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aramvo: I am verying bug #369198 and I am seeing that selecting update-notifier from proposed, does not selects update-notifier-common for update as well, you have to select it manually10:19
ubot4Launchpad bug 369198 in update-notifier "update-manager auto-opened after each apt use when security updates available" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36919810:19
aramvo: is that expected?10:19
mvoara: no, it should not matter is this case, but its certainly ugly10:20
mvofixed in bzr, thanks10:22
aramvo: :-)10:22
aramvo: I will finish my verification tomorrow, as I have to wait one day for the pop-up to appear again10:22
aramvo: ping me if you see that I haven't done it by, lets say, tomorrow 1pm :)10:23
mvoara: thanks, I will do that10:23
* mvo adds it to his gtg10:24
aramvo: is gtg worth a try?10:25
mvoara: I like it, I never liked todo software on the computer, but this one is pretty good10:26
aramvo: michael, regarding bug #36919811:04
ubot4Launchpad bug 369198 in update-notifier "update-manager auto-opened after each apt use when security updates available" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36919811:04
aramvo: the fix only works after restarting the session. Is that expected?11:05
mvoara: yes, the new update-notifier binary needs to run and that is started with the session11:46
aramvo: ok. it is that implied? (restart of the session) or is there a way to communicate to the user?11:48
mvohm, we could do that, but its not ideal because it would introduce new strings11:49
mvoas a workaround we could show a reboot required message11:49
aramvo: I would do that. Being a SRU, I prefer to be on the safe side, but we can wait for sbeattie to wake up and ask him11:51
mvoara: ok, I can prepare a new version11:57
* ara -> lunch12:39
sotomayorhello people...may i ask a question or pm someone for help with a security situation?17:53
fadersotomayor: You're probably better off asking in #ubuntu rather than here17:54
faderAnd just ask your question, don't ask to ask :)17:54
fader#ubuntu is a good place to ask for help or support; #ubuntu-testing is used for coordinating QA efforts for Ubuntu17:54
sotomayori cant find #ubuntu on my channel list17:54
sotomayorfader what are you most familiar with ubuntu?17:55
fadersotomayor: try typing "/join #ubuntu" -- it may be filtered out of your channel list somehow.17:55
faderI'm not sure what you're asking for your other question.17:56
sotomayorwell my initial question was "did anyone know anything about cve-2009-0688"?17:56
ubot4sotomayor: Multiple buffer overflows in the CMU Cyrus SASL library before 2.1.23 might allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (application crash) via strings that are used as input to the sasl_encode64 function in lib/saslutil.c. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2009-0688)17:56
fadersotomayor: Yeah, sorry... I can't tell you much about that. :(  I'd still suggest trying in #ubuntu though.17:59
sotomayorok i just type that channel in and could get it but i will keep trying...but thanks anyway17:59
sotomayorso that person before you called ubot4...is that a robot or a moderator?18:00
fadercr3, eeejay, schwuk: Checkbox meeting?18:01
cr3fader: sec, getting myself much needed coffee18:01
fadersotomayor: ubot4 is a bot that provides useful information like bug descriptions :)18:01
cr3fader: sip/skype/conference line?18:01
schwukfader: .o/18:01
fadercr3: I'd prefer IRC or SIP/conference line -- I think we all know how I feel about skype at this point.18:01
schwukcr3: I thought we were doing it in here because of technology FAIL18:02
schwukcr3: everytime fader makes/takes a skype call, he has to cut himself18:02
sotomayorwell when i type in"/join #ubuntu" do i click on the  channel,topic. or regular expression to find that site?18:03
faderschwuk: It's not a cut if you put a ring through it.18:03
cr3here might be annoying for the other folks, how about #ubuntu-testing-meeting?18:03
schwukfader: touche!18:03
schwukcr3: as you wish18:04
eeejayi am there18:05
sotomayor"/join #ubuntu"18:06
fadersotomayor: Just like that but without the "18:07
fadereeejay: ping, #ubuntu-testing-meeting18:10
sbeattiesotomayor: actually, you might have better luck asking in the #ubuntu-hardened channel; despite its name, it's the defacto security channel, I believe.18:13
faderHey, I learned something today :)18:13
davmor2fader: so what old stuff did you foget ;)18:14
faderdavmor2: Who are you again?18:14
* fader hugs davmor2.18:15
faderJust kidding.  I forgot where I put my other pair of glasses, not you.18:15
davmor2fader: :P18:16
davmor2funny though I'll give you that :)18:17
faderdavmor2: Looks aren't everything.18:17
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