
=== seg|ars_ is now known as seg|ars
=== rgreening_ is now known as rgreening
SiDiAny idea why a notification's png/jpg icon would be blur knowing i _dont_ resize it ?10:37
SiDiWhy did the font become so tiny in notify-osd's trunk version ?14:37
=== lex79 is now known as lex
=== lex is now known as lex79
=== rgreening is now known as Barbie
=== vorian is now known as hans
=== Barbie is now known as Chewie
=== Chewie is now known as Vader
=== Vader is now known as hsitter
=== hans is now known as vorian
=== hsitter is now known as not_hsitter_hone
=== not_hsitter_hone is now known as rgreening

Generated by irclog2html.py 2.7 by Marius Gedminas - find it at mg.pov.lt!