
ftaripps, code committed00:41
fta(for additional build-deps)00:41
rippscool, lemme me update pull my branches00:41
andrew_sayersasac: Would now be a good time to talk about Flash and screensavers?01:10
ftaasac, jcastro: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-webtech/+archive/o3d-daily   (I'm quite sure i will regret the choice of that generic team soon enough)01:32
asacandrew_sayers: its half past two AM here ;)01:33
asaci think i wil go to bed now01:34
ftaidentica dead for me too now01:35
asacyeah. major outage ;)01:40
andrew_sayersasac: Fair point :)  See you tomorrow.01:41
fta"No suitable nodes are available to serve your request."01:43
rippsfta: ping07:54
=== ripps_ is now known as ripps
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg
ftaripps, pong11:58
asac__identi.ca still broken12:10
asac__jcastro: where the hell can i kick asses for that? where is the official identi.ca irc channel?12:10
asac__i cannot dent for more than 24h12:10
asac__(using the website)12:10
rippsfta: the ppa-scripts are acting weird, add a libmms-dev depends for karmic, jaunty, and intrepid, and it worked. But for some reason it also added it to hardy. It shouldn't have done it and it cause all my hardy mpd builds to fail12:12
rippssomething wrong the ppabot-pkgs build-deps12:12
ftaripps, please paste me your conf file, and if you still have them, your traces (there's a '**INFO** Build-Depends' somewhere)12:15
rippsfta: conf:  http://pastebin.com/f7ddc65a412:16
rippsdon't have the traces, I'd have to force an update for that12:17
asac__fta: can we do something about gwibber in karmic?12:17
asac__it doesnt work at all :(12:17
asac__i cannot even reach the identi.ca mob folks because i cannot post at all :(12:18
ftaripps, strange, looks fine to me: http://paste.ubuntu.com/204107/12:25
ftaasac__, there's no release, so i can push a random snapshot12:25
rippsfta: I have a commented out libmms-dev in my control file, do you think that might be interfering?12:26
ftafor that, i need to see a trace, there's a bzr diff in it12:27
ftayou can also go to mpd.head.daily.hardy and bzr diff -r -212:27
asac__fta: current version is also a random snapshot ... isnt it?12:33
asac__fta: does current head work for you?12:33
ftait does12:33
ftathe daily12:33
rippsfta: did a bzr diff, and it show it adding libmms-dev12:33
asac__fta: well. then i guess we need this upload?12:34
asac__current karmic is 0.9.2~bzr263-0ubuntu312:34
asac__seems to be random too12:34
fta0ubuntu3 ? gasp, i guess there are changes in there not in the branch :(12:35
asac__fta: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/26149412/gwibber_0.8-0ubuntu5_0.9.2%7Ebzr263-0ubuntu1.diff.gz12:36
ftaripps, but does it touch you commented libmms-dev? i just add stuff at the beginning of the 1st line12:36
asac__fta: maybe check if there is anything in the uploads we want12:36
asac__fta: otherwise just neglect them and upload whatever is in head i guess12:36
asac__its their problem if they dont push to branches12:36
asac__fta: maybe check that the branch is really mentioned in Vcs-Bzr:12:36
ftawill have a look12:37
rippsfta: doesn't seem so, I'm running a another build and i'm tracing it into pastebinit12:37
ftaasac__, something stole my focus again (ff3.6)12:38
ftaripps, which rev are you running? i'm at #114 now: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~fta/+junk/ppa-scripts12:39
rippsfta: I'm the same12:40
ftaok, so there's something else going on..12:40
ftaasac__, can you test o3d now?12:40
=== asac__ is now known as asac_
rippsfta: http://pastebin.com/f20d807d012:43
fta(i have that bzr progress bar)12:43
asac_fta: where is it?12:46
ftaripps, looks fine to me (lines 1205-1233)12:46
ftaasac_, https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-webtech/+archive/o3d-daily12:47
asac_fta: heh. you really did the team. cool ;)12:47
fta[Fri 26 02:32] <fta> asac, jcastro: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-webtech/+archive/o3d-daily   (I'm quite sure i will regret the choice of that generic team soon enough)12:47
asac_fta: i dont really see a reason why. so any core-dev, -dev can bust your system anyway12:48
asac_and anyone who has access to branches as well ;)12:48
rippsfta: hmmm... it seems it tacked it once, but never did it again... Also, notice how it keeps tacking on an additional lintian every time? It's not removing the results of it's last insertion.12:48
asac_dont know how ppa access is making a difference12:48
ftaripps, line 1254 shows the build-dep was already there... it's not added by the bot. so it's already in .head12:49
ftaasac_, it's just that if i want to hand over a ppa to someone, say an upstream, he'll gain write access to everything else12:51
rippsfta: mpd.head/debian/control shows no linitian or libmms-dev, but mpd.head.ppa does.12:51
ftai see. most probably a bug then. I'll have a look12:52
asac_fta: you hand a ppa over?12:52
asac_fta: but yeah i see.12:52
asac_fta: Unpacking o3d-plugin (from o3d-plugin_0.1.38.0~svn20090625r19300-0ubuntu1~o3d1_i386.deb) ...12:53
asac_Setting up o3d-plugin ( ...12:53
asac_nspluginwrapper: /usr/lib/o3d-plugin/32/libnpo3dautoplugin.so is not a valid NPAPI plugin12:53
ftaasac_, if someone wants to take the burden of fixing stuff away from me, i'll be more than grateful12:53
ftaasac_, ok, some probably a lib issue. (wfm btw). could you strace it for me please?12:55
asac_fta: its broken on 32-bit ;)12:55
ftaNSPLUGIN_DIR=/var/lib/o3d-plugin/ strace -f /usr/bin/nspluginwrapper -n -i /usr/lib/o3d-plugin/32/libnpo3dautoplugin.so12:55
asac_sudo NSPLUGIN_DIR=/var/lib/o3d-plugin/ /usr/bin/nspluginwrapper -n -i /usr/lib/o3d-plugin/libnpo3dautoplugin.so12:56
asac_nspluginwrapper: no appropriate viewer found for /usr/lib/o3d-plugin/libnpo3dautoplugin.so12:56
ftathe real 32b lib is in /usr/lib/o3d-plugin/32/libnpo3dautoplugin.so12:56
rippsfta: how should I go about fixing the branch?12:56
asac_ls /usr/lib/o3d-plugin/32/libnpo3dautoplugin.so12:56
asac_ls: cannot access /usr/lib/o3d-plugin/32/libnpo3dautoplugin.so: No such file or directory12:56
asac_ls /usr/lib/o3d-plugin/libnpo3dautoplugin.so12:57
asac_fta: i am on i38612:57
asac_with nspluginwrapper installed12:57
asac_which should work if it works on 64bit12:57
asac_e.g. i run flash with nsp12:57
ftano, my code will not work in that case12:58
asac_yes. but a plugin should work in theory12:58
asac_i see that the packaging doesnt work12:58
asac_but if i manually fix the path it says the "no appropriate viewer found for .."12:58
asac_so it probably will have the same problem on 64bit12:59
asac_fta: the plugin does not even link against any plugin stuff: http://paste.ubuntu.com/204125/13:00
ftait's fine for me without nspluginwrapper, but i'll have a look anyway13:00
asac_pkg-config --libs mozilla-plugin13:00
asac_-lplds4 -lplc4 -lnspr4 -lpthread -ldl13:00
asac_could be13:01
asac_fta: there are plugins that dont work with nspw13:01
asac_if they use xpcom13:01
asac_but this doesnt look like it uses xpcom13:01
ftait doesn't13:01
rippsfta: meh, I'm getting pretty tired. I'm off to bed, let me know if you found a solution when I wake up. G'night13:01
asac_at least not from the ldd output ... however, it doesnt even have the nspr4 things linked so i suspect that nspw gets confused maybe13:01
ftaripps, ok, 'night13:02
asacback ;)13:02
ftai have to run too13:02
asaccu later13:02
jcastroasac__: #identica on freenode I think14:08
asac__jcastro: there is not even a topic ;)14:16
=== asac__ is now known as asac
jcastro#laconica is one too14:18
jcastroit's down for me now, but it was up yesterday14:18
BUGabundoboas ppl14:54
BUGabundoasac more NM updates?14:57
BUGabundoidentica still down !!!15:04
ftaasac, i don't want to support nspw on 32bit, it's useless15:05
BUGabundowhat's that?15:07
asacfta: what i am saying is: it doesn twork on 64-bit most likely15:07
asacif it works on 64bit it will work on 32-bit i am sure ;)15:08
asacexcept that you need to fix the packaging15:08
ftaasac, sure, i'll fix that but i give some thoughts to supporting nspw as an option, but it's crazy, either i force it as a dep, or i ignore it if it's there15:09
ftadtchen, resample-method = speex-float-1, will it give me better results than ffmpeg??15:09
asacfta: if you support it on amd64 there is no reason to not support it on 32-bit15:10
asaci like to run plugins out-of-process15:10
ftaisn't it slower?15:10
ftaasac, you want *me* to update pywebkitgtk???15:11
asacfta: thought you said it was working with head15:11
ftagwibber is15:11
ftai never even touched pywebkitgtk15:12
asacfta: i thought this bug was about gwibber not working15:13
asacwhether its pywebkitgtk update or gwibber i thought wasnt important15:13
BUGabundofta: dtchen:15:14
BUGabundo; resample-method = ffmpeg15:14
BUGabundoresample-method = src-linear15:14
BUGabundo;resample-method = speex-float-115:14
BUGabundospeex-float-1 seems better, but causes delay on totem15:15
BUGabundo src-linear works, but has glitchs15:15
ftai just want mplayer, rhythmbox, flash and openarena to work all together, ffmpeg was the closest method to achieve that, now, i'm afraid to try anything else :P15:16
BUGabundofta: tried speex-float-1 ?15:17
ftait's there, but i didn't restart yet15:17
ftaasac, i don't understand. what happens to your flash if you uninstall nspluginwrapper on your 32bit box?15:48
ftaasac, i mean, what will take care of removing all the alternative links?15:48
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
asacfta: it works15:52
asacfta: its supposed to update the altenratives15:52
asacif not its a bug15:52
ftai still don't understand. when you install flash, postinst detects the nspluginwrapper is there, runs it in setup mode and then call update-alternative. in prerm, it drops the nspw dirs and call update-alternative in remove mode, that's fine15:55
ftabut, if you don't touch the plugin, but remove nspluginwrapper, i don't see how it could work, there's not postinst/prerm, the update-alternative links has to be broken15:56
asacfta: if thats really the case its a bug15:57
asacjazzva should fix it ;)15:57
asac_just kidding15:57
asac_let me check15:57
ftai didn't try, i'm just trying do figure out how it could work based on the branches15:58
asac_yeah. dont look at flashplugin ... the maintainer scripts are a mess and need to be redone15:59
asac_what should be done is to register the plugin toegher with the wanted alternatives through some /var/... hook (like dirs.d)15:59
asac_and let nspluginwrapper take care of that15:59
asac_like update-nspluginwrappers15:59
ftais that documented somewhere? such as when are those hooks called? what needs to be provided, etc.16:01
asacfta: i think the alternative hook doesnt exist yet. just the dirs.d hook16:03
asac_let me check whats up16:03
ftayou've got a r- for the env leak patch :P16:14
asac_that was obvious16:19
asac___fta: ok recommitted something maybe a bit better16:33
asac___not sure if it starts to segfault again16:33
ftacommitted where?16:34
asac___to our packaging branch16:35
asac___want to see if it segfaults again before resubmitting ;)16:35
asac___when will dailies get uploaded?16:38
ftajust moved them to 1800, it's too crowed now at 190016:40
asac___yeah good idea16:40
asac___actually in the morning all is free16:40
asac___we can run two a days then i guess16:40
ftaneed bigger quotas16:40
asac___for moz?16:40
ftafor all16:40
fta2 runs a day, means twice the size16:41
asac___yeah. then 1700 is probably best16:41
asac___fta: so for the ppa-scripts get-orig-source needs to produce the current tip?16:48
asac___fta: and the scripts will force the upstream version in the changelog then?16:50
ftadepending if it's closed or not, it will create a new entry for you16:51
ftaor update the current one16:51
asac___fta: will it also replace text in the changelog entry itself? like a long Date: xxx16:52
asac___e.g. if i have16:52
asac___Date: Thu 12....16:52
asac___would it replace that?16:52
asac___(i guess answer is no ;))16:52
ftaversion and date16:52
ftalook at the traces you receive by email (if you still have one), there's a bzr diff16:53
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
asacfta: how do you normalize a date from git?17:24
asacthe --date=... thing doesnt allow me to show UTC time17:24
asacok i think i got it17:42
rhollencampI installed 9.04 United States English locale, but firefox is installed as EN-GB17:48
rhollencampxulrunner too17:48
rhollencampyou can see it if you go to addons->languages17:48
asacrhollencamp: en-US is the default17:49
asacrhollencamp: what do you get in shell when running locale17:49
asacplease paste.ubuntu.com17:49
rhollencampall the vars are set to that17:50
rhollencampI can paste it if you want17:50
BUGabundoasac Modem Manager sucks :))17:54
BUGabundomine gets stuck on 32% (two bars)17:54
BUGabundono mather if I'm on edge, gprs, or 3.6mb/s17:54
rhollencampmore info17:56
BUGabundobtw if anyone is having audio MUTE prob, check pavucontrol to see if source of sound is at 50% or less!17:57
BUGabundofta: ^^^^^^17:57
ftaasac, still need some help?17:58
rhollencampshould I report a bug in the ubuntu bugzilla about this or is someone in here going to look into it17:59
asacBUGabundo: why would modemmanager suck ... it tells you what your modem tells him18:04
BUGabundothen it doesn't read all that much from him18:05
BUGabundoat least not what the led tells me18:06
ftaasac, rush hour too.. seems most builders have been reassigned to something to something else18:11
asacstill 100% of builders do dailies ;)19:00
ftarestarting my queue monitor to see what are the new rush hours19:06
rhollencampasac: should I open up a bug report and put all this stuff about en-GB / en-US in there19:26
asacrhollencamp: if LANG= en_US all is fine19:28
asacrhollencamp: or do you see british text somewhere?19:28
asacwe install the en-GB translation everywhere, but its not used unless you have en_GB19:28
asacin locale19:28
rhollencampthe spell checking is done in en-GB19:28
asacyou dont see en-US in the languages dialog19:29
asacrhollencamp: thats a different problem19:29
asacrhollencamp: yes. thats expected en-US is the default so it wont be visible there19:29
asacthe dictionary is a known bug19:29
asac___if you see british text somewhere its a problem19:29
rhollencampno, I was just annoyed because it told me catalog was supposed to be spelled catalogue19:30
rhollencampI installed the US english dictionary from mozilla's site; btw when you right-click in a text field and go to choose language it shows both English / United states and en-US in the list19:32
asacrhollencamp: it should show us in the list even without installing from mozilla site19:33
rhollencampyeah it does19:34
asacso uninstall it from mozilla again19:34
rhollencampi did19:34
asacrhollencamp: for me en us is selected there19:35
asacnot sure19:35
asacmaybe your site explicitly says that its of locale en-GB?19:35
asacrhollencamp: which site didy ou try to use?19:36
rhollencampits an internal website where I work19:36
rhollencampI'll check the page header19:36
asacright. check what happens on other websites in the net19:37
asaclike launchpad.net ;)19:37
asacetc as well19:37
asacalso check that you have en-us as preferred langauge in preferences -> content -> languages ...19:37
asac___fta: WORKDIR=/data/bot21:37
asac___where should that point to?`21:37
ftasee README21:37
ftaasac, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~fta/%2Bjunk/ppa-scripts/annotate/head%3A/README#L21821:39
asac___that can be a /tmp dir?21:40
asac___e.g. does it need state?21:40
asac___all scripts? means ppa-scripts ?21:40
asac___couldnt daily.sh just use dirname $0 ?21:40
asac___for BINDIR?21:41
ftaobviously, BINDIR & CONFDIR should be stable,21:41
asac___yes confdir21:41
asac___but confdir could be $BINDIR/confs by default and then BINDIR could be auto guessed21:41
asac___then WORKDIR could be temp21:41
ftaWORKDIR could be tmp but it's better to assign it a real place, will not grow forever21:41
asac___anyway thanks21:41
ftaby default, you will have WORKDIR/{ppa,tarballs,all_your_branches}21:43
ftai put in there upstream too, but it depends on your conf files21:44
ftafor me, everything is self contained in WORKDIR21:44
ftacd /build/buildd/chromium-browser- ; \21:48
fta./configure --disable-ffmpeg --disable-ffplay --disable-ffserver --enable-shared --disable-static --disable-debug --enable-pthreads --disable-network --disable-encoders --disable-decoders --disable-hwaccels --disable-muxers --disable-demuxers --disable-parsers --disable-bsfs --disable-protocols --disable-devices --disable-filters --enable-decoder=theora --enable-decoder=vorbis --enable-demuxer=ogg --prefix=/build/buildd/chromium-browser-
ftagcc is unable to create an executable file.21:48
ftaIf gcc is a cross-compiler, use the --enable-cross-compile option.21:48
ftaOnly do this if you know what cross compiling means.21:48
ftaC compiler test failed.21:48
ftalooks like gold is not my friend :P21:51
asac___sync-ppa.pl does not do the initial branching if there is branch?21:58
ftait should22:15
ftaasac___, asac: does it work?22:24
ftaasac___, it seems /usr/lib/nspluginwrapper/dirs.d is completely alien to nspluginwrapper, it's just a packaging trick in postinst. not even a prerm, nada22:30
ftanoway i can do a working package with backports22:30
dtchenfta: yes, speex-float-1 is the default now22:33
dtchenfta: it's the least cpu-intensive resampling method that doesn't have sound anomalies22:34
BUGabundodtchen: but it has probs on totem22:37
dtchenBUGabundo: the resampling method?22:37
BUGabundovideos stops and plays slowly22:38
BUGabundodtchen: speex-float-122:38
dtchenBUGabundo: which is not reproducible when using speex-fixed-1 ?22:38
BUGabundodtchen: I've reverted to resample-method = src-linear so I can watch movies22:38
BUGabundobut now I hear glitchs some times22:39
dtchenBUGabundo: src-linear gives tremendous audio artifacts on many HDA controllers22:39
BUGabundodidn't know about fixed-122:39
BUGabundolet me try that for a few hours22:39
BUGabundorestart PA now22:40
BUGabundodtchen: other prob: my sound (on pavucontrol ) for apps is defualting to 50%22:40
BUGabundoso I don't hear anything until I raise them22:41
BUGabundobut some like pidgin don't stay long enough to allow changing22:41
BUGabundoothers like mplayer reset to 50 % on track/video change22:41
dtchenBUGabundo: known issue with flatvol22:41
BUGabundobug on LP ?22:42
dtchenfixed in 0.9.16-test1, but we can't upload 0.9.16-test1 until a 2.6.31-based kernel lands in karmic, because rtkit (a new dependency of pulse) depends on 2.6.31 scheduler features22:42
BUGabundoI can try getting the -31 kernel22:43
BUGabundobut even the PPA from kernel team is broken for 64bits22:43
BUGabundoonly apw has it on his PPA22:43
BUGabundoI better wait22:43
dtchenthe 2.6.31-rc1 amd64 mainline build works for me22:43
dtchenLinux errno 2.6.31-020631rc1-generic #020631rc1 SMP Thu Jun 25 09:04:33 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux22:43
BUGabundoyou crazy dude22:44
BUGabundodtchen: why did you leave #ubuntu+1 ?22:45
dtcheni didn't?22:45
BUGabundonot this cycle22:45
* BUGabundo gets an eraser22:46
BUGabundooh I see you there _now_22:46
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
asac___fta: my branch is lp:~network-manager/network-manager/ubuntu.head ... its a debian only branch23:16
asac___thats a problem i guess23:16
ftahm, depends, does the version look native?23:17
ftano -23:17
asac___its a normal debian dir23:18
ftanot supported then :(23:18
ftaat least not yet23:19
asac___can't cd to tarballs23:20
ftai only support merge mode, and pure native23:21
ftam-d is native23:21
asac___/home/asac/Development/ubuntu.bzr2/fta/ppa-scripts/sync-ppa.pl -p /home/asac/Development/ubuntu.bzr2/fta/ppa-scripts/confs/ppabot-pkgs-karmic.conf -c /home/asac/Development/ubuntu.bzr2/fta/ppa-scripts/confs/ppabot-karmic.conf -i23:21
asac___thats what its runnig ... but nothing happens ;)23:22
asac___fta: well. the branch above works with merge mode23:22
asac___bzr bd --merge works23:22
ftashow me a full trace plz23:22
asac___cat confs/ppabot-karmic.conf | pastebinit23:23
asac___cat confs/ppabot-pkgs-karmic.conf | pastebinit23:23
asac___ cat daily.sh | pastebinit23:24
asac___ls /tmp/bot/ | pastebinit23:24
asac___does that make any sense at all ;)?23:26
asac___sh daily.sh karmic23:29
asac/home/asac/Development/ubuntu.bzr2/fta/ppa-scripts/sync-ppa.pl -p /home/asac/Development/ubuntu.bzr2/fta/ppa-scripts/confs/ppabot-pkgs-karmic.conf -c /home/asac/Development/ubuntu.bzr2/fta/ppa-scripts/confs/ppabot-karmic.conf -i23:29
asacnothing else23:29
asacguess there are some config keys not defined ;)23:29
asacbut which are required?23:29
ftawhat are you running?23:29
asacbranch and lp23:30
asacare required23:30
asacfta: what do you mean?23:30
ftayour command line23:30
asacfta: with those pastes from above i run:23:30
asac00:29 < asac___> sh daily.sh karmic23:30
asac00:29 < asac> /home/asac/Development/ubuntu.bzr2/fta/ppa-scripts/sync-ppa.pl -p /home/asac/Development/ubuntu.bzr2/fta/ppa-scripts/confs/ppabot-pkgs-karmic.conf -c  /home/asac/Development/ubuntu.bzr2/fta/ppa-scripts/confs/ppabot-karmic.conf -i23:30
ftaadd 'network-manager' in 'order'23:31
ftainside confs/ppabot-pkgs-karmic.conf23:31
asacyeah it fdoes something ;)23:32
asacit runs my smart get-orig-source ;)23:33
asacnow crossing fingers ;)23:33
asac___fta: http://paste.ubuntu.com/204530/23:34
asac___seems it didnt like the super smartness23:34
asacah i think its a bug in my branch ;)23:35
asachmm. why does it spit a 1 out there23:37
asac___whcd ..; tar --exclude=.git -cvzf /tmp/bot/nm.head.ppa/network-manager_$upstream_version.orig.tar.gz `ls | head -n 1`; \23:38
asac___any clue?23:38
rippsfta: yo, I'm back23:38
asac___cd /tmp/bot/nm.head.ppa; rm -rf $tmpdir23:38
ftaripps, hi23:39
ftaripps, i've committed a tentative fix23:39
asac___fta: so how it failed was:23:39
asac___getting specific upstream revision/tag: 20090621t095302.master23:39
asac___fatal: git checkout: updating paths is incompatible with switching branches.23:39
asac___Did you intend to checkout '20090621t095302.master' which can not be resolved as commit?23:39
ftaripps, could you please give it a try?23:39
asac___oh thats a bug in my orig rule too i guess23:39
rippsfta: doing it now23:39
ftaasac___, indeed23:40
asacbut the 1 is still a mystery23:41
asacmust be a syntax error or something23:41
asacfta: it doesnt update the branch23:44
asacseems only to merge to .ppa from the /tmp/bot/nm.head23:44
asacbut doesnt pull the new stuff to nm.head23:44
ftait never touches the packaging branch23:44
asacit doesnt do the pull?23:44
asace.g. to get the latest from remote?23:45
ftait has it's own .ppa branch for that23:45
asacwell. but it doesnt pull at all as it seems23:45
ftait pull .head from lp to get new changes, then i merge that into .head.ppa, and then to .head.ppa.$dist23:46
asaci mean i have nm.head in /tmp/bot ... first thing it should do is getting the latest .head changes from the "lp" branch23:46
asacbut the pull of .head does not happen here23:46
fta(+ a bunch of s) i can't type tonight23:46
ftashow me a full trace23:46
asac___/home/asac/Development/ubuntu.bzr2/fta/ppa-scripts/sync-ppa.pl -p /home/asac/Development/ubuntu.bzr2/fta/ppa-scripts/confs/ppabot-pkgs-karmic.conf -c /home/asac/Development/ubuntu.bzr2/fta/ppa-scripts/confs/ppabot-karmic.conf -i23:47
asac___* Doing 'nm.head.ppa'...23:47
asac___Using saved parent location: /tmp/bot/nm.head/23:47
asac___it doesnt pull nm.head23:47
asac___No revisions to pull.23:47
asac___thats what i get23:47
asac___starts with .ppa right away23:47
rippsfta: I've already made an update to mpd today and the new git hash has a smaller value than my old one...23:47
rippsHmmm... I wonder if it's possible to add an hour value to my date string23:48
ftaripps, then you're get-orig-source has a problem, you should get a real commit date always in the same timezone23:49
ftaand yes, i often add the time when it's a busy project23:50
rippsfta: I do, but I only get the year-month-day, and I've already put up a commit from earlier today.23:50
ftaoh, it's because of the stupid hash git uses as a rev id i suppose23:51
rippsyep, I might need to do some hack that will retreive the hour it was committed and affix that into the date sting23:52
asacso it works now23:52
asacnow it complains that it cannot push23:52
asacwhy do i need the .ppa branch again?23:52
asaccant we use the "branch" ?23:52
asacanyway ... it doesnt pull latest in the branch anyway23:53
ftaby design, i didn't want all the daily commits in the packaging branch23:53
asacfta: why commit at all23:53
asacfta: just produce changelog, build upload23:53
asactomorrow do the same23:53
asacno need to keep record23:53
asac___1. pull latest "branch" from "lp"23:54
ftawell, you can write another bot if you prefer23:54
ftaor wait for lp23:54
asac___hey. i want to understand why it does it that way :)23:54
ftajust because you can just enter any branch, bzr bd --merge it to push it to lp or to pbuilder it23:55
asacbut you can run --merge even if its not committed23:56
ftait was not possible when i wrote that part23:56
ftaanyway, that's how it is23:56
ftaand i like branches23:56
asac___fta: still i dont get why it doesnt pull latest to "branch" from "lp" before trying to merge that to ppa branch23:56
ftaprobably a problem in your conf files23:57
asac___do you run another daily script that updates the "branch" branches?23:57
asac___ah ok23:57
ftai just run daily in a cron23:57
ftadaily.sh ucd gwibber umd usd o3d23:58
asac___thats the one23:58
ftaand you get the trace by email everyday remember?23:58
asac___well. i do believe that you do it23:59
asac___you just said above that you dont touch the branches23:59
ftado you see a warning related to your ~/.dput* ?23:59
asac___thats why i wasnt sure whats supposed to happen23:59
asac___fta: not before the build starts23:59

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