
=== bencrisford is now known as bencrisford_
=== bencrisford_ is now known as bencrisford__
=== bencrisford__ is now known as bencrisford_
out-of-handhi all... i wonder if i can get some help intsalling edubuntu on uuntu 9.04? im still a newbi to linux12:51
bencrisfordout-of-hand: Hey :)13:00
out-of-handhi , could u assist me please , im trying to setup edubuntu 9.04 on ubuntu 9.04 , for schools in South africa13:01
bencrisfordokay, you've downloaded and burnt a cd?13:02
bencrisfordout-of-hand: ?13:02
out-of-handyeah , i download the ISO, made it a cd, then poped it into my drive , i get13:02
out-of-handa option box saying install cd13:02
out-of-handi then select education desktop . in ad/ remove programs... then i select13:03
out-of-handeducation desktop for ubuntu13:03
out-of-handi get the following mesage  "Cannot install 'edubuntu-desktop'13:03
out-of-handThis application conflicts with other installed software. To install 'edubuntu-desktop' the conflicting software must be removed first.13:03
out-of-handSwitch to the 'synaptic' package manager to resolve this conflict."13:03
bencrisfordwhen you enter the CD, it should give you a pop-up menu13:04
bencrisfordwith a few options: Start Add-On Installer should be there13:05
bencrisfordselect that13:05
bencrisfordif that doesnt work, we'll try synaptic13:05
out-of-handi did ... thats where i get to add / remove programs window13:05
bencrisfordoh ok13:05
bencrisford!info edubuntu-desktop13:06
ubottuedubuntu-desktop (source: edubuntu-meta): educational desktop for Ubuntu. In component main, is optional. Version 1.70 (jaunty), package size 18 kB, installed size 48 kB13:06
bencrisfordout-of-hand: Try opening Applications> Accessories> Terminal13:06
out-of-handok ... let me do so .13:06
bencrisfordand typing: sudo apt-get install edubuntu-desktop13:06
bencrisfordit should tell you what it wants to remove, and give you the choice whether to do so or not13:07
out-of-handthis is whjat it tells me ...13:07
out-of-handReading state information... Done13:08
out-of-handSome packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have13:08
out-of-handrequested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable13:08
out-of-handdistribution that some required packages have not yet been created13:08
out-of-handor been moved out of Incoming.13:08
out-of-handThe following information may help to resolve the situation:13:08
out-of-handThe following packages have unmet dependencies:13:08
out-of-hand  edubuntu-desktop: Depends: khelpcenter4 but it is not going to be installed13:08
out-of-hand                    Recommends: gobby but it is not going to be installed13:08
out-of-hand                    Recommends: scribus but it is not going to be installed13:08
out-of-hand                    Recommends: ubuntu-edu-preschool but it is not going to be installed13:08
out-of-hand                    Recommends: ubuntu-edu-primary but it is not going to be installed13:08
out-of-hand                    Recommends: ubuntu-edu-secondary but it is not going to be installed13:08
out-of-hand                    Recommends: ubuntu-edu-tertiary but it is not going to be installed13:08
out-of-handE: Broken packages13:08
out-of-handi have just re installed ubuntu , and tried this again ... can seem to pass this /13:08
bencrisfordtry running: sudo apt-get update13:08
bencrisfordthen: sudo apt-get upgrade13:09
out-of-handok just done the " sudo apt-get upgrade"13:10
out-of-handseems to be intsalling something .13:10
bencrisfordtry this again after thats done - sudo apt-get install edubuntu-desktop13:10
out-of-handi will ... ill keep u posted ..13:11
out-of-handwher u from nencrisford?13:11
out-of-handnice :) cold there ? here in  Sa its freeezing13:11
bencrisfordnot too cold13:12
bencrisfordits a really nice day today actually13:12
bencrisfordits summer over here you see, am i right in thinking its winter for you guys?13:12
out-of-hand:) thats cool . my cuz moved  there , and yeah lol .. was about to write exactly what u said about ur summer our winter :)13:12
out-of-handwhen it gets hot .. SA really gets hot ... sticky and humid.  SA has recently lost  spring and autum ., only have 2 seasons .. winter and summer .. oddly13:13
out-of-hand45% done13:14
out-of-handhiow did u get into linux ?13:15
bencrisforddunno really13:15
bencrisfordjust did13:15
out-of-hand:) what do u enjoy most about it if i may ask ? ...13:16
bencrisfordfreedom i guess13:16
out-of-handyeah ,,, that i have to agree with u ... i love the freedom :)13:16
bencrisfordand all the OSS thats so easy to install13:16
bencrisfordpowerful too13:16
out-of-handthe way it looks ... the way it feels ...13:16
bencrisfordand i learn so much with linux13:16
bencrisfordlike at the shell prompt..13:17
bencrisfordand its the first time ive *really* got into programming and scripting13:17
bencrisfordapache too, its so much easier on linux13:17
bencrisfordand vi :)13:18
out-of-handim trying to aswel.. just dunno where to start , im having a deal with some powerful people in sa about educating , and i wanna install this ubuntu and ed ubuntu on the pc. for the teachers and students to use ... they like the concept... i love the challenge and love installing linux :)13:18
out-of-handapache ?  VI  ?13:18
bencrisfordapache is a web server software13:19
bencrisfordvi is a text editor13:19
bencrisfordvim is vi-improved13:19
bencrisfordits like emacs13:19
out-of-handoh :) nice ... i used to run a ISP . would like to see how apache works :_13:20
out-of-handits just finished . its unpacking ...13:20
out-of-handi read up a liuttle about running a server side for teachers and work station for pupils ... do i have to do this ?13:24
=== alkisg1 is now known as alkisg
bencrisfordout-of-hand: I dunno, im not really an expert13:25
out-of-handits just instaling13:27
out-of-handok .. done ... gimmi 2 secs13:28
bencrisfordi g2g for a bit, when its done do: sudo apt-get install edubuntu-desktop13:29
out-of-handthis is the error13:29
out-of-handProcessing triggers for libc6 ...13:29
out-of-handldconfig deferred processing now taking place13:29
out-of-handProcessing triggers for python-support ...13:29
out-of-handProcessing triggers for initramfs-tools ...13:29
out-of-handupdate-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.28-11-generic13:29
out-of-handfreedom@freedom-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install edubuntu-desktop13:29
out-of-hand[sudo] password for freedom:13:29
out-of-handReading package lists... Done13:29
out-of-handBuilding dependency tree13:29
out-of-handReading state information... Done13:29
out-of-handSome packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have13:29
out-of-handrequested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable13:29
out-of-handdistribution that some required packages have not yet been created13:29
out-of-handor been moved out of Incoming.13:29
out-of-handThe following information may help to resolve the situation:13:29
out-of-handThe following packages have unmet dependencies:13:29
out-of-hand  edubuntu-desktop: Depends: khelpcenter4 but it is not going to be installed13:29
out-of-hand                    Recommends: gobby but it is not going to be installed13:29
out-of-hand                    Recommends: scribus but it is not going to be installed13:29
out-of-hand                    Recommends: ubuntu-edu-preschool but it is not going to be installed13:29
out-of-hand                    Recommends: ubuntu-edu-primary but it is not going to be installed13:29
out-of-hand                    Recommends: ubuntu-edu-secondary but it is not going to be installed13:30
out-of-hand                    Recommends: ubuntu-edu-tertiary but it is not going to be installed13:30
out-of-handE: Broken packages13:30
bencrisfordtry installing the packages seperately13:30
bencrisfordsudo apt-get install gobby ...13:30
out-of-handwhere on . add and remove ?13:30
bencrisfordsudo apt-get install scribus  ...13:30
bencrisford(without the ... by the way, thats just there to make it clearer)13:31
bencrisfordyou know how to use apt-get install?13:31
out-of-handsort of .. very roughly .. i tryd sudo apt-get install gobby    i get the following13:31
out-of-handBuilding dependency tree13:32
out-of-handReading state information... Done13:32
out-of-handSome packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have13:32
out-of-handrequested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable13:32
out-of-handdistribution that some required packages have not yet been created13:32
out-of-handor been moved out of Incoming.13:32
out-of-handThe following information may help to resolve the situation:13:32
out-of-handThe following packages have unmet dependencies:13:32
out-of-hand  gobby: Depends: libnet6-1.3-0 (>= 1:1.3.4-0) but it is not going to be installed13:32
out-of-hand         Depends: libobby-0.4-1 but it is not going to be installed13:32
out-of-hand         Depends: libxml++2.6-2 (>= 2.24.0) but it is not going to be installed13:32
out-of-handE: Broken packages13:32
out-of-handany idea?13:34
bencrisfordout-of-hand: Ive got an idea sure13:35
bencrisfordbut i really need to go13:35
bencrisfordill be back in 5 minutes13:35
out-of-handok :)13:35
bencrisfordand ill write you a script to sort it13:35
out-of-handthanks i appreciate ur help alot13:35
out-of-handany ideas ?13:54
bencrisfordim writing a script for you now13:59
out-of-handoh ":)13:59
bencrisfordout-of-hand: http://paste.ubuntu.com/204907/14:00
bencrisfordcopy that script into text editor14:01
bencrisfordand save it as edubuntu-pre-install14:01
bencrisfordor something like that14:01
bencrisfordthen to run it, open terminal and type: bash edubuntu-pre-install14:02
bencrisfordor whatever you called it14:02
out-of-handok i copied it , how do i put it into a text editor ?14:02
bencrisfordapplications> accessories> text editor14:02
bencrisfordand paste it14:02
bencrisfordthen save it as edubuntu-pre-install14:02
out-of-handfreedom@freedom-desktop:~$ bash edubuntu-pre-install14:04
out-of-handbash: edubuntu-pre-install: No such file or directory14:04
bencrisfordyou saved the script as edubuntu-pre-install yeah?14:05
bencrisfordin your home directory?14:05
out-of-handsaved to Location (File system )14:05
bencrisfordrun this:  cd /14:06
bencrisfordthen: bash edubuntu-pre-install14:06
out-of-handstill same thing ... still comes up cant find it14:07
bencrisfordwell copy the script into your home directory14:07
bencrisfordinto /home/freedom14:07
bencrisfordthen: cd ~14:07
bencrisfordthen: bash edubuntu-pre-install14:08
out-of-handit is in my home directory14:08
bencrisfordcheck the file name14:08
bencrisfordand that stuff14:08
out-of-handlet me try again ... gimmi 2 secs14:09
out-of-handok .. done14:10
out-of-handits running ur script14:11
out-of-handhe following packages have unmet dependencies:14:11
out-of-hand  ubuntu-edu-tertiary: Depends: kalzium but it is not going to be installed14:11
out-of-hand                       Depends: kmplot but it is not going to be installed14:11
out-of-hand                       Depends: kstars but it is not going to be installed14:11
out-of-hand                       Depends: ktouch but it is not going to be installed14:11
out-of-hand                       Depends: kturtle but it is not going to be installed14:11
out-of-hand                       Depends: marble but it is not going to be installed14:11
out-of-hand                       Depends: qcad but it is not going to be installed14:11
out-of-hand                       Depends: step but it is not going to be installed14:11
out-of-handE: Broken packages14:11
out-of-handSuccess!  All packages re-installed.14:11
out-of-handman ... this is frustrating14:12
bencrisfordjust remove ubuntu-edu-tertiary14:12
bencrisfordsudo apt-get remove ubuntu-edu-tertiary14:12
out-of-handPackage ubuntu-edu-tertiary is not installed, so not removed14:13
out-of-hand0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 7 not upgraded.14:13
bencrisfordugh :(, i dunno14:15
bencrisfordbut i gotta go again14:15
bencrisfordback soon14:15
=== vorian is now known as hans
=== hans is now known as vorian

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