tiyowan | LinuX2half: If you really want to install that engine, you'd need to install GTK 2.18 first, and then compile Aurora from source and install it. Um, just pick another theme for now, and sooner or later the 2.18 version will get pushed to you in an update. :) | 00:00 |
camel | can anyone help me with my problem? | 00:00 |
ruler | how to change my ip address temporary | 00:00 |
tiyowan | ruler: macchanger | 00:00 |
LinuX2half | tiyowan: oh...whats the difference between engine and theme? | 00:00 |
bazhang | !repeat | camel | 00:00 |
ubottu | camel: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait. | 00:00 |
KungFux | ывпар | 00:01 |
rgrasell1 | well i dont think i got the newest. I went through their whole 'select a card', so i must have a driver version compatible with my computer. Is there any way to get a newer xorg? | 00:01 |
LinuX2half | tiyowan: they look about the same | 00:01 |
bazhang | KungFux, #ubuntu-ru | 00:01 |
camel | thanks ubottu | 00:01 |
rww | rgrasell1: which version of fglrx did you download? | 00:01 |
LinuX2half | tiyowan: its just too much work and compiling sounds more difficult | 00:01 |
wooj | Can anyone help me figure out how to get a module I'm compiling to work? I'm apparently getting a vermagic error - the info I have is here http://pastebin.ca/1473379 | 00:01 |
=== siikr is now known as [q0dr] | ||
tiyowan | LinuxX2half: Well, see...the widget toolkit (gtk) is reponsible for drawing all the controls on the screen, like buttons, checkboxes etc. If you want to see it looks like without any theme engine, click on Customize in Appearances and select Raleigh. That's the default toolkit without any engine. A theme engine basically extends the toolkit - so it gives theme designers more ways to have stuff drawn on the screen. And then the theme designers make their them | 00:02 |
rww | rgrasell1: heck, it doesn't matter. If you're using Jaunty's version of Xorg, you *can't* use any version of fglrx, because it either won't support your version of Xorg or your graphics card. If you're using a version of Ubuntu earlier than Jaunty, you should have used the package manager version of fglrx. | 00:03 |
rgrasell1 | lrww: 9.3 | 00:03 |
Prankster163 | My mouse locked up again | 00:04 |
rgrasell1 | rww: ok thanks. what a bummer :\ . will it work in debian? | 00:04 |
tiyowan | LinuX2half: If you're a little new to Ubuntu, I'd recommend you pick another theme for now from a site like gnome-look.org and not worry about compiling stuff for the moment. | 00:04 |
rww | rgrasell1: No idea. The people in #debian might know. | 00:04 |
ruler | how to change ip temporary | 00:04 |
tiyowan | ruler: Use macchanger | 00:04 |
rgrasell1 | rww: thansk a lot for helping :) | 00:04 |
LinuX2half | tiyowan: so if I want a gnome theme I need to select GTK 2x/1x right? | 00:05 |
eternal_p | afternoon all..quick question, how can I change the default command line ftp client to NOT use FTP (without having to type passive) after login) | 00:05 |
BBishop | any way that I could set my working session into a vnc session ? I mean, once I login. I want someone else to be able to vnc to me and see what I'm doing on my computer... | 00:05 |
ruler | tiyowan:i have install it but dint know how to open it | 00:05 |
tiyowan | Linux2half: Yep. :) A GTK2 theme is the major part of it. And then you can customize the theme you picked by also getting any metacity theme. Metacity is the "window manager" - it's reponsible for the way the windows are managed, as in, their borders, the look of their title bars. | 00:06 |
moonwatcher | mdm: can you see any reason why this 'iconv -f ASCII -t UTF-8 -c' should return different values when running on a terminal or through cron? | 00:07 |
tiyowan | ruler: just run it from the terminal | 00:07 |
rww | eternal_p: you want it to always use passive FTP? "ftp -p" | 00:07 |
Prankster163 | It seems when ever I'm multiple tasking on ubuntu, my mouse locks up causing me to restart | 00:07 |
rww | eternal_p: or "pftp" | 00:07 |
eternal_p | rww: it seems to always default to passive mode, I want to connect without passive mode | 00:07 |
nighto | Hi there | 00:07 |
mdm | moonwatcher, go look at /etc/profile there is probbly something there that is setting locality interfearing with it | 00:07 |
nbkr | BBishop, System -> Settings -> Remote Desktop | 00:07 |
BBishop | ups | 00:07 |
nighto | Need some help in cloning a working Ubuntu Server machine to a few others | 00:08 |
BBishop | I'm running xubuntu .. I'll try in there | 00:08 |
zimbres | hi, I am quite new to autotools... when writting a Makefile.am how should I refer to include files in the include directory, if the Makefile.am is in src? Is it enough "include_HEADERS = ../include/foo.h ../include/bar.h? How can I avoid typing ../include?" | 00:08 |
nighto | I cloned the partitions with ddrescue, the other machine boots ok but eth0 won't come up. The machine's hardware is the same in all machines. | 00:08 |
mdm | eternal_p, it defaults to passive becase it is requred for NAT transversal. If there is not NAT between the client and server it makes no differnce | 00:08 |
nighto | Any tips? Thanks in advance | 00:08 |
LinuX2half | tiyowan: thanks for the explanation | 00:08 |
ruler | how to open a rar format in ubuntu | 00:09 |
eternal_p | mdm: sure it does..the client does not support passive and bails on first connect | 00:09 |
nbkr | ruler, install "unrar" | 00:09 |
tiyowan | LinuX2half: No problem at all. | 00:09 |
deeflex__ | ruler: unrar file.rar | 00:09 |
rww | !rar | ruler | 00:09 |
ubottu | ruler: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free | 00:09 |
moonwatcher | mdm: http://pastebin.com/m2e641d72 | 00:09 |
nbkr | nighto, Anything in the logs? | 00:09 |
mdm | moonwatcher, what is in /etc/bash.bashrc and in /etc/profile.d. That is just the master script that sources those | 00:10 |
nighto | nbkr, everything loads but mysql, which fails because I don't have an ethernet interface. When I try to /etc/init.d/networking restart, I got a few errors like eth0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device | 00:10 |
khems | Hi, I am looking for german keyboard help | 00:10 |
ruler | i have installed unrar the problem is solved thanks | 00:11 |
Prankster163 | Guys when Ever I multitask on ubuntu (use firefox while installing something) my mouse locks up | 00:11 |
nbkr | !de | khems | 00:11 |
ubottu | khems: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis. | 00:11 |
moonwatcher | mdm: ill pastebin it, but its stock ubuntu 9.04 | 00:11 |
necroforest | Hi, within the past 2 weeks or so I've been having a ton of issues with my Intel HD audio driver getting locked and applications not being able to play sound because of it; any ideas? | 00:11 |
nighto | nbkr, the strange thing is that the machine's hardware is exactly the same. The only thing I can imagine they differ is the NIC's MAC address. | 00:11 |
ruler | how to put security code for a particular folder | 00:12 |
khems | I am unable to get ALtGr key working | 00:12 |
nbkr | ruler, No way. | 00:12 |
nbkr | ruler, Get the access settings right, than you don't need a security code. | 00:12 |
khems | I am using xmodmap | 00:12 |
Prankster163 | Can anyone help me with my mouse problem? | 00:12 |
nbkr | nighto, Does lspci show the NIC as identical? Maybe its a different chipset. | 00:13 |
khems | can anyone help me with keyboard issues | 00:13 |
ruler | nbkr : please tell i cant understand | 00:13 |
khems | for german layout | 00:13 |
moonwatcher | mdm: http://pastebin.com/d77b09a34 | 00:13 |
nbkr | khems, Tried to set the layout via the system menu on Gnome? | 00:14 |
moonwatcher | won't it be easier to try and set that on my script? | 00:14 |
khems | nbkr I did all | 00:14 |
imi | hi | 00:14 |
khems | I am unable to get altgr key working with special keys | 00:14 |
imi | which designed will I need for kdevelop? | 00:14 |
whatis_tux | when I try to open a folder from panel \ gnome menu , I receive the error "Could not open location file://home/..." "No application is registered as handling this file" . what to do? | 00:14 |
imi | designer | 00:14 |
nbkr | ruler, There is no way of having your Ubuntu to ask for a password when accessing a folder. It's the wrong approch. Linux has a very fine method of defining access rights for the different users of a system. | 00:15 |
necroforest | Hi, within the past 2 weeks or so I've been having a ton of issues with my Intel HD audio driver getting locked and applications not being able to play sound because of it; any ideas? | 00:15 |
whatis_tux | from Places* | 00:15 |
mdm | khems, bitte gelesen, was ubottu schrieb | 00:15 |
rodrigoguate | hola | 00:15 |
nighto | nbkr, Yes, they are exactly the same, it's an onboard NIC with exactly the same motherboard. Even the revision of the model (it's 10x AsRock N61P-S Rev. G/A1.06). lspci shows it as 00:07.0 Bridge: nVidia Corporation MCP61 Ethernet (rev a2). | 00:15 |
khems | mdm, I don't know german language | 00:15 |
aymak | Is there a way to remotely reboot to a different OS without editing grub's menu.lst? | 00:16 |
nbkr | whatis_tux, Have a look: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1151325 | 00:16 |
khems | So please talk in english of possibe | 00:16 |
mdm | khems, then why do you want a german keyboard? | 00:16 |
whatis_tux | nbkr, ok | 00:16 |
khems | I am a developer | 00:16 |
rodrigoguate | i need help. | 00:16 |
nighto | nbkr, maybe if the script that fires up the networking has some bind with the MAC address of the first NIC, don't know. | 00:16 |
khems | Trying to make sure german layout working | 00:16 |
nbkr | nighto, Well you could change the MAC Adress of the interface on the second machine to see if its helping. | 00:17 |
nighto | nbkr, how? i can't even see the NIC in ifconfig. when /etc/init.d/networking is loading, it fails. | 00:18 |
khems | Can anyone help me with xmodmap and altgr issue | 00:18 |
nbkr | nighto, Hm, ok - have to checked the output of "lsmod" maybe the driver doesn't get loaded. | 00:18 |
mdm | moonwatcher, I cant see anything that should interfear with it, so I do not know unless I can see what that script does | 00:19 |
nighto | nbkr, with lspci -vv | less it says: "Kernel driver in use: forcedeth/Kernel modules: forcedeth" | 00:20 |
nighto | nbkr, lsmod | grep forcedeth says "forcedeth 61968 0" | 00:20 |
kebomix | hello , pdigin 2.5.7 doesn't appear in indicator-applet 0.1 and when i close messenger windows it exit , any solution ? | 00:20 |
moonwatcher | mdm: you asked for it :) http://pastebin.com/d5e280a05 | 00:21 |
nbkr | nighto, Sorry, don't have a clue what it could be then. | 00:21 |
moonwatcher | mdm: line 120 is where things mess up | 00:22 |
nbkr | nighto, Maybe you could check with the ubuntu live cd if the card is really working or if it is broken. | 00:22 |
khems | I need help on keyboard mapping please | 00:22 |
nighto | nbkr, Well, thanks. I tried to modprobe -r forcedeth ; modprobe forcedeth and apparently it loaded up as eth1 | 00:22 |
mdm | moonwatcher, I see all becase you want to dump mysql into csv format and not sql? | 00:22 |
nighto | nbkr, Do you know where can I check the bindings of MAC Address -> ethN? | 00:23 |
moonwatcher | mdm: no if i remove the "| iconv -f ASCII -t UTF-8 -c" its all ok | 00:23 |
whatis_tux | nbkr, on the link you gave me they specify a file ".local/share/applications/mimeapps.list" in which they made the modifications for things to work out .. but I dont have this file ... | 00:23 |
moonwatcher | mdm: weird thing is its workign when i run from a command line | 00:24 |
nbkr | nighto, Thats probably in /etc/udev/rules.d/ | 00:24 |
mdm | moonwatcher, yes but what this script is doing is taking mysql snapshots and converting them to csv. If your intent is to back up mysql simply use mysqldump and store them as sql files (preferably compresses) | 00:24 |
moonwatcher | mdm: and i am not dumping mysql, i am dumping dbf and than popluating mysql | 00:24 |
nbkr | whatis_tux, What version of ubuntu are you running? | 00:24 |
whatis_tux | 9.04 | 00:24 |
zamba | program for manipulating pdf files? | 00:25 |
moonwatcher | mdm: wrong. the script doesn't dump mysql | 00:25 |
nbkr | zamba, pdftk maybe? | 00:25 |
kebomix | hello , pdigin 2.5.7 doesn't appear in indicator-applet 0.1 and when i close messenger windows it exit , any solution ? | 00:25 |
nbkr | whatis_tux, .local is a hidden folder. | 00:26 |
whatis_tux | i know | 00:26 |
moonwatcher | its migrating Lotus Approach DBF files to csv and that poplates msql | 00:26 |
whatis_tux | i found it in ~ | 00:26 |
aphyr | Is there a netinst iso for ubuntu server? | 00:26 |
whatis_tux | nbkr, I looked for the file from terminal | 00:26 |
moonwatcher | mdm: anyway, the iconv is what makes it b0rk | 00:26 |
nbkr | whatis_tux, Did you try to create a new user - just for testing? | 00:27 |
KungFux | How I can to mount ISO file into /dev/cdrom? Is it possible? | 00:27 |
pw-toxic | hi - i'm trying to set up a router with my ubuntu system.. therefore i did echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward but my packages dont get forwarded.. | 00:27 |
pw-toxic | is there anyting special with ubuntu? | 00:27 |
ericdb | Why is my dist-upgrade going so slow? | 00:28 |
pw-toxic | wireshark tells me that it receives all packages from my host | 00:28 |
mdm | moonwatcher, where do the pdf files come from? | 00:28 |
whatis_tux | nbkr, no I just looked for the file thinking the file exists but must have been modified | 00:28 |
too5hort | Where do i find .conkyrc script? | 00:28 |
zamba | pw-toxic: have you set up masquerading? | 00:28 |
pw-toxic | zamba, why masquerading?.. not its just a local network | 00:28 |
zamba | pw-toxic: or is it plain routing? | 00:28 |
moonwatcher | mdm: dbf, they come from a 15 year old lotus approach application | 00:28 |
VCoolio | too5hort: in your home folder, hidden, but only after you told conky to create it | 00:28 |
nbkr | whatis_tux, Try to create a new user. If the problem is caused by the gnome settings, than they should occur on the new user. This new user should have the file, so you can copy it. | 00:29 |
ericdb | Is 150kbps a normal download rate for a dist-upgrade? I get higher rates when updating individual packages. | 00:29 |
zamba | pw-toxic: local network with official ips, i presume? | 00:29 |
too5hort | VCoolio: How do i tell it to create it :)? | 00:29 |
pw-toxic | zamba, we have two local networks here.. mine is 192.168.42/24 and the other one is 192.168.1/24 | 00:29 |
bazhang | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5436679 too5hort | 00:29 |
nighto | nbkr, Apparently I could sort it out. By some reason, the cloned NIC's is on eth1, not eth0. So I changed the /etc/network/interfaces and it worked. Why it's being detected as eth1 and not eth0 remains as a mystery... | 00:29 |
VCoolio | too5hort: hang on | 00:29 |
nighto | nbkr, But thanks anyway. | 00:29 |
moonwatcher | mdm: the question is why is it running one way when executed directly and different when runnign through cron | 00:29 |
zamba | pw-toxic: then you have to set up masquerading | 00:29 |
whatis_tux | nbkr, ok I'll give it a shot | 00:29 |
pw-toxic | is my linxu router with two network cards.. the pc im currently chatting on | 00:29 |
richj | KungFux, mounting to /dev/cdrom does work | 00:29 |
VCoolio | too5hort: conky -C <--mind the capital C ! | 00:29 |
pw-toxic | zamba, but masquerading is something of NAT ?! i dont want a NAT (by now).. i have two subnetworks which should be able to talk to each other | 00:30 |
richj | KungFux, tool to do it easily, cmdline: sudo apt-get install gmountiso | 00:30 |
zamba | pw-toxic: oh.. to each other.. | 00:30 |
paolof | I am having problems with my network manager...can anyone help? | 00:30 |
mdm | moonwatcher, like I said it does not have the same shell enviroment as user | 00:30 |
zamba | pw-toxic: just make sure the firewall isn't blocking anything | 00:30 |
nighto | bye | 00:30 |
zamba | pw-toxic: check with iptables | 00:30 |
too5hort | VCoolio: Invalid option, it says | 00:31 |
KungFux | I'll try gmountiso. Thanks. | 00:31 |
moonwatcher | mdm: yeah i figured this much, question is if i can set what ever makes it in the beginning of the script and solve it this way | 00:31 |
mdm | moonwatcher, source them | 00:31 |
VCoolio | too5hort: sorry; "conky -C > ~/.conkyrc" it is; but you can pick any example from the web and put it there; also run another config with "conky -c /path/to/file" | 00:32 |
moonwatcher | mdm: source who? | 00:32 |
mdm | moonwatcher, source the user profile e.g, . .profile | 00:32 |
pw-toxic | zamba, can i completly disable iptables? ;) | 00:32 |
moonwatcher | mdm: hmmm... intersting. let me try that | 00:32 |
zamba | pw-toxic: just make sure that the default policy is set to ACCEPT and then just flush all chains | 00:33 |
mdm | moonwatcher, in this case . /etc/profile and . /home/user/.profile there is a period, a space, and then the file | 00:33 |
zamba | pw-toxic: .. in that order ,) | 00:33 |
scottyg | does anyone know a radio desklet, or screenlet that actually works? | 00:33 |
moonwatcher | mdm i was gonna source /home/lg/.bashrc | 00:34 |
scottyg | i feel like i am using windows ME again. those desklets and screenlets are a buggy mess | 00:34 |
mdm | moonwatcher, do /etc/profile too | 00:34 |
phantomcircuit | the System Monitor in 9.04 doesnt appear to have the amount of memory in use correct | 00:35 |
phantomcircuit | it's saying im using 300 MiB but firefox alone is using 400 MiB of resident memory | 00:35 |
moonwatcher | mdm: the shell can sometime drive me insane | 00:36 |
mdm | phantomcircuit, memory is managed. Make sure its not telling what whats in physical memory and is exculding all the stuff paged out | 00:36 |
kebomix | hello pidgin doesn't appear in indicator-applet ? | 00:36 |
mdm | moonwatcher, linux does that to me. Try putting linux commands in a solaris box and solaris commands in a linux box. Close enough and you will think it will work, but noooo | 00:37 |
phantomcircuit | mdm, it shows both memory and swap file, the total of which are less than 400 MiB so I guarantee it is wrong | 00:37 |
richj | phantomcircuit, look at cmdline: cat /proc/meminfo | 00:38 |
mdm | phantomcircuit, cat /proc/meminfo and compare that it tells you vs what you see | 00:38 |
yoga | Given a executable file name, how do I find out which package provide for that file? | 00:38 |
mdm | yoga, dpkg -S | 00:38 |
Prankster163 | Can someone help me install Cairo dock? | 00:39 |
phantomcircuit | see i know that the numbers being reported are wrong | 00:40 |
phantomcircuit | i just loaded up openoffice and it showed no increase | 00:40 |
phantomcircuit | that's totally wrogn | 00:41 |
moonwatcher | mdm: arrrr | 00:41 |
pw-toxic | zamba, iptables -A FORWARD -j ACCEPT | 00:41 |
moonwatcher | mdm: now i really don't get it | 00:41 |
pw-toxic | is this correct? | 00:41 |
Prankster163 | Whenni try to instal it gives me a error message saying "switch to the 'synaptic' package manager to resolve this conflict." how so I switch? | 00:41 |
moonwatcher | mdm: same thing | 00:41 |
bazhang | sudo apt-get install cairo-dock Prankster163 | 00:41 |
Prankster163 | Thanks | 00:41 |
moonwatcher | maybe a different iconv is running? | 00:41 |
moonwatcher | mdm: once i source those files it should be identical | 00:42 |
moonwatcher | source "/etc/profile" | 00:42 |
moonwatcher | source "/home/lg/.bashrc" | 00:42 |
moonwatcher | right? | 00:42 |
mdm | moonwatcher, change source to . | 00:42 |
renatosrabelo | hi people . im having some problems with my notebook hp-dv4 pavilion and no sound with ubuntu jaunty. i follow this official guide ( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting )and nothing. i 've changed the slider in gnome-volume-control , compile alsa from source and etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf. HELP ME PLS . | 00:42 |
klak | could anyone tell me how to change the default browser that opens links in | 00:43 |
klak | IRC and IM | 00:43 |
Prankster163 | I got another error message in terminal | 00:43 |
moonwatcher | mdm: you mean simply execute them | 00:43 |
mdm | moonwatcher, no source them :) http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prompt-HOWTO/x237.html | 00:43 |
Prankster163 | It's too long to type on my iPod | 00:43 |
Prankster163 | But it says some packages could not be installed | 00:43 |
mdm | I have to meet my wife for dinner, if you dont figure this out ill be back tomorow | 00:44 |
mubu | Hey guys. I have a few partitions that when mounted i can access all of their files but they show up as 0 bytes total size and 0 bytes of space availabe. I believe they are fat32 and ntfs. How can i fix this? Thanks | 00:44 |
moonwatcher | mdm: so ./home/lg/.bashrc or . /home/lg/.bashrc | 00:44 |
moonwatcher | ? | 00:44 |
Chrisie | klak: If you're using Pidgin - look for the Network tab within Tools->Preferences and there's a 'Configure Browser' button | 00:44 |
moonwatcher | mdm: thanks for the help man :) | 00:45 |
Prankster163 | Omg how do I start up terminal with out my mouse | 00:46 |
Prankster163 | It locked up again :( | 00:46 |
phantomcircuit | so the memory monitor shows the amount of memory that is "active" ? | 00:46 |
bazhang | Prankster163, alt f2 gnome-terminal | 00:46 |
Prankster163 | Ty | 00:47 |
Devastator | hi , does linux ".so" files has amd64 and x86 based separate ? The ".so" files executed by amd64 app must have amd64 ".so" library ? like dlls on windows ? | 00:47 |
klak | Chrisie: but i want to change the default browser that opens links for all applications | 00:47 |
Prankster163 | Omg why won't my mouse work?!?!! | 00:47 |
mubu | Any idea guys? | 00:47 |
mubu | Hey guys. I have a few partitions that when mounted i can access all of their files but they show up as 0 bytes total size and 0 bytes of space availabe. I believe they are fat32 and ntfs. How can i fix this? Thanks | 00:47 |
klak | can anyone tell me how to change the default browser that opens links for all applications | 00:48 |
Chrisie | klak: Look for something like 'Preferred Applicatons' within System->Administration menu - I'm still on Hardy LTS but should be something like that | 00:49 |
Prankster163 | I installed ubuntu with wubi so could this be effecting my mouse from lockig up? | 00:49 |
zamba | pw-toxic: for instance | 00:49 |
bazhang | Prankster163, bluetooth mouse? | 00:49 |
klak | thanks Chrisie | 00:50 |
klak | could anyone tell me where "preferred applications" has moved to in Jaunty? | 00:50 |
Chrisie | klak: welcome | 00:50 |
pw-toxic | zamba, still doesnt work.. i think the firewall isnt the problem.. i just want my packages beeing forwarded by this machine.. | 00:51 |
* rootpt is away: Estou ocupado | 00:52 | |
whatis_tux | nbkr , I did like you said and things worked out | 00:52 |
pw-toxic | do i have to do something special after echo > 1 /proc .. ip_foward ? | 00:52 |
k1en | can anyone help me with cron-tab, i want it to run a caommand everyday at 6 oclock | 00:53 |
klak | could anyone tell me where "preferred applications" has moved to in Jaunty? | 00:53 |
VCoolio | klak: system> preferences | 00:53 |
sotomayor | hello people | 00:54 |
Prankster163 | How come I can't install ANY program at all... It says (program name) cannot be installed on your computer type (amd64). Either the aplication requires special hardware features or the vedor decided to nit support your computer type whyyyyyy | 00:55 |
wolter | hi | 00:55 |
phantomcircuit | OH | 00:55 |
wolter | which are the latest graphic drivers available for an nvidia card in jaunty? | 00:55 |
phantomcircuit | it's only displaying the memory that my user is using | 00:56 |
k1en | to run cron everyday at 6 is this syntax correct: 00 18 *** /path/to/file ? | 00:56 |
wolter | I read on phoronix that the 190 version is out already and ubuntu tells me 180 is the newest | 00:56 |
lesshaste | anyone know how to disable the finger print reader in ubuntu completely? I want it to stop using power on my laptop | 00:57 |
Seany | whats up | 00:58 |
detrix_ | Hello everyone. I have just installed a new video card. Nvidia fx 5500. How do I get the s-video out to work??? for linux and windows??? | 00:59 |
cyban | detrix_, should be available on windows if you installed the drivers | 01:00 |
smil3y | detrix_> plugin your svideo cord to the card and a tv, and reboot | 01:00 |
Prankster163 | How come downloading on ubuntu is so slow | 01:00 |
detrix_ | cyban: its fighting me, I don't know why. | 01:00 |
cyban | Prankster163, seems fine to me | 01:01 |
smil3y | Prankster163> got nothing to do with ubuntu, check your connection | 01:01 |
cyban | detrix_, you plugged it in rebooted and got nothin or? | 01:01 |
detrix_ | smil3y: I have rebooted many time. s-video is hooked up. | 01:01 |
lashmoove | i am trying to compile something from source and getting permission errors on creating files, even when i use "sudo ./configure" | 01:01 |
Chrisie | k1en: yup. crontab -e and then for example only add a line like: 00 18 * * * rm /home/someuser/somedir/* | 01:01 |
smil3y | detrix_> open nvidia control panel and enable 2nd connection | 01:01 |
Prankster163 | Cyban: I used wubi to install ubuntu andnon windows I had perfect connection | 01:02 |
sotomayor | can anyone tell me what keeps libs from installing? | 01:02 |
cyban | Prankster163, I get over 8 MBPS so I cant complain | 01:02 |
detrix_ | smil3y: I am only given a single option "single display" | 01:02 |
Prankster163 | Cyban: why can I install any application from add/remove program | 01:03 |
xamox | how can I list what dev my harddrives are from the command line? | 01:03 |
smil3y | detrix_> you dont have 2 tv screens on the nvidia control panel? | 01:03 |
cyban | if your connections slow maybe its just taking forever to load the list? | 01:03 |
smil3y | detrix_> click the one that is disabled | 01:03 |
cyban | Prankster163, tried yum instead? | 01:03 |
Prankster163 | Cyban: no it just won't let me | 01:03 |
Prankster163 | What's yum? | 01:04 |
cyban | er not yum, wrong OS, apt-get | 01:04 |
Prankster163 | Yes | 01:04 |
detrix_ | smil3y: I have to force it to detect the tv. but I can only select one video for output. | 01:04 |
cyban | or just run aptitude (sp?) | 01:04 |
smil3y | Prankster163> yum is redhat | 01:04 |
Prankster163 | Omg my mouse locked up again!!!!!!!! | 01:04 |
cyban | I was thinkin Fedora | 01:04 |
Prankster163 | I cNt move it!!!!! | 01:04 |
smil3y | detrix_> yeah you can only use *one* connection either vga or svideo, not both at the same time | 01:05 |
smil3y | detrix_> fx5500 isnt dual head | 01:05 |
phantomcircuit | why the hell doesnt the system monitor show cache usage? | 01:05 |
Prankster163 | Can someone please tell me why my mouse keeps locking up, I can't move it or click or anything!!!!!! | 01:06 |
detrix_ | smil3y: ok thats what I have been needing to know....S#!t. | 01:06 |
cyban | phantomcircuit, use top | 01:06 |
cyban | Prankster163, I think you have a bad install with all the issues you have | 01:06 |
Chrisie | xamox: the command is 'df' | 01:06 |
phantomcircuit | i want a pretty graph | 01:06 |
phantomcircuit | >.> | 01:06 |
cyban | lol | 01:07 |
Prankster163 | Cyban well I used wubi to install | 01:07 |
cyban | Prankster163, sorry dont know anything about wubi | 01:07 |
dom96 | prankster163, did you try running the live cd | 01:07 |
cyban | I installed from live cd and havent had any issues | 01:07 |
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky | ||
cyban | except not being able to use Emerald themes.... | 01:07 |
cabrey | anybody know of a way to automatically unlock the login keychain? i'm using autologin option | 01:07 |
Prankster163 | Dom96 can I dual boot? | 01:07 |
dom96 | prankster163:yeah ... | 01:08 |
cyban | Prankster163, yes | 01:08 |
FloridaGuy | whats the difference between usplash and splashy | 01:08 |
dom96 | Prankster163:although i never tried doing it | 01:08 |
Prankster163 | Ok how do I use a live cd? | 01:08 |
muse | If I wanted to run a script at startup in ubuntu is /etc/rc.local the best place to modify to achieve this? | 01:08 |
cyban | FloridaGuy, just two apps that do the same thing I think? | 01:08 |
phantomcircuit | there we go | 01:08 |
dom96 | prankster163:you might need to change your systems boot priority | 01:08 |
phantomcircuit | there's a panel thingie that shows it | 01:08 |
Iceman_B|Nbk | greetings | 01:08 |
phantomcircuit | very useful | 01:09 |
phantomcircuit | :P | 01:09 |
tbaxter | My atheros wireless card is causing my laptop to freeze intermittently. Is there anyone around who could give me a hand finding a solution? | 01:09 |
cyban | where at phantomcircuit ? | 01:09 |
Prankster163 | Dom96 how | 01:09 |
phantomcircuit | right click one of the panels "Add to panel" the system monitor thing for that shows the different kinds of memory usage | 01:09 |
Iceman_B|Nbk | how do regular expressions work on the commandline? I want to quickly remove all files that to NOT begin with a "#" | 01:09 |
Iceman_B|Nbk | but I cant seem to get it right : | 01:09 |
cyban | Prankster163, you mean how to duel boot? just install windows on 1 partition and install ubuntu on free space | 01:09 |
Wikkedfin | whats the defualt mysql login an pass | 01:10 |
dom96 | prankster163: when you start your computer, you could try pressing Delete or F11 or F2 it depends on the computer | 01:10 |
Wikkedfin | i did sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin and it install mysql also | 01:10 |
dom96 | cyban:he's asking how to boot the live cd | 01:10 |
cyban | Iceman_B|Nbk, rm -f startofname****.*** or startofname????.??? dont remember which (I might be quoting AIX tho) | 01:10 |
Prankster163 | Ok guys nvm this is just to many problems to Handel, I'm uninstalling lol | 01:10 |
mubu | How can I remove a folder which shows up under "Places" in ubuntu 9.04? Thanks | 01:11 |
dom96 | Prankster163:it's not that hard | 01:11 |
cyban | Prankster163, reboot with the live CD in | 01:11 |
smil3y | Wikkedfin> do dpkg-reconfigure on mysql and you can set the pass there | 01:11 |
Prankster163 | Yeah but how lol | 01:11 |
Wikkedfin | this is ubuntu server taht still work? | 01:11 |
dom96 | prankster163:put the live cd in the drive | 01:11 |
dom96 | and reboot | 01:11 |
dom96 | it might actually work... | 01:11 |
Prankster163 | No how do I make one | 01:11 |
dom96 | do you not have one ? | 01:12 |
Prankster163 | No I used wubi | 01:12 |
cyban | download the iso and burn it to a cd | 01:12 |
dom96 | well you need to download the iso | 01:12 |
Prankster163 | Ok | 01:12 |
FloridaGuy | does splash screen slow boot time down any? | 01:12 |
dom96 | and burn it... | 01:12 |
dom96 | or you can order a free cd | 01:12 |
dom96 | from shipit.ubuntu.com | 01:12 |
cyban | FloridaGuy, maybe by 1 second | 01:12 |
dom96 | but it takes about 4 weeks for delivery | 01:12 |
jorgeviloria72 | hola | 01:13 |
jorgeviloria72 | soy nuevo aqui | 01:13 |
Iceman_B|Nbk | cyban, what does the -f switch do ? | 01:13 |
Gourlis | As I saw on 9.04 in Software Sources -> Download from: Main Server etc. Has more servers and has my Country there too. On the other hand on 8.10 doesn't have the latest. Is there any way to import them? | 01:13 |
FloridaGuy | dom96, what you having trouble installing ubuntu | 01:13 |
cyban | Iceman_B|Nbk, I dont know, i think I was using AIX command, probably dont need the -f in linux | 01:13 |
dom96 | me ? | 01:14 |
dom96 | no | 01:14 |
smil3y | !spanish | 01:14 |
ubottu | En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 01:14 |
cyban | <---Gets his OS commands confused, AIX, Fedora, Ubuntu, Windows all in 1 environment lol | 01:14 |
FloridaGuy | dom96, who ever you said can order the cd | 01:14 |
Iceman_B|Nbk | heh | 01:14 |
Iceman_B|Nbk | I think -f forces deletion | 01:14 |
Iceman_B|Nbk | the last thing I want | 01:14 |
dom96 | i said that to another person | 01:14 |
smil3y | jorgeviloria72> !spanish | 01:14 |
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cyban | ya, you dont need that switch in Linux | 01:15 |
cyban | AIX is pissy about it tho | 01:15 |
FloridaGuy | i could never get the livecd to install...so i went to the netinstall | 01:15 |
rgrasell1 | is there a kernel 2.6.30 for ubuntu? | 01:15 |
dom96 | FloridaGuy:Why ? | 01:16 |
cyban | Thats odd FloridaGuy I never had any issues with the live cd | 01:16 |
jorgeviloria72 | venezolano y hablo spik spanish | 01:16 |
Gourlis | As I saw on 9.04 in Software Sources -> Download from: Main Server etc. Has more servers and has my Country there too. On the other hand on 8.10 doesn't have the latest. Is there any way to import them? | 01:16 |
ericdb | Every time I restart the dist-upgrade, I get 400-600 kbps for about half a minute, then it drops to 150 or so, and stays there...wtf? Am I being throttled? | 01:16 |
cyban | even got compiz working without installing my graphics card... sluggish but oh well | 01:16 |
bazhang | jorgeviloria72, /join #ubuntu-es | 01:16 |
dom96 | compiz doesn't work very well on my comp.... | 01:17 |
cyban | ericdb, probably, but it might be by the server | 01:17 |
FloridaGuy | dom96, sence8.04...the live cd's would not install for me...get half way thru...and give erorr | 01:17 |
rgrasell1 | floridaguy: re burn? | 01:17 |
dom96 | FloridaGuy:what error ? | 01:17 |
cyban | FloridaGuy, home built comp? | 01:17 |
ericdb | This sucks...I drove all the way to town for the faster connection, and it's no better than what I get in the sticks. :-( | 01:17 |
cyban | ya, rgrasell1 is probably right, the disk is probably bad | 01:17 |
smil3y | !spanish | jorgeviloria72 | 01:18 |
ubottu | jorgeviloria72: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 01:18 |
k1en | can anyone help my with rsync? i want it to copy my 2nd disc to my 3rd disc | 01:18 |
bubba | Im having trouble with pidgin, it stopped working, it looks like the version I have is 2.4.1, but the current one is 2.5.6, and I read upgrading will fix it. | 01:18 |
cyban | bubba sudo apt-get update | 01:18 |
derenrich | FloridaGuy: are you from florida? | 01:19 |
FloridaGuy | home built....and erorr would say something could be wrong with drive or this and that...but ubuntu live cd's and fedora live cd's are the only one's i have trouble with | 01:19 |
FloridaGuy | derenrich, yeah | 01:19 |
cyban | fake raid FloridaGuy ? | 01:19 |
mubu | Is there anyway to have a column that shows the folder size in nautilus? THanks | 01:19 |
derenrich | FloridaGuy: Sweet! | 01:19 |
k1en | is this the correct syntax rsync -v /path/to/source path/to/destination ? | 01:19 |
rgrasell1 | floridaguy: try burnign at lowest possible speed? it'll minimize errors | 01:19 |
FloridaGuy | no | 01:19 |
FloridaGuy | ide drives | 01:20 |
jasonbourne | hey how can i enable the 3d plugins for compiz | 01:20 |
jasonbourne | im a Ubuntu noob | 01:20 |
bubba | cyban: I did a full update a couple days ago, and I used symantec to re-install pidgin... | 01:20 |
FloridaGuy | but i like the net install...your more in control of what goes on the system | 01:20 |
Iceman_B|Nbk | cyban: tnx | 01:20 |
FloridaGuy | derenrich, you in florida | 01:21 |
derenrich | FloridaGuy: Not right now, but I'm Floridian through and through | 01:21 |
Chrisie | bubba: pidgin 2.5.7 is the fix you want - if you want it before it hits the official repos it's on www.getdeb.net | 01:21 |
FloridaGuy | derenrich, what part you from....im leesburg...central florida | 01:22 |
Gourlis | As I saw on 9.04 in Software Sources -> Download from: Main Server etc. Has more servers and has my Country there too. On the other hand on 8.10 doesn't have the latest. Is there any way to import them? | 01:22 |
smil3y | jasonbourne> if you have a vid card that can support 3d goto system>preferences>appearance | 01:22 |
derenrich | FloridaGuy: ah, i'm a southerner, PBC | 01:22 |
FloridaGuy | ok | 01:23 |
smil3y | jasonbourne> last tab to the right is visual effects, enable compiz there | 01:23 |
FloridaGuy | but im about ready to go back up north..... | 01:23 |
ramzess | hello | 01:23 |
ramzess | i'm testing all ubuntu based distros | 01:24 |
Um_cara_qualquer | do you guys know a avi/mkv/rmvb/... to a VOB converter? | 01:24 |
ramzess | im looking sth very light | 01:24 |
Tetracomm | Floridaguy: I have visited Florida before, I liked it. | 01:24 |
ramzess | what do you think about ubuntulite ? | 01:24 |
Tetracomm | I suppose you like it there? | 01:24 |
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arand | FloridaGuy: derenrich: Tetracomm: you are slipping offtopic. | 01:25 |
pw-toxic | zamba now i know the problem.. i got a default route to the server of my brother but this pc doesnt know my subnet ;) so my request is just dropped | 01:25 |
derenrich | no no | 01:25 |
sven_oostenbrink | How can I see when a server has been rebooted? I know uptime, but I need something more elaborate, like log times for when a server was rebooted, shutdowned, booting, etc... Anybody? | 01:25 |
k1en | ramzess, you can install ubuntu server and add whatever GUI you want, also use crunch-bang linux (or whatever they call it) | 01:25 |
pw-toxic | zamba, i will have to do NAT | 01:25 |
derenrich | we're leading up to a discussion of LUGs | 01:25 |
derenrich | it's fine | 01:25 |
jmburgess | does anyone know of a screensaver in ubuntu that is just a clock? | 01:25 |
ramzess | crunchbang is now best for me | 01:25 |
FloridaGuy | just living things up alittle | 01:25 |
derenrich | jmburgess: think kubuntu has one | 01:25 |
derenrich | maybe | 01:26 |
Seany | I wanted to do crunchbang, but i can't .... my wireless is weird on it. | 01:26 |
Spi_Waterwing | Are there issues with editing permissions on FAT partitions? | 01:26 |
Spi_Waterwing | Or is that just me? | 01:26 |
ramzess | i like RMB menu very much in crunch | 01:26 |
k1en | Spi_Waterwing, i never had any | 01:26 |
cyban | Arent any permissions on FAT really | 01:26 |
bubba | cyban: updated system again, no luck, downloaded 4 pidgin / related debs... | 01:27 |
mubu | Is there anyway to have a column that shows the folder size in nautilus? THanks | 01:27 |
Gourlis | !cy | 01:27 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about cy | 01:27 |
Gourlis | !update | 01:27 |
ubottu | For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading | 01:27 |
cyban | bubba, the old versions still installed? | 01:27 |
bubba | ya, looks like I have to uninstall it first :( | 01:27 |
jmburgess | derenrich: yeah but I run xubuntu/ubuntu is there anyway to get it on ubuntu? | 01:28 |
cyban | could try sudo apt-get upgrade (Thats in Ubuntu right?) | 01:28 |
Kevin` | my mouse isn't working, on a macbook | 01:28 |
Kevin` | help :) | 01:28 |
Trentor_ | I'm having a lot of issues with getting my microphone to work in ubuntu, I am using pulse audio, a thinkpad T61, and I have been trying to get my internal PC speakers to pickup my voice, as well as my microphone jack to pickup sound but nothing seems to work. I am sure that my headset works as it works fine with my other computers. Can anyone suggest where I can start seeking help for this? | 01:29 |
DaNKaTa` | Is there a Ubuntu server with GUI? | 01:29 |
Kevin` | DaNKaTa`: sure, install a gui on ubuntu server. | 01:29 |
moonwatcher | DaNKaTa`: you can install X on a server | 01:29 |
cyban | Trentor_, start with pulse audio issues, but I dont know anything about it - sure someone here does | 01:29 |
administrateur | slt à tous | 01:30 |
Kevin` | help, mouse? | 01:30 |
administrateur | deevz , comment cas-tu? | 01:30 |
DaNKaTa` | moonwatcher: Whats X? :S | 01:30 |
cyban | I know exactly 1 thing or maybe 2 about Macs... they make great firsbies and trash the prefs and reboot to fix | 01:31 |
Kevin` | well, i'll try | 01:31 |
Chrisie | Kevin`: a starting point might be the wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages | 01:31 |
Kevin` | cyban: the preferences in ~/.* ? | 01:31 |
Deevz | administrateur, bien, toi? comment peut tu savoir que je parles francais? | 01:31 |
Deevz | mon isp? | 01:31 |
administrateur | nobody speak frensh here? | 01:31 |
moonwatcher | DaNKaTa`: X is what draws all those pretty windows for you | 01:31 |
Trentor_ | I don't really know where to start, it's pissing me off because I've had great luck with everything except this, is there another audio management that I can use? (If thats what you would call it) | 01:32 |
Wikkedfin | mysql fresh install and i get #1045 - Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES | 01:32 |
bazhang | Deevz, administrateur #ubuntu-fr please | 01:32 |
cyban | Kevin`, hell if I can remember.... google, there a prefs folder... or used to be that prety much fixed most Mac issues | 01:32 |
Wikkedfin | useing phpmyadmin | 01:32 |
Kevin` | cyban: how do I open the menu to start things | 01:32 |
Seany | Wikkedfin, why root@localhost.. not just root...? maybe i'm dumb. | 01:32 |
Kevin` | cyban: this if for ubuntu btw not macos | 01:32 |
Wikkedfin | i did do root | 01:32 |
Wikkedfin | it says that | 01:33 |
cyban | Kevin`, on a laptop and the touch pad isnt working I am guessing? | 01:33 |
Kevin` | yes | 01:33 |
Kevin` | it worked on the install cd, and before first reboot from updates | 01:33 |
administrateur | kevin? | 01:33 |
bubba | cyban: this is looking like a clusterfuck. | 01:34 |
Seany | Wikkedfin, what command did you type? | 01:34 |
cyban | Kevin`, best I can figure is look around here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook | 01:34 |
Kevin` | administrateur: I do not speak french | 01:34 |
Seany | Wikkedfin, try "mysql -u root -p" | 01:34 |
Wikkedfin | im doing it on phpmyadmin | 01:34 |
Kevin` | cyban: how do I open the "start menu" | 01:34 |
administrateur | ok , i'm sorry | 01:34 |
cyban | bubba, still have old version installed? | 01:34 |
mubu | Is there anyway to have a column that shows the folder size in nautilus? THanks | 01:34 |
administrateur | i'll try en english so | 01:34 |
cyban | Kevin`, erm, button top left | 01:34 |
Kevin` | cyban: the escape key? | 01:34 |
administrateur | where are you from kevin? | 01:34 |
bubba | cyban: Now I have to find libdbus-glib-1-2 | 01:34 |
bubba | cyban: no, I completely removed it. | 01:35 |
Trentor_ | How do I manually increase the volume of an audio device beyond the limit of the volume control | 01:35 |
Wikkedfin | ws@WikkedServ:~$ mysql -u root -p | 01:35 |
Wikkedfin | Enter password: | 01:35 |
Wikkedfin | ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) | 01:35 |
administrateur | wher(re u? | 01:35 |
Wikkedfin | i typed in pass | 01:35 |
rz187 | !ventrilo | 01:35 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ventrilo | 01:35 |
administrateur | where're u? | 01:35 |
cyban | bubba, http://packages.debian.org/etch/libdbus-glib-1-2 | 01:35 |
Trentor_ | Who needs help with ventrilo? | 01:36 |
Kevin` | brb, deleting random settings folders | 01:36 |
administrateur | i need to learn linux please help me | 01:36 |
cyban | Kevin`, oh haha you cant open the menu because of the mouse, my bad | 01:36 |
Trentor_ | whats up <administrateur | 01:36 |
administrateur | i'm fine and you? | 01:36 |
administrateur | trentor, what do you do? | 01:37 |
Trentor_ | Good, this is not the place for conversation, if you have a question about linux please ask it. If you want to chat offtopic please go to the #ubuntu-offtopic channel | 01:37 |
bazhang | administrateur, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic | 01:37 |
cyban | Kevin`, ALT+F2 run Firefox | 01:37 |
Seany | Wikkedfin, honestly i would guess the password is wrong, are you doing your computer's root password instead of your mysql password that you made at during the mysql setup | 01:37 |
Seany | have you tried a blank password | 01:38 |
Nony | nigger | 01:38 |
comawhite_ | Nony no racism | 01:38 |
administrateur | thank you bazhang | 01:38 |
administrateur | see you sonn | 01:38 |
gingernet | Nony left and good riddance | 01:39 |
bubba | cyban: grr... wont let me install it. | 01:39 |
cyban | ? | 01:39 |
cyban | error? | 01:39 |
Seany | Wikkedfin, or... http://www.debianadmin.com/recover-mysql-database-root-password.html | 01:39 |
bubba | E: Couldn't find package libdbus-glib-1-2_0.71-3_i386.deb | 01:39 |
bubba | I even tired ./libdbug.... | 01:40 |
wcomnisky | hello everyone | 01:40 |
Seany | sup | 01:40 |
nivekc1 | what is the difference between .deb and .rpm? I understand that they are two different package formats but why don't we just use one? Wouldn't that make linux more versatile? Is one better than the other? Why does LSB support RMP and not DEB? | 01:40 |
cyban | bubba, can download it from here I think http://packages.debian.org/etch/libdbus-glib-1-2 | 01:40 |
bubba | I had to force the previous files to install . | 01:40 |
opera | hello ,wcm | 01:40 |
inaequitas | back | 01:41 |
bazhang | cyban, no he can't | 01:41 |
opera | why my computer so slow , | 01:41 |
bubba | this seems like a lot of effort to fix fix my IM program so it can continue to use Yahoo.... | 01:41 |
Seany | think of .rpm as a redhat package and .deb as a debian package. use .rpm on redhat and redhat based distros, and .deb for debian and debian based distros (ubuntu) | 01:41 |
Kevin` | ok it's not a user problem, it doesn't work for any X session | 01:41 |
bazhang | cyban, that is for debian not Ubuntu | 01:41 |
cyban | oh | 01:41 |
Seany | Wikkedfin, any luck? | 01:41 |
rww | nivekc1: they're different package formats. because different groups/communities prefer different formats for historical reasons. not really. not really. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_Standard_Base#Choice_of_RPM_package_format | 01:42 |
opera | how can i let my computer quicker | 01:42 |
rww | !yahoo | bubba | 01:42 |
ubottu | bubba: At the moment there are many pidgin users experiencing problems connecting to Yahoo IM, you can try changing your paging server to cs101.msg.mud.yahoo.com and see if that helps. | 01:42 |
bazhang | opera, how much ram, what version of ubuntu | 01:42 |
rww | bubba: seems pretty easy and package-less to me =/ | 01:42 |
opera | bazhang, 8.10 | 01:42 |
cyban | bubba, try looking for it in the add/remove programs? | 01:43 |
opera | ram is 256 | 01:43 |
bubba | cyban: yah, I tried that, no luck, yesterday i added an IP for sms.yahoo.... and yahoo worked for a day, I've since disabled that, and neither way works. | 01:43 |
bazhang | opera, the ram would be the issue then | 01:43 |
pw-toxic | hi, i want to set up a DNS... but i cant do "named -g" in console.. what do i have to install? | 01:43 |
nivekc1 | Seany: i have used fedora and opensuse in the past and from my experience in my recent adoption of ubuntu .deb is much easier to work with as it takes care of downloading and installing dependencies which rpm has never done for me. | 01:43 |
opera | but it is ok,before | 01:44 |
bazhang | opera, perhaps try a lighter environment such as fluxbox or lxde | 01:44 |
Wikkedfin | not my root pass | 01:44 |
cyban | bubba, you're still trying to get libdbus-glib installed right? | 01:44 |
Wikkedfin | its a diff password for mysql | 01:44 |
bubba | cyban: yah... I guess... | 01:44 |
Wikkedfin | i tried blank pass | 01:44 |
Seany | nivekc1, I agree | 01:44 |
opera | bazhang: thank you ,i will try | 01:44 |
cyban | synaptec package manager and search for libdbus-glib, comes up with a few options for me | 01:44 |
=== Christopher is now known as SnarfSnarf | ||
Seany | Wikkedfin, Crap... maybe try the recover? thats would be the next best thing to try | 01:45 |
bubba | I have pidin data installed, libpurble-bin, but not libpurble0_2.5.7.1 I think... | 01:45 |
cyban | sudo apt-get libdbys-glib-1-2 | 01:45 |
bubba | I dl'd libdbug, but it wont install | 01:45 |
cyban | I think | 01:45 |
nivekc1 | Seany: sorry if i was spamming this room i was just reading an article on the LSB criticizing debian and debian based distros for not adopting the rpm system | 01:45 |
cyban | ops typo, sudo apt-get libdbus-glib-1-2 | 01:46 |
bubba | E: Couldn't find package libdbys-glib-1-2 | 01:46 |
opera | #join ubuntu-hk | 01:46 |
cyban | try just dbus | 01:46 |
opera | join #ubuntu-hk | 01:46 |
cyban | apt-get that is | 01:46 |
bazhang | cyban, sudo apt-get install package | 01:46 |
bubba | fuck, I had a package manager open... | 01:46 |
cyban | ah forgot the install command | 01:46 |
Seany | nivekc1, i didn't think you were spamming, n/p | 01:46 |
etfb | nivekc1: Interesting - I find apt is a lot nicer than the rpm system, though I last saw Red Hat in the days before Fedora. Can you provide a link to the article? | 01:46 |
bazhang | bubba, watch the language please | 01:46 |
bubba | crap, still doesnt work | 01:47 |
cyban | bubba you can allways run aptitude or synaptic package manager | 01:47 |
opera | who tell me how can i jion other chat | 01:47 |
bubba | sorry. | 01:47 |
bazhang | nivekc1, please take to #ubuntu-offtopic | 01:47 |
rww | opera: type /join #ubuntu-hk | 01:47 |
Seany | opera": /join <channel name> | 01:47 |
bazhang | opera, /join #channel | 01:47 |
rww | iwin | 01:47 |
opera | thank you | 01:47 |
Seany | i'm second | 01:47 |
Seany | first loser. | 01:47 |
Seany | wait mine doesn't count i didn't put a # | 01:48 |
=== cyban is now known as cyban-away | ||
RealKillaz | hi there. I would like to install a newer version of a package then the one that is available in Synaptic is there a way to do this? I'm actually referring to the package maven | 01:48 |
Seany | pw-toxic, have you installed bind9? | 01:48 |
nivekc1 | etfb: hmm.. it was at work today i was on linux.com archives i beleive | 01:49 |
RealKillaz | now Synaptic has 2.0.8, but I would like to install 2.0.9 | 01:49 |
Wikkedfin | i removed mysql | 01:49 |
Wikkedfin | fk it | 01:49 |
RowanMk | !nvidia | 01:49 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 01:49 |
Wikkedfin | thx tho | 01:49 |
Seany | Wikkedfin, crap, maybe try again? | 01:49 |
LinuX2half | Hi | 01:49 |
nivekc1 | my real reason for stopping by is to find out if ubuntnu is fully posix compliant? | 01:49 |
RealKillaz | is there a way to find out if there is a newer version in Synaptic... | 01:49 |
LinuX2half | I want to create a dock bar AWN | 01:49 |
storm-zen | I installed vmware server 2 for jaunty via the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware/Server ... but there seems to be an issue with the USB ports. Anyone familiar with this? | 01:49 |
bazhang | nivekc1, please discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic | 01:49 |
storm-zen | Is it possible to install vmware server 2 and vmware server 1.09? | 01:50 |
nivekc1 | bazhang: i simply asked if ubuntu was fully posix compliant why is that offtopic | 01:50 |
bazhang | nivekc1, here is Ubuntu support only, not chat | 01:51 |
bubba | so, If I try to install libpurple0, it complains about libdbus... 1-2, but it is installed. | 01:51 |
RealKillaz | intrepid has maven 2.0.9 | 01:51 |
RealKillaz | but I'm still on hardy, but would like the version 2.0.9 of maven | 01:51 |
xim_ | im having this problem where videos keep freezing for about 20 seconds, regardless if its mplayer or vlc, the picture freezes for ~20 seconds while the sound continues its getting more and more frequent. any ideas? | 01:51 |
nivekc1 | i am looking for support.. posix support in ubuntu if you do not know the answer please allow someone who does to answer me.. | 01:51 |
RealKillaz | is there a way to get the intrepid version installed? | 01:52 |
LinuX2half | hello? How to install a dockbar | 01:52 |
bazhang | RealKillaz, don't mix version repos, a very bad idea | 01:52 |
bazhang | LinuX2half, cairo-dock or awn | 01:52 |
RealKillaz | bazhang: so I need to install it manually? why don't ubuntu make 2.0.9 available for hardy? | 01:52 |
LinuX2half | bazhang. AWN | 01:52 |
bazhang | RealKillaz, mixing those packages is not supported and will lead to problems | 01:53 |
rgrasell1 | bazhang: so what does happen if you mix them? | 01:53 |
bazhang | rgrasell1, breakage | 01:53 |
RealKillaz | bazhang: ok I unerstand, but what is the policy of ubuntu of packages update? | 01:53 |
LinuX2half | bazhang, I want to make my panel the same color as my window border | 01:53 |
LinuX2half | bazhang it seemed that you're busy so I'll wait for your attention. | 01:54 |
bazhang | RealKillaz, it might be in backports, otherwise the only option is to upgrade versions | 01:54 |
bubba | I got tired of trying, so I figured I'd go back to gaim, but it wont install because it says it needs pidgin :( | 01:55 |
=== ring1 is now known as ring0 | ||
vyktor | majesty? | 01:55 |
bubba | Im pretty sure i've mucked up the system enough, and pidgin is probably not going to work, gaim isnt going to install, what else is there? | 01:55 |
Trentor_ | Has anyone here worked with the X-Lite phone telecommunications program and can provide support? | 01:55 |
bazhang | bubba, pidgin with yahoo? | 01:56 |
donavan_ | i went to see a video on you tube and it said to download the flash player i did then went to try and watch again and still says the same thing any one know what to do | 01:56 |
bubba | bazhang: yeah, was working till today... | 01:56 |
bazhang | bubba, the topic in #pidgin has some news, let me check | 01:56 |
bubba | now I've uninstalled it, and partially installed a newer version, but its not going to play nice. | 01:57 |
RealKillaz | bazhang: ok in backport. I will take a look at backport | 01:57 |
Don_Miguel | bubba, have you upgraded pidgin ? | 01:57 |
RealKillaz | !backport | 01:57 |
ubottu | If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging | 01:57 |
RealKillaz | ~backport | 01:57 |
bazhang | http://tinyurl.com/pidgin-yahoo bubba | 01:57 |
bubba | Don, yes. a few times, and I have 1/2 of the 2.5.7 version installed. | 01:58 |
LinuX2half | bazhang, are you available? | 01:58 |
Don_Miguel | 1/2 ? | 01:58 |
donavan_ | does any one know what i ahve to do to watch youtube videos on ubuntu? | 01:58 |
Don_Miguel | bubba, keep trying ! that one fixed MY problems with Yahoo | 01:58 |
bazhang | LinuX2half, awn colors? | 01:58 |
VirusTB | ok! | 01:59 |
LinuX2half | bazhang, no the dock bar | 01:59 |
bazhang | LinuX2half, no idea, perhaps the awn faq/wiki has some clues | 01:59 |
VirusTB | how do i turn my wifi card (laptop) into a router so I can get my Nintendo Wii online?? | 01:59 |
bubba | Don, I did try, but one program says it needs something that is installed | 01:59 |
bazhang | VirusTB, internet connection sharing? | 01:59 |
bazhang | !ics | VirusTB | 01:59 |
ubottu | VirusTB: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php | 02:00 |
LinuX2half | bazhang, I'm trying to put all my icon inside a dock bar the panel matched my window border's color | 02:00 |
RealKillaz | bazhang: should I look in the hardy backports repos if I'm using hardy? | 02:00 |
bazhang | RealKillaz, yep | 02:00 |
bubba | hrm... I wonder if the old version of pidgin will install, now that I've upgraded some but not all the files the new version wants. | 02:01 |
RealKillaz | bazhang: one more Q how can I find out that I'm really using hardy. | 02:01 |
RealKillaz | bazhang: just to remove any uncertainty :-) | 02:02 |
bazhang | RealKillaz, lsb_release -a in terminal | 02:02 |
pw-toxic | Seany, thanks, now i can use "named -g" .. but it doesnt work.. now its time to troubleshoot ;) | 02:02 |
bubba | nope | 02:02 |
RealKillaz | yup 8.04 (hardy) | 02:02 |
ncfi1013_ | can anybody tell me how to disable a graphics card to a 2006 emachine? | 02:02 |
VirusTB | bazhang: yes, I thanks, will read the documentation and if i fail to get it to work, i wil be back | 02:02 |
knasto | Hello, I'm trying to print to a Printer via XP (I'm on a laptop using Ubuntu). Anyway, I can connect to the printer and intall the drivers, but whenever I try printing my documents are queued, when I go to printing preferences I get something like unable to connect to CIFS host and acess denied. All my XP firewalls are off. Can anyone help me fix this? | 02:02 |
=== |sam| is now known as flop0r | ||
DanThirst | how do you make a shell script that doesn't open the terminal when its running? | 02:03 |
runa | hi i have a 5 yo laptop with 512 mb ram. i wanted to change the swappiness value from the default 60 to 30. is it too slow in your opinion. what are the risks of having it too slow | 02:03 |
RealKillaz | ai ai ai.. no maven in backports | 02:04 |
RealKillaz | :-((( | 02:04 |
RealKillaz | bazhang: is there a way to propose a new package in the backport? | 02:05 |
xim_ | anyone know why playing videos randomly freezes my computer for ~20 seconds weather its in totem or vlc? | 02:05 |
RealKillaz | because I would really like the new version of 2.0.9 since it has some features we really need | 02:05 |
RealKillaz | without going to a newer version which is not LTS | 02:05 |
=== CyberAspie is now known as WK|Backup | ||
=== WK|Backup is now known as asmos_mum | ||
pw-toxic | aahh.. i have done something bad.. i can see my desktop- move my mouse and everything, but everything is lost.. no gnome panel no desktop items etc.. | 02:06 |
pw-toxic | how can i reset xserver? | 02:06 |
pw-toxic | there has been a hotkey like alt ctrl backspace in earlier versions but it doesnt work anymore | 02:06 |
jonmartini | Anyone know how to mount /dev/pty? | 02:07 |
=== asmos_mum is now known as GoogleBot | ||
bazhang | !dontzap | pw-toxic | 02:07 |
ubottu | pw-toxic: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect. | 02:07 |
storm-zen | is it possible to install both vmserver 1.09 and 2 in jaunty? | 02:07 |
pw-toxic | bazhang, i cant install anything because i cant do anything anymore ;) i need a way to kill my xserver | 02:07 |
pw-toxic | i'm chatting on a different pc than the one which causes problems.. | 02:07 |
pw-toxic | i have no windows.. no context menu.. no gnome panels.:: NOTHING! | 02:08 |
pw-toxic | everything is gone | 02:08 |
knasto | Can someone help me connect to my printer via samba? | 02:08 |
jonmartini | pw-toxic: are you on a different computer? | 02:08 |
bazhang | pw-toxic, does alt-f2 work | 02:08 |
pw-toxic | alt-f2 works | 02:08 |
pw-toxic | im chatting on a different computer - yes | 02:08 |
jonmartini | pw-toxic: sudo killall gdm | 02:09 |
bazhang | alt f2 gnome-terminal | 02:09 |
pw-toxic | jommnothing happens | 02:09 |
zhobbs | I have a nfs mount in my fstab, why won't it mount at boot? | 02:09 |
pw-toxic | ah my terminal opens | 02:09 |
donny | i was trying to watch a video on youtube and it said to install the flash player i did and went to watch the video and it said the same thing any help ? | 02:09 |
bazhang | donny, install from synaptic package manager | 02:10 |
pw-toxic | hm now i event cant move my mouse | 02:10 |
pw-toxic | i did sudo killall gdm in console | 02:10 |
donny | instal what ? | 02:10 |
donny | what is it called | 02:10 |
pw-toxic | i can still ping my computer | 02:10 |
anomoly | anyone have experience with the issue in this thread? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1010650 | 02:10 |
pw-toxic | but strg + alt + f1 does not work | 02:10 |
bubba | How do I install pidgin 2.5.7 ? I've downloaded the files from : http://www.getdeb.net/release/4472 | 02:11 |
=== GoogleBot is now known as CyberAspie | ||
pw-toxic | i have pressed the power button.. | 02:11 |
=== CyberAspie is now known as GoogleBot | ||
bazhang | flashplugin-nonfree donny | 02:11 |
knasto | Hello? | 02:11 |
ncfi1013_ | can anybody tell me how to disable a graphics card to a 2006 emachine? | 02:11 |
=== GoogleBot is now known as CyberAspie | ||
redwolf | is ext4 ready for general use? | 02:13 |
redwolf | or still experimental? | 02:13 |
calmbola | does regular ubuntu install in a dell mini? | 02:13 |
calmbola | on a rather | 02:13 |
bazhang | calmbola, the netbook remix? | 02:14 |
bazhang | calmbola, the regular may not fit the smaller screen size | 02:14 |
calmbola | bazhang, it's 1200 something by 768 | 02:14 |
calmbola | it won't fit that? | 02:14 |
bazhang | calmbola, not sure, let me check | 02:15 |
knasto | Can someone help me connect to a printer on XP? I'm getting access is denied. | 02:15 |
iflema | general desktop use should be ok for ext 4, if server of for write intensive application can be dangerous during reboot... | 02:16 |
anomoly | anyone have experience with the issue in this thread? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1010650 | 02:16 |
calmbola | bazhang, when I try to install it, i get a Busybox with initramfs prompt - and i can't make it leave this screen | 02:16 |
iflema | needs time to settle | 02:16 |
calmbola | common error, bazhang : http://mydellmini.com/forum/ubuntu-netbook-remix/5826-cant-run-livecd-install-ubuntu.html | 02:16 |
redwolf | iflema: ok thanks | 02:16 |
bazhang | calmbola, yes it works | 02:16 |
bubba | E: Couldn't find package libdbys-glib-1-2 GRRRRRR! | 02:17 |
calmbola | bazhang, any idea about the error? | 02:17 |
calmbola | stuck there | 02:17 |
SeaPhor | bubba, is your "package manager" or you "updater" running i the background? | 02:18 |
zhobbs | here is a line in /etc/fstab: workhorse:/media /home/zach/media nfs intr,soft,rw 0 0 | 02:18 |
bubba | its like the more I try, the worse it gets :( | 02:18 |
zhobbs | it won't mount on startup for some reason | 02:18 |
zhobbs | and I've had little luck with autofs | 02:18 |
bubba | not at the moment | 02:18 |
bubba | I | 02:18 |
SeaPhor | bubba, *in | 02:18 |
zhobbs | it worked fine before I upgraded to the latest ubuntu | 02:18 |
bubba | I've used symantec, and whatever it is that firefox launches when you click a .deb | 02:18 |
SeaPhor | that message comes when the update or package mgr is waiting for input bubba ... | 02:19 |
calmbola | bazhang, ya can't install mysql server on the ubuntu included with dell mini - that's why i want remix , or 9.04 | 02:19 |
pw-toxic | d'oh how can i leave remote desktop full screen mode? ;) | 02:19 |
calmbola | does anyone know how i do this?: Try appending the following params to the "kernel" line in the Grub : | 02:19 |
calmbola | acpi=noacpi irqpoll | 02:19 |
bubba | package libdbys-glib-1-2 is installed, and cant be found at the same time :D | 02:19 |
iflema | redwolf: i have been on ext4 for months on desktop, not probs what so ever; the extra speed is great | 02:20 |
pw-toxic | hey i'm just typing something of remote desktop into this irc chat, but i cant see what i'm typing on my remote desktop client.. the image doesnt get refrehsed... i cant only see the changes on the original mointor.. what is going wrong? | 02:21 |
bubba | Reading package lists... Done | 02:22 |
bubba | Building dependency tree | 02:22 |
bubba | Reading state information... Done | 02:22 |
bubba | E: Couldn't find package libdbus-glib-1-2_0.71-3_i386.deb | 02:22 |
bubba | r | 02:22 |
FloodBot1 | bubba: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 02:22 |
knasto | I need some printer help, If anyone can help me that would be great. Thanks | 02:23 |
bubba | Reading package lists... Done | 02:23 |
bubba | Building dependency tree | 02:23 |
bubba | eading state information... Done | 02:23 |
bazhang | bubba, dont paste here paste.ubuntu.com | 02:23 |
bubba | E: Couldn't find package libdbus-glib-1-2_0.71-3_i386.deb | 02:23 |
losher | calmbola: it means edit one of the text lines beginning with 'kernel' in the file /boot/grub/menu.lst | 02:23 |
bubba | all 3 lines :( | 02:24 |
SeaPhor | that message comes when the update or package mgr is waiting for input bubba ... look at top, what else is running/.. | 02:24 |
sam1 | hey all :D | 02:24 |
bubba | SeaPhor: lots of things are running, but I've closed all the package managers | 02:25 |
calmbola | losher, thanks!!! | 02:25 |
bubba | I used apt-get install -f libdbus-glib-1-2_0.71-3_i386.deb | 02:25 |
=== sean is now known as Seany | ||
SeaPhor | bubba, restart x and JUST do that.. | 02:25 |
jeeves | how can I get my Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G to work? I'm running 9.04 | 02:25 |
pw-toxic | anyone knows about this non refreshing bug with remote desktop? | 02:26 |
Pici | bubba: You cannot put the version number in the package name there. Just do apt-get install libdbus-glib-1-2 | 02:26 |
bubba | SeaPhor: you mean exit enligenment, to the login screen ? | 02:26 |
SeaPhor | bubba, do what Pici said | 02:27 |
knasto | hey, can I ask a question? | 02:27 |
bazhang | knasto, printing with XP? | 02:27 |
ncfi1013_ | can anybody tell me how to disable a graphics card to a 2006 emachine? requesting an alternate solution to looking in bios menu as bios doesnt detect onboard graphics card | 02:27 |
bubba | Pici: I was trying to install a specific file on my computer, not the current one | 02:27 |
LinuX2half | does anyone had a idea on install a AWN dock bar? | 02:28 |
bubba | says something about automaitcly installing something or other | 02:28 |
knasto | bazhang, yes. if you could help that would be great. | 02:28 |
ARMENIAN | how can I choose the picture for the bottom of my cube in compiz? I can only choose picture for top, bottom uses the color selected | 02:28 |
dsdeiz | how do you know your uid and guid? | 02:28 |
bazhang | knasto, what does this have to with Ubuntu ? perhaps ##windows can help with XP printing problems | 02:29 |
SeaPhor | ncfi1013_, update bios | 02:29 |
Dave__ | Highlight | 02:29 |
knasto | bazhang, I'm trying to print from my ubuntu laptop to printer connect with XP. | 02:29 |
bazhang | knasto, printer sharing? | 02:30 |
knasto | bazhang, Ive also connectet to it successfully by the add a printer tool. | 02:30 |
pw-toxic_ | hihi this is funny | 02:30 |
knasto | bazhang, yes printer sharing | 02:30 |
bazhang | knasto, what steps have you taken and what errors have you gotten so far? | 02:30 |
bubba | ok, well, I've installed libdbus a few time, but libnpurple0 still says something about dependancies being not satisfiyable | 02:31 |
=== ben is now known as Guest16884 | ||
ncfi1013_ | "update bios?" i dont understand SeaPhor | 02:32 |
Guest16884 | how do I share files so I can use them on my virtual machine | 02:32 |
bubba | pidgin 2.5.7 gives me the same error with about glib1-2 not being satisfiable | 02:32 |
knasto | bazhang, I have successfully installed the drivers for my brother printer and connected to it using the add a printer tool (in ubuntu). However, everytime I print its stuck on processing and If I go to printing properites in ubuntu, I get "unable to connect to CIFS host | 02:32 |
knasto | bazhang, Also ive gotten access is denied earlier | 02:32 |
Seany | Guest16884, you need to define a shared folder in the settings of the virtual machine in virtual box | 02:33 |
bubba | so, is all this worth getting pidgin to work? isnt there some other alternative? | 02:33 |
Guest16884 | how do I do that in reverse | 02:33 |
bazhang | knasto, and the printer is connected to an XP box, and printer is set to allow sharing there? | 02:33 |
bubba | because im just going around in circles wasting my time trying to install stuff... | 02:33 |
Guest16884 | I can do it from the virtual machine but not through ubuntu | 02:34 |
knasto | bazhang, yes the printer is set to allow sharing and all my xp firewalls are off. | 02:34 |
Seany | tried a network share? | 02:34 |
donny | ok i ahve installled wine now does any one know the best way to instal world of warcraft ? | 02:34 |
Guest16884 | let me try | 02:34 |
bubba | is there an easy way to undo all the crap I've recently done (oh the last hour or 2 would be good) | 02:35 |
knasto | bazhang, my exact message is "Idle - Unable to connect to CIFS host after (tried 3 times)" | 02:35 |
Seany | knasto, can you ping your xp machine? | 02:35 |
bubba | or am I going to have to re-install ubuntu, then update everything again... | 02:36 |
knasto | Seany, how do I do that? | 02:36 |
bubba | sigh, I really hate yahoo right now. | 02:36 |
Seany | open a terminal and type ping <hostname> or its IP | 02:36 |
=== Patric3_away is now known as Patric3 | ||
bubba | so, since pidgin doesnt really work on ubuntu, what do you guys use? | 02:38 |
bazhang | knasto, sorry not to know more about Windows, the ubuntu.help docs are about using Windows to access Ubuntu printers | 02:38 |
knasto | Seany, what now | 02:38 |
maodun | what's the easiest way for me to set up a proxy server on ubuntu? i'm stuck behind china's firewall but i have a server in the US and i just want to route my firefox traffic through the proxy. | 02:38 |
mbeierl | bubba: pidgin :) | 02:38 |
dsdeiz | bubba: pidgin too ;) | 02:38 |
=== z is now known as Guest5768 | ||
Seany | knasto, any results? or | 02:38 |
knasto | bazhang, alright thanks anyway. hopefully seany will help me | 02:38 |
VirusTB | ok i tried to get it, but i have no idea what I did, and if i did it right @ @ @ I need help turning my laptop into a Wifi router, so i can get my Wii (nintento) ONLINE :( | 02:39 |
bubba | well.. how did you install it? because i've tried everything suggested here, and now it doesnt work at all :( | 02:39 |
VirusTB | bazhang: | 02:39 |
StrangeCharm | can I use the ubuntu gui without a mouse - say, with arrow keys instead? | 02:39 |
maodun | (ideally i'd be able to route arbitrary traffic through it, like pidgin traffic as well. it's an ubuntu server, which is why i'm asking here) | 02:39 |
Seany | bubba: what have you done...? | 02:39 |
mbeierl | maodun: have you looked into squid? | 02:39 |
knasto | Seany, just a bunch of lines 64 bytes 1.20ms. stuff like that. its not ending | 02:39 |
Seany | ok ctrl c to kill it | 02:39 |
bubba | I've done so many things I cant possibly remember them all, in order, and everything... | 02:39 |
Seany | that means you are able to "talk" to the xp machine. | 02:39 |
maodun | mbeierl: would squid be a better route than some kind of socks5 server? | 02:39 |
Seany | what happens with the package in the package manager bubba | 02:40 |
knasto | Seany, ok thats good i guess. Also, if I type in the IP adress in nautilus of the computer im trying to print to. i can access all the shared files. | 02:40 |
bubba | I did uniinstall pidgin, and I was able to re-install the current official ubuntu version, but it wont work with yahoo anymore. | 02:40 |
mbeierl | maodun: squid will give you plain and simple HTTP proxying. there is no socks stuff there so if you want more than HTTP, you will need to go the socks route or look at hosting a vpn | 02:40 |
knasto | Seany, only when I print its stayes in the queue | 02:40 |
Seany | ok, is the printer is that shared file/folder list? | 02:41 |
StrangeCharm | madoun - if you're setting up a proxy, you might want to consider making it available to people in iran? | 02:41 |
bubba | Seany: which package, I've downloaed 5 files, and there were some packages that I've uninistalled, and installed via symantie | 02:41 |
mbeierl | bubba: I don't recall as I don't use yahoo, but yesterday there was some talk about yahoo being down | 02:41 |
bruenig | !ot | StrangeCharm | 02:41 |
ubottu | StrangeCharm: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 02:41 |
bruenig | !politics | StrangeCharm | 02:41 |
ubottu | StrangeCharm: Please take political discussion to ##politics. Thank you! | 02:41 |
knasto | Seany, yes its in a folder called print$ | 02:42 |
VirusTB | ok i tried to get it, but i have no idea what I did, and if i did it right @ @ @ I need help turning my laptop into a Wifi router, so i can get my Wii (nintento) ONLINE :( | 02:42 |
VirusTB | bazhang: i need help :( | 02:42 |
StrangeCharm | bruenig - that was uncalled for | 02:42 |
Seany | ok, what happens when you click on print$ or the printer | 02:42 |
bubba | yah, It stopped working a couple days ago, but I added an IP in my hosts, then it worked for a couple days... | 02:42 |
calmbola | anyone know how to solve the busybox initramfs error on dell mini? | 02:42 |
bruenig | StrangeCharm: no it wasn't. You were uncalled for in making your statement. | 02:42 |
calmbola | installation for remix | 02:42 |
bazhang | StrangeCharm, please keep it on tpoic | 02:42 |
knasto | Seany, another folder and then a bunch of text files and files | 02:42 |
VirusTB | anyone mind guiding me though sharing my laptop wifi (making an access point) | 02:42 |
Seany | no actual printer though? | 02:42 |
VirusTB | through** | 02:42 |
knasto | Seany, no | 02:42 |
bazhang | VirusTB, you followed the ics guide? | 02:43 |
mbeierl | bubba: someone mentioned an alternate ip or server... where are the logs for this channel kept again? | 02:43 |
maodun | mbeierl: ok, is there any way to encrypt my traffic to and from the squid server? it seems like the filters might well catch keywords if everything was sent as plaintext | 02:43 |
* losher says the crowd's tough tonight, StrangeCharm | 02:43 | |
Seany | ah ok i'm looking at mine (mine is the reverse of yours though) | 02:43 |
VirusTB | baz yes, but im not sure if i did it right | 02:43 |
VirusTB | i read it 3 times | 02:43 |
bubba | I might be able to get the official ubuntu version installed again, but that seems pointless as it dont work with yahoo... | 02:43 |
bazhang | !yahoo | bubba | 02:43 |
ubottu | bubba: At the moment there are many pidgin users experiencing problems connecting to Yahoo IM, you can try changing your paging server to cs101.msg.mud.yahoo.com and see if that helps. | 02:43 |
knasto | Seany, the printer is listed though if I access the gnome "Printing" menu item | 02:43 |
mbeierl | maodun: that would be a vpn then | 02:43 |
VirusTB | and tried the instructions twice :S | 02:43 |
maodun | mbeierl: socks would work too, right? | 02:43 |
VirusTB | and tried the instructions twice :S bazhang | 02:43 |
mbeierl | bazhang: thanks! that was it! | 02:43 |
Seany | ok | 02:43 |
mbeierl | maodun: it might but I do not know anything about socks | 02:43 |
maodun | mbeierl: ok, thanks! | 02:44 |
bubba | ubottu: yah, I tried that earlier today, no luck. | 02:44 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 02:44 |
knasto | Seany, could it be driver related? | 02:44 |
VirusTB | bazhang: i ended up turning off my LAN (wired) connection | 02:44 |
bazhang | VirusTB, using the ubuntu computer as an AP for your wii? | 02:44 |
Seany | Yes, but i think its more network related... how does the icon look.. is there a check box on the icon | 02:44 |
bubba | bazhang: : yah, I tried that earlier today, no luck. | 02:44 |
StrangeCharm | madoun - you can encrypt traffic to a https server | 02:45 |
VirusTB | bazhang: yes, my WIFI router is broken, so i wan to have my laptop as a WIFI access point | 02:45 |
calmbola | bazhang, any idea about installing remix on dell mini? | 02:45 |
calmbola | and this.... seemingly so bug? | 02:45 |
knasto | Seany, yes theres a checkbox and everything. only if I right click properties I get the message "Idle - Unable to connect to CIFS host after (tried 3 times)" | 02:45 |
=== wrhaynes_ is now known as wrhaynes | ||
Seany | I see, okay. | 02:45 |
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bubba | so pidgin is the only IM client available to ubuntu users? (I tried going back to gaim, but it needs pidgin) | 02:45 |
VirusTB | is there an iPhone chat room (dev for stuff liek cydia and linux on the iphone) ? | 02:46 |
StrangeCharm | madoun - the great firewall is pretty smart, so you may want to consider a secure socks proxy or vpn | 02:46 |
Seany | knasto, okay dude i might be in left field, but under the sharing folder in xp is there an anonymous user check box or something to that affect? | 02:46 |
Seany | knasto: i should be able to help, let me get a virtualbox going. | 02:47 |
bazhang | calmbola, it comes as an img iirc, does the mini have an optical drive? | 02:47 |
bazhang | calmbola, you can also add from the package manager ubuntu-netbook-remix is the package name | 02:48 |
calmbola | bazhang, no optical drive | 02:48 |
calmbola | remix on usb | 02:48 |
knasto | Seany, yea theres nothing like that just "share this printer" and "do not share this printer" | 02:48 |
calmbola | bazhang, if i do that, what does that do? | 02:48 |
Seany | knasto, let me get a VB going.. are you on xp pro or home. | 02:48 |
calmbola | i dont know if that package is available from the installed version - remember it's not the true ubuntu version on here | 02:48 |
bazhang | calmbola, it installs it, then you can choose that to boot into | 02:48 |
VirusTB | :( | 02:48 |
bazhang | calmbola, ah the dell ubuntu repos | 02:49 |
mbeierl | maodun: http://www.sun.com/download/index.jsp?cat=Web%20%26%20Proxy%20Servers&tab=3&subcat=Proxy%20Servers This is a free socks server from Sun - should be easy enough to set up on ubuntu I'd expect | 02:49 |
knasto | Seany, also I am successfully able to print using the same printer on a network on another computer with XP on it. it's just the ubuntu one that cant seem to connect to it. | 02:49 |
calmbola | bazhang, so it won't work?] | 02:49 |
bazhang | VirusTB, after you set up the ics, did you check in the wii? | 02:49 |
bazhang | calmbola, not sure, you can certainly put pure ubuntu on there though | 02:49 |
VirusTB | bazhang: yes, and i didnt see any wifi networks from my Wii | 02:49 |
knasto | Seany, I am on Home. | 02:50 |
calmbola | bazhang, a lot of people seem to have this "bug" | 02:50 |
Seany | ok good to know. | 02:50 |
bazhang | VirusTB, seems that you did not set it up properly then | 02:50 |
VirusTB | bazhang: im looking at firestarter now | 02:50 |
VirusTB | bazhang: firestarter is a firewall?? | 02:51 |
maodun | mbeierl: thanks - actually, i think i'm going to go the VPN route. i've never used a VPN before, but it looks like i can just set up my network connection to use the VPN and then all my traffic will be filtered through that, so that seems more convenient than configuring on an app-by-app basis with a socks server | 02:51 |
Seany | knasto, now i'm wondering if home can't do it. | 02:51 |
bazhang | VirusTB, front end for iptables | 02:51 |
mbeierl | just be sure you can export the vpn port through your countries firewall ;) | 02:51 |
calmbola | bazhang, is it sudo package manager? | 02:52 |
VirusTB | bazhang: hmm well all this is new to me, i guess i need to learn some more on this topic.. i just wanted to play movies from ym SD card on my Wii | 02:52 |
kesiode | could somebody please tell me how to disable this keyboard changer thing that keeps popping up with ctrl+shift and changing my kb to unicode? | 02:52 |
knasto | Seany, well I mean it can share a printer. Why wouldnt ubuntu be able to connect to it? | 02:52 |
bazhang | calmbola, synaptic package manager or from command line | 02:52 |
kesiode | sorry now it's doing it with ctrl+spacebar | 02:52 |
Seany | knasto, not sure, just a sec i'm trying to build your setup here | 02:52 |
bazhang | calmbola, first: apt-cache search ubuntu-netbook-remix | 02:52 |
mbeierl | maodun: for example, pptp uses port 1723. try telnetting to port 1723 of a box on the outside of the firewall (provided there is one) and see if you get through | 02:52 |
calmbola | that package isn't in here | 02:53 |
kesiode | it's really messing me up since I use ctrl+space in emacs to set a mark | 02:53 |
calmbola | damned dell | 02:53 |
knasto | Seany, ok thanks | 02:53 |
Zoohouse | Hello everyone | 02:54 |
mbeierl | maodun: try telnet 1723 (no, folks this is not a REAL pptp server, I've just bound a listener to that port) and see if you get connection refused, timeout or connected | 02:55 |
maodun | mbeierl: all good, exactly how is that connected with a VPN? | 02:56 |
ganymede | just a quick question i don't seem to understand...there are 13 IPv4 for the 13 root name servers...yet there are more than physical 13 machines? how does each IP point to multiple physical machines running DNS servers? i can understand with IPv6 and anycast, but IPv4? | 02:56 |
Zoohouse | I have been looking for some kind of document or site that will explain briefly a few of Linux's top filesystems. I want to know the strong and weak points of a few popular filesystems being used today. I was hoping to find this information on the same site (side by side). Any ideas where I can find this information? I have been looking on Google for quite a while. | 02:56 |
VirusTB | bazhang: You seem like the Guru in here if you have time i would appreciate a guided step by step to get this wifi to work, even if it means allowing remote access to you to help me out | 02:56 |
Seany | knasto: usb drive and sneakernet? ;) | 02:56 |
Arv3n | Hi. | 02:56 |
ganymede | err...wrong channel | 02:56 |
knasto | Seany, I'm sorry Im not familiar. | 02:56 |
Seany | joke, sorry | 02:57 |
mbeierl | maodun: Microsoft has developed a VPN protocol, known as PPTP, which is simple to set up. It uses port 1723 for all encrypted traffic. If you can reach me at 1723, then you can reach your server at 1723, and know that you can at least have a PPTP VPN between you and your server. | 02:57 |
Arv3n | Can I set up a netboot server on my PC with Ubuntu so that I can host the Leopard image on my PC and boot from it on my Mac? | 02:57 |
mbeierl | maodun: it is simple to set up on Linux | 02:57 |
maodun | mbeierl: great! thanks so much! | 02:57 |
mbeierl | maodun: id | 02:58 |
maodun | mbeierl: looks like i'll set that up then. | 02:58 |
Arv3n | Anyone know? | 02:58 |
mbeierl | maodun: I'd like to take the server back down soon, let me know once the connection test is complete, please :) | 02:58 |
sotomayor | hello people....may i ask away? | 02:58 |
felix_ | im running 8.04. firefox attemps to download php pages as files instead as browsing them. why? | 02:58 |
Arv3n | No one knows? :< | 02:59 |
felix_ | im running 8.04. firefox attemps to download php pages as files instead of browsing them. why? | 02:59 |
maodun | mbeierl: complete, it works. thanks! | 02:59 |
mbeierl | maodun: never mind :) I just saw the connection from China come in a little while ago. Looks good for you | 02:59 |
=== DaNKaTa` is now known as DaNKaTa`zZz | ||
Seany | knasto, looks grim on xp home, let me try xp pro | 03:00 |
mbeierl | maodun: you came in through sl-china6-1-0.sprintlink.net. All the best with pptp (aptitude search pptpd for the vpn server) | 03:00 |
maodun | mbeierl: thanks, i was just searching aptitude, now i know which one to choose. | 03:01 |
knasto | Seany, thanks for your help, I got it to work. Heres what I did. I went to Printing Properties in Ubuntu. And I changed the Device URI to my XP's ip address instead of what was there on default, which was the hostname and workgroup of the XP computer. | 03:01 |
felix_ | im running 8.04. firefox attemps to download php pages as files instead of browsing them. why? | 03:01 |
Seany | ah i thought doing direct ip.. dang. nice. | 03:02 |
VirusTB | bazhang: were those settings/instructions for the ICS made perminant on my machine? or when i restart it will all go back to normal?? | 03:02 |
bazhang | VirusTB, not sure what all you did | 03:02 |
VirusTB | :S | 03:02 |
knasto | Seany, alright well thanks for trying to help me anyway. This is a little unrelated but what is this red horizontal line in xchat? | 03:02 |
Seany | no clue i have used this for like 2 days. | 03:03 |
geirha | felix_: That's not a firefox issue, it's the web server that doesn't have the php module enabled | 03:03 |
VirusTB | bazhang: i'll figure it out sometime latter.. | 03:03 |
knasto | Seany, alright well im going to log off | 03:03 |
knasto | Seany, bye | 03:03 |
Seany | later | 03:03 |
VirusTB | bazhang: thans for helping, maybe is just a careless mistake I made will try it again n again untill it worls | 03:03 |
felix_ | geirha, what package may i install? | 03:03 |
felix_ | geirha, im trying to open a php file from my own pc | 03:04 |
geirha | !lamp | felix_ | 03:04 |
ubottu | felix_: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 03:04 |
dwmcqueen | Hello - I have a PC with a 1.5TB drive - for some reason the install always gets an i/o error about half way thru no matter what CD I use (reburned several times) | 03:05 |
dwmcqueen | I checked my hard drive and no errors...is there something I can do to fix this? | 03:05 |
mdg | hello | 03:06 |
dwmcqueen | My bios supports the drive and the CD passes the verification | 03:06 |
frost-fire | hey | 03:06 |
frost-fire | I'm having trouble getting grub to boot win7 | 03:07 |
frost-fire | can spill menu.lst for that entry if needed | 03:07 |
dwmcqueen | Would specifying irqpoll help? | 03:07 |
felix_ | geirha, libapache-mod-php is installed already | 03:07 |
Amtrask | Hello everyone. I am using Jaunty 9.04 64bit, and whenever I use Firefox in fullscreen mode, the graphics seem very glitchy. When I click anything the desktop flickers on and off screen, it's fairly annoying. I'm using an embedded ATI chipset for video | 03:08 |
Amtrask | Also when I alt-tab between windows | 03:08 |
mdg | I have a gateway E4100 that I made a USB flash drive of Ubuntu for using Unetbootin, but I can't get it to boot from the flash drive. Any advice? | 03:08 |
geirha | felix_: See "Troubleshooting PHP 5" on that page. Try the a2enmod command it explains. | 03:09 |
frost-fire | interesting | 03:09 |
frost-fire | I'll try irqpoll. | 03:09 |
mdg | I have a gateway E4100 that I made a USB flash drive of Ubuntu for using Unetbootin, but I can't get it to boot from the flash drive. Any advice? | 03:10 |
Seany | mdg, boot order in bios? | 03:11 |
aspirant | !zfs | 03:11 |
ubottu | For information concerning ZFS and Ubuntu, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZFS | 03:11 |
Amtrask | !ati | 03:11 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 03:11 |
VirusTB | :( Im mad i cant get it to work :'( | 03:12 |
mdg | Seany: That's the weird thing - it does not list USB anything in boot order, but in another section I can enable 2.0 and legacy USB. | 03:12 |
Amtrask | mdg: it might be that your mobo doesn't support booting off of USB | 03:12 |
VirusTB | !ot | 03:12 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 03:12 |
LinuX2half | how do I uninstall my screenlets? | 03:12 |
mdg | Amtrask: its either that of the USB drive i used. | 03:13 |
mdg | of/or | 03:13 |
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Amtrask | mdg: could be the drive. Can you test a different one? I know the bios on my old desktop doesn't boot from USB unfortunately | 03:13 |
bubba | I got 2.5.7 working via http://pidgin.im/download/ubuntu/ dont use the get-deb stuff... | 03:14 |
mdg | Amtrask: I have one that says its ready to use with Vista and mac ready, but nothing about linux | 03:15 |
gasull | Hi. Where are the repos for Karmic, if they already exist? | 03:15 |
donny | i am trying to install wow with wine and it tells me to type this cd /home/donavan/desktop>/ when i do it says sudo apt-get install playonlinux | 03:16 |
Seany | mdg, yea its going to be either the boot order, or the drive doesn't have the right file.. is there anywhere that says enable usb boot in the bios? | 03:16 |
Amtrask | mdg: Don't know... the bios thing Seany suggested | 03:16 |
Amtrask | ...was my only real idea | 03:16 |
Amtrask | sorry got distracted :P | 03:16 |
Seany | another computer is probably your best bet that way you can eliminate if it is the mobo or the usb drive. | 03:16 |
mdg | Amtrask: Thanks for the input Amtrask and Seany - much appreciated :) | 03:16 |
stopfocus | hello I am trying to edit my samba config file and have looked inside of my /etc/samba/smb.conf but the entries for the shared folders I want to remove are not there is there another config file hidden some where in Ubuntu | 03:17 |
Seany | i always have a heck of a time wiht usb thumb drive boots | 03:17 |
Seany | but not floppy drives with USB connectors... totally worthwhile. | 03:18 |
VirusTB | how do i crack WPA-PSK (TKIP) wifi passwprds?? | 03:18 |
ncfi1013_ | can anybody tell me how to disable a graphics card to a 2006 emachine? requesting an alternate solution to looking in bios menu as bios doesnt detect onboard graphics card | 03:18 |
frost-fire | k, irqpoll set up (took a while to find the line...) wish me luck | 03:18 |
mdg | Seany: floppy drive with USB connectors??? Please explain | 03:19 |
donny | does any one know the best way to install wow on to my pc | 03:19 |
frost-fire | I had a usb floppy once | 03:19 |
frost-fire | donny lol, wow is a pain in the butt under ubuntu | 03:19 |
gasull | Come on, I'm sure somebody knows where the Karmic repositories are. I can't find them on Google (weird). | 03:19 |
frost-fire | you'll need wine | 03:19 |
Seany | mdg haha, an external floppy drive that connects by USB, i use it at work sometimes. | 03:19 |
donny | but there has got to be a way to do it | 03:19 |
VirusTB | how do i crack WPA-PSK (TKIP) wifi passwprds?? | 03:20 |
mdg | Seany: oh... okay. | 03:20 |
Amtrask | Floppy -> USB just seems so weird, like a 8-track adapter for my iPod | 03:20 |
Seany | wow on linux? yikes | 03:20 |
mdg | Amtrask: LOL! | 03:20 |
Unislash1 | Hey all, i'm experiencing a very large slowdown cutting movies from NTFS to my ext3 drive running ubuntu jaunty X64... is this normal? (i have 6 gigs of ram, quad core processor) | 03:20 |
stopfocus | set up your X11 config to use the other graphics card | 03:20 |
stopfocus | dont install wow at all | 03:20 |
stopfocus | and wep pass is kismet | 03:20 |
stopfocus | but i didnt say that | 03:20 |
donny | why dont instal wow ? | 03:20 |
Seany | Amtrask, mdg well its for when i install XP on a computer that doesn't have a floppy and the XP doesn't know the new SATA drivers.. so i have to inject the driver with the floppy | 03:20 |
Seany | donny install xp then wow. | 03:20 |
stopfocus | because u can send you time doing so many other cool things | 03:21 |
stopfocus | spend | 03:21 |
stopfocus | but if u need to it runs well under wine | 03:21 |
donny | but i want ubuntu | 03:21 |
Amtrask | Seany oh I understand it's got its uses. Just wondering how I'll get my old ISA drivers on Windows 7 | 03:21 |
stopfocus | so check out the wine website | 03:21 |
Seany | i dread win7 | 03:21 |
Seany | donny get two machines then, seriously, once you get wow to work, it won't be as fast or as reliable. | 03:21 |
Unislash1 | anyone know what's up with my slowdown? | 03:21 |
Amtrask | I tried the RC1, it wasn't awful (at least it was way better than Vista) but I only used it for a few days before I went back to Ubuntu | 03:22 |
stopfocus | any one kno anything about samba config files? | 03:22 |
Unislash1 | stopfocus: i do :) | 03:22 |
Seany | Unislash1, slowdowns, check your processes! | 03:22 |
LinuX2half | hi what my the window is all black when I tried to create a launcher? | 03:22 |
Unislash1 | seany: nothing's over 500 kb | 03:22 |
sattam | some times when i install software via APT , i got this : The following packages cannot be authenticated , why ? | 03:22 |
frost-fire | kay | 03:22 |
stopfocus | unislash1: i want to configure whats shared but i can not find the entries in the config files | 03:23 |
Unislash1 | Seany: it's like gnome freezes or something | 03:23 |
Seany | Unislash1, what about cpu usage | 03:23 |
frost-fire | tried irqpoll, didn't work, so I'm going to give more info | 03:23 |
Unislash1 | Seany: cpu is down at 25%, all 4 cores | 03:23 |
LinuX2half | hi I want to know why my launcher window turned all black | 03:23 |
gasull | Hi. I need GnuCash 2.2.9. Is downloading from packages.ubuntu.com in the browser the only way to get it? I mean, where are the Karmic repos? Thanks. | 03:23 |
frost-fire | I'm trying to dual-boot Windows 7, Ubuntu 9.04, no other OSes | 03:23 |
LinuX2half | I want to know why my launcher turned all black | 03:23 |
Seany | Amtrask, you figure i would get enough computers at work for 8 hours, then i come in here and chat computers... i'm sick. | 03:23 |
lowlycoder | what's a good email client for ubuntu 9.04 that will let me 1) setup automatic filtering into folders 2) allow me to download all my emails and 3) let me write emails, save them, and send them when I have network connection again? | 03:23 |
SiVA_ | well the restart didn't work | 03:24 |
Seany | lowlycoder, t-bird? | 03:24 |
LinuX2half | I want to know why my window turned black, I had aero-clone theme. | 03:24 |
sattam | i found the answer :http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-aptget-warning-following-packages-cannot-authenticated/ | 03:24 |
Amtrask | Seany: same here. The way I see it, at least the IT stuff I do at home is by choice... also it's way too hot outside | 03:24 |
frost-fire | one SATA hard disk, five partitions | 03:24 |
Seany | Amtrask, yea no linux at work for me... | 03:24 |
LinuX2half | I want to know why my launcher screen turned black | 03:24 |
lowlycoder | Seany: thanks | 03:24 |
SiVA_ | the linux dvd apps don't give me an error message when tryign to play the dvd. But windows XP Media player complains about "digital copy protection...". The label on the dvd says Canada and I'm in Canada. Is it a DRM issue? | 03:24 |
Seany | SiVA_, it works in linux? whats the prob? ;) | 03:25 |
Unislash1 | Seany: here's my config http://utilitybase.com/paste/14904 | 03:25 |
frost-fire | so. my ubuntu boots just fine, obviously, but when I boot to win it just reboots me again. | 03:25 |
Unislash1 | Seany: it's set up to be a network share, no security | 03:25 |
Solarbaby | Im using Ubuntu 8.04 and I keep loosing hard drive space.. I created a seperate partition for hellanzb to download from the newsgroups.. when I delete the files and empty the garbage i always loose a tiny little bit of space, and now im finally up to 30 gigs of space that i've lost and can't get back.. I dunno whats going on | 03:25 |
Amtrask | SiVA_: DVD DRM is a joke and a hassle. I'd recommend checking out AnyDVD if you HAVE to use Windows | 03:25 |
Unislash1 | Seany: it works with windows and xbox clients alike | 03:26 |
Seany | Unislash1, we talking about slowness over your network? | 03:26 |
Unislash1 | I had a heck of a time getting it right | 03:26 |
Unislash1 | nope, over a single disk | 03:26 |
SiVA_ | Amtrask: What about Linux? I thought linux dvd apps would work around this | 03:26 |
Unislash1 | partitioned windows and linux | 03:26 |
Unislash1 | (and swap...) | 03:26 |
Seany | Unislash1, i'm a little lost, what are we doing with the samba stuff.. it is slow accessing your windows partition? | 03:26 |
Amtrask | SiVA_ by default Ubuntu won't de-DRM things (I think?). I'm not sure how to make it do it :-/ | 03:26 |
isleshocky771 | I just got a new hp laptop with an Intel Wireless Pro 5100 AGN wireless card. It works perfect when connected to a secure wifi connection, but when connected to an open wifi it says it's working at 11 mbps but I don't think it's going at even that cause it won't pull up google. | 03:27 |
bazhang | SiVA_, check medibuntu.org for libdvdcss2 | 03:27 |
Unislash1 | Seany: heh, oops, that was for stopfocus | 03:27 |
Mike_lifeguard | I've rendered my system unbootable (yay, now I'm a real linux user :P) -- After I reinstall WinXP from the recovery dvd, I'll need to restore GRUB. I already tried several versions of instructions found in ubuntuforums... Can anyone confirm for me how to reinstall GRUB? | 03:27 |
frost-fire | hm | 03:27 |
isleshocky771 | Any help would be appreciated. I thought I had this bug on a distro a long time ago, but I thought it was fixed. | 03:27 |
Seany | has it always been slow then? or is this new | 03:27 |
bazhang | !grub > Mike_lifeguard | 03:27 |
ubottu | Mike_lifeguard, please see my private message | 03:27 |
Unislash1 | stopfocus: here's my samba config http://utilitybase.com/paste/14904 | 03:27 |
Amtrask | Mike_lifeguard: Google "Super GRUB disk" | 03:28 |
ncfi1013_ | can anybody tell me how to disable a graphics card to a 2006 emachine? requesting an alternate solution to looking in bios menu as bios doesnt detect onboard graphics card | 03:28 |
Unislash1 | Seany: it's never been this slow. normally for cut and paste it's instant pretty much | 03:28 |
Amtrask | thing is a lifesaver | 03:28 |
frost-fire | yeah, I'm using super grub disk | 03:28 |
Mike_lifeguard | bazhang: well, I'll read them again, but those didn't work previously :\ | 03:28 |
frost-fire | it was handy | 03:28 |
frost-fire | but now I can't get back to win | 03:28 |
Solarbaby | ncfi1013_: sounds scary | 03:28 |
SiVA_ | I'm using 8.10. Is that hardy or intreprid...? | 03:28 |
Solarbaby | I never owned a emachine | 03:29 |
Unislash1 | Seany: i'm cutting movies, but still... normally it's some 2 seconds. It's taking 20 seconds for 700 MB, and i can't do anything else or else it freezes for a minute or so | 03:29 |
Seany | what are your specs | 03:29 |
Seany | i want to say more ram, but i'm feeling you are going to say you have a lot | 03:29 |
Unislash1 | Seany: Jaunty X64, 6gb ram, quad core @ 2.3 ghz each... | 03:29 |
Amtrask | He's got a quad core? Probably a beefy machine | 03:29 |
frost-fire | bleh | 03:29 |
ctmjr | SiVA_, Intrepid | 03:30 |
Seany | Hm. | 03:30 |
Seany | eek | 03:30 |
daem | eep! | 03:30 |
Seany | how is when you aren't splice movies | 03:30 |
ncfi1013_ | solarbaby arent disabling graphics cards universal across all computers? | 03:30 |
Unislash1 | uhm... what's a big file i could move... iso images! one sec :P | 03:30 |
losher | Solarbaby: still got a lost space problem? | 03:30 |
stopfocus | unislash1: it works fine but there are entries to shared folders i made the the UI and i cant figure out how to remove them as they are not in the config file | 03:31 |
Solarbaby | ncfi1013_: not exactly no | 03:31 |
Solarbaby | losher: yes I do | 03:31 |
Seany | Unislash1, what are you checking processes with? | 03:31 |
stopfocus | unislash1: through the ui | 03:31 |
frost-fire | hm, what's the easiest way to find the device number for my win7 partition? | 03:31 |
Solarbaby | losher: im hoping i can avoid formating each time this happens | 03:31 |
frost-fire | I think hd0,0 may not be it | 03:31 |
SiVA_ | bazhang: thank you thank you thank you | 03:31 |
Unislash1 | Seany: System monitor | 03:31 |
SiVA_ | You don't know how many problems this has caused me.. | 03:32 |
palin | ? anyone know if the a fix for the adobe flash - crashing firefox | 03:32 |
LinuX2half | how do I check to see if I have a corrupt DL? | 03:32 |
palin | this is on jaunty | 03:32 |
ctmjr | frost-fire, fdisk -l | 03:32 |
Unislash1 | Seany: the iso is going at about the same speed as a movie. Navigating with nautalis doesn't quite freeze itself for long, but it does freeze... | 03:32 |
Mike_lifeguard | bazhang: Do I need my partition where /boot/grub is mounted? If so, does it matter where? | 03:33 |
Unislash1 | stopfocus: there are entries to shared folders... hmm... lemme look, one sec | 03:33 |
losher | Solarbaby: you've emptied the trashcan, I take it? | 03:33 |
Solarbaby | losher: yes | 03:33 |
palin | LinuX2half: is the a posted md5 number | 03:33 |
ctmjr | !md5|LinuX2half, | 03:33 |
ubottu | LinuX2half,: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows | 03:33 |
Solarbaby | losher: emptying the trash can brings alot back, but it always brings back less them i originally had | 03:33 |
Seany | i'm a total newb, i always use command line for processes | 03:34 |
Unislash1 | Seany: hmm... how do you use command line | 03:34 |
losher | Solarbaby: ok, open a terminal, type 'df -h' and paste it to http://paste.ubuntu.com so we can see what's going on.... | 03:34 |
Unislash1 | Seany: and yea.. the iso acts the same way (and i'm frozen again) | 03:34 |
SiVA_ | off to watch a show. Thanks all. | 03:34 |
Seany | Unislash1, use top | 03:34 |
Solarbaby | losher: certainly | 03:34 |
Seany | then sort with shift . or > | 03:34 |
Unislash1 | Seany: hehe, and by how do you use command line, i mean... to check processors | 03:34 |
Unislash1 | top? | 03:35 |
Seany | top is the command | 03:35 |
Seany | you can change the sort with > and < | 03:35 |
LinuX2half | also why when I go to synaptic package manager the theme turned to classic? | 03:35 |
Unislash1 | and % mem is displaying in...? | 03:35 |
Seany | %mem | 03:36 |
Unislash1 | stopfocus: it seems that it should work with no extra hassle | 03:36 |
Seany | Unislash1, like this... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:3-2-7-top.png | 03:36 |
Solarbaby | losher: http://pastebin.com/m73897985 | 03:37 |
Unislash1 | stopfocus: just throw that into your smb.cfg and change the path down at the bottom to your folder you want shared... | 03:37 |
Unislash1 | Seany: yup, yup... and is that % mem of my total memory or what? | 03:37 |
c2d2 | I use ps afx or aux and grep through them. | 03:38 |
Seany | yes and cpu... sort around with <,> anything stand out? | 03:38 |
Unislash1 | nope | 03:38 |
Seany | blast. | 03:38 |
Unislash1 | just firefox, with 7.1 % mem | 03:38 |
Seany | how many total processes? | 03:38 |
losher | Solarbaby: nothing much out of the ordinary there. So which filesystem is it you think should have more space on it? | 03:38 |
Unislash1 | some 20 or so | 03:38 |
Seany | yea that looks clean. | 03:39 |
Solarbaby | losher: /dev/sda2 is a 73G partiton.. when I delete all files in the partition im still left with 30 gigs short | 03:39 |
LinuX2half | why my synaptic package manager turned to a classic theme? | 03:39 |
Wikkedfin | Hello i'm new to Mysql, and i was wondering how do i make a shell account be able to access phpmyadmin an do whatever for their shell | 03:40 |
anomoly | anyone have experience with the issue in this thread? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1010650 | 03:40 |
Unislash1 | Seany: nautilus is up at 7% cpu and .9% mem... | 03:40 |
Seany | yea it just doesn't sound bad.. what are you using to copy? | 03:40 |
Unislash1 | nautilus cut and paste... | 03:41 |
Eternal_Sin | hi everyone | 03:41 |
losher | Solarbaby: ok, cd /media/disk then run 'sudo du -x | sort -rn > du.out' When it finishes, paste the first page of du.out | 03:41 |
Seany | how about moving in the command line? i'm all about the CLI | 03:41 |
Solarbaby | losher: btw that was happening with my primary partition too.. thats why I made a seperate partition for large temporary files.. so it wouldn't eventually kill my whole system | 03:41 |
FAJ | hi, having issues with my nvidia card, the first time i used it it worked great, but now (after a hard restart) the resolution is messed up and i don't know why. I don't know if this is a ubuntu kernel module problem or not, but I would like some help..... maybe just to get this process rolling. | 03:41 |
Seany | Unislash1, maybe you can try the mv command with some verbose and seeing if that leads to anything | 03:42 |
losher | Solarbaby: so /dev/sda2 (/media/disk) is your temporary space? Where is /home ? | 03:42 |
stopfocus | whats the command to lauch a file browser from temrinal? | 03:43 |
Seany | i doubt cutting those big files to memory and moving is taking a lot.. | 03:43 |
Seany | stopfocus, nautilus | 03:43 |
Unislash1 | i have ntfsprogs for my ntfs backend | 03:43 |
Eternal_Sin | someone uses codeblocks here? | 03:44 |
frost-fire | yeah but I'm about to reboot | 03:44 |
stopfocus | thank you | 03:44 |
frost-fire | c::b is a fun time | 03:44 |
threatrix | what do you do to find the link to an application so I can make it a default application for the internet. (I installed the firefox 3.5 rc2) | 03:44 |
Eternal_Sin | how can i change the interface language to codeblocks??? | 03:44 |
frost-fire | kay futzed around with menu.lst, wish me luck | 03:45 |
Seany | Unislash1, is this copying to the same partition? | 03:45 |
dhendrix | does anyone have a pair of kernel-img.conf and kernel-pkg.conf files set up for kernel packages with completely non-interactive setup (using make-kpkg)? | 03:45 |
Unislash1 | Seany: i'll try mv... one sec | 03:45 |
Unislash1 | Seany: no; different partitions (ntfs to ext3, same thing the other way too) | 03:45 |
Seany | ok | 03:46 |
Solarbaby | losher: http://pastebin.com/m7916027 | 03:46 |
Unislash1 | stopfocus, did you get my PM or do i really need to register? :P | 03:46 |
Seany | i notice a performance hit when i copy to my ntfs drive... but i thought it was just the USB connection. | 03:46 |
Solarbaby | losher: I see things in there I deleted a long time ago | 03:46 |
Unislash1 | Seany: another interesting thing to note is that my moving progression *stops* when i navigate nautilus while doing it (using cut/paste) | 03:47 |
unitheory | has anyone received the "powered by ubuntu" stickers from system76? | 03:48 |
Unislash1 | Seany: mv-ing now | 03:48 |
FAJ | unitheory: yes | 03:48 |
losher | Solarbaby: yeah, well now you know why you're losing space. They aren't gone. du.out shows, from largest to smallest, files & directories, with their size in kbytes. So for example, ./.Trash-0/files is about 26G and contains all sorts of stuff. | 03:48 |
c0l2e | is there a GUI grub editor for ubuntu? | 03:48 |
Seany | Unislash1, strange, let's definitely try without naut to eliminate | 03:48 |
Unislash1 | Seny: seems to be much better | 03:48 |
unitheory | faj, are they metallic, or just regular stickers? | 03:49 |
Seany | Unislash1, weird. | 03:49 |
FAJ | unitheory: regular i believe.... i am pretty sure | 03:49 |
Seany | open up nauty and see what happens haha | 03:49 |
Unislash1 | Seany: yea, about same completion speed... but no slowdown (not much, at least--not like using cut n paste) | 03:49 |
Unislash1 | Seany: i did :) | 03:49 |
Seany | what happened? | 03:49 |
Unislash1 | Seany: i navigated and all that; no slowdown | 03:49 |
Solarbaby | losher: and of course when I go to Places/Trash its empty.. so its probably a permission issue.. How do I deal with this? | 03:49 |
Seany | yea i don't get that... | 03:49 |
Seany | have you tried copying instead of cutting? | 03:50 |
Solarbaby | losher: I was just going to log into root and empty the garbage that way, but it wont let me | 03:50 |
Unislash1 | Seany: so weird... it's like nautilus runs out of mem or something... | 03:50 |
losher | Solarbaby: if you type e.g. 'rm -rf ./.Trash-0/files' you'll (eventually) get 26G back. | 03:50 |
Unislash1 | Seany: not really... lemme try... lol | 03:50 |
Solarbaby | losher: sweeeet! | 03:50 |
Seany | i never cut. | 03:50 |
Seany | ever. | 03:50 |
frost-fire | okay | 03:50 |
frost-fire | getting a little irritating now. | 03:50 |
losher | Solarbaby: filenames beginning with dot "." are, by convention, not listed, so as to avoid clutter. | 03:50 |
Seany | too much lost files at work from people cutting on network drives! | 03:51 |
threatrix | How do you find the links to an application? | 03:51 |
frost-fire | I hit up grub's command line | 03:51 |
frost-fire | grub works fine till I hit "boot" | 03:51 |
Seany | threatrix, links? | 03:51 |
Unislash1 | Seany: weird... copying doesn't make it freeze like cutting | 03:51 |
LinKDeaD | Hello. I love ubuntu, but I have some things I need windows for, mainly gaming wise. I have XP on my laptop, but lost my XP CD and was wondering if there was a way to copy my laptops hard-drive to an empty partition on my desktop and be able to dual boot windows and Ubuntu | 03:51 |
threatrix | seany, like how firefox is firefox %s | 03:51 |
cabrey | threatrix, you mean find the actual binary? | 03:52 |
Solarbaby | losher: if the answer is that simple.. i'll just write it in my notes and be happy as hell.. Thanks | 03:52 |
Unislash1 | LinkDeaD: you should be able to | 03:52 |
LinKDeaD | Unislash1: Do you know of any websites that might offer a tutorial on how to do that? | 03:52 |
Unislash1 | Seany: nautilus navigation is definitely slower than when i'm not copying, but it doesn't freeze the whole machine like with cutting | 03:52 |
predictable | Can anyone tell me how to get java working. I went to synaptics and typed java and it installed sun java , but its not working.. | 03:52 |
threatrix | cabrey, yeah thats what i meant | 03:52 |
Seany | Unislash1, i though it might not.. it must not having it in memory and copying it | 03:52 |
losher | Solarbaby: run the rm command, and then run 'df -h' again & see what it says for free space on /media/disk | 03:52 |
cabrey | threatrix, in that case running << which program_here >> will search the path and give you the locationg | 03:52 |
Unislash1 | LinkDeaD: nope... google's your best bud | 03:52 |
LinKDeaD | Unislash1: Alright, thanks a lot man! | 03:52 |
Solarbaby | losher: it did something very strange | 03:53 |
Unislash1 | Seany: hmm, uhm, explain a bit more :) | 03:53 |
Seany | threatrix, i guess i'm dumb, what does firefox %s do | 03:53 |
frost-fire | anyone available to do a little grub hacking? | 03:53 |
Unislash1 | LinKDeaD: yups :) | 03:53 |
losher | Solarbaby: I'm listening... | 03:53 |
SeaPhor | Unislash1, any chance ATI graphics are involved? | 03:53 |
Unislash1 | SeaPhor: nope... nvidia Geforce 8800 GT | 03:53 |
Seany | Unislash1, when you cut, it stores it in memory then copies it over.. maybe its too much to handle..? | 03:53 |
Solarbaby | losher: http://pastebin.com/m3cc773d3 | 03:54 |
Unislash1 | Hard drive's a WD 750GB @ 7500 RPM... no problem there either ;) | 03:54 |
Seany | Unislash1, not really limiations of your machine, but maybe naut doesn't like it, i can't really answer | 03:54 |
jan247 | hi guys, how do i mark a package as manually installed? | 03:54 |
Unislash1 | Seany: well, weird | 03:54 |
Seany | Unislash1, yea who knows. | 03:54 |
Solarbaby | losher: you'll see it added /dev/sda1 | 03:54 |
predictable | Anyone? | 03:54 |
nixiepixel | Hi, I have a Jaunty machine that suddenly lost the ability to connect to the internet, even though it can ping pcs on the network with no problem, and other computers can reach the internet. I cannot ping outside the local network, though I can ping & log into the router. Any ideas? | 03:54 |
Unislash1 | Seany: I guess that means for big files i'll just use mv... meh... so messy | 03:54 |
Seany | Unislash1, messy? no way! | 03:54 |
frost-fire | should I be in a different channel? Doesn't seem too helpful in here. | 03:54 |
Solarbaby | losher: i did get my space back though :) | 03:55 |
frost-fire | for my particular issue. | 03:55 |
Seany | its faster once you get it down. | 03:55 |
Unislash1 | predictable java not working? weird. should work out of the box | 03:55 |
frost-fire | otherwise, quite helpful. | 03:55 |
Chaorain | Hey I need to remove Raid meta data from two HDDs (Raid 1 - Mirror) Help? | 03:55 |
Seany | and you can do it in another terminal and not look at it :D | 03:55 |
Unislash1 | Seany: lol | 03:55 |
predictable | Can anyone tell me how to get java working. I went to synaptics and typed java and it installed sun java , but its not working..java -version comes back with Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_13-b03) but the synaptic says ver. 6 something mm | 03:55 |
Unislash1 | Seany: but if your file name is all long and messy... meh | 03:55 |
Seany | what about tab completion? | 03:55 |
predictable | unislashl: nope it's not.. | 03:55 |
Unislash1 | Seany: ah, right. that might help | 03:55 |
threatrix | cabrey, how exactly do you do that? in terminal? | 03:56 |
Unislash1 | Seany: well that'll make it a lot faster. thanks for reminding me :D | 03:56 |
jan247 | hi guys, sorry.. i think been disconnected. how would i mark a package as manually installed? | 03:56 |
losher | Solarbaby: the /dev/sda1 thing is harmless. Some nautilus nonsense... | 03:56 |
cabrey | threatrix, yes. Applications > Accessories > Terminal | 03:56 |
Seany | n/p command line rocks. | 03:56 |
cabrey | jan247, use 'hold' | 03:56 |
Trentor | Question: Can major installation problems occur if I change a rpm to a deb file with alien? Or would it be better to install with a .bundle if the software source provides it? | 03:56 |
Solarbaby | losher: in that case, it worked perfectly! Thanks!! is this a common problem? | 03:56 |
predictable | I need it for work. can anyone plz help. or suggestions? | 03:56 |
Unislash1 | predictable: what's the package you installed, exactly? and which ubuntu version? | 03:57 |
cabrey | jan247, for example: sudo dpkg --set-selections package_name hold | 03:57 |
losher | Solarbaby: you're the second person I've helped with this. I don't run Nautilus myself so I can't tell if it's a bug in Nautlius, but I suspect so... | 03:58 |
predictable | unsihlash1: ubuntu 9.04 and this pack. sun-java6-javadb | 03:58 |
cabrey | Solarbaby, file a bug if you think it's common :) (or if it appears to be) | 03:58 |
Solarbaby | losher: ok well you gave me the fix and thats great thank you so much | 03:58 |
losher | Solarbaby: my pleasure | 03:58 |
Solarbaby | cabrey: if this happens on my laptop too, i'll file it as a common bug | 03:59 |
jan247 | cabrey, how does hold work? i've got a package that depends on a broken package.. but i don't really need that dependency anyway | 03:59 |
threatrix | cabrey, when I do that i just see a > blinking a bunch and doing nothing | 03:59 |
Unislash1 | predictable: try openjdk-6-jre | 03:59 |
Unislash1 | search that up | 03:59 |
Solarbaby | losher: have a good day! | 03:59 |
cabrey | jan247, hold keeps the package at it's current version and doesn't let apt[itude] upgrade it from the repos | 03:59 |
predictable | unislash1: whats the differ? | 04:00 |
frost-fire | http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/relnotes/version-5.0.html | 04:00 |
cabrey | threatrix, when you run `which program_name_here` in the Terminal nothing comes back? | 04:00 |
Unislash1 | predictable: well, the difference is i know it works with 9.04 :) | 04:00 |
nixiepixel | Does anyone know how to troubleshoot an internet connection in Ubuntu? :( | 04:00 |
frost-fire | predictable- check my link | 04:00 |
predictable | unishlash1: k its doing it now js | 04:00 |
cabrey | threatrix, tell me exactly what you are typing in the Terminal | 04:00 |
Unislash1 | predictable: it's working here... it should work there. but check frostfire's link too | 04:00 |
frost-fire | will try to find the specific one for 6 | 04:01 |
Trentor | How do I install software with .bundle? | 04:01 |
cabrey | Trentor, what software? | 04:01 |
Trentor | VMWare 6.5.1 Linux cabrey | 04:01 |
rww | !vmware | Trentor | 04:01 |
LinKDeaD | Can I format a partition in NTFS format using Ubuntu? | 04:01 |
ubottu | Trentor: VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware | 04:01 |
threatrix | cabrey, oh ok i got it the <<>> confused me | 04:01 |
mdg | nixiepixel: what's going on? | 04:01 |
Trentor | I just converted the .rpm to a .deb package with alien but all it did was show that the rpm has a .bundle inside of it, hehe | 04:02 |
cabrey | Trentor, first run chmod +x filename.bundle, then sudo ./filename.bundle | 04:02 |
Trentor | Ok, thank you | 04:02 |
nixiepixel | mdg - I have a Jaunty machine that suddenly lost the ability to connect to the internet, even though it can ping pcs on the network with no problem, and other computers can reach the internet. I cannot ping outside the local network, though I can ping & log into the router. Any ideas? | 04:02 |
cabrey | Trentor, make sure you have build-essential installed and linux-headers | 04:02 |
Iron_Chef | What's the best way to encrypt /home ? | 04:02 |
Iron_Chef | on a laptop | 04:02 |
mdg | nixiepixel: firewall? | 04:03 |
losher | LinKDeaD: I thought gparted would format ntfs.... | 04:03 |
frost-fire | right, so | 04:03 |
frost-fire | java 1.6 is probably java 6 | 04:03 |
frost-fire | in any case | 04:04 |
jan247 | cabrey, problem is i don't have any version of the package depended on installed | 04:04 |
Unislash1 | frost-fire: java's naming scheme is just so weird | 04:04 |
frost-fire | I can't boot my other operating system | 04:04 |
frost-fire | and yes, it's weird. | 04:04 |
nixiepixel | mdg - I have no firewall set up on the machine, though I'm happy to check if somehow some setting was adjusted without my knowledge? Unless you mean firewall on the router - no access restriction on outbound traffic... | 04:04 |
losher | !ntfs | LinKDeaD | 04:04 |
ubottu | LinKDeaD: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE | 04:04 |
Unislash1 | losher: gparted can, but you need ntfsprogs first | 04:04 |
predictable | unishlash1: im using firefox is there anything I need to do with it.. this didn't seem to work either... | 04:04 |
cabrey | jan247, you want to install a package that depends on something that isn't installed, but the package you're trying to install doesn't actually need it, so it is a packaging error, does that sum it up? | 04:05 |
frost-fire | weird, I edited my fstab and jaunty 9.04 loaded up the NTFS partition with write access just fine | 04:05 |
nixiepixel | mdg - actually, nevermind, I found a problem with the router with regard to that PC, thanks to your question! | 04:05 |
Unislash1 | predictable: uhm... erm... that's weird | 04:05 |
frost-fire | firefox will give you a list of java options also | 04:05 |
frost-fire | when you navigate to a page that needs java | 04:06 |
cabrey | !who | 04:06 |
ubottu | As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 04:06 |
Unislash1 | predictable: listen to frost-fire :) | 04:06 |
LinKDeaD | Now before I get too in to this and possibly waste my time...is it possible to network a Windows Laptop to my Ubuntu Desktop? | 04:06 |
frost-fire | there's a seperate plugin for java for ff | 04:06 |
Trentor | cabey there are a variety of linux-headers, which one are you speaking of, I have the following installed: linux-headers-generic, linux-headers-2.6.28-11, linux-headers-2.6.28-11-generic | 04:06 |
mdg | nixiepixel: NP. Acutally, its Menu, System, Admin > Firewall | 04:06 |
Unislash1 | LinKDeaD if by network you mean put them on the same network, then yes, for sure | 04:06 |
cabrey | predictable, have you install sun-java6-jre and sun-java6-plugin? | 04:06 |
cabrey | s/install/installed | 04:06 |
losher | LinKDeaD: yes, using samba | 04:06 |
predictable | frost-fire: do u know how to get this plugin.. im thinking it is with firefox | 04:06 |
losher | !samba | 04:06 |
ubottu | Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. | 04:06 |
predictable | cabrey: how would I know I got the plugin im doing it from the synaptic | 04:07 |
Unislash1 | LinKDeaD: use Samba... and if you need a config file, you can use mine | 04:07 |
frost-fire | predictable: just go to a site that has a java applet on it. | 04:07 |
cabrey | predictable, open up a terminal and type sudo aptitude install sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-jre | 04:07 |
losher | LinKDeaD: I suggest you take Unislash1 up on his kind offer. Samba is a pig to configure first time round... | 04:07 |
predictable | frost-fire: well im trying work, to view xrays I currently done.. do u know a test site? | 04:07 |
cabrey | predictable, you will then need to completely close out FF and restart it | 04:07 |
Unislash1 | yea... it took 3 hours or so | 04:08 |
LinKDeaD | Unislash1: I would appreciate that a lot | 04:08 |
Unislash1 | although, i didn't realize you just have to be patient with windows... lol | 04:08 |
=== TheQ_ is now known as TheQ | ||
predictable | cabrey: i checked synaptics I never saw anything about a plugin, so ill try to get the plugin only js | 04:08 |
LinKDeaD | Unislash1: The whole point is to transfer everything on my windows hard drive to my ubuntu PC | 04:08 |
frost-fire | predictable: http://java.com/en/download/installed.jsp?detect=jre&try=1 | 04:09 |
Unislash1 | oh | 04:09 |
Unislash1 | well you can do that already | 04:09 |
frost-fire | that one should be the silver bullet | 04:09 |
cabrey | predictable, close out synaptic, that thing is too hard to help you navigate through irc, use the terminal | 04:09 |
Unislash1 | LinKDeaD the hard part is ubuntu -> windows | 04:09 |
frost-fire | there will be a big blue button | 04:09 |
Unislash1 | err, wait | 04:10 |
frost-fire | or, if you've got the right version, it'll tell you so. | 04:10 |
Unislash1 | ok | 04:10 |
predictable | cabrey: ok, its getting sudo aptitude install sun-java6-plugin | 04:10 |
frost-fire | or the terminal works too. | 04:10 |
LinKDeaD | Unislash1: Is it OK to PM you? | 04:10 |
frost-fire | I'm still having Grub problems | 04:10 |
Unislash1 | LinKDeaD: ubuntu can see windows computers on a network just fine. Windows cannot see ubuntu computers without samba | 04:10 |
Unislash1 | sure | 04:10 |
vvpalin | anyone know how to setup multipul desktops from command line ? | 04:10 |
frost-fire | vvpalin- working on it -_- | 04:11 |
Ahadiel | y | 04:11 |
Ahadiel | mt | 04:11 |
predictable | frost-fire: i tried that it says oops u dont have recommended java lol hrmm and this was after I got the plugin and restarted fox | 04:11 |
frost-fire | vvpalin: you using jaunty? | 04:11 |
scottyg_ | hello | 04:11 |
cabrey | predictable, we are just one update behind, it's ok to ignore that | 04:11 |
vvpalin | ya .. a derivative .. but ya | 04:11 |
Seany | Unislash1, windoze and linux are best friends on networks | 04:11 |
predictable | cabrey: k | 04:11 |
Trentor | cabrey there are a variety of linux-headers, which one are you speaking of, I have the following installed: linux-headers-generic, linux-headers-2.6.28-11, linux-headers-2.6.28-11-generic | 04:12 |
frost-fire | cool. How many drives? | 04:12 |
Unislash1 | Seany: lol... well, they're enemies for me :P | 04:12 |
cabrey | Trentor, run uname -r and post the output here | 04:12 |
frost-fire | vvpalin: one drive with a couple partitions is the good case. Multiple drives can be hard. | 04:12 |
predictable | ahh its working now | 04:12 |
predictable | Thx guys | 04:12 |
Seany | exactly, but ubuntu standard samba makes it not terrible | 04:12 |
Trentor | cabrey: 2.6.28-11-generic | 04:12 |
predictable | I guess it was the plugin for firefox I needed | 04:12 |
Seany | then the shares it makes, windows can hit with UNC paths | 04:12 |
Unislash1 | Seany: well, it didn't work for me ;) | 04:13 |
vvpalin | frost-fire, i dont think you understand | 04:13 |
cabrey | Trentor, ok you're good you can run the installer now :) | 04:13 |
predictable | frost-fire: thx | 04:13 |
predictable | cabrey: thx | 04:13 |
cabrey | np | 04:13 |
predictable | unishlash1: thx | 04:13 |
vvpalin | frost-fire, i just want more so i can setup the cube in compiz | 04:13 |
Unislash1 | yups | 04:13 |
Seany | Unislash1, GUI style or editing .conf files? | 04:13 |
predictable | take cares | 04:13 |
Unislash1 | gui | 04:13 |
vvpalin | frost-fire, im not trying to setup a vm or anything | 04:13 |
Seany | but you got it now? | 04:13 |
nixiepixel | vvpalin - you don't need to set up multiple desktops from the command line | 04:13 |
cabrey | vvpalin, you want to customize compiz? | 04:14 |
frost-fire | vvpalin: you want desktop images? | 04:14 |
Unislash1 | Seany: yups :) | 04:14 |
Seany | cool. | 04:14 |
Unislash1 | and it works with xbox 360 too :P | 04:14 |
vvpalin | frost-fire, no | 04:14 |
Unislash1 | took me a whole night, though | 04:14 |
scottyg_ | this jaunty uses more resouces than micro$oft windows! my cpu cores are at 78-90 % all bloody day! | 04:14 |
Seany | yea its fun to setup.... | 04:14 |
Seany | ........... | 04:14 |
vvpalin | ok im working with a live cd build, that has compiz on it, and i dont want to have to enable 4 desktops everytime i boot it | 04:14 |
kewlpics | need some help | 04:14 |
Seany | speaking of games unislash is that like omnislash | 04:14 |
frost-fire | actually I was pretty impressed with 7 | 04:14 |
vvpalin | throught the gui | 04:14 |
cabrey | !ask | 04:14 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 04:14 |
rz187 | how do you do an ipconfig in ubuntu | 04:14 |
frost-fire | it goes into power saving mode by itself | 04:14 |
cabrey | rz187, run ifconfig in the terminal | 04:15 |
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frost-fire | Not bad advice | 04:15 |
rz187 | bash: ipconfig: command not found | 04:15 |
kewlpics | can someone help me ? | 04:15 |
edbian | vvpalin: You have to change your virtual desktop size everytime you log in? | 04:15 |
lstarnes | rz187: ifconfig | 04:15 |
cabrey | rz187, ifconfig | 04:15 |
Seany | rz187, no P, just F | 04:15 |
felix_ | <felix_> anyone deals with mysql? | 04:15 |
felix_ | <felix_> i want to create a database and a user | 04:15 |
nixiepixel | vvpalin - you could always right-click on the workspace section and up the number, that's pretty much as simple as doing it from the command line | 04:15 |
rz187 | thanks | 04:15 |
lstarnes | kewlpics: you haven't said what you needed help with yet | 04:15 |
vvpalin | ya but i can modify the live cd, i just dont have gui access to do it | 04:16 |
frost-fire | I AM running Jaunty 9.04, SATA hard disk with about 5 partitions and 2 operating systems. However, GRUB only boots Ubuntu, I still don't have the boot.ini script working. | 04:16 |
vvpalin | that make sense ? | 04:16 |
frost-fire | for win7 | 04:16 |
edbian | vvpalin: Explain what you're trying to do in more detail for me please. | 04:16 |
kewlpics | I am trying to copy files betwee two SATA drivers, they are both on ext3.. 1.5TB and 650GB.. it is slow.. really slow | 04:16 |
cabrey | vvpalin, no, lay out everything in one 'post' | 04:16 |
cabrey | vvpalin, no enter key preferrably | 04:16 |
vvpalin | k | 04:16 |
kewlpics | internal drives in the same PC.. ubuntu 8.04 | 04:17 |
frost-fire | hm | 04:17 |
edbian | kewlpics: How fast does the little "file transfer" gui say it's going at? | 04:17 |
rz187 | can i remote into a windows 2003 server machine with remote desktop viewer | 04:18 |
cabrey | rz187, use terminal server client | 04:18 |
vvpalin | alright i have a iso of a live cd i want to modify, and i have a script that will extract everything and give me a shell and i can do whatever mods i want with it, but no gui access, i have copiz installed and it needs 4 desktops for the cube, the live cd only has 2 rite now, so i need to enable 4 through the command line | 04:18 |
vvpalin | thats windy | 04:18 |
kewlpics | 7.5 MB/s | 04:18 |
kewlpics | is that normal? | 04:18 |
cabrey | kewlpics, is any drive encrypted? | 04:18 |
kewlpics | negative | 04:18 |
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edbian | vvpalin: So you're trying to save changes on a live CD essentially | 04:18 |
kewlpics | I copy to the USB extenal drive is faster.. I think.. | 04:19 |
rz187 | awesome thanks again | 04:19 |
vvpalin | basically, but i can save changes no prob .. i just need the command to enable 4 desktops from bash | 04:19 |
cabrey | vvpalin, i think there is a gconf setting for that | 04:19 |
vvpalin | cabrey, thats fine i can just grep it in, any clue where it is ? | 04:19 |
cabrey | vvpalin, not yet but you would use gconftool | 04:20 |
rz187 | anyway of adding songs to the iphone or getting itunes to work on ubuntu yet? | 04:20 |
kewlpics | I have nothing running on the box.. besides the copy.. | 04:20 |
kewlpics | the source directory does have a few symb links to it | 04:20 |
sebsebseb | !itunes | rz187 | 04:20 |
ubottu | rz187: itunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee | 04:20 |
losher | kewlpics: my 8.04 sata disk to disk copy seems to be getting about 40MB/s currently | 04:20 |
thiebaude | sebsebseb, hi mate | 04:21 |
kewlpics | I wish I can do that.. | 04:21 |
sebsebseb | rz187: and for real Itunes a Windows virtual machine if you have enough RAM | 04:21 |
edbian | kewlpics: Did you just drag and drop? This is a gui transfer? (Not dd correct) | 04:21 |
rz187 | !players | 04:21 |
ubottu | Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs | 04:21 |
sebsebseb | thiebaude: hello | 04:21 |
cabrey | gah i found a gconf key but it's been deprecated :( | 04:21 |
themurmish | Hi! After I installed some updates I had display issues. So I installed the old graphic drivers from Interpid. Graphics are working now but when logging in the OS either returns to the login screen or crashes. | 04:21 |
kewlpics | yes.. drag and drop | 04:21 |
gogeta | sebsebseb wine can do itunes | 04:21 |
rz187 | i got 3 gigs | 04:21 |
sebsebseb | gogeta: well it coudn't before | 04:21 |
kewlpics | 100GB directory with 400 files.. | 04:21 |
rz187 | i tried that once before but couldnt get my iphone to connect through the USB | 04:22 |
cabrey | vvpalin, found it :) | 04:22 |
themurmish | Is there any way to see what Ubuntu was doing? | 04:22 |
vvpalin | sweet =] | 04:22 |
nixiepixel | themurmish - what graphics card do you have? | 04:22 |
cabrey | vvpalin, its /apps/metacity/general/num_workspaces | 04:22 |
rz187 | what should i use for a windows VM | 04:22 |
gogeta | themurmish you mean runningg prosses then yes ps -A | 04:22 |
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edbian | kewlpics: Well technically your harddrives are at most 3Mb/s right? | 04:22 |
vip3rousmango | Hey, I'm having issues trying to access SD Cards with Ubuntu 9.04. I have a digital media section on my laptop and I can't get it to recongnize anything. | 04:22 |
kewlpics | hmm... I am not sure.. how can I find out? | 04:22 |
themurmish | :nixiepixel It's a build in intel chip in a Vaio laptop | 04:23 |
sebsebseb | rz187: Virtualbox the closed source version from http://www.virtualbox.org ,but apparantly Wine can do Itunes so :) | 04:23 |
edbian | kewlpics: What kind of connection are they? IDE or sata? | 04:23 |
sebsebseb | rz187: if you get from their site for Virtualbox you get USB suppourt, the open source version does not have that feature | 04:23 |
rz187 | oh ok I"ll give that a shot | 04:23 |
vvpalin | cabrey, awesome thank yo so much =] | 04:23 |
kewlpics | SATA | 04:23 |
themurmish | gogeta: since it crashes ps won't help | 04:23 |
cabrey | vvpalin, no | 04:23 |
cabrey | vvpalin, np* | 04:23 |
sebsebseb | rz187: virtual machine of Windows should really be a last resort, before a psyical install | 04:23 |
gogeta | ? | 04:23 |
edbian | kewlpics: Oh, well those transfer at 3Gb/s (> 7Mb/s) | 04:23 |
gogeta | lthen /var/log | 04:24 |
kewlpics | yes | 04:24 |
sebsebseb | rz187: native programs, then Wine, maybe even commercial versions of Wine, no luck with that, virtual machine, then psyical install | 04:24 |
gogeta | you can see what happond | 04:24 |
losher | kewlpics: make & model of your hard drives? make & model of your motherboard? | 04:24 |
rz187 | k i'll give it a shot | 04:24 |
marcus | I'm in xubuntu yet I end up in Ubuntu room? Can someone point me to Xubuntu channel please? | 04:24 |
themurmish | gogeta: It crashes or goes back to the login screen so where should I enter ps? | 04:24 |
sebsebseb | !wine | rz187 | 04:24 |
ubottu | rz187: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu | 04:24 |
cabrey | marcules, /join #xubuntu | 04:24 |
gogeta | themurmish you can also run said app in term | 04:24 |
rz187 | i tried about a year a go and couldnt get it to work | 04:24 |
marcus | cabrey: Thank you. | 04:24 |
sebsebseb | !appdb | rz187 | 04:24 |
ubottu | rz187: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help | 04:24 |
gogeta | themurish alt f1 into a text term and do it | 04:25 |
sebsebseb | rz187: well according to gogeta it works in Wine now | 04:25 |
gogeta | alt f7 to get back to gui | 04:25 |
rz187 | k i'll give it a try, thanks | 04:25 |
edbian | kewlpics: I don't know what the problem might be. I do know however that there are many many bottlenecks. You're never going to achieve 3Gb/s. For example there are algorithms that the system uses when decided where to write data on a disk. Also there is disk I/O latency. Computations must be done just to write data to the disk. Perhaps google around and see what is normal. 7Mb/s sounds slow to me but I really have no way to judge. | 04:25 |
sebsebseb | rz187: np | 04:25 |
themurmish | gogeta: So after it returns to the login screen I go to the terminal and look what's running? | 04:25 |
rz187 | the OS is so nice, i went back to windows cuase of the itunes thing | 04:25 |
rz187 | drove me nuts | 04:25 |
rz187 | and i didnt like having a dual boot | 04:25 |
rz187 | wanna do everything on one | 04:26 |
gogeta | rz187 use the latest wine not the one in defult ubuntu | 04:26 |
sebsebseb | rz187: there are many other good Linux distros out there as well :) | 04:26 |
gogeta | the wine hq repo | 04:26 |
edbian | kewlpics: Sorry I couldn't help more. (also take a look at top and make sure there isn't some process maxing out your cpu) | 04:26 |
kewlpics | MB is AMD 780G.. 1.5TB drive is Seagate ST31500341AS Source disk is WD.. something 650GB | 04:26 |
sebsebseb | rz187: yeah dual boot :( virtual machine ok if no native program and no luck with Wine | 04:26 |
taggedd | Evening all. Trying to hook up an acer aspire 3000 with broadcom chip set on wireless. No joy. Any thoughts? Tried some stuff off google, still no joy. | 04:26 |
cabrey | kewlpics, you could run a fsck to make sure the FS isn't corrupted | 04:26 |
vip3rousmango | Anyone know how to get 9.04 to read Digital Media slots?? | 04:26 |
Mike | hi | 04:26 |
sebsebseb | rz187: http://www.winehq.org and add the repo for Ubuntu that's what gogeta is saying, and then install Wine | 04:27 |
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petx | hey all... I try to set my laptop screen brightness... but... everytime I reboot... it set to default... any clue..?? | 04:27 |
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kewlpics | I just got the 1.5TB and just formatted to ext3 | 04:27 |
cabrey | petx, check out the gnome power manager | 04:27 |
kewlpics | oh well.. thanks for the help | 04:28 |
gogeta | petx change it in power mangment | 04:28 |
cabrey | petx, System > Preferences > Power Management | 04:28 |
kewlpics | I think I am going to reboot and give it another shot.. | 04:28 |
taggedd | Anyone know how to get the wireless to work with an acer aspire notebook? | 04:28 |
losher | kewlpics: nothing obviously wrong there. Stary googling.... | 04:28 |
lf4 | Is there a way to chagne the keybinding for screen? The stupid F9 is annoying me because I cant use F9 for any applications I am running with screen. | 04:28 |
marcus | I think the xubuntu channel is inactive. Can I ask my question here? | 04:28 |
kewlpics | I do have netatalk and symb link to this folder | 04:28 |
vip3rousmango | of course | 04:28 |
gogeta | taggedd look in admin and hardware it should tell you to actvate the driver for wireless | 04:29 |
edbian | marcus: What is your question? | 04:29 |
petx | cabrey, gogeta, I've tried that... but, everytime I reboot... It comes to the default setting... | 04:29 |
marcus | edbian: I was just wondering what does KDE and Gnome services mean in XFCE config? | 04:29 |
electro | I can only get sound if I am root. What groups do I need to be in for 9.04 ? | 04:29 |
electro | I can only get sound if I am root. What groups do I need to be in for 9.04 ? | 04:29 |
losher | kewlpics: a long shot: open a terminal and run 'sudo hdparm -I <device name of seagate disk>' then paste it to http://paste.ubuntu.com. I'll compare it with mine | 04:29 |
kewlpics | k.. thanks.. give me a sec | 04:30 |
MikeGuo | hi | 04:30 |
electro | groups... adm dialout cdrom audio plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare | 04:30 |
edbian | marcus: Did you at one time have gnome / kde installed on that system? Perhaps they're left over. The menus are automatically generated from the file system. If you have gnome and kde installed you will see all the apps for moth in each DE. | 04:30 |
themurmish | gogeta: Ok it always crashes now when I login, so there is no way to run ps | 04:30 |
edbian | apps for both* | 04:30 |
lf4 | Is there a way to chagne the keybinding for the screen menu from F9 to something else? | 04:30 |
evon | #ubuntu | 04:30 |
themurmish | isn't there a log file where ubuntu records wht it's doing? | 04:31 |
cabrey | evon, you're already here | 04:31 |
marcus | Okay. That is of help. Edbain: Thank you. | 04:31 |
evon | oops | 04:31 |
gogeta | themurmish i say you burned a bad cd | 04:31 |
evon | thanks | 04:31 |
unitheory | marcules, they're needed for running applications that use gnome or kde libraries | 04:31 |
unitheory | err | 04:31 |
edbian | marcus: Hopefully it is helpful :) | 04:31 |
vip3rousmango | lf4: you can change all the keyboard shortcuts under System > Prefrences | 04:31 |
gogeta | themurish even if x had a issue text login should work | 04:31 |
unitheory | marcus, they're needed for running applications that use gnome or kde libraries | 04:31 |
marcus | Unitheory: So without them only gtk apps will run? | 04:31 |
evon | Can someone please tell me the name of a good free data recovery program for linux? | 04:31 |
themurmish | :gogeta No, I installed it more then a year ago and it worked until I updated it today | 04:31 |
themurmish | :gogeta text login is no problem | 04:32 |
evon | I really screwed up my ubuntu partition and i need to recover data from it | 04:32 |
unitheory | marcules, I believe they load when you start an application that requires them. | 04:32 |
gogeta | themurish dist-upgrade? | 04:32 |
gogeta | something things do go bad on those | 04:32 |
unitheory | marcus, I believe they load when you start an application that requires them. | 04:32 |
losher | evon: screwed it up how? The details matter.... | 04:32 |
gogeta | sometimes | 04:32 |
unitheory | sorry tab-complete is killing me | 04:32 |
themurmish | :gogeta just some upgrades the upgrade manager wanted me t install | 04:32 |
lf4 | vip3rousmango: I am not running X this is all CLI. | 04:32 |
marcus | unitheory: Kind of defeats the purpose of being able to turn them on and off. | 04:33 |
manish | evon: maybe you will be able to recover them using live cd | 04:33 |
gogeta | themurish do you run nivida drivers? | 04:33 |
unitheory | marcus, well, they won't load on start-up if you turn them off | 04:33 |
themurmish | No I am running the intel drivers from Intrepid | 04:33 |
marcus | unitheory: Thank you very much for your help. | 04:33 |
gogeta | themurmish humm | 04:33 |
mdg | lf4: I think you can add whatever keybinding you want to your screenrc | 04:33 |
themurmish | I first had graphic problems after the update and ha dto install those to get rid of the problem | 04:34 |
themurmish | Now the graphics are fine but it crashes when I start Gnome | 04:34 |
evon | losher: I started a windows installation on a separate HD but then I shut down the computer in the middle of the installation. Then when i restarted my comp said I had an invalid partition table. so then i used testdisk and tried to restore the partition but it restored partitions from long ago. so no it's telling me I don't even have and bootable media | 04:34 |
gogeta | themumish maybe you need to reconfigure xorg | 04:34 |
themurmish | I already deleted Compiz, reconfigured xorg and deleted all Gnome settings | 04:34 |
evon | losher: so i just want to recover the files and do a fresh install. liveCDs are need reading any partitions or files that i need | 04:35 |
gogeta | well thats why | 04:35 |
Froad | guys: how much slower is ubuntu vs xubuntu on a computer with 900mhz ram and 368 mb of ram | 04:35 |
themurmish | I did all that after it stopped working | 04:35 |
gogeta | all you had to do wasturn compiz off | 04:35 |
Froad | mhz processor* | 04:35 |
themurmish | that was the first thing I did | 04:35 |
evon | Froad: try it and find out. i suspect it would be quite a bit faster | 04:35 |
unitheory | Froad, about 1.4873x the speed of xubuntu | 04:35 |
gogeta | have you tryed a reinstall or xorg | 04:36 |
gogeta | of | 04:36 |
Froad | lol | 04:36 |
themurmish | and I also tried to login with another account where cmpiz was off anyway | 04:36 |
evon | so anyone know of any good free data recovery software for linux/ | 04:36 |
CleanLaundry | is there a way to fix a .7z archive, or at least extract some of the data out? | 04:36 |
evon | ? | 04:36 |
lf4 | mdg: Thanks I just figured it out that I set the keybindings to none in the .screen-prfiles/keybindings file. | 04:36 |
Froad | evon: i've asked, and general concensus is no | 04:36 |
themurmish | no, I will give that a try | 04:36 |
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gogeta | themurmish try this | 04:36 |
electro | I can only get sound if I am root. What groups do I need to be in for 9.04 ? groups I am in... adm dialout cdrom audio plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare | 04:37 |
themurmish | thanks | 04:37 |
evon | losher: any ideas? | 04:37 |
unitheory | evon, photorec? | 04:37 |
gogeta | themurish go into text login and type xinit | 04:37 |
gogeta | see if a basic x loads | 04:37 |
evon | unitheory: i tried photorec but I cannot access any of my other HDs to save the files to | 04:37 |
nawty_ | hi guys, I'm trying to install puppetmaster and puppet and it's causing issues, anyone feel like working through them with me ? | 04:37 |
camel_ | Hey eberyone, I am trying to setup an irc server on my ubuntu server 9.04 32bit server. I can connect to my irc chat server locally by typing connect, but I can not access it by entering the network IP of the computer. I get the connection refused message. | 04:37 |
gogeta | if it does crash out it should tell you why | 04:37 |
digdeep | hi, I use an external usb dvd burner to install ubuntu, but if it fails to boot, any idea? | 04:37 |
losher | evon: I agree with manish. First step is to load the live cd and look around & see if your data is on any readable partition. Given that testdisk has restored the wrong partition table, unless you can find the correct one, you may be screwed.... | 04:38 |
camel_ | can anyone help me with that? | 04:38 |
Guest27295 | hy all ... | 04:38 |
vip3rousmango | electro: why are you root, you use sudo for root access.. did you disable your sound from another group by accident? | 04:38 |
mdg | lf4: cool. How did you set that bindkey up? (out of curiosity) | 04:38 |
unitheory | evon, well if you have no where to store files you recover, how do you expect to recover them? | 04:38 |
unitheory | nowhere* | 04:38 |
themurmish | :gogeta It says it's already running on display 0 | 04:38 |
camel_ | can anyone please help me? | 04:38 |
electro | vip3rousmango: no, I just ran sudo gnome-sound-properties and it worked as root, not as my user | 04:38 |
gogeta | themurmish type sudo killall gdm then xinit | 04:38 |
evon | unitheory: i do have somewhere to restore them. It's just that photorec won't let me access the place I want to store them | 04:38 |
Unislash1 | camel_: it's your firewall... | 04:38 |
Unislash1 | camel_: i actually never figured out how to fix that, but it's your firewall | 04:39 |
camel_ | I know, but I took off all of the rules | 04:39 |
kewlpics | losher: http://paste.ubuntu.com/203309/ thanks! | 04:39 |
lf4 | mdg: I was messing around with the menu and noticed there was a section to disable all bind keys which is what I wanted. I am not use to screen having bind keys besides the standard ^ ones. | 04:39 |
camel_ | and it stil doesn't work | 04:39 |
camel_ | i took off all of the iptables rules | 04:39 |
evon | losher: testdisk did restore the wrong one. i just don't know how to find the right one now | 04:39 |
camel_ | and allowed all incoming and outgoing connections | 04:39 |
camel_ | still doesn't work | 04:39 |
Unislash1 | camel_: yea, i know. me too. i have no idea why it's not working here either. i'm in the same boat | 04:39 |
PetePO | Really embarrassed. Just ran sudo rm -r /var/lib while trying to kill a vmware install. shit. even apt-get is broken. any ideas? | 04:39 |
camel_ | damn | 04:39 |
camel_ | uni can i get ur email in case either of us figures it out? | 04:39 |
Unislash1 | camel_: i gave up after spending some 15 hours on it | 04:39 |
Unislash1 | camel_: sure | 04:40 |
camel_ | yeah i'm about to | 04:40 |
losher | evon: it will, of course, be of zero consolation to be told that you were supposed to backup any essential data before you mess with partitions | 04:40 |
themurmish | gogeta: took a while but works | 04:40 |
gogeta | slow hua | 04:40 |
losher | evon: try testdisk again and see if you can find the correct partition table? | 04:40 |
camel_ | wats ur email? | 04:40 |
Unislash1 | PM | 04:40 |
camel_ | how do you do that? | 04:40 |
vip3rousmango | electro: hmm.. don't know why its requesting sudo.. mine isn't. | 04:40 |
evon | losher: i barely understand the info it's giving me | 04:40 |
camel_ | sry | 04:40 |
Unislash1 | uhm... you should see it :) | 04:40 |
jonmartini | PetePO: that sucks. If you can backup what you need it might be easiest to just re-install. | 04:41 |
gogeta | themurmish type exit to leave that and try startx | 04:41 |
gogeta | see if full x loads | 04:41 |
gogeta | without gdm | 04:41 |
Unislash1 | do you? | 04:41 |
losher | evon: sorry, I've never used it. Maybe someone else knows....?? | 04:41 |
Unislash1 | camel_: what chat client are you using? :P | 04:41 |
ThatGuy_ | i've installed ubuntu on a laptop, and it seems to be working fine, but the laptop screen is completely busted, and i have to use an external monitor, but that's freaking out on me, anybody know how to fix this? | 04:41 |
camel_ | irsi | 04:41 |
camel_ | irssi | 04:41 |
camel_ | oh i got it | 04:41 |
RobertX | OK guys, when I set the Synaptic manager to download packages and not install them, where do the packages go? | 04:41 |
Unislash1 | irssi... never heard of it... | 04:41 |
PetePO | yeah - that's what I was thinkin jon... just wanted to avoid a full rebuild for a stupid typing fart | 04:41 |
evon | so there's no program that will just scan the entire HD and find the files I need? | 04:41 |
camel_ | its on my serevr | 04:41 |
cabrey | Unislash1, console based | 04:42 |
evon | losher: so there's no program that will just scan the entire HD and find the files I need? | 04:42 |
losher | evon: not that I know of. Anyone? | 04:42 |
cabrey | evon, no programs that can read your mind, that I know of | 04:42 |
cabrey | :P | 04:42 |
themurmish | it shows the cursor, played the music and then crashed. Interestingly the background is black this time. Usually it is blue at this point | 04:42 |
Unislash1 | cabrey: gui all the way! ;) | 04:42 |
Camel__ | yo unislash | 04:43 |
Camel__ | i'm using a different one now | 04:43 |
Camel__ | should work better | 04:43 |
evon | cabrey:? | 04:43 |
gogeta | evon locate is pretty good | 04:43 |
RobertX | If I use the Synaptic Manager on Ubuntu to only install the packages/software, where do they go? | 04:43 |
evon | gogeta: website? | 04:43 |
gogeta | evon just sudo updatedb | 04:43 |
PetePO | anyone else have any ideas for rebuilding a /lib other than a full reinstall? | 04:43 |
unitheory | evon, magicrescue? | 04:44 |
gogeta | then tpye locate your word file whatever | 04:44 |
kewlpics | I am rebooting it | 04:44 |
themurmish | I saw in the APT logs that it recently updated all the mesa stuff I wonder if that might have to do with the problem | 04:44 |
Unislash1 | RobertX: i don't know, but i bet the forums do :) | 04:44 |
gogeta | evon built in any linux | 04:44 |
RobertX | OK, thank you. | 04:44 |
unitheory | gogeta, evon, locate is for locating files on ubuntu, not lost files | 04:44 |
evon | just looking for a program that works like filescavenger windows | 04:44 |
gogeta | oh | 04:44 |
losher | kewlpics: I have the exact same drive as you, and our hdparms look *identical*. Try copying from one directory to another on the *same* disk, first with the seagate, then with the WD. Are the speeds the same for both drives? | 04:44 |
gogeta | evon then unfortanly its just nearly inpossale to recover files from a linux fs | 04:45 |
bastidrazor | RobertX, the binaries would go in /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin and config files would go in /etc/ | 04:45 |
kewlpics | let me try | 04:45 |
gogeta | once deketed | 04:45 |
gogeta | deleted | 04:45 |
evon | gogeta: you're hurting my feelings right now | 04:45 |
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth | ||
kewlpics | and ... It is getting rebooted.. I installed it.. formated the drive.. put it in the fstab.. mount -a .. have not reboot it.. | 04:45 |
vip3rousmango | RobertX: the files are saved in /var/cache/apt/archives as .deb files | 04:45 |
evon | gogeta: i switched to linux cause i thought it would be easier to recover from issues like these | 04:46 |
evon | gogeta: this really sucks | 04:46 |
vip3rousmango | RobertX: Try using Add/Remove to install downloaded files, and synaptic to manage, it just avoids hassles that way | 04:46 |
cabrey | evon, hold on don't take one persons advice as set in stone | 04:46 |
gogeta | evon linux cant fix stupid | 04:46 |
gogeta | lol | 04:46 |
vip3rousmango | LOL | 04:47 |
unitheory | evon, have you tried magicrescue ? | 04:47 |
Unislash1 | ah, but it can :) | 04:47 |
Unislash1 | hehe | 04:47 |
gogeta | evon now if your talking abought a drive with a os not working then yes you can do recovery | 04:47 |
gogeta | but not deleted | 04:47 |
gogeta | evon only windows does not relly delete files | 04:48 |
evon | gogeta: that's exactly what I'm talkin about. and there's no need for namecalling | 04:48 |
Unislash1 | gpgeta: funny http://www.nathangilmour.com/hardly/2008/07/even-linux-cant-fix-stupid/ | 04:48 |
unitheory | hey we all make mistakes and have probably lost data at some point | 04:48 |
cabrey | evon, simple googleing resulted in : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery | 04:48 |
evon | gogeta: well i didn't delete the files. i just screwed up the partition table so I know the files are still there | 04:48 |
losher | PetePO: sorry, you're gonna have to reinstall. The good news is, your /home should be all there, so you shouldn't have lost anything important... | 04:49 |
gogeta | i see | 04:49 |
gogeta | evon can the linux oc still see it | 04:49 |
gogeta | pc | 04:49 |
Unislash1 | unitheory: yea, ever try to copy a file over another file and then undo it? | 04:49 |
Unislash1 | in windows, that is | 04:49 |
gogeta | evon if gparted can see it then you should be able to recover the table | 04:50 |
vip3rousmango | oh thats always festive | 04:50 |
unitheory | Unislash1, no | 04:50 |
losher | PetePO: for what it's worth, any time a command contains both 'sudo' and 'rm', I always pause and re-read it before I hit enter.... | 04:50 |
=== qoodr is now known as [dragn] | ||
Unislash1 | and i think WinXP has a problem with undoing file renaming... i could be wrong | 04:50 |
evon | gogeta: i am not able to see the partitions i want anymore after using testdisk | 04:50 |
Unislash1 | unitheory: you loose your files :P | 04:50 |
=== Vincent is now known as Guest8170 | ||
gogeta | evon gparted might see it even not mounted | 04:51 |
evon | gogeta: just a very old partition that testdisk restored. the rest is unallocated space. | 04:51 |
evon | gogeta: i'll check now | 04:51 |
ThatGuy_ | can anybody help me get an external monitor to work with my laptop | 04:51 |
PetePO | losher: tru. I paused as I hit the enter key. then had that lovely sinking feeling. Thought for sure I finished the directory. I'll give a reinstall a whirl. I found the package backups in var/backups so I know what I had before. | 04:51 |
losher | PetePO: ok, be careful not to trash /home wherever it is... | 04:52 |
sexcopter | I have a smb mount to a windows share, but is there somewhere I can find it in the filesystem tree? I don't mean the shortcut on the desktop... | 04:52 |
kewlpics | losher: Okay.. copy between the SGT is around 37 MB/s. Copy between WD is at 11 MB/s.. I guess my WD is just slow.. | 04:52 |
=== plic is now known as plic_ | ||
gogeta | kewlpics segate ownez | 04:52 |
vip3rousmango | sexcopter: /media/ is where all your mounted drives go | 04:52 |
Unislash1 | ThatGuy_: you using ati, by any chance? | 04:53 |
=== plic_ is now known as plic | ||
kewlpics | yeah.. it is newer than the WD | 04:53 |
kewlpics | I do like SGT tho | 04:53 |
gogeta | segate 4 life | 04:53 |
evon | gogeta: all gparted sees is unallocated space and an old partition that has nothing i want in it | 04:53 |
kewlpics | let me do the same command for WD | 04:53 |
kewlpics | see what I get | 04:53 |
ThatGuy_ | no i'm not | 04:54 |
PetePO | losher: ha! knowing what I know now I should really alias rm to require a double enter | 04:54 |
Unislash1 | kewlpics: same rpm speed and hard drive size? | 04:54 |
gogeta | evon humm | 04:54 |
losher | kewlpics: that's consistent with the numbers I see here for seagates. That's a 4X difference in speed, which is huge. google the specs for the WD and see if you can find some kind of official transfer rate | 04:54 |
gogeta | evon maybe the fs is just meessed up | 04:54 |
evon | gogeta: no idea how though | 04:54 |
vip3rousmango | evon: when you restored the earlyer partition did it override the current partition setup you had? | 04:55 |
gogeta | evon even a bad table gparted should see it as a unknown | 04:55 |
kewlpics | yep.. let me check it out.. | 04:55 |
kewlpics | brb | 04:55 |
aarcane | hallo, anyone here bored enough to do an experiment for me ? | 04:55 |
ThatGuy_ | Unislash1 it's an nvidia geforce 7600 on an hp pavillion | 04:55 |
evon | gogeta: it actually says "unallocated". i'm looking at it right now | 04:55 |
losher | PetePO: I see people aliasing rm to 'rm -i' . Still no substitute for calm, quiet deliberation, though. Some commands are just competely unforgiving... | 04:56 |
evon | vip3rousmango: yes it seems so | 04:56 |
gogeta | evon then testdisk never restored it | 04:56 |
gogeta | evon just freed it | 04:56 |
Unislash1 | ThatGuy_: ok, should work ok... what's the situation? | 04:56 |
vip3rousmango | evon: then testdisk over-rode your previous partition and its information, restoring it with the backup it thought you wanted. | 04:56 |
evon | gogeta: correction, it restored another partition and left about half of the HD unallocated | 04:57 |
cabrey | ThatGuy_, have you installed nvidia drivers? | 04:57 |
gogeta | as he said | 04:57 |
vip3rousmango | evon: whoa, you stoped it in the middle of the process? | 04:57 |
evon | vip3rousmango: you mean in test disk? | 04:57 |
ThatGuy_ | Unislash1 well, the laptop screen itself is completely busted, and the external one will show up, but it's incredibly fuzzy, and sometimes blacks out every couple of seconds | 04:57 |
evon | vip3rousmango: no i didn't do that | 04:57 |
vip3rousmango | evon: yes | 04:57 |
ThatGuy_ | cabrey no, but i'm doing that right now, and am going to be upset with myself if that fixes it | 04:58 |
Unislash1 | fuzzy and blacking out... great | 04:58 |
losher | evon: but you *did* interrupt a windows install. right? | 04:58 |
gogeta | genrelly those restore programs do the entire disk | 04:58 |
evon | losher: correct | 04:58 |
gogeta | evon | 04:58 |
PetePO | ThatGuy: tested you cable? | 04:58 |
Unislash1 | ThatGuy_: that makes me think it's a hardware issue... what cord? | 04:58 |
evon | gogeta: what's up? | 04:58 |
ThatGuy_ | yes, it's doing the same thing with several different cords | 04:58 |
gogeta | evon including all partations | 04:58 |
evon | gogeta:? | 04:58 |
aarcane | anyone know what a good disk-to-disk speed is when using dd ? | 04:59 |
gogeta | evon i said the restore program probly did your entire disk | 04:59 |
kewlpics | WD is a 640 GB, 7200 RPM, SATA II hard drive | 04:59 |
kewlpics | I will find more info | 04:59 |
vip3rousmango | evon: it sounds to me that you won't be able to RECOVER lost data, but doing a fresh install formating the whole drive will reset it for future use, but I think you screwed yourself my friend. :( | 04:59 |
losher | kewlpics: got the model number? | 04:59 |
max__ | What is a program that I can use to capture pictures from my built-in webcam on a laptop? | 04:59 |
Unislash1 | ThatGuy_: if it's svideo, then that's the problem. if it's DVI or VGA then you're probably ok... but i'd try another cord first | 04:59 |
vip3rousmango | max__: cheese | 04:59 |
gogeta | :( | 04:59 |
ThatGuy_ | it's a regular vga, and unfortunately that's all i have on hand to try | 05:00 |
gogeta | evon this is why i keep all my inportant data on a usb segate | 05:00 |
Unislash1 | ThatGuy_: well, i'm betting it's the cord or connection. | 05:00 |
kewlpics | looking for it.. don't want to open up the pC | 05:00 |
vip3rousmango | gogeta: indeed! :D | 05:00 |
unitheory | gogeta, what if the drive fails? | 05:00 |
Unislash1 | ThatGuy_: if it works at all, then it's probably not software... | 05:01 |
evon | gogeta: ok i'm looking at gparted right now. it says Unallocated 43.7GiB, /dev/sda5 36.4GiB, unallocated 5.93GiB etc | 05:01 |
gogeta | 5 year warrenty | 05:01 |
vip3rousmango | unitheory: then your friend with the larger drive has you backed up :D | 05:01 |
gogeta | unitheory and dvd -r | 05:01 |
ThatGuy_ | i thought the same thing, but when i was installing ubuntu off xp, it worked perfectly | 05:01 |
kewlpics | sorry.. I got it,, I could just run the same command | 05:01 |
vip3rousmango | lol do you know how many dvd r you need for a 1tb drive?!? | 05:01 |
losher | aarcane: we were just discussing disk-to-disk speed in another context. I see about 40MB/s generally... | 05:02 |
vip3rousmango | evon: if you try to install Ubuntu of the live cd, does the partition manager recognize the partitioned drive? | 05:02 |
Unislash1 | ThatGuy_: hmmm... well, that's weird. do you have a dvi connection? | 05:03 |
losher | kewlpics: sudo hdparm -I <device name of wd> will tell you | 05:03 |
aarcane | losher: I'm only getting 25.3, but that's also over USB.. | 05:03 |
Unislash1 | ThatGuy_: i know you don't have the cord, but do you have the capability? | 05:03 |
evon | vip3rousmango: no it's just unallocated space. What i've already done is install ubuntu on a seperate HD so i can more easily try to fix the partition in question. I'm working on it as we speak | 05:04 |
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ThatGuy_ | no, it doesn't have a dvi input | 05:04 |
aarcane | evon: what are you doing? sounds like it might be close to what I'm doing. | 05:04 |
gogeta | viprousmango dl 8.9 gb probly 100 or so | 05:04 |
kewlpics | WDC wd6400aaks-22a7b0 | 05:04 |
gogeta | lol | 05:04 |
ReggtLove | !ping | 05:05 |
ubottu | ping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore | 05:05 |
=== [dragn] is now known as [c0dr] | ||
evon | aarcane: i'm using testdisk right now to try to recover a lost partition | 05:05 |
aarcane | evon: aah, cool. I'm using DD to recover good partitions from a bad disk! | 05:05 |
aleron6 | does anybody here have gnomenu installed if yes pm here privately | 05:05 |
Unislash1 | ThatGuy_: well, ok, assuming that it's not a hardware problem... i have no real idea what's going on. | 05:05 |
ThatGuy_ | i'm also having problems trying to download the latest nvidia driver | 05:05 |
losher | aarcane: I don't have a usb drive so I can't test it. http://support.apple.com/kb/TA21887?viewlocale=en_US says usb--1 is 12MB/s and usb-2 is 480mbps (note change of units) | 05:05 |
gogeta | aarcane yes dd is magic | 05:05 |
evon | aarcane what's DD? | 05:05 |
aarcane | dd is data dump | 05:06 |
losher | evon: man dd | 05:06 |
gogeta | losher usb 2.0 pownz | 05:06 |
evon | all testdisk sees is a partition that is around 44gigs when the partition i'm looking for is around 90 | 05:06 |
=== Koltor is now known as Koltor_ | ||
evon | losher: ? | 05:06 |
vip3rousmango | evon: if you're using testdisk did you use gddrescue?? | 05:06 |
aarcane | w00t, about half done with this partition. | 05:07 |
=== Koltor_ is now known as Koltor | ||
mlissner | I need to edit the time stamp on a couple hundred photos. Does anybody have any ideas on programs to do that? | 05:07 |
evon | vip3rousmango: I have no idea what that is | 05:07 |
gogeta | evon if it was any good you coulda dd the disk but im calling yours lost | 05:07 |
mlissner | (F-spot is buggy at best when it comes to this) | 05:07 |
Unislash1 | ThatGuy_: well, i gtg. That is very weird, but i definitely think it is a hardware problem. try switching things out on the hardware side and see if anything changes | 05:07 |
aarcane | evon: could the partition have only 44 gigs of data in it ? | 05:07 |
Unislash1 | maybe try a different monitor | 05:07 |
yoga | I install ruby1.9 but /usr/bin/ruby is not there. How to fix it so that /usr/bin/ruby is avaiable? | 05:07 |
vip3rousmango | evon: here, check this out: http://sysblogd.wordpress.com/2008/01/05/data-recovery-with-linux-from-hard-drives-cd-roms-or-dvds/ | 05:07 |
ThatGuy_ | unfortunately i've tried that too, nothing different, thanks for trying though | 05:07 |
evon | aarcane: nope it was almost full actually | 05:07 |
aarcane | evon: if it finds the start of the partition, you can adjust the end by hand.. | 05:07 |
Unislash1 | ThatGuy_: well, maybe it's the connection...? | 05:08 |
Unislash1 | ah, idea | 05:08 |
evon | aarcane: how do i do that? | 05:08 |
Unislash1 | how well does the boot up screen show? | 05:08 |
Unislash1 | before the ubuntu one | 05:08 |
Unislash1 | if it's fuzzy too, you've got a hardware problem | 05:08 |
Pici | mlissner: You may want to look at phatch, the package's description makes it sound like it does what you need it to do | 05:09 |
Unislash1 | (try hitting your bios to test) | 05:09 |
aarcane | evon: don't you know how to use fdisk to edit a partition ? anyway, if you configure your partition to be as large as possible, it should just automatically find the end of the data inside the partition. | 05:09 |
ThatGuy_ | boot screen shows up perfectly fine, it's just once ubuntu tries to start that it screws up | 05:09 |
niarbeht_ | Anyone here ever successfully tethered a blackjack? As in, connected to their blackjack phone via bluetooth and used it as an internet connection? | 05:09 |
Unislash1 | ok, that's important to say :) | 05:09 |
Unislash1 | then it is ubuntu... or a driver | 05:09 |
gogeta | thatguy might be a 3d card issue | 05:09 |
evon | aarcane: i'm gonna need a step by step | 05:09 |
vip3rousmango | niarbeht_: nope, can't say i have... | 05:09 |
evon | i just installed DD | 05:10 |
losher | kewlpics: that WD drive seems to be rated 3Gbps max. Something wrong with it? Or it's controller? Or its cable? Check its SMART data? | 05:10 |
mlissner | thanks Pici, I'll try it out... | 05:10 |
* niarbeht_ is trying to provide friendly support to a third-party who is going through internet withdrawals... | 05:10 | |
aarcane | evon: I can't tonight, I was just about to go to bed.. | 05:10 |
evon | aarcane: I hear that. i'm tired and it's my birthday now | 05:10 |
ThatGuy_ | that sounds about right, but it's not letting me install the nvidia driver either | 05:10 |
gogeta | losher wds are broken off the factory | 05:10 |
evon | aarcane: wife is waiting for me | 05:10 |
gogeta | lol | 05:10 |
anomoly | i'm having wireless issues similar to this thread, but my keys don't match the ones listed. any ideas? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1010650 | 05:11 |
gogeta | anomly use your keys | 05:11 |
losher | evon: happy birthday from your PC.... | 05:11 |
ThatGuy_ | i don't think ubuntu is the problem, because i tried installing mint to see if it worked any better, but it gave me the same thing | 05:11 |
gogeta | LOL | 05:11 |
aarcane | evon: happy birthday. if you can use the help menu in fdisk, I'll give you a quickie howto.. | 05:11 |
voixd | hey, can anyone recommend a fibre disk array that works with 8.04 and 9.04 64-bit? | 05:11 |
evon | aarcane: i'm in fdsik now | 05:11 |
aarcane | evon: 1) identify start of disk. 2) if your partition tool creates the partition in the partition table, write down the numbers of the partition (hit p to see) then delete the partition (d) | 05:12 |
losher | gogeta: despite the firmware thing, I've had good luck with seagates generally... | 05:12 |
kewlpics | it is the same controller right? not sure about the cable tho.. this is the original drive from gateway.. I hope it is not the cable.. but I guess I can swap them.. What is SMART Data? and how can I check it? | 05:12 |
losher | !smart | 05:12 |
aarcane | evon: then create a new partion (n) with the same starting number from the partition you deleted previously, and use the default end (defaults to as big as possible) then try mounting the partition. | 05:12 |
ubottu | smart is another meta-package manager available for Ubuntu. It's quite stable, uses APT's repositories, can handle mirrors/multiple-connections, and is supposed to make Ubuntu BiArch-compatible. See http://labix.org/smart and https://wiki.kubuntu.org/SmartPackageManager | 05:12 |
kewlpics | I meant to say.. it is on the same motherboard.. the controller.. | 05:12 |
gogeta | kewipics if your using a ide cable or your mobo does not support those speeds it whont go that fast | 05:13 |
losher | ubottu: sigh. wrong smart | 05:13 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 05:13 |
evon | aarcane: what do i type in to edit that HD? | 05:13 |
gogeta | kewipics also more then 1 drive on the same channel will slow it | 05:13 |
RobertX | I have a few more problems. First, I can't get NTFS-Config to run | 05:13 |
The_Warlock | how will i know if my pc is 32 or 64 bit? | 05:14 |
aarcane | evon: I erm.. am not sure what you're asking, and my wife is waiting on me. | 05:14 |
evon | aarcane: nvm got it | 05:14 |
aleron6 | are there any experts in here with gnomenu | 05:14 |
evon | aarcane: lol | 05:14 |
aarcane | evon: if you're still stuck tomorrow, I'll be back then. | 05:14 |
bastidrazor | The_Warlock, uname -a .. if it says x86_64 it is 64 bit | 05:14 |
evon | aarcane: should i creat a partition in the unallocated space? | 05:14 |
The_Warlock | bastidrazor: it says i686 | 05:14 |
kewlpics | how do I know if they are on the same channel? Thanks for your help! | 05:15 |
bastidrazor | The_Warlock, 32 bit | 05:15 |
losher | kewlpics: smart is a way to look at disk behavior: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Smartmontools | 05:15 |
The_Warlock | bastidrazor: tnx...whats the difference between 1386 and 1686? | 05:15 |
aarcane | evon: create a partition with the same starting sector as the deleted one. | 05:15 |
aarcane | leaving now. | 05:15 |
kewlpics | thanks! | 05:15 |
evon | ok | 05:15 |
evon | aarcane: logical or primary? | 05:16 |
RobertX | I can't get the NTFS-Config program to run on 9.04; when I try it in the shell, it comes up with this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/203329/ | 05:16 |
evon | aarcane: sorry i don't know the difference | 05:16 |
evon | aarcane what time will you be on tomorrow? | 05:17 |
losher | kewlpics: gsmartcontrol is actually better: http://ubuntu-unleashed.com/2008/10/gsmartcontrol-hard-disk-drive-health-inspection-tool.html | 05:17 |
evon | aarcane: can't i just use gparted? | 05:17 |
vip3rousmango | evon: he quit.. | 05:17 |
bastidrazor | The_Warlock, http://tinyurl.com/n53evq | 05:18 |
todd | i386 is 32 bit i686 is 64 bit system | 05:18 |
evon | vip3rousmango: dang man. you know what he was talking about? | 05:18 |
kewlpics | okay.. | 05:18 |
bastidrazor | todd, no | 05:18 |
The_Warlock | bastidrazor: tnx | 05:18 |
vip3rousmango | evon: this is what he was talking about http://www.pcguide.com/ref/hdd/file/structPartitions-c.htm | 05:19 |
RobertX | I installed it manually through .DEB files | 05:20 |
RobertX | I even installed the dependencies (again through .deb) | 05:20 |
evon | vip3rousmango: link no good | 05:20 |
Mike_lifeguard | I just copied my ubuntu partitions to a new hard drive. Will having copied /proc and/or /dev cause problems? During boot, init (or whatever) waits for the root partition to become available, but it waits based on uuid (and that uuid isn't valid any more) -- that error message gave me a pointer to 'cat /proc/cmdline' which I guess points to a nonexistent uuid. What does that do and how can I fix it? | 05:21 |
vip3rousmango | evon: http://www.pcguide.com/ref/hdd/file/partLetter-c.html | 05:21 |
spitzx | guys help me | 05:21 |
spitzx | why my sessions tab wah gone? | 05:21 |
RobertX | Is this a bad time to call? | 05:22 |
zelda_ | Hello everyone. | 05:22 |
losher | RobertX: looks like a python error message, and it's pretty obviously missing a file from the installation. uninstall it, and reinstall using synaptic or apt-get... | 05:22 |
Mike_lifeguard | When I mount /dev/sda3, there is nothing in /proc at all... so where does that stuff come from when you boot? | 05:23 |
Warrigal | Mike_lifeguard: /proc doesn't sound like the sort of thing you should copy. /dev might be okay, as long as you copied the files themselves and not their contents. | 05:23 |
zelda_ | Does anyone here own an HP8510w? | 05:23 |
Warrigal | Still, it's probably better to copy neither. Try moving all their contents into a backup folder and seeing if that fixes the problem. | 05:23 |
cabrey | Mike_lifeguard, /proc is a virtual folder created by the kernel for the kernel | 05:23 |
Warrigal | zelda_: that sounds like a printer capable of connecting to a wireless network. Is it? | 05:24 |
Mike_lifeguard | Warrigal: I just did a straight cp -r ... so I guess that copied everything? | 05:24 |
losher | Mike_lifeguard: if I understand it correctly. proc & dev are populated at boot time by various systems, so you don't need to (and shouldn't) preserve them | 05:24 |
Warrigal | Mike_lifeguard: indeed, that copied everything. And it did copy the file themselves, not their contents. | 05:24 |
zelda_ | No Its a notebook | 05:24 |
Mike_lifeguard | k... so there's nothing in /proc until boot, but I do see stuff in /dev | 05:24 |
zelda_ | Im having issues with the wireless card inside | 05:25 |
Mike_lifeguard | none of the partitions though | 05:25 |
zelda_ | Warrigal: its a notebook. Im havin issues with the wireless card | 05:25 |
Warrigal | Oh. | 05:25 |
mlissner | Pici: sadly, phatch does a bunch of things, but not time. | 05:25 |
RobertX | How do I uninstall a program that was stored from a .deb | 05:25 |
RobertX | I didn't install it from Synaptic | 05:26 |
Warrigal | zelda_: well, if it doesn't recognize the wireless card, you might try using ndiswrapper. | 05:26 |
thedarkone | hey all i have a ati hd 2400 pro is there a easy way to install drivers? | 05:26 |
Warrigal | RobertX: well, how did you install it? | 05:26 |
satellite | anyone recommend a programming language for audio programs? | 05:26 |
mlissner | Any other ideas for batch time shifting of photos? | 05:26 |
RobertX | Using a .DEB file | 05:26 |
Warrigal | RobertX: did you double-click it or something? | 05:26 |
evon | thanks everyone for your help | 05:26 |
evon | good night | 05:26 |
Mike_lifeguard | sigh, I wish I could see that error message... | 05:26 |
zelda_ | Warrigal: thats not the issue, the computer keeps having the wireless device button flashing. it doesnt stay solid. Im wondering if its functioning correctly. | 05:27 |
RobertX | Warrigal: yes | 05:27 |
spitzx | guys | 05:27 |
zelda_ | thats why I was trying to see if someone else had the same notebook. | 05:27 |
Mike_lifeguard | cabrey: so, /proc/cmdline doesn't get created until boot... where does that come from? Apparently it is being generated wrong. Specifically, it looked like it referred to the uuid of my root partition on my old HD ... should be easy enough to swap in the new uuid or something, except that it doesn't exist until boot :\ | 05:28 |
zelda_ | oops | 05:28 |
cabrey | Mike_lifeguard, you would edit /boot/grub/menu.lst, not the kernel fs | 05:29 |
Warrigal | RobertX: well, try going to Synaptic Package Manager, opening the File menu, clicking "Add downloaded packages", finding your .deb file and opening it, right-clicking the resulting entry, clicking "Mark for Removal", and clicking "Apply". | 05:29 |
RobertX | Warrigal: I double-clicked on the .deb file I downloaded elsewhere. I did not use Synaptic because I couldn't find it under the list. | 05:29 |
Mike_lifeguard | cabrey: I did - swapped in the uuid for the new partition where /boot is found | 05:29 |
Warrigal | Though you didn't use Synaptic to install it, you may be able to use Synaptic to uninstall it. | 05:29 |
Mike_lifeguard | cabrey: do I need to update grub after doing that or somesuch? | 05:29 |
losher | RobertX: well, that was a mistake, and this is why we avoid installing manually whenever possible... | 05:30 |
cabrey | Mike_lifeguard, no it the kernel should be passed the new UUID argument | 05:30 |
Mike_lifeguard | cabrey: k, well I'll double-check the new uuid is in menu.lst | 05:30 |
losher | Mike_lifeguard: did you change all references to the old uuid in menu.lst to the new uuid? | 05:30 |
Mike_lifeguard | I thought so... checking now | 05:31 |
losher | Mike_lifeguard: also, /etc/fstab may also refer to uuids. If it does, you need to make the same changes in that file too | 05:31 |
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Mike_lifeguard | losher: changed that to /dev/sdax | 05:32 |
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Mike_lifeguard | and it looks like menu.lst was indeed updated | 05:32 |
Mike_lifeguard | ah, no, I made a mistake | 05:32 |
* Mike_lifeguard phew! | 05:32 | |
losher | Mike_lifeguard: ok, as long as you got them all, it should be fine. Did the swap partition change uuid too? | 05:32 |
Mike_lifeguard | losher: I changed the uuid line, but not the uuid in the root=blah part of the kernel line | 05:34 |
cabrey | Mike_lifeguard, yea thats what i meant | 05:34 |
losher | Mike_lifeguard: that would do it.... | 05:34 |
* Mike_lifeguard hangs head in shame :P | 05:34 | |
losher | Mike_lifeguard: better than typing rm -f /var/lib, which someone else did this evening | 05:35 |
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gogeta | losher you mean you | 05:36 |
gogeta | :) | 05:36 |
losher | gogeta: it wasn't me. At least, not tonight :-) | 05:37 |
gogeta | losher better then the ./ one | 05:37 |
gogeta | lol | 05:37 |
voixd | does anyone have any recommendations for a SAN that works with ubuntu 8.04 or 9.04 64-bit | 05:38 |
voixd | ? | 05:38 |
gogeta | Adremelech burn comcast user burn | 05:39 |
gogeta | lol | 05:39 |
FloridaGuy | E: /var/cache/apt/archives/splashy_0.3.13-3ubuntu1_i386.deb: trying to overwrite `/etc/lsb-base-logging.sh', which is also in package lsb-base | 05:39 |
gggg | how can i search in google in a fashion that the searching period is recorded and it can be shown later,with a little animation? | 05:40 |
gogeta | gggg do you mean google desktop | 05:40 |
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gogeta | gggg i think thers some compiz plugins that do that | 05:41 |
g1er | where might I find the "PATH" variable in jaunty? | 05:42 |
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cabrey | g1er, in a terminal run echo $PATH | 05:43 |
unop | g1er, in your ~/.profile and/or ~/.bashrc | 05:43 |
g1er | ok, thanks | 05:43 |
=== | is now known as Guest76597 | ||
kewlpics | losher self test reported no errors | 05:43 |
unop | gggg, http://lmgtfy.com/?q=you+mean+something+like+this? | 05:43 |
kewlpics | runing the extended test.. | 05:43 |
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kewlpics | which takes 2 hours | 05:44 |
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gggg | unop, thanks | 05:44 |
gggg | gogeta, it is "http://lmgtfy.com/" | 05:45 |
gggg | unop, how did you find it? | 05:45 |
cabrey | it's been all over the web | 05:45 |
gggg | gogeta, it is http://lmgtfy.com/ | 05:46 |
cabrey | for people who refuse to google ;) | 05:46 |
Pici | !offtopic | 05:46 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 05:46 |
unop | gggg, it's been around for sometime | 05:46 |
losher | kewlpics: understood. | 05:46 |
tyler_d | lol I love lmgtfy | 05:46 |
gogeta | gggg thats pretty cool | 05:47 |
oscar | ? | 05:47 |
gggg | gogeta, ye | 05:47 |
gggg | unop, ok,thanks | 05:47 |
kewlpics | Thank you for the help! Hopefully find out what is wrong with the drive | 05:48 |
Ajit | which tool should I use for safe browsing (to avoid porn etc.) at my Ubuntu Desktop | 05:48 |
oscar | hahaha pretty ubuntu | 05:48 |
gogeta | gggg usefull for this irc channel lol | 05:48 |
gogeta | bookmarked | 05:48 |
Ajit | I want to block illegal content | 05:48 |
unop | gogeta, no, you get banned for using that here - it's deemed as being sarcastic (not really helping) | 05:48 |
gogeta | alit adblock plus and blacklist the sites | 05:48 |
losher | kewlpics: if the self test comes back ok, you could download and run the manufacturer's test disk | 05:48 |
gogeta | unop lol | 05:49 |
Tetracomm | Good night. | 05:49 |
unop | gogeta, i'm serious | 05:49 |
bazhang | gogeta, dont use it here please | 05:49 |
cabrey | it is still ok to encourage the user to try google however :) | 05:49 |
losher | Ajit: how do you distinguish legal from illegal content? | 05:50 |
hello_its_me | hi | 05:51 |
hello_its_me | am i connected? im a noob | 05:51 |
cabrey | yes you're here | 05:52 |
gogeta | hello_its_me nope | 05:52 |
hello_its_me | i am running ubuntu hardy heron and i cant seem to install flash 10 on firefox :) | 05:52 |
cabrey | hello_its_me, how did you try to install it? | 05:52 |
hello_its_me | i tried apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree and ubuntu-restricted-extras | 05:52 |
gogeta | hello_its_me install it from adoe themselfs they have debs | 05:52 |
cabrey | gogeta, no | 05:52 |
gogeta | adobe | 05:52 |
hello_its_me | gogeta i tried that too | 05:52 |
cabrey | hello_its_me, what is the error, if any? | 05:52 |
edbian_ | hello_its_me: You have to purge all of the packages related to flash except for the one you want. | 05:53 |
hello_its_me | no error - youtube just displays the same annoying message that i need to install it | 05:53 |
hello_its_me | edbian how do i do that? | 05:53 |
cabrey | hello_its_me, have you restarted FF since you installed it? | 05:53 |
edbian_ | hello_its_me: (e.g. flash-plugin-free, etc etc) Just search flash and remove everything that isn't "flash-plugin-nonfree" | 05:53 |
kewlpics | downloading the 2mb .iso | 05:53 |
losher | tyler_d: did you send me a pointer to age of consent? It says it varies between jurisdictions, which isn't much help... | 05:53 |
edbian_ | hello_its_me: And yes restart firefox ^ | 05:53 |
hello_its_me | cabrey yes | 05:54 |
edbian_ | hello_its_me: Do you know how to use synaptic? | 05:54 |
hello_its_me | edbian ok | 05:54 |
MadScientist | hi people | 05:54 |
troopperi | Ajit: try dansguardian program | 05:54 |
hello_its_me | edbian i think so lol | 05:54 |
edbian_ | hello_its_me: Just ask more questions if you have them :) | 05:54 |
nixiepixel | Hi guys, does anyone know where I can get help with twonky? | 05:54 |
hello_its_me | thanks edbian youre a very nice guy :) | 05:55 |
edbian_ | hello_its_me: NP | 05:55 |
Myke5161 | Hello Ubuntu | 05:55 |
linux-is-the-bes | hi all | 05:56 |
hello_its_me | ok i found one - adobe-flashplugin - im completely removing it now - im leaving ubuntu-restricted-extras | 05:56 |
hello_its_me | hi Myke! | 05:56 |
MadScientist | anyone know if is there a google translator client for linux? | 05:56 |
edbian_ | hello_its_me: Sounds good. I'm not sure about ubuntu-restricted. | 05:56 |
cabrey | google translate is a server based system AFAIK | 05:56 |
edbian_ | hello_its_me: Try just removing the adobe one first | 05:56 |
hello_its_me | edbian ok :) | 05:57 |
mlissner | So I've tried gThumb, F-spot and phatch. Does anybody know how to change the timestamp of a batch of photos? It seems trivial, but those programs either lacked the function, or had serious bugs. | 05:57 |
MadScientist | aa..ok cabrey, i will investigate more about this | 05:58 |
cabrey | mlissner, you could try picasa... | 05:58 |
mlissner | cabrey: I believe it lacks the feature too. My Windows-using friend gave me this task. | 05:58 |
hello_its_me | edbian: i removed adobe-flashplugin still no go.. should i remove ubuntu-restricted-extras | 06:00 |
gogeta | nissner task? | 06:00 |
edbian_ | hello_its_me: I would try it. I know that there is a flash-player in the ubuntu-restricted-extras package | 06:00 |
hello_its_me | edbian: its working now | 06:00 |
mlissner | cabrey: yep, suspicion confirmed here: http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/Picasa/thread?tid=45d6335c1f3b1f8b&hl=en | 06:00 |
gogeta | missaner task? | 06:00 |
gogeta | close enough | 06:01 |
cabrey | !tab | gogeta | 06:01 |
ubottu | gogeta: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 06:01 |
edbian_ | hello_its_me: So now if you search "flash" in synaptic only one package is listed as installed correct? (flash-plugin-nonfree)?? | 06:01 |
gogeta | ever did figure out how ti make irc do names | 06:01 |
gogeta | lol go figure that easy | 06:01 |
hello_its_me | yup its working now - im watching that perez hilton guy :) thanks a lot :) | 06:01 |
edbian_ | hello_its_me: NP! | 06:01 |
mavaddat | hi, can I ask a question? I need help with Ubuntu | 06:02 |
unop | !ask | 06:02 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 06:02 |
edbian_ | hello_its_me: You might have lost the ability to play mp3's or something. It's not hard to get back though :) | 06:02 |
mavaddat | I can't get my Flash player to work on my x64 Firefox | 06:02 |
albertico | what is the difference between the Ubuntu Netbook Remix (UNR) image vs the standard iso plus the netbook remix package? | 06:03 |
ufd | hello | 06:03 |
edbian_ | mavaddat: You are the in the best place to ask a question about ubuntu :) | 06:03 |
unop | !flash | 06:03 |
ubottu | To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 06:03 |
mavaddat | I saw that, ubottu | 06:03 |
mavaddat | no help | 06:03 |
brian_ | i just installed xubuntu and when i try to run a .bin file it tells me to choose a app to run it with any ideas | 06:04 |
ufd | can konqueror "see" adobe flash | 06:04 |
thedarkone | hey all i have a ati hd 2400 pro is there a easy way to install drivers? | 06:04 |
edbian_ | mavaddat: ubottu is a robot | 06:04 |
ufd | its ok with firefox | 06:04 |
ufd | im going | 06:05 |
brian_ | what app do you use to run a .bin file | 06:05 |
Fireking300 | Hi I'm new to this channel | 06:05 |
edbian_ | brian_: .bin stands for binary. Typically in linux binary files don't have the extension. What is this file? | 06:05 |
geirha | !hi | Fireking300 | 06:05 |
ubottu | Fireking300: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 06:05 |
mavaddat | oh, thanks edbian | 06:05 |
^Phantom^ | cv7777777o8i99999999999999999999999ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo['] | 06:05 |
unop | ^Phantom^, please stop | 06:06 |
Fireking300 | thanks for the welcoming | 06:06 |
^Phantom^ | Oh, hello. The kitten just walked across the keyboard. | 06:06 |
brian_ | unetbootin | 06:06 |
edbian_ | mavaddat: What's your question?? | 06:06 |
^Phantom^ | Sorry about that. | 06:06 |
hugo | u | 06:06 |
mavaddat | I want to get Flash player working on an x64 Swiftweasel (Firefox) | 06:06 |
brian_ | and iit says no recomened apps foun d | 06:06 |
hugo | I'm having trouble bridging my wireless and ethernet connections | 06:07 |
hugo | I can bridge them but I can't get an IP after | 06:07 |
edbian_ | mavaddat: OO, sorry I have no experience with amd64 flash (or swiftweasel for that matter) I use iceweasel. Is swiftweasel faster? | 06:07 |
Fireking300 | I have a question about one of the ubuntu wiki topics. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VirtualBoxNetworking I edit the /etc/network/interfaces but it comes out with a error. | 06:07 |
toter | mavaddat: How about "sudo apt-get install flashplayer-nonfree"? | 06:07 |
mavaddat | I don't know, edbian | 06:07 |
hugo | root@Ubuntu:~# dhclient bridge0 | 06:07 |
hugo | Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Client V3.1.1 | 06:07 |
hugo | Copyright 2004-2008 Internet Systems Consortium. | 06:07 |
hugo | All rights reserved. | 06:07 |
hugo | For info, please visit http://www.isc.org/sw/dhcp/ | 06:07 |
FloodBot1 | hugo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 06:07 |
hugo | wmaster0: unknown hardware address type 801 | 06:07 |
mavaddat | toter, that installs version 9.0.159, which works only very sparsely | 06:08 |
brian_ | when i click on unetbootin it tells me to choose a app | 06:08 |
hugo | but the problem is that it looks for a lease on my ethernet card instead of my wirless card | 06:08 |
^Phantom^ | I'll try to keep the kitten off of the keyboard in the future, when I'm on here. ;) | 06:08 |
mavaddat | there's a newer version of Flash, 10.0.22 | 06:08 |
edbian_ | brian_: Is unetbootin your .bin file? Do you know what it is used for? | 06:09 |
albertico | what is the difference between installing the Ubuntu Netbook Remix (UNR) image vs the standard iso plus the netbook remix package? | 06:09 |
mavaddat | somehow, I was able to find the x64 version of libflashplayer.so from Adobe, but when I copy it into my Plugins folder, Flash ceases to work altogether | 06:09 |
brian_ | ya it worked befor but i just installed xubuntu so i take it i dont have the software to run it | 06:10 |
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mavaddat | Does anyone know how to install the latest Flash player on x64 Firefox? | 06:10 |
edbian_ | brian_: Why are you trying to run it again? Please explain in detail what you're trying to do. Also begin your posts with the name of the person you're talking to like I am | 06:10 |
g1er | can i somehow login as root? someway to avoid all the permission warnings/popups | 06:10 |
Fireking300 | Could anyone help me with this, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VirtualBoxNetworking ? | 06:10 |
mlissner | jhead. The answer is jhead. | 06:10 |
Mike_lifeguard | What's the factoid about moving from one hard drive to another? | 06:10 |
beilabs | If a message fails to be sent via sendmail does it get saved somewhere? | 06:10 |
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jdroid- | If I colo a box, is a network upgrade the way to update my box? "sudo do-release-upgrade" seems right, but since it's colo'd i don't want to risk. | 06:11 |
mavaddat | what is jhead? who is that for? | 06:11 |
brian_ | edbian i i use unetbootin to easly install linux with usb stick | 06:11 |
\\`oot | Hi everyone... I'm looking for a good GUI-based backup tool (that can back up SMBFS mounts to an external USB disk attached)... | 06:12 |
edbian_ | g1er: That is a fundamental difference between windows and linux. Logging in as root is a bad idea. In windows you are their version of root all of the time and that is why spyware and viruses can install and run themselves without you knowing. | 06:12 |
rz187 | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtrEN-YKLBM | 06:12 |
edbian_ | brian_: So why are you trying to run unetbootin again? | 06:12 |
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mavaddat | is there a version of Linux that works? | 06:13 |
brian_ | edbian so i can try other distros with ease im new to liniux so unetbootin makes it easy to put distros onto usb stick | 06:13 |
edbian_ | g1er: You should only log in as root temporarily (using sudo or su) and then logout of root. This is the default behavior of ubuntu for a reason :) | 06:13 |
Fireking300 | Could anyone help me with virtualbox it doesn't seem to being giving my guest OS a network connection. | 06:14 |
g1er | edbian_: I understand that but su says permission denied, although the pw works elsewhere :/ | 06:14 |
edbian_ | brian_: You can download unetbootin from the repos. It is much easier to handle software this way. Do you need me to explain how? | 06:14 |
g1er | is there a "understanding permissions" 101 somehwere? | 06:14 |
FrozenFire | I'm having an odd issue. My onboard audio is an Intel 82801G, and I cannot for the life of me get my audio recording working. | 06:14 |
edbian_ | g1er: su is disabled by default in ubuntu. They choose to use sudo instead. I don't know of a good guide off the top of my head. Just google it! | 06:15 |
unop | g1er, use sudo instead of su.. sudo -i | 06:15 |
FrozenFire | Whenever I enable "Capture 1," then navigate from the recording tab, it unsets itself. | 06:15 |
MrEgg964 | g1er: what do you want to know? | 06:15 |
roman | pls help with ATI sound -- not working | 06:15 |
brian_ | edbian i tried that but it coulnt find it anywhere on my system | 06:15 |
g1er | ok, thanks. then I need to launch textedit from terminal while root to create a system file? | 06:16 |
edbian_ | brian_: You tried to install unetbootin from the repos and couldn't find it? | 06:16 |
brian_ | edbain i got it thanks for the help anyhow | 06:16 |
Mike_lifeguard | If you're moving ubuntu to a new hard drive, can you just 'sudo cp -r / /mnt/newroot' then fix GRUB, or is it more involved? | 06:17 |
unop | g1er, you would use something like this instead. gksudo textedit /path/to/your/newfile | 06:17 |
g1er | MrEgg964: I need to create a file in /rules.d but when I do in textedit and try to save i get permission denied | 06:17 |
jasonbourne | can someone help me enable the compiz 3d effects | 06:17 |
edbian_ | g1er: If you want to alter any of the files outside of your home directory you need to be root yes. | 06:17 |
edbian_ | g1er: in a terminal type : "sudo textedit" | 06:17 |
unop | Mike_lifeguard, that does not preserve permissions | 06:17 |
\\`oot | Good GUI-based backup tool (simple to use) for Ubuntu? Anyone? (it's for a non-native Linux user) | 06:17 |
edbian_ | g1er: gksu textedit | 06:17 |
jigidyjensen | Mike, I am not totally sure, but I think it is more involved | 06:17 |
unop | edbian_, g1er - use gksu for GUI apps | 06:17 |
MrEgg964 | In [ALT]+[F2] dialog, type : gksudo gedit | 06:17 |
Fireking300 | Could anyone help me with virtualbox it doesn't seem to being giving my guest OS a network connection. | 06:17 |
Mike_lifeguard | unop: K, so what other options does cp need for that? | 06:18 |
MrEgg964 | g1er: that will give you the text editor with root privileges | 06:18 |
edbian_ | g1er: Sorry, realy quick. Sudo is used for cli root things. The GUI is a little more complicated so they created a separate command to launch GUI things as root (gksu) | 06:18 |
jasonbourne | I have compiz settings manager but I cant get any 3d effects like cube water effect etc | 06:18 |
unop | Mike_lifeguard, -a | 06:18 |
jigidyjensen | I used a program that can make a copy of a partition. I don't know if the partitions need to be the same size though, let me see if I can find the name of it. | 06:18 |
edbian_ | g1er: When you start an app using the gnome-panel your user is starting the app. When you start an app using "gksu <nameofapp>" you are starting that app as root. | 06:19 |
edbian_ | jasonbourne: You need to turn compiz on before you can change it's settings. Have you seen the compiz check script? | 06:19 |
Mike_lifeguard | unop: and if I'm a sneaky bastard who already did 'cp -r...' and now needs to fix it, is there a way to overwrite? | 06:19 |
g1er | ok. I think I'm getting it. what's the difference between gksu and gksudo? | 06:20 |
jasonbourne | edbian: i am a complete linux noob so no I dont know how to check script | 06:20 |
jigidyjensen | Hey, mike perhaps this might be useful http://www.partimage.org/Main_Page | 06:20 |
jasonbourne | i have other compiz features running though | 06:20 |
edbian_ | jasonbourne: You have compiz turned on? | 06:21 |
g1er | or su and sudo even, playing around on my phone I notice the same thing. sometimes su somethimes sudo.. | 06:21 |
Mike_lifeguard | jigidyjensen: Thanks, I used Acronis... but that sucked, and a cp of the root partition was a bit of a last resort | 06:21 |
* g1er googles | 06:21 | |
jasonbourne | edbian: i went to System->Pref->Appearance | 06:22 |
edbian_ | jasonbourne: Ok, 1stly the compiz-check script is a little program that helps you figure out why compiz cannot run. You don't need it if compiz is running :). Are you using the compiz config settings manager? | 06:22 |
unop | Mike_lifeguard, did you run cp as root? | 06:22 |
jasonbourne | edbian :yes | 06:22 |
Mike_lifeguard | unop: yes | 06:22 |
edbian_ | g1er: You can set up a system to use both su and sudo. It is not uncommon. Usually a distro picks one or the other. | 06:22 |
unop | Mike_lifeguard, you should be ok then | 06:22 |
jasonbourne | Edbian: also i have that compiz icon thing | 06:23 |
Mike_lifeguard | huh | 06:23 |
raylu | jigidyjensen: dd? | 06:23 |
unop | Mike_lifeguard, though I would still advise using -a | 06:23 |
edbian_ | jasonbourne: You don't need the icon. All that does is help start compiz when you log in (which it does with no problems correct?) | 06:23 |
jasonbourne | edbian:like i said i have all the features except the 3d effect such as water | 06:23 |
=== vmware is now known as Fireking300 | ||
jasonbourne | edbian: yes wobbly windows is working fine for instance but the cube desktop isnt working | 06:24 |
jigidyjensen | Raylu it is a program that can backup a partition. I was thinking that if it was resizable, then you could back it up, then restore it to another hard drive, and then resize it to what ever you wanted. | 06:24 |
Mike_lifeguard | unop: OK, so... when logging in the graphical session lasts less than 10s and a little dialog comes up saying "your session lasted <10s, that's bad" and then says something (I wish I had written it down) about one file being linked to another. I think a symlink didn't get preserved there... would that be a possible problem of not using -a? | 06:24 |
raylu | Mike_lifeguard: also, shouldn't you be able to just backup your package list and /home and reinstall? | 06:24 |
Mike_lifeguard | raylu: sure, I could | 06:24 |
raylu | jigidyjensen: sounds like dd to me | 06:24 |
edbian_ | jasonbourne: Open up the compiz config settings manager (CCSM). Each plugin has a checkbox next to it. If the box is checked that plugin is turned on. It is a good idea to turn off the ones you rarely/never use because they waste resources. | 06:24 |
Mike_lifeguard | actually, I don't have a jaunty CD, but that's easily fixed | 06:25 |
jigidyjensen | I think it is more compressed | 06:25 |
Mike_lifeguard | I'd rather just fix this instead | 06:25 |
edbian_ | jasonbourne: If you click on one of the plugins it opens up that configuration. Do you know what I'm talking about?? | 06:25 |
jasonbourne | edbian: yes i did that and i checked the water effect and cube desktop it just doesnt work | 06:25 |
jasonbourne | edbian" yes | 06:25 |
jasonbourne | edbian: i just dont know too much about ti | 06:25 |
edbian_ | jasonbourne: There is a tab for almost all of the plugins called "key bindings". This tab allows you to change what keyboard buttons (or mouse or screen edges) activate that plugin. | 06:26 |
raylu | Mike_lifeguard: fix what? | 06:26 |
edbian_ | jasonbourne: Be careful though if you assign to plugins the same keybinding CCSM has a fit about it :) | 06:26 |
unop | Mike_lifeguard, I would use tar like this. (cd /path/to/src/ && tar cpf - . | cd /path/to/dest/ && tar xf -) | 06:26 |
jasonbourne | edbian" ok let me check | 06:26 |
Mike_lifeguard | raylu: the graphical session is broken after copying the partition across :\ | 06:27 |
edbian_ | jasonbourne: In the water effect for example there is only 1 tab: general. But you can see that the keyboard initiate is set to something (ctrl + super) probably | 06:27 |
Mike_lifeguard | unop: does that need the brakets? | 06:27 |
nahy | is anybody there? | 06:27 |
unop | Mike_lifeguard, yes | 06:27 |
edbian_ | nahy: We're here | 06:27 |
jigidyjensen | I think when you use tar for that you would be wise to not include some directories. You would want to exclude /tmp for example | 06:27 |
Mike_lifeguard | huh, never seen that before | 06:28 |
nahy | i'm new to this xchat app. what should i do? | 06:28 |
raylu | Mike_lifeguard: broken how? | 06:28 |
Fireking300 | Would anyone please help me with a issue I am having with Sun VirtualBox? | 06:28 |
jasonbourne | edbian: I see what you are saying let me fiddle with it for a sec see if anything happens | 06:28 |
nahy | i can't see anyone | 06:28 |
raylu | nahy: that depends on what you want to do | 06:28 |
Mike_lifeguard | unop, jigidyjensen: Actually, I was going to ask about excluding /proc and/or /dev... necessary or not? | 06:28 |
raylu | !anybody | Fireking300 | 06:28 |
ubottu | Fireking300: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 06:28 |
nahy | help | 06:28 |
Mike_lifeguard | raylu: I think a symlink didn't get preserved properly when I made the copy | 06:28 |
edbian_ | jasonbourne: There are lot of possible conflicts in CCSM for example cube and desktop wall cannot work at the same time. Also, do you know what the super key is? | 06:28 |
unop | Mike_lifeguard, if you are backing up while the system is offline (which i recommend you do) - then you shouldn't have to bother about excluding /proc, /dev, /tmp, etc | 06:29 |
raylu | Mike_lifeguard: right, but i meant: what is wrong with the graphical session? | 06:29 |
Mike_lifeguard | raylu: so, it can't set my locale to en_ca, and everything explodes (which is really stupid) | 06:29 |
Mike_lifeguard | it should have a sensible fallback instead | 06:29 |
jigidyjensen | I am no expert, I don't know what ones you would want to exclude | 06:29 |
ubuntunom_ | anyone know about smoothwall? | 06:29 |
raylu | !anyone | ubuntunom_ | 06:29 |
ubottu | ubuntunom_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 06:29 |
brennus | ok, so in compiz, I enabled all the dekstop cube stuff, but I can | 06:30 |
jigidyjensen | I just remember remember reading a small warning somewhere | 06:30 |
edbian_ | brennus: can... ? | 06:30 |
rz187 | how do i make sound louder? lol | 06:30 |
raylu | rz187: alsamixer may help you | 06:30 |
Mike_lifeguard | unop: yep, that's what I did | 06:30 |
brennus | ok, so in compiz, I enabled all the dekstop cube stuff, but I can't figure out how to make it zoom out to the skydome so I can rotate the cube! Instead I can only seem to flip it around, without actually seeing the cube. Does anyone know the command? | 06:30 |
Fireking300 | Does anyone know how to fix Virtualbox network sharing with the Guest OS? | 06:30 |
unop | jigidyjensen, I don't see why there'd be a problem | 06:30 |
jigidyjensen | I think you could run into recursion while backing your whole system with tar | 06:30 |
rz187 | im just watching youtube vidoes and its quite | 06:30 |
* Mike_lifeguard considers whether to overwrite (might be slow) or reinstall jaunty (downloading and burning the iso might be slow too) | 06:31 | |
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Cletus | brennus, hold ctrl - alt, then click drag the screen to activate the cube | 06:31 |
edbian_ | brennus: Do you have CCSM installed? (compiz config settings manager) | 06:31 |
Mike_lifeguard | brennus: CTRL+ALT+click+drag -- but compiz stuff should perhaps go to #compiz | 06:31 |
jigidyjensen | Like I think you would need to exclude the directory you are backing up to since it is mounted on the system | 06:31 |
Mike_lifeguard | brennus: they get lonely over there | 06:31 |
brennus | lol | 06:31 |
jigidyjensen | to avoid recursion | 06:32 |
brennus | no one's there! | 06:32 |
jasonbourne | edbian: hell yeah i got water effect to work | 06:32 |
Mike_lifeguard | jigidyjensen: somehow that wasn't a problem | 06:32 |
brennus | edbian: that allows me to move the screen around, but not really what I mean. I want to do that thing where you zoom out and can see the cube in front of you | 06:32 |
edbian_ | jasonbourne: :) :) Awesome!! | 06:32 |
jasonbourne | edbian: it workd thanks man | 06:32 |
Mike_lifeguard | jigidyjensen: didn't do any excludes or anything and it worked (well, not really :D) | 06:32 |
MrEgg964 | Fireking300: did you activate the network card in Preferences? | 06:33 |
unop | jigidyjensen, you're assuming too much now - he's doing this offline - so the chances of him having mounted his old root and the destination in the same heirarchy would be somewhat implausible | 06:33 |
jigidyjensen | Oh, ok | 06:33 |
edbian_ | brennus: CCSM allows you to change key-bindings (to what you are talking about with the cube) | 06:33 |
jun | i can not record sound in ubuntu 9.04 | 06:33 |
Fireking300 | MrEgg964: Yes I did. | 06:33 |
jigidyjensen | Oh, ok, for I guess i missed the ofline part. | 06:33 |
felix_ | a dreamweaver equivalent in free software? just visual/code editor at same time | 06:33 |
brennus | edbian: mmk... | 06:33 |
MrEgg964 | what's the guest OS? | 06:33 |
jun | after i enable mic | 06:33 |
edbian_ | brennus: Also ctrl + alt + clicking mouse button 1 on the desktop is the default to "hold" the cube. | 06:33 |
Fireking300 | XP | 06:33 |
MrEgg964 | Fireking300: and what's the host? | 06:34 |
jun | plz help me | 06:34 |
Fireking300 | Ubuntu 9.04 | 06:34 |
edbian_ | brennus: Go to CCSM and go to the rotate cube plugin (make sure it's on) | 06:34 |
unop | jigidyjensen, also, i wouldn't see it as 'sensible' to backup the system while it is online | 06:35 |
ubuntunom_ | Is there a firewall for linux that would act as a router same time? I have an option to get a old laptop for free and wondering if it would do the job? | 06:35 |
MrEgg964 | Fireking300: what's the name of the network card shared in Preferences? | 06:35 |
iaindalton | Is it safe to replace an Ubuntu 9.04 library with the 9.10 version so I can install an app from 9.10 that depends on it? | 06:35 |
Mike_lifeguard | iaindalton: probably | 06:35 |
brennus | edbian: Yea, I've been playing with that. I just can't figure out which value to edit to get the zoom-out thing. Maybe I just don't know what it's called. | 06:35 |
jigidyjensen | It can be done though, but you are right, it wouldn't be the best way, especially if things are changing fast on the system :) | 06:35 |
Fireking300 | Do you mean in ubuntu or in Virtualbox? In Ubuntu it says eth0 | 06:35 |
edbian_ | ubuntunom_: YES. It's called iptables. Core to the kernel and highly configurable. A real beast to set up though. Google it! | 06:35 |
unop | iaindalton, that's not recommended - you can end up with a broken system | 06:35 |
rww | iaindalton: considering that Ubuntu 9.10 isn't stable yet, and isn't supported by #ubuntu, that's probably not a particularly good idea. | 06:36 |
edbian_ | brennus: In the rotate cube plugin. Under the bindings tab. "Initiate" | 06:36 |
Fireking300 | MrEgg964 I found something https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VirtualBoxNetworking but I get some issues with doing that. | 06:36 |
ubuntunom_ | edbian_: does iptables work as a router as well? | 06:36 |
MrEgg964 | Fireking300: no, I mean in VB Preferences | 06:36 |
Mike_lifeguard | iaindalton: oh, have an adventure, what's the worst that can happen? (sure, it could go wrong, but then you just revert) | 06:36 |
unop | jigidyjensen, it's not just that - tar (or whatever else) would probably get stuck processing /dev/random :) | 06:36 |
iaindalton | I'm trying to install Gnumeric 1.9.9, and I either have the option of compiling the new library and gnumeric and placing them somewhere unusual, or the above solution | 06:37 |
brennus | edbian: yes, I can do that. Hmm... I only have two desktops. Could this be the problem? I currently just get a flat, double-sided pane when I do what you're talking about | 06:37 |
unop | Mike_lifeguard, no, don't recommend that | 06:37 |
edbian_ | ubuntunom_: Yes, You need to create the NAT rule though. It is tricky but it is probably the most common thing iptables is used for. | 06:37 |
jasonbourne | can anyone help me install OpenVPN or recommend a better program | 06:37 |
edbian_ | brennus: Yeah you need 4 lol. 2 sides doesn't make a cube now does it brennus :) | 06:37 |
unop | iaindalton, you can backport the version from karmic to jaunty | 06:37 |
unop | !prevu | iaindalton | 06:37 |
ubottu | iaindalton: prevu is an automated, personal backporting utility. Check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Prevu for more details | 06:37 |
edbian_ | ubuntunom_: NAT = Network Address Translation (a router) | 06:38 |
brennus | edbian: lol. thank you for bearing with me | 06:38 |
Fireking300 | MrEgg964: It is set to PCNet-Fast III (Am79C973) and attached to NAT | 06:38 |
jasonbourne | it says to ./compile, make, make install and the file is a tar.gz | 06:38 |
edbian_ | brennus: NP. Did you get it to work?? | 06:38 |
ubuntunom_ | edbian_: any ready made easy to setup distros out there? | 06:38 |
edbian_ | ubuntunom_: I'm sure there are. I don't know of any off the top of my head. | 06:38 |
MrEgg964 | Fireking300: that looks good. Only Card 1 is activated ? | 06:38 |
Mike_lifeguard | unop: Thanks a lot for your help.. but I'm going to reinstall jaunty (using ext4) - easier ... downloading the iso now. | 06:39 |
marcus | Hello, Compiz made my window bars go away how do I get them back? | 06:39 |
Fireking300 | Yes | 06:39 |
unop | jasonbourne, openvpn is available in the repositories - so why are you compiling it from source? | 06:39 |
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jigidyjensen | Good Luck | 06:39 |
unop | !info openvpn | 06:39 |
ubottu | openvpn (source: openvpn): virtual private network daemon. In component main, is optional. Version 2.1~rc11-1ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 397 kB, installed size 1168 kB | 06:39 |
edbian_ | ubuntunom_: Perhaps this is helpful: http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/5826 | 06:39 |
jasonbourne | unop: i am a complete linux newbie | 06:39 |
jasonbourne | unop: i just installed it today | 06:40 |
edbian_ | jasonbourne: It becomes addictive. ;) | 06:40 |
Mike_lifeguard | jasonbourne: all the more reason to use the repositories instead of compiling :D | 06:40 |
unop | jasonbourne, ahh well, use the package manager - you can install it there | 06:40 |
edbian_ | jasonbourne: The package manager is a dream you will discover :) | 06:40 |
MrEgg964 | Fireking300: OK, I have those settings as well and it works fine here. What does XP say? | 06:40 |
Mike_lifeguard | jasonbourne: the repos let you install things easily with 'sudo apt-get install packagename' instead of futzing with compiling | 06:40 |
Mike_lifeguard | jasonbourne: or you can use synaptic (if you like GUI) | 06:41 |
Fireking300 | It just says I have no network device connected. | 06:41 |
iaindalton | unop: whoah; looks nice *and* simple. that's unusual :-) | 06:41 |
edbian_ | jasonbourne: It also keeps track of updates for all of the software on the entire system. | 06:41 |
jasonbourne | ok so i should go sudo apt-get install OpenVPN | 06:41 |
Mike_lifeguard | jasonbourne: yes, but it'll be all lowercase | 06:41 |
jasonbourne | mike_lifeguard: ok | 06:41 |
edbian_ | jasonbourne: good :) | 06:41 |
jasonbourne | ok let me do that | 06:42 |
magnetron | jasonbourne: if you don't know the exact package name you can search for it using 'apt-cache search openvpn' or using the Synaptic GUI | 06:42 |
MrEgg964 | Fireking300: did you implement the procedure from the wiki you posted? | 06:42 |
jasonbourne | man this is better than windows once you learn all the tricks | 06:43 |
Fireking300 | I tried to but I ran into some errors along the way I modified the interfaces and edited it the way it was suppose to but it ran into errors when I tried to start networking. | 06:43 |
roman | hi guys, is there a fix for ATI soundcard in HP laptops - do i reinstall alsa or what ? | 06:43 |
ice_cream | if you like learning all the tricks | 06:44 |
Fireking300 | One sec ill try it again and post errors. | 06:44 |
edbian_ | jasonbourne: You have no idea yet. | 06:44 |
ice_cream | and/or dont mind playing games in a vm =P | 06:44 |
jasonbourne | now i only have to configure about 15 server locations lol | 06:44 |
magnetron | jasonbourne: all the packages you install with the package manager will be automatically updated for bugfixes and security patches | 06:44 |
felix_ | a dreamweaver equivalent in free software? just visual/code editor at same time | 06:44 |
jasonbourne | magnetron: awesome | 06:44 |
edbian_ | jasonbourne: Also you can type :sudo apt-get install open[tab][tab] | 06:44 |
edbian_ | and it will autocomplete | 06:44 |
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jasonbourne | ahh i yes i know that feature edbian | 06:45 |
magnetron | jasonbourne: to update, use this command: "sudo aptitude update" followed by "sudo aptitude upgrade" | 06:45 |
jasonbourne | i have used the distro called backtrack4 for pentesting my wifi connection | 06:45 |
jasonbourne | so i learned some of the very basics | 06:45 |
edbian_ | jasonbourne: Cool. | 06:45 |
q0_0p | why can't i add sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --destination-port 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 11231 ? | 06:46 |
jasonbourne | man this is taking a while to dl lol | 06:46 |
shunobies | Is there a bugs channel? | 06:46 |
ice_cream | magnetron, hm, i still have those down as 'sudo aptitude safe-upgrade' and 'sudo aptitude full-upgrade' (though often the results are the same) | 06:46 |
edbian_ | q0_0p: I think there is no such chain as PREROUTING | 06:46 |
edbian_ | try -A INPUT | 06:46 |
edbian_ | ?? | 06:46 |
jasonbourne | ok installed | 06:47 |
jasonbourne | ok so how do i configure all the server locations they are on a zip file | 06:48 |
jasonbourne | this is going to be the hard part i imagine | 06:49 |
vmware_ | MrEgg964: sudo /etc/init.d/networking start | 06:50 |
vmware_ | * Configuring network interfaces... /etc/network/interfaces:4: misplaced option | 06:50 |
vmware_ | ifup: couldn't read interfaces file "/etc/network/interfaces" | 06:50 |
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=== vmware_ is now known as fireking3000 | ||
fireking3000 | That is the error message I get MrEgg964 | 06:50 |
shunobies | Has anyone esle had problems with Ubuntu 64 bit giving you black screen area's as you scroll through webpages or move windows with Nvdio Geforce 7200 Cards? | 06:51 |
wolfgangkitn | is there an easy way to make profesional business cards in linux | 06:51 |
MrEgg964 | fireking3000: you did replace 'USERNAME' by your username, right? | 06:51 |
fireking3000 | yes | 06:51 |
fireking3000 | and replaced iface with eth0 | 06:51 |
fireking3000 | as it says | 06:51 |
jasonbourne | how can i run openvpn i dont see it under apps->internet | 06:52 |
MrEgg964 | fireking3000: what version of VB are you using? | 06:52 |
fireking3000 | 2.2.4 I think | 06:52 |
fireking3000 | 2.2.4 r47978 | 06:52 |
edbian_ | jasonbourne: A lot of apps are not graphical (therefore they won't show up in the gnome-panel). I usually man <appname> to learn how to use it in a terminal. | 06:53 |
edbian_ | jasonbourne: Are you familiar with man pages? | 06:53 |
laymansnerd | i have a question | 06:53 |
shunobies | Any suggestions? | 06:53 |
jasonbourne | edbian: no | 06:53 |
edbian_ | laymansnerd: Just ask it man! | 06:53 |
MrEgg964 | fireking3000: yeah well that's the latest, so that's good too. | 06:53 |
jasonbourne | so just type ap name in terminal | 06:53 |
infidel2s | is us.archive.ubuntu.com down? | 06:54 |
edbian_ | jasonbourne: Every (pretty much every anyway) app has a manual. You can view it by typing "man <application>" in a terminal (and press q to exit the man page). They are very useful | 06:54 |
laymansnerd | ok, i'm not sure what distro i saw this in...but in the right click context menu the 'Create Folder' icon is larger than the rest of the icons...anyone know how to change it? | 06:54 |
laymansnerd | in jaunty | 06:54 |
rww | infidel2s: no | 06:54 |
jasonbourne | edbian: ok cool | 06:54 |
edbian_ | jasonbourne: yeah "appname" in a terminal usually starts them. Sometimes it is tricky to learn the name which is why man comes in handy. | 06:54 |
edbian_ | jasonbourne: usually the package name is the application name but not always. | 06:55 |
MrEgg964 | fireking3000: did you run into any problem as you installed XP? | 06:55 |
edbian_ | jasonbourne: Also [tab][tab] is handy :) | 06:55 |
fireking3000 | Nope | 06:55 |
edbian_ | jasonbourne: I should go to bed now though. Sorry I can't help more :( Good luck with linux! If you're eager to learn it is a blast :) WAAAYYY better than windows :) | 06:56 |
fireking3000 | I used Virtualbox on Backtrack 4 and it ran "out of the box" but ubuntu I ran into errors. | 06:56 |
bintang_46 | adekpoenya@yahoo.com | 06:56 |
jasonbourne | ok i think i better check out my vpn's forum | 06:56 |
iaindalton | the prevu page on the wiki says typing "prevu gnumeric" will act like "DIST=karmic prevu gnumeric" but it gets the jaunty version instead. How can I make it default to karmic? There's nothing about prevu in /etc | 06:56 |
infidel2s | my apt-get attempts to install something keep saying "Failted to fetch [myfile].deb. Could not resolve us.archive.ubuntu.com". What should i do? | 06:56 |
jasonbourne | edbian" i see the manual though and that is cool :) | 06:56 |
MrEgg964 | fireking3000: have you tried installing another guest - a linux distro - to see whether you had the same kind of issue? | 06:56 |
edbian_ | jasonbourne: Good! It usually starts with :"usage" which should explain how to run said app | 06:57 |
jasonbourne | i tried --help to | 06:57 |
edbian_ | or synopsis | 06:57 |
fireking3000 | I'll try it in a little do you know any small OS I can download real quick to test? | 06:57 |
jasonbourne | edbian; ok | 06:57 |
edbian_ | jasonbourne: Good night bud! | 06:57 |
MrEgg964 | puppylinux or dsl | 06:57 |
jasonbourne | edbian:ok thanks for the help | 06:58 |
lobf | hey guys | 06:58 |
lobf | anyone active? | 06:58 |
lobf | Can anyone give me an idea how to install poweriso for linux? | 06:59 |
boopiedoo | haerrrrrrruuuuuu :) hi im boopiedoo | 06:59 |
MrEgg964 | fireking3000: do you still have your XP guest that works fine? | 06:59 |
laymansnerd | i've tried gconf and didn't find anything | 06:59 |
shunobies | I think I've fixed it for some reason you can't use None for Appearance you have to use Normal or Nvidia get's board I guess | 06:59 |
shunobies | lol | 07:00 |
fireking3000 | No I formatted my whole drive with Ubuntu | 07:00 |
fireking3000 | But I am pretty sure it was set up the same way | 07:00 |
MrEgg964 | fireking3000: ...I was thinking maybe exporting the guest, but that is no longer an option. | 07:00 |
* boopiedoo asks can boopiedoo know which package was latest installed? i want to remove the last thing i installed - | 07:00 | |
iaindalton | lobf: http://www.poweriso.com/poweriso-1.3.tar.gz | 07:01 |
iaindalton | lobf: it probably has a README | 07:01 |
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lobf | i didn't see one in the tar.gz file | 07:02 |
lobf | just an executable | 07:02 |
lobf | i have been using linux for 5 minutes now, BTW | 07:02 |
lobf | I'm used to things installing themselves | 07:03 |
lobf | I don't know where to take it | 07:03 |
Travo18 | hello i am having trouble installing ubuntu | 07:03 |
MrEgg964 | fireking3000: back to the wiki... you only replace IFACE with eth0; you did not replace iface, right? | 07:03 |
infidel2s | my apt-get attempts to install something keep saying "Failted to fetch [myfile].deb. Could not resolve us.archive.ubuntu.com". What should i do? | 07:03 |
Warrigal | Travo18: can you be specific? | 07:03 |
lobf | you copy, iaindalton | 07:03 |
lobf | ? | 07:03 |
boopiedoo | infidel2 sudo apt-get update | 07:04 |
fireking3000 | o... I replaced iface | 07:04 |
k1en | hi , i just changed my dns server in resolv.conf - do i need to reboot ?/ | 07:04 |
fireking3000 | not IFACE | 07:04 |
iaindalton | lobf: I'll take a look at it | 07:04 |
MrEgg964 | fireking3000: ok, so you want to try that again then | 07:04 |
fireking3000 | Yeah | 07:04 |
fireking3000 | brb | 07:04 |
lobf | thanks man | 07:04 |
Alex_21 | Hi, all, | 07:04 |
Alex_21 | I can't figure out why php5 is not working on my server. It downloads the files rather than run them | 07:04 |
lobf | it says type poweriso -? for more info | 07:05 |
marcus | Compiz messes up my virtual desktops. Any way to get them to work right? Or should I ask in compiz? | 07:05 |
lobf | but type it into what?? | 07:05 |
Travo18 | ok well i go through the installation it starts comes up with a loading screen and then goes through with some text writing checking if things are ok and then all of a sudden my screens blacks out and come up and says out of range. | 07:05 |
infidel2s | boopiedoo i just ran that and it says 'W: failed to fetch ... could nto resolve' every site it showed | 07:05 |
Travo18 | i dont think it is anything to do with the installation because it seems more like a monitor issue | 07:05 |
Alex_21 | Can anyone help? Please | 07:05 |
k1en | Alex_21, i assume its permission problem | 07:06 |
boopiedoo | infidel2s could you pastebin your etc/apt/sources.list? | 07:06 |
k1en | Alex_21, how did you install php? | 07:06 |
Alex_21 | Sudo apt-get install php5 libapache-mod-php5 | 07:06 |
The_Warlock | how can i get lucida console font for ubuntu? | 07:06 |
iaindalton | lobf: put it in /usr/local/bin (see http://doc.mandrivalinux.com/MandrakeLinux/101/en/Command-Line.html/fhs-usr.html) | 07:06 |
boopiedoo | The_Warlock, if i am not mistaken that is a microsoft font | 07:07 |
boopiedoo | The_Warlock, so you have to install msttcorefonts | 07:07 |
Warrigal | Travo18: does it say that a particular thing is out of range? | 07:08 |
iaindalton | lobf: http://doc.mandrivalinux.com/MandrakeLinux/101/en/Command-Line.html/index.html is what I would consider the best general introduction to Linux, though it's a long read (but bookmark it and you can browse relevant topics at your leisure) | 07:08 |
Warrigal | That sure sounds like a bug of some sort. | 07:08 |
lobf | thanks dude | 07:08 |
Travo18 | no it comes up in a box like your contrast and all that comes up in and just says out of range | 07:08 |
The_Warlock | boopiedoo: its not provided with mstcorefonts | 07:08 |
iaindalton | lobf: it has some Mandrake/Mandriva-specific stuff, but most of it is universal. | 07:08 |
lobf | okay | 07:08 |
iaindalton | lobf: have you used a command line before? that's where you type poweriso -? | 07:08 |
lobf | once the file is there, what? | 07:08 |
lobf | add/remove programs? | 07:09 |
zaidka | can someone help me? my os is not very responsive and it stutters alot with xorg taking a big chunk of the cpu.. any idea? | 07:09 |
lobf | i've used a DOS command line... | 07:09 |
iaindalton | lobf: putting it in /usr/local/bin is manually installing it so you're bypassing the add/remove thing | 07:09 |
boopiedoo | The_Warlock http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=590796 | 07:09 |
lobf | okay | 07:09 |
lobf | do i put the tar.gz file in there? | 07:09 |
boopiedoo | !msttcorefonts | The_Warlock | 07:09 |
Warrigal | Travo18: so it sounds like it's the monitor telling you this, not the computer itself. | 07:09 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about msttcorefonts | 07:09 |
lobf | or the file inside of it? | 07:09 |
iaindalton | lobf: if you've used DOS you should be able to find your way around the linux command line too; it works basically the same | 07:10 |
infidel2s | boopiedoo oh duh, it's because i'm not connected to the internet. i'm using virtualbox and linux usually automatically connects to the internet, dunno why it's not or how to get it to | 07:10 |
lobf | okay | 07:10 |
Warrigal | Travo18: perhaps you could try using a different monitor? Does the "out of range" message look the same on this monitor, or different? | 07:10 |
lobf | did you see my previous question? | 07:10 |
iaindalton | lobf: my bad, forgot to tell you, .tar.gz is a common linux compression format, like .zip in Windows and .sit in Mac | 07:10 |
Travo18 | yes that is what i thought but i dont know why it would be doing this | 07:10 |
lobf | oh, okay | 07:10 |
boopiedoo | infidel2s i see, sorry i dunno much about virtualbox | 07:10 |
iaindalton | lobf: so download the .tar.gz, right-click, extract, then put the extracted file in /usr/local/bin | 07:11 |
=== root is now known as Guest31467 | ||
lobf | it's telling me i don't have permission... | 07:11 |
Alex_21 | How can I fix my Apache problems? | 07:11 |
om26er | how to mount a partition | 07:11 |
ice_cream | usually you want to put a link in bin stuff | 07:11 |
ice_cream | not necessarily the actual executable | 07:11 |
Alex_21 | Please | 07:11 |
lobf | "permission denied" | 07:12 |
fireking3000 | back MrEgg964 I did it correctly this time but here is the error, dnsmasq: failed to bind listening socket for fe80::e867:ceff:fed5:76f: Address already in use | 07:12 |
fireking3000 | Failed to bring up vbox0. | 07:12 |
iaindalton | lobf: OK you can gain administrator access and do it. here's how: | 07:12 |
Travo18 | i dont currently have another monitor to be able to test it on | 07:12 |
om26er | how to mount a drive | 07:12 |
om26er | disk | 07:12 |
iaindalton | lobf: open a terminal (Applications>Accessories>Terminal), | 07:12 |
Alex_21 | Thanks for your help | 07:12 |
Alex_21 | Good night | 07:12 |
Warrigal | Travo18: hmm, I'm looking around the Web for hints. | 07:12 |
lobf | mmmkay | 07:12 |
boopiedoo | Alex_21 for Apache concerns go to #apache | 07:12 |
ice_cream | why always the assumption of gnome here =( | 07:12 |
eternal_p | I'm trying to setup some remote printing...which I want the same user to be used globally for ssh over lpr... if I do a ssh user@host with the proper ssh key in authoized_keys everything works fine..if I do a ssh user:user@host then it prompts me for a password...what am I missing in my authoized_keys to allow for that? thanks | 07:13 |
chaseee | nuts | 07:13 |
chaseee | test | 07:13 |
chaseee | works | 07:13 |
iaindalton | lobf: change directory (the command is cd, like in DOS) to wherever you've saved poweriso (maybe ~/Desktop, which is your desktop folder) | 07:13 |
Travo18 | ok does anybody know if its possible to install onto a hard drive via another computer | 07:13 |
Warrigal | Travo18: how far can you get before the "out of range" message appears? | 07:13 |
MrEgg964 | fireking3000: how many network connections do you have on your system? | 07:13 |
lobf | yup | 07:13 |
boopiedoo | Travo18 like in a network? | 07:13 |
fireking3000 | 1 | 07:13 |
boopiedoo | 2 | 07:13 |
lobf | iaindalton: that's where the directory is at | 07:14 |
MrEgg964 | fireking3000: just eth0, wired? | 07:14 |
fireking3000 | Yes | 07:14 |
=== jabagawe` is now known as jabagawee | ||
iaindalton | lobf: the directory? you want the actual program file, so cd to wherever that is | 07:14 |
lobf | oh, okay | 07:14 |
Travo18 | warrigal: i will try it again and get back to you | 07:15 |
Warrigal | Travo18: it seems to be a problem with the computer's video settings; if it's possible to set those before the "out of range" message appears, you should be okay. | 07:15 |
lobf | cd desktop\poweriso ? | 07:15 |
lobf | like that? | 07:15 |
iaindalton | lobf: use a / instead of a \ | 07:15 |
MrEgg964 | fireking3000: i'm googling for your dnsmasq error | 07:15 |
fireking3000 | ok ill do the same | 07:16 |
iaindalton | lobf: like in a web address or on a Mac | 07:16 |
lobf | okay | 07:16 |
iaindalton | lobf: Windows is just contrary ;-) | 07:16 |
iaindalton | lobf: then type the command: sudo mv poweriso /usr/local/bin | 07:16 |
iaindalton | sudo runs the command with administrative priveleges, mv is the move command, poweriso the name of the file, /usr/local/bin the destination | 07:16 |
lobf | heh | 07:16 |
lobf | i'm not thre yet | 07:17 |
Travo18 | oh ok so its to do with video? | 07:17 |
MrEgg964 | fireking3000: http://lists.thekelleys.org.uk/pipermail/dnsmasq-discuss/2005q4/000475.html | 07:17 |
lobf | should i be typing something like cd desktop/poweriso? | 07:17 |
Travo18 | warrigal: it loads the kernel fine | 07:17 |
iaindalton | lobf: you need to capitalize Desktop most likely; most Linux filesystems are case-sensitive. otherwise, yes. | 07:17 |
lobf | or something like cd home/nick/desktop/poweriso? | 07:17 |
lobf | oh | 07:17 |
lobf | okaty | 07:17 |
Travo18 | warrigal:and then goes through the loading screen with the orange bar going backwards and forwards | 07:18 |
iaindalton | lobf: if you just opened the terminal, it starts you in your home folder so you only need Desktop/poweriso | 07:18 |
lobf | oh | 07:18 |
lobf | "Not a directory" | 07:18 |
lobf | oh | 07:18 |
lobf | i need a file extension maybe? | 07:18 |
iaindalton | type ls (list files) to see if there is a Desktop folder | 07:19 |
lobf | ah ha! | 07:19 |
lobf | I got it! | 07:19 |
Travo18 | warrigal:i have read that some people have experienced the same thing but it has worked to install it through safe graphics mode | 07:20 |
fireking3000 | MrEgg964: Where do I add "bind-interfaces" to inside that .conf file? | 07:20 |
MrEgg964 | fireking3000: that's what I'm looking at | 07:20 |
MrEgg964 | fireking3000: http://oss.segetech.com/intra/srv/dnsmasq.conf | 07:21 |
lobf | lost it | 07:21 |
fireking3000 | Replace mine with that? | 07:21 |
Travo18 | warrigal: its now at a loading please wait but has come up with information on running commands??? | 07:21 |
lobf | iaindalton: mv: cannot stat `poweriso': No such file or directory | 07:21 |
iaindalton | lobf: what directory are you in? | 07:22 |
MrEgg964 | fireking3000: no. Can you pastbin yours? | 07:22 |
lobf | Desktop/poweriso | 07:22 |
fireking3000 | yeah | 07:22 |
Warrigal | Travo18: perhaps you can use safe graphics mode, then, if that's possible. | 07:22 |
iaindalton | lobf: (the pwd command will tell you) | 07:22 |
fireking3000 | one sec | 07:22 |
lobf | the poweriso script came up | 07:22 |
iaindalton | lobf: what's the ls command show? | 07:22 |
lobf | home/nick | 07:22 |
marcus | Compiz messes up my virtual desktops. Any way to get them to work right? Or should I ask in compiz? | 07:22 |
Warrigal | Travo18: anyway, can you try to give me a better idea of where you are in the installation by telling me the major steps you've taken so far? | 07:23 |
lobf | ls? | 07:23 |
lobf | Desktop examples.desktop Pictures Templates | 07:23 |
lobf | Documents Music Public Videos | 07:23 |
iaindalton | lobf: like DOS's "dir" | 07:23 |
Travo18 | warrigal: ok so i have the cd to install i insert the cd | 07:23 |
* Warrigal nods | 07:23 | |
lobf | like that? | 07:23 |
iaindalton | lobf: you're still in your home directory, not the poweriso directory | 07:23 |
lobf | hm | 07:23 |
Travo18 | it loads up and comes up to the splash screen asking options of what you want to do | 07:23 |
iaindalton | lobf: type cd Desktop | 07:23 |
lobf | when i type poweriso -? the help stuff comes up | 07:24 |
iaindalton | lobf: oh, then you already moved it to /usr/local/bin? | 07:24 |
lobf | okay | 07:24 |
lobf | no | 07:24 |
Travo18 | i chose the first option which is start or install ubuntu | 07:24 |
lobf | it doesn't | 07:24 |
lobf | I typed cd Desktop | 07:24 |
swoody | Is there any way to extend a partition while it's mounted? | 07:24 |
fireking3000 | MrEgg964: http://pastebin.com/m1adfe900 | 07:24 |
iaindalton | ok, ls again and tell me if there's a poweriso folder | 07:24 |
lobf | now my directory reads differently | 07:24 |
lobf | i'm at my desktop | 07:24 |
Travo18 | warrigal: i chose the first option which is start or install ubuntu | 07:25 |
lobf | yes! | 07:25 |
iaindalton | ok, cd to that | 07:25 |
gogeta | lobf lol | 07:25 |
lobf | :D | 07:25 |
gogeta | lobf: fail | 07:25 |
Travo18 | warrigal: it then says that it loads the linux kernel | 07:25 |
lobf | hmmm. the tar.gz file is listed in ls, but not the executable | 07:26 |
MrEgg964 | fireking3000: try uncommenting line 103 | 07:26 |
Travo18 | warrigal: now it is on another splash screen with Ubuntu and a loading bar | 07:26 |
lobf | if i can move the compressed file, though, then i can extract it, right? | 07:26 |
MrEgg964 | fireking3000: can you also pastbin the result of : sudo iptables --list | 07:26 |
lobf | good one, gogeta | 07:26 |
iaindalton | lobf: didn't you already extract it? | 07:26 |
gogeta | lobf: LOL its like a zip file tar -zxf file.tar.gz | 07:26 |
lobf | yeah, i did | 07:26 |
fireking3000 | kk 1sec | 07:26 |
iaindalton | lobf: where to? | 07:26 |
lobf | desktop | 07:26 |
gogeta | lobf: you can also tab the filename | 07:26 |
lobf | wait | 07:27 |
lobf | i think i deleted it and forgot... my bad | 07:27 |
iaindalton | ok so the program file is on your desktop or a folder? | 07:27 |
lobf | hold on | 07:27 |
Warrigal | Travo18: sounds like you're getting close. | 07:27 |
iaindalton | ok | 07:27 |
gogeta | lobf: you can also rightclick and hit extract hear | 07:27 |
lobf | okay, so now i see it in ls | 07:27 |
lobf | poweriso | 07:27 |
lobf | i just type cd poweriso? | 07:28 |
iaindalton | yes | 07:28 |
gogeta | yep | 07:28 |
lobf | not a directory... | 07:28 |
gogeta | lobf: i bet you a new linux user :) | 07:28 |
lobf | dude | 07:28 |
lobf | like, 10 minutes | 07:28 |
iaindalton | lobf: are you sure it's a folder? does it have a folder icon when you look at your desktop? | 07:28 |
gogeta | not a dir maybe its a script is it green | 07:28 |
fireking3000 | MrEgg964: http://pastebin.com/m2aea7c44 | 07:29 |
lobf | yeah, it's bright green | 07:29 |
Warrigal | While I'm here, is it possible to set the system to be muted upon startup? | 07:29 |
lobf | poweriso is bright green | 07:29 |
fireking3000 | I also commented out line 103 | 07:29 |
ManuJS | Me voy, hasta otra | 07:29 |
Travo18 | warrigal: it finishes loading on that screen and then it comes up with text checking different things and saying ok to like like running | 07:29 |
iaindalton | lobf: that's the program. you want to install it system-wide by typeing sudo mv poweriso /usr/local/bin | 07:29 |
* Warrigal nods | 07:29 | |
Travo18 | warrigal: and then straight after that is when it bombs out and come up with the out of range screen | 07:29 |
MrEgg964 | fireking3000: ok, so now try to restart your network | 07:30 |
Ee_oO | hi, this is a snapshot of fvwm-crystal from the internet. http://www.linux.org/dist/reviews/images/fvwm-crystal.png i installed it on my unbuntu 9.04 by 'sudo apt-get install fvwm-crystal'. the problem is , at the left top of the desktop, where the main start menu shows up, there should be a 'quick start' menu, which holds firefox, pidgin, vim and something like that but, they never show up on my desktop, did i miss anything ? | 07:30 |
Warrigal | Travo18: I see. | 07:30 |
lobf | iaindalton: mv: cannot stat `poweriso': No such file or directory | 07:30 |
lobf | wait | 07:30 |
lobf | dammit | 07:30 |
gogeta | lobf: then just type poweriso | 07:30 |
lobf | it deleted it | 07:30 |
fireking3000 | k just did | 07:30 |
lobf | fucking ubuntu deleted it | 07:30 |
fireking3000 | Same error | 07:30 |
iaindalton | lobf: Now I'm confused | 07:30 |
fireking3000 | dnsmasq: failed to bind listening socket for fe80::e867:ceff:fed5:76f: Address already in use | 07:30 |
fireking3000 | Failed to bring up vbox0. | 07:30 |
lobf | me too | 07:31 |
Seito | hi! can anyone tell me how to replace one part of binary file (say first bytes) with the data from second file? | 07:31 |
lobf | hold on | 07:31 |
iaindalton | lobf: maybe it moved, not deleted, it? | 07:31 |
gogeta | lobf: mv moves the file go to where you moved it | 07:31 |
Travo18 | warrigal: so what is your ideas? | 07:31 |
lobf | oh man | 07:31 |
Warrigal | Travo18: I think we can figure out how to use safe graphics mode. | 07:31 |
iaindalton | lobf, type stat /usr/local/bin/poweriso | 07:31 |
Travo18 | warrigal: ok so i will start that up and get back to you | 07:31 |
Warrigal | Travo18: reboot, so that you go back to the menu you start off at. | 07:31 |
iaindalton | if it gives you a bunch of guacamole, instead of an error, you've successfully moved it | 07:31 |
Warrigal | Tell me what the menu items are. | 07:31 |
lobf | it went! | 07:31 |
nnookk | hello | 07:32 |
gogeta | yay | 07:32 |
unkmar | hexer | 07:32 |
lobf | I was expecting a confirmation for some reason | 07:32 |
boopiedoo | hello | 07:32 |
lobf | when i typed the command it just did it and i didn't notice | 07:32 |
gogeta | lobf: this isnt vista lol | 07:32 |
iaindalton | lobf: many commands don't. to be fair, DOS wouldn't either | 07:32 |
MrEgg964 | fireking3000: well, I don't know. | 07:32 |
fireking3000 | MrEgg964 I am about to try out Puppy Linux | 07:32 |
lobf | right | 07:32 |
lobf | which is why it is silly to expect it | 07:32 |
lobf | *shrug* | 07:32 |
iaindalton | lobf, so now you have poweriso installed | 07:32 |
gogeta | fireking3000: why puppy | 07:33 |
iaindalton | you can run it by typing poweriso | 07:33 |
lobf | I've been using diskpart a lot for the last few days and it tells you whenever anything happens | 07:33 |
lobf | so how do i run it? | 07:33 |
fireking3000 | Something real quick to download | 07:33 |
iaindalton | to view its help, type poweriso -? | 07:33 |
gogeta | heh | 07:33 |
Travo18 | warrigal: option one is start or install ubuntu | 07:33 |
fireking3000 | I wanted to see if the error was only related to windows and not virtualbox | 07:33 |
Travo18 | warrigal: option two is start ubuntu in safe graphics mode | 07:33 |
iaindalton | clearly a mixed metaphor. on windows, it would be /?. on linux, it should be -h. | 07:33 |
MrEgg964 | fireking3000: you may want to undo the changes you applied to your network, though. | 07:34 |
Travo18 | warrigal: option three is install with driver update cd | 07:34 |
net | i need some help regarding reconstructor for ubuntu intrepid ibex | 07:34 |
gogeta | Travo18: what you tryin to do | 07:34 |
Warrigal | Travo18: try the second option, safe graphics mode. | 07:34 |
lobf | hey iaindalton, thanks for all the help moving it | 07:34 |
lobf | but how do i run it now? | 07:34 |
Travo18 | warrigal: option four is OEM install ( for manufacturers) | 07:34 |
iaindalton | lobf: just type poweriso f, where f is a filename | 07:34 |
Warrigal | Travo18: go ahead and try the safe graphics mode option. | 07:35 |
nnookk | Somehow, alternate install iso doesn't work for me. I'm booting from a usb key, and in the course of installation it either tries to get on the network (and fails, not even asking me for interface and WEP details), or tries to find cdrom, and I don't have any. I simply want to install packages that are on the usb key already. I've got an additional copy of the very same installation .iso on both windows partition and on the usb key, just in | 07:35 |
fireking3000 | k but I'll keep on trying to see if I can get it done. | 07:35 |
Travo18 | warrigal: um ok so it is loading the kernel for that and is now at the same sort of loading screen as before | 07:35 |
iaindalton | lobf: for example, poweriso Desktop/foo.iso | 07:35 |
lobf | I have to use a terminal to operate poweriso? | 07:35 |
nnookk | There is no ifconfig and netcgf doesn't do anything remotely useful | 07:35 |
iaindalton | lobf: yes; their linux version is bare-bones | 07:35 |
gogeta | lobf i beleve so its not a gui app is it | 07:35 |
mobi-sheep | lobf: Are you trying to mount an iso (in linux)? | 07:35 |
lobf | yeah | 07:36 |
lobf | just trying to mount | 07:36 |
mobi-sheep | !iso | lobf | 07:36 |
ubottu | lobf: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. | 07:36 |
lobf | *sigh* | 07:36 |
gogeta | lol | 07:36 |
nnookk | So, any advice on alternate install on a netbook? | 07:37 |
mobi-sheep | lobf: "mkdir ~/Oven && sudo mount -o loop ~/Desktop/my-image.iso ~/Oven" | 07:37 |
MrEgg964 | fireking3000: gotta go. | 07:37 |
lobf | wtf | 07:37 |
MrEgg964 | fireking3000: good luck | 07:37 |
lobf | i don't want to use command lines on a regular basis... is this still what linux is about? | 07:37 |
mobi-sheep | lobf: Just change ~/Desktop/my-image.iso to the path your iso is on. Have fun. | 07:37 |
lobf | ^^^^ | 07:38 |
mobi-sheep | lobf: There are GUI for it. Let me find it. | 07:38 |
lobf | thanks | 07:38 |
Travo18 | warrigal: ok so it has finished loading and comes up checking things and says running boot scripts | 07:38 |
gogeta | mobi-sheep: would apt-get save him alot of work | 07:39 |
iaindalton | I have something called Archive Mounter. Not sure what you have to install to have it, but it works just like the Mac OS X .dmg mounter | 07:39 |
Seito | guys! please! I have two binary files. I need 512 bytes from the first file being replaced with 512 bytes from another file. how can I do this? | 07:39 |
fireking3000 | Well PuppyLinux didn't work so I guess it is Ubuntu and VirtualBox errors. | 07:39 |
mobi-sheep | gogeta: If he want the GUI front-end, sure. | 07:39 |
gogeta | mobi-sheep: new user id say so | 07:39 |
iaindalton | lobf: the reason I had you go to the command line was because you had to be administrator to move that file. Most things you can do with the GUI | 07:39 |
lobf | okay, i mean how do i run poweriso with a GUI? | 07:40 |
iaindalton | lobf: only the Windows version has a GUI. You can either use one of several methods of running a Windows program, or you can use a Linux program that does the same thing as Poweriso | 07:40 |
mobi-sheep | lobf: sudo aptitude install gmountiso --> It'll show up under Application --> System. | 07:40 |
Travo18 | warrigal: ok sorry i had a fuse trip on me and my computer got knocked out i have started again | 07:41 |
Warrigal | Travo18: hopefully, this will work like the installation before, except you won't get that "Out of range" thing. | 07:41 |
mobi-sheep | lobf: That will install GUI Mount ISO so you don't have to work with terminal. But I say terminal is more fun. | 07:41 |
iaindalton | lobf: before you install that, do this: right-click on an ISO and see if you can open it with a program called "Archive Mounter" | 07:41 |
iaindalton | if you have it, don't bother installing gmountiso. | 07:42 |
lobf | hahahaha | 07:42 |
lobf | archive mounter works fine | 07:42 |
lobf | jesus christ | 07:42 |
mobi-sheep | iaindalton: Oh that is excellent solution. I see that all times but I never realized it. ;3 | 07:42 |
hellochina | errr | 07:42 |
lobf | wait | 07:43 |
lobf | not exactly | 07:43 |
Travo18 | warrigal: nope it comes up with the same out of range as before | 07:43 |
lobf | hey | 07:43 |
lobf | what is a mount point? | 07:43 |
lobf | what is that asking me? | 07:43 |
iaindalton | what's it say? | 07:43 |
lobf | in gmount | 07:43 |
lobf | it asks for my iso | 07:43 |
lobf | and for a mount point | 07:43 |
Mike_lifeguard | lobf: the mount point is where in the filesystem hierarchy you want it to appear | 07:44 |
mobi-sheep | lobf: Mount point is a path where you want to put the iso in. Linux work in a single tree while Windows have their own C, D, E, G, J, etc. | 07:44 |
iaindalton | lobf: don't use gmount, it's not as nice as archive mounter | 07:44 |
Mike_lifeguard | !mount | 07:44 |
ubottu | mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount | 07:44 |
Warrigal | Travo18: ooh, that's not good. | 07:44 |
Warrigal | And this is when you boot using safe graphics mode? | 07:45 |
lobf | so I have to make a folder? | 07:45 |
Travo18 | warrigal: yeh | 07:45 |
iaindalton | lobf: if you use archive mounter it does it for you | 07:45 |
mobi-sheep | lobf: Make a folder "Oven" on Desktop and point to that. It'll show up under Oven. | 07:45 |
mobi-sheep | lobf: Otherwise, stick with Archive Mounter. It's automated. | 07:46 |
lobf | error | 07:46 |
Warrigal | Travo18: well, I don't think I can help you, unless you find another monitor or something. | 07:46 |
lobf | archive mounter doesn't do anything | 07:46 |
lobf | i thought it had | 07:46 |
lobf | but it hadn't | 07:46 |
Warrigal | Let me recap your problem to the channel so that hopefully someone else can help. | 07:46 |
Travo18 | warrigal: is there anyway to install on my PC via my laptop?? | 07:47 |
mobi-sheep | lobf: It didn't show up on Desktop? | 07:47 |
iaindalton | lobf: after opening it with archive mounter, does a disk show up on your desktop or in the places menu? | 07:47 |
* boopiedoo says give a man ubuntu and he will learn ubuntu. give a man slackware and he will learn linux | 07:47 | |
Warrigal | So, everyone, Travo18 is attempting to install Ubuntu, but before he gets to the point where X is loaded and he can see the install window, his monitor gives an "Out of range" error. | 07:47 |
lobf | i think i might have a scratched disk, as I'm getting an I/O error | 07:48 |
Warrigal | He's tried running the installation in safe graphics mode, but the same thing happens. | 07:48 |
Warrigal | This is as much as I've figured out. | 07:48 |
iaindalton | lobf: which program are you using now? | 07:48 |
lobf | archive mounter | 07:48 |
=== shunobies is now known as shunobies_away | ||
* shunobies_away is away: Gone away for now | 07:48 | |
Warrigal | Travo18: that sounds likely, but I myself don't know how to do it; there's a good chance someone else does. | 07:48 |
Warrigal | Good luck! | 07:49 |
lobf | just trying to get the file off the dvd and onto my desktop first | 07:49 |
iaindalton | I thought nothing happened. Now it's giving an error? Maybe your downloaded ISO is corrupt, but that wouldn't explain the sporadicity | 07:49 |
lobf | bam | 07:49 |
lobf | got it | 07:49 |
lobf | archive mounter | 07:49 |
lobf | you guys kick ass | 07:49 |
lobf | now i need to get fallout 2 running on this thing | 07:49 |
Mike_lifeguard | shunobies_away: kill the away message | 07:50 |
iaindalton | lobf: sorry you've had such a bumpy start. fallout 2 sounds even bumpier :-| | 07:50 |
lobf | heh | 07:50 |
lobf | with wine? | 07:50 |
iaindalton | it's so old, does it even run in vista? | 07:50 |
lobf | i figured an old game like thta might be okay | 07:50 |
Travo18 | warrigal: ahh if i was to create a partition on my laptop of ubuntu and then ghost that image to the drive in my pc do you reckon that that would then be able to load?? does ubuntu run the same way as windows? it just looks for particular files to boot? | 07:50 |
lobf | i think it runs in vista | 07:50 |
lobf | pretty sure | 07:50 |
mobi-sheep | Travo18: Try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" | 07:50 |
dsdeiz | there's a deb file already for google chrome? | 07:51 |
Travo18 | where am i typing this?? | 07:51 |
Mike_lifeguard | Travo18: Yes, you can copy the partitions over -- but there is some trick to it that I messed up and now I'm reinstalling | 07:51 |
iaindalton | lobf: once wine's installed, look here: http://www.winehq.org/search?cx=partner-pub-0971840239976722%3Aw9sqbcsxtyf&cof=FORID%3A10&ie=UTF-8&q=fallout+2#933 | 07:51 |
Travo18 | mobi-sheep: where am i typing this?? | 07:51 |
Mike_lifeguard | Travo18: Make sure you grab someone who can help you do it right. But yes, if you copy the filesystem, then all you need to do is update /boot/grub/menu.lst, fix GRUB itself, and fix /etc/fstab (or maybe more?) | 07:52 |
mobi-sheep | Travo18: In TTY. | 07:52 |
mobi-sheep | !tty | Travo18 | 07:52 |
ubottu | Travo18: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login). To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution. | 07:52 |
mobi-sheep | Travo18: Remember -- IMPORTANT -- CTRL + ALT + F7. | 07:52 |
iaindalton | lobf: it gets platinum rating, so it should work | 07:52 |
Travo18 | mobi-sheep: so do i type this in all or one of these or what | 07:53 |
Warrigal | mobi-sheep: so Travo18 can do the install like he's been doing, and then when the monitor displays "out of range", type ctrl + alt + F7? | 07:54 |
Warrigal | Er. | 07:54 |
Warrigal | Type ctrl + alt + F1 when that happens, and when he's doing with that, ctrl + alt + F7? | 07:54 |
dethray | whats a good frontend for lame when you're batch converting flac to mp3? | 07:54 |
=== [c0dr] is now known as qoodr | ||
gogeta | dethray: mencoder ffmeg | 07:55 |
dethray | Thanx | 07:55 |
gogeta | ffmpeg | 07:55 |
mobi-sheep | Warrigal: Yes. CTRL + ALT + (F1-F6) to get any tty terminal. Run the command. CTRL + ALT + F7 will return back to graphical X. | 07:55 |
gogeta | dethray: there text lol | 07:55 |
gogeta | fast thow | 07:55 |
Travo18 | mobi-sheep: how do i know that it has run?? | 07:56 |
Boohbah | gogeta, dethray: mencoder and ffmpeg are video encoders, not lame frontends | 07:56 |
dethray | That'll work. :) | 07:56 |
gogeta | Boohbah: they can do audio as well | 07:56 |
gogeta | using lame | 07:56 |
mobi-sheep | Travo18: If the command didn't display any error messages, then you'll know it work. You may get some configuration screen though. | 07:56 |
Travo18 | mobi-sheep: it has come up saying like loading hardware drivers and loading kernel module checking file systems is that what it is supposed to do | 07:57 |
gogeta | Travo18: err yes | 07:58 |
mobi-sheep | Travo18: It'll ask you configuration questions. Just answer them best to your knowledge then that is that. | 07:58 |
wolfgangkitn | gogeta | 07:58 |
wolfgangkitn | thats pimp | 07:58 |
danbhfive | Travo18: are you running 8.04? | 07:58 |
mobi-sheep | Travo18: Then go back to F7 and see if it does work. | 07:58 |
Travo18 | danbhfive: no its is like 7.10 i thing | 07:59 |
danbhfive | Travo18: 7.10? not 8.10? | 07:59 |
om26er | plz tell me is there any youtube player for ubuntu like totem' | 08:00 |
Travo18 | danbhfive: i have had this disc for about a year and a bit now but wanted to install again | 08:00 |
gogeta | om26er yes youtube | 08:00 |
gogeta | lol | 08:00 |
danbhfive | Travo18: why don't you upgrade? | 08:00 |
mobi-sheep | Travo18: We're at 9.04 now. | 08:00 |
=== MadMax is now known as Guest69112 | ||
Travo18 | danbhfive: yeh i understand that and if it doesnt work then i will how large is 9.04?? | 08:01 |
barbhero | can anyone tell me why my clock is running an hour fast? This is driving me nuts | 08:01 |
iaindalton | I'm trying to use prevu, but it fails. In the scrollback, I notice it can't check some gpg signature, cat reports a write error: Broken pipe, and dependency problems prevent configuration of pbuilder-satisfydepends-dummy. The last seems most likely the problem, since it recovered from the others. What can I do? | 08:01 |
om26er | gogeta plash player is very slow for me and totem was working good expect for the seeking thing | 08:02 |
gogeta | om26er youtube.com | 08:02 |
om26er | gogeta dumb | 08:02 |
mobi-sheep | Travo18: The chance is that you won't have any issues with X with 9.04. There were lot of configurations in the old day but almost everything works right away out of the box. 9.04 is around 700MB, I think. | 08:02 |
gogeta | om26er do you mean a flv player | 08:02 |
zeltak | hi, any one know of a good text expansion/replacement program for ubuntu (not autokey which is broken in jaunty)? | 08:02 |
om26er | gogeta a streaming software | 08:03 |
barbhero | can anyone help me with my system clock? | 08:03 |
gogeta | om26er vlc? | 08:03 |
Travo18 | mobi-sheep: i think it has finished but when i press ctrl+alt+f7 it sends me to a blank screen with a grey flashing cursor | 08:03 |
mobi-sheep | Travo18: It's easier and less time-consuming to do a clean install than upgrade, upgrade, upgrade. | 08:03 |
gogeta | om26er vlc can handel flv very well | 08:04 |
mobi-sheep | Travo18: What graphic card? Old machine? | 08:04 |
danbhfive | Travo18: I think its the same size... | 08:04 |
Travo18 | mobi-sheep: yeh it is a rather old computer | 08:04 |
mobi-sheep | Travo18: I suggest you grab a copy of 9.04 and test it out. More drivers + more hardware supports, etc etc. | 08:05 |
mobi-sheep | !7.10 | Travo18 | 08:05 |
ubottu | Travo18: Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 18th, 2009. See !eol and !upgrade for more details. | 08:05 |
mobi-sheep | Travo18: End of life. See? :3 | 08:05 |
[cert] | hi | 08:05 |
balzac | hello | 08:06 |
danbhfive | Travo18: at least upgrade to 8.04 | 08:06 |
[cert] | Will ubuntu support my ATI 4530 display card? Because last time I tried it it didn't and couldn't use the sound as well. | 08:06 |
[cert] | I tried 9.04, but with the older kernel. | 08:06 |
balzac | my eee pc is very sluggish. I'm trying to trouble shoot it. The problem is most often with firefox freezing up. | 08:06 |
gogeta | Travo18: ubuntu system regs havent gone up sence 7.04 in fact 9.04 is faster | 08:06 |
Travo18 | i have just started download of 9.04 | 08:07 |
danbhfive | balzac: are you using the major.org kernel? or whatever the site is? | 08:07 |
balzac | maybe i'll ask in firefox... | 08:07 |
balzac | danbhfive: well it's easy peasy | 08:07 |
Ibrahim | Hi all | 08:07 |
balzac | which is ubuntu which has been a bit modified for eee pcs | 08:08 |
danbhfive | balzac: mk, that has the kernel | 08:08 |
[cert] | Any ideas? | 08:08 |
fireking3000 | In Virtualbox 2.2.4 I can't get my Guest OS to connect to the internet. I am running Ubuntu 9.04 | 08:08 |
balzac | yeah, it doesn't perform anywhere near like it's supposed to | 08:08 |
Ibrahim | I want to ask simple question on ubuntu operartion system | 08:08 |
danbhfive | balzac: maybe try eeebuntu. I personally liked it better | 08:08 |
barbhero | how can i find out what version of ubuntu i'm running? | 08:08 |
[cert] | fireking3000: make sure the correct network settings are chosen from vbox settings. | 08:08 |
danbhfive | barbhero: maybe: lsb_release -a | 08:08 |
balzac | makes me wonder if intel is talking up their processors performance with a bunch of marketing babble | 08:08 |
inflex | fireking3000: try #vbox | 08:09 |
gogeta | danbhfive: yea eeebuntu has all the tweaks set aruldy | 08:09 |
mobi-sheep | !welcome | Ibrahim | 08:09 |
ubottu | Ibrahim: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel. | 08:09 |
barbhero | danbhfive: that did it nicely | 08:09 |
inflex | fireking3000: they'll have some information for you. | 08:09 |
mobi-sheep | Ibrahim: Go and and ask. :3 | 08:09 |
fireking3000 | I did Inflex no one talks there :/ | 08:09 |
fireking3000 | I've been trying for the past hour | 08:09 |
inflex | fireking3000: sometimes you just have to wait a bit longer - else there's the forums | 08:09 |
balzac | i have a fast computer at work, but the browser's buffer is choppy when scrolling | 08:09 |
[cert] | barbhero: you'll find "about" button in one of the menues. | 08:09 |
danbhfive | balzac: well, the processor is designed to be super low power. Its 2.5 watts compared to like 50 watts of a normal cpu | 08:09 |
balzac | i want things to be smooth and responsive like a cold mountain stream | 08:10 |
gogeta | danbhfive: i tryed 9.04 netbook remix and all it did was run out of memery lockup and qlan random deaths | 08:10 |
gogeta | danbhfive: no issus with eeebuntu | 08:10 |
iaindalton | 50W?! mine's like 95 o.O | 08:10 |
gogeta | iaindalton: 32w hehe | 08:10 |
balzac | danbhfive: that's the problem with the way the cpu industry sells performance as measured by GHz | 08:10 |
balzac | it's no longer a clear indicator of performance | 08:11 |
danbhfive | gogeta: yeah, not a fan of UNR either. plus, for me, I like to have the regular interface.. | 08:11 |
balzac | also, you get lazy programmers using RAD tools that devour memory | 08:11 |
gogeta | iaindalton: atom low power gotta love it | 08:11 |
danbhfive | balzac: dude, that happened 5-10 years ago. Way back when ATI made a name for itself | 08:11 |
iaindalton | 145 according to PSUCalc | 08:11 |
iaindalton | dayumn | 08:11 |
balzac | danbhfive: it's driving me up the wall because I've become obsessed with responsiveness above all else | 08:12 |
gogeta | danbhfive: thats not the atom being choppy its the slow ss most nwtbooks have | 08:12 |
balzac | I used to nearly have an anyurism when my winmodem would hang the whole computer pendind some network process | 08:12 |
rww | !ot | 08:13 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 08:13 |
gogeta | ssd' | 08:13 |
danbhfive | balzac: well, ff is slow on ubuntu anyway. I think they are trying to fix that for the next release of ubuntu | 08:13 |
balzac | yeah, so I should get smarter and compile stuff myself | 08:13 |
rww | danbhfive: That's a problem with Firefox on Linux, not Ubuntu. | 08:13 |
iaindalton | I thought SSDs were faster than HDDs? | 08:13 |
fireking3000 | they are | 08:14 |
gogeta | lantay77: faster read not wright | 08:14 |
balzac | I just want to know when my browser won't scroll, what is the responsible code that has eaten up all my resources? | 08:14 |
balzac | or when a page won't render | 08:15 |
danbhfive | rww: fair enough, though, I think its going to be fixed in the ubuntu-verse? Anyway, I really don't know | 08:15 |
balzac | i need to get smarter about this | 08:15 |
gogeta | balzac: lazy webdev | 08:15 |
balzac | i waste too much time | 08:15 |
balzac | gogeta: that too | 08:15 |
balzac | but there's something deeper here. | 08:16 |
danbhfive | balzac: add the resource monitor to your taskbar. For me, that indicates a bit of whats going on, cpu? memory? HDD access? | 08:16 |
om26er | how o mount a partition | 08:16 |
[cert] | Why didn't my 9.04 didn't give me the live option? | 08:16 |
balzac | yeah, i use the top command, i look at log files when working on server optimization | 08:16 |
balzac | i figured there'd be a surplus of cpu power by now, but programmers have consumed it all | 08:17 |
balzac | i also tried the iotop command | 08:17 |
gogeta | balzac: why optmise when you can be lazy | 08:17 |
om26er | how to mount | 08:17 |
balzac | where did all my awesome power go? this is 1.6 GHz CPU and 2GB RAM and SSD memory. | 08:17 |
balzac | you know what? | 08:18 |
gogeta | balzac: just as bad as game devs and a new video crd every year do to bs pixel shaders | 08:18 |
balzac | it has to be social issues at work | 08:18 |
KasdK | Im getting some horizontal black lines on my screen. Amazingly distracting anyone know whats up? | 08:18 |
balzac | everyone's competing for resources when they should be cooperating | 08:18 |
fireking3000 | 1.6 GHz cpu :/ is it a duo core? | 08:18 |
om26er | how to mount a partition | 08:18 |
balzac | Microsoft needs to fix their attitudes | 08:18 |
balzac | that's the bottom line | 08:18 |
balzac | they're the weakest link | 08:19 |
rww | !ot | balzac | 08:19 |
ubottu | balzac: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 08:19 |
balzac | alright, i'm done | 08:19 |
balzac | this was spontaneous though | 08:19 |
balzac | not planned as a rant | 08:19 |
gogeta | lol | 08:19 |
balzac | </rant> | 08:19 |
om26er | microsoft got to hell | 08:19 |
KasdK | The black lines are up in my grill yo | 08:19 |
danbhfive | balzac: easy up on the tangents, you should take it to offtopic. It looks like your problems are too much out of the norm (for better or worse) | 08:19 |
gogeta | .rant | 08:19 |
gogeta | lol | 08:19 |
danbhfive | *arn't too much | 08:19 |
fireking3000 | balzac: you said 1.6 GHz CPU. is it a duo core? | 08:20 |
balzac | yep | 08:20 |
om26er | its atomm | 08:20 |
om26er | how to mount a partition | 08:20 |
balzac | sometimes it's snappy, so I know there's a lot more power available than I'm getting | 08:20 |
om26er | tell meeee] | 08:20 |
KasdK | ...black lines? | 08:20 |
balzac | there's just not enough data moving around or computation happening to cost this much | 08:21 |
danbhfive | !mount | om26er | 08:21 |
ubottu | om26er: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount | 08:21 |
gogeta | balzac: i told you the slow ssd makes that happon also the relly relly underlocked gma | 08:21 |
KasdK | horizontal black lines | 08:21 |
KasdK | flickering with colours | 08:22 |
KasdK | I see blue and green | 08:22 |
=== [cert] is now known as juxbox | ||
juxbox | which gives less trouble and problems ubuntu or xbuntu? | 08:22 |
balzac | I'm going to follow this line of inquiry into FF | 08:23 |
gogeta | juxbox: they all do | 08:23 |
juxbox | lol | 08:23 |
iaindalton | juxbox: I'm with gogeta | 08:24 |
balzac | this also happens on my workstation at the office, which is a modern desktop | 08:24 |
juxbox | iaindalton: what's that? | 08:24 |
balzac | not a netbook | 08:24 |
juxbox | ohh ok | 08:24 |
juxbox | so which would you recommend? | 08:25 |
gogeta | balzac: i blamme microsoft somehow | 08:25 |
balzac | web pages are getting bigger | 08:25 |
iaindalton | juxbox: a guy in this channel ;-) | 08:25 |
bazhang | gogeta balzac please chat in #ubuntu-offtopic | 08:25 |
balzac | ok | 08:25 |
newlinux | How do I display the data currently processed / kept in processor ? (suggestions on online reading?; I am interested in reversed enginering of the functioning of the computer I have) | 08:26 |
gogeta | juxbox: there just ubuntu with diffrent windows managers | 08:26 |
gogeta | juxbox: take your pick | 08:26 |
gogeta | juxbox: xbunter does use a smnaller faster windows manager xfce | 08:27 |
iaindalton | newlinux: run a program in a debugger | 08:27 |
gogeta | juxbox: but if your pcs decent it whont make mutch of a perforance diffrence | 08:28 |
DigitalKiwi | you can change your window manager in ubuntu :/ | 08:28 |
gogeta | that to | 08:28 |
iaindalton | gogeta: it's more than the window manager. that's such a small thing. | 08:28 |
gogeta | or install all 3 if you wish | 08:28 |
DigitalKiwi | awesome is great, openbox is nice after that | 08:28 |
iaindalton | it's the application suite | 08:28 |
DigitalKiwi | i use my window manager more than any other app | 08:28 |
DigitalKiwi | it's the first thing that starts! | 08:28 |
gogeta | DigitalKiwi: real men use bash | 08:29 |
DigitalKiwi | zsh ftw | 08:29 |
DigitalKiwi | also | 08:29 |
labo4g | hi | 08:29 |
iaindalton | eshell represent | 08:29 |
DigitalKiwi | we just did this in C++ (a real men thing) | 08:30 |
DigitalKiwi | it ended with 02:18 < fow> Real men kill every person who says something like "Real men <verb>..." | 08:30 |
DigitalKiwi | then everyone died :( | 08:30 |
labo4g | i've got a problem, i would like to add some color in my kernel messages (in /var/log/syslog) | 08:30 |
labo4g | but the color code \033[%im does not works | 08:30 |
iaindalton | labo4g: just don't use regular expressions. then you'll have two problems. | 08:30 |
labo4g | it print ^[[30m | 08:30 |
newlinux | iaindalton: Interest is initially in observing the os functioning and the computer itself; suggestions on info sources? | 08:30 |
labo4g | instead of changing the color | 08:31 |
labo4g | iaindalton, what do you mean ? | 08:31 |
labo4g | iaindalton, in C | 08:31 |
iaindalton | newlinux: read the source? | 08:31 |
iaindalton | labo4g: a joke | 08:31 |
gogeta | lol read the kernel souce it will only take years | 08:31 |
unkmar | labo4g: is that when you cat the text? | 08:31 |
labo4g | unkmar, when i tail it yes | 08:31 |
labo4g | i tail -f /var/log/syslog | 08:32 |
QAH | Is there any prerequisite software you must install before calling sudo apt-get tomcat6 | 08:32 |
=== labo4g is now known as nameless` | ||
QAH | to insyall tomcat | 08:32 |
iaindalton | labo4g: you're using C to parse your logs? is this a full-on app or a quick-and-dirty thing? | 08:32 |
raylu | newlinux: strace may be of interest | 08:32 |
unkmar | labo4g: of course when you tail it. tail doesn't interpret the codes. | 08:32 |
raylu | QAH: preferably, you have already lost your sanity so there's no risk | 08:32 |
nameless` | iaindalton, unkmar no i use C to printk my message | 08:32 |
gogeta | raylu: ?? | 08:32 |
nameless` | unkmar, yeah, that was i expected to | 08:32 |
raylu | ? | 08:33 |
QAH | ?? | 08:33 |
gogeta | raylu: i thought that only applyed to vista users | 08:33 |
nameless` | unkmar, maybe we can redirect the flow to the entry standard :) | 08:33 |
nameless` | unkmar, kind of hack | 08:33 |
nameless` | ugly ^_^ | 08:33 |
trux2fe | Are there sandboxes for ubuntu? | 08:33 |
raylu | i think i'd rather use vista than maintain a tomcat installation | 08:33 |
raylu | trux2fe: sandboxes for what? | 08:33 |
gogeta | outch | 08:33 |
trux2fe | raylu: to limit access or separate some applications from the OS. | 08:34 |
QAH | I tried installing tomcat and it threw a ton of errors while installing | 08:34 |
raylu | QAH: sorry, just remembering how painful getting jsp to work was. no, there isn't any prequisite, but getting it to a usable state usually involves an apache proxy | 08:34 |
raylu | QAH: can you show us those errors? | 08:34 |
QAH | Something about ca certificates | 08:35 |
bobbyyu | OK guys, I'm going to hate myself for asking this question: how can I get Synaptic to "Download Only?" | 08:35 |
raylu | trux2fe: that's the wrong approach. give in to the bad design, get your work done, and get out :P | 08:35 |
raylu | bobbyyu: no idea, but "aptitude download" will wor | 08:35 |
raylu | k | 08:35 |
nameless` | unkmar, do you have another idea ? | 08:35 |
bobbyyu | Thank you, I guess. | 08:35 |
QAH | i was able to install it on another machine but i first installed ca-certificates-java | 08:36 |
=== BigWang is now known as control | ||
control | hi is there a way I can work in gnome without a mouse? | 08:36 |
QAH | What are some ways to make web services/applications for linux? | 08:37 |
QAH | I know ASP.net for window | 08:37 |
raylu | QAH: we can't really help you with tomcat if you're not specific. that being said, if you have option of not using it, highly recommend you consider a tradional LAMP stack for your web services/apps | 08:37 |
raylu | ASP runs... sort of. there's so mono integration with apache | 08:38 |
unkmar | QAH: php, perl, c, really long list of options. | 08:38 |
danbhfive | QAH: look up cms s | 08:38 |
raylu | but i wouldn't want to open that can of worms if i could avoid it either | 08:38 |
raylu | *there's some mono integration with apache | 08:38 |
DigitalKiwi | unkmar: i love how you started with the bad choices | 08:38 |
unkmar | nameless`: nope, I haven't another idea. :( | 08:38 |
DigitalKiwi | now give some good ones | 08:39 |
raylu | nameless`: try a different syslog daemon | 08:39 |
unkmar | DigitalKiwi: I don't see how those are bad choices. Matter of preference and needed speed. | 08:39 |
DigitalKiwi | for web dev? come on | 08:39 |
raylu | there are no good choices for web dev, only less painful ones | 08:39 |
unkmar | I agree with raylu | 08:39 |
unkmar | there is no single correct choice for web dev. | 08:40 |
DigitalKiwi | kepler is in lua and is supposed to be decent, <3 lua but neve rused kepler | 08:40 |
chilli0 | Hello. | 08:40 |
Guest78929 | <3 | 08:40 |
raylu | no, that's not what i'm saying | 08:40 |
raylu | i agree with DigitalKiwi :P. all the choices are bad | 08:40 |
WinterWeaver | When I go System >> Administration >> Hardware Drivers ... the app does not open. When trying to open it in the terminal, I get this: AttributeError: 'Backend' object has no attribute 'handlers' | 08:40 |
DigitalKiwi | heard some good things about django and some less good things about rails... | 08:41 |
unkmar | I've done stuff in recent time that was c, perl, php, and sql. Of course they require some, javascript, html, and css. We managed to avoid flash & java. | 08:41 |
chilli0 | Im having some issues with sound , im a noob so not sure how to do much . The sound is playing out my laptop speakers when i have head phones in i read online but nothing helped. | 08:41 |
DigitalKiwi | c for web dev sounds like it would be a royal pita :/ not that it's a joy to use anyway, but it's a low level systems language not really designed or even that suitable for web dev imo :/ | 08:42 |
WinterWeaver | django is my preferred choice ^_^ | 08:42 |
WinterWeaver | well... anything python except for Zope O.o | 08:43 |
chilli0 | WinterWeaver: Have you tryed Circuits? | 08:43 |
DigitalKiwi | tried python it's not bad i just prefer lua :/ | 08:43 |
unkmar | well, top down. the php pulled the data from the SQL that had been supplied by the perl that was calling the c code that interfaced the data device. | 08:43 |
bazhang | please take all programming chat to #ubuntu-offtopic | 08:44 |
chilli0 | Im having some issues with sound , im a noob so not sure how to do much . The sound is playing out my laptop speakers when i have head phones in i read online but nothing helped. | 08:44 |
iaindalton | How can I find the .desktop file that represents a program in the "Open With" contextual menu in Nautilus? | 08:44 |
WinterWeaver | chilli0 link to circuits? dunno what it is | 08:45 |
DigitalKiwi | did you try updatedb; locate -i program | 08:45 |
DigitalKiwi | sudo updatedb* | 08:45 |
chilli0 | k sure , http://trac.softcircuit.com.au/circuits/wiki . Its even driven really nice and fast. | 08:46 |
iaindalton | DigitalKiwi: if you're addressing me, yes. | 08:46 |
Halabund | It seems that GNOME won't let me add more than 4 keyboard layouts ... Why? Is there an easy way around this? I need to type in more than 4 langauges ... | 08:46 |
DigitalKiwi | i was and i dunno then | 08:46 |
supreme | iaindalton: the desktop files are located under ~/.local/share/applications | 08:46 |
iaindalton | the app in question is Archive Mounter, but I'm searching for a general answer to the question for future reference as well | 08:46 |
raylu | Halabund: seems to be a known bug | 08:47 |
raylu | iaindalton: i don't think it's a .desktop file | 08:47 |
Halabund | raylu: I hope they fix it in the next release :/ | 08:47 |
iaindalton | supreme: find ~/.local/share/applications -iname "archive*mounter" returns no results. same for /usr/share/applications etc | 08:48 |
chilli0 | Im having some issues with sound , im a noob so not sure how to do much . The sound is playing out my laptop speakers when i have head phones in i read online but nothing helped. | 08:48 |
raylu | Halabund: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/x11proto-core/+bug/56912 | 08:48 |
iaindalton | raylu: aren't all apps in the "open with" menu .desktop files? | 08:48 |
supreme | iaindalton: if you know where you installed the application, you could just create a shorcut (.desktop file) for it | 08:49 |
raylu | Halabund: from what i gather with a quick skim, the issue is with X | 08:49 |
=== daurn is now known as daurnimator | ||
raylu | iaindalton: honestly, i don't know. i barely touch gnome past the panel and the terminal. just if it were me designing it, i wouldn't use .desktop files | 08:49 |
iaindalton | supreme: I'm trying to find the .desktop file that represents the app. I don't know the command name, just that it's called Archive Mounter | 08:49 |
raylu | !archive | 08:50 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about archive | 08:50 |
raylu | !tar | 08:50 |
ubottu | Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression | 08:50 |
raylu | file-roller may be what you're after | 08:50 |
raylu | wait, archive mounter? | 08:50 |
Halabund | Another question: in Windows, I can set different shortcut keys for switching to each keyboard layout. I use 5, so just cycling between them is quite inconvenient. Is this possible in Ubuntu? What is the right command for switching to a particular layout in Gnome? | 08:50 |
Weust` | Halabund: can you play with loadkeys ? | 08:51 |
Weust` | don't know if that works in Gnome... | 08:51 |
wolfgangkitn | damn | 08:51 |
wolfgangkitn | i bet this is a super n00b question | 08:51 |
wolfgangkitn | how come i cant login to mysql serveer | 08:52 |
Weust` | wolfgangkitn: how do you login? console or trough phpMyAdmin | 08:52 |
wolfgangkitn | acosta@eeepc:~/Desktop$ mysql -u root | 08:52 |
wolfgangkitn | ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) | 08:52 |
danbhfive | !shortcuts | Halabund | 08:52 |
ubottu | Halabund: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts | 08:52 |
wolfgangkitn | im jjust barely setting it up | 08:52 |
Weust` | wolfgangkitn: add -p | 08:52 |
wolfgangkitn | oh ok | 08:52 |
Weust` | (-p == prompt for passwd) | 08:52 |
wolfgangkitn | yeah i knew it was something simple | 08:53 |
wolfgangkitn | haha thanks | 08:53 |
Weust` | np | 08:53 |
wolfgangkitn | have you ever used inkscape? | 08:53 |
raylu | Halabund: also, setxkbmap may help you | 08:53 |
unkmar | I have. | 08:53 |
supreme | iaindalton: try searching for the app in commonly used locations (/usr/bin /bin, etc) | 08:54 |
unkmar | I used inkscape when creating some custom keyboards for onscreen. | 08:54 |
iaindalton | supreme: I don't know the filename of the command, and locate -i "archive*mounter" returns no results | 08:54 |
unkmar | strangely, i found it easier to edit the text in vim. | 08:55 |
unkmar | iaindalton: apropos command | 08:55 |
Halabund | raylu: I just tried setxkbmap, but it seems to break the gnome layout switching, and layouts are no more local to windows | 08:55 |
supreme | iaindalton: try find / archive* | 08:55 |
un|matrix | what is the normal latency of a pulseaudio sink supposed to be? (noone answering on #pulseaudio) | 08:56 |
iaindalton | unkmar: no dice. supreme: thousands of dice. | 08:56 |
fireking3000 | Anyone here? | 08:57 |
unkmar | yeah, I sorta noticed that when I tried it. :( | 08:57 |
iaindalton | isn't there a general solution? I know the exact name of the program in the context menu, surely that text must reside in a file in a certain place? | 08:57 |
unkmar | fireking3000: no, we all went to a party last saturday night. | 08:57 |
unkmar | just kidding. | 08:57 |
unkmar | iaindalton: it does. | 08:58 |
raylu | iaindalton: the general solution is grep -r :D | 08:58 |
Halabund | danbhfive: I do know where to change keyboard shortcuts. What I don't know is what is a GNOME-friendly command for switching to a specific keyboard layout ... | 08:58 |
unkmar | iaindalton: drag drop to desktop, right click, properties. see what it launches. | 08:58 |
redsoxking | Hello | 08:58 |
redsoxking | Is there anyway to put Thunderbird on my top panel | 08:59 |
raylu | Halabund: you could set up some shortcuts for setxkbmap, abandom gnome's kb layout switcher, and just deal with the layouts not being local to a window | 08:59 |
raylu | redsoxking: right-click, add applet, application launcher... something like that. | 08:59 |
iaindalton | raylu: on /? unkmar: can't drag and drop something from a contextual menu | 08:59 |
raylu | iaindalton: in .gnome* | 09:00 |
unkmar | iaindalton: context menu. oops. my bad. | 09:00 |
wolfgangkitn | i was installing phpmyadmin | 09:00 |
raylu | ~/.gnome*, i mean | 09:00 |
wolfgangkitn | sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-auth-mysql php5-mysql phpmyadmin | 09:00 |
unkmar | iaindalton: raylu is right. it'll be listed in there some where. | 09:00 |
wolfgangkitn | doing that | 09:00 |
wolfgangkitn | but i messed up somewher ein there | 09:00 |
wolfgangkitn | how can i whipe out everything | 09:00 |
redsoxking | raylu: I did that but it is not listed | 09:00 |
wolfgangkitn | and try it again | 09:00 |
raylu | unkmar, iaindalton: unless it's system-wide :P | 09:00 |
iaindalton | .gnome*? those folders have my preferences for gnome apps, right? | 09:00 |
raylu | redsoxking: what isn't listed? in which menu? | 09:01 |
raylu | iaindalton: and general configuration about gnome | 09:01 |
un|matrix | wolfgangkitn: sudo apt-get remove --purge libapache2-mod-auth-mysql php5-mysql phpmyadmin | 09:01 |
redsoxking | raylu: when u right click and select add to panel the app isn't listed | 09:01 |
raylu | redsoxking: is the app listed in applications > internet? | 09:01 |
wolfgangkitn | got it | 09:02 |
wolfgangkitn | yeah | 09:02 |
redsoxking | raylu: yes, I just want it on my panel | 09:02 |
wolfgangkitn | i got it sorry i was foing that but i was jsut geetting the wrong passworf | 09:02 |
wolfgangkitn | noob | 09:02 |
raylu | redsoxking: how did you install thunderbird? | 09:02 |
bazhang | redsoxking, do you see thunderbird in your internet menu | 09:02 |
iaindalton | but archive mounter is just a program installed somewhere on my PC. grep finds nothing. | 09:02 |
redsoxking | raylu: through the add/remove | 09:02 |
iaindalton | I'm giving up on this for now. Thanks for the sounding board. | 09:02 |
bazhang | redsoxking, you see it there? | 09:03 |
raylu | bazhang: 03:00:24 raylu> redsoxking: is the app listed in applications > internet? | 09:03 |
raylu | bazhang: 03:00:45 redsoxking> raylu: yes, I just want it on my panel | 09:03 |
bazhang | raylu, thanks | 09:03 |
redsoxking | bazhang, raylu: I just figured it out thank you | 09:03 |
unkmar | iaindalton: i'll probalby find it in 5 minutes. | 09:03 |
bazhang | redsoxking, right click the icon in menu (add to panel) | 09:03 |
iaindalton | I'll still be in-channel if you have a flash of inspiration | 09:04 |
redsoxking | bazhang, raylu: sorry guys I've only had ubuntu for 2 weeks, first timer with linux, never going back to windows | 09:04 |
bazhang | redsoxking, I never knew that one til just now :) just trial and error | 09:05 |
iaindalton | redsoxking: are you an artistic type? | 09:05 |
bazhang | iaindalton, what are you trying to do with the 'open with' | 09:06 |
redsoxking | iaindalton: YES BIG TIME | 09:06 |
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iaindalton | redsoxking: great; maybe you can help fix the Free Software disease that is bad UI design :P | 09:06 |
wolfgangkitn | i think i installed it wrong | 09:07 |
iaindalton | bazhang: I'm trying to find the name of the command that gets run when I choose that option | 09:07 |
wolfgangkitn | phpmyadmin | 09:07 |
wolfgangkitn | how do i get to in localhost/phpmyadmin | 09:07 |
wolfgangkitn | i think i mdae and error while installing it | 09:07 |
redsoxking | <iaindalton> I dont know what u mean | 09:07 |
wolfgangkitn | didnt set it up to wokr with apache | 09:08 |
iaindalton | redsoxking: there are lots of badly designed linux apps | 09:08 |
raylu | wolfgangkitn: need more details | 09:08 |
wolfgangkitn | i just installed lamp | 09:08 |
Aacron | Hey everyone. My question for th emoment is that I've noticed ubuntu mounts things different from other distros (media? wth?) and I'm wondering if there is a way I can make /media go away and use /mnt, or if that is a pain, then how to make it where if ubuntu mounts something in media it also exists in mnt? | 09:08 |
wolfgangkitn | after doing this to set up phpmyadmin | 09:08 |
ndy40 | guys my gnome settings daemon is acting up and so my screen resolution is down somethings aren't walking. | 09:08 |
redsoxking | iaindalton: well Im new to this so I wouldn't know were to start, ubuntu for 2 weeks thats it | 09:09 |
wolfgangkitn | sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-auth-mysql php5-mysql phpmyadmin | 09:09 |
raylu | Aacron: ln -s /media /mnt? | 09:09 |
ndy40 | it promised to restart setting daemons when i login but no action done yet | 09:09 |
Aacron | it sfrustrating to have to check two different places for one mounted drive | 09:09 |
Aacron | whats that raylu ? | 09:09 |
raylu | Aacron: the idea is for media to be removable drives and /mnt to be permanant things | 09:09 |
raylu | Aacron: that's a symlink | 09:09 |
wolfgangkitn | i messed up in the initial set up | 09:09 |
Aacron | oh. well its mounting my backup drive in media :| | 09:09 |
iaindalton | redsoxking: all I'm saying is, linux needs more artistic types. it has a glut of "power users" who don't care about how things look. | 09:09 |
raylu | wolfgangkitn: again, tell us what's going on. what do you see at localhost/phpmyadmin? | 09:09 |
wolfgangkitn | and i tried to remove it | 09:09 |
Aacron | its a permenant drive :-/ | 09:10 |
raylu | Aacron: yeah... i don't like it myself. which is why i went and edited my fstab | 09:10 |
Jimi_Neutral | Hi I have been using dd with the help of someone, I need to be abl to carry on and retrieve some data, can anyone help me....I am up to the bit just after copying and then running it | 09:10 |
unkmar | iaindalton: are you just trying to mount an iso? | 09:10 |
redsoxking | iaindalton: I only understand 5% of the terminal so far but I'll look into it | 09:10 |
wolfgangkitn | Not Found | 09:10 |
wolfgangkitn | The requested URL /phpmyadmin was not found on this server. | 09:10 |
wolfgangkitn | Apache/2.2.11 (Ubuntu) PHP/5.2.6-3ubuntu4.1 with Suhosin-Patch Server at localhost Port 80 | 09:10 |
Aacron | fstab... erm filesystem (tab?) :P | 09:10 |
unkmar | Aacron: filesystem table. | 09:10 |
wolfgangkitn | i dont think i set it up corectly it asked me to set it up with apache2 and something else i accident ly skipped it | 09:10 |
iaindalton | unkmar: no; I'm trying to solve the general problem of "how do I find the command that is run when I open a file with something in the contextual menu?" | 09:11 |
dsdeiz | how do you find the dev release of chrome? you guys using it? :S | 09:11 |
chilli0 | Im having some issues with sound , im a noob so not sure how to do much . The sound is playing out my laptop speakers when i have head phones in i read online but nothing helped. | 09:11 |
raylu | Aacron: indeed. i would never have guessed myself, always read it as f-stab until i was enlightened. /etc/fstab controls what gets mounted at boot-time and by "mount -a" | 09:11 |
Aacron | kk so it will stop ubuntu from mounting things in /media? | 09:11 |
raylu | wolfgangkitn: dpkg-reconfigure phpmyadmin may help you | 09:11 |
Aacron | woudlnt' really mind it if it restricted itself to floppy and cdrom *only* | 09:11 |
raylu | Aacron: ubuntu's strange fuse automagic-ness ignores things that are already mounted, so yes | 09:12 |
wolfgangkitn | thanks | 09:12 |
Aacron | fuse... that is somethign new that didn't exist when I last tried linux... | 09:12 |
raylu | chilli0: what have you tried? also, what sound card? | 09:12 |
raylu | !fuse | 09:12 |
ubottu | FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE. Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here: http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems | 09:12 |
chilli0 | raylu: i tryed to install alsa driver ( the new one) but i think it faild and its a , HDA Intel | 09:13 |
chilli0 | raylu: HDA intel ALC1200 . | 09:13 |
Jimi_Neutral | can anyone help me with dd please | 09:14 |
wolfgangkitn | Reloading web server config apache2 apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName | 09:14 |
wolfgangkitn | i know i ahve to change it to my ip adress soewhere right | 09:14 |
raylu | wolfgangkitn: that warning can be safely ignored | 09:15 |
fireking3000 | wow unetbootin is awesome | 09:15 |
chilli0 | raylu: Any tips or advice? | 09:15 |
Aacron | I'm confused by something in fstab... its mounting things by UUID? why not the old... xdx#? | 09:15 |
Aacron | !UUID | 09:16 |
ubottu | To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID) | 09:16 |
unkmar | he went away? | 09:16 |
wolfgangkitn | oh ok | 09:16 |
River | can anyone advise what is a good program to debug a crappy webcam with ? | 09:16 |
raylu | chilli0: how did you install the newer alsa? | 09:16 |
raylu | chilli0: http://www.mail-archive.com/alsa-user@lists.sourceforge.net/msg24676.html | 09:16 |
wolfgangkitn | ok yeah it wokrs now | 09:16 |
wolfgangkitn | thanks | 09:16 |
un|matrix | what is the normal latency of a pulseaudio sink supposed to be? (noone answering on #pulseaudio) | 09:16 |
raylu | fireking3000: indeed | 09:16 |
raylu | Jimi_Neutral: can you be more specific | 09:16 |
raylu | Aacron: because drive order changes, UUIDs of filesytems do not | 09:17 |
chilli0 | raylu: just ./configure then make then make install but i dont know what whent on , and also lspci |grep Audio gives me , 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03) | 09:17 |
raylu | Aacron: you can use the old way if you want. uuids are optional. /dev/disk/by-uuid is helpful | 09:17 |
Aacron | drive order changes? oh like usb drives and such? | 09:18 |
raylu | chilli0: i'd try "sudo make uninstall" in the directory you intsalled from | 09:18 |
chilli0 | k | 09:18 |
raylu | Aacron: yeah. or a reconfiguring of the bios, kernel, tec. | 09:18 |
Jimi_Neutral | raylu, i was a bit further up, i have basically been following what kevin has told me to do...creating an image and then i belive using ddrescue on that image....there are some arrors and there is one file i need to get off it but i dont know how | 09:18 |
raylu | Aacron: *etc. or an actual reordering of the drives | 09:18 |
Jimi_Neutral | raylu, he was literally taking me thru it start to finish | 09:18 |
chilli0 | raylu: k done. | 09:18 |
Aacron | ahh, gotcha. but if you do that in bios you're generally in some Grubby trouble :)) | 09:18 |
unkmar | Aacron: like primary and secondary IDE, Master and Slave or , sata0, 1, or 2. | 09:18 |
raylu | Jimi_Neutral: i joined this channel 3 hours ago, so i don't have it in my logs. | 09:19 |
raylu | Jimi_Neutral: you've backed up everything onto a file using ddrescue? | 09:19 |
raylu | chilli0: did that... do anything? | 09:19 |
chilli0 | Yes . | 09:20 |
chilli0 | Just said rm -f a few files. | 09:20 |
Aacron | grub was a nightmare for me a few days ago... was crazy how grub saw drives in a different order than ubuntu's install cd, so ubuntu was telling grub the wrong hd(X,X) | 09:20 |
Jimi_Neutral | raylu, it was only about 3 mins ago....anyways as far as i know yeah, he gave me a couple of commands which was somehitng to do with hddimage....so i assume we took an image of the failing hdd and put it on the linux installation hdd, then scan it for errors using dd | 09:20 |
unkmar | Jimi_Neutral: that is almost exactly what you must have done. | 09:21 |
raylu | chilli0: ok. i'd recommend doing a reinstall of alsa-base and alsa-utils at this point | 09:21 |
raylu | chilli0: then, try the options for modprobe in that link i gave you | 09:22 |
unkmar | Jimi_Neutral: but you don't scan for errors with dd. You do that with ddrescue. | 09:22 |
Jimi_Neutral | unkmar, sorry i was abrieviating, i meant ddrescue | 09:22 |
raylu | Jimi_Neutral: has your named changed since then? lastlog shows the first message with "jimi" in it: | 09:22 |
raylu | 03:08:46 Jimi_Neutral> Hi I have been using dd with the help of someone, I need to be abl to carry on and retrieve some data, can anyone help me....I am up to the bit just after copying and then | 09:22 |
chilli0 | raylu: How can i do this? | 09:23 |
Jimi_Neutral | raylu, yeah that is my name jimi_neutral | 09:23 |
Jimi_Neutral | raylu, has been for ages | 09:23 |
raylu | chilli0: "sudo aptitude reinstall alsa-base alsa-utils" is one way | 09:23 |
un|matrix | what is the normal latency of a pulseaudio sink supposed to be? (noone answering on #pulseaudio) | 09:23 |
chilli0 | raylu: ok , Done. | 09:24 |
raylu | chilli0: now, try some of the options mentioned in that mailing list message. http://www.mail-archive.com/alsa-user@lists.sourceforge.net/msg24676.html | 09:24 |
chilli0 | raylu: Im confuzed. | 09:25 |
raylu | chilli0: options snd-hda-intel model=targa-2ch-dig | 09:26 |
raylu | chilli0: try adding that to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf | 09:26 |
fireking3000 | Next year at my school we get to use laptops. Lets say I boot up the computer from a portable linux distrobution. Is there anyway to make a hidden NTFS partition? | 09:26 |
Weust` | fireking3000: truecrypt | 09:26 |
Jimi_Neutral | ok so anyone know what i do now? | 09:26 |
fireking3000 | ok ty | 09:27 |
=== sale_ is now known as sale | ||
Weust` | fireking3000: but be aware, partitionlayout will never be hidden | 09:27 |
fireking3000 | What does that mean? | 09:27 |
Weust` | so you'll need to shrink the existing one, create a new partition, and use that as truecrypt container | 09:27 |
raylu | fireking3000: i believe you can simply mark an ntfs partition as hidden with fdisk.. that hides it from windows installations | 09:28 |
Weust` | raylu: is that so? so you couldn't see it trough manage -> storage ? | 09:28 |
chilli0 | raylu: Done | 09:28 |
raylu | i have no idea. hidden partitions don't live very long on my systems :P | 09:28 |
fireking3000 | Anyway to mod Windows Boot Manager to allow a key combination to boot into the hidden partition? | 09:29 |
raylu | chilli0: now, either restart your computer or move to tty1 (ctrl+alt+f1) and reload the snd_hda_intel module | 09:29 |
Weust` | fireking3000: truecrypt has this option since lately also | 09:29 |
fireking3000 | ok ty again | 09:29 |
Weust` | i think they made a bootloader that supports decrypting AES | 09:29 |
raylu | fireking3000: not easily, and there are issues with booting hidden partitions, so i'd do what Weust` suggests | 09:30 |
chilli0 | ill just reboot :P What do i do once i reboot? | 09:30 |
AdvoWork | whats the best way to ensure security on a system? just set up multiple users and dont use root very much? | 09:30 |
raylu | chilli0: get back on here and tell me if your headphones are being detected | 09:30 |
raylu | chilli0: :D | 09:30 |
Travo18 | ok to start with i am brand new to the ubuntu thing and i much appreciate everybodies help that have helped me so far so thankyou | 09:30 |
=== tdn_ is now known as tdn | ||
raylu | AdvoWork: never turn it on | 09:30 |
Weust` | AdvoWork: what will those users be doin ? | 09:31 |
Weust` | console work, desktop logins, or just samba shares ? | 09:31 |
raylu | you say "just" samba shares as if that's the least risky | 09:31 |
Weust` | surely not, but talking about security in global, then indeed not turning on the machine is the best, so i try to split up to an area for focussing | 09:32 |
chilli0 | raylu: The headphones work , They speakers dont mute when they are pluged in. | 09:32 |
raylu | chilli0: i know, that's what i meant by "detected," sorry | 09:32 |
AdvoWork | Weust`, some admin type things, probably in priorty: User1: ssh's in as root, runs su postgres, psql, then uses postgres, user 2: may do similar, and thats possibly it really | 09:33 |
raylu | ... | 09:33 |
chilli0 | raylu: ok.. | 09:33 |
chilli0 | brb restarting | 09:33 |
Weust` | AdvoWork: error 1, NEVER allow login as root | 09:33 |
raylu | "that's possibly it really", as if ssh-ing as root is in any way a good idea | 09:33 |
raylu | AdvoWork: there's a reason root logins are disabled in sshd's configuration by default | 09:34 |
AdvoWork | Weust`, why not allow login as root though, and whats the best thing to do instead? | 09:34 |
Weust` | AdvoWork: i don't really know what to say, if you allow root for your users then you'd have to trust them.. that's it | 09:34 |
e-frame | by default? | 09:34 |
raylu | e-frame: ? | 09:34 |
Weust` | AdvoWork: login as user, sudo or su then | 09:34 |
maxagaz | i can't configure nvidia drivers on jaunty amd64, is there a known bug ? | 09:35 |
Weust` | AdvoWork: you can configure sudo to run only certain applications... | 09:35 |
raylu | AdvoWork: because your communication might not be secure and your root authentication might be compromised | 09:35 |
AdvoWork | so make 2 users: user1, user2, what permissions etc should I give them, so they can ssh in, su to postgres and run psql etc? | 09:35 |
e-frame | raylu: it's enabled by default isn't it? | 09:35 |
raylu | maxagaz: yes, they're proprietary :P. but that's not really a bug | 09:35 |
Weust` | AdvoWork: so user1 can only sudo <command> but not sudo <any_other_command> | 09:35 |
raylu | e-frame: i'm pretty sure it's not... check in /etc/ssh/sshd_config | 09:35 |
AdvoWork | Weust`, and how do i stop them/allow them using certain commands then? | 09:36 |
Oins | Hi, i have an old Maxtor 2B020H1 HDD which is supported by hddtemp. But hddtemp print out 0°C. What could be wrong? | 09:36 |
raylu | AdvoWork: /etc/sudoers | 09:36 |
maxagaz | raylu, aptitude install nvidia-glx-180 couldn't solve the problem | 09:36 |
Weust` | AdvoWork: by config sudoers file, only allow sudo for 1 command | 09:36 |
maxagaz | raylu, what else can i do ? | 09:36 |
raylu | maxagaz: anything more specific? | 09:36 |
chilli0 | hey raylu not working , but i think i have some settings wrong. | 09:37 |
maxagaz | raylu, the card is a GeForce 6150 | 09:37 |
raylu | Oins: your hard drive is freezing is a possibility :D | 09:37 |
* raylu is not being very helpful today | 09:37 | |
Oins | :D | 09:37 |
raylu | chilli0: why's that? | 09:37 |
boghog | what version of xorg-server comes with ubuntu 9.04 ? | 09:37 |
raylu | maxagaz: right, but what's not working? | 09:37 |
Oins | raylu: that could be the reason for the snowflakes on it :P | 09:37 |
chilli0 | In my sound prefrences the sound events , sound play back is set to HDA intel ALC1200 Digital (ALSA) | 09:37 |
e-frame | raylu: i disabled it manually. by default it is enabled. | 09:37 |
chilli0 | raylu: But when i test it no sound comes out. | 09:37 |
chilli0 | But if i set it to Alsa it does work. | 09:38 |
nomoa | hi, I can't understand how locales and belocs-locales-data works together, I can't install both of them. What's the right config to have working locales on hardy? | 09:38 |
raylu | boghog: aptitude show xorg-server, or http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/xorg | 09:38 |
boghog | thanks raylu | 09:38 |
raylu | e-frame: i don't think so, but i'm not in a position to check right now | 09:38 |
AdvoWork | so: sudo useradd -d /home/firstname.surname -m firstname.surname sudo passwd firstname.surname and then run the /etc/sudoers or ? | 09:39 |
e-frame | raylu: well, i'm sure about it. but well nothing to worry. we all know where and how to configure that :) | 09:39 |
raylu | chilli0: that's strange. can you show me your /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base? | 09:39 |
maxagaz | raylu, it doesn't load kernel module | 09:39 |
Weust` | man sudoers | 09:39 |
raylu | AdvoWork: you don't need -d in that situation | 09:39 |
AdvoWork | and what about stopping root from sshing? | 09:39 |
Flannel | AdvoWork: lock the root account. | 09:40 |
raylu | AdvoWork: by default, root can't login anyway | 09:40 |
e-frame | AdvoWork: just check /etc/ssh/sshd_config as raylu said before | 09:40 |
Flannel | AdvoWork: sudoers is a bit more complicated to edit than I'd feel comfortable just giving you the command for (since knowing what youre doing is important), *luckily* we have some decent documentation: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sudoers | 09:40 |
AdvoWork | if i lock the root account though, will that stop anything else working or? i have cronjobs etc that run as root | 09:40 |
Flannel | AdvoWork: Read through it, and let us know what questions you have (and if you're still unsure, you can always verify lines you want to add in this channel). | 09:41 |
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raylu | AdvoWork: no, of course not. it just prevents users from getting a root shell | 09:41 |
Govard | ахринеть народу O_O | 09:42 |
chilli0 | raylu: Should they all be set to ALSA or HDA intel ACL200 Dital (ALSA) or HDA intel ACL200 analog (ALSA) | 09:42 |
Flannel | !ru | Govard | 09:43 |
ubottu | Govard: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 09:43 |
chilli0 | raylu: Sure http://pastebin.com/d477fd87b | 09:43 |
AdvoWork | ok, and how would I lock root, i can do it through the GUI if easier, or terminal. | 09:43 |
Flannel | AdvoWork: It's actually locked by default, did you unlock it? | 09:43 |
AdvoWork | basically user1 and user2 need to be able to do anything, apart from destroy the server, which i see is a fine line | 09:44 |
antonio_ | buenas | 09:44 |
AdvoWork | Flannel, i didnt, but i think our external support did | 09:44 |
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Flannel | AdvoWork: There's no such way to define such a thing. "Anything" as far as being useful is concerned could easily be "destroying a server" | 09:44 |
antonio_ | hay algun experimentado en multiples monitores | 09:44 |
Flannel | !es | antonio_ | 09:44 |
ubottu | antonio_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 09:44 |
user1 | AdvoWork: I don't destroy servers err.... | 09:44 |
Weust` | AdvoWork: you should think opposite, the users should be able to do nothing except what is allowed... | 09:44 |
raylu | chilli0: i have no idea | 09:45 |
nomoa | What's the difference between belocs-locales-data and locales package and why are they incompatible? | 09:45 |
chilli0 | raylu: haha ok. thanks for trying mate =] | 09:45 |
raylu | chilli0: though that second line from http://www.mail-archive.com/alsa-user@lists.sourceforge.net/msg24676.html could make a difference | 09:45 |
chilli0 | raylu: lspci |grep Audio ? | 09:46 |
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chrism2671 | does anybody know which package the fuse kernel module is in? | 09:47 |
raylu | chilli0: no, options snd-hda-intel enable_msi=1 | 09:47 |
chilli0 | raylu: should i add that? | 09:47 |
raylu | chilli0: yes | 09:48 |
chilli0 | k done. | 09:48 |
AdvoWork | Weust`, i do a lot of stuff as root, but the majority of things are file cleaning, making new directories, some mounts, then (su as postgres) and use that, then sometimes su as zimbra and through that. so for that, what would i need to allow myself? | 09:49 |
maxagaz | raylu, actually, it works with a low resolution | 09:49 |
raylu | chrism2671: http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/user-mode-linux | 09:49 |
maxagaz | raylu, and there's no choice of higher resolution in nvidia-settings | 09:49 |
Weust` | AdvoWork: as you seem to be the administrator, you can grant yourself to sudo ALL | 09:50 |
Weust` | just limit usr1 and usr2 to only do what they must (postgres?) | 09:50 |
Weust` | then you can login | 09:50 |
Welshy-Rob | hi is there a program on ubuntu theat will let me convert avi's to MPEG4's? | 09:50 |
Welshy-Rob | That* | 09:51 |
AdvoWork | to be honest, user 1 = me, user 2 = director. I dont think he does a whole heap on there, just sent an email trrying to work out what command he uses. So if i make myself a seperate account, and grant sudo all for myself, and then i can do whatever to user2? | 09:51 |
Weust` | although it might be more secure to also disable you from sudo'ing all, and instead go to root by su... i don't really know | 09:51 |
raylu | maxagaz: well.. your card should be supported by that driver. does xdpyinfo say anything about nvidia? | 09:52 |
Weust` | AdvoWork: if you're only with 2 ppl, then why so much security | 09:52 |
raylu | Welshy-Rob: mencoder, mediacoder | 09:52 |
Weust` | make backups in case he f*cks up.., check the bash_history in case of an error.. | 09:52 |
raylu | speaking of which, you could just get the command he needs out of bash_history | 09:53 |
chrism2671 | raylu: are you sure? that seems like a lot of installing for something quite trivial? in addition, I don't see how it's relevant? | 09:53 |
Aacron | quick q: how do I format an ext3 partition with (i think it was somethign with 128?) the default gparted seemd to format with 256. Bascially I need to get it working with the ext2/3 for windows driver | 09:54 |
AdvoWork | Weust`, because at the moment, we both ssh in as root, i just dont feel its the best way to go about it? | 09:54 |
raylu | chrism2671: i just did a search for fuse.ko and that was the only result. you shouldn't have to install it manually as it comes by default with ubuntu-desktop | 09:54 |
Aacron | I had the page up in windows but I'm kinda in linux now so yeah... been lookign for the page I saw and can't seem to find it | 09:54 |
Weust` | AdvoWork: add user 1 and 2, allow them to sudo, disable rootlogin | 09:54 |
raylu | Aacron: mkfs.ext3 -I 128 | 09:55 |
raylu | Aacron: inode size | 09:55 |
chrism2671 | raylu: that's what I thought, but it refuses to enable it, saying module not found (for modprobe fuse) | 09:55 |
Aacron | ahh thanks :D | 09:55 |
Aacron | wish gparted supported specifying optisn like that :P | 09:55 |
raylu | chrism2671: which fs are you trying to use? | 09:56 |
raylu | Aacron: indeed. though the real fix is to update ext ifs | 09:56 |
Aacron | raylu, that would be optimal | 09:57 |
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AdvoWork | Weust`, and how would i go about disabling the rootlogin then? | 09:57 |
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A4Tech | ppl! need help | 09:57 |
raylu | !help | 09:57 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 09:57 |
maxaga | raylu, xdpyinfo returns a lot of things but no nvidia in the text | 09:57 |
chrism2671 | raylu: sshfs | 09:57 |
Aacron | A4Tech:: me too. whats the question? | 09:58 |
Weust` | AdvoWork: edit /etc/ssh/sshd.conf | 09:58 |
raylu | chrism2671: then just install that and use it. you shouldn't have to bother with the kernel module | 09:58 |
Weust` | /etc/ssh/sshd_config that is | 09:58 |
maxaga | raylu, it's all paragraphs heading with "visual:" | 09:58 |
A4Tech | My camera is not defined | 09:58 |
A4Tech | (canon) | 09:58 |
Aacron | not defined? | 09:58 |
raylu | maxaga: "xdpyinfo | grep -i --color nv" may be useful | 09:58 |
Aacron | you mean you have no driver | 09:59 |
Weust` | "PermitRootLogin No" | 09:59 |
Aacron | ? | 09:59 |
Weust` | AdvoWork: "PermitRootLogin No" | 09:59 |
A4Tech | And where it take? | 09:59 |
Aacron | A4Tech:: do you mean you have no driver to use it in linux? | 09:59 |
chrism2671 | raylu: i'm trying but apparently it does matter- i'm trying to use it to sync tomboy over ssh | 09:59 |
A4Tech | i don't know | 09:59 |
maxaga | raylu, NV-CONTROL | 09:59 |
maxaga | NV-GLX | 09:59 |
maxaga | NV-CONTROL | 10:00 |
Aacron | A4Tech:: what is the specific model? You tried searching for "Ubuntu canon camera driver" ? | 10:00 |
raylu | chrism2671: do you have sshfs installed? what's the command you're using to mount? | 10:00 |
A4Tech | Aacron Canon PowerShot A580 | 10:00 |
A4Tech | Aacron I am very slowly, once to look at Google | 10:01 |
Aacron | basically A4Tech, if you dotn have a driver for the camera, then it will not work with the computer's OS. when you got the camera you probably ran the CD that came ith it in windows, which installed the driver | 10:01 |
AdvoWork | Weust`, ok cheers, and as you say, the sudoers file for allowing sudo all? | 10:01 |
chrism2671 | raylu: i'm not- i'm doing it through the tomboy gui | 10:01 |
Aacron | linux needs drivers as well to 'speak the device's language' | 10:01 |
chrism2671 | raylu: sshfs is installed | 10:01 |
toomai_CH | hi all | 10:01 |
Weust` | AdvoWork: that is if you would like every user to do "sudo command" | 10:01 |
* raylu googles tomboy | 10:02 | |
default | xxao | 10:02 |
Weust` | you *could* also share the root password with user2 and after login just do su | 10:02 |
=== default is now known as xaao | ||
toomai_CH | does anyone know where to get alsa 1.0.20 and kernel 2.6.30 for jaunty (as deb, in ppa-repo for instance)? | 10:02 |
raylu | wow... | 10:02 |
raylu | chrism2671: this tomboy think looks like a load of fail | 10:03 |
chrism2671 | raylu: i believe so, unfortunately | 10:03 |
chrism2671 | raylu: shame, it's a really useful program | 10:03 |
raylu | chrism2671: anyway, what does tomboy say and what are you trying to do? | 10:03 |
toomai_CH | raylu: surely depends on point of view...you can always install gnote instead...:) | 10:03 |
chrism2671 | it says you need to enable fuse, click to enable | 10:04 |
raylu | toomai_CH: would you associate the words "c#, mono, gtk#" with "simple note-taking"? | 10:04 |
chrism2671 | raylu: then when i click enable, it says failed | 10:04 |
raylu | toomai_CH: does a "simple" note-taker integrate sshfs? | 10:04 |
chrism2671 | raylu: to be honest i think i'm going to leave it for the minute, i have actual work to do- i had hoped it would be a quick fix but i guess not! | 10:04 |
maxaga | raylu: when i run nvidia-setting, this meesage is displayed in the terminal: Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". | 10:04 |
AdvoWork | Weust`, well only user1, user2? | 10:04 |
raylu | chrism2671: dmesg | tail may be of help. so might running tomboy in the terminal | 10:04 |
toomai_CH | raylu: surely not...but then again...I am not able to write such programs in another language so I have to take what is there and make a choice | 10:04 |
Weust` | AdvoWork: what else? | 10:05 |
Weust` | AdvoWork: you need to understand the priciple, not the steps | 10:05 |
jackiii | leave | 10:05 |
toomai_CH | does anyone know where to get alsa 1.0.20 and kernel 2.6.30 for jaunty (as deb, in ppa-repo for instance)? | 10:05 |
Weust` | the steps is what you need to think of youreselve | 10:05 |
glickity | excuse me, what can i do about some windows in preferences that are longer than the screen is and the windows arnt resizeable, | 10:05 |
glickity | i am on a netbook | 10:05 |
raylu | toomai_CH: i use text files and a text editor for actual note taking. tomboy's totally-not-related-to-note-taking features i take care of with a decent web browser, mailreader, etc. | 10:06 |
AdvoWork | Weust`, i dont get your point? i understand i only want to allow sudo to user1 and user2 for only a few things (su postgres, su zimbra) and thats it | 10:06 |
glickity | i put the menubars on autohide, but thats still not enough | 10:06 |
Aacron | A4Tech:: here is some stuff for you, courtesy of google: | 10:06 |
toomai_CH | raylu: well, as I said...you take what suits you...after all there is some notetaking application in evolution (as far as I recall that is not tombay or gnote, right?) | 10:06 |
raylu | glickity: i think you can alt+drag in a window to move it | 10:06 |
raylu | toomai_CH: no idea | 10:07 |
sangyu | raylu, sorry, gdm was frozen | 10:07 |
e-frame | where can i find gutsy repo ? | 10:07 |
glickity | ahh yes, thanks raylu | 10:07 |
=== sangyu is now known as maxaga | ||
raylu | sangyu: you're maxaga, right? sorry, i don't really know | 10:07 |
maxaga | raylu, forgot to change my nick... | 10:08 |
Weust` | AdvoWork: its not su zimbra | 10:08 |
Weust` | AdvoWork: its sudo zimbra | 10:08 |
Weust` | su just change you to the Super User | 10:08 |
Weust` | and requires you to know its passwd | 10:08 |
xhema | hi all | 10:08 |
Aacron | yay | 10:08 |
e-frame | is there any gutsy repo available? archive.ubuntu.com doesn't have it anymore | 10:08 |
Weust` | with sudo you'll execute the command given AS the superuser | 10:08 |
xhema | we are having problems with an ubunut install on a windows drive that is very slow to access the network | 10:09 |
Weust` | and depending on sudo's config, you won't even need a passwd | 10:09 |
xhema | any suggestions | 10:09 |
Aacron | I dotn feel like a complete linux n00b now :P | 10:09 |
e-frame | i need to upgrade | 10:09 |
Aacron | I actually answered a question! yay for me | 10:09 |
Aacron | lol | 10:09 |
raylu | e-frame: i'd recommend a reinstall | 10:09 |
toomai_CH | e-frame: I would recommend a new install....I am not sure that this repo is actually still available | 10:09 |
toomai_CH | e-frame: do you have your /home on a seperate parition? | 10:09 |
toomai_CH | partition | 10:09 |
raylu | xhema: that made no sense | 10:09 |
e-frame | raylu: well, it's running on my server, i don't have much downtime allowed :) | 10:10 |
raylu | Aacron: well, A4Tech hasn't confirmed the solution | 10:10 |
Aacron | raylu: that was a question I've had about linux for a while... are re-installs necessary on linux very often, like with upgrades? | 10:10 |
xhema | raylu, i just installed ubuntu a pc using the loopback device | 10:10 |
xhema | and for some reason the network is terribly slow | 10:10 |
andrew_46 | Aacron: Depends how often you break things :-) | 10:10 |
raylu | xhema: that... still made no sense | 10:10 |
Aacron | raylu: yeah I googled it and he just needed to put the camera in the right mode | 10:11 |
e-frame | will alternate cd upgrade keep my datas ? | 10:11 |
maxagaz | raylu, do you have a solution for me ? | 10:11 |
toomai_CH | Aacron: and it depends how much you "play" around with it by installing 3rd party software... | 10:11 |
A4Tech | raylu All works had to be only the switch to view photos | 10:11 |
A4Tech | thx all | 10:11 |
xhema | raylu, can you help me diagnose the network speed. why a simple apt-get update is taking forevert | 10:11 |
toomai_CH | e-frame: no, your data will be lost...IF you have NO seperate partition for your /home | 10:11 |
e-frame | toomai_CH: nothing in /home of my server ^^ | 10:12 |
raylu | Aacron: i've never upgraded myself. i'm not in a position to answer that because i install a new distro/release every month or so :P | 10:12 |
Aacron | toomai_CH: what do you mean by 3rd party? non-supported, or evil software from those closed source people | 10:12 |
toomai_CH | e-frame: ah, then...well...backup your /etc-data and the such.... | 10:12 |
Aacron | ack raylu, how the heck do you keep your settings? :P | 10:12 |
e-frame | toomai_CH: but there is a lot of configs :D | 10:12 |
raylu | Aacron: either | 10:12 |
toomai_CH | Aacron: no, not necessarily...just software which came from other repositories than from ubuntu main repo | 10:12 |
raylu | Aacron: and i keep /home on a separate partition. and lots of backing up. | 10:12 |
toomai_CH | e-frame: well, as I said...back it up (tar and gunzip or bzip2) | 10:13 |
Aacron | oh... Well I'm guilty there already. soem stuff just sint' in 'canonical' :( | 10:13 |
AdvoWork | Weust`, i mean yeah but we type su zimbra etc, does that matter? | 10:13 |
e-frame | toomai_CH: thx :) | 10:13 |
raylu | toomai_CH: tar j, tar z | 10:13 |
andrew_46 | toomai_CH: The explosion of PPAs makes quality control a little difficult | 10:13 |
=== vmware is now known as fireking300 | ||
Aacron | ahhhhh. I actually partitioned /home this time myself :D | 10:13 |
Weust` | su zimbra litteraly means, switch me to the user zimbra | 10:14 |
raylu | xhema: not really, especially because i don't understand your setup. tracert comes to mind, though | 10:14 |
toomai_CH | andrew_46: hmm....I thought so...:)....but still, I somehow cant manage to find the kernel 2.6.30 and alsa 1.0.20 (where the kernel itself is most important) on google as ppa repos | 10:14 |
toomai_CH | andrew_46: I think I recall there is a ppa for kernels... | 10:14 |
xhema | yes, i am doing tracert right now | 10:14 |
andrew_46 | toomai_CH: I have not seen thos | 10:14 |
andrew_46 | this | 10:14 |
xhema | it seems raylu thanks anyway. | 10:14 |
xhema | i am going to figure it out | 10:15 |
fireking300 | Linux > Windows > Mac OS X | 10:15 |
andrew_46 | toomai_CH: But loell has a PPA search somewhere | 10:15 |
AdvoWork | Weust`, so its basically the same as typing sudo zimbra or what? | 10:15 |
Moofius | is there any app that automatically unpacks zip/tar.bz2/tar.gz/targ/whatever, whithout me having to check documentation everytime I need to unpack something? | 10:15 |
Aacron | now just need to talk someone in the linux community to write a nice centralized hardware control program... ala' windows device manager :| | 10:15 |
maveas | What's your recommendations for a cheap and solid SSL? | 10:15 |
Travo18 | hey i have just downloaded ubuntu 9.04 i am trying to install it but it has come to a dos box looking page what the? | 10:15 |
toomai_CH | andrew_46: hmm...maybe I was misguided and I change things up....too bad....I broke my sound in jaunty, because it didnt work to begin with...now...I am lost and want to upgrade alsa and the kernel to regain sound | 10:15 |
maveas | Travo18: Server version? | 10:15 |
Travo18 | how do i check? | 10:16 |
maveas | Well, did you get a GUI installation? | 10:16 |
raylu | AdvoWork: no, it's the same as typing sudo -u zimbra | 10:16 |
maveas | Or a semi GUI? :) | 10:16 |
raylu | AdvoWork: except... not | 10:16 |
Travo18 | i downloaded ubuntu from their webpage i dont know | 10:16 |
Weust` | i for hell don't know if zimbra is a user or an executable | 10:16 |
maveas | Well, Travo18, you should know .. | 10:17 |
raylu | AdvoWork: the point is, su [something] tries to log in as [something] and sudo [something] tries to run [something] as root | 10:17 |
mobi-sheep | Travo18: What was the name of ISO you downloaded? | 10:17 |
AdvoWork | raylu, but i mean, allowing sudo zimbra means su zimbra will work, as ive theoretically changed to that user, and running normal commands, which are seen as sudo zimbra .. | 10:17 |
AdvoWork | or not | 10:17 |
raylu | AdvoWork: su and sudo can be used interchangably given the right flags, but we generally discourage the use of su for sudo | 10:17 |
Travo18 | maveas look this is the first time i have used this and i dont appreciate the way your are going about this | 10:17 |
raylu | AdvoWork: and that last sentence you typed made no senes | 10:17 |
raylu | *sense | 10:17 |
maveas | What? Take a look at ubuntu.com | 10:17 |
maveas | What do you see? | 10:18 |
AdvoWork | i know what I mean, but cant explain it | 10:18 |
glickity | hey, whats the 'public' folder for in the home directory in ubuntu? | 10:18 |
Trentor | What is a good pdf viewer where I can not only read pdf documents but edit them to an advanced level. | 10:18 |
lesshaste | I have been told to enable boot logging and post the output ( https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+bug/389930 ) but this feature has not worked for ages and does nothing in jaunty. Do they just mean /var/log/dmesg ? | 10:18 |
Travo18 | i put the cd in and i start the computer it comes up to a splash screen to choose ways to install it | 10:18 |
raylu | Travo18: it sounds like you got the altrenate installation cd | 10:18 |
raylu | *alternate | 10:18 |
Aacron | raylu: what exactly is the difference between su and sudo? isnt' su the same as sudo -s? | 10:18 |
Weust` | AdvoWork: its fairly easy, su = switch user, example: su root, su user1,...; sudo = execute command AS another user, example sudo shutdown (no user given meaning user=root), sudo -u user2 shutdown (run shutdown as user2) | 10:18 |
raylu | Travo18: pdfs are not meant for editing | 10:18 |
raylu | er... | 10:18 |
Trentor | me | 10:18 |
raylu | Trentor: pdfs are not meant for editing, yeah | 10:18 |
maveas | Travo18: Well, then you choose to install Ubuntu (the normal way | 10:19 |
Aacron | raylu: I think I actually tried su once and it asked for 'root' password... which I dont even thing ubuntu has one of | 10:19 |
mobi-sheep | Travo18: What image did you download? ubuntu-9.04-alternate-amd64.iso? | 10:19 |
AdvoWork | ahh that makes sense | 10:19 |
maveas | Aacron: Wooah? SU on ubuntu? | 10:19 |
aemyr | How can I make Transmission to autostart? | 10:19 |
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raylu | Aacron: that's what i said. but you said someone unlocked the account | 10:19 |
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maveas | LOL. SU actually works xD | 10:19 |
raylu | !startup | aemyr | 10:19 |
ubottu | aemyr: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot | 10:19 |
Aacron | i said unlocked? | 10:19 |
Trentor | Hmm, well I need to edit it, is there a way I can? I know your normally not supposed to edit pdf documents, but I am trying to include a signature in a pdf document, are you sure there are no pdf viewers that let me edit them as well? | 10:19 |
Aacron | where? what? I'm lost :D | 10:20 |
Trentor | A PDF decompiler to DOC so to speak? | 10:20 |
aemyr | Thanks | 10:20 |
maveas | Travo18: ? | 10:20 |
Travo18 | mobi-sheep: no it is the normal one it just says ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso | 10:20 |
raylu | Aacron: i'm confusing you for AdvoWork | 10:20 |
maveas | Travo18: What can you choose from the screen when it's boots up? | 10:20 |
Travo18 | try ubuntu without changin | 10:20 |
Travo18 | install ubuntu | 10:20 |
Travo18 | check cd for defects | 10:21 |
maveas | There you have it ^ | 10:21 |
maveas | Choose "Install Ubuntu" | 10:21 |
raylu | Trentor: to doc... no. you can... copy and paste the text, though :D. the only real way is to get a hold of the original | 10:21 |
raylu | Trentor: unless the pdf itself is just an image, no text | 10:21 |
maveas | And you're almost running Ubuntu in a couple of seconds.. | 10:21 |
Aacron | raylu: ahhh. think I'm gogin to google for why ubuntu has no 'root' anyhow... been confuddled with that one... seems its a little bit of asecurity risk in the way I'm thining | 10:21 |
Travo18 | yeh and i tried it last time and it came up with information about sudo and root and user | 10:21 |
raylu | !root | Aacron | 10:21 |
ubottu | Aacron: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 10:21 |
maveas | Ok.. and it didn't do anything else? | 10:21 |
raylu | Aacron: it does have root, just no passowrd | 10:22 |
Travo18 | hang on i am trying it again and i will see what happens | 10:22 |
maveas | Can you take some pictures of it? | 10:22 |
mobi-sheep | Aacron: We are trying to discontinue the usage of root password. | 10:22 |
maveas | If it happens again? :P | 10:22 |
Travo18 | yeh what for?? | 10:22 |
Aacron | why'd they go away from the 'root' thing? | 10:22 |
Aacron | lol now I get to bug ya like a kid... Why? :)) | 10:22 |
mobi-sheep | Aacron: Why do you think? | 10:23 |
lb__ | hi! I have an image of a harddisk which might be in a fubar condition: $someone had NTFS on it before and accidentally installed a "use whole disk" ubuntu setup over it. $someone wanted to restore some documents. I tried foremost on it, but there was not any access on the hd at all. is there even a chance to recover stuff from that disk? it hasn't been written to except for, well, that OS installation. scalpel may be worth a try, too. or is it? | 10:23 |
raylu | Aacron: because dumb people do dumb things, so taking away the tools from everyone reduces (but does not eliminate) the occurences of dumb things | 10:23 |
Aacron | erm well if I think for a minute... mainly I have no clue but... cause its evil to be doign stuff in general as root? | 10:23 |
fireking300 | Ubuntu extra effects awesome. | 10:23 |
raylu | Aacron: no, root is not evil. dumb people doing dumb things is made evil-er when they are root. | 10:23 |
Aacron | fireking300: yeah I think so too just wish I could have the extra effects without the wobbly window thing | 10:24 |
maveas | Travo18: I've never heard of that.. | 10:24 |
Aacron | raylu: in other words me doign things as root :)) | 10:24 |
AdvoWork | raylu, Weust` thanks for the help. Think ive got a better understanding now. Once ive got an idea of the tasks my other user will be doing, I will put it into practice! | 10:24 |
mobi-sheep | Aacron: Because too many breakage on account of silly users using root power. | 10:24 |
Aacron | so if that is the case why they have sudo -s? :P | 10:24 |
Trentor | raylu: I can edit it using GIMP, chaing it to a GIMP xfc file then reimporting it, editing it, the printing to pdf again. ") | 10:24 |
bassliner | so what's the preferred way of setting a higher resolution for the console in ubuntu? i have 2 1280x1024 tft displays and i would like german umlauts working on the console and a higher resolution. | 10:24 |
fireking300 | What other things are there besides wobbly window? | 10:24 |
mobi-sheep | fireking300: Just Wobbly Windows. | 10:24 |
fireking300 | Thats the only one I've been using | 10:24 |
mobi-sheep | !ccsm | fireking300 | 10:25 |
ubottu | fireking300: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion | 10:25 |
mobi-sheep | !compiz | fireking300 | 10:25 |
ubottu | fireking300: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz | 10:25 |
Aacron | sudo -s seems to be essentially the same as login: root right? | 10:25 |
raylu | Aacron: because the people who wrote sudo aren't as confused as the people who decided to hide the existence of root | 10:25 |
raylu | Aacron: yes, but a few environmental difference | 10:25 |
raylu | s | 10:25 |
Travo18 | maveas: it has done it again i load it and then it comes to a screen that says loading please wait then talks about ubuntu having absolutely no warranty and then to run a command as admin (user root) use sudo (command) see man sudo_root for details | 10:25 |
mobi-sheep | fireking300: There are more to it. Try SHIFT + ALT + UP and you get Apple Expose. :0 | 10:25 |
raylu | bassliner: which console? the ttys? | 10:26 |
maveas | Travo18: Can you go on from there? | 10:26 |
Aacron | hehe okay I'll drop my Why's for now... too much more of root talk and my brain will do a bellyflop | 10:26 |
fireking300 | Shift alt up is neat | 10:27 |
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Jimi_Neutral | can anyone help with this ddrescue problem please | 10:27 |
maveas | Aacron: what's root? | 10:27 |
lb__ | bassliner: in case of the standard terminal window (gnome-terminal)? you can change the character set somewhere in the menus and resizing can be done just by resizing the window borders, right? | 10:27 |
AdvoWork | another question ive got. Say theres 10 pcs, all exactly the same, running ubuntu. is there any way i can control all of them from one pc, ie for updates, sshing in etc? | 10:27 |
ajitam | hi question: can I set for one user (ssh access) to be locked in home directory ? | 10:28 |
mobi-sheep | Aacron: Root -- Would I trust giving you the full granted permission to use my lamborghini? No thank. You deal with your Civic. :) | 10:28 |
Travo18 | maveas: no it says ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ and then a flashing cursor to type something | 10:28 |
Aacron | maveas: erm... root account. in most of th edistros I've used you wanted to do lots of stuff at once you did em as root | 10:28 |
ikonia | AdvoWork: yes, but you need to setup a lot of automation | 10:28 |
fireking300 | How do I open Compiz after i do sudo apt-get install | 10:28 |
maveas | Aacron: I know.. Just trying to get your brain to do a bellyflop.. | 10:28 |
Aacron | oh | 10:28 |
Aacron | lol | 10:28 |
maveas | Travo18: Sounds weird.. not familiar with that.. | 10:28 |
AdvoWork | ikonia, such as what though? | 10:28 |
raylu | AdvoWork: there are only a million ways to do this | 10:28 |
Aacron | mobi-sheep: you completely lost me there. that root talking? to whom? why? do roots talk? :)) | 10:29 |
Aacron | lol | 10:29 |
raylu | AdvoWork: i'd recommend apt-mirror for starters, though | 10:29 |
Trentor | Stupid Question, I'm a big Photoshop user but trying to use GIMP for a quick fix here, anyone know how to change the font of a text in GIMP? | 10:29 |
fireking300 | Aacron how do I open Compiz after I install it? | 10:29 |
lb__ | Q: can you expect to recover data with foremost or scalpel from an NTFS-formatted hard disk that has been (only partly, I hope) with an ext3 file system? | 10:30 |
meloni | i have resized a vmware server2 virtual machine but it still show the old values when i do a df -h. does it take time to show up the correct size? | 10:30 |
raylu | AdvoWork: some people have a data server/NAS that contains users' /homes and the PCs boot off of a network drive. updates are then as simple as updating the image on the drive and a nightly scheduled reboot | 10:30 |
Aacron | erm i don't have compiz (dunno what it is even). might have to look it up :D | 10:30 |
ikonia | meloni: you'd need to extend the file system - not just the disk | 10:30 |
fireking300 | o I mean mobi-sheep how do I open it up. | 10:31 |
AdvoWork | raylu, we run a freenas file storage but thats for general files, other stuff is kept on users local pcs(that isnt important) :S | 10:31 |
raylu | fireking300: sounds like you already have it installed and running. if you're talking about ccsm, system > prefs > compiz config settings manager, i think | 10:31 |
fireking300 | Thanks Raylu | 10:31 |
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Guest66902 | hey anyone able to help me with a sound issue | 10:32 |
e-frame | fireking300: ccsm or advance desktop effects settings | 10:32 |
raylu | AdvoWork: you could set up automatic unattended updates and possibly mount /etc from that nas. alternatively, you could have it rsync files from that drive as needed | 10:32 |
AdvoWork | raylu, is it like, run an update from a main pc, share that update history or similar, and repeat on other pcs? | 10:33 |
AdvoWork | i can easily rsync any files if necessary | 10:33 |
RoUdaY | oups, do anyone know a french channel ? | 10:33 |
Aacron | if I keep installing things I'm gunna run outta room :)) btw... hrmm partition advice. dunno if its too late to resize the partitions or not but... | 10:33 |
Travo18 | hey whats the best option for ubuntu it has come up with an error saying that it is running in low graphics mode and then i comes up with options to choose what to do like run in low graphics reconfigure graphics troubleshoot or exit?? | 10:33 |
chilli0 | raylu: Hey i tryed adding that line , but no luck | 10:33 |
raylu | AdvoWork: you could do it that way... but it's probably simpler to set up apt-mirror and point the other PCs apts to your mirror and have them update unattended | 10:34 |
Guest66902 | when i play music in exile or from spotify i only get digital noise. just like it is compressed to 1bit instead of normal 16bit sound | 10:34 |
xhema | raylu point is, on windows the networking works. on ubuntu only google resolves... fail | 10:34 |
raylu | chilli0: i'd google around for your sound card, then | 10:34 |
chilli0 | yhe k | 10:34 |
AdvoWork | raylu, ahh ok, so pick the one main pc which will be the pc all the other ones copy their updates from? | 10:34 |
fireking300 | It says in order for the water affect to be activated that I need to Hit <control><super> | 10:34 |
Aacron | I did the /boot, swap, /, /home partition scheme... not sure if the sizes are right tho. evenly split 40GB (-100MB /boot, 2GB swap) to / and /home | 10:35 |
raylu | AdvoWork: yes | 10:35 |
fireking300 | What key is <super> | 10:35 |
Guest66902 | it has worked fine for a long time but today??? | 10:35 |
mobi-sheep | fireking300: Windows Flag. | 10:35 |
Travo18 | maveas: any help?? hey whats the best option for ubuntu it has come up with an error saying that it is running in low graphics mode and then i comes up with options to choose what to do like run in low graphics reconfigure graphics troubleshoot or exit?? | 10:35 |
raylu | Aacron: your / will never ever hit 40GB for desktop usage | 10:35 |
fireking300 | ty | 10:35 |
lb__ | fireking300: windows key | 10:35 |
AdvoWork | raylu, ok thats cool. Finally what about being able to ssh into all the other pcs? | 10:35 |
ajitam | hi question: can I set for one user (ssh access) to be locked in home directory ? | 10:35 |
Aacron | raylu: oh... what size you recommend? | 10:35 |
gerald | how do I move a file to another directory in ftp? | 10:35 |
raylu | AdvoWork: just... configure ssh on them.. what do you mean? | 10:36 |
mobi-sheep | !ssh | AdvoWork | 10:36 |
Trentor | Aacrom what are you having rouble with, read a bit of previous | 10:36 |
ubottu | AdvoWork: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. Putty is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon) | 10:36 |
raylu | Aacron: 5-10GB, unless you plan to host a large webserver or something | 10:36 |
Palermo | hello | 10:36 |
mobi-sheep | AdvoWork: Basically, install openssh-server on all of them, I suppose. | 10:36 |
raylu | Aacron: "df -hx tmpfs" should help you | 10:36 |
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Palermo | good morning @ all | 10:36 |
Boohbah | gerald: mv file directory | 10:36 |
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Palermo | is here a german chat | 10:36 |
Trentor | No Palermo | 10:36 |
Boohbah | !de > Palermo | 10:37 |
ubottu | Palermo, please see my private message | 10:37 |
raylu | AdvoWork: eventually, i think you'll find that you want some way of sync-ing configurations, though | 10:37 |
Trentor | !german | 10:37 |
ubottu | In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis. | 10:37 |
Palermo | !de | 10:37 |
Guest66902 | raylu: the soundcard is suported and worked fine until to day. | 10:37 |
Trentor | !german | Palermo | 10:37 |
ubottu | Palermo: please see above | 10:37 |
Travo18 | ah guten tag ubottu | 10:37 |
fireking300 | Rain effect is awesome | 10:37 |
Palermo | thank you | 10:37 |
Trentor | No problem | 10:37 |
maveas | Travo18: Try to reconfig | 10:38 |
AdvoWork | mobi-sheep, and what about logging in to them, do i have to setup users on all of those pcs i assume? | 10:38 |
AdvoWork | raylu, isnt that done via the apt-mirror though or? | 10:38 |
Aacron | raylu: hrmm... I partitioned the / and /home into a logical partition... dunno if this is same as 'logical volume' where you can supposedly resize partitions on the fly... (?) but can I (somewhat) safely resize the partitions? | 10:38 |
Travo18 | maveas: its ok i have overcome that problem | 10:38 |
AdvoWork | ahh thats for updates isnt it | 10:38 |
raylu | Aacron: yep. gparted will take care of you | 10:38 |
raylu | Aacron: and no, this is not an LVM | 10:38 |
Aacron | ohhh... figured it wasn't :P | 10:39 |
maveas | Travo18: If you're from Germany then join the deutch channel - it becomes much easiere for you to talk native.. :) | 10:39 |
raylu | AdvoWork: no, that just mirrors a part of the repositories | 10:39 |
mobi-sheep | Aacron: You can safely resize the partitions from the LiveCD. You can't resize the partition you're currently on it. | 10:39 |
raylu | AdvoWork: i'm talking about the rest of your configuration files. and you might want to install a package or 20 on all of the PCs at once | 10:39 |
Travo18 | maveas: i am english with a little bit of german speaking but my first language is english | 10:39 |
Aacron | mobi-sheep: ohh I see... cause you cant play with mounted drives, and gparted cant unmount it to resize it | 10:39 |
mobi-sheep | Aacron: Bingo. | 10:40 |
Aacron | so what was the thing with LVM? was I reading it correctly that linux dynamically resizes the partitions based on need? | 10:40 |
maveas | Travo18: Nevermind then :-) | 10:40 |
Flannel | Aacron: No, but with LVM you can resize them (more or less) freely. | 10:40 |
mobi-sheep | Aacron: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO | 10:41 |
Aacron | i.e. while mounted? | 10:41 |
* Aacron reads | 10:41 | |
AdvoWork | raylu, yeah i probably would. what would i do in that case? | 10:41 |
Flannel | Aacron: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-lvm/ gives you a rundown of LVM, with fancy pictures, and everything. | 10:41 |
mobi-sheep | Aacron: Yes. With LVM, you can treat 3 HDD as a single gigantic partition. | 10:41 |
Guest66902 | Does anyone have a clue what might be wrong. Playback of sound was all fine until to day. Now it sound like it is compressed to 1bit like musical noise. | 10:42 |
Aacron | mobi-sheep: that sounds liek raid almost... erm concat(sp-somethign oranother) | 10:42 |
Aacron | forget the raid # type for that. | 10:43 |
* Aacron run soff to see... ooh shiny! | 10:43 | |
mobi-sheep | Aacron: With LVM, you can start out with a small size and increase the size as needed. Flexible. | 10:43 |
mobi-sheep | Aacron: There also are #lvm channel. | 10:44 |
Agion | hi, how can I kill some program's sounds? | 10:44 |
AdvoWork | mobi-sheep, what about a user then for sshing in? do i have to make the same user on every single pc? | 10:46 |
Guest66902 | Does anyone have a clue what might be wrong. Playback of sound was all fine until to day. Now it sound like it is compressed to 1bit like musical noise. I had a guy here to help me get cinelerra running. He claim to be very good linux user. But alot of things start to happen after he was here. Now i wonder if he has fucked up my system. Is there a way to resolve my sound issue. | 10:46 |
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enriq | hello... how to mount an os X´s .dmg file? | 10:47 |
Aacron | mobi-sheep: seems pretty neat. if (or rather, when) I manage to screw up my linux installation, I think I'll give the LVM thing a shot. can see where it would be extremely handy | 10:47 |
maxaga | 4 | 10:47 |
mobi-sheep | Aacron: Use alternative disk. There are more choices in it -- Including lvm + encryption. | 10:48 |
mobi-sheep | Aacron: There are guided partitioning for full disk lvm if you want that. | 10:48 |
mobi-sheep | Agion: Look under Sound Preferences. There are things you can toggle off. | 10:48 |
glickity | the public folders | 10:48 |
glickity | what are those for | 10:48 |
glickity | are those exported over the network or something? | 10:49 |
Travo18 | is having half windows half ubuntu on a drive suitable you reckon or should i just go whole ubuntu? | 10:49 |
glickity | Travo18, of course its suitable, it depends on what you want | 10:49 |
glickity | if you need or want windows, then keep it | 10:49 |
glickity | if you dont want it anymore then use ubuntu | 10:49 |
Agion | mobi-sheep: I mean a program. I have it on and can't shut it down but I need pulse audio to work elsewhere | 10:50 |
glickity | i personally obhor windows and avoid it like the plague on all my computers | 10:50 |
Frantic | guys, I want to install ubuntu on a few PCs, I'm a Arch user, so don't really know the ubuntu images that well, afaik the iso images can't be written to a USB stick, I've checked a ubuntu mirror file list and didn't find a .img file, how can I install it from a usb stick? | 10:50 |
fireking300 | The animations addon isn't working for compiz. | 10:51 |
Aacron | Travo18: personally what I did was get a small-ish drive, put windows on it, then put my games and backup stuff on a seperate harddrive with it formatted with ext3 and use "ext2 for windows" | 10:51 |
glickity | thats news to me Frantic cause i installed via usb | 10:51 |
Frantic | glickity: with the .iso image? :) | 10:51 |
mobi-sheep | !usb | Frantic | 10:52 |
ubottu | Frantic: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent | 10:52 |
glickity | Frantic, yes, there is a tool for linux that can convert an iso for use with usb | 10:52 |
Guest66902 | Does anyone have a clue what might be wrong. Playback of sound was all fine until to day. I use the ALSA mixer. Now it sound like it is compressed to 1bit like musical noise. I had a guy here to help me get cinelerra running. He claim to be very good linux user. But alot of things start to happen after he was here. Now i wonder if he has fucked up my system. Is there a way to resolve my sound issue. | 10:52 |
Aacron | Travo18: since windows is notoriously easy to screw up, and doesn't recover from stuff very easily, this set-up works fairly well. If I see something in linux I just can't live without, or find a good linux game I like, I can just have it live on the 'games' drive | 10:52 |
Aacron | Travo18: and I like keepign the same stuff for windows as well. that way if either/or/both OS's fail somehow, I still have my game files, and my backup stuff | 10:53 |
AdvoWork | can i ssh to a ubuntu pc, going on computer name rather than ip address? | 10:53 |
GreyGhost | Guest66902, tried changing the Device? | 10:54 |
Aacron | AdvoWork: I'm not 100% sure on this but I think it would have to broadcast its name to the network so it would be registered with your LAN's DNS resolver | 10:54 |
e-frame | AdvoWork: as long as the host is listed on /etc/hosts , you can do that | 10:55 |
Aacron | AdvoWork: which may be one of the optiosn in network configuration | 10:55 |
fireking300 | Mobi-sheep: I want the airplane effect to work in Compiz, is there some type of configuration I need to do? Because it isn't working | 10:55 |
Ruge | hey guys, in need of some assistance ;) | 10:55 |
Guest66902 | GreyHost: you mean the sound card? | 10:55 |
Aacron | e-frame: shouldn't local DNS work as well (supposing his router supports it)? | 10:55 |
Aacron | Ruge: whats up? | 10:56 |
GreyGhost | Guest66902, no .. tight click on the sound icon in the top bar .. -> preferences.. | 10:56 |
GreyGhost | try the other devices | 10:56 |
mobi-sheep | fireking300: It does work. I remember seeing that in the past. Other than default compiz, I don't use anything. | 10:56 |
eglandon1 | ok just installed ubuntu 9.04 and everytime i try and intall something new whether from synaptic, terminal, or add remove i keep getting an error (E: gnome-system-tools: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1), i have tried reinstalling gnome-system-tools with synaptic and again got the error | 10:56 |
e-frame | Aacron: well, in case you have dns | 10:56 |
Ruge | I uninstalling Ubuntu from my desktop (just using on my laptop). I deleted the partitions and ran "fixmbr" on my Windows XP Repair console, however I still get the GRUB Error 17 message (as if the fixmbr cannot edit the boot record) :| | 10:56 |
fireking300 | well Random animations for all events works :p | 10:57 |
Aacron | holy crapola its 6am here... time flies when you're in a "geeky computer-nerd looking up everythign under the sun with the new shiny linux distro that is actually easy (mostly) to use" mood..... | 10:57 |
fireking300 | Its neat | 10:57 |
Ruge | As a result my PC will no longer boot (it was dualbooting) | 10:57 |
e-frame | Ruge: look for fixboot | 10:58 |
mobi-sheep | fireking300: :3 | 10:58 |
Aacron | Ruge: run fixboot as well? | 10:58 |
Ruge | Oh okay, im on my PC next to me, will try that | 10:58 |
Aacron | Ruge: you may need to try that | 10:58 |
eglandon1 | result of sudo apt-get install -f (Reading package lists... Done | 10:58 |
eglandon1 | Building dependency tree | 10:58 |
eglandon1 | Reading state information... Done | 10:58 |
eglandon1 | The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required: | 10:58 |
eglandon1 | linux-headers-2.6.28-11 linux-headers-2.6.28-11-generic | 10:58 |
eglandon1 | Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them. | 10:58 |
FloodBot1 | eglandon1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 10:58 |
kPb_in | hello friends | 10:58 |
AdvoWork | e-frame, Aacron the problem is, a pc may change its ip address, so then how would i ssh to it? | 10:59 |
kPb_in | any1 using zendframework package in jaunty?? | 10:59 |
GreyGhost | eglandon1, use pastebin please | 10:59 |
Aacron | AdvoWork: well, you could do static IPs if you are concerned about this | 10:59 |
mobi-sheep | AdvoWork: It is possible to ssh into using names, but I don't know how to do it myself. I think that's related to nameservers or such. DNS. Also, if you have 10 PC or so, you might want to consider passwordless ssh for easier access. :) | 10:59 |
kPb_in | i think theres some bug in it... when i enable it, apache stops working | 10:59 |
eglandon1 | my appologies i did not intend to do that | 10:59 |
e-frame | AdvoWork: assign their fix IP allocation using dhcp | 10:59 |
mobi-sheep | AdvoWork: Ask in #ubuntu-server. They may help you (if they're still active). | 11:00 |
Aacron | or do what e-frame said... most routers support static DHCP mappings | 11:00 |
Aacron | even el-cheapo routers liek the crappy 2mb flash havin' netgear I have as a backup :P | 11:01 |
eglandon1 | ok result of sudo apt-get install -f is http://paste.ubuntu.com/203457/ | 11:01 |
Guest66902 | GreyHost: yes i tried: HDA Intel (Alsa mixer) which worked fine until recently now it tested playback with Pulse and same noise is audible | 11:01 |
Guest66902 | GreyHost: i can hear the music but it sounds like 1bit | 11:01 |
GreyGhost | Guest66902, hmm | 11:02 |
Ruge | fixboot didnt work :( | 11:02 |
Ruge | its still giving me GRUB loading ... Error 17 | 11:02 |
mobi-sheep | Ruge: Something that might help you. | 11:02 |
mobi-sheep | !grub | Ruge | 11:02 |
ubottu | Ruge: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 11:02 |
eglandon1 | is anyone in here familiar with 9.04 | 11:03 |
Ruge | ill have a gander at this.... btw i no longer have any Ubuntu partitions on my PC | 11:03 |
mobi-sheep | eglandon1: Ask the real question. | 11:03 |
e-frame | Ruge: go to #wind*** ask how to use fixmbr and fixboot | 11:03 |
mobi-sheep | !windows | Ruge | 11:04 |
ubottu | Ruge: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents | 11:04 |
mobi-sheep | Ruge: There is Windows support channel. :3 | 11:04 |
rishab | hey all | 11:04 |
Ruge | ill give that a go ;) | 11:04 |
eglandon1 | ok i keep having an error every time i install something after install i get E: gnome-system-tools: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 | 11:04 |
GreyGhost | eglandon1, try reinstalling that package | 11:04 |
eglandon1 | i have tryed reinstalling it it and i get the same error | 11:05 |
Guest66902 | GreyHost: any other ideas? | 11:05 |
GreyGhost | Guest66902, nope .. sorry :( | 11:05 |
GreyGhost | eglandon1, completely removed and reinstalled? | 11:05 |
Guest66902 | GreyHost: ok, thanks though | 11:06 |
eglandon1 | no just marked for reinstall with synaptic and reinstalled | 11:06 |
rishab | i was facing some problem while moving to NFS | 11:06 |
rishab | can anyone tell me how to open a particular port and close using IP tables | 11:07 |
rishab | ? | 11:07 |
GreyGhost | eglandon1, you can try completely uninstalling and then reinstalling .. | 11:07 |
mobi-sheep | eglandon1: Try --> "sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install util-linux" --> Reboot your machine. Come back and see if that works, let me know. | 11:09 |
fireking300 | MySQL for ubuntu? | 11:09 |
KlingaN | Hello! I have a Netbook (HP 2133). I've tried different xorg-files. I now installed VIA's 3D-driver (not using openChrome) through: sudo ./install. Now the graphics are all messed up. I tried resetting an old backup of a xorg-file (which itself was modified aswell) - now the screen is all black -- What can I do? | 11:10 |
Jimi_Neutral | can someone help me with ddrescue please | 11:10 |
huongan | KlingaN: my advice to re-install | 11:11 |
empiric222 | guys wht wireless software i need to install in ubuntu for activating my WLAN | 11:11 |
mobi-sheep | KlingaN: Did you reconfigure your Xorg? | 11:11 |
empiric222 | i forgot the name of package | 11:11 |
lunes | I have a dual-head setup. Is there a driver or something to slow the mouse down when leaving one of the screens? | 11:11 |
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lunes | Essentially the same behaviour as moving a window over another one. | 11:12 |
mobi-sheep | KlingaN: Try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" to reconfigure your Xorg. | 11:12 |
=== mike is now known as Guest25532 | ||
KlingaN | mobi-sheep: Yes, I used one which was optimized for HP2133-screen (wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/2133/DisplayConfig810). The "Clean install" xorg was modified aswell (in order to even be able to install Ubuntu with x-server). | 11:12 |
mobi-sheep | KlingaN: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg (automatically). | 11:13 |
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KlingaN | mobi-sheep: Could you perhaps short-breif me what those terms stand for? (sudo, dpkg, phigh ?) -- I will try this now, thank you | 11:14 |
raylu | !sudo | KlingaN | 11:14 |
ubottu | KlingaN: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE) | 11:14 |
rantrave | hi, any1 wanna help me pls? | 11:14 |
raylu | !dpkg | KlingaN | 11:14 |
ubottu | KlingaN: dpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. | 11:14 |
mobi-sheep | raylu: Thank you. <3 | 11:15 |
Guest78929 | <3 | 11:15 |
raylu | !anyone | rantrave | 11:15 |
ubottu | rantrave: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 11:15 |
Ruge | Sorted the problem. All is well | 11:15 |
rantrave | oh ok sorry | 11:15 |
rantrave | i jsut installed ubuntu 9.04 | 11:15 |
AdvoWork | mobi-sheep, how would you setup password less ssh? just a user with no password? isnt that unsafe? | 11:15 |
rantrave | im trying to install umbrello | 11:15 |
josilinux | hello | 11:15 |
KlingaN | mobi-sheep: Thank you. <3 | 11:15 |
mobi-sheep | Ruge: Good to know. No more Ubuntu for you? :( | 11:15 |
rantrave | i added it usung the synaptic package manager | 11:16 |
Ruge | mobi-sheep: on my laptop | 11:16 |
mobi-sheep | KlingaN: I'm glad things worked out for you then. :) | 11:16 |
josilinux | Alguém aí fala portugues? | 11:16 |
Ruge | mobi-sheep: the desktop is a family one, so ill let them use the windows | 11:16 |
KlingaN | mobi-sheep: They havn't yet, I meant the commands. :-) | 11:16 |
rantrave | but when i run umbrello, it wont show. | 11:16 |
KlingaN | mobi-sheep: The explanation of their meaning. | 11:16 |
rantrave | and in the system monitor, its status is "sleeping" | 11:16 |
rantrave | btw, this is my first time using ubuntu. | 11:17 |
josilinux | Olá | 11:17 |
Artilheiro | ola | 11:17 |
mobi-sheep | AdvoWork: By generating an unique ssh key (individually for your machine) first, you then proceed to ssh in and give your machine that ssh key. When sshing in, it'll check for keys and if it matches, no password. :3 | 11:17 |
Guest66902 | Does anyone have a clue what might be wrong. Playback of sound was all fine until to day. I used the ALSA mixer. Now i can hear the musicin both Exile and Spotify but it sound like it is compressed to 1bit. I had a guy here to help me get cinelerra running. He claim to be very good linux user and did alot of things for a couple of hours. Cinelerra opens fine now. But alot of things start to happen after he was here. Now i wonder if he ha | 11:17 |
Guest66902 | s fucked up my system. Is there a way to resolve my sound issue. I tried to change to Pulse, but same problem is audible. | 11:17 |
mobi-sheep | KlingaN: Just run the command. | 11:17 |
josilinux | Do ypu speak portuguese? | 11:17 |
Artilheiro | yes | 11:17 |
josilinux | do you | 11:17 |
Artilheiro | sim | 11:18 |
rantrave | anyone? | 11:18 |
KlingaN | mobi-sheep: I should now write "automatically" in the command and there is no space between "xserver-xorg" ? | 11:19 |
KlingaN | Command: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg | 11:19 |
KlingaN | ? | 11:19 |
mobi-sheep | AdvoWork: Run "ssh-keygen" to generate a key. Passphrase is optional (but good in a sense of security) then... "ssh-copy-id user@host-address" to send the key to that said machine. | 11:20 |
mobi-sheep | KlingaN: Yes --> sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg | 11:20 |
KlingaN | mobi-sheep: It returned that it replaced the file and made a backup | 11:20 |
=== lipsin_ is now known as lipsin | ||
KlingaN | mobi-sheep: What will the new xorg.conf-file look like? Empty? | 11:21 |
begginer001 | hi, i want to activated remote connection, how can i do it ? | 11:21 |
Guest66902 | Does anyone have a clue what might be wrong. Playback of sound was all fine until to day. I used the ALSA mixer. Now i can hear the musicin both Exile and Spotify but it sound like it is compressed to 1bit. I had a guy here to help me get cinelerra running. He claim to be very good linux user and did alot of things for a couple of hours. Cinelerra opens fine now. But alot of things start to happen after he was here. Now i wonder if he ha | 11:21 |
Guest66902 | s fucked up my system. I tried to change to Pulse, but same problem is audible. Is there a way to resolve my sound issue. Or.. does anyone know about a channel where people know such? | 11:21 |
FloodBot1 | Guest66902: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 11:21 |
mobi-sheep | KlingaN: Are you in one of those TTY? | 11:21 |
KlingaN | !TTY | KlingaN | 11:21 |
ubottu | KlingaN, please see my private message | 11:21 |
mobi-sheep | KlingaN: Oh netbook. You're on machine and such. Try "startx" now. | 11:21 |
KlingaN | mobi-sheep: What's TTY? :P I tried to have ubottu tell me | 11:22 |
ubuntuyo_ | hello 안녕하세요..ㅋㅋ | 11:22 |
mobi-sheep | !tty | KlingaN | 11:22 |
ubottu | KlingaN: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login). To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution. | 11:22 |
mobi-sheep | KlingaN: It does not matter as you're on a netbook (as I forget about that). This is useful if you're on computer or you only have a single machine in the house. | 11:23 |
KlingaN | mobi-sheep: Well, I am going to install Ubuntu on another machine. Currently my Netbook is my main one :P | 11:23 |
mobi-sheep | KlingaN: Run "startx" -- You get your Xorg now? | 11:23 |
sheep45098 | some program keeps taking games out of fullscreen. anyone know what that program might be and how to stop it? | 11:23 |
KlingaN | mobi-sheep: So it would be useful to know what it is. | 11:24 |
empiric222 | guys | 11:24 |
mobi-sheep | !info startx | KlingaN | 11:24 |
ubottu | KlingaN: Package startx does not exist in jaunty | 11:24 |
mobi-sheep | !x | KlingaN | 11:24 |
ubottu | KlingaN: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution | 11:24 |
iceroot | is there a way to highlight strings from tail -f? like highlight everystring, contains 404 with color red | 11:24 |
empiric222 | wht ubuntu package was that for wireless lan card that picks windows software on ubuntu | 11:24 |
mobi-sheep | KlingaN: "startx" will start X. | 11:24 |
FPtje | Guys I need serious help!!!! | 11:24 |
FPtje | I opened synaptic | 11:25 |
iceroot | !ndiswrapper | empiric222 | 11:25 |
FPtje | marked all upgrades | 11:25 |
ubottu | empiric222: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 11:25 |
FPtje | installed them | 11:25 |
bi0ne | i need help | 11:25 |
FPtje | and restarted | 11:25 |
empiric222 | oh yes | 11:25 |
FPtje | now linux doesn't boot | 11:25 |
empiric222 | thatns | 11:25 |
FloodBot1 | FPtje: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 11:25 |
rraj_be | is there any way to open .ISZ files in ubuntu? | 11:25 |
bi0ne | anyone ? willing to help me | 11:25 |
FPtje | ok... | 11:25 |
KlingaN | mobi-sheep: I restarted the netbook, it reports: uspash: Setting mode 1024*768 failed -- well my display is 1024*600. I'm in a text based environment now. I'll try startx. | 11:25 |
Guest66902 | Is there a channel where people is able to help me with a sound issue? | 11:25 |
bi0ne | i have problem | 11:26 |
bi0ne | anyone | 11:26 |
rraj_be | i am unable to use a .ISZ file in ubuntu . . . could any one help me plz? | 11:26 |
iceroot | Guest66902: just ask your question | 11:26 |
FPtje | What do you do when you installed wrong packages and completely destroyed your linux by doing that? | 11:26 |
empiric222 | ndiswrapper is not showing any software | 11:26 |
empiric222 | to installl | 11:26 |
KlingaN | mobi-sheep: Fatal server error: no screens found | 11:26 |
iceroot | empiric222: apt-cache search ndiswrapper | 11:26 |
=== Ruge is now known as Ruge\dinner | ||
bi0ne | iceroot i got stuck at 99% running post-installation trigger libc6 im installing ubuntu 9.04 | 11:27 |
mobi-sheep | KlingaN: You said you made a backup of your Xorg something? | 11:27 |
bi0ne | i got stuck at 99% running post-installation trigger libc6 im installing ubuntu 9.04 | 11:28 |
FPtje | Please someone help :( | 11:28 |
iceroot | rraj_be: tried mount? | 11:28 |
Killabee | with? | 11:28 |
FPtje | my problem killabee | 11:28 |
bassliner | iceroot: doesnt really make sense, but you should have a look at supercat (aptitude install supercat), which you can run by spc, to colorize logs. | 11:28 |
Guest66902 | iceroot: ok... i tried both alsa and pulse.. but same problem is audible from both exile and spotify. the music sounds like it is compressed to 1bit audio. digital noise. but it is rythmic like the music. | 11:28 |
FPtje | I marked all upgrade packages in synaptic, now I can't boot anymore, killabee | 11:28 |
rraj_be | iceroot: could you give me the command to mount with mount | 11:28 |
iceroot | bassliner: thx i will have a look | 11:28 |
bi0ne | help me pls anyone i got stuck at 99% running post-installation trigger libc6 im installing ubuntu 9.04 | 11:29 |
AdvoWork | is there some way to tell what pcs are on my network? all on 192.168.0... range? | 11:29 |
empiric222 | ok i install ndiswrapper-common and utils file how i configure my lan now | 11:29 |
KlingaN | mobi-sheep: :-( . In the guide it instructed to take the via driver file from the tar.gz (via.ko) and move to .../modules/drivers and then type "via" in the xorg.conf - this worked but external monitor support didn't work as promised - So while reading deeper I was instructed to read the README in the driver package from VIA - which I did - so I did a full install with "sudo ~./vinstall" - which installed and rebooted - after that I ca | 11:29 |
KlingaN | mobi-sheep: Yes, it was backupped automatically. Can't I use the "recovery"-kernel? | 11:30 |
FPtje | iceroot can you help me? | 11:30 |
bi0ne | KlingaN i got stuck at 99% running post-installation trigger libc6 im installing ubuntu 9.04 | 11:30 |
EnginA | I've just installed coLinux and using a Ubuntu 7.10 fs image. It looks like 7.10 support is down, so I cannot apt-get update or anything. Can I upgrade to 9.10 ? Google claims I need to go 8.04 -> 8.10 -> 9.10 | 11:30 |
iceroot | !ask | FPtje | 11:30 |
ubottu | FPtje: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 11:30 |
Guest66902 | iceroot: the sound was ok until recently.. i have not played music for a couple of days but dicovered the problem today | 11:30 |
FPtje | iceroot:\ | 11:30 |
iceroot | rraj_be: hm not found anything on goole | 11:30 |
FPtje | I marked all upgrade packages in synaptic, now I can't boot anymore | 11:30 |
FPtje | iceroot not even in recovery mode | 11:31 |
mobi-sheep | KlingaN: You can try. However, I'd like you to try this --> "rm -f /etc/X11/xorg.conf* && dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" and reboot. | 11:31 |
FPtje | it instantly says something with a device string | 11:31 |
rraj_be | iceroot, i have too googled but negative | 11:31 |
mobi-sheep | KlingaN: Otherwise, I am not sure how I can continue to help you. | 11:31 |
KlingaN | mobi-sheep: It says it can't load "vesa" driver -- no drivers available | 11:31 |
KlingaN | mobi-sheep: Ok, I'll try - sec :-) | 11:31 |
sheep45098 | they haven't fixed this bug for over a year | 11:31 |
empiric222 | iceroot how i configure my WLAN now | 11:31 |
empiric222 | i install ndiswrapper | 11:31 |
mobi-sheep | bassliner: Do you use supercat? | 11:32 |
bi0ne | i got stuck at 99% running post-installation trigger libc6 im installing ubuntu 9.04 | 11:33 |
FPtje | OI! | 11:33 |
FPtje | I marked all upgrade packages in synaptic, now I can't boot anymore | 11:33 |
Flannel | !repeat | bi0ne, FPtje | 11:33 |
ubottu | bi0ne, FPtje: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait. | 11:33 |
FPtje | What a useful help community! | 11:33 |
KlingaN | mobi-sheep: It reports: rm: cannot remove '/etc/X11/xorg.conf': Permission denied and 12 other different xorg-files | 11:33 |
FPtje | whenever someone asks a question you just say !repeat <name> | 11:34 |
KlingaN | mobi-sheep: For example, I have xorg.conf.viabak and xorg.conf.failsafe | 11:34 |
mobi-sheep | KlingaN: Add sudo. | 11:34 |
KlingaN | mobi-sheep: Before? | 11:34 |
mobi-sheep | KlingaN: Yes. At beginning of the line, please. | 11:34 |
mobi-sheep | KlingaN: And before dkpg. Just in case. | 11:35 |
KlingaN | mobi-sheep: It says: /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure must be run as root | 11:35 |
Guest66902 | iceroot: ok... i tried both alsa and pulse.. but same problem is audible from both exile and spotify. the music sounds like it is compressed to 1bit audio. digital noise. but it is rythmic like the music. the sound was ok until recently.. i have not played music for a couple of days but dicovered the problem today. | 11:35 |
KlingaN | mobi-sheep: Ah, I'll try before dkpg then too | 11:35 |
mobi-sheep | !sudo | KlingaN ;) | 11:35 |
ubottu | KlingaN ;): sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE) | 11:35 |
bros | I want to install an Xubuntu daily build to my PS3. I downloaded the ISO. I extracted the conents onto a USB stick. Is it possible to install from a USB stick because the installer is complaining that it needs a CD? | 11:36 |
mobi-sheep | bassliner: Do you use supercat? | 11:36 |
KlingaN | mobi-sheep: Yes, so the &&-marks means it's a new command with unique privileges on the same line? | 11:36 |
mobi-sheep | bros: There are PS3 iso, I believe. | 11:36 |
michele | ciao | 11:36 |
bros | mobi-sheep: Yes. I downloaded a PS3 ISO. Does it NEED to be burned to a CD? | 11:36 |
michele | no | 11:36 |
mobi-sheep | KlingaN: Yes. && stands for AND in most of programming languages. | 11:37 |
KlingaN | mobi-sheep: Thanks, it deleted them all. What is the command to replace a backup xorg with the orginal one? | 11:37 |
bros | Ubuntu Installer main menu: Detect and mount CD_Rom, Load installer components from CD? | 11:37 |
mobi-sheep | bros: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PlayStation_3 | 11:37 |
KlingaN | mobi-sheep: Ah, thank you - that was helpful. I love such information | 11:37 |
michele | i'm italian | 11:37 |
mobi-sheep | KlingaN: Use cp (copy) function. | 11:38 |
xhema | raylu http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=87798&highlight=ipv6 it seems to be IPv6 | 11:38 |
michele | ??? | 11:38 |
Guest66902 | ANYONE? i tried both alsa and pulse.. but same problem is audible from both exile and spotify. i can hear the music but it sounds like it is compressed to 1bit. the sound was ok until recently.. i have not played music for a couple of days but dicovered the problem today. | 11:38 |
fireking300 | If anyone atm is using windows could you download google chrome and tell me the mirror? | 11:38 |
mobi-sheep | KlingaN: sudo ls -l /etc/X11/xorg* to list all Xorg. | 11:39 |
raylu | !it | michele | 11:39 |
ubottu | michele: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) | 11:39 |
mobi-sheep | KlingaN: Does Xorg work for you? | 11:39 |
KlingaN | mobi-sheep: Okay, I wrote that command down in my "Linux Learning Document | Log" - aswell! :-) | 11:40 |
mobi-sheep | KlingaN: You might want to learn basic linux commands first. The command I gave you is... well useless because that only list all Xorg* (wildcard). And if you learn basic linux command, you'd be able to understand much more. :3 | 11:41 |
KlingaN | mobi-sheep: No, it reports: usplash: Setting mode 1024x768 failed; usplash: Setting mode 800x600 failed; usplash: Using mode 640x480; 19+0 records in; 19+0 records out;kinit: name_to_dev_t(/dev(disk/by-uuid/[lotsoftextgoeshere];kinit(trying to resume from .... [lotsoftext]; kinit: No resume image, doing normal boot...; Ubuntu 8.10 Cloudbook tty1; Cloudbook login: | 11:42 |
mobi-sheep | KlingaN: You can download a free excellent book (PDF) --> http://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/ --> I read it myself already. I skim through this content and such. | 11:42 |
KlingaN | mobi-sheep: I actually saw that PDF yesterday. I added it to favorites, and as soon as I get my Netbook running on an external monitor, with WLAN working and Printer Active - I'll print and read it. | 11:43 |
mobi-sheep | KlingaN: Join #nvidia | 11:43 |
KlingaN | mobi-sheep: Ok, I'm in - even though I'm using a VIA Chrome9 GFX-chipset | 11:44 |
Jimi_Neutral | can someone help me with ddrscue please | 11:44 |
bros | mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /cdrom Failed No Such Device, how can I fix this? | 11:45 |
dreimark | hi, me has some ssh problems | 11:46 |
maveas | Me has some ...? | 11:46 |
dreimark | ssh with passwords does not get me in my home dir | 11:47 |
dreimark | I stuck in / | 11:47 |
dreimark | ssh-copy-id does not find .ssh | 11:47 |
Guest66902 | ANYONE? i tried both alsa and pulse.. but same problem is audible from both exile and spotify. i can hear the music but it sounds like it is compressed to 1bit. the sound was ok until recently.. i have not played music for a couple of days but dicovered the problem today. WTF is wrong :$ | 11:48 |
vick | Hello, does anybody know a good language checker (like grammar) for English for ubuntu ? | 11:48 |
zortec | morning all | 11:48 |
Guest66902 | vick: openoffice.org | 11:49 |
maveas | dreimark: did you read the help on help.ubuntu.com/community ? | 11:49 |
=== static is now known as staticbox | ||
zortec | does anyone know if you can charge a sandisk mp3 player in linux? | 11:49 |
Travo18 | hey does anybody know how to boot into low graphics mode all the time | 11:49 |
zortec | I wonder if I have to boot into windows | 11:49 |
vick | Guest66902, you mean languagetool ? | 11:49 |
Travo18 | rather than choosing the option every time | 11:49 |
Guest66902 | naaa... it is maybe just spelling | 11:50 |
vick | no i want something for grammar checking | 11:50 |
Guest66902 | vick: you want some more advanced features then i dont know | 11:50 |
Guest66902 | vick: google it | 11:51 |
zortec | Travo18: Why do you want to run in low graphics mode? | 11:51 |
bi0ne | is it stable to install lower vesion of ubuntu in vmware ? | 11:52 |
Travo18 | because i dont think my computer can handle the high graphics mode it keeps coming up with an error | 11:52 |
ziroday | bi0ne: sure | 11:52 |
zortec | Travo18: You should be able to handle at least svga | 11:52 |
noc | Travol8, safemode? | 11:52 |
bi0ne | sure ? @ ziroday im planning to run ubuntu on my windows using vmware | 11:53 |
bi0ne | do you have any step by step tutorials ? | 11:53 |
vick | is it possible to upgrade to openoffice 3.0.0 even tho when i check synaptic it says that the latest is 2.4 ? | 11:53 |
mobi-sheep | vick: Not using 9.04? | 11:53 |
sata | can anybody suggest me networking related Channel? | 11:54 |
ziroday | bi0ne: erm well you pretty much follow the normal ubuntu install, only differences being that you have to specify the location of the .iso to vmware. | 11:54 |
ziroday | bi0ne: of course running ubuntu in a VM is no where near as fast as running it natively | 11:54 |
Guest66902 | ANYONE? i tried both alsa and pulse.. but same problem is audible from both exile and spotify. i can hear the music but it sounds like it is compressed to 1bit. the sound was ok until recently.. i have not played music for a couple of days but dicovered the problem today. HEEEELP!!! | 11:54 |
ziroday | sata: ##networking, next time you should ask in #freenode however | 11:54 |
Travo18 | noc: what do you mean safemode?? | 11:54 |
bi0ne | ziroday thank ill try it.. | 11:54 |
vick | mobi-sheep, say what ? | 11:55 |
sata | ziroday, Thanx ziroday for both information. | 11:55 |
mobi-sheep | vick: What are you using? 8.04 -- 8.10 ? | 11:55 |
noc | Travol8, sorry meant recovery mode <- ex windows winnie | 11:55 |
maveas | ^^ bwahaha | 11:55 |
maveas | :D | 11:55 |
bi0ne | i hope to avoid 99% stuck at the running post-installation libc6 | 11:55 |
noc | :-0 | 11:55 |
dreimark | maveas: yes and I have not find an idea for being in / | 11:55 |
ziroday | bi0ne: that shouldn't happen | 11:55 |
qdb | hello | 11:56 |
qdb | i want to set logrotate to rotate apache logs after less time. it is weekly now. there is only daily? | 11:56 |
bi0ne | it happen to me when installing 9.04 | 11:56 |
maveas | dreimark: huh? | 11:56 |
bi0ne | now gonna try lower version of ubuntu | 11:56 |
maveas | dreimark: can you log in? | 11:56 |
dreimark | yes but I am at / | 11:56 |
maveas | dreimark: and can ud cd to another directory? | 11:56 |
dreimark | yes | 11:56 |
maveas | then do cd /home/name etc. | 11:56 |
maveas | ud = you.. | 11:56 |
ziroday | bi0ne: why don't you try again, I would still recommend you use the latest (9.04) or if you really want to the LTS (8.04) | 11:56 |
dreimark | bashrc is not executed | 11:57 |
vick | mobi-sheep, 8.10 | 11:57 |
Travo18 | noc: so once im in recovery mode then what?? | 11:57 |
dreimark | maveas: ssh-copy-id don't work too because of that problem | 11:57 |
noc | Travol8, never really use it but it's low graphics | 11:57 |
maveas | Do you even know what ssh-copy-id does? | 11:57 |
ziroday | vick: you need to add the OOo PPA https://launchpad.net/~openoffice-pkgs/+archive/ppa | 11:58 |
dreimark | maveas: mkdir: cannot create directory `.ssh': Permission denied | 11:58 |
shaz | Can anyone plz tell me where is the equivalent of r.sysinit in ubuntu 9.04 | 11:58 |
maveas | dreimark: what I did to get ssh-copy-id to work was: 1. change root password 2. allow root login 3. ssh-copy-id root@host | 11:58 |
shaz | I want to customize remount of root filesystem | 11:59 |
Guest66902 | anyone please... audio trouble here. HELP | 11:59 |
shaz | rc.sysinit | 11:59 |
vick | ziroday, Where do i add that ? | 11:59 |
jesus_ | anyone know of a krunner substitute for xfce or gnome? | 11:59 |
ziroday | vick: you add the relevant lines to the bottom of /etc/apt/sources.list or under Third Parties in Software Sources | 12:00 |
ziroday | jesus_: launchy or gnome-do | 12:00 |
mobi-sheep | vick: https://edge.launchpad.net/~openoffice-pkgs/+archive/ppa | 12:00 |
jesus_ | ziroday, thnx | 12:00 |
vick | mobi-sheep, so something like deb https://edge.launchpad.net/~openoffice-pkgs/+archive/ppa main ? | 12:01 |
xhema | guys | 12:02 |
xhema | we cannot access any webpages on ubuntu | 12:02 |
sphenxes01 | I would like to run several g++ programs on windows? what should i use? cygwin or mingw? | 12:02 |
xhema | only google | 12:02 |
Travo18 | so does anybody know how to boot in low graphics all the time | 12:02 |
ziroday | xhema: err okay? So going to http://ubuntu.com does what? | 12:02 |
mobi-sheep | vick: Actually, that only update Scribbers, you want the whole OOo thingy. Use https://launchpad.net/~openoffice-pkgs/+archive/ppa | 12:02 |
zortec | sphenxes01: I would go with cygwin | 12:02 |
zortec | Travo18: You could modify the xorg.conf file | 12:02 |
xhema | ifconfig shows lots of RX erros | 12:02 |
ziroday | Travo18: you can specify vesa as your driver in xorg.conf | 12:03 |
sphenxes01 | zortec, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cygwin | 12:03 |
xhema | zigovr, waiting for ubuntu com | 12:03 |
ziroday | xhema: please pastebin the error | 12:03 |
xhema | dns works .. | 12:03 |
xhema | ok | 12:03 |
Travo18 | zortec: how would i go about this | 12:03 |
zortec | sphenxes01: Why are you linking me to a wiki article? | 12:03 |
xhema | ziroday, hold | 12:03 |
Travo18 | ziroday: how would i do that | 12:03 |
ziroday | Travo18: could you pastebin your current contents of /etc/X11/xorg.conf please | 12:04 |
sphenxes01 | zortec, i am newbie in computer. i can't explain such a topic. i only know that it works | 12:04 |
vick | mobi-sheep, i got an error E: Type 'https://edge.launchpad.net/~openoffice-pkgs/+archive/ppa' is not known on line 54 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list | 12:04 |
Travo18 | ziroday: i am new how do i do that | 12:04 |
=== eax is now known as Guest66757 | ||
mobi-sheep | vick: Typo? | 12:04 |
ziroday | !pastebin | Travo18 | 12:04 |
ubottu | Travo18: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic | 12:04 |
xhema | ziroday, i have tried to remove ipv6 many times | 12:05 |
ziroday | vick: you are not adding the right lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list, gimme a sec | 12:05 |
Travo18 | ok but how do i acctually access the information that you want | 12:05 |
KlingaN | mobi-sheep: Bert_2: Greetings! I installed VIA 3D-drivers (VIA Chrome9) for my HP2133 Netbook - everything got all blurry. I changed the xorg-config file (to an earlier, since VIA-driver-installation created a new one) - screen was all black, I did a recover-boot, tried to restore xserver(?) - and it boots in text mode. | 12:05 |
Guest66757 | Hi there :) I've finally gained sound in firefox by in the sound settings selecting "NVidia CK804 (Alsa Mixer)" but now I've lost sound in "music player" AND the pulse audio settings under "Default Mixer Tracks" has disappeared :S Can someone please help me? :) | 12:05 |
zortec | sphenxes01: You go to cygwin's website and download the latest version of cygwin and get a copy of the user's guide. | 12:05 |
xhema | but it still shows as loaded inet6 in 'ip a' | 12:05 |
KlingaN | mobi-sheep: "sudo nvidia-xconfig" > command not found | 12:05 |
ziroday | Travo18: do gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 12:05 |
Guest66902 | ANYONE? i tried both alsa and pulse.. but same problem is audible from both exile and spotify. i can hear the music but it sounds like it is compressed to 1bit. the sound was ok until recently.. i have not played music for a couple of days but dicovered the problem today. HEEEELP!!! | 12:06 |
zortec | Guest66902: Can you give us a second to respond? | 12:06 |
ziroday | vick: add these two lines http://pastebin.com/m4cd68be8 to the bottom of your /etc/apt/sources.list or through Software Sources and removed anything you entered before | 12:06 |
=== Guest66757 is now known as eaxexe | ||
Guest66902 | zortec: sure :) | 12:07 |
Travo18 | ziroday: you want me to copy all that | 12:07 |
ziroday | Travo18: into pastebin, correct | 12:07 |
ziroday | !pastebin > Travo18 | 12:07 |
ubottu | Travo18, please see my private message | 12:07 |
mobi-sheep | ziroday: You know anything about fixing Xorg? I have been working with KlingaN and his issue on HP netbook. | 12:07 |
zortec | Guest66902: Go into the preferences window for volume control and check the sliders that you want | 12:08 |
ziroday | mobi-sheep: I know some of xorg, but nothing on via cards. Sorry mobi-sheep and KlingaN | 12:08 |
Travo18 | ziroday: http://paste.ubuntu.com/203489 | 12:08 |
=== root is now known as Guest45015 | ||
mobi-sheep | KlingaN: What HP model? | 12:09 |
Guest66902 | done that.. and why would this do any change to my noise problem? | 12:09 |
Travo18 | ziroday: did you get it | 12:10 |
ziroday | Travo18: woops I've got myself all confused. Could you pastebin /etc/X11/xorg.conf (gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf) *not* /etc/apt/sources.list. Sorry. | 12:10 |
Guest66902 | zortec: done that.. and why would this do any change to my noise problem? | 12:10 |
vick | ziroday, thanks | 12:10 |
eaxexe | Hi there :) I've finally gained sound in firefox by in the sound settings selecting "NVidia CK804 (Alsa Mixer)" but now I've lost sound in "music player" AND the pulse audio settings under "Default Mixer Tracks" has disappeared :S Can someone please help me? :) | 12:10 |
tyler | tyler | 12:10 |
=== tyler is now known as Guest4843 | ||
zortec | eaxexe: Check that none of the sliders are muted or possibly try a different alsa mixer | 12:10 |
eaxexe | zortec: Checking now, what do you mean by different alsa mixer? | 12:11 |
Travo18 | ziroday: there is nothing in there | 12:11 |
zortec | eaxexe: In volume control, under device try a different alsa mixer | 12:11 |
Guest66902 | zortec: did you get my question? | 12:12 |
xhema | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv4 Anyone have an update for Ubunut 9.4 | 12:12 |
zortec | Guest66902: Which question? | 12:12 |
eaxexe | zortec: THere's only OSS / Alsa :S Yesterday I had like 3 pulse audio settings bbut now only OSS/Alsa :S | 12:12 |
Guest66902 | zortec: done that.. and why would this do any change to my noise problem? | 12:13 |
ziroday | Travo18: okay, can you add this to it please http://pastebin.com/m792919d7 and then save and restart X (logout and log back in) | 12:13 |
enterneo | I have 2GB RAM on my notebook with 2.5GB swap on 8.10. I am going to install 9.04, wondering if I can give away the swap this time? | 12:13 |
xhema | ok | 12:13 |
zortec | eaxexe: Did you try reinstalling your sound drivers? | 12:13 |
xhema | raylu ziroday what do i need for a bug report | 12:13 |
xhema | for this issue | 12:13 |
eaxexe | zortec: Nope, how would I go about that? | 12:13 |
Guest66902 | zortec: i tried both alsa and pulse.. but same problem is audible from both exile and spotify. i can hear the music but it sounds like it is compressed to 1bit. the sound was ok until recently.. i have not played music for a couple of days but dicovered the problem today. | 12:14 |
ziroday | enterneo: do you use hibernate? | 12:14 |
zortec | Guest66902: Do you have a surround sound slider? That is what worked for my sound card | 12:14 |
enterneo | zigovr, no | 12:14 |
ziroday | enterneo: then yes, you can safely reduce your swap partition | 12:14 |
Guest66902 | zortek: nope | 12:14 |
enterneo | ziroday, not reduce, i was hoping to delete it :P | 12:15 |
Travo18 | ziroday: it says that the file does not exist and i am unable to save it | 12:15 |
ziroday | enterneo: you can do that too, but be aware should you run out of ram your computer will crash | 12:15 |
zortec | ubottu: !sound | Guest66902 | 12:16 |
ubottu | Guest66902: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 12:16 |
kholerabbi | I am running Jaunty and the Update Manager is giving me a "Partial Upgrade" dialog. I am confused what this is and a little nervous to continue as it talks about distribution upgrades. {screenshot: http://imgur.com/O2AHD.png } Anyone have a clue what this is about? | 12:16 |
incorrect | running ipsec on a secondary WAN interface seems problematic | 12:16 |
ziroday | Travo18: in a terminal do touch /etc/X11/xorg.conf, then try and save | 12:16 |
incorrect | ok it seems you can run remote primary WAN to local secondary WAN but not secondary to secondary | 12:16 |
maveas | Travo18: Do sudo first? | 12:16 |
bkraptor | how can I customize the options used in Terminal Services Client? | 12:16 |
zortec | bkraptor: in the preferences for terminal | 12:17 |
Travo18 | ziroday: its say that it cannot touch no such file or directory exists | 12:17 |
bkraptor | zortec: no, I mean more that what is presented in the GUI | 12:17 |
eaxexe | zortec: Nope, how would I go about that? | 12:17 |
bkraptor | zortec: the hidden settings that are applied anyway | 12:17 |
ziroday | Travo18: try sudo touch /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 12:17 |
azfira | azfira | 12:18 |
zortec | bkraptor: what terminal app are you using? | 12:18 |
bkraptor | rdesktop | 12:18 |
Travo18 | ziroday: same thing happens no such file or directory | 12:18 |
bkraptor | I want to add -z -xm -P | 12:18 |
ziroday | Travo18: err okay. Does ls -la /etc/X11 show anything? | 12:18 |
zortec | bkraptor: Try the setterm command | 12:18 |
Guest66902 | ubottu.. ok thanks. but i have got sound... it is just distorted or sound compressed to 1 bit audio.. aka noise. it is like that with both ALSA and Pulse from any audio player | 12:19 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 12:19 |
zortec | Guest66902: What audio card do you have? | 12:19 |
bkraptor | zortec: I doubt setterm would help. I want tsclient (the gui app) to send rdesktop (the CLI app) a few more parameters that are not present in the GUI | 12:19 |
Travo18 | ziroday: nope it says cannot access no such file or directory | 12:19 |
hateball | !info pavumeter | Guest66902 | 12:19 |
ubottu | Guest66902: pavumeter (source: pavumeter): PulseAudio Volume Meter. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.3-1ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 28 kB, installed size 140 kB | 12:19 |
ziroday | Travo18: erm you are using ubuntu right? | 12:20 |
Travo18 | yeh | 12:20 |
Travo18 | 9.04 | 12:20 |
hateball | Guest66902: Install that package and check that the volume levels are not set too high | 12:20 |
Guest66902 | it is a built in realtek/intel card i think | 12:20 |
ziroday | Travo18: okay, what does ls -l /etc | grep X11 show then? | 12:20 |
zortec | bkraptor: sorry I can't help with that | 12:20 |
Travo18 | ziroday: it did nothing it was just like hitting enter | 12:21 |
Travo18 | i took the | out and it spat out alot of file names | 12:21 |
zortec | Guest66902: What model? | 12:22 |
zortec | Guest66902: AC '97 or something else? | 12:22 |
ziroday | Travo18: that is really, really odd. Can you do sudo mkdir /etc/X11/ and then sudo touch /etc/X11/xorg.conf and finally gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and add those two lines in | 12:23 |
qdb | which key combination is to turn off? | 12:23 |
zortec | qdb: turn off what? | 12:23 |
qdb | computer | 12:23 |
qdb | os | 12:23 |
qdb | ubuntu | 12:24 |
qdb | 9 04 | 12:24 |
qdb | zortec | 12:24 |
Guest66902 | zortec: how do i see what the modelname is? | 12:24 |
zortec | qdb: ctrl+alt+del might work | 12:24 |
qdb | no | 12:24 |
Travo18 | ziroday: nice work it saved this time | 12:24 |
fireking300 | Getting google chrome to work in Wine is difficult. | 12:24 |
Travo18 | now what reboot | 12:24 |
xhema | raylu ziroday I have collected all the logs, who should I send them to? I have a mail | 12:24 |
bazhang | qdb, turn off the computer, or restart X server | 12:24 |
qdb | or at least how to go t menu? | 12:24 |
ziroday | Travo18: sure | 12:24 |
qdb | turn of | 12:24 |
bazhang | no such combo qdb | 12:25 |
rishab | hello all | 12:25 |
qdb | i can fo to main menu... | 12:25 |
qdb | alt f1 | 12:25 |
zortec | qdb: it only works from the consule... no shortcut that I can see from the gui | 12:25 |
=== Ruge\dinner is now known as Ruge | ||
qdb | how can i in gnome go to right top corner menu where is turn off | 12:26 |
zortec | Guest66902: Type lspci at the cli | 12:26 |
Travo18 | ziroday: unfortunately it came up with the same error message as before | 12:26 |
ziroday | qdb: the shutdown button is on the top right | 12:26 |
ziroday | Travo18: which is? | 12:26 |
qdb | yes | 12:26 |
rishab | i installed the nfs-kernel-server in my system, while trying to mount my folder it says permission denied. Can any one tell me how to get the permission from IP tables ?? | 12:27 |
bazhang | Travo18, paste.ubuntu.com with the output of /etc/apt/sources.list | 12:27 |
qdb | how to go there without mouse | 12:27 |
qdb | ziroday, | 12:27 |
bazhang | !enter | qdb | 12:27 |
ubottu | qdb: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 12:27 |
ziroday | qdb: you can't | 12:27 |
zortec | qdb: you can't go there without a mouse, it requires user interaction | 12:27 |
Guest66902 | zortec: it is a Realtek ALC888 card | 12:27 |
qdb | ok! | 12:27 |
qdb | found | 12:27 |
qdb | power off button! | 12:27 |
rishab | ubottu | 12:27 |
Travo18 | bazhang: yep one second | 12:28 |
zortec | qdb: please don't do one line responses | 12:28 |
Guest66902 | zortek: it has worked fine until recently | 12:28 |
zortec | Guest66902: What is the specific problem you are having? You can also send me a pm if you would prefer. | 12:28 |
Travo18 | ziroday: it says the following error was encountered. You may need to update your configuration to solve this. | 12:28 |
ziroday | Travo18: erm that's not an X issue | 12:29 |
bazhang | Travo18, and the output of lsb_release -a | 12:29 |
Travo18 | ziroday: (EE) NV(0): No valid models found | 12:29 |
rishab | any one know about the nfs server | 12:29 |
Guest66902 | #zortek | 12:29 |
ziroday | Travo18: please do what bazhang has asked | 12:29 |
Travo18 | (EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a useable configuration | 12:29 |
Guest66902 | zortec: how do i PM you? | 12:29 |
papul | Guest66902: /msg zortec <message> | 12:30 |
zortec | Guest66902: /msg | 12:30 |
=== yacc__ is now known as yacc | ||
papul | !tor-gpg | 12:31 |
ubottu | You can use tor and still access #ubuntu and other channels that have tor blocked. How? Read http://freenode.net/irc_servers.shtml#tor to find out how to bypass all the tor hassles on freenode. | 12:31 |
Travo18 | bazhang: the first one you asked it says the command was not found | 12:32 |
VirusTB | hi | 12:32 |
bazhang | Travo18, what was the exact command you put in the terminal | 12:32 |
SAMER | hello | 12:32 |
=== VirusTB is now known as JasonX | ||
SAMER | any one have ieda how to connect to internet via bundluxe modem | 12:33 |
zortec | is is it normal behavior when you minimize all windows that they go in the top right corner of the screen? | 12:33 |
trip0-nb | I have an issue with maximus on UNR, I can't get it to start on a secondary display. I have a startup script: http://pastebin.com/m4968d092 that is supposed to launch it, but for some reason, it doesn't start. I can start it via the command line though... | 12:33 |
Travo18 | the second one that you wanted is at http://paste.ubuntu.com/203501 | 12:33 |
Travo18 | the exact command i put in was /etc/apt/sources.list | 12:33 |
Travo18 | bazhang: now it says permission denied | 12:34 |
bazhang | Travo18, cat /etc/apt/sources.list <--- put that in paste.ubuntu.com | 12:34 |
Travo18 | bazhang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/203504 | 12:36 |
zortec | do any of you use the show desktop button in gnome? | 12:36 |
kinja-sheep | zortec: I use CTRL + ALT + D mostly. | 12:36 |
voodoor | Is there an installer for ubuntu-rescue-remix? | 12:36 |
bluepencil | hi guys, where is the bash_profile located in ubuntu? | 12:37 |
zortec | when I click the button, my window minimizes to the top right corner of the screen | 12:37 |
bluepencil | im trying to add aliases. | 12:37 |
zortec | I think that is weird, it doesn't seem like default behavior | 12:37 |
bazhang | voodoor, netbook-remix ? | 12:37 |
voodoor | bazhang: No, rescue remix | 12:37 |
voodoor | bluepencil: its a hidden file in your home folder | 12:38 |
=== phlegx_systems is now known as adac | ||
bluepencil | voodoor, lemme check | 12:38 |
kinja-sheep | bluepencil: ~/.bashrc | 12:38 |
zortec | where do you control where the windows minimize to? | 12:38 |
bazhang | voodoor, never heard of it | 12:38 |
trip0-nb | bazhang: in your home dir there should be a file .bash_profile | 12:38 |
zortec | I don't want them to be in the top right | 12:38 |
kinja-sheep | bluepencil: There also are settings in that said profile where you can add aliases from external file (.bash_aliases). | 12:39 |
bluepencil | kinja-sheep, oh so its called bashrc instead of bash_profile? | 12:39 |
bazhang | trip0-nb, I think you tab-miscompleted | 12:39 |
bluepencil | kinja-sheep, ah ok, sorry the linux tutorial im working off is from 2000 :) | 12:39 |
voodoor | WhaT | 12:39 |
movela | hi, anyone ripped a dvd in ubuntu lately? | 12:39 |
kinja-sheep | bluepencil: There also are .profile. | 12:39 |
Travo18 | bazhang: did you get it | 12:39 |
bluepencil | kinja-sheep, ah ok | 12:39 |
KlingaN | mobi-sheep: Sorry for late answer - did the dishes. HP Mini Note 2133 (VIA Chrome9) | 12:40 |
bazhang | Travo18, yes | 12:40 |
Ragnar | Hi! I accidently (wrong translation) deleted a key in g-conf editor /apps/update-notifier. it began with "show no", or "no show" something and had no further description. can anybody kindly post this key here? thanks! | 12:41 |
kinja-sheep | KlingaN: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/HP2133 | 12:41 |
voodoor | Sorry, what I'm looking for is a minimal ubuntu distro- no X, pref with partimage already included, with an installer- like the Debian netinst but more than the ubuntu minimal installer- any suggestions? | 12:41 |
JasonX | is there a PDF reader install with Jaunty 9.04?? or do i need to i nstall one my sel?f | 12:41 |
JasonX | sel8 | 12:41 |
JasonX | self** | 12:41 |
kinja-sheep | JasonX: It's already installed. Just click-click the PDF. | 12:41 |
JasonX | kinja-sheep: thanks | 12:41 |
voodoor | ubuntu-rescue-remix is it, IF I could easily install it | 12:41 |
kinja-sheep | JasonX: Welcome. Also, additional information for you. | 12:42 |
kinja-sheep | !pdf | JasonX | 12:42 |
ubottu | JasonX: pdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/okular/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source) | 12:42 |
Guest66902 | msg/ zortek i tried both alsa and pulse and different audio players. all same noise | 12:42 |
bluepencil | So, bash_profile isnt used by ubuntu? | 12:42 |
bazhang | voodoor, the minimal install 9mb iso | 12:42 |
bazhang | !minimal | voodoor | 12:42 |
ubottu | voodoor: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD | 12:42 |
bazhang | voodoor, there is also pxe boot | 12:42 |
kinja-sheep | bluepencil: You can create .bash_profile if you like to. Also, #bash | 12:43 |
Jimi_Neutral | can anyone help me with ddrescue please? | 12:43 |
zortec | can anyone confirm if that is not a bug in gnome? | 12:44 |
voodoor | bazhang: Yes, I know about that - as I said its too little- I don't want to download everythig every time I install. Deb netinst is about right sorta size/ thing I'm after but Lenny is already too old for my needs | 12:44 |
KlingaN | kinja-sheep: I've read through that entire site, plus the subsite: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/HP2133/DisplayConfig810 | 12:44 |
kraut | moin | 12:44 |
kinja-sheep | bluepencil: http://stefaanlippens.net/bashrc_and_others | 12:44 |
zortec | So when I use the show desktop button, all my windows are minimized to the top right. Is that normal? | 12:45 |
voodoor | I'm looking for something like ubuntu-rescue-remix or sysrescuecd BUT with a quick + easy installer, which both of these seem to lack | 12:45 |
Travo18 | bazhang: so any ideas?? | 12:45 |
bluepencil | thanks kina | 12:46 |
bluepencil | kinja | 12:46 |
kinja-sheep | zortec: Where is your "Windows List" on the gnome panel? On right-side ? | 12:46 |
kinja-sheep | KlingaN: You ever try that Xorg profile from the site you gave me? | 12:46 |
zortec | kinja-sheep: What do you mean by "Windows List"? | 12:46 |
zortec | kinja-sheep: The "show desktop" button is at the far left under the gnome menu. | 12:46 |
kinja-sheep | zortec: It's one of those panel that will "list" all windows on your panel. | 12:47 |
kinja-sheep | zortec: one of those applet* | 12:47 |
JasonX | bazhang: going to give this wifi thing another try, now that i woke up :P ICS here I go | 12:47 |
=== JasonX is now known as VirusTB | ||
zortec | kinja-sheep: I don't follow with the "list all windows" on the panel | 12:47 |
bazhang | Travo18, can you check whether you are using proprietary drivers or not | 12:48 |
Travo18 | bazhang: how do i do that | 12:48 |
VirusTB | ok quick question.. My DVD drive doesnr read DVD/Movies :S | 12:48 |
bazhang | Travo18, system--administration--hardware drivers | 12:48 |
VirusTB | is ther a codc i need to instals? | 12:48 |
VirusTB | codec* | 12:48 |
kinja-sheep | zortec: It's not big issue if the windows goes right or right-down. I suppose that's compiz settings. | 12:48 |
zortec | VirusTB: yes | 12:48 |
bazhang | medibuntu.org VirusTB libdvdcss2 | 12:48 |
VirusTB | zortec: which one how do i do it | 12:48 |
zortec | VirusTB: You can install it through synaptic. Get medibuntu or restricted-extras I believe will also have the odecs. | 12:49 |
Travo18 | bazhang: i would say no because it said that the driver is not activated | 12:49 |
Travo18 | should i activate it | 12:49 |
bazhang | Travo18, which driver | 12:49 |
Travo18 | Nvidia accelerated graphics driver | 12:50 |
fireking300 | what does the command fdisk -l do? | 12:50 |
zortec | kinja-sheep: Yeah I was thinking it might be compiz. It's just strange behavior to have the windows minimized in the top right and then fade back into view | 12:50 |
bazhang | Travo18, yes activate it | 12:50 |
bazhang | VirusTB, its at medibuntu.org check their instructions | 12:50 |
VirusTB | zortec: " sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras" right? | 12:50 |
zortec | kinja-sheep: thought maybe there was a way to control that behavior | 12:50 |
VirusTB | baz k thanks | 12:50 |
kinja-sheep | zortec: Did you see something about that related information on compiz settings? | 12:50 |
VirusTB | bazhang: k thanks8 | 12:50 |
kinja-sheep | !ccsm | zortec | 12:50 |
ubottu | zortec: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion | 12:50 |
Travo18 | bazhang: then what?? | 12:50 |
gangil | is there a way in ubuntu I can see about the config of my laptop like my comp in windows | 12:50 |
gangil | ? | 12:50 |
kinja-sheep | zortec: You could change or fix it using that. :3 | 12:51 |
bluepencil | When i try to vim my .bashrc file in the home folder, it states Swop already exists? | 12:51 |
zortec | kinja-sheep: I do have the compiz settings manager | 12:51 |
bluepencil | and gives me a bunch of options | 12:51 |
bazhang | Travo18, are they activated and installed? | 12:51 |
KlingaN | kinja-sheep: What is it about you Sheep? The people named "Sheep" in this channel seem to be the most helpful. | 12:51 |
kinja-sheep | KlingaN: Same person. | 12:51 |
bluepencil | lol | 12:52 |
KlingaN | kinja-sheep: Yep, I tried both of those - including the two (2D and 3D) supplied on the subsite DisplayConfig810 | 12:52 |
kinja-sheep | KlingaN: I'm on the computer at the moment. mobi-sheep is the laptop. :X | 12:52 |
KlingaN | kinja-sheep: Aha, haha. :-) | 12:52 |
Travo18 | bazhang: should be done after it restarts it recommends that it be restarted | 12:52 |
KlingaN | kinja-sheep: Ah, cool :-) | 12:52 |
bazhang | Travo18, then activate and restart | 12:52 |
KlingaN | kinja-sheep: I hope you get something in return for helping people - a friendly thank you atleast :) | 12:52 |
gangil | which nvidia driver should i install , the hardware driver options shows me too v v173 n v 177 | 12:53 |
zortec_ | kinja-sheep: It was the "show desktop" effect in compiz, thanks :) | 12:53 |
mobi-sheep | KlingaN: Indeed. I literally got $10 for working with a person. Heh. | 12:53 |
rishab | actually i installed the nfs-kernel-server and configured it but while mounting it says permission denied | 12:53 |
gangil | answer me! | 12:53 |
rishab | any one look into matter | 12:53 |
bazhang | gangil, patience | 12:53 |
gangil | bazhang: sorry | 12:53 |
rishab | but i am loosing my patience | 12:54 |
rishab | actually i installed the nfs-kernel-server and configured it but while mounting it says permission denied | 12:54 |
zortec_ | rishab: with as many people that come in here for help, you do need have a little patience | 12:54 |
Travo18 | rishab: these guys are good but it just takes time ok give them a break | 12:54 |
zortec_ | rishab: there is only a limited number of people that can help your specific problem :) | 12:54 |
xhema | https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/9100 http://launchpadlibrarian.net/28367353/files.tgz here is my updated bugreport and log files | 12:54 |
Guest66902 | hm.... my audio works fine again.... but i dont know how or why. thanks for answers folks! | 12:54 |
rishab | the reloading error as ]#/etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart Stopping NFS kernel daemon: mountd nfsd. Unexporting directories for NFS kernel daemon.... Exporting directories for NFS kernel daemon...exportfs: /etc/exports [1]: Neither 'subtree_check' or 'no_subtree_check' specified for export "". Assuming default behaviour ('no_subtree_check'). NOTE: this default has changed since nfs-utils version 1.0.x . | 12:55 |
zamba | how can i check which dns servers are responsible for a reverse zone? | 12:55 |
zamba | and how delegation is set up? | 12:55 |
zortec_ | Here is a quick one, anyone know where I can find documentation on all of the cool effects in compiz? I would like to read about them | 12:55 |
kinja-sheep | zortec_: http://www.compiz-fusion.org/ | 12:57 |
kinja-sheep | !compiz | zortec_ | 12:57 |
ubottu | zortec_: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz | 12:57 |
rishab | but till now one one responded | 12:57 |
kinja-sheep | zortec_: Look under Wiki. | 12:57 |
kinja-sheep | zortec_: Or simply mess around plugins. :0 | 12:58 |
zortec | kinja-sheep: already there :) | 12:58 |
Travo18 | bazhang: now while loading it has a primary master HDD error and it appears to be not installed in the bios anymore?? | 12:58 |
zortec | hmm, that is weird. I go to open the page and firefox shuts down | 12:58 |
manolis | hallo | 12:58 |
zortec | I've had that happen a few times now, running the latest version of firefox | 12:58 |
zortec | is the new version of firefox not very stable? | 12:59 |
rizitis | Did anyone know how I should watch veoh...? | 12:59 |
VirusTB | i cant get PDF file to download / open from FTP server :S | 13:00 |
VirusTB | * i m ahere clickng on it to open in new page and nothing happens? | 13:00 |
bazhang | VirusTB, just use evince to open | 13:00 |
Travo18 | bazhang: did you get last message? | 13:00 |
VirusTB | bazhang: ok then how to i tell evince to go to the internet and get the PDF file? | 13:01 |
bazhang | Travo18, never heard that one before, sounds like a potential Hardware issue | 13:01 |
rizitis | ! veoh | 13:01 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about veoh | 13:01 |
bazhang | rizitis, via Firefox with the flash plugin installed | 13:01 |
skyl | how would YOU scale a bunch of images all at once to the same size? | 13:01 |
KlingaN | mobi-sheep: Ah, but that's not much considering how much you help - how much time you spend on it. | 13:01 |
bazhang | VirusTB, you are downloading it to your computer? | 13:02 |
rizitis | bazhang: only the 5 minutes preview... | 13:02 |
VirusTB | bazhang: i am trying yo, but in firefox when i click it it does nothing! | 13:02 |
VirusTB | bazhang: unless i need a firefox plugin ( on windows when i click it it always opens up) | 13:02 |
bazhang | VirusTB, what about right click save as | 13:03 |
rizitis | bazhang: veoh doest have player for linux | 13:03 |
KlingaN | mobi-sheep: I used this method to install Ubuntu on my Netbook: http://www.hp2133guide.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=1059 | 13:03 |
VirusTB | bazhang: "save link as.. " ? ? | 13:03 |
bazhang | rizitis, perhaps miro can do that | 13:03 |
bazhang | VirusTB, think so, try it | 13:03 |
MagicLover | Hi! What channel for Russinas? | 13:04 |
MagicLover | *Russians | 13:04 |
VirusTB | bazhang: nope nuthing ... not even a window asking me where to save it :S | 13:04 |
bazhang | MagicLover, #ubuntu-ru | 13:04 |
asfjio | hello, what is the real path to this folder fonts:/// ? | 13:04 |
bazhang | SAMER, lose the caps | 13:04 |
bazhang | VirusTB, want me to check the link? | 13:05 |
KlingaN | kinja-sheep + mobisheep: Ah, but that's not much considering how much you help - how much time you spend on it. | 13:05 |
KlingaN | kinja-sheep + mobi-sheep: I used this method to install Ubuntu on my Netbook: http://www.hp2133guide.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=1059 | 13:05 |
kinja-sheep | KlingaN: I don't spend all my time on IRC, mind you. ;) | 13:05 |
VirusTB | bazhang: well u will have to loginto a FTP server, is my local newspaper i am trying to view | 13:06 |
spidla | SAMER: and whats wrong ? | 13:06 |
bazhang | VirusTB, okay sorry not to be of more help | 13:06 |
gangil | another question : I have a dell inspiron 1420 with nVidia Corporation GeForce 8400M GS , the hardware restricted drivers window shows me two drivers for it 1. ver. 173 2. ver. 177 . which one should I install? | 13:06 |
kinja-sheep | KlingaN: You tried it with Jaunty? Failz? | 13:06 |
VirusTB | bazhang: ah ! nevermind i jsut remmeber there is an option to have the PDf emailined to you, that my solve my issues | 13:06 |
bazhang | gangil, which is recommended | 13:06 |
gangil | ver 177 | 13:07 |
Titan8990 | gangil, the new one, old one is only there in for legacy cards | 13:07 |
bazhang | gangil, then do the recommended | 13:07 |
SAMER | address not found | 13:07 |
asfjio | can someone help me what is this location for fonts "fonts:///" can i access it with cd command? | 13:08 |
gangil | bazhang: I am apprehensive about installing it , cause the last time I installed a nvidia driver in ubuntu 8.04 , I suffered from a lot , Titan8990 , are u sure? | 13:08 |
chris__ | hey guys :) I have some problems with my sound system, the only thing that's working is the MPD which bases on alsa, but the sound of VLC-player and Internet as well no longer work. Someone can help me? | 13:08 |
Titan8990 | gangil, if it gives you problems uninstall it | 13:08 |
Titan8990 | gangil, i have never had problems with nvidia drivers | 13:09 |
KlingaN | kinja-sheep: Yep, I had two 10-hour days with Jaunty. :P | 13:09 |
gangil | Titan8990: which laptop do u hv? | 13:09 |
Titan8990 | gangil, my laptop uses ati, my desktops use ati | 13:09 |
kinja-sheep | KlingaN: What bios? Is it latest though? | 13:09 |
KlingaN | kinja-sheep: Should I go for 8.04 instead? | 13:09 |
Titan8990 | gangil, err | 13:09 |
Titan8990 | gangil, desktops use nvidia | 13:10 |
KlingaN | kinja-sheep: Yep, later than what available to download - F07 revision. | 13:10 |
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* gangil has a dell inspiron 1420 | 13:10 | |
nnookk | What is the easiest way to visualise differences between vanilla Ubuntu and such spin-offs as Mint or Crunchbang? | 13:11 |
KlingaN | kinja-sheep: Does 8.04 support Compiz? Is the difference between 8.10 and 8.04 big? | 13:11 |
kinja-sheep | KlingaN: Why not? 8.04 is LTS release. Very stable. Especially when you don't want to play around with settings for your on-the-go portable laptop. | 13:12 |
nnookk | Also, is it possible to do a minimal install from Ubiquity or server installer? | 13:12 |
bazhang | nnookk, come discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic | 13:12 |
bazhang | nnookk, yes for the minimal | 13:12 |
bazhang | !minimal > nnookk | 13:12 |
ubottu | nnookk, please see my private message | 13:12 |
kinja-sheep | KlingaN: There are noticeable big differences, sure. Lot of things happened in interval of 6-month releases. | 13:12 |
KlingaN | kinja-sheep: Oh, so 8.10 isn't very stable? I heard there was two new versions (9.04 and 9.10) being devoped so I thought 8.04 was an old version | 13:13 |
MMcGee | Hey, can someone help me with a funny problem? | 13:13 |
kinja-sheep | KlingaN: 8.10 is stable. Yes. | 13:13 |
KlingaN | kinja-sheep: But it lacks some hardware support/drivers? | 13:13 |
kinja-sheep | KlingaN: For more information, read more about LTS -- It's useful for productive environment. | 13:14 |
kinja-sheep | !lts | KlingaN | 13:14 |
ubottu | KlingaN: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04) | 13:14 |
jerroome | Hi, does anyone know how I can convert a debian package into an rpm ? | 13:14 |
kinja-sheep | !alien | jerroome | 13:14 |
ubottu | jerroome: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported) | 13:14 |
jerroome | but I don't want to install a rpm package, I would like to create one | 13:15 |
jerroome | converting from debian to redhat | 13:15 |
KlingaN | kinja-sheep: But I was reading on the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/HP2133 and there were a lot of fixes with the 8.04, you had to do many things manually | 13:15 |
kinja-sheep | KlingaN: LTS is something that people would want to install -- such as school environment and such. Work environment, etc. | 13:15 |
skillz | wassup peeps | 13:16 |
KlingaN | kinja-sheep: What "people" ? :-D | 13:16 |
kinja-sheep | KlingaN: Do you use/need VGA? | 13:16 |
Name1 | Hello wow this works | 13:16 |
KlingaN | kinja-sheep: Yes, depending on it. That's what I've been trying to fix. Everything worked - until i downloaded the VIA driver to add XRandR (which seems to be a manager/support for screens?) so I could use my external display | 13:16 |
skillz | name it does | 13:17 |
kinja-sheep | KlingaN: I suggest you to work with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/HP2133 -- That's all I can say. | 13:17 |
kinja-sheep | KlingaN: I have a netbook myself but I'm willing to give up VGA especially because that's something I don't use 99% of the time. | 13:18 |
kinja-sheep | KlingaN: But if you do use VGA (very often), then I understand your situation. | 13:18 |
skillz | kinja so does it have like two graphics cards?? | 13:19 |
kinja-sheep | KlingaN: It's a netbook. Wouldn't be a netbook if you rely on VGA often. :3 | 13:19 |
kinja-sheep | !tab | skillz | 13:20 |
ubottu | skillz: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 13:20 |
MMcGee | Anyone know why my apache install is accessible from its WAN address but doesn't respond on its LAN address? | 13:21 |
kinja-sheep | skillz: No. Netbook use a single graphic card. Just that the graphic card "push" more pixels out (assuming it already can handle it since VGA was included in the hardware too). | 13:21 |
whatis_tux | how can I mount a partition on /home/me from /etc/fstab ? I tried adding "/dev/sda5 /home/me ntfs rw,noauto" and it doesn't work | 13:21 |
Ruge | is there any way | 13:21 |
Ruge | i can remove teh GRUB? | 13:21 |
Ruge | nothing seems to work :( | 13:21 |
skillz | thanx Kinja | 13:22 |
skillz | oh ok kinja-sheep | 13:23 |
skillz | wow this tab thing is nice.. | 13:23 |
KlingaN | kinja-sheep: Hehe - true true. But this is infact my only computer at the moment, that's why I'm relying on it. But I've read every single word on the LaptopTestingTeam-site and the subsite for adapting your display ../LaptopTestingTeam/HP2133/DisplayConfig810 and tried the different drivers and Xorg Configs. I've even made a Log with all the thing's I've tried to try and figure out what the next step in the diagnosis/repair action wou | 13:23 |
gangil | there are several nvidia -glx-<versions> in my synaptic which one should I install 173.177or 180??? | 13:24 |
skillz | wats wrong with it KlingaN | 13:24 |
kinja-sheep | KlingaN: Might as well stick with 8.10 | 13:24 |
skillz | ?? | 13:24 |
kinja-sheep | gangil: Latest one, perhaps? | 13:24 |
bazhang | gangil, whichever is recommended in Hardware Drivers | 13:24 |
KlingaN | kinja-sheep: And it says there that you _can_ get multiple monitor support even with the 3D-drivers (which I use) _and_ use Compiz at the same time. There is also a solution where you use two different Xservers for each screen. You can enable XRandR aswell (but this messes up Compiz) for multiple monitor support with the 3D-drivers. I just havn't got it to work. I changed all the values in the xorg.config from 1280x756 to 1024x600 (sin | 13:25 |
kinja-sheep | KlingaN: All on 9.04? | 13:26 |
=== pepito_ is now known as metal1369 | ||
fireking300 | I need to test out my download accelerator, does anyone know a website that already has a fast download connection? | 13:27 |
KlingaN | kinja-sheep: Someone posted on my thread on "www.hp2133guide.com" that I can use the standard openChrome drivers (which are put on by default? Can I check this somewhere, which driver is active?) - I just have to add a line of text in my xorg.conf - i Quote: --- "you can use an external monitor with openChrome. However, you can't switch between the internal display and an external display on the fly like you can with VIA's driver (I | 13:27 |
KlingaN | kinja-sheep: On 9.04 there are no binary drivers released by VIA (scheduled to next month) so there is no multi monitor support | 13:28 |
skillz | so who has used the google chrome for ubuntu?? | 13:28 |
fireking300 | I tried to get it to work but it doesn't let you go to other sites it stays on about:blank | 13:29 |
skillz | the chrome fireking300 ?? | 13:29 |
kinja-sheep | KlingaN: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenChrome | 13:30 |
fireking300 | Yes, google chrome I tried to get it to work in Wine | 13:30 |
skillz | .....ohhh av been wanting to try it out.. | 13:30 |
bluepencil | Is ssh refused by default on 9.04? | 13:30 |
kinja-sheep | bluepencil: SSH is not installed by default for all Ubuntu releases. | 13:31 |
kinja-sheep | !ssh | bluepencil | 13:31 |
ubottu | bluepencil: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. Putty is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon) | 13:31 |
bluepencil | kinja-sheep, sweet dude, thanks | 13:31 |
skillz | kinja-sheep, how du u know all this stuff?? | 13:31 |
chase_ | I accidentally deleted the wireless network icon on the top right, how do I put it back? I know how to add them, but the wireless one isnt in there, plus I dont know how to locate the wireless manager anywhere else | 13:32 |
Smeagol | hi, i have a question, how can i use apt-get without checking if the package is already installed? (of use apt-get and re-install it) so without removing dependacys | 13:32 |
KlingaN | kinja-sheep: Kinja, I've been sitting with Linux the past 5 days for 10+/-2 hours every day - hard studying Linux and really trying to learn - read hundreds of pages and have still not gotten it to work. I'm such a stubborn person so I don't give up until I'm done either - I'm completely exhausted. The weather is perfect outside. It is alway that hard to get the hang of Linux in the beginning? | 13:32 |
bluepencil | Is there an Remote Desktop equivalent for ubuntu? | 13:32 |
kinja-sheep | skillz: Read. Study. Practice. Learn. Teach. | 13:32 |
kinja-sheep | bluepencil: Depends on what you're trying to do -- You want to VNC into your Linux machine? Or access into Windows machine? Those are already installed by default (BTW). | 13:33 |
fiXXXerMet | I have two monitors setup (laptop screen and external LCD) Whenever I open a video file, be it in a player or in a web browser, my external screen flashes black, before the video plays. Does anyone know why this happens? | 13:33 |
Smeagol | anybody?:) | 13:34 |
bluepencil | kinja-sheep, sorry should have been more specific, i want to VNC from linux to linux | 13:34 |
bluepencil | kinja-sheep, ubuntu to ubuntu | 13:34 |
kinja-sheep | KlingaN: No, not really. It's [difficult] in Gentoo. However, in your situation, it's hard because of new VIA drivers. There are always glitches and certain issues + situations for everybody. Most of the hardwares will be working nearly fine out of the box. | 13:34 |
bluepencil | kinja-sheep, there are 100 plus users here with ubuntu... im tired of running mate...tired.... | 13:34 |
zopiac1 | Is there a mkdir command for files? like, to make a blank text file? just trying to test some things | 13:35 |
_ruben | touch | 13:35 |
bluepencil | zopiacl, use the command: touch | 13:35 |
=== akravets_ is now known as akravets | ||
zopiac1 | Ok thanks | 13:35 |
skillz | connection reset by peer | 13:36 |
SAMER | pls i had connect to the internet but firfox not work | 13:36 |
kinja-sheep | bluepencil: Look under System --> Preferences/Admin and find something. You need to toggle on Remote Desktop. I can't find it because I'm sure I purged it long ago. | 13:36 |
SAMER | any one can help | 13:36 |
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bluepencil | kinja-sheep, sweet dude, thanks | 13:37 |
kinja-sheep | SAMER: Is Firefox operating in Offline Mode? | 13:37 |
zopiac1 | ok, now how do i change the extension of multiple files at once with the mv command? | 13:37 |
bluepencil | kinja-sheep, will someone with a windows connection be able to VNC to me now? | 13:37 |
chase_ | anybody know how to add the wireless icon to the top bar? | 13:38 |
boss_mc | zopiac1: look at the rename command | 13:38 |
zopiac1 | k | 13:38 |
kinja-sheep | bluepencil: Probably. I'm not sure as I don't use VNC myself but I don't think VNC is OS-oriented. | 13:39 |
tonsofpcs | ? | 13:39 |
bluepencil | kinja-sheep, ja more protocol than anything else i guess. | 13:39 |
=== zopiac1 is now known as Zopiac | ||
kinja-sheep | bluepencil: Assuming you did set up port forwarding from your router. | 13:39 |
boss_mc | zopiac1: it uses regexp, but you can test it with -n as a flag | 13:39 |
Zopiac | ok | 13:39 |
Cookiechef | hi all :) | 13:40 |
bluepencil | kinja-sheep, we got a centos firewall here running to a cisco router running via corporate wimix | 13:40 |
bluepencil | wimax* | 13:40 |
Cookiechef | Iam searching for an Linux-Alternative of "Free Music Zilla" | 13:40 |
Cookiechef | Is there anything you could recommend to download stuff from IMEEM.com ? | 13:40 |
kinja-sheep | bluepencil: Test it though. | 13:41 |
bluepencil | How do I Remote Desktop to another ubuntu machine? I know how to switch on VNC, just not how to actually connect to another? | 13:41 |
bluepencil | kinja-sheep, for sure man, yea | 13:41 |
kinja-sheep | bluepencil: I'm all for ssh than vnc myself. It doesn't slow down. | 13:41 |
kinja-sheep | bluepencil: Look under Application --> Internet. | 13:41 |
bluepencil | kinja-sheep, Sweet dude, thanks! | 13:42 |
FFMike | Need help please.. Ubuntu 9.04, acer laptop with ati xpress video card. Everything was working ok, installed a new video driver I learned about on here (forget the name, started with E) and now when I boot all I can get is the shell | 13:42 |
rodolfo | join #ubuntu.it# | 13:43 |
FFMike | rod you talking to me? | 13:43 |
kinja-sheep | FFMike: Try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" | 13:43 |
FFMike | kinja - what will that do | 13:43 |
zagabar1 | Hmm I tried "du . | awk '{sum+=$1} END {printf("%12.0f\n", sum*512)}'" to get how big my /home was, and I got a huge number. Is it bytes or bits? | 13:44 |
kinja-sheep | FFMike: What do you care? You lost your X. | 13:44 |
jessycatz | hey all! could someone tell me whether you like my ubuntu website? (I'm pretty much a noob though) http://bit.ly/48w8R | 13:44 |
FFMike | .. | 13:44 |
kinja-sheep | FFMike: And this will attempt to reconfigure your xserver-xorg. | 13:44 |
=== antonio__ is now known as antonioabc | ||
zagabar1 | du -s gives me "67515848". What unit is that? kb? | 13:46 |
Crazyguy | zagabar1, probably bytes | 13:47 |
KlingaN | kinja-sheep: Can I reinstall Ubuntu on the same partition that I created for it without reformatting? Since I have 6 partitions | 13:47 |
zagabar1 | Crazyguy, The size must be more than 65 mbytes. | 13:48 |
zagabar1 | gigabytes is more likely | 13:48 |
Crazyguy | zagabar1, what are you trying to do? | 13:48 |
zagabar1 | Crazyguy, Check the total size of /home | 13:48 |
kinja-sheep | KlingaN: On the netbook? Yeah, use the same parition. | 13:48 |
mikewu_ | zagabar1: use du -sh to produce a human readable output | 13:48 |
Crazyguy | zagabar1, du --max-depth=0 -h /home | 13:49 |
zagabar1 | Thanks guys. =) | 13:50 |
VirusTB | Whats a Great app. for syncing my music to my iPhone from Ubuntu? ? v? | 13:50 |
=== abchirk_ is now known as abchirk | ||
janmejay | is anyone aware of any problems with running mysql-server in chroot jail on Ubuntu? | 13:51 |
bazhang | VirusTB, none that I know of though you can check the help pages | 13:51 |
bazhang | !iphone | 13:51 |
ubottu | For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod | 13:51 |
bazhang | VirusTB, ^^ | 13:51 |
janmejay | i have a ubuntu 9.04 running in a chroot jail(host is jaunty as well), and mysql just fails to start up | 13:52 |
zio50 | !list | 13:53 |
ubottu | This is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot » | 13:53 |
Seveas | !ops | Smiffy pasting nazi symbols in private chat | 13:53 |
ubottu | Smiffy pasting nazi symbols in private chat: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia! | 13:53 |
Smiffy | what? nigga pls. | 13:53 |
zagabar1 | I have ubuntu on my server installed on a 80 GB HDD. It has several partitions, but all are on this HDD. Now the space on the main partition starts to run out because of users ftpuploads to their /home directories. However I have connected another disc to the server with additional 80 gb. Is there a way for me to mount it or so to extend the space in /home with this 80GB and still use the old space without RAIDing or LVM or such th | 13:54 |
zagabar1 | at causes file loss? | 13:54 |
Smiffy | o ok | 13:54 |
FFMike | well, now I get some garbage on my screen when it's loading instead of a nice pretty login screen | 13:54 |
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FFMike | is clearly a video issue, and i don't know how to fix it.. | 13:54 |
FFMike | !envy | 13:54 |
ubottu | EnvyNG is a program to install newer version of nVidia or ATi drivers, it can be found in !Universe as "envyng-gtk" (for Gtk/Gnome) or "envyng-qt" (for Qt/KDE). It is NOT a supported method to install video drivers; please only use it if standard methods fail and at your own risk - See also !BinaryDriver | 13:54 |
FFMike | that's what it was | 13:55 |
FFMike | it was after i installed that that I had problems | 13:55 |
FFMike | how do I uninstall that? | 13:55 |
VirusTB | bazhang: ok i have failed miserably trying to get this laptop into a wifi router :( | 13:55 |
bazhang | VirusTB, not so easy from what I understand | 13:56 |
sam1 | hello :> | 13:56 |
VirusTB | bazhang: have you dont it before? | 13:56 |
VirusTB | done* | 13:56 |
FFMike | anyone know how to uninstall envyng from the terminal, it has hosed my video | 13:56 |
disappearedng | Hey where is the location of the default mysql binaries located in ubuntu? | 13:56 |
Smiffy | hey? what do I do if I'm getting harrassed by a jew? | 13:56 |
bazhang | VirusTB, not had a need to, no | 13:57 |
janmejay | any mysql-server maintainer here? | 13:57 |
disappearedng | what? | 13:57 |
kinja-sheep | !ics | VirusTB | 13:57 |
ubottu | VirusTB: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php | 13:57 |
VirusTB | kinja-sheep: thats what i am doing, but i fialed 3 times! | 13:58 |
VirusTB | failed* | 13:58 |
sdls | Is there a flag in /proc that will tell whether or not a computer has 64 bit extensions? | 13:58 |
FFMike | someone help this ubuntu noob please :) | 13:58 |
legend2440 | FFMike: type envyng --uninstall-all | 13:58 |
FFMike | will try that, be back in a few either way | 13:59 |
FFMike | thanks | 13:59 |
VirusTB | kinja-sheep: have you done ICS before? | 13:59 |
kinja-sheep | VirusTB: Like bazhang said, it's not easy thing to do. | 13:59 |
jonny_b | im having problems with flash players...i installed the open source one but its poor quality image,i cant adjust the volume in you tube etc | 13:59 |
VirusTB | kinja-sheep: :( :'( I'll never get mu Wii back online :( | 13:59 |
VirusTB | my* | 14:00 |
kinja-sheep | VirusTB: What is wrong with cables? | 14:00 |
bazhang | VirusTB, a router(wireless) might be the answer then | 14:00 |
SAMER | pls the computer is connected to the internet but firefox not working | 14:00 |
SAMER | any one can help | 14:00 |
mikm | try shifting the polarity of your flux capacitor | 14:01 |
fabio | bom dia, alguem por aqui saberia dizer como instalo o wordpress 2.8 ? | 14:01 |
VirusTB | Wii doesnt have a LAN/ connector, and mu Wifi router has ben broken for abuout 2 weeks (fell off the wall when my brothers were fighting kinja-sheep | 14:01 |
kinja-sheep | SAMER: ping -c 3 google.com | 14:01 |
Ruge | hey guys | 14:01 |
VirusTB | bazhang: yea i know, i guess i just need to buy a new one | 14:01 |
Ruge | is there any way i can remove grub | 14:01 |
Ruge | i uninstalled ubuntu but grub is still there | 14:01 |
kinja-sheep | VirusTB: The reasonable solution would be... Ya. Get a new one. | 14:01 |
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legend2440 | !grub | Ruge | 14:02 |
ubottu | Ruge: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 14:02 |
kinja-sheep | SAMER: What does the terminal say? | 14:02 |
VirusTB | kinja-sheep: thats another $$$30+ | 14:02 |
VirusTB | kinja-sheep: bazhang isnt there a way to crack WPA? | 14:02 |
kinja-sheep | VirusTB: Your parents. Your brothers. (They broke the toy. Not you). | 14:02 |
darkcrystal | ./join #ubuntu-fr | 14:03 |
KlingaN | kinja-sheep: I'm reinstalling Ubuntu 8.10 with the modified xorg.conf now. I think I'll try to install the 2D-drivers from VIA instead and add the 2D-customized xorg.conf adapted for HP 2133. | 14:03 |
gschwepp | how can i print my "ls " output to a file with new line after every filename ? | 14:03 |
bazhang | VirusTB, not supported here, please don't ask again | 14:03 |
kinja-sheep | VirusTB: No. WEP is weak. WPA isn't. | 14:03 |
kinja-sheep | KlingaN: Alright. Good luck. | 14:03 |
SAMER | unknown host google.com | 14:03 |
gschwepp | ls >> filename just doesnt print in one line | 14:03 |
=== lis_ is now known as seno | ||
KlingaN | kinja-sheep: Or perhaps I should just hang with openChrome (standard) drivers and add "Option "ActiveDevice" "CRT"" in my xorg.conf? | 14:03 |
kinja-sheep | SAMER: Your machine can't access Internet. | 14:03 |
SAMER | iwhat i can do | 14:04 |
mike | that fixed it thanks :) :) | 14:04 |
blackfox86 | yahoo messenger server always change ( kopete and pidgin)? | 14:04 |
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sam1 | 2 | 14:04 |
kinja-sheep | KlingaN: That's possible. Be sure to make a backup of your Xorg. | 14:04 |
kinja-sheep | !yahoo | blackfox86 | 14:04 |
ubottu | blackfox86: At the moment there are many pidgin users experiencing problems connecting to Yahoo IM, you can try changing your paging server to cs101.msg.mud.yahoo.com and see if that helps. | 14:04 |
=== Guest85365 is now known as FFMike | ||
bazhang | blackfox86, check the topic in #pidgin | 14:04 |
mikewu_ | hse-hoens: ls -1 >> filename | 14:04 |
mikewu_ | gschwepp: ls -1 >> file | 14:04 |
zagabar1 | I have ubuntu on my server installed on a 80 GB HDD. It has several partitions, but all are on this HDD. Now the space on the main partition starts to run out because of users ftpuploads to their /home directories. However I have connected another disc to the server with additional 80 gb. Is there a way for me to mount it or so to extend the space in /home with this 80GB and still use the old space without RAIDing or LVM or such th | 14:05 |
zagabar1 | at causes file loss? | 14:05 |
zopiac | is there an Ubuntu Studio CD iso that i can download? all i can find are DVD images and a 7.1 CD that is 801 megabytes...too big for a cd (however that works) | 14:05 |
gschwepp | mikewu_ : thanks | 14:05 |
legend2440 | Ruge: http://saysprasad.wordpress.com/2008/07/15/how-to-remove-grub-and-restore-the-windows-bootloader/ | 14:06 |
bazhang | zopiac, you have ubuntu installed now? ubuntustudio-desktop will pull that in for you | 14:06 |
guhcampos | Is there any way to make urxvt show fonts a bit closer to each other? I find it's letter spacing to be too large | 14:06 |
blackfox86 | i got kopete error -10 connation actively refused. | 14:06 |
zopiac | bazhang: it is complaining about missing dependencies, and i want it on a different computer anways | 14:06 |
=== anttia_ is now known as anttia | ||
kinja-sheep | zopiac: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/releases/9.04/release/ | 14:06 |
Assid | hey | 14:07 |
Assid | im having an issue trying to update | 14:07 |
zopiac | kinja-sheep: those are the DVDs i have found | 14:07 |
Assid | im getting an error of file size mismatch on libtrackerclient | 14:07 |
zopiac | I am just wondering if there are any cd images for Studio so i can do this faster. Oh well, thanks, though :) i'll just do it manually instead | 14:08 |
kinja-sheep | zopiac: If you can't use DVD disc, you could use Minimal Disc and install ubuntu-studio metapackage. | 14:08 |
zopiac | kinja-sheep: minimal disk? | 14:08 |
kinja-sheep | zopiac: It's 10MB or so. You won't get GUI. Just terminal. sudo aptitude install ubuntustudio-desktop will install everything you need for ubuntu studio without burning DVD. | 14:09 |
kinja-sheep | !minimal | zopiac | 14:09 |
ubottu | zopiac: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD | 14:09 |
KlingaN | kinja-sheep: Is there any command to easily make a backup? "sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.standard" - would that work? | 14:09 |
Pici | KlingaN: sure | 14:10 |
kinja-sheep | zopiac: You'll have to install the base first before you can install anything else. | 14:10 |
SAMER | to | 14:10 |
SAMER | connect to the intrnet | 14:10 |
KlingaN | kinja-sheep: pici: Cool - I'm learning commands already :D - Going out for a run in the woods now - be back later | 14:10 |
raddar | you are on internets now | 14:10 |
SAMER | how i make the machian cinnecting | 14:10 |
kinja-sheep | KlingaN: Don't fall and hit the tree. :) | 14:11 |
SAMER | fir fox not work | 14:11 |
cowgarden | SAMER, stop trolling | 14:11 |
SAMER | ok | 14:11 |
SAMER | sorry | 14:11 |
cowgarden | ty | 14:11 |
bazhang | cowgarden, be nice | 14:11 |
bazhang | SAMER, try to ping www.google.com | 14:11 |
cowgarden | bazhang, wasn't that trolling? than I'm sorry :) | 14:11 |
SAMER | i triad | 14:11 |
SAMER | host not there | 14:12 |
SAMER | the machin cant accses intrnet | 14:12 |
bazhang | SAMER, open a terminal and 'ping www.google.com' | 14:12 |
SAMER | how i can make it accsess | 14:12 |
KlingaN | kinja-sheep: I'll do my best - hopefully I succeed better at running-survival-tactics than Linux ^.^ - hear from you soon :) | 14:12 |
rjune_wrk | bazhang: does hie have an IP address? | 14:12 |
bazhang | SAMER, this computer? | 14:12 |
kinja-sheep | bazhang: I already gave him "ping -c 3 google.com" and it returned no known host google.com | 14:12 |
bazhang | rjune_wrk, trying to find out :) | 14:12 |
SAMER | no i have other one | 14:13 |
rjune_wrk | bazhang: then wouldn't ifconfig or ip addr be more useful than ping ? | 14:13 |
blackfox86 | cs101.msg.mud.yahoo.com cannot use | 14:13 |
bazhang | SAMER, this is a different computer then? | 14:13 |
SAMER | it give unknoun host ping | 14:13 |
SAMER | yers | 14:13 |
Qu4R0w | new kernel :) | 14:13 |
zopiac | is there any known difficulty with booting cd isos from usb devices? | 14:13 |
bazhang | what version of Ubuntu SAMER and how are you trying to connect (ethernet, wireless) | 14:14 |
SAMER | 9.04 | 14:14 |
bazhang | zopiac, get unetbootin for that | 14:14 |
SAMER | no i try by band luxe modem | 14:14 |
zopiac | bazhang: i know, im just wondering if there are Problems | 14:14 |
=== honey^moon is now known as Ce_baek2 | ||
SAMER | i have got one note of the companey how its work with ubuntu 9.04 | 14:14 |
bazhang | zopiac, none that I have heard of, seems to be working like a charm | 14:14 |
SAMER | i did every thing and i have connected | 14:15 |
sakjur | zopiac: as long as ur mb supports usb-boot | 14:15 |
SAMER | but but fir fox not work | 14:15 |
bazhang | SAMER, you have a dsl connection via ethernet? | 14:15 |
SAMER | no | 14:15 |
SAMER | i dont have | 14:16 |
SAMER | i have ego connection | 14:16 |
kinja-sheep | SAMER: You are using same computer you're having problem with Internet? | 14:16 |
SAMER | no | 14:16 |
bazhang | SAMER, well you need to give the exact details, all on one line so people can help you. | 14:16 |
SAMER | i use othe computer | 14:16 |
sakjur | SAMER: Are you using a cable? | 14:16 |
SAMER | no | 14:17 |
SAMER | ego connection | 14:17 |
SAMER | band luxe modem | 14:17 |
zimbres | hi, I would like to know some alternatives to the autotools andwhat is currently used today to build free software. | 14:17 |
SAMER | no ego connection band luxe modem | 14:18 |
bazhang | SAMER, no idea what that is | 14:18 |
SAMER | bandluxe modem 3g modem | 14:18 |
SAMER | sms chip | 14:18 |
bazhang | SAMER, this is some kind of USB stick modem for 3G internet connectivity? | 14:19 |
Qu4R0w | i cant connect pidgin | 14:19 |
SAMER | yes | 14:19 |
SAMER | its | 14:20 |
Pici | !enter | SAMER | 14:20 |
ubottu | SAMER: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 14:20 |
Qu4R0w | always on status connecting(trying to connect) | 14:20 |
bazhang | SAMER, dont use the enter key after one or two words | 14:20 |
kinja-sheep | SAMER: Did you add your information on Network Manager (on Notification Area)? | 14:20 |
kinja-sheep | SAMER: And what's your native language? | 14:21 |
SAMER | which information do you mean | 14:21 |
CyberAspie | Hey, is there any info on how to make a supybot like Ubottu out there or is that a Google question... | 14:21 |
SAMER | arabic | 14:21 |
kinja-sheep | SAMER: For your modem. Username, Password, etc. | 14:21 |
SAMER | yes i did | 14:21 |
Pici | !botclone | CyberAspie | 14:21 |
ubottu | CyberAspie: Ubottu uses supybot, which is available in the main !repositories, with additional plugins that are available at http://ubottu.com/clone.html | 14:21 |
kinja-sheep | SAMER: Would you like Ubuntu Arabic? | 14:22 |
kinja-sheep | !arabic | SAMER | 14:22 |
ubottu | SAMER: For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية | 14:22 |
Pici | kinja-sheep: Hes already in there | 14:22 |
SAMER | so i see the icone is say connected to the net work | 14:22 |
kinja-sheep | Pici: Oh. | 14:22 |
_Brun0_ | How can I translate Ubuntu? | 14:22 |
_Brun0_ | I mean, change UI language | 14:22 |
SAMER | i was in ubuntu arabic chat no one are there for three days now | 14:22 |
sakjur | _Brun0_: I think there's a menu under System > Adminstration that says "Language" | 14:23 |
kinja-sheep | SAMER: You ever try gnome-ppp? | 14:23 |
_Brun0_ | sakjur, thanks! | 14:23 |
SAMER | where i can install it pls give me the like | 14:23 |
sakjur | _Brun0_: np! | 14:23 |
bazhang | http://marvinrebooted.wordpress.com/index/bandluxe-gsm-modem-with-ubuntu/ SAMER | 14:24 |
kinja-sheep | SAMER: Are you using Gnome or KDE? | 14:24 |
sakjur | SAMER: Have you installed "Kubuntu" or "Ubuntu"? | 14:24 |
SAMER | gnome | 14:24 |
bazhang | SAMER, read that link, it tells you how to do it ^^ | 14:24 |
SAMER | ubuntu 9.04 | 14:24 |
SAMER | ok thanks i will see it | 14:25 |
bazhang | yw | 14:25 |
bin1010 | morning | 14:28 |
Halabund | Pidgin refuses to connect to Yahoo messenger service for me in Ubuntu. Other messenger clients work fine in Windows (haven't tried Pidgin there though). What might be the problem? All other network related things seem to work fine ... | 14:29 |
Pici | !yahoo | Halabund | 14:29 |
ubottu | Halabund: At the moment there are many pidgin users experiencing problems connecting to Yahoo IM, you can try changing your paging server to cs101.msg.mud.yahoo.com and see if that helps. | 14:29 |
bin1010 | how do I take a movie of whats happening on my computer. I need to "demo" some stuff. | 14:29 |
Pici | !screencast | bin1010 take a look at these fine applications | 14:29 |
ubottu | bin1010 take a look at these fine applications: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf. Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts. | 14:29 |
bazhang | bin1010, /msg ubottu screencast | 14:29 |
wiehan | my ubuntu 9.04 never shut's down correctly, it just gives me the ubuntu "unload" sequence and then the screens stays on and black!! | 14:30 |
wiehan | I HAVE to FIX THIS | 14:30 |
jcapinc | wiehan, degrade to ubuntu 8.10 | 14:30 |
natschil | wiehan: what's your hardware | 14:30 |
wiehan | jcapinc: you are kidding me | 14:31 |
natschil | I remember I had a | 14:31 |
wiehan | natschil: It is an HP pavillion dv 2000 laptop | 14:31 |
guest7560 | hey. i moved to another country, how can i change the timezone on ubuntu 9.04? | 14:32 |
radiounix | Hello. MPD loads sucessfully and has my music indexed, but won't play tracks when qued up. Audacious works fine with my soundcard. I tried running Sonata from the command line but got no interesting messages. Ideas? | 14:32 |
jcapinc | wiehan, if you have to get this do you do what you got to do, that is the simplest most direct solution right this instant | 14:32 |
natschil | I remember that in intrepid, after I upgraded to jaunty, when I rebooted it never actually physically shut the machine down, i.e grub wasn't run, but somehow it still rebooted. Sadly I don't get this behaviour anymore after I installed jaunty fresh...is there any way to get it back? | 14:32 |
Vock | I force quit the archive manager while it was renaming a directory within an archive, and now the original archive is missing, but I noticed less free space in my /home. Any ideas on how I can track it down and remove it? | 14:32 |
bob__ | hi, i am running xubuntu as host and on it i run virual box, all my guest machines receive same ip as the host. any help please. i am not an expert on linux so.... | 14:33 |
wiehan | My ubuntu 9.04 doesn't shut down entirely (stops with an on and black LCD screen) it is on an HP pavillion dv2000. please help me fix this | 14:34 |
ufd | onfiguring sound :( thanks jane | 14:34 |
ufd | hi, is anyone here good at configuring sound, thanks, Jane | 14:35 |
ufd | im using 904 | 14:35 |
natschil | wiehan: what graphics card | 14:35 |
wiehan | natschil: Nvidia | 14:36 |
natschil | wiehan: are you using battery power or is it plugged in? | 14:36 |
B3rz3rk3r | wiehan, i ahd that too, same machine type, just run your updates | 14:37 |
wiehan | B3rz3rk3r: updates too the latest | 14:37 |
wiehan | natschil: plugged in | 14:37 |
B3rz3rk3r | wiehan, and its still doing it? | 14:37 |
B3rz3rk3r | wiehan, thats odd, mine went away after that | 14:37 |
designs703 | My Apache server is using a passwd file for auth. The passwords are encrypted in it, and I need to add a new account. What command do I use to encrypt for this format? I've forgotten | 14:38 |
B3rz3rk3r | wiehan, does it do the same thing if u say reboot instead of shutdown | 14:38 |
ufd | can anyone config sound, thanks jane | 14:38 |
wiehan | B3rz3rk3r: yes, I have repeatedly said that it is still not working | 14:38 |
designs703 | it's not an htpasswd file | 14:38 |
wiehan | B3rz3rk3r: same thing with reboots | 14:38 |
sirjoebob | Hello all. I use a Linux PC as a media center and I am trying to find a web browser to use on it that would be easy to view on a TV screen. I am looking for something similar to the Wii Opera browser. Does anyone have any recommendations for this? | 14:38 |
soccerjonp | I'm opening a pdf file in firefox that is being served with Content-Type: application/octet but which has the .pdf file extension. But I get the error message that it can't be opened because no application is associated with this file type. | 14:39 |
soccerjonp | If I save it first though, I can open it | 14:39 |
gr0g | 14:39 | |
gr0g | my ubuntu 9.4 with kernel compiled with the option of maximum nubmer cpu = 16 sees only 8 processors, even though I have 4xIntel Xenon X7350 with 4 cores, can help someone how to fix my ubuntu to see 16 CPUs? | 14:39 |
jerroome | dseigns703 : I'm using htpasswd | 14:39 |
FloodBot1 | gr0g: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 14:39 |
pepperjack | hmm any one have a suggestion for adding a utf-16 locale to ubuntu? | 14:39 |
radiounix | Can anyone help with MPD and backend troubleshooting? I've tried both Sonata and NCMPC, and songs que up but refuse to start. Audio is sucessfully detected as Alsa, pulse audio doesn't work on my system, and I'm running a custom install of Ubuntu Server. Audio works in GMplayer and Audacious. I have FFMpeg installed, but wonder if I'm still missing an mp3 decoder. Any hints? | 14:43 |
evident | hey everybody... is there an icq client you could recommend for ubuntu? I am using pidgin right now but don't like it at all | 14:43 |
cemc | can somebody tell me where the current resolution is stored for gnome for a given user? | 14:44 |
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel | ||
cemc | or how can I revert to a sane resolution after I "accidentaly" changed to a resolution too low to display anything useful | 14:44 |
gr0g | my ubuntu 9.4 with kernel compiled with the option of maximum nubmer cpu = 16 sees only 8 processors, even though I have 4xIntel Xenon X7350 with 4 cores, it may help someone to see 16 CPUs? | 14:44 |
kane77 | can you recommend me a calendar/todo/organizer? I was using an app called Chandler and it was just what I needed, but it does not work in 9.04 :( | 14:45 |
radiounix | @cemc /etc/X11/xorg.conf - it's in that file | 14:45 |
cemc | radiounix: nope, there are some default settings, no resolution | 14:45 |
boss_mc | kane77: sunbird? | 14:46 |
gnubie | cemc; look in System > Preferences > Display | 14:46 |
designs703 | My Apache server is using a passwd file for auth. The passwords are encrypted in it, and I need to add a new account. What command do I use to encrypt for this format? I've forgotten. Note that it isn't an htpasswd file | 14:46 |
sheep30984 | i'm getting lots of errors while installing ubuntu and it's taking a long time. if i leave it will it eventually install it or should i give up? | 14:46 |
sheep30984 | the disc had one error | 14:47 |
designs703 | sheep30984, maybe you should burn a new disc | 14:47 |
blind|melon|chit | sheep30984: Then it's probably not going to install properly at all | 14:47 |
petllama | reburn the image | 14:47 |
designs703 | sheep30984, and md5 the image | 14:47 |
sheep30984 | the disc is fine. i'm installed it fine on this pc | 14:47 |
kane77 | boss_mc, I will try it, thanks | 14:47 |
designs703 | sheep30984, how's the disc drive? | 14:47 |
sheep30984 | i installed centos ok on it so the disc isn't that crapped | 14:47 |
sheep30984 | could be the disc drive. old dell cd roms do suck | 14:48 |
boss_mc | kane77: if you want it to minimise to tray I think you'll have to use alltray | 14:48 |
sheep30984 | alltray really sucks | 14:48 |
boss_mc | sheep30984: that it does, but what else are you going to use? | 14:48 |
=== plic is now known as optionalglory|pl | ||
evident | sorry for asking again, but is there an icq client you could recommend for ubuntu? I am using pidgin right now but don't like it at all | 14:49 |
sheep30984 | i opted for nothing | 14:49 |
timbojimbo | hello? i am having a problem with amarok can any one help? | 14:49 |
boss_mc | !ask | timbojimbo | 14:49 |
ubottu | timbojimbo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 14:49 |
=== optionalglory|pl is now known as plic[optglory] | ||
jota- | I'm trying to use snmpd+lmsensors, I've installed both packaged trough apt-get.... sensors work and snmpwalk on localhosy also works... however snmpwalk on the lmSensors subtree give no output | 14:49 |
sheep30984 | actually come to think of it it did take 3 tries to install ubuntu on this pc, so it could be the cd | 14:49 |
jota- | do I need to do anything special to get this to work? | 14:49 |
cemc | gnubie: if you tell me how I can reach that menu to start the program, I will :) the problem is the resolution got messed up and I can't get to anything, I see only the bottom right part | 14:49 |
petllama | evident, licq | 14:50 |
boss_mc | sheep30984: if you have a corrupt disc, the install is likely to fail or you'll suddendly find you have all sorts of problems later with incorrect files/folders/data etc | 14:50 |
evident | thanks | 14:50 |
evident | and can you tell me an IRC client as well? | 14:51 |
sheep30984 | xchat | 14:51 |
evident | k thx | 14:51 |
gnubie | cemc; the bottom right part of the desktop? try alt plus right click and see if a hand appears so you can drag the screen around. | 14:52 |
gnubie | cemc; soory it alt + left click | 14:53 |
Vlet | Someone on my network claims that my machine has been attempting to log into his. Is there a way to see a log of all outgoing ssh attempts or something else that might help? | 14:53 |
zirconiumks | hey guys can anybody suggest me the best way to pimp up my ubuntu desktop | 14:53 |
timbojimbo | ok sorry I wasn't sure if any one was here. Amarok is usually really reliable. but after the upgrade to 2 it has been acting funny. It loads my music but only 25% of it. I have everything the way it always has been, but for some reason it is not loading all of my music collection. I've tried a few things like restarting amarok and my computer. I have even tried rescaning my music folder. I still can't get my entire music folder loade | 14:53 |
timbojimbo | d onto amarok. I have loaded it with rhythbox so i know there is nothing wrong my collection itself. Not really sure where to go from here. Any help? | 14:53 |
Vlet | zirconiumks: moar icons | 14:54 |
Vock | I'm noticing that when I delete files, they don't show up in trash, but I also don't regain the free space. Any ideas? | 14:54 |
zopiac | my laptop cannot boot from USB unless IDE drives are turned off in the BIOS, but i need to access them. does anybody know how to fix this? | 14:54 |
Vlet | zirconiumks: no really... http://gnome-look.org/ | 14:54 |
zirconiumks | vlet: i am having a look at it | 14:55 |
Pici | zopiac: Thats not really an Ubuntu issue, ##hardware may be able to help you | 14:55 |
zopiac | Pici: thanks | 14:55 |
zirconiumks | vlet: there is nothing like moar icons on gnome-look | 14:57 |
=== jarlen_ is now known as jarlen | ||
designs703 | Hi everyone. what is the command to generate a hashed password for a passwd file? I've forgotte | 15:00 |
designs703 | n | 15:00 |
artic89 | Un Saluto a tutti « #ubuntu » [Þrison-ßreak][§cript] | 15:01 |
artic89 | ÇÏÅØøØøooooo | 15:01 |
artic89 | ma qua si scarica?¿ | 15:02 |
artic89 | !list | 15:02 |
ubottu | This is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot » | 15:02 |
Vlet | zirconiumks: 'moar icons' was a joke | 15:03 |
=== cyban-away is now known as cyban | ||
zirconiumks | vlet: sorry didnt get it at the first go... | 15:04 |
zirconiumks | vlet: i find this interesting - mac4lin | 15:04 |
kinja-sheep | Vista4Linux? | 15:04 |
Vlet | zirconiumks: yeah, I've played around with those try-to-look-like-mac packages/tutorials, but you're going to just get frustrated that it's not perfect; I suggest instead going for something linux-unique | 15:05 |
Curly_Q | Hello there folks. I just downloaded Jaunty-Jacklope. Is it worth the time to install it? Has anyone here used it. It is a demo though. | 15:06 |
zirconiumks | vlet: i face a lot of problems with theme engines becuase my hardware is quite old and doesnt have proper graphic support | 15:06 |
armence | Hey all, I have a problem: My computer crashed a number of times and so I backed up my music something like 3 or 4 times. Unfortunately, I did not always copy it back on my hard drive in the same tree structures and I added some and deleted some. So I have something like 31 Gig of music files where really I should have something more like 5 Gig... Is there an easy way for me to look for and delete all duplicates? | 15:06 |
zirconiumks | vlet: and i am now bored with the default look | 15:07 |
bastidrazor | Curly_Q, jaunty or karmic? jaunty is the latest release. | 15:07 |
singh | hi | 15:08 |
babaroga | :D | 15:08 |
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sylvanus_ | Why does my screen dim and then brighten, during the dim I can't click anything? | 15:09 |
cambazz | hello is there a html editing program for ubuntu. | 15:09 |
cambazz | I dont need much features, but just ability to highlight the begin and end of tags | 15:10 |
Makuseru | Hi, I'm trying to install a package in adept, and when I go to install them under "requested" it says "BREAK (install)" How can I figure out why it is breaking, and how to fix it? | 15:10 |
Curly_Q | True and Ubuntu will be called from now on Jaunty-Jacklope: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyJackalope | 15:10 |
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sylvanus_ | Why does my screen dim then brighten? during the dim I can't click anything? Ubuntu 9.0.4 on on A.M.D Athelon | 15:13 |
sylvanus_ | E-macheine | 15:13 |
aurilliance | On startup, my laptop always gives me this message: " mp-bios bug: 8254 timer not connected to ioapci" ubuntu 9.04. reading about it now on forums,,, any suggestions? | 15:14 |
Curly_Q | Sylvanus are you using a CRT monitor? | 15:14 |
sylvanus_ | no H-def flat | 15:14 |
Curly_Q | Try changing the resolution and see if that changes things. | 15:14 |
sylvanus_ | ok | 15:14 |
sylvanus_ | brb | 15:15 |
kinja-sheep | What's the command to find out the directory size? | 15:15 |
Curly_Q | I have a 27 inch monitor here. | 15:15 |
FFMike | I have a 3 button mouse, anyone know how to configure the third button? sometimes it works as a back button in browser but most of the time it doesn't | 15:15 |
aurilliance | what is apaci or whatever it is? | 15:15 |
bastidrazor | sylvanus_, are you running on a laptop with the battery? | 15:15 |
Halabund | How can I set a keyboard shortcut in Gnome that uses the windows key as a "modifier"? As soon as I press the win key when setting the shortcut, the program stop recording keypresses, and just uses the win key. | 15:16 |
sylvanus_ | no | 15:16 |
Halabund | Instead of assigning an action to the win key, I'd like to assign something to win+w or win+e, etc. | 15:16 |
bastidrazor | aurilliance, man apci | 15:16 |
sylvanus_ | desktop | 15:16 |
makuseru | Hi, im trying to install a package in adept, and when I try to install it says "BREAK (install)" how can I figure out why its doing this and how I can resolve it? | 15:16 |
aurilliance | "no manual" ill google dw | 15:16 |
bastidrazor | sylvanus_, possibly check the power management settings | 15:16 |
sylvanus_ | ok | 15:17 |
bastidrazor | !jaunty | Curly_Q | 15:17 |
ubottu | Curly_Q: Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904 - Please use !torrents | 15:17 |
bastidrazor | aurilliance, apci has a manual page.. did you install it? | 15:17 |
Curly_Q | Sylvanus, if the screen blinks or grows dimmer or brighter, it may be an interlacing problem. Make sure you check your video card to see if it is set correctly in the socket, which means turning off the computer and disabling the power. | 15:18 |
aurilliance | bastidrazor: Ummm I just installed ubuntu 8 from disc, then upgraded to 9.04... | 15:18 |
pauloricardo | People, there is any alternative to Mac/Windows Tunatic app? | 15:18 |
aurilliance | I typed "man apci" at the terminal, is that correct? | 15:18 |
Pici | pauloricardo: What does that application do? | 15:18 |
sylvanus_ | I am stupid when it come to hardware and getting inside the computer, leaving up to me will most certainly screw it up! | 15:19 |
bastidrazor | aurilliance, yes, try sudo apt-get install apci | 15:19 |
aurilliance | ok | 15:19 |
Curly_Q | Ubottu thanks for that information. | 15:19 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 15:19 |
aurilliance | "couldn't find package apci", bastidrazor :( | 15:20 |
bastidrazor | aurilliance, i typed it wrong .. acpi | 15:20 |
aurilliance | lol | 15:20 |
kinja-sheep | Pici: http://www.wildbits.com/tunatic/ | 15:20 |
aurilliance | what's it stand for? (twil help me to remember) | 15:20 |
pauloricardo | Pici: a song search engine song based on sound (: | 15:20 |
pauloricardo | ops, 'a song search engine based on sound' | 15:21 |
kinja-sheep | pauloricardo: You probably could run it via Wine (or VirtualBox). | 15:21 |
agey | tes | 15:22 |
agey | hi | 15:22 |
pubuntu | hello | 15:22 |
Pici | pauloricardo: *Maybe* musicbrainz, barring that, you could try running it under Wine | 15:22 |
Curly_Q | Sylvanus, the first thing to keep in mind is that if it is a hardware problem, that must be inspected first. Then check for an OS or software problem. | 15:22 |
Lingerance | Why does Ubuntu Server have so many default user accounts? The accounts named "games" and "sync" (A user account just for fluching buffers?) are especially questionable. | 15:23 |
agey | tess | 15:23 |
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Lingerance | flushing* | 15:23 |
pauloricardo | kinja-sheep, Pici: hmm, I'll try it under wine, thanks for the suggestion. (: I'll take a look at MusicBrainz too. | 15:23 |
Vlet | pauloricardo: Musicbrainz picard does not do fragments as far as I know | 15:25 |
onats_ | hi, is there a utility similar to mac osx spotlight for linux? | 15:26 |
UbuntuR0ks | What does spotlight do? | 15:26 |
ActionParsnip | onats_: +1 to UbuntuR0ks question | 15:26 |
ZykoticK9 | onats_, you could look into "beagle" | 15:26 |
mbeierl1 | isn't Beagle something close ... a simple search everything tool? | 15:26 |
Vlet | onats_: http://projects.gnome.org/deskbar-applet/screenshots.html | 15:27 |
onats_ | oh yeah! that's built in right?! | 15:27 |
UbuntuR0ks | Yes | 15:27 |
Vlet | onats_: or even: http://do.davebsd.com/ | 15:27 |
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onats_ | thanks. no need to install anythig | 15:29 |
makuseru | I have a line that I run in a terminal to convert video, but it's a pain have to type all of it in each time, or copy/paste. How could I go about writing a simple script to where I can just point it at the input and tell it where to write the output and then the script runs(with the line of code in it) and it converts it. | 15:29 |
aurilliance | makuseru: isn't a .sh script what you want? | 15:30 |
makuseru | Yes. | 15:31 |
Vlet | makuseru: what's the command? Perhaps you could simply make an alias out of it | 15:31 |
Vlet | see your ~/.bash_aliases file | 15:31 |
kinja-sheep | makuseru: If it's just a single line -- You might want alias. Otherwise, you want script if you want to keep your script for furthur purposes. | 15:31 |
ActionParsnip | makuseru: simple | 15:31 |
ActionParsnip | makuseru: open a text editor | 15:32 |
ActionParsnip | makuseru: top line must be: #!/bin/bash | 15:32 |
mbeierl1 | the "find" command in Linux is probably your best bet. It allows you to recursively find files and act upon them | 15:32 |
mbeierl1 | makuseru: ^ | 15:32 |
makuseru | ActionParsnip: Alright. | 15:32 |
ActionParsnip | makuseru: then type your command but replace the filenames you use with $1 and $2 and so on | 15:32 |
ActionParsnip | makuseru: then save the text file, chmod +x it so that its executable and you have a killer script | 15:33 |
aurilliance | ActionParsnip: ^ nice guide :P I was also wondering how to get args in .sh-es | 15:33 |
majnoon | moo | 15:33 |
ActionParsnip | aurilliance: thats all there is to it, not hard | 15:33 |
aurilliance | :P | 15:33 |
ActionParsnip | aurilliance: i script everything ;) | 15:33 |
makuseru | ActionParsnip: And so to run it it would just be script name input output? | 15:33 |
aurilliance | that's the way to do it! ^ | 15:33 |
makuseru | Awesome. | 15:34 |
UbuntuR0ks | It is also a good idea to put the script in a directory that is already in your path or else add the directory for your script in your path | 15:34 |
kinja-sheep | makuseru: Place the script in /home/makuseru/bin | 15:34 |
ActionParsnip | makuseru: yes, provided you put the $1s where the input file is and $2s where the output filename is | 15:34 |
aurilliance | (ActionParsnip) ^ | 15:34 |
ActionParsnip | aurilliance: you can even have superscripts which run collections of scripts :) | 15:35 |
kinja-sheep | ActionParsnip: Don't forget permissions if needed. :) | 15:35 |
ActionParsnip | aurilliance: its very much like programming | 15:35 |
aurilliance | ActionParsnip: I'm a programmer myself ;) | 15:35 |
skillz | hi | 15:36 |
agey | how to join | 15:36 |
ActionParsnip | aurilliance: then you are golden, you can have return values too for other scripts base what they do based on the return value | 15:36 |
agey | i confuse | 15:36 |
ActionParsnip | agey: join what? | 15:36 |
aurilliance | lol | 15:36 |
agey | join xchat | 15:37 |
skillz | hey ActionParsnip how do i configure mozilla to play streaming videos? | 15:37 |
ActionParsnip | agey: if you mean a different irc channel: /join #<channel name here> | 15:37 |
Mephi | #connect ubuntu-de | 15:37 |
\\`oot | Hi everyone... I have am trying to upgrade the absolutely ancient X-Chat to a modern version ... and I get this error when trying to run the .deb file "Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libperl5.8 (>=5.8.8)" | 15:37 |
ActionParsnip | skillz: sudo apt-get install mozilla-plugin-vlc | 15:37 |
\\`oot | What am I doing wrong? | 15:37 |
\\`oot | I am currently running the most up-to-date 9.04 release | 15:37 |
ActionParsnip | skillz: it will use vlc as the player and allow embedded video goodness | 15:37 |
skillz | thanx man sweet ActionParsnip | 15:38 |
paul1 | hello everybody. I can't get my pidgin to work | 15:38 |
agey | is this ubuntu channel? | 15:38 |
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ActionParsnip | skillz: if you use a different player, use a different plugin | 15:38 |
paul1 | what's the matter | 15:38 |
daemoof | allo | 15:38 |
skillz | ohh ok | 15:38 |
paul1 | just stopped working a few days ago | 15:38 |
aurilliance | agey: yes | 15:38 |
daemoof | there a que for questins here? | 15:38 |
Vlet | \\`oot: What happened before? Why do you have an ancient xchat version on a 9.04 install? | 15:38 |
ActionParsnip | daemoof: ask away, the room wil reply if it can | 15:38 |
ActionParsnip | !info xchat | 15:38 |
ubottu | xchat (source: xchat): IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.6-2.1ubuntu4 (jaunty), package size 311 kB, installed size 840 kB | 15:38 |
morris1 | hi, i'm quite a linux newbie, just a quick question: i have apache running but in the ubuntu system monitor, it doesnt show up under processes. i can only stop it with "killall apache2". why is that? | 15:38 |
ActionParsnip | !info xchat-gnome | 15:38 |
ubottu | xchat-gnome (source: xchat-gnome): a new frontend to the popular X-Chat IRC client. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.26.1-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 290 kB, installed size 824 kB | 15:39 |
Vlet | daemoof: no, it's a freeforall | 15:39 |
daemoof | k, thanks ActionParsnip | 15:39 |
kinja-sheep | paul1: Yahoo? | 15:39 |
daemoof | freeforrall rox, IMHO | 15:39 |
ActionParsnip | morris1: try: ps -ef | grep apa | 15:39 |
\\`oot | Vlet: I installed it from package manager, and that's the version that shows up (0.26.1) which is probably what would install for you if you did it now (assuming you're up-to-date) | 15:39 |
agey | i confuce why there is many user in my chat | 15:40 |
ActionParsnip | Vlet: xchat website says latest is 2.8 | 15:40 |
kinja-sheep | agey: You're in IRC channel. | 15:40 |
morris1 | ActionParsnip, so basically the system monitor doesnt show root processes, only user processes? | 15:40 |
kinja-sheep | agey: This is Ubuntu IRC Support Channel. | 15:40 |
agey | what's different with IM like ym? | 15:40 |
ActionParsnip | morris1: i dont know, i use cli for that sort of thing. -ef shows all processes for all users (inc root) | 15:41 |
kinja-sheep | agey: IM --> Instant Messaging -- For your friends. IRC is a Internet place where everybody can join in chatroom and discuss. | 15:41 |
morris1 | ActionParsnip, alright, thanks so far | 15:41 |
skillz | ok so kinja-sheep all these people are online? | 15:42 |
ActionParsnip | morris1: np | 15:42 |
Dr_Willis | skillz: for the most part - yes. :) | 15:42 |
Vlet | \\`oot, ActionParsnip: my synaptic shows xchat as being 2.8.6-2.1-ubuntu | 15:42 |
ActionParsnip | Vlet: isnt that late enough? | 15:42 |
skillz | and the server can support them all? | 15:42 |
kinja-sheep | skillz: Yes. But they are idling. They are working on something or etc -- People sign in and leave them online most of the time and will talk when there are something interesting. | 15:42 |
daemoof | Looking for help installng ubuntu easypeasy onto acer aspireONE, currently lookiing at GParted, the drive I am wanting to install buntu on is /dev/sda1 but the mountpoint is /cdrom [read the man mount (which made me chuckle) then read umount] but unsure as to how to proceed. Kinda fresh an d new to linux, though not totally fraked by the command line, previous exp in VAX decades ago, hardcore addicted mudder, and also former OSX use | 15:42 |
daemoof | r (pre-wintel/crustomer service bein all industrifried and ((genius))) | 15:42 |
daemoof | hmm | 15:42 |
Vlet | ActionParsnip: yeah... that's my point | 15:42 |
daemoof | so how do I umount from /cdrom | 15:43 |
daemoof | seems GParted wants me t do it manually | 15:43 |
\\`oot | Vlet: What the hell then... what am I doing wrong?! (System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager -> X-Chat | 15:43 |
Dr_Willis | skillz: irc servers are designed to support much more then this.. it uses a 'network' type system. where theres dozen+ freenode irc servers. all connected. | 15:43 |
morris1 | oh and another thing. there is, at present, NO way to get the proprietary ati driver running in ubuntu 9.04, is that correct? i'll have to wait until ati releases new drivers | 15:43 |
daemoof | nd I dn't see a flippin switch to do such, plus sda aint a CDROM | 15:43 |
Nationiant | Hey everyone | 15:43 |
daemoof | Over | 15:43 |
daemoof | offerng free beer ffor anyone who can get me through this | 15:43 |
\\`oot | Vlet: Says I have "xchat-gnome 1:0.26.1-ubuntu1" installed and it's the latest version | 15:43 |
Nationiant | Is it possible to set a panel that it isn't always on top? | 15:43 |
mbeierl1 | daemoof: I've had better experience using the Ubuntu netbook remix 9.04 instead of easypeasy | 15:43 |
daemoof | over | 15:43 |
skillz | ahhh i get so itrs not one server only...thanx mate! | 15:43 |
mbeierl1 | daemoof: you might want to try that - it's more up to date | 15:44 |
daemoof | kk | 15:44 |
Dr_Willis | !freenode | skillz | 15:44 |
ubottu | skillz: freenode is Freenode is the IRC network that you're on! See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml. Freenode has policies that govern how people should use the network which can be read at http://freenode.net/policy.shtml. The ubuntu channels on Freenode also have their own !guidelines | 15:44 |
daemoof | another quest | 15:44 |
Vlet | \\`oot: not sure... there's a log of results that come up when searching for x-chat. try searching for xchat instead (without the hyphen) and you should see it | 15:44 |
daemoof | the dating/revisions of ubuntu.. what is their methodology.. was told there was oe? | 15:44 |
Dr_Willis | daemoof: ubuntu 9.04 - relased on the 4th month of 2009 | 15:44 |
mbeierl1 | daemoof: well, this is the ubuntu support channel, so you'll find more people here use ubuntu than other distros | 15:44 |
daemoof | esy s ubuntu yes? | 15:45 |
\\`oot | whoa... I see what I'm doing wrong now | 15:45 |
\\`oot | xchat-gnome is != xchat | 15:45 |
cannonball | Hi all, I added a repo for Chromium. Aptitude complains about not having the key used to sign it. Where can I go to find the key used to sign it, and how do I import it? | 15:45 |
\\`oot | hrmm... whoops | 15:45 |
Vlet | \\`oot: not sure what's with all those other packages... weird eh | 15:45 |
daemoof | thats all i got to runn now | 15:45 |
Dr_Willis | daemoof: ubuntu has to be one of the best/easiest disrtos to use - that ive seen. and ive seen a lot. | 15:45 |
daemoof | thats what i heard | 15:45 |
daemoof | just unsure bout this mounting bs | 15:45 |
kinja-sheep | cannonball: Where did you get the repo for Chromium? | 15:45 |
daemoof | any surefiree way to termiinalize through the umount process? | 15:46 |
\\`oot | Vlet: Yes, quite... let me see what this turns out to be, I'll try running it and hopefully leave/return shortly | 15:46 |
Dr_Willis | daemoof: learn how the system works.. all linux use 'mount' as the underlaying method to access files. | 15:46 |
daemoof | or does it take rewrite of fstab or something?? think i read that | 15:46 |
Nationiant | Is it possible to set a panel that it isn't always on top? | 15:46 |
ciphergoth | my panel applet has stopped showing the weather, anyone know how it works? | 15:46 |
Dr_Willis | daemoof: ive missed your original problem,. fstab is for read by the mount command and can define options for specific mount points/devices.. or you can do it all from the command line. | 15:46 |
cannonball | kinja-sheep: https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa | 15:46 |
daemoof | read through the man, my man, yes, though i must say the discovery of easier pagethroughs of helps was exciting to me, (such a noobian) | 15:46 |
Dr_Willis | daemoof: theres 1000's of docs and guides and books on linux. start with the basics. work your way up. | 15:47 |
xubu_ntu | how to enable desktop effects like cube in ubuntu ? what needs to be installed ? | 15:47 |
Dr_Willis | !cube | xubu_ntu | 15:47 |
ubottu | xubu_ntu: Compiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg ubotu compiz » and « /msg ubotu effects » | 15:47 |
mbeierl1 | daemoof: while easypeasy is based on ubuntu 8.10, it's not the same as the new ubuntu 9.04 netbook remix, which is more "officially" supported and can be downloaded directly from ubuntu.com | 15:47 |
cannonball | Following the key id from that page, I eventually get to http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x5A9BF3BB4E5E17B5, but not sure how import that into apt/aptitude. | 15:47 |
kinja-sheep | !key | 15:48 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about key | 15:48 |
LordMetroid | what is the /opt directory for? It is empty and yet this http://asantoso.wordpress.com/2008/05/18/flex-3-sdk-command-line-development-with-example-on-linux/ recommends me unpacking the SDK there...? | 15:48 |
kiosk | ehem | 15:48 |
kinja-sheep | cannonball: sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 0xfbef0d696de1c72ba5a835fe5a9bf3bb4e5e17b5 | 15:48 |
skillz | Dr_Willis, ive installed it .....but it still doesnt work | 15:48 |
cannonball | kinja-sheep: so it's a lot like gpg --recv-keys then. Thanks. | 15:49 |
Dr_Willis | skillz: be more specific about what you are doing.. assume people in irc have a 3 min attention span. | 15:49 |
Dracofodder | ! /opt | 15:49 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about opt | 15:49 |
krishmish | why is it im unable to open yahoomail in ff in ubuntu 9.04?? | 15:49 |
kinja-sheep | cannonball: sudo aptitude update (to update your repo too). | 15:49 |
LordMetroid | ! opt | 15:49 |
krishmish | it opens the inbox...but i cant read my messages | 15:49 |
daemoof | Dr_Willis: I have GParted open, want to wipe the drive on the other netbook I am trying to get ubuntu instaled on. Currently have a flasjhj drve mage of ubuntu easy peasy, (was told to get another, wll page upp in a sec for that info, though want to just use current img) I want to wipe and install onto thiss drive that is inside this Acer aspireone but it is coming up /dev/sda1/ ad the ountpoint is /cdrom hen i try to use the GUI | 15:50 |
daemoof | GOarted the sleasy way I get told the partition could not be unmounted fro the folowing mountopoints /cdro Most likely other paritions are also mounted on these mountpoints.. | 15:50 |
Dr_Willis | agey: this is a Ubuntu channel.. talk abut ubuntu in here. :) | 15:50 |
skillz | ive installed the vlc pluggin in mozzilla but when i try to play anything its a white screen and does nothing | 15:50 |
daemoof | You are advised to unmount them manually | 15:50 |
cannonball | kinja-sheep: thank you kindly. | 15:50 |
mbeierl1 | krishmish: does it work today in other browsers? I've heard tell of yahoo problems over that past couple of days (specifically around yahoo chat) | 15:50 |
\\`oot | woohoo! New X-Chat... very nice | 15:50 |
daemoof | stll snickern over man mount in term, lol | 15:50 |
kinja-sheep | cannonball: Welcome. Have fun. That link you gave me is... daily -- so you'll experience breakage. Keep in mind. :) | 15:50 |
daemoof | now read somewhere that if rewrite smething in fstab it should fix my install problemo | 15:51 |
cannonball | kinja-sheep: :-D Yay for breakage. | 15:51 |
Dr_Willis | daemoof: you normally cant do things to a hard drive it its being accessed. so be sure the disk is unmounted. I used the Ubuntu netbook remix image on a flash drive to install my AcerAspireOne. I found Easypeasy lacking in ways. | 15:51 |
daemoof | well | 15:51 |
daemoof | this window i am chatting fromm is on nother netbook | 15:51 |
daemoof | ok | 15:51 |
skillz | Dr_Willis, i installed the vlc plugin but when i still try to stream from justin it gives me a white screen | 15:51 |
daemoof | so grab netbook remix | 15:52 |
daemoof | kk | 15:52 |
daemoof | no other puters but netbooks | 15:52 |
daemoof | so | 15:52 |
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daemoof | hope i can get her to fit | 15:52 |
Dr_Willis | daemoof: if you want to whipe the hard drive - i normally boot a distro from a flash drive. and use gparted and just 'delete' all parittiosn.. or use the 'fdisk' command and delete them that way - if gparted is being a pain. of course Most installers will also delete all the partiotions for you if you tell them to do so. | 15:52 |
rodolfo_ | hi guys! can somebody help me install this: http://francois.vogelweith.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=42&Itemid=26#jaunty | 15:52 |
kinja-sheep | skillz: Ubuntu Version? And which 32 or 64? | 15:52 |
daemoof | Thanks fr the help Dr_Willis, mbeierll, etc,.... | 15:52 |
rodolfo_ | i know it's easy.. | 15:52 |
Gerrroooo | Hello everyone | 15:52 |
daemoof | dankjewe | 15:52 |
daemoof | l | 15:53 |
skillz | kinja-sheep, 32 bit version 9.04 | 15:53 |
daemoof | aloha | 15:53 |
kinja-sheep | skillz: What you need is flash. | 15:53 |
kinja-sheep | !flash | skillz | 15:53 |
ubottu | skillz: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 15:53 |
Whitor | Hi. My system seems to reboot on its own... is there anyway of finding out what was happeing just before the reboot? | 15:53 |
Gerrroooo | I m looking for a xorg.conf which work well with a Redeon 4870hd | 15:53 |
agey | my video with flv format taken from youtube can't be played flc, xine and totem player. anyone can help me? | 15:54 |
rodolfo_ | ..no-one? | 15:54 |
mbeierl1 | rodolfo_: what problem are you experiencing? | 15:54 |
Dracofodder | LordMetroid: took a bit of searching for a good definition (I've only known of using /opt for installing custom applications not in the repository)... but try here for a more cogent description... http://www.pathname.com/fhs/pub/fhs-2.3.html#OPTADDONAPPLICATIONSOFTWAREPACKAGES | 15:54 |
Whitor | Can I tell if my system was powered off via the power key or if it was a hard reset? | 15:54 |
rodolfo_ | i don't know what "Add those lines at the end of your sources.list" means | 15:54 |
=== energy-ares-28_ is now known as AresRamon | ||
skillz | thanx a milli man Kinja-sheep | 15:54 |
Whitor | i suspect my office mate is up to hijinx | 15:54 |
AresRamon | Hallo guys | 15:54 |
LordMetroid | Dracofodder, thank you | 15:55 |
kinja-sheep | skillz: Welcome. Now go check a girl out on justin.tv :3 | 15:55 |
Gerrroooo | No one can help me with my 4870 ? | 15:55 |
AresRamon | does anyone know how to convert an mkv film into a dvd ?? | 15:55 |
=== Nathan is now known as Guest69208 | ||
* \\`oot likes this version of X-Chat better than xchat-gnome | 15:55 | |
mbeierl1 | rodolfo_: ok, it is about the list of repositories (official, trusted software sites) that you are allowing your computer to use... give me a moment to get you more info | 15:55 |
Dr_Willis | AresRamon: devede can take videos and generate a dvd + menus formated .iso image you burn | 15:55 |
rodolfo_ | mbeierl1 thanks | 15:56 |
=== kraut_ is now known as kraut | ||
Dr_Willis | Gerrroooo: for many ati cards - you have to check the forums. thers just too many out there. | 15:56 |
mbeierl1 | Whitor: there's a file called /var/log/messages. If it were a shutdown, there will be a series of shutdown events recorded in there prior to the boot taking place again | 15:56 |
mbeierl1 | !apt | 15:56 |
ubottu | APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE) | 15:56 |
Dr_Willis | Gerrroooo: many ati cards now use the GPL drivers now instead of the Fglrx drivers (from ati) also. | 15:56 |
mbeierl1 | !apt sources | mbeierl | 15:56 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about apt sources | 15:56 |
Gerrroooo | Does it work better ? | 15:57 |
AresRamon | Dr_Willis: had you try it? | 15:57 |
Gerrroooo | The last time I tried it, There wasnt the 3d suport | 15:57 |
mbeierl1 | rodolfo_: here's some documentation to describe what repositories are about: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/CommandLine I can also help you through it once you're done reading | 15:58 |
doyox | hi | 15:58 |
Whitor | mbeierl1, thanks a lot ! | 15:58 |
Dr_Willis | AresRamon: i use DeVeDe all the time. | 15:58 |
kpkeerthi | anyone using latest gnome-colors icons v 4.3? | 15:58 |
=== Nathan is now known as Guest96513 | ||
doyox | my computer cannot detect usb bluetooth | 15:58 |
mbeierl1 | Whitor: does it help? I can point you to what to look for if it's too much info in there | 15:58 |
doyox | can anyone help me? | 15:59 |
wib | hey. I have a problem with rhythmbox 0.12.0 on ubu 9.04: I can't physically delete files from within rhythmbox (was possible on ubu 8.10). I get no error msg, just a red icon next to the file | 15:59 |
rodolfo_ | mbeierl1: thanks..i'll run through this myself, if i experience problems i'll come back..thank you! | 15:59 |
mbeierl1 | rodolfo_: k! all the best! | 15:59 |
AresRamon | Dr_Willis: i often experience pulseaudio crashes in playback of flv or other audio video file format. | 15:59 |
doyox | hi my ubuntu cannot detect usb bluetooth | 15:59 |
AresRamon | Dr_Willis:what can i do? | 15:59 |
nJustin3k-[work] | I'm looking for a distrobution of linux, preferably debian based, that will run persistanlty on a 2 GB flash drive. I do not need a lot of packages installed. Ubuntu is what im looking for I think, but with all packages that come with GNOME it wont fit on a 2GB flash drive. Any suggestions or ideas? | 16:00 |
Dr_Willis | AresRamon: i never have any sound issues.. so cant help much. thers tons of forum threads/topics and wiki pages on sound trouble shooting. I have never had to bother with them. | 16:00 |
doyox | anyone knows how to solve it? | 16:00 |
christopher | hey guys, has anyone managed to install and conf. OpenArena? I'm wanting to host a Dedicated Server in Cpae Town, South Africa!!!!! | 16:01 |
Raheel | hello to every body | 16:01 |
Raheel | i am a new user | 16:01 |
kiosk | mupengboy | 16:01 |
dandre | hello, | 16:01 |
kiosk | ehem | 16:01 |
thyri | is ther any manual for vi?examples of using it | 16:01 |
doyox | my ubuntu cannot detect usb bluetooth | 16:02 |
thyri | .wik | 16:02 |
cannonball | thyri: type :help for a start | 16:02 |
Dr_Willis | thyri: vi is documented at 100000000's of places. also see the 'vitutor' program (or was it vimtutor) | 16:02 |
sheep30984 | the ubuntu cd doesn't have a reformatting tool does it? | 16:02 |
Dr_Willis | thyri: its 'vimtutor; | 16:02 |
mbeierl1 | Raheel: welcome! | 16:02 |
soldier63 | hi room | 16:02 |
n0gear | does USB work on Virtualbox? | 16:02 |
* G69 Good Afternoon / Boa Tarde. | 16:02 | |
dandre | I am looking for MDB2_Schema PEAR Extension, where should I find it? | 16:03 |
soldier63 | yes nogear its works | 16:03 |
thyri | cannnon: :help says abt online help | 16:03 |
Dr_Willis | thyri: if using 'vim' you proberly want to install the 'vim-full' package also. The default vim is a 'tiny' version with a lot of features missing. | 16:03 |
n0gear | !minimal | 16:04 |
ubottu | The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD | 16:04 |
thyri | !vi | 16:04 |
ubottu | Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code | 16:04 |
n0gear | nJustin3k-[work]: try that minimal CD image and build from that? | 16:04 |
soldier63 | how to install firefox rc 3 on jaunty? | 16:04 |
rodolfo_ | mbeierl1: damn..i run /etc/apt/sources.list and he says permission denied! Y?! | 16:04 |
thyri | soldier :fine | 16:04 |
n0gear | !minimal | nJustin3k-[work] | 16:04 |
ubottu | nJustin3k-[work]: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD | 16:04 |
Koterpillar | soldier63: sudo apt-get install firefox-3.5 | 16:04 |
neil_d | I have a Epson CX550, but the printer driver isn't doing a 'CLean Print Heads' operation.. the printer does nothing.. But it does seem to be printing. How can I get it to do the 'Clean Print Heads' ? | 16:05 |
thyri | !vim | 16:05 |
ubottu | Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code | 16:05 |
soldier63 | ty koter | 16:05 |
mbeierl1 | rodolfo_: you cannot "run" /etc/apt/sources.list - it is a text file that contains a list of HTTP locations that are trusted for download | 16:05 |
thyri | how to add fast mirror fast sudo... | 16:05 |
Koterpillar | There's been a report on Planet ubuntu about crashing Intel driver. Can anyone point me to it, or otherwise help to deal with after-upgrade scenario? | 16:05 |
mbeierl1 | rodolfo_: you need to edit the file to add some more text lines to it, and you must become "administrator" (super user) to edit the file | 16:05 |
neil_d | opps that is a CX5500.... | 16:05 |
thyri | !sudo mirror | 16:06 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sudo mirror | 16:06 |
rodolfo_ | mbeierl1: right..i just typed it into the terminal.. | 16:06 |
wWales | in System/Preferences/Mouse GUI theres an option to enable/disable the touchpad on my laptop, how do i bind this gui option directly to a keyboard shortcut? | 16:06 |
thyri | .g sudo mirror | 16:06 |
mbeierl1 | rodolfo_: gksu (gk is a graphics kit and su is super user) so, enter "gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" | 16:06 |
mbeierl1 | rodolfo_: (from the terminal) | 16:06 |
Vlet | thyri: the 'software sources' tool has the ability to select the fastest mirror for you | 16:06 |
mbeierl1 | Vlet: what's that tool? I've wondered how to do that :) | 16:07 |
rodolfo_ | mbeierl1: right..i try.. | 16:07 |
thyri | wat to do in soft sources | 16:07 |
arand | soldier63: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa might be a place to look for cutting edge mozilla stuff | 16:07 |
kinja-sheep | wWales: You could add a launcher or add a shortcut for "gnome-mouse-properties" <-- Mouse GUI | 16:07 |
kinja-sheep | What am I saying? I'm saying the same thing! | 16:08 |
Vlet | mbeierl1: just open the 'software sources' control panel, in the 'download from' list, pick other, and you'll see a button labeled 'select best server' :) | 16:08 |
mbeierl1 | Vlet: k. thanks! any way to do that from cmd line? | 16:08 |
wWales | kinja-sheep: will this enable/disable the touchpad or will it simply launch the gui where i do so? | 16:08 |
vip3rousmango | Anyone know how to get 9.04 to read Digital Media Slots? Like Sony SD cards? | 16:09 |
Koterpillar | wWales, look into synclient | 16:09 |
=== magnet_ is now known as magnet | ||
thyri | thanks viet | 16:09 |
kinja-sheep | wWales: Simply launch the GUi. | 16:09 |
Vlet | mbeierl1: I think there is a CL tool you can install... not sure what it is though. One of the official mirrors is 500 feet from me, so I know which one to use ;) | 16:09 |
un|matrix | hi, how can i bind two mouse buttons to open firefox in ubuntu? | 16:09 |
ghaleb | hello, if I want to create a 10G file system image with dd, I would do this command right ? dd if=/dev/zero of=swap/swap bs=10000k | 16:09 |
mbeierl1 | Vlet: some should be so lucky :) | 16:09 |
ciphergoth | ghaleb: 1024M | 16:10 |
Dr_Willis | ghaleb: theres a 'swap file howto' that details the exact commands used to generate a 'swap' file and how to properly format/enable it. | 16:10 |
ciphergoth | 10240M rather | 16:10 |
Dr_Willis | ghaleb: and a bs is the block size to use. not the final file size. thats what the count option is dd is for. I think. | 16:10 |
soldier63 | ty friend | 16:11 |
ghaleb | Dr_Willis, thanks | 16:11 |
wWales | kinja-sheep: it gives me the error "SMHClient shared memory not availibe" even tho ive added it in xorg.conf and rebooted :/ | 16:11 |
thyri | can we change the dm(like gdm,kdm)...for ubuntu....by selecting sessions can we try other kde,xfce,etc in buntu | 16:11 |
un|matrix | anyone? damn is linux really THAT pathetic that u can't even bind two damn buttons to a puny script?? -_- | 16:11 |
Dr_Willis | ghaleb: and your path 'swap/swap' is weird. :) | 16:11 |
kinja-sheep | wWales: What are you talking about? | 16:12 |
ghaleb | Dr_Willis, hehe .. it's an example I got ;) | 16:12 |
Dr_Willis | un|matrix: if you are referting to 'extra' mouse buttons - theres dozens of guides (often mouse specific) on gettting extra mice buttons to do things. | 16:12 |
cabrey | un|matrix, all insulting linux will do is get you a ban | 16:12 |
krishmish | priya? | 16:12 |
krishmish | why is it im unable to open yahoomail in ff in ubuntu 9.04??anyon any ideas?? | 16:12 |
un|matrix | Dr_Willis: i can bind ONE button to anything, but i want to bind a COMBINATION of two buttons to something | 16:12 |
kinja-sheep | !shortcut | un|matrix | 16:12 |
ubottu | un|matrix: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts | 16:12 |
Nationiant | ! | 16:13 |
un|matrix | kinja-sheep: doesn't detect mouse buttons | 16:13 |
Nationiant | da,m | 16:13 |
wWales | kinja-sheep: theres a command in synclient to enable disable touchpad but it wont let me use it because of whats in the errormsg | 16:13 |
Nationiant | * | 16:13 |
Nationiant | err | 16:13 |
FloodBot1 | Nationiant: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 16:13 |
Nationiant | a | 16:13 |
Nationiant | s | 16:13 |
Nationiant | d | 16:13 |
Nationiant | a | 16:13 |
Nationiant | s | 16:13 |
Nationiant | d | 16:13 |
thyri | can we change the dm(like gdm,kdm)...for ubuntu....by selecting sessions can we try other kde,xfce,etc in buntu | 16:13 |
Dr_Willis | un|matrix: that may be a bit harder. Only time ive used 2 mouse buttons together is to 'cord/paste' in the normal terminals.. or on my amiga years and years ago. | 16:13 |
kinja-sheep | wWales: I didn't say anything about the synclient? You got somebody else? | 16:13 |
agey | how to join this channel from mirc in windows? | 16:13 |
un|matrix | Dr_Willis: i've tried it with xbindkeys but it won't recognize combinations... only one button | 16:13 |
cabrey | agey, go to the freenode network then join #ubuntu | 16:13 |
Dr_Willis | agey: same as any other irc channel/cliene /join #channelname | 16:13 |
neil_d | I have a Epson CX5500, but the printer driver isn't doing a 'CLean Print Heads' operation.. the printer does nothing.. But it does seem to be printing. How can I get it to do the 'Clean Print Heads' ? | 16:14 |
s0c | re | 16:14 |
knasto | Hi, how do I get rid of proposed updates? | 16:14 |
Dr_Willis | un|matrix: yep. makes sence to me. since the mouse buttons are not 'modifier' keys like shift/ctrl/alt - | 16:14 |
cabrey | knasto, System > Administration > Software Sources | 16:14 |
wWales | kinja-sheep: nm | 16:14 |
un|matrix | Dr_Willis: can i define a mouse button as a modifier? | 16:14 |
kinja-sheep | agey: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat | 16:14 |
knasto | cabrey, how do I uninstall them after that I mean | 16:14 |
ghaleb | Dr_Willis, then I think this is more logical dd if=/dev/zero of=eFiles/eFilesDrive count=10000M bs=1024k | 16:15 |
cabrey | knasto, if you go to update-manger, click check for updates, it might downgrade the packages | 16:15 |
agey | thank you all | 16:16 |
Dr_Willis | ghaleb: that looks more normal | 16:16 |
knasto | cabrey, i did it says no updates available. does that mean i don't actually have any proposed updates installed? | 16:16 |
Dr_Willis | un|matrix: no idea. never needed to do so | 16:16 |
wib | hey. I have a problem with rhythmbox 0.12.0 on ubu 9.04: I can't physically delete files from within rhythmbox (was possible on ubu 8.10). I get no error msg, just a red icon next to the file | 16:16 |
cabrey | knasto, probably because it would downgrade them... try it from the terminal. run sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade | 16:17 |
ghaleb | Dr_Willis, thank you, well I'm trying to get nbd drive on another machine to act as 'nfs' like but hopefully to preserve permissions | 16:17 |
s0c | Hi, I need to switch between US and CZ (Czech) keyboard layout and it still does not work :( I'v red many tips and discussions and nothing worked. Here is how it is configured right now: http://pastebin.com/d23c02ac5 | 16:17 |
un|matrix | Dr_Willis: would it work if i defined a button with xbindkeys to send for example a Control_L signal ? | 16:18 |
knasto | cabrey, it says "No packages will be installed, upgraded, or removed." | 16:18 |
Halabund | I have some trouble with graphics on Jaunty: 1. full-screen windows flicker badly when tooltips are shown 2. 3D graphics in Mathematica only appear when they are being rotated, but not otherwise. This is not fixed by turning off desktop effects. | 16:18 |
cabrey | knasto, then it seems you're good | 16:18 |
_Brun0_ | Anyone know a good offline dictionary for ubuntu? | 16:18 |
Halabund | On some forums it was suggested to turn on "uxa" acceleration, which semi-fixes Mathematica, but then X freezes from time to time (every 2-3 hours). Do you have any suggestions about fixing these problems? | 16:18 |
BurningSebra | Hey. im trying to get my touchpad to work and i get this message - set 'SHMConfig' 'true' in xorg.conf - that ok, but in what section of it? and is that all the code i have to insert? | 16:19 |
ghaleb | Dr_Willis, that's weird .. the file size exceeded 18G isn't the counter 10000M would give 10G ? | 16:19 |
enzo | hi, i've installed geoip IP PurePerl version 1.23, how can i retrieve the version installed with a script ? (in order to make a cron that checks the last version is installed) | 16:19 |
wib | also, does anybody know by any chance why Evo 2.26.1 on Ubu 9.04 (ubu comes with this version) randomly crashes from time to time? | 16:19 |
ctmjr | Halabund: di you try EXA it is much better than UXA | 16:19 |
sdls | Ubuntu has update-rc.d but nothing equivelant to chkconfig (e.g., chkconfig --list). Is there an equivelant utility? | 16:19 |
knasto | cabrey, oh alright i guess i don't have any installed then. this is a little off topic but what is the red horizontal line mean in xchat? | 16:20 |
* shunobies is away: Gone away for now | 16:20 | |
mbeierl1 | Vlet: really odd... I can run the software source tool via gksu from the terminal, but I can't add it via the "menu editor" - when I check the box for software sources, it just clears itself again after 1 second... | 16:20 |
cabrey | knasto, what red horizontal line? you mean your nick highlighted? it's to help you see it | 16:20 |
Halabund | ctmjr: EXA is the default, but Mathematica 3D graphics don't work with it. I can't use UXA because the system freezes hard from time to time. | 16:20 |
s0c | no one using non-us keyboard layout here? :-O | 16:20 |
FloodBot1 | !netsplit | 16:20 |
ubottu | netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit | 16:20 |
=== ferret__ is now known as ferret_ | ||
* MTX ( : m[T]x :ï: [ Services Downed ï verne.freenode.net ï irc.freenode.net ] :ï: sCript : ) | 16:20 | |
=== DaveSiberia_ is now known as DaveSiberia | ||
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth | ||
Halabund | ctmjr: The full-screen window flicker is present both with exa and uxa | 16:20 |
s0c | no one using non-us keyboard layout here? :-O | 16:21 |
=== _eviltux is now known as eviltux | ||
BurningSebra | Hey. im trying to get my touchpad to work and i get this message - set 'SHMConfig' 'true' in xorg.conf - that ok, but in what section of it? and is that all the code i have to insert? | 16:21 |
lstarnes | MTX: please disable that script | 16:21 |
knasto | cabrey, its in the xchat chat window. its a random horizontal line that appears in between some lines of text. | 16:21 |
x_ | hello | 16:21 |
cabrey | knasto, strange O.o i don't get any of that | 16:22 |
x_ | pls someon help me | 16:22 |
s0c | ******************************************************************************************* | 16:22 |
s0c | Hi, I need to switch between US and CZ (Czech) keyboard layout and it still does not work :( I'v red many tips and discussions and nothing worked. Here is how it is configured right now: http://pastebin.com/d23c02ac5 | 16:22 |
s0c | ******************************************************************************************* | 16:22 |
FloridaGuy | trying to do aptitude safe-upgrade...... but i get... E: /var/cache/apt/archives/lsb-base_4.0-0ubuntu0.9.04.1_all.deb: trying to overwrite `/etc/lsb-base-logging.sh', which is also in package splashy | 16:22 |
digitalfiz | knasto, its not random its to let you know where you left the conversation | 16:22 |
Myrtti | x_: you've not asked anything yet | 16:23 |
mdm | ghaleb, when you told it to do count=10000 bs=1024K you were saying make 10000M (10000x1024x1024) x 1024K (1024x1024)blocks | 16:23 |
digitalfiz | knasto, it puts the red line across when you go to another tab so you know where you where when you switch tabs | 16:23 |
Vock | Hello, I'm having a problem with deleting/Trash in Jaunty, the files keep going to my ~/.local/share/Trash/files directory, and when I try and delete them from there, they keep coming back, but the Trash bin is always empty | 16:23 |
knasto | digitalfiz, alright thanks that makes sense. ive been wondering what that was for a while now.... | 16:24 |
s0c | Oh please help me :) Can you see any bug in my configuration? I need to switch between US and CZ (Czech) keyboard layout and it still does not work :( I'v red many tips and discussions and nothing worked. Here is how it is configured right now: http://pastebin.com/d23c02ac5 | 16:24 |
geirha | s0c: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard. In the Layouts tab, add both layouts. There's a panel applet you can add to the panel that will allow you to switch between them | 16:24 |
s0c | geirha, I use window maker, not gnome | 16:25 |
digitalfiz | knasto, its in preferences you can turn it off by unchecking "Show marker line" | 16:25 |
ghaleb | mdm, oh thanks, but why shouldn't it be 10000x1024x1024 x 1024k ? | 16:25 |
ctmjr | Halabund: am guessing you have a intel graphics card? | 16:25 |
s0c | geirha, it works in gnome but i don't use gnome | 16:25 |
geirha | s0c: Oh, hm. I'm not sure how to do it with Xorg I'm afraid, just gnome :/ | 16:26 |
=== bgy_ is now known as bgy | ||
Vlet | s0c: maybe the question would be better off asked in #xorg then | 16:26 |
s0c | vlek, ok, thanks | 16:26 |
knasto | digitalfiz, oh ok well now that i know what it is, it seems helpful. | 16:26 |
digitalfiz | it is | 16:26 |
fasta | I use Thunderbird to read IMAP messages. Is there some way to synchronize the messages I have read across different machines? | 16:26 |
geirha | s0c: A google for "xmodmap" might help too | 16:27 |
mdm | ghaleb, M means 1024x1024, you asked it for 10,000 of them. And k means 1024, so you asked for 1024 of them | 16:27 |
fasta | I thought IMAP was supposed to solve that problem, so it is probably just some configuration option. | 16:27 |
kraut | anyone who also got this problem? | 16:27 |
kraut | mount.cifs | 16:27 |
kraut | Segmentation fault | 16:27 |
kiosk | mupengbgt | 16:27 |
digitalfiz | fasta, im sure its probably a matter of update frequencies being set to low maybe | 16:27 |
fasta | digitalfiz: update frequencies? Where are those defined? | 16:28 |
ghaleb | mdm, oh I missunderstood you at the previous message, thank you yes make sense :) | 16:28 |
s0c | ok, thanks | 16:28 |
FloridaGuy | never mind problem solved..((( trying to do aptitude safe-upgrade...... but i get... E: /var/cache/apt/archives/lsb-base_4.0-0ubuntu0.9.04.1_all.deb: trying to overwrite `/etc/lsb-base-logging.sh', which is also in package splashy ))))...used...(((( sudo dpkg --force-overwrite -i /var/cache/apt/archives/lsb-base_4.0-0ubuntu0.9.04.1_all.deb ))))) | 16:29 |
digitalfiz | fasta, im not sure i havent used thunderbird since gmail came out lol but im sure its in the account settings | 16:29 |
Sylphid|work | s0c sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg is where i would start looking | 16:29 |
FloridaGuy | now ill reboot and see if splashy works better | 16:30 |
rodolfo_ | mbeierl1: ok i added the repositories..now it says "Add the key: sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver key etc.." | 16:30 |
fasta | digitalfiz: I don't see it in the configuration, but if you don't use Thunderbird, I don't think you can help. Thanks, anyway. | 16:30 |
rodolfo_ | mbeierl1: always from terminal? | 16:30 |
mbeierl1 | rodolfo_: this step is important. It is the point where you are saying that you trust the remote HTTP server to give you "safe" content | 16:30 |
mbeierl1 | rodolfo_: say | 16:31 |
mbeierl1 | rodolfo_: yes. | 16:31 |
=== ck is now known as Guest93869 | ||
rodolfo_ | mbeierl1: ok..let's try.. | 16:31 |
agey | is there anyone ever playing pes2008/9 from wine? how to configure wine | 16:33 |
fccf | agey: you might ask in #winehq | 16:34 |
rodolfo_ | mbeierl1: he says "no valid openpgp data found".. | 16:35 |
mbeierl1 | rodolfo_: oh. that is odd. gimme a moment | 16:35 |
wiehan | I cannot convert a 32 bit rpm on my 64 bit machine with a 64 bit alien, what should I do? | 16:35 |
_Brun0_ | Is there a google translate client for ubuntu? | 16:35 |
mdm | wiehan, not use alien | 16:36 |
kinja-sheep | wiehan: What are you trying to convert? What software? | 16:36 |
rodolfo_ | mbeierl1: wait..i tried once again | 16:36 |
cyberghoser1 | !burning | 16:36 |
ubottu | CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto | 16:36 |
rodolfo_ | mbeierl1: now it says "Launchpad PPA for Bisigi" not changed | 16:36 |
mdm | alien should come with a test to see if the user is posix complance | 16:36 |
_Brun0_ | !dictionary | 16:36 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dictionary | 16:36 |
bi0ne | my ubuntu stuck on kinit: no resume image, doing normal boot.... | 16:36 |
mbeierl1 | rodolfo_: ok, so it must have worked before somehow because that means it is good and already there | 16:37 |
Nationiant | I was starting to compile software and this was the result: http://paste.ubuntu.com/203632/ | 16:37 |
rodolfo_ | mbeierl1: ok..so last two lines.. | 16:37 |
mbeierl1 | rodolfo_: now you proceed to update your "table of contents" for the list of software that is available to you "sudo aptitude update" | 16:37 |
ehazlett | anyone familiar with fuser ? | 16:37 |
fccf | Nationiant: uh, install build-essential | 16:38 |
Nationiant | Ok thanks I'll try again | 16:38 |
mbeierl1 | ehazlett: only a little. what is your question? | 16:38 |
sebsebseb | hi | 16:38 |
bi0ne | my ubuntu stuck on kinit: no resume image, doing normal boot.... | 16:39 |
ehazlett | mbeierl1: if i use fuser -km <directory> it looks like it faults, then kills my gnome-session sending me back to the login window... | 16:39 |
rodolfo_ | mbeierl1: looks like working..last line! | 16:39 |
wiehan | how do I access another PC on the network with nautilus using the IP address only? | 16:40 |
mbeierl1 | ehazlett: oh. over my head - it looks like you've hit a bug. did you try "ulimit -c unlimited" prior to executing the command to see if you can get a core dump? | 16:40 |
fccf | wiehan: ubuntu machine? | 16:40 |
mdm | ehazlett, its a program used to define a process that has a file or socket open and then act accodingly. There is a reason the posix switches are f, u, c and k | 16:40 |
kinja-sheep | wiehan: There are... "Connec to Server" | 16:40 |
ehazlett | mdm: yeah, i know what it is -- i was just having trouble with it | 16:40 |
ehazlett | mbeierl1: thx | 16:40 |
kinja-sheep | wiehan: Conncet To Server (under File) | 16:40 |
wiehan | fccf: yes, ubuntu machine | 16:40 |
wiehan | kinja-sheep: there is a better way something like smb:///Ip... | 16:41 |
fccf | if openssh is installed on the machine you can use ssh://ip | 16:41 |
mdm | ehazlett, if you do that on a directory it will look to see what processes it is associated with, ie what has it open, since you told it k, it will send kill signals to each of those processes | 16:41 |
mbeierl1 | ehazlett: for the little I could provide, you're welcome. maybe another here has hit this problem before? | 16:41 |
kinja-sheep | wiehan: You asked for it in Nautilus. There are Samba share too in Nautilus (Connect To Server). | 16:41 |
mdm | ehazlett, that included you, your shell so when you do it on a directory your shell has open, you kill your own shell | 16:42 |
kinja-sheep | wiehan: Samba Share = Windows Share. | 16:42 |
wiehan | kinja-sheep: which option do I use | 16:42 |
mbeierl1 | ehazlett: sorry - I was thinking fuse (as in the file system) not fuse/r/ | 16:42 |
kinja-sheep | wiehan: But if you're connecting to Ubuntu machine from other Ubnutu machine. You can use ssh instead. | 16:43 |
_Brun0_ | !freespeak | 16:43 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about freespeak | 16:43 |
fccf | !msgthebot | _Brun0_ | 16:43 |
ubottu | _Brun0_: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots. Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid". | 16:43 |
mdm | kinja-sheep, samba used SMB sharing, something microsoft did not invent, and put into its os. It predates tcp | 16:43 |
wiehan | kinja-sheep: I just want to see another ubuntu machine's shares and paste something in one of them!!! Connect to server doesn't work. | 16:43 |
itguru | My linux setup has two NIC in it, and one is a direct connection to the internet, the other is to a different LAN, which also has a gateway on it - When the LAN interface is active, all internet tries to go through that interface. how can I force linux to use the default route of the second interface? | 16:43 |
kinja-sheep | mdm: I was talking about the name under File --> Connect to Server --> Windows Share. | 16:44 |
_Brun0_ | I just found FreeSpeak! It is a translation front-end for engines like Google, Yahoo, etc. | 16:44 |
rodolfo_ | mbeierl1: oh no..1 hour dowload..what happens if my connection fails? | 16:44 |
ehazlett | mdm: i thought that if you used the "-m" switch, it only killed processes that have opened files in that directory | 16:44 |
mbeierl1 | rodolfo_: you can use the same command again later and it will pick up where it left off. It caches the files in the apt cache (/var/cache/apt) | 16:45 |
mdm | ehazlett, -m means mounted, you give it a name and anything that is using that directory and everything under that directory | 16:45 |
rodolfo_ | mbeierl1: great..only the last line, isn't it? | 16:45 |
phoenixz | Im trying to get the ubuntu virtual machine manager to connect to a remote host to create virtual machines there, but when I do so, I get this error: http://pastebin.ca/1471491 Anybody knows how to fix this? | 16:46 |
mbeierl1 | rodolfo_: yes. | 16:46 |
* itguru realised he forgot about routing | 16:46 | |
wiehan | How do I access shares on another ubuntu mahcine over the network? | 16:46 |
mdm | ehazlett, keep in mind fuser is not a command to be used lightly and misused can cause great damnage | 16:46 |
ehazlett | mdm: so, if i am in my home, directory and run 'fuser -km /opt/temp' it should only kill what has opened files in /opt/temp fight | 16:46 |
rodolfo_ | mbeierl1: i learned something today..thank you very much! | 16:46 |
kinja-sheep | kinja-sheep: sudo aptitude install openssh-server will install ssh for you. | 16:46 |
kinja-sheep | !sshfs | wiehan | 16:47 |
ubottu | wiehan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHFS | 16:47 |
mdm | ehazlett, and what is under it | 16:47 |
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mbeierl1 | rodolfo_: you are quite welcome. this is the spirit of the ubuntu community. I learned something too: I just got more themes for my desktop - I didn't know about this site before :) | 16:47 |
fccf | phoenixz: can you ssh normally into the server? | 16:47 |
wiehan | kinja-sheep: I don't want to use ssh, I just want to see shares on the network like I did in windows | 16:47 |
phoenixz | fccf: yes, no problem | 16:47 |
ehazlett | mdm: right, so why is it crashing my gnome-session? | 16:47 |
davidsoutar | Hello how can I boot up the live Cd and ignore the hard drive | 16:47 |
Andycas | can i specify option to only show AP and quality with "iwlist scan"? I dont want to see encryption type etc.. just simple list | 16:47 |
mdm | ehazlett, not just files, also any sockets, any directory, any log, any output | 16:47 |
phoenixz | fccf: I enter with my ssh ke | 16:47 |
davidsoutar | i'm booting up and it's trowing DRDY errors | 16:47 |
phoenixz | y | 16:47 |
kinja-sheep | wiehan: You're trying to access Ubuntu machine to grab a file, right? | 16:48 |
mdm | ehazlett, did you happen to be in the directory? | 16:48 |
davidsoutar | throwing drdy errors sorry. I'm trying to get to the hard drive to do recovery | 16:48 |
ehazlett | mdm: yeah, there's only 1 process in that directory if i use fuser <path> | 16:48 |
ehazlett | mdm: no, i'm not in it | 16:48 |
fccf | phoenixz: have you considered running the manager on the remote and using ssh -Y to bring the manager to your local screen? | 16:48 |
wiehan | kinja-sheep: yes, and nautilus doesn't see the other ubuntu machines shares | 16:48 |
davidsoutar | Is there way to tell the live cd that there is no hard drive ? | 16:48 |
mdm | ehazlett, its also posible it was talking to gnome, and fuser faithfully followed the path to gnome and killed it. Fuser is not exactly an elegant program | 16:49 |
davidsoutar | or just to ignore it till post boot? | 16:49 |
mdm | ehazlett, ESPECAILLY since fuser is a posix compliance program and linux is not fully compliant | 16:49 |
kinja-sheep | wiehan: Ubuntu is very nice in security. First, install openssh-server. This way, you can open your Ubuntu machine in nautilus. | 16:49 |
ehazlett | mdm: gotcha | 16:49 |
ehazlett | mdm: thx | 16:49 |
kinja-sheep | wiehan: (Do this on the machine you want to SSH in!) | 16:49 |
krishna_ | Hi.. where are the logs of pidgin get stored ? | 16:49 |
jimi_ | anyone know the command for getting flash player on a linux ob | 16:49 |
jimi_ | box* | 16:49 |
kinja-sheep | krishna_: ~/purple/logs | 16:50 |
fccf | !flash | jimi_ | 16:50 |
ubottu | jimi_: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 16:50 |
makuseru | How do I make a shell script executable? | 16:50 |
kinja-sheep | makuseru: chmod +x <filename> | 16:50 |
davidsoutar | makuseru: chmod +x | 16:50 |
makuseru | Thank you. | 16:50 |
mdm | makuseru, but you do not have it | 16:50 |
wiehan | kinja-sheep: that is ridiculous that I have to use SSH or an SSH frontend just to see NORMAL shares on another UBUNTU machine on my OWN NETWORK. This is crazy. There must be a better sollution | 16:50 |
makuseru | mdm: What? | 16:50 |
jimi_ | fccf, ty, thats was nice and painless | 16:51 |
davidsoutar | Anyone knows any magic keywords to get the live CD to not check for swap on boot up | 16:51 |
mdm | makuseru, you can execute a script even if it is not executable | 16:51 |
makuseru | Ah | 16:51 |
fccf | jimi_: np | 16:51 |
Pici | wiehan: What do you mean by 'normal shares'? | 16:51 |
kinja-sheep | !samba | wiehan (You don't want this?) | 16:51 |
ubottu | wiehan (You don't want this?): Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. | 16:51 |
phoenixz | fccf: isnt that the -X option? Anyway, that would be an option, I suppose, but AFAIK, by design, virtual machine manager should be able to do this itself as well.. | 16:51 |
krishna_ | kinja-sheep, there is no purple in home | 16:52 |
rodolfo_ | mbeierl1: hope you liked them.. :) | 16:52 |
jimi_ | hmm it installed but still cant see videos | 16:52 |
kinja-sheep | krishna_: (dot) purple. | 16:52 |
kinja-sheep | !hidden | krishna_ | 16:52 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about hidden | 16:52 |
kinja-sheep | krishna_: Run CTRL + H on Nautilus to display hidden (configuration) folders. | 16:53 |
krishna_ | kinja-sheep, i know to see hidden files.. thanks... but you sent "purple" alone in first time... | 16:53 |
krishna_ | not .purple | 16:53 |
kinja-sheep | krishna_: My condolence. :) | 16:53 |
krishna_ | kinja-sheep, thanks 2 u | 16:53 |
fccf | phoenixz: the -X opens brings the entire X session from the remote to your local machine ... -Y just brings the specified command to your local X session, meaning that the remote technically doesn't have to run X | 16:53 |
phoenixz | fccf: so -Y is easier actually... hhhmmm, thanks! | 16:54 |
geirha | jimi_: Did you restart firefox? You need to close all firefox windows for it to be properly restarted. | 16:54 |
bassliner | hm, there still is absolutely no padding between icons on panels | 16:54 |
fccf | phoenixz: np -- now Im off to work | 16:54 |
bassliner | http://arje.de/shot.png | 16:54 |
mbeierl1 | rodolfo_: just finished downloading.... checking them out now ;) | 16:54 |
bassliner | there's a 0px distance between the xfce4-terminal icon and the audacious icon | 16:55 |
bassliner | i wonder how fedora solved that in f11 | 16:55 |
bassliner | however, does anyone know if there still aren't efforts to fix this in ubuntu? | 16:55 |
bassliner | i think it's a big mess and dramatically decreases the aesthetic look of gnome. | 16:55 |
agey | how to set datetime in terminal without user authentication, because I want to use it in C++ code | 16:55 |
mickster04 | is there an NBR specific channel somewhere? | 16:56 |
kinja-sheep | bassliner: Can't you move a bit and lock? | 16:56 |
kinja-sheep | bassliner: Or is that Notifcation Area? | 16:56 |
bassliner | kinja-sheep: i could. but i get tired of doing this all the time, especially since i like to have shitloads of icons on my panels because that's what such a panel is for. | 16:56 |
bassliner | kinja-sheep: probably it would just be easier to use xfce which handles stuff like this correctly, but why should i? i'm here to try to find a solution rather than a workaround. | 16:57 |
kinja-sheep | bassliner: You need to figure out if that's xfce4-terminal bug or audacious bug then file a bug report. | 16:57 |
bassliner | kinja-sheep: those are application LAUNCHER icons. has nothing to do with the notification area. | 16:58 |
bassliner | kinja-sheep: it happens with shitloads of other icons too, especially firefox and thunderbird. so i extremely doubt it is. also, again, there is a 0px distance between them, which just makes the panel look squashing stuff together. | 16:58 |
Pici | bassliner: Please mind your language here. | 16:58 |
bassliner | errm. | 16:59 |
Dr_Willis | and here i just middle click and move the icons out a bit... then again..i only got 4 icon launchers on my single panel. | 16:59 |
bassliner | Pici: i just try to make clear i really analyzed the problem to be NOT an audacious or xfce4-terminal specific bug. | 16:59 |
om26er | plz tell me how to set static ip for portforwarding | 16:59 |
Pici | bassliner: I understand, but theres still no need for the harsh language. | 16:59 |
kinja-sheep | om26er: Set up static IP in your router configuration would be easier. | 16:59 |
bassliner | om26er: google for "iptables port forwarding" | 16:59 |
=== lonely_man_need_ is now known as goodnight_girl | ||
Pici | bassliner: That said, I wonder if there is a gconf key that governs how much padding there is between panel launchers. | 17:00 |
Dr_Willis | #gnome people may know. | 17:00 |
bassliner | Pici: i don't see anything harsh about it. however, i also doubt there is a gconf key. i'm living with this problem for YEARS now (sorry to caps that, but it slightly annoys me hehe) and i try to find a solution, especially i want to find out why fedora doesn't have that problem anymore as of f11. | 17:01 |
bassliner | Pici: i mean, i want to find out if the gnome project indeed changed it and it isn't in ubuntu still or something. | 17:01 |
Halabund | Is Rhythmbox going to silently/unexpectedly rewrite any tags if I let it scan my music files? I've had some bad experiences with certain players on Windows ... | 17:01 |
om26er | bassliner: is there a simple wayy | 17:01 |
MaYobi | всем привет. | 17:02 |
kinja-sheep | bassliner: https://bugs.launchpad.net/gnome-panel/+bug/43232 | 17:02 |
fasta | bassliner: if you are really annoyed, you would just learn to program and fix it yourself ;) | 17:02 |
brainsonfire | hello | 17:02 |
om26er | portforwarding help plz | 17:02 |
om26er | ?? | 17:02 |
bassliner | om26er: if really the computer you want to set port forwarding on is not your desktop machine that sits behind a NAT router, then probably the easiest and sanest way is having a look at basic iptables stuff. | 17:02 |
brainsonfire | www.portforward.com | 17:02 |
edbian | Halabund: It will read the tags. In my experience it has never re-written any. I'm not even sure it can. | 17:02 |
mickster04 | has anybody had a problem with the new ubuntu nbr + asus 900 + youtube videos/any online videos, i can't get them working.... | 17:02 |
kinja-sheep | om26er: What router do you have? | 17:02 |
mickster04 | nor does my wifi key work | 17:02 |
Halabund | edbian: OK, that's good. I feel a bit safer now | 17:03 |
om26er | shiro 805e | 17:03 |
brainsonfire | hello, i have a usb mouse that doesnt work with jaunty, i tried it on 2 different laptops, but it works with gutsy | 17:03 |
om26er | brainsonfire: portforward.com help for windows | 17:03 |
om26er | kinja-sheep: shiro 805e | 17:03 |
bassliner | kinja-sheep: thanks for the link but that's not what i've been looking for and i've already read this. it discusses the vertical paddings on top and bottom of icons, not the padding of icons to each other. | 17:04 |
brainsonfire | om26er: it helps on configuring your router as well | 17:04 |
kinja-sheep | om26er: --> The password is admin. | 17:04 |
Dr_Willis | portforward.com does have some neat info. | 17:04 |
kinja-sheep | om26er: Look under Advanced --> Applicatiion --> Port Forwarding. Have fun. | 17:05 |
brainsonfire | >> i have a usb mouse that doesnt work with jaunty, i tried it on 2 different laptops, but it works with gutsy | 17:05 |
kinja-sheep | om26er: Oh you also want to set up static IP first. Look around. | 17:05 |
brainsonfire | anyone have any ideas how to figure this out? | 17:05 |
om26er | kinja-sheep: i know how to open port in my router but i want static ip | 17:05 |
kinja-sheep | om26er: It's in the router too. | 17:06 |
om26er | no? | 17:06 |
rodolfo | mbeierl1: please don't leave me now.. | 17:06 |
brainsonfire | :( | 17:06 |
=== ben is now known as Guest4713 | ||
bassliner | nvm | 17:07 |
Yanick_ | hi, I just upgraded KDE to 4.3 beta 2 (Kubuntu) and I can't find the printer-manager | 17:07 |
FloodBot1 | NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now. | 17:07 |
mbeierl1 | rodolfo: sorry - back now - what's up? | 17:07 |
kinja-sheep | om26er: http://routersetup.co.za/view_manuals.php?id=149 --> It said Static IP Supported. | 17:07 |
brainsonfire | can anyone help me figure this out :( | 17:07 |
brainsonfire | usb mouse, works with gutsy doesnt work in jaunty :( | 17:08 |
brainsonfire | i see many posts in forums but no solutions | 17:08 |
brainsonfire | it works just for a split second then stops for some reason | 17:08 |
rodolfo | mbeierl1: hi there..where will i find the new themes? how do i apply them? | 17:08 |
SAMER | i did it kinja-sheep thank you for all helping | 17:08 |
FloodBot1 | NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now. | 17:08 |
brainsonfire | rodolfo: themes for what | 17:09 |
pronoy | rodolfo: if you are looking for desktop themes gnome-look.org | 17:09 |
mickster04 | ? | 17:09 |
kinja-sheep | SAMER: From the website? | 17:09 |
SAMER | thank all help me to connect to the internet | 17:09 |
SAMER | no from the system | 17:09 |
brainsonfire | google for gnome-look | 17:09 |
mbeierl1 | rodolfo: it depends on what you are trying to theme. There are many themes for many different theme engines that were installed as part of this package | 17:09 |
kinja-sheep | SAMER: How do you do it? Was it from the guide on website? Great to hear that! ;) | 17:09 |
mickster04 | has anyone had difficulty using youtube on NBR with an asus 900? i cant get it to work properly | 17:10 |
SAMER | not from the here or here | 17:10 |
=== [DaRK-SkG] is now known as [SkG] | ||
SAMER | from my mind | 17:10 |
mbeierl1 | rodolfo: one, for example, is the icon set: System -> Preferences -> Appearance | 17:10 |
rodolfo | mbeierl1: yes in fact..just did it | 17:10 |
SAMER | the broplem was because my isp was not in the list | 17:10 |
mbeierl1 | rodolfo: you'll see many of the themes installed there under "themes" | 17:10 |
rodolfo | mbeierl1: thanks again and again! | 17:11 |
SAMER | i just changed chose auto ppp | 17:11 |
rodolfo | mbeierl1: see you soon! | 17:11 |
mbeierl1 | rodolfo: you are welcome! enjoy! | 17:11 |
petravera | Hi, anyone know of a good IP blocker? And, the correct method to install. Did a google search and tried. Method was obsolete. | 17:11 |
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kinja-sheep | SAMER: Do you use gnome-ppp for that? You might want to write/type down on how you did it and keep it for future references. | 17:11 |
=== marko-_-- is now known as marko-_- | ||
enterneo | why does the 64bit ubuntu download filename contains AMD? (am I missing something, I was expecting i386) | 17:12 |
SAMER | because when i setup the connection i choiced other isp to make connection then i changed the dns srver for that isp i choucied | 17:12 |
SAMER | no idont use any gnome-ppp | 17:12 |
mbeierl1 | enterneo: amd is the accepted name for x64. i386 (or i686) is the usual name for 32 bit | 17:12 |
om26er | how do i know the mac address of my wifi/wlan card | 17:13 |
Kazriko | enterneo, AMD designed the 64 bit x86... | 17:13 |
brainsonfire | om26er: macchanger | 17:13 |
pronoy | enterno: AMD came out with 64 bit x86 | 17:13 |
kinja-sheep | om26er: "ifconfig" | 17:13 |
brainsonfire | or iwconfig | 17:13 |
fasta | mbeierl1: x86-64 is the name | 17:13 |
brainsonfire | or ifconfig :) | 17:13 |
fasta | mbeierl1: x64 is a MS marketing name. | 17:13 |
brainsonfire | <3 ubuntu | 17:14 |
Guest78929 | <3 | 17:14 |
brainsonfire | weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee | 17:14 |
mbeierl1 | fasta: yes, thanks. I was mainly thinking about the amd part, not the 64 bit part ;) | 17:14 |
enterneo_ | sorry got disconnected | 17:14 |
enterneo_ | "ubuntu-9.04-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent" - why AMD? | 17:14 |
pronoy | enterno: AMD came out with 64 bit x86 | 17:14 |
brainsonfire | marketing i spose | 17:14 |
agey_ | sorry I was lost connection. I wanna ask how to set datetime in terminal without user authentication, because I want to use it in C++ code | 17:15 |
enterneo_ | pronoy: I am hoping to install it on my core2duo machine, is this the right file? | 17:15 |
seyacat | hi ubuntus | 17:16 |
pronoy | enterneo_: both 32 and 64 will work | 17:16 |
seyacat | please hel me | 17:16 |
seyacat | i need to add a device to support list of cdc-acm driver, but i cant find the source | 17:16 |
SAMER | pls tell me where i can put it to be there for other in the future | 17:16 |
kinja-sheep | enterneo: Do your machine have support for 64-bit processor? | 17:16 |
pixie79 | hi, i am having an arp issue, in that if i ping from host A 9 pings will be allowed through then host B loses the arp record for A for about 80 packets then it allows 9 pings again and has the arp record for that 9 packet periof | 17:16 |
kinja-sheep | SAMER: /home/Samer/Documents ? | 17:17 |
seyacat | i have thjis info | 17:17 |
seyacat | https://lists.linux-foundation.org/pipermail/bugme-new/2007-September/016857.html | 17:17 |
seyacat | please hel me | 17:17 |
pixie79 | does anyone have any ideas why this might be, it only seems to be the case from my new jaunty hosts, my older centos hosts are not seeing this issu | 17:17 |
mbeierl1 | kinja-sheep: enterneo: core2duo is 64 bit | 17:17 |
pronoy | !help | seyacat | 17:17 |
ubottu | seyacat: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 17:17 |
pixie79 | e | 17:17 |
buttons840 | Can anyone suggest to me a good bash scripting guide/tutorial? | 17:18 |
nibbler_ | buttons840: google bash howto | 17:18 |
Pici | buttons840: I like this guide: http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/ | 17:18 |
Pici | nibbler_: We try not to refer people to Google right off the bat here | 17:18 |
derspankster | I'm having an issue with x freezing anytime I use an app fullscreen when I'm running compiz. Does not do this with Metacity. Anyone else see this? | 17:18 |
SAMER | i down load adope flash player from the web site now i want to set up it pls any one show how set up progrum i ubuntu9.04 | 17:18 |
Pici | nibbler_: If thats not for you, try asking in #bash | 17:19 |
mickster04 | ubottu, nbr? | 17:19 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about nbr? | 17:19 |
brainsonfire | derspankster: try redirectring fullscreen apps in compiz general settings | 17:19 |
mickster04 | ubottu, NBR | 17:19 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about NBR | 17:19 |
buttons840 | Pici, that looks fine, thanks | 17:19 |
mickster04 | ubottu, youtube | 17:19 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about youtube | 17:19 |
mickster04 | ah well | 17:19 |
Pici | !flash | 17:20 |
ubottu | To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 17:20 |
Oins | Hi | 17:20 |
derspankster | brainsonfire: what do you mean by redirecting? | 17:20 |
petravera | any good IP blockers for ubuntu with clear installation instructions | 17:20 |
petravera | mickster04: you can just download from adobe's website | 17:20 |
mickster04 | i have flash installed, its just that videos don't refresh themselves when playin, i have to scroll so the video isnt visable, then back again an it shows me that current frame.... | 17:20 |
mickster04 | i dont think thats flash | 17:20 |
pronoy | Pici: how can we use the SOCKS 4/5 protocol to tunnel through a firewall ? | 17:20 |
shaz | hi everyone | 17:20 |
ikonia | pronoy: you need a socks server | 17:21 |
petravera | mickster04: yes it is...adobe manufactures flash. | 17:21 |
ikonia | pronoy: that has to have access to the place you want | 17:21 |
mickster04 | petravera, i have installed it already | 17:21 |
brainsonfire | derspankster: go to your compiz settings, i think its under general settings, check the unredirect fullscreen windows box | 17:21 |
pronoy | ikonia: have you heard about cyberroam ? | 17:21 |
jimmy_birer | hi all | 17:21 |
petravera | k | 17:21 |
xhema | anyone know about why ldap is so painful? | 17:22 |
ikonia | pronoy: no | 17:22 |
mickster04 | ubottu, hi | 17:22 |
ubottu | Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 17:22 |
ikonia | shaz: it's not | 17:22 |
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shaz | I wan to know if I want to change the way root filesystem is mounted at boot time .... earlier it was done with rc.sysinit | 17:22 |
derspankster | brainsonfire: thanks. But, it's already checked. | 17:22 |
mickster04 | ubottu, time? | 17:22 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about time? | 17:22 |
ikonia | shaz: change the options in fstab | 17:22 |
mdm | mickster04, ubottu is a bot | 17:23 |
shaz | Can it be done earlier than when fstab is read | 17:23 |
pronoy | ikonia: can you suggest any channel where i can ask them more about the SOCKS thing ...specifically... | 17:23 |
mdm | !help | 17:23 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 17:23 |
brainsonfire | derspankster: which app is it? compiz has problems with fs apps sometimes | 17:23 |
ikonia | pronoy: you need a server that has access to the place you want, you then need to run a socks server on it so your clients can connect thorugh it | 17:23 |
brainsonfire | derspankster: like with xbmc you have to use metacity | 17:23 |
ikonia | shaz: no | 17:23 |
ikonia | shaz: what do you want to do | 17:23 |
pronoy | ikonia: can't it be done using openSSH ? | 17:24 |
derspankster | brainsonfire: Firefox, T-bird, Open Office apps etc. | 17:24 |
ikonia | pronoy: you can tunnel out yes | 17:24 |
ikonia | pronoy: but that is noting to do with socks | 17:24 |
mickster04 | mdm, i realise that, i just wondered what it was capable of | 17:24 |
om26er1 | plz help me transmission gives an error permission denied and pause my torrent | 17:24 |
andrewjackson | hey does anyone know if OTR encryption for pidgin is available by sudo apt-get install OTR or something | 17:24 |
brainsonfire | :S | 17:24 |
brainsonfire | derspankster: afraid i cannot help you with that | 17:24 |
brainsonfire | derspankster: nvidia? | 17:25 |
pronoy | ikonia: yeah because you see the server is out of bounds. So openSSH will allow you to tunnel through a firewall ? | 17:25 |
divXjunk | hi ppl. i have a question about xchat. why does xchat use my username of my account on the ubuntu pc in its ident? it drives me crazy that i can't connect to my psybnc with xchat, just because i have a different username on my linux account then on my psybnc account. how can i fix my problem? thanx! | 17:25 |
derspankster | brainsonfire: yes, 8400GS running nvidia 180. | 17:25 |
brainsonfire | derspankster: ok i have the 8400M | 17:25 |
ikonia | pronoy: no - ssh will allow you to tunnel to any where the target server has access to, if the firewall is blocking it you won't get past it | 17:25 |
om26er1 | transmission is giving an error permission denied | 17:25 |
ikonia | pronoy: speak to your network admin to resolve firewall issues | 17:25 |
brainsonfire | derspankster: i run beryl just fine | 17:25 |
kinja-sheep | andrewjackson: Did you check the Pidgin plugins? | 17:25 |
Halabund | Is there a way to configure edge resistance in gnome? I like that windows stop when being pushes towards each other. But I don't like that they stick to each other when being pulled apart (especially when there's a tall window that almost fills the screen vertically, and it want to stick to both the top and bottom panels, making precise positioning difficult. | 17:25 |
Oins | Is it possible to export the list of installed programs from an ubuntu installation and do an "apt-get install <exported-list>" at a second PC. I like to install all the applications at one step... | 17:25 |
ikonia | Oins: dpkg -l give yous hte output write a loop script to loop through it | 17:26 |
pronoy | ikonia: my network admin will ban me for life if i even discuss it :D thanks anyways | 17:26 |
andrewjackson | kinja: well im a ubuntu newbie so no i was just curious | 17:26 |
brainsonfire | derspankster: try this http://dev.compiz-fusion.org/~cyberorg/2009/05/15/beryl-back-from-the-ashes/ | 17:26 |
derspankster | brainsonfire: I'm good except if I go fullscreen. I also run AWN. Not sure if I've tried fullscreen after killing AWN. | 17:26 |
kinja-sheep | andrewjackson: Run "aptitude search pidgin" --- There are a package you're looking for. | 17:26 |
ikonia | pronoy: then we won't help you break the rules, please don't ask again in this channel | 17:27 |
andrewjackson | kinja: cool thanks man | 17:27 |
brainsonfire | derspankster: it doesnt have some plugins that compiz has but it runs faster and has no memory leaks | 17:27 |
om26er1 | hello plz tell me how to change the owner of a folder | 17:27 |
pronoy | ikonia: sure | 17:27 |
brainsonfire | derspankster: with compiz i always had memory leaks comming from the nvidia driver, even the most recent ones | 17:27 |
ikonia | om26er1: sudo chown | 17:27 |
kinja-sheep | !chown | om26er1 | 17:27 |
ubottu | om26er1: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | 17:27 |
derspankster | brainsonfire: I used to run Beryl, thought it had merged. | 17:27 |
kinja-sheep | Meh. | 17:27 |
divXjunk | om26er: chown username folder | 17:27 |
brainsonfire | derspankster: i also can run games in fullscreen now which i couldnt with compiz | 17:27 |
andrewjackson | ill boot ubuntu now to see | 17:27 |
Oins | ikonia: is there no fix solution something like export, import | 17:27 |
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ikonia | Oins: just write a simple loop script | 17:28 |
Halabund | Is it possible to configure edge resitance? | 17:28 |
derspankster | brainsonfire: I may give Beryl a look. Thanks. | 17:28 |
ikonia | beryl is dead | 17:28 |
ikonia | !beryl | 17:28 |
ubottu | Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion. New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz | 17:28 |
Oins | ikonia: ok, will do.. thanks :) | 17:28 |
Uncle_Meat | JOIN #xkcd | 17:28 |
jimmy_birer | i hate compiz | 17:28 |
jimmy_birer | luv beryl | 17:29 |
ikonia | Uncle_Meat: ? | 17:29 |
brainsonfire | derspankster: i find it more stable and faster than compiz. + the beryl menu gives you different rendering options for your system | 17:29 |
jimmy_birer | yeah | 17:29 |
kinja-sheep | ikonia: Spamming? | 17:29 |
jimmy_birer | compiz command-line options gives you too | 17:29 |
brainsonfire | derspankster: for my 8400gm i use xgl binding and xgl rendering | 17:29 |
jimmy_birer | like indirect or direct rendering | 17:30 |
jimmy_birer | but beginners will not know them | 17:30 |
brainsonfire | beryl has more | 17:30 |
brainsonfire | xgl | 17:30 |
derspankster | brainsonfire: thanks again. | 17:30 |
brainsonfire | cow | 17:30 |
jimmy_birer | brainsonfire,yeah dude | 17:30 |
jimmy_birer | Xgl rocks too | 17:30 |
Oins | ikonia: dpkg -l gives me gives me package informations too. is it possible to get only the package names? | 17:30 |
brainsonfire | derspankster: anytime | 17:30 |
derspankster | I remember that I had no issues with Beryl. | 17:30 |
ikonia | Oins: use sed / awk to filter | 17:30 |
jimmy_birer | compiz broke my nvidia card. | 17:30 |
Amerigo | Hello? | 17:31 |
jimmy_birer | compiz brokes every Nvidia GeForce card,when you run and close it from terminal fastly | 17:31 |
Amerigo | Any experts here? | 17:32 |
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brainsonfire | i blame nvidia drivers | 17:32 |
petravera | hi Amerigo what's your question? | 17:32 |
brainsonfire | they gave me memory leaks | 17:32 |
brainsonfire | i had to restart compiz every 10 min | 17:32 |
jimmy_birer | brainsonfire,you right | 17:32 |
jimmy_birer | mine too | 17:32 |
jimmy_birer | nvidia drivers made me to buy a new idiot radeon card | 17:32 |
ericdb | Other than slow downloads, the dist-upgrade from 8.10 to 9.04 was amazingly painless. I'm impressed! | 17:33 |
jimmy_birer | radeon sucks | 17:33 |
jimmy_birer | ericdb,congrats | 17:33 |
kinja-sheep | !yay | ericdb | 17:33 |
ubottu | ericdb: Glad you made it! :-) | 17:33 |
Amerigo | I installed Ubuntu via Wubu into Windows. I do not get a choice to boot Ubuntu when I reboot. | 17:33 |
jimmy_birer | your boot menu was reinstalled. | 17:33 |
om26er1 | ikonia: chown: changing ownership of `SSD': Operation not permitted | 17:33 |
=== mmek_ is now known as mmek | ||
om26er1 | kinja-sheep: chown: changing ownership of `SSD': Operation not permitted | 17:33 |
jimmy_birer | om26er1,use sudo | 17:34 |
xhema | guys anyone here? | 17:34 |
petravera | Amerigo: which version and did you partition? | 17:34 |
om26er1 | yes i used | 17:34 |
xhema | to help with ldap? | 17:34 |
brainsonfire | just 1500 ppl | 17:34 |
jimmy_birer | sudo chown om26er1 SSD | 17:34 |
guido79 | Hi guys, anyone knows if it's possible to make an ExpressCard-to-RS232 work on a Linux Laptop ? | 17:34 |
brainsonfire | :) | 17:34 |
brainsonfire | anythings possible | 17:34 |
ikonia | om26er1: sudo chown | 17:34 |
Amerigo | I installed into Windows XP, so no partition needed. I tried all variants of Ububtu, and ended with Super OS. | 17:35 |
jimmy_birer | guido79,you can use Fedora if you need hardware capabilities,if you want to install linux on a more exotic hardware like in a hard-disked camel,ask us | 17:35 |
Amerigo | It would seem that "Grub" is not there. | 17:35 |
jimmy_birer | yeah | 17:35 |
jimmy_birer | re-install grub | 17:35 |
ikonia | Amerigo: we don't support those OS's | 17:35 |
Amerigo | Ubuntu? | 17:35 |
ikonia | Amerigo: your use a variant | 17:36 |
pepperjack | Amerigo: what do you mean you installed into xp? your using wubi then or whatever? that uses the win boot loader | 17:36 |
guido79 | jimmy_birer, I have Ubuntu hardy... No serial ExpressCard support ? | 17:36 |
agey_ | i have problem in emptying trash. Error removing file: Permission denied, what must i do | 17:36 |
brainsonfire | Amerigo: personally, id reinstall without wubi | 17:36 |
om26er1 | ikonia: one thing its actualy not a directory. its a mounted drive | 17:36 |
pepperjack | Amerigo: +1 for just resizing hd and installing ubuntu | 17:36 |
ikonia | om26er1: it's still got a file system | 17:36 |
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ikonia | pepperjack: can you take it to the superos support resources please | 17:36 |
derspankster | brainsonfire: it is definitely a compiz issue. I'll be trying Beryl. | 17:36 |
virtual-virtual | www.lucroptc.com.br - win money in web | 17:36 |
jimmy_birer | guido79,i think that. | 17:36 |
virtual-virtual | www.lucroptc.com.br - win money in web | 17:36 |
brainsonfire | agey: use terminal and sudo rm -rf but be careful | 17:36 |
FloodBot1 | virtual-virtual: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 17:36 |
Amerigo | I was hoping to not have to mess with the HDD and mess up windows (again). | 17:37 |
guido79 | Ok, thanks ! | 17:37 |
brainsonfire | agey: trash is in root of the disk .Trash or sth similar | 17:37 |
Guest46009 | hello, i installed qutecom voip but only alsa devices are detected, my setup only works with oss4 installed. Does anyone know how to get oss4 devices in qutecom (former wengo) | 17:37 |
brainsonfire | derspankster: great m8 | 17:37 |
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pepperjack | Amerigo: gparted has not yet messed up a hd on me. id just install ubuntu | 17:37 |
ikonia | Amerigo: please take it the superOS support resources . | 17:37 |
jimmy_birer | what is SuperOS? | 17:37 |
Pici | Not Ubuntu | 17:38 |
brainsonfire | Amerigo: yea i installed it on a few laptops with preinstalled vista now, it was np | 17:38 |
ikonia | jimmy_birer: an ubuntu dirivitive by the looks of it | 17:38 |
jimmy_birer | O_o | 17:38 |
cyberghoser1 | hi all, is there a way to make the Applications menu in the top panel to look in bold characters? | 17:38 |
Amerigo | It's just Ubuntu with extras. | 17:38 |
ikonia | cyberghoser1: the fonts are normally part of the theme | 17:38 |
ikonia | Amerigo: and it's not supported here | 17:38 |
=== Guest4713 is now known as Ben_B | ||
pepperjack | agey_: i believe trash is in ~/.local/ though i dont know for sure | 17:38 |
brainsonfire | cyberghoser1: System > Preferences > Appearance > Fonts | 17:38 |
cyberghoser1 | brainsonfire, thank u ikonia too | 17:38 |
spaz926 | Would anybody will willing to create a new Ubuntu experience? If so, please PM me. | 17:38 |
brainsonfire | trash is in root of the disk .Trash or .Trash-1001 | 17:39 |
ikonia | spaz926: what's the problem ? | 17:39 |
brainsonfire | hidden directories | 17:39 |
Amerigo | My first choice/install was regular Ubuntu. I have burned all on disks. | 17:39 |
ikonia | !trash | 17:39 |
ubottu | The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash | 17:39 |
ikonia | Amerigo: you're not using ubuntu - so please take it to the superOS support resources | 17:39 |
spaz926 | ikonia, I do not have any problems. | 17:39 |
yakubgrant | Does anyone know how ot disable the Live CD checking for the hard drive ? | 17:39 |
ikonia | spaz926: ok - so what are you asking ? | 17:39 |
brainsonfire | thats good to know | 17:39 |
brainsonfire | ubottu | 17:40 |
helloubuntu | i'm on ubuntu 8.10 how do i know my video card type and wheather drivers are installed or not ?? | 17:40 |
sjlkg | hi, i'm running jaunty NBR and the flash performance is horrible when in fullscreen. how can i improve it? | 17:40 |
Amerigo | There isn't a room for Super OS (Super Ubuntu) because it IS Ubuntu. | 17:40 |
pepperjack | helloubuntu: lspci -v or sudo lshw will list devices | 17:40 |
ikonia | Amerigo: that's not something we can help you with | 17:40 |
jasonbourne | can anyone help me get my VPN configured | 17:40 |
blkrbt | Hey, I get someone to help me with a question I have about Python. I've tried googling it, and it's a probably very easy problem to solve (the fault probably being my own), just googling hasn't helped, or should I ask it in a python channel?? | 17:40 |
cyberghoser1 | brainsonfire, ok for that but it doesnt change the way the menu applacations is showed on the panel i want it to look bold and Places and System stay normal as they are, googled a lot but no luck | 17:40 |
spaz926 | ikonia, I am wanting to create a new Ubuntu experience, something to make Mac users feel more "at home" when switching, and also persuade Mac users to make the switch. | 17:40 |
ikonia | blkrbt: yes | 17:40 |
ikonia | spaz926: ok - this is a support channel, please don't ask in here | 17:41 |
jimmy_birer | dude,Super Ubuntu can`t be called a derivative | 17:41 |
blkrbt | ikonia, alright, thanks anyway | 17:41 |
jimmy_birer | it really Ubuntu with Ubuntu packages,no icons or nothing changed | 17:41 |
brainsonfire | cyberghoser1: that i dont think you can do easily | 17:41 |
ikonia | jimmy_birer: it's not a base ubuntu product so it's not supported | 17:41 |
spaz926 | ikonia, where shall I ask? | 17:41 |
jimmy_birer | just wallpaper | 17:41 |
brainsonfire | cyberghoser1: only messing with the code | 17:41 |
ikonia | spaz926: anywhere you want | 17:41 |
ikonia | jimmy_birer: it's not supported | 17:41 |
jasonbourne | anyone know how to configure OpenVpn | 17:41 |
Amerigo | Anyway, I first installed regular Ubuntu and only tried others because the computer doesn't give the option to boot with Ubuntu. | 17:41 |
ikonia | spaz926: as long as it's not here in the support channels | 17:42 |
cyberghoser1 | brainsonfire, i guess so too | 17:42 |
spaz926 | ikonia, thank you | 17:42 |
jasonbourne | Amerigo you can use WUbi | 17:42 |
ikonia | Amerigo: - please stop asking, it's not supported here | 17:42 |
jimmy_birer | ikonia,i know.they dont respect Gnu/Linux mind | 17:42 |
om26er1 | ikonia | 17:42 |
Amerigo | What's not supported here??? I want to use UBUNTU!!! | 17:42 |
ikonia | om26er1: yes ? | 17:42 |
yakubgrant | Is there a way to avoid DRDY errors? | 17:42 |
brainsonfire | Amerigo: try install to hd with the latest ubuntu jaunty, itll work | 17:42 |
ikonia | Amerigo: you're not using ubuntu - your using superOS | 17:42 |
om26er1 | ikonia i mounted a drive but cannot see on desktop | 17:42 |
ikonia | om26er1: how do you know it's mounted ? | 17:42 |
om26er1 | ikonia: and each time when i reboot i have to mount | 17:43 |
Amerigo | I'm not using any of them, because none will boot! | 17:43 |
brainsonfire | Amerigo: yes they will | 17:43 |
jasonbourne | Amerigo are you using windows or what | 17:43 |
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om26er1 | ikonia: i can open it where i mounted | 17:43 |
Amerigo | At the moment, Windows XP. | 17:43 |
jasonbourne | Amerigo and you want to be able to boot either windows or Ubuntu | 17:43 |
ikonia | om26er1: is it listed in places ? | 17:43 |
jasonbourne | Amerigo use WUBI | 17:43 |
Amerigo | What I want is XP and Ubunto. | 17:43 |
Amerigo | Yes | 17:43 |
om26er1 | ikonia no | 17:44 |
Amerigo | I did | 17:44 |
jasonbourne | Amerigo so what you get an error | 17:44 |
jimmy_birer | Amerigo,you just want Wine and Ubuntu.Or VirtualBox,think. | 17:44 |
ikonia | om26er1: what file system is on it, what type of device s it | 17:44 |
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Bravewolf | How can I obtain the gfortran cross-compiler? | 17:44 |
Guest55892 | hey | 17:44 |
Amerigo | No, it just boots to Windows without the opportunity to choose Ubuntu. | 17:44 |
ikonia | Amerigo: then grub is probably not installed on your mbr | 17:44 |
Bravewolf | How can I obtain the gfortran cross-compiler (target mingw32, host ubuntu linux 32 bit)? | 17:45 |
jasonbourne | Amerigo: uninstall and install WUbi again | 17:45 |
mdm | Amerigo, do you have more then one disk? | 17:45 |
Amerigo | I found an empty folder named Grub... | 17:45 |
ikonia | Bravewolf: if it's not in the repo's you'll have to get it from an external source | 17:45 |
Amerigo | No, I don't | 17:45 |
jasonbourne | Amerigo: im a newbie but WuBI worked perfect for me on 3 computers | 17:45 |
Amerigo | I have one 1tb | 17:45 |
jasonbourne | no probles what so ever | 17:45 |
brainsonfire | i dont like wubi | 17:46 |
Oins | ikonia: ah... there is a ready solution --get-selections and --set-selections :D | 17:46 |
brainsonfire | if sth happens to your windows you lose all | 17:46 |
helloubuntu | pepperjack: ::ok i got it .. how can i check if this can give me compiz and other effects or not ? | 17:46 |
ikonia | Oins: oh, well done | 17:46 |
BurningSebra | Hey. im trying to get my touchpad to work and i get this message - set 'SHMConfig' 'true' in xorg.conf - that ok, but in what section of it? and is that all the code i have to insert? | 17:46 |
jasonbourne | brainsonfire: yeah but i rarely use windows | 17:46 |
Meow42 | i have a problem with kvm and virsh. After "virsh start Windows" every virsh-related command just hangs. | 17:46 |
Bravewolf | ikonia: the repos have only mingw32 C compiler.... is there an how.to out there? The only page I found (http://cournape.wordpress.com/2008/01/30/build-a-cross-compiler-from-linux-to-windows-mingw) in not so clear..... | 17:46 |
ikonia | Bravewolf: how to for what ? | 17:46 |
Meow42 | Anyone an idea what the problem could be? | 17:46 |
ikonia | Bravewolf: if it's not in the repos' you'll have to get it from an external source | 17:47 |
Bravewolf | ikonia: to build the gfortran cross-compiler from source | 17:47 |
yakubgrant | Is anyone familiar with the live CD environment? | 17:47 |
ikonia | Bravewolf: search the web | 17:47 |
Meow42 | And libvirtd just sits around eating 99% cpu | 17:47 |
ikonia | Bravewolf: if you want a cross-compiler I would expect you to be aware of how to compile software | 17:47 |
Bravewolf | ikonia: yet done without results :-( | 17:47 |
jasonbourne | can anyone help me get my OpenVPn server locations on here | 17:47 |
yakubgrant | possibly how it deals with swap? | 17:47 |
mdm | yakubgrant, define familiar, since it is without a doubt the most commonly used way to install ubutu I woudl say just about eveyone who has tried it is familair with it | 17:48 |
Bravewolf | ikonia: of course yes..... but I'm not expert in the cross-compilers field | 17:48 |
=== naruto is now known as Guest51915 | ||
jimmy_birer | if you have 2 GB ram,i bet that you don`t need swap. | 17:48 |
ikonia | Bravewolf: the cross compiler will be the same as any other software package, its only using the cross-compiler that will be different | 17:48 |
Pici | jimmy_birer: Unless you planning on suspending to disk... | 17:48 |
stefano | jg | 17:48 |
helloubuntu | vga controllers listing gives me prefetchable 64 M and non prefetchable 512 K wha't my actual video card memory ? | 17:49 |
jimmy_birer | Pici,my pc doesn`t support something like that. | 17:49 |
Pici | jimmy_birer: But other people may want to do that. | 17:49 |
jasonbourne | i have openVPN installed i just need to get the server location configuration files | 17:49 |
jimmy_birer | Pici,people must learn to put finger in shutdown button. | 17:49 |
Pici | !wfm | 17:50 |
ubottu | Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/ | 17:50 |
yakubgrant | mdm: I'm having an issue where as soon as the Cd boots it starts throwing DRDY ERROR since it's trying to read the Hard drive I need to disable the file system check at boot up | 17:50 |
wildc4rd | evening all | 17:50 |
mickster04 | sjlkg i have that same issue, well they dont play properly, i have to scroll to the point that the video isnt visible | 17:50 |
mdm | yakubgrant, what do you get the error from? | 17:50 |
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jasonbourne | no one can help me configure OpenVpn | 17:51 |
BurningSebra | Hey. im trying to get my touchpad to work and i get this message - set 'SHMConfig' 'true' in xorg.conf - that ok, but in what section of it? and is that all the code i have to insert? | 17:51 |
jasonbourne | anyone use perfect-privacy vpn that is what i need | 17:51 |
jasonbourne | i need all server locations | 17:52 |
mickster04 | sjlkg i cant get any help either | 17:52 |
mickster04 | :/ | 17:52 |
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jasonbourne | mickster04: sometimes i check out the #linux | 17:53 |
mickster04 | sjlkg i guess there is a specific nbr channel somewhere | 17:53 |
mickster04 | jasonbourne ok ill have a ook | 17:53 |
mickster04 | look | 17:53 |
mickster04 | where is it? | 17:53 |
om26er | how to hide lost=found folder?? | 17:53 |
jasonbourne | mickster# sometimes they will help | 17:53 |
sjlkg | mickster04: i guess it's adobe's crappy flashplayer causing this. when i play flv videos from youtube with vlc, they play flawlessly | 17:53 |
nsahoo | is there a way to get google search box for firefox 3.5b4? After installing ff3.5b4, there was no search engine, I looked around but, could not find the google search engine for the search box | 17:53 |
mickster04 | sjlkg yeah :D | 17:53 |
mickster04 | sjlkg what browser do u use? | 17:54 |
jasonbourne | sjlkg: yeah i use VLC too | 17:54 |
ikonia | !info ldap | 17:54 |
mbeierl1 | BurningSebra: it does not need to be in xorg.conf anymore... try following this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad#shmconfig | 17:54 |
ubottu | Package ldap does not exist in jaunty | 17:54 |
jasonbourne | no probs | 17:54 |
yakubgrant | mdm: The live Cd. If you turn off quiet it starts throwing them pretty soon before the splash screen | 17:54 |
sjlkg | mickster04: opera and firefox, in both the flash videos are slow | 17:54 |
mdm | mickster04 you do realise this is a unbuntu channel, as such people come here asking all kinds of things. Things like help with with my vpn. Vpn is software not unutu. Help with mwith my saound, sound is alsa not ubunt. Help me with my X, thats xorg, not ubuntu. How do I install drivers, thats linux kernel, or how to use gnome. Again not ubuntu | 17:54 |
mickster04 | sjlkg i have tried also chromium for laughs | 17:55 |
mdm | yakubgrant, that error is a very serious drive not ready. Check the cables, if there loose you can get that. If not you are looking at bad hardwre | 17:55 |
mickster04 | mdm, is there a channel for nbr? | 17:55 |
jasonbourne | mdm: shut up man asking how to configure VPN IN UBUNTU is fine | 17:55 |
om26er | how to hide lost+found folder | 17:55 |
yakubgrant | mdm: I know that the drive has a file system error (I think) I can boot from it in safe mode but that's all I'm trying to get above the drive to image the file system | 17:56 |
BurningSebra | mbeierl1: BurningSebra: it does not need to be in xorg.conf anymore... try following this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad#shmconfig ------------- thank you sir | 17:56 |
mbeierl1 | BurningSebra: you are most welcome! | 17:56 |
mdm | yakubgrant, if this is an IDE or SATA harddrive its failing, badly | 17:56 |
yakubgrant | mdm: Sooo what is my best option ? | 17:56 |
jasonbourne | mdm: i had people trying to help me last night and nobody complained or even suggested it wasn't on topic | 17:56 |
mdm | jasonbourne, I dint say it was offtopic, I dont run this channel. I was mearly pointing out people ask questions not related to ubuntu | 17:57 |
mdm | and jasonbourne if you really want to know how to setup openvpn go google it, there are plenty of pages on how to set it up | 17:58 |
mickster04 | sjlkg what have you done to try to fix it? | 17:58 |
kinja-sheep | om26er: CTRL + H | 17:58 |
jasonbourne | mdm: yeah i have openVPN i need to configure the server locations | 17:58 |
Curtis_B | if i need to grep for a quote, how do i do that | 17:58 |
jasonbourne | mdm: if everything was on google the # would not exist | 17:59 |
Curtis_B | grep -r 'this doesn\'t work' * | 17:59 |
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mdm | http://openvpn.net/index.php/open-source/documentation/howto.html it was the first link off google | 17:59 |
mbeierl1 | jasonbourne: it appears no one here knows of free, public openvpn servers... | 17:59 |
mbeierl1 | jasonbourne: if I understood your question correctly, that is | 18:00 |
Dan | Having a hard time figuring this one out: how do I allow a user access to another user's home directory? I want "alice" to be able to read/write all of "bob"'s files. | 18:00 |
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jasonbourne | mbeier I pay for service with perfect-privacy and they have about 15 server locations | 18:00 |
djsub | bonjour | 18:00 |
divXjunk | Dan : sudo chmod 0777 alice | 18:00 |
mbeierl1 | Dan: have alice and bob be members of the same group, and make the files group writable, and owned by that common group | 18:00 |
bzrk | jasonbourne: maybe ask perfect-privacy for help then | 18:00 |
jasonbourne | isnt the entire concept of ubuntu for the community to help lol | 18:00 |
priest | hello everyone I just installed ubuntu i normally use gentoo this is setup for my friend that wanted to get started using linux and programming is there an easy way to install a toolchain for ubuntu | 18:01 |
mbeierl1 | jasonbourne: oh, ok I get it, so you have the ip addresses already and you just need help on how to configure the software to enter the addresses | 18:01 |
djsub | g un petit souci avec mon wifi sous ubuntu je n'arrive pas a la déclarer pouver m'aider svp merci =) | 18:01 |
mdm | help set it up sure, help with hading your identity so you can do illegal actions, no | 18:01 |
jasonbourne | mbeier11: yes i need to configure the files | 18:01 |
kinja-sheep | Curtis_B: grep "checking up on" * ? | 18:01 |
mdm | nobody runs a free open vpn server, it would be counter to what a vpn is for to begin with | 18:02 |
mbeierl1 | jasonbourne: and I assume you have openvpn plugin for network manager installed? or no? | 18:02 |
mezquitale | anyone knows what sample rate they recommend me using? 48000 or 41000? | 18:02 |
mbeierl1 | mdm: I misunderstood his question. that is not what he's trying to do. I apologize for the implication that was what he wass after | 18:02 |
jasonbourne | mdm: you have no clue what you are talking about vpn is used for many things in the grownup world of jobs and suh | 18:02 |
Devilsprey99 | anyone here uses gyachi | 18:02 |
jasonbourne | als there are many free vpn servers | 18:03 |
jasonbourne | cyber-ghost hot spotsheild | 18:03 |
jasonbourne | etc | 18:03 |
kinja-sheep | priest: Toolchain? | 18:03 |
nibbler_ | thousands use hamachi, for exactly this purpose | 18:03 |
mdm | jasonbourne, then take your grownup world and go read the howto | 18:03 |
jasonbourne | mdm: why dont you just ignore me then | 18:03 |
mezquitale | mdm, you sound like a mac guy. A lot of people use openvpn and open source software, you have to open your eyes and look at the real world | 18:04 |
jasonbourne | mdm: ok internet toughguy | 18:04 |
om26er | how to set auto mount | 18:04 |
jasonbourne | mezquitale: exactly he assumes vpn=illegal lol | 18:04 |
trapa | I have a question, I run a nice big LED scrolling sign off my linux machine. In debian, i just had a script i ran in a shell, and it just sat in that shell running all day long. Never a problem. In ubuntu, after a while .. the sign stops. The script doesn't seem to be communicating to the serial port. If i press a button (and bring the console out of screen saver), then the sign starts updaing again. | 18:04 |
om26er | ikonia: is there a way that te drive automatically mount at the startup | 18:04 |
jasonbourne | how about vpn= encrypted connection | 18:04 |
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kinja-sheep | Everybody talking about VPN, please continue this conversation in #ubuntu-offtopic. | 18:05 |
RkyRaccoon | can someone help me print from a wireless printer using 9.04? | 18:05 |
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bzrk | jasonbourne: so you entrust your company secrets to another company? lol | 18:05 |
trapa | I have since made this process a daemon hoping that would solve the issue but it has not. Also the serial doesn't stop the instant the screen saver kicks in .. it's quite delayed. Any suggestions? | 18:05 |
mdm | mezquitale, I dint say vpn was illegal, I have it setup myself. Open vpn servers? free vpn server? thats like asking for a anonmys web proxy so you can bypass your schools security policy | 18:05 |
mezquitale | RkyRaccoon, is the wireless printer already set up?? Does it have an ip and can you ping it? | 18:05 |
nibbler_ | jasonbourne: vpn by definition does not have to be encrypted | 18:05 |
mdm | VPN implies TRUST, its why the keys are done. Anoymous, free is counter to that | 18:05 |
RkyRaccoon | mezquitale: its my dads, ive never used it before. IT works for him so i think its all set up | 18:06 |
jasonbourne | yeah i have the key files and all that | 18:06 |
jasonbourne | geez nevermind | 18:06 |
nibbler_ | mdm: vpn does not implie trust | 18:06 |
jasonbourne | ill figure it out myself | 18:06 |
jasonbourne | just trying to see if anyone had a quick way to do it in UBUNTU as i am a Ubuntu newbie | 18:06 |
kinja-sheep | trapa: Make it a script? That way you don't have to execute and leave the console open? | 18:07 |
mbeierl1 | jasonbourne: did you install the openvpn plugin for network manager? | 18:07 |
bzrk | jasonbourne: openvpn setup does not differ between distributions | 18:07 |
thais | oi | 18:07 |
mbeierl1 | jasonbourne: network-manager-openvpn | 18:07 |
thais | tudo bem | 18:07 |
mezquitale | mdm, ever heard of something called "freedom"?? vpn is just at the bottom of the pile. That is why I use ubuntu because I trust ubuntu more than a closed system I have no idea if it really works, cant question its security and its EULA further states their crap doesnt really work and theyre not responsible for how you use their software and how badly it screws your life | 18:07 |
mbeierl1 | jasonbourne: it's what I used for my work and it gives an easy wizard to configure it | 18:07 |
trapa | kinja-sheep: It was a script for testing and it worked even left in a console window ... later when i started having this problem i made it into a perl daemon. At a suggestion that maybe daemons get more privileges when its' in screen saver mode. But it always was a perl script. | 18:08 |
bzrk | mezquitale: spare us the brianwash talk please | 18:08 |
jasonbourne | mebeier: ok let me check | 18:08 |
hemanth | how do add extra space to "/" in the current session , without live cd , I have gparted with me | 18:08 |
jasonbourne | where can i find the network manager | 18:08 |
mezquitale | !ask| bzrk | 18:08 |
ubottu | bzrk: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 18:08 |
bzrk | mezquitale: lol where do you see a question? | 18:09 |
Randomtime | jasonbourne: it should be top right | 18:09 |
jasonbourne | also bzrk I can use open vpn with no problems on windows an cant on Ubuntu so they do differ | 18:09 |
bzrk | mezquitale: i was telling you to quit spouting propaganga | 18:09 |
mbeierl1 | jasonbourne: sorry, ok, it's the little network icon thing that allows you to connect to wireless networks, etc | 18:09 |
trapa | kinja-sheep: What i was thinking, is maybe there's a config file that says the serial port is part of acpi and i should remove it from being acpi .. Or maybe there's a file that tells certain daemons to not sleep and i haven't added my daemon script to it ... Or maybe i'm just stupid and did my daemon wrong. | 18:09 |
mezquitale | bzrk, it is a question you want to ask but are afraid to ask, dont be afraid, if youre afraid you wont make any money, just go on ahead and ask | 18:10 |
kinja-sheep | trapa: Try asking in #bash too -- Maybe they know about daemons where scripts are to be run at interval times and such. | 18:10 |
jasonbourne | mbeir" ok i see and there is a tap for vpn | 18:10 |
jasonbourne | tab* | 18:10 |
trapa | kinja-sheep: Okay, thanks! Looks like i'm off to my job interview now. Thanks for the help. Talk with you guys again later. | 18:10 |
mbeierl1 | jasonbourne: ok, so if you "sudo apt-get install network-manager-openvpn" it will then add "OpenVPN" to the connection type you can add | 18:10 |
kinja-sheep | trapa: Good luck. :) | 18:10 |
sotomayor | hello people...is anyone here familiar with security problems with ubuntu 8.10 L.T.S/Hardy version available for pm? | 18:10 |
jasonbourne | mebeir: ok cool | 18:11 |
edbian | sotomayor: Is this the one and only supreme court judge nominee? | 18:11 |
sotomayor | lol | 18:11 |
sotomayor | i wish | 18:11 |
jasonbourne | edbian:lol | 18:11 |
n0gear | is backtrack 4 debian? | 18:11 |
jasonbourne | sotomayor can you help me run Ubuntu from a latina womans perspective | 18:12 |
edbian | sotomayor: I am vaguely famaliar that there are no known security flaws. Besides SQL injection. | 18:12 |
jasonbourne | lol | 18:12 |
edbian | jasonbourne: That's her specialty! | 18:12 |
jasonbourne | N0gear if you go to #remote-exploit they can tell you all about BT4 | 18:12 |
jasonbourne | edbian lol | 18:12 |
sotomayor | well i'm not at all familiar with any linux versions at all....can i pm anyone for advice or someone pm me to help please? | 18:13 |
edbian | sotomayor: I'm here to help :) | 18:13 |
sotomayor | kool | 18:13 |
mezquitale | sotomayor, ask here and everyone will help you | 18:13 |
will-s | get Ubuntu. | 18:13 |
kinja-sheep | sotomayor: 1) Install Ubuntu 2) Read Ubuntu Pocket Guide (Free PDF!) 3) Have fun! | 18:13 |
sotomayor | i really need help...ok | 18:13 |
will-s | what os are you on at the moment? | 18:14 |
lepine1 | Is anyone having trouble with Pidgin connecting to Yahoo? | 18:14 |
edbian | sotomayor: Ask my specific questions. | 18:14 |
kinja-sheep | !yahoo lepine1 | 18:14 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about yahoo lepine1 | 18:14 |
jasonbourne | mbeier: im running that command you said and it seems to be working | 18:14 |
kinja-sheep | !yahoo | lepine1 | 18:14 |
ubottu | lepine1: At the moment there are many pidgin users experiencing problems connecting to Yahoo IM, you can try changing your paging server to cs101.msg.mud.yahoo.com and see if that helps. | 18:14 |
edbian | sotomayor: Ask more* specific questions. | 18:14 |
sotomayor | well for starters how do i get the utmost of security from the 8.10 L.T.S hardy version i'm using | 18:14 |
mezquitale | sotomayor, it depends on what you want to do and your machine, if you have a fast machine i suggest you try kubuntu or ubuntu, i use ubuntustudio myself because of all the multimedia appz, it's either ubuntustudio for me or ubuntu | 18:14 |
lepine1 | thanks kinja-sheep | 18:14 |
jasonbourne | so do I go to add or import | 18:15 |
jasonbourne | i guess i can play around with it | 18:15 |
mbeierl1 | jasonbourne: ok... add | 18:15 |
sotomayor | well i'm not all that familiar with any of this ubuntu stuff but i will try and understand what your saying | 18:15 |
jasonbourne | mbeier"ok cool | 18:15 |
edbian | sotomayor: Just so you know I am not an absolute expert on security but I do have some good news for you. Linux is a very secure operating system. It is designed fundamentally different than windows. | 18:15 |
kinja-sheep | sotomayor: Your machine is already secured. | 18:15 |
sotomayor | well i feel better already knowing that | 18:15 |
zer0c00l | enthudrives, hi | 18:15 |
jasonbourne | mebeir: awesome this is what i was looking for | 18:16 |
edbian | sotomayor: See my PM ? | 18:16 |
lepine1 | kinja-sheep: connection refused. Is there a list of servers available somewhere? | 18:16 |
jasonbourne | Mebeir: amazing how easy and not offtopic it is once you talk to somebody that know what they are talking about | 18:16 |
sotomayor | but i know my isp is very sneaky and i caught them doing some nasty stuff to my pc when i was running xp and vista | 18:16 |
kinja-sheep | lepine1: You might want to update Pidgin to v2.5.7 | 18:17 |
kinja-sheep | lepine1: "Yahoo problems are fixed in 2.5.7. " | 18:17 |
mbeierl1 | jasonbourne: well... ya, but I was mislead by your question at first too :) | 18:17 |
sotomayor | edbian where are you? | 18:17 |
kinja-sheep | lepine1: http://www.pidgin.im/download/ubuntu/ | 18:18 |
jasonbourne | mbeier: yeah i dont have the vernacular down yet :) | 18:18 |
om26er | any good yahoo audio chat client expect gyachi | 18:18 |
jasonbourne | but yeah i think i will actually have to talk to my VPN provider it seems like it is rather technical | 18:18 |
juxbox | Hi, I need help here, I have a brand new hp pavilion dv6 1105ee labtop, and I have no sound at all, Any ideas how to fix it? | 18:18 |
tyler_d_ | how would I go about "growing" my primary hard-drive /dev/sdb ?? | 18:19 |
Hick0rd | hello folks. I'm experiencing some trouble install a pkg on Ubuntu - Please do check that out http://pastebin.com/d48f1addf | 18:19 |
sotomayor | i guess ediban has left...anyone else here can help me secure my pc a bit? | 18:19 |
kinja-sheep | sotomayor: Be more specific ? | 18:20 |
jrib | sotomayor: secure from what...? | 18:20 |
juxbox | sotomayor: what's the problem | 18:20 |
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kinja-sheep | sotomayor: First, read this --> http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/security | 18:20 |
mbeierl1 | jasonbourne: for openvpn you do need some certificate files from the provider. I cannot supply those to you as they are provider specific | 18:20 |
andres_ | ubuntu | 18:21 |
juxbox | Any ideas on the no sound problem? | 18:21 |
jasonbourne | mbeier: yes i dl'ed all the files just dont know how to put them in place | 18:21 |
sotomayor | ok well i have a update manager poping up saying something about a libs download/cve2009-0688 but it want install and it said to manually install it and when i tried to it would'nt | 18:21 |
jason__ | hello | 18:21 |
jrib | sotomayor: you should pastebin exact messages, not paraphrase them | 18:21 |
jasonbourne | mbeier: i have all the crt key files etc | 18:21 |
geirha | tyler_d_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition | 18:21 |
jrib | !pastebin > sotomayor | 18:21 |
ubottu | sotomayor, please see my private message | 18:21 |
sotomayor | sorry | 18:21 |
mbeierl1 | jasonbourne: I can help with that too | 18:21 |
sotomayor | ok i got you now | 18:22 |
jason__ | excuse me i need help with extracting archives made by winrar not sure but i get error with it. | 18:22 |
jasonbourne | mbeier: anyone you could help me in private/ | 18:22 |
Hick0rd | hello folks. I'm experiencing some trouble install a pkg on Ubuntu - Please do check that out http://pastebin.com/d48f1addf | 18:22 |
jasonbourne | message | 18:22 |
sotomayor | may i pm you with my concern as well as paste bin? | 18:22 |
jrib | !rar > jason__ | 18:22 |
ubottu | jason__, please see my private message | 18:22 |
jrib | !pm | sotomayor | 18:22 |
ubottu | sotomayor: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first. | 18:22 |
mdm | Hick0rd, its an open bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/splashy/+bug/328089 | 18:22 |
sotomayor | ok | 18:23 |
Hick0rd | mdm, let me check it. | 18:23 |
jrib | sotomayor: just prefix what you say with "jrib: " if you want to get my attention | 18:23 |
SlimSoldier | I dont know why but for a month now I have been trying to get two graphic cards working in jaunty. I have one card 2 mons working fine but the 3rd card will never show a display :( I hear that you cant use multiple cards in jaunty is this true? | 18:23 |
sotomayor | well do i need to paste bin my question to the room? | 18:23 |
jrib | sotomayor: you just ask your question and include the link to the pastebin that has the relevant details | 18:24 |
sotomayor | ok will do | 18:24 |
kinja-sheep | SlimSoldier: Not likely. False. What's your third card? | 18:24 |
sotomayor | http://pastebin.com/d7cc1cec5 | 18:24 |
sotomayor | here is my partial problem...http://pastebin.com/d7cc1cec5 | 18:24 |
tanner | how can i make ubuntu auto detect lvm volume groups at boot? | 18:25 |
SlimSoldier | Identical to my first I have 2x 04:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV100 QY [Radeon 7000/VE] | 18:25 |
jrib | sotomayor: where do you see that? The changelog for a package? | 18:25 |
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dave__ | Can someome help me make ndiswrapper run on startup please? | 18:25 |
jrib | !wifi > dave__ | 18:26 |
ubottu | dave__, please see my private message | 18:26 |
jrib | dave__: that may be useless, but I know there is an ndiswrapper page there | 18:26 |
dajhorn | Tanner: The boot scripts will automatically activate your boot volume, and the rest should be activated during normal startup. What are you trying to do? | 18:26 |
sotomayor | in the update manager | 18:26 |
SlimSoldier | kinja-sheep: Identical to my first I have 2x VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV100 QY [Radeon 7000/VE] | 18:26 |
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CyberGabber | SlimSoldier: Maybe this info helps... http://www.linuxtoys.org/multiubuntu/multiubuntu.html | 18:27 |
Juliandil | When someone gets a chance can they take a look at this post. I know its on the mint forums but i tried ubuntu first and i got the same error. a video is included too :D http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=28178 | 18:27 |
dave__ | jrib: I remember someone told me to add something to some file to make it work but i cant remember what it was =/ | 18:27 |
dave__ | possiblt network interfaces file | 18:27 |
jrib | dave__: never used ndiswrapper | 18:27 |
dave__ | ok | 18:27 |
kinja-sheep | SlimSoldier: Did you see this already? | 18:28 |
kinja-sheep | !ati | SlimSoldier | 18:28 |
ubottu | SlimSoldier: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 18:28 |
jrib | dave__: i imagine the wiki would tell you how | 18:28 |
tanner | dajhorn: I had openfiler installed before, and it had setup my disks as a lvm/mdadm array+group; i've since installed ubuntu server as the base OS; I want to make it so when the machine books, the lvm group and mdadm are mounted and able to be used by standard users | 18:28 |
Juliandil | k | 18:28 |
sotomayor | http://pastebin.com/d7cc1cec5 | 18:28 |
sotomayor | did you see what i was talking about <jrib> in the paste bin? | 18:29 |
SlimSoldier | thanks also here is my xorg.conf incase you see something wrong with it http://paste.ubuntu.com/203687/ | 18:29 |
SlimSoldier | kinja-sheep: thanks also here is my xorg.conf incase you see something wrong with it http://paste.ubuntu.com/203687/ | 18:29 |
jrib | sotomayor: what package is that for? | 18:29 |
kinja-sheep | SlimSoldier: The third one have GPU? | 18:29 |
SlimSoldier | kinja-sheep: I cant do binary driver they dont support my old of a card lol :/ | 18:29 |
dave__ | ah jrib i think i found it, thanks! | 18:30 |
mdm | jrib, cyrus-sasl, sotomayor are you reading the patch notes? or did you get that from some bug tracker? | 18:30 |
sotomayor | libsasl2-2 | 18:30 |
sotomayor | and libsasl2-2 modules | 18:30 |
jrib | sotomayor: pastebin the output of: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libasl2-2 | 18:30 |
sotomayor | ok hold on | 18:31 |
jrib | mdm: "update manager" so I guess changelog for the package | 18:31 |
SlimSoldier | kinja-sheep: Sorry I dont know | 18:31 |
mdm | jrib, that is what I was thinking, that or bugtracq | 18:31 |
dajhorn | Tanner: Are you trying to import disks from OpenFiler to an Ubuntu system? Ensure that you're using the Ubuntu lvm and mdadm packages, and check disk format versions. | 18:31 |
kinja-sheep | SlimSoldier: I'm watching the film. | 18:31 |
dajhorn | Tanner: First do things like `mdadm --inspect` to check whether the versions are compatible. | 18:32 |
tanner | dajhorn: yeah, and i can successfully; however i want to make it so when i boot, they are setup and ready to go instead of having to mount them manually | 18:32 |
JoelR | hi.. i have hardy and i would want to upgrade to jaunty, when i try to do aptitude dist-upgrade it says it is going to delete some packages like gnome-volume-manager, python, ubuntu-desktop, etc.. i think that if i do i will break all my system. What can i do? | 18:32 |
SlimSoldier | kinja-sheep: huh? what film? | 18:32 |
kinja-sheep | SlimSoldier: Yours. | 18:32 |
SlimSoldier | kinja-sheep: what do you mean by watching the film? | 18:33 |
mdm | sotomayor, wherever you got that from, its a report of a bug that was fixed? did you want to know about the bug? if it makes the systems insecure? or what? | 18:33 |
dajhorn | tanner: You may need to put mdrun and lvchange commands into the /etc/rc.local file. When volumes are created by the Ubuntu installer, they are usually automagically mounted. | 18:33 |
kinja-sheep | SlimSoldier: Err... That's mint. ;< | 18:34 |
SlimSoldier | kinja-sheep: you mean linux mint? What does watching my film mean? Does it mean looking at my pastebin? Wow im confussed | 18:34 |
kinja-sheep | SlimSoldier: Did you test on Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04 LiveCD? | 18:34 |
jcapinc | hey I was looking at a flash fix for ubuntu but I cannot find / -name firefoxrc for the life of me (I cannot find the firefoxrc file) anyone know where ubuntu puts that? the flash fix said /etc/firefox/firefoxrc but that just does not exists | 18:35 |
kinja-sheep | SlimSoldier: Yes. Linux Blah. | 18:35 |
SlimSoldier | kinja-sheep: No access to CDrom drive atm | 18:35 |
kinja-sheep | SlimSoldier: You booted this off USB? | 18:35 |
SlimSoldier | kinja-sheep: no its on my hard drive man | 18:35 |
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kinja-sheep | SlimSoldier: Oh... So it went b0rk on you? | 18:35 |
SlimSoldier | kinja-sheep: Well it works fine I just cant get my 3rd monitor to turn on since the updgrade to jaunty | 18:36 |
brian__ | hey im running xubuntu and im trying to install boxee ,,now the boxxe site says to add the source so synaptic but when i add it boxee doesnt show up in the list | 18:36 |
dajhorn | tanner: I gave you a bad command: Try `mdadm --detail`and `mdadm --query` to get info, and check whether mdadm complains. | 18:36 |
kinja-sheep | SlimSoldier: You bought a new graphic card recently or nah? | 18:36 |
sotomayor | <jrib>paste bin says my post tip there spam filter for some reason | 18:36 |
SlimSoldier | kinja-sheep: only one video card shows a display so I have 1card 2monitors working | 18:36 |
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tanner | dajhorn: again, it works fine, i just want to automate the process :) | 18:36 |
jrib | sotomayor: use paste.ubuntu.com then | 18:36 |
Dr_Willis | brian__: after adding a repository to the listings. you need to update the database. (if using terminal 'sudo apt-get update') | 18:37 |
SlimSoldier | kinja-sheep: no this worked fine on hardy last month but then I upgraded to jaunty and no more work | 18:37 |
tanner | rc.local and fstab should do it i believe | 18:37 |
sotomayor | ok | 18:37 |
SlimSoldier | kinja-sheep: 1 montior and 1 card does not turn on | 18:37 |
kinja-sheep | SlimSoldier: Try --> "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" | 18:37 |
SlimSoldier | kinja-sheep: been there done that | 18:37 |
brian__ | dr willis thanks ill try that | 18:37 |
ehazlett | greetings all... i'm the developer of a project and need some beta testers... anyone interested...? | 18:38 |
dajhorn | tanner: Okay, just be careful. If you are using the Ubuntu lvm package, then non-autodetection can indicate a problem. ie: You needing to manually activate and mount could indicate a problem. | 18:38 |
jcapinc | hey I was looking at a flash fix for ubuntu but I cannot find / -name firefoxrc for the life of me (I cannot find the firefoxrc file) anyone know where ubuntu puts that? the flash fix said /etc/firefox/firefoxrc but that just does not exists | 18:38 |
kinja-sheep | SlimSoldier: Try "sudo nvidia-xconfig -a" | 18:38 |
SlimSoldier | kinja-sheep: all a reconfigure does is set it to http://paste.ubuntu.com/203696/ | 18:38 |
JoelR | what do u suggest me? | 18:39 |
SlimSoldier | kinja-sheep: Why would I run nvidia config with ati cards that makes no sense | 18:39 |
erieslabnx | is there a terminal command to restart gnome without affecting all the thin clients connected to my server? I have some strange display behaviors I think restarting gnome may take care of. | 18:39 |
ScottG | Should wicd be added to my default runlevel or boot runlevel? | 18:39 |
kinja-sheep | SlimSoldier: Linux does not care what graphic card you have. | 18:39 |
sotomayor | here ya go <jrib>http://paste.ubuntu.com/203697/ | 18:39 |
dajhorn | tanner: Look at the /etc/udev/rules.d/85-lvm2.rules file. This should be activating your volume group. | 18:39 |
kinja-sheep | SlimSoldier: You're on another machine, right? | 18:39 |
SlimSoldier | kinja-sheep: no im on the same machine we are talking abouit | 18:39 |
brian__ | dr it still doesnt show up | 18:40 |
SlimSoldier | kinja-sheep: I dont think xrandr in jaunty will work with 2 cards | 18:40 |
kinja-sheep | SlimSoldier: And ATI suck, IMO. :3 --- Is there a way you can talk to me while testing commands? | 18:40 |
dajhorn | tanner: If it isn't, then put only mdadm commands that you need into the /etc/rc.local file and check whether you get the desired result. | 18:40 |
brian__ | would a jaunty repository work with xubuntu | 18:40 |
tanner | thanks dajhorn | 18:40 |
mickster04 | anyone here had problems with flash on nbr? and then fixed it? | 18:40 |
mickster04 | asus 900 | 18:40 |
lenswipe | hey guys | 18:41 |
Hick0rd | mdm, thanks | 18:41 |
lechacal | hello, i have a custom install that i made (custom vernal and drivers) and it is saved as an iso file but i need to get it on to a usb drive to install it from that, i know there is a way that i can get the iso on to the usb but i cant remember i thought that dd might be able to do it but wasn't sure. | 18:41 |
Hick0rd | mdm, Looks like it installed correctly. | 18:41 |
Marticus | so um, what's a good multi media player? | 18:42 |
mdm | Hick0rd, np | 18:42 |
xaashi | hi running very low on disk space, how can i purge gnome and x completely to recover their space | 18:42 |
Marticus | for videos that is | 18:42 |
kinja-sheep | Marticus: VLC? | 18:42 |
xaashi | i think ubunutu-desktop is just a meta package | 18:43 |
Marticus | I'm familiar with that, just wondering about some community preferences | 18:43 |
kinja-sheep | !info ubuntu-desktop | xaashi | 18:43 |
ubottu | xaashi: ubuntu-desktop (source: ubuntu-meta): The Ubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.140 (jaunty), package size 28 kB, installed size 56 kB | 18:43 |
kinja-sheep | xaashi: Err, yeah it is. | 18:43 |
kinja-sheep | Marticus: I liked VLC. Some prefers Mplayer. There also are Gnome-Mplayer (simplicity). | 18:43 |
Darn | anyone here have ossec running under ubuntu 9.04? | 18:44 |
xaashi | kinja-sheep: yeah, don;t want to type a list of 500 packages | 18:44 |
xaashi | anyhelp? | 18:44 |
kinja-sheep | xaashi: You can remove whatever you like. | 18:44 |
ZykoticK9 | xaashi, if disk space is an issue, check your apt cache - from terminal "du -h /var/cache/apt/archives/" they can be safely deleted if it's using a lot of room. Good luck. | 18:44 |
xaashi | ZykoticK9: archives is emoty | 18:45 |
sotomayor | <jrib> are you still in here? | 18:45 |
tyler_d_ | so the problem I have in following the partitioning guide is that the partition I want to grow(dev/sdb5) is located at the tail of the drive, ie the free-space is before this in gparted, and I am unable to "grow" this any further in gparted? | 18:46 |
jrib | sotomayor: one sec (multitasking) | 18:46 |
brian__ | i just add'd the boxee repository to software sources and did the reload but boxee still cant be found when i type boxee in the box | 18:46 |
brian__ | any ideas | 18:46 |
sotomayor | ok i will be back in five minutes | 18:46 |
jrib | sotomayor: run, the command the error says to run | 18:46 |
kinja-sheep | tyler_d_: Can you take a screenshot? | 18:46 |
sotomayor | i did run the commands but it didn't work | 18:47 |
stringSyntax | anyone here been able to get racoon to work on ubuntu? | 18:47 |
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tyler_d_ | I will try | 18:47 |
stringSyntax | ...im trying to set up ipsec | 18:47 |
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jrib | sotomayor: pastebin | 18:48 |
jrib | !who | sotomayor | 18:48 |
ubottu | sotomayor: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 18:48 |
JoelR | hi.. i have hardy and i would want to upgrade to jaunty, when i try to do aptitude dist-upgrade it says it is going to delete some packages like gnome-volume-manager, python, ubuntu-desktop, etc.. i think that if i do i will break all my system. What can i do? | 18:48 |
jrib | JoelR: that command does not upgrade between releases | 18:49 |
jrib | !upgrade > JoelR | 18:49 |
ubottu | JoelR, please see my private message | 18:49 |
sotomayor | <jrib>do i need to run the command like this?..... 'dpkg --configure -a' | 18:49 |
jrib | sotomayor: yes, but with "sudo" in front | 18:49 |
JoelR | jrib: wtf? of course it does, at least in debian. | 18:49 |
jrib | JoelR: that isn't the supported upgrade procedure, see ubottu | 18:49 |
stringSyntax | anyone who's been able to successfully set up racoon to work with ipsec would you please msg me | 18:50 |
=== hadi is now known as Black_Phantom | ||
Black_Phantom | Hello, how do I make sure that my video card driver is installed properly in Ubuntu | 18:50 |
Stanley_ | How would I go about converting a bunch of WMV movies to FLV ?? | 18:50 |
sotomayor | <jrib>ok i know sudo in front but does it have to be quotes in front and back of sudo | 18:50 |
jrib | sotomayor: no quotes necessary | 18:50 |
sotomayor | ok thank you | 18:51 |
jcapinc | alright sound problem: as far as I know I have removed pulseaudio, but my problem is that I started using skype and it has shown me that certain applications monopolize my sound. I use banshee a lot and flash, and I can use them together at the same time, but when I introduce another application that tries to use sound it crashes, like skype. I know this because when I have flash or banshee runing and I go to the sound settings an | 18:51 |
jcapinc | d test the sound it says "in use" essentially | 18:51 |
jrib | !tab | sotomayor | 18:51 |
ubottu | sotomayor: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 18:51 |
jcapinc | how do I fix this? | 18:51 |
xaashi | kinja-sheep: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE from the nice peepz of ubuntu-offtopic | 18:51 |
tyler_d_ | kinja-sheep: http://imagebin.ca/view/UUek0Hi.html | 18:51 |
faldo | bonjour ! Hi ! | 18:52 |
sotomayor | <ubottu>ok...not following what exactly what your saying? can you be a bit more specific? | 18:52 |
om26er | how do i set a drive to automatically mount | 18:52 |
Black_Phantom | Hello how do I make sure that my video card driver is installed properly ? | 18:52 |
kinja-sheep | tyler_d_: Do you still LiveCD? | 18:52 |
Stanley_ | !glxgears|Black_Phantom | 18:52 |
ubottu | Black_Phantom: To display the FPS in glxgears, run 'glxgears' in a terminal. | 18:52 |
tyler_d_ | kinja-sheep: yup | 18:52 |
Anon7250 | yop | 18:52 |
jrib | sotomayor: just type 'jr' and then press tab to get my name to complete automatically | 18:52 |
kinja-sheep | tyler_d_: Pop in and return here. :3 | 18:52 |
Anon7250 | 18:52 | |
Anon7250 | 18:52 | |
Anon7250 | 18:52 | |
Anon7250 | 18:52 | |
FloodBot1 | Anon7250: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 18:52 |
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tyler_d_ | kinja-sheep: I am in the live cd right now ( 2 different machines) | 18:53 |
kinja-sheep | tyler_d_: You need to be on LiveCD to resize your current partition. | 18:53 |
kinja-sheep | Ahh. | 18:53 |
ZykoticK9 | jcapinc, just an FYI - but pulse audio is sorta developed to allow more then one audio application to use the audio hardware. Alsa by itself seems a little unwilling to share audio with other programs. I certainly have no solution for you sorry, Good luck man. | 18:53 |
tyler_d_ | kinja-sheep: its not mounted, I am however wondering about the extended bit.... | 18:53 |
jcapinc | ZykoticK9, should I try pulseaudio? | 18:54 |
Black_Phantom | Stanley_ glxgears is working smoothly but when I want to move the window the image of gears moving freezes, what does that mean ? is it from the video card or processor ? | 18:54 |
kinja-sheep | tyler_d_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition/ResizingPartition | 18:54 |
om26er | how to set a drive to mount automatically | 18:54 |
Stanley_ | Black_Phantom: Whats the terminal outputting for your FPS? | 18:54 |
tyler_d_ | kinja-sheep: I already have that open... no go | 18:54 |
snakdoc | autmount is done with /etc/fstab | 18:54 |
kinja-sheep | tyler_d_: What are you talking about extended bit? The red box? | 18:54 |
dave__ | Can someone help me make ndiswrapper connect to my wireless connection on startup please? | 18:54 |
Black_Phantom | Stanley_ is it ok to paste it ? | 18:54 |
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tyler_d_ | kinja-sheep: no, thats swap, the extended is the blue bit | 18:55 |
Stanley_ | !pastebin|Black_Phantom | 18:55 |
ubottu | Black_Phantom: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic | 18:55 |
kinja-sheep | tyler_d_: That's fine. GParted may be a little confusing to work with at first glance. But you need to drag and stretch and such to get what you like, then apply. The list of tasks will be showing up. Remember to keep things simple (otherwise you resize, resize, resize, all times as you're testing out GParted). | 18:56 |
Black_Phantom | Stanley_ I pasted it in the site and clicked 'Paste' now ? | 18:56 |
dave__ | Black_Phantom: paste the url here | 18:56 |
Black_Phantom | http://paste.ubuntu.com/203708/ | 18:57 |
Stanley_ | Black_Phantom: what video card do you have? | 18:57 |
tyler_d_ | kinja-sheep: I will brb, however I gather the concept, but in practice its a large fail.... I am unable to modify that partition(existing) at all with gparted | 18:57 |
Black_Phantom | Stanley_ ATI Radeon 9250 | 18:57 |
Stanley_ | Black_Phantom: Ah, okay, I can't even guesstimate what type of numbers that should get, but this is about where my help runs out, I"m new myself :) | 18:58 |
kinja-sheep | tyler_d_: Stretch the outside first, and such. Meh. :) | 18:58 |
Black_Phantom | Stanley_ alright man thanks :) | 18:58 |
dave__ | Can someone help me make ndiswrapper connect to my wireless connection on startup please? | 18:59 |
crazygir | I have a usb device saying it is "locked", what should be done to unlock this? | 18:59 |
geirha | tyler_d_: Right click the swap partition and select unmount | 18:59 |
Black_Phantom | Anybody else nows how should the performance be in ATI Radeon 9250, http://paste.ubuntu.com/203708/ ? | 19:00 |
geirha | tyler_d_: All partitions on the drive must be unmounted for gparted to allow any changes | 19:00 |
tyler_d_ | just seeing that now | 19:00 |
ZykoticK9 | Black_Phantom, why I'll never buy ATI again - here is my Nvidia glxgears output (with Compiz running) http://paste.ubuntu.com/203712/ | 19:00 |
warren_ | how can you tell what video driver is currently being used by ubuntu? | 19:00 |
ZykoticK9 | warren_, "glxinfo" in a terminal will tell you | 19:01 |
terje | using Jaunty on my laptop, is there a way to get the WiFi network selector icon back in my panel? | 19:01 |
tyler_d_ | geirha: ty for your help and patience.... its on its way , ty as well kinja-sheep | 19:02 |
kinja-sheep | tyler_d_: Great. :3 | 19:02 |
Tiger_Woody | !info john | 19:02 |
ubottu | john (source: john): active password cracking tool. In component main, is optional. Version 1.7.2-3ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 248 kB, installed size 732 kB | 19:02 |
Black_Phantom | ZykoticK9, so what shall I do now ? there's no any solution ? because the Video card operates successfully in Windows XP. | 19:02 |
tyler_d_ | lunch time while that is working its magic | 19:02 |
Stanley_ | Anybody know the best way to convert WMV to FLV | 19:02 |
Tiger_Woody | Is John a dictionnary tool? | 19:02 |
crazygir | no? | 19:03 |
ZykoticK9 | Black_Phantom, sorry man I wasn't following your issue, just went to your pastebin for the glxgears and was a little shocked by the numbers.... i'll try and look up at your posts, but I don't(won't) run ATI so I really got nothing probably. | 19:03 |
warren_ | zkoticK9: difficult identifying the driver in the output of the command | 19:04 |
Black_Phantom | ZykoticK9, it's cool man, thanks :) | 19:04 |
ZykoticK9 | Black_Phantom, check "glxinfo | grep direct" in a terminal - does it say Yes? | 19:05 |
warren_ | zkotick9, i would venture and guess that its SGI, but i'm not sure... | 19:05 |
Black_Phantom | It states None & Slow :/ | 19:06 |
ZykoticK9 | Black_Phantom, what vendor do you get for "glxinfo | grep vendor"? | 19:06 |
cyberghoser1 | hey all, i shut down my system earlier and now i cannot access my windows shared folders over the network on the other machine, any possible trick to have it again? | 19:07 |
crazygir | the automounter errors out saying that: "The enclosing drive for the volume is locked." | 19:07 |
crazygir | what should be done? google hasn't been much help | 19:07 |
Black_Phantom | ZykoticK9, http://paste.ubuntu.com/203717/ | 19:07 |
ZykoticK9 | Black_Phantom, if you're not getting Direct Rendering = Yes then you don't have 3D enabled, just 2D or non-acellerated 3D | 19:07 |
ZykoticK9 | Black_Phantom, ya - you don't have Hardware 3D right now - so you'll have VERY slow graphics - I don't know how to install ATI grafx drivers, but I'm sure someone here can help you. Good luck man. | 19:08 |
Black_Phantom | ZykoticK9, I see well thanks for the help anyways | 19:08 |
kinja-sheep | Any excellent hard drive scan tool? (Performs a badblock scan on the hard disk to detect an early failure) and such? | 19:09 |
mezquitale | if you want to access your desktop from the internet, what applications you suggest I use so I can log in my machine and share my files | 19:09 |
crazygir | mezquitale: sftp for sharing files, vpn/vnc for desktop | 19:09 |
geirha | Tiger_Woody: See the homepage of john the ripper, http://www.openwall.com/john/ | 19:09 |
Black_Phantom | Does anyone know how to install ATI Radeon 9250 ? it's very problematic | 19:10 |
mezquitale | crazygir, what is the name of the vpn/vnc?? sudo apt-get install openvpn??? | 19:10 |
ZykoticK9 | mezquitale, crazygir said sftp for sharing files, but I'd recommend ssh+vnc for desktop - a little easier to setup/use | 19:10 |
crazygir | mezquitale: you should know what you're doing first. | 19:10 |
crazygir | mezquitale: ZykoticK9 has a good point | 19:10 |
Black_Phantom | btw I've heard that fglrx doesnt work for it ( Ati Radeon 9250 ) | 19:10 |
crazygir | you should still know what you're getting into | 19:10 |
crazygir | that isn't a thing to approach windows-style | 19:11 |
=== _brownleaf is now known as brownleaf | ||
crazygir | (head first, reboot in hand) | 19:11 |
dave__ | on compiz settings what is the <Super> key? | 19:11 |
crazygir | windows? | 19:11 |
ZykoticK9 | dave__, windows key | 19:11 |
dave__ | oh | 19:11 |
geirha | !freenx | mezquitale | 19:11 |
ubottu | mezquitale: FreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX | 19:11 |
mezquitale | ZykoticK9, you mean insteadl an ssh server and configure it with vnc??? | 19:11 |
dave__ | thanks | 19:11 |
jason__ | hello i need help installing a .exe | 19:12 |
crazygir | that soundslike a plan | 19:12 |
vega | jason__: install windows? | 19:12 |
jason__ | no | 19:12 |
mezquitale | jason__, you can use wine | 19:12 |
ZykoticK9 | mezquitale, ssh servers allow for X forwarding and it's possible to use VNC over an SSH tunnel - it's beyond the scope I can help across IRC but with a little research it's certainly possible. Good luck man. | 19:12 |
jason__ | well see i made a game and it uses winrar but a exe version of it. | 19:13 |
crazygir | mezquitale: it is certainly a project, not a 5 minute deal | 19:13 |
dave__ | jason__: wine | 19:13 |
Tiger_Woody | geirsha : schön !! thank you. Those knives tools are not to put in anybody hands !!! By the way, does anonyone know a room or a forum about Hardware Assisted Brute Force Attacks (as in http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/archives/000986.html) ? | 19:13 |
crazygir | jason__: use windows in a vm? | 19:13 |
jason__ | no. | 19:13 |
mezquitale | crazygir, i know that, Im just asking to point me at the right direction not with specific details | 19:14 |
jason__ | will wine just install the program? | 19:14 |
warawut | hi | 19:14 |
crazygir | mezquitale: yep :) | 19:14 |
warren_ | its seems absurd to me that there isn't an extremely straightforward way to tell what video driver your using | 19:14 |
geirha | mezquitale: freenx is in my opinion a better alternative than vnc. It authenticates via ssh, and it's faster than vnc. Also, with vnc you have to be logged in on the machine (locally) | 19:14 |
crazygir | geirha / mezquitale agreed | 19:14 |
Black_Phantom | Hello guys, does anyone knows how to install ATI Radeon 9250? | 19:14 |
jason__ | so wait is there any way to like change the exstension of this program to make it linux installable? | 19:15 |
ZykoticK9 | warren_, "glxinfo | grep vendor" in a terminal | 19:15 |
sotomayor | <jrib>...check out what it's been saying for like about 15 minuteshttp://paste.ubuntu.com/203721/ | 19:15 |
crazygir | jason__: it isn't that simple | 19:15 |
mezquitale | geirha, does freeNX works with dyndns.com for dns resolution? | 19:15 |
sotomayor | http://paste.ubuntu.com/203721/ | 19:15 |
jason__ | hmm. | 19:15 |
crazygir | so anyone know about locked drives? | 19:15 |
jason__ | whats the simplest way to do it. | 19:15 |
jason__ | like i said its holding a game and its files. | 19:15 |
jrib | sotomayor: hmm, check bugs.ubuntu.com for bugs on that package | 19:15 |
mezquitale | jason__, it doesnt work that way LoL | 19:15 |
jason__ | i jsut need to install it into a folder and thats it lmfao | 19:15 |
warren_ | yeah, but that just tells you the manufacturer | 19:15 |
chevdor | hi guys, do u know a file shredder that is ext3 compliant ? | 19:16 |
sotomayor | ok when i go to that page what do i need to do? | 19:16 |
Black_Phantom | In the ubuntu Hardware support page, it states that my video card works on Ubuntu 6.06, does that mean I have to downgrade :/ ? | 19:16 |
jason__ | sorry if im sounding quite stupid haha. im new to ubuntu | 19:16 |
geirha | mezquitale: Yes | 19:16 |
crazygir | jason__: wine or windows in a vm? | 19:16 |
ZykoticK9 | warren_, that's telling you the manufactuer of the driver (not your hardware) | 19:16 |
elzary | Black_Phantom, if it works on 6.x I imagine it will work on the latest version | 19:16 |
jason__ | im thinking wine. | 19:16 |
jason__ | but what is it. | 19:16 |
Black_Phantom | elzary it's not | 19:16 |
crazygir | jason__: google. | 19:16 |
jrib | sotomayor: search | 19:17 |
jason__ | okay brb. | 19:17 |
crazygir | you do that :) | 19:17 |
nandhi | hi | 19:17 |
mezquitale | geirha, ok so I have to set up SSH first, using FreeNX I will be able to have full access to all files in a shared directory, right? | 19:17 |
crazygir | is a locked drive too complicated? | 19:17 |
sotomayor | <jrib><<<<<<just search libs bugs | 19:17 |
nandhi | some body know abour remote connection__ | 19:17 |
jrib | sotomayor: sure, you can search for the package and then view open bugs | 19:17 |
sotomayor | ok thank you | 19:17 |
nandhi | i can connect my machine by remote with many computers except one | 19:18 |
elzary | Black_Phantom, is it a really old card? | 19:18 |
elzary | Black_Phantom, if so, it could mean there isn't a driver for the latest version | 19:18 |
warren_ | zikotick9: but does that really tell me what i want to know? it says Tungsten Graphics but i'm fairly certain its using the intel video driver | 19:18 |
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mezquitale | nandhi, can you pint the computer youre trying to access from the one youre unable to access? | 19:18 |
=== icefire is now known as icefire_ | ||
crazygir | Tiger_Woody: lots of specialized programming | 19:19 |
nJustin3k-[iPod] | I just installed ubuntu onto a flash drive using the disk creator from the live cd, but it only boots to a busybox shell saying (initramfs) | 19:19 |
Black_Phantom | elzary it's supports DirectX 8.1 only. btw its Ati Radeon 9250. | 19:19 |
Black_Phantom | it* | 19:19 |
crazygir | you'd have to adapt your john the ripper type of apps to utilize the GPU, which means understanding the GPU's asm | 19:19 |
aniasis | hello | 19:19 |
aniasis | how do you fork a process? | 19:19 |
geirha | mezquitale: When connecting to your computer with freenx, you'll be greeted by the login screen on the server, where you can log in as your user... Not sure if you can drag files to/from that window, but you can do that through ssh. Places -> Connect to server... -> Type: SSH | 19:19 |
crazygir | fork()? | 19:19 |
nandhi | ping?? | 19:19 |
nandhi | yes i can | 19:19 |
Pici | !who | 19:20 |
ubottu | As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 19:20 |
nandhi | i am connected by eth0 | 19:20 |
nandhi | in the same red | 19:20 |
nJustin3k-[iPod] | I just installed ubuntu onto a flash drive using the disk creator from the live cd, but it only boots to a busybox shell saying (initramfs) | 19:20 |
nandhi | but i can not enter to the computer | 19:20 |
icefire_ | I'm having an issue with dual monitors | 19:20 |
mezquitale | geirha, thanks a lot for the info, im going to go and research on the topic | 19:20 |
icefire_ | if I boot up with my external connected to my laptop | 19:20 |
n0gear | is FreeNX same as NXserver (nomachine) | 19:20 |
icefire_ | (in Xubuntu) | 19:20 |
icefire_ | it shows only on the external | 19:20 |
elzary | Black_Phantom, it will work on the latest ubuntu, you just wont get compiz effects workiong | 19:20 |
pronoy_ | ikonia: is the ubuntu kernel complied using gcc3.0 or greater ? | 19:20 |
geirha | mezquitale: Did you see ubottu's link earlier? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX | 19:21 |
elzary | *working | 19:21 |
torn_ | How do I permanently enable USB suspend in Ubuntu? PowerTop keeps nagging me to enable USB suspend, but it always repeats the same message, even after I click "U". | 19:21 |
icefire_ | if I boot without it connected, it wont' ever show on the external | 19:21 |
terje | so... anyone know how to re-add the network management applet to the to panel | 19:21 |
aniasis | crazygir, no I mean from the shell | 19:21 |
=== faldo is now known as Tiger_woody | ||
Black_Phantom | elzary too bad :/ | 19:21 |
terje | I deleted it somehow, and the only option is network monitor | 19:21 |
warren_ | its an intel video card | 19:21 |
nandhi | i configured the ssh_config | 19:21 |
pronoy_ | is the ubuntu kernel complied using gcc3.0 or greater ? | 19:21 |
ecolitan | terje: can you right click and add to panel? | 19:21 |
nandhi | but is only with one computer | 19:21 |
terje | ecolitan: I can but the only launcher to add is called 'network monitor' | 19:22 |
nandhi | this computer can access to mine bur i can not acces it | 19:22 |
terje | which isn't the right one. I need network-manager | 19:22 |
tritium | pronoy_: yes | 19:22 |
nJustin3k-[iPod] | I just installed ubuntu onto a flash drive using the disk creator from the live cd, but it only boots to a busybox shell saying (initramfs). Is this right or should i reinstall, if its right how can i continue booting | 19:22 |
terje | so I can select the different WiFi networks, VPN PPTP connect, etc. | 19:22 |
ZykoticK9 | warren_, I checked on my EEE (which also has Intel) and sure enough "Tungsten Grahpics, Inc" came up for Vendor -- it appears that this is part of Mesa -- which isn't the ideal graphics driver, but does appear to be the Intel DRI driver. | 19:24 |
ecolitan | terje: you need to add nm-applet | 19:24 |
terje | sweet! | 19:24 |
terje | thanks | 19:24 |
jason__ | okay i added wine. | 19:24 |
Snicks|TWw | hi, i got a sony walkman nw-s202F, but it doesn't mount automatically, i got no idea howto mount it. with lsusb i can see the device is connected, but i'd like to mount it to use jsymphonic, otherwise i can't put any music on it. who can help? | 19:24 |
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jason__ | now all i have to do is click the installer? | 19:24 |
sotomayor | join ##kubuntu | 19:25 |
Pici | sotomayor: its just #kubuntu | 19:25 |
gangil | just open the terminal and type wine <name_of_executable> | 19:26 |
ZykoticK9 | Snicks|TWw, have you seen the post http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=206470 perhaps it will help? | 19:27 |
=== pronoy_ is now known as pronoy | ||
Snicks|TWw | ZykoticK9, yep, but the problem is mounting the walkman itself, that fails | 19:27 |
timposey | Can anyone tell me just the basics of what I need to do to be able to access other windows computers on my network, I had samba setup and working fine, now I can't see anything nothing works and my brain is fried from reading all the samba information. I just need simple | 19:27 |
elzary | timposey, are they not in places>network ? | 19:28 |
ZykoticK9 | Snicks|TWw, for what I read prior to that post it appears that this is really a Windows only sorta device? not sure you'll just be able to mount it - Sony most likely doesn't want the device simply showing up as a drive - too easy to pirate that way ;) | 19:28 |
ecolitan | timposey: are you trying to access windows shares, or make a share? | 19:28 |
incorrect | is there a command to change the default system gcc ? | 19:29 |
jrib | incorrect: why? | 19:29 |
torn_ | How can I have laptop_mode start/enable automatically when I boot up the system? It seems that it is disabled by default, even after I modified the conf file to enable it on both battery and AC. | 19:29 |
incorrect | jrib, because there is a bug in 4.3 | 19:29 |
timposey | elzary no, it says "Unable to mount location Failed to receive share list from server | 19:30 |
jrib | incorrect: what bug? | 19:30 |
Snicks|TWw | ZykoticK9, why all the posts are speaking of an already mounted device? imo it has to mount automatically, that's the only thing what has to be done | 19:30 |
timposey | ecolitan; not sure the difference | 19:30 |
ecolitan | incorrect: i think that gcc is normally a simlink to the actual binary | 19:30 |
ecolitan | incorrect: maybe just change that? | 19:30 |
incorrect | ecolitan, yes i know that, wasn't what i asked ;) | 19:31 |
ZykoticK9 | Snicks|TWw, good luck man - i gots nothing for ya... sorry don't own a Sony MP3 player. | 19:31 |
incorrect | jrib, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcc-4.3/+bug/354305 | 19:31 |
torn_ | Any ideas on the laptop_mode issue? | 19:31 |
geirha | incorrect: sudo ln -sf gcc-4.2 /usr/bin/gcc | 19:31 |
incorrect | yes i know how to create a synlink, i just wondered if there was a command like a2ensite, etc | 19:31 |
gautada | OK so I know this is dumb question but it is killing me. Launchpad say that there is a package for pythonmagick in universe for jaunty. Why does sudo apt get install pythonmagick not work. Yes I am connected to the universe repository including source code... Help... | 19:31 |
Snicks|TWw | ZykoticK9, it's not mine, just have to mount it. should be easily done with a command, but i never know which command and which device-name | 19:31 |
ecolitan | timposey: are you trying to share something which is on your ubuntu machine? | 19:32 |
ZykoticK9 | Snicks|TWw, in a terminal type "dmesg" then plug the device in (turn it on), and type "dmesg" again - should show you what sd# it's showing up as - then "sudo mount /dev/sdX /mnt" should do it :) | 19:33 |
ldimick | How do I add another kernel to Ubuntu? I would like to add damsmalllinux just in case I destroy Ubuntu | 19:33 |
Snicks|TWw | tx ZykoticK9 :) | 19:33 |
elzary | gautada, > python-pythonmagick python2.6-pythonmagick | 19:33 |
elzary | twp packages | 19:33 |
elzary | *two | 19:33 |
timposey | ecolitan my main purpose is to do file transfers between folders on my machine and a windows computer on my network. just transfer files | 19:33 |
phillipsm | everytime my ubuntu box connects to my lan at home it pops up a "Guest has logged on" dialog every minute on the xp machine that is on the network...it wouldn't be so bad if it was the same dialog but it keeps on popping up a new one so you have to click out of 30 windows if you don't keep doing it | 19:34 |
kiku87 | hej | 19:34 |
gautada | elzary: thx | 19:34 |
dayo | !quota > dayo | 19:34 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about quota | 19:34 |
dayo | !quotas > dayo | 19:35 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about quotas | 19:35 |
=== tiyowan_ is now known as tiyowan | ||
phillipsm | is that a problem that I can fix while still being connected to the LAN? ^ | 19:35 |
EgyCoder09 | hi all , when using ettercap to sniff my network ... when i choose Mitim-> Arp poisoning then when i check ( Sniff Remote Connections ) box and click ok and see it again it won't be checked ?? | 19:35 |
ZykoticK9 | ldimick, it's not quite as simple as adding DSL kernel to Ubuntu -- Ubuntu and DSL are distributions, theoretically they could be using the same kernel (they're not, but in theory it's possible). You could install DSL along side Ubuntu and dual boot if you wished (and space permitting). Good luck man. | 19:35 |
geirha | dayo: Please message the bot instead. /msg ubottu keyword | 19:35 |
timposey | ecolitan I was using smb4k I clicked on it, it opened, showed all the computers on the network and simply did what I needed it to do, now it does nothing shows nothing like there is no network at all\ | 19:35 |
Snicks|TWw | ZykoticK9, sure about the dmesg-command? it gives too much output | 19:36 |
ecolitan | timposey: do you have smbd installed? | 19:36 |
dayo | geirha: ok | 19:36 |
timposey | ecolitan I will check | 19:36 |
ZykoticK9 | Snicks|TWw, your only looking at the very end you could use "dmesg | tail" if it's easier? | 19:36 |
timposey | ecolitan, if not should I install it? | 19:37 |
ecolitan | timposey: yep, with apt-get | 19:37 |
EgyCoder09 | hi all , when using ettercap to sniff my network ... when i choose Mitim-> Arp poisoning then when i check ( Sniff Remote Connections ) box and click ok and see it again it won't be checked ?? | 19:37 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | Hi all; does ubuntu live write to external NTFS devices by default? | 19:38 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | I have an user on IM who is using slax-live to recover some files but can't copy them to his external drive. Can I advice him to get ubuntu or is it the same thing? I think the problem is ntfs instead of ntfs3g by default. | 19:39 |
Snicks|TWw | ZykoticK9, gives no sd# at all, only something like this after connecting(no, not disconnecting) http://pastebin.ws/adw85i | 19:39 |
Desen | hi kids. problems with PIDGIN: it closes itself. i`ve started and ran normal today and suddenly it dissapeard. lauched it again, it connects and receives offline mesaages and within a second it closes itself. any suggestions ? Ubuntu 8.10 with the latest version of Pidgin, 2.5.7 | 19:39 |
SAMER | any one can help i try to set up flash player in my ubuntu 9.04 but i got i messege cant find packge flash plugin installer | 19:39 |
shamike | i have removed both panels on the desktop How do i get it back to normal? | 19:39 |
Pici | !resetpanels | shamike | 19:40 |
ubottu | shamike: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel » | 19:40 |
ZykoticK9 | Snicks|TWw, this is what I was worried about earlier - it's not showing up as a drive (not sure what the "rejected 1 configuration due to insufficient available bus power" means??? | 19:40 |
shamike | ok ty | 19:40 |
SAMER | any one can help i try to set up flash player in my ubuntu 9.04 but i got i messege cant find packge flash plugin installer | 19:40 |
timposey | ecolitan can I do it throught synaptic package manager? If not I need the full command with apt-get | 19:41 |
Snicks|TWw | Desen, i'v had that problem too, i got version 2.5.6 at the moment, with volume muted, no problems, it looks like the problem is sound to me | 19:41 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | nobody knows about ntfs3g by default on ubuntu live? | 19:41 |
dayo | what happens when i install and enable quotas, and set them to e.g. 1GB per user, and there are users who already have >1GB disk usage? | 19:41 |
GFH[Work] | So i just upgraded my server to ubuntu (minimal server) 9.04 and my NFS mounts in /etc/fstab don't magically load anymore. running 'sudo mount /usr/local' works fine from the console though | 19:41 |
Pici | Le-Chuck_ITA: It should be there | 19:41 |
ecolitan | timposey: sorry, you can install it however you want | 19:41 |
Snicks|TWw | ZykoticK9, if it works to others, it has to work to me too, wouldn't it? | 19:42 |
Desen | Snicks|TWw ok thanx | 19:42 |
timposey | ecolitan sorry, I wish I was fluent with command line language, I used windows for too long | 19:42 |
ZykoticK9 | Snicks|TWw, ? I don't know enough about your device. | 19:42 |
Snicks|TWw | ZykoticK9, already works, i didn't just the 'right' usb-port perhaps ;) | 19:42 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | Pici: so in your opinion is it also "used" by default, that is if an external NTFS is attached the user can directly write to it from the livecd? | 19:42 |
Pici | Le-Chuck_ITA: You'd probably need to mount it, but it may be visibile under Computer in Nautilus | 19:43 |
logic | guys how can i kill frets on fire?? the game... ? if i write "sudo killall fretsonfire" i have no change.. | 19:43 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | Pici no it's an external drive so I guess it will just work | 19:43 |
Snicks|TWw | logic, try the system-monitor | 19:43 |
Snicks|TWw | gnome-system-monitor | 19:43 |
ZykoticK9 | logic, try "ps aux | grep frets" and see what it's name is? | 19:44 |
ZykoticK9 | logic, you could also run "xkill" then click on the frets window? | 19:44 |
flavien_1 | Hi. Having issues with sound on lenny/sid | 19:45 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | logic: sudo killall -KILL fretsonfire | 19:45 |
logic | no guys.. system monitor doesn't reveal this programm.. | 19:45 |
ecolitan | timposey: now try right clicking on the folder you want to share and going to share options, then share it | 19:45 |
No_Mo_Ro | hi all people=) | 19:45 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | arghh... I've been just asked if jaunty live fits in a 650M cd | 19:45 |
Le-Chuck_ITA | do you have an idea? | 19:45 |
SAMER | any one can help i try to set up flash player in my ubuntu 9.04 but i got i messege cant find packge flash plugin installer | 19:45 |
No_Mo_Ro | what you doing to this time?) | 19:46 |
timposey | ecolitan I am installing the samba4 package that contains smbd | 19:46 |
xiong | evolution: error while expunging folder -- can't empty trash | 19:46 |
steveccc | hi all - what is the best media player for ubuntu to play wmv files with? | 19:46 |
timposey | ecolitan I am still downloading packages | 19:46 |
stef1 | I installed ubuntu and winXp won't boot anymore NTLDR missing is what I get. | 19:46 |
ZykoticK9 | steveccc, I'd say mplayer others will say VLC - there is no "best" app for anything - it's what you like. | 19:47 |
encorn | hi all | 19:47 |
No_Mo_Ro | hi | 19:47 |
Tiger_woody | hi | 19:47 |
stef1 | before I had winXp/ubuntu 8 now I installed jauntly over ubuntu 8 | 19:47 |
rickest | stef1: you need to boot of a liveCD and reinstall grub to your MBR | 19:47 |
steveccc | zykotick9: i have mplayer on now but the video is very jerky - wasnt sure if it was a bad codec or not | 19:47 |
encorn | I can talk to someone somewhere? :) | 19:48 |
encorn | • No_Mo_Ro • che to vata ppz... | 19:48 |
No_Mo_Ro | what to fuck? | 19:48 |
encorn | • No_Mo_Ro • go dota?:) | 19:48 |
No_Mo_Ro | oO | 19:48 |
Pici | No_Mo_Ro: Please mind your language. | 19:48 |
Tiger_woody | try egicka or skype | 19:48 |
No_Mo_Ro | » encorn » a xz | 19:48 |
timposey | ecoitan how do I open a folder that is shared on the windows computer from my computer, I'm thinking it should just work | 19:48 |
No_Mo_Ro | » Pici » ok;) | 19:48 |
No_Mo_Ro | » encorn » yxaxa ya rjal=) | 19:48 |
encorn | :) | 19:48 |
encorn | khemm... | 19:49 |
=== Darn is now known as trinity_4 | ||
geirha | !flash | SAMER, are you following this guide? | 19:49 |
revygttam | timposey, do you have samba setup? | 19:49 |
ubottu | SAMER, are you following this guide?: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 19:49 |
tesla_ | how do i set a root password | 19:49 |
tesla_ | i forgot | 19:49 |
ZykoticK9 | steveccc, WMVs play smoothly for me? Try a differnt output, in terminal "mplayer -vo help" will list them you could start by trying "mplayer -vo gl FILE.WMV" | 19:49 |
tesla_ | psswd ~ or something | 19:49 |
Pici | tesla_: We do not reccomend setting a root password, is there a reason you do not want to use sudo? | 19:49 |
Tiger_woody | Ekiga :-X | 19:50 |
tesla_ | its all good I know what im doing | 19:50 |
InitMass | when running Flash and Firefox during about 8 minutes my computer becomes very slow. restart of the computer solves the problem but is there any other way? | 19:50 |
tesla_ | i just installed backtrack on a test machine | 19:50 |
No_Mo_Ro | im like a sexy girls :D | 19:50 |
EgyCoder09 | how can i know the model of my wireless adapter | 19:50 |
EgyCoder09 | ? | 19:50 |
encorn | hahahaha | 19:50 |
Pici | No_Mo_Ro: Enough. This is a support channel. | 19:50 |
=== funkyHat is now known as ikanobunkyhat | ||
No_Mo_Ro | =( stypid channel | 19:51 |
No_Mo_Ro | ... | 19:51 |
geirha | tesla_: If you need a root shell, just run "sudo -i" instead of "su -" | 19:51 |
tiyowan_ | EgyCoder09: lsbpci | grep wireless | 19:51 |
encorn | • Pici • and on what channel you want to go? | 19:51 |
Tiger_woody | what does "k" mean by the way? | 19:52 |
Tiger_woody | I red that before | 19:52 |
Pici | encorn: I don't care where you go, but this channel is for Ubuntu support. | 19:52 |
EgyCoder09 | tiyowan_: command not found :( | 19:52 |
unkmar | k as in ok? | 19:52 |
dayo | what happens when i install and enable quotas, and set them to e.g. 1GB per user, and there are users who already have >1GB disk usage? | 19:52 |
Tiger_woody | ok! K is ok ! | 19:52 |
tiyowan_ | EgyCoder09: My bad. lspci | grep wireless | 19:52 |
jacekowski | dayo: he will be denied any more disk space | 19:52 |
cernenus | what tool do I use to convert JPEG image to JPG or GIF? | 19:52 |
dayo | jacekowski: ok, thanks | 19:52 |
tesla_ | i would rather set a root password in this case fully understanding that i would not do this on my regular machine | 19:53 |
encorn | • Pici • well, you probably should know Prompt please | 19:53 |
tesla_ | i just forgot the command and was looking for a helping hand | 19:53 |
unkmar | cernenus: a JPEG is a GP. | 19:53 |
unkmar | cernenus: a JPEG is a JPG | 19:53 |
EgyCoder09 | tiyowan_: didn't return any thing | 19:53 |
jacekowski | dayo: but there is some tool that creates quota entries for users | 19:53 |
jacekowski | dayo: i don't remember name | 19:53 |
Dr_Willis | !quota | 19:53 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about quota | 19:53 |
geirha | !root | tesla_, you'll find the instructions here, with the appropriate warning signs ;) | 19:53 |
ubottu | tesla_, you'll find the instructions here, with the appropriate warning signs ;): Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 19:53 |
ZykoticK9 | cernenus, for a cli program ImageMagick has the convert command which is Super handy. Good luck. | 19:53 |
jacekowski | dayo: otherwise users will start at 0 usage | 19:53 |
steveccc | zykotick9: gl worked better thanks but the video is alot slower than the audio - is there another i could try? | 19:53 |
=== Spec[x] is now known as Spec | ||
cernenus | ok thx..ill try it | 19:54 |
trapa | Is there a way that i can remove my serial port from power management config. Because it's been suggested by a few people, that when my linux server goes into blank screen/screensaver mode the serial port stops outputting because of power management | 19:54 |
tesla_ | !ROOT | 19:54 |
tesla_ | !root | 19:54 |
ZykoticK9 | steveccc, gl2 but get the whole list with "mplayer -vo help" | 19:54 |
=== encorn is now known as Russian_BoY2 | ||
tiyowan_ | EgyCoder09: Is there a wireless hardware switch on your machine? | 19:54 |
EgyCoder09 | yep i'm connected through it now | 19:54 |
EgyCoder09 | tiyowan_: yep i'm connected through it now | 19:55 |
tesla_ | umm... thanks for all the help guys.... | 19:55 |
the_dark_warrio | How do I get spell check for other languages in abiword? | 19:55 |
tiyowan_ | EgyCoder09: What type of adapter is it? usb? | 19:55 |
EgyCoder09 | no it's bulit in on my labtop | 19:55 |
Dj_Fouf | irc://irc.recycled-irc.net/sokaoa | 19:56 |
dayo | jacekowski: what do u mean users will start at 0 usage? | 19:56 |
EgyCoder09 | tiyowan_: no it's bulit in on my labtop | 19:56 |
tesla_ | sudo passwd | 19:56 |
tesla_ | thanks | 19:56 |
tiyowan_ | EgyCoder09: lspci, look though the values manually | 19:56 |
jacekowski | dayo: when you enable quota it does not calculate initial usage of users | 19:56 |
ZykoticK9 | steveccc, be sure to try xv & x11 for the audio speed issue | 19:56 |
jacekowski | dayo: you need to use separate tool for that | 19:56 |
tiyowan_ | EgyCoder09: Or try lspci | grep controller and look through that | 19:57 |
dayo | jacekowski: aah, i see. | 19:57 |
jacekowski | dayo: otherwise system will think that user don't use any space | 19:57 |
EgyCoder09 | tiyowan_: there are tow Ethernet Controllers one for ( via ) and other for ( Atheros ) | 19:57 |
Clopin | Heya guys. Anybody can tell me why my computer stops booting after the Grub loading stage? It just keeps blinking at the "_" part, and doesnt go to the login. Any suggestions? | 19:58 |
tiyowan_ | EgyCoder09: There you go. Your wireless is Atheros. | 19:58 |
animuson | how come my server is not receiving emails from other servers? | 19:58 |
EgyCoder09 | tiyowan_: sure :) | 19:58 |
EgyCoder09 | tiyowan_: ? | 19:58 |
jacekowski | animuson: wrong configuration | 19:58 |
Rasmus | Enter text here...Hi | 19:58 |
animuson | what config would i need to look at? | 19:59 |
takeitbythehand | i'm having a fantastic time running compositing effects on my intel 965gm.. just wanted to inform everyone. | 19:59 |
NetLarIrvine | I just set up proftp and am not sure how to set up a ftp client to connect to the server, how do you do that? | 19:59 |
jacekowski | animuson: mail exchangers for your domain would be first place | 19:59 |
timposey | ecolitan it says I need to be authorized to share folders | 19:59 |
jacekowski | animuson: and second your MTA config files | 19:59 |
ZykoticK9 | NetLarIrvine, gftp is a good GUI ftp app - then point it to localhost for an address and you "should" connect. Good luck. | 20:00 |
pzn | Hi! In nautilus, I can see the network folders as "bookmarks". inside firefox or some other apps, in "file" "open", there is no bookmarks, and I can not access network folders. any hint? | 20:00 |
mbeierl1 | takeitbythehand: I'm having a fantastic time having joined the domain at work and being able to play along with corporate username/password policies on Ubuntu Linux using Likewise, just to let everyone know :) (thanks for sharing - I really do like to hear it) | 20:00 |
jacekowski | mbeierl1: link | 20:00 |
NetLarIrvine | I am using Transmit | 20:00 |
xiong | evolution: error while expunging folder -- can't empty trash -- please help | 20:00 |
Rasmus | Hi, im using an fujitsu siemens amilo pro and i need software for my harddrive that can fix my problem. My problem is: When i tried to install windows xp it comed upp that it cant | 20:01 |
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Pici | Rasmus: We do not support Windows here. Please /join ##windows | 20:01 |
mbeierl1 | jacekowski: link to Likewise? http://www.likewise.com/ sudo apt-get install likewise-open5 | 20:02 |
Rasmus | Hi, im using an fujitsu siemens amilo pro and i need software for my harddrive that can fix my problem. My problem is: When i tried to install windows xp it comed upp that it cant find any harddrive, plzz help me | 20:02 |
Dr_Willis | Rasmus: if the BIOS cant see the hard drive its possibaly a Hardware issue... if its all partitioned for linxu partitons - then windows may be ignoreing the partitions. | 20:02 |
Dr_Willis | Rasmus: if so - repartiion the drive how you need it to be. | 20:02 |
Rasmus | hw can i do it | 20:03 |
xiong | is there a better chan to ask for evolution help? | 20:03 |
Rasmus | my friend | 20:03 |
ecolitan | timposey: are you sharing a folder from inside your home dir | 20:03 |
Pici | Rasmus: Are you running Ubuntu? | 20:03 |
Rasmus | yes | 20:04 |
timposey | ecolitan it is supposedly setup to share, but I still get the same message in networks/windows networoks | 20:04 |
Rasmus | but i waqnt to have windows xp | 20:04 |
kinja-sheep | What's the best way to find out if your external hard drive is wearing itself out? | 20:04 |
dewman | when it starts making noise then you know its time to be replaced. =) | 20:05 |
ecolitan | timposey: when you right click on the shared folder and look at the permissions, what are yhey? | 20:05 |
timposey | ecolitan yes the pictures folder | 20:05 |
sebsebseb | !details | Rasmus | 20:05 |
ubottu | Rasmus: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." | 20:05 |
edbian | kinja-sheep: They typically last 5 - 7 years. | 20:05 |
=== ikanobunkyhat is now known as funkyHat | ||
sebsebseb | Rasmus: ah ha you want to put Windows on for some reason. Why is that? Did the computer come with pre installed Ubuntu, I guess not | 20:06 |
kinja-sheep | edbian: I'd like a command though. I'm to run a test on it first then to encrypt that. | 20:06 |
Rasmus | when i starting the windows installation it reads all info but then it tells me that im havent any harddrive, im running ubuntu 9.04 | 20:06 |
Rasmus | it was ubuntu when i buyed it | 20:06 |
edbian | kinja-sheep: Yeah I know. I don't think there is one. | 20:06 |
stef1 | how do I setup dual boot winxp/ubuntu. I already have ubuntu and I want to install winXp. | 20:06 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: Why do you want to use Windows? | 20:06 |
=== pubuntu is now known as UbuntuR0ks | ||
sebsebseb | !dualboot | stef1 | 20:07 |
ubottu | stef1: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot | 20:07 |
edbian | Rasmus: Sorry to interrupt but where did you buy a linux pre-installed computer? | 20:07 |
kinja-sheep | edbian: There is. Meh. I'll find it myself. | 20:07 |
Rasmus | i always used windows and likes it | 20:07 |
timposey | ecolitan the share did not work I got the following message Samba's testparm returned error 1: Loaded smb config files from --parameter-name=usershare allow guests | 20:07 |
timposey | lp_load: refreshing parameters from --parameter-name=usershare allow guests | 20:07 |
timposey | params.c:OpenConfFile() - Unable to open configuration file "--parameter-name=usershare allow guests": | 20:07 |
timposey | No such file or directory | 20:07 |
timposey | Error loading services. | 20:07 |
edbian | kinja-sheep: Good luck! | 20:07 |
FloodBot1 | timposey: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 20:07 |
Rasmus | ohmm, on a scholl they sld them out | 20:07 |
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UbuntuR0ks | dell sells ubuntu preconfigured machines | 20:07 |
dewman | I think dell sells them now.. | 20:08 |
edbian | Rasmus: What was that last post? | 20:08 |
UbuntuR0ks | preconfigured/preinstalled | 20:08 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: most things people can do in Windows, can actsauly be done with Ubuntu. What would you like to use a computer for? | 20:08 |
dewman | beat me to it.. | 20:08 |
Tiger_woody | Hi all | 20:08 |
Rasmus | games and internet | 20:08 |
stef1 | sebsebseb: those links are for winxp first and then ubuntu | 20:08 |
nsahoo | why does installed latex automatically convert the tex file to pdf instead of dvi? | 20:08 |
ecolitan | timposey: in the sharing options is there a tick in enable guests? | 20:08 |
sebsebseb | stef1: and also the Grub re install link, when Windows goes over it | 20:08 |
Rasmus | games and internet | 20:08 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: Internet is great on Ubuntu :) | 20:09 |
Rasmus | picture aditing | 20:09 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: and picture editing | 20:09 |
Rasmus | yeah i know | 20:09 |
Rasmus | but games? | 20:09 |
om26er1 | plz can any one quickly tell me the name of the ajax website for messengers | 20:09 |
Pici | !ot | om26er1 | 20:09 |
ubottu | om26er1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 20:09 |
om26er1 | meebo | 20:09 |
om26er1 | i think | 20:09 |
Rasmus | games dont work ass well | 20:09 |
om26er1 | ok | 20:09 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: depends on the games you want to play, there are also good native Linux games out there | 20:09 |
Rasmus | no | 20:09 |
edbian | Rasmus: Just so you know, the only argument you really have there is "games". But I think we can help you install XP anyway. (Even though it makes me cringe). | 20:09 |
Rasmus | :) | 20:09 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: you can dual boot, XP and Ubuntu | 20:10 |
Rasmus | haha, thanks | 20:10 |
Rasmus | how | 20:10 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: then play your 3D Windows games or whatever on XP, and use Ubuntu for other stuff :) | 20:10 |
Rasmus | yes thats what i want | 20:10 |
edbian | Rasmus: Well the easiest way is to install windows first and then install ubuntu second. Ubuntu knows how to set up a dual boot. Windows does not. | 20:10 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: also with enough RAM, you can actsauly virtual machine Windows inside Ubuntu, good for a lot of stuff, not 3D gaming though | 20:10 |
xiong | evolution: error while expunging folder -- can't empty trash -- please help | 20:10 |
Rasmus | ok | 20:10 |
UbuntuR0ks | btw: I am using a variant referred to as portable ubuntu. It allows me to use ubuntu inside of windows so I don't even have to reboot to go from one OS to the other. | 20:11 |
zleap | wubi | 20:11 |
Rasmus | yes but how to delete operating systems | 20:11 |
b100 | I just upgraded to 9.04... I'm having a little sound trouble. In some games, the sound is laggy ... taking a second or two to play. I have a soundblaster card. Any tips on what I should look at to help it? | 20:11 |
sebsebseb | edbian: right, but he has Ubuntu already on there. Also he might not be the type of person that will install Ubuntu afterwoulds, once Windows is on there | 20:11 |
UbuntuR0ks | The downside of dual-boot is that you have to reboot to switch. | 20:11 |
Pici | Rasmus: Just format over it. | 20:11 |
sebsebseb | zleap: Wubi is bad | 20:11 |
edbian | zleap: WUBI is different. portable ubuntu is more like a virtual machine. | 20:11 |
Rasmus | how | 20:11 |
Rasmus | i can | 20:11 |
Rasmus | t | 20:11 |
b100 | I just installed the restricted-drivers-extra package, which enabled sound in flash (wasn't getting it), but unfortunately the lag problem remains | 20:11 |
Rasmus | can i do it in the bios setup | 20:12 |
Pici | Rasmus: The windows install can do it, but the folks in ##windows can help you with that. | 20:12 |
jhonnyboy | Hello everyone, i am getting "Error 11: Unrecognized device string" upon bootup. I am dual booting ubuntu and xp. What do you guys think is going on? | 20:12 |
lieuwe | hey guys, i have a problem booting the newest ubuntu from an usb-stick, i get the same problem i had when booting 8.9 normaly, i select my language, select the first boot option then ubuntu starts loading, after that a text only display opens with the text "buffer error blahblah on device sr0" which repeats each second | 20:12 |
Rasmus | yes but it didnt find the harddrive | 20:12 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: ok not that technical that's ok, some of us don't mind helping those that aren't that technical with Ubuntu and such :) me for example | 20:12 |
Rasmus | so i never came really long with the install | 20:12 |
timposey | ecolitan where do I find this "enable guests" | 20:12 |
nasrullah | hi | 20:13 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: hardware issues on theo ther hand hum. The Windows CD won't find the hard drive? | 20:13 |
Rasmus | no it doesent | 20:13 |
edbian | theo ther hand hum! | 20:13 |
edbian | sebsebseb: ?? ^ | 20:13 |
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Rasmus | it doesent find the harddrive | 20:13 |
sebsebseb | edbian: in that context as in like thinking | 20:13 |
cernenus | it's busy in here | 20:13 |
jhonnyboy | ya lol | 20:13 |
nasrullah | signatures error on my ubuntu ..pls help | 20:14 |
sebsebseb | edbian: in other contexts I will use hum when not impressed with something | 20:14 |
ecolitan | timposey: when you are looking at the shared folder, right lick it, then sharing options, then enable guests | 20:14 |
edbian | sebsebseb: I've never even heard that expression. | 20:14 |
Rasmus | sebsebseb: windows install dont find it | 20:14 |
ikonia | lieuwe: sr0 is normally a cdrom - so it's trying to boot from the cdrom device, which of course in your situation empty | 20:14 |
aiw | sorry, can somebody tell me how to connect to icq server with xchat? | 20:14 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: if the Windows CD can't find the hard disk, I guess the Ubuntu CD might have issues as well | 20:14 |
ikonia | aiw: your connected to one | 20:14 |
Rasmus | issues?? | 20:14 |
Rasmus | im swedish you know | 20:15 |
aiw | icq not irc | 20:15 |
edbian | Rasmus: Probably because your entire harddrive is formatted ext3 (for ubuntu) and windows does not read ext3. You need to repartition and make some "unallocated" space available for the XP install. (around 2 GB is required for the OS + your personal files) | 20:15 |
b100 | Ah, it's some kind of pulse audio problem, reading about it | 20:15 |
Rasmus | ok | 20:15 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: interesting, since I am half Swedish | 20:15 |
Pici | aiw: Unless icq has an irc server, you cannot connect to them. | 20:15 |
Rasmus | but i have 65 gb over | 20:15 |
lieuwe | ikonia:that's weird, i used the built in usb startup disk maker thingey so that should work, but i had this error before and with some startup flags it worked... | 20:15 |
ikonia | aiw: xchat is irc only | 20:15 |
Rasmus | ok | 20:15 |
ikonia | aiw: pidgin can connect to irc | 20:15 |
edbian | Rasmus: 65 GB over what? | 20:15 |
Rasmus | can i talk swedish? | 20:15 |
aiw | thank you ikonia | 20:15 |
ikonia | aiw: pidgin to icq sorry | 20:15 |
aiw | oh...thx | 20:15 |
Pici | !sv | Rasmus | 20:15 |
ubottu | Rasmus: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du på #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se | 20:15 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: you shoudn't here, but ther is a Swedish channel | 20:15 |
Rasmus | i have 65 gb left on the drive | 20:15 |
edbian | Rasmus: If you do I won't understand you | 20:15 |
Rasmus | ok | 20:16 |
edbian | Rasmus: What is that partition formatted as? | 20:16 |
nasrullah | how to correct update? | 20:16 |
aiw | thx and bye | 20:16 |
Rasmus | what partione | 20:16 |
timposey | ecolitan when I try to click in "share this folder" it will not allow that command, I will try to paste the error message | 20:16 |
edbian | Rasmus: The 65GB ? | 20:16 |
sebsebseb | edbian: maybe we should go to ##hardware with him, because his issue may also be a hardware issue, since the Windows CD can't detect the drive by the sounds of it | 20:16 |
Rasmus | its an harddrive wait il check | 20:16 |
edbian | timposey: 255: blah blah blha? | 20:16 |
edbian | sebsebseb: sure | 20:16 |
lieuwe | ikonia:btw, when i made the startup disk the device wasn't formated, would that make a difference? | 20:16 |
Rasmus | ext3... | 20:17 |
sebsebseb | edbian: plus then we can talk about Windows and Ubuntu no problem, without going off topic or whatever | 20:17 |
ecolitan | timposey: does it say you cant change the permissions? | 20:17 |
edbian | sebsebseb: I'm already in there | 20:17 |
Rasmus | sebsebseb:ext3 | 20:17 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: join this channel ##hardware /join ##hardware | 20:17 |
Kanappa | I have fullblown encryption for Debian and Ubuntu with the new one: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php/GAdmin-PRoFTPD (Greetings Sweden!;) | 20:17 |
Rasmus | how | 20:17 |
ikonia | lieuwe: depends how you made it | 20:17 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: type in /join ##hardware and hit enter | 20:18 |
Pici | Kanappa: Was that a question? | 20:18 |
spideyman | <sebsebseb> its not a hardware issue its ext3 windows cant read it! | 20:18 |
Rasmus | how7join ##hardware | 20:18 |
edbian | spideyman: I'm all over it :) That's what I suspect as well. | 20:18 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: I thought you said the Windows CD won't detect the hard drive? | 20:18 |
Rasmus | no it doesent | 20:18 |
lieuwe | ikonia:like i told you, through system->administration->make usb startup disk | 20:18 |
Rasmus | but ubuntu does | 20:18 |
Kanappa | Pici: its a glimpse of things to come unless you compile. | 20:18 |
bnmrrs | I need to create a home directory for www-data. Is it enough to mkdir /home/translucent or is there something special I need to do? | 20:18 |
sebsebseb | spideyman: well surely it is, if the WIndows CD won't detect the hard drive? or the CD is just bad? | 20:18 |
Pici | Rasmus: are you running Ubuntu on that drive right now? | 20:18 |
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Rasmus | yes | 20:18 |
ikonia | iksik: I believe that would put a file system on it for you | 20:19 |
ikonia | oops | 20:19 |
Pici | Kanappa: Please don't advertise in this channel. | 20:19 |
ikonia | lieuwe: I believe that would put a file system on it for you | 20:19 |
Pici | Rasmus: Do you want to completely get rid of Ubuntu or do you want to Dual Boot with Windows? | 20:19 |
spideyman | <sebsebseb> windows cant read ext3 partitions!!!!!!!!!!!1 | 20:19 |
edbian | Rasmus: sebsebseb If the entire drive is formatted ext3 or something else windows doesn't read it will report: "No harddrives found" or some such BS. You have to have unallocated space or NTFS partitions on your drive already to install windows. | 20:19 |
Ranuc | 059 | 20:19 |
bnmrrs | er mkdir /home/www-data | 20:19 |
NetLarIrvine | Do I need to set up a DNS server first before people can ftp information to me?? | 20:19 |
sebsebseb | spideyman and edbian yeah I know this stuff | 20:19 |
ikonia | NetLarIrvine: they can use an IP address fine | 20:20 |
Rasmus | ok how can i do it | 20:20 |
spideyman | <edbian> thank god somebody is awake in here! | 20:20 |
Kanappa | *yawn* | 20:20 |
timposey | ecolitan it says samba's testparm returned error 1: Loaded smb config files from --paraaameter -name=useershare allow guests lp_load: refreshing parameters from --parameterr-name=usershare allow guests params.c:openConffile() - Unable to open configuration file "--PARAMETER-NAME=USERSHARE ALLOW GUESTS": no such file or director error loading services | 20:20 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: you can boot up the Windows CD on the computer? then you get to the partitining stage and don't know what to do? | 20:20 |
lieuwe | ikonia:i found the fix i used last time, f6 and add "irqpoll all_generic_ide=1" to the end, can you set that as default? | 20:20 |
Rasmus | Pici: i want to have dual | 20:20 |
xiong | evolution: error while expunging folder -- can't empty trash -- please help | 20:20 |
edbian | spideyman: sebsebseb is not an idiot. Rasmus told him "windows xp can't find my harddrive" | 20:20 |
Pici | Rasmus: Please take a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo | 20:20 |
edbian | Rasmus: First open gparted. Do you know what that is? Are you running ubuntu right now?? | 20:20 |
Kanappa | chainloader +1 | 20:20 |
ikonia | lieuwe: try it, I don't see how it would work if I'm right about why it's erroring, that doesn't mean I'm right | 20:20 |
spideyman | lol | 20:20 |
Rasmus | im runing ubuntu | 20:20 |
NetLarIrvine | ikonia: I just do not know how to set up a client to access my proftpd server? | 20:21 |
Rasmus | i dont know what it is | 20:21 |
ikonia | NetLarIrvine: open the ip address of your server in the client | 20:21 |
Rasmus | gparted?? | 20:21 |
UbuntuR0ks | I recommend installing windows first and then using ubuntu livecd to install ubuntu afterwards | 20:21 |
edbian | Rasmus: You have to install it first. Do you know how to install software? | 20:21 |
sebsebseb | edbian: yep that's the way to do it resize with gparted and then get him to install Windows | 20:21 |
Rasmus | aha opk wait | 20:21 |
NetLarIrvine | How do I find out the ip address ikonia | 20:21 |
edbian | sebsebseb: and then fix grub | 20:21 |
Pici | edbian: He cannot resize his drive while he is running Ubuntu on it, that has to be done from the liveCD. | 20:21 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: have you got an Ubuntu Live CD? | 20:21 |
Rasmus | dont know | 20:22 |
edbian | Pici: Good call :) | 20:22 |
UbuntuR0ks | ifconfig | 20:22 |
lieuwe | ikonia:that fix should work, i'm asking how to set those bootup flags as default, as in when booting automaticly botting using those boot flags? | 20:22 |
edbian | Rasmus: Do you have an ubuntu Live CD? | 20:22 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: ok can you download the CD and burn it? | 20:22 |
Rasmus | i just have an cd that install everything | 20:22 |
Rasmus | yes how big is it | 20:22 |
ikonia | lieuwe: put them in your /boot/grub/menu.lst | 20:22 |
edbian | Rasmus: An alternative installer CD? or a live CD ? | 20:22 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: the CD that just installs everything? | 20:22 |
Kanappa | NetLarIrvine: They dont like anyone to tell anyone about new OSS software ? (I have no clue). | 20:22 |
Rasmus | yeah | 20:22 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: please be more specific, what is on that CD? | 20:22 |
Pici | !who | Rasmus | 20:22 |
ubottu | Rasmus: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 20:22 |
revygttam | rasmus, from terminal type 'sudo apt-get install gparted' to install gparted | 20:22 |
Rasmus | sebsebseb: i just have a cd that install everything without alternatives | 20:23 |
edbian | Rasmus: It's not a yes or no question. If you put that CD in the drive and start your computer does it boot from the CD? | 20:23 |
sebsebseb | revygttam: well he needs to be on the Live CD to resize Ubuntu | 20:23 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: the CD is an Ubuntu CD? or the Windows CD? if your not sure, this is easy enough for us to find out | 20:23 |
revygttam | sebsebseb: oh yeah | 20:23 |
lieuwe | ikonia:thanks | 20:24 |
=== root is now known as Guest91187 | ||
Rasmus | edbian: ican choose' | 20:24 |
Guest91187 | how i install vmware in ubuntu? | 20:24 |
ikonia | !vmware > Guest91187 | 20:24 |
ubottu | Guest91187, please see my private message | 20:24 |
Rasmus | ubuntu cd | 20:24 |
Rasmus | sebsebseb: ubuntu cd | 20:24 |
edbian | Rasmus: There are 2 types of ubuntu installer CD's. The first is called a live CD you can literally run a full ubuntu operating system (desktop) from this CD. It allows you to install the OS to the HDD as well. The second is called an "alternative installer cd" It allows you to install ubuntu but not run the OS from the CD. | 20:24 |
sebsebseb | Guest91187: Virtualbox is usaully better | 20:24 |
ikonia | Rasmus: what are you trying to do ? | 20:24 |
Rasmus | its not a live cd its an install cs | 20:24 |
sebsebseb | ikonia: he will try and dual boot | 20:25 |
Rasmus | im trying to get windows | 20:25 |
edbian | ikonia: He has a dell with ubuntu pre-installed and he's trying to add windows. | 20:25 |
edbian | (XP) | 20:25 |
Rasmus | edbian: iw got an alternative installer csd | 20:25 |
edbian | Rasmus: In order to repartition and make room for an XP install you need to get a live CD and resize things using an app called gparted (comes by default on an ubuntu live CD) | 20:25 |
Rasmus | ok but i installed gparted | 20:26 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: let's just be sure what CD you have first | 20:26 |
Rasmus | edbian: iw installed gparted | 20:26 |
edbian | Rasmus: There are other LIVE cd's available that have much less software than an ubuntu live cd but will do the job just as well and are smaller so you can download them quicker. Google | 20:26 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: your on Ubuntu now ok, so put in the CD | 20:26 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: then it should show the CD on the desktop, what is it's name? | 20:26 |
Rasmus | wait | 20:27 |
edbian | Rasmus: I am sorry that I didn't stop you eariler. You cannot use gparted on your current install because you are mounted on the partitions you are trying to edit. You cannot alter partitions that you have mounted and it is impossible to unmount "/" for example. | 20:27 |
xiong | sorry to grovel excessively but please tell me, if this question doesn't belong here, where? i need help on evolution, the mail client -- i'm not a rabid creationist | 20:27 |
Kanappa | ikonia: Hmm, is the CCC angry at you ? /ohoh | 20:27 |
edbian | Rasmus: Does this all make sense so far? | 20:27 |
sebsebseb | edbian: to resize an Ubuntu partition you need to use the Live CD | 20:27 |
jota- | anyone has any info on getting lm-sensors to work with snmpd on jaunty? | 20:27 |
sebsebseb | edbian: whoops sent to you not him | 20:27 |
edbian | sebsebseb: :) it's ok | 20:27 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: to resize an Ubuntu partition you need to use the Live CD | 20:27 |
Rasmus | edbian: do you even know that im wANT TO INSTALL WINDOWS?? | 20:28 |
bsmith_ | Can some one assist me in setting up dyndns.org | 20:28 |
edbian | Rasmus: Yes. I know this seems round-about but I am aware of that. | 20:28 |
Rasmus | sebsebseb: now i understand | 20:28 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: ok now tell me the name of the CD you have :) | 20:28 |
Rasmus | edbian: now im understand i have tio leave space to windows?? | 20:28 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: yes, but you need to make it first using the LIve CD | 20:29 |
edbian | Rasmus: correct! | 20:29 |
sebsebseb | edbian: why did you pm that? | 20:29 |
sebsebseb | edbian: could have just said here | 20:29 |
Rasmus | edbian: now i have the cd but its burned | 20:29 |
sebsebseb | edbian: the alternate CD hummm, rather easy on the desktop | 20:29 |
edbian | Rasmus: Which Cd do you have? | 20:29 |
Slade | any news with the yahoo messenger problem for pidgin, etc? | 20:30 |
Rasmus | its an re-install cd | 20:30 |
Guest91187 | me | 20:30 |
edbian | Rasmus: For XP or ubuntu? | 20:30 |
Rasmus | edbian: ubuntu | 20:30 |
pzn | Rasmus: install DOORS, it is better than WINDOWS :-) | 20:30 |
edbian | Rasmus: Live CD or alternate? | 20:30 |
sebsebseb | pzn: not helpful, he wants to Windows game | 20:30 |
derspankster | Slade: see http://www.pidgin.im/download/ubuntu/ | 20:30 |
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Rasmus | edbian: it dont stand but i know its no live cd!! | 20:31 |
Kanappa | Rasmus: Boot it and repartition the drive to make room for the new system (Should work equally well with a standard Ubuntu CD) | 20:31 |
geirha | bsmith_: Just install the ddclient package and fill in the appropriate information it asks for. sudo aptitude install ddclient | 20:31 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: ok try this | 20:31 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: try and boot the computer from that CD, hopefuly you have the live session option :) | 20:31 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: then you can come back on IRC once that's booted | 20:31 |
edbian | Rasmus: We need a live cd to repartition. You can use either the ubuntu one (download able from their website) or some other variation that is usually smaller but more complicated to understand. | 20:31 |
systm | how to i make it so dhclient/3 doesnt try to use the last leased ip ? | 20:32 |
edbian | Rasmus: Yes, try the CD you have now and see if it lets your boot ubuntu | 20:32 |
Rasmus | edbian: ok, but i will need gparted when im using the livecd | 20:32 |
edbian | Rasmus: The live CD has gparted installed by default | 20:32 |
spideyman | <edbian> theres a gparted live cd that is only 52 megs if that doesnt work for him | 20:33 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: yes you use gparted, the partition editor, but best to come back to IRC once on the CD, so we can hep you through the whole procedure | 20:33 |
edbian | spideyman: Do you have a link for him? I was aware of alternatives but I didn't have on close at hand / on mind to suggest to him. | 20:33 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: of the dual boot | 20:33 |
Rasmus | edbian: it will just re-intall ubuntu no more no menúes or anything | 20:33 |
pw-toxic | can someone tell me how i can make settings like ip adress, ip forwarding an iptables persistent for rebooting? | 20:33 |
pw-toxic | and dhcp and dns | 20:33 |
spideyman | http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=115843&package_id=173828 | 20:33 |
edbian | Rasmus: Than that is an alternate install CD only. Not a live CD. Obviously you don't want to re-install the OS right? | 20:33 |
jim____ | pw-toxic: /etc/network/interfaces; /etc/resolv.conf; iptables-save; man ufw | 20:34 |
edbian | Rasmus: Follow the link that spideyman gave ^ ^ ^ | 20:34 |
animuson | i keep getting this error: "Jun 25 23:33:08 server postfix/master[28193]: fatal: bind port 25: Address already in use" | 20:34 |
Rasmus | edbian: no i dont want to | 20:34 |
mkirk_ | can anyone recommend a gigabit network card that works well with 9.04? I'm having trouble with my sky2 Marvell Yukon pci-E | 20:34 |
Rasmus | edbian: ok | 20:34 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: you want both on there? Ubuntu and Windows? | 20:34 |
xcerca | i have two 250 GB HDD's , my BIOS shows that their capacity is 250GB , but in ubuntu when i open gparted to reformat one of them it says the capacity is 232.88GiB , for the entire device, anyone know why this could be. i used to have them as RAID but don't anymore, anyway i can fix that ? | 20:34 |
Kanappa | jim____: Hmm, isnt there a gui for it ? | 20:34 |
pw-toxic | jim thanks | 20:35 |
geirha | !iptables | pw-toxic | 20:35 |
ubottu | pw-toxic: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist | 20:35 |
Slade | downloading new version of pidgin | 20:36 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: can you download the CD and burn it? | 20:36 |
animuson | i keep getting this error: "Jun 25 23:33:08 server postfix/master[28193]: fatal: bind port 25: Address already in use" | 20:36 |
derspankster | Slade: that should do it | 20:36 |
Kanappa | pw-toxic: It doesnt address the question: "Do we have a gui to set network information" ? ... The answer is ofcourse, yes. But the name alludes me | 20:38 |
Hodapp | wicd ftw | 20:38 |
geirha | animuson: Something else is using port 25. "sudo netstat -nlp | grep '25\>'" | 20:38 |
animuson | tcp? what the heck is that? | 20:39 |
Rasmus | Enter text here... lagged | 20:39 |
Rasmus | it lagged | 20:39 |
Rasmus | but im back | 20:39 |
Rasmus | edbian: hi im back | 20:39 |
geirha | animuson: There should be "number/name" at the end of that line. What does it say? | 20:39 |
lstarnes | animuson: tcp is the transmission control protocol. It is used for most connections | 20:39 |
Kanappa | Hmm, this reminds me. We need to remove those pesky and slow python guis in favour of new and improved C/C++ guis based on GTK+ | 20:40 |
animuson | 5633/sendmail | 20:40 |
tomaw | Irssi::print("$0"); | 20:40 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: your back cool | 20:40 |
Kanappa | tsk | 20:40 |
edbian | Rasmus: RUnning on a live CD I hope? | 20:40 |
bkraptor | how can I find out which fonts are monospace, sans etc? | 20:40 |
Rasmus | oops no | 20:40 |
Rasmus | edbian: ooåps no | 20:40 |
edbian | Rasmus: Why did you leave? lol | 20:40 |
Rasmus | edbian: it lagged/crashed | 20:40 |
geirha | animuson: Then sendmail is listening on port 25 ... You'll have to stop it or uninstall it if you want to use postfix | 20:40 |
becomingGuru | My system always also installs proposed updates; I dont know how that helps; How do I change it back to install only proper updates and not proposed updates | 20:40 |
edbian | Rasmus: ubuntu did? | 20:41 |
Rasmus | edbian: no my pc | 20:41 |
Pici | becomingGuru: System>Administration>Software sources and remove the checkbox from proposed updates | 20:41 |
Kanappa | Rasmus for Op! | 20:41 |
edbian | Rasmus: Well whatever. Go grab yourself a live CD. | 20:41 |
pw-toxic | Kanappa, im not looking for a gui ;K) | 20:41 |
Rasmus | edbian: where can i download the live cd?? | 20:41 |
xiong | please help evolution trash! | 20:41 |
edbian | Rasmus: ubuntu website :) | 20:41 |
varunthacker | I am using ubuntu 9.04 and my shutdown time is almost equal to bootup time.Is this alright? | 20:41 |
edbian | Rasmus: I'd guide you but my firefox is being silly right now :) | 20:42 |
Kanappa | pw-toxic: But the orig q was. Long time passed, but add it to ubottu as well. | 20:42 |
becomingGuru | Pici, Thanks; I dont know when I changed it... U think of any advantages either way? | 20:42 |
Rasmus | edbian: ok i will try then i be back see ya | 20:42 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: you can stay here | 20:42 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: when downloading the CD | 20:42 |
edbian | Rasmus: Why are you leaving again? | 20:42 |
Pici | becomingGuru: proposed updates are not tested. But some people like to live on the edge and help test/submit bugs | 20:42 |
Rasmus | edbian: how can i not leave wen im gonna bot the cd | 20:43 |
edbian | Rasmus: You do need to leave to restart but you can get back on IRC once you are running the LIVE cd. Also you need to download the live cd it's 700MB so that might take a min | 20:43 |
=== pppp is now known as b_p | ||
Rasmus | ok' | 20:43 |
Rasmus | edbian: im just having 700 mb cd,s | 20:44 |
edbian | Rasmus: That doesn't make sense? | 20:44 |
becomingGuru | In the Third Party software sources, I dont have any checkboxes checked; I'd need updates for those software also, right | 20:44 |
Rasmus | edbian: ? | 20:44 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: you have a CD to burn the ISO on to? | 20:44 |
Rasmus | sebsebseb: just 700 mb cds | 20:45 |
edbian | Rasmus: It's actually I little bit under. It will fit :) | 20:45 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: yes that's fine, that's what you need | 20:45 |
Rasmus | edbian: good | 20:45 |
TheMG1 | ubuntu doesnt recognise my monitors ideal resolution, what should i try? | 20:46 |
Rasmus | edbian: im brb gonna get cd | 20:46 |
edbian | Rasmus: alright | 20:46 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: when you have the CD, there's a little something you should do before burning it really | 20:46 |
supravat | hey can any one tell me how to create a demon in Linux ?? | 20:46 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: a check to make sure it downloaded properly | 20:46 |
Rasmus | sebsebseb: ok | 20:47 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: when you have the ISO md5sum it :) | 20:47 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: save the ISO in home, it makes things easier later :) | 20:48 |
Kanappa | supravat: codingly or by using some server's services ? | 20:48 |
Rasmus | sebsebseb: where to download and whats the name on it? | 20:48 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: Ubuntu 9.04 desktop that will do it | 20:48 |
supravat | Kanappa: yes | 20:48 |
Kanappa | supravat: i see. Then i wont answer | 20:48 |
TheMG1 | ubuntu doesnt recognise my monitors ideal resolution, what should i try? | 20:48 |
Rasmus | sebsebseb: whats the name for the live cd | 20:48 |
deany | make sure its the right one (32/64) | 20:48 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: just go to ubuntu.com and download it | 20:49 |
supravat | Kanappa: can you give any suggestion ?? | 20:49 |
Kanappa | no | 20:49 |
edbian | Rasmus: It's the one that isn't the alternate install Cd | 20:49 |
supravat | ok | 20:49 |
Kanappa | ok | 20:49 |
stef1 | gaste gulle kunt er nix vn !!! ga ergens anders zage (y)(n) | 20:49 |
animuson | my server like froze or something, it wont let me stop/start anything | 20:50 |
Kanappa | animuson: Take it out of the fridge then :P | 20:50 |
Rasmus | edbian: i dont know where on the website cant find it | 20:50 |
spideyman | !restricted drivers | 20:51 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 20:51 |
edbian | Rasmus: Ask sebsebseb I am temporarily browser-less | 20:51 |
Ro9u3oR | can someone helpe me with installing a few apps using wine | 20:51 |
TheMG1 | ubuntu doesnt recognise my monitors ideal resolution, what should i try? | 20:51 |
Rasmus | sebsebseb: where on the website can i download it | 20:51 |
Rasmus | sebsebsebs | 20:51 |
Rasmus | sebsebseb: can you send an specific link | 20:52 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: go to ubuntu.com | 20:52 |
Rasmus | sebsebseb: im there | 20:52 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: it should be resaonably obvious as to what you do, but yeah get ubuntu | 20:52 |
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jmp_jz | im moving back to opensuse | 20:53 |
Rasmus | do i only need to download ubuntu and install it on a cd | 20:53 |
edbian | sebsebseb: Rasmus I'll BRB | 20:53 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: yes download Ubuntu | 20:53 |
geirha | Rasmus: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download Choose Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop | 20:53 |
TheMG1 | ubuntu doesnt recognise my monitors ideal resolution, what should i try? | 20:53 |
spideyman | <Rasmus>https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCD | 20:53 |
Kanappa | Grants: Blended Scotch Whiskey! :) | 20:53 |
supravat | TheMG1:try manual selection | 20:54 |
spideyman | <Kanappa> now your talking | 20:54 |
thomas_ | hello, i have a problem: i want to copy a folder to c:/usr/share | 20:54 |
xiong | please help evolution trash! | 20:54 |
thomas_ | but it says permission denied | 20:54 |
TheMG1 | supravat: im a linux n00b, how would i do that? | 20:54 |
sebsebseb | thomas_: there is no c:/ in Linux | 20:54 |
Rasmus | sebsebseb: now im just gonna wait 21 min | 20:54 |
thomas_ | okay i mean computer | 20:54 |
thomas_ | sorry | 20:54 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: yep | 20:54 |
thomas_ | so, how can i copy something there | 20:55 |
Kanappa | spideyman: Yes, its vacation time. Now i just need to put the computer on mi belly and code away :) | 20:55 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: then when you have the ISO before burning you will do the code comparision test, to make sure it's a good download | 20:55 |
geirha | Rasmus: If you're only downloading it because you want to use gparted, you can download the gparted live CD instead, it's much smaller | 20:55 |
spideyman | <Kanappa> lol | 20:55 |
sebsebseb | geirha: well he is downloading that one now, and he does not have a proper Live CD anyway | 20:55 |
supravat | TheMG1: Go Sysstem>Preferences>Display | 20:55 |
thomas_ | do i need sudo to copy to that path? | 20:55 |
sebsebseb | geirha: by the sounds of it | 20:55 |
Rasmus | geirha: ok how to download that | 20:56 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: you don't need that | 20:56 |
Rasmus | sebsebseb: ok | 20:56 |
sattam | hi , is SELinux work properly in ubuntu ? | 20:56 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: your better off doing a proper Live CD | 20:56 |
ebil | How do I restore a config file from a package? | 20:56 |
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geirha | sebsebseb: Ah, true. He might need the Ubuntu live CD for other things later. | 20:56 |
TheMG1 | supravat: yeah, but thats where it doesnt give me the option | 20:56 |
Rasmus | sebsebseb: ok thanx for helping me with this | 20:56 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: injet problem ( no problem) | 20:56 |
supravat | which version u r using ?? | 20:56 |
TheMG1 | supravat: the monitor works best at 1680x1050, but it only offers 1280x720 | 20:56 |
edbian | sebsebseb: Rasmus: I'm back | 20:57 |
Kanappa | spideyman: I think this could be what most starfleet commanders;) would like about now /hehe | 20:57 |
Rasmus | edbian: ok good | 20:57 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: right the md5sum check thing | 20:57 |
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TheMG1 | supravat: ubuntu 9.04 x86 gnome | 20:57 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: is the ISO downloading into home? | 20:57 |
Rasmus | sebsebseb: whats that | 20:57 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: a check that makes sure it's a good download of the ISO, sometimes they go wrong | 20:57 |
Rasmus | sebsebseb: it will be on the desktop | 20:57 |
edbian | Rasmus: I'm flattered but don't be so rude! | 20:57 |
spideyman | <Kanappa>whats your local? | 20:58 |
TheMG1 | supravat: if it's important, im also operating a second monitor at 1024x768 (the correct res) | 20:58 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: ok to make things easier for yourself once you have the ISO, cut/move it into home, because by default the terminal is in home | 20:58 |
Rasmus | sebsebseb: ok | 20:58 |
supravat | Well in that case i can't help ,,,, generally it recgnizes automatically | 20:58 |
Rasmus | sebsebseb: am i pm no | 20:59 |
supravat | leavbing | 20:59 |
TheMG1 | supravat: isn't there a way to force it? | 20:59 |
Kanappa | spideyman: These Ubuntu ops are making up a pretty good channel, i must say. They where a bit nittygritty and i presume some still are, but all in all ill give them a 7-of-ten (sv.po) | 20:59 |
TheMG1 | is there a way to force my monitor resolution? | 20:59 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: then you check the ISO md5sum nameofgoeshere.iso the name of the download yes, and it gives a code which you compare to the page i'll give soon | 20:59 |
Rasmus | ok | 20:59 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: well a few of us are helping you, so may as well keep it here, but any non Ubuntu suppourt stuff, can go in pm yeah | 20:59 |
Rasmus | sebsebseb: ok | 20:59 |
sasalli | hello. i have ati X1800xt. is it necessary install driver? if yes, please how? Thanks! | 21:00 |
spideyman | <Kanappa> I used to be in here alot 3 or 4 years ago when i was a noob good place for advice | 21:00 |
Kanappa | spideyman: But usually a variant of Locale+utf8 | 21:00 |
sasalli | with Ubuntu 9.04 | 21:00 |
Rasmus | sebsebseb: you are humans rigt :P | 21:00 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: edbian will help you later, when it comes to re instaling Grub | 21:00 |
ctmjr | !ati|sasalli | 21:00 |
ubottu | sasalli: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 21:00 |
edbian | Rasmus: Last time I checked | 21:00 |
Rasmus | edbian: ok, haha | 21:01 |
geirha | Rasmus: We are gods, why would you think we are humans? | 21:01 |
Kanappa | spideyman: But they forgot the goodness of laughter and the general community feeling back in 2001. They are begging to see it now. | 21:01 |
Rasmus | geihra: :P | 21:01 |
Kanappa | beginning. | 21:01 |
sasalli | hmm, ok. thanks so much | 21:01 |
animuson | what does this mean? "E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)" | 21:01 |
spideyman | <Kanappa> this chan has grown immensely | 21:01 |
Rasmus | sebsebseb: 41 % | 21:02 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: you understood what I was saying for ISO? | 21:02 |
Kanappa | spideyman: Yes, its popular. It usually is when people listen to the folks | 21:02 |
Rasmus | sebsebseb: i dont know dont remember | 21:03 |
Rasmus | sebsebseb: that i will move it tio home | 21:03 |
waieez | Hello, I just installed Ubuntu. | 21:03 |
waieez | I'm trying to get my video card driver installed. | 21:03 |
waieez | I have a Nvidia Geforce 8800 GTS. | 21:03 |
waieez | Could anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks | 21:03 |
FloodBot1 | waieez: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 21:03 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: 1. move it to home. 2 open the termianl | 21:03 |
mbeierl1 | jacekowski: back now... were you interested in the concept of Linux computers towing the corporate line and joining Windows Domains? | 21:03 |
Rasmus | sebsebseb: ok | 21:03 |
ctmjr | !nvidia|waieez: | 21:04 |
ubottu | waieez:: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 21:04 |
Myrtti | Kanappa: this channel is mainly for Ubuntu support issues, if you don't mind, you could move this discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic | 21:04 |
Rasmus | sebsebseb: 10 minutes till its done | 21:04 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: 3. md5sum namegoeshere.iso then compare the code that you get with this http://releases.ubuntu.com/jaunty/MD5SUMS | 21:04 |
animuson | what does this mean? "E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)" | 21:04 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: the code should be the same for one of those, the one you downloaded | 21:04 |
waieez | Thanks btw | 21:05 |
Rasmus | sebsebseb: ok, but if i forget will you be in the chat? | 21:05 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: yep | 21:05 |
sasalli | Instructions for Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty) Enable accelerated the accelerated ATI graphics driver in the 'Hardware Drivers' (System->Hardware drivers), then do: | 21:05 |
Rasmus | sebsebseb: good | 21:05 |
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mbeierl1 | animuson: it means that the package has had an error during installation and that it cannot continue | 21:05 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: ,but you should be able to sroll up to what I said as well | 21:05 |
sasalli | nothing in my list? | 21:05 |
szilvasyz | hi all | 21:05 |
mbeierl1 | animuson: what are you trying to install? | 21:05 |
ctmjr | waieez: if that does not help nvidia has a nice how to on there sight | 21:05 |
ldimick | ZykoticK9 thanks for your rpely a while ago. Had to run off to a meeting before I could acknowledge you :) | 21:05 |
Rasmus | sebsebseb: yeah, true | 21:05 |
Kanappa | spideyman: Things will go back to the way they where. If they go back half-way-only ill be happy. (See the comment above, by Myrtti). Theres no channel for general coders to 'Be human' and chat about everything. We used to utilize #linux but now they seem mad about the weather ;) | 21:06 |
sebsebseb | Rasmus: did you get my PM? I didn't get a reply | 21:06 |
ebil | how do I restore default config files for packages? | 21:06 |
eMaX | hi all | 21:06 |
Rasmus | sebsebseb: i think so | 21:06 |
eMaX | anyone here uses skype under ubuntu 9.04 64bit? | 21:06 |
ikonia | Kanappa: please try to keep this channel to support discussion | 21:06 |
Kanappa | ikonia: k | 21:07 |
ActionParsnip | ebil: sudo dpkg-reconfigure <package name> maybe | 21:07 |
szilvasyz | i would need some help on using my toshiba laptop with ubuntu 9.04 | 21:07 |
ActionParsnip | ebil: or: sudo dpkg -P <package name> | 21:07 |
fretegi | hello guys | 21:07 |
eMaX | I cannot get the microphone to work | 21:07 |
ActionParsnip | szilvasyz: can you be specific | 21:07 |
eMaX | I can hear in the headphone what I talk, but others on skype cannot hear me | 21:07 |
ebil | ActionParsnip, -P is purge right? I just want to reload the config files for the package and reinstall them. there really should be a way of doing that... | 21:08 |
stew | ebil: aptitude -o DPkg::Options::="--force-confnew" reinstall packagename | 21:08 |
bertan34 | selam arkada015flar | 21:08 |
szilvasyz | ActionParsnip: yes, it is a toshiba satellite pro l300-164 machine and I have troubles with sleep (suspend to ram) | 21:08 |
sasalli | selam | 21:08 |
ebil | stew, 1 sec, lemme try that | 21:08 |
fretegi | anyone here know much about wireless card drivers in ubuntu pertaining to lappy's? | 21:08 |
Rasmus | sebsebseb: i dont know if i itgot | 21:08 |
bertan34 | arkda015flar yard0131ma ihtiyac0131m war yard0131mc0131 olurmuusnuz | 21:08 |
pw-toxic_ | hi - i want to set up a ssh daemone but "sshd" does not work and apt-get install sshd doesnt work either | 21:09 |
gumpy | how fast is the latest ubuntu on boot? | 21:09 |
ActionParsnip | ebil: yeah -p is purge, if you want defaults that will do it. If you want you can remove --purge the app, then reinstall | 21:09 |
Myrtti | !tr | bertan34, sasalli | 21:09 |
ubottu | bertan34, sasalli: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. | 21:09 |
Flannel | pw-toxic_: openssh-server is the package you're looking for | 21:09 |
zimbres | hi, when compiling and linking a program against a libtool library .la with libtool --mode=link g++ ... I get the message "libswat.so: undefined reference to..." could someone guess where is the problem? Would that be a problem in the Makefile.am I used to build the library? | 21:09 |
ActionParsnip | szilvasyz: its a real pain to get perfect is suspend to ram | 21:09 |
n0gear | how do i grep authlog for example for ssh entries? | 21:09 |
szilvasyz | ActionParsnip: i had spent last two days with trying everything i found on the net | 21:09 |
matreya6 | can anyone help me with installing GRUB in a RAID1, 2 volume configuration? Alternate 64Bits offers only to install grub on the MBR of the second RAID volume, while I want to install it on the MBR of the first volume. | 21:09 |
ikonia | zimbres: the person who made the code can support that better | 21:09 |
ebil | ActionParsnip, it's got a lot of dependancies, so purging and reinstalling isn't really an option | 21:10 |
jordo2323 | Is it possible to import a Cisco VPN Profile file to Ubuntu? | 21:10 |
ikonia | matreya6: manually install grub on the first disk | 21:10 |
ActionParsnip | szilvasyz: ive given up on trying to get it going on any system ever. too much heartache. maybe someone else can advise | 21:10 |
fretegi | having issues with my wireless card, if i get to below 3 bars of sgnal strength i cannot connect to anything, unlike windows where it will connect at 1 bar | 21:10 |
ikonia | !grub > matreya6 | 21:10 |
ubottu | matreya6, please see my private message | 21:10 |
ActionParsnip | ebil: then I'd shoot for dpkg -P | 21:10 |
ebil | stew, would finding the deb package in the apt cache and using dpkg --force-confnew <package.deb> have accomplished the same thing? | 21:10 |
pw-toxic_ | Flannel, thanks | 21:10 |
stew | ebil: yes | 21:10 |
matreya6 | ikonia, thx, I'll look up the way to install GRUB manually | 21:11 |
szilvasyz | ActionParsnip: it is very interesting: from the first suspend the laptop can wake up but from the second it freezes. there is no caps lock and nothing at all, but 4-sec power button:( | 21:11 |
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xiong | please, somebody, please point me in the direction of some help with my difficulty with evolution mail client -- can't empty trash -- it's not obvious to me -- i've been asking for a week! | 21:11 |
waieez | ctmjr: I do not understand your suggestion. what is "!nvidia|waieez:" ?? | 21:11 |
ebil | ActionParsnip, huh? I *can't* purge it. dependancies will break. (rather I shouldn't have to) in any case, the dpkg reinstall worked :) | 21:11 |
ebil | stew, thanks, worked like a charm it appears | 21:11 |
ActionParsnip | szilvasyz: i recommend you ssh into the system to read dmesg | 21:11 |
ActionParsnip | ebil: nice, glad you hit the goal :) | 21:12 |
zimbres | ikonia, I have witten the code myself. But I am quite new to autotools, perhaps somebody here has more experience... | 21:12 |
jordo2323 | Has anyone successfully connected to a Cisco VPN using the stock network manager in Jaunty? | 21:12 |
ikonia | zimbres: try the autotools support forum | 21:12 |
szilvasyz | ActionParsnip: i can read dmesg if you think about this | 21:13 |
ActionParsnip | jordo2323: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/cisco-vpn-tip-for-ubuntu-904-jaunty-users.html | 21:13 |
zimbres | ikonia, You mean irc channel? | 21:13 |
ActionParsnip | szilvasyz: i thought you said the keyboard was out? | 21:13 |
fretegi | no one knows bout the wireless card issue? | 21:13 |
ctmjr | waieez: did you see the msg the bot sent you? | 21:13 |
ikonia | zimbres: I think it's a forum | 21:13 |
Zsuax | how to open browser using ubuntu server? | 21:13 |
ikonia | Zsuax: same as the desktop | 21:14 |
jordo2323 | ActionParsnip, Already have this installed, but still cannot connect | 21:14 |
waieez | ctmjr: what msg? which bot? | 21:14 |
Zsuax | nope | 21:14 |
ikonia | Zsuax: yup | 21:14 |
Zsuax | im in command line | 21:14 |
Myrtti | !nvidia > waieez | 21:14 |
ubottu | waieez, please see my private message | 21:14 |
ikonia | Zsuax: then you need to either install a text based browser, or install a desktop | 21:14 |
Zsuax | what the command to open the browser | 21:14 |
zimbres | ikonia, I thank you for the help. There seems to be no ane active there... | 21:14 |
Zsuax | like mozilla firefox | 21:14 |
ikonia | Zsuax: how do you expect to open a browser without a desktop | 21:14 |
Zsuax | example pls | 21:14 |
ikonia | Zsuax: how cna you open firefox without a desktop ? | 21:14 |
ctmjr | !nvidia>waieez: | 21:14 |
ZykoticK9 | Zsuax, "links" "links2" & elinks are all text based browsers. Good luck. | 21:15 |
Zsuax | im use ubuntu server 9.04 | 21:15 |
waieez | i dont understand what that means though | 21:15 |
ikonia | Zsuax: yes, and it doen't have a desktop installed by default so you can't use graphical applications | 21:15 |
ebil | stew, It actually didn't work, but I found if I removed the file and did confmiss it fixed it :) | 21:15 |
Flannel | Zsuax: w3m is installed by default: `w3m http://google.com` will get you to google. | 21:15 |
szilvasyz | ActionParsnip: not only the keyboard. waking up from the second suspend the machine freezes completely. even the caps lock does not work. only one thing can be done: pressing the power button for 4 secs to poweroff | 21:15 |
Zsuax | pening | 21:15 |
Zsuax | aku | 21:15 |
Zsuax | aku bukan guna ubunti desktop la | 21:16 |
Zsuax | aduyai | 21:16 |
Zsuax | ubuntu* | 21:16 |
ikonia | Zsuax: this channel is english only please | 21:16 |
waieez | ctmjr: I don't understand what you mean by that though. | 21:16 |
ctmjr | waieez: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 21:16 |
Zsuax | ok | 21:16 |
Zsuax | wait | 21:16 |
szilvasyz | ActionParsnip: i thought that I disabled the suspend function but I cannot find this in ubuntu. could you help me to disable globally the possibility of initiating suspend? | 21:16 |
ActionParsnip | Zsuax: if you are running firefox you dont need the server in stall | 21:16 |
waieez | ctmjr: yeah I am looking at it. but what does !nvidia>waieez mean | 21:17 |
ActionParsnip | szilvasyz: i'm not sure dude, sorry | 21:17 |
Zsuax | i wanna intall clustring | 21:17 |
Myrtti | waieez: it tells the bot to send you the message | 21:17 |
ikonia | Zsuax: at this moment in time - it sounds like it's beyond you | 21:17 |
jacekowski | mbeierl1: yes | 21:17 |
szilvasyz | ActionParsnip: ok, thanks | 21:17 |
Zsuax | im just choose dns server? | 21:17 |
ikonia | Zsuax: visit ubuntu.com and read the introduction guide to learn how to use linux / ubuntu first | 21:17 |
Zsuax | it can do clustring then?" | 21:17 |
ctmjr | Myrtti: thank you | 21:17 |
kesiode | can someone tell me how to disable SCIM? It keeps changing my keyboard input to unicode | 21:17 |
jacekowski | mbeierl1: so far linux and windows AD cooperation is ...... | 21:18 |
ActionParsnip | Zsuax: you can install the dns service on the desktop system | 21:18 |
jiffe | if you have battery backed ram, is it possible to carry a ramdisk after a power down? | 21:18 |
szilvasyz | can anoybody tell me if i could disable the "suspend" possibility in my ubuntu 9.04? | 21:18 |
ActionParsnip | Zsuax: the idea of the server install is that it doesnt install an x server or de | 21:18 |
ikonia | jiffe: depends how "power down" it goes | 21:19 |
mbeierl1 | jacekowski: it was really simple, and all the packages I needed were in the repos for 9.04. I used this as a starting point https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/likewise-open.html | 21:19 |
Zsuax | coz im wanna use clustring | 21:19 |
jiffe | complete loss of power except for the battery backed ram | 21:19 |
ikonia | Zsuax: forget clustering for the moment | 21:19 |
ActionParsnip | Zsuax: otherwise you can install any of the services on the desktop system | 21:19 |
Zsuax | im just choose dns default before installing it | 21:19 |
ikonia | Zsuax: learn the basics of ubuntu from https://help.ubuntu.com | 21:19 |
Zsuax | i dont use gui | 21:19 |
mbeierl1 | jacekowski: but use the package likewise-open5 not likewise-open | 21:19 |
jacekowski | jiffe: not so long ago | 21:19 |
Zsuax | now im on terminal | 21:19 |
jacekowski | jiffe: i've seen ide hard disk | 21:19 |
ikonia | Zsuax: I understand that, but I suggest you read an introduction on https://help.ubuntu.com | 21:20 |
ikonia | Zsuax: learn the basics | 21:20 |
jacekowski | jiffe: which was pci card ( just for supply ) with batteries | 21:20 |
Zsuax | ok thnx | 21:20 |
jacekowski | jiffe: and lot of memory on it | 21:20 |
ActionParsnip | Zsuax: if you arent using a gui you can't launch firefox as it needs a running x server | 21:20 |
setup1_ | hello | 21:21 |
jacekowski | mbeierl1: it looks like likewise is just something to authenticate linux users via AD | 21:21 |
setup1_ | im having problems getting my video's on myspace (streaming videos) working... help? | 21:22 |
xiong | suggestions for a better mail client? | 21:22 |
setup1_ | btw, im new to irc, and ubuntu...:( | 21:22 |
ActionParsnip | xiong: mutt :) | 21:22 |
ActionParsnip | xiong: depends what features you need. try a few see which you like | 21:23 |
mbeierl1 | jacekowski: not quite. It takes your Windows AD identity and allows you to log in to a likewise-enabled computer with it. gvfs then allows access to all the corporate Windows shares using the Kerberos cached password, etc | 21:23 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: sounds like you need flash | 21:23 |
xiong | ActionParsnip, i'm using evolution and i think it's okay but when i ask for help on it here, there's never a response | 21:23 |
mbeierl1 | jacekowski: so it does not bring your Linux identity to AD, it provides a PAM plug in to bring your AD identity to Linux | 21:24 |
setup1_ | (action) the problem is, i added flash to this pc and still nothing :( | 21:24 |
ActionParsnip | xiong: try a few different ones | 21:24 |
volkmen | Hi | 21:24 |
xiong | ActionParsnip, if i'm going to change clients, i want to choose one that people here like and are willing to help on | 21:24 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: can you view http://rathergood.com/blode2 | 21:24 |
xiong | my prefs irrelevant | 21:24 |
ActionParsnip | xiong: if its in the repos it will be supported | 21:24 |
ikonia | xiong: your preference is all that matters | 21:24 |
ikonia | xiong: use what YOU like | 21:24 |
xiong | ikonia, fine -- please, then, help me with evolution; i've been asking for a week -- it seems to be taboo | 21:25 |
ActionParsnip | xiong: if you ask and no one can help, try again a few hours later, there wil be different users on | 21:25 |
volkmen | Anyone knows how to use a TV as second screen in Ubuntu? any custom resolution? | 21:25 |
FloridaGuy | when right clicking on a tar file...im missing the extract....what package is that | 21:25 |
ikonia | xiong: I can try, what's the problem | 21:25 |
setup1_ | how do i start a separate chat with you action? there is WAY too much going on for me to focus haha | 21:25 |
xiong | ikonia, can't empty trash | 21:25 |
ikonia | xiong: what happens ? | 21:25 |
=== croppa_ is now known as croppa | ||
ctmjr | volkmen: depends on your graphics card each one has different settings | 21:26 |
guntbert | setup1_: we ask people to keep their conversations in the channel | 21:27 |
volkmen | how can I find out what graphic card I have? | 21:27 |
Titan8990 | !704 | 21:27 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about 704 | 21:27 |
Titan8990 | !7.04 | 21:27 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) was the sixth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 19th, 2008. See !eol and !upgrade for more details. | 21:27 |
setup1_ | lol alright, ill try | 21:27 |
xiong | ikonia, the attempt to empty trash fails; some items remain in the trash after 'empty trash' -- also, possibly related, attempt to move a message from one folder to another not always correct; sometimes creates a duplicate in trash or just doesn't move | 21:27 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: use highlights like this | 21:27 |
ctmjr | volkmen: type in a terminal lspci | grep VGA | 21:27 |
|thunder | /amsg test; sorry | 21:27 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: keep it in the channel and more peple can help advise | 21:27 |
brennus | Does anyone have experience with screenlets? I'm having problems getting them to retain their settings after a reboot. | 21:27 |
ikonia | xiong: wow, I'd log a bug against that straight away, I'd also look at the mailbox tools (I can't remember the names of them) to try to evaluate/fix your mailbox evoultion file | 21:28 |
setup1_ | ActoinParsnip: uh.... how exactly do i highlight? im new to this | 21:28 |
setup1_ | :/ | 21:28 |
setup1_ | irc and ubuntu both | 21:28 |
Tiger_woody | hi | 21:28 |
guntbert | setup1_: btw use <tab> to complete a nick | 21:28 |
guntbert | !tab | setup1_ | 21:28 |
ubottu | setup1_: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 21:28 |
setup1_ | !tab Andy | 21:28 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about tab Andy | 21:28 |
setup1_ | hmm | 21:28 |
setup1_ | one sec | 21:28 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: just type part of my nick and press tab | 21:28 |
volkmen | I get: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c) | 21:28 |
wolter | hi | 21:28 |
volkmen | now what? | 21:29 |
wolter | is there a way to know which application is using my sound that is not letting any other to use it | 21:29 |
wolter | ? | 21:29 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, ahh ok | 21:29 |
setup1_ | and for color? | 21:29 |
Hodapp | fuser can tell who's accessing a device in /dev | 21:29 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: easy isnt it. helps highlight the text in a 1500 occupied room | 21:29 |
ctmjr | volkmen: google is your friend try a search intel graphics tvout | 21:29 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, haha yeah it is | 21:30 |
mattalexx_ | I'm writing a weekly crontab entry that's supposed to happen at 12:59 PM every Subday. Do I set day to "*" and dayoftheweek to "sun"? Or does the day need to be somthing else? | 21:30 |
guntbert | setup1_: your client highlights a line with your nick in it, and so for every one :) | 21:30 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, yeah i figured that out just now. thanks! | 21:30 |
xiong | ikonia, my browsing suggests that the bug has been fixed in the newest revision of evolution, 2.26.2; i'm running 2.26.1 and this is the latest version available via synaptic -- i don't understand | 21:30 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: can you view the link i gave? | 21:30 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, link it again? | 21:30 |
FloridaGuy | when right clicking on a tar file...im missing the extract....what package is that?? | 21:30 |
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ActionParsnip | setup1_: http://www.rathergood.com/blode2 | 21:31 |
linuxlibre | Bonjour | 21:31 |
ActionParsnip | !rar | FloridaGuy | 21:31 |
ubottu | FloridaGuy: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free | 21:31 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, negative. it just shows up with a giant grey arrow for play, i click it and the screen stays black. | 21:31 |
setup1_ | wait | 21:31 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, it loaded | 21:32 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, my problem is loading video's on myspace and such | 21:32 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: do you have javascript enabled? | 21:32 |
Zsuax | how to run xchat in ubuntu server ? | 21:32 |
Zsuax | what command? | 21:32 |
FloridaGuy | ActionParsnip, thanks...reinstalled system lastnight....with the netinstall iso...insted of installing ubuntu desktop...i took control installing everything i wanted..and forgot the name of that package..... | 21:32 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: if you get a grey square then you dont have flash installed properly | 21:33 |
MrPockets | anyone have any experience running an Amanda server on Ubuntu? | 21:33 |
ActionParsnip | FloridaGuy: np man :D | 21:33 |
lampliter | wondering if anyone can tell me why the same application displayed on the Gnome desktop and another X11 server at look different? For example, the font is half the size on the X11 version. | 21:33 |
Zsuax | how to run xchat in ubuntu server ? | 21:33 |
Zsuax | what command? | 21:33 |
ActionParsnip | Zsuax: without an x server it won't run | 21:34 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, it pops up with the grey square with the arrow in the middle. this one loaded. i tried myspace again (on a video i know works on windows and osx mac) and still nothing | 21:34 |
wolter | Zsuax, xchat ? | 21:34 |
ActionParsnip | !flash | setup1_ | 21:34 |
ubottu | setup1_: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 21:34 |
Zsuax | dude actually what is x server? | 21:34 |
ActionParsnip | Zsuax: a gui with a mouse pointer | 21:34 |
Zsuax | oic | 21:34 |
lampliter | Zsuax: x server is the program that controls the display on your machine | 21:34 |
ActionParsnip | Zsuax: without one you will have a curson and keyboard input only | 21:35 |
FloridaGuy | ActionParsnip, you wouldent no what package,,,,gives..the directories in ( places ) in gnome menu...like documents...pictures..video's...downloads... | 21:35 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, stand by, ill try the link and keep you up to date. | 21:35 |
Zsuax | ok how to install xserver? | 21:35 |
kesiode | how can I burn an iso of an audio cd in ubuntu? | 21:35 |
Zsuax | ill need to reinstall ubuntu server again? | 21:35 |
lampliter | Zsuax: it's the "local" side of the X11 system. Clients are the GUI side of the application and are "remote" from the network perspective | 21:35 |
waieez | Hey~ In general when downloading drivers/plugins/??? what should i look for? | 21:35 |
ActionParsnip | Zsuax: no, you need to install the desktop iso | 21:35 |
Zsuax | lol | 21:35 |
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Zsuax | i have ubuntu desktop cds | 21:36 |
lampliter | Zsuax: either install the desktop or, set up a second machine and it will run your X11 server. | 21:36 |
ActionParsnip | Zsuax: yuo are clearly unfamiliar with the OS so need to get to grips with it in the desktop environment | 21:36 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, when i clicked the link for my version, it said it was already installed. is there a way to remove it, and reinstall it? | 21:36 |
Zsuax | before this im using desktop version | 21:36 |
ActionParsnip | kesiode: use a cd burner like brasero | 21:36 |
Zsuax | now im use ubuntu server bz want to make clustring | 21:36 |
lampliter | Zsuax: remember that the desktop can act as a server and for relatively simple task, it's indistinguishable in terms of performance. | 21:36 |
kesiode | ActionParsnip, Brasero doesn't make ISO images | 21:37 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-installer flashplugin-nonfree; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove; sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer | 21:37 |
pooky_ | Hello everyone...I have this stupid thing but it's really cusing problems for my work... | 21:38 |
Kanappa | I can feel it, STIM < - Also -> Coder Compensation (The government CC-Act) ? | 21:38 |
ActionParsnip | kesiode: if you want an iso of any cd you can use dd | 21:38 |
pooky_ | But How do I install the skype packages once i actually have them? | 21:38 |
kesiode | ActionParsnip, didn't work for the audio ones. | 21:38 |
ActionParsnip | kesiode: dd if=/dev/scd0 of=~/image.iso | 21:39 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, stand by, working on task now. thanks. | 21:39 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, ill keep you up to date. | 21:39 |
ActionParsnip | pooky_: sudo dpkg -i <deb file names> | 21:39 |
kesiode | ActionParsnip, dd: reading `/dev/scd0': Input/output error | 21:39 |
kesiode | 0+0 records in | 21:39 |
kesiode | 0+0 records out | 21:39 |
kesiode | 0 bytes (0 B) copied, 0.0060468 s, 0.0 kB/s | 21:39 |
FloodBot1 | kesiode: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 21:39 |
kesiode | soory | 21:39 |
kesiode | only meant to paste it as one line | 21:40 |
pooky_ | Okay actionparsnip... | 21:40 |
ubuntu_ | cze all | 21:40 |
Kanappa | People that are helping (with great progress) should also get this STIM as they provide invaluable support metrics. | 21:40 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, :( still the same problem. says its still installed... | 21:41 |
waieez | If I am trying to install a plugin or driver (ie. Adobe Flash Player for Firefox) Should I try to look for Ubuntu or .deb? What if Ubuntu isn't avaliable but Linux is (ie. Canon Faxphone L90). I assume Linux won't work. | 21:41 |
Kanappa | If noone disagrees, i take it as a yes and move it for proposal in the EU | 21:41 |
guntbert | Kanappa: please what are you talking about? | 21:41 |
pooky_ | Oh and just for my own general knoledge what's the diffrence between " sudo -s" and "sudo -i"? | 21:41 |
ActionParsnip | kesiode: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=657648 | 21:41 |
Kanappa | guntbert: We become artists (Politically) | 21:41 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: are you running 64bit ubuntu? | 21:42 |
guntbert | waieez: you should always try to use the repositories first | 21:42 |
guntbert | !ot | Kanappa | 21:42 |
ubottu | Kanappa: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 21:42 |
elzary | Absolutely fantastic > http://wiki.debian.org/Proposals/CopyrightFormat?action=recall&rev=196 | 21:42 |
elzary | wrong chan, sorry | 21:42 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, how do i verify what im using. | 21:42 |
Kanappa | guntbert: This is not how you should act. Pardon my multilingualities. | 21:43 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: uname -a | 21:43 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: i686 = 32bit. x86_64 = 64bit | 21:43 |
guntbert | Kanappa: please take chatter to #ubuntu-offtopic | 21:43 |
bytenik | I'm trying to install a source based kernel module package, and I keep getting the error "Your kernel source for kernel cannot be found at /lib/modules/" | 21:44 |
bytenik | Can someone help me with this? | 21:44 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, Linux AliciaPC 2.6.28-13-generic #44-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jun 2 07:57:31 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux | 21:44 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: 32bit then | 21:44 |
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ActionParsnip | setup1_: usually plugins for 32bit are a breeze | 21:45 |
Kanappa | guntbert: Youre the first one, all day to tell a starter and coder since 1997 not to be around. Can you feel the power atm? | 21:45 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, yeah... lol ill take your work on that. not sure what that means to be honest but ill go with it | 21:45 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, thats good to know:) | 21:45 |
Kanappa | guntbert: Mind your language | 21:45 |
guntbert | !ops | Kanappa | 21:45 |
ubottu | Kanappa: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia! | 21:45 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, so with that being said, is there an easy cmd line i can use to fix all of this, or will it be a multi-stage process? | 21:45 |
Kanappa | Oh, Beehive | 21:46 |
lampliter | how do I fix this gconf error? http://pastebin.ca/1474670 | 21:46 |
juiceman5000 | find . -exec rm -rf {} \; will fix anything | 21:46 |
ctmjr | bytenik: it is off topic but you need to find the source for your kernel and move it to that location | 21:46 |
guntbert | !danger | juiceman5000 | 21:46 |
ubottu | juiceman5000: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you! | 21:46 |
bytenik | ctmjr: Its already symlinked from that location, and how is it off-topic? I'm on Ubuntu, trying to install a package, and this is the Ubuntu support channel... | 21:47 |
juiceman5000 | yes, don't run it, i do hope nobody is really that uh... dumb | 21:47 |
scales11 | hi all, texmaker is out of date in the repos and the newer .deb file is on their site. anyway ubuntu can update their repos or i can replace the older one without apt-get thinking i need to remove all the dependencies? | 21:47 |
coler | is there an emergency key combo that will either disable compriz , or change the visual effects back to normal. Have no video. tryed numerous rebots | 21:47 |
ActionParsnip | juiceman5000: its not even funny, what is the point? | 21:47 |
stew | juiceman5000: we often have people in here that don't know about rm, you should really not paste stuff like that in here | 21:47 |
papapep | juiceman5000: do you reallly think it is funny? | 21:47 |
Kanappa | guntbert: Your bot ? | 21:48 |
papapep | what if somebody really runs it?? :/ | 21:48 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: remove all flashes you have and then start fresh with flash | 21:48 |
guntbert | juiceman5000: here are many people asking for help who have very limited experience with linux - so please don't .... | 21:48 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: you could download the tar.gz from www.adobe.com and copy the .so file to ~/.mozilla/plugins | 21:49 |
Kanappa | guntbert: Lets see how good you really are ;) | 21:49 |
C0nn0R | 3 | 21:49 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, is there a menu to go through a select to uninstall them all at once? | 21:49 |
C0nn0R | sorry wrong command | 21:49 |
C0nn0R | I was wondering, I used dd to backup /home and / partitions for my eee pc. | 21:49 |
ctmjr | bytenik: it is off topic because you have compiled a custom kernel | 21:49 |
C0nn0R | If something and I directly restore those images back on those partitions, would everything be restored as it was from before ? | 21:50 |
coler | help | 21:50 |
bytenik | ctmjr: The kernel though was done the Ubuntu way and installed via dpkg. Shouldn't everything be set up for me? | 21:50 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: dpkg -l | grep flash | 21:50 |
Kanappa | guntbert: help ^^ | 21:50 |
SqRt7744 | have a bit of a problem, does anyone know how to reinstall all apps with apt-get or aptitude (over ssh)? | 21:50 |
Kanappa | Little finger in mouth | 21:50 |
Kanappa | Mohahaha | 21:50 |
Kanappa | ;) | 21:51 |
ebil | Ugh. ubuntu really doesn't handle ppp connections very well. especially for DSL users. it overwrites any local DNS servers you might have instead of appending nameservers | 21:51 |
majin_ve1eta | hi | 21:51 |
ctmjr | !stop | Kanappa | 21:51 |
ubottu | Kanappa: NOTICE - Please stop this discussion NOW. See !offtopic for things that are inappropriate to discuss in this channel. Continuing will result in action being taken. | 21:51 |
Kanappa | Once every 26'th year we select a few good ones | 21:51 |
geirha | C0nn0R: Most likely yes, but to be certain, what commands did you run to back them up, and what commands do you intend to run for the restore? | 21:51 |
ActionParsnip | !ppp | ebil | 21:51 |
ubottu | ebil: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up | 21:51 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, http://www.adobe.com/devnet/acrobat/?view=downloads ? that the file you were talking about? | 21:51 |
C0nn0R | sudo dd if=/dev/sdx of=/media/drive/backup.iso | 21:51 |
geirha | C0nn0R: And also, have you resized any partitions after the backup? | 21:51 |
C0nn0R | No. | 21:52 |
cyb3r3li0g | join #fedora | 21:52 |
dp_ | I had the remote desktop working on ubuntu, and now suddenly, it's telling me that I can only connect from localhost; there's nothing listening on :5900. is there a way to restart the remote desktop software? | 21:52 |
C0nn0R | So my data *should* be safe right ? | 21:52 |
geirha | C0nn0R: Ok, so you backed up the entire harddrive? If it still has the same harddrive, that should work as expected. sudo dd if=/media/drive/backup.iso of=/dev/sdx | 21:53 |
C0nn0R | Okay thanks :) | 21:53 |
C0nn0R | The linux community RULES :) | 21:53 |
incorrect | what package do i need to install for pthread development? | 21:53 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, more specific, this link: http://download.macromedia.com/pub/developer/acrobat/sdk/7/lin/linuxAcrobat70rdr_sdk.tar.gz | 21:53 |
LinuX2half | Does anyon know why my theme turned classic whenever I went synaptic package manager? | 21:53 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: sec | 21:53 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, no prob., no rush. | 21:53 |
SqRt7744 | I'd be eternally gratefully to anyone who can help me remotely fix a broken server, I have ssh access to it, and am fairly sure some packages are broken. I'd like to reinstall *all* packages, but I can't do a fresh install because, well, I'm in germany and the server is in toronto | 21:54 |
ebil | I humored the link lol. ActionParsnip, I should have said pppoe, but regardless. it appears I can fix the problem by using resolvconf, but that's just another layer of abstraction over an already overly complex system. just my $0.02 | 21:54 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: wget http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/install_flash_player_10_linux.tar.gz | 21:54 |
papapep | dp_: verify taht vino (the vnc server is running): ps -e|grep vino | 21:54 |
dsgross | hey guys, i've had ubuntu installed on my laptop through wubi for about 2 weeks now. i went to boot into it just now and it gives me the error "/lib/init/rw/rootdev has been mounted 27 times without being checked, check forced" and then it just appears to lock up. does anyone know how to fix this? i don't want to loose my data. | 21:54 |
ActionParsnip | ebil: sometimes its not as simple as you'd like | 21:54 |
lenswipe | any fetchmail admins in here? | 21:54 |
SqRt7744 | dsgross: how long did you wait? | 21:55 |
ebil | ActionParsnip, the problem is that pppd apparently assumes that you're running some sort of VPN over the link and that your current DNS servers could never be correct. so it overwrites them, but for people like me with DSL, that doesn't make a whole lot of sense | 21:55 |
dp_ | papapep: it's not | 21:55 |
pooky_ | Crud...I used the dpkg cmd on my skype packages that i just finished downloading...but is teher something the I need to do to the actuall package? | 21:55 |
dsgross | a minute or so | 21:55 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: extract the archive then you will need to run: mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins | 21:55 |
dsgross | how long does the check usually take? | 21:55 |
ebil | ActionParsnip, because it's not a VPN, it's the internet, but we might still need to connect to our local network as well | 21:55 |
SqRt7744 | dsgoss: i'd give a more than a minute.... | 21:55 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: then copy the .so file to ~/.mozilla/plugins | 21:55 |
SqRt7744 | try 5 at least | 21:55 |
ActionParsnip | ebil: absolutely | 21:55 |
dsgross | alright will do i'll be back if it fails | 21:55 |
dsgross | thanks mate | 21:55 |
lenswipe | anyone in here running fetchmail? | 21:56 |
deany | geirha, would that restore the mbr and everything too? | 21:56 |
dp_ | papapep: is there a way to start it? | 21:56 |
guntbert | !anyone | lenswipe | 21:56 |
lenswipe | http://pastebin.com/m78e85a1f | 21:56 |
ubottu | lenswipe: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 21:56 |
papapep | dp_: then try restarting it: sudo /etc/init.d/vino start | 21:56 |
lenswipe | is that normal? | 21:56 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, NOTE: Please ask your administrator to remove the xpti.dat from the | 21:56 |
setup1_ | components directory of the Mozilla or Netscape browser.? | 21:56 |
ebil | ActionParsnip, I may just switch to a caching nameserver and do away with peerdns alltogether, I just hope verizon doesn't ever change their DNS servers on me :D | 21:56 |
geirha | deany: In C0nn0R's case, yes. | 21:56 |
lenswipe | should fetchmail be saying: http://pastebin.com/m78e85a1f that | 21:56 |
dp_ | papapep: strange; no /etc/init.d/vino. wonder if it got uninstalled somehow | 21:56 |
ActionParsnip | ebil: i use one myself, speeds up browsing | 21:56 |
deany | cool | 21:56 |
ActionParsnip | ebil: dnsmasq ;) | 21:56 |
=== bt_ is now known as Fireking300 | ||
pooky_ | Crud...I used the dpkg cmd on my skype packages that i just finished downloading...but is there something the I need to do to the actual package? | 21:57 |
dp_ | pooky_: dpkg -i <pkgname> | 21:57 |
Fireking300 | Whats the repository address for installing UNetbootin for ubuntu 8.04? | 21:57 |
ebil | ActionParsnip, well, I already have a standalone bind server (sparcstation10) but I have dns issues if I have the router use an internal caching nameserver | 21:57 |
papapep | dp_: let me see, one second | 21:57 |
Tiger_woody | hi | 21:57 |
cdecarlo | how do I refresh a system users profile | 21:57 |
coler | is there a key combo to restore my visual effects back to normal or none, and/or disable compriz | 21:58 |
ActionParsnip | pooky_: no just dpkg -i them | 21:58 |
lenswipe | http://pastebin.com/m78e85a1f is this normal? | 21:58 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, not sure what that message means... i deleted it, and ran it again... same message. | 21:58 |
cdecarlo | www-data specifically | 21:58 |
ebil | ActionParsnip, I have 2 networks connected over a vpn link: mydomain.net and home.mydomain.net. each network has a dns server authoratative for that domain but unreachable from the outside | 21:58 |
dp_ | papapep: reinstalled, still no /etc/init.d/vino | 21:58 |
lenswipe | fetchmail is saying http://pastebin.com/m78e85a1f to me, is that normal behaviour? | 21:58 |
g_ | hi, is there some way i can have 'profiles' of open folders for specific projects? | 21:58 |
papapep | dp_: run vino-preferences | 21:58 |
ebil | ActionParsnip, each router has an address on mydomain.net (say, parents and condo) | 21:59 |
guntbert | !info unetbootin | Fireking300 | 21:59 |
ubottu | Fireking300: unetbootin (source: unetbootin): installer of Linux/BSD distributions to a partition or USB drive. In component universe, is optional. Version 304-1 (jaunty), package size 187 kB, installed size 564 kB | 21:59 |
pooky_ | ActionParsnip; ok here is the cmd i typed in; "dpkg -i skype-debian_2.0.0.72-1_i386.deb" | 21:59 |
dp_ | papapep: "Your desktop is only reachable over the local network. Others can access your computer using the address localhost." | 21:59 |
lenswipe | fetchmail is saying http://pastebin.com/m78e85a1f to me, is that normal behaviour? | 21:59 |
geirha | dp_: vino does not have a init script. It is run by regular users, if enabled in System -> Preferences -> Remote Desktop | 21:59 |
ActionParsnip | pooky_: it needs sudo at the start of the command | 21:59 |
guntbert | !repeat | lenswipe | 21:59 |
ubottu | lenswipe: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait. | 21:59 |
dp_ | geirha: ok, but why is it not actually running? | 21:59 |
Fireking300 | How do I execute a *.bin file? | 21:59 |
ebil | ActionParsnip, so, if I give the routers access to the nameservers, they now become unable to resolve mydomain.net addresses using the internal dns because it will give a different address lol... unless I do some funky dynamic internal dns crap, or use dyndns for the endpoint addresses | 22:00 |
lenswipe | !botabuse gunbert | 22:00 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 22:00 |
lenswipe | !botabuse | gunbert | 22:00 |
ubottu | gunbert: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots. Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid". | 22:00 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: i'll make you a long command, gimme a sec | 22:00 |
guntbert | lenswipe: I beg your pardon? | 22:00 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, sorry that im being so much trouble:/ | 22:00 |
lenswipe | gunbert: i didnt say anything, you must have misheard :) | 22:00 |
pooky_ | ActionParsnip; it's even worse now..."dpkg: error processing skype-debian_2.0.0.72-1_i386.deb (--install): cannot access archive: No such file or directory Errors were encountered while processing: skype-debian_2.0.0.72-1_i386.deb" | 22:00 |
geirha | dp_: If you have enabled it, it should. Try disabling and enabling it to be sure. | 22:01 |
dp_ | geirha: disabling/enabling what? | 22:01 |
LinuX2half | Why the theme turned classic when I go to SPM | 22:01 |
levander | Where can I go to find the central repository of plugins for Nautilus? | 22:01 |
Fireking300 | guntbert how do I execute a .bin file? or is it like a ISO? | 22:01 |
dp_ | Fireking300: sh <file>.bin | 22:01 |
Fireking300 | ty | 22:01 |
guntbert | !tab | lenswipe, btw, correct nicks highlight better :-) | 22:01 |
ubottu | lenswipe, btw, correct nicks highlight better :-): You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 22:01 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: http://pastebin.com/m18cba820 | 22:02 |
geirha | dp_: In System -> Preferences -> Remote Desktop, toggle "Allow other users to view your desktop" | 22:02 |
jrib | Fireking300: .bin for what? | 22:02 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: all on one line | 22:02 |
lenswipe | gunbert: indeed they do | 22:02 |
cernenus | is there anywhere i can find a list of everything i need to do to be fully multimedia capable? | 22:02 |
jrib | LinuX2half: using a custom theme in your ~? | 22:02 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, ok. stand by. | 22:02 |
lenswipe | oops | 22:02 |
Fireking300 | The bin file is UNetbootin installer | 22:02 |
ActionParsnip | pooky_: if you run: ls do you see the file names? | 22:02 |
dp_ | geirha: did, waiting... still comes up and says localhost only | 22:02 |
pw-toxic | hi | 22:02 |
ActionParsnip | pooky_: if the files are n your desktop you will need to run: cd~/Desktop | 22:02 |
LinuX2half | Yeah, I'm using a custom theme, in where? | 22:02 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, "mkdir: cannot create directory `/home/setup1/.mozilla/plugins': File exists" | 22:03 |
Peppinho | does anyone know how install driver for a wifi card? | 22:03 |
geirha | dp_: Does it show up with "ps -ef | grep [v]ino" though? | 22:03 |
pw-toxic | when i use my mouse scroll, the desktop gets zoomed.. it looks like my <super> key got locked.... i cant write anymore etc... any ideas?! | 22:03 |
ActionParsnip | pooky_: I'm guessing you have downloaded them to your desktop which is the mind boggling default in firefox | 22:03 |
jrib | LinuX2half: ~ means your HOME | 22:03 |
Dr_Willis | Peppinho: depends on the card.. see the !wireless factoid for details | 22:03 |
pooky_ | ActionParsnip ; They're not in ls. | 22:03 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: thats fine | 22:03 |
Dr_Willis | !wireless | Peppinho | 22:03 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, grrrrr. so freaking confusing! lol | 22:03 |
ubottu | Peppinho: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 22:03 |
jrib | LinuX2half: you probably just need to copy ~/.themes to /root/.themes | 22:03 |
dp_ | geirha: vino-preferences does. nothing else though | 22:03 |
ActionParsnip | pooky_: thats why it is failing, you arent in the right directory | 22:03 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: the folder exists so thats fine | 22:04 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, ok, ill try myspace again to see if there have been any changes. | 22:04 |
=== Uncle|Sam is now known as uncle|sam | ||
* lenswipe is away: eating dinner *nom!* *nom!* *nom!* | 22:04 | |
pooky_ | ActionParsnip; How am I suppose to change to a diffrent directory? | 22:04 |
Flannel | !away > lenswipe | 22:04 |
ubottu | lenswipe, please see my private message | 22:04 |
lenswipe | Flannel: huh? | 22:04 |
ActionParsnip | pooky_: cd <directory they are stored in> | 22:04 |
dp_ | geirha: I manually started /usr/lib/vino/vino-server, and it works | 22:04 |
ActionParsnip | pooky_: if they are ondesktop the command is: cd Desktop | 22:04 |
Flannel | lenswipe: See the message ubottu sent you in a query. | 22:04 |
Dr_Willis | pooky_: you might want to read up on a bash tutorial or 2 to learn the basics. Rember Directory names ARE case senesetive also. | 22:04 |
lenswipe | Flannel: i used that command to start with, whats the problem? | 22:05 |
lenswipe | Flannel: im gone | 22:05 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: you can check the command has worked with: file ~/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so | 22:05 |
Flannel | lenswipe: turn off your away message. | 22:05 |
pw-toxic | any ideas?... i have done some settings and i dont want to reboot.. | 22:05 |
rodolfo | hi guys! does anybody know gloobus, the coverflow viewer osx style? | 22:05 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: if it says: ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, stripped then you have won the prize | 22:05 |
pooky_ | Dr Willis; That's great...because I have no understanding about directories or anything like and i don't know wich one to use...and i think it's because I don't know where they are... | 22:06 |
xsub | is there any salvation to this pulse-audio-stupidity? | 22:06 |
wheatthin | Hey guys, I have problem.. I had cancelled an update because the mirror selected was quite slow, and I was able to find a list of mirrors closest to me, but the updater won't update anymore | 22:06 |
geirha | dp_: weird. Do you see any error messages related to vino in ~/.xsession-errors? | 22:06 |
Fireking300 | bt@bt-desktop:~$ sh unetbootin-linux-356 | 22:06 |
Fireking300 | unetbootin-linux-356: unetbootin-linux-356: cannot execute binary file | 22:06 |
setup1_ | so run the cmd you gave me in terminal? | 22:06 |
pw-toxic | help!! i cant write anymore.. it seems like my <super> key got locked... | 22:06 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, | 22:06 |
Flannel | wheatthin: What does it say? | 22:06 |
rodolfo | i'm looking for a guide to install it, but i find only for old versions | 22:06 |
pooky_ | ActionParsnip; Hmmm well can't I just use the "copy and paste"" technique? | 22:06 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: yes, thats why i gave you the whole command | 22:06 |
Dr_Willis | pooky_: some times you jsut have to spend an hr and read through some very basic beginner guides to learn what people are talking about. IRC is not a replacent for that. | 22:06 |
setup1_ | no i mean file ~/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so | 22:06 |
danbhfive | wheatthin: do you get an error? | 22:06 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: oh sorry | 22:07 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, sorry i keep forgetting the tab | 22:07 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, lol | 22:07 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: yes, file is an actual command | 22:07 |
gangil | if I upgrade to 9.04 from 8.10 will my data n packages be saved??? | 22:07 |
=== Nathan is now known as Guest35573 | ||
stef1 | How can I share a folder on the network with no login required? | 22:07 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: file ~/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so | 22:07 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: thats the command | 22:07 |
wheatthin | yeah just a second | 22:07 |
Flannel | gangil: Yes (barring the usual dangers of data loss, etc) | 22:07 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, it said what you typed, verifying by checking myspace as we speak. | 22:07 |
Dr_Willis | stef1: set up the share to be 'guest' accessable. i belive. | 22:07 |
rodolfo | gloobus.. | 22:07 |
pooky_ | Dr Willis; Well I lerned alot from IRC...and Ubuntu forum...not enough but I'll follow your advice and I'll be back in 1h30. | 22:08 |
pooky_ | ^^ | 22:08 |
ActionParsnip | gangil: the upgrade will upgrade the apps and kernel, your user data will not be touched and should be backed up any way if you have any concerns | 22:08 |
stef1 | ok, and I've read that sharing the home directory is not good | 22:08 |
Dr_Willis | pooky_: theres a good site - google for 'learn the command line' (i forget the url) | 22:08 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, negative. still no luck. | 22:08 |
Flannel | rodolfo: gloobus is in Karmic, its brand new, etc. | 22:08 |
stef1 | so I need to make a special map in the root something like /shared ? | 22:08 |
ActionParsnip | pooky_: you need to make the location the terminal is in be the same as the deb files you downloaded | 22:08 |
Dr_Willis | stef1: i set up a 'homes' share on all my machines.. it depends on your situation | 22:08 |
LinuX2half | I can't find the root theme folder | 22:08 |
cabrey | LinuX2half, what do you want to do? | 22:09 |
rodolfo | Flannel: what do u mean? | 22:09 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, i just made sure all my plugins were enabled as well and they are. | 22:09 |
wheatthin | it said that it tripped their spam filter for pastebin, I cannot replicate | 22:09 |
Dr_Willis | LinuX2half: Make the directory if it dosent exist.. or link it to the users .themes directory | 22:09 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: did you get the correct output from the file command output? | 22:09 |
cabrey | LinuX2half, if you want themes installed systemwide, put them in /usr/share/themes | 22:09 |
stef1 | Dr_Willis: you mean sharing the home directories? | 22:09 |
dekkong | does anyone use google chrome in ubuntu? | 22:09 |
Dr_Willis | stef1: I set up the special 'homes' share - its a feature of samba. :) | 22:09 |
rodolfo | Flannel: i saw guides for ubuntu 8.10 also | 22:09 |
cabrey | dekkong, i use it | 22:09 |
wheatthin | it just gives me a 404 error | 22:09 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, "file ~/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so | 22:10 |
setup1_ | /home/setup1/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so: ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, stripped" | 22:10 |
dekkong | cabrey: do you use it with wine? | 22:10 |
Dr_Willis | stef1: every user has 'shared access' to their own home dirs from any box on the lan | 22:10 |
pooky_ | Dr Willis; Okay Thanks, I'll see you around maybe? ^^ | 22:10 |
cabrey | dekkong, no, the native preview version | 22:10 |
Flannel | rodolfo: Hmmm, no, nevermind. It's not in karmic. https://launchpad.net/gloobus They've apparently released a deb, but I can't find it on that page. | 22:10 |
wheatthin | is there a way to flush the apt-get to let me restart the upgrade? | 22:10 |
Fireking300 | When I do "sh unetbootin-linux-356" In terminal it says it cannot execute binary files. | 22:10 |
Flannel | rodolfo: You'll want to follow the guides then. It's not in the repos | 22:10 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: awesmoe, ok now uninstall any other flash packages you have | 22:10 |
exo | apt-get clean | 22:10 |
gangil | what do i do If I need to upgrade from ubuntu 8.10 to Kubuntu 9.04 | 22:10 |
Flannel | wheatthin: Yes. Can you please pastebin the output of this command: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade | 22:10 |
gangil | ? | 22:10 |
ActionParsnip | dekkong: it only runs via wine afaik | 22:10 |
Flannel | !upgrade | gangil | 22:10 |
ubottu | gangil: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading | 22:10 |
wheatthin | Flannel: as I said, pastebin claims it's a spam, it wont' allow me to use it | 22:11 |
wildc4rd | just chucked a ubuntu box in a mATX case, want to check the CPU temp is OK, is this possible? | 22:11 |
stef1 | ok, I didn't knew that, I'm talking about sharing music over the network, i'll look into "homes" | 22:11 |
Dr_Willis | Fireking300: chmod +x unetbootin* then ./unetbootin*whatever* | 22:11 |
rodolfo | Flannel: i'll take a look on this website.. | 22:11 |
cabrey | ActionParsnip, there is a preview release available that runs natively in linux and uses GTK | 22:11 |
gangil | Flannel : is it possible ubuntu-> Kubuntu | 22:11 |
dug | I have a dell with an ich9 hd audio card, show my card in lspci and aplay -l shows it using the right device, yet I get no sound, I have added the options snd-hda-intel-model=dell-m6 | 22:11 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, was that using " dpkg -l | grep flash"? | 22:11 |
pepperjack | Fireking300: chmod +x unetbootblah then ./unetbootblah | 22:11 |
dug | and I still get no sound | 22:11 |
Dr_Willis | gangil: you can install 'kubuntu-desktop' on ubuntu - yes. | 22:11 |
Flannel | gangil: You'd have to do it in two steps, either switch to kubuntu (easy) and then upgrade (easy) or upgrade (easy) and then switch to kubuntu (easy) | 22:11 |
geirha | gangil: You either have to convert from ubuntu to kubuntu, then upgrade to 9.04, or upgrade to 9.04 then convert from ubuntu to kubuntu | 22:11 |
dtchen | dug: are you sure that's the proper quirk? have you verified against the source code? | 22:11 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: that only lists the packages, you will then need to run: sudo apt-get --purge remove <package names here dude> | 22:11 |
ActionParsnip | cabrey: ooh let me check that :) | 22:12 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, alright so get the list with the cmd i just sent, and use the one you sent just now to get rid of them all, correct? | 22:12 |
dug | dtchen: its the one the forums suggest for the dell with the ich9 | 22:12 |
cabrey | ActionParsnip, http://dev.chromium.org/getting-involved/dev-channel | 22:12 |
=== nabla_ is now known as nabla_nabla | ||
vomitory | is intel GMA a separate chip on the motherboard or does it use CPU cycles for generating graphics | 22:13 |
=== nabla_nabla is now known as laplacian | ||
LinuX2half | well the permission is denied. | 22:13 |
gangil | the only difference between ubuntu and Kubutnu is that one uses KDE and other uses Gnome , the kernel is same for both right? | 22:13 |
Fireking300 | Thanks the commands worked | 22:13 |
rodolfo | Flannel: mmm..the only downloadable package is for karmic.. | 22:13 |
LinuX2half | I can't copy the current theme to the share/theme folder | 22:13 |
too5hort | Hi, is there in some way i can let my Wubi install use more disk space instead of the 7gb that i choose in the install? | 22:13 |
dtchen | dug: "ich9" is not very informative; it's similar to saying "i have a computer with a new sound card" | 22:13 |
cabrey | LinuX2half, sudo cp -R theme_folder /usr/share/themes/ | 22:13 |
=== laplacian is now known as nabla | ||
ActionParsnip | setup1_: the dpkg -l | grep flash shows all the package names that contain the word flash, you can then remove them with the second command but you will have to add what package names it finds manually | 22:13 |
Dr_Willis | LinuX2half: you have to do it with root permissions to system directories. | 22:13 |
rodolfo | Flannel: is it possible to install? | 22:13 |
Flannel | gangil: Correct. You can just install Kubuntu on your Ubuntu, and you'll get Kubuntu (and still have Ubuntu) | 22:13 |
dtchen | dug: either use "ubuntu-bug alsa-base", or use http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh | 22:13 |
Flannel | rodolfo: I have no idea. I'm not familiar with that package/program at all, you might ask whatever support/forums/whatever they have | 22:14 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, ok. the only one that showed up was "ii flashplugin-installer Adobe Flash Player plugin installer | 22:14 |
setup1_ | " ill uninstall it now. | 22:14 |
ActionParsnip | cabrey: thanks, lets see how slick this is | 22:14 |
rodolfo | Flannel: mm..ok..thanx anyway | 22:14 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: ok cool. run: sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-installer ; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove | 22:15 |
rodolfo | anybody else knows gloobus? | 22:15 |
LinuX2half | why can I move the theme in my current folder to the share/theme_foler | 22:15 |
nsahoo | does anyone know why latex command does not produce dvi? | 22:15 |
LinuX2half | How can I move files using the terminal. | 22:15 |
=== trinity_4 is now known as Syd_ | ||
cabrey | LinuX2half, are you even following my directions? | 22:15 |
cernenus | is there anywhere i can find a list of everything i need to do to be fully multimedia capable? | 22:15 |
cabrey | cernenus, install ubuntu-restricted-extras | 22:16 |
too5hort | anyone? | 22:16 |
ActionParsnip | cernenus: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras | 22:16 |
LinuX2half | cabrey, here's what it said sudo cp - R theme_folder /usr/share/themes/ | 22:16 |
LinuX2half | [sudo] password for ubuntu2009: | 22:16 |
LinuX2half | cp: cannot stat `-': No such file or directory | 22:16 |
LinuX2half | cp: cannot stat `R': No such file or directory | 22:16 |
LinuX2half | cp: cannot stat `theme_folder': No such file or directory | 22:16 |
FloodBot1 | LinuX2half: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 22:16 |
dawn_ | does anyone know how to reinstall pidgin? it was uninstalled during an upgrade somehow and when i try to put it back on it says there is conflicting software | 22:16 |
ikonia | LinuX2half: cp -R | 22:16 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, after the second cmd line, this is the result. "Reading package lists... Done | 22:16 |
setup1_ | Building dependency tree | 22:16 |
setup1_ | Reading state information... Done | 22:16 |
setup1_ | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded." | 22:16 |
geirha | too5hort: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide#How%20do%20I%20resize%20the%20virtual%20disks%3f | 22:16 |
FloodBot1 | setup1_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 22:16 |
ActionParsnip | LinuX2half: no space between - and R | 22:17 |
jiffe | so I see they have ssd drives that go in pci-e slots | 22:17 |
cabrey | LinuX2half, and it's not 'theme_folder' replace it with your actual theme folder | 22:17 |
danbhfive | dawn_: you could try checking the defaults with: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop^ | 22:17 |
jiffe | so do they make motherboards with like 4-8 pci-e slots now | 22:17 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, I'm guessing it worked then lol | 22:17 |
SqRt7744 | how to I select all installed files for reinstall? | 22:17 |
cabrey | !clone | 22:17 |
ubottu | To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate | 22:17 |
SqRt7744 | erm packages | 22:17 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: got flash now? | 22:18 |
rodolfo | anyone? gloobus | 22:18 |
asy | pff | 22:18 |
asy | 1120 | 22:18 |
ikonia | asy: ? | 22:18 |
asy | forfait bloqué | 22:18 |
gangil | Flannel: what if I just want to upgrade the kernel? | 22:18 |
ikonia | rodolfo: anyone what ? | 22:18 |
Flannel | gangil: What do you mean? | 22:18 |
sstv | bonsoir | 22:18 |
gangil | *only* kernel upgrade | 22:18 |
rodolfo | ikonia: knows how to install gloobus | 22:18 |
Flannel | gangil: you just want to use the 9.04 kernel, with 8.10 packages? | 22:18 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, Checking. stand by. | 22:18 |
gangil | Flannel: yep | 22:18 |
LinuX2half | how do I write my theme folder correctly? | 22:18 |
LinuX2half | the name is aero-clone | 22:18 |
ikonia | !info gloobus | 22:19 |
ubottu | Package gloobus does not exist in jaunty | 22:19 |
ikonia | rodolfo: well the bad news is it's not in the ubuntu repos | 22:19 |
Kanappa | Flannel: kernel/version you know :) | 22:19 |
cernenus | cabrey, i already have most recent restricted extras | 22:19 |
cabrey | LinuX2half, have you decompressed it? | 22:19 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, negative. | 22:19 |
rodolfo | ikonia: infact.. | 22:19 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: damnit | 22:19 |
Alien_Inside | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ercxcuFq1hU | 22:19 |
cabrey | cernenus, ok then totem should be able to play most files, and you have fash | 22:19 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, now i just have giant holes where the videos once were. | 22:19 |
cabrey | flash* | 22:19 |
LinuX2half | cabrey, yes its a folder | 22:19 |
rodolfo | ikonia: what can i do? on the website ther's a package..but it seems to be for karmic | 22:20 |
jadams_ | I've been trying to get my computer to output to my HD TV, and I can't seem to make it. I've got it hooked up DVI->HDMI, and it worked on another computer. I'm running the nvidia driver, and nvidia-settings shows the TV as the second monitor, applying makes my desktop large enough that I can obviously move my mouse 'onto' the HD monitor, etc | 22:20 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, now you see why i resorted to irc? | 22:20 |
ikonia | rodolfo: what's the link ? | 22:20 |
=== donavan_ is now known as donny | ||
rodolfo | ikonia: https://launchpad.net/gloobus | 22:20 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: then i'd run: rm ~/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so | 22:20 |
Kanappa | Oh, 2 and a half men is on. I hate that cartoon with the guy that has balls for cheeks :=) | 22:20 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: and you will be back to the begining | 22:20 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, i have been using google, ask, yahoo, and many other ways to find faq's.... none of which have helped half as much as you have. | 22:20 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: i try | 22:21 |
cernenus | cabrey, when i am online flash items are blank | 22:21 |
Flannel | gangil: No, I wouldn't really suggest doing that (nor would it be trivial to accomplish) | 22:21 |
kt | any oauth guys here? | 22:21 |
=== nathan is now known as Guest77458 | ||
ActionParsnip | setup1_: with no flash installed, try accessing: http://www.rathergood.com/blode2 | 22:21 |
Ro9u3oR | is there much of a difference in open office and ms office | 22:21 |
needhelp1 | i need some help, my defualt boot sequence is messed up | 22:21 |
donny | what is a good program to download music | 22:21 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, you have helped alot so far... what does it sound like the problem may be to you? | 22:21 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, ok, ill try. | 22:21 |
Fireking300 | donny: That would be piracy. | 22:21 |
dekkong | i've never tried opera on ubuntu before, seems to handle flash alot better than firefox | 22:21 |
ikonia | rodolfo: it has the source gode in a tar file available, but I know you're looking for a deb file | 22:22 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: you just need to get the adobe .so file in the right place for firefox to use | 22:22 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, ... odd... it still loads. | 22:22 |
Hibba | Ro9u3oR: I think it depends on what you need it for... Microsoft has worked better for me for making text documents. | 22:22 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, i can still view that website. | 22:22 |
paolo88 | hi | 22:22 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: yeah but does the flash vid load? | 22:22 |
rodolfo | ikonia: i don't even know the difference between tar and deb | 22:22 |
g1er | sry simple questions, are "/lib/firmware" and "/lib/firmware/" the same thing (command wise) | 22:22 |
dude_ | I havn't installed flash this time. My life still works! | 22:23 |
Ro9u3oR | taking a few courses this semester all window apps | 22:23 |
rodolfo | ikonia: :( | 22:23 |
ikonia | rodolfo: then with respect it's best you don't try to build it. I suggest you keep with it for a while and wait for the developers to build a 9.04 package | 22:23 |
g1er | or is it better to use one or the other in most instances | 22:23 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, yeah, they are dancing around a giant centipeede haha | 22:23 |
Ro9u3oR | i was hoping i could get away with just using open office | 22:23 |
regeya | glad to hear your continued corporeal existence is not dependent upon flash, dude_ | 22:23 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: yep, its genius. wait til mr. pringle come in on his tank to blast the nazi crab | 22:23 |
needhelp1 | can someone help me fix my default boot menu.. i think it may be called grub menu | 22:23 |
Ro9u3oR | its been a lot of work trying to get msoffice on my notebook | 22:23 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, lol | 22:23 |
paolo88 | i must install a java jdk version 1.5 or higer...i have senn in synaptic the package called sun-java5-jdk. I can install it and i have finished? | 22:23 |
rodolfo | ikonia: infact..it seemed to hard from the beginning..mayb il look for a forum on their website.. | 22:23 |
needhelp1 | it was working and for some reason, now it says like some error. | 22:24 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: you now have flash | 22:24 |
dude_ | regeya, Feels good to be alive! | 22:24 |
rodolfo | ikonia: thanx anyway :) | 22:24 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, alright so to resolve this... is there not an explore mode like windows? | 22:24 |
ikonia | needhelp1: what's the isue | 22:24 |
Kanappa | ikonia: wheres that chatty channel you always talk about =? ... Im to be there if: kernel coders can be HUMAN. What do you say ? | 22:24 |
Hibba | Ro9u3oR: You may be able to get b on Openoffice. I had some trouble with running headers, but if you don't need to make those, should be ok. | 22:24 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: alt+f2 type nautilus press enter | 22:24 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: like that? | 22:24 |
needhelp1 | the default doesnt load.. it lists the menu and when it trys to auto load the defualt it gives a error. | 22:24 |
needhelp1 | then goes back to the menu | 22:24 |
needhelp1 | i can boot fine when i select .. but the defualt isnt working | 22:25 |
Aacron | I just have to ask this... why didnt' ubuntu *come with* this compiz setup thing? :P I mean its the configuration for the effects, so I really thought at first (because there was no customize, just the 3 options) that there were no other options | 22:25 |
ikonia | Kanappa: I'm tired of your constant refernce to "being human" or "not being allowed to be human" in this channel. I suggest you leave if you find yourself unable to limit yourself to polite support discussion | 22:25 |
paolo88 | i must install a java jdk version 1.5 or higer...i have senn in synaptic the package called sun-java5-jdk. I can install it and i have finished? | 22:25 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, Oh sweet jebus, there is a god haha | 22:25 |
ikonia | needhelp1: what is the default one | 22:25 |
needhelp1 | windows xp | 22:25 |
ikonia | needhelp1: ok - and what is the one that doesn't work ? | 22:25 |
setup1_ | alright... maybe i will have a little more success finding the files and moving them correctly now that i can find them | 22:25 |
cabrey | paolo88, you probably want sun-java6-jdk | 22:25 |
Aacron | There should be anice little button in the desktop effects chooser with [advanced setup] > open compiz config | 22:26 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, so which file to where and ill do it. | 22:26 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: haha, i use pcmanfm personally but nautilus is default | 22:26 |
needhelp1 | they all work, its just the defual doesnt work.. like after 5 seconds if the user doesnt pick one then it will load number 5 (which is the windows xp) that wont work | 22:26 |
needhelp1 | but i can boot into any fine | 22:26 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: no need now, its all done. If you can see that anim you have flash | 22:26 |
bc | does anyone know if there is a command line program that will move to a specific 'work space' (I'm running compiz)? | 22:26 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, well after im used to this os, ill get into the more advanced stuff... i just need training wheels atm. | 22:26 |
Dave__ | How do i re-connect my internet when it disconnects | 22:26 |
ikonia | needhelp1: so what you don't select one - it doesn't work, when you do it does work ? | 22:26 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: you'll learn | 22:26 |
setup1_ | but what about the video's not showing up on myspace and such? | 22:26 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: just use the system | 22:26 |
needhelp1 | ikonia: yeah | 22:26 |
gangil | how do I format my pendrive via terminal | 22:26 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, or dare i say pr0n sites. | 22:27 |
needhelp1 | ikonia: the defualt boot doesnt work | 22:27 |
Aacron | setup1_: you need to get the plugins for firefox bro | 22:27 |
ikonia | needhelp1: ok - can you put your /boot/grub/menu.lst file in pastebin.ubuntu.com please | 22:27 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: if they use flash they will work | 22:27 |
rodolfo | ikonia: sorry again..i'm just curious. why do they already deliver a software for a version of ubuntu that will come up in october | 22:27 |
paolo88 | cabrey: ok, tanks | 22:27 |
needhelp1 | ikonia: can you tell me how to open it? | 22:27 |
ikonia | rodolfo: they are packaging in preperation for the 9.10 release | 22:27 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, if not, i have to find ways around. this explains why youtube works, but most myspace movies do not. | 22:27 |
ikonia | needhelp1: open it in a text editor | 22:27 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, hmmm | 22:27 |
needhelp1 | what do i type in terminal? | 22:27 |
ikonia | needhelp1: nano /boot/grub/menu.lst | 22:28 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: depends what they use for plugins | 22:28 |
Aacron | setup1_: i think if you go to add/remove software, you can put flash and other plugins in there and you're good to go. I use noscript, adblock and flash | 22:28 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, alright, lemme see what i can do | 22:28 |
Aacron | ActionParsnip: he's talkinga bout youtube... its flash | 22:28 |
cma | hello room | 22:28 |
Dave__ | How do i re-connect my internet when it disconnects | 22:28 |
=== dekkong is now known as headcrusher | ||
needhelp1 | ikonia: that opened it in the teminal.. is there a way i can open it with a text editor | 22:28 |
needhelp1 | ? | 22:28 |
Ro9u3oR | is there much difference with presentations and database? | 22:28 |
rodolfo | ikonia: ok..but wouldn't be more convenient for them do develop a version for 9.04 that we could use now? | 22:28 |
ActionParsnip | Aacron: and he said youtube worked | 22:28 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, no no, youtube works, certain vids on myspace etc dont work | 22:29 |
Kanappa | ikonia: What is the name where you still have the same rules but call it something other then #ubuntu ? | 22:29 |
ActionParsnip | Aacron: but myspace video doesnt so must be something diferent in some way | 22:29 |
ikonia | needhelp1: look in your applications menu for a text editor you like | 22:29 |
rodolfo | ikonia: instead of waiting 6 months? | 22:29 |
ikonia | rodolfo: no as it will be obsolete | 22:29 |
Aacron | ActionParsnip: ahh. if he has noscript installed, he may need to enable scripts for myspsace | 22:29 |
Aacron | myspace* | 22:29 |
ikonia | Kanappa: do you mean #ubuntu-offtopic ? | 22:29 |
Kanappa | ikonia: Ah! | 22:29 |
Kanappa | Thank you | 22:29 |
jadams | fir | 22:29 |
ActionParsnip | Aacron: i doubt he has that installed personally. i could be wrong | 22:29 |
jadams | oops | 22:29 |
rodolfo | ikonia: ok..thanks again!! see ya | 22:29 |
cernenus | project playlist doesn't work for me:( | 22:29 |
gangil | how do I format my pendrive , there is no potion when I rt click it!! | 22:30 |
Kanappa | ikonia: So, are you an op there, and how could it be different then ? | 22:30 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, i litterally put the disk in and just let it do the rest. | 22:30 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: go to edit preferences in firefox. content tab. | 22:30 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, so what i have on here is the basic install. | 22:30 |
Aacron | sometimes people do stupid things <--- like me :)) I know what the plugins are but... I've installeda few things I wasn't 100% sure of cause the desc said it did something I thought I wanted, turned out I didn't, yada yada | 22:30 |
ikonia | Kanappa: check the topic there - it's for non-support chatter | 22:30 |
needhelp1 | ikonia: hum.. its set still how i set it last a long time ago.. the defualt value is 5, which is correct | 22:30 |
LinuX2half | yep, I check online and finally moved the folder, thanks. | 22:30 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: make sure you have javascript enabled | 22:30 |
ikonia | needhelp1: please pastebin your file | 22:31 |
gangil | l: how do I format my pendrive , there is no potion when I rt click it!! | 22:31 |
Kanappa | ikonia: Its for those of us who spend their lives coding for dists such as Ubuntu ? | 22:31 |
zimbres | hi, while linking against a library I coded myself I get error messages "undefined reference to symbol" So I look for these undefined symbols with ldd -r libname.so, and after that nm libname.so | grep symbol. And the symbol is there. So what is the problem with such a library? | 22:31 |
ActionParsnip | gangil: run: gksudo gparted | 22:31 |
Aacron | i still question why they didn't include compiz setup with a button on the ubuntu desktop effect window under "advnaced" or something | 22:31 |
needhelp1 | ikonia: does the list start with zero.. like 0 1 2 3? | 22:31 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, java and java script are both enabled | 22:31 |
Kanappa | So that we may meet and have fun once in a blue moon | 22:31 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: then I'm stumped | 22:31 |
stef1 | does putting the swap on another disk increase io performance? | 22:31 |
* bastidrazor can't back a laugh | 22:32 | |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, me too:( | 22:32 |
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, im in add/remove right now | 22:32 |
hymx | Hello. How to list installed kernel versions? | 22:32 |
ActionParsnip | setup1_: maybe someone else can chip in, or a websearch will help. i gota jet | 22:32 |
ikonia | hymx: uname -a will show you your current running kernel | 22:32 |
Aacron | Is the best place to put ideas for streamlining ubuntu in that brainsomething site? | 22:32 |
ActionParsnip | peace out kids | 22:32 |
Aacron | to get the developers to take a peek at them? | 22:32 |
=== Gerrroooo is now known as GeeeRRrrooo | ||
setup1_ | ActionParsnip, alright:/ thanks anyway. looks like im back to surfing the web again:( | 22:33 |
hymx | ikonia: Yeah right, but I want to look at other kernel versions on my system. Before I upgrade my system to 9.04 | 22:33 |
mbnoimi | Why I can't use volume up/down keys through Rhythmbox? although next/prev. keys are working well ! | 22:33 |
Aacron | brainstorm.ubuntu.com? | 22:33 |
needhelp1 | ikonia: does the list start with zero in the grub menu? or does it start with one? | 22:33 |
ikonia | needhelp1: just pastebin the whole file | 22:33 |
cabrey | needhelp1, 0 | 22:33 |
ikonia | hymx: dpkg -l | grep -i kernel will show you | 22:33 |
needhelp1 | thanks.. ikonia i think maybe the grub may of been updated im not sure | 22:34 |
=== Vincent is now known as Guest27848 | ||
needhelp1 | i have two listings for windows xp in the number 5 and 6 spot.. im gona switch it to 6 and see if that works | 22:34 |
setup1_ | Aacron, im not sure... im BEYOND new to this. ive have this installed for 2 hours tops | 22:34 |
needhelp1 | if not ill jot down the error and return here with the pasted grub | 22:34 |
Aacron | ahh I was just asking in general | 22:34 |
Aacron | :P | 22:34 |
Aacron | I'm kinda-sorta new to ubuntu myself ;) | 22:34 |
needhelp1 | well should i say.. either way ill be back to tell you how it goes | 22:34 |
Fireking300 | is there a GUI version of NTPasswd? | 22:34 |
needhelp1 | brb, thanks ikonia and cabrey | 22:34 |
ikonia | needhelp1: well spotted | 22:35 |
setup1_ | well i think my go to guy gets outta work soon so MAYBE, just maybe he can help me get this finished up | 22:35 |
gangil | how can I format my pendrive , there is no format option when i rt click it , I dnt hv gparted | 22:36 |
setup1_ | because i dont know that anyone else here can really help me all that much | 22:36 |
gangil | help! | 22:36 |
Aacron | gangil: could you install gparted? | 22:36 |
Fireking300 | sudo apt-get install gparted I think | 22:36 |
jigsaw666 | hello | 22:36 |
AcidBurn | why on earth it's not possible to open postscript files? .ps | 22:37 |
Aacron | gangil: other than that I think there is a command line option to do that | 22:37 |
mrwes | In Jaunty when there are updates available, the update manager quickly pops up and then minimizes to the bottom panel -- is that the default action? | 22:37 |
setup1_ | later guys | 22:37 |
gangil | Aacron: plz. tell me | 22:37 |
Aacron | mrwes: yeah I have been wondering that myself... I'd think it would make itself seen since updates are important | 22:37 |
evanrmurphy | Which items are in the home directory on a fresh install? I have some files and folders I'm not sure if I need and can't find out if they're supposed to be there. Examples to follow: | 22:37 |
Fireking300 | mkvs.ext3? | 22:37 |
Aacron | gangil: one second man I'll look it up in google | 22:37 |
needhelp1 | one more question before i go... it wont let me save the edited grub | 22:37 |
needhelp1 | it says | 22:37 |
Operations | Hi, I have a little problem regarding cryprography | 22:38 |
needhelp1 | im in gedit... its saying you dont not have the permissions necessary to save the file | 22:38 |
mrwes | Aacron, yah, the first time it happened I wasn't at the computer and didn't realize until sometime later I actually had updates...weird aye? | 22:38 |
AcidBurn | !postscript | 22:38 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about postscript | 22:38 |
evanrmurphy | ubuntu-docs-jaunty, Accessories.txt, ikernel.exe_, launcher.ini, ... | 22:38 |
mrwes | !ps | 22:38 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ps | 22:38 |
Operations | !criprography | 22:38 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about criprography | 22:38 |
AcidBurn | !.ps | 22:38 |
mrwes | heh | 22:38 |
Operations | !criptography | 22:38 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about criptography | 22:38 |
Operations | !cryptography | 22:38 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about cryptography | 22:38 |
AcidBurn | I can't find anything that can read postscript :( | 22:39 |
Operations | I have a problem with some crypto algorithms | 22:39 |
Operations | pls help | 22:39 |
Aacron | mrwes: yeah... same here :P I'd think it would be at least showing itself :P | 22:39 |
AcidBurn | how it doesn't know anything about cryptography and it knows cryptography?!? | 22:39 |
VCoolio | needhelp1: open the file with "gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.list" to open with root permissions; copy your changes first or you'll have to do them again | 22:39 |
Aacron | erm gangil can you just install gparted? would make your life a LOAD easier | 22:39 |
evanrmurphy | layout.bin, Mozilla Firefox.desktop, Repositories, srtp.log, Synaptic. | 22:39 |
AcidBurn | stupid bot | 22:39 |
Aacron | gangil: I believe its " sudo apt-get gparted " | 22:40 |
Aacron | oops! | 22:40 |
Aacron | gangil: I believe its " sudo apt-get install gparted " | 22:40 |
Aacron | then you wont have to go through the process of figurign out *which* sdXX is the usb drive :P | 22:40 |
needhelp1 | VCoolio: when i opened it that way gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.list .... its blank | 22:41 |
needhelp1 | must be a mistake | 22:41 |
Operations | I have a problem with some crypto algorithms | 22:41 |
VCoolio | needhelp1: then it doesn't exist, did I type something wrong/ | 22:41 |
Aacron | !crypto | 22:41 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about crypto | 22:41 |
Aacron | !crypt | 22:41 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about crypt | 22:41 |
needhelp1 | VCoolio: oh yeah you did | 22:42 |
VCoolio | needhelp1: menu.lst, not .list | 22:42 |
Operations | thanks.. damn | 22:42 |
needhelp1 | its lst | 22:42 |
evanrmurphy | Can anyone tell me what any of these files are for?: Accessories.txt, ikernel.exe_, launcher.ini, layout.bin, Mozilla Firefox.desktop, Repositories, srtp.log, Synaptic. Thanks. | 22:42 |
Aacron | gangil: did you find gparted? | 22:42 |
VCoolio | needhelp1: yep, sorry, gedit will create files if they don't exist yet, can be confusing sometimes | 22:42 |
abdulkareem | hi | 22:42 |
needhelp1 | VCoolio: thanks.. brb | 22:43 |
abdulkareem | tet | 22:43 |
mrwes | Aacron, here's the fix for that update manager action gconftool -s --type bool /apps/update-notifier/auto_launch false | 22:43 |
abdulkareem | kefkom? | 22:43 |
Aacron | evanrmurphy: Repositories and Synaptic are for the synaptic package manager | 22:43 |
Aacron | i believe | 22:43 |
gangil | Aacron: I knew gparted , but wanted to find out linux has any built in tool for that. | 22:43 |
evanrmurphy | Aacron: Thank you. Is it normal for them to be in ~/ ? | 22:43 |
mrwes | Aacron, here's the complete thread http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1130181.html | 22:43 |
Aacron | evanrmurphy: hrmm not sure | 22:44 |
Aacron | gangil: yes there is, one sec I'll have you a nice shiny link | 22:44 |
=== don is now known as Guest66627 | ||
VCoolio | evanrmurphy: .desktop files are launchers, like shortcuts to .exe in windows; you can delete those safely; I don't think there are any files in ~/ on a fresh install except Examples and hidden files | 22:44 |
Aacron | gangil: here you go. explains both fdisk method and gparted:: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=282018 | 22:44 |
Aacron | gangil: basically gparted is just a front-end for fdisk to make your life a little easier | 22:45 |
gangil | Aacron: thanks :) | 22:46 |
* SeaPhor is away: I'm prolly playing SplinterCell | 22:46 | |
cernenus | :) found a fix for all my flash problems:) | 22:46 |
Aacron | gangil: and the nkfs (i think that is the command) utility, which is how you "make filesystem" aka format | 22:46 |
Aacron | gangil: looking a sec and I should have you the nice shiny command-line (minus which device) | 22:47 |
Aacron | gangil: sudo mkfs.vfat -n <label_name> <device> | 22:48 |
edbian | OOOOO shiney :) | 22:48 |
Aacron | where label_name is what you wanna call it, and device is the USB disk's (sdX#) | 22:48 |
matreya6 | Is it possible to "grow" two raid1 volumes into 1 again? | 22:49 |
Fireking300 | Is there a GUI version of ntpasswd or something like it? | 22:49 |
bishop | joining | 22:49 |
bishop | hey | 22:50 |
Dave__ | How do i re-connect my internet when it disconnects | 22:50 |
bishop | reboot... maybe | 22:51 |
Fireking300 | or sudo /etc/init.d/networking start | 22:51 |
elli222 | Im trying to flash my CD Drive's firmware, and i need to force it into PIO mode, how do i do this? | 22:51 |
mbnoimi | how I can specify hotkeys for ubuntu? | 22:52 |
kyleQ | close your eyes and count to ten | 22:52 |
jasonbourne | how can i uninstall stellarium from the terminal | 22:52 |
Aacron | elli222: you could try to do that in BIOS, though linux may re-set it to DMA once it's loaded | 22:53 |
melwtech35 | hello, i have logged in as root however there is a file\directory that is read only, nomatter how much chmodding ect i do i can't get access, and its not a read only mounted drive its on the same physical drive, is it possible that it is set up to have access with a certain group only, and that group is hidden from root? | 22:53 |
matreya6 | mbnoimi, Look under Syste, => preferences => Key Shortcuts | 22:53 |
Aacron | melwtech35: you logged in as root? how? :P | 22:53 |
bishop | off topic just heard microsoft is dumping vista??? | 22:53 |
melwtech35 | Aacron, sorry before you go from an ubuntu angle, lets just speak linux generically :) | 22:53 |
Aacron | bishop: huh? well... windows 7 is about to be out in force, which seems to be basically what vista was supposed to be :P | 22:54 |
Leon_Nardella | How can I have an external ext3 formatted drive be writable by anybody, on any system, without editing fstab on every machine I want to attach the drive to? | 22:54 |
matreya6 | bishop, seems like a painful, but smart thing to do for MS | 22:54 |
gangil | hi I am getting the following error on inserting my pendrive it says : mount point cant contain the following characters newline,G_DIR_SEPARATOR(/usually) | 22:54 |
Aacron | melwtech35: hehe was picking. erm... is there a way you can unlock it? | 22:54 |
keri | i need to find out how to get my ubuntu panel to show up when i go to web and on a site it is not on the top and i do not get the bootom panel showing what i have open | 22:54 |
keri | can i get help | 22:54 |
jiffe | anyone gotten drdb to build on ubuntu? I got an error about changing cflags to extra_cflags which I was able to fix, now it is complaining about 'linux/drbd.h: No such file or directory' | 22:54 |
bishop | just came over news gotta get more info... | 22:55 |
elli222 | Leon_Nardella, chmod -R 777 Path/to/your/disk/ | 22:55 |
Leon_Nardella | elli222, Thanks! | 22:55 |
melwtech35 | Aacron, ive tried chmod 777 file.png still stays the same only tells me "read only filesystem" which is incorrect because i can edit anything else | 22:55 |
Aacron | gangil: can you plug it into a windows box? or is there even any useful data on it you want to keep? | 22:55 |
keri | i need to find out how to get my ubuntu panel to show up when i go to web and on a site it is not on the top and i do not get the bootom panel showing what i have open | 22:56 |
Aacron | melwtech35: hrmm... seems over my head... hopefully someone like raylu can help.... | 22:56 |
gangil | yep I can plug ged it into windows and formatted it but nothin , I can plug it in a win box | 22:56 |
Aacron | gangil: try changing the usb stick's label | 22:56 |
gangil | ? | 22:56 |
melwtech35 | raylu, if you can help ill be very thankful :) | 22:56 |
gangil | Aacron: how? | 22:57 |
Aacron | gangil: in windows... there might be some funky character that the utility that auto-mounts the drive cant handle | 22:57 |
raylu | huh? | 22:57 |
elli222 | melwtech, do you use SUSPEND by any chance? | 22:57 |
Aacron | gangil: right click the usb stick in file manager on windows, and there shoudl be a "Volume Label" field somewhere int here | 22:57 |
cernenus | Fireking300, do you have a copy of knoppix? | 22:57 |
melwtech35 | elli222, no i didn't | 22:57 |
VCoolio | keri: only firefox maximizing over panels? what does pressing F11 do? | 22:58 |
adamb_ | Micheal Jackson just died =\ | 22:58 |
Aacron | gangil: or, if you dont care about any of the data on the usb stick you could just fdisk it, delete the partition it has, and re-create it, which should effectively remove the volume label compleely | 22:58 |
cernenus | sucks for mj | 22:58 |
Aacron | adamb_: really? | 22:58 |
matreya6 | Does anyone how to install grub on the MBR of a 2nd RAID1 volume? When using the Alternate Install CD, it does ask if I want to activate RAID support(I answer yes), but doesn't allow me to see the RAID 1 volumes I created through mount nor to allow me to install GRUB on them | 22:58 |
adamb_ | yeah | 22:58 |
Flannel | !offtopic | adamb_, Aacron, cernenus | 22:58 |
ubottu | adamb_, Aacron, cernenus: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 22:58 |
bishop | has anyone used supergrub? | 22:58 |
Aacron | adamb_: well... that sucks, but at least our children are safe now :P | 22:58 |
adamb_ | Are you seriois Flannel? oh shut up | 22:59 |
Crandom | MJ died? | 22:59 |
elli222 | rofl | 22:59 |
Aacron | gangil: did you get it working? | 22:59 |
Flannel | adamb_: Please keep this channel on topic. The topic is: Ubuntu support. We have other channels for offtopic chatting. | 22:59 |
gangil | Aacron: It was me who played with it the last time , and I did set the mount point to / in gui. | 23:00 |
Crandom | http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/world/michael-jackson-dead-20090626-cyjb.html | 23:00 |
Crandom | http://www.newsday.com/entertainment/news/celebrity/ny-michaeljackson0626,0,57920.story | 23:00 |
adamb_ | What up how about that? | 23:00 |
FloodBot1 | Crandom: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 23:00 |
Crandom | lol | 23:00 |
sstv | Bonsoir | 23:00 |
adamb_ | yeah MJ died, that sucks.. | 23:00 |
gangil | win didnt help | 23:00 |
adamb_ | and Flannel shut up already, someone famous died, we mentioned it, get real. | 23:00 |
LinuX2half | how do I install a tar.gz package? | 23:00 |
LinuX2half | I know I need to extract it | 23:00 |
LinuX2half | but how to I installed it? | 23:01 |
cernenus | Fireking300, are you still there? | 23:01 |
Fireking300 | <cernenus> Do you mean MJ the player? | 23:01 |
VCoolio | LinuX2half: are there no repositories and no .deb files for what you want to install? | 23:01 |
evanrmurphy | Aacron: FYI, I created a fresh username and none of those files were there. I concluded their garbage from a messy backup restore I did awhile back. Cheers! | 23:01 |
cernenus | no | 23:01 |
Fireking300 | Basketball player* | 23:01 |
Fireking300 | o | 23:01 |
animuson_ | would it be possible to connect two servers together so they both use the same MySQL? | 23:01 |
Flannel | cernenus, Fireking300: please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic | 23:01 |
VCoolio | LinuX2half: otherwise 1. ./configure 2. make 3. sudo make install | 23:01 |
animuson_ | like combining their resources essentially | 23:01 |
Dave__ | How do i re-connect my internet when it disconnects | 23:01 |
Fireking300 | Ok what were you wanting to know? If I had Knoppix? | 23:02 |
LinuX2half | Vcoolio, I don't know where to obtain the repository. | 23:02 |
VCoolio | LinuX2half: what app is it? | 23:02 |
matreya6 | animuson_, Clustering is possible, but needs expert knowledge to implement | 23:02 |
Flannel | !checkinstall | LinuX2half, VCoolio (don't compile with make, use checkinstall, if you have to compile) | 23:02 |
ubottu | LinuX2half, VCoolio (don't compile with make, use checkinstall, if you have to compile): checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's runnin | 23:02 |
VCoolio | Flannel: really what does that do? | 23:02 |
VCoolio | Flannel: sry you let ubot say it | 23:03 |
Flannel | VCoolio: It creates a deb from the compile, so you can easily remove the files later, if you want to upgrade, or a package becomes available, etc. | 23:03 |
brennus | oh no michael jackson is dead! | 23:03 |
Flannel | brennus: Please take it elsewhere. This is a support channel. | 23:03 |
=== TamCore is now known as TamCore[oFF] | ||
Tetracomm | The news stations only said that he was hospitalized. | 23:04 |
iCub | Note to all: Wine + Ubuntu 9.04 + EeePc = fail | 23:04 |
MadAGu | Guys i have the following problem | 23:05 |
MadAGu | i have 2 folders with the same name on my desktop | 23:05 |
Aacron | gangil: just so you know man, dont ever ever mount other stuff in / unless ou absolutely have to :P generally you want to mount things in /mnt or (in ubuntu) /media | 23:05 |
bishop | leaving...bbak.. | 23:05 |
MadAGu | how could happen this thing..... | 23:05 |
Flannel | MadAGu: Are they capitalized differently? | 23:05 |
donny | what do i have to dlisten to music form limewire? | 23:06 |
MadAGu | no they are not | 23:06 |
gangil | soory :( | 23:06 |
bishop | hey | 23:06 |
gangil | I just like to experiment | 23:06 |
Flannel | MadAGu: please pastebin the output of this: ls -al ~/Desktop | 23:06 |
MadAGu | drwxr-xr-x 9 skaroukio skaroukio 4096 2009-06-26 01:01 modis_pict | 23:06 |
MadAGu | drwxr-xr-x 3 skaroukio skaroukio 4096 2009-06-26 00:53 modis_pict | 23:06 |
animuson_ | is there like a guide to clustering somewhere? | 23:07 |
Flannel | MadAGu: Pastebin the entire output please | 23:07 |
Flannel | !paste | MadAGu | 23:07 |
ubottu | MadAGu: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic | 23:07 |
MadAGu | it is not my problem one friend of my has it | 23:07 |
livio | hello | 23:07 |
vvpalin | question will this work, or will it not be able to overwrite the same file? | 23:07 |
vvpalin | cat /usr/etc/whatever.txt | sed "s/something/something2/g" > /usr/etc/whatever.txt | 23:07 |
MadAGu | and i am just trying to find a solution... | 23:07 |
AcidBurn | !tar xz | 23:08 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about tar xz | 23:08 |
AcidBurn | !xz | 23:08 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about xz | 23:08 |
livio | \help | 23:08 |
AcidBurn | !.xz | 23:08 |
AcidBurn | !.tar.xz | 23:08 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about tar.xz | 23:08 |
AcidBurn | !tar | 23:08 |
ubottu | Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression | 23:08 |
livio | !encrypt | 23:09 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about encrypt | 23:09 |
livio | !encryption | 23:09 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about encryption | 23:09 |
animuson_ | is there like a guide to clustering somewhere? | 23:09 |
Flannel | !fishing | livio, AcidBurn | 23:09 |
ubottu | livio, AcidBurn: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots. Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid". | 23:09 |
LinuX2half | why I enter auto-apt run ./configure it failed? | 23:09 |
evon | can anyone help me recover a lost partition | 23:10 |
evon | ? | 23:10 |
AcidBurn | does anybody know how to extract this extension .tar.xz? | 23:11 |
evon | can anyone help me recover a lost partition? | 23:11 |
aoupi | AcidBurn: no idea, run file on it to make sure it's not something else | 23:12 |
aoupi | AcidBurn: tar xf bla.tar.xz will probably work | 23:12 |
AcidBurn | aoupi: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/.xz-compression-with-tar-726007/ | 23:12 |
gangil1 | Aacron: what's the remedy? if any.O:-) | 23:13 |
LinuX2half | auto-apt run config failed? | 23:13 |
aoupi | AcidBurn: says right there, install xz stuff | 23:13 |
LinuX2half | why it failed? | 23:13 |
VCoolio | LinuX2half: what did it say (don't paste here if it´ s more than 1 line) | 23:13 |
AcidBurn | aoupi: Synatpic? | 23:14 |
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang | ||
aoupi | AcidBurn: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tar/+bug/385624 | 23:14 |
LinuX2half | Vcoolio, http://paste.ubuntu.com/203821/ | 23:15 |
theunixgeek | How do I install a non-3.5 compatible theme on Firefox 3.5 RC2? | 23:16 |
=== apachelogger is now known as hsitter | ||
Aacron | gangil: remedy for? | 23:17 |
AcidBurn | aoupi: why on earth do people compress with this extension?!/ | 23:17 |
VCoolio | LinuX2half: don't know, flannel hinted me at auto-apt but I never used it; that is a very minimal error message I'm afraid | 23:17 |
bastidrazor | theunixgeek, you wait till they make it available for 3.5 | 23:17 |
bishop | leaving... | 23:17 |
theunixgeek | bastidrazor: besides that; there are probably some workarounds available | 23:17 |
Lancen833 | Can someone help me with a display issue? | 23:17 |
keri | VCoolio: F11 does nothing | 23:17 |
obione | hello everyone | 23:18 |
DasEi | !details | Lancen833 | 23:18 |
ubottu | Lancen833: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." | 23:18 |
Lancen833 | Alright | 23:18 |
obione | does an | 23:18 |
LinuX2half | who's flannel? | 23:18 |
VCoolio | keri: don't ten, thought this might have been your problem http://onlyubuntu.blogspot.com/2008/11/howto-fix-firefox-taking-up-whole.html | 23:18 |
VCoolio | keri: *don't know then | 23:19 |
obione | does anyone have a video capture card with chipset zoran and model zr36057pqc | 23:19 |
obione | can't find drivers :( | 23:19 |
bastidrazor | theunixgeek, there is. find the file that checks what version of firefox you have. | 23:19 |
Lancen833 | DasEi: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1197093 | 23:19 |
LinuX2half | anyone know how to install a extracted folder? | 23:20 |
LinuX2half | the folder is clamav-0.95.2 | 23:21 |
obione | am I on-line ? | 23:22 |
sebsebseb | obione: no | 23:22 |
obione | ok | 23:22 |
gangil2 | yo buddy | 23:22 |
obione | loooool sebse. | 23:22 |
obione | loooool sebsebseb | 23:22 |
=== defcon is now known as Guest23451 | ||
Dave__ | How do i re-connect my internet when it disconnects | 23:23 |
logankoester | Can anyone tell me how to check the installed version number of a package from the shell? | 23:23 |
LinuX2half | no one know how to install a extracted folder? | 23:23 |
=== Don_Miguel is now known as BlinkyToon | ||
matreya6 | I'm trying to finalize an Ubuntu 9.04 64Bit's installation on the following config: 2 RAID 1 Volumes, 1st WinXP32Bit, 2nd: Linux64. The entire install is done, except that GRUB only installs to the MBR of the 2nd disk, causing WinXP to boot without any GRUB to switch to the fully installed Ubuntu. I've tried dropping to rescue mode, but even though the Alternate Live CD asks me if I want to activate H/W RAID, the volumes's don't show up in fdisk -l, nor | 23:24 |
matreya6 | can I use them to install GRUB on the 1st Volume (shared with WinXP) | 23:24 |
obione | can anyone can tell me where to find drivers and info on a capture card with chipset zoran model zr36057pqc ... I'm tired of searching ... | 23:24 |
VCoolio | LinuX2half: did you cd into that folder before doing the auto-apt command? | 23:24 |
DasEi | Lancen833: I think I can't help you too far as I'm leaving soon, which graphics-card do you use // the upgrade-process might have fixed something, but if you installed on another pc, recompiling kernel might be usefull | 23:25 |
LinuX2half | Vcoolio, no is it cd clamac-0.95.2? | 23:25 |
Lancen833 | How might I do that? | 23:25 |
VCoolio | LinuX2half: where is the folder? | 23:25 |
DasEi | !dualhead | Lancen833 | 23:26 |
ubottu | Lancen833: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama | 23:26 |
Lancen833 | Thanks | 23:26 |
LinuX2half | vcoolio in the front desktop | 23:26 |
VCoolio | LinuX2half: then "cd Desktop/clamav" and press tab | 23:26 |
DasEi | Lancen833: I think first you got to get the correct driver working (even single-head), then figure out dualhead | 23:26 |
aspidites | what would cause kde 4(.2.4) to drop to init 3 instead of kdm when logging out? | 23:27 |
terquilino | hey | 23:27 |
Lancen833 | DasEi: Well, like I said, it was working just ifne until I changed the settings to allow true dual. | 23:27 |
LinuX2half | Vcoolio, cd desktop/clamav-0.95.2, it gave me error that said no such file/directory. | 23:27 |
VCoolio | LinuX2half: capital D for Desktop | 23:28 |
terquilino | michael jackson is dead! | 23:28 |
trucMuche | … | 23:28 |
DasEi | Lancen833: driver configured / out of the box.. | 23:28 |
trucMuche | !offtopic | terquilino | 23:29 |
ubottu | terquilino: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 23:29 |
cma | I just saw that anouncement too | 23:29 |
LinuX2half | okay now the header look like ubuntu2009@unbuntu2009-laptop:~/Desktop/clamav-0.95.2$ | 23:29 |
LinuX2half | vcoolio ubuntu2009@unbuntu2009-laptop:~/Desktop/clamav-0.95.2$(header) | 23:29 |
VCoolio | LinuX2half: now try the auto-apt thing again | 23:30 |
LinuX2half | Vcoolio, so know I enter auto-apt run ./configure? | 23:30 |
VCoolio | LinuX2half: yep | 23:30 |
Lancen833 | DasEi: I'm not sure what you mean. Are you suggesting a reinstall of linux or that I compile a driver in shell without logging into linux? | 23:30 |
Lancen833 | DasEi: or neither? | 23:30 |
matreya6 | Anyone who can assist with an install on RAID1? | 23:30 |
DasEi | Lancen833: which graphics do you use ?did you install a driver ? | 23:31 |
Lancen833 | DasEi: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102801 | 23:31 |
LinuX2half | Vcoolio, okay after scanning it said I need to install zlib/-devel packages | 23:32 |
orudie | good bye Michael Jackson :( | 23:32 |
trucMuche | :| | 23:32 |
Lancen833 | DasEi: I believe I did not install the proprietary driver | 23:32 |
Lancen833 | DasEi: I believe I did not install the proprietary driver | 23:32 |
trucMuche | courage Flannel :) | 23:32 |
VCoolio | LinuX2half: ok, do that: sudo apt-get install libghc6-zlib-dev | 23:32 |
dsdeiz | hi how do you guys get google-chrome to play flash? | 23:33 |
Flannel | orudie: This channel is a support channel, please help keep it on topic. There are other places for general discussion. Thanks. | 23:34 |
DasEi | Lancen833: Radeon HD 4870 << link took endless to load; did you check for a linux-driver / a software suite (including dualhead control) at ATI ? also see : | 23:35 |
DasEi | !hardware | 23:35 |
ubottu | For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection | 23:35 |
CybeRebel | hello :) my firefox check updates has recently become disabled, anyone know what is wrong? | 23:36 |
a | hi | 23:36 |
Lancen833 | DasEi: How should I go about installing this driver? I cannot access Linux's GUI at all. :( Thanks for your help so far! | 23:36 |
DasEi | Lancen833: first thing when read your forum post is that if you ""recorded"" the hd on a different machine, wrong drivers might be in , even after the dist-upgrade, so you should check syslog and messages; didn't you say you could boot the old kernel ? | 23:37 |
ARMENIAN | does anyone know how to toggle on and off notify-osd? | 23:38 |
Lancen833 | DasEi: New Kernel NEVER booted. It just hung. Old Kernel booted but I messed up the graphics trying to dual screen. | 23:39 |
LinuX2half | Vcoolio, its taking a while to finished its installation, its still 62%. | 23:39 |
Lancen833 | DasEi: At this point i can access neither, but I have shell on the new one. | 23:39 |
DasEi | Lancen833: busybox or shell ? | 23:40 |
VCoolio | LinuX2half: that's the download part I think, installing shouldn't take too long | 23:40 |
syslq78 | Anyone using disown command? | 23:40 |
Lancen833 | DasEi: Likely busybox, as it comes before the login splash. >_> | 23:40 |
ARMENIAN | How do you toggle notify-OSD on and off? | 23:41 |
DasEi | Lancen833: busybox so, you know safemode, don't you ? | 23:41 |
Lancen833 | DasEi: Command is just Safemode? | 23:42 |
DasEi | Lancen833: nope, when grub comes up saying loading.. press "Esc" and go to single(rescue) mode, which brings you to a command prompt without x | 23:42 |
Lancen833 | DasEi: I will try. | 23:43 |
DasEi | !X | 23:43 |
ubottu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution | 23:43 |
matreya6 | does anyone know which grub version is used on the Ubuntu 9.04 64Bit Alternate Install disk? | 23:43 |
DasEi | Lancen833: this is the part isn't working no more, but singlemode should still | 23:43 |
=== donavan_ is now known as donny | ||
DasEi | Lancen833: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=878709 | 23:44 |
donny | does any one know how to play music i got from limewire | 23:44 |
kyleQ | anybody know any good chat software that will work on ubuntu for leisure purposes | 23:44 |
LinuX2half | Vcoolio, alright it had finished installing, I'll go with auto-apt command again? | 23:44 |
VCoolio | LinuX2half: yes, hope it is better now | 23:44 |
matreya6 | donny, what kind of file format is the music in? | 23:44 |
solexious|netbk | Is it possible to share bluetooth devices? I have a bt gps receiver, only one device can connect at any time, but I would like to get gps data to my netbook and my phone. Is it possible to route it though ubuntu and back out all over bluetooth | 23:44 |
Lancen833 | DasEi: It brings me back to bios when I hit escape | 23:45 |
kyleQ | anybody know any good chat software that will work on ubuntu for leisure purposes | 23:45 |
donny | mateya6: it says .au | 23:45 |
matreya6 | kyleQ, use Pidgin | 23:45 |
DasEi | Lancen833: nah, wait a little longer 'till it says GRUB loading, please wait | 23:45 |
chevdor | kyleQ: it depends on the network you want, indeed pidgin handles a few | 23:46 |
kyleQ | thats not instant messaging | 23:46 |
matreya6 | kyleQ, You mean VOIP with "chat"? | 23:46 |
Lancen833 | DasEi: Ok | 23:46 |
chevdor | kyleQ what do u need ? MSN ? IRC ? ICQ ? ... | 23:46 |
LinuX2half | vcoolio okay it finished scanning | 23:46 |
LinuX2half | vcoolio, the folder is installed? | 23:47 |
kyleQ | just random chat... like chat rooms | 23:47 |
VCoolio | LinuX2half: now "make" that can take a few minutes | 23:47 |
DasEi | Lancen833: brew a uuntu-bean ;-) | 23:47 |
kyleQ | for example yahoo chat rooms\ | 23:47 |
LinuX2half | vcoolio, make install you mean? | 23:47 |
matreya6 | kyleQ, that is possible with multiple clients, Pidgin supports Yahoo or MSN chatrooms for sure. | 23:47 |
Lancen833 | DasEi: OMG! The window to push that is impossibly small | 23:47 |
VCoolio | LinuX2half: no, "make" and third and last "sudo checkinstall" and then it is installed and you can delete the folder if you want | 23:48 |
grof_Mofardin | did enyone know e-mail to report "nacistic abuse on ubuntu-irc" ? | 23:48 |
Lancen833 | DasEi: About 1/30th sec | 23:48 |
chevdor | kyleQ dont know that sorry.... IRC has 'chat rooms' even though it is called channels but I don't know if this what u are looking for | 23:48 |
DasEi | Lancen833: the grub-screen ? | 23:48 |
zleap | i thought msn closed down the chatrooms and yahoo chatrooms were full of bots | 23:48 |
Lancen833 | DasEi: I am running SATA 2 on a SSD | 23:48 |
Lancen833 | DasEi: IT LOADS FAST | 23:48 |
Lancen833 | DasEi: D: | 23:48 |
kyleQ | nopers | 23:48 |
pw-toxic | hi, i want my dhcpd only listen to one specific interface.. how can i do this? | 23:48 |
LinuX2half | vcoolio, so I typed in make and then sudo checkinstall? | 23:48 |
kyleQ | all well thanks anyway | 23:48 |
pw-toxic | i'm running in a multi DHCP environment because i have a double NAT ;) | 23:48 |
VCoolio | LinuX2half: yes | 23:49 |
matreya6 | kyleQ, please be more specific, people are guessing what you want to help you. That is not efficient. | 23:49 |
kyleQ | ur moms not efficient | 23:50 |
chevdor | ....kiddies... | 23:50 |
zimbres | how do I force make to compile te code? | 23:50 |
matreya6 | !troll | kyleQ | 23:50 |
ubottu | kyleQ: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel | 23:50 |
chevdor | matreya6: he's gone | 23:50 |
DasEi | Lancen833: at this specs you have no way to attach a cd ? | 23:50 |
matreya6 | chevdor, good riddance... | 23:50 |
Lancen833 | DasEi: Ok, it doesn't seem to work. I spammed esc as fast as I could. | 23:50 |
Pici | !ot | 23:51 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 23:51 |
Lancen833 | DasEi: I left some room to slot on a cdrom drive on top | 23:51 |
Lancen833 | DasEi: Will try grub one more time | 23:51 |
donny | how do i untnstall limewire | 23:51 |
chevdor | matreya6: ihih :) (not english, I just learned a good one :)) | 23:52 |
matreya6 | donny, just apt-get remove limewire | 23:52 |
DasEi | Lancen833: by default grub itselfs delays few seconds, should be possible | 23:52 |
=== john is now known as Guest94159 | ||
donny | when i do it says this | 23:53 |
donny | E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied) | 23:53 |
GnuSeb | Let's be honest here though, if you know the answer is because you have already voluntarily looked for it unrecquiredly and if you're in this chat you're either to get help or to help voluntarily and without charge, so, is there an application I can convert different audio formats to AAC ? | 23:53 |
donny | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root? | 23:53 |
Lancen833 | DasEi: It just breezes through it. ESC has no context in the menu before grub pops up, so I've tried pushing the button as fast as I can until grub finishes loading. It remains non-responsive | 23:53 |
matreya6 | chevdor, I'm not English if that's what you mean... ;-) | 23:53 |
zopiac1 | how do i upgrade to 9.04? it isnt showing up in the update manager | 23:54 |
chevdor | matreya6: noooo, I meant III am not english and I did not know this term "good riddance", sounds funny :) | 23:54 |
* G69 Breaking News: Morreu o Michael Jackson. - http://artsbeat.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/06/25/michael-jackson-hospitalized/?hp | 23:54 | |
=== ring1 is now known as ring0 | ||
DasEi | Lancen833: if you made grub pop up, you're there.. otherwise won't see grub-popup | 23:54 |
LinuX2half | vcoolio, why is it taking so long, is the folder being installed or being compiled? | 23:54 |
donny | when i do it says | 23:55 |
donny | E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied) | 23:55 |
matreya6 | chevdor, Ah, I see! , well good riddance means so much as: "Glad to see that he/ she is gone" ;-) | 23:55 |
donny | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root? | 23:55 |
Pici | This is a support channel, lets keep it on topic folks. | 23:55 |
matreya6 | donny, prefix apt-get with sudo | 23:55 |
DasEi | Lancen833: press arrow down one time after popup by Esc | 23:55 |
VCoolio | LinuX2half: the make part is preparing to install on your system, the install part will go very fast | 23:55 |
default | k aie | 23:56 |
=== default is now known as aida | ||
donny | thank you | 23:56 |
Lancen833 | DasEi: I'm not sure I understand | 23:56 |
chevdor | zopiac1: gksu “update-manager -c ” | 23:56 |
matreya6 | donny, that would be: sudo apt-get remove limewire (Not that this does not work if you have other package install programs open, like aptitude or Synaptic) | 23:56 |
Lancen833 | DasEi: It does the same thing regardless of whether or not i push esc | 23:56 |
dean74 | Hi, I'm a bit of a linux noob can someone help walk me through on how to change a driver? | 23:56 |
matreya6 | donny, No => Note (Sorry about that typo) | 23:56 |
chevdor | dean74: can u explain more what u are trying to do ? | 23:56 |
Lancen833 | DasEi: It gives me a list of Kernels and OSs to choose from | 23:57 |
LinuX2half | vcoolio, okay its done now I enter sudo checkinstall it said should I create a default doc. pak. | 23:57 |
zopiac1 | chevdor: it says command not found | 23:57 |
DasEi | Lancen833: YES! | 23:57 |
VCoolio | LinuX2half: no idea about the doc.pak, but sudo checkinstall is the last step | 23:57 |
chevdor | zopiac1: ??? what did you put at the prompt exactly ? | 23:57 |
dean74 | there is a driver someone else wrote for my version of laptop Lenovo SL500 and I feel like it is better then what I have right now, as the current drivers hotkeys don't work http://github.com/tetromino/lenovo-sl-laptop/tree/master | 23:57 |
DasEi | Lancen833: there are two lines for each kernel, choose a second one | 23:58 |
dean74 | chevdor ^^^ | 23:58 |
LinuX2half | vcoolio, then I'll say yes. | 23:58 |
matreya6 | dean74, the general way to remove a kernel module driver is to use rmmod <driver> | 23:58 |
Lancen833 | DasEi: , all this work to bring us exactly to where I was before! Hehe. thanks | 23:58 |
VCoolio | LinuX2half: it's something default so it won't harm | 23:58 |
Lancen833 | DasEi: i have tried booting up in recovery mode | 23:58 |
zopiac1 | chevdor: well using gksu told me that i should use sudo, and so i replaced gksu with sudo and it said: sudo: “update-manager: command not found | 23:58 |
Lancen833 | DasEi: Newest kernel still hangs | 23:58 |
matreya6 | dean74, of course you can only do this as root, or as sudoer/ su'er | 23:58 |
Lancen833 | DasEi: Older kernel gives me a list of options | 23:59 |
VCoolio | How do I prevent a cron job from opening a gnome-terminal window along with the command being executed? | 23:59 |
Flannel | zopiac1: Are you using a server version? | 23:59 |
dean74 | matreya6: could you possibly help walk me through it? | 23:59 |
Lancen833 | DasEi: I have tried most... | 23:59 |
zopiac1 | Flannel: no, i am not | 23:59 |
matreya6 | dean74, what kind of a driver are you trying to de-install? | 23:59 |
dean74 | matreya6: I know how to use sudo | 23:59 |
DasEi | Lancen833: you said it only brought you to busybox, which is.. anyway, so yes, you have a commandlne | 23:59 |
Lancen833 | DasEi: Thanks for all of your help so far | 23:59 |
LinuX2half | vcoolio, now it said I need to write a description and end with a EOF/empty line | 23:59 |
chevdor | zopiac1: did u try sudo apt-get update-manager ? | 23:59 |
Lancen833 | DasEi: No no, only the newest kernels bring me to busybox | 23:59 |
Lancen833 | DasEi: Sory | 23:59 |
LinuX2half | Vcoolio I wrote a default doc. the I hit enter? | 23:59 |
chevdor | zopiac1: sorry "sudo apt-get install update-manager" | 23:59 |
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