
niadhI have the final two bugs for todays wiki page, both are transcoding issues in banshee, in both cases I have been asked to see if there are upstream bugs00:03
niadhShall I just open two upstream bugs, reference them there and cross off the final two?00:03
xteejxbug 124387 any ideas?00:04
ubot4Launchpad bug 124387 in update-manager "update manager lock file not always removed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12438700:04
micahgsure niadh, thanks for all your help today00:04
niadhmicahg: Your welcome, it's been a while since I managed to get down and do this again, but I'm glad I did00:05
micahgniadh: be sure to include a link back to launchpad noting it's in our tracker as well00:05
niadhOh yes, of course ;)00:05
xteejxmicahg, would you mind taking a quick look at my bug, it seems pretty self explanatory, so i was going to mark it triaged, medium - what do you think?00:09
xteejxor if anyone else can have a quick little look at bug 124387 please?00:12
ubot4Launchpad bug 124387 in update-manager "update manager lock file not always removed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12438700:12
* micahg is looking00:12
xteejxooo thank smicah :D00:12
micahgxteejx: we're missing one key item though00:17
micahgthe version of update-manager00:17
xteejxi was actually just thinking that lol00:18
xteejxmicahg, after thats done is this safe to mark as triaged, as it seems that it would be pretty simple for devs to see what the problem is.00:20
micahgI think so00:20
xteejxmicahg, cool cool, thank you :)00:20
micahgafter all the important info is moved to the description of course :)00:21
micahgno, thank you :)00:21
xteejxno, thank you you hehe00:22
micahgxteejx: BTW, I've never run into that problem AFAIK00:22
xteejxme neither...00:23
bdmurraymicahg: does bugs/status read better now?00:31
micahgbdmurray: BTW, I fixed the 3 bugs that I labeled incorrectly00:32
micahgbdmurray: much better00:33
micahgthank you00:33
bdmurrayno problem, thanks for pointing it out00:34
mrooneyCan anyone on Jaunty look in System -> Preferences -> Preferred Applications and see if thunderbird appears twice in "Mail Reader" ?01:20
mrooneyor also Karmic01:22
nellerymrooney: it does01:23
nelleryonce as Thunderbird, once as Mozilla Thunderbird01:23
mrooneyoh okay, I can't find a bug although it seems like one would exist01:23
mrooneynellery: I think it might be related to how thunderbird ships /usr/bin/thunderbird and /usr/bin/mozilla-thunderbird which both link to the same place, though maybe not01:24
mrooneyI guess the bug is most appropriate in thunderbird01:25
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dholbachgood morning06:11
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KangaroooHello. I Have big question and long time im having problem with this. 1/2 year. How to start programming in RoR Netbeans on Ubuntu and install required packages from Canonical maintained packeges.? https://answers.launchpad.net/netbeans/+question/7537109:31
joop12good job messing up binaries in /usr after reboot10:32
joop12this is why there should be separate /usr partition and it should be ro.10:32
joop12For the end user, the system kills itself afte hard reboot (needed because system locks up doe to FAIL in using nvidia and screens switching).10:34
joop121. switch user10:34
joop122. frozen computer10:34
joop123. have to hard reboot10:34
joop124. /usr files are messed up, lol = fail10:34
joop12points of failure:  a) nvidia drivers are crappy   b) would be nice to have /usr in ro    c) how can reading a file cause files corruption10:35
joop12Perhaps simple fix to this all is to always use noatime?10:35
micahg1joop12: is there a bug #?10:56
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joop12not yet10:57
micahgwell it depends on teh fs if the binaries would've been affected10:57
micahgwere you on battery power?10:58
micahgPC what?10:58
joop12PC, baby, do you use it10:59
joop12"PC" as in "PC not laptop, no batter"10:59
micahgwhat filesystem?11:00
joop12ubuntu is really a fail to support remotelly via phone11:00
micahgare you supporting Ubuntu?11:00
joop12trying to, its so hard11:00
* joop12 facepalms11:00
micahgthis is actually the bug triage channel11:01
joop12 / is on JFS11:01
joop12 /urs did not have separate partition11:02
micahgI'm not familiar with the recovery of jfs11:02
joop12but in the end, what user sees?11:02
* micahg is not following11:02
joop12I reboot (for milion of reasons) ubuntu then it is killed and I can not work - it was so much better with windows, hell even windows 95, 97, me, xp - just reboot it and it works11:03
micahgwhy did you choose jfs?11:03
joop12this is user experience.  this should be a serious meta bug11:03
micahgext3 is the default11:03
joop12dunno, why not? if it sucks then it should not be an option to select11:03
micahgjoop12: part of the freedom of linux is choices11:03
micahgdefaults are tehre for a reason though11:04
joop12better hide choices that are know to sucl11:04
joop12also there should be some repair mechanism11:04
joop12X11 messed itself up (corrupted binaries). how to fix??  Im linux exp user and I dont know that out of head11:04
micahgjoop12: there is a recovery mode11:04
micahgjoop12: how do you know it's corrupt binaries?11:05
joop12im in root console.  what now?  aptitude reinstall what?11:05
joop12error says  that /usr/... somethig..   invalid ELF11:05
micahgsounds like you might have installed the wrong drivers11:05
micahgbut you might want to check in #ubuntu11:05
joop12worked always untill reboot11:05
joop12on another bug.   how is THAT user friendly? look:11:06
joop12- ok whatever we can not fix it.  just shut the computer down11:06
joop12- ok how?11:06
joop12- shutdown minus eh now11:06
joop12- ??????11:06
micahgIf you have user experience requests, you can file them on launchpad.net, or even better on brainstorm.ubuntu.com where they can be discussed11:06
joop12there should be simplier command11:06
joop12actually it is,   "shutdown space minus eh minus now"   now try doing that with no english speakers11:07
micahgjoop12: in the gui, there's a logout button11:07
joop12"shutdown minus eh minus November Omega Wilson"11:07
* joop12 wonders if attacking the soviet russia would be easier then simply turning off ubuntu while in console (repair) heh. alpha-bravo-one-five, go.11:08
micahgjoop12: this channel is for already filed bugs actually, we have a lot of channels available for all types of ubuntu type discussions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat11:09
joop12the above I see as bugs to be resolved11:09
joop12is this not ok?11:10
micahgyes, but in order to resolve them, they have to be filed11:10
xteejxI'm trying to upstream a KDE bug. What version is the current KDE in Jaunty?11:15
micahg!info kdebase11:16
ubot4micahg: kdebase (source: kdebase): base applications from the official KDE release. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.2.2-0ubuntu4 (jaunty), package size 69 kB, installed size 180 kB11:16
xteejxhehe thanks micahg :)11:17
micahgnp xteejx :)11:17
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enterneo_I am trying to install 9.04 64bit on EXT4, but ubiquity is crashing at 94% (when installing grub), any help?13:00
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kblinhi folks14:44
kblinI seem to have an issue with networking after returning from a pm-hibernate. that'd still be a bug in the kernel package rather than pm-utils, right?14:45
BUGabundoboas ppl14:54
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
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* BUGabundo hands reem a '/' !15:58
bcurtiswxgood morning everyone16:00
bcurtiswx(in the US) :P16:01
bcurtiswxhggdh: i wanted to talk to you about empathy and you said you were going to  work on things with that?16:01
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hggdhbcurtiswx, pong16:32
* bcurtiswx waves to hggdh16:32
* BUGabundo enjoys te wind16:32
* bcurtiswx laughs at BUGabundos lesser typing abilities :P16:33
* hggdh did not feel *any* wind in Texas today16:33
skully_just a very hot wind16:33
bcurtiswxhggdh: were you going to work on patching empathy for the userlists with IRC?16:33
hggdhbcurtiswx, yes, I want to start looking at -idle -- it is still sort of lacking in the controls I have on xchat16:34
hggdhand, for the userlist, yes16:34
bcurtiswxhasn't xchat stopped being supported for a long time?16:34
hggdhI do not really know. Works For Me, at least most of the time16:34
bcurtiswxyeah, i mean adding commands to idle like "/msg" and a room list would be a great start16:35
hggdhand being able to change a nick, and marking oneself away, and having whois, etc, etc16:36
hggdhwhich *might* already be implemented, and I just failed to find how to do it16:36
bcurtiswxyeah, i mean id like it if there would be a triangle in the IRC userlist marking the away users16:36
bcurtiswxand obviously the space between usernames less16:37
bcurtiswxthe empathy userlist is a great example of how the IRC userlist should look like16:37
bcurtiswxwell i have mine set to make the space between users a minimum16:37
bcurtiswxso i guess thats not default16:38
hggdhI guess so. Also, the user's documentation needs some love16:42
bcurtiswxBUGabundo: do you have an up-to-date karmic install?16:43
bcurtiswxdo you run compiz?16:44
BUGabundoyes, of course16:44
bcurtiswxany problems with it?16:44
bcurtiswxcan you turn it off then turn it on and see if you get any problems?16:44
BUGabundobcurtiswx: http://fileland.bugabundo.net/fotos/Linux/Desktop16:45
BUGabundono no no16:45
BUGabundoI will not test that16:45
BUGabundolast time I did, took me 4 days to get it working again16:45
bcurtiswxoh my16:46
bcurtiswxwell anyone in here with a karmic install up-to-date can you turn off compiz and turn it on to see if it gives you problems?16:47
BUGabundo$ grep compi .bashrc16:49
BUGabundoalias compizB='DISPLAY=:0 compiz --replace &'16:49
BUGabundoalias compizC='DISPLAY=:0 compiz --reload &'16:49
BUGabundo$ grep meta .bashrc16:49
BUGabundoalias metacityB='DISPLAY=:0 metacity --replace &'16:49
BUGabundoalias metacityC='DISPLAY=:0 metacity --reload &'16:49
bcurtiswxwhats the size of your monitor?16:49
* bcurtiswx pokes BUGabundo17:03
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
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bcurtiswxwhat channel is for the documentation team?17:13
BUGabundo#ubuntu-docs ?17:14
bcurtiswxim in #ubuntu-doc, thats it17:15
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hggdh_testbcurtiswx: telepathy-idle git has more data on the userlist17:45
calaen0Why does python in jaunty prefer system python packages over ones in /usr/local/lib/python2.6/ ... is this a bug? Can't find a report, and I would think a lot of people would be miffed about the change in behavior17:46
bcurtiswxhggdh-test: what is git?17:47
calaen0an annoying person.17:47
calaen0also, a source control method =) like svn, bazaar, cvs etc17:47
hggdh_testheh. No it is the SCCS (Source Code Control System) in use upstream. The bleeding edge, one might say17:47
BUGabundohggdh making GIT == trunk is so wrong :(17:48
hggdh_testcalaen0: right, sorry, did not see your post explaining17:48
BUGabundohggdh it can be any branch or release too17:48
bcurtiswxhggdh-test: so the git has an update to idle that isn't in that PPA?17:48
hggdh_testBUGabundo: yes, it is an over-simplification. In my case, it is the master, not any other branch (which *might* be even more bleeding)17:49
hggdh_testbcurtiswx: it seems so17:49
hggdh_testnot surprising, though17:49
bcurtiswxhggdh-test: whats different then the PPA?17:50
hggdheach user now has an icon (in my case, all of them are green), and a second line stating the status (in my case, all "available"17:51
hggdhyeeeeee using two nick is fun17:51
bcurtiswxhow can i use that?17:51
hggdh_testvery much so17:51
kklimondabuu.. can't get refdbg to work... and it has next to no documentation :/17:52
BUGabundohggdh eheh I know the feeling17:53
BUGabundonow try 3 nicks on 4 PCs and a boucer! LO17:53
BUGabundohey kklimonda [[]]17:53
kklimondahey BUGabundo, how are you today? where have you been interviewed for job? :)17:54
bcurtiswxhggdh_test: how cna i use that ?17:55
BUGabundokklimonda: went ok, thanks! hope they call me back!!17:55
BUGabundomy horoscope was funny too: "Libra:don't worry about money"17:55
bcurtiswxyur a libra17:55
bcurtiswxme too17:55
BUGabundobcurtiswx: just open a another IRCclient  with anohter nick17:56
bcurtiswxno, i mean the git to try the new userlist17:56
hggdh_testyou must download the git versions, and make them17:57
bcurtiswxthink they'll make it into the PPA soon?17:58
BUGabundoyou should do it faster17:59
hggdh_testbcurtiswx: you can find the projects at http://git.collabora.co.uk/ ; then select the project you want (for example, telepathy-idle, and find the URL for the GIT18:00
hggdh_testthen, on a terminal, run 'git clone <whatever URL>'18:01
hggdh_tester. Of course, you must have installed git18:01
hggdh_testFor idle, you will probably need empathy., telepathy-idle, and telepathy-glib (perhaps others, have not checked yet)18:02
micahgping jdstrand19:00
micahgI just read the document on security bug importance and had a question19:01
keesmicahg: what's up?19:02
micahgfor the bug I posted, I guess I forgot to mention there is a bot going around trying to exploit it19:02
micahgand it could allow arbitrary code execution19:02
jdstrandmicahg: I thought it was only during setup? feel free to bump the priority with the reason19:02
jdstrandI'd say 'high'19:02
keesmicahg: what's the bug#?19:03
micahgwell, if the user doesn't disable the setup script, it can be used to rewrite the config, but I haven't evaluated it's possible effect on Ubuntu yet19:03
micahgbug 39232419:03
ubot4Launchpad bug 392324 in phpmyadmin "CVE-2009-1285: Insufficient output sanitizing when generating configuration file" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39232419:03
micahgI gues the question is do we allow the phpmyadmin setup to write to files?19:04
keesah yeah, saw the Debian update go out on that.  most people don't have phpmyadmin publically available, do they?19:04
micahgdepends how careful people are19:04
micahgby default I think it is19:04
jdstrandthat would be a rather poor default...19:06
micahglet me check19:06
micahgyes, after it's installed, it's accesible by default from /phpmyadmin on the server19:08
jdstrandI guess mark it up to High and mention the new details19:08
micahgactually, looking at it now, we might not be affected19:14
micahgthat's what I wasn't sure about19:14
micahgwe don't have a writeable config file anywhere19:15
micahgby default at least19:15
micahgso, I think I'll leave it as medium19:16
micahgby default I don't think this can be exploited19:17
micahgsorry for the noise19:19
jdstrandmicahg: that is good news, thanks for looking into it :)19:42
BUGabundopedro_: ping. what's the dupe for bug 392687 ?21:17
ubot4Launchpad bug 392687 in totem "can't open a video while there's one open" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39268721:17
pedro_BUGabundo: reload21:18
BUGabundoI told the user to report it21:18
BUGabundobut you marked it as invalid21:18
pedro_BUGabundo: I've marked it as a duplicate, could you reload the page?21:19
pedro_BUGabundo: I'd like to do everything in one single step but i've to comment and later on mark it21:19
BUGabundook ok21:19
pedro_you're welcome21:19
BUGabundopedro_: eheh you scared the user eheh21:20
BUGabundohe doesn't report too much, but got your change, and thouth it was rejected21:20
BUGabundofelt bad .21:20
BUGabundonow he is happy again, for helping out21:21
BUGabundopedro_: and I'm always amazed by how fast you squash this bugs21:21
pedro_BUGabundo: being on #ubuntu-bugs-announce helps a lot for doing fast triage21:21
BUGabundoI know21:21
* BUGabundo vowels to hggdh21:22
* pedro_ loves EeeBotu21:22
BUGabundopedro_: come on. luv amoung humans... live machines/software aside :p21:23
hggdhhey all y'all should say thanks to mrooney... I just run eeebotu :-)21:24
BUGabundowho is mrooney ??21:24
BUGabundodon't remember ever talking to him21:24
BUGabundobut in either case: thanks mrooney21:24
hggdhhe is quite sn introvert ;-)21:24
mrooneyhi BUGabundo, we have talked before :)21:25
mrooneyit is okay if you don't remember me though :)21:25
* hggdh is never remembered :-)21:25
BUGabundoI guess you are not one of the most active ones , at least when I'm awaked and online21:26
mrooneyI am not always super active in here, just answering questions sometimes21:26
BUGabundohggdh: everyone knows you! far more ppl then the ones that know me!21:26
mrooneymost of my triaging is from -announce21:26
hggdhwill be back later21:30
nhandlerAnyone on identi.ca/Twitter knows you ;)21:32
BUGabundoI know myself21:32
BUGabundoI follow myself actually21:32
BUGabundonhandler: not so many ppl! I only have ~200 followers21:33
BUGabundoof course that could be, because not everyone can keep up with 300 dents a day.... who knows21:33
nhandlerOr maybe they want to see some dents from other people on their time lines ;)21:34
BUGabundoI do sleep too :p21:36
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micahgregarding the needs-reassignment tag22:49
bdmurraymicahg: ;-)22:49
micahgshould I remove the package and add the tag or just leave it and add the tag?22:50
bdmurrayremove the package and add the tag, then if giving it a package add the package and remove the tag22:51
micahgok, thanks22:51
micahgI'll do that in the future22:51
bdmurrayno problem thanks for asking22:51
micahgbug 390916 -- support request??23:57
ubot4Launchpad bug 390916 in ubuntu "Anyone know a tweak for volume control ? " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39091623:57
micahgbdmurray: ^^^23:58

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