
thumperwgrant: beuno told me earlier to, so why not?00:06
matsubarawgrant, what's the bug? beuno is currently working on a fix for the questions page and a translation page. See https://dev.launchpad.net/LaunchpadTestPlan/2.2.600:08
wgrantmatsubara: Bug #392333 and bug #39233500:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 392333 in malone "List of related questions broken by sprite changes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39233300:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 392335 in malone "Subscriber list on bug action page has broken icon" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39233500:10
matsubarathanks wgrant00:12
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matsubarawgrant, what are bug action pages?00:23
wgrantmatsubara: Something that is going to send email.00:26
wgrantLet me find an example..00:26
wgrant+addbranch is one.00:27
matsubarawgrant, thanks00:27
xteejxHi guys, I keep having recurring problems with LP with a "Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server." message keep coming up, it's not really a *problem* as such, more of an annoyance, just making you aware in case there is a developing server problem :)00:28
wgrantxteejx: launchpad.net, bazaar.launchpad.net, or edge.launchpad.net?00:30
xteejxwgrant, standard lp.net00:30
matsubaraxteejx, do you have the URL for the page?00:31
matsubaraxteejx, wfm. do you get those errors always on that page?00:33
xteejxno just randomly, i am triaging old bugs with assigned packages, and working in reverse order to get rid of the old ones, so maybe its because i keep refreshingn after doing 3 of them. Its not really a problem I'll just try later, just thought I should let you guys know in case there's a developing problem thats all :)00:35
wgrantmatsubara: I can reproduce, but only around ~1/20 failed for me.00:41
wgrant(not that same URL, of course)00:42
wgrantIt takes a very long time, then dies with the usual 502.00:42
matsubarawgrant, I suppose you don't get an OOPS for that, do you?00:43
matsubaraor is it that mis-aligned page?00:44
wgrantmatsubara: No, it's Squid or Apache, not the app itself.00:44
wgrantIt is the misaligned page, yes.00:44
matsubaraah ok. those are trickier to debug00:44
wgrantThey are.00:45
wgrantI'll see if the headers give anything useful...00:45
wgrantmatsubara: The 502 is from Apache, and has no Via header. There's nothing else useful in the headers.00:51
matsubarawgrant, I'm pretty sure we have a bug reported about it but I can't find00:57
wgrantmatsubara: About what? It looks like an appserver is dead.00:58
matsubarawgrant, about something going on between apache and the app server and the user getting the "sorry, can't connect" page00:58
wgrantmatsubara: Ah.00:59
matsubaraI remember adding a dump from live http headers to the report, but I can't find it :-(00:59
wgrantIsn't it more likely that an appserver is just hung?01:03
matsubarawgrant, could be, but if it was the losas would be here already01:07
wgrantmatsubara: Ah...01:08
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wgrantmatsubara-dinner: It looks like appserver C is broken.01:43
Ampelbeinhi. I have a question about python-launchpad-lib: Is it possible to search for bugs created after a specific date? e.g. (fakecode): "buglist = launchpad.distributions['ubuntu'].searchTasks(tags="apport-package", bug_creation_date>"05012009")01:50
wgrantAmpelbein: Not directly, but you can order by creation date and stop when you see one early enough.01:51
Ampelbeinwgrant: nice suggestion, haven't thought of that. thanks!01:52
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matsubarawgrant, how can you tell?02:08
wgrantmatsubara: Well, you might notice a few keyboard-mash 404 OOPSes when you look at the reports tomorrow...02:09
matsubarawgrant, what do you mean by keyboard-mash?02:12
matsubarahmm just got one "Please try again" myself02:13
wgrantmatsubara: I caused a few dozen 404s with a Launchpad referrer, which gave me a few OOPSes from all appservers except C.02:13
thewrathhey guys with bzr or svn any way to find the number of modified lines02:17
thewrath svn diff | grep "^+" | grep -v "^+++" | wc -l  gives you added lines02:17
thewrath svn diff | grep "^-" | grep -v "^---" | wc -l is removed02:18
thewrathbut i need modified lines and unmodified lines02:18
wgrantHow do you distinguish modified vs. a removal and an addition?02:18
thewraththe --- is removed and +++ is added02:19
lifelessdiffstat may be more useful for you02:20
wgrantGive diffstat a diff, and it will spit back the diff's stats.02:21
thewrathwhat is that02:22
thewrathsvn diffstat02:22
wgrantthewrath: svn diff | diffstat02:23
thewrathhere is my command right now02:24
thewrathsvn diff -r 6:7 mikesats | grep "^-" | grep "^---" | wc -l02:25
thewrathfor removed lines02:25
thewrathso i would do svn diff -r 6:7 mikesats | diffstat | grep "^-" | grep "^---" | wc -l ?02:25
wgrantNo. Have a look at diffstat's output.02:26
thewrathsvn diff -r 6:7 mikesats | diffstat02:26
wgrantthewrath: Yes.02:27
thumperwgrant: diffstat doesn't give modified counts02:27
wgrantthumper: Because there's no such thing as a modified line.02:27
thewrathwhat do you mean02:27
thumperwgrant: you can do more analysis to determine it02:27
thumperbut most tools don't02:27
wgrantmatsubara: So, can anything be done about lpnet3 before London wakes up?02:27
wgrantthumper: Doing such analysis is probably crazy.02:28
thumpernot necessarily02:28
thumperI've seen it done02:28
thumperkdiff3 was good at that02:28
thewraththumper: have any pre defined scripts for that02:28
thumperthewrath: no02:28
thewrathwat is kdiff3?02:28
thumperkde based gui diff tool02:28
thewrathstill in respository?02:28
thumperI don't think it made the leap to kde4 though02:28
thewrath so right now i can only find delete and added then02:29
thewraththere is no way to identify modified lines02:29
wgrantdiffs don't work like that.02:30
wgrantThe application would have to guess which were modified and which were replaced.02:30
wgrantAnd I don't like applications that guess.02:30
lifelesswgrant: added and removed lines are guesses too02:30
thewrathso added and removed are the two i can figure out with --- and +++02:30
wgrantlifeless: Mm, true.02:31
lifelessthewrath: so as I said before, why are you doing this. Not 'who wants you to do it'. *why*02:31
thewrathlifeless: is for work02:32
thewrathwe have several projects that we use svn02:32
thewrathand we want to see productivity02:32
thewrathdont ask me they asked me if it was possible and i said i would ask around and look into it02:32
thewraththat answer you lifeless lol02:33
lifelessits a more useful answer, yes02:34
thewrathwe use another tool to calculate this all and we have to download each revisiont od o it02:34
lifelessI suggest bzr-stats, or diffstat, which gives different answers02:34
lifelessif you want 'unmodified lines' you'll have to download every revision02:34
matsubarawgrant, I think we'll have to wait for London to wake up. it's not a major breakage to justify waking people up.02:35
lifelessmatsubara: if the appserver is still in the rotation, 1/8 requests will error, no?02:35
matsubarawgrant, I looked at our graphs and you seem to be right. looks like lpnet3 is down02:35
wgrantmatsubara: That's what I suspected. It's a bit messier than previous issues of this kind, as the timeline view spews alert()s when a request fails.02:36
thewrathso run bzr diff | diffstats?02:36
thewrathi really need it for svn but we can see lol02:36
lifelesswell start with diffstat then02:36
matsubaralifeless, shouldn't apache just take it off of rotation?02:37
lifelesspersonally though, if you have an existing tool, use it ;)02:37
wgrantmatsubara: Not unless it's really dead.02:37
thewrathits a pain bc we have to download every revision02:37
wgrantmatsubara: In this case it looks like it's just hng.02:37
lifelessmatsubara: pound will, if its not accepting sockets02:37
thewrathlifeless: so what the command is bzr diffstat?02:37
lifelessthewrath: no, 'diffstat'02:37
thewrathso just run diffstat inside my revision?02:37
lifelessyou are using svn, so svn diff -r 4:5 | diffstat02:38
thewrathon my stuff i am using bzr02:39
thewrathso i am goign to relate to both02:39
thewrathso bzr diff -r 4:5 |diffstat02:39
lifelessbzr diff -r 4..5 | diffstat02:39
thewrathi get command not found02:40
lifelessthen you haven't installed it02:40
thewrathi have to install that portion of bzr02:40
wgrantIt's not bzr.02:40
wgrantIt's diffstat. Entirely independent.02:40
thewrathoh ok02:40
wgrantIt works on any diff.02:40
thewrathah i see02:40
wgrantIt doesn't care where it came frm.02:41
thewrathah i see02:41
thewrathi can run it as a linux emulator command?02:42
thewrathwell in a linux emulator02:42
cocacoolhello people02:43
wgrantA Linux emulator?02:43
wgrantYou mean cygwin?02:43
cocacoolI speak portuguese :s02:43
wgrantthewrath: Cygwin should have an option to install it.02:43
thewrathig ij02:43
thewrath*oh ok02:43
cocacoolwhat is cygwin ?02:43
wgrantcocacool: A Linux-like environment for Windows.02:44
thewrathwhat things does it give me wgrant and lifeless?02:46
wgrantthewrath: What things does what give you? diffstat?02:46
wgrantthewrath: It gives you nice stats on additions/removals in each file in the diff, and in total.02:47
wgrantWithout grep and wc -l.02:47
thewrathbzr diff -r 6..7 mikesats | diffstat?02:50
wgrantSomething like that.02:50
wgrantJust get a diff into diffstat.02:50
thewrathu were saying about getting the modified and unmod lines that you would have to download each version?02:50
thewrathwgrant:  i get when running bzr diff -r 5..6 mikesats |  diffstat02:55
thewrathipsubnetcheck.pph | 84 ++++++++++++++++....02:55
thewrath1 file change, 84 insertations02:55
thewraththat is all ig et02:55
wgrantThat's correct.02:56
thewrathsays nothing about removed lines02:56
wgrantthewrath: Try diffstat -m02:56
thewrathno such option as -m02:57
thewrathi have a book at home with options for that02:57
wgrantthewrath: Does that diff actually have any deletions?02:57
thewrathno removals02:58
wgrantThen why exactly would it say anything about removed lines?02:58
thewrathwat -m or -r02:59
wgrantYou complained that diffstat didn't tell you anything about removals.02:59
wgrantThat's not surprising, given that you just said that the diff didn't have any removals.03:00
thewrath6 & 703:01
thewrathhold on03:02
thewrathwats a good free image upload/hoster03:02
thewrathwgrant:  that is version 6 n 7: http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/894/20090625220152.png03:03
wgrantthewrath: That looks fine to me.03:03
thewrathwat does the 186 signify03:04
wgrant186 changes in that file.03:04
thewrath186 additions and removals?03:04
thewrathwat doe hte + and - means03:04
wgrantIt looks like it.03:05
thewrath wat doe hte + and - means03:05
thewrathbc there is not a hundred of each03:05
thewrathwell a hundred plus03:05
wgrantPresumably it scales the numbers.03:05
thewrathscales ... explain03:06
wgrantOn a small diff here, it gives the right number. On yours, with a fairly big diff on one file, it looks like it scales it down to avoid making that line too long.03:07
wgrantSo each + or - will in fact represent multiple.03:07
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thewrathno way to find the number of lines that were modified03:09
wgrantThat's what -m attempts to do.03:10
wgrantBut your diffstat seems to be braindead.03:10
thewrathshoudl i try it in linux enviroment instead of an emulated03:11
thewrathso what bzr diff -m 6..7 mikesats | diffstat?03:11
thewrathor bzr diff -r 6..7 mikesats | diffstat -m03:11
wgrantIf that is what you want to do.03:11
cabreyI've been getting Please try again messages all evening, is there something going on?03:11
wgrantcabrey: Yes, one of the application servers seems to have hung. Just refresh, and things should be OK.03:12
cabreyon launchpad, that is03:12
cabreywgrant, alright, thanks :)03:12
pooliewgrant: do you know if this is escalated to is?03:12
cabreyjust making sure it wasnt my end :O03:12
thewrathwgrant:  which one the first or the second one03:12
poolieand do you think we should?  it's a kind of bad time in london03:12
thewrathbc you say diffstat but i had that for diff03:12
thewrathbzr diff -r 6..7 mikesats | diffstat -m03:13
thewrathbzr diff -m 6..7 mikesats | diffstat03:13
thewrathits the second nvm03:13
thewrathokay now found that03:13
wgrantpoolie: It was a little while ago deemed insufficiently important to escalate, given that it's 2am for everybody...03:13
thewrathnow i need to find lines that have not been messed with03:13
wgrant(I disagree with that assessment)03:14
thewrathi meant the first one wgrant03:14
thewrathsorry tired03:14
thewrathand doing work stuff at this hour can be deadly lol03:14
thewrathbut the nice thing is that i get to go in a little later i think tomorrow03:14
thewrathabout an hour later lol03:14
wgrantthewrath: You should use whichever one both works for you and is what you want.03:15
thewrathwell bzr diff -m ... gives me errors but the other way doesnt03:15
thewrathbc -m is for diffstat and not diff03:15
pooliewgrant: i've only seen one failure this morning in light use03:15
thewrathis there any way to find the numnber of unmodified lines03:15
pooliei guess there's several app servers, like 8?03:15
wgrantpoolie: There are 8.03:15
poolieand the load balancer is meant to cope if they're hung03:15
wgrantlpnet3 is dead.03:15
wgrantpoolie: pound will knock them off the rotation if they are not accepting connections.03:16
wgrantIt doesn't care if they time out.03:16
poolieyou certainly know a lot about it :)03:16
wgrantpoolie: Oh yes... ran into the same problem with the application that I manage.03:16
wgrantpoolie: You won't see many of the timeouts, because you're lp-beta-testers...03:16
wgrantAnd edge is working fine.03:17
* poolie reads the logs03:17
poolieah of course03:17
pooliei probably only saw one when i entered an un-edgey url03:17
thewrathis there a way to find the number of unmodified lines03:17
wgrantthewrath: I'm sure you can work that one out.03:18
thewrathyou think something with diffstat?03:18
thewrath any suggestions03:18
lifelessI've filed a bug on them being left in rotation03:19
pooliei wonder if we could get a non-LO SA to thump them?03:20
lifelesspoolie: see my mail to launchpad03:20
lifelessas of 2 minutes ago03:20
thewrath! for mod lines is something partaiing to diffstat only03:20
thewrathwhen i do my long grep it does not work03:20
mwhudsonpoolie: they're all in london too, afaik03:21
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poolieoh of course03:21
pooliesingle point of failure win :)03:21
thewrathwhat edit request did i have that got forwarded to ubottu?03:21
lifelessI'm not sure the regular sysadmins are in London03:21
lifelessI know the LOSA's are03:21
pooliethey did say "IS sprint"03:22
poolieit would be nice if https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-foundations/+spec/system-status-page was implemented03:22
lifelesspoolie: yeah, I'm just not sure is all03:22
thewrathoh nvm03:22
tsimpsonthewrath: anything matching "^!<anything>is<anything>$" is interpreted as an edit request03:31
thewrathi ran this bc it was similar to everythign else for added and removed03:32
thewrathbzr diff -r 6..7 mikesats | grep "^!" | grep -v "^!!!"|  wc -l03:32
thewrathi get base: !": event not found03:32
tsimpsonuse single quotes03:33
tsimpsonbash interprets ! specially03:33
thewrath' or `03:35
tsimpson` is generally called a "back-tick"03:35
thewrathi get 0 which is not right03:36
thewrath` is back tick and ' is single quote?03:39
thewrathbzr diff 0r 6..7 mikesats | grep -v '^!' | wc -l gives 414 which is not right03:40
thewrathbc when i run diffstat it says 9403:40
tsimpsonmake sure you use egrep to make it interpret regex03:41
thewrathi get 0 using egrep03:41
thewrathany final thoughts before i go to bed03:42
tsimpson'^!' will match only when '!' is at the start of the line03:42
thewraththat is modified isnt03:43
tsimpson^ is the start of the line, $ is the end03:43
tsimpson[^...] is negation03:43
thewrathit should say if a line is modified at the beginner03:43
tsimpsonit just means "the start of the line"03:44
thewrath*should say if a line is modified at the beginners03:44
thewrathlike a line that was added or removed has a + or - at the beginning of a line03:44
thewrath! should be at hte beginning of hte line if that line was modified03:44
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:44
tsimpsonan unmodified line will start with a space03:45
thewrathwat about modified03:45
tsimpsonwith a + or a -03:45
thewrath+ is added line03:45
thewrath- is removed03:45
tsimpsonyes, and a space is unmodified03:46
thewrath! is modified03:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about is modified03:46
thewrathaccording how it looks with u run diffstat -m03:46
tsimpsonthat's in diffstat, but not in diff03:46
tsimpsondiffstat interprets the output from diff03:47
thewrathok so in diff03:47
thewrath+ is added, - is remoeve dns 1 blank space is modified all at the beginning of the line03:47
tsimpson+ is a line added, - is a removed line, and a blank space is unchanged03:48
thewraththat is wat i meant03:48
savvas(note: there are also +++ and ---)03:49
thewrathwhcih means wat03:49
tsimpsonof the original is "Hello World" then the unmodified line in diff is " Hello World"03:49
thewrathsavvas:  wat does the +++ or --- mean03:51
jmarsdenIt prefixes the filenames of the original and new version of the file being compared03:51
jmarsdenWell, for most common forms of diff output.03:51
savvasthewrath: these are explained at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diff#Unified_format03:52
savvas> the original file is preceded by "---" and the new file is preceded by "+++"03:52
thewrathwats the difference between bzr diff -r 5..6 mikesats | grep "^+" | grep "^+++" | wc -l and bzr diff -r 5..6 mikesats | grep "^+" | wc -l03:52
tsimpsonthe first will only match files changed, the second will match that plus all the added/changed lines03:53
tsimpsonactually, no03:53
tsimpsonwait, yes ;)03:54
thewrathi was told the first one was to get new lines03:54
thewrath23:33 neels thewrath, e.g. << svn diff | grep "^+" | grep -v "^+++" | wc -l >> gives you the number of added lines :)03:54
tsimpsonthe first will match only the "+++ new-file" parts03:54
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tsimpsonthe first 'grep "^+"' is also not needed03:54
thewrathyes it is03:55
savvasshouldn't + be escaped?03:55
tsimpsonif grep uses extended regex (not sure)03:55
thewrathtsimpson: its necessary bc between 5 n 6 there were only 84 lines of changes and all additions not 8803:55
savvasthewrath: what are you trying to do actually? :)03:55
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thewrathsavvas: get the number of added, removed, mod and unmod lines from revision 5 to revision 603:56
thewrathbetween 5 n 6 there was only 84 lines of code changes and all were additions03:56
thewrathso i am just testing that out03:56
jmarsdenfor added lines you might want something more like grep '^+' |grep -v '^+++'03:56
tsimpsonthewrath: '^+++' matches a line starting with 3 '+'s, '^+' matches a line starting with 1 '+', if it starts with 3 then it also starts with 103:56
thewrathsvn diff | grep "^+" | grep -v "^+++" | wc -l  gives me new lines (added lines)03:57
tsimpsonyeah, the + needs escaping03:57
thewrathsvn diff | grep "^-" | grep -v "^---" | wc -l >>03:57
thewraththat line shows removed lines03:58
thewrathwhat do you mean especaping tsimpson03:58
tsimpsonah, -v03:58
tsimpsonit needs '^\+' and '^\+\+\+'03:58
tsimpsonbecause '+' is a regex special character03:58
jmarsdenBTW... how is this grep tutorial about launchpad exactly?03:58
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tsimpsonit means repeated at least once03:59
thewrathit was carried into grep03:59
thewrathtsimpson: nope that now only brings up 2 which is wrong03:59
thewrath84 is right03:59
thewrathit does NOT need to be escaped03:59
jmarsdentsimpson: Please test your suggestions before statiung them as fact.03:59
tsimpsonjmarsden: I did04:00
tsimpson$ echo '---'|egrep '^+++'04:00
tsimpsonecho '---'|egrep '^\+\+\+'04:00
jmarsdenegrep != grep04:00
jmarsdenThe command used in the examples is grep.04:00
lifelessBug 39237104:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 392371 in launchpad "appservers are not removed from rotation properly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39237104:00
thewrathbzr diff -r 5..6 mikesats | grep "^\+.... does not wokr04:00
thewrathno escaping is necssary04:01
savvashere is an example: http://pastebin.ca/147501204:01
jmarsdenthewrath: You are corect, tsimpson is mistaken and confused.04:01
savvasdiffstat and bzr with grep show the same thing04:01
thewraththen 1 blank space before is an unmodified line?04:01
thewrathbefore is at he beginning04:02
thewrathsavvas: wat ist eh === for04:02
thewrathnumber of files?04:02
savvas=== is the header for bzr04:02
savvas=== modified file 'surl/surl.py'04:03
savvas--- surl/surl.py2009-04-27 12:10:16 +000004:03
savvas+++ surl/surl.py2009-06-11 23:38:41 +000004:03
thewrath bzr diff -r 4..7 | grep '^ ' | grep -v '^   ' | wc -l is for unmodified lines?04:03
jmarsdenNo, you'll only see lines that were used to supply context for a change that way.04:03
thewrathhow do i find unmodified or modified lines then04:04
thewrathor cant i04:04
savvasno I think it's: bzr diff -r 4..7 | grep '^ ' | wc -l04:04
jmarsdensavvas: If I edit one line in a 100 line file, bzr diff will not output all 99 unmodified lines...04:04
jmarsdenIt only shows a few around each change.04:04
jmarsdencontext diff means it shows the context of each change :)04:05
jmarsdenI think to get a count of unmodified lines you will need a different approach04:05
savvasah right04:05
thewrathi am off to bed finally04:05
thewrathatleat i have the first two04:05
persiaI'm late to the dicussion, but comm -12 ought show all the lines that two files have in common (if one considers source to be sorted in "programmatic order" or some such).  Dunno why anyone would want to do that to code.04:12
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pooliemwhudson/jml: why do some merge proposals have a diffstat count on the summary table and some don't?04:43
* poolie looks for bug reports04:43
wgrantpoolie: Could it be related to the out-of-dateness of the diff?04:44
jmlmy hunch is that it's crazy not-fully-supported stuff04:45
jmlthumper might know more about it04:45
mwhudsonyeah, ask thumper about that :)04:45
thumperpoolie: lp:mad!04:45
thumperpoolie: I'm running it on devpad for some projects04:46
jmlthumper, why isn't in launchpad proper? huh? huh? :P04:46
thumperjml: because it was vetoed04:46
thumperjml: because it is *lots* of processing to do it for everything04:46
thumperthat is constantly changing04:46
thumperand we don't do that04:46
thumperI run it for projects I care about04:46
thumperanyone can run it04:47
pooliefiled bug 39238504:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 392385 in launchpad-code "why do some merge proposals have diffstats in the proposal list page?" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39238504:47
thumperit uses the LP api04:47
lifelessan interested experiment would be to get super user privileges and run it for all projects04:47
wgrantBut the two-diff thing is terribly confusing.04:47
jmlwgrant, yes, I agree04:47
thumperwgrant: that is a different bug :)04:47
pooliethumper: it would be interesting data to see how much cpu/traffic it uses04:47
thumperyes I agree04:47
* thumper is a but busy with other features right now04:47
thumperhmm, there goes my kiwi accent again04:48
jmlthumper, I was thinking that :)04:48
ajmitchjml: so was I, but I wouldn't say anything :)04:48
* ajmitch waits for launchpad to actually load04:48
pooliebug 39238504:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 392385 in launchpad-code "why do some merge proposals have diffstats in the proposal list page?" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39238504:48
ajmitchI'm guessing I hit the 1 dead appserver?04:49
pooliei'll answer it04:49
wgrantajmitch: Refresh. An appserver is broken, so 1/8 requests fail after a minute.04:49
jmlthere are a lot of code review UI bugs. A lot of them are near dupes, or all have the same root confusion of concept, at least.04:49
pooliethumper: to be clear i meant even for some proposals within bzr04:50
pooliebut maybe mad is falling over or something04:50
ajmitchwgrant: Yeah, I did that, and it subsequently worked. The redirection to edge didn't help as you mentioned before04:50
thumperpoolie: could be04:50
thumperpoolie: I know it is currently blowing chunks on LP branches due to 2a format04:50
thumperand I've not fixed it yet04:50
pooliejml, if you're keen on 377453 and not going to do it i can try04:50
wgrantajmitch: The redirection is currently done in the appservers, I suspect, so the edge redirects can fail. But once you're on edge it's fine.04:50
poolieit's probably easy04:50
jmlpoolie, I'm not likely to do it.04:51
SamBit would be nice if a router could somehow switch you over to a working appserver without your computer really noticing ...04:51
pooliesamb, it's meant to, it's apparently just not working04:52
* jml pops some items off the stack04:52
* SamB feels like poking PenguinOfDoom, for some reason04:52
* Hellow pokes penguins04:54
macvrhi... is launchpad server down? I'm having slow response , sometimes errors06:50
dtchenfrom earlier: "Refresh. An appserver is broken, so 1/8 requests fail after a minute."06:51
macvrok.. thanx06:52
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slangasekknown problems with launchpad?  I'm getting 50% incidence of timeouts07:06
ajmitchan appserver down apparantly07:07
slangasekajmitch: and the people who need to fix it are aware?07:09
ajmitchfrom what I saw earlier, it was decided that it wasn't important enough to tell LOSAs about at 2AM07:10
ajmitchbut I believe at least a bug was filed, not sure what else07:11
slangasekhmm, but now it's 7am :)07:11
ajmitchfar too early in the morning, I'm sure :)07:11
wgrantslangasek: 50%? Should only be 12.5%. You can also use edge.07:15
wgrantOr ring a LOSA, I guess...07:15
slangasekwgrant: small sample size07:16
slangasekmy threshold for reporting problems with LP is 2 failures ;)07:17
ajmitchyou must have been unlucky then :)07:18
macvrwgrant: me too 10 % !... rarely i'm able to complete a task :(07:22
macvrajmitch: will it be notified here if it is fixed?07:25
ajmitchI'd guess so07:27
sd_rockscan anyone tell me how to use yahoo messenger over linux07:29
ajmitchno, and you probably want to ask in #ubuntu, not here07:30
=== cprov-afk changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: cprov | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Open Sourcing: https://dev.launchpad.net/OpenSourcing
=== cprov-afk is now known as cprov
macvrcprov: any progress on the appserver? :)08:00
wgrantThat relies on London being awake.08:01
wgrantWhich won't happen for a little while yet, I suspect.08:01
cprovmacvr: let me check for you.08:01
cprovmacvr: wgrant is right. Is it failing a lot for you ?08:09
macvrcprov: oh... too bad.. yup, its failing a lot... nearly only 10% requests work... right now it upto 40%08:10
wgrantcprov: Is it still just lpnet3?08:14
wgrantThat should surely mean only 12.5% fail entirely, although some pages will die more often because they have AJAX.08:14
cprovwgrant: as fas as I know, yes, only one production appserver.08:15
* cprov drinks more coffee for fixing his morning fat fingers.08:19
wgrantcprov: Save some coffee for lpnet3, please.08:20
wgrantIt has been asleep for quite a few hours now.08:20
macvrwgrant: its now ~7:30 in london right? so another 2:30hrs to get this fixed, right? just wanna make sure :)08:25
wgrantmacvr: It might depend how jetlagged the LOSAs are, I suppose.08:26
cprovmacvr: is it any better ?08:56
slangasekwgrant: since they've been there all week, I don't think they have any excuse for jet lag left :)08:56
wgrantslangasek: Blah.09:15
cprovwgrant: do you still experiencing problems accessing lp ?09:19
wgrantcprov: Looks good. lpnet3 is out of the load balancer?09:22
cprovwgrant: it was restarted,  I guess.09:22
elmoit was fixed over an hour ago09:23
wgrantThanks to whoever fixed it!09:23
pooliejml you marked bug 385814 incomplete and assigned to me, why?09:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 385814 in launchpad-code "it would be nice to show targeted bugs in code review listing" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38581409:29
jmlpoolie, because I didn't understand what you wanted.09:29
jmlpoolie, maybe it's an abuse of incomplete (mpt has hinted so), but dammit it's not New if it's been examined & thought about.09:30
pooliei think it's a fine use09:30
pooliemaybe the person just needs a hint what to do if it's not "fix the bug"09:30
jmlI also wrote a comment that apparently got eaten.09:31
KangaroooHello. I Have big question and long time im having problem with this. 1/2 year. How to start programming in RoR Netbeans on Ubuntu and install required packages from Canonical maintained packeges.? https://answers.launchpad.net/netbeans/+question/7537109:31
poolielp is eating my status changes so it's all fair :)09:31
pooliealso i do sympathize that reviews are one place where you're getting a bunch of bugs that are probably best fixed not individually but by larger redesigns09:32
pooliemy thinking at the moment is it's best to tag the ones to do together unless they're outright duplicates09:32
pooliethen you have a manageable group but still have the option to fix only a subset in the first go09:32
poolieanyhow i'll let you get on with the release09:33
VK7HSE-Eeeis anyone getting this popup on LP ???  http://files.getdropbox.com/u/927315/Screenshot-The%20page%20at%20https%3A--launchpad.net%20says%3A.png09:41
wgrantVK7HSE-Eee: Does that happen when you click a link on the project page soon after getting to the page?09:43
VK7HSE-Eeeit happens when I click on the downloads tab in the Me TV page... on first time visit (cache history set to always cleared in firefox)09:44
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VK7HSE-Eeewgrant: here's the link... https://launchpad.net/me-tv/+download09:46
wgrantVK7HSE-Eee: It happens when you navigate away from the project page while the series data is still loading. I noticed that a few hours ago, but thought it might have been due to the dodgy appserver.09:46
* wgrant files a bug.09:46
VK7HSE-Eeeonly happens on the first visit!...09:47
VK7HSE-Eeeok after that...09:47
wgrantBecause the data is cached after that, probably.09:47
VK7HSE-Eeeok!... will do thanks...09:47
VK7HSE-Eeealso happens on edge as well...09:47
VK7HSE-Eeesame results first visit only...09:48
wgrantFirst visit to what?09:48
VK7HSE-Eeeok when I have fist opened that page...09:49
wgrantWhich? https://launchpad.net/me-tv, or https://launchpad.net/me-tv/+download?09:49
VK7HSE-Eeewhen first accessing the latter url...09:49
wgrantVK7HSE-Eee: But only when accessing it by clicking a link on the former?09:50
VK7HSE-EeeI was holding off just in case it was only something local here...09:50
VK7HSE-Eeewell Me tv is on the entry page of LP, so I enter via that, then when you click download...09:51
wgrantRight. Bug #39244909:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 392449 in launchpad-registry "Project timeline graph pops up a dialog when navigating away from the incompletely-loaded page" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39244909:52
VK7HSE-Eeejust looking ...09:53
VK7HSE-Eeewgrant: yes that looks like the one!09:55
VK7HSE-Eeewgrant: do you want me to add the pic. to that bug ?09:57
wgrantVK7HSE-Eee: If you want to, but I think it has enough information09:57
loolTeam a is member of team b; when I list bugs for Team a I don't see the bugs where Team b is sub-ed10:01
loolIs there a way to search for bugs where Team a is recursively subscribed to, or bugs which team a OR team b are subscribed directly to?10:02
lool(on the web UI)10:02
lamalexWhy does launchpad fail at wrapping? https://code.launchpad.net/~cszikszoy/do/config-MA-ext/+merge/770010:17
lamalexIs it some kind of racial joke?10:17
lamalex"We made launchpad white, so we also made it bad at wrapping"10:17
wgrantlamalex: It only happens in Firefox 3.5.10:19
wgrantLet me find the bug...10:19
poolielamalex: i laughed10:19
wgrantBug #39045110:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 390451 in launchpad-code "Merge proposal comments do not word-wrap in FF-3.5" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39045110:19
lamalexwgrant: thanks10:19
lamalexpoolie: I'm glad someone else appreciates my humour10:19
lamalexmpt_: does not though :(10:20
macvrcprov: seems fixed now.... thanx :)10:21
mpt_lamalex, hmm?10:24
mpt_Which does not what?10:24
cprovmacvr: cool!10:26
* mpt_ scratches his head10:33
wgrantmpt_: His joke was followed by your dropping off the Internet.10:34
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RAOFwgrant: Yes; it is bug #32612910:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 326129 in firefox-3.1 "firefox-3.{5,6} bug, merge review comments don't get wrapped in <pre> block" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32612910:35
sorenI'm confused. Is "bzr co lp:distro/releaseseries/sourcepackage" not supposed to work yet?10:39
wgrantsoren: It depends on the package.10:40
sorenwgrant: Aaaahhh...10:41
sorenOk, that explains.10:41
wgrantsoren: Some packages don't have branches yet, and others just don't have a branch set as the default.10:41
sorenwgrant: Where do I set the default branch?10:42
wgrantsoren: You don't.10:42
wgrantOnly a few people can.10:42
soreni see.10:42
wgrantIt might be ~ubuntu-drivers, but I don't remember exactly.10:42
sorenSo.. If it just doesn't have a default branch, it might still have been imported? Or is that completely separate?10:43
wgrantIn some cases the setting of the default branch failed. There's a bug filed against Launchpad about it, but nobody is sure whose fault it is.10:44
wgrantIt might have been imported.10:44
sorenhow do I see the non-default branches, then?10:44
wgrantsoren: https://code.launchpad.net/<distro>/<series>/+source/<sourcepackage>10:45
wgrantIf you look at https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches, you'll see that while most of the branches do have an alias, some don't.10:45
sorenOk, my package has not been imported. Oh, well.10:46
wgrantYou wouldn't be able to write to the branch, anyway.10:47
sorenThat's fine.10:47
jmlas soon as I can extricate myself from this damned format upgrade, I'll be working on package branches; improving the discoverability etc10:58
wgrantjml: The number one way to make the more discoverable is to have a DSP code index, rather than just the well-hidden SP one.10:58
jmlwgrant: yes. I *think* that's the highest priority package-branches listing bug.10:59
jmlI also want to make the 'setting official branch' permission a little more permissive. ISTR being persuaded at UDS that anyone with upload privs to the package should be able to set the link.10:59
wgrantThat would make sense.11:00
wgrantIs the ubuntu-branches celebrity going to become magical soon?11:00
jmlwgrant: in what sense?11:01
pooliejml, i'm going to sign off soon,11:01
jml(every team I'm on is magical by definition. also, fabulous.)11:01
pooliehave a good night11:01
jmlpoolie, will do.11:01
jmlpoolie, 1.16.1 is out already :)11:01
pooliei saw11:02
poolievery nice release text :)11:02
poolieoh, huh, have a good trip too!11:02
wgrantjml: Users aren't yet granted access to its branches by having upload rights, are they?11:02
jmlwgrant: it's going to work a little differently to that, I think.11:02
jmlpoolie, thanks!11:02
* jml brings up the relevant bug11:02
jmlbug 34776811:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 347768 in launchpad-code "Allow anyone with upload rights to write to a package branch" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34776811:03
jmlI should update it :\11:03
wgrantjml: Hm, so access will be granted to a branch by virtue of its officialness, not ownership by ubuntu-branches?11:04
jmlwgrant: the way it's going to work is that the owner of the branch will have write access, and any with upload rights will also have write access.11:04
jmlwgrant: yes.11:04
jml~ubuntu-branches will probably fade away, at that point.11:04
wgrantjml: Hrm, OK. Certainly less awful, but possibly less useful.11:04
jmlwgrant: because arbitrary branches won't be able to magically expand their write permissions to match the source package permissions?11:05
wgrantjml: Right. I was thinking that it might be useful to have a development branch.11:06
KjellWell, just gonna say that there is a problem with the launchpad server when registering new account12:49
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cprovKjell: what kind of problem ?13:01
Kjellcprov: Looks like a server time out. But it is fixed now.13:50
cprovKjell: if it was like 6 hours ago, it's a known problem that is already fixed.13:50
cprovKjell: if it was earlier than that might be something else, let us know if it happens again.13:51
Kjellcprov: No it was just a min before I wrote the message.13:51
cprovKjell: uhm, worth checking, one sec.13:52
Kjellcprov: The time out happens when the confirmation mail is send and you are suppose to enter a password.13:52
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cprovKjell: I suspect it was a punctual and very short outage while we were releasing fixes for the code we just released. It should happen again.13:56
cprovKjell: thank for pointing it out.13:57
Kjellcprov: okey13:59
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
MTecknologyI demand you guy purchase a domain name for every way I commonly misspell launchpad.net when I'm tired and forward it to the right place...14:05
MTecknologycprov: ^14:06
cprovMTecknology: is it serious ?14:07
MTecknologycprov: that was a joke..14:07
MTecknologylaugh buddy14:07
cprovMTecknology: ehe, you never know :)14:07
MTecknologycprov: actually, laucnhpad.net is the most common mistake for me14:08
KjellMTecknology: That would be a nice suggestion if you cannot press the bookmark button. :)14:08
MTecknologyI have enought bookmarks and for as much as I us lp, the bookmark would disolve into oblivioun14:09
MTecknologyKjell: I have just about 30k karma right now .. I'm on there a whole lot :P14:10
cprovMTecknology: let firefox make your life easier and complete 'lau...'  for you :)14:10
KjellMTecknology: That is a lot. What do you actually do?14:10
MTecknologyKjell: launchpad.net/ubuntu-drupal14:11
MTecknologyI still think blueprints hand out too much :P14:12
KjellMTecknology: Well we need people to think those ideas14:13
MTecknologyI linked them together and linked them to branches... I like to use them as road maps14:13
MTecknologyfinish one piece, closer to a goal14:13
KjellMTecknology: What is this Drupal?14:15
MTecknologywhat's with this... I can't subscribe to something if I'm not logged in... now there's a bug14:15
MTecknologyKjell: It's a CMS14:16
MTecknologyI'm building a crap load of modules and a very very advanced theme for it14:16
MTecknologyI've been up for ~24hr working on pushing out a new module14:18
MTecknologya whopping 10 revisions14:18
KjellMTecknology: Okey... What application does it have?14:19
MTecknologyKjell: you mean where is it used?14:20
KjellMTecknology: yes14:20
MTecknologyKjell: ubuntu.com uses it, ubuntu-us.org uses it, ubuntu-us.org, ubuntu-il.com, ubuntu-qc.org, etc14:21
MTecknologythat's just a short list of ubuntu sites using drupal14:21
MTecknologyThere's a lot of professional sites that use drupal14:21
MTecknologyKjell: heck, lp.net uses drupal14:23
MTecknology.... ok - that one maybe not :P14:23
KjellMTecknology: I am looking at drupal.org14:24
KjellMTecknology: It looks comprehensive.14:26
MTecknologyKjell: that's why I like it - beginning coding for it is a steap hill for a little bit, then it get's much much easier, then it just depends how in depth you get14:27
KjellMTecknology: Is it written in PHP?14:29
KjellThen I learned something new today. I guess it is a bit overkill to use Drupal as a personal website.14:32
MTecknologyKjell: profarius.com14:32
MTecknologyKjell: that's my personal site running drupal14:36
KjellMTecknology: Right. I figured it out when you posted that link =p14:37
MTecknologyKjell: if you look aroung drupal.org, you'll see a massive collection of prebuilt modules/themes14:37
MTecknologyKjell: remember.... /me woke up last 24hr ago14:37
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MTecknologyit's now morning14:37
KjellMTecknology: Day light over here14:38
MTecknologysame ehre14:38
KjellMTecknology: Well I am going to reinstall soon. Might as well create a server to test Drupal.14:40
MTecknologyhave fun :)14:42
MTecknologyI tried joomla and thought it was HORRIBLE14:42
MTecknologydrupal was nearly bliss14:42
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KjellMTecknology: Is it just put the files to /var/www and run the install file?14:49
MTecknologyKjell: ya, you need to setup a database for it too - it won't do that for you14:50
MTecknologyKjell: I use a different setup - but I run a few sites through one installation14:50
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KjellMTecknology: Can't you run without a database?15:00
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MTecknologyno, it stores everything in a db15:00
KjellMTecknology: bah I am getting acces denied deny when trying to create a db15:08
MTecknologyKjell: how are you trying to create it?15:09
Kjellmysqladmin create test15:11
MTecknologyI use phpmyadmin :P15:12
KjellThe funny part is that there is no password and you cannot login!15:16
KjellMTecknology: yay finally finish installing. Guess when they mean no password it means there is a password after all.15:28
KjellMTecknology: Where can I view all my content I am making?15:37
MTecknologyidk where from there15:37
KjellI mean from other user15:37
KjellMTecknology: Well time for a reinstalling15:43
MTecknologyKjell: I'm too tired to offer support15:44
KjellMTecknology: Hehe. No probs. As I said it is very comprehensive system. And I was gonna reinstall anyway.15:46
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ftaanyone for https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+question/75406 ? thanks16:13
cprovfta: I've asked how much space you need, but we have to wait LOSAs, anyway.16:25
cprovfta: unless we intend to unleash the daily builds today.16:26
ftacprov, i'm not sure yet how much i need yet, it depends if a/ i'm able to shrink to tarball to a more reasonable size (not 300MB) and b/ if I add intrepid & hardy16:27
ftacprov, "unleash the daily builds today"? what do you mean?16:27
cprovfta: I'm assuming you will use the PPA for daily builds, and I'm asking if you are planning to start it right now.16:28
ftait's already started16:28
ftabut i can stop it if needed, i still have some issues with amd64 to fix anyway16:29
ftacprov, i hope i'm not annoying with all those PPAs/dailies/quotas..16:39
cprovfta: no, absolutely, I was distracted reviewing projects. Do some estimation or guess some amount of space, so LOSAs can address this straight away.16:41
cprovfta: cool, you said 3GB.16:42
ftacprov, i meant, in general. it seems i have a lot more PPAs than most other users, and they are also much bigger.16:43
cprovfta: it means you work a lot ...16:43
cprovfta: and we are more than happy to provide you the resources you need.16:44
cprovfta: specially if you stop coding in perl and switch to python ;)16:44
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mxpxpodis there a way to speed up the creation of a project group?18:25
funkyHatI don't understand why this bug has been marked fix released: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pidgin/+bug/354605 looks like the bug watch thing made a mistake?19:27
ubottuUbuntu bug 354605 in pidgin "pidgin crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Fix committed]19:27
nhandlerfunkyHat: Look at the last entry in the upstream bug report19:33
nhandler'resolution set to fixed'19:33
funkyHatOh, I was looking at a different upstream bug (8981) -.-. Thanks19:38
nhandlerYou're welcome funkyHat19:41
nhandlerShouldn't the "What is this?" and "Read about installing" links on a PPA be green?20:11
SnovaThe OpenSourcing page says that Codehosting isn't going to be released. What does this include? The Code stuff as a whole, or a few things in particular?20:55
MagnunLenoHello, I've created a VCS import, but it was set as invalid, so I've decided to remove it and import the code by myself. But I can't find how to remove this VCS import branch. Can anyone help me?20:58
MagicFab_Is there an RSS feed for "Last Actions" at  https://edge.launchpad.net/~magicfab/+karma ?21:34
MagicFab_I only see atom feeds for bugs, branches *or* revisions... is there anything combining all ?21:35
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synicyou might find this to be an odd question, but is there a way to have one of you delete all the bugs in a given project?23:28

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