
ebroderDoes anybody have any recommendations for docs on writing PolicyKit-aware apps?00:12
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dtchencjwatson: yes, xfonts-scalable can be synced.01:56
wiphello everyone, i really just need to know if a new rt-kernel is coming out soon. (or maybe i have to recompile it myself, cause there's no plan for rt release)02:07
wipi just need a quick reply on this matter...02:08
dtchenwip: #ubuntu-ports or #ubuntustudio-devel. also, quite likely.02:23
wipdtchen: thank you!02:23
lifelessdoko: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/39235502:41
ubottuUbuntu bug 392355 in bzr "C extensions placed in wrong directory" [Critical,Triaged]02:41
lifelessdoko: any thoughts?02:41
TheMusodtchen: I assume you are aware of why I can't do a test release of pulse 0.9.16-test1?02:42
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bjsniderhow can i stop dh_shlibdeps from adding a specific dependency?04:00
StevenKStop linking against that library04:02
bjsniderit's not that simple04:03
bjsnideri need it as a build-dep04:03
lifelessbjsnider: thats orthogonal04:04
bjsniderbut it is then automatically being added as a dependent package when in fact it isn't04:04
lifelesstest via ldd04:04
lifelessI bet it is linked against04:04
bjsniderhow would i do that?04:04
lifelessldd <binary>04:05
bjsniderwell, i don't have the binary04:09
bjsniderbut are you saying the source code itself is asking for that file?04:09
lifelesswhat are you building?04:09
ebroderbjsnider: dh_shlibdeps looks through the resulting package for all binaries in that package, finds all libraries they link against, and adds those libraries as automatic dependencies04:10
bjsniderbut when you say libraries they link against, that's int he source code, is that right?04:10
bjsniderin other words, it's not because of anything i put in the control file04:11
lifelessbjsnider: *what are you building* - a binary or a library, or both?04:11
lifelessso, use ldd on the binary04:11
lifelessor the library04:12
bjsnideri don't have them04:12
lifelesshow can you not have them?04:12
lifelessyou're building them in your debs04:12
* ajmitch doesn't understand why this dependency shouldn't be added04:12
bjsniderit isn't a dependency04:13
bjsniderthe program doesn't need it to run04:13
StevenKAccording to ldd, it does04:13
PiciAre you sure?04:13
bjsniderit should be a suggests04:13
bjsniderwrong. i know better than ldd04:13
lifelessthen unpack the deb, and check with ldd04:13
* ebroder disbelieves04:13
lifelessits very simple04:13
bjsnideri think this thing is just too...what's the word04:13
StevenKI call bullshit04:14
lifelessbjsnider: have you checked with ldd, or are you just speculating?04:14
lifelessbjsnider: and do you know what ldd actually does?04:14
bjsniderwell, let me download the thing...04:14
bjsniderof course not04:14
bjsniderif i knew that it did i wouldn't be in here04:15
lifelessman ldd gives a reasonable description04:15
lifelessnote that the *docs* are 8 years old. God knows how old ldd itself is :)04:15
ajmitchprobably about 30+04:15
StevenKInstead you come in here and accuse our tools of being immature and unpolished04:15
lifelessajmitch: Actually, I suspect its from when a.out was superceded04:16
ebroderSounds like a bad Western in the making. "For as long as there have been shared libraries, there's been an ldd..."04:16
lifelessajmitch: but I don't recall the yar04:16
ajmitchlifeless: probably, I wouldn't expect it to go all the way back to prehistory04:16
ajmitchif the application is mistakenly linking against a shared library but uses none of its symbols, then that app needs fixed (iirc)04:17
lifelessthats right04:17
persiaRight.  That's a build system issue,04:17
lifelesslibtool can cause this04:17
lifelessas can scons04:17
lifelessand $homebrew04:17
lifelessbut the first thing to do is to gather data04:17
lifelessfind out which of the binaries||libraries are dragging in the dependency. Thus ldd04:18
* lifeless goes off to write code04:18
ajmitchdpkg-shlibdeps throws up warnings in that case04:19
bjsniderwhat would such a warning look like?04:20
RAOF"useless dependency on $LIB could be dropped if $BINARY didn't needlessly link against it"04:20
lifelessits entertaining when dpkg throws that up and is wrong04:20
bjsniderah, yes i recall seeing those when i was running debuild04:20
lifeless(because typedefs)04:20
bjsnideri don't think this is my problem04:21
lifelessbjsnider: well, do the ldd test, gather data and report back; I'm sure we can provide more hints04:27
bjsnideri can't do the ldd test04:27
ebroderbjsnider: Then we can't help you04:27
persiabjsnider, Why can't you do the ldd test?04:28
bjsnideri uninstalled these packages04:29
bjsniderbringing them back in would break my system04:29
bjsnideri could build them here but that would take awhile04:29
ebroderDo you have the .debs?04:29
persiaSo?  Download it (as a file).  unpack it (man dpkg-deb).  run ldd on the files.04:29
* ajmitch would like to know what the package is & what the unneeded dependency is04:30
macoajmitch, i dont see bryce's modified hunspell...04:33
bjsnideri'm talking to the developer here and i found out the problem04:34
ajmitchmaco: sorry, hunspell-en-us was the one he uploaded04:34
macoajmitch, ah ok04:36
bjsnideri talked the developer out of linking to that library.04:43
bjsniderthank you for all of your guidances04:43
macoajmitch, alright, attached a hunspell-en-us debdiff to that bug as well now. feel like another upload?04:43
ajmitchmaco: to the same bug, which was closed already? :)04:43
macoajmitch, marked it as affecting both packages04:44
ajmitchah good04:44
ajmitchlet me fetch the source04:44
dtchenTheMuso: yes, i've spent the last few hours getting 2.6.31-rc1 running on my systems to fix rtkit packaging04:59
TheMusodtchen: Oh ok cool.05:02
cjwatsondtchen: synced, then, thanks06:06
vkfwbI am looking for someone who can help me facilitate an update to Ubuntu package of fwbuilder; I am the author and project lead, our upstream package has been updated and we'd like to see Ubuntu packages updated too06:09
dholbachgood morning06:11
ScottKvkfwb: Since we generally get fwbuilder from Debian, our preferred method would be to get the package updated in Debian and then ask someone in #ubuntu-motu about a sync from Debian once that's done.06:16
ScottKcjwatson: I've taken a shot at updating livecd-rootfs (in bzr, not uploaded).  Given the hash I made of tasksel, I'd particularly appreciate it if you'd take a look at it.06:18
StevenKScottK: I tried to update tasksel at one point and ran screaming, if I recall.06:19
ScottKI didn't run and I should have.06:19
ScottKcjwatson straightened it out.06:19
cjwatsonScottK: can't say offhand whether it will work :-), but it looks OK06:20
StevenKcjwatson: I note UNR has disappeared completly from the tasks, I need to wait for cron.germinate to land?06:20
cjwatsontasksel is easy to update, but perhaps only once you know how. Make the changes you want (whether in the seeds or in ubuntu-seeds.pl), then 'rm -rf ubuntu-tasks && make ubuntu-tasks'06:20
cjwatsonStevenK: oh, err, yeah, I guess you do06:21
StevenKScottK: I have a livecd-rootfs change waiting, I can upload it along with your changes?06:21
cjwatsonmaybe that was a slightly premature update06:21
ScottKStevenK: Yes.  Please.06:21
StevenKWaiting for cron.germinate, anyway06:21
cjwatsonwell, that sounded like it'd happen today06:22
StevenKOh well, UNR dailies have probably been broken for a few days anyway06:22
cjwatsonfeel free to temporarily revert the relevant bits of tasksel if you urgently need to06:22
cjwatsonI'm on holiday today, just stopping in while the baby's feeding06:22
StevenKcjwatson: No, I just need patience. :-)06:22
* StevenK mangles the livecd-rootfs changelog06:23
StevenKScottK: Leave your distro in the changelog set as UNRELEASED, too06:23
ScottKStevenK: Didn't I?06:23
cjwatsonhe did, second commit06:24
vkfwbScottK: the package has been updated in Debian06:24
StevenKOh, right06:24
vkfwbScottK: should I ask on ubuntu-motu then ?06:24
ScottKvkfwb: Yes.06:24
cjwatsonhmm, did anyone do an autosync yesterday?06:24
vkfwbScottK: ok, thanks06:24
StevenKcjwatson: It was my archive day, and I didn't, since yesterday was effectively DIF06:24
StevenKcjwatson: I can handwave and run one now ...06:25
cjwatsonvkfwb: has it? I don't see anything newer than 3.0.5-2 in Debian unstable06:25
cjwatsonwhich is what we have in karmic06:25
cjwatsonStevenK: still Thursday in your timezone :-)06:25
ScottKStill Thursday some places.06:25
StevenKcjwatson: Actually, it's 3pm Friday in my timezone06:25
cjwatsonsorry, mixed up then06:26
cjwatsonbut I don't think it matters all that much ...06:26
ebroderOh - random question. How can I find out why zephyr 3.0~beta.2483-2 was autosynced? It's only in unstable, not testing. Not that I'm complaining - older versions didn't build without krb v406:26
StevenKebroder: We pull from unstable06:26
ebroderOh, right. I was confusing unstable and experimental06:27
StevenKcjwatson: I have my finger hovering over Enter, now is the time to object to an autosyncer run06:27
StevenKAnd I can't see that Scott did two commits to livecd-rootfs06:28
ScottKStevenK: The 2nd one was only several tens of minutes ago.  Dunno if that's relevant06:28
* StevenK runs bzr up06:29
cjwatsonStevenK: run it, then we can check the .changes files before you press enter on flush-syncs :)06:29
StevenKcjwatson: Or selectively dump a few things before flushing :-)06:30
StevenKcjwatson: Done, there doesn't look to be anything evil06:33
StevenKcjwatson: But a second opinion is appreciated.06:33
cjwatsonStevenK: could you do contrib and non-free for completeness?06:34
ajmitchStevenK: so you proved me wrong when I told someone that it was DIF already :)06:34
StevenKajmitch: I can't help it if cjwatson overrules what I decided :-)06:34
ajmitchTGIF, now I can get some stuff done :)06:35
pittiGood morning06:36
ajmitchhey pitti06:36
StevenKMorning pitti06:36
* pitti waves to downunder06:36
ajmitchthat's a long way to wave06:37
cjwatsonwell, it *is* DIF, but we should do an autosync as close to the end as possible, IMO06:38
cjwatsonStevenK: everything there looks OK06:39
StevenKcjwatson: -C contrib pulled in nothing06:39
pittiFYI, I did one yesterday06:39
cjwatsonkernel-package is the only remotely scary one, but we don't use it for our kernel builds anyway06:39
pittiincluding non-free and contrib06:39
cjwatsonoh, you did?06:39
pittiyeah, it was DIF, so I had the same thought as you :)06:40
cjwatsonin that case maybe we *shouldn't* do an autosync now. I was working on the assumption that it hadn't been done yesterday.06:40
cjwatsonStevenK: cancel my overruling :-)06:40
StevenKcjwatson: I'm happy to clear them out, and then whistle that we did nothing06:40
pittiI guess by now we need another new-binary-debian-universe run06:40
pittiStevenK: if you could do some NEW today, that would be appreciated; there's some stuff like policykit-1 which we need soon06:41
pitti(I'm the uploader, so I can't review myself)06:41
StevenKpitti: I spent an hour doing NEW yesterday during my archive day :-)06:41
StevenKpitti: But I'll happily review policykit-1 for you.06:42
cjwatsonStevenK: yeah, pretend I never said anything I guess ;-)06:42
* ScottK looks a bit at debian-cd and decides it's bedtime.06:42
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StevenKScottK: debian-cd is scary, yes :-)06:42
ScottKYep.  I'll save that step for when I'm not way short on sleep (it's nearly 2 am here).06:43
StevenKpitti: There looks to be some wierd control chars in your debian/changelog that less doesn't like06:44
pittiStevenK: no locale installed on cocoplum, I guess?06:47
pittimight have been a →06:47
pittiI often see that corruption for maintainers with accents in the name06:47
StevenKAhhh, then I'll deal06:47
pittiit's policy compliant :)06:47
StevenKpitti: Given it's a version bump, it looks good.06:48
* StevenK pushes the shiny accept button06:48
pittiit's by and large a new upstream version only06:48
pittiStevenK: thanks! (and now perhaps policykit-1-gnome? :-) )06:49
pittisame story06:49
StevenKpitti: I don't know ... you already owe me beer :-P06:49
slangasekpitti: "less -r"; has less to do with locales being installed than with charset configuration06:49
StevenKpitti: -gnome also accepted06:51
pitti\o/ thanks06:59
StevenKpitti: I'm look at the list for stuff in universe that UNR wants -- libmono-i18n-west2.0-cil is a little suprising, since tomboy pulls that in07:00
StevenKpitti: And hwtest-gtk -- should UNR be using something else?07:00
slangasektomboy pulls it in how?07:00
StevenKi   tomboy                Depends    libmono-corlib2.0-cil (>=
StevenKi A libmono-corlib2.0-cil Recommends libmono-i18n-west2.0-cil07:01
slangasekah; so it's an existing components-mismatches issue?07:02
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StevenKIt looks to be in components-mismatches, yes07:03
pittiStevenK: mono was recently split into several smaller libraries07:03
pittiwell possible that some of them got NEWed to universe07:04
StevenKpitti: Happy to promote libmono-i18n-west2.0-cil07:04
pittiStevenK: hwtest-gtk> please use checkbox-gtk07:04
StevenKpitti: Okay07:04
StevenKpitti: gnome-themes (the source) is in main, but gnome-themes (the binary) is in universe07:05
pittisuperm1: ok, got the rules working now; thanks for testing07:05
pittiStevenK: known, and intended07:05
pittiwe only want gnome-themes-selected07:05
pittidoes somethign pull it in?07:05
StevenKYeah, UNR directly07:05
StevenKI'll change the seed there too07:05
pittiah, thanks07:06
StevenKpitti: app-install-data-commercial ?07:06
StevenKRight, I thought so07:06
cjwatsonwow, you have some ancient stuff there07:06
cjwatson-partner was renamed in like gutsy07:06
slangasekanyone else seeing launchpad problems at the moment?07:07
cjwatsonnot I07:07
StevenKpitti: Last one, if I'm allowed to promote libmono-i18n-west2.0-cil is hplip-cups07:08
pittiStevenK: promotion> sure, splitout07:08
pittiStevenK: binary-only promotion is generally fine07:08
cjwatson... except gnome-themes ;-)07:09
pittishould be checked for sensibility, of course, but doesn't need MIR stuff07:09
* cjwatson goes back to bed07:09
pitticjwatson: "back"? are you in the US?07:10
cjwatsonno, just got woken by baby feeding07:10
pittisee you later then!07:10
StevenKpitti: Promoted, thanks07:10
cjwatsonand decided to come and do a couple of uploads I ran out of time for last night07:10
cjwatsonnot today you won't, I'm on holiday :)07:10
pittiah, enjoy07:10
dholbachcjwatson: enjoy :)07:11
StevenKpitti: In regards to hplip-cups:07:12
StevenKi   ubuntu-netbook-remix Recommends hplip07:12
StevenKi A hplip                Recommends hplip-cups (>= 3.9.6)07:12
pittiseems fine to me07:14
StevenKpitti: But hplip is in main, and hplip-cups is in universe07:15
pittilooks like a recent and intended splitout to me07:16
pittiStevenK: "looks fine" -> I meant "for promotion"07:16
StevenKRight, then let me do that07:16
StevenKpitti: Also done, thanks!07:17
* StevenK peers at tix in component-mismatches and his list07:18
sianisfta: could you please look at this? https://answers.launchpad.net/gwibber/+question/7506807:47
sorenbryce: My aspell changes from way back didn't get uploaded because I wasn't core-dev at the time (probably not even MOTU either), and noone else cared enough to sponsor it.07:48
lifelesskirkland: still aroun?07:56
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chrisccoulsoncjwatson - i'm struggling to recreate this issue you're seeing on the live CD. when i restart, i don't see the inhibit dialog flash up briefly.08:24
chrisccoulsoni don't know if its possible for you to start a failsafe xterm session from the live CD, then manually start "gnome-session --debug", with the output saved to some permanent storage08:24
chrisccoulsonif that's possible, then it might be worth trying to recreate it like that as there should be some indication in the log why it happens08:25
lifelesspitti: is your laptop fan running slower/not at all in karmic?08:41
pittilifeless: no noticeable difference08:42
pittiit is running pretty often, the 430 tends to heat up a lot08:43
lifelesspitti: mine isn't, machine is thermal-tripping I think08:43
pittiStevenK: could I ask you to bin-NEW policykit-1?08:45
pittilifeless: hm, if only I knew which bit was responsible for controlling the fan (shouldn't the computer do that itself?)08:47
lifelessacpi_fan I thought08:48
lifelesscat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THM/temperature08:48
lifelessfor you08:48
lifelessits odd, trip_points for me is 99C08:49
lifelessI'm going to start watching it08:49
pitti$ cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THM/temperature08:50
pittitemperature:             68 C08:50
pittiand fan is running08:50
sorenMine's 53 C08:50
pitti$ cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THM/trip_points08:50
pitticritical (S5):           99 C08:50
lifelesssoren: is your fan running, and do you have a D430 ?08:50
soren...but "acpi -V" says: Thermal 0: ok, 58.5 degrees C08:50
sorenlifeless: Fan running. D430, yes.08:50
lifelessok, my fan is either _super_ quiet or fucked08:51
lifelessI can't feel a breeze08:51
lifelessThermal 0: ok, 51.5 degrees C08:51
sorenlifeless: My fan is virtually always running, and I can both hear and feel it.08:51
sorenWell, that's not too bad.08:51
lifelessdo you have anything in /proc/acpi/fan/?08:51
sorenI don't know when the fan usually kicks in.08:51
pittilifeless: it's empty here as well09:00
pittihm, did edge just go down?09:10
sorenpitti: Works for me.09:10
* pitti shrugs and disables redirection09:11
nellerywould any of you mind posting your full output of acpi -V?09:18
nelleryor just acpi -c09:19
hyperairhmm i wonder if my CPU can really hit 105 degrees and not burn09:25
hyperairas of now, it overheats and hard powers down at ~8009:25
nellerymine has heating problems as of Jaunty...09:28
nelleryregularly about 55 degrees and goes up to 81ish degrees when I do things such as build packages09:28
hyperairmine's always been ~55 idling09:53
hyperairand 75-80 when compiling09:53
hyperairmake -j2 can cause a hard shutdown09:53
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apwcan anyone elighten me as to the meaning of an CHROOTWAIT on a PPA build?10:25
apwcjwatson, i wonder if you could look at this failed PPA build, if i am reading it right i suspect it may be affecting all builds: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/28408818/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-amd64.linux_2.6.31-1.13apw1_CHROOTWAIT.txt.gz10:31
apwit appears that two common build deps are colliding10:32
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apwahhh i see the problem, its not general at least ... panic  over10:50
sorenHow do I specify a base revision during a merge?11:06
sorenWrong channel.11:07
soren(How did I end up in here?)11:07
directhexsoren, you turned left at Albuquerque?11:09
sorenI didn't.11:10
sorenShould I have?11:10
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ogracprov, if the project cant be renamed or deleted, i'll just leave it idling and create a new one, thats fine with me ... i just didnt want to leave a mess in LP11:49
* ogra wonders why we dont have some --help to man converter ... i.e. calling "cmd --help | helptoman > cmd.manpage" that creates a skeleton manpage with all the options and descriptions --help spits out for cmd11:55
hyperairogra: help2man11:55
hyperairogra: Laney generated banshee's manpage that way =p11:56
ograhyperair, that works for sucha case ?11:56
* ogra goes and tries11:56
hyperairit's not exactly like that11:56
ograi always thought that converts files11:56
hyperairbut essentially it takes the output of --help and generates a manpage11:56
hyperairi think you give it a command, and it runs command --help, grabs output from that, and dumps a manpage11:56
hyperairyou can even specify another argument to use in place of --help11:57
Laneyit gives you a good starting point11:57
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ograyeah, looks ok11:59
ograthanks !11:59
* ogra wishes KVM would recognize his external display on boot12:14
ogradamned abreviations12:15
geserdoes somebody know how I can figure out, why I'm missing the ACLs e.g. on the sound device files in karmic? it's getting nasty to issue a setfacl when I want to use my smart card reader or hear music12:24
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ionWait, what? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Specs/KarmicSSD?action=diff&rev1=11&rev2=12 “Using the most appropriate log structured file system, such as ext4.”13:23
hyperairext4 is log structured now?13:25
* ogra points ion to cking_, 13:25
cking_call it a typo.13:25
Ngcan I run apport for a single process rather than enabling it system-wide?13:32
pittiNg: not that easily, I'm afraid, since it hooks into the kernel13:34
Ngpitti: yeah13:34
pittiNg: you don't need to enable it in /etc, though, you can do sudo force_start=1 /etc/init.d/apport start13:34
Ngoh nice13:35
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kirklandlifeless: hi there, i'm back now13:52
kirklandlifeless: sorry i missed earlier, was away for the evening13:53
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loolGeez empathy pulls the whole geoclue stuff14:50
ogracprov, "The name 'rootstock' has been blocked by the Launchpad administrators."14:57
cprovogra: let me check14:57
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cprovogra: anything matching '^root' is blacklisted.15:01
ogralool, ^^^^ :P15:01
ogracprov, any way around that ?15:02
ograit took us two weeks of discussion to find the name ...15:03
cprovogra: no, unfortunately15:03
ograsigh, ok15:03
cprovogra: you can always use 'project-rootstock' :-/15:03
ograyeah, i'll do that15:03
cjwatsonapw: chrootwait on linux> looks bad; check the two packages to see if there really is a file conflict. I'm on holiday today though. I suggest looking for infinity or somebody else on #is if it needs manual recovery.15:04
apwcjwatson, panic was avoided, it was from my own previous package, but luckil;y prevented that being uploaded into the archive and getting the problem for real!15:05
Keybukheh, I just found the wiki page that explained all of the silly release names I gave dpkg15:06
cjwatsonapw: oh, that was your PPA - OK15:06
apwwhat was odd, was i had deleted those packages so didn't expect them to be usable, so i thought it had to be main archive packages.  keybuk disabused me of that notion and it got fixed in time15:07
apwit was a lot of luck though, as that might have gotten uploaded to the real archive if i'd not had that overlap, so a bit of luck on our side for a change15:08
pittimterry: \o/15:11
mterrypitti, that was easier than I thought15:12
pittimterry: so, instead of adding this to acpi-support, we should just grab that patch into dk-p right away15:12
pittiand clean up acpi-support further instead15:13
mterrypitti, Yeah, I'm patching my acpi branch now15:13
pittimterry: want me to upload new dk-p?15:13
mterrypitti, yeah, please.  Thanks15:13
pittimterry: uploaded15:19
mterrypitti, cool15:21
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asacanyone has a bridge setup in /etc/network/interfaces and could post it?15:52
sorenasac: What do you want it to do? I have several.15:52
sorenasac: Should it be connected to a real interface, or is it for virtual networking only?15:53
asacsoren: paste all with a quick explanation15:53
ograsoren, dont ! else NM will grow bridge support quickly !!!15:55
asacno chance to keeping it out of server soon ;)15:56
ograand soren is at fault :P15:56
sorenasac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/204307/15:56
sorenasac: Apologies for typos, if any. It's not copied from anywhere, I just typed it in.15:57
sorenogra: I've been shouting for bridge support in network-manager for a long time.15:57
loolasac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/204308/15:57
loolsoren: NM upstream blogged about that coming up soon15:58
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lool(briding and ipv6)15:58
sorenlool: About time :)15:58
sorenasac: Is that useful, or do you need more explanation?15:58
asacsoren: in that example, what sets the IP address of extbr0?16:02
asacsoren: oh its dhcp16:02
asacso thanks. all fine.16:03
slangasekmterry: hopefully I'll catch up on bug #385949 today16:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 385949 in pm-utils "ACPI Cleanup: Remove ac.d and battery.d" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38594916:12
mterryslangasek, cool.  things fell into place today, so everything's ready, but there's no rush16:12
slangasekmterry: btw, your DEP5 conversion is incorrect - Thom May is not a copyright holder on this package16:13
slangasekyep - I was more or less waiting for the pm-fwibble part to be addressed before changing acpi-support, now I have no excuse not to finish the merge :)16:13
mterryslangasek, ah, whoops on the DEP5.  I thought I just ported the old copyright notices, but adjust as you see fit16:13
slangasekmterry: the old line said 'Author', not 'copyright' :)16:14
sorenasac: Any time.16:14
mterryslangasek, so either he assigned his copyright or it should have said "inspired by" not "author", eh?  cause if he was an author, it's automatic copyright16:15
mterryslangasek, but I don't know his involvement; that's just why I put him down16:16
slangasekmterry: no, it's work-for-hire16:18
slangasekhe worked for Canonical16:18
slangasekas the email address suggests16:18
mterryslangasek, ah, k.  my bad16:19
slangasekbryce: do we have the new intel-gpu-tools jbarnes mentions in https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=22359 ?  I have a fresh crash here16:41
ubottuFreedesktop bug 22359 in Driver/intel "[i945GM] freeze in karmic (no kms)" [Major,New]16:42
pittinixternal, Riddell: jockey currently uses pykdeuic to build *.ui into *.py and ship the latter, while apport currently ships *.ui and loads them directly; what approach is more standard and recommended in KDE nowadays?16:45
* ScottK wonders if agateau knows? ^^16:47
agateauScottK: pitti: using uic to build *.ui into *.cpp :/16:48
agateauI am not sure there is a recommended way for Python ATM16:49
agateauthere aren't that much Python code in kdesvn for now16:49
agateauI for one always turn the ui into py16:49
pittiagateau: ... and for Python? :-)16:49
pittiagateau: so, loading them at runtime is discouraged?16:49
pittiok, thanks16:49
agateaubut that maybe my C++ background16:49
pittinixternal's apport KDE port loads them directly, so I wondered16:50
agateauI believe we can say using pyuic or uic is more common16:51
agateausince even C++ app could load them directly16:51
agateauand very few kde apps do so16:51
pittislangasek: I meant that most of the event scripts in acpi-support are probably redundant nowadays, since all other distros have these fixed in the kernel?16:53
slangasekpitti: yes, *most* of them are, but I'm not going to go ripping them all out when it's possible to tell which ones are redundant by reading what they do16:57
slangaseki.e., I'm not going to have my wireless toggle pulled out from under me16:57
pktwhat is the deal with konq-plugins?17:01
pktthe konq-plugins source package produces both konq-plugins and a number of standalone plugins17:01
ScottKpkt: #kubuntu-devel is a better channel for that question.17:01
pktnow e.g., konq-plugins and konqueror-plugin-searchbar conflict with eachother17:01
pktoh, there is a kubuntu-devel? sorry :)17:02
Fenix|workGreetings and salutations!17:04
slangasekkirkland: give me a design that lets us separate critical auth logs from non-critical ones...?17:10
loolkirkland: Why not do a freshness check on update-motd data on login and refresh it if needs be?17:10
loolWould that be too slow?17:11
kirklandlool: depends on the consumers of update-motd17:12
kirklandslangasek: Jun 26 10:10:01 t61p /USR/SBIN/CRON[14584]: (root) CMD ([ -x /usr/sbin/update-motd ] && /usr/sbin/update-motd 2>/dev/null)17:13
kirklandslangasek: that seems more appropriate to log in a cron log17:13
kirklandslangasek: rather than /var/log/syslog17:13
kirklandslangasek: and /var/log/cronlog could be asynch17:13
slangasekkirkland: that's not the PAM log in question17:19
kirklandslangasek: oh?17:19
kirklandslangasek: which one?17:19
slangasekJun 26 09:10:01 dario CRON[6777]: pam_unix(cron:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)17:19
slangasekJun 26 09:10:06 dario CRON[6777]: pam_unix(cron:session): session closed for user root17:20
kirklandslangasek: okay, question for you ...17:20
Fenix|workis anyone involved with dmraid here?17:20
kirklandslangasek: what if i added update-motd [--enable-cron|--disable-cron|--enable-inotify|--disable-inotify] options, where the cron ones would add/remove a symlink at /etc/cron.d/update-motd which pointed to the configuration in /usr/share/update-motd17:21
kirklandslangasek: and something similar for the inotify bits17:21
kirklandslangasek: would that sort of modification of /etc by a utility be acceptable?17:22
kirklandslangasek: you could tweak your config with:  update-motd --disable-cron --enable-inotify17:23
slangasekkirkland: acceptable, but feels kinda rube goldberg, and I would never run that command by hand on my system17:23
kirklandslangasek: which might tell you "iwatch: command not found;  sudo apt-get install iwatch"17:23
kirklandslangasek: that would only be there until we had an inotifyd in main that update-motd could depend on17:23
kirklandslangasek: at which point, the default becomes inotify17:24
kirklandslangasek: we could alternatively have a config file and an init script17:24
kirklandslangasek: /etc/update-motd.config has METHOD=cron|inotify17:25
slangasekkirkland: I just don't think any of that is worth the effort, because it's only the default behavior that interests me.17:25
slangasekif I'm going to deviate from the defaults, I don't need a command to do that - I can just rip out the package and/or the cronjob17:25
kirklandslangasek: true17:25
bryceslangasek, yep they're in karmic now (in universe)17:26
kirklandslangasek: i could make update-motd a proper daemon17:26
kirklandslangasek: and kill the cronjob17:26
slangasekbryce: ok; what's the relevant version number?17:26
slangasekkirkland: again, why is that worth doing when the proper solution is 6 months away?17:26
kirklandslangasek: what do you suggest, then for karmic?17:26
slangasekkirkland: accept that I'm going to continue to be cranky about it? :-)17:27
* kirkland tries waaaaay to hard to please users17:27
bryceintel-gpu-tools | 1.0.1-0ubuntu1 | http://archive.ubuntu.com karmic/universe Packages17:27
brycethere's apparently a new version but I've not pulled that in yet17:27
slangasekbryce: right, the new version is what jbarnes mentioned17:28
Keybukkirkland: maybe I'm missing something, but this really doesn't seem like it's something that _has_ to land for karmic?17:30
kirklandKeybuk: no, not at all17:31
Keybukare there genuinely omg-critical problems caused by update-motd not being as quite up-to-date as it could be?17:31
kirklandKeybuk: i don't think that's the issue17:31
Keybukwhat's the issue?17:31
kirklandKeybuk: i think the issue is the cronjob that wakes up the disk to write the pam log17:31
Keybukhow's that any different to anything else?17:32
Keybukan inotify daemon is going to wake the disk up <g>17:32
Keybukif people don't want their disk woken up for writes, they can turn laptop-mode on17:32
Keybukor disable syslog17:32
slangasek"disable syslog" - meh17:34
slangasekKeybuk: the issue is that when you have the cronjob, you have a guaranteed disk wake-up once every 10 minutes just to write the synchronous log entry to /var/log/auth.log, whether or not update-motd has anything to do17:34
slangasekI am not asserting this is omg-critical17:34
KeybukUpstart will have exactly the same issue though17:34
slangasekupstart is going to call pam_open_session() once every 10 minutes?17:35
Keybukslangasek: it'll call pam_open_session() whenever it needs to run something as a specific user17:35
Keybukso if update-motd is running as non-root, it'll still do it17:35
slangaseker, but the idea is that update-motd should only be called when there's something to update?17:36
slangasekso that should be less frequently than the current 10-minute cycle17:36
slangasekthen that satisfies my need for beauty :)17:37
Keybukplease tell me cron isn't doing pam_open_session() for things in /etc/cron.d _just_ to source /etc/environment17:38
Fenix|workHas anything changed in dmraid in the last couple of months?  Ubuntu now sees my ASR array with a different name that's padded with lots of spaces and won't mount the partitions.17:40
kirklandFenix|work: possible TheMuso could help, but he's likely gone for the weekend17:41
slangasekKeybuk: no, it's doing it because that's the right thing to do when starting a session of any sort as another user17:41
slangasekit also calls it for pam_limits... :)17:42
Keybukslangasek: shall we debate whether things in /etc/cron.d are the root user's cronjobs, or system cron jobs17:43
Keybukwhere root user cronjobs should obviously be run under a PAM session17:43
Fenix|workkirkland, I sent him an email but received no response.  I don't want to file a bug in launchpad because I don't think it's a bug... but my home server is kinda screwed now as it won't boot.  My array went from being 'asr', 'asr_1 and 'asr_5' to 'asr_OS             ', 'asr_OS             1' and 'asr_OS             5'.  It's really wierd.17:43
Keybukwhile system cron jobs arguably shouldn't be? :p17:43
slangasekKeybuk: cron.d/ follows the crontab syntax that includes specifying a username, and root isn't special-cased17:44
slangasek(yes, we shall debate this :-)17:44
kirklandFenix|work: it's probably okay to just file a bug;  he'll mark it invalid if it is17:44
Keybukslangasek: do you think it should behave that way?17:44
Fenix|workkirkland, dumb question here, but I haven't been able to find an answer to it.  Is there any way to rename a dmraid array? :)17:44
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Fenix|workif I can rename it, then I can leav TheMuso alone... when he's awake, I'm sleeping. :)17:45
Keybukslangasek: Upstart makes a distinction between things that are "system" and things that are "user's"17:46
slangasekKeybuk: I'm uncertain.  Conceivably, pam_open_session() could be used to apply settings (such as ulimits) to root cronjobs that aren't meant to apply to the cron daemon itself17:46
Keybuksince it wouldn't make any sense to call pam_open_session() when starting apache, for example17:46
hyperairhmm so i hear that a Scott was singing eye of the tiger O_o17:47
Keybukthen again, Upstart also allows things like limits to be specified in the job17:48
slangasekblech :)17:48
ograhyperair, the other scott17:48
hyperairwhich Scott?17:49
* Keybuk doesn't sing17:49
slangasekKeybuk: as if pam_limits wasn't confusing enough, without the possibility of interaction with upstart job settings17:49
Keybukslangasek: oh, that's easy ;)17:50
Keybukslangasek: pam settings override upstart if the job calls for a pam session17:50
slangasekthere's nothing easy about pam_limits :(17:51
Keybukthe idea is that you specify the default sane environment in init17:51
slangasekanyway, I think I'd be ok with a cron implementation that skipped PAM sessioning for root jobs, as long as we got the Debian maintainer on board as well so behavior isn't gratuitously different between the two17:52
Keybukand PAM thus applies policy17:52
slangasekwell, ok17:52
slangaseknote that one of the things our pam_limits does is reset all limits to the kernel default, though17:52
Keybukslangasek: probably a better way would be just to have upstart open pam sessions for cronjobs from /etc/crontab and /etc/cron.d17:52
slangasekbefore applying any other settings from /etc/security/limits.conf17:52
Keybukand not open pam sessions for temporal jobs specified in /etc/init17:52
Keybukslangasek: how does it know what the kernel default is?17:52
slangasekit encodes it :P17:53
Keybukbecause one thing I found quite quicky is that the kernel default is not the same as what you get when you reset the settings ;)17:53
slangasekand then every few months I get bug reports telling me the kernel has changed :P17:53
Keybukahh :p17:53
* Keybuk decides not to worry about PAM interaction for now17:56
cjwatsonpitti: thanks, fixing that ubiquity bug now17:57
* cjwatson contemplates running py_compilefiles on everything at build time17:57
keesslangasek: what about having some crackful early-start process write ot /var/run with kernel RLIMIT defaults it will read?17:57
ftadoko, is binutils-gold usable on lpia? seems broken here18:00
ftadoko, dpkg-divert: `diversion of /usr/bin/ld to /usr/bin/ld.single by binutils-gold' clashes with `diversion of /usr/bin/ld to /usr/bin/ld.real by lpia-wrapper'18:00
ftadoko, from http://launchpadlibrarian.net/28419299/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-lpia.chromium-browser_3.0.191.0~svn20090626r19361-0ubuntu1~ucd1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz18:00
slangasekkees: would be simpler than the current behavior, but adds a dependency on an external process for correct operation of pam_limits; I'm ambivalent18:05
keesslangasek: yeah; I like the idea of it working with whatever the kernel decides to do, making PAM kernel-version-agnostic (at least in this regard), and it could maybe be just a quick init-script.  perhaps PAM could fall-back when the file doesn't exist?  hrm.18:06
kees /var/run/no,really...limits.conf18:07
slangasekkees: I'm operating on the theory that where limits differ between kernel versions this is due to bugfixes, so tracking the latest kernel behavior is preferred18:08
keesslangasek: hmm, okay, I can accept that.  the trouble is noticing when it changes.18:16
=== Lutin_ is now known as Lutin
Sarvattwhats the proper way to adjust module parameters and add/remove them upon plugging in or going on battery power if ac.d and battery.d are removed from acpi-support? i've been adjusting the txpower and enabling power save for wifi and removing webcam/nic modules through scripts in there19:38
nhandlercjwatson: When you get a chance, could you update http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/ubuntu-policy/policy.html/ ? It is still for version
brainsonfirehi, i hope someone here might have an idea on this issue. my usb mouse doesnt work in jaunty (tried 2 different laptops), but it works in gutsy20:31
brainsonfirehere my Xorg.0.log        http://pastebin.com/m39d7362820:31
brainsonfirexinput recognizes 2 devices when i plug it in, first one being a mouse, second one a keyboard (?)20:31
brainsonfirethe mouse works for a split second then stops but the light keeps glowing20:31
brainsonfiremouse shows up in lsusb20:32
brainsonfirehal-devices shows 3 devices20:32
brainsonfirei have no clue how to debug/influence this behaviour20:33
brainsonfireill try installing xserver-xorg-input-evdev and -mouse from karmic20:35
slangasekmterry: did you forget a bzr push?  I still see pm-powersave in your acpi-support branch20:40
slangasekmterry: I'll merge up what you have so far, but wait for confirmation before uploading20:41
mterryslangasek, acpi-support still calls pm-powersave in the no-power-manager case20:41
mterryslangasek, just a fallback20:41
slangasekmterry: btw, svn revision 54 of DEP5 includes arbitrary changes that were not publicly discussed, and have been reverted20:52
slangasekmterry: please use a better one :)20:52
mterryslangasek, ah, will re-examine the spec20:53
James_Phey guys20:53
mterryslangasek, trying to be helpful with that dep5 conversion, didn't mean to make so much work  :)20:54
slangasekmterry: well, these are precisely the issues that have held up the dep5 stuff generally :/20:54
mterryslangasek, man, it's weird that the recentchanges feed is for all DEPs; doesn't seem scalable20:55
ScottKmterry: It might more productive to not bother with conversion until there is a stable format to convert to.20:55
mterryScottK: Yeah...  didn't want to wait for fossilized spec, but thought it was more stable than it was20:56
James_PI *know* this channel specifically isn't for support, but I have a strange problem, and you're welcome to tell me to leave. I'm quite comfortable with a command line though, and I thought it may be a kernel upgrade causing it20:56
James_PIt's just, my mouse doesn't work. It's a USB mouse, lsusb identifies it, and catting /dev/psaux shows nothing - any hints?20:58
mterryJames_P, try #ubuntu21:03
mterryJames_P, that is the official support channel21:03
James_Pit is indeed, i've helped out a fair few people there in the past with various things. however, i was just hoping for some hints as to how the kernel detects the mouse and maps it to /dev/psaux21:05
mterryJames_P, I don't know, myself.  best I have to is to look at /dev/input/* stuff too21:26
James_Pmterry, thanks, i'll check that. thank you :)21:28
ftadoko, apparently, i can't build ffmpeg with ld gold, it fails in configure when trying gcc, the binaries are created in 644 mode (without x)22:15
slangasekKeybuk: I thought the new upstart was going to be out before I got home? :)23:06
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ScottK-desktopDoes generating a new readaheadlist profile subtantially slow down the boot process?23:35
ScottK-desktopEither it does or something has gone horribly wrong here ....23:35
sorenScottK-desktop: It does.23:36
ScottK-desktopsoren: Thanks (first time I've tried it).23:37
glickexcuse me, is it a bug, people tell me to change my hostname to go to system>administration>networking23:41
glickbut thre is no such tab23:41
glicki have "network tools" but it has no "general" tab23:42
ebroderglick: Use #ubuntu for support23:43
glickebroder, yeah they keep telling me about an option i dont have, so i was wondering if its a bug or something23:44
ebroderglick: Did you try mentioning that you don't have it?23:45
* glick sigh, yeah23:46
glickits okay, thanks23:46
ebroderglick: Network tools isn't the right application23:46
ebroderIt could be that you're just running an older version of Ubuntu or something23:46
glickim running jaunty23:46
ajmitchwin 2123:47
* ebroder switches to a jaunty machine23:49
ebroderglick: I don't really use graphical Ubuntu, so I'm not sure what the right way to do this is. If you want to get a networking pref app, you can install gnome-network-admin. I'm not sure if it's intentionally not installed or if something's supposed to take it's place or what23:51
=== Wonko__ is now known as Wonko_

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