
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3
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pittiGood morning07:06
ajmitchmorning pitti07:28
pittihey ajmitch, how are you?07:29
ajmitchgood, how are you?07:29
pittigreat, thanks07:30
pittiin good hacking mood these days :)07:30
ajmitchexcellent :)07:30
* ajmitch is getting back into mangling packages for fun & profit07:30
StevenKajmitch: Profit, you say?07:35
ajmitchwell, that'd be nice07:37
ajmitchthough I do get to do a tiny bit of stuff with work07:38
ajmitchsince I tend to need things like apache2, mysql & php5 for work07:39
StevenKWrong channel for that :-P07:40
ajmitchI know :)07:41
ajmitchbut there are worse things for me to do, I'm sure07:43
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didrocksmorning o/08:10
huatsrobert_ancell: are you around ?08:21
robert_ancellhuats, yup08:21
huatsrobert_ancell: hey robert08:21
robert_ancellhuats, hows life?08:21
huatsjust to let you know that anjuta is updated08:21
huatsrobert_ancell: quite good :)08:22
huatsyou ?08:22
robert_ancellhuats, life is good here.  Looking forwards to some Northern hemisphere Summer :)08:23
huatsyou'll have that in GUADEC :)08:23
robert_ancellAnd I'm actually nearing the end of the compiz bugs! <150 to triage...08:23
huatscongrats !08:23
huatsactually I am in the northen hemispherebut it is very grey today08:24
huatsRegarding anjuta, right now I am waiting for someone to merge the anjuta branch  that I have created with the one of the desktop team08:24
huatsseb128: !08:24
seb128lut huats08:25
robert_ancellI created that branch, I guess we should delete it?08:25
seb128starting early today? ;-)08:25
robert_ancellseb128, hi08:25
seb128hey robert_ancell08:25
huatsrobert_ancell: no non don't delete it08:25
huatsseb128: indeed :)08:25
huatsrobert_ancell: keep that branch and someone will merge mine with yours...08:25
robert_ancellhuats, I was wondering if the ubuntu-desktop team is the correct group to own the branch - ideas anyone?08:26
seb128what package are you talking about?08:27
huatsrobert_ancell: it is the right one, anjuta is part of gnome08:27
huats(well from my point of view)08:27
seb128not really since the package is in universe and theorically those having upload right should have commit access too08:27
* robert_ancell has been putting many packages into bzr - I love bzr-buildpackage08:27
huatsseb128: ok08:27
seb128waiting for archive reorganization to get that solved08:27
robert_ancellseb128, that's what I was thinking - is there an appropriate group for package branches that are in universe?08:27
seb128the universe split is artificial, we will get a desktop team which has right on those packages soon I guess08:28
seb128not that I know about08:28
seb128but we can keep merging those until archive reorganization08:28
seb128ie use ubuntu-desktop even if that's not ideal08:28
robert_ancellAt least branches are easy to transfer08:28
huatsseb128: so I think it won't harm to keep anjuta in the desktop branch since it is a good thing to have that in bzr08:28
robert_ancellseb128, I've got compiz to <500 bugs08:29
seb128robert_ancell, waouh!08:29
robert_ancell(and not by just closing them all :))08:29
huatsseb128: same question about glom, can I continue to track someone to create the glom branch in the desktop team ?08:29
seb128not closing, just reassigning to xorg or drivers?08:30
huatsseb128: or incomplete :D08:30
seb128huats, I don't care about this one and I think it can stay out of the vcs but that's only my opinion08:30
huatsseb128: ok08:30
robert_ancellwell, some went to xorg... But there are a lot of duplicates too08:31
* huats thinks that seb128's opinion matters a bit :P08:31
seb128robert_ancell, did you find any interesting bugs to fix on the way?08:31
seb128robert_ancell, if you have some time to look at make compiz start faster that would be nice too08:32
robert_ancellseb128, yes, there are a shortlist of ~10 I want to look at.  Two of them have been marked papercuts08:33
robert_ancellI'm not really interested in investing too much time in performance until we know what the future of the 0.8 series is (and compiz in general).  I suspect we could waste a lot of time in it08:33
seb128well we have this 10 seconds target for karmic+108:34
robert_ancellAlso to make things really annoying compiz doesn't run on my hardware currently which makes testing hard.  I need to ask mvo how to get it to run with software rendering or something08:34
seb128and it seems we will not switch to any other compiz codebase this cycle not next one08:34
seb128not this cycle because there is nothing ready to switch08:35
robert_ancellseb128, I'll look at performance but it seems to me there are more important stability and usability bugs at present08:35
seb128and not next cycle because a lts is not the cycle to switch08:35
seb128alright, that's fair enough08:35
robert_ancellI think the best thing we could do is remove ccsm from the repositories entirely - that would reduce the number of bugs massively!!08:36
seb128we just have people wanting those fast start very much so if we find some easy targets to make things faster we should look at that too08:36
seb128because the tools is buggy? or because many of the bugs are due to people playing with weird options?08:36
robert_ancellthe number of bugs which go: "If you enable a+b+c+d and disable e and wait for 9.2 seconds then something obscure happens..."08:37
robert_ancellgive everyone levers and they love to pull them08:37
seb128well don't give them the option and they will get it by some other crackful way08:37
didrockshey seb128 and robert_ancell08:38
seb128we could have some apport hook to auto-tag bugs when some options are on08:38
robert_ancellyes, we need to detect they're doing it and pop up a dialog saying "bad user! No support for you!"08:38
seb128well apport can do that08:38
seb128so if we decide some options are too buggy we could display a "try without that option before opening a bug"08:39
robert_ancellseb128, it's on my burndown chart08:39
seb128hey mvo08:39
robert_ancelldidrocks, hey08:39
seb128lut didrocks08:39
mvohey seb128 and robert_ancell08:39
robert_ancellmvo, is there a way to run compiz in software rendering so I can test functionality and be sure it's not a driver issue?08:40
robert_ancellmvo, morning08:40
seb128didrocks, gnome-python-desktop didn't build because it wants bug-buddy which is in universe08:40
seb128didrocks, any reason why it needs to be installed to build?08:40
didrocksseb128: hum? normally, gnome-python-desktop doesn't build-dep on bug-buddy :/08:43
didrockslet me check08:43
bigonseb128: he, any objection if I upload a new revision of empathy pkg with webkit support as the pkg still in universe08:43
seb128didrocks, so soyuz when crazy08:44
seb128bigon, no, got for it08:44
Zdrabigon: do we have geoclue/champlain in karmic too?08:44
bigonI will drop libidicate patch too, cassidy was not happy with it yesterday08:44
bigonZdra: it will go in the ppa in a first time08:44
Zdrabigon: it got applied in karmic's package?08:45
bigon(and the ppa one)08:45
Zdrabigon: what's the point of proposing a patch upstream, get rejected with a list of comment long as the bible if it's applied in packages?08:45
seb128Zdra, it was applied in the package before anybody commented on it on the upstream bug08:46
Zdraseb128: and?08:46
seb128and that's not a constructive comment08:46
Zdraseb128: that means the patch is perfect?08:46
seb128how people can know there will be comments if they are not there yet?08:46
Zdraseb128: don't propose upstream if you don't wait for the reply...08:46
seb128welcome to reality08:47
seb128we have fixes waiting for upstream for years08:47
seb128should we stop fixing any bug or doing any change waiting for upstream to maybe reply a day?08:47
Zdraespecially since we get bug reports because of that patch08:47
seb128we do changes, upload and send the change upstream, and update when we get comments08:47
bigonI have another issue08:48
bigonenabling geoloc and webkit and webkit add symbols to library08:48
seb128don't enable geoloc08:48
seb128lut baptiste08:49
bigonyeah missing () around geoloc :)08:49
bigonbut if we disable webkit in the futur it will breaks API08:49
baptistebigon: I had a strange issue with latest empathy in karmic (pushed yesterday) the UI was not visible neither the icon in the tray08:49
seb128is there anything making use of those apis right now?08:49
baptistesalut seb12808:49
bigonseb128: non08:49
seb128so it's not really an issue for now08:49
bigonbaptiste: it's maybe related to the indicate patch, I will remove it in the next upload08:50
Zdrabaptiste: that's because ubuntu apply patches without taking care of upstream comments08:50
chrisccoulsonseb128 - on the subject of upstream changes, I'm going to send a patch upstream later which resolves 337441. do you want to apply the patch in Ubuntu or wait for some upstream comments?08:51
seb128Zdra, stop this fus08:51
chrisccoulsongood morning btw08:51
seb128Zdra, stop this fud08:51
bigonZdra: ... it was before cassidy comments it08:51
seb128Zdra, that's not constructive behaviour08:51
baptisteZdra: this is because you're too slow to answer :)08:51
Zdrabigon: we made comments ages ago08:51
seb128bug #33744108:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 337441 in gnome-settings-daemon "Low disk space warning "Cancel" and "OK" buttons do the same thing" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33744108:51
seb128Zdra, and the version uploaded is exactly the one you commented on?08:52
seb128chrisccoulson, wait for upstream comments I would say08:52
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, no problem. it's quite a big patch08:52
Zdraseb128: well, obviously the guy who made the patch didn't test it08:52
Zdraseb128: it crash, it hide status icon08:53
seb128kenvandine, ^08:53
Zdraseb128: and then it's upstream who gets bugs08:53
seb128Zdra, you win nothing going the confrontational way there08:53
seb128let's calm down and fix issues08:53
Zdraseb128: 2nd time ubuntu add patch in its package for empathy without taking care of upstream08:54
bigonZdra: cassidy comment 2009-06-24 16:58 UTC, changelog entry Tue, 23 Jun 2009 11:43:15 +020008:54
Zdraseb128: 2nd time the patch has to be reverted08:54
Zdra(hm, not sure the 1st got reverted in the end...)08:54
seb128Zdra, second time, trying to dictate us what to do is not constructive behaviour08:54
seb128Zdra, the patch has been added by bigon btw08:55
mvorobert_ancell: uh, not that I know of - I use different machines with different video cards to test08:58
didrocksseb128: I updated the gnome-python-desktop bzr branch. I didn't pay attention to this uneeded build-dep I have already removed before the remerge with debian :/ It should be fixed now09:19
seb128didrocks, ok thanks09:20
didrocksseb128: btw, that's strange that I didn't received the soyuz FTBFS... I checked my spam too :/09:20
didrocksseb128: sorry for the extra work09:20
seb128didrocks, it didn't ftbfs so it didn't email09:20
seb128didrocks, I was just surprised to not see the binarines in the new queue09:20
seb128so I checked the build logs09:20
seb128it's dep-waiting on bug-buddy09:20
didrocksah, ok :)09:21
didrocksI bumped the version number, thinking it had FTBFS, is it still necessary in this case?09:21
seb128yes you can't overwritte a source09:21
didrocksok, even if binaries weren't published09:22
* didrocks returns to his strike with {site,dist}-packages :)09:23
seb128mvo, could you make the "do you want to reboot now" dialog to be shown *after* the upgrade and not while things are still being configured?09:31
seb128mvo, so people clicking on it don't reboot while update-manager was still working09:32
mvoseb128: that should already be the case09:32
seb128not sure on karmic09:32
mvoseb128: when did you see this behaviour? is it reproducable?09:32
mvojaunty too09:32
seb128not there on karmic09:32
seb128I get it almost daily on karmic09:33
* baptiste seen it in hardy yesterday :)09:33
seb128it seems that once the linux upgrade is configure it displays the dialog09:33
seb128but update-manager still configure packages for a minute after that09:33
seb128configure -> configured09:33
seb128I used synaptic right now though09:33
seb128so maybe it's specific to synaptic09:34
seb128but I think I got it with update-manager earlier this week09:34
mvoseb128: thanks, I investigate, it really should only show after everything else is finished09:35
seb128is there any log that would be useful for debugging?09:35
seb128I've done my daily upgrade now so I can't get one now09:35
seb128but for the next time I get the issue09:35
mvoseb128: I can add a debug switch for it, but the theory goes that a pending reboot is only shown after "/var/lib/update-notifier/dpkg-un-stamp" changed, and that should only change after dpkg is finished with its operation09:38
seb128mvo, I will keep an eye on it09:39
mvoseb128: thanks, I will watch out for it too, the code looks ok, but that does not mean it has no bugs :)09:40
seb128mvo, maybe I'm wrong on what update-manager was doing, maybe that was triggers?09:40
seb128mvo, the disk was still busy and update manager still showing the progress dialog, not the "done"09:41
seb128mvo, would the dpkg stamp update before triggers?09:41
mvoseb128: let me check09:42
=== cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson
* asac extended lunch (running some errands and getting lunch afterwards) ... bbl09:58
cassidyZdra: to be fair, I did my full review after the patch has been included in the package and kenvandine has been very responsive so far. Don't be too harsh with them10:14
Laneypidgin fix time!10:39
Laneycan someone approve the release tasks?10:39
seb128Laney, bug #nnn?10:39
Laneybug 38932210:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 389322 in pidgin "Yahoo server authentication changed: Pidgin =<2.5.6 will not connect to Yahoo! servers." [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38932210:39
seb128pitti, ^ what do you think?10:40
seb128I guess it's a good SRU candidate for all stables?10:40
pittisimilar to the ICQ ones10:41
seb128pitti, want to accept the nominations? I will do the sponsoring once ready10:41
* pitti approves tasks10:41
* seb128 has some webbrowser issue right now10:41
pittihm, dapper desktop is about to EOL10:41
* seb128 kicks epiphany10:41
pittibut let's fix it there, as a courtesy10:41
LaneyI didn't test if it applies there yet anyway10:42
seb128is anybody else having issue with combo boxes on launchpad being "stucked" often?10:43
* Laney figures out viewmtn10:43
seb128ie not accepting changes until the page is refreshed10:43
pittiseb128: hm, never saw that; which combobox in particular?10:43
seb128pitti, all the bug settings, importance, status, etc10:43
pittihm, I do that all the time10:43
seb128it does change to the picked value10:43
pittiworks fine here (firefox)10:44
seb128could be an epiphany-browser specific issue10:44
LaneyIs there a known gtk bug with comboboxes btw? I've seen a couple of applications (claws-mail and banshee) closing when I click on them sometimes10:44
seb128I've also focus issue, sometime I'm typing a comment and focus moves somewhere else, ie text stop being written10:44
Laneycould be coincidence10:44
seb128Laney, bug #39139810:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 391398 in gtk+2.0 "Applications segfault with gtk+ version 2.17.2 when selecting listbox values" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39139810:44
seb128Laney, you are welcome to open a bug on bugzilla if you get the issue, I don't get it there10:45
seb128some people say having it when using scrolling on combos10:45
seb128but it's stable there10:45
LaneyI'll try, it doesn't trigger apport though10:45
seb128it's an abort not a crash10:45
Laneyand I can't reliably repro10:45
seb128vuntz, hey10:47
Laneyah, the banshee-daily build does it10:47
* Laney reports upstream10:47
seb128I tried to do combo scrolling in evince and nautilus but it's stable10:48
LaneyInstall banshee-daily, edit-> preferences-> click top combo10:49
vuntzseb128: bla10:49
baptistecoucou vuntz10:51
Laneylooks like gnome bug 586408?10:54
ubottuGnome bug 586408 in GtkComboBox "transmission crashed with SIGSEGV while saving a file" [Critical,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=58640810:54
Laneyand bug 38926510:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 389265 in gtk+2.0 "transmission crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38926510:54
Laneythe pidgin patch is pretty large11:42
pittiI need to leave for a while, lunch and doctor appointment11:56
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
seb128lunch time bbl12:11
rodrigo_where does dch get my email address from? it always uses rodrigo@cervinia (cervinia is my hostname)12:34
pochurodrigo_: DEBEMAIL12:34
pochuand DEBFULLNAME for your name12:34
pochuhi btw :)12:34
rodrigo_hi pochu12:35
rodrigo_pochu: environment vars you mean?12:35
pochuor in ~/.devscripts12:35
rodrigo_thanks :)12:35
pochuI think it's documented in the end of dch(1)12:35
asacpochu: can we move liferea to webkit or something?12:42
chrisccoulsonpitti - you're a G1 fan aren't you?12:54
rodrigo_to upload a package to my PPA for both jaunty and karmic, is it enough to just change the distro in debian/changelog and submit twice?12:54
rodrigo_chrisccoulson: he is, he even looks like he's working for Google, since he convinced me to buy one :)12:55
chrisccoulsonhave you seen the HTC Hero?12:55
chrisccoulsonit looks beautiful. i want to get rid of my G1 now ;)12:55
rodrigo_hmm, no haven't seen it12:56
rodrigo_my carrier provider only has the HTC dream I think12:56
pochuasac: yes, we need an update to 1.612:56
pochuasac: a merge from Debian experimental would be enough, but I'd rather we update to 1.6.0rc512:56
didrocks[14:02] <pochu> asac: yes, we need an update to 1.612:57
pochuasac: since 1.5.something we're webkit-only12:57
didrocksoupss, sorry, playing with putty :)12:57
didrockshey pochu o/12:57
seb128didrocks, fix your clock it's 13:5812:57
pochudidrocks: hi :)12:57
pochuI have 13:56 here :(12:57
didrocksseb128: tell it to huats, it's his server (I use my port 443 @home :))12:57
didrockseven with that, he is always late :p12:58
seb128ah ok ;-)12:58
asacpochu: good news. will you prepare 1.6.0?13:02
pochuasac: 1.6.0rc5 is prepared in git for Debian, just needs an upload13:05
pochuasac: I'll try to get that uploaded and then we just need to merge it13:05
pochuhow does it sound?13:05
asacpochu: what changes prevent a sync still? notifications?13:05
pochuno, that's upstream already13:06
pochuthere's a local "ubuntu-feedlist" patch13:07
pochunot sure about the other changes13:07
pochuthere's no more LUA 5.0 support13:07
pochubut 5.1 in Ubuntu is in universe13:07
asaccan we demote 5.1 in turn?13:08
asacerr 5.013:08
pochuI dunno if there's anything else using it13:08
pochuotherwise, yes13:08
pochuwe could demote 5.0 and promote 5.1 I guess13:08
asachmm lua 5.1 has quite a large stack of bin packages13:08
pochuor just demote liferea for the meantime13:09
pochuthis is just pointless with the archive reorg13:09
pochuor we can disable lua support for now13:09
asacso MIRs will go away. will there be anything similar in turn?13:09
pochuwe have a bunch of options ;)13:09
baptisteasac: one point for blueman, it uses obex-data-server, gnome-bluetooth would require obexd, and we don't know if obex-data-server and obexd can be side by side. but I doubt as they claim the same dbus "namespace"13:09
pochuasac: no idea... cjwatson should know :)13:10
baptistecan be *installed* side-by-side13:10
baptiste(I am answering to you with one or 2 days lag, sorry)13:10
pochubaptiste: so it's not decided yet what will be shipped with karmic?13:10
pochuI thought it was going to be gnome-bluetooth13:10
asacpochu: we wanted to evaluate this carefully13:11
asacblueman has more features and wasnt considered when we looked at it13:11
asac(came in late)13:11
asachowever, gnome-bluetooth is gnome13:11
baptistepochu: the decision is not in my hand :), I'm just try to gather information and know what are the problems we could faced in the implementation13:11
baptistegnome-bluetooth as the advantage to be more gnome-"centric" (use infrastructe, developped by a RedHat developper)13:12
baptistehello asac by the way13:12
asachi ;)13:12
asacbaptiste: yeah. but blueman seems to be more featureful ... but i want to understand why both projects exist before deciding13:13
asacand check why they don't join efforts13:13
asaci assume that blueman was forked when the gnome-bluetooth guy still hoped that they could improve bluez-gnome13:14
pochuso blueman is also a bluez fork?13:15
asaci dont know yet ;)13:16
asacthats what i want to find out. it definitly rocks out of the box ;)13:16
seb128it's an intel project no?13:16
kenvandineZdra, what is the bug?13:17
asacseb128: i dont think so. the Copyright is assigned to the developers and not intel13:17
asacblueman is python13:18
seb128ok, I'm probably mixing that with some other project announced recently then13:18
seb128connman could be13:18
asacconnman is intel13:18
seb128ok I was probably thinking about this one then13:19
* rodrigo_ submits couchdb-glib to revu and prays for not breaking anything13:22
rodrigo_once accepted in REVU I just need to file bugs with debdiff's for updates, right?13:26
baptisteseb128: I gues you've mixed with ophono and connman?13:26
seb128baptiste, you lag13:26
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
seb128baptiste, read backlog?13:26
asacpochu: so all in all we will get liferea-webkit in ~1 week? is that a good guess?13:29
cjwatsonasac,pochu: not quite sure yet. I would expect that the security team will still want to have an opportunity to inspect packages that they're going to have to support in the future13:29
cjwatsonit just means that it's applied to a different set13:30
asacso its more like "seed inclusion report" ?13:30
cjwatsonI wouldn't use that term. product, maybe13:31
pochuasac: yes, that should be doable13:31
cjwatsoni.e. we're happy to include this package in the Ubuntu desktop product13:31
pochuasac: if you're in a hurry a merge now will do13:31
asacright. i first wrote "product inclusion report" ... but then i realised that not all seeds are actually products13:32
asaclike xubuntu et al13:32
asacso maybe its "canonical support report" ;)13:32
cjwatson#include <usual-concern.h> :-)13:33
asacpochu: i am not in a hurry. just want to check where i should spend my time on for the ffox 3.5 by default transition13:33
cjwatsonI'd rather it be in terms of Ubuntu than in terms of Canonical; not all the MIR terms are about Canonical being willing to support something - many of them are simply quality guidelines13:33
cjwatsonXubuntu isn't subject to MIRs right now, and does not need to be subject to an analogue of them post-archivereorg13:34
asachmm. ok. always though that main ment that canonical implicitly committed to provide security support13:34
cjwatsonthey might want to institute something similar, but that's up to them13:34
cjwatsonmain has meant lots of things13:34
cjwatsonone of the reasons we want to reorganise it :)13:34
pittichrisccoulson: yes :)14:17
seb128hggdh, hi, would you be interested to work on a evolution ppa with evolution-bonobo-slay builds?14:30
seb128and maybe eds-dbus if that's ready to be tested too14:30
seb128ivanka, hi14:32
seb128ivanka, about bug #389926, I'm not sure it's "obscuring navigation", it's just than most users care about their user directory and system install layout is something they don't want to know about or are not interested in14:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 389926 in hundredpapercuts "Nautilus browser's pathbar doesn't display the entire path, even when it can" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38992614:33
seb128ivanka, the rational for the current behaviour is that your anchor point is your user directory, not the filesystem where you never go14:33
seb128ivanka, note that the gtk fileselectors have the same behaviour14:34
* ivanka reading, looking, thinking14:35
rickspencer3pitti: I see lots of "dones" on automagic python!14:35
rickspencer3nice :)14:35
seb128hey rickspencer314:35
rickspencer3hi seb12814:36
rickspencer3kenvandine: hi14:36
kenvandinehey ri14:37
seb128kenvandine, is your empathy libnotify use optional?14:37
seb128ie can I tell it to still show a notification area icon14:37
kenvandineno... it needs to be though14:37
kenvandinegoing to talk to ted about that14:37
* seb128 hates the message indicator behaviour14:37
kenvandineyou can yes14:37
kenvandinein the prefs14:37
kenvandineif you uncheck us the indicator in the prefs you get the old icon14:38
seb128I can't get the messages in the indicators but still the icon though?14:38
hggdhseb128, yes, no prob14:38
kenvandinebut, based on that bug upstream, i think we should check if the indiciator applet is running and fall back14:38
rickspencer3kenvandine:  I spent yesterday hacking couchdb into quickly14:38
rickspencer3couchdb is, indeed, very cool14:38
kenvandineseb128, if you uncheck that option, it ignores the indicator and uses the old icon in the tray14:39
kenvandinerickspencer3, awesome14:39
rickspencer3so I made the default preferences dialog use it automatically, and use it in the tutorial14:39
seb128kenvandine, I did that now, much better, thanks14:39
pittihey rickspencer314:39
rickspencer3hi pitti14:39
kenvandinerickspencer3, that is what i keep hearing... ryan the gwibber guy was skeptical... but then he tried using it and just fell in love14:39
seb128I don't get use to the message indicator, it's so annoying to open the buddy list14:39
pittirickspencer3: new p-d-extra uploaded to Karmic today14:39
kenvandineseb128, well i agree with you there... it should always show it... not toggle imho14:40
rickspencer3pitti: is it ready for a quickly wrapper?14:40
* pitti is still struggling with USB wreckage in karmic, which causes his keyboard/mouse/docking station to fail14:40
kenvandinebut tedg disagrees :)14:40
pittirickspencer3: I can build jockey with it now14:40
kenvandinepitti, awesome14:40
rickspencer3pitti: that is really inspiring14:40
pittirickspencer3: no debianization yet, but setup.py build/install/sdist work fine now14:40
pittiso, bye-bye setup.py, setup.cfg, POTFILES.in, and MANIFEST.in14:40
pittiwell, setup.py needs the metadata, of course14:41
pittiright now, version and name14:41
tedgkenvandine: I'm cool with changing that.  We need a general policy though, so we don't end up doing it different ways in different apps.  mpt, are you going to put that in the MessagingMenu spec?14:41
rickspencer3of course, but it's a simple format, and a single place to do it14:41
kenvandinetedg, please please.... i absolutely hate that behavior!14:41
kenvandinealmost as much as git :)14:41
kenvandinetwo clicks to get my buddy list is 1 too many :)14:42
seb128yes, same here14:42
seb128I often double click on the notification area icon to see who is online14:42
kenvandinesame here14:42
kenvandineand i never minimize the buddy list14:42
kenvandineso it is just behind windows14:42
kenvandineso always needs two clicks14:43
mpttedg, sorry, just read the backlog twice and I'm still not sure what "that" is14:43
mptDo you mean access to buddy lists and equivalents?14:43
kenvandinempt, yes14:44
ivankaseb128, hi14:44
tedgmpt: Yes, and whether the menu item toggles or always brings to front (or attempts to)14:44
kenvandineright now clicking it toggles14:44
kenvandinenot raises the buddy list14:44
ivankaseb128, hi14:44
* kenvandine thinks if you click it... you expect to see it :)14:44
seb128ivanka, hello14:44
tedgseb128: Does the empathy-megaphone applet solve that problem?14:44
mpttedg, yes, I guess we should have a MessagingMenuDesignGuidelines like the NotificationDesignGuidelines14:45
seb128tedg, dunno about this thing14:45
kenvandinei never found that applet very useful14:45
seb128what does it do?14:45
kenvandinei think it lets you list certain contacts in an applet14:45
tedgseb128: Basically let you assign users to have icons on your panel.  They saturate when they come online.14:45
tedgseb128: The idea is you can track the status of people important to you.14:45
kenvandineoh... that applet won't even load here!14:46
tedgkenvandine: Oh, that's a distro problem.  You should talk to them ;)14:46
seb128tedg, oh no, I don't want 30 icons on my gnome-panel14:46
seb128tedg, I'm just curious and sometime bored so I look to who is online or busy etc14:46
tedgseb128: You have 30 girlfriends? ;)14:46
tedgseb128: The idea is it's the most important folks.14:47
seb128tedg, no ...14:47
seb128tedg, right but that's not why I open the buddylist, ie it doesn't reply to my usecase14:47
ivankaseb128, it seems to me that Nautilus is the root of many paper cuts :)14:47
seb128ivanka, yeah, I noticed by the recent email flood I got on it, lot of people having random wishlists for it14:48
tedgseb128: Ah.  So you're looking at it as more of a general update.  No watching for people.14:48
seb128tedg, just being curious about who is around, who is na and with what reason, etc14:50
andreasnivanka, did you get to make use of the python-ui-lab-thing (pongo)?15:16
seb128jcastro, hey15:19
seb128jcastro, did you get any news from banshee upstream about making a clear 1.6 schedule?15:20
jcastroseb128: I want to nail them down at guadec, but no, they haven't commmitted15:20
seb128ok thanks15:20
jcastroseb128: one of them said that by then a 1.5 release would be fine but I am not a fan of that15:20
seb128me neither15:20
jcastroseb128: oh, RAOF has a gapless patch somewhere15:21
ivankaandreasn, sorry - on a call = mpt and I tried it - if he is around maybe he can update15:24
mvois anyone working on the liferea merge?15:24
seb128mvo, pochu I think15:25
mvothanks seb12815:26
seb128you're welcome15:26
seb128mvo, looking for work to do? ;-)15:26
mvoseb128: going over the open merges15:26
seb128mvo, you can do the scim one I guess15:26
mvotoday is the day ;)15:26
mvonot scim15:26
seb128why not?15:27
didrocks(or some sponsoring :p)15:27
seb128I'm listed as sponsor there ;-)15:27
mvobrings back bad memories ;)15:27
seb128mvo, pycairo is waiting for sponsoring and on the list otherwise15:27
mvothanks, if noone is faster I look at it later15:29
seb128mvo, is there an easy way to see installed packages depending on libfoo directly?15:42
dobeyseb128: apt-cache rdepends libfoo doesn't do that?15:43
seb128dobey, no, it lists all the packages in the archive depending on it15:43
seb128I want only the ones installed on my system15:44
seb128I guess grep-status should work15:46
* seb128 tries15:46
seb128ok, after cleaning a bunch of ^rc packages that works15:48
pittiseb128: what I usually do is dpkg -P libfoo and read the packages in the error message15:50
mvoseb128: apt-cache rdepends --installed does not work?15:51
seb128pitti, grep-status works fine once you cleaned the rc list15:51
seb128mvo, works thanks, I didn't know about --installed15:52
seb12824 sources packages still using gnome-vfs15:53
seb128in fact once removing bindings, etc it's some 16 sources15:54
seb128mvo, update-notifier being one of those15:55
seb128asac, you are the other gnomevfs user apparently with xulrunner and firefox ;-)16:06
seb128asac, no need to try to hard to get ride of those we still need to keep because of bindings and libgnomeui16:08
asacthere was work going on somewhere to move it to gio16:08
seb128but using gio would be nicer indeed16:08
asacbut that seems to not even have happened on trunk yet16:08
seb128compiz-gnome depends on libgnomevfs2-0 too for some reason16:09
asacso it will not go away for 3.5 for sure. we should remember to ensure that its gone in next release though16:09
seb128asac, would be nice to not have to keep gnomevfs as supported for the next lts if not required16:09
seb128asac, ie cleaning it by karmic+1 would be nice16:09
asacseb128: unlikely that we will get next firefox release for karmic+1 ... that would require a quick turnaround from mozilla. at least it would be really tight schedule. i think they want a 9 month cycle by default16:11
asacbut they tend to extend that by a few month, which would be too late for us16:11
seb128asac, hum ok16:11
seb128still having gnomevfs around for a while then16:11
asacbecause they release when they have no release critical bugs16:11
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tgpraveen1hi guys anyone know why with the latest update from the telepathy ppa in jaunty empathy does not have support for messaging indicator?16:34
seb128because there is no good patch for that yet ?16:35
tgpraveen1seb128: ok.thx16:37
didrocks>qzqy not there17:20
didrocksgrrr, I hate windows and switching to qwerty keyboard :/17:21
Tm_Tyou don't have to use qwerty in windows either (:17:21
Tm_Tor so I heard17:21
seb128is anybody interested to work on packaging mutter an gjs?17:21
pochuasac: there's also this hildon stuff for lpia17:25
pochuso we will still need a merge17:25
rickspencer3pitti: kenvandine: yeah, I was too embarrassed to suggest adding the U1 packaging to the burndown chart, so thanks for that pitti ;)17:31
kenvandinei think it is the ideal way to track it17:32
rickspencer3kenvandine: do you feel like you have enough to do between now and desktop summit?17:32
kenvandinei could use a few assistants :)17:33
asaclool: do we still want to support hildon (in particular for liferea)?17:45
loolasac: Mobile team doesn't do that any more, but Mer folks might be interested17:45
seb128pitti, ok, I get the dockstation issue too after a reboot17:45
loolasac: If it needs non-negligible work to keep, disable it and open a bug perhaps?17:46
asaclool: who is Mer? downstream?17:46
seb128asac, lusers17:47
asacdoes anyone actively maintain the hildon stack in either ubuntu or debian?17:47
asacif not we should drop that imo17:48
seb128asac, no17:49
kklimondahey, any chance I could get a sponsor for transmission merge? it fixes few crashes, and a lot of small bugs from LP..18:03
pittikenvandine: don't do full MIRs for trivial things like python bindings or icontool; just a MIR bug with a quick bug review will do for those18:16
kenvandinepitti, ok18:16
pittiseb128: bug 392144, I added a new udev rule which unbreaks this, FYI18:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 392144 in udev "[Dell Latitude D430] recent hid2hci upgrade breaks docking station USB input devices" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39214418:16
pittiseb128, rickspencer3: \o/18:17
pittijust discussed bug 123020 with Julain18:17
pittiJulian, even18:17
pittilooks like we'll get it by July 21st18:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 123020 in soyuz "support shipping verbatim files in the exported tarballs" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12302018:17
* pitti looks forward to more CD space18:17
pittiok, gotta run; friend's b-day18:17
pittisee you tomorrow!18:17
rickspencer3bye bye pitti18:18
rickspencer3pitti: great about the gnome-help-files18:19
loolasac: pkg-maemo in Debian takes care of the hildon stack18:32
loolNot of all hildon apps though18:32
asaclool: ah. so hildon is actually merged/synched down?18:32
asacand we can push hildon patches up?18:32
asacto debian18:32
loolasac: libhildon yes; liferea hildon, why not, depends on who deals with liferea in debian I gues18:33
pochuRodrigo Gallardo18:34
pochuand maybe me soon18:34
asacpochu: ok can you try to push that to debian?18:34
pochuwhat is it useful for?18:35
pochumobile devices?18:35
ccheneywhy does karmic want my password everytime i plug something in to mount18:55
chrisccoulsonccheney - i think thats a known devicekit-disks issue19:03
chrisccoulsonit's identifying your external media as an internal drive i think19:03
chrisccoulsonhmmm, maybe it';s not known then19:05
pochuasac: what's the patch useful for?19:10
ccheneychrisccoulson: ah19:11
chrisccoulsonccheney - i'm sure i saw that issue documented somewhere before, but i cant find it now19:12
ccheneychrisccoulson: ok19:12
chrisccoulsonyou might want to report it or speak to pitti - he might already know the answer19:12
asacpochu: most likely for hildon19:14
asacpochu: so if you ewant to use liferea on a hildon desktop you need that19:14
ehazletti'm looking for a handful of beta testers for a project... anyone interested?19:16
pochuasac: I guess I need an n810 :-)19:17
pochuand Ubuntu Mobile doesn't ship Liferea-hildon anymore?19:17
tgpraveen1ehazlett: what is ur project abt?19:31
ehazletttgpraveen1:  http://www.reconstructor.org/    new version preview:  http://reconstructor.org/pub/rv3_preview/19:32
asacpochu: yes. thats why i think we should drop it ... unless debian wants it (and upstream?)19:41
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pochuasac: I'll check both with the Debian maintainer and with upstream19:46
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dobeydoes anyone know if there's a pidgin update in the works to fix the sudden yahoo accounts not working issue?21:38
Ampelbeindobey: bug 38932221:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 389322 in pidgin "Yahoo server authentication changed: Pidgin =<2.5.6 will not connect to Yahoo! servers." [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38932221:41
dobeyAmpelbein: right. and http://pidgin.im says 2.5.7 fixes the issues21:43
Laneysee the bug status21:43
Ampelbeindobey: laney has attached a debdiff with the fix21:43
Laneyfeel free to do intrepid and dapper if you want21:43
Laneyin fact, I would love you to take those two from me21:43
dobeynah, i just care about jaunty and/or karmic :)21:44
Laneyme neither, but it's still good to help these people21:44
dobeyi don't even have time to keep up with all the things i'm already committed to doing or i would :)21:46
dobeybut thanks21:46
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