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arandhow can I add another package to a newly created bug report: Bug #39194906:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 391949 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-71 "nvidia-glx issues on GeForce 2 go" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39194906:49
wgrantarand: "Also affects distribution...". Or do you want to change it to a different package, removing the old one?06:50
arandwgrant: I'd like to add nvidia-glx-96 along with current -71 as affected.06:55
arandAh, figured it now, a bit odd to go for distro when I'm only adding anothe pkh06:57
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savvasIs this error known on launchpad code? I see a piece of coding above the header: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/unetbootin/trunk http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/7985/screenshotznp.png07:53
lifelesslooks like java script07:56
wgrantsavvas: There have been about 7 bugs filed about that so far.07:56
lifelessand it doesn't show up for me07:56
lifelesstry hitting ctrl-F507:56
wgrantlifeless: You're an ~admin.07:57
wgrantIt's only shown if you don't have launchpad.Edit on the series.07:57
lifelesswgrant: ah07:57
lifelesswgrant: thanks :)07:57
savvasthanks wgrant :)08:04
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drizztbsdi have a problem :)10:55
drizztbsdThe following source cannot be copied: dhcpcd 1:3.2.3-4~drizzt1 in karmic (a different source with the same version is published in the destination archive)10:58
drizztbsdbut in https://launchpad.net/~timothy-redaelli/+archive/ppa i have not dhcpcd10:58
wgrantdrizztbsd: Not even an old deleted one?10:58
drizztbsdyes, i have an old deleted one10:58
wgrantThat would do it.10:59
drizztbsdshould i wait some times to make the system purge?10:59
wgrantThe error message is slightly wrong, but it means pretty much what it says.10:59
drizztbsdor should i make a (useless) version bump?10:59
wgrantI'm pretty sure you'll never be able to have a source with the same version, because of the confusion that will cause.10:59
wgrantWhy is the version bump useless?11:00
drizztbsdok. thanks. i will do a version bump11:00
wgrantIt's a different package, isn't it?11:00
wgrantnoodles775: Ahhhh, I'm glad the package pages are finally get redesigned.11:03
noodles775wgrant: you don't miss much do you ;). If you've got thoughts and suggestions, please add them!11:04
noodles775wgrant: sorry for the scant notes... I just created the page to upload the photos...11:04
wgrantnoodles775: What's that table on the DSPR page?11:05
* noodles775 looks11:05
wgrantI don't see how the tick/cross makes sense.11:06
wgrantOh, are those representing the build status?11:06
noodles775wgrant: yes, trying to summarise all the binaries produced by the DSPR (and their states)11:08
noodles775Grr... forgot that f-spot doesn't rotate the original image...11:08
wgrantnoodles775: I strongly dislike F-Spot's approach at dealing with photos.11:11
wgrantnoodles775: Back to the build status... it's surely an implementation detail that the -doc is arch-all, and the build status is DAS-wide, so why show it in each row?11:12
wgrantI'd put a download link there, not a build status icon.11:12
noodles775wgrant: I thought that was what the dashes in intrepid-amd64/jaunty-lpia were indicating?11:15
wgrantnoodles775: They make sense if it's a build status matrix.11:17
wgrantBut the build statuses don't need to be represented in a matrix.11:17
noodles775wgrant: other thoughts on how could you summarise all the relevant information?11:18
wgrantnoodles775: So, I'd put the build status in the header, next to the DAS name. The ticks/crosses/dashes then get replaced with download or DASBPR:+index links, with the -doc package's intrepid/amd64 and jaunty/lpia columns somehow indicating that they are special.11:19
noodles775wgrant: I don't see how you could put the status in the header without collapsing multiple statuses (and hence not seeing which build failed etc.), but I'm probably not visualising your thoughts well...11:25
noodles775if you've got a minute markup the image in gimp and I'll upload your version to the page too.11:25
noodles775(sorry, *you* can upload your version :) )11:25
wgrantnoodles775: Sure.11:25
wgrantBut there's only one Build per DAS on that page, so there's only one status per DAS, so there should be no problem with putting it in each column header.11:27
wgrantBut let me attack it with GIMP.11:27
wgrantnoodles775: Ah, actually, that image is rotated. But Firefox doesn't respect the EXIF data. I smell a bug.11:28
* wgrant waits for slow Australian uploads...11:37
wgrantnoodles775: https://dev.launchpad.net/SoyuzPackageUI?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=package_release_details_wgrant.jpg11:38
wgrantThose squares are my realistic imitations of the LP binary package icons.11:38
wgrantAnd the lighter ones are my badly thought out way to represent that they're not really from that build.11:38
wgrant(those package icons are links to the DASBPR)11:41
noodles775bigjools: Regarding wgrant's mockup-suggestion above... do you remember why we needed to display the status in each row... I remember there being lots of discussion around that matrix display, but can't remember why?11:44
wgrantI thought there must have been a reason for it.11:44
wgrantBut I can't see why... it's all or nothing, apart from arch-indeps.11:44
noodles775Yeah, I'm pretty sure there was, but can't remember...11:44
noodles775beuno might have some thoughts too... I think he was keen for download links there too from memory ^^^11:46
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wgrantI'm torn over whether to give a view or download link. Maybe both, since the series name in the column header should make it wide enough.11:47
wgrantI guess if you don't link to the DASBPR view, you have to find some other place to link to it. That could be awkward.11:49
noodles775Unless it's possible to display/pull-in the relevant info in the drill-down for the binary?11:51
wgrantI guess.11:52
wgrantSpeaking of that... how do you plan to do that?11:52
wgrantThere are several possible choices for which data to show there.11:52
wgrantAs the BPRs from different DASs don't have to be anything like each other.11:52
noodles775huh? It's all generated from the one source package right?11:53
wgrantBut the binary information is generated by the source, not encoded in it.11:54
wgrantThey should generally be pretty similar, but dependencies often differ.11:54
noodles775Just dependencies? or other things too?11:54
wgrantAnything can. But not much does.11:55
noodles775I guess it's a matter of (1) what is most useful for the user, while also (2) what is possible within the constraints11:55
wgrantIt would be really nice if the data model was simple, with one build per architecture and all binary data matching. But that's not how things work :(11:56
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scut_tangjml: hey. It seems my branch is banned?13:49
scut_tangjml: I am robin13:49
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salgadoscut_tang, I don't think jml is around at this time.  maybe I could help you?14:13
bjsniderhow about adding support for html in ppa descriptions?14:20
salgadobjsnider, what exacly do you want HTML for?  just to add some hyperlinks or something else?14:23
bjsnidermaybe links14:24
bjsnidereven just bold/italic/underline would be nice14:24
salgadothat sounds feasible.  what do you think about that, bigjools?14:25
* bigjools reads scrollback14:25
bigjoolsyes, it would be nice14:25
bigjoolswe could support a limited subset of HTML14:26
wgrantI think there are more appropriate markup languages.14:26
bigjoolsplease file a bug14:26
bigjoolsplease file a bug saying you need markup, without specifying HTML :)14:27
bjsniderif i get html i can proceed to the next step: world domination14:27
bigjoolsJames Bond would win14:27
wgrantbigjools: While you're here... did you see noodles775's question earlier?14:27
bigjoolssort of but I am missing a bunch of context14:28
bjsnideryou all know to much now. i'll have to do something about that14:28
wgrantbigjools: Why does https://dev.launchpad.net/SoyuzPackageUI?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=package_release_details.jpg have all of the statuses split out?14:28
wgrantRather than something like https://dev.launchpad.net/SoyuzPackageUI?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=package_release_details_wgrant.jpg14:29
bigjoolsI don't remember14:31
bigjoolsthat was drawn up nearly 5 months ago!14:31
wgrantOh, I see.14:31
bigjoolsI'm kinda busy with other stuff right now, can you ping me next week and I'll re-read stuff over the weekend14:32
wgrantSure. Thanks.14:32
bigjoolswgrant: any of your input would be great though, we're implementing this stuff after we open source14:35
bjsnidersomeone suggested using Markdown in bug 30002, which is a different bug than mine but a similar request14:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 30002 in launchpad-foundations "Cannot add HTML markup (or other formatting) in descriptions" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3000214:42
wgrantbigjools: Although nobody seems to actually know exactly what is happening and when with regard to open sourcing any more...14:42
bigjoolswgrant: why do you say that?14:42
wgrantbigjools: All the concrete dates have been removed from the wiki, August is cited as a possibility, and things change every few days.14:43
bigjoolswgrant: well check with kfogel if you have questions, he's the person who edits that page14:45
wgrantbigjools: Thanks.14:46
wgrantkfogel: Around?14:46
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scut_tangsalgado: I am sorry to reply to you so late.15:24
salgadoscut_tang, no worries15:24
scut_tangsalgado: My situation is so complicated. jml knows more about that. Do you know when does he have time?15:27
salgadoscut_tang, later today, probably. right now it's quite late on his side15:28
scut_tangsalgado: OK, thank you ~15:34
kfogelwgrant: hey16:45
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mxpxpodif the subversion structure has changed for a project that is being mirrored on launchpad, how do I change the URL?17:33
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mxpxpodwhen I register a release URL pattern, can it have more than one * in it?18:18
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beunosinzui, ^18:32
sinzuimxpxpod: No, only one pattern. I believe there is a bug requesting support for multiples. The pattern is very flexible you can provide a general one that can match a lot of urls18:37
mxpxpodsinzui: I'm trying to match http://downloads.dojotoolkit.org/release-1.3.x/release-1.3.x-src.tar.gz18:37
mxpxpodsinzui: so I kind of need multiple *'s18:38
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sinzuimxpxpod The is a regular expression, a python one.18:43
mxpxpodsinzui: oh, you can use regexps?18:43
sinzuimxpxpod:  The example is showing .*, and the code certainly is a Python RE18:43
sinzuihttp://downloads.dojotoolkit.org/release-1.3\..*/release-1.3\..*-src.tar.gz is overly precise. '.' is both in the name and in the pattern So the match is fuzzier than the explaination appears18:45
mxpxpodand how often are those checked?18:46
sinzuimxpxpod: I think the productreleasefinder extracts a safe place to start crawling pages, and it if find a link that patches that pattern, it downloads the file and attaches it to the series18:47
mxpxpodsinzui: so, you have to have the series already created?18:48
sinzuimxpxpod: it runs twice a day, but it is batched. A site should be scanned a couple times a week18:48
mxpxpodwait, that's not what I mean18:48
mxpxpodwill it attach the files it finds to a release already created? or will it create releases for you?18:49
sinzuimxpxpod: series (where you set the url pattern) -> milestone -> release.18:49
sinzuiThe PRF will create the milestone if it does not find it.18:49
mxpxpodah, cool18:49
sinzuimxpxpod: that too. It makes milestones and release as needed18:49
sinzuimxpxpod: The PRF has been borked for a few weeks A fill fix will land early next week18:50
mxpxpodsinzui: thank you18:52
savvascan someone fix the "Read about uploading" link to https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA#Uploading  instead of "PPA/Uploading"? The wiki page https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA/Uploading redirects to the first page, but as https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA#Uploading?action=show&redirect=Packaging%2FPPA%2FUploading and doesn't go to the bookmark #Uploading in firefox 319:12
savvas(next to "Upload packages" at e.g. https://edge.launchpad.net/~medigeek/+archive/ppa )19:13
matsubarasavvas, could you file a bug for that and I'll ask mrevell to take a look for the next release?19:15
savvason my way :)19:15
savvasmatsubara: against launchpad project?19:15
savvasI mean.. file the bug for launchpad project19:16
matsubarasavvas, btw, add to the bug report that the link only appear to the owner of the PPA19:16
matsubarasavvas, yep, file on launchpad and I'll take on from there19:16
savvasok I'll let you know :)19:17
matsubarathanks savvas19:20
ftalol, debugging code visible in edge19:21
matsubarafta, it's fixed and will be re-rolled tomorrow19:23
matsubarafta, bug 39159419:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 391594 in launchpad-registry "Undelimited script included in product series pages" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39159419:23
savvasmatsubara: bug 39223919:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 392239 in launchpad "[PPA] "Read about uploading" link doesn't go to the anchor bookmark #Uploading" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39223919:23
matsubarathanks savvas19:24
savvassure, anytime!19:24
alkisgIn my PPA (https://launchpad.net/~ts.sch.gr/+archive/ppa) I have a package (sch-scripts - 9.04.6) which displays both "published" and "build status: building" - is this normal?19:29
matsubaraalkisg, it shows up as published for me19:30
alkisgmatsubara: I see the "building" icon in the "Build Status" column, and it doesn't display up with apt-get update... :(19:31
alkisgI tried refreshing the browser cache or using a different browser - I don't think it's a caching issue19:32
matsubaraalkisg, can you file a bug on soyuz <https://launchpad.net/soyuz/+filebug> and attach a screenshot?19:34
alkisgmatsubara: sure, thanks19:34
matsubaraalkisg, thank you19:34
alkisgmatsubara: https://bugs.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/392244 - thanks again19:41
ubottuUbuntu bug 392244 in soyuz "Package both "published" and "building" at the same time" [Undecided,New]19:41
matsubarathanks alkisg19:42
mxpxpodis there a way to move a project to another URL?19:47
salgadomxpxpod, you mean changing the last (the project's name) part of the URL?19:48
mxpxpodsalgado: yes19:48
salgadomxpxpod, yes, that's possible but that would cause existing links to break19:49
salgadomxpxpod, what's the project you want to rename, and what would it be renamed to?19:49
mxpxpodsalgado: oh, I was just wondering if it can be done19:50
salgadomxpxpod, ok, I asked because we can also add aliases to projects, so one project could have two different URLs19:53
mxpxpodoh, cool19:54
mxpxpodthe reason I ask is that at the dojo toolkit, we're looking at hosting methods... but we have kind of a strange set up... dojo and the dojo utilities are part of the "core", which means they should be under the "dojo" project in launchpad19:55
mxpxpodbut from what I can see, I can only register one thing with a project in dojo19:56
mxpxpoddoes that make sense?19:56
salgadomxpxpod, by project you mean a project group?19:57
mxpxpodI think so19:57
salgadomxpxpod, do you know what's the distinction between a project and a project group?19:57
mxpxpodI think so... firefox is a project, mozilla is the project group19:58
salgadoyeah, that's it.19:58
mxpxpodso, it sounds like I need a "dojotoolkit" project group19:58
salgadothat's what I was going to suggest19:58
mxpxpodhow do I go about creating a project group?20:00
salgadomxpxpod, you need to request it at https://launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion20:00
salgadoand then one of the admins will create it for you20:00
mxpxpodsalgado: thank you20:06
mxpxpodsalgado: now, I just wait? ;)20:09
salgadomxpxpod, yes. I'll assign it to the admins and you'll get an email once they've dealt with it20:13
Irunongamesi need to make someone a admin20:21
Irunongameson my launchpad20:22
bdmurrayIs there a limit to how many official tags that would display for a project?20:42
beunobdmurray, off the top of my head, no20:45
kfogelwgrant: I just sent a mail to launchpad-users@ about the flexibility in the open-sourcing date.21:00
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SoulBladeis there a preferred way to host a .zip file on launchpad?  it's basically a tgz and prebuilt binaries of source, so i dont really want to put it in with the source branch...23:24
RAOFSoulBlade: Throw it in the Downloads section?23:25
SoulBladeooh a downloads section23:25
SoulBladedidnt even know there was one23:25
SoulBlade<-- not smart23:25
thewrathhey all23:25
SoulBladeerr where do i go to actually upload the file?23:28
SoulBladeah nm23:31
lamalexdoes anyone know the name of the project for code hosting on lp?23:35
lamalexi want to file a bug23:35
lamalexthanks RAOF23:37
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Kangarooocan i ask question on launchpad and in where if question is about installing neatbeans and ruby on rails so i can programm RoR with Netbeans but in Ubuntu/Linux but with Canonical recomendet way/maintained way. So with apt-get or synaptic.23:42
wgrantbeuno: Should I still assign CSS sprite bugs to you immediately?23:49
thewrathhey guys i am using cygwin and bzr23:57
thewrathbut cygwin does not know how to handle ssh conenctions23:57

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