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ryanakcanewz2000: Hi, where can I find the source for Ubuntu.com's feature tour?17:30
newz2000ryanakca: good question17:30
newz2000let me look17:30
newz2000btw, I've asked arusha and alejandra if we can make a new one for next release and I think they've agreed17:30
newz2000So do you want the existing old one or do you want to see what happens with a new one?17:31
ryanakcanewz2000: Thanks, if they plan on finishing the generic stuff (Screenshots and text apart, but the layout and what not) early enough before release, I'll probably use what they have... but if not, I'll go for the existing old one.17:32
newz2000ok. I'll get you a zip file, I'll have to email it to you17:33
newz2000And I'm in the process of switching from one computer to another so it will take me just a bit17:33
ryanakcaIt's for the http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuKarmicWebsite spec...17:33
ryanakcano problem17:33
ryanakcaIs it a module, or are they just different pages?17:33
newz2000plain html pages17:35
newz2000oh, wait, I can grab them off the server17:35
newz2000ooh, http://bluetrip.org/ - trying to be a "best of everything" grid18:18

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