
* dthacker wanders in00:17
tim_sharittbodhi_zazen: are there any meeting logs or anything to get me up to speed on how the project is going?01:55
tim_sharittI really want to find somewhere I can jump back in now that I've got that whole "life" thing beat back into it's corner :)01:58
pleia2tim_sharitt: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2009/06/23/%23ubuntu-meeting.html02:31
tim_sharittthanks pleia2 :)02:32
pleia2we're sort of stuck on licensing, getting some legal advice02:32
pleia2agenda from that meeting where you're reading the logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning/Agenda/0622200902:32
tim_sharittlicensing for ubuntu trademarks?02:33
tim_sharittI guess could just read the logs I just asked for ;)02:35
pleia2licensing for the moodle courses02:36
tim_sharittpleia2: I see. If you need any legal advice, I did tell a hot girl that I was a lawyer one time at a party :P02:41
pleia2tim_sharitt: hahah02:41
pleia2I suppose "I work with computers" is only a good pickup line if you're a girl02:42
tim_sharittpleia2: I would say that is a pretty accurate statement :)02:43

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