
=== darkmatter2 is now known as darkmatter
zniavrejust discover a small project i find really well done > tint2  an alternative panel09:55
kwwiiomg michael jackson died10:19
macvrdashua: have you considered a transparent .png for the panel? rather than a traditional coloring?10:29
mat_tChaotic_, hi!12:20
Chaotic_mat_t: Hi12:21
mat_tChaotic_ is Otto Greenslade, leading the visual design efforts in the design team12:22
mat_t(that's for the round of introductions)12:22
mat_tPlease feel free to poke him from time to time :)12:23
macvrthorwil: any plans for new boot submissions?12:26
thorwilmacvr: no12:27
andreasnhello Chaotic_, I'm andreasn, primary GNOME design. Feel free to ping me if you have any questions on anything12:28
andreasnprimary GNOME designer I mean12:28
thorwilmacvr: asking me before i even read that announcement was a bt early, anyway ;p12:29
andreasnChaotic_, apparently I'm very good of knowing what every icon name used in GNOME is by heart :)12:30
macvrwell... no one disturb kwwii for a few days , he is in mourning ;p12:31
andreasnmat_t, are you involved in the 100 papercuts thing?12:32
robstahello  Chaotic_, i'm the css engine guy12:40
macvrandreasn: papercuts is a big mess :( ...12:40
andreasnmacvr, are all 100 filled? I just found another, but I can probably report it as a regular bug12:40
macvrandreasn: there are more than 1000! filed!12:41
andreasnapparently gtkfilechooser and nautilus have different ideas on how invisible folders should be sorted12:41
macvrsorting them is huge problem ,since most are feature requests....12:41
andreasnbut it is a terribly minor issue, so I'm certain people have very different ideas on how it should be solved :)12:42
macvrandreasn: file it , and paste link... i'll confirm it12:42
macvri'll been looking into the papercuts , for past 2 days and so many are invalid...12:43
macvrandreasn: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PaperCut < just make sure it fits the criteria , also adding your fix would make it easier12:44
andreasn"Put briefly, a paper cut is a trivially fixable usability bug that the average user would encounter on his/her first day of using a brand new installation of Ubuntu Desktop Edition*."12:44
andreasnhm, that would mean the hidden files thing would be invalid probably12:45
andreasnas a papercut, not as a bug12:45
macvrandreasn: i think i know the problem you are referring to... pls file a bug for that , the file order is so different in gtk and nautilus, since i have set always show hidden files.i would love to see a solution soon :)12:48
ubottuGnome bug 587040 in general "GTK+ and Nautilus have different ideas on sorting order" [Minor,Unconfirmed]12:55
Cimi_andreasn, I've just tested dolphin (kde4)12:57
Cimi_andreasn, hidden files first12:57
Cimi_it should be better to have the same behaviour accross different desktop environments12:58
Cimi_line 252613:07
Cimi_that's the function to patch13:07
mat_tandreasn: indeed14:15
Chaotic_hello everyone :)14:18
SiDiChaotic_: hiya14:39
mat_tandreasn, you've asked about paper cuts, this is the list of 100 we would like to get fixed: https://edge.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/karmic14:56
andreasnI wondered if you needed more of them, but if I understood correctly, you14:57
andreasn're currently up to your necks in submitted papercuts14:57
mat_tandreasn: yes, we've had over 1100 submitted so far14:58
andreasnare the papercuts intended to be fixed primary by Ubuntu devs, or would you consider them good starting points for new developers?14:58
andreasnI met a guy at my neighbors house the other day that mentioned he "would like to fix something in Ubuntu"14:59
mat_tandreasn: anyone can submit a fix14:59
mat_tandreasn: there's more than enough bugs for everybody :)15:00
andreasnI'll point him to that list as well if I run into him again, I already pointed him to GNOME Love15:00
mat_tandreasn: there's a bunch of artwork bugs, too, that this group could help with15:02
andreasnI could look through it and see if it's something that could be forwarded upstream, do you have a URL?15:03
mat_tandreasn: you'd have to look through the list, I don't think we have a separate URL for artwork-related bugs15:10
kwwiihttps://bugs.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/+bugs?field.searchtext=icon&orderby=-importance&search=Search&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=CONFIRMED&field.status%3Alist=TRIAGED&field.status%3Alist=INPROGRESS&field.status%3Alist=FIXCOMMITTED&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.has_patch=&field.has_no_package= is a good 15:12
mat_tkwwii, you've won the award for the longest url ever pasted15:45
mat_tSiDi, I think you just missed it15:46
mat_thow can you *not* love Launchpad15:47
kwwiiall I did was go to the bugs for the project and search for "icon" ;)15:49
mat_tkwwii, and you'd imagine it would be something like https://bugs.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/search&string=icon or something...15:51
kwwiimat_t: yeah, no doubt...everything that I typed in is in the first 50 letters or so15:52
kwwiithe rest is just baggage15:53
* SiDi yawns15:53
kwwiiso any ideas on the "sound and video" category icon? http://sinecera.de/player2b.png is the wip15:54
SiDibtw kwwii ive got a "final" version of those notification-battery icons on my lp page15:54
SiDiwhat shall i do with them ?15:54
kwwiiSiDi: did you post a link to the list?15:54
kwwiior send me an email with a link?15:54
SiDiits on ayatana15:55
kwwiiI like launchpad but it has been a while since I browsed through pages on it for fun :p15:55
andreasnkwwii, how does it look in the size it will be displayed in 95%+ of the time (ie 24x24)?15:55
kwwiiandreasn: actually, that icon looks pretty good small, but I am only making that for the larger sizes15:56
kwwiiandreasn: http://sinecera.de/player2b-b.png is the large svg exported at 24x24...it is amazingly not-shit :p15:57
SiDikwwii: 40415:58
kwwiii get the feeling that I am on the ayatana irc server but not on the mailing list15:58
kwwiiandreasn: http://sinecera.de/player2b-2.png15:59
kwwiiSiDi: I'll put them in the package...I will be updating it very soon (within days) in karmic16:02
SiDikwwii: they seem ok with the idea, but i dont know who will implement it. if it's for me i'll do that in early september, i think16:02
SiDisince its just rewriting a few strings in the app.. but i just need to know they wont patch it again and again after (cause g-p-m changes a lot latelyt)16:03
SiDicheers kwwii16:03
kwwiiI'll ping you next week when I know more and we can discuss any problems16:03
andreasnkwwii, looks sane, but would it perhaps end up a bit complex if put together with other icons. Maybe get rid of 1 of 3 elements?16:07
SiDikwwii: okies16:08
kwwiiandreasn: yeah...I as thinking the same16:08
kwwiithe play button on top is kinda overkill anyway16:08
andreasndid you have any more luck with the firefox close icon bug?16:09
kwwiiwell, I found out that firefox does indeed screw up the lookup16:09
andreasnI wonder if fixing the order in index.theme and replacing the 16x16 with the image I attached to the bug would help16:09
andreasnoh, so it is a FF bug after all?16:09
kwwiiso I made a new 16x16 pixel icon which is flat (and really only like 14x14)16:09
kwwiiso in the end we can work around the problem16:10
kwwiibut this solution kinda sucks because nautilus does the lookup correctly and now finds the 16x16 pixel version before the 12x1216:10
andreasnwould you like to make a comment on that in the Mozilla bugzilla?16:10
andreasnI wouldn't count on that it would go into 3.5, as that is drawing really close16:11
andreasnbut perhaps in 3.616:11
* kwwii makes a bugzilla account16:12
kwwiiit takes a lot of work to comment on a bug at mozilla16:12
andreasnit kind of keep me away from reporting bugs on certain products as well :(16:14
kwwiiwell, I have now added my mustard to the sandwich...16:17
mat_tkwwii: any thoughts on the boot splash submissions? Should we have a separate page for it?16:43
mat_tkwwii: sorry had to reboot16:55
kwwiimat_t: yeah, we can put it under boot or such17:03
mat_tkwwii: cool17:08
kwwiiadded it here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Karmic/Boot17:10
kwwiionce the internet wakes up launchpad and the servers boot17:11
kwwiii hope james has some kind of electrical implant in his head that causes him pain every time a person waits for a wiki page to load17:12
asomethingi'm not sure anyone could survive that!17:13
robstahey thorwil17:26
thorwilhi robsta17:26
robstathorwil: single canvas is much too slow, i need to extract the widgets, like the icon theme does17:26
robstathorwil: sorry, that means more delay17:27
robstathorwil: the problem is that with the plates the whole svg has to be rendered each time, and the rest is just clipped17:28
thorwilrobsta: delay is currently not a problem for me :)17:28
robstathorwil: but for me, i want a functional theme :)17:28
thorwilrobsta: so, do you go for spliting at use-time, not design-time?17:29
thorwilas in, the template can stay as one huge SVG, it just can't be used directly?17:29
robstathorwil: yes exactly17:29
thorwilphew :)17:29
robstathe plan is that when you run "make dist" to create the tarball, the cache is created automatically17:30
robstaso you can still use the widget factory or whatever, it will just take long to start17:30
* kwwii takes his son to see transformers2 ...have fun17:31
kwwiimat_t: have a nice vacation, see you in a couple of weeks17:31

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