
rickspencer3robert_ancell: hello00:15
robert_ancellrickspencer3, hello00:15
rickspencer3thanks robert_ancell00:52
robert_ancellno prob00:52
pittiGood morning06:42
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* ajmitch waves at pitti :)06:43
ajmitchit's the way of the future according to google06:43
* ajmitch wishes that new upstream versions of packages could be uploaded without their big orig.tar.gz06:44
Amaranthwhee, 100 more emails for compiz bugmail :/07:19
seb128hello there08:23
didrockshi seb12808:23
mvohey seb128!08:24
mvoand didrocks08:25
didrocksmorning mvo :)08:25
seb128hey didrocks mvo08:29
seb128pitti, \o/ for fixing dock station08:36
pittihey seb12808:36
seb128hello pitti08:36
pittiand because it's so nice, I'm going to fix the power button -> g-p-m as well now08:36
seb128pitti, new gdm works fine on current karmic for me btw, I played with it yesterday08:36
seb128pitti, what issue do you have?08:36
pittiseb128: well, press it and see nothing happen :)08:36
seb128pitti, I didn't change anything, it's just working there ...08:36
pittireally? that would surprise me08:37
seb128no error? you told me some dbus policy things?08:37
pittioh, gdm08:37
seb128pitti, well that's what I'm telling you, karmic + ppa build = working08:37
pittiI thought "power button"08:37
pittisorry, ECONTEXT08:37
seb128pitti, anyway I would appreciate if you could try again and give me details on the issue if it's still broken for you08:40
pittiseb128: will do after I'm done fiddling with hal08:43
robert_ancellhi all08:43
seb128hey robert_ancell!08:43
seb128how was your day?08:44
seb128pitti, do you know where should locale collation bugs be assigned?08:45
seb128pitti, libc6, locales, other?08:45
pittiseb128: langpack-locales, please08:45
seb128pitti, thanks08:45
pitti(locales binary, indeed)08:45
robert_ancellreasonably productive.  Been bogged down by admin... Flights, document, etc etc08:45
seb128I still didn't book for the sprint, flight options sucking08:46
robert_ancellseb128, I tried to get good options with the agent but they're pretty useless.  And being in the wrong timezone doesn't help.  I'm going to petition for an agent on this side of the world :)08:49
seb128good luck ;-)08:50
* robert_ancell has an empty inbox. Yay!08:50
* seb128 sends some emails to robert_ancell08:50
seb128robert_ancell, any idea why compiz-gnome still depends on libgnomevfs?08:50
* pitti ^5s robert_ancell08:51
pittihad that two days ago, now back to 3 :(08:51
robert_ancellseb128: no idea, I've only done my first compiz package updates today08:51
robert_ancellthat reminds me. mvo - what is the state of the bzr checkins for the compiz packages? Some of them don't match the package name08:52
mvorobert_ancell: last I checked the bzr and the archive were in sync.08:54
mvorobert_ancell: we need to rename some stuff anyway, the "fusion" name was dropped again and its now just compiz again08:55
robert_ancellmvo: yes, I was going to ask about that too08:55
robert_ancellmvo: The compiz-fusion-plugins-extra package isn't checked in properly and compiz-fusion-plugins-main is called compcomm-plugins-main in bzr08:56
robert_ancellmvo, also does synaptic make tarball releases? I was trying to update http://people.ubuntu.com/~seb128/versions.html but I can't find any08:57
robert_ancelland to continue the continuous questioning... mvo, what is the relationship between compiz debian and ubuntu? Are there any plans to merge packages?08:57
seb128robert_ancell, you are the man in charge of compiz now so it's your call I guess ;-)08:59
pittiRiddell: any news about bug 339313? (just need current status for today's release team meeting)09:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 339313 in ubuntu-release-notes "Kubuntu Jaunty: Cannot Connect To Wireless Network with WEP shared key" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33931309:00
mvorobert_ancell: so many questions09:01
robert_ancellseb128, I feared that may be the case :)09:01
mvorobert_ancell: let me check whats wrong with -extra09:01
mvorobert_ancell: the naming if partly historic, we should fix that09:01
mvorobert_ancell: the debian packaging is pretty different, they don't use cdbs for anything and maintain it in git09:01
mvorobert_ancell: but merging some stuff would be good, I just have such a strong dislike for git that I don't started with any of it yet09:02
baptistehello gentlemen09:02
mvorobert_ancell: but actually the packaging is pretty straightforward, the patches are more instressting and they are easy to share, I don't mind throwing away our packagiing and going to debhelper (7 maybe even?)09:03
pittimvo: well, we could just ignore the debian git (which we do for most packages anyway)?09:03
seb128hey baptiste09:03
mvopitti: yeah, that is a option as well09:03
robert_ancellmvo, ok sounds good.  I just wanted to check if there were any differences of direction.  I'll work at renaming, re-version controlling and merging them over time09:04
seb128or do an import in your favorite vcs09:04
robert_ancelldoes anyone know why debian chose quilt? cdbs is _so_ much easier...09:04
pittirobert_ancell: you can use cdbs with quilt09:04
pittijust not cdbs-edit-patch :/09:04
seb128because they are weirdos and like things when they are complicated09:05
pitti^ like git :)09:05
robert_ancellpitti, tease!09:05
mvorobert_ancell: it maintained in the xorg repo and there rule seems to be "no cdbs"09:05
mvono idea why09:05
pittiwell, for automake packages, dh 7 with dh auto stuff should be almost as good09:05
seb128mvo, btw did you read my comment about update-notifier being one of the few gnomevfs users?09:05
pittiit's just missing our nice langpack/i18n/gnome help symlinking stuff09:05
mvoseb128: no09:05
seb128mvo, be a good citizen and stop doing that ;-)09:06
seb128mvo, there is like 6 packages in the default install still using gnomevfs09:06
pittiseb128: ah, you are attackig them now? nice09:06
seb128mvo, compiz, update-notifier, evo*, xul and firefox basically09:06
pittigo, seb128, go!09:06
seb128pitti, ;-)09:06
* pitti proposes seb128 for https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cruft-busters09:07
mvorobert_ancell: hm, whats wrong with compiz-fusion-plugins-extra ? it seems like bzr and archive are in sync (or am I missing something)?09:07
robert_ancellmvo, If I do a debcheckout it says "ERROR: Not a branch"09:08
* mvo just searched in vain for the "offer mentoring button"09:08
mvorobert_ancell: lp:~compiz/compizfusion-plugins-extra/ubuntu09:08
mvorobert_ancell: we should talk to debian about consistent naming and then rename the branches I think09:09
robert_ancellmvo, yes09:09
seb128mvo, did you do any work to switch update-notifier to gtkbuilder rather than libglade?09:13
seb128mvo, if not I will work on a patch for that today09:13
seb128mvo, same question for synaptic09:13
mvoseb128: can glade-3 now read it natively?09:14
seb128mvo, yes since before jaunty, that's the default option09:14
robert_ancellmvo, are their synaptic tarballs?09:14
mvoseb128: sweet09:14
mvorobert_ancell: no synaptic tarballs, its a native package for ubuntu and debian09:15
mvorobert_ancell: why?09:15
seb128robert_ancell, I don't think we need to track apport and synaptic we are upstream for those09:15
pittimvo: yes, read and write (it's the default now)09:15
seb128robert_ancell, ie the reference is ubuntu no reason for it to be ever outdated09:15
robert_ancellseb128, :( But how can I track the world without tracking everything? ;)09:15
seb128robert_ancell, use the ubuntu version as upstream one ;-)09:15
mvoseb128: I got burned in synaptic when going from glade-2 to glade-3 and it ate a bunch of my widgets09:15
mvoseb128: thats why I haven't switch yet09:16
robert_ancellI want to know where Bryce gets his packages from too.  I can't find the versions we have anywhere09:16
seb128mvo, ok, update-notifier should be easy if you want a patch, will do an easy first cleaning on my list ;-)09:16
mvoseb128: go ahead, that is very welcome09:16
* seb128 hugs mvo09:16
* mvo goes and checks why its still using gnomevfs 09:16
* mvo hugs seb12809:16
seb128mvo, I think it's the session thingy09:17
seb128hum no, that was libgnome09:17
seb128mvo, could be pulled it due to libgnome still be used09:18
mvoseb128: sounds likely, I think I ported it some time ago09:19
mvoseb128: what about the python-gtk support for gtkuibuilder? should I switch update-manager too?09:20
seb128mvo, that would be nice09:20
* mvo nods09:27
ivankaseb128, good morning09:32
seb128ivanka, hello09:32
ivankaI am going to try and report a bug about banshee not picking up mp3 players or CDs quickly enough09:33
ivankaWe were doing usability testing on Wednesday on 'music and ubuntu' and it came up09:34
pittiI'm off for some errands and lunch, bbl09:37
seb128ivanka, ok, do you need any guidance for that?09:41
ivankaseb128, hope not :-) but will ask if I need to!09:42
chrisccoulsonhas noone looked at the gnome-screensaver upgrade issue yet?10:00
seb128not that I know10:00
seb128is there a bug open about it now?10:00
seb128ie did any user notice?10:00
chrisccoulsoncool. i'll try to set aside some time to debug that this weekend10:00
chrisccoulsoni don't know if there are any bug reports10:00
seb128ok I was just being curious10:00
chrisccoulsoni suspect that most users don't leave the machine whilst they're upgrading. still, it'd be nice if it worked correctly10:01
* chrisccoulson tries to understand how gnome-screensaver works10:01
chrisccoulsoni just noticed we're trying to start gnome-screensaver twice in karmic10:03
seb128how so?10:03
chrisccoulsongnome-screensaver ships an autostart file now, so is being started directly from gnome-session. but the gnome-settings-daemon plugin also tries to start it10:04
seb128the autostart and gsd?10:04
seb128they dropped the gsd code in git10:04
chrisccoulsonthe screensaver plugin has gone from g-s-d in git though, it seems10:04
seb128so it will be fixed next week10:04
mvothe guest session is currently not working for me, is that a know issue?10:34
mvohey glatzor10:34
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glatzorhey mvo !10:35
seb128mvo, wfm10:47
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seb128mvo, how do I trigger the "do you want to reboot now" dialog?10:56
seb128mvo, sudo touch /var/run/reboot-required doesn't do the trick10:56
glatzormvo, I replaced the multiprocessing/threaded debconf module by one using gobject_io_add_watch10:58
glatzormvo, I plan to even use this in the daemon itself10:58
mvoglatzor: nice - in the daemon? how so?11:03
mvoseb128: do a additional touch /var/lib/update-notifier/dpkg-run-stamp11:03
mvoglatzor: hm, I see. nice idea11:04
seb128mvo, that did it thank you!11:04
seb128mvo, that works only once?11:13
mvoseb128: yes, once per session11:13
mvoseb128: design team asked for it this way11:13
seb128mvo, any way to workaround that for testing?11:14
seb128mvo, I agree with that for normal use ;-)11:14
mvoseb128: well, just kill update-notifier11:14
mvoand run it again11:14
seb128mvo, but I want to test my libglade changes11:14
seb128mvo, ok thanks11:14
mvoI can make you a custom version after lunch11:14
seb128mvo, so restart is good enough I was just wondering if there was a secret hacker way to show the dialog every time ;-)11:15
seb128mvo, restart u-n is easy enough11:15
Ampelbeinhi there. bug 385088, robert states that gucharmap2-dev is obsolete. But I don't think that's correct. Am I wrong? The real reason for the ftbfs is a change in gdl.11:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 385088 in gtranslator "ftbfs due to dependency on obsolete gucharmap2-dev" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38508811:16
glatzormvo, I merged my changes. python-apt seems to be not very thread safe11:18
glatzorI could not figure out why the worker thread of the daemon consumes all cpu power after the changes have been applied11:19
seb128Ampelbein, when he opened the bug we were not using the new naming yet so the bug was right, that changed since11:33
Ampelbeinseb128: ah, ok. i've uploaded a fix to the FTBFS with the upstream patch included.11:34
Laneycan someone do the intrepid and dapper pidgin fixes?11:41
Laneythe Hardy one isn't so easy, will take some time11:41
seb128Laney, did you work on the jaunty one?11:43
seb128Laney, why isn't it easy for hardy?11:43
Laneyseb128: the code has changed, doesn't apply, needs more in depth investigation11:44
Laneyi already attached the jaunty debdiff11:44
Laneyintrepid is probably quite easy from that but I don't have time for it11:44
seb128Laney, intrepid is not important imho, jaunty is much better no reason to stay on intrepid11:46
seb128Laney, for hardy I would look to what other distros do11:46
Laneyok well I'll probably not do it11:46
Laneyif someone else wants to they can11:46
seb128thanks for the jaunty work I will sponsor that after lunch11:46
* Laney unassigns11:46
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didrocksmvo: seems that you updated planner without searching for bug waiting for sponsoring :( (cf bug #391530)12:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 391530 in planner "Update to 0.14.4" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39153012:42
enterneo_I am trying to install 9.04 64bit on EXT4, but ubiquity is crashing at 94% (when installing grub), any help?13:00
mvodidrocks: oh, sorry13:02
didrocksmvo: no pb, just think to check http://people.ubuntu.com/~seb128/versions.html if possible :) (clicking on the little (+) ;)13:04
mvodidrocks: I thought I did check the sponsoring queue before, but I must have overlooked it13:05
didrocksmvo: no problem. I will live with it ;)13:05
* mvo hugs didrocks13:05
* didrocks hugs mvo back13:05
pittiasac: hm, just rebooted, and when I do "firefox" it just exits immediately again (no processes running already)13:15
pittihow can I debug this?13:15
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
asacpitti: do you see something in .xsession-errors ?13:19
asac_seems that these became more frequently recently: http://paste.ubuntu.com/204136/13:21
pittiasac_: hm, seems I had a really bad boot; I couldn't ssh to my server (other ports worked), and firefox broke13:22
pittinow I rebooted again, with the wifi killswitch on, and it works13:23
pittiperhaps the wifi and eth connection at the same time messed things up13:23
asac_pitti: oh. so maybe you didnt have a lo iface up?13:23
pittino time to investigate now13:23
pittioh, don't know any more13:23
asac_no problem ;)13:23
pmatuliscjwatson: is it possible to preserve an encrypted LVM config (from 8.04)?  i would like to do a fresh install of 9.04.  the installer doesn't appear to recognize what is currently there13:29
pittipmatulis: only with the alternate CD, I'm afraid13:33
pmatulispitti: yes, using it13:33
pittipmatulis: alternatively, you can install cryptsetup and mdadm in the live system, mount the partition manually, and then start ubiquity13:33
pittipmatulis: hm, try to press esc to go to the main menu and select "load modules" -> LVM perhaps?13:34
pmatulispitti: will try13:34
seb128mvo, still there?13:40
pittiseb128: who works on gwibber ATM? I'd like to give bug 387042 an assignee13:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 387042 in gwibber "gwibber doesn't display messages" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38704213:41
pittikenvandine: ^13:41
seb128pitti, kenvandine or asac I would say13:41
kenvandinei can take it13:41
asacseb128: we will upload a new snapshot that seems to work13:42
kenvandineasac: of gwibber?13:42
asackenvandine: if you have other ideas ;)13:43
kenvandinemaybe you should take it then :)13:43
asacits completely broken atm13:43
asaccrashes if you send something13:43
asacfta is on it13:43
mvoseb128: yes13:43
kenvandinetrunk works i know13:43
asaclast three uploads where done without committing to bzr branch13:43
kenvandineasac: you want to take it then?13:44
asacanyway. so later today there should be new head snapshot13:44
asackenvandine: i assign it to fta ... i talked to him about it a few horus ago13:44
pedro__kenvandine, jcastro could you have a quick review to the hug day page for butterfly? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/2009063013:48
=== pedro__ is now known as pedro_
pittiseb128: would you mind binary-NEWing policykit-1?13:51
seb128pitti, looking13:51
pittiseb128: to main, please13:51
pitti(it's just a new upstream version of policykit)13:51
seb128new crack! ;-)13:51
* pitti moves source to main13:52
seb128new devicekit-disks following?13:52
pittiso that -gnome can build13:52
pittiseb128: yes, I'll upload all the new crack from desktop PPA13:52
pittithis will finally fix the "polls floppy drive constantly" bug13:53
kenvandinepedro_, looking13:54
seb128pitti, and we can update gvfs ;-)13:54
pedro_kenvandine: if i missed something please add it to the page13:54
seb128pitti, binaries newed now14:00
=== asac__ is now known as asac
pittiseb128: 3 minutes to publisher :)14:17
pittiseb128: I uploaded the new crack now, it should properly depwait14:17
pittiseb128: merci beaucoup!14:17
* pitti cleans ubuntu-desktop PPA14:17
pittiseb128: I'll try gdm-new again now14:17
pittihmm, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/20090626/14:17
pittiI _fixed_ them yesterday, now they don't build at all?14:17
* pitti starts a new build14:17
pittiseb128: new gdm behaves a bit weird on the live system for me (when logging in, it complains about not being able to save the greeter in the session), but otherwise it works14:17
* pitti tries on his installed system14:17
pittiI wouldn't upload it on a Friday, but perhaps on Monday?14:17
seb128pitti, I got the same weird warning14:18
seb128pitti, yeah better to break the world after the weekend when people are there to fix issues ;-)14:18
andreasnmpt, hi! I got reminded about the screen+webcam recording software when I read a blog by Gerv the other day: http://weblogs.mozillazine.org/gerv/archives/2009/06/improving_free_software_usability.html14:24
andreasnand I noticed that ivanka posted a comment on my blog that you would try it out in the UI testings at Canonical. Did you ever get to make use of it?14:24
pittiseb128: and the known "locks screen after upgrade" issue14:24
pittiseb128: no d-bus issue any more14:24
seb128pitti, ok good14:25
seb128pitti, I don't have a "locks screen after upgrade" issue though14:25
mptandreasn, iirc we tried it but it slowed down the machine too much14:25
seb128or is that "try to autologing the same user again"?14:25
pittiwhen I upgrade from current to new gdm, my session gets locked and I see the greeter14:25
pittiand I have to click on my name/enter password14:25
pittiseb128: so the biggest issue that I have is that gdm now runs g-power-m14:26
mptandreasn, what I'm doing at the moment is setting up a panel launcher for "recordmydesktop --on-the-fly-encoding -fps 5 -o /home/test/.testing/out.ogv", and then trying to remember to click the launcher as soon as the test subject logs in14:26
seb128pitte: there is an upgrade issue which I don't know how we can solve cleanly14:26
seb128pitti, ^14:26
pittiseb128: and thus http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=585228 hits with full force14:26
ubottuGnome bug 585228 in gnome-power-manager "immediately suspends on startup when lid is closed" [Normal,Unconfirmed]14:26
mptandreasn, (the same command doesn't work as a Startup Program for some reason)14:26
pittiseb128: well, I'm not too concerned about the screen locking14:26
andreasnmpt, do you record keypresses, mouse movement and camera as well?14:27
pittiseb128: wb14:27
seb128hum, wrong click14:27
seb128pitti, the issue is that you can't restart gdm while sessions are running because that would close those14:27
seb128pitti, but the greeter will not work until restart14:27
mptandreasn, no. Mouse movement we get for free because recordmydesktop shows the mouse pointer. :-) But we don't do anything special for the other two. Would be nice, though.14:27
seb128pitti, so if you close a session you get a "greeter not working" error14:27
seb128pitti, I'm not sure which way we have around that14:27
pittiseb128: and thus http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=585228 hits with full force14:28
pittiseb128: in my local session I worked around that in gconf14:28
pittiseb128: ideally we could defer restarting until the next session closes or switches, but I realize that's hard to do14:28
ubottuGnome bug 585228 in gnome-power-manager "immediately suspends on startup when lid is closed" [Normal,Unconfirmed]14:28
pittiseb128: but this is an one-time inconvenience, I wouldn't worry about it too much14:28
pittithe "immediately suspends" is nasty, though14:29
seb128pitti, well if you have multi user logged you have no real way around it14:29
seb128pitti, right...14:29
pittiseb128: I can look into #58522814:30
seb128bug #58522814:30
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 585228 could not be found14:30
pittido you think you can figure out the odd session thing?14:30
pittiseb128: see above, gnome bug 58522814:30
ubottuGnome bug 585228 in gnome-power-manager "immediately suspends on startup when lid is closed" [Major,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=58522814:30
seb128pitti, yes I can have a look to that one14:31
pittiok, then I'll deal with g-p-m14:31
seb128I need also to have a look to autologin kick in on logout14:31
pittithis is hugely annoying, especially with broken suspend14:31
seb128it if you have autologin there is no way to go back to the login screen14:31
seb128out of selecting switch user14:31
pittino timed login?14:31
seb128well autologin kick in after logout again14:32
seb128so when you log out you are logged in again immediatly14:32
seb128where it should be timed login yes14:32
pittiseb128: perhaps autologin should be treated as "timed login" after you just logged out?14:32
pittiand just "immediate" for first login at gdm startup?14:32
seb128that's what it used to do14:32
seb128I think that's just a bug14:32
seb128but would be nice to get it fixed before upload14:32
pittiafter three releases I'd have thought it would be a little more polished..14:32
pittiseb128: s/upload/karmic beta/ (my gut feeling)14:33
seb128it didn't get a lot of work since they landed it14:33
mclasenif everybody waits for the others to do the polishing, it doesn't happen...14:33
seb128pitti, right14:33
seb128mclasen, well, the issue is that GNOME accepts not ready softwares ...14:33
seb128if it didn't get accepted people would have made it acceptable to get it accepted14:34
mclasenbut we don't need to discuss that here14:34
seb128too many accept* in the same line ;-)14:34
mclasenwhat people do you think would do the polishing before acceptance then ?14:34
seb128mclasen, well GNOME is in a situation now where half of distro don't use the current codebase and nobody is working on making it better either14:34
pittiseb128: user switching works fine here, at least14:34
pittimclasen: from my pov it seems to work well with most components, but gdm was really exceptionally bad14:35
seb128mclasen, well if a new software is not ready or better than what we have why should it be accepted14:35
pittinot having half of the features, and very buggy14:35
mclasenpatches always accepted...14:35
seb128that's an orthogonal issue14:36
seb128GNOME as a project should not accept half ready rewrites14:36
seb128we should aim at quality parity before switching14:36
seb128otherwise users are loosing for no good reason14:36
seb128anyway as you said that has already been discussed14:36
slomomclasen: just curious but do you know when tim janik will have some time to look at gobject patches again or if someone else can review them? ;)14:43
mclasenslomo: I don't know the answer to the first question, and I tried to raise the second on the list a few times already14:44
slomomclasen: good, what was the subject of those mails? or the result of the discussion if any? :)14:46
mclasenthe last time I said something was here:http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2009-June/msg00110.html14:47
mclasenno discussion :-(14:47
slomowhat would be the requirements for such a person? (no, not me, i'm too busy anyway :) )14:49
mclasenI don't have a job description at hand...14:50
rodrigo_what version of evo/e-d-s is in karmic? my package build is failing and not sure why -> http://launchpadlibrarian.net/28414808/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-lpia.evolution-couchdb_0.1.1-5_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz15:12
rodrigo_it builds fine with git version15:13
rodrigo_rmadison says 2.27.3, which should be fine :(15:14
rodrigo_hey pedro_, will get the 2 books for you 'to full milk' :D15:15
pittiseb128: would you mind binary-NEWing policykit-1-gnome?15:16
pitti(should be trivial)15:16
pedro_rodrigo_: haha! thanks you pal, with some friends we're translating some chilean words to fromlostiano :-P15:16
rodrigo_pedro_: oh, see, there are other versions -> http://casadellibro.com/busquedas/quickResults?tbusq=c&buscar=from+lost+to+the+river&in=0&lang=es_ES15:17
seb128pitti, looking15:17
seb128rodrigo_, 2.27.315:17
rodrigo_like 'speaking in silver' and 'shit yourself little parrot' :D15:17
rodrigo_seb128: can you have a look at the build log I pasted?15:18
rodrigo_seb128: I'd say it's some libtool weirdness, but not sure15:18
pedro_rodrigo_: lol!15:18
seb128rodrigo_, right I was going to say that15:19
seb128"only absolute run-paths are allowed"15:20
seb128weird error15:20
rickspencer3props to pitti for reclaiming cd space from the gnome-help files!15:20
seb128documentation is in language packs now?15:20
seb128pitti, \o/15:21
rickspencer3seb128: not quite yet, but looks likely for Karmic15:22
seb128the soyuz part is going to happen?15:22
seb128or do we workaround that by some way?15:22
seb128pitti, policykit-1-gnome binariesnewed15:23
pittiseb128: you rock15:24
seb128you too ;-)15:24
pittiseb128: not yet15:24
* seb128 hugs pitti15:24
pittiseb128: I discussed the soyuz bits with Julian yesterday evening, and it's on the way now15:25
seb128maybe we will be able to have karmic CDs ;-)15:25
pittithen we should have plenty of space for some langpacks and new crack15:25
pittiseb128: speaking of which...15:25
seb128I was starting to wonder how we would manage that will all the new frameworks added15:25
seb128no CD!15:26
dobeypitti, seb128: hey! is there a formal request policy for removing stuff from the CD?15:39
pittidobey: not really, just say it to someone who can fiddle with the seeds15:40
dobeypitti: nautilus-share seems like something we should drop from the default install.... by default, it doesn't even work :)15:41
pittiseb128: ^15:41
seb128why shouldn't it work?15:41
seb128smb sharing is something many users in lan with microsoft os want to use15:42
artirand then how do I share Stuff over the LAN?15:47
rickspencer3kenvandine: pitti: http://piware.de/tmp/desktopteam-burndown-karmic.png - looks very brutal now15:53
pittiwe almost hit the 300 mark :)15:53
kenvandineyeah... all those new work items15:53
rickspencer3I wonder if we should move the trend to start at 300?15:54
pittilike that better?15:55
pittiheh, we are over 300 now15:56
pittiI added two more WIs to automagic python build15:56
* hyperair smells nautilus-share16:00
hyperairdobey: what's up with nautilus-share?16:01
dobeyhyperair: it doesn't work?16:03
hyperairdobey: that's very vague. could you be clearer, please?16:03
dobeyhyperair: it always only ever tells me that i need to enable some magical thing as root (i don't recall exactly and it's one of the first things i always uninstall, so i don't have it available on this system right now)16:04
hyperairdobey: then that's your fault for removing a required component.16:05
dobeyit's also not very generic16:05
hyperairit's not that "nautilus-share doesn't work", it's that *you* broke it16:05
dobeyi didn't break it16:05
dobeyi removed it because it doesn't work16:05
hyperairwell it tells you that you need to install the sharing service16:06
hyperairaka samba16:06
hyperairso why didn't you?16:06
dobeyit might be installed on my new laptop still (as i just installed it)16:06
dobeywhy do i have UI by default that requires me to install extra stuff to make work?16:06
hyperairif i'm not mistaken, samba is fat and couldn't fit on the CD16:07
hyperairor something16:07
pittiit's much easier to get it working with that single click than to leave the user in the dark how to share his directories, IMHO16:07
seb128because we don't want to have samba running by default but we still want it to be easy to use for users16:07
dobeyand why do i have to use samba?16:07
pittihyperair: that, and we don't want to open ports by default16:07
dobeywhy can't i share with webdav, or some other means?16:07
seb128you don't "have to"16:07
hyperairah i se16:07
pittidobey: that's an implementation detail16:07
seb128but many users are in microsoft lans and need it16:07
* hyperair personally uses samba sharing =\16:07
dobeypitti: it's a pretty awful one, because having N "share" items in the nautilus menu is not good design :)16:08
seb128because win* don't list webdav shares in their explorer16:08
pittidobey: if only we had an easy thing by default to share files with :-P16:08
hyperairdobey: N?16:08
pittidobey: that's a feature; if it would work as well as u1, that would be bad marketing16:08
dobeyhyperair: well obviously i'm going to have to install something else to share via webdav, so it's going to add another menu item16:08
hyperairi don't believe i've seen "share" items in the nautilus menu =\16:08
hyperairthat's a bug in nautilus-share then.16:08
seb128or in gnome-user-share for not having a smb option16:09
hyperairbasically saying that nautilus-share should support sharing via more than one protocol =\16:09
dobeyand in ubuntu one, we have a "share on ubuntu one" menu item (albeit only in certain folders for now)16:09
seb128smb is the industry standard16:09
dobeyseb128: so is windows, so why do people install ubuntu? :)16:09
seb128there is quite some users relying on that16:09
hyperairsmb is pretty much the most convenient method of sharing now =\16:09
hyperaireven in ubuntu.16:09
pittihyperair: ... yet :)16:10
hyperairwebdav requires apache, which imo is meant more as a web server than a file server16:10
seb128interoperability is a win16:10
seb128if you don't have that some people would not be able to use ubuntu at work16:10
hyperairpitti: you mean up til now ;)16:10
dobeywebdav doesn't require apache16:10
pittiit does16:10
hyperairoh? doesn't it?16:10
pittiwell, the current GNOME implementation16:10
seb128they would have to run something which allow them to work with their coworkers16:10
dobeyno it doesn't. it requires a program which serves DAV over an HTTP connection. it doesn't have to be apache16:10
dobeygnome-user-share requires apache16:11
hyperairand that was what i was referring to16:11
pittiDepends: libapache2-mod-dnssd16:11
dobeyepittance doesn't require apache (but admittedly, i haven't touched the code in years)16:11
seb128well still that doesn't resolve the interoperability issue16:11
pittisorry, Depends: apache216:11
hyperairdo you have any better method of sharing using webdav that doesn't require apache, yet is user friendly?16:11
seb128some ubuntu users need to be able to work with their coworkers not using linux16:11
seb128or they would not be able to user linux16:11
dobeyseb128: i don't disagree, but that's an implementation detail.16:11
seb128it's not16:12
dobeyseb128: also, windows handles webdav shares now as well16:12
seb128not in a obvious way16:12
dobeyseb128: it is, because the UI, and the backend, should be separable.16:12
seb128you can browse those from the explorer16:12
dobeythe UI shouldn't tie you to a specific protocol16:12
seb128but suggesting to drop what we have for nothing else is not constructive comment16:12
seb128what do you suggest to use instead?16:13
dobeyit's not dropping it for nothing else, when the default install doesn't have the backend installed and running, is it?16:13
hyperairyes you are.16:14
seb128the default install is one click away of getting that working16:14
dobeyit's sort of like having nautilus by default, and having it tell you to install gvfs-backends to be able to browse your files16:14
seb128ie it's obvious to have users to set a share16:14
seb128what do we win by dropping it?16:14
dobeydisk space, so we can fit ubuntu one on the cd? :)16:14
seb128to have users filing bugs about ubuntu not being able to do smb share at all because they will never figure what they need to do?16:14
hyperairdobey: nautilus-share is TINY16:14
seb128I stop this discussion now I'm not interested in trolling16:15
seb128nautilus-share is not what create CD space issues16:15
seb128and asking to drop it without having suggestions about what else to do doesn't server our users16:15
pitti30 KB16:15
pittisorry, kB16:15
hyperairsee what i mean16:16
dobeyno, CDs are what create CD space issues. but i'm pretty sure we're not going to drop gimp, or openoffice, or anything obviously huge, anytime soon, either16:16
seb128better to drop gimp than nautilus-share16:16
dobeyok, let's drop gimp then16:16
pittidobey: that's indeed plan B16:16
hyperairwhat's plan A?16:17
seb128that has been decided some weeks ago during desktop team meeting16:17
seb128getting space16:17
artirbetter make ubuntu default media a pendrive16:17
dobeyi only ever use it to take screenshots really anyway :)16:17
seb128if we don't have space gimp is the first we will move out of the default install16:17
hyperairyou use gimp to take screenshots?16:17
pittidobey: plan A is bug 12302016:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 123020 in soyuz "support shipping verbatim files in the exported tarballs" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12302016:17
dobeyseb128: ok, i wasn't aware of that.16:18
dobeypitti: cool. yeah, documentation is large (and largely unused anyway) :)16:19
dobeypitti: i hope that bug gets fixed in time then :)16:19
pittidobey: we made some pressure, and it's underway now16:19
pittithis should give us a couple of MB (assuming that we actually put back some langpacks, which is a non-negotiable item anyway)16:19
pittiso, enough to fit the U1/couchdb/etc.16:20
seb128and webkit clutter telepathy? ;-)16:20
artirand don't u have considered switching to 1 gb pendrives?16:20
pitti*sigh* yes16:20
pittiartir: considered, yes, but not decided to (just yet)16:20
seb128usb keys are expensive compared to cds16:20
artirthose 300 extra Mb would be very useful :)16:20
artirwell, but usb keys can be reutilized16:21
seb128well shipit doesn't consider that16:21
seb128they send free cds to people16:21
pittiand the extra mirror space and testing capacity are currently the most limiting factors16:21
seb128I don't think they will send free usb keys16:21
artirneither do I16:21
seb128or people will abuse it to get usb keys, that would not work16:21
pittialso, the 700 MB limit actually forces us to keep a slim and small and well-designed system16:21
pittiwhich is a pretty high value, too16:21
dobeyseb128: too bad we can't switch them to "locked" mode, and remove the switch, like they did with AOL disks :)16:22
artiri've always wondered how does the whole OS fits in a CD while windows or mac needs a dvd16:22
pittiartir: and windows doesn't even come with all those apps :)16:22
hyperairbecause they're bloated and we're lean?16:22
pittinot even to mention a live system16:22
artirI think is because ubuntu just ships 1 copy of each library16:22
artirinstead of every program to have a copy of its own16:23
* artir looks at the fat Mac applications16:23
pittiwe try to, anyway; we do have some duplication which we periodically try to get rid of16:23
dobeywindows ships libraries and crap so that even windows 3.x programs will run on vista16:23
hyperairbut they can't even ship enough drivers for vista eh16:24
artirthat's another point for Ubuntu16:24
artirit seems it has almost all the drivers u need in a CD16:24
artirinstalling windows is far more difficult16:24
hyperairit has every free driver you can find16:24
hyperairwell everything that's in the kernel anyway16:24
dobeyhyperair: they don't need to ship drivers, because OEMs ship them16:25
artirunless u make a custom computer16:25
dobeythere are plenty pieces of hardware i have sitting right here, that don't work in ubuntu either16:25
artirlike most people I know do16:25
pittiseb128: new dk-disks finally built, g-d-u in depwait for its publishing; so feel free to upload gvfs17:12
seb128pitti, ok excellent17:12
* hyperair wonders if anybody else gets a blank white screen with gwibber =\17:43
Laneyhyperair: yeah, try the daily ppa17:53
hyperairoh there's a daily ppa eh17:53
Laneyall the cool projects have one17:53
LaneyI wonder if Ubuntu is as impenetrable as all other distros18:11
Laneytrying to find out who's backported the pidgin update and struggling to find changelogs18:12
* Laney mans up18:17
pittigood night everyone18:43
pittiLinuxTag tomorrow \o/18:43
kenvandinegood night pitti18:43
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