
pochuRoAkSoAx: I'm no autoreconf expert...00:06
pochu'autoreconf -fiv' may be a start00:06
pochuor you may just need to rerun aclocal00:07
RoAkSoAxpochu, Ok. Well I'm just trying by doing: aclocal and it creates the aclocal.m4 file00:07
RoAkSoAxOK so, I've run aclocal and it generates an aclocal.m4 file that does not include the changes I need to have python2.6 support, so should I just summit my patch?00:10
AmpelbeinRoAkSoAx: was there an error displayed when running aclocal?00:13
RoAkSoAxAmpelbein, aclocal: configure.ac: 27: macro `AM_CHECK_PYTHON_HEADERS' not found in library00:16
AmpelbeinRoAkSoAx: sounds like that is the problem? (Disclaimer: I don't know it) ;-)00:17
RoAkSoAxAmpelbein, not actually, I've deleted that line just to test and the same thing00:17
RoAkSoAxwell the changes in the aclocal file are actually changing for example from site-packages to *-packages and adding python2.6 to the list of interpreters, but it's not doing that automatically, so that's why I made manual changes since those changes are required to add support for python2.600:19
macodid dh_make go away?00:32
macoi have at least 50 other dh_* commands, but no dh_make00:32
azeemit's in its own package00:32
macodid it used to be part of the debhelper package?00:33
ajmitchas far as I know, it's always been in dh-make00:34
macooh. alrighty00:35
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nhandlerPackaging Training session about pbuilder in #ubuntu-classroom in 7 minutes00:53
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james_wit seems that requestsync over mail no longer does the sponsorship check01:52
RoAkSoAxjames_w, what error does it shows you?01:54
RoAkSoAxso what seems to be the problem then cuz I've also had some issues with it earlier today01:55
directhexjames_w, it's lacked appropriate sponsorship checks (i.e. motu can requestsync directly to main without sponsorship) for a while01:56
Ampelbeinjames_w: i just tried requestsync and it tells me that i need sponsorship. the resulting mail has "status new" and subscribe "ubuntu-universe/main-sponsors" (whichever is appropriate)02:11
Ampelbeinjames_w: for universe: http://paste.ubuntu.com/203269/02:15
Ampelbeinjames_w: for main: http://paste.ubuntu.com/203270/02:15
james_wsorry, phone call02:17
james_wI'm seeing quite a few bugs subscribe ubuntu-archive directly02:17
james_wthe common theme is that they are filed by mail02:18
ajmitchjames_w: I'm guessing that they're all filed by MOTUs, if it's the bug that directhex was referring to?02:18
james_wnope, by others02:18
* ajmitch can't easily test that02:18
* directhex sponsors ajmitch for effort02:19
ajmitchdirecthex: sure, I'll setup another identity & apply for MOTU then :)02:19
directhexyou should be part of debian front desk. even more useful!02:20
ajmitchstill trying to read through that thread on -project02:20
ajmitchmy mind is melting02:21
ajmitchthe thread about DAM & front desk02:23
ajmitchit's a long read02:23
Ampelbeinjames_w: were those reports filed before May 23rd? (or shortly thereafter). the check for sponsoring was changed with version 0.7402:26
james_wthere were some before02:27
james_wsome today, but I don't know what version they were using02:27
directhexnhandler, i get home from work at ~1810. day of the week doesn't bother me02:27
directhexnhandler, i can do a session from work as a general "probably" i.e. if a cluster explodes, i need to cancel with 0 notice02:29
Ampelbeinjames_w: just tried with version 0.73, it fails to detect i need sponsoring: http://paste.ubuntu.com/203273/02:29
directhexnhandler, otherwise i need to limit ~1810 as a minimum start time02:29
Ampelbeinjames_w: so i guess that there's the problem and 0.74 should go to jaunty-backports as well.02:29
nhandlerdirecthex: It is up to you when you want to do the session.02:30
* ajmitch isn't quite qualified for those packaging sessions02:30
nhandlerlol ajmitch02:30
james_wAmpelbein: thanks for checking02:30
ajmitchI need to catch up on the latest toys02:30
Ampelbeinjames_w: you're welcome.02:30
ajmitchlike most of the contents of ubuntu-dev-tools which I've never used :)02:30
* nhandler needs to finish looking through devscripts02:31
ajmitchdevscripts is fine, it hasn't changed much in the last few years02:31
directhexnhandler, i would be happy with a 1830 session - can you please send me an e-mail reminder? i'm filled with free memory-destroying vendor-paid alcohol02:31
ajmitchdirecthex: what would you teach?02:31
nhandlerajmitch: True, but I still haven't looked at all of the tools. I'm looking at it now since it is a Debian NM question02:32
nhandlerdirecthex: So you want to lead a session on July 16th at 18:30, correct? Are you going to cut the session short or simply go until 19:30?02:32
directhexajmitch, truth, justice, and the $NATIONALiTY way02:32
nhandlerjames_w: I hope you don't mind me doing a little session scheduling for July02:33
directhexnhandler, i'd go until 19:30. actually, I'm on BST, so subtract 1 hour from the above? or am i totally lost in timexones...02:33
james_wnhandler: of course not :-)02:33
* james_w hugs nhandler 02:33
nhandlerdirecthex: Isn't BST UTC+1 right now?02:33
directhexnhandler, yes02:34
nhandlerjames_w: Also, at the session earlier today, they expressed an interest in a python packaging session to go along with the java one we had and the upcoming perl one02:34
* ajmitch is glad to be in a nice sane timezone02:34
directhexi'm extra confused as i'm in europe/berlin timezone to0day02:34
nhandlerdirecthex: So 18:30 UTC would be 19:30 BST02:34
james_wnhandler: excellent02:35
ajmitchnhandler: what else do you have on the books?02:35
directhexnhandler, okay, so... a 1800 utc session is more than fine then.02:35
nhandlerdirecthex: Great. Do you have a title for your session?02:36
directhexnhandler, should i blame the alcohol, or my stupid understanding of timezones?02:36
nhandlerajmitch: The only currently scheduled session other than the one directhex will give is the one the pkg-perl team is doing02:36
nhandlerThere are some ideas for future sessions on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Packaging/Training02:36
directhexnhandler, try for "Mono packaging: quick, easy, and awesome"02:37
directhexnhandler, but PLEASE email me a reminder. i'll forget otherwise02:37
directhexfor this i blka02:37
directhexblame the booze02:37
nhandlerdirecthex: Ok, thanks a lot. I'll take care of updating the necessary schedules. It will be on the Fridge, but I will also email you ;)02:37
directhexnow, it's 25 to 4am. bedtime!02:38
nhandlerNight directhex, and thank you02:39
voriannhandler: you are teaching teh pbuilder pwn eh?03:14
ajmitchvorian: he taught, and we were enlightened03:15
nhandlervorian: I linked to the Ninja wiki and hooks03:16
* ajmitch wonders how that is traitorous03:16
* vorian is medicated atm, so pardon crazy03:17
ajmitchthis isn't you normally?03:17
vorianheh, good point03:18
ajmitchthis channel attracts crazy03:18
vorianthe importatnt thing is if nhandler was able to recruit anyone over to the darkside03:19
nhandlerHey, who are you calling crazy, crazy?03:19
nhandlervorian: Quintasan expressed an interest in packaging the core KDE stuff03:19
* ajmitch hasn't been seduced by the dark side yet03:19
vorianwe really should get a extras type team together to look after the non-core stuff a bit closer03:20
voriannhandler: though art missing from a channel03:53
qiyongwhat's the differences b/w syslog and messages from /var/log ?04:04
RoAkSoAxHeya guys what is the difference between "dh_installchangelogs -i" and "dh_installchangelogs -i Changelog" in debian/rules?04:16
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nelleryRoAkSoAx: the Changelog is just specifying the name of the upstream changelog. The -i is unrelated to this, it specifies to act on indep architectures04:23
nellerythe -i option is specified in the debhelper manpage I think04:23
RoAkSoAxnellery, k thanks, will take a look at it :)04:23
nellerythere's just no option necessary to specify where the upstream changelog is04:23
RoAkSoAxnellery, ok thanks :). Now, should we remove "only in patch2: unchanged:" from debdiff's ?04:25
StevenKRoAkSoAx: diff will ignore those lines, so you should be okay04:28
RoAkSoAxok thanks StevenK :)04:28
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dholbachgood morning06:43
dholbachnhandler: thanks for that great packaging training session!06:43
dholbachwho wants to give another session at any of the open dates on  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Packaging/Training ?06:43
fabrice_spGood mornibg dholbach ! You scared everybody asking for a trainer ;-)07:02
ajmitchhi dholbach07:20
dholbachhi ajmitch07:21
ajmitchwhat fun stuff do you have for us today? :)07:21
dholbachajmitch: I didn't know I was the entertainer for this place :)07:22
dholbachajmitch: how about doing some sponsoring or giving a session at any of the open dates on  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Packaging/Training ?07:22
ajmitchyou liven the place up07:22
ajmitchyeah, I was talking to nhandler about what he wanted for that earlier07:23
dholbachthere's a lot of requests on the page :)07:23
ajmitch& I have the sponsoring list open, don't worry :)07:23
ajmitch06:00 UTC is about the only timeslot there that'd be suitable for me I think07:24
ajmitchof the requests there, maybe the one of packaging a php web app, however I'd probably need a fair bit of time to prepare something suitable, because they can be downright evil :)07:26
dholbachsounds great07:26
dholbachit's completely fine if you just prepare ... say ... 15 minutes of hands-on session and just keep on answering questions07:26
ajmitchweb apps that require the installation pages to have write access to the directory all the code is in make me cry a bit07:27
dholbachyeah, I think I know what you mean :)07:27
* ajmitch had that issue recently with silverstripe07:27
ajmitchplus other issues regarding licensing which are a little harder to solve07:27
dholbachplus the usual bundling of "packages"07:28
ajmitchbesides that, I have a php5 merge to redo now07:29
dholbachasomething, bigkevmcd and I are looking into packaging civicrm which has a lot of these problems07:29
dholbachok... enjoy07:29
* dholbach will take the dog for a walk07:29
ajmitchsee you in a bit :)07:29
didrocksDktrKranz: Hi Luca, are you there for a python 2.6 transition question ? :)09:05
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DktrKranzdidrocks: sure, but I'm taken with some things at work, so I could lag a bit09:13
didrocksDktrKranz: no pb :) I'm trying to merge planner which uses pysupport. Nothing special so, I updated .install files but pkgbinarymangler hates me because of files in site-packages... I tried to include /usr/share/python/python.mk without any success. The rules file is here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/203412/09:16
DktrKranzdidrocks: any *.install files hard-coding site-packages?09:21
didrocksDktrKranz: no, they all have *-packages. Do you want the source package?09:22
DktrKranzdidrocks: that would help09:27
didrocksDktrKranz: dget http://www.didrocks.fr/temp/planner_0.14.4-1ubuntu1.dsc (no hurry, when you have some time to take a look at it :))09:28
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DktrKranzdidrocks: testbuilding09:59
didrocksDktrKranz: thanks :)10:01
DktrKranzdidrocks: mmh, it seems a cdbs bug, but I'll dig it deeper10:06
didrocksDktrKranz: ok, that's what I thought (python stack seems to be broken: if I try to build the current package, I got the same behavior)10:07
DktrKranzchecking for python version... 2.610:09
DktrKranzchecking for python platform... linux210:09
DktrKranzchecking for python script directory... ${prefix}/lib/python2.6/site-packages10:09
DktrKranzchecking for python extension module directory... ${exec_prefix}/lib/python2.6/site-packages10:09
didrocksDktrKranz: in the configure traces, yes. I'm currently seeing that. I thought that adding /usr/share/python/python.mk will change the behavior10:10
DktrKranzdidrocks: what about running autoconf? it's hardcoded in configure, recreating it would have some good, I'll try it10:12
didrocksDktrKranz: oh, good idea10:12
DktrKranzdidrocks: that doesn't work, it gets overwritten each time :/10:28
DktrKranzdidrocks: see debian #52417610:33
ubottuDebian bug 524176 in automake1.10 "AM_PATH_PYTHON should honor python's idea about the site directory" [Unknown,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/52417610:33
lesshastehi all10:37
lesshasteI have been told to enable boot logging and post the output ( https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+bug/389930 ) but this feature has not worked for ages and does nothing in jaunty.  Do they just mean /var/log/dmesg ?10:40
ubottuUbuntu bug 389930 in grub "grub menu skipped after shutdown" [Low,New]10:40
lesshasteI really can't see how a dmesg output could help as it never says anything about grub10:40
didrocksDktrKranz: good catch :)10:41
lesshaste any ideas?10:42
DktrKranzdidrocks: it has been implemented in Ubuntu already, just I've no enough automake knowledge to understand its logic10:42
DktrKranze.g. if there's any AC_* variable to set10:42
didrocksDktrKranz: I will ask doko for it, though10:43
didrocksDktrKranz: thanks a lot for your help :)10:43
slytherinlesshaste: What do you mean by bootlogging? Does it have anything to do with bootchart?10:44
dokodidrocks, DktrKranz: you need to regenerate the aclocal.m4/configure10:46
lesshasteslytherin, no.. I mean bootlogd and /var/log/boot.. see the bug report request by Scoott10:46
lesshasteScott H10:46
didrocksdoko: so, autoreconf shoud do the trick?10:47
* didrocks testing it10:47
DktrKranzdidrocks: there seems working good10:49
rippsHey, I need a expert MOTU's help, I'm creating an alternative mpd package that runs in the userspace, but if someone has had mpd installed before hand, it's /etc/mpd.conf will interfere. What's the proper way of going about replacing it. I don't think I should just straight out delete it without asking the user10:57
didrocksIndeed, it's working. Thanks DktrKranz and doko :)11:00
Laneyripps:  you can ask a question with debconf11:00
Laneyor move it to another file and show the user a prompt saying what you did11:01
rippsLaney: any good examples of debconf?11:01
Laneyhmm, not sure11:02
LaneyI think exim uses it and maybe mrtg11:02
rippsLaney: I see bunch of packages when upgrading ubuntu ask what I want to do with old configs, whether I want to replace, keep, or merge them. How can I get that?11:23
Laneythat's just dpkg conffile handling11:23
Laneygoogle around for dpkg conffile11:23
jpdsripps: That has nothing to do with two separate packages sharing the same configuration file lcation tho.11:32
Laneyyeah sorry11:32
rippsHmm... maybe ucf can help...11:52
gesera package should not modify a config file from an other package12:15
c_kornhm, what package is missing to make ld happy? "ld: cannot find -lfb" I tried the xserver-xorg-core package.12:17
geserdoes it happen during linking?12:18
c_kornyes, http://pastebin.com/d156b2a1f12:20
c_kornhm, maybe this fb lib is some library from the freebasic compiler12:20
geserthat would be my guess too12:21
c_kornah, it is in /usr/lib/freebasic/linux/libfb.a so I have to move it to /usr/lob12:22
geserno, better add -L/usr/lib/freebasic/linux to the linker call/flags12:23
mok0I lost my wireless (proprietary) broadcom driver in the last kernel upgrade... now I can't get it back... :-(12:24
geserthe pastebin shows that it tries the right thing but uses /usr/local/lib/... instead of /usr/lib/...12:24
slytherinc_korn: fb could be frame buffer as well.12:26
slytherinmok0: which chipset?12:28
mok0slythering bmc431212:28
slytherinmok0: Does it require binary only firmware? And did you try installing bcmwl package?12:29
mok0slytherin: When I installed jaunty, I just had to activate the restricted driver in jocket12:29
slytherinmok0: So you are on karmic now?12:30
mok0slytherin: apt-cache doesn't know it12:30
mok0slytherin: no, jaunty12:30
mok0slytherin: I have to get video-drivers from ~ubuntu-mobile to get full resolution12:30
mok0slytherin: they don't have karmic yet12:31
slytherinmok0: Then you probably lost only firmware, although it should not happen. See if jockey helps you. If not try installing b43-fwcutter.12:31
mok0slytherin: jockey has nothing in the list .... it did b4 the upgrade12:32
slytherinmok0: paste the output of dmesg on pastebin12:33
mok0slytherin: uhm... the machine is not on the net :-)12:33
mok0slytherin: I'm on my workstation now12:33
mok0slytherin: I can't get wire-net where I am12:34
slytherinmok0: Ok. See if you see any firmware loading problems in dmesg output. Search for b4312:34
mok0slytherin: nothing there12:34
slytherinmok0: check if 'lsmod |grep b43' shows anything.12:36
mok0slytherin: nothing12:36
slytherinmok0: Try 'sudo modprobe b43' and then check dmesg output.12:37
mok0slytherin: the drivers are not there, and are also blacklisted12:37
mok0slytherin: b43 loaded now12:37
slytherinmok0: why is the driver blacklisted?12:38
mok0slytherin: by default I guess... I commented-out b4312:38
mok0Still no drivers in jockey, thoug12:39
slytherinmok0: no it is not blacklisted by default12:39
mok0slytherin: I never touched that file before12:39
slytherinmok0: Then your chipset probably needs other driver.12:39
mok0slytherin: I guess...12:40
mok0the file "blacklist-bcm43xx" is not a part of any package12:40
mok0so must be generated in config step12:40
juli_Hello MOTUs, could you please advise. I want to package Cobertura lib. Currently 1.9.1 release is available but I need Cobertura 1.9. Is it allowed to package 1.9 which is tested and stable enough instead of 1.9.1?12:44
slytherinmok0: I am guessing b43 does not support your chipset.12:45
slytherinmok0: in any case, after loading the module, did you check if any wireless connections show up in network manager?12:45
mok0slytherin: probably not... the problem is I don't know what driver it was running before12:45
geserjuli_: sure12:45
slytherinjuli_: Sure. if 1.9.1 is kind of alpha/beta then it is recommended to package lower but stable version.12:46
mok0slytherin: nope nothing12:46
mok0slytherin: could be a regression on the kernel12:46
mok0It worked right after primary install12:47
juli_sladen, 1.9.1 is released 4 months ago and it  pretends to be final. But I'm not sure about it since some tests fail for me.12:48
mok0I stayed with 2.6.28-11-lpia because of the graphics, but they updated the psb drivers, and not wireless is gone...12:48
slytherinmok0: do you still have old kernel? You can try booting to that and check which driver it is.12:48
mok0slytherin: I do12:48
slytherinjuli_: some tests as in unit test? Are you packaging the library because some other application depends on it?12:49
juli_slytherin, netbeans depends on it12:49
slytherinjuli_: hmm, then you should package the version that works.12:50
geserjuli_: just package the version you need12:50
juli_slytherin, geser thank you!12:50
mok0slytherin, the graphics are acting up12:51
mok0Yep wireless works12:52
ajmitchbuilding a package where it gets compiled 4 or 5 times ends up not being fun12:52
mok0slytherin, now it's using the "Broadcom STA wireless driver"12:53
geserajmitch: so many different flavours?12:54
ajmitchgeser: yeah, unfortunately12:54
ajmitchtimes like these I think a computer upgrade is overdue :)12:55
slytherinmok0: now you can check which driver was loaded in dmesg output12:55
mok0slytherin: it's called "wl"12:56
mok0slytherin: where would that driver be located (filesystem)?12:58
slytherinmok0: 'modinfo wl', you should have path of driver file. then dpkg -S filepath to check which package contains that file. Then see if corresponding package is installed for your latest kernel.12:58
mok0slytherin: nice tricks I'm learning here :-)12:59
mok0slytherin: the file is not part of any package12:59
slytherinmok0: impossible13:00
slytherinmok0: what command did you use?13:00
mok0dpkg -S volatile/ wl.ko13:00
slytherinmok0: you need complete path13:01
mok0slytherin: same result13:01
mok0slytherin: it might be compiled in place, or unzipped or something13:01
mok0slytherin: nvidias drivers are compiled when you install the package13:02
slytherinmok0: Ok. Then it is possible that it is done using dkms. In that case I think you need to install -headers package for latest kernel installed.13:02
mok0slytherin: yes... I am currently very puzzled...13:03
mok0slytherin: at least now I know what kernel module I need13:03
mok0slytherin: but it really should have been re-installed with the new kernel version13:04
slytherinmok0: can you tell em complete path of the module?13:04
mok0slytherin: I've just been using the update-manager thing13:04
mok0slytherin: /lib/modules/2.6.28-13-lpia/volatile/wl.ko13:05
mok0slytherin: sorry  that 13 is a 1113:05
slytherinmok0: this doesn't look like standard path. So you may be right that module is compiled inline.13:05
mok0slytherin: It might come from linux-restricted-modules-lpia13:13
mok0slytherin: it does13:15
slytherinmok0: Looks like that package is not in repositories. So if you used some PPA better talk with its owner. In this case you should discuss with #ubuntu-mobile13:24
mok0slytherin: ubuntu-mobile is only for the psb X-driver13:24
slytherinmok0: still, if there kernel made your wireless go away, you should talk with them.13:25
mok0slytherin: The package is called linux-restricted-modules and it contains the broadcom stuff13:25
mok0slytherin: it wasn't their kernel, it was Ubuntu's13:25
mok0slytherin: from jaunty-update13:26
slytherinmok0: then ask kernel team on their channel to check if they messed anything in the update13:26
mok0slytherin: I will... thanks a LOT for your help I am much further now13:26
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ttxslytherin: note that Java-related builds in karmic are currently failing because of bug 39210414:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 392104 in ca-certificates-java "[Karmic] Update to ca-certificates 20090624 prevents ca-certificates-java from installing" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39210414:59
geserttx: what a timing. I've filed 392103 probably a few seconds before you :) (duped it to your bug now)15:02
ttxgeser: argh :)15:02
ttxgeser: i've a dirtyfix patch on that bug, though I expect Phillip kern to fix it properly in Debian very soon15:03
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slytherinttx: thanks for info.15:18
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bddebianHeya gang15:47
geserHi bddebian15:47
bddebianHeya geser15:47
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\shfabrice_sp: ping bug #37387317:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 373873 in librep "Sync librep 0.17.3-3 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37387317:25
dholbachAmpelbein: let us know in #ubuntu-meeting when you're back17:57
dholbachAmpelbein: don't worry - you're not confused, we moved the meeting an hour early because anant couldn't attend later on18:00
ivoksdoes anyone knos how to create a package from scratch without reading the docs or debian n-m-g? :)18:01
geserhope for a godly inspiration18:06
micahgcan I make a sync request here18:24
micahgsince it's the last day?18:24
jpdsmicahg: No, the archive admins only take bugs reports.18:27
micahgwell, let me ask then, do you guys plan on moving in php 5.3 or is it dependent on getting into unstable sometime soon?18:29
micahgit's going to be released very soon18:29
micahgand if it's in, will it just replace the current version18:29
micahgI just want to know if it's worth filing a sync request for 5.2.10 if 5.3 will replace it later18:33
fabrice_sp\sh: yes?18:38
\shfabrice_sp: is there any update on the debian sync?18:38
fabrice_spno: the debian maintainer told me that is was working in Debian with PPC and don't see the point of adopting the changes18:39
fabrice_spand I've not been able to find someone with ppc knowledge to check it18:39
\shfabrice_sp: well...in case of no PPC knowledge (as I don't have) I would say, let's merge it, and when it's a problem later on, we can SRU it without the change18:40
fabrice_spand why not doing at at the contrary if Debian is saying there i no issues?18:41
\shfabrice_sp: because I don't trust the maintainer (he's new) and upstream is not always correct ;)18:41
fabrice_spI mean sync it from Debian and SRU if it fails18:41
fabrice_spI'll do the merge then :-)18:41
fabrice_spcan you just unsubscribe MOTU form there, and I'll update the debdiff18:42
\shfabrice_sp: do you not have upload powers?18:42
fabrice_spno: I'm only a u-u-c :-)18:43
\shDon't get me wrong on my last statement...there was a reason why we had this change to our package...and from my web of trust I do trust our people more then others...but that's just me.18:44
\shfabrice_sp: ah ok...happy to be your sponsor :)18:44
fabrice_spcool: I'lll do the merge, and ping you ;-)18:46
\shfabrice_sp: go for it :)18:46
elzaryHi, I've got an app I'm packaging which makes use of a library (bundled with the app) where abouts do I credit the author of the lib in the copyright file?18:46
elzaryalso, it's under public domain, where would I say that?18:46
elzarythe rest of the app is gpl18:46
slytherinelzary: what do you mean by library bundles with app?18:48
elzaryCan I put the lib developers name in the "upstream authors" section of debian/copyright? or is that reserved for the devs of the app?18:48
elzaryslytherin, I'm not quite sure how else to explain18:48
slytherinelzary: where is the source of the library?18:48
elzarywith the source of the app to be packages18:49
elzaryit's just one .c file18:49
slytherinelzary: You can have multiple copyright/license sections in debian/copyright file.18:50
slytherinbigon: any idea why telepathy-glib failed to build on sparc/powerpc? There is a unit test failure, but I am not able to make out the root cause from build log.18:50
elzaryslytherin, ok thanks, shall I also list the dev for the library as an upstream developer or not?18:50
elzaryor just put his name in the copyright section?18:50
elzaryand not the upstream dev bit18:50
slytherinelzary: you should in my opinion.18:51
elzaryAre there any conventions I should adhere to when listing the second license?18:52
elzaryor can I just say: Within this application there is a library that has been placed into the public domain?18:52
elzaryand do I need to name the library or give it's location?18:52
slytherinelzary: You can simply say, file.c is placed into public domain18:53
elzaryI dont want to repo admins to be confused18:53
elzaryoh rite18:53
elzarythat should do18:53
elzaryI'm just trying to tread carefully in the copyright file18:53
slytherinelzary: you need to specify the path of .c file in the repo. as in folder1/folder2/file.c is in public domain18:53
elzaryif something is in the public domain has the upstream dev forfeited any claim to copyright?18:54
elzaryif so I won't list him in the "copyright" section18:54
elzaryor should I?18:54
\shelzary: you have to...but that's my interpretation between copyright and license18:55
elzaryTHere isn't a date for the copyright though18:55
elzaryI guess I can't really help that18:56
\shelzary: no webpage? no google fragment on this?18:56
elzary\sh, yes but18:58
elzaryit only talks about recent developments in the software18:58
elzarythe dev that worked on this version is long gone18:58
elzarythis is an old library, it's had alot done to it since this guy made the release18:59
\shask upstream :) they should know what they are using ;)18:59
elzaryI don't understand18:59
elzaryThey aren't relevent18:59
\shelzary: it's only one or more files which are having a new license...so upstream should know about the history of the used stuff...18:59
elzary\sh,  please excuse my ignorance, I've done alot of reading around packaing and I don't see how your suggestions play a part19:00
elzarysome guy public domained some software years ago19:00
elzarythen someone else took over, re-licensed and re-released an altered version19:00
\shshermann@buildserver01:~/packages/karmic/dojotoolkit/dojotoolkit-1.3.1$ ls -la debian/copyright19:01
\sh-rw-r--r-- 1 shermann shermann 84794 2009-05-25 07:02 debian/copyright19:01
\she.g. this is my copyright file for dojotoolkit...19:01
elzaryI think I need to re-explain19:02
elzaryI have an application I am packaging, all the copyright stuff is sorted19:02
elzaryexcept: I have found one file with someone elses name onit19:02
elzaryand a public domain release message19:02
\shthere are only a few files, which are not under the same license as the dojotoolkit itself...so people who are developing upstream software should know about the history of the tools they are using...if there is no copyright date publicly available from webpages or similar, the upstream devs should know since when the guy started it19:02
elzarySo you're telling me to contact them and ask them what year this guy released this file?19:03
\shelzary: that's the plan, yes :)19:03
elzaryHypothetically, what if they dont know?19:03
elzaryafter all, it has no version number and was released a few years ago by a dev who is no longer around19:04
\shthe version number is not important...dev X wrote a piece of problem solving software, somewhat around year X and release it to the public domain in year Y...public domain doesn't have to do anything with losing copyright...diff between license/usage policy and the work done by dev X (the work done by Dev X will always be his work...even being released under public domain)19:06
elzaryI'm contacting them now, all I know is this library was written AT LEAST 4 years ago19:07
elzaryand the name of the developer19:07
elzaryanother quick question, is it right to list this guy as an upstream developer just because one of his libraries(un-beknown) to him is being used>19:08
\shelzary: if upstream doesn't know anything else then you, you can state that file/lib XY was developed by Dev X, he has the copyright at least since <release date of upstream software> most probably before ... that's all we can document inside debian/copyright19:08
elzaryI see19:09
\shas said...lib X can rely on software Y, upstream developer is always of lib X...and upstream is using a software which is (C) by dev Y...so you need to state this...the dev Y has nothing to do with your upstream package..but dev Y can always object against distribution (in the way the license is allowing that) of his source, without even telling upstream about it19:10
\shthat said, software Y is shipped with upstream source ...19:11
* \sh had problems regarding software being (C) by Dev X , licensed under (L)GPL but patented by Frauenhofer so, there are three different views to discover and a lot of money to be paid ;)19:13
truthordarehy all..i feel so difficult to understand the "packaging" process.. i tried to learn debian's..but that was hard too..so confusing about the different tools and everything.. aarg.. i know to code in java  and c/c++..also i can learn any new language as required.. can i be of any help?19:13
elzarytruthordare, it's not perfect but check this out > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete19:14
truthordarei almost made a package using debconf.. so confusing..and i have totally forgot19:14
truthordareokay am reading that now.. thanks elzary19:14
slytherintruthordare: debian process is not different from ours19:15
elzary\sh, there are many ways in which you can word such statements, do the repo admins have a rigid preference or do they just care that it's clear?19:15
\shelzary: I don't know who our archive admins are today...but regarding some debian packages in the past..I would say, they are sometimes rigid but mostly want a clear statement19:16
\shdebian packages here means really uploaded to debian...not ubuntu19:16
elzaryyeah I'm specifically doing this ubuntu, if it works on debian then so be it. If there are rigid rules on how things need to be worded then there should be docs19:17
elzarythe documents are pretty vague when it comes to anything that isn't totally straightforward19:18
elzaryI'll just make it clear, they can always send it back with comments if there is an issue19:18
truthordarealthoutgh i dropped my debian plans.. i actually almost made it..by adopting an orphaned package.. but by the time my mentor asked me for the final package for submission.. i kinda gave it up... then i switched to fedora..but quickly gave it up coz i hated yum more than i hated my ex-gf..i have been using ubuntu since then..been 3 years..i have also been an erly user.. i still have 5.x cd that was shipped to me ;)...19:18
\shelzary: we are not lawyers, that's the thing :)19:18
bigonslytherin: maybe ask on #telepathy but it's the same thing on debian19:18
\shtruthordare: building packages for redhat/suse has almost the same quality standards/difficulty level as debian packages (without making any diff between Debian and Ubuntu)19:19
slytherinbigon: just discussed it there. the test is broken on big endian machines. A fix has been committed. I am testing the fix.19:20
truthordarei now run 9.04 64bit + vmware on my workstation rig.. 8gbram, q9550. its a breeze... i just use xp on my laptop..(for playing cod4)19:20
truthordarei hated about yum..was the fact..u could never install pacjages from ur local cd/dvd..u needed to create a yum local repository.. well may be i am wrong..but i could never install a single thing from my dvd's unless i created local hdd repos19:21
\shtruthordare: I would say you don't know the diff between yum & rpm and apt-get/aptitude and dpkg...but could be just me19:22
truthordareand not to mention..a lot of crashes... and my mind was playing games...i couldnt resist putting blame on redhat for each crash i encountered... it was like a beta project..19:22
truthordarei only use apt-get for all my install needs.. its very convinient... in fedora..i had to use yum and it wasnt yummy for me... i asked many people..but i couldnt solve.. i had to create local repo's(copy of all packages in the dvd into my hdd partition/folder) inorder to install packages with dependencies19:24
mok0truthordare: fedora is waaay behind getting a sensible dependence treatment in place19:26
mok0truthordare: fedora's packaging pollicy is basically absent19:26
\shmok0: well...that's not true...SuSE is calculating all needed deps during their builds on open build service via a patched version of RPM...even for debian packages and repositories they can create19:27
truthordareall people i knew..were pretty comfortable with it..coz they only did network installs..so they already created network servers with repo.. anyway..thats my past.. the point is.. apart from slackware.. its from ubuntu i have learnt a lot and been most useful for me.. in many ways...so i wanted to contribute my skill to either ubuntu/deb..but since i havent used deb since sarge.. i am now looking to ubuntu to put my skills to use ;)19:27
savvason the other hand, they're waay in the future concerning tempting new packages :P19:27
mok0\sh suse != fedora19:27
\shmok0: the problem is more novell != redhat...reinventing the wheel is somewhat a hobby of RH19:27
\shthe same goes for novell in some cases19:28
mok0\sh, well, redhat _did_ invent the RPM format19:28
\shmok0: actually one guy who worked for RH invented the RPM format...and RH didn't want to let some some improvement in so we had a fork of RPM19:29
mok0But one problem is that the core packages are done by redhat and they don't give a sh*t about compatibility with fedora19:29
mok0well, I'm not up to speed on RPM, since I switched to Ubuntu/Debian I haven't looked back19:30
mok0It's too far back, can't see nothing no more19:30
\shmok0: RH pissed of many good RH people in the past...and some of the good people are still working for RH and are on Fedora Community boards...I do see them every time when I'm on some conventions regarding FOSS :) RH is not bad, but they do think about their revenue ... (applies to novell, too :))19:32
truthordarecan i ask a silly quest.. why does ubuntu need to get into livecd to be installed??..i thought initially they had a normal setup procedure that was less resource hungry and more faster(time to boot into live).. there must be some reason for it..just cant figure by myself19:32
\shtruthordare: desktop cd != alternate cd19:32
mok0truthordare: there's an alternate cd19:32
mok0truthordare: the normal cd is so ppl can see what it looks like before installing19:33
truthordarein older times there was desktopcd that installed directly if we wanted to..or we could go to live...19:33
truthordarethere are 2 options.. 1)go to live cd 2) install..19:33
truthordarewhy need the 2nd option then?19:33
mok0truthordare: on the live cd there's an install icon on the desktop19:33
truthordarethen why put the option on the bootmenu?19:34
mok0truthordare: hm, I usually use the alternate can't remember the details of the live19:34
truthordareif there is an option..which is right... it must have offered a different install than just booting into live.. the first reason why anyone will want to take the 2nd option is coz he knows he wants to install and not "see a demo"..19:35
\shalternate cd or alternative installation via text-mode d-i is nothing for the not-trained user...we want the not-trained user to use ubuntu just as you use windows19:35
\shtherefore the live cd is a better starting point19:35
truthordarethe livecd is good.. its excellent...19:36
\shinstall what you see before19:36
mok0Of course not many users could install windows if their machine came w/o OS19:36
truthordarebut the install option is redundant in the boot menu19:36
\shmok0: anyone can install windows and screw their systems ;)19:36
truthordareubuntu had a sleek install system before19:37
mok0Seriously, if computers were sold without OS the competition would be fair19:37
truthordarei mean which didnt need to go to live boot up19:37
mok0truthordare: a choice was made to do it that way19:37
mok0truthordare: not a big deal imo19:37
\shmok0: hmm...if we wouldn't have computers, we would write more on paper and send more snail mails ... but humanity had bad luck ;) thx mr. zuse ;)19:38
truthordaremy main prob was.. my graphics driver didnt detect well... so i had low res.. and the install inside the livecd..was a "blind" tab+enter luck testing..many times needed to do from scratch...19:39
mok0truthordare: hm, what graphics card is that?19:39
truthordarei had once on my lap..nvidia 8400ms19:39
slytherintruthordare: Ubuntu still has the text only installer. It is called as alternate CD.19:40
mok0new nvidia cards are always painful19:40
truthordarethen i had on my workstation.. intel'sntegrated on dg45id mainboard19:40
mok0yo, slytherin I solved my wireless problem19:40
slytherinmok0: how?19:40
mok0slytherin: I had to run lrm-manager19:40
truthordareslytherin : i wouldnt want 2 diff cd's in my hand just to install the same os..19:41
mok0slytherin: under the NEW kernel :-)19:41
slytherinmok0: who suggested that?19:41
elzary\sh,  can I msg you the paragraph of text I left in the copyright file for public domain stuff?19:42
truthordaremay be the text only installer could have coexisted with the live.. may be as a hiddenoption that normal users wont enture to... yea.i'm just dreaming.. ;)19:42
\shelzary: sure :) email addr is on lp19:44
elzary\sh, I can just private message you, reply to this so I can open a priv windows please :)19:45
elzaryi missed /msg of that hahah19:45
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elzaryDidn't somebody once mention something about XMMS libraries that can't be in the repo or am talking nonsense?19:53
elzaryAs this app makes use of a .c course file from XMMS 199919:53
slytherinelzary: xmms is removed from repositories. That is the only thing I know.19:54
elzaryI'm sure one part of XMMS being bundled with this app won't be a problem19:55
elzaryI can't see why it would anyway19:56
truthordarei will read the link that elzary had given me..and i wil come again later.. btw..in what ways can i be most helpful?? i have coding skills.. but i am open to any objective that is a priority for the community...19:56
slytherintruthordare: fix FTBFS.19:56
slytherintruthordare: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs19:57
truthordareokay. i will try to start with the amd64 ones..i can test it natively... then may be i can use hw virtualization for the others.. i will try my best and will come back to here.. ;)..19:59
truthordareso these packages are broken?? i mean they dont currenly work on that platform?? so right now a older release is used intead ??20:01
truthordarewait... ohh...this is the new development branch....20:02
slytherintruthordare: these packages fail to build currently in karmic (current development release).20:03
truthordarenormally who fixes them?? the package maintainer for that package..right??20:04
slytherintruthordare: in Ubuntu there is no one package maintainer. It is a team. For core packages it is core developers, for universe/multiverse packages it is MOTU tesm.20:05
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elzaryslytherin, does that apply to all packages?20:07
slytherinelzary: yes20:07
elzarylike, if I put my name on a package as package maintainer would the repo admins remove that and put team instead?20:07
elzaryassuming it gets into multiverse or universe20:08
fabrice_sp\sh, I've just update Bug #373873, just in case you're still here ;-)20:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 373873 in librep "Sync librep 0.17.3-3 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37387320:09
\shfabrice_sp: set in progress and assigned to me...will take it tomorrow early morning :)20:10
fabrice_spgreat! Thanks ;-)20:10
\shfabrice_sp: thank you :)20:10
truthordarei just checked one... makefile errors..mostly... so its about the packaging tools and the rules...etc.. safe to assume that the source code has no compilation/linkage errors ?20:12
slytherintruthordare: yes20:12
slytherinelzary: put your name as XSBC-Original-Maintainer.20:13
elzaryslytherin, dh_make added me to the Maintainer line automatically though20:14
truthordareokay... i will read the guide and then...initially i would need a little help to get started..once i get the feel of it.. i'm sure i will be able to solve many build errors...20:14
elzaryI'll move it to the line you said and shall I put anything in the Maintainer line?20:14
slytherinchanging maintainer is very trivial task. get your package in shape20:14
truthordareis there any "set" procedure that is used to solve most of these?20:15
elzaryslytherin, it is in shape, I'm just polising off the copyright file20:16
elzaryand other administrative things that would annoy the repo admins should I get them wrong20:16
truthordareslytherin : has the people who solved these found it to be repititive task?? if so there must be a straight forward troubleshooting/solving documentation somewhere...20:17
truthordareor is it trial and error?20:18
slytherintruthordare: AFAIK, there isn't20:18
slytherinbigon: I am done testing the FTBFS fix from upstream. I have debdiff ready for ubuntu. Or do you want to push it to Debian first?20:18
truthordareokay....so it is a bug...and we really dont know where... if its not a problem caused by the ubuntu packaging environemnt then it mostly will be an upstream prob..so wait till patches are released..and then test it and try the builds again... right??20:20
bigonslytherin: yeah I will push it to debian20:20
slytherintruthordare: upstream will not know it fails to build until you tell them.20:21
truthordarehow can i keep track of the status of the ftbfs?? imean how do i know if i am not trying to duplicate someone's effort??..like say  i dont want to try build something that is being corrected by someone else...20:22
slytherinbigon: http://paste.ubuntu.com/203747/ please feel free to make adjustment as per Debian.20:23
truthordareokay..i will c all later..hopefully with some success.. ;)20:26
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elzaryI've got an AUTHORS file that lists loads of names and mentions one or two things they did for the application, bits of coding, bug fixes etc. I shouldnt mention these people in the debian/copyright file should I?20:52
LarstiQStevenK: ugh is that pyqwt5 package ugly20:56
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Quintasanelzary: if they are in AUTHORS file then I think you should.21:09
elzaryQuintasan, some of them aren't authors though21:10
elzarylike, one of them contributed hardware21:10
elzaryone wrote a config file21:10
elzarythe list has at least 20 names21:10
Quintasanoh, if that's the case you can list only coders21:11
elzaryI'm ready to get this package sponsored, I just have no idea what to do with the COPYRIGHT files21:11
Quintasanthat's what I would do21:11
elzaryI'm thining that I might just not bother21:12
elzaryfar to many edge cases, and I just dont know what to do21:12
QuintasanCOPYRIGHT should contain appropriate license and you should have same license in debian/copyright21:12
fabrice_spelzary, you should mention the copyright as it is mentioned in the header of the source files21:12
elzaryfabrice_sp, yeah that's what I have been doing21:12
fabrice_spI mean, mention the authors21:12
fabrice_spthis way, everybody sohuld appear :-)21:12
* Quintasan started to write same thing21:13
elzaryfabrice_sp, so what about the AUTHORS file21:13
elzarythere are only 4 people who really coded21:13
fabrice_spit's an upstream file: just leave it there21:13
fabrice_spthe copyright is all about copyrights ... :-)21:13
fabrice_spnot coders21:14
fabrice_spyw ;-)21:14
elzaryfabrice_sp, in the upstream author section should I also list the names of the people who wrote the 3rd party libraries that bundle with the app?21:15
elzaryor should I just leave that to the copyright section?21:16
fabrice_sptheir nema should appear in the source headers of the corresponding file,  if the source is there21:17
fabrice_sps/nema/name (need to go to bed! :-9 )21:18
elzarythey are in the source files21:18
elzarybut I need to put them in the copyright file too right?21:18
elzaryand mention the different license that particular code is released under21:19
fabrice_spfor the files they own, yes21:19
elzaryfabrice_sp, one more quick question before you go21:19
elzarywhen I list the copyright holder should I list what file they own next to their name or should I leave that to the "license:" section where I talk about the different licenses?21:20
elzaryI have about 8 names in the authors /copyright list, only one of them is the guy that coded the app I'm packaging the rest are the library devs21:21
fabrice_spare you using the new/not yet approved format?21:21
fabrice_spfor license file, I mean21:21
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fabrice_sp(this one: http://wiki.debian.org/Proposals/CopyrightFormat?action=recall&rev=196)21:22
elzaryNot sure21:22
elzaryI'm using the template that dh_make gave me21:23
elzaryso I guess that's a no21:23
fabrice_spuse this one: it's easier, I think, when you have a lot of files with several licenses21:23
elzaryIt looks better21:25
elzaryIs this format being accepted into universe?21:25
elzaryI'll look into it21:25
fabrice_spand most of the 'new' packages are done using this format21:25
elzarymaybe I'm being to pedantic with this?21:25
fabrice_splast time I submit a package, I've been requested to use this format for copyright file21:26
elzaryI'll use it then21:26
elzarywill dh_make be updated at some point?21:26
fabrice_spgood :-)21:26
fabrice_sphmmm, don't know. Perhaps when this format will be officially approved21:27
elzaryI'll be submitting this package for sponsorship into universe tomorrow at this rate :)21:27
fabrice_spyou know you ahve to use the REVU tool?21:28
ubottuREVU is a web-based tool to give people who have worked on Ubuntu packages a chance to "put their packages out there" for other people to look at and comment on in a structured manner. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU21:28
fabrice_sp(it works! :-) )21:29
elzaryfabo, yeah I know about revu21:29
elzaryfabrice_sp, ^21:29
fabrice_spwhen you have it uploaded, ping me if I'm still here, and I'll have a look (even if I can't advocate it :-) )21:30
elzaryThanks :D21:31
fabrice_spHave to go to sleep. Bye!21:31
macoany core folks around that can sponsor the debdiff on https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bugs/392286 ?21:32
ubottuUbuntu bug 392286 in aspell-en ""blogs" and "blogger" not recognized by aspell" [Undecided,New]21:32
elzary^ really makes the process of making a good COPYRIGHT file easier21:42
ajmitchmaco: sure, give me a minute & I'll take a look21:47
macoajmitch, thanks21:47
macopacking gconf-cleaner...it's a gtk tool to clear cruft out of a user's gconf settings. what Section should i put in debian/control? "gnome" or "utils"?21:55
ajmitchflip a coin21:57
ajmitchprobably gnome, I guess21:58
macogconf-editor's in utils21:59
macoi guess only officially gnomey things get the gnome section21:59
macomaintainer should be motu, right?21:59
ajmitcheither that or Ubuntu Developers22:00
ajmitchI'd check because of the archove reorganisation that's coming22:00
macooh, that changes that?22:00
macowhat about the xsbc-original-maintainer....that only happens on imports from debian, right?22:01
ajmitchOtherwise, the Maintainer field will be set to Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com> "22:01
ajmitchyou can set it to yourself22:01
ajmitchthat seems to be the common practice22:01
ajmitchaspell-en uploaded22:02
macothank you22:02
gaspais there some problem with  ca-certificates-java package?22:07
elzaryunder Files: * in the proposed new copyright file format, do I list everyone that has there name in at least one source file?22:09
elzarybecause no one owns EVERY file, just some, or a majority of22:09
dtchengaspa: bug 39210422:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 392104 in ca-certificates "[Karmic] Update to ca-certificates 20090624 prevents ca-certificates-java from installing" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39210422:09
gaspadtchen: ok.thanks.22:09
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LarstiQScottK: I think bug 342782 is done now.22:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 342782 in pyqwt5 "python-qwt5-qt4 will not install on Jaunty" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34278222:17
ScottKLarstiQ: Cool.  Uploaded or needs sponsoring?22:18
LarstiQScottK: I didn't extensively test all combinations, that should still happen I guess. But it builds, installs, and with everything in the right location afaics22:19
ScottKLarstiQ: Progress in any case.  I'll try and have a look at it tonight or tomorrow.22:19
LarstiQScottK: it's past my bedtime, if you could test and upload/sponsor that would be swell.22:19
LarstiQgood night22:20
elzaryThe new/proposed style COPYRIGHT file in debian/ asks me what license the files in debian/* are under22:39
elzaryI assume I'm the owner?22:39
elzaryIf there a default license or what?22:39
elzary*is there22:40
directhexmost people use the same license as for the app itself22:41
savvaselzary: if you created the packages, then yes, you are the author/owner :)22:41
elzaryI'll out the deb/* files down as GPL-2 then22:41
mok0They're already talking about Jacko as if he were dead....22:57
mok0... apparently that is the case...22:59
Ampelbeinmok0: thanks for sponsoring lighttp, bug 326899. I have a question though: You mention that the way I patched the autotools-files was not correct. I reran autoreconf after making the changes and put the resulting diff into an extra patch. What is the difference between this and running autotools on the buildd?23:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 326899 in lighttpd "provide lighttpd-dev package" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32689923:04
DktrKranzmok0, everyone confirms here23:05
mok0Ampelbein: hmm, I don't remember exactly23:05
mok0DktrKranz: yeah, BBC reports he died23:05
elzarymok0, not being self centred or anything, I wonder if they will refund my ticket for his concert in london -_-23:06
mok0elzary: all ticket holders are to make claims against the estate23:06
mok0elzary: he probably already spent your money23:07
elzaryI dont think it's true23:07
* mok0 is overly cynical23:07
elzaryno good source23:07
elzarythey all link to tmz23:07
elzarywhich is balls23:07
mok0CNN is talking about him in the past tense23:08
elzarymok0, yeah but they are basing that on a bad source23:08
elzaryunless he ran off with the money to live in netherlandv2, epic scam and all23:08
ajmitchit'd be bad to run an obituary & then he lives... :)23:08
mok0ajmitch: they have it written already23:09
ajmitchthey usually have them prepared & stored for when something bad happens23:09
Ampelbeinmok0: hmm, ok then. because I thought it was better to run autotools locally and not on the buildd.23:09
ajmitchnoone wants to be last with the news :)23:09
nelleryAmpelbein: congrats on joining MOTU :)23:09
mok0Ampelbein: I remember now. No don't do that23:09
Ampelbeinnellery: thank you very much!23:10
mok0Ampelbein: better to run autotools when building23:10
nelleryAmpelbein: can I go ahead and kick you out of the sponsoring queue?23:10
mok0Ampelbein: patches to Makefile.in etc. are hard to maintain23:10
nelleryI only see bug #39211623:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 392116 in python-adodb "Please merge python-adodb 2.10-1 from debian/unstable" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39211623:11
Ampelbeinnellery: yeah, that's the only one currently needing sponsoring.23:11
mok0"We're following the situation as it develops" I have news for Wolf: It's not gonna develop23:11
Ampelbeinnellery: I can upload this tomorrow, when I'm added to the team. Or you could sponsor the package, if you have the time.23:12
Ampelbeinnellery: ;-)23:12
Ampelbeinmok0: the desktop-team does that (patching autotools) all the time, it's not that hard actually.23:13
mok0Ampelbein: don't know about that, but it's bad practice23:13
mok0Ampelbein: some people argue that autotools should _always_ be regenerated23:14
mok0Ah, Jacko is no longer dead23:15
mok0He's in a coma now23:16
LaneyUri Geller is commenting on the BBC now...23:16
Laney24 hour news is such fun23:16
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Ampelbeinmok0: ok, thanks for the info.23:16
mok0Laney: we have live pictures from a chopper circling the hospital23:16
Laneyyeah those too23:17
mok0stupid, huh23:17
mok0... In the meantime, back in Iran, axing people...23:17
mok0Oh, that was Uri..,. thought I saw my spoons bending23:18
directhexwhat hope does some middle eastern country have in keeping people interested versus celebrities?23:18
ajmitchmok0: but that other news is so important!23:18
JontheEchidna10 minutes ago he's dead according to times: http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2009/06/26/2609021.htm?section=entertainment23:19
JontheEchidnaor, according to times 10 minutes ago he's dead23:19
mok0Yeah this is the work of Iranian spies and Ahmadinejad to remove attention from the slaugtering23:19
directhexJontheEchidna, all "dead" stories link back to tmz.com23:20
directhexwho are not trustworthy23:20
ajmitchdirecthex: it's on the internet, it must be true23:20
Laneysearch michael jackson on twitterfall.com23:21
JontheEchidnaoh, not times, ABC23:21
Laneysuch fun23:21
mok0He's been looking like a zombie for a while now23:21
* ajmitch orders everyone back to productive work :)23:21
Ampelbeini don't know, but i had a small laugh looking at tmz. "michael jackson dead" and "click here for live chat" ;-)23:21
ajmitch145 outstanding merges in universe, DIF is today, right?23:22
mok0LAt times changes it's mind23:22
Ampelbeinajmitch: yes, it is.23:22
ajmitchand people care about michael jackson on a day like today...23:23
mok0DIF is 10 days earlier this time23:23
ajmitchfirst up on the list is asterisk23:24
* ajmitch tracks down the person who TIL23:24
ajmitchconveniently a loco member23:25
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directhexam i the only one who really really misses pidgin's ability to stack multi-network contacts when using empathy?23:57
* ajmitch hasn't even tried out empathy yet23:57

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