
=== mthaddon is now known as afk
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ronnie_vd_cis there some way to reset U1, nautlius says im not connected, and when i click connect, it does not do anything. While the U1-applet thinks im connected and is scanning (rotating picture). when i click disconnect, it does not do anything12:22
ronnie_vd_crebooting, or restart U1 wont help12:23
rodrigo_ronnie_vd_c: are you behind a proxy?12:54
ronnie_vd_cim at school not, but i guess not. it worked fine before12:55
facundobatistaHi all13:01
ronnie_vd_cis it usefull to make a bug request, i have not much information about it13:01
rodrigo_ronnie_vd_c: yes, file a bug and include the logs (~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/)13:06
rodrigo_although there are already bugs for similar problem, so try searching for those bugs 1st and add your info to them if they apply to your problem13:07
rodrigo_buenos días facundobatista :-D13:07
ronnie_vd_cill look for it13:07
facundobatistaHola rodrigo_!13:08
rodrigo_facundobatista: you forgot to say it in Spanish today, if you keep doing so, how can we convert everyone to talk to real true language :-)13:08
facundobatistarodrigo_, let's conquer one channel at a time! :p13:08
ronnie_vd_ccould this be the problem: exceptions.OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/ronnie/.cache/ubuntuone/syncdaemon/fsm/f/6/9/f69ec171-186d-4334-b7dd-413363c82b3f'13:09
rodrigo_hmm, what are the permissions in that tree?13:10
ronnie_vd_c-rw-r--r-- 1 root root13:11
ronnie_vd_cwhile others have: drwxr-xr-x 2 ronnie ronnie13:11
ronnie_vd_ccan i run 'chown -R ronnie:ronnie ~/.cache/ubuntuone/syncdaemon/' to fix it when U1-applet is down?13:13
rodrigo_ronnie_vd_c: have you started the applet as root?13:14
rodrigo_facundobatista: ^^13:15
facundobatistarodrigo_, change the owner, yes13:16
facundobatistaronnie_vd_c, change the owner, yes13:16
ronnie_vd_cworks perfect now13:17
facundobatistarodrigo_, ronnie_vd_c: that's very strange... we never do anything as root, so unless the daemon was executed by hand being root, I don't understand how that can be13:17
rodrigo_ronnie_vd_c: maybe you ran it as root without realizing?13:18
rodrigo_ronnie_vd_c: have you ever started the applet from a terminal?13:18
ronnie_vd_cme neither, maybe browsing with root nautilus, but i cant remember13:18
ronnie_vd_cnot before the problem began. when the applet stoped working, i started as a normal user to see for any errors, did not know about ~/.cache/13:19
ronnie_vd_cthx for helping13:27
jblountHello everyone!13:54
mattgriffinhello Ubuntu One beta testers. hope you're enjoying the service. lots of great feedback in the bugs you're opening. thanks and keep it up.14:13
=== rmcbride changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: Today's Face of Ubuntu One: mattgriffin | File Sharing for Ubuntu | https://ubuntuone.com | https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone | Currently in limited beta, new invitations are sent regularly | Current Beta Client Revno is 55, Protocol Revno is 45
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popeymattgriffin: someone shared some files with me which I accepted via the web interface, but my client doesn't seem to have synced at all. it is connected.. suggestions?14:56
mattgriffinpopey: does the client icon in the panel show that the client is connected or disconnected?14:57
popeymattgriffin: connected14:57
popeymattgriffin: in nautilus I have a "Disconnect" icon in the strip along the top14:57
mattgriffinpopey: ok. sounds like you are connected.14:58
* mattgriffin hmm14:58
jblountpopey: You may have to disconnect / reconnect to trigger the scan14:58
popeyi have disconnected/reconnected previously, but will try again14:58
jblountdobey: ^^ isn't that right? Or is there some other voodoo?14:58
popeyaha! now its working14:58
popeyhow odd14:58
popeyok, i think last time I didnt disconnect, I quit, then restarted..14:59
popeyinteresting that disconnect/connect doesn't work the same as quit/restart14:59
jblountpopey: Yes, that is strange.14:59
jblountOf course, preferably the sync should just happen when their are new files to sync ;)14:59
popeywell, yes, we'll leave that to one side for now ;)15:00
popey"it is beta" :)15:00
mattgriffinpopey: :)15:00
dobeyyes that is correct15:01
dobeythe web ui currently doesn't have a way to tell the api server that there are new files, so it can tell the client to download them15:01
dobeybut that's being worked on15:01
jblountdobey: Thanks!15:02
jblountMEETING BEGINS15:02
jblountWelcome to the Ubuntu One developer meeting! Please tag in with a me if you are around15:02
artirme-tal \0/15:03
* BUGabundo me leaves again... bye.. I seem to always be here when meetings begin :x15:03
jblountCardinalFang, aquarius, rodrigo_, dobey ?15:04
rodrigo_BUGabundo: you can stay if you want15:04
rodrigo_jblount: I already me'd :)15:04
jblountrodrigo_: sorry!15:04
jblountDONE: Too much IRC and email, not enough code15:04
jblountTODO: Reviews, more code (mkdir in /files/new, css branch or two)15:04
jblountBLOCKED: By distractions.15:04
jblounturbanape: Tag!15:04
urbanapeDONE: Proposed my branch for merge, but things blew up. Need to look into that.15:04
urbanapeTODO: Keep on keeping on. Javascript funfun.15:04
urbanapeBLOCK: Not really15:04
urbanaperodrigo_ gogogo15:04
rodrigo_done: finally did a working couchdb-glib package, continued with evo-couchdb package fixes15:05
rodrigo_todo: make a working evo-couchdb package15:05
rodrigo_blocked: by some errors on my PPA I really don't know what they are about15:05
rodrigo_aquarius: your turn15:05
aquariusDONE: moved records.client into desktopcouch.records, made it work with help from thisfred, sped up lsof15:06
aquariusTODO: tidy up desktopcouch.records15:06
aquariusBLOCKED: horrid lsof etc15:06
aquariusdobey: hit me, bro15:06
dobeyDONE: More work on python module reorg, agreement on some xdg keyring ideas from lemma of kde15:06
* jblount imagines aquarius saying that with a James Brown voice15:06
dobeyTODO: finish python module layout changes, Fix sharing branch for review comments, handle dbus errors better in applet15:06
dobeyBLCK: Nein.15:06
dobeyCardinalFang: we need those hits15:06
CardinalFangDONE: Worked out the dbus and gtk event loop madness for machine-pairing.15:07
CardinalFangTODO: Finish network code.  Test.  FIll in edge cases.  Maybe I'll get to document & beautify.15:07
CardinalFangBLOCKED: Nope.15:07
CardinalFangIndexError: pop from empty list15:07
jblountAnyone else?15:07
dobeyno (that was my good spanish)15:08
jblountMEETING ENDS15:08
aquariusCardinalFang: coolness. We need to wave the pairing UI past the design team once done, I think15:08
aquariuscheers jblount15:08
dobeymy bad spanish is more fun15:08
* jblount needs a list of the desktop+ people15:09
jblountI always forget15:09
urbanapeMmmmm, James Brown. I think that'll be this morning's playlist15:10
jblountSurely someone else has seen 'Dave Chappelle's Block Party' ?15:11
jblounturbanape: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhmJXxeAwD8&feature=related (cussin')15:14
mattgriffinjblount: great movie15:16
jblountmattgriffin: I knew you were the cool one.15:16
lucybI'm not able to connect using the ubuntuone-client-applet. I was wondering if someone could help me? I've tried several computers from two different networks. I get no errors when running /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/ubuntuone-client-applet --signup but an strace says: "read(4, 0x9d246d0, 4096)                = -1 EAGAIN (Resource temporarily unavailable)"15:24
vdsDONE: on-call review today, wrote notes about identity inferal and syncing discussed that with mark, helped teknico with his db reset which I've then reviewed.15:29
vdsTODO: on-call review, catch up with mark for some test with the contact db15:29
vdsBLOCKED: blue sky!15:29
CardinalFanglucyb: You win cool points for using strace.  An interrupted syscall isn't unusual at all.  Signals usually cause it.  SIGCHLD is common, or SIGALRM for some timer.  It's only bad if it's so common that a necessary syscall doesn't complete.15:30
CardinalFangSo, does it happen more than a few times a second?15:31
CardinalFangmattgriffin: ^15:31
lucybYes, I can use it but not interpret it. Thanks a lot for the explanation. It's happening many many times a second.15:32
CardinalFanglucyb: Is there anything at  ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon-exceptions.log  ?15:34
lucybNope, zero bytes :/15:35
CardinalFang$ ps x |grep [u]buntuone15:35
mattgriffinCardinalFang: thanks for your help on lucyb's issue. it's beyond my knowledge.15:35
lucyblucy@lotus:~$ ps x|grep [u]buntuone15:36
lucyb20471 ?        Sl     0:02 /usr/bin/python /usr/lib/ubuntuone-client/ubuntuone-syncdaemon15:36
lucyb20523 pts/1    Sl     0:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/ubuntuone-client-applet --signup15:36
lucybYep, thanks for helping :)15:37
CardinalFang$ ls -l /proc/20523/fd/415:37
CardinalFanglucyb: ^15:38
lucyblucy@lotus:~$ ls -l /proc/20523/fd/415:39
lucyblrwx------ 1 lucy lucy 64 2009-06-26 15:39 /proc/20523/fd/4 -> socket:[449943]15:39
lucyblucy@lotus:~$ file /proc/20523/fd/415:40
lucyb/proc/20523/fd/4: broken symbolic link to `socket:[449943]'15:40
CardinalFanglucyb: Good, good.  So look in ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log  .  It may be big.  Eyeball it for anything that looks bad.  If it makes no sense after a few minutes, let's upload it somewhere so I can look.15:41
lucybOkay, it didn't have anything particularly interesting until I tried connecting again and now it says:15:44
lucyb2009-06-26 15:42:34,986 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.Main - ERROR - OAuth failed: [Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): <class 'canonical.ubuntuone.storage.protocol.request.StorageProtocolError'>: Authentication Failed15:44
lucyb2009-06-26 15:42:34,986 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.EQ - DEBUG - push_event: SYS_OAUTH_ERROR, args:(), kw:{'error': <twisted.python.failure.Failure <class 'canonical.ubuntuone.storage.protocol.request.StorageProtocolError'>>}15:44
lucyb2009-06-26 15:42:34,987 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.ActionQueue - DEBUG - disconnected15:44
lucyb2009-06-26 15:42:34,988 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.State - DEBUG - START_AUTHENTICATING --[SYS_OAUTH_ERROR]--> AUTH_FAILED15:44
lucyb2009-06-26 15:42:34,988 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.EQ - DEBUG - push_event: SYS_STATE_CHANGED, args:(), kw:{'state': <AQErrorState AUTH_FAILED>}15:44
lucybDo you want the whole thing in a pastebin?15:45
CardinalFangYes,   3+lines to pastebin, in general.15:45
CardinalFanglucyb: http://ubuntuone.pastebin.com/15:46
lucybOkay, will remember that. Thanks :)15:47
lucybIt's up at http://ubuntuone.pastebin.com/m73cf329b15:47
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
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CardinalFangSo, anyone else know what's going on with lucyb's OAuth exception?16:03
CardinalFanglucyb: Did it ask for your password?16:04
lucybI did log in successfully via the website, I don't know if that matters..16:07
CardinalFanglucyb: Oh!  Then the  "/usr/bin/python /usr/bin/ubuntuone-client-applet --signup" program is more interesting, I think.16:07
CardinalFang$ kill 20523 && echo running && /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/ubuntuone-client-applet --signup16:08
lucyblucy@lotus:~$ kill 20523 && echo running && /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/ubuntuone-client-applet --signup16:10
CardinalFanglucyb: It would have looked a bit like a webs site.  It would start your browser and send you back and forth between localhost and launchpad once or twice.16:14
CardinalFang"It" = authentication16:14
lucybOkay, I don't remember that. I remember logging onto ubutuone.com via launchpad auth but I've certainly not been taken to localhost at any point.16:16
CardinalFanglucyb: Okay.  Assuming Ubuntu.  System / Administration / Keyring Manager16:20
CardinalFanglucyb: Find "UbuntuOne token..."16:21
CardinalFanglucyb: Got it?16:22
lucybErm, not finding the Keyring Manager. Does it have another name? I'm running bog standard Jaunty.16:22
CardinalFanglucyb: Be sure you;re looking in "Administration", not "Preferences"16:23
jblountlucyb: Try Applications > Accessories > Passwords & Encryption Keys16:24
lucybThere's an option called Authorisations, which brings up a window with a tree view that seems to be broken down by domain, e.g com -> ubuntu -> etc. Is that it?16:24
* CardinalFang boggles.16:24
jblountlucyb: The UbuntuOne token CardinalFang is talking about is under the Passwords tab, you may have to expand the Passwords:login arrow thingie16:24
lucybFound it in Passwords & Encryption Keys, thanks :)16:24
CardinalFanglucyb: Woo.  Okay, let's kill the running programs first and then delete the key for U1.16:25
CardinalFang$ killall ubuntuone-syncdaemon ubuntuone-client-applet16:25
lucybOkay. Will do.16:25
CardinalFangThen, run the applet signup again.16:25
lucybOkay, done. It got me to add this computer then took me to the ubuntuone.com site. Still says disconnected though.16:27
CardinalFangOoooookay!  And if you right-click on the applet icon and hit "connect" what then?16:28
CardinalFangcomma, "what then"?16:28
CardinalFangpfibiger: I can copy and paste the auth token in Jaunty.  Ha! Ha ha hahahahahahaha!16:29
lucybNope, still says disconnected16:31
CardinalFanglucyb: Are your packages up to date?16:31
joeyanyone know if there is a negative effect to removing files in .cache such as  /home/<me>/.cache/ubuntuone/syncdaemon/fsm/4/3/916:31
lucybI did an update this morning and only installed UbuntuOne on this computer this afternoon16:32
* CardinalFang prepares to punt to mattgriffin.16:32
lucybThanks for your help so far CardinalFang :)16:32
CardinalFangWelcome!  This is beyon' mah ken.16:33
CardinalFangmattgriffin, tag!16:33
pfibigerCardinalFang: i'm running jaunty too. in seahorse?16:41
CardinalFangpfibiger: "gnome-keyring-manager"16:45
pfibigerCardinalFang: what gnome version? i'd read that had been deprecated entirely in favor of seahorse.16:50
CardinalFangMaybe it is.  This machine is at least 6 years old.16:51
CardinalFangIt's modern, but has cruft.16:52
mattgriffinlucyb: sorry. the only thing i can think of is to submit a but about the issue.16:55
lucybmattgriffin: Okay, thanks. Will do.16:56
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
lucybFYI, I've created a bug report at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/39259217:16
ubottuUbuntu bug 392592 in ubuntuone-client "Unable to authenticate using ubuntuone-client-applet" [Undecided,New]17:16
lucybThanks again for your friendly help!17:16
lucybCool bot :)17:16
jblountlucyb: Thanks for reporting the bug!17:17
dobeyman, people are crazy about michael jackson for no reason19:37
BUGabundoman he was a genious19:40
BUGabundoI don't like him anymore then everyone else19:40
BUGabundobut I do have 2 CDs from his music19:40
dobeyhe had some alright songs, sure.19:41
dobeybut i think there are more important things to worry about than a pedophile musician :)19:42
BUGabundolame argument19:42
BUGabundoif he was or not, I don't care19:42
BUGabundoppl adore him for his music and the genious on the way he made inovations to POP19:42
dobeyif they want to go on all day about someone dying on CNN, it should be Farrah19:43
BUGabundosure, she should deserve some attention too19:44
sianishi there!19:44
sianisjust a fast question19:44
dobeyor better yet, let's hear about real news, like what is going on in iran19:44
BUGabundobut I never knew her, but I did knew much about wacko dobey19:44
* BUGabundo is sick about iran19:45
BUGabundo!question | sianis19:45
ubottusianis: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:45
sianiscould somebody review my patch? bug #33074619:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 330746 in ubuntuone-client "User Interface needs to be Translated" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33074619:45
verteroksianis: sure. btw, doing a merge proposal is a more effective way to get your patch reviewed ;)19:49
dobeyverterok: just done :)19:51
sianisverterok: sorry, I don't know this development way19:52
verteroksianis: nothing to sorry about :), just pointing out that proposing a branch gives the patch a lot more visibility ;)19:52
verterokdobey: cool, thanks!19:52
dobeythat alcoholism cure commercial makes me want a beer...19:53
dobey90F right now... a fresh cold one would be nice19:54
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=== rmcbride changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: File Sharing for Ubuntu | https://ubuntuone.com | https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone | Currently in limited beta, new invitations are sent regularly | Current Beta Client Revno is 55, Protocol Revno is 45
=== rmcbride changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: File Sharing for Ubuntu | https://ubuntuone.com | https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone | Currently in limited beta, new invitations are sent regularly | Current Beta Client Revno is 55, Protocol Revno is 45

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