[06:59] ping === blizzzek is now known as blizzz [21:37] * emmajane waves [21:37] hi emmajane [21:37] newz2000, hey :) [21:38] so. rich text editing is ... t e h s u c k [21:38] yes [21:38] the best results I've had are starting in the wysiwyg or copying from the wiki [21:38] copying from OOo is never pleasant [21:38] I tried just about every sane variation last night and for some reason Moodle + Tiny is munging embedded styles on resave. [21:38] newz2000, Oh I'm definitely *not* copying from OOo. :) [21:38] btw - emma meet newz2000, newz2000 meet emma [21:38] newz2000, there's not enough Scotch in the world for me to do that. [21:39] :) [21:39] people wonder why it takes me 2 hours to publish a press release [21:39] ;-) [21:39] I'm doing OOo -> HTML -> vim cleanup -> Moodle. [21:40] ok, so you have normal, simple html and it's getting converted to entities when you edit it (after having been previously saved)? [21:40] I'm pasting in HTML as "source" (Tiny editor turned off). [21:40] which is fine until you want to edit the page. And then it converts all of the embedded