
ron_oI'm actually looking hard at this. And it must be there, because it's definately a security concern.00:00
ron_oegads, maybe not: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2009-March/000556.html00:02
haggok, tried another thread first, as that didnt require me to install uswsusp, but didn't work. i'm trying uswsusp now00:07
BBishopany way that I could set my working session into a vnc session ? I mean, once I login. I want someone else to be able to vnc to me and see what I'm doing on my computer...00:08
ron_ofor me suspend or hibernate doesn't work at all. Something to do with me mobo/bios00:09
ron_ojust haven't gotten around to fixing it.00:10
ron_oand they call it sleep now hagg. You may have to install the gnome-power-manager00:10
ron_onothing in gnome-power-manager.. ferget it.00:12
zoredacheBBishop: x11vnc should allow something like that00:17
haggron_o: the first link you gave me works, installing uswsusp and adding the two files to /etc/pm/sleep.d/ and config.d/00:17
BBishopzoredache, yeah, but I don't see any "setup"00:17
haggBBishop: i have done that with the gnome-vnc-tool, the server-executable was somewhere under /usr/lib/ i think. sorry, but i forgot the name00:18
ron_ohagg, thanks.. I'll keep that in my (many notes). :)00:18
zoredacheBBishop: check the man page... I would do something like this - x11vnc -nopw -display :0 -auth /var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth -loop00:19
haggi think it was called vino00:19
zoredachethat is I start a terminal and run that command00:19
* BBishop reads00:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about x11vnc00:21
haggvino works for me. "vino-preferences" to configure it. "/usr/lib/vino/vino-server" to run the server from command line00:22
hagghm. in future i'll prefer x11vnc ;)00:25
khemsHi I need help on keyboard mapping\00:32
khemscan anyone help me here00:32
khems I am trying to make AltGr key working for german layout00:33
haggany idea how to disable the "New Mobile Broadband Connection" configuration wizard after every login/wakeup? the only way i see now is to configure a provider i dont have, which doesn't seem correct to me.00:33
haggwhat does not work with altgr ?00:35
khems<>| key00:35
khemsso with altgr |key should show00:36
khemsI don't see | character at all00:37
haggi can see them00:38
haggwhen i can see your |s (vertical lines), it might be a display problem?   do you see my "|" ?00:39
khemsI am typing this in US keyboard00:40
khemsnot in german00:40
khemswhn I change to german then it doesn't work00:40
haggah, now i get. you dont see the | on the *keyboard*?00:41
khemsI have it on keyboard00:42
khemsI can't see on display with german keyboard00:42
zer0oim installing xubuntu, when i get to the point of partitioning the hard disk it gets stuck, any idea?01:11
zer0oive got an aged laptop so im using the alternate cd01:11
zer0ooh now it went good... weird01:12
MTec007hey guys, i had sound working in my last install, but i had to reinstall due to a couple really bad decisions on my part and I cannot remember how i got my sound working last time. double checked levels and mute in mixer and alsamixer.  lspci is 00:1e.2 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 03)     everything seems to be setup right but no sound will play.01:20
zer0ocould it be a question of drivers?01:27
MTec007i dont think so01:30
MTec007i dont remember installing a driver last time01:30
MTec007if i remember right, it wasnt hard to fix  but i cant remember what i did01:34
aacostaanyone know how i can get the wireless working on my eepc 100001:49
aacostashould work automaticly right?01:52
knomeaacosta, didn't you get the kernel installed from the array.org repository?01:53
aacostai believe so01:54
aacostai can try again01:55
knomethen rebooting should get your wlan working immediately.01:55
aacostait didnt work01:56
aacostahow can i check if i got the kernel correctly01:56
knomewhat does 'uname -a' on terminal say?01:57
aacostalinux eeepc 2.628-12-netbook eeeepc01:59
aacostai guess its on there right01:59
knomeyes. looks right.01:59
aacostamaybe something wrong with my router01:59
knomei suppose you have the nm-applet running - does it say disconnected?01:59
knomei think it's next to the clock.02:00
MTec007grr @ ping timeout02:01
aacostayeah wireles is disconected02:02
knomecan you see any networks?02:02
knomewhat happens if you try to connect?02:03
aacostadoesnt go thu02:03
knomeok, it sounds like the hw is working though02:03
knomeso i suppose it's just looking at your router now.02:03
aacostathis imac that i have conects to it02:04
aacostaand so does my wii02:04
aacostaim using wep02:04
aacostai know its flawed02:04
knomewell afaik that shouldn't be a problem.02:04
aacostahow should set up my router so my eee conects to it02:05
knomecheck the wlan connection settings02:05
aacostaon the eeepc?02:06
aacostaor router02:06
knomethe eeepc02:06
MTec007does any one have any ideas to fix my sound problem, posted above?02:06
knomeif it was easy: aumix? :]02:06
aacostahow do i get to wlan connection settins02:06
knomeaacosta, right click the icon -> edit connections02:06
aacostaok yeah im there02:07
aacostai thought maybe somewehere else02:07
knomecheck that the settings match with your routers02:07
aacostaunder security should i choose wep 40/128 bit key or 128 passphrase02:09
aacostai know i should choose neither cause wep is flawes02:09
aacostashould i just change my router to wpa02:09
aacostaright now it is wep02:09
knomei'm not sure which one it is, but you can try both.02:09
MTec007aumix doesnt seem to affect it, neither does alsamixer02:10
aacostaand under authentification type?02:10
aacostaopen system or shared key02:10
aacostamy router is under automatic02:10
knomeshared key02:10
aacostathat was it02:11
aacostai just had to change it to shared key02:11
aacostamy router was set to auto02:12
knomeyes, open system would be 'no password'02:12
Raggshi all02:12
aacostaso i should really switch to wpa thoguht right02:12
aacostathe reason i ahd it that way was for the wii02:12
knomeaacosta, yes. wpa2 would be optimal.02:13
aacostaalright hopefully i can get all the computers on my network to conect to it02:13
knomeshould be no problem. :)02:13
aacostathe only thing im worried about is the wii02:13
knomeyou can always revert if there is huge problems02:14
aacostahave any clue how to get the function keys to work02:14
knome!hi | Raggs02:14
ubottuRaggs: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu!02:14
Raggsty knome02:14
aacostafor the eeepc02:14
knomeaacosta, they should work with the array.org kernel. don't they?02:15
MTec007aacosta, i can only tell you one thing on the wifi subject, my wii worked well with wpa02:15
aacostadid you have to update first?02:17
aacostaor right away02:17
aacostanope they dont i though so too02:17
aacostalike the sound doesnt work02:18
knomeMTec007, can you remember *anything* from the last time?02:18
knome(regarding the audio set up)02:18
aacostabrignt ness wors02:18
MTec007knome, no, i cant thats my problem02:18
knomeaacosta, you need to set shortcut keys for the audio buttons02:18
aacostahow do i do that02:19
knomeaacosta, applications -> settings -> keyboard -> tab application shortcuts02:19
MTec007aacosta, i didnt have to update the wii, i bought mine new and it worked out of the box on my wpa wifi. after that it updated several times over a few months while i had it02:20
aacostado you use homebrew channel02:20
MTec007i dont have my wii any more, had to sell it for money02:20
knomeaacosta, then add -> shortcut command 'aumix-v-10' for volume down, 'aumix-v0+10' for volume up and 'aumix -v0' for mute02:20
MTec007but i never used bhc02:20
knomeaacosta, after issuing the command you get to select the key to use for that action - then, press the relevant key02:21
MTec007knome, i know i used alsa last time02:21
knomeaacosta, 'aumix -v...' with a space between x and - of course.02:21
knomeMTec007, do you have to use pulseaudio?02:22
MTec007i dont think i do02:22
knomethen uninstall it and your sound should work. this isn't the officially preferred method, but most of the time it works like a charm.02:22
MTec00700:1e.2 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 03)02:22
aacostais anything graphical supposed to come out when i use volume up or down02:24
knomeaacosta, i think my eeepc does that, but at least the volume buttons should *function* now...02:24
MTec007the volume icon near the clock has a "progress" type indicator02:25
knomeMTec007, the eeepc-kernel has some notifications for brightness changes. those notifications usually appear with the volume control also. :)02:25
MTec007oh well i have the brightness on my dell but not for soud02:26
aacostathe keys still didnt work02:26
aacostaim pretty sure i did it right too02:27
knomedid you enter the commands without the 's?02:28
aacostawhat s?02:28
knomethe ' characters02:28
aacostaoh yeah without02:29
knomewhat does the "Shortcut" column say about the items?02:29
aacostaaudio mute audio raise02:29
knomethat's the *shortcut* column? or the command column?02:30
knomei can't remember what my eeepc says.02:30
knomeokay... let me get my eeepc.02:31
aacostahaha dang thats awesome dude02:31
MTec007knome, removing pulseaudio didnt work02:33
MTec007unless i need to reboot first02:33
knomeaacosta, haven't set them - they just work and i have the notifications02:34
knome(i'm on intrepid, though, and the system is a bit different from jaunty)02:34
knomeMTec007, i'm not sure.02:34
knomeMTec007, have you selected the correct audio output from your audio apps?02:35
knomeaacosta, what happens if you type 'aumix -v-10' in terminal?02:36
MTec007well i dont have any system sounds ( i enabled input sounds etc like when a message box pops up) and no flash sound02:38
knomesorry, atm i'm clueless.02:39
MTec007lol its ok, i appreciate that you attempted to help02:39
aacostalet me check02:41
aacostaothing happens02:47
aacostawhen i type it into terminal02:48
knomeokay - does the sound volume go down?02:48
knome(you can repeat a few times)02:48
MTec007knome, my /etc/group has this line: audio:x:29:pulse02:49
aacosta dont thnk so02:55
aacostai dont htink so02:55
knomeneed to go. it's already 5am. good night :) ->02:57
knomeaacosta, hope you will get it solved. good luck!02:57
MTec007man, this really isnt cool. i need sound02:59
marcusI was wondering if someone could basically tell me what KDE and Gnome services are?04:25
marcusI know what Gnome and KDE are, just lack the understanding of what services means in XFCE04:26
FroadI am curious of the real speed advantages of xubuntu over kubuntu or ubuntu04:30
Froadi'm interested of putting some ubuntu based OS on a computer with 900mhz of ram04:31
Froada 900mhz processor and 368mb of ram04:31
ubuntuhey guys, i have a new laptop with vista home basic on it.  i'm running the live ubuntu disk, and havent agreed to the microsoft eula.  if i install ubuntu as a dual os, will it work properly?  i've heard there are some probs with dual boot systems?05:11
ubuntualso, has anybody ever heard of Endura Video Player?  I can't find anything relevent about it in searches.05:12
Froadubuntu first question: there are potential issues but it is definitely possible to do05:15
Froadgo to #ubuntu05:15
Froadsecond question no i haven't05:15
TheSheephe left already05:18
marcusIs there something I have to do in XFCE to mount window partitions?05:18
Froadi'm incompetent >.>05:19
mavaddatI am wondering if this is the place to ask for help on Xubuntu05:46
mavaddatis anyone here?05:46
maduserthis is the help channel05:47
maduserwhats your problem?05:47
mavaddathaha, thanks... ok, I'm having Flash player troubles in 64-bit Firefox05:47
mavaddatI'm not sure how I got it working, but I am currently using an old version of Flash player that only works some times... and very poorly05:48
maduserif it won't work from the deb, just get it from adobe and install manually05:48
maduserwhy are you using the old one?05:48
mavaddatI tried adding the latest x64 Flash player flashplayerplugin.so from Adobe, and it doesn't work at all (Flash doesn't even show up)05:49
maduserare you using the comand line installer?05:49
mavaddatsorry, it's called libflashplayer.so not flashplayerplugin.so05:49
maduseror are you just coping and pasting?05:49
mavaddatI am not using any installer, because I couldn't find an x64 installer05:50
mavaddatcopying and pasting05:50
mavaddatso I'm currently forced to used Flash player 9.0r1.59 whereas the latest is 10.0r2205:50
maduserI believe you can use the 32bit05:51
mavaddatthe installer fails05:51
mavaddatthe 32-bit installer doesn't work05:51
maduserthe deb?05:51
mavaddatoh, yes?05:52
mavaddatI think so05:52
maduserI mean dl the deb from the site and install that05:53
mavaddatok, lemme try... 64-bit or 32-bit?05:53
maduserget the 32bit deb05:53
mavaddatok, that's what I had been getting...05:54
mavaddatI'll tell you what it says... hold on05:54
mavaddatunder status, it says in red, "Error: Wrong architecture 'i386'"05:56
mavaddatand "Install Package" is greyed out05:56
mavaddatany ideas?05:57
R1cocheti was wondering if anyone had a reccommend on wether vmware or virtualbox is better?06:29
R1cochetthats better than the rest?06:37
R1cochetfor all around purposes, some gaming in windows? and i think ill have to install mandriva or redhat or whatever it is.06:38
R1cocheti have a linux class coming up and they use a rpm distro06:38
TheParoxysmIs anyone alive currently?06:51
R1cochetcompletely dead atm06:57
TheParoxysmI see.06:57
R1cochetill be alive in a bit tho06:58
TheParoxysmThat's too bad.06:58
R1cochetys that06:58
TheParoxysmWell let me know when you rejoin the living if you don't mind.06:58
TheParoxysmIt's too bad for me, lol.06:58
R1cochetgonna have a smoke and ill brb06:58
TheParoxysmAlright, thank you.06:58
R1cochetif u have a question i reccommend u just ask and someone should help u shortly06:58
R1cochetnot sure if i can help u at all06:59
marcusIs there a reason why the desktop switcher will only allow me to have 2 desktops?06:59
R1cochetbut ill try my best06:59
TheParoxysmUpper Right by Applications, and Places there's a Shortcut/Launcher for FireFox and Help.  I want to know how to put a Terminal and Thunderbird Launcher up there too.07:00
marcusRight click>Add item>Launcher?07:02
TheParoxysmIt adds it to top left.07:03
TheParoxysmLol, I'm a bit anal.07:03
TheParoxysmI'd like to have them all together.07:03
marcusThen rightclick>move?07:03
TheParoxysmThank you!07:03
TheParoxysmI'm new to linux altogether, so everything I do makes me feel stupid.07:03
marcusDon't feel that way. Everybody was new once.07:04
TheParoxysmHm, what would you say is the most useful language to program on Linux?07:05
marcusRuby or Python maybe.07:05
TheParoxysmI glanced over Python and it seemed pretty straightforward.  So I guess I'll give that the old college try.07:06
TheParoxysmAny other advice?07:06
TheParoxysmOh, and if you've got the patience, I have another question.07:06
marcusGo ahead07:06
marcusI'll answer if i can.07:06
TheParoxysmAlright, this one's a doozy.07:07
TheParoxysmI have a laptop, and the hard drive is failing.07:07
TheParoxysmWindows honestly seemed to agitate that.  It would literally be unable to boot after a couple reboots.07:07
TheParoxysmSo I installed DSL on the harddrive, it was instantly familiar enough for an easy transition.07:07
marcusDSL is good.07:08
TheParoxysmDidn't fail on boot.  So I looked at other Linux distros that would be good for a 4-5 year old laptop.07:08
TheParoxysmDL/Burn/Install Xubuntu.07:08
TheParoxysmWorks like a dream.  Unfortunately after 4 reboots, it's unable to boot.07:09
R1cochetyea i hear that xubuntu is light on resources07:09
marcusIt is very much so07:09
TheParoxysmSo I decided, hey, how about I get it the way I like it...07:09
marcusSounds like you could have something damaged in your mbr.07:09
TheParoxysmSet up partitions on a portable hard drive.07:09
TheParoxysmYes, that's correct.07:09
TheParoxysmThe boot record is...damaged and irrepairable.07:10
marcusHave you tried repairing the MBR with a partition tool?07:10
TheParoxysmYes, but the hardware is just dying.07:10
TheParoxysmTried every tool at my disposal.07:10
marcusOkay you could always install the bootloader to the partition linux is in.07:10
marcusAs opposed to MBR. How you would access it I do not know.07:11
TheParoxysmI've decided to just get another Harddrive.07:11
TheParoxysmUnfortunately, I'm deployed currently, so I cannot until I get back stateside.07:11
marcusI would presume the multi-boot in the computer would see it, but i have never tried it.07:11
TheParoxysmSo my question is, what is the most painfree way to copy the install that I have on my hard drive, onto a partition on my portable hard drive?07:12
TheParoxysmI can boot from the Port, so it's preferable to use it in the meantime, as it's reliable.07:12
marcusYou could back it up or you could save your home folder for reinstall. All the settings are in /Home/user (your name)07:13
TheParoxysmPrograms, everything?07:13
marcusPrograms no. Program settings yes.07:14
marcusThat is the best I can tell you for that one.07:14
marcusThe only other alternative.....07:15
marcusIs to build a live cd from the installation on the hard disk and then reinstall it from there.07:15
marcusIf you build the live cd it will be an exact copy of the source I believe.07:16
TheParoxysmI'll be right back.07:17
R1cochetmarcus, does that mean it will have all the packs that u installed already and wond have to dl them again?07:18
marcusRIcochet: In theory yes.07:19
marcusWhen you install the live cd it will make a copy of the live cd on a hard disk.07:19
R1cochetwell damn07:21
R1cochetso that means no need for reconstructor07:21
marcusLive cd making is an interesting idea. I have only seen it applied in PCLOS.07:21
marcusLike I said, in theory is should save all the packages and everything that are installed.07:23
R1cocheti saw a howto in ubuntu forums i think not long ago07:29
R1cochetdidnt read much on it tho07:30
marcusIt would be very interesting to at least try wouldn't it?07:30
R1cochetwas more interested in reconstructor, but that doesnt seem to have the module i want and what it does have is outdated07:30
marcusMaybe i will try it at some point.07:31
R1cocheti know i will07:31
R1cochetprolly very soon07:32
marcusI would be interested in hearing the results.07:32
R1cocheti will let u know if i do it07:36
marcusThank you.07:37
R1cochetu know theres also a pack called aptonCD07:41
R1cochetu might wanna look into that07:41
marcusI will thanks.07:50
zer0ohi guys, i installed xubuntu alternate cd on my old 486 laptop and all it seemed to work till the end of the installation, it reboot and GRUB does not load, it freezes to "GRUB loading, please wait..." can someone help me? considering im quite of a newbie with xubuntu. thanks08:09
mib486c'mon guys can someone help me with my grub not working?08:35
R1cochetsry i have no experience w/ alt install cd08:36
mib486dont u just know how to substitute grub with lilo?08:37
R1cochetno i dont08:45
R1cochetbut i think theres a howto in the ubuntu forums08:45
R1cochettry google08:45
TheParoxysmAfter downloading a package in Synaptic, it goes to where it installs/configures.09:21
Laibschhow do I login as another user (get a second X) under Xubuntu?09:37
ablomenLaibsch, if you run sudo gdm there should be (after a couple of seconds of your screen flickering) a dialog (on ctrl+alt+f1) that asks if you want to start a new X server because server 0 is already in use, this will start a new X session (you can switch between them with ctrl+alt+F7 and ctrl+alt+F8)10:00
LaibschI ran "gdmflexiserver" now which is what I think does the switching in Gnome, too10:02
LaibschIt would be nice if Xubuntu had a menu entry for this10:02
LaibschI see that Ubuntu will switch from pidgin (which I currently use) to empathy for the main chat client10:03
LaibschIs there any recommended chat client for XFCE?10:03
ablomenyou can use any gtk chat client, i use xchat for irc and gajim for jabber myself10:04
ablomen(you could use kde chat clients too btw, its just not recommended if you dont use any other kde apps)10:04
LaibschI know I can pretty much use any program in XFCE whether they were originally created for Gnome, KDE or whatnot10:05
LaibschBut of course running KDE and GNOME apps has a price in terms of ressource usage10:05
LaibschI was wondering if there was a "preferred" or "official" xfce multi-protocol chat client10:06
mikubuntuis there any particular problem installing konkeror on ubuntu system, as it seems to be loading a lot of *k* (kubuntu?) packages?10:45
mikubuntuor by the same token, loading programs that depend on xfce on ubuntu?10:47
Laibschmikubuntu: no, there usually are no problems10:47
Laibschyou will use more disk space for installation and more RAM when those libs are actually pulled in10:48
mikubuntuk, just wondered.  i have a fairly lot of space 160gb, and i don't save a bunch of stuff on my machine like pix or video or music.  just programs.10:49
mikubuntuLaibsch: so it will only draw that extra ram if i launch those apps, yes?10:50
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:41
bi0negot stuck on 99% installing11:42
jesus_anyone know of a krunner substitute for xfce?11:59
LaibschXFCE has problems with my dual-monitor setup.  gnome-display-properties even if called inside an XFCE session detects my two monitors just fine.  The XFCE Display applet only shows me one (the internal laptop display).12:34
LaibschAny ideas what I should do?  I'm still new to XFCE, but I need my second monitor ;-)12:35
Ramlacan i tell xfwm's smart window placement system where i do not want windows to open?15:05
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SlonkieAnyone know if one is possible to FXP with filezilla?16:08
musehey guys.. what exactly is the best way of getting a samba client to work in xubuntu?17:02
ptizzyi'm using gigolo, which works great, except it uses nautilus to browse, b/c thunar doesn't show the shares.17:15
ptizzyi believe i can setup fuse and thunar will show the shares, but i haven't had time to try it out17:15
forces!samba | muse17:19
ubottumuse: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.17:19
museoh.. thanks17:20
museya I have tried setting up fuse and it works but for some reason not on all the network shares?17:21
SimetricalTo get my dual-monitor setup to work, I have to run a sequence of xrandr commands every time I log on.  Is there any way to automate this?  Some shell script that would run when I start up in a context where xrandr will actually work?17:44
museSimetrical: hey dude.. why don't you just slap up a script, make it executable and add it to your startup applications?17:51
Simetricalmuse, hmm.  Interesting.  So just add it to the "Session" menu or whatever?17:52
SimetricalI just remembered, I have another question.  How can I stop my last session's applications from automatically starting?17:52
SimetricalI want to manually decide which applications will start.17:52
museah well you have to turn off "remember sessions.." or whatever the check box was17:53
museand clear one of the folders17:53
muselet me check17:53
museI though it was ~/.local/something.. but I am not on xubuntu at the moment17:55
SimetricalWhere's this "remember sessions"?  I couldn't find it at a quick glance.17:55
musesorry I think it is "automatically remember running apps when logging out" and it should be where your startup app dialogue is17:57
musemake sure that is unchecked17:57
muse`rm ~/.cache/sessions/*` is what you need17:59
musethen uncheck the above check box and manually configure your startup apps using the respective dialogue in xubuntu which is System > Preferences > Startup Apps in ubuntu18:00
LaibschSimetrical: dual monitor setup does not work for you OOTB, either?18:23
SimetricalLaibsch, not with Xfce.  Sort of did with GNOME.18:23
LaibschWould be nice to get this fixed for good18:24
SimetricalNot really with GNOME either, TBH.18:24
LaibschSimetrical: same here.18:24
LaibschWorked almost fine in Gnome, here18:24
SimetricalOn the other hand, once I've gotten it working, I prefer Xfce's dual-screen support.18:24
SimetricalLike the ability to put panels on any screen.18:24
museI have a dual screen setup.. but one is projector that uses my nvidia tv-out. Not working at the moment as the projectors bulb is broken and as a student I can't afford to buy a new one. :P18:38
crazygirwhat do you need to do to unlock a drive?18:57
crazygirI have a usb device saying it is "locked"18:58
crazygir"The enclosing drive for the volume is locked."19:06
LaibschSimetrical: I still need to look into panels19:11
LaibschDo you have any good references/hints?19:12
JPVSHello, need some helo using the shared folders function of Sun VirtualBox,19:12
JPVSI'm a newb in linux19:12
JPVSI guess I have to use the mount -t vboxfs data-ntfs /home/jack/share19:13
JPVScan somebody help me please?19:14
JPVSthe help file of Sun VirtualBox is really really short (1 line short)19:15
crazygirJPVS: that's a better question for the vbox irc channel..19:16
JPVSok, thankyou, I'm going to search in that channel19:17
marcusOkay. Interesting thing here. I have nautilus running over Xfce. I suspect because of dropbox. Is this going to hinder xfce?19:23
marcusI mean other than covering up my Xfce desktop.19:25
crazygirit's nautilus?19:26
crazygirI'm pretty stuck on this locked drive issue, any suggestions are greatly appreciated :)19:37
cody-somervillecrazygir, Can you post a screenshot of the error?19:42
cody-somervilleI've never heard of this problem before19:42
crazygirlots of other folks have, I've yet to see a viable solution19:43
crazygirI can mount the drive manually, but not with the automounter19:44
crazygirI'm at the point where I'm considering a full system grep for the UUID19:44
crazygircody-somerville: I could certainly take a screenshot if needed19:45
cody-somervillecrazygir, What type of partitioning does the stick have?19:47
crazygirit's an 8GB USB stick with a single FAT32 partition19:47
crazygircody-somerville: are you familiar with the locking that goes on when a drive is mounted?19:49
cody-somervillenot really19:50
crazygirthis is one of those spiffy things the system does behind your back to keep things short and sweet19:51
crazygirbut causes problems when you've got to know what's going on19:51
crazygirI guess I'll have to use the windows method.19:57
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musecrazygir: does your flash stick have a button any where on it?20:18
crazygirmuse: nope20:36
museok.. its just that some do and the problems you are describing sound exactly as if you have press the lock button20:37
ochosihey, does anyone here know how to make synaptic remember the "(don't) consider recommended packages as dependencies"? this is really an annoying "feature" of jaunty...20:39
museopen up synaptic, press 'alt+s', then 'p'.. under 'Marking Changes' there is a checkbox20:46
ochosii know, i've set this option quite a couple of times, but each time i restart synaptic the tickbox is ticked again20:47
museperhaps it defaults back cause mine is also rechecked?20:48
ochosiyep, that's why my initial question was how to make synaptic remember20:49
ochosimaybe there's a config-file somewhere20:49
ochosibut i haven't started digging yet20:49
ochosibut i've also been thinking about reporting that as a bug20:51
ochosidonno where yet though20:51
museit wouldnt be a bug I think20:53
ochosiif a setting isn't saved even though i click "apply" i consider that a bug20:53
museit would be saved but only for that session to prevent that actions only for the next few package installs.. perhaps :)20:55
ochosii agree, but unexpected behaviour is still i bug in my view. (or at least what they call a papercut nowadays)20:56
musewell I can't find a conf anywhere to change this behaviour.. which indicates it could be a bug21:03
ochosiok, thanks muse. i'll be going after this in two weeks or so. right now i don't have time to seriously investigate anyways...21:04
aacostais there any application on linux that has an easy interface for creating business cards?21:08
museoddly enough yes.. glabels. Haven't tried it myself though21:10
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crazygiraacosta: printing or creating?21:12
crazygiraacosta: inkscape rocks for creating that kinda stuff21:12
crazygirfocused on the keyboard, so you're super fast with the graphic work :)21:12
aacostayea thats what someone told me21:17
aacostainskcape is  to adobe illustrator what gimp is to photoshop21:17
aacostahow hard would it be to create a business cardd21:18
aacostafor a noobie like me21:18
MTec007hello every one21:21
MTec007i need some help with my audio. i have an intel chipset and i had sound working on my last install but i cant get it working this time21:22
MTec007i dont have any sound at all, no system sound nor flash player sound21:22
crazygiraacosta: easy squeezy21:23
crazygiraacosta: check out some of the tutorials21:24
crazygirthere is a short learning curve, but it's far shorter than trying to use any other powerful app21:24
crazygiraacosta: all you're really doing is text boxes and graphics.. you can then take the other effects as far as you want21:24
MTec007sounds like GIMP21:26
aacostaou have any links to it21:29
aacostato tutorials21:29
aacostaand to install i just sudo apt-get install inkscape21:30
aacostadamn 14 mb21:30
crazygiraacosta: google21:43
crazygirMTec007: it's far simpler to use than GIMP21:43
crazygirand it's for vectored gfx21:43
MTec007ah, vector gfx.. i never needed to print anything except in high school.. thats the last time i messed with vector21:47
mikubuntucould someone walk me thru my first taste of wine?  i have a disk with and .exe file for a video reader, and a video file on it.  on windows, you put the disk in the tray and it autoprompts for install.  how do i make it work on my wine/buntu?22:02
MTec007the exe should automatically load into wine22:07
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MTec007if not you may have to run the exe22:07
MTec007or double click on the exe22:08
MTec007its a shame you still feel the need to use windows apps when on linux :P22:09
mikubuntuyou mean if i put it in the drive it should automatically start wine up?22:09
MTec007the exe, when run, will automatically run inside wine. i dont know if it will 'just work' when you put the cd in. you may have to run the exe yourself by alt+f2 or double clicking on the exe file, on your cd22:11
mikubuntuyes its a shame, but this is a courthouse video, and it apparently only works on an endura video player which they sent me which i cannot find anywhere in a linux format, altho the mother system its off of is linux.22:11
MTec007thats the second timei have heard of this courthouse scenario22:12
MTec007why cant they send people regular dvds22:12
MTec007assuming every one uses windows is really bias22:13
MTec007'oh you dont use windows? well too bad. you must use it to see this ..blahblah..'22:13
MTec007im stubborn. i would be calling some one to get a format i can actually use22:15
mikubuntuok, i got the player up, but it doesn't render any video just a black screen ... arrrrrrggggghhhhhhh22:18
mikubuntuit seems to be 'playing' because the time counter is moving, but no video22:20
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org22:22
MTec007im pretty sure thats what you need22:22
mikubuntuoh, ya.  just got this laptop, you're right haven't loaded them yet or libdvdcss222:24
aacostaanyone know of a different location to find this22:24
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:25
museaacosta: http://tinyurl.com/n6ksj622:33
=== TheSheep_ is now known as TheSheep
mikubuntudadblast it.  i installed medibuntu and then individually libdvdcss2 and w32codecs and still not getting picture on this endura video player ....22:49
* mikubuntu is racking a pitifully small brain22:49
mikubuntuor is it wracking?22:50
mikubuntuMTec007: any other ideas?22:51
MTec007you might need to find some codecs and install them in wine22:57
mikubuntu??? huh ???22:58
mikubuntuwhat you talkin about willis?22:58
mikubuntuyou mean install the w32codecs to wine?22:59
MTec007im not sure how that works23:01
MTec007but i do know wine does need codecs. it needs codecs for ventrillo23:02
aacostai had finally got my wireles working on my eepc xubuntu jaunty23:04
aacostaand i dont know what happend today23:04
aacostathat it just stopped working23:04
aacostamaybe i did an update23:04
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aacostaanyone know about a bug with wireless on xubuntu 9.0423:45
aacostai had it working and it stop working otda23:45
aacostaafter only a day23:45
aacostaany ideas23:45
mikubuntui am trying to play a video sent to me from a courthouse security system.  the disk comes with 'endura video player' which i tried on a windows machine last nite and it workd fine.  when i put it into my ubuntu 9.04 the player comes up, but when i open the video file it doesnt render video.   the file is detected there, because in 'play' mode the timebar/progress bar is in forward motion.  i...23:52
mikubuntu...have installed on the ubuntu libdvdcss2 and w32codecs, but someone said maybe i need to install codecs directly to wine?  how would i do that (if thats what i need to do)?23:52
aacostai installed the array.org kernal for my eeepc23:56
aacostaand my wireless only worked one day23:56
aacostais there smeothing i can do23:56
aacostaget it working again23:56

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