
=== SHADOW_V is now known as GHOSTKILLER
map7I've just done a 'fsck -y' as root on the system as I was booted into it and now I cannot boot02:00
map7am I stuffed?02:00
map7I get an Error 1502:01
Essobimap7: sounds like it04:22
Essobimap7: try a boot disk, backup your DB, and media04:22
Essobiand re-install the root04:22
Essobire-install from a backup.04:23
=== Guest2520 is now known as bogus-
dkeithgot a dead-simple newbie question about mythbuntu announcements.  It says "9.04 Jaunty Jackalope" is released.  Is that the mainline mythbuntu release or some variant or candidate?  I am having trouble getting audio on 8.x and considering trying 9.0422:12
darthanubisdkeith, released as in final?22:50
darthanubisI don't need a link22:50
dkeith"Mythbuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope Is Here!"22:51
darthanubiswhat does relesed mean to you?22:51
dkeithreleased means "available for general use"22:51
dkeithit was the "Janty Jackalope" part I was asking about22:51
darthanubisthat is just a name22:51
darthanubislike Hardy Heron22:52
dkeithCool.  So I presume that each major relase corresponds to an aliterative codename?22:52
darthanubisreleased means, it aint a beta or a RC (release candidate) it means it is a FINAL22:52
darthanubisHave you heard of Ubuntu before?22:53
darthanubisthere you go22:53
dkeithlong time user of Unix/Linux, but new to Ubuntu22:53
darthanubiswell Ubuntu has a naming program just like any other Linux distro22:53
dkeithgot it.22:54
darthanubisMint "Gloria"22:54
dkeithmany thanks22:54

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