[01:05] bbl [17:10] re [17:10] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mobile/+bug/387127 still trying to solve this problem, any ideas? [17:10] Ubuntu bug 387127 in ubuntu-mobile "poulsbo video not working (fit-pc2/intrepid)" [Undecided,New] [17:37] user345fgh: You'd want to check you're using the proper drm module (psb-drm) and what dmesg/log/Xorg.log say [17:37] user345fgh: StevenK is probably the best person to help you though [17:37] NCommander: Poke [17:38] NCommander: I'd like to drop the Babbage and Marvell status items from the /Roadmap page [17:38] lool, *explode* [17:38] lool, sure, no issue [17:38] NCommander: (We have specs for these now) [17:38] lool, works for me [17:39] NCommander: I'd also like to replace the list of mobile team specs (implemented and not implemented) with a link to https://blueprints.launchpad.net/~canonical-mobile [17:39] NCommander: Does that work for you? [17:39] lool, hmmmmm .... [17:40] NCommander: I'm dropping the Mono bug from the /Roadmap as it's only affecting Jaunty now [17:40] lool, that's fine. [17:52] lool, could you pleae take a look at the bugreport, i believe ive posted all the infos? [17:52] lool, can you see if its the tight drm module? [18:33] user345fgh: You want to attach lsmod info and your dpkg -l linux-\* package versions to the bug [19:16] lool: ok, have to win a css match in a few minutes...but will attach it right after that [19:23] user345fgh: for future reference, I think you can probably just do 'apport-collect -p xserver-xorg-video-psb ' if the bug already exists, or to start out the right way, just 'ubuntu-bug xserver-xorg-video-psb' (speaking strictly for bugs related to that driver) [19:24] plars, that's not going to work for psb [19:24] plars, its not in archive, its in a PPA [19:24] ubuntu-bug xserver-xorg-video-psb what would that do? im currently in xp [19:24] ok [19:25] user345fgh, it reports a bug on a package [19:25] ok [19:25] NCommander: but it looks like there's an apport hook for it [19:26] plars, there is? [19:27] hrm [19:27] I'll be darned, there is [19:27] NCommander: x11-common: /usr/share/apport/package-hooks/source_xserver-xorg-video-psb.py [19:27] Suprising [19:27] I would think ubuntu-bug would puke on non-existant packages [19:28] NCommander: that could be, I haven't tried actually using it, but if it works then it's easier than going through everything by hand to collect everything [19:28] in theory it will gather all the relevant information and create a new bug? [19:28] user345fgh: yes [19:28] user345fgh: the apport-collect command I gave you will do pretty much the same thing, but for an existing bug number [19:29] just realised that i have to reinstall 8.10, played around with other distros :( [19:29] Yeah, Roadmap is much shorter now \o/ [19:30] NCommander: speaking of bugs... I have the strawman wiki page for the bug workflow stuff for discussion today if we have time, you want the link, or should I just add it to the agenda page? [19:35] plars, put it on the agenda [19:35] woo, this is going to be a fun meeting === ogra__ is now known as ogra_ === asac_ is now known as asac