
masterkernelhey all, i'm still in need of 2 reviewers for kernelcheck: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/kernelcheck00:05
ajmitchgeser: mind if I take the nevow merge?00:07
mok0empathy is for sissies. Good night folks00:46
=== lukjad007 is now known as ShadowChild
qiyongwhat is the ubuntu server chann name?02:41
qiyongwhat is src group for?02:41
qiyongwhat user should my cvs run as?02:41
tsimpsontry #ubuntu-server02:44
qiyongi often get connection reset error when i mirror archive.ubuntu.com02:45
qiyongwhere should I complain ? tsimpson02:46
tsimpsonI think #canonical-sysadmin02:49
lifelessqiyong: are you a registered mirror?02:50
qiyonglifeless: no, i just installed apt-mirror, and use it.02:51
lifelesscould be your nearest server has issues02:52
qiyongtsimpson: i'm not registered, should I go to #canonical-sysadmin still?02:52
lifelessbut yes, #canonical-sysadmin is probably a good place to go02:52
savvasis the debian import freeze active ?02:52
ajmitchsavvas: I believe the autosyncs have stopped, though I've seen no announcement of it yet02:53
savvasok thanks02:53
qiyonglifeless: i think i connected to archive. not archive.country.02:53
qiyonglifeless: otherwise, they'll get into archive.coutry. directory\02:54
qiyongok, no one answer me in the server chann, can anyone tell me what src for and what user should cvs run as here?02:54
lifelessdepends on you02:55
lifelesswhatever you want02:55
lifelessit'll be terrible no matter what02:55
qiyonglifeless: ?02:57
RAOFI think lifeless is suggesting that CVS is a terrible choice of VCS, no matter what your requirements are.02:57
ajmitchmaco: oh, bryce said that you should produce a patch for hunspell as well :)03:00
ajmitchhe added the extrawords.txt processing to hunspell today03:00
macoajmitch, yes i saw you talking about me in -devel03:01
macoi didnt even know about hunspell03:01
ajmitchget a patch, I'll get something uploaded03:03
ajmitchif not right away, then at least after I get home from work03:03
savvasajmitch: should a bug report be created for new package sync requests?03:05
ajmitchsavvas: they should once DIF is in effect, which I believe it is03:05
savvasoki doki :)03:06
ajmitchmaybe an archive admin will do a rather late autosync & prove me wrong :)03:06
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asomethinghttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebianImportFreeze says DIF starts today (25th)03:29
savvasasomething: It's the 26th today, GMT/UTC at least :)03:36
asomethingsavvas: I've got about an hour and a half left of the 25th still in NY =)03:37
ajmitchasomething: and you should know from release days that it's never exactly on 00:00 :P03:38
ajmitchthough it is usually funny watching people get their hopes up in the release party channel03:38
persiaI doubt there's going to be another sync run.03:38
persiaDIF is more the day the archive-admins stop doing something, rather than one of the deadlines where one needs to sneak under the wire.03:39
ajmitchthough it is a soft deadline for merges today as well03:39
persiaOh, right.03:39
ajmitchsoft deadline being that they ought to be done by now, and we still have a lot in universe03:40
ajmitchtime for a busy weekend, I think03:40
ajmitchwith this sort of weather here, there's not much else I can do :)03:41
StevenKI didn't do one yesterday on purpose. I can't see the autosyncer running again until karmic+103:43
ajmitchStevenK: that's what I expected03:43
persiaOh, right.  You're Thursday, which makes DIF early :)03:43
ajmitchhe stoled our syncs?03:43
persiaNo, he just did them real fast like, before we were paying attention.03:44
ajmitchoh right03:44
* ajmitch will still blame it all on StevenK 03:45
persiaajmitch, Oh my.  That is an interesting pressure pattern.  I suppose you'll be wet for the next couple weeks even03:45
ajmitchand some of my friends are going off skiiing next week too :)03:46
bddebianIsn't ajmitch always all wet?03:46
* bddebian hides03:46
ajmitchgreat to see bddebian as helpful as ever :)03:46
ajmitchwe missed you, honest03:46
bddebianThat's me )03:46
bddebianAll I do these days are QA uploads and package removals! ;-)03:47
ajmitchall the exciting bits03:47
bddebianAll the sclub work as always :)03:55
bddebianErr schlub even04:03
ajmitchbddebian: that's ok, we understand what you're trying to say :)04:04
Jazzyis this the right channel for ubuntu questions04:35
Jazzyor should i join a different one04:35
ajmitch#ubuntu for general support04:36
nhandlerJazzy: It depends on the type of question. #ubuntu is for general Ubuntu support. This channel is mainly for packaging related stuff04:36
Jazzyokay i just need general support04:36
Jazzythank you04:36
keesanyone working on wireshark 1.2.0?  I was testing it out and thought I'd upload it if no one else was already doing it.05:14
dtchenfeel free; i have a local package but won't have time to upload it05:16
fabrice_spGood morning!06:03
fabrice_spHello ajmitch ;-)06:04
fabrice_spCan someone have a look at Bug #345208? I'm not sure it's in the correct state for a sru06:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 345208 in pythonmagick "[SRU]PythonMagick is not usable because of undefined symbols" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34520806:04
dholbachgood morning06:11
dholbachAmpelbein, gaspa: I just added you to ~motu - congratulations again :)06:12
mkepcan someone help me with the debuild command.  I need to install it but it always gives me something about a mail server.06:14
fabrice_spgood morning dholbach06:14
fabrice_spAmpelbein, gaspa, congrats!06:15
dholbachhiya fabrice_sp06:19
vkfwbI am looking for someone who can help me facilitate an update to Ubuntu package of fwbuilder; I am the author and project lead, our upstream package has been updated and we'd like to see Ubuntu packages updated too06:26
vkfwbthe package has been updated in debian already06:26
cjwatsonwhat version?06:26
vkfwbuh, v3.0.506:26
cjwatsonwe have that in karmic already06:26
vkfwbwould it be possible to make it appear in updates for jaunty and possibly earlier ubuntu ?06:27
cjwatsonwe don't normally update stable releases to newer upstream versions06:27
rippsvkfwb: packages in debian are automatically synced into the latest version of ubuntu, for older versions, you'll have to setup a ppa06:27
cjwatsonexcept in some very limited circumstances -06:27
cjwatsonjaunty-backports etc. might be a possibility; see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports06:28
cjwatsonthose two links should tell you all you need to know06:28
vkfwbok, thanks06:28
vkfwbreading them now06:28
ajmitchmorning dholbach06:33
dholbachhiya ajmitch06:33
dholbachhey cjwatson06:33
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dtchensheesh, there's a lot of low-hanging fruit with these uscan warnings06:44
ajmitchdtchen: such as?06:44
dtchenajmitch: fairly straightforward corrections of warnings about code.google syntax06:44
ajmitchhow many of them is it worth doing an upload for though?06:45
dtcheni'd say all, but i'm just pushing diffs to BTS and adding to Launchpad where there's already an existing reason to upload06:46
ajmitchright, that's sort of what I meant06:46
gaspadholbach: thanks \o/06:48
* TheMuso is doing liblouis as its moving to main, and requires some other fixes.07:34
TheMusoIs there anywhere I can document that?07:35
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noodles775Hi lifeless! When you're not so busy, can you take a look at the following for me? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/sphinxbase08:10
geserajmitch: go ahead (nevow merge)08:11
lifelessnoodles775: well for starters, address the ! warning at the top of the page :)08:12
noodles775lifeless: ah, yes. OK, will do (sometime in the next week). thanks!08:13
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ajmitchgeser: great, only problem is they dropped all the patches & so dropped quilt from build-depends :)08:22
ajmitchI think the python 2.6 change for it should go to debian anyway08:22
slytheringaspa: congratulations. :-)08:41
gaspaslytherin: thank you! :)08:42
slytherinAnAnt: Welcome to the @ubuntu.com community. :-)08:43
AnAntslytherin: thanks08:43
directhexall the cool kids have an @ubuntu.com08:43
AnAntso, I got a question regardign sl-modem package08:44
AnAntit used to have a binary package (sl-modem-source), that package used module-assistant to build an sl-modem-modules-<KVERS> package08:44
AnAntnow, I made sl-modem-source use DKMS  only and not module-assistant08:45
AnAntnow how can I make sl-modem-source conflict/replace sl-modem-modules-<KVERS>  ?08:45
AnAntslytherin: if you find out about the velocity/ant thing, could you reply me ?08:47
slytherinAnAnt: Sure.08:47
geserhmm, have them a Provides perhaps or a common dependency you could conflict with?08:47
persiaAnAnt, You'd have to make it conflict with each package.08:47
persia(which is a long and ugly list)08:47
persiageser, Problem is m-a packages only depend on the kernel.08:48
AnAntpersia: and unpredictable list !08:49
persiaAnAnt, not so unpredictable.08:49
persiaOh, right.  I understand.  non-repo versions...08:49
AnAntyup, non-repo versions that's the problem08:49
persiaMake sl-modem-daemon Depend on sl-modem-source (>> foo), which does the DKMS hack.08:50
persiaOh, nevermind.  That won't work.08:50
AnAntsl-modem-daemon doesn't need to Depend on sl-modem-source actually08:50
persiaI don't think there's a safe upgrade path for non-repo kernels.08:50
persiaYou could list all the recent kernel versions for Debian and Ubuntu (including all supported series).08:51
AnAnthow ?08:52
AnAntrmadison ?08:52
geserwhat about a check in preinst if sl-modem-modules-* is installed and failing the installation then?08:52
persiaSo, etch, lenny, last 2-3 in testing, last 2-3 in sid, dapper, dapper-updates, hardy, hardy-updates, intrepid, intrepid-updates, jaunty, jaunty-updates, last 2-3 in karmic.08:52
directhexgeser, i like it08:52
persiageser, So have preinst configure bomb out if it would cause a conflict?08:53
persiaAnd then expect new modules to be built with an kernel update using the new package?08:53
AnAntI dont understand that last question08:54
persiaWell, it's easy enough to test if there is already a sl-modem module built for the current kernel, and not do the DKMS build in that case.08:55
slytherinWait a minute. When the old sl-modem-source (which used module-assistant) is removed won't it automatically remove -modules-<KVERS>08:55
persiaThe trick is then doing the DKMS build for a kernel update.08:55
persiaslytherin, Except "sl-modem-source" isn't being removed: it's just an upgrade.08:56
slytherinpersia: isn't that like remove and install new version?08:56
* persia checks http://women.debian.org/wiki/English/MaintainerScripts08:57
persiaslytherin, Not quite.08:58
slytherinpersia: if it wasn't like that the postrm script would not get executed for upgrade cases.08:58
AnAntslytherin: nope08:58
persiapostrm gets called, but with different arguments (prerm /postrm remove vs. prerm/postrm upgrade)08:58
persiaAnAnt, You might be able to do something with "preinst upgrade" to hunt and kill modules packages.08:59
persiaExcept you don't really want to kill the current modules if they are in use for the network connection used to download the upgrade...08:59
AnAntslytherin: sl-modem-modules-_KVERS_ does not Depend on sl-modem-source09:00
persiaI think I like geser's suggestion of just not doing anything on install if there is a modules package.09:00
slytherinAnAnt: I was assuming that module-assistant also removed the modules package. I used sl-modem-source long time ago. So do not actually remember.09:00
persiaErr, a modules package for the current kernel.09:00
directhexcorrect me if i'm wrong, but since sl-modem-modules-foo is not in the archive, it's perfectly policy-compliant NOT to Conflicts: with it09:02
AnAntdirecthex: yes, but I got a user screaming at me probably because he got this issue09:02
AnAntnot screaming, but he seems upset09:03
directhexAnAnt, well, i like the preinst hack09:03
AnAntI'm trying to understand it09:03
persiadirecthex, Erm, kinda.  It's not polite to leave cruft on user systems that you put there in the first place.  If the user pulled it from some third party, it wouldn't matter so much.09:03
persiadirecthex, More importantly, without something, upgrading the package from the previous version fails always, which is usually considered a packaging bug.09:04
directhexpersia, well, politeness sure. but i don't think there's any policy reason to have a list of conflicts with half a million kernels in it - hence why the preinst seems like a good idea09:04
AnAntwould there be a failing upgrade path even ?09:06
persiaAnAnt, yep.  goes like this:09:07
AnAntI just looked again at the bug LP 375148, and I think there is another problem09:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 375148 in sl-modem "no more /dev/ttySL0 device node" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37514809:07
persianew package unpacks, postinst-configure is called, that does the DKMS magic, the DKMS stuff tries to install, that tries to overwrite existing files, that causes an error, dpkg gives up as unconfigured.09:07
AnAntoh, I didn't know the DKMS will fail if it tried to overwrite a file installed by a deb09:08
AnAntI thought that this only happens in dpkg09:08
persiaMaybe it doesn't, but I think it should.  Otherwise you end up with a file that two packages think they control.09:08
AnAntI don't think that it should do09:09
AnAntdkms is not apt/dpkg thing09:09
persiaIf it doesn't, that's probably a bug in DKMS (that packages should be able to be removed completely on purge)09:09
AnAnthuh ?09:10
persiaAnAnt, So, there exists some .ko file, either provided by DKMS or by sl-modem-modules-KVER09:12
persiaIt's important that the file is never provided by both of them.09:12
persiaOtherwise, it's not safe to clean up.09:12
persiabecause you can end up with something like removing sl-modem-modules-KVER removing the DKMS-provided file.09:12
persiaSo you need to make sure that the file that would be created by DKMS isn't already present.09:13
AnAntis that really a problem ? that will get rebuilt on the next reboot, right ?09:13
persiaAnd if it is, don't do the DKMS bit until later (next kernel upgrade)09:13
persiaHuh?  I didn't think modules were rebuilt on reboot.  I thought they were rebuilt on kernel upgrade.09:13
AnAntsuperm1: ^09:14
* persia wanders off for a bit09:14
AnAntpersia: well, I see DKMS doing something at startup09:14
slytherinAnAnt: I think dkms has some sort of daemon which keeps watch for installed/upgraded kernels.09:21
AnAntslytherin: yeah, but how about startup ?09:21
slytherinAnAnt: superm1 is the right person for anything related to DKMS.09:23
slytherinAnAnt: the dkms transition of sl-modem-source was done in jaunty, right?09:25
AnAntslytherin: yes, but module-assistant support was still there09:25
slytherinAnAnt: and intrepid version had only module-assistant support right?09:26
AnAntintrepid or hardy, I don't remember09:26
AnAntyes, intrepid09:26
AnAntok, about that preinst thing09:29
AnAntwasn't there a way in module-assistant that makes it autobuild a new package for every new kernel update09:29
AnAntthere was some auto switch I recall09:29
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slytherinAnAnt: I can check on my PC what all happens when installing and removing sl-modem-source. But this testing will only happen next week09:48
qiyongi want to upgrade from jaunty to karmic, how advices and procedures?09:51
MTecknologySo, if I develop solid packages for the repos and the community really likes them, would I be able to have it in the universe?09:53
MTecknologydholbach: I see you!09:54
geserMTecknology: sure09:54
slytherinqiyong: take backup of your important data. :-)09:55
MTecknologydholbach: I'm watching your tutorial video09:55
MTecknologyat 0400...09:55
MTecknologyI had an hour long fight with audio first09:55
qiyongslytherin: procedures?09:56
qiyongsladen: only by changing apt conf?09:56
qiyongslytherin: ^09:56
slytherinqiyong: 'sudo update-manager -d' should work09:57
qiyongslytherin: is it equivalent to change apt conf?09:57
MTecknologyand video freaked thank you totem+firefox09:57
slytherinqiyong: AFAIK, but I have never used it09:57
MTecknologygeser: I'm really hoping to become motu, but I have a few projects I want to synch up first. Then hopefully get some other devs to push on everything so I can leave the project09:58
MTecknology1hr to dload the first video :D09:59
thermhello everybody10:17
thermif somebody has the time it would be nice if he would review this: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/jameica10:18
directhexBuild-Depends-Indep: sun-java6-jdk ?10:20
* gaspa is listening an italian radio talking about opensource.... wow10:20
thermthanks directhex, I am not really shure where the difference is between Build-Depends and Build-Depends-Indep10:23
thermenglish is a "foreign-language" for me10:24
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thermor what did you mean directhex?10:33
gesertherm: does it really require sun-java and doesn't it build with openjdk?10:35
ximioncould someone please review http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/smile ? REVU still shows a copyright warning, but the copyright is surely included.10:35
ximionoh, wrong posting order ;-)10:36
thermno it doesn't work wiht10:37
thermno it doesn't work with openjdk, I talked to the upstream author about this and he said that this is why some encryption does not work there...10:38
ximiontherm: Your package could depend on the generic package default-jre10:39
gaspaximion: if I remember well...10:39
gaspayes ,it's inside BIB_ManSlide/Help/gpl-2.0.txt, so that warning could be ignored, imho10:39
* slytherin had forgot how beautiful REVU looks these days. :-)10:39
ximiongaspa: It is also in ./copying10:39
gaspaximion: I really like the last line of rainct comment  :D10:42
ximiongaspa: Me too ;-)10:42
gaspaximion: i've uploaded it in mentors.debian.net.. it's still waiting for a sponsor.10:43
thermximion: but does this package provide suns-jre? or what is it doing?10:43
ximiontherm: It depends on the system's default java runtime (In ubuntu Karmic it is the openjdk)10:45
slytherinximion: does the application have a home page?10:45
ximiongaspa: Thanks!10:45
gaspaslytherin: yes. smile.tuxfamily.org10:45
slytherinbecause the control file does not seem to include it, as REVU is not showing it.10:46
thermximion: but if I would use this the application wont run properly10:48
thermit does not run with openjdk10:48
ximiontherm: okay, the the sun-java runtime is necessary. (Strange... I'll also try to run it with openjdk)10:48
thermximion: You can try but you will see that it will fail on startup by throwing an error10:50
thermat least this behavior was in jaunty and intrepid10:51
slytherintherm: you can ask upstream authors what kind of APIs are they using which are not present in openjdk10:51
kpircI need a 2nd advocate for my cadabra package now up on REVU. Any takers?10:51
gaspaximion: uh... isn't enough "rm -f $(CURDIR)/debian/smile-slide.png", rathen than: [ ! -f $(CURDIR)/debian/smile-slide.png ] || rm $(CURDIR)/debian/smile-slide.png10:51
gaspajust cosmetic, but it's cleaner imho10:52
\shwhoever revuadmin is online...please click on fedora-ds-admin and see the error...10:52
thermslytherin: I will ask him, but I am not shure if he knows that really10:53
ximiongaspa: Yes, I'll change this10:56
gaspaximion: ;)10:59
ximiontherm: okay, it does really not work with openjdk... But I have not tried to compile with the openjdk-libs11:00
thermximion: okay11:01
thermximion: I have problems with the copyright-file, jameica uses libs that are under a different but opensource license, how to say that in this file?11:08
directhextherm, "uses" how?11:09
directhextherm, other libs on the system, bundled source, bundled binaries?11:09
ximiongaspa: Done.11:10
therm bundled source, I think, otherwise lintian would throw an error, right?11:10
directhexno, lintian doesn't moan about binaries11:10
directhexare there any .class files?11:10
thermno they are jar-files11:11
directhexcontaining class files? that's not allowed11:12
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=== i is now known as sakjur
directhexlook at it this way:11:13
directhexa severe security bug is found in a bundled binary lib11:14
directhexnow what?11:14
thermI took a look in the orig.tar.gz, and yes there are class-files in the libs shipped with the upstream code11:15
therman now I have to package all other libs?11:15
=== ShadowChild is now known as lukjad007
directhexyou need to package the required libs separately - and you need to regenerate a new orig with the closed-source stuff removed11:16
slytherintherm: you need to package them if they are not already available in repositories.11:17
thermin germany we would say "oha"^^11:17
directhexthe life of a java packager, eh11:18
thermI already used as much libs as possible from repositories. So the libs wich are left are not in there.11:18
thermOk I will package them11:19
slytherintherm: what libraries are those?11:19
thermyou may have an look at http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/hibiscus also, this is the real application wich needs jameica11:20
slytherintherm: what are the libraries that are not available in repositories?11:21
thermslytherin: There are two from the same upstream author wich I packaged here bevor but moved them to archive and swtcalendar, nanoxml, jakarta_commons11:22
slytherintherm: jakarta commons is in repository11:22
thermthe libs from upstream are: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/libwilluhnds http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/libwilluhnutil11:22
thermslytherin: aha, how is the name of the package? I didnt found that11:23
slytherintherm: nanoxml is in repositories as well. the package names for jakarta commons - http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libcommons11:24
slytherinnot sure which one you need11:24
thermok I will try to get it work with them, thanks11:27
thermmeans that I have to package swtcalendar, libwilluhnds and libwillunutil11:27
ximionCan someone (who has enough time) please review my packaging of the libqt4intf-library? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/libqtintf411:29
ximionThe library is used by Pascal (and other languages) developers to use Qt4 in their application. It is a complete wrapper for Qt4.11:30
ximionUnfortunately, you can't test the library without an application that uses this. The Lazarus-Package sometimes needs this lib.11:31
ximion(Just as information)11:31
thermslytherin: Upstream wrote an email to answer your question: He said that he means that it should run with openjdk also but really does not work with GCJ, because this uses an different crypto-extension11:31
thermslytherin: and that he does devolop it for suns java11:33
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slytherintherm: which means you can use default-jdk as build dependency and default-jre as runtime dependency.11:37
thermslytherin: ok, I will change this11:40
thermslytherin: but how does my package now provide that it didnt run with GCJ? I dont wont the users of this program to get confused becaus its not starting^^11:46
slytherintherm: your package must be having some shell script to start it right?11:47
slytherintherm: in that shell script you can check if the java runtime is openjdk or not.11:48
thermslytherin:  Ok I will try11:54
=== lukjad007 is now known as ShadowChild
thermI have another question: What happends if the package is uploaded to universe, how to upload new versions of this application?11:58
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slytherintherm: you need to find a sponsor for any version you need to upload to universe until you become motu and gain upload rights.12:04
thermslytherin: ok12:06
ximionIs someone there who could check http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/projectm-jack , a ProjectM-visualizer for JackAudio and http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/libprojectm-qt , a library needed by ProjectM-Jack?12:07
thermslytherin: Upstream wrote another email and he is worrying about that libs might be not in the right version, so that this could bring problems12:07
thermslytherin: but this is a general thing, how is this solved?12:08
thermslytherin: isnt it?12:08
slytherintherm: I am not sure how I can help here. This is completely trial and error.12:08
thermslytherin: What happend if I need app-1.2 in karmic but its only 1.1, is there a possibiliety to upgrade this?12:16
thermslytherin: so that jameica runs properly12:17
MTecknologyMy laptop is hanging w/ an error message when I turn it off. I can't read the whole thing. Where can I dig this up at?12:17
slytherintherm: yes, file a bug, prepare the new version of package if possible and then subscribe appropriate sponsors team to the bug.12:17
MTecknologyofftopic - but you guys are smart..12:17
slytherintherm: which app is that by the way?12:18
thermtherm: app=lib, some jakarta lib maybe12:21
thermtherm: ok that answers my question12:21
=== korn_ is now known as c_korn
thermI am uploading a new version of the package jameica, I changed nanoxml and jakarta libs from repos12:47
thermand the default-jre/jdk12:47
slytherintherm: are you done packaging its dependencies as well, those which are not repositories?12:53
thermslytherin: no not at all, but you might have a look at what I was preparing some weeks ago, there I wanted to package this libs:12:54
thermslytherin: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/libwilluhnutil12:54
thermslytherin: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/libwilluhnds12:54
thermslytherin: I know that for example descriptions are not the right one, but maybe you find bugs12:55
slytherintherm: I hope you have verified that packages build properly using pbuilder.12:56
thermslytherin: so if they are ready, only swtcalendar must be packaged12:56
thermslytherin: how do you mean that?12:57
thermslytherin: Ok I see, in that packages there it has to be default-jre/jdk also13:01
thermslytherin: In wich section must do I have to put upstreams libs?13:27
slytherintherm: I don't understand the question.13:27
thermslytherin: In my control-file for libwilluhnds there is a section lib, but lintian throws an warning: W: libwilluhnds: unknown-section lib13:29
thermslytherin: what do I have to put there instead13:29
slytherintherm: I don't remember offhand. Check debian policy (google). I am a bit busy right now.13:30
thermtherm: hehe, sometimes its just an "s" to put afterwards ;-)13:35
thermI now have an error by uploading jameica via dput: Uploading jameica_1.7-0ubuntu1.dsc: 553 Could not create file13:55
thermThis existing file may have been previously uploaded partially13:56
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gaspadholbach: what should I do to be added to u-u-s ? just asking here?14:46
* gaspa can make a couple of somersaults, too14:47
dholbachgaspa: let me see who is admin of the team14:49
gaspadholbach: persia14:49
gaspaok, let's ask him :P14:50
dholbachgaspa: DktrKranz and TheMuso too14:50
gaspadholbach: ah, the Italian Mafia14:50
gaspaDktrKranz: can you add me to u-u-s? ( without paying, please )14:51
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DktrKranzgaspa: you have to pay anyway, you have to refund "famiglia"15:00
gaspaDktrKranz: totopalma will take care.15:00
gaspaas usual15:00
DktrKranzok, but don't give us enough visibility, dholbach already noticed us15:00
dholbachwho's totopalma?15:01
dholbachI have a few bills to pay15:01
DktrKranzdholbach: historically, I asked 150 euros/upload, and everyone asked totopalma to pay me, so feel free to send bills to him :)15:02
DktrKranzgaspa: done, call toto now15:02
dholbachI still need to do my taxes... maybe totopalma can do that too?15:02
gaspaonly if you join "italian family" group :)15:03
dholbachgaspa: I guess that's one of teams you only expire from when you're dead :-)15:03
warp10dholbach: totopalma is the Godfather15:04
dholbachit's fine, I'll do my taxes on my own15:04
DktrKranzdholbach: ... or when we decide one should15:06
DktrKranzbut yes, generally people are not so good when they leave15:06
warp10DktrKranz: indeed: all the guys who left the famiglia are in "geriatrix" now15:12
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ryanakcaWhy do I get the following when I try to upload to REVU?16:02
ryanakcaUploading to revu (via ftp to revu.ubuntuwire.com): Uploading kobby_1.0~beta3-0ubuntu1.dsc: 1k/2k451 Failure writing to local file.16:02
AnAntdholbach: I searched glibc's bugzilla for a bug related to non-solar calendars but I found none16:09
AnAntdholbach: you sure you saw one for glibc ?16:09
dholbachAnAnt: probably not16:09
AnAntI remember I saw a request, but on a mailing list16:10
AnAntbut no one answered it16:10
dholbachit might make sense to talk to somebody about it who have a bit more clue about it than I do :)16:10
AnAntthere: sources.redhat.com/ml/libc-alpha/2004-06/msg00165.html16:11
AnAntok, thanks16:13
masterkernelHi, I'm looking for a reviewer or two for my package, kernelcheck - a a project that is designed to automatically build any 2.6 kernel from the upstream source. KernelCheck can help users fix hardware problems and improve boot time by customizing the kernel configuration.16:14
stefanlsddholbach: running a packagejam tomorrow. will let you know how it goes :)16:34
dholbachstefanlsd: excellent16:34
dholbachtake pictures and blog about it :)16:34
stefanlsdwill do :)16:34
ryanpriorI'm new to debian/ubuntu packaging and have a few questions.16:37
ryanpriorMy package already has its own configure and makefile scripts. Do I still need to include debian/rules?16:37
ryanpriorAlso, how do I sign my source files?16:37
geserryanprior: yes, as debian/rules has the information how to exactly build the deb, e.g. which options to pass to configure, how to actually build and install the software (mostly just calling the Makefile from upstream), any additional steps (like remove unneeded files, etc.)16:41
geserwhen you call debuild -S to build the source package it tries to sign them (if you didn't disable it) but you can sign it also afterwards with debsign16:41
AnAntHello, does anyone know of a package for a perl module that uses debhelper not CDBS ?17:01
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ryanpriorWhat sort of rules file should I use for my package?18:29
ryanpriordh_make created this huge rules file that I don't really understand -- do I need to use that?18:29
ryanpriorIs nobody here? Am I asking the wrong question?18:33
ximionryanprior: Are you new to debian-packageking?18:34
ryanpriorI am.18:34
ximionthen you should read some tutorials or the debian-packageking-guide before you start.18:34
ximionCDBS is a smart way to create small rules-files18:34
ryanpriorI've read the Ubuntu packaging guide and the Debian packaging guide. I'm just trying to make sense of them.18:34
ximionsimply use18:34
ximiondh_make --cdbs to create the template18:34
ryanpriorso should I delete my current rules file and use that?18:35
Bb7I am having trouble with a package that MOTU is responsible for:  clearsilver18:35
Bb7actually it is python-clearsilver, described here18:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 386970 in clearsilver "clearsilver module is not available for python 2.6" [Undecided,New]18:36
ximionryanprior: Yes, delete the whole debian directory if you have not already done something useful18:36
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Bb7yep thats it.  I wish I knew how to help fix the package but by the time I figure out how to contribute we will all be retired18:39
ryanpriorximion: Okay, I deleted my debian folder, ran that command, and edited the files18:44
ryanpriorshould I be able to debuild now?18:44
ximionryanprior: Try it! If all variables are st correctly, it will work.18:46
ximionsee https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Howtos/CDBS for details18:47
ryanpriorwoohoo, it is working18:50
jmarsden|workIs there a good reason the PPA builders are showing me a 5+ hour queue delay?  Seems unusual...19:09
ryanpriorximion: My package build failed at the end.19:12
ryanpriorI don't understand what went wrong.19:13
ryanpriorI see a permission denied for /usr/share/doc/ecere, but shouldn't fakeroot fix that?19:14
ximionryanprior: Hmm... Is fakeroot installed and registered correctly? Also please check if the DESTDIR-option is parsed by the makefile.19:18
ximionI've never seen this fakeroot error19:19
ximionmaybe someone else knows there more.19:19
ryanpriorHow do I know if it's registered correctly?19:19
ryanpriorIt's installed, but I never did anything to register it.19:19
ryanpriorAlso, I don't know anything about the DESTDIR-option. It's not mentioned in the guide.19:20
ryanakcanellery: ping, feel like reviewing and re'acking kobby?19:34
nelleryryanakca: hey, busy right now, but might get a chance later today19:35
nhandlernellery: If you do sponsor kobby, be sure to include the change to the description.19:40
nellerynhandler: alright.19:41
nellerykeeping the watch file as is?19:41
ryanpriorMy fakeroot appears to be broken, and during the end-stage of building the package it crashes. Has anyone else had that problem? How can I test whether fakeroot is installed properly?19:43
nhandlernellery: As long as this is the only version that will not work with the watch file, I have no objections to leaving it broken for right now. We won't be using it much in Ubuntu anyway since it will be maintained in Debian.19:44
wvdialhey guys i have a complain19:53
nhandlerwvdial: What is your complaint?19:53
* nhandler hopes it isn't about him19:54
wvdialyou have on you rep a game which is called over god19:55
wvdialand when you enter the game you will find this word written like this over God19:55
ryanprior"For too long has humanity been ruled by cruel and disputatious gods! Fly through the various layers of the Celestial Oversphere to unseat those who control the universe."19:56
wvdialgod != God19:56
ryanpriorIt's polytheistic sci-fi fantasy.19:56
nhandlerwvdial: If that is in the actual application, you will want to talk to the application's author to get it fixed19:57
wvdialgod can go with alot of thing botha sun19:57
wvdialbut God is Gid19:58
wvdialis God19:58
wvdialGod cant work with any meaning but God19:58
wvdialthe only one God the creator19:59
wvdialof every thing  you got me19:59
ryanpriorThe idea of God and gods are deeply embedded in fantasy culture, borrowing from ancient mythos and modern day beliefs as well as the writings of various fantasy authors. Rarely is the intention to make any statement about the God Yahweh of Abraham, and this game does not appear to be an exception. However, you can talk to the author and ask for clarification, if that would be helpful.20:00
wvdialand who is the author20:02
wvdialso i can talk to him20:02
ximionryanprior: I mean the DESTDIR option of the makefile. Have you tried reinstalling fakeroot?20:02
ryanpriorwvdial: the author appears to be Linley Henzell20:03
wvdialand how i can talk to him20:03
ryanpriorfrom the man page: Overgod was written by Linley Henzell <l_henzell@yahoo.com.au>20:04
ryanpriorximion: I did reinstall fakeroot, no luck.20:04
ximionWhich ubuntu release do you use?20:05
wvdialis he still in your muto grup20:09
wvdialis he still in your muto group20:09
ryanpriorI'm not sure he ever was. Somebody else may have packaged his game.20:09
wvdialcan you help me to talk to some one who is Official in your group20:11
wvdialcoz this subject is very important to me20:12
wvdialhow come any one could be over god20:12
ryanpriorhow indeed20:14
jmarsden|workwvdial: 1 Chron 16:25 -- YHWH is above all other gods... so is your issue about capitalization within the game?20:14
wvdialGod != god20:15
jmarsden|workwvdial: So you want *what* changed in the game to reflect that?  What is the issue, specifically?  And why do you think it is a packaging issue?20:16
wvdialif you can change in the game ok20:17
wvdialif you cant can you delete from your rep20:17
jmarsden|workwvdial: Please state specifically what you want changed, and whether this is a packaging issue or something in the upstream software20:17
wvdialthe game over god20:18
wvdialwhen you enter the game20:18
wvdialyou will find the word over god written over God20:18
wvdialthe first over god is ok20:19
jmarsden|workAnd this was done by Ubuntu packagers?  I doubt it.  If you download the original software sources is this screen different in them?20:19
wvdialthe second over God is not ok20:19
wvdiali don`t know20:20
jmarsden|workSounds like you need to persuade the game author to make such a change.  This isn't a packaging issue.20:20
wvdiali did`nt download  the orignal one20:20
masterkernelwvdial: you're best off reporting this to the upstream maintainer: http://sourceforge.net/sendmessage.php?touser=135134520:21
jmarsden|workSo go do your research (download original sources and compile/run it) and then you will know.  If it is in fact a packaging bug, file a bug in LaunchPad.  if not... talk to the game author.20:21
wvdialcan`t you delete this game from your rep20:22
wvdialcoz any way it will still on it`s same in your rep20:23
wvdialcoz any way it will still on it`s same shape in your rep20:23
jmarsden|workNot everyone shares your worldview... you'd need to demonstrate the bug is severe enough to constitue a breach of Ubuntu policy... if you believe it is indeed that severe, file a bug with appropriate justification.20:23
masterkernelon another note, can someone review kernelcheck (http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/kernelcheck)? I heard it was revu day ;)20:25
wvdialbut don`t you agree with me that is wrong20:25
wvdialand god is not God20:25
wvdialand no one is over God20:26
wvdialand how come to some one to be over god20:26
LaneyIt's really not clear what you mean20:27
wvdialwhat didn`t you  understand from my words20:29
masterkernelapparently instead of overgod, the author wrote overGod in their program20:29
masterkernelon the main page20:29
masterkernelor rather OverGod20:29
wvdialthe name of the pack is over god20:30
wvdialthe name in the game is over God20:30
wvdialthat is the problem20:31
Piciwvdial: I think it was suggested that you speak to the creator of the game for that, or if you feel that it is something that the MOTU is to deal with, to file a bug on that pacakge detailing your concerns.20:31
ryanpriorI'm still trying to get my package to build. I have hard-coded paths in my makefile -- do I need to get rid of those? Are there environment variables I should be using to keep things sane? Right now the package build fails (you can see output here: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/204425/)20:40
wvdialso what is the steps that i should take if i want  you to delete this game20:41
wvdialfrom your rep20:42
Piciwvdial: you need to file a bug on that package on launchpad detailing why you think it is unsuitable for the repositories20:43
wvdialand how can i file that bug20:44
wvdialand to whom should i send that file20:45
Piciwvdial: which file?20:45
wvdial<Pici> wvdial: you need to file a bug on that package on launchpad20:46
* gaspa is becoming curious and it's going to install this game. :P20:46
Piciwvdial: Sorry, 'file' means to submit a bug.20:46
Piciwvdial: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/overgod20:46
wvdialand do you think what i`m talking about is consider a bug20:48
Piciwvdial: I have no opinion on the matter, nor am I a motu20:48
ScottKwvdial: I think that your view is only one perspective of many.  Lots of people in the world have a different opinion.  If Ubuntu tries to conform to any particular religious viewpoint, then it's in an impossible situation.20:53
* ScottK goes with notabug.20:53
* ScottK adds that there are Ubuntu derivatives focused on audiences with particular religious world views.20:54
* gaspa installed overgod and do not see any uppercase "G" char20:54
ryanpriorI'm not positive that it's an invalid bug -- it's probably a good policy to avoid or patch packages which are identifiably and needlessly offensive to some particular group.20:55
wvdiali agree with you   but you have to respect  others  religious20:55
wvdiali agree with you scottk  but you have to respect  others  religious20:56
ScottKwvdial: The only way to do that completely is to prohibit any mention at all.20:56
ScottKwvdial: No one forced you to install the game.  If you don't like it, uninstall it.  I think it's you that are being disrespectful.20:57
ScottKwvdial: You are the one that is suggesting the archive should be scoured of any religious references to views other than yours.20:57
ScottKryanprior: Either we get a policy saying all mention of any religious topic is prohibited or it's notabug.20:58
ScottKwvdial: We also have the sword packages for biblical study that probably offends some other religious group.  Do you think those should be removed?20:58
wvdialjust the word over god20:59
ScottKwvdial: Right.  You can't have it both ways.  Either you accept stuff that's OK for other people's religious perspectives or we can't have any of it.21:00
ryanpriorScottK: we don't need to ban games that have female characters, but if a game were submitted which was basically Asteroids with a needlessly misogynistic back-story, we might refuse to package that or modify the package.  Here we have Asteroids with an apparently needlessly anti-theist back-story.21:00
ScottKryanprior: I agree, but I don't see it as related.21:00
wvdialscottk you can pack biblle qran twrah21:01
ScottKwvdial: I didn't understand that.21:01
wvdialjust dont pack apps that don`t respect those religious21:02
ryanpriorIn any case, this IRC channel is not a great place for discussion. An e-mail to the mailing list might be more appropriate.21:02
ryanpriorThat is, for this discussion.21:02
wvdialcan you give me ana email21:03
wvdialcan you give me an email21:03
wvdialto send my complaint21:03
ScottKwvdial: Would you also prohibit a game that had an anti-communist theme?21:03
wvdiali`m not in a place to prohibit21:05
ScottKThe problem is neither are we.21:05
ScottKOnce you start to engage in censorship it's hard to draw lines.21:06
wvdiali just want  every on use your rep  fell respectable21:06
ScottKIf it was part of the default install, then I think you'd have a point.21:06
wvdialya i know but when you see some thing like this it`s a huge insult not for me but for my God coz if it was  for me as a person it`s not a problem but it come to God then i have to  change it21:09
wvdialit`s Just a stupide game when you enter it you Just find a big label  which contain the word over God21:11
ScottKwvdial: I understand your feelings on the matter.  I do not understand why just not entering the game doesn't solve the problem for you, why you don't want other people who view it differently to be able to play this game?21:15
RoAkSoAxwhen packaging from scratch, which patch system is preferable to package it with, cdbs, dpatch, or quilt?21:15
nhandlerRoAkSoAx: That is up to you21:15
RoAkSoAxnhandler, ok thanks :)21:15
ScottKRoAkSoAx: Two separate questions: 1.  what kind of helper system: debheper or cdbs.  That will help answer the patch questions.21:15
ScottKBut nhandler is right, it's up to you.21:16
RoAkSoAxScottK, ok thanks. And in case is a python app ?? or it makes no diference ?21:16
ScottKNo different.21:17
RoAkSoAxScottK, ok thanks :)21:18
wvdialcoz if i`m in the street and  i saw a drawing  insult God i`ll remove the word of the insult21:18
sebnerScottK: I personally not believe in god but I'm really wondering why most people who "believe" think god is more important then themselves21:18
ScottKwvdial: You might also get arrested for defacing someone else's property.21:18
ScottKsebner: If you believe in an intelligent being with the power of creation, it follows pretty logically.21:20
RoAkSoAxsebner, because people might need to believe in something to "keep their lives on track"21:20
ScottKJFTR, I count myself as a believer, so my position on this isn't a function of me being anti-religious21:20
sebnerScottK: ah right, good that I don't believe in such a thing. One thing less to worry about21:21
ScottKBut I think we've crossed the line into being WAYYY off topic21:21
sebnerRoAkSoAx: right but sad21:21
wvdialyes i agree21:21
ScottKsebner and RoAkSoAx: I also think that your negative characterization of religious people is disharmonious to the purpose of this channel.21:22
wvdialis there any email that i can  mail it to try to get that game removed21:22
sebnerScottK: I'm sorry that you get this impression but all I've said is that I don't believe in god and think it's "sad" to do so which does not seem like a negative characterization because I have no problem with any religion at all21:23
ScottKwvdial: I believe it's ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com would be your first stop.  If you don't get satisfaction there, we have an entire process for dispute resolution.21:24
RoAkSoAxScottK, oh no I'm not characterizing anything nor saying I'm not a believer. I do believe in God, however I'm just saying an opinion. For example, it is sad how many people kill in the name of God.21:25
ScottKRoAkSoAx: OK.21:25
ScottKNot a big deal, I just think we should move on.21:26
RoAkSoAxtrue :)21:26
wvdialyes  and i hope  God  guide all of us to the right to follow and  to do21:27
sebnerScottK: now you have to lecture him too :P21:28
ScottKsebner: I don't think so.  I don't see that as having any potential for being viewed negatively.  If you're a non-believer, what he just hoped for is a no-op and nothing to get excited about.21:29
sebnerScottK: right, I think I'm just worried about the potential censorship21:29
ScottKsebner: In many cultures such things are very standard and appropriate and I think you're being narrow minded to be annoyed at me for not chiding more for it.21:30
ScottKsebner: If you had told him that mention of God made you unconfortable, then you'd have a point.21:30
sebnerScottK: gna I'm fine now. I had a tough day, I'll head to bed and everything is fine then21:32
ScottKsebner: OK.  Have a good night.21:32
evanrmurphyhey all21:33
sebnerScottK: thx, you too21:33
evanrmurphyTrying to learn pbuilder. I currently have a chroot set up for jaunty but wanna switch it to karmic. When I run "sudo pbuilder update --distribution karmic --override-config" it aborts with an error. Could somebody help me out?21:36
sorenIf you share the error message, maybe someone can.21:36
evanrmurphysoren: Here's the whole thing: http://paste.ubuntu.com/204487/. Thanks for your time.21:38
evanrmurphyI guess it's failing to download for some reason... (?)21:39
jmarsden|workevanrmurphy: I'd suggest changing to using a different mirror and trying again.21:41
sorenevanrmurphy: http://astromirror.uchicago.edu/ubuntu/dists/karmic/main/binary-i386/Packages 404's for me as well.21:41
gaspaanyone accustomed with mingw packages?21:44
evanrmurphyjmarsden|work, soren: Can you tell me where the mirror is specified? I changed the server in Software Sources but it still tries uchicago on the pbuilder update. (I'm running Jaunty, btw.)21:49
jmarsden|workevanrmurphy: /etc/apt/sources.list21:49
jmarsden|workCheck in both your main machine and in the chroot environment...21:50
nhandlerevanrmurphy: You can use sudo pbuilder login --save-after-login and modify /etc/apt/sources.list21:50
evanrmurphynhandler: So then am I modifying the chroot's /etc/apt/sources.list instead of my system one?21:52
nhandlerCorrect evanrmurphy21:53
evanrmurphyHmmm... once inside the chroot I can't find any editing software to access /etc/apt/sources.list with, lol!21:56
sorenevanrmurphy: You can edit it from the outside.21:56
evanrmurphysoren, nhandler: Pardon my denseness. Where can I find the chroot's /etc/apt/sources.list from outside of it? And was I to do "sudo pbuilder login --save-after-login" and then exit immediately without modifying anything?22:00
jmarsden|workevanrmurphy: sudo pbuilder login --save-after-login   # Then edit the file using nano or vi or even sed... then logout22:02
=== kklimonda__ is now known as kklimonda
sorenevanrmurphy: pbuilder unpacks the tarball somewhere and chroots into it, providing you with a shell.22:03
sorenevanrmurphy: However...22:03
sorenevanrmurphy: There's nothing stopping you from accessing the unpacked tarball from outside the chroot.22:04
sorenevanrmurphy: ..where you have a proper editor.22:04
sorenevanrmurphy: So either you do that, or you use sed to change the mirror URL directly in the chroot.22:04
sorenevanrmurphy: Don't install an editor. That will defeat the purpose of pbuilder.22:05
jmarsden|workevanrmurphy: Worst case you could just create a new pbuilder... with a decent network connection it might even be quicker to do that than all this manual fixup...22:06
evanrmurphyI may be doing something wrong, but it appears that inside the chroot neither nano nor vi are available. But sed is!22:06
jmarsden|workSo go for it with sed :)22:07
evanrmurphyjmarsden|work: Great point. :) I'll resort to a new pbuilder if this next try fails.22:07
jmarsden|worksed -e s/astromirror.uchicago.edu/archive.ubuntu.com/ /etc/apt/sources.list    # should do it22:07
jmarsden|workOr use whatever mirror you want in place of archive.ubuntu.com22:08
jmarsden|worksed -i -e s/astromirror.uchicago.edu/archive.ubuntu.com/ /etc/apt/sources.list    # I mean!22:08
RoAkSoAxHeya guys. I'm about to package from scratch this app. However, this app has a GIT snapshot that already contains a 'debian' directory. What should I do?? Should I just create a new debian directory and try to package it myself, or should I merge the debian directory from the git snapshot?22:15
evanrmurphyAgh, it's _still_ trying from the uchicago server. Hate to cop out, but I think I'm just gonna try a new pbuilder.22:16
jmarsden|workYou might need to do apt-get update in there after editing sources.list?  Or you can just create a new one :)22:17
evanrmurphynever give up! lol22:17
directhexRoAkSoAx, generally you need to create a new orig.tar.gz with the debian/ purged22:22
evanrmurphyjmarsden|work: Still no dice.22:22
jmarsden|workHmm.  WHat about the sources.list on your main OS?  And did you run  sudo apt-get update in the main OS also?22:23
nhandlerRoAkSoAx: You should also contact upstream about not including the debian directory22:23
jmarsden|workevanrmurphy: Something somewhere is still seeing info about uchicago being the chosen mirror...22:23
RoAkSoAxok thanks for your suggestions nhandler directhex22:24
evanrmurphyjmarsden|work: Do I have to "source /etc/apt/sources.list" after I modify it?22:25
nhandlerevanrmurphy: No, but you need to do apt-get update22:25
jmarsden|workNo, you have to sudo apt-get update after you modify it.22:25
nhandlerjmarsden|work: He is root if he logs into pbuilder, so sudo is not necessary22:25
evanrmurphyI noticed that about not needing sudo... clever.22:29
evanrmurphyDouble-checked my system sources.list and currently creating a new pbuilder.22:29
evanrmurphyI see the pbuilder create process still grabbing things from uchicago, even though there's nothing with that server in my /etc/apt/sources.list, and I've already done sudo apt-get update.22:33
evanrmurphyIs there another file somewhere that contains server information?22:34
nhandlerevanrmurphy: Check your ~/.pbuilderrc file22:36
evanrmurphynhandler: The only thing I have there is COMPONENTS="main universe multiverse restricted".22:38
Laneyevanrmurphy: try setting MIRRORSITE in there22:42
jmarsden|workevanrmurphy: sudo grep -ril uchicago /etc /home  #  will probably show you the file(s) concerned, but will take a while.22:42
dtchennellery: thanks for the upload22:47
evanrmurphyjmarsden|work: Your grep has made me progress. Where should pbuilderrc be located? It looks like I have three. (What have I done?!)22:49
evanrmurphyI have ~/.pbuilderrc, /etc/pbuilderrc and /etc/pbuilder/pbuilderrc22:50
evanrmurphyLaney: And one of them does have a MIRRORSITE variable set to uchicago. :)22:50
nhandlerevanrmurphy: Is it the /etc/pbuilderrc?22:50
jmarsden|workevanrmurphy: The first two are normal, not so sure about the third, let me check here... normally /etc/pbuilderrc is a set of defaults, and ~/.pbuilderrc is to override those defaults22:51
nhandlerThat is the system-wide pbuilder config file that is for all users22:51
jmarsden|workAnd /etc/pbuilder/pbuilderrc is a symlink to /etc/pbuilderrc, so really you only have two22:52
evanrmurphynhandler: Correct. /etc/pbuilderrc has the MIRRORSITE variable.22:52
nhandlerevanrmurphy: Then change that file ;)22:52
jmarsden|workOK, so edit that one to be MIRRORSITE=http://mirrors.us.kernel.org/ubuntu/  or whatever and off you go :)22:52
Laneyyou could just put it in your home directory and it would override the other one22:54
raylui'm interested in adding color support to aptitude, but i don't know where to start.22:55
evanrmurphyOMG IT'S WORKING!!!22:57
* evanrmurphy clicks his heels22:57
evanrmurphynhandler, jmarsden|work, Laney, soren: Thank you all very much for your help and time on this.22:58
sorenevanrmurphy: Sure thing :)22:58
evanrmurphyare you all MOTU?22:58
jmarsden|workNo problem... and no, I'm not a MOTU... hopefully one day I will be.22:59
sorenSome of us are, yes.22:59
nhandlerI am23:00
evanrmurphyI'm an aspiring MOTU, so hopefully I'll see you all around. Cheers!23:01
nhandlerHello ajmitch23:25
Q-FUNKis there any way to make a package collect logs, etc. for inclusion with a bug report whenever sent using 'ubuntu-bug' similarily to what Debian does with /usr/share/bug/packagename ?23:34
Laneythose are called apport hooks afaik23:35
Q-FUNK... to what Debian does with /usr/share/bug/packagename/scripts, sorry23:35
Q-FUNKLaney: that sounds about right. is there any documentation on making those?23:35
Laneyprobably, but now you know as much as I do :)23:35
Q-FUNKah, there23:36
Q-FUNKI was just misisng the magic word "apport hooks"23:37
Q-FUNKhmm... ok, but - unless I misread what I found there - apport hooks only seem to be triggered whenever a crash happens23:38
rayluso, with regard to adding colors to aptitude output, where should i begin? should this change be made upstream? should i start by installing a VM?23:53
rayluor perhaps it should be added as a translation?23:53
ScottKraylu: Probably upstream.23:56
raylui remember finding a page earlier about projects that new developers could jump in on. anyone know what i'm talking about?23:59

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