
FlannelThis is all a gigantic circular reference at this point00:00
Seeker`"He was rushed by ambulance to a local medical centre, but his death was announced shortly afterwards."00:00
FlannelLike that wikipedia vandalism/self citation thing.00:00
ikoniawell, bed time, the news has "drained" me ;)00:01
FlannelHeck, that title is even suspect: "Singer Michael Jackson 'is dead'"00:01
FlannelWhy would you quote that if you had accurate reports?00:01
Seeker`BBC does that for all of their articles00:01
ikonia23:59 -!- Kanappa [n=Kanappa@h49n1fls32o823.telia.com] has quit [K-lined]00:02
ikoniafyi: I'll remove the ban00:02
bazhang@mark #ubuntu-offtopic Cornmuffin is Grenfell Traveler400:02
ubottuThe operation succeeded.00:02
mc44hello lovely operator friends!00:04
Flannelmc44: He was warned, I'm keeping an eye on him00:04
mc44<CornMuffin> eat shit and die like jackson k00:04
mc44he just pm'd me00:04
FlannelWhen did he say that?00:04
Flannelmc44: Let us know if there's additional hostilities, thanks.00:06
mc44I won't be replying, so hopefully not ;p00:06
FlannelRight, we all hope not, but who knows.00:07
mc44It's ok, he'll probably not do anything for a few days until he gets banned again, for the 13th time00:07
mc44fun times!00:07
tomawdo we know what's doing that?00:17
FlannelDoing what?00:17
tomawsomeone is dcc exploiting people in channels00:18
tomawalthough he seems to have stopped00:18
Flannelubottu: tell SeaPhor about away00:38
bazhangtrolling in #k (joshua__)01:57
ubottuIn #launchpad, thewrath said: ! for mod lines is something partaiing to diffstat only03:20
=== vorian is now known as stevie
PiciI need to go relax, so I cannot watch #ubuntu now04:29
tritiumGood evening.04:29
PiciWe'll see ;)04:30
tritiumGood night, Pici.04:30
tritiumHi, Flannel.04:49
FlannelHowdy tritium04:49
tritiumI flew through San Diego yesterday.04:50
Flannelconnection at SAN? that's odd.04:50
tritiumYeah, no direct flights from ABQ to San Jose.  San Diego is one of the connections.04:51
FlannelGo figure.  What are you doing in SJ?04:51
tritiumBusiness trip.04:51
FlannelOSCON and stuff aren't for a few weeks04:51
tritiumWe need more ops for #ubuntu-us.05:03
bazhangwhoa he was trolling there too?05:06
elky_workbeen much celeb death trolling?06:22
bazhangminor, really06:23
Tm_Tonly one I have sen06:23
FlannelHowdy boredandblogging06:27
boredandblogginghi Flannel06:28
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
=== tonyyaru1so is now known as tonyyarusso
jussi01penisland... grant-a grow up... :/08:14
FlannelSometimes I think we ought to have a "no talking for the sake of hearing yourself talk" clause.08:15
FlannelAnd that it'd solve a lot of our problems08:15
jussi01Flannel: haha08:21
FlannelIs Thursday night "lets be difficult because we can" night?08:33
MyrttiGUYS, can you take that discussion elsewhere? Flannel, ikonia?08:50
ikoniait's about to08:50
topyliMyrtti: nice touch08:56
FlannelUnfortunately, we can't !opsnack, since ubottu isn't +v08:57
Flanneleh, I suppose that can be fixed, but so much hassle.08:57
FlannelHi ebel, how can we help you today?09:20
ebelI thought this might be for website ops.09:20
ebelOur (http://www.ubuntu-ie.org) website is down this morning.09:20
* ebel was trying #ubuntu-loco, #ubuntu-ops :P09:21
FlannelOh, hmm, I don't know where you'd go.  Try #ubuntu-locoteams09:21
Flanneland they'll likely know where to direct you09:21
ebelyeah think I'm making progress, thanks :)09:21
bazhangwho was the user who came in daily and said, 'another day, another epic Ubuntu fail'10:33
FlannelReferring to -bugs?10:34
FlannelOh, no.10:34
bazhang#ubuntu Flannel 10:34
bazhangjoop12 seems to have replaced him, or is him10:35
FlannelOh, he's in -bugs too10:35
Flannel!away > faildog 10:35
Myrttiepic fail as a phrase isn't that uncommon10:35
bazhangsure it's not, but entering that way was his signature10:36
FlannelI doubt its the same person10:38
jussi01who cares, if its a problem, we will deal with it, enough of the conspiracy theories...10:46
jussi01did I mention I hate ati?10:47
bazhangnot a conspiracy theory, just pointing out his comments10:48
jussi01nah, you were suggesting that he was limcore, a known troll, that is the theory. lets stick to facts...10:51
bazhangpointing out the similarity, but whatever.10:51
dikdiksad news guys11:12
dikdiki learned today that the King of Pop has passed away :(11:12
Myrttisad news, you're banned from #ubuntu11:13
Myrttiand if you were to enter that channel, that topic would be offtopic there11:13
dikdikwhere were you, myrtti, when you heard the terrible news?11:14
Myrttidikdik: none of your business.11:14
dikdikdid you see it on one of the screens in times square?11:14
dikdikwere you standing on top of the eiffel tower with your lover?11:14
Myrttidikdik: this is not a social channel11:14
dikdikperhaps you were relaxing on the beach, on a perfect summer day, when a loved one's tearful phone call conveyed the tragic news.11:15
Myrttidikdik: go away11:15
elkyseriously not in the mood for those morons.11:16
elkytrolls with naughty idents.11:16
ikoniait's been a week of jerks to be honest11:27
FlannelOn the flip side, we've had some good people as well.11:31
ikoniaFlannel: yeah a few good ondes11:33
bazhangwhoa an automatix request12:10
ubottuIn #ubuntu, whatEverAgain said: ubottu: the link is useless, its broken12:34
PiciI feel like setting up a trigger to autoban on lmgtfy links13:49
Tm_Tdo it, but don't blame me then (;)13:49
MyrttiPici: you have my 100% support13:53
bazhangplease do it.13:53
PiciI'll put it on hilight for now13:54
bazhangthat drives me nuts13:54
Piciugh, I just setup my hilight and a bunch of non-ubuntu channel windows have already hilighted me13:57
ikoniadrubin: hi there14:15
drubinhi ikonia 14:15
ikoniawhat's up ?14:15
drubinikonia: Nothing just yet.14:15
drubinIs it ok to idle encase. 14:16
ikoniain case of what ?14:16
drubinOk enough is enough14:16
drubinjust getting logs.14:16
Myrttilogs of what?14:16
PiciI'm confused.14:16
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/14:16
drubinwait.... is this the right channel to report abuse in an offical ubuntu channel14:17
ikoniadrubin: sure yes14:17
drubinikonia: Can you please please review #ubuntu-za14:17
drubinour opers are at work/afk14:17
ikoniaahhhh, #ubuntu-za is out of our control14:17
ikoniaunless the CC / freenode staff can help14:18
drubinand chmj has been utterly disrespectful Vhata, a very helpful active memeber of our loco14:18
drubinnot sure if is their place wither, unless swearing violate that14:18
ikoniano freenode or CC entries14:18
drubinikonia: So what exactly is this channel for? Sorry little bit confused14:20
ikoniaI've joined the channel, but without the operators being available there is no much we can do 14:20
ikoniadrubin: this is for the ubuntu main channels, no loco 14:20
drubinikonia: Thanks you don't have to join, if there isn't any thing you can/should do. I will wait to Highvoltage gets back from work...14:21
ikonianormally the loco guys hang out in #ubuntu-irc but yes, you'll need to catch the two operators for that channel14:21
ikoniadrubin: if you join #ubuntu-irc rather than here you should catch them14:23
drubinikonia: They are in there but afk :) 14:23
Piciikonia: Chances are if the ops are not active in the channel in question, they aren't going to be in -irc either.14:23
ikoniaPici: true, but it's the proper place to contact them14:23
drubinstill so confused the difference between #ubuntu-irc and -ops14:24
* drubin leaves14:24
Picidrubin: #ubuntu-za does not have the Ubuntu IRC Council or freenode staff on its access list. I'm not going to suggest that we takeover the channel just to deal with this issue.14:24
ikoniathe guy in question was a pain14:24
ikoniaand a signed up "ubuntero" person14:24
ikoniawhich hes just blatently ignored14:24
=== stevie is now known as vorian
Piciboy, this svine person is a trip16:32
Picithis guy is convinced that I need to say sorry to him because he didn't read the rules or pay attention to the requests to ask his question elsewhere which caused me to mute him.17:00
Picifor reference, in case he comes by: http://paste.ubuntu.com/204356/17:13
jpdsHow odd.17:16
jpds /wii svine => ircname : Lamer17:17
elkyhow appropriate17:17
elkyi like it when they name themselves aptly.17:17
Guest21805I was asking about ubuntu and Pici kicked me17:34
Guest21805it is correct?17:34
elkywas that svine?17:44
Guest21805why Pici baned me?17:46
elkyfor good reason, from what i saw.17:46
Guest21805I was talking with people17:46
Guest21805they wanted to answer me17:47
Guest21805I think Pici is has some problem with me17:47
Guest21805he can ignore me17:47
elkyhe spent almost an hour in PM with you explaining his resoning.17:47
Guest21805he dont want explain it17:48
Guest21805he was rude to me17:48
Guest21805because I am not from USA17:48
elkyhe certainly didn't call you bin laden.17:48
Guest21805I didnt17:49
jpdsAnd you were rude back.17:49
Guest21805it is fairplay17:49
Guest21805he can ignore me17:49
Guest21805it is our two people17:49
Guest21805I had reason for that17:49
Guest21805he was stupid to me17:49
Guest21805I just wanted ask something17:50
Guest21805and he muted me17:50
Guest21805for nothing17:50
elkyGuest21805, he did ignore you. he put you on full-channel ignore. they're also known as bans.17:50
jpdsGuest21805: Because you were asking in the wrong channel.17:50
Guest21805he cant do that17:50
elkyGuest21805, he can.17:50
Guest21805it is not democratical17:50
elkynor is the judicial system in any country i know of.17:51
Guest21805this behaviour is like Fidel Castros behaviour17:51
jpdsGuest21805: IRC is not democratic.17:51
Guest21805it is ilegal17:51
elkyit'd really suck to have to hold a referendum on every single case.17:51
Guest21805I have human rights17:51
elkyand i've read the geneva convention. irc is not listed.17:52
Guest21805he can blocke comunications beetween me and other people17:52
Guest21805just between him and me17:52
Guest21805thats correct dont you think?17:52
elkyi think he was correct in doing so, yes.17:52
Guest21805I wrote him private17:52
jpdsWe saw.17:52
Guest21805no wasnt17:52
Guest21805what are you saw?17:53
elkyi saw you calling him Bin Laden.17:53
jpdsAnd God for some reason.17:53
Guest21805it was private17:53
Guest21805because I has reasoen17:53
Guest21805big reason17:53
elkyGuest21805, he's not forbidden from saying 'this guy called me bin laden'17:53
Guest21805and he can?17:54
jpdsYes, he can.17:54
elkyhe can say that. and he did.17:54
jpdsHe has the freedom of speech :)17:54
Guest21805me too17:54
Guest21805why me not?17:54
Guest21805you dont understand me17:54
jpdsWrong place, the place to ask IRC questions is #freenode.17:54
jpds#ubuntu is purely for Ubuntu support only.17:54
elkyGuest21805, yes, and there's plenty of internet for you to free your speech in. we have the freedom to decide your speech is not for our channels, but we wont stop you saying it elsewhere.17:55
Guest21805I didnt say it17:55
elkyGuest21805, whatever you say in PM to me i will share. this is your only warning.17:55
Guest21805because you are not democratical17:56
Guest21805yes not17:56
Guest21805you are nationalists17:56
Guest21805why you kicked me17:57
Guest21805for saying the true?17:57
elkybecause you're not listening to us17:57
Guest21805you are not God17:57
Guest21805you are human like me17:58
jpdsWe didn't say we were.17:58
Ursinhahey jpds :)17:58
PiciTo be fair, I dont think that #freenode is going to be any more democratic with him.17:58
jpdsHello there Ursinha! :)17:58
elkyPici, to be fair, i dont care.17:58
geniiI'm almost tempted now to visit there and see how democratic they are with him/her17:58
Picielky: agreed.17:58
jpdsUrsinha: /join #ubuntu-irc18:04
ubottuPici called the ops in #ubuntu (SAMER)18:13
Picino I didn't.18:13
Pici13:16:08 <?mdm> Guest21805, was asking to kick you from the channel.  I told him you were an op and that no other op would do that.  I dont know what he wants or why, but apparently he is randomly messing people in channel trying to get them to do what he wants18:17
nhandlerWe might have an issue with wvdial in #ubuntu-motu.20:27
ikoniawhat's up ?20:43
PiciSorry for not replying, but I've been watching.20:43
ikoniano need for apologies20:43
ikoniayou're on it - it's cool20:43
ubottuIn ubottu, shadeslayer said: !yahoo is At the moment there are many pidgin users experiencing problems connecting to Yahoo IM, you can try changing your paging server to cs101.msg.mud.yahoo.com and see if that helps.20:48
ubottuAt the moment there are many pidgin users experiencing problems connecting to Yahoo IM, you can try changing your paging server to cs101.msg.mud.yahoo.com and see if that helps.20:48
ubottuIn ubottu, shadeslayer said: !yahoo is At the moment there are many pidgin users experiencing problems connecting to Yahoo IM, you can try changing your paging server to cs101.msg.mud.yahoo.com and see if that helps.Also see : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/pidgin/+bug/38932220:48
ikoniadon't put the bug in20:49
ikoniait links to all sorts of PPA fun20:49
Picifyi. sun-flower in #freenode is the same as Guest21805 and svine. I really think that we shouldn't get involved though, he said he was banned from gentoo-chat and debian as well.21:15
PiciPricey: ^21:15
PriceyI haven't looked it upt yet.21:15
PiciPricey: I figured, just wanted to let you know that there was scrollback here to read.21:16
PiciI'm also going afk for a bit, so hopefully I won't be needed.21:17
ikoniaPici: laters 21:19
PriceyIf someone can't change their nick, it means they're in a channel they can't send to most likely... going on the error svine originally reported.21:22
PriceyI do not see any reference to Ubuntu in this guy's ramblings?21:26
MyrttiPricey: that's the thing. He rambled about non-Ubuntu issues in #ubuntu?21:28
PriceyWe've had 3 ircc'ers weigh in on this.. he's not wasting any more of our time.21:29
PriceyI read logs.21:29
Pricey20:37:38 [sun-flower(i=Lamercz@chello085216208215.chello.sk )] I think unix is good OS21:38
Pricey20:38:03 [sun-flower(i=Lamercz@chello085216208215.chello.sk )] but you are doing everyone against people who want to use unix21:38
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »21:42
Mamarokthere is an error in that factoid link, they tell people to remove ubuntu-desktop to remove Gnome... that will never work, as it is a meta-package21:42
PriceyTis a wiki.21:44
Mamarokyes, I know, but the instructions in this wiki are partly wrong, so21:59
christelelky: you nationalist you :(22:28
tsimpsonMamarok: aptitude will remove the packages22:32
tsimpsonalso: "That should show a large list of package to remove, just press y and enter to continue. If that doesn't remove all the Gnome packages then proceed to the manual removal section."22:33
Mamarokhm, I always thought that metapackages can be removed safely22:34
tsimpsonwith apt-get, yep22:34
tsimpsonaptitude will remove unused packages22:34
Mamarokhm, I always thought aptitude to be safer than apt-get...22:35
tsimpsondepends what you mean by "safer"22:36
tsimpsonthey are just different frontends to dpkg22:36
Mamarokwell, I know it's a frontend of dpkg22:37
Mamarokbut apt-get remove metapackage only removes the package, so it doesn't make sense to have different behaviour there, to me22:38
tsimpsonbasically aptitude will remove unused packages immediately, apt-get requires the autoremove command to do it22:40
tsimpsonthough it's probably configurable22:40
Mamarokhm, learned something new today :)22:40
Mamaroktsimpson: thx :)22:40

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