.6.28-11          linux-headers-2.6.28-13-generic  linux-source-2.6.28.tar.bz2     vboxdrv-2.2.404:49
FloodBotK1sunnydrake: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:49
sunnydraketogetic: better compile under kernel in which you booted..04:50
sunnydrakekalorin: btw VLC have options to broadcast video over lan it's usefull i had DVB card in my "media" pc so i can watch sat tv on other pc..04:52
max__What is a program that I can use to capture pictures from my built-in webcam on a laptop?04:58
bazhang!info  cheese04:59
ubottuError: I tried to send you an empty message.04:59
* togetic is rebooting into older kernel, maybe that will resolve the issue04:59
togeticbb soon04:59
bazhang!info cheese04:59
ubottucheese (source: cheese): A tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.26.0-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 2742 kB, installed size 5084 kB04:59
bazhangmax__, cheese ^^04:59
max__Thank you.05:00
sotomayorcan i pm someone for help with a few ubuntu problems?05:05
bazhangsotomayor, best to ask here05:06
sotomayorok kool05:06
sotomayori'm having problems with libdvd not installing properly....i was told that was the problem why i cant use my dvd burner and player05:07
bazhangfrom medibuntu.org? the .deb ?05:07
SilentDissotomayor: just ask your questions, one by one.  the idea is we ALL learn from the help YOU get :)05:07
sotomayoryes medibuntu05:08
bazhangfrom the repos, or just the .deb05:08
sotomayornot sure05:08
bazhangdid you add anything to your sources.list , or just download a single package via Firefox05:09
sotomayorwell i was trying to add ahhh i think it was ubuntu restricted something...i got it on a thumb drive but cant upload it now i will have to log off to tell you05:10
bazhangsotomayor, that is not from medibuntu05:10
sotomayora guy today told me to load it in the konsole and that's what i did and it wouldn't work05:11
bazhangload what?05:11
sotomayorthe restricted link05:12
sotomayorhold on let me see if i can pull it up from my thumb drive05:12
bazhangkubuntu-restricted-extras ?05:12
sotomayoryes..something like that05:13
bazhangso you may not have installed anything at all from medibuntu.org05:13
sotomayorwell to be honest can you walk me through what i need to get my dvd drive to play/burn?05:14
bazhangsotomayor, open a browser and go to medibuntu.org then download the package libdvdcss205:14
sotomayorok hold on05:15
bazhangthen after you have downloaded that, double click on it, and it should install, or prompt you to how you want to install it05:15
SilentDisbazhang, sotomayor: may i interject something?  might make it a touch easier to just add the repo, it will keep things a bit more cohesive and up to date05:15
bazhangSilentDis, depends, if sotomayor wants googleearth, skype etc from there; if not no real need05:16
bazhangreally up to him/her05:16
SilentDisbazhang: true, i usually just make a point to set that repo up, mainly for all the vid codecs so i don't have to go searching for everything heh05:17
bazhangSilentDis, it is convenient, true :)05:17
SilentDis!medibuntu | sotomayor this is the medibuntu homepage, it has a link on how to setup everything.  either installing from individual files, or setting the repo. yay choices!05:20
ubottusotomayor this is the medibuntu homepage, it has a link on how to setup everything.  either installing from individual files, or setting the repo. yay choices!: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org05:20
sotomayoris this the correct thing i need to download....05:20
sotomayorwget -c http://packages.medibuntu.org/pool/free/libd/libdvdcss/libdvdcss2_1.2.9-2medibuntu4_i386.deb05:20
sotomayorsudo dpkg -i libdvdcss2_1.2.9-2medibuntu4_i386.deb05:20
bazhangis that the jaunty one? or the intrepid one05:22
sotomayori'm so not understanding that question...i'm very new to this ubuntu software...05:23
bazhangwhat version, ie 9.04 or 8.10 (jaunty or intrepid)05:23
sotomayori will havet to go check..by the way where can i go find that out from on the software?05:25
bazhangon the medibuntu.org page05:25
bazhangyour version of Ubuntu/Kubuntu is lsb_release -a in the konsole05:25
SerpardumIs there anyway in Kubuntu/ubuntu to show IBM extended ASCII char 171 (1/2 symbol)05:26
bazhangunicode ?05:26
sotomayori'm using 8.04 lts version05:27
Serpardumin windows you can hold down alt and press 171.  Unicode you preceed with a 005:27
bazhangthen you would wan the Hardy version of libdvdcss2 sotomayor05:27
sotomayorok so do i change that in the software sources?05:28
bazhangsotomayor, you enabled the repos? if not, then just get the Hardy package05:29
sotomayorwhere do i enable the repos ?05:30
bazhanginstructions are on the medibuntu.org page sotomayor05:30
sotomayorbazhang..ok i went there and did what you saidd but i need you too look here if you dont mind and tell me what i should do next05:42
bazhangsotomayor, did you sudo apt-get update  yet?05:43
bazhangsotomayor, then do so05:45
sotomayorok can you type to me the correct way to sudo apt-get?05:46
bazhangsudo apt-get update05:46
bazhangsotomayor, ^^05:46
sotomayorok thanks05:47
originAre the packages for Amarok 1.4 for Kubuntu 9.04?05:48
sotomayorso after i do that in konsole then what do i do then?05:49
bazhangapt-cache search googleearth sotomayor05:50
sotomayordo i type that in the konsole?05:50
sotomayorand when i do that what is that suppose to do?05:50
bazhangreturn if googlearth is available in your repositories05:50
bazhangapt-cache search libdvdcss2 as well sotomayor05:51
sotomayorcheck that out05:52
bazhangsotomayor, you need to edit out the cd rom parts with a # in front of the entries, or disable via the gui package manager you have there05:54
SerpardumI have a script file makefloppyimg.  It is executable.  If I go into konsole and type ./makefloppyimg it runs.  However.  If I browse to it and click it, kate opens to edit it.  How do I get it to run?05:55
bazhangsotomayor, first try the : apt-cache search libdvdcss205:55
sotomayori'm so lost and dont know where to do all this editing.....and i just tried the apt-cache search libdvdcss2 and it did'nt work but hold on while i try it again05:55
bazhang!repos | sotomayor read these links please05:56
ubottusotomayor read these links please: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories05:56
sotomayorok i will read them05:57
sotomayorbefore you go can you walk me through the disabling of the gui package manager?05:59
=== hemathor_ is now known as hemathor
dawn_question: my / directory is 13gb but now its 100% full I cannot discern where the full directories are at, /usr is the largest one at 2.2gb06:07
kalorinhow's /tmp06:07
SirMooI haz question. I put kubuntu and vista on the same computer all works well... then when I boot to windows and restart and boot to kubuntu... it just shows blinking underscore.06:08
kaloringo to /06:08
dawn_let me look06:08
kalorintype du -sm06:08
kalorinit'll show you which directories are what sizes06:08
kalorinpick the one that looks odd (likely /tmp or /home) and drill down a level and do du -sm again06:08
dawn_ok thanks...06:09
kalorinsure n/p06:09
dawn_for the like of me I cannot why it did this06:09
dawn_last few days ago it was 1/306:10
gundam_rx78nt1I have kubuntu temporarily installed on a portable hard drive...06:14
gundam_rx78nt1I have decided to install it on my pc exclusively.06:15
gundam_rx78nt1How do I get a list of the packages that I have installed on my portable drive so I can install them also to my pc?06:15
faileasAnyone can suggest an audioplayer with support for DAAP, or some way to get amarok to work with it?06:37
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shunobiesHas anyone had any problems with Nvidia Geforce 7200 PCI-E cards I keep getting black screen areas and the entire system has locked up twice now.06:44
shunobiesAny help is greatly appreciated and thank you in advance.06:44
shunobiesI'm useing the Ubuntu 64bit system not sure if that make a difference. I would assume it probably does.06:46
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* shunobies_away is away: Gone away for now07:48
zeltakhi, any one know of a good text expansion/replacement program for ubuntu (not autokey which is broken in jaunty)?08:09
joshua__i want to try a new linux what should i try>?08:13
chadonealdo you like windowS08:13
joshua__do i like windows?08:14
chadonealui guess i mean.. do you like the windows GUI08:14
chadonealcheck out kubuntu08:14
joshua__I like windows when they are open08:14
chadonealright on08:14
joshua__I am using kubuntu now :-)08:14
zer0ohi, how can i install lilo as a boot loader on my aged laptop?08:16
ryan_good mornin to all08:20
chadonealyeah its morning all right.... 2:21 am HHEHEHE08:21
ryan_act local think global :)08:22
ryan_does anybody know why I can chat on irc and ping sites like google but the konqueror is not showing any site?08:23
halberdtry another browser08:25
ryan_like firefox?08:25
chadonealryan_ for sure!!08:25
ryan_but I thought konqueror was the thing to use on linux :/08:26
chadoneal<-- new to linux, fresh install of kubuntu, did all the updates and installed apache08:26
halberdit's just a browser08:26
halberdfirefox is also free and has more features08:26
ryan_tell that to the chrome guys08:26
chadonealwhile installing php5 i got numerous could not reliabliy determine servers fully qualified domain name08:26
joshua__chadoneal: instead of firefox i would go with opera08:26
ryan_they want to rule the digital world :D08:26
joshua__chrome is amazing I wish there was a stable version for linux!08:27
ryan_fanboy detected!08:27
chadoneali never said anything about firefox08:27
halberdhow could a browser be amazing? it displays webpages08:27
halberdlike other browsers08:27
ryan_yeah why is the iphone so amazing its just a phone ya know..08:27
joshua__halberd: tell you try chrome, you will never experince the amazing speeds that chrome works at08:28
chadonealyeah my amazing heart.... it just pumps blood08:28
joshua__iphone sucks08:28
halberdthe iphone has more features than a phone08:28
halberdjoshua__, that's not possible, speed is limited by your bandwidth not your browser08:28
chadonealim not sure if things are installing correctlyu08:28
chadoneali used sudo apt-get install php508:28
chadonealis taht correct08:28
joshua__halberd: just like sex is limited to your hand, not your gf08:28
halberdlol, hello troll08:29
joshua__I should boot into windows and use my amazing web browser....08:31
halberdtroll confirmed08:31
joshua__when i get back, will  you have my bridge built for me?08:32
ryan_you should rather use ur amazing imagination08:32
halberdif I build you a bridge will you leap off it?08:32
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!08:32
joshua__no but I will live under it, and only come out when i have something valuble to say08:32
ryan_make it so08:33
eagles0513875joshua__: halberd and ryan_ if you guys dont have any questions related to kubuntu linux get out of here08:33
bazhangjoshua__, please chat elsewhere08:33
joshua__I had questions, but he called me a fan boy...08:33
joshua__then a troll08:33
eagles0513875bazhang: ty man was bout to use the magic op command08:33
ryan_I had question to, but I did not know we can only talk about our kubuntu issues here :/08:34
eagles0513875!ot | ryan_08:34
ubotturyan_: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!08:34
halberdryan was the one who called you fanboy08:34
joshua__whatever the case was, it wasn't very nice08:34
ryan_I am sorry and I'll quit the chatter immediately08:35
halberdryan your question was valid08:35
joshua__ryan_: don't let them tread on your first amendment rights, talk as you wish, about whatever you wish!08:35
eagles0513875joshua__: but not in here08:35
eagles0513875joshua__: take it into #kubuntu-offtopic08:36
halberdryan had a question about konqueror08:36
joshua__give me death or give me liberty!08:36
eagles0513875ryan_: go ahead and ask your question08:36
halberdhe did08:37
ryan_my main concern is not konqueror - rather the fact that I had to install kubuntu 7.10 with a blacklist command - cause my laptop is pretty old and the pcmcia is creating a kernel panic on ubuntu 8/9 and other distris08:37
ryan_so my question is now - is it possible to upgrade to 8 or even 9 now with 7.10 installed08:38
joshua__ryan_: possible: yes, will it work: best way to find out is to try08:38
eagles0513875!upgrade | ryan_08:38
ubotturyan_: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - To upgrade to Jaunty (9.04) directly from Hardy (8.04) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JauntyUpgrades/Kubuntu/8.04 - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading08:38
eagles0513875joshua__: seriously if you have no idea whats goign on dont say anything08:39
joshua__eagles0513875: do you really think that was a helpful response?08:39
eagles0513875from you now joshua__ more from me and providing links08:39
eagles0513875ryan_: not sure if you need to do the upgrade to 8.04 8.10 then 9.04 though08:40
joshua__and how did you come up with the assumption that i do not know what is going on...08:40
lninjoxgot it type "list" in text box on ubuntu irc08:40
ryan_thats what I thought eagles051387508:40
joshua__this channel is almost as bad as the ubuntu channel08:41
ryan_the thing is I cannot view you instruction urls with konqueror and do not want to install ff - i'd rather let the sys as it is right now - chances are any change could compromise the upgrade process so my second question..08:41
eagles0513875ask away ryan_08:42
ryan_would you kindly use tinyurl to create urls that I can write down with a pencil...08:42
ryan_that would be very helpfull08:42
eagles0513875ryan_: im not quite following08:43
ryan_the links you gave me - could you shorten them with tinyurl.com08:44
joshua__eagles0513875: he can't connect to any web pages via kongueror and does not want to install ff, so he wants you to use tiny url so he can write them down and look at pages on another computer08:44
eagles0513875you dont need all of them08:44
joshua__not very hard to figure out08:44
bazhangryan_, your konqueror does not get web pages? can you ping google?08:44
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ryan_ping works perfectly fine as chatting with you all - obviously :)08:45
bazhangperhaps a dns issue08:45
eagles0513875bazhang: hes afraid to access them cuz hes been having trouble installing versions 8 and 9 on this machine and hes afraid if he follows the links it will mess up the upgrade08:45
joshua__ryan_: i didn't notice, how are you doing that? magic?08:45
bazhangjoshua__, please chat elsewhere08:45
joshua__bazhang: I have as much right to chat here as anyone else...08:46
eagles0513875joshua__: you do if its on topic though08:46
ryan_thats right but I think we should not talk OT08:46
bazhangjoshua__, this is support ONLY. chit chat in #kubuntu-offtopic08:46
joshua__I was trying to help ryan_08:47
ryan_well back to the topic at hand - how can I resolve the dns issue in konqueror?08:47
faileasryan_: if you have another linux box, you can send messages to yourself over command line >_>08:47
ryan_maybe I should put the links into a textfile and try to put them on a usb stick08:47
eagles0513875faileas: he could also use ssh but if itst not installed and he is having dns issues then that might not work08:48
lninjoxtry putty08:48
joshua__hmm you peeps are no fun i am going to bed, hasta la vista mi amigas08:51
ryan_the usb stick worked like a charm - thanks a lot eagles0513875 for providing the links08:51
eagles0513875no problem ryan_ :) have a good day08:52
ryan_I am trying to upgrade now from 7 to 8 wish me luck08:52
joshua__too good to say bye to me eagles0513875?08:52
ryan_thanks again and a good day to you all.08:53
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ryan_I tried to upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04 - first with apt-get update and apt-get upgrade-dist but all it said was 0updates - then I tried the adept_manager dist-upgrade-devel but it crashes when I click update - any tipps?09:15
bazhangryan_, 7.10 is end of life, you will need to change your sources.list as described in the upgrade link09:15
ryan_thanks bazhang - I am going to do that now must have overlooked that somehow09:16
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coz_hey guys  I am on kubuntu and have an issue here... applications like xcaht...ccsm...and a few other...so far non kde apps...when clicking a button or tab on any of these I get a wood block sound effect and it is very irritating...how to stop this?  i have check in sounds and none of them have this sound10:10
kacoz_: Where did you go to check out the sounds?10:12
coz_ka,   system settings...nitifications10:13
kacoz_: Did you check the entry called KDE system notifications?10:16
coz_yeah  none of these work10:17
coz_ka,   al of those under that listing are turned off10:18
kaay other applications? I dont have xchat or ccsm installed10:18
coz_ka,  a hold on let me check10:18
coz_mm trying to find one with tabs and buttons to press  :)10:19
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coz_ka,  not finding any as of yet10:22
coz_not many have the same tabbing or buttons as those two10:22
kacoz_: I will install xchat and have a looksee10:22
coz_oh i appreciate that10:22
coz_i just had a terrible thought..=developers putting in h idden sound when non kde app is used10:23
Mamarokcoz_: in system Settings -> Notifications, second tab, check the no audio output radio button10:24
coz_Mamarok,  already ticked10:25
coz_inkscape also has this again non kde app10:25
kacoz_: Sorry I dont get this sound.10:27
kacoz_:Tried xchat and inkscape.10:27
Mamarokthat should not depend on a KDE app or not, as it is the system notifications you are removing10:27
Mamarokthe system beep actually10:27
coz_it is really annoying :)10:27
Mamarokcoz_: did you restart the app after this changings?10:27
coz_Mamarok, welldepending on which button or tab I press the sound changes10:27
coz_hold on let me try again10:27
coz_Mamarok,  ok restarted inkscape and it is still there10:28
coz_ka,  ear irritiating :)10:29
Mamarokand you really choose no audio output? I have no sound here10:29
coz_Mamarok,  yep10:29
coz_Mamarok,  honest :)10:29
Mamarokhm, I wonder if there could be a keyboard sound activated somewhere...10:29
coz_keyboard sound?10:29
coz_oh wait let me check somethings10:30
Mamarokin keyboard&Mouse, the keyboard click volume is 0?10:30
coz_yep it's zero10:30
ct529where is the configuration file of the kde 4 desktop? I would like to put some icons on the desktop!10:31
coz_oh man I think I know what the problem is or at least where the sounds are coming from10:32
Mamarokct529: just right click on the application and add to desktop10:32
Mamarokcoz_: where?10:32
coz_Mamarok,  I have  gnome installed as well  or actually  ubuntu-desktop  and these sounds  are way too similar to the gnome ubuntu sounds  but I thought I had those disabled ...so let me log onto gnome and check10:33
Mamarokhm, shouldn't happen, but yes, that's a possibility10:33
coz_be right back10:34
ct529Mamarok: nope, it an application I have unpacked and installed manaully (no package manager, Eclipse Galileo 3.5.0)10:34
Mamarokct529: if it's in the Kmenu, you should be able to add it the same way, else use kappfinder10:35
Mamarokct529: everything that is in the menu can be added to the Desktop or Panel with a right click option, so you can add an entry to the menu10:35
coz_mm interesting..here on gnome the sounds that would produce those darn noises are greyed out and not accessible  let me open as root perhaps10:37
coz_mm even greyed out as root10:38
coz_ok disabled everything let me log into kde10:38
ct529\join #eclipse10:39
Mamarokct529: did you manage to add that icon to the desktop?10:39
ct529Mamarok: no, what I want to do is to create an icon on the desktop, without inserting it into the menu first .... only on the desktop10:40
Mamarokct529: adding it to the menu takes you one step...10:40
Mamarokediting config files is far more complicated10:41
Mamarokct529: add a link to the desktop folder then10:42
coz_well these are definitly gnome/ubuntu sounds those darn drum and woodblock sounds but i cant seem to disable them in kde  ...they are disabled in gnome however10:42
coz_oh well I guess I will figure this one out eventually:)10:43
Mamarokcoz_: sorry I couldn't help you then10:43
ct529Mamarok: iI really want to modify the configuration file, because I want to learn about it .... where is it? I do not seem to be able to fond it10:43
coz_Mamarok,  no problem guy   thanks :)10:43
Mamarokct529: all configuration files are here: ~/.kde/share/config/10:44
husaynis there vmware player avalibale for Kubuntu10:45
Mamarokhusayn: there is virtualbox10:46
husayni have .vmx files10:46
husaynso i think they would only run on vmware10:46
ct529Mamarok: thanks a lot very interesting structure plasma-appletsrc10:47
Mamarokhusayn: well, you need to install it from vmware then, as it is proprietary10:47
Mamarokct529: you are welcome :)10:47
husaynno vmware player is always free10:47
husaynvmware workstation needs licencing10:47
Mamarokhusayn: free of charge, but not free software :)10:47
husaynhumm.... :D10:48
Mamarokct529: but plasma-appletsrc is not necessarily what you are looking for, as plasma-applets are not just icons10:48
ryan_thanks again eagles0513875 and bazhang!10:49
Mamarokct529: add a link to the desktop folder and show it in the folder applet10:49
ct529Mamarok: well, it looks like the only place where there are the  icons that are now on my desktop.10:49
eagles0513875no problem ryan_ did everythign work out upgrade wise for you10:49
ct529Mamarok: do not like that .... I removed the folder applet10:50
Mamarokct529: your choice :)10:50
ryan_yes but the upgrade of the source files was way to risky for me - I just downloaded the alternate cd of 8.04 and mounted in - then I used the cdromupdate command - and the upgrade to 8.04 went flawless - now I am going to use the same procedure to get from 8.04 to 9.04 - and you know what - konqueror is working now like a charm :D10:51
ct529Mamarok: I just want to add an icon to the desktop, without adding it to the menu or to the panel or to any folder .... it is quite a simple and basic operation, it should be pretty straightforward .... if it is not, then there is something quite awkward with the desktop manager10:51
ryan_for beginners the cdromupdate really is the weapon of choice - since you do not need lan or wifi and can also use your usb stick to transfer the iso and mount it then10:52
kact529: To drag a application from the menu to the desktop you have to do it to the folderview plasmoid.10:53
ryan_I am quite exited after all the pain I had with the install I begin to love kubuntu now10:54
ryan_I am off to upgrade to 9.04 now - hope to see you again soon. thanks again.10:54
ct529ka: yes, I do understand that .... I actually have the icon on the desktop, but I want to do it the clean way .... we are at version 4.2.4 .... why can we not just create an icon on the desktop? I do not understand the decision ....10:55
Mamarokct529: well, it's simply due to the fact that icons on a desktop is not a feature in KDE4, this is not Windows :)10:56
kaI agree. file a bug. I will even wot for it If you post it here. As far as I can remember it was possible in the early days..10:56
Mamarokbut you can report a wish to http://bugs.kde.org10:56
Mamarokka: no, it wasn't, not in KDE4, as it's not the way the desktop is intended to work10:56
kaMamarok: I may be wrong but I clearly remember that I could add desktop icons just by dragging from the menu to the desktop in opensuse with kde4.010:57
ct529Mamarok: why should that be windows? I do not understand why in an evolved dm you should not have the opportunity to add an icon to the desktop, but you have to carry out at least three different operation to do so. I have been a user of kde since 3.4 and adopted and tested 4 since 4.0 .... but I frankly do not understand what is going on here ....10:58
kaMaybe it was a opensuse hack...10:58
Mamarokka: that is still possible, but doesn't have an icon in the menu10:58
Mamarokand you add it with the right click option10:58
Mamarokhe doesn't*10:58
Mamarokct529: I told you how to do so, s I said, your choice10:59
ct529Mamarok: to do what sorry11:00
kaI can't see how I can add for instance firefox to my desktop by rightclicking the desktop...11:00
Mamarokct529: understand me right, you can add icons to the desktop, but of course it needs to be in the mneu11:00
ct529ka: exactly11:00
Mamarokka: works here11:00
MamarokI can add all stuff that is in the menu to the desktop or panel or to the favorites11:00
ct529Mamarok: that was not my question, unfortunately11:00
Mamarokincluding non-KDE apps11:01
kacould you post a screenshot for us please?11:01
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Mamarokct529: I know, but the debate is futile here, ask in #kde, Kubuntu only distributes it11:01
Mamarokso if you want changes and discussions about the how it should work in KDE, that's in #kde to ask11:01
ct529ka: you have to unlock the widgets11:05
ct529ka: possibly that is the problem11:05
ct529I am finding the 4.x experience a bit frustrating I have to say11:06
coz_Mamarok,  all fixed  i had to remove the libcanberra-gtk-module11:08
* Mamarok likes it very much, but I'm on it since very early beta times of 4.0 and use it every day11:09
ct529Mamarok: unfortunately it is the same for me, and I use it for work11:09
Mamarokcoz_: great! but still strange, that the Gnome spounds are played in KDE11:09
Mamarokct529: so do I11:09
kaunlocking did the trick11:09
Mamarokct529: we can discuss that in #kubuntu-offtopic though, here is support only11:10
coz_Mamarok,  well  that module wouldnt be affected or disabled on kde but it is disabled by default on gnome11:10
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shadeslayerMamarok: i use everything KDE now...except for konqueror...gmail doesnt support it :(11:10
ct529Mamarok: what does spounds mean?11:10
Mamaroksounds*, typo11:11
Mamarokshadeslayer: try arora then11:11
ct529Mamarok: do not like gnome particularly I have to say .... no advanced config .... and then I do not want to have different desktops on different pcs .... but I think the kubuntu packaging is quite stable, but performances are not brilliant11:11
Mamarokct529: please, discussion is in #kubuntu-offtopic11:12
shadeslayerMamarok: it looks like its using icons from kde 3.511:18
Mamarokshadeslayer: what app?11:19
shadeslayerMamarok: arora11:19
Mamarokshadeslayer: hm, I don't see many icons I must say...11:20
ikoniashadeslayer: you're still using the knightly kde builds ?11:22
Mamarokshadeslayer: and those are not even KDE afaik, maybe the Oxygen folk didn't have time to make some, it's still very much WIP11:22
ct529is anyone else having some performance problems with plasma (4.2.4)? I have realtively high cpu load and memory occupation on a ATI X700 ....11:27
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bi0nehelp me pls anyone i got stuck at 99% running post-installation trigger libc6 im installing ubuntu 9.0411:29
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Mamarokbi0ne: are you sing Gnome or KDE?11:30
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bi0nei dont know11:30
bi0neits 9.0411:30
Mamarokbi0ne: well, are you installing Ubuntu or Kubuntu?11:31
Mamarokbi0ne: then you should ask in #ubuntu, they will help you better11:31
Mamarokas it could be an Ubuntu specific problem11:31
bi0nelast question11:32
bi0newhich is better ubuntu or kubuntu11:32
Mamarokbi0ne: that entierly depends on your personal preferences11:33
Mamarokbi0ne: whether you prefer to use KDE or Gnome11:33
bi0necan you tell me the difference of kde and gnome11:34
Mamarokbi0ne: those are different desktop environments11:35
Mamarokbi0ne: there are too many differences to enumerate here, check out http://www.kde.org and http://www.gnome.org11:35
bi0neask again11:45
bi0newhich version of kubuntu is stable ?11:45
kaflash wont work in konqueror whats up? Do I have to do something special to make it work? FF works fine.11:46
Mamarokbi0ne: well, all Kubuntu releases are :)11:46
bi0neeven 9.04 ?11:46
Mamarokbi0ne: else we wouldn't release it11:46
Mamarokof course, why do you think otherwise?11:46
bi0nehmm if ever i install kubuntu will you guarantee me that i can run my http server, psybnc normally ?11:47
kabiOne: Maybe you are thinking of LTS11:47
Mamarokbi0ne: also, http servers are not desktop dependent11:48
bi0neim planning to run my http server for sharing files .. ?11:49
bi0newhat would you think ?11:49
Mamarokbi0ne: well, that's entirely up to you to choose11:49
Mamarokbi0ne: also, don't forget to check the licenses of the files you want to share11:50
bi0nethanks anyway11:50
Mamarokbi0ne: yaw :)11:50
bi0neno need of licenses i program it11:51
jussi01hrm, does anyone know how to merge 2 ppt presentations?12:13
* Mamarok hasn't use ppt in years...12:14
shadeslayerMamarok: power cut,got disconnected :)  , so as i was saying arora looks like its using kde 3.5 icons...12:15
kajussi01: cut and paste?12:15
Mamarokjussi01: but that miht help: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/powerpoint/HA011860761033.aspx12:15
shadeslayerMamarok: but it could be that im mistaken :P12:15
Mamarokshadeslayer: as I said, these are not KDE icons at all, also, Oxygen are probably still working on that12:15
Mamarokshadeslayer: Arora is a Qt project12:16
shadeslayerMamarok: ah... see i _was_ mistaken :)12:16
shadeslayerMamarok: whats the replacement for ctrl+enter in arora?12:18
shadeslayerarora is quite light imo12:19
=== liberfiasco is now known as libervisco
jussi01Can someone tell me how to simply soften the edges of an image? I have rectangle images and I want them a bit "blended"12:32
Tm_Tjussi01: gimp, some cutting from edges with feather edges12:49
jussi01Tm_T: thanks, Im sorted now :)12:49
Tm_Tsame can be done using Krita too12:49
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.13:03
ghabitHello-hello! I need help - video playback window of VLC is detached on my kubuntu (not only on mine), how to solve it?13:08
bazhangghabit, its that way, there is a PPA if you wish to try13:09
bazhang!ppa | ghabit13:09
ubottughabit: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.13:09
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FloodBotK1user1_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:38
compilerwriterIs there a way to easily get back to Ibex if one upgrades to Jaunty and doesn't like what one gets?13:38
FloodBotK1user1_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:38
Diablalhi everyone13:42
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shadeslayerMamarok: there?13:49
shadeslayercan someone help me with compiling this : http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Mini+Player?content=9550113:50
shadeslayeri get this error : Please install the msgfmt binary13:52
JontheEchidnashadeslayer: install gettext13:53
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: ok..13:54
Mamarokshadeslayer: yes13:54
shadeslayerMamarok: could give me some much needed info on the tutorials coming up?13:55
JontheEchidnadpkg -S /usr/bin/msgfmt13:55
JontheEchidnagettext: /usr/bin/msgfmt13:55
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: one sec its still installing :)13:55
Mamarokshadeslayer: check the kubuntu.org website, it's in the wiki13:56
shadeslayerMamarok: ok..13:56
JontheEchidnashadeslayer: that's just how I found msgfmt13:56
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: ah..13:56
JontheEchidna<3 dpkg -S13:56
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: thanks alot...its compiling :)13:56
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: this is one awesome plasmoid :)13:58
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shadeslayerill brb14:13
kahow do I set the webkit kpart to be used by konqueror14:15
asistadministratalguien habla español14:15
shadeslayersuppose i have the source of a plasmoid...how do i make a .deb of it? do i use pbuilder ?14:30
Mamarokinfocentro: please check your internet connection before joining channels, you are flooding14:40
Briareos1how can i verify that the "grub-installer/grub2_instead_of_grub_legacy=false" was correctly accepted by the system on boot (alpha 2)?15:04
MamarokBriareos1: ask in #ubuntu+1 for Karmic questions, please15:06
Briareos1mamarok k ty15:06
Mamarokyaw :)15:06
MakuseruHi, I'm trying to install a package in adept, and when I go to install them under "requested" it says "BREAK (install)" How can I figure out why it is breaking, and how to fix it?15:08
afeijogood morning15:12
afeijoI configured an samba share with ownership for nobody:sambashare, but my users cant save files on that15:12
AlexZionhi everyone...,I got a problem with plasma in KDE 4.2.4, very often it freeze all the plasmoid I have on my system, even the panel and apparently without reasons ....15:13
AlexZionsomeone have had the same problem ?15:14
captmiddyAlexZion: what graphics card do you have?15:14
AlexZionit's really unconfortable and I'd like to solve it at soon as possible15:14
AlexZionmy graphic card is an Nvidia GeForce go 730015:15
captmiddyafeijo: nobody is a user, unless you have everyone in group sambashare and the folder set to group write it won't work15:15
captmiddyare you using the nvidia driver?15:15
afeijocaptmiddy: thanks for reply, how can I check the sambashare group?15:16
AlexZionI'm using the driver suggest from Kubuntu ..., I mean the who is installed with the Driver application15:16
captmiddyafeijo: well when logged into the system you can type groups at the command line to get a list of your groups15:16
makuseruHi, im trying to install a package in adept, and when I try to install it says "BREAK (install)" how can I figure out why its doing this and how I can resolve it?15:16
captmiddyyou can also use the kde admin tools for users and look at that15:16
afeijoI'm using shell, groups cmd I will try15:17
captmiddymakuseru: I don't know how to use adept personally or I would try to help, I am more of a command line installer type.15:17
makuserucaptmiddy: when I try to install it from the command line, it just tells me i need a package i already have15:18
AlexZionI'm using compiz, it could be the responsablefor this problem ?15:18
captmiddymakuseru: type sudo apt-get dist-upgrade then sudo apt-get install -f15:18
captmiddysee if that clears it15:18
makuseruTried that.,15:18
captmiddyAlexZion: yes that could be the problem, why don't you use KDE desktop effects?15:18
AlexZionjust because I like the fancy compiz staff .. :)15:19
captmiddyAlexZion: like?15:19
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afeijocaptmiddy: from windows the user cannot save files, but I tested his acct thru shell and it worked15:20
AlexZion3D desktop, or the Emerald futures and staff like that ...15:20
captmiddynot sure what 3D desktop is, I have cube on KDE15:20
captmiddyI have found that for the most part I am happy with KDE desktop effects when I configure them15:20
captmiddyI used to use compiz but found it less than stable with soem applications I used15:21
AlexZionyeah probably it is less stable unfortunately ...15:21
captmiddyI wanted stable rather than all the glitz that I hardly used and I could get much of what I found 'useful' in kde desktop effects.15:22
captmiddyI work on this machine, my boss wouldn't be happy if I kept crashing myself ;-)15:22
captmiddyafeijo: so when you log into the shell it works?15:22
AlexZiondo you have any kind of wlooby windows or the expo effects in KDE effects ?15:22
afeijocaptmiddy: yes15:22
captmiddyAlexZion: there is wobbly windows not sure what expo was15:23
captmiddyI haven't used compiz for about 2 years now15:23
captmiddyI got tired of running metacity under kde to get it to work15:23
captmiddyif I started under kwin then the effects came on to replace the window manager kde would crash on me15:23
AlexZionso I should try with KDE effects15:24
captmiddyof course that was back in my gentoo days, ubuntu was likely more stable.15:24
captmiddyafeijo: it could be the way it is shared, my experience in setting up samba shares is admittedly weak.15:24
captmiddyafeijo: it could also be the UMASK setting that Samba is running under15:25
AlexZionanother question ..., i was running now Kwin as a window manager , but I checked in synaptic , and is not installed , it's normal ?15:25
captmiddybut that wold be a bigger issue to track down15:25
captmiddyAlexZion: I think kwin is a transition package but I could be wrong.  If you are running compiz it replaces the window manager I think15:26
captmiddyat least back when i used it, it did15:26
captmiddyyou can alway check with ps aux to see if it is running15:26
AlexZionright , but in anycase I can switch between Kwin and compiz using Icon Fusion.... and both of them seem to works ...15:27
captmiddykwin is part of kde-window-manager15:27
captmiddythe kwin package I think is there because some old packages may depend on it15:28
AlexZionso probably it's installed by default even if the package in synaptic seems to be not installed ...15:28
captmiddyno what I mean is that the kwin package itself may contain no files at all15:28
AlexZionok , I got it ....15:28
captmiddyyea the kwin package only contains documentation15:28
captmiddyno programs15:29
AlexZionok I got it ...15:29
AlexZionso I'll try with kde effects to see if I can get thesame functionality as before ....15:30
AlexZionthank a lot mate , so I'll let you know ....15:30
yogaI am using kde 4.3, in the System Setting, Login in Manger, there is no admin mode button, I cannot be able to set auto login.15:31
captmiddy4.3 is missing several things still15:33
Mamarokyoga: you need to start it with kdesudo systemsettings15:33
yogaMamarok: I see.15:35
captmiddyanyone else seeing an issue when you attempt to install a widget it acts like it has been installed but it never shows up in the widget list to be added to anything?  I just tried to install three different widgets and they aren't available.15:41
snarkstergood morning15:52
snarksterIve just installed ddrescue and gddrescue from the repository but the command is not found.15:53
snarksteranyone else have that issue?15:53
jose__como activo los efectos de kubuntu15:54
=== Nathan is now known as Guest69208
plane三分钟就知道谁是你最爱得人? (98%的准确率)15:55
plane  心理测试15:55
FloodBotK1plane: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:55
shadeslayer!cn | plane15:56
ubottuplane: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk15:56
shadeslayerMehdi: ??15:56
=== Nathan is now known as Guest96513
mackk431hello I am trying to delete the history of the used documents on kubuntu kde left bottom corner and i must say without success. one item is still there and refuses beeing deleted. any ideas to get rid of it would be appriciated.15:59
shadeslayermackk431: history of kde??15:59
shadeslayermackk431: in recently used?16:00
shadeslayer(ignore earlier comment)16:00
mackk431the documents who are recently beeing used i mean16:00
shadeslayermackk431: ok,what is the name of the thing not being removed?16:01
snarksterso ive gotten my server up, which is great but samba isnt working at all. I think its my netopia router thats causing the issue so Im having to use NFS which isnt bad at all16:01
mackk431it is an url which i opened with konqueror16:01
shadeslayermackk431: ok try deleting the history of konqueror and try again16:02
shadeslayermackk431: did it solve the problem?16:03
snarksterif i dd an entire device which contains 2 partitions will i get both partitions?16:03
mackk431still trying to find the history in konquerer to delete it16:03
mackk431konqueror has no history :)16:04
shadeslayermackk431: go > history16:04
shadeslayermackk431: go where i told you :)16:04
nikolaHello. Is Kubuntu better than Ubuntu and why?16:06
shadeslayernikola: kubuntu is just ubuntu with kde16:07
snarksteroh wow he is right, there is no clear recent documents on lancelot either.16:07
nikolaOh right lol, sorru16:07
snarksterits better cause it uses kde. :)16:07
* Mamarok waves the OT flag....16:07
shadeslayer!best | nikola16:07
ubottunikola: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.16:07
captmiddyactually I find ubuntu is better than kubuntu as long as I then install all the kubuntu pieces16:08
* shadeslayer goes back to reviewing htc diamond 216:08
Mamarokcaptmiddy: OT, please16:08
captmiddysomething is odd with the kubuntu installs on laptops that just drives me batty16:08
mackk431ok i deleted every history in konqueror i could find  but this strange url still refuses to be deleted in history of kde function16:08
nikolacaptmiddy: WHat?16:08
shadeslayermackk431: ok,is this lancelot or the standard kde kickoff16:08
mackk431i dont know :)16:09
captmiddynikola: I wish I knew, I love the kubuntu setup in general but for some reason I just can't get wireless to work on my laptop if I install kubuntu directly16:09
shadeslayermackk431: did you change anything in the taskbar?16:09
mackk431not that i know16:10
captmiddybut my desktop is kubuntu all the way.  But as mentioned at the base level it is just kde versus gnome as default desktop environment, and that isn't something that belongs here16:10
shadeslayercaptmiddy: try it out with 4.3 when it comes out16:10
captmiddyshadeslayer: you mean karmic?16:10
shadeslayerMamarok: arora keeps crahing16:10
shadeslayercaptmiddy: no on jaunty..16:10
captmiddyI am running KDE 4.3 B2 now16:10
mackk431i pulled some program icons in it to use them as shortcut16:10
captmiddyshadeslayer: it is an odd problem, if I install ubuntu then the kubuntu features on top, using just the KDE network stuff everything works16:11
shadeslayermackk431: does right clicking in recent documents and selecting " clear recent documents " not work ?16:11
captmiddyif I do it the other way, my wireless will not wok properly16:11
mackk431is there a systemlog file somewhere which i could change to get rid of the url16:11
captmiddymackk431: there would be a file inside .kde folder16:12
captmiddybut deleting that while kde is running may have no effect16:12
shadeslayermackk431: its bount to be in ~/.kde :)16:12
snarksteri just put kickoff back on there is no clear function present16:12
captmiddysnarkster: when you right click in the recent window you don't get clear recent documents?16:13
snarksterah yes I do, thank youy16:13
Mamarokmackk431: see in ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/16:14
shadeslayerMamarok: where is the recent documents file stored?16:15
captmiddytake a look in ~/.kde/share/apps/RecentDocuments16:15
Mamarokrecent documents?16:15
shadeslayerrecently used16:15
Mamarokshadeslayer: every user related configuration or setting is always stored somewhere in ~/.kde/share/config or ~/.kde/share/apps/16:16
shadeslayerMamarok: ok.. mackk431 look above :)16:17
Mamarokshadeslayer: that's not what I understood form his/her question...16:17
shadeslayerMamarok: ok now on to arora,it crashed on loading a site,look at : http://paste.ubuntu.com/203628/16:18
Mamarokit's about removing an URL from the konqueror history, or did I miss something?16:18
shadeslayerMamarok: he actually wants to clear his history of recently used16:18
Mamarokshadeslayer: so far it never crashed on me, and don't expect miracles, it's only 0.7.0 :)16:19
mackk431shadeslayer suggested to delete konqueror history in order to get the history of kde of recently used documents clearable16:19
shadeslayerMamarok: hehe...16:19
Mamarokmackk431: what do you want to clear? it's a bit confusing...16:19
mackk431cause that was my prob that there is still one url who refuses being deleted16:19
Mamarokurl in konqueror you mean?16:19
nikolaWhat does the Kubuntu CD order contain? (don't try to be funny and say CD haha)16:20
mackk431in kde function of recently used documents16:20
mackk431in kickstart16:20
* shunobies is away: Gone away for now16:20
captmiddymackk431: ~/kde/share/apps/RecentDocuments16:20
captmiddyerr .kde16:20
shadeslayerMamarok: he opened a URL in konqueror and it shows up in recently used,he wants to clear the recently used things16:20
mackk431ok still working on it to find that thanks :)16:20
Mamarokmackk431: see above :) just remove that document16:20
shadeslayer!away > shunobies16:21
ubottushunobies, please see my private message16:21
Mamarokor folder to be precise16:21
snarksterif you right click on the url in question does it give you the remove menu?16:21
troyano_hola a todos16:21
Mamarok!es | troyano_16:21
ubottutroyano_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:21
troyano_habra alquien con quien platicar16:21
mackk431yes it does @snarkstar16:21
Mamaroktroyano_: English, please :)16:22
troyano_de preferencuia que sea chica16:22
mackk431but if i use the option it stays there16:22
snarksterand if you click remove it does not go away?16:22
shadeslayerill brb...my mini player plasmoid doesnt play any sound :P16:22
mackk431no it refuses being removed16:22
snarkstermaybe its a live link??16:23
snarksterconstantly being updated16:23
=== maximo is now known as Maximo
mackk431i have no browser open firefox is closes and konquerer ist closed so how can it be still active?16:23
mackk431is closed16:24
captmiddymackk431: is the file you are talking about appearing at all in ~/.kde/share/apps/RecentDocuments folder? if it is then you should be able to figure out why you can't delete it.  It is possible you opened it as root but it ended up in your home folder.16:24
snarksterdo a ctrl-esc and bring up the taskmagr16:24
captmiddyif you don't own the file it may not clear when you attempt to clear the history16:24
mackk431yes that could be true but what ownes the url file?16:26
snarksterroot might own it16:26
snarksteror another user16:26
mackk431i opened taskmanager there is no konqueror process and no firefox process what i usually use to access url pages16:26
snarksterso does it appear in your ~/.kde/share/apps/RecentDocuments???16:27
mackk431i cant find the ~/.kde/share/apps/RecentDocuments16:27
MatisseIs there a good partition tool for kubuntu? qtparted couldn't be found16:28
snarksterok copy that from ~ to s in documents open dolphin right click the address bar and choose edit, then paste that intot he address bar16:28
mackk431ok there is no file in ~/.kde/share/apps/RecentDocuments16:31
mackk431totally empty16:31
mackk431wait there is one hidden ".directory"16:31
Dragnslcr!info partitionmanager | Matisse16:31
ubottuMatisse: partitionmanager (source: partitionmanager): partition manager for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.0~beta1a-0ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 527 kB, installed size 1968 kB16:31
mackk431isnt that strange? could something managed to hack me?16:32
MatisseDragnslcr, that one is good?16:33
DragnslcrIt's worked well for me16:33
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=== Kubuntu-studio is now known as Peace-
DunkelHeitEngel 16:38
DunkelHeitEngelany girl will have to talk16:38
Peace-yes of course16:38
DunkelHeitEngelok ...16:39
DunkelHeitEngelwhat is your name16:39
planeany people could speak english?16:40
Dragnslcrplane- just about everyone in here16:40
MatisseDragnslcr, only allows me to build partitions with 4gb... thats not much :)16:40
planei realize , it's hard to learn to use the linux16:41
MatisseDunkelHeitEngel, go to #de16:41
DragnslcrMatisse- something wrong on your system, then. It handled my 500 GB disk just fine16:41
planewho can be my teacher or my shifu , i'm a chinese16:41
DunkelHeitEngelI think it is very easy16:41
planeso can you be my teacher ? DunkelHeitEngel16:42
DunkelHeitEngel 16:42
DunkelHeitEngelI think it is very easy16:42
DunkelHeitEngeluse linux16:42
FloodBotK1DunkelHeitEngel: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:42
Matisseplane, whats shifu?16:42
Dragnslcrplane- if you have a question, ask it, and someone will try to answer it for you16:42
planea teacher like a friend16:42
Matissego away darkangel-labertasche16:42
planein chinese language16:43
DunkelHeitEngelart of china16:43
planeeasy ? i need to learn so much ,i can't know how to start16:43
Matisseplane, dont listen to that guy16:44
planeOK,i see16:44
Dragnslcrplane- the Kubuntu web site would be a good place to start16:45
captmiddyplane: it would probably be easier to learn linux with someone who also speaks chinese or the language barrier may also become a hinderance.16:45
planeit's hard to find a person who also speaks chinese to teacher me . nobody wants to teach me .16:47
Pici!zh | perhaps16:47
ubottuperhaps: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk16:47
planeAnd........I'm just a 16-year-boy16:48
MatisseDragnslcr, the program is badly programmed. the 4 gb is from the fat16 which is automatically selected. I made a 4gb ext3 partition and then changed the size... well. seems to be working16:48
DragnslcrI dunno, I don't remember having that problem last time I used it16:49
MatisseDragnslcr, do you know the version you used? mine is 1.0.0~beta1a-0ubuntu216:50
planeSEE. nobody wants to talk to me16:50
Dragnslcrplane- because this is a support channel, and you haven't asked a question16:50
Matissethats what I wanted to say also16:50
planebut i asked for a teacher16:51
DragnslcrMatisse- I thought it was alpha2, but let me check. For some reason, it takes 5 minutes to start up (dunno if it has to do with the 4 large disks I have)16:51
Dragnslcrplane- I meant you haven't asked a specific question16:51
Matisseplane, everyone will teach you, but nobody will be your teacher16:52
Matissein this channel16:52
Dragnslcrplane- this channel is for answering questions and helping people solve problems. If you just want general reading, start with the Kubuntu web site16:52
planeOK.OK. i almost don't know how to install tings in linux16:52
planewho can help me16:52
Dragnslcrplane- the program is KPackageKit16:53
DragnslcrIn the old-style menu, it's under System. Not sure where it is in the new menu16:53
Matisseplane, if theres a search field in the menu, just type the name of the program there16:54
Yanick_hi, I just upgraded my kubuntu distro with the latest KDE, and... where is the printer manager?16:54
Yanick_it's not there anymore16:54
DragnslcrMatisse- I have beta1 now. When I try to create a new partition, the default file system is ext2 (probably should be ext3, but eh)16:55
DragnslcrYanick_- what version of KDE?16:55
Yanick_Dragnslcr, hmm.... 4.3 beta 216:56
DragnslcrYanick_- dunno then. Could try asking #ubuntu+116:56
Dragnslcrplane- Applications -> System -> Software Management16:56
Yanick_heh it's not a gnome related question so I doubt they'll have the answer16:57
Yanick_I'll try though16:57
planeOK . i'll try it ,thank you all guys16:57
planeit's 24:00 o'clock in china and i'll go for sleep .bye~16:58
Yanick_china is exactly on the other side of the world to me :)16:59
Yanick_it's noon and I'm going to eat16:59
DragnslcrIs there any way to try to rush a package through the Ubuntu devs? Somewhat important patch for Kopete got committed today17:08
captmiddywhat does it patch?17:09
Dragnslcrcaptmiddy- Yahoo changing their protocol17:16
captmiddyit is likely that you would have to wait on the next kde beta and backports would likely take a while from what I have seen, if it was a security fix it would probably be easier.17:17
Tm_TDragnslcr: file a bug17:17
DragnslcrI'm sure there's already a dozen bugs filed17:17
Tm_TDragnslcr: then make sure there is comment saying there's a patch in svn (;)17:17
Dragnslcrcaptmiddy- unfortunately, it's not a security issue, it just completely breaks the Yahoo functionality17:17
Tm_TDragnslcr: with revision numbers and all17:18
=== Being_Tsukasa is now known as Dayla
DragnslcrWow, maybe there isn't a bug in Launchpad17:20
=== jimmy_ is now known as spherical
Matissepress F117:24
* spherical lost17:24
ikoniawhat's the problem17:24
Matissef1 isnt working17:25
ikoniaspherical: ok, so what's the problem17:25
sphericalkonversation handbook wont launch...17:25
Matisseas I said :)17:26
Matissespherical, whats the real problem?17:26
sphericalno problem17:26
ikoniaMatisse: what do you expect F1 to do ?17:26
sphericaljust didnt know tihs was a chat window17:26
Matisseikonia, why you're asking?17:27
ikoniaMatisse: because you said it's not working - so what do you expect it to do17:27
sphericalthere a way to check for updates for this thing?17:28
DragnslcrTm_T- guess there is already a bug report- https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kopete/+bug/391763. I just posted a comment with a link to the Kopete bug report that includes a message about the fix17:28
ikoniaspherical: it will alert you when updates become available17:28
Tm_TDragnslcr: thanks17:28
sphericalsweet thanks17:28
Matisseikonia, it was a trialog with you and spherical ...17:28
ikoniaMatisse: ok - so you where just making pointless comments, ok17:29
sphericalso im guessing the big list on the right is a list of all the available channels?17:29
ikoniaspherical: list of users in the channel normally depending on your client17:29
sphericaloh ok17:30
azreih123what is the name of the GUI for managing users and groups for kubuntu?17:39
* yakubgrant waves17:41
yakubgrantHello everyone17:41
yakubgrantdoes anyone know of a way to stop the Live Cd from checking the file systems on boot?17:41
azreih123I need to add a user to a group and I don't know how to do it without the gui...lol  but I can't find the package17:42
azreih123thanks a ton!17:46
yakubgrantI think it may be checking for swap17:47
liveoutloud2dayvideo upside down in kopete running kubuntu 9.04 any ideas?17:47
commander_i need help17:48
=== jimmy_ is now known as DethMagnetic
coz_hey guys I set the panel to  hide but now it doesnt show   kde418:03
coz_I just get a thin 2 pixel blue line18:03
coz_anyway to reset this?18:04
yakubgrantcoz_: you have no KDE4 ?18:04
yakubgrantNo desktop at all ?18:04
coz_yakubgrant,  I have a desktop but the panel doesnt show after setting to hide18:04
coz_let me restart x18:05
alexandr_Всем привет, кто-нить может ответить на пару вопросов по КДЕ?18:09
Noviceanyone ever put linux on an xbox?18:11
yakubgrantNovice: Yes I'm pretty sure someone has18:15
* BluesKaj gulps cranberry juice18:18
yakubgrant!hi | commander_18:18
ubottucommander_: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!18:18
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=== bewofthe is now known as cuznt
mgromanHi, how do you echo something to stdout(or stderr) and a text file in one command ?18:47
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots18:50
yakubgrantmgroman: tee18:54
=== kb is now known as Guest17592
kaddihi, anyone familiar with dropbox in here? I installed it a while back for a friend of mine, I uninstalled it soon afterwards. (or so I thought) however, it is still present. Eg if I select "open download location" for a download I made with FF this will automatically launch dropbox. How can I get this to stop?18:56
warren_so how can you tell what video driver you are currently using?18:57
shyke2adropbox is simple18:57
shyke2abut I don't understand what do you want to do?18:58
warren_it drives me crazy that they removed all the stuff in the X11 conf file18:58
kaddishyke2a: so how can I get rid of it? all I have is the icon in systemtray.. and when I click on that it only lets me create an icon, not uninstall it18:58
warren_all i want to know is what video driver kubuntu is using18:58
kaddisry ... all it lets me create is an account. I can't uninstall it.. don't know how I manage to misspell account into icon XD18:59
shyke2ao ok, I really don't know, did u try "dropbox" on console?18:59
kaddishyke2a:  it says "command not found"19:00
shyke2aI am sorry I only got dropbox on windows I didn't try it on linux19:01
afeijowhere is the apache log files?19:03
peabodyI have sound in amarok, but I get nothing from flash. wtf19:06
ayidenI am using Kubuntu 9.04 persistantly on a usb stick. How do I change the Computer Name?19:08
yakubgrant__ayiden: /etc/hostname19:08
ayidenThank You.19:09
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions19:16
=== ^downclimb^ is now known as downclimb
pcfreak_Hi, habe hier 4 zurückgehaltene Pakete (vmtl. das kernel update auf wie kriege ich die drauf?19:30
kaddipcfreak: hier gibts nur support auf englisch. für deutsche hilfe bitte nach #kubuntu-de gehen19:30
pcfreak_Hi, I have for updates that are on hold (looks like kernel update auf How to install them?19:31
pcfreak_thanks kaddi19:31
pcfreak_ahh got it I have to make dist-upgrade. why this happens on 9.04 installed from original disk?19:32
BluesKaj"ntfs device is listed in fstab , refusing to mount", line 9 in /etc/fstab is bad , mount: can't find /dev/sda1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab"... an update just buggered my windows partition access19:34
=== heinrich_ is now known as Guest44630
shadeslayeranyone with a problem?19:39
kaddiis there an easy way to figure out the packages belonging to an executable. Eg I have dropbox, but apt-cache search dropbox doesn't reveal anything. How do I find the package from dropbox?19:40
shadeslayerkaddi: i think dpkg -s /usr/bin should show that19:40
pr1zrakhi, can you help me?19:40
shadeslayerpr1zrak: state the problem please19:41
=== administrateur is now known as Hel0ck
pr1zrakhow i can compile Makefile.in?19:41
pr1zrakwhat command :(19:41
shadeslayer!compile | pr1zrak19:41
ubottupr1zrak: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)19:41
pr1zraki try install nsca_auth19:42
pr1zrakpo russki govorit kto?19:42
shadeslayerpr1zrak: suh..what?19:43
Pici!ru | pr1zrak19:44
ubottupr1zrak: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:44
pr1zraki need install NSCA, but in install folder NSCA exists Makefile.in, Makefile.am19:44
pr1zrakhow i can install it?19:44
pcfreak_I can not get quassel to display white on black instead of black on white. I am confused19:45
shadeslayerpr1zrak: sudo apt-get install nsca19:45
pr1zrakalready installed19:45
pr1zrakbut i dont have nsca_auth in /usr/sbin19:46
shadeslayerpr1zrak: ok do dpkg -s /usr/bin/nsca_auth19:46
Dragnslcrpcfreak_- I know it's possible, because I had it for a while. Fortunately there are new Konversation packages, so I haven't used Quassel in a while19:47
pcfreak_Dragnslcr: should go back to konversation19:48
shadeslayerpr1zrak: what was the output19:49
kaddihonestly, this sing is driving me insane. XD there is n dropbox executable in usr/bin, bin or anywhere else. I deleted all folders containing the word dropbox and this thing still manages to get started when I open a folder. :/ Any ideas where to look for that executable or how to stop dropbox from starting with dolphin=19:53
kaddi*thing, and *?19:53
shadeslayerkaddi: try reinstall openbox and removing with --purge remove19:55
kaddishadeslayer: I can't find the package for dropbox in the reps, openbox is a windowmanager apparently. Otherwise I would have tried that already19:56
shadeslayerkaddi: bah..too bad...ive run out of options19:56
kaddime too .. a long time ago.. nothing left to do, but throw the PC out of the window ;)19:57
shadeslayerkaddi: or do a reinstall19:58
kaddina, I won't be beaten by a stupid application.. there must be a way to remove this thing19:59
shadeslayerkaddi: google around..im out of options :)20:00
=== siegie is now known as siegie_
picketfencesMy wireless worked this morning, but after shutting down the computer for an hour, then coming back, wireless isn't working at all. I'm connected through the Ethernet at the moment. What would have caused this?20:03
shadeslayerpicketfences: ok can you get the wifi card up?20:04
shadeslayeras in up and scanning for networks ?20:04
picketfencesYes. Doing ifconfig shows the wlan0 and wmaster0 both Up, Broadcasing, and Running.20:05
shadeslayerpicketfences: what kind of authentication? i think WPA doesnt work atm20:05
picketfencesI believe it is WEP20:05
picketfencesIt has worked fine for the past month with no problems, though.20:05
shadeslayer!wifi | picketfences20:06
ubottupicketfences: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:06
sumanany avid user of amarok??20:06
picketfencesshadeslayer: Thank you, I will look through this and come back if I still have any problems.20:07
gobi accidentally deleted the system clock on the taskbar, how do i get it back?20:13
=== Nathan is now known as Guest96844
shadeslayergob: right click taskbar > add widgets > clock20:13
shadeslayergob: better : right click taskbar > panel options > add widgets20:14
gobthank you very much20:14
sumanis there a client equivalent to itunes for kubuntu?20:19
rjune_wrkamarok is probably the closest20:20
shadeslayersuman: for basically transferring songs to your iPod?20:21
shadeslayer!ipod | suman20:21
ubottusuman: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod20:21
bjb1959_you could use banshee although it uses mono which some people have problems with since it is patent encumbered but it works pretty well with ipods20:21
shadeslayeryeah..banshee is very good at handling ipods20:21
mackk431hey I had this kickstart "recent document" open problem20:21
shadeslayermackk431: yes...20:22
mackk431after 4 reboots it disapeared suddenly and i have no explanation why :(20:22
shadeslayermackk431: wow....20:22
bjb1959_I have a strange issue. firefox gives me an error everytime I try to start it that it is already running and I have to killall to get it to work. gcstar also starts movies in smplayer without sound. both programs work fine if I log in using gnome but not kde 4.2.3 any ideas?20:22
sumanshadeslayer: that is rite20:22
shadeslayermackk431: i think it might be a kbuildsycoca thing since it refreshes the kde cache20:23
sumanubottu: thanks will check it out20:23
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:23
mackk431the more i learn linux the more i dont understand20:23
mackk431its like a square function20:24
sumanmackk431: lol... linux is pretty cool20:24
kaddibjb1959_: I've got the same problem with FF, all I've gotten is that Flash will make FF linger on long after it has actually been closed. However this also happens when I don't open flashsites to me. So far there seems to be no fix20:24
mackk431yes thats true20:24
shadeslayermackk431: hehe....kbuildsycoca is the program which refreshes KDE cache , basically thumbnails and such20:24
mackk431ok thanks i will learn about kbuildsycoca20:25
shadeslayermackk431: see man kbuildsycoca20:25
shadeslayermackk431: also man kbuildsycoca4 :)20:25
picketfencesshadeslayer: Even though the website was for PCMCIA wireless cards, I read through it anyway. I was not able to find anything that mentioned why Network Manager could not see the router.20:26
picketfencesshadeslayer: I even tried the madwifi driver, and that didn't help.20:26
shadeslayerpicketfences: ok,open a console and type iwlist scan and see if it show your router20:26
picketfencesshadeslayer: For wlan0 No scan results20:27
picketfencesAll others say Interface does not support scanning20:28
shadeslayerpicketfences: hmm...that probably means : A) the card is not functioning ( probability == low ) or B)a problem in the router20:28
shadeslayerpicketfences: one sec20:29
shadeslayerpicketfences: did you try wicd20:29
shadeslayer!wicd | picketfences20:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wicd20:29
shadeslayer!info wicd | picketfences20:29
ubottupicketfences: wicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.9-2 (jaunty), package size 247 kB, installed size 1860 kB20:29
picketfencesshadeslayer: I don't think so. It doesn't look familiar. Hang on and I will try it.20:30
picketfencesshadeslayer: If I install it now, will it kill my ethernet before it is up and running?20:30
sumani just installed banshee.... and i get the error "DBus is not available"... any clues??20:31
shadeslayerpicketfences: probably...but you can bring it up with ifconfig20:31
picketfencesshadeslayer: How do I run wicd? And will it show an applet icon?20:32
picketfencesshadeslayer: Scratch that.20:32
shadeslayerpicketfences: picketfences https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WICD20:33
picketfencesshadeslayer: I found the Wicd Manager, and even it says no wireless connections available.20:33
BluesKajwicd  will show up in the kicker under internet , once you install it20:33
sumannobody's used bansheee or got the error??20:33
shadeslayersuman: i used it about a week ago..no such error20:33
shadeslayerpicketfences: i think there is some problem with the drivers or the router20:34
sumanshadeslayer: alrite.... i guess god hates me..20:34
shadeslayersuman: try amarok..20:35
BluesKajpicketfences, click on preferences in wicd manager and type wlan0 in the wireless box20:35
picketfencesBluesKaj: It has wlan0 listed there already.20:35
yogaHow do I execute a shell command in Alt+F2 ?20:36
shadeslayeryoga: just type it20:36
shadeslayerBluesKaj: ive already tried with iwlist scan as well.....20:36
yogashadeslayer: it will use my PATH?20:36
sumanshadeslayer: i have amarok.. can we download podcasts using amarok??20:37
shadeslayeryoga: path?? what command are you trying to execute?20:37
BluesKajpicketfences, in the advanced tab choose wext20:37
shadeslayersuman: i think so20:37
shadeslayersuman: lemme check20:37
picketfencesBluesKaj: Already selected20:37
sumanshadeslayer: alrite... i am trying too.20:37
picketfencesMight I need to reboot in order to get Wicd working?20:37
shadeslayersuman: see the internet tab on the left?20:37
shadeslayersuman: theres " Podcast Directory " there :)20:38
yogashadeslayer: I create a shell script in my path to invoke netbeans.20:38
shadeslayeryoga: by default it uses you home folder i think... just run the command what you would run in a terminal20:39
sumanshadeslayer: i dont have the internet tab.. what version are you running?20:39
picketfencesBluesKaj: I will go ahead and reboot. I will be back to let you know if it works or not.20:40
shadeslayersuman: its on the far left...version 2.1.120:40
sumani am running the on that comes with ubuntu hardy..1.4.920:41
sumanneed to upgrade20:41
shadeslayersuman: what!! what version of ubuntu?20:41
shadeslayersuman: i have 2.1.1 and it has podcasts...i suggest you upgrade to 9.0420:42
shadeslayerill brb20:42
sumani installed kubuntu 9.04 but got some problem with my graphics card20:42
sumanthe xorg process was using upto 60% cpu20:42
yogashadeslayer: I have to type in the hold path.20:42
shadeslayersuman: intel card?20:42
sumanshadeslayer: yeah rite..20:42
shadeslayersuman: too bad..try 8.10 with amarok 2.1...20:43
shadeslayeryoga: you mean whole path?? yes...use ~ for /home/$USER/20:43
sumanubuntu 8.04 doesnot support amarok 2.1???20:44
sumanshadeslayer: i want to upgrade.. but i was skeptical after the last upgrade....20:44
picketfencesBluesKaj & shadeslayer:: I don't know what the difference is, but Wicd connected right up after I entered the WEP key. I am connected wirelessly now. Thank you both for your assistance.20:44
sumanshadeslayer: i use this notebook for work so cant fool around with as much as i would have liked to20:45
shadeslayersuman: use a live cd to do a clean install.a clean install always helps20:46
shadeslayerpicketfences: glad we could help :)20:46
kaddi_I have another problem: Whenever I select "open containing folder" for a download in firefox the folder is opened with nautilus instead of dolphin. I checked the inode/directory setting, it is set to dolphin and I added config-entries for externalfiles in FF to open with dolphin. both did not resolve the problem20:47
shadeslayerkaddi_: what about default applications?? (opening nautilus also draws your background so once you open it,your memory usage increases even after you close it )20:49
sumanshadeslayer: alrite... although i did a clean install to jaunty last week..20:50
shadeslayersuman: you should have read the release notes..20:50
sumanshadeslayer: will look around and probably upgrade to 8.10 if there are not much issues..20:50
sumanshadeslayer: i should have... my bad...20:50
shadeslayersuman: 8.10 was quite stable20:50
brandoncan anyone help me i'm using kopete to use my yahoo account it is now showing error 10 connection actively refused, i had some advice from annother person here a couple days ago to change the server which helped for 2 days then it started again any help would be appreciated20:50
shadeslayer!yahoo | brandon20:51
ubottubrandon: At the moment there are many pidgin users experiencing problems connecting to Yahoo IM, you can try changing your paging server to cs101.msg.mud.yahoo.com and see if that helps.20:51
sumanshadeslayer: that is cool....20:51
kaddi_shadeslayer: thanks for bearing with my many stupid problems. :D Default application for file is dolphin. I don't have one for directory. do you think I should create one?20:51
brandonthe paging server of cs101.msg.mud.yahoo.com is what i did a couple days ago that did help but now it is refusing connection too20:51
shadeslayerbrandon: no other help available..sorry..use the latest version of pidgin if necessary20:52
brandonok thanx20:53
shadeslayerkaddi_: run kbuildsyscoca4 in a terminal20:53
shadeslayerkaddi_: it will refresh the system config cache...and hopefully set dolphin to the file manager20:54
shadeslayerkaddi_: this is the reason i ditched gnome...it messed up my KDE20:54
kaddi_hehe "man" to the rescue I was just checking what it does ;)20:54
kaddi_didn't help though :(20:55
bjb1959_kaddi, sorry. I am at work and had to take another call. but I have determined it's a kde 4 issue just not sure what the issue would be20:55
bjb1959_kaddi, this is about the ff issue20:56
shadeslayerbjb1959_: did you check for bugs?20:56
shadeslayerkaddi_: no idea...20:56
sumanwhat is the best way to upgrade from kubuntu 8.04 to 8.10...  not going the clean install way though...20:56
shadeslayersuman: do you have a stable and fast internet connection?20:57
sumanyes i do..20:57
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shadeslayersuman: stable power supply?20:57
sumanshadeslayer: yup...20:57
shadeslayer!upgrade | suman20:57
ubottusuman: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - To upgrade to Jaunty (9.04) directly from Hardy (8.04) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JauntyUpgrades/Kubuntu/8.04 - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading20:57
sumanshadeslayer: what was that??20:58
bjb1959_I tried but couldn't find anything specific. just people talking about deleting the .parentlock file etc. the only work around I found was creating a script that runs killall firefox first and then the program20:58
shadeslayersuman: if you didnt have a stable connection i would have advised a alternate CD...which has a upgrade script..20:59
Mamaroksuman: that was a bot message with instructions for you20:59
sumanshadeslayer: alrite..cool... thanks..... i will use the internet...20:59
sumanMamarok: duh-uh me...  thanks..20:59
Mamaroksuman: no problem :)21:00
oinercould anyone helpmeout on this topic ?21:00
oineri cant get my system fixed :S21:01
shadeslayersuman: just be sure you dont upgrade to 9.0421:01
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commander__i just loaded up kubuntu and they gave me updates but it 's sooo slow.why?21:08
Mamarokcommander__: what is slow, the updating?21:09
Mamarokcommander__: that depends on your internet connection and the mirror you are using21:10
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commander__well i'm @ a public library til my home hi speed internet service is back on21:10
commander__ but it still shouldn't be this slow21:11
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Mamarokcommander__: I can't tell, but a public library is not the right place for speedy updates, those are shared lines21:12
Mamarokso the more user, the slower21:12
commander__yeah i know now21:12
=== KubuntuStudioLiv is now known as lorenzo
lorenzociao ragazzi non mi funziona la scheda wireless del portatile21:13
sykeshould I report KDE 4.3 beta 2 issues into launchpad? that's where the "report a bug" menu item is taking me21:28
Mamaroksyke: yes, they should link back to bugzilla21:31
sykemamarok: ok, cool21:34
luis_ei guys i have 1 java problem21:44
luis_i already installe sun java 6, but i try opening this page: http://www.runescape.com/p=kKmok3kJqOeN6D3mDdihco3oPeYN2KFy6W5--vZUbNA/game.ws?j=121:44
luis_and says java is missing, :S21:44
sumanis there a chm viewer for kde??21:45
Peace-luis_: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras21:46
tomsdaleHas anyone midi sound on the headphones working?21:50
WalzmynI just fired my  computer up and it is running slow as freaking Christmas21:51
tomsdalehow does the midi out get routed to the soundcard - there are no settings concerning midi in KMix21:52
tomsdaleI hear something when I play a midi sound in my headphon but it's almost not audible.21:52
harjotplaese could some1 tell me what is the kubuntu equivalent of these two files21:53
harjot   d         /etc/gdm/Init/Default21:53
harjot h         /etc/gdm/PreSession/Default21:54
harjotignore the d & h21:54
harjotno1 knows????? *sigh * plz help21:55
waltzingalongharjot: not exactly the best way to go about getting help21:57
harjoti know21:57
harjotjust want to see hu will reply\21:57
waltzingalongbesides some of us joined after you apparently described the problem21:57
harjotok plz can i describe 2 u again??21:58
harjotignore the d & h21:58
harjotplaese could some1 tell me what is the kubuntu equivalent of these two files21:58
harjot h         /etc/gdm/PreSession/Default21:58
harjot   d         /etc/gdm/Init/Default21:58
waltzingalongharjot: i do not know. maybe someone in kde would know21:58
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harjotkde is that a server on irc???21:59
Guest96554hi, can you help me to install driver for my wifi card TL-WN610G?21:59
=== Guest96554 is now known as Peppinho
Peppinhohi, can you help me to install driver for my wifi card TL-WN610G?21:59
waltzingalongharjot: the channel yeah /join #kde21:59
harjotand what do they talk aabout there??21:59
harjotjust kde stuff?21:59
waltzingalongharjot: well the files you mentioned are both under /etc/gdm; gdm is the gnome display manager; the kubuntu equivalent is kde kdm22:00
harjoti know but i will ask them ty 4 ur help22:01
luis_Peace-: i cant still enter in the runescape javagame22:01
Peppinhodoes anyone know how install driver for a wifi card?22:02
luis_"java not installed in ur pc"22:02
tomsdaleok - regarding my midid - I don't have sound on my headphones at all22:02
tomsdaleI'm using pulse audio - how can this happen. I thought it's the hardware that routes detects whether a headphone is plugged in or not22:03
harjotPeppinho:  which driver card???22:04
Walzmynwhen i just rebooted, I got a "fail" on loading the AppArmor module - is this something I should be worried about?22:04
Peppinhoharjot: TP-link WN610G22:05
harjotPeppinho: let me see22:05
Peppinhoharjot: ok, thanks.. i'll be waiting 4u22:05
Peace-Peppinho: ?22:06
Peace-Peppinho: internal wifi ? or usb?22:06
harjotPeppinho:  atheros or tp-link (im confusED)22:06
=== Nathan is now known as Guest35573
Peppinhoharjot: it uses atheros chip but it's tp-link brand22:07
Peppinhoharjot: it is pmci22:07
harjotPeppinho: ar5212??22:08
Peppinhoharjot: where can I see it?22:08
Peppinhoharjot: can you help me?22:09
harjotPeppinho: tried madwifi yet???22:09
harjotPeppinho: since it is atheros chipset22:09
Peppinhoharjot: well I try to explain you my problem22:10
dhqis kde4 better and stable like kde322:10
Peppinhoharjot: the card seems work but I want to use kismet, do u know it?22:10
Peace-dhq: well wait for kde 4.322:10
Peppinhoharjot: well, before launching it it's necessary to set kismet.conf22:10
Peace-dhq: july (end)22:11
Peppinhoharjot: and it requires to set the SOURCE22:11
Peppinhoharjot: well, I'm not able to set it22:11
Peppinhoharjot: :(22:11
dhqPeace-: i was thinking of upgrading to jaunty22:11
dhqis it worth it22:11
harjotPeppinho: well i use atheros and so far things like injection to card dont work very well (aircrack-ng]22:11
Walzmyndhq kde4 is much better than when first released22:11
harjotPeppinho: ur card name [source] i would imagine be set to ath022:11
harjotlet me install kismet and try22:12
Peppinhoharjot: well can I write you the answer of "sudo kismet" command?22:12
harjotok i just got error too22:13
harjotuse pastbin22:13
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic22:13
harjotPeppinho: done yet?????????????????///?????????????????22:14
Peppinhoharjot: here http://pastebin.com/m5d35641d22:14
Peppinhoharjot:  and here the kismet.conf sudo gedit /etc/kismet/kismet.conf &22:15
Peppinhoharjot: did you see it?22:17
harjotPeppinho: my problemo is very similar22:17
Walzmynthis is maddening, why is my computer so slow?22:17
Peppinhoah ok22:17
Peppinhoharjot: so can we try to solve it?22:17
harjotPeppinho: ok22:17
PeppinhoI changed souce=none,none,addme with this one22:18
Peppinhoharjot: source=MadWifi-ng ,wifi0,Atheros22:18
Peppinhoharjot: but no solved22:18
harjotPeppinho: ur error sugggests that u have madwifi drivers but did u change kismet.conf???22:18
harjotmine says22:18
harjotoops soz 1 sec22:19
Peppinhoharjot: yes, I changes kismet.conf I read it in a wiki22:19
harjotPeppinho: wat do i put as source type???22:20
=== donavan_ is now known as donny
Peppinhoharjot: well, source type? Where? I cannot find it22:21
harjotin kismet.conf22:22
zidagarhello guys22:22
Peppinhoharjot: ok, I wrote the drivers and in detail, in my case: MadWifi-ng22:23
Peppinhoharjot: I send you my kismet.conf22:23
Peppinhoharjot: http://pastebin.com/m7a23c37f22:24
harjotPeppinho: how old r u??? im 1222:25
harjotPeppinho: because22:25
Peppinhoharjot: eh? wow I'm 2922:25
Peppinhoharjot: you are so young....22:25
harjotPeppinho: the con f u gave me shows -no offence- that urs isnt configed propelry22:25
harjotPeppinho: do u read the times???22:25
Peppinhoharjot: so? Do you know how can I config it?22:25
Peppinhoharjot: no why?22:26
Peppinhoharjot: I'm italian22:26
Peppinhoharjot: are u american?22:26
harjotheard of the spelling beee? uk >??22:26
harjotenglish [indian[sikh]]22:26
Peppinhoharjot: what is that?22:27
harjotPeppinho: didnt they teach u r.s / r.e??? it is the 5th largest religion in the work22:28
harjotworks 4 me yeah22:28
Peppinhoharjot: well probably in italy we know your religion using a different name22:28
waltzingalongPeppinho: harjot: #kubuntu-offtopic for general banter please22:29
Peppinhoharjot: :-)22:29
harjotPeppinho: done ur problem22:29
Peppinhoharjot: did u solve my problem?22:29
Peppinhoharjot: really?22:29
Walzmynharjot: don't shout22:30
Peppinhoharjot: are u there?22:30
harjotPeppinho: yeas22:30
harjotPeppinho: right22:30
harjotnow for the grizzly bit22:30
Peppinhoharjot: and what have I to do?22:30
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic22:30
harjoti show u22:31
Peppinhoharjot: I'm waiting for it :-)22:31
yoga2The icon of the Restart Button is missing in the Leave pane of the Application Launcher, how do I fix it?22:31
waltzingalongyoga2: using kde 4.2.90 (4.3beta2) with the oxygen icon set? yeah same here22:32
harjotPeppinho: http://paste.ubuntu.com/203803/22:32
yoga2waltzingalong: How do you set the icon?22:33
waltzingalongyoga2: it also appears with a question mark for me as well22:33
harjotPeppinho: make sure u delete the part upto source22:33
Walzmynyeah, icon's missing for me too22:34
Peppinhoharjot: do you mean I have to change the first 20 rows with yours?22:34
yoga2Walzmyn: are you using kde 4.3?22:34
harjotdo that22:34
Walzmynyoga2: yes22:34
harjotPeppinho: do that22:35
sfearsi'm having an issue with the desktop recovering after i return from a shell prompt.  the cursor is active but i only have a black screen.  It seems to be a compiz issue, no issues while running metacity.  can anyone help22:35
harjotPeppinho: or find the changes in my version and edit urs22:35
Peppinhoharjot: wow wow wow it works... great! But how did you do?22:35
Peppinhoharjot: are you sure you are 12?22:36
Peppinhoharjot: I'm feel myself so stupid22:36
Peppinhoharjot: :-)22:36
=== TMKCodes__ is now known as TMKodes
waltzingalongPeppinho: we all learned it somewhere else22:36
=== TMKodes is now known as TMKCodes
WalzmynPeppinho: don't inflate his ego anymore :)22:37
yoga2Walzmyn: Did you fix it?22:38
Walzmynyoga2: wasnt bothering me. I figured it'd get fixed when 4.3 went live22:39
waltzingalongyoga2: could check for reported bugs, try out branched 4.3 (tagged rc) or wait for the next wave of binaries22:39
PeppinhoWalzmyn: well, but she/he was great!22:40
Peppinhoharjot: thanks very very much my friend22:40
Peppinhoharjot: I hope to chat with you one more time :-)22:41
mojo_risinhi. akregator has started using 100% cpu and hangs; any idea on how to investigate this issue further?22:43
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lovrehi all22:45
luis_ei guys i have 1 java problem22:45
luis_i already installe sun java 6, but i try opening this page: http://www.runescape.com/p=kKmok3kJqOeN6D3mDdihco3oPeYN2KFy6W5--vZUbNA/game.ws?j=122:45
luis_and says java is missing, :S22:45
lovrei am wondering about Kmail, i have 3 identities, and when i go to New mail, i cant choose what identity i want to use to send the mail. I have 3 emails and i would like to control from what mail account i am sending the mail. ?22:46
=== TMKCodes__ is now known as TMKCodes
=== harjot_ is now known as harjot
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
luis_I have the runescape page: http://www.runescape.com/game.ws?j=1 but i cant open it because it says i dont have java, but i have already installe sun java 6 in kubuntu :S23:17
luis_i also installed the restricted extras, but nothing23:17
bla_what is a good C compiler23:21
luis_I have the runescape page: http://www.runescape.com/game.ws?j=1 but i cant open it because it says i dont have java, but i have already installe sun java 6 in kubuntu :S23:22
luis_i also installed the restricted extras, but nothing23:22
FloodBotK1luis_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:22
SSJ_GZbla_: gcc23:22
=== Don_Miguel is now known as BlinkyToon
=== donavan_ is now known as donny
luis_I have the runescape page: http://www.runescape.com/game.ws?j=1 but i cant open it because it says i dont have java, but i have already installe sun java 6 in kubuntu :S23:44
luis_i also installed the restricted extras, but nothing23:44
FloodBotK1luis_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:44
luis_lmao ignoramus is not here, thats why i dont got my answer :S23:47
luis_i will come when he is here, meanwhile i will go play runescape in vista lol bye23:48
GnuSebLet's be honest here though, if you know the answer is because you have already voluntarily looked for it unrecquiredly and if you're in this chat you're either to get help or to help voluntarily and without charge, so, is there an application I can convert different audio formats to AAC ?23:54

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