
harjotign0ramus: my kubuntu [reinstalled] keeps dropping wireless without actually saying so i  have to reconnect every now and again. any ideo whats hapenning????00:00
draikign0ramus: "Oh wow, that looks cool. Let me click on the link and check it out... Oh wait, let me reboot", rinse and repeat00:00
draikign0ramus: Nope. Is it available?00:00
ign0ramusdraik, it can't hurt; only waste time00:00
ign0ramusdraik, http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline00:00
draikign0ramus: I'm on 2.6.28-13 right now. I've been waiting for a fix, kernel by kernel, update by update since mid-8.1000:01
ign0ramusdraik, ha - i didn't realize there was a 2.6.31rc already ;)00:01
draikYeah, added today. I just saw that00:02
harjotign0ramus: my kubuntu [reinstalled] keeps dropping wireless without actually saying so i  have to reconnect every now and again. any ideo whats hapenning???? soz 4 repeating00:02
ign0ramusharjot, a simple thing to try would be to replace network manager with wicd... for some, it helps with dropped connections00:02
ign0ramusharjot, remember our talk about repeating your question with a 5-10 minute span? :P00:02
harjotbut how come i didnt have this problem with kubuntu before00:03
draikign0ramus: Just add the link as a repo?00:03
ign0ramusharjot, because Jaunty brought in a lot of new changes... and unfortunately, some regressions too00:03
harjotim in hardy still................ its better 4 programming etc......00:03
draikNever mind. I just saw they are debs00:03
ign0ramusdraik, i'm sure you can; i just installed the .debs manually with dpkg00:03
ign0ramusdraik, make sure to install the "all" package first ;)00:04
draikign0ramus: Source or Headers "all"?00:05
ign0ramusdraik, headers00:05
ign0ramusdraik, i don't think 'source' is necessary... could be wrong though.  it's happened before :)00:06
draikI'm not doing anything with a GUI. I'm using wget right now.00:07
draikLet me rephrase that statement. I'm using the GUI for Kubuntu, but CLI for the download00:07
ign0ramusdraik, even better.  you can just wget the packages with one command; install them with one more :)00:08
draikign0ramus: Way ahead of you there ;)00:08
ign0ramusdraik, usually are :)00:08
draikIf that were true, I would have resolved this issue a long time ago and nobody would have known.00:09
draikign0ramus: Well, GRUB hasn't been updated.00:10
ign0ramusdraik, it should automatically... if you update it manually, does it see the new image?00:10
draikThat's another thing...00:10
draikWell, 2 things.00:10
defryskmaybe 3 ?00:11
draik1) How do I update GRUB and 2) How do I update GRUB so that it picks up the new location of the XP HDD (seems that it changed without me knowing)00:11
ign0ramusdraik, 1) 'sudo update-grub'00:11
ign0ramusdraik, 2) i would imagine change your fstab entry00:12
draikdefrysk: I'm full of questions, just none that pertain to this current GRUB issue00:12
draikign0ramus: Nope, that didn't work00:12
draikign0ramus: I'll just do it over00:13
ign0ramusdraik, i get "Found kernel: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.30-020630-generic" ... no go?00:13
ign0ramusdraik, yeah try that first00:13
ign0ramusdraik, also, you know if you use UUID to name a device, you can physically change location without adjusting fstab, right?00:14
draikign0ramus: Yeah, I got those the first time around. This time, I got that they have already been installed00:14
MakuseruEvery time i try to open kpackagekit my computer freezes. Does anyone know why this would happen?00:15
ign0ramusdraik, does /boot/grub/menu.lst show the new kernel?00:15
draikign0ramus: Nope. That's where I've been looking00:15
BluesKajMakuseru, because it's unstable and flaky , install Adept00:16
draikign0ramus: Just shows my 2.6.28-1300:16
ign0ramusdraik, you're using the 32bit version?00:17
MakuseruBluesKaj: I thought that was Adept.00:17
BluesKajnope , kpackagkit is a different animal00:18
ign0ramusdraik, maybe uninstall and try again: "wget -c http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.30/linux-headers-2.6.30-020630-generic_2.6.30-020630_i386.deb http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.30/linux-headers-2.6.30-020630_2.6.30-020630_all.deb http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.30/linux-image-2.6.30-020630-generic_2.6.30-020630_i386.deb"00:18
MakuseruBluesKaj: Ah. Thanks.00:18
ign0ramusdraik, and then just "sudo dpkg -i <same string>"00:19
ign0ramusdraik, that's what i did, and also what's recommended on the Intel Performance Guide00:19
BluesKajMakuseru, I've been using aptitude lately , it seems to bring dependencies along and it's upgrade is supposedly safe00:19
MakuseruBluesKaj: Is apititude different from adept?00:20
draikign0ramus: Your string has 'all' as 2nd. What's the combination to use?00:20
ign0ramusdraik, i used the command as exactly above, although someone else was having issues until they installed Source - all first00:21
BluesKajyes , it's part of the apt package manager like adept but it's a cli app00:21
draikign0ramus: I'll give this a shot and try with 'source' after to see if it does anything.00:22
ign0ramusdraik, that was something they had an issue with but after i wget'd the packages, my command was verbatim:00:22
ign0ramusdraik, sudo dpkg -i linux-headers-2.6.30-020630-generic_2.6.30-020630_i386.deb linux-headers-2.6.30-020630_2.6.30-020630_all.deb linux-image-2.6.30-020630-generic_2.6.30-020630_i386.deb00:22
ign0ramusbrb, dinner00:22
=== ign0ramus is now known as ign0ramus_afk
BluesKajMakuseru, adept is a gui of apt00:25
dio_hello people00:25
BluesKaj!apt | Makuseru00:25
ubottuMakuseru: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)00:25
dio_did any one run linux under new INTEL I7 ?00:26
BluesKajMakuseru, also http://phorolinux.com/apt-get-aptitude-quick-reference.html00:26
dio_synaptic can run under KDE00:27
draikign0ramus_afk: Nope. That didn't fix it either. The main test, which ALWAYS kills my network connection, is going to symantec and downloading an update that I need for my XP virtualbox00:29
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dio_did any one test intel I7 performance under Linux?01:00
dio_did someone test the new Intel I7 on Linux01:02
max__How can I get konqueror to display a preview of an image when i hover over it?01:06
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draikign0ramus: No luck. This really sucks01:13
ign0ramusdraik, bah.01:14
ign0ramusdraik, if you were to boot into windows, no networking issues?01:14
draikign0ramus: Right. Network and USB work seamlessly01:15
ign0ramusdraik, is this just on the AAO?01:15
draikign0ramus: The issues are on my desktop, not AAO01:15
ign0ramusdraik, is the same desktop you've had for a while or a newer one?01:16
max__Hi, anytime i try to open the settings in Konqueror my computer hangs-up. Does anyone know what would cause this?01:16
draikign0ramus: Same I've had for 4-5 years.01:17
ign0ramusdraik, and previous versions worked well?01:18
ign0ramus*of kubuntu01:18
draikign0ramus: 6.06-8.04 were great01:18
ign0ramusdraik, whats the card?01:18
draikign0ramus: All built-in, which is what I don't understand, but the network card is Rhine chipset, IIRC01:20
ign0ramusdraik, not that it would 'fix' your problem, but why not get a cheap pci card. wireless, even?01:21
draikign0ramus: I don't run wifi at home and there's no need for another card if I can't begin to resolve this one.01:21
ign0ramusdraik, you've been messing with this for months now01:21
draikign0ramus: I know.01:23
ign0ramusdraik, you have much more patience than i.01:23
ign0ramusdraik, also, you have many more computers, too, so i guess that helps :)01:23
draikign0ramus: Patience? Yeah, I suppose. It just gets really annoying when you can't solve an issue that doesn't give you a starting point of where you should really begin to troubleshoot.01:24
ign0ramusdraik, it would be nicer if there was an easy way to replicate other than "when i update my virtualbox's install of Symantec inside a linux host"...01:25
ign0ramusdraik, doesn't make for an effective search string01:26
ign0ramusdraik, what driver is the kernel using for networking?01:27
draikign0ramus: How can I check on the kernel?01:28
ign0ramusdraik, hmmm... lsmod? (good question)01:29
draikign0ramus: I'm afraid to do a Google search and come up with network disconnection.01:33
ign0ramusdraik, is Rhine VIA?01:33
draikign0ramus: Yeah. via_rhine01:33
je_obolggsyes via is rhine01:33
je_obolggsit was an early ethernet if i remember01:33
ign0ramusdraik, via has a section for linux chipset drivers01:33
ign0ramusdraik, http://www.viaarena.com/default.aspx?PageID=2&OSID=45&CatID=322001:34
ign0ramusdraik, woops try here: http://www.viaarena.com/default.aspx?PageID=2&OSID=45&CatID=316001:34
draikign0ramus: I hope I don't freeze the network01:34
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LuisJaign0ramus: what xop bro, i need ur help01:35
ign0ramushey LuisJa01:35
ign0ramusLuisJa, i can try... :)01:35
LuisJaoh lol good01:35
draikign0ramus: How do I find out which one I have from the list?01:35
LuisJasee, i have the runescape page: http://www.runescape.com/game.ws?j=1 , I try to enter but it says than i dont have java, something rare because i already installed it with terminal, there may be something missing?01:36
ign0ramusdraik, "lspci -v" (?) if the kernel detects it correctly01:36
draikign0ramus: Never mind. I have VT6102, which is, of course, not on the list01:36
ign0ramusdraik, great.01:36
max__Hi, anytime i try to open the settings in Konqueror my computer hangs-up. Does anyone know what would cause this?01:37
ign0ramusLuisJa, loads ok here... do you have "kubuntu-restricted-extras" installed?01:37
ign0ramusLuisJa, that will bring in Java01:37
LuisJasome guy tell me the same things, and i puted in terminal: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras, install okay but i cant still enter the page01:38
LuisJaits boring as hell to go to vista to play runescape when u r extremely boring lol01:38
ign0ramusLuisJa, can you pastebin the output of " sudo update-java-alternatives -l "?01:38
LuisJaone second01:39
LuisJaluis@ubuntu:~$ sudo update-java-alternatives -l01:39
LuisJajava-6-sun 63 /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun01:39
ign0ramusLuisJa, and 'java -version' ? (just post the one line that shows the version number)01:40
draikign0ramus: It's as if my chipset doesn't exist ;(01:40
LuisJajava version "1.6.0_13"01:41
ign0ramusdraik, i wonder if the driver on Hardy is different than the one Jaunty uses... do you have a Hardy livecd somewhere?01:41
draikign0ramus: Nope01:41
ign0ramusLuisJa, you have a newer version than me (1.6.0_0)... hmmm01:41
max__How can i get Dolphin to dispay the actual image as the icon in "icon view"01:42
draikign0ramus: I think I may have found a solution. Sit tight.01:42
ign0ramusdraik, sitting.01:42
ign0ramusLuisJa, you are using firefox?01:42
draikign0ramus: tightly?01:42
LuisJai meanç01:42
LuisJaign0ramus: yes01:42
ign0ramusdraik, taut.01:42
ign0ramusLuisJa, you have Java enabled in Preferences?01:43
ign0ramusLuisJa, Edit > Preferences01:43
khaije|amaltbluetooth on kde4... whats the status?01:43
draikign0ramus: Rebooting01:44
ign0ramusdraik, i'll be here01:44
LuisJaokay... i am lose lol01:44
LuisJahow i can access "edit01:44
draikign0ramus: As will I. I love having this server for my IRC needs.01:44
ign0ramusLuisJa, in Firefox, click Edit at the top left, then Preferences01:44
ign0ramusdraik, :)01:44
LuisJaoh ROFL srry i thinked u mean in java01:44
ign0ramusLuisJa, one step at a time :)01:45
draikign0ramus: Moment of truth. Going to download that symantec update.01:45
LuisJaokay i am in the preferences windows01:45
LuisJain what tab?01:46
* ign0ramus crosses fingers01:46
LuisJacontent? aplications?01:46
ign0ramusLuisJa, content01:46
ign0ramusLuisJa, 'enable javascript'01:46
LuisJajava already enabled lol01:46
ign0ramusLuisJa, ok, lets test your install.  go here in firefox: http://www.java.com/en/download/help/testvm.xml01:46
max__Every time i try to open the "configure konqueror" tab it crashes my computer. Does anyone know why this would happen?01:47
LuisJabtw ign0ramus, how i can go to links from irc with firefox, because when i click in the link, it opens the windows with konqueror01:47
ign0ramusLuisJa, set default web browser as firefox in System Settings :)01:48
draikign0ramus: Nope. NOt the solution. Download froze at 2.3MB out of 52.8MB and the transfer rate of 131KB/s.01:48
ign0ramusdraik, what did you try?01:48
draikign0ramus: acpi=noirq in the boot menu01:49
ign0ramusdraik, i still think it's a driver issue, although i don't have much basis for that, other than that it worked fine in Hardy and less01:49
draikign0ramus: I tried that boot option from the Ubuntu Forums.01:50
LuisJaign0ramus: good, now firefox is my default browser :)01:50
ign0ramusLuisJa, well that's one problem down :)01:51
LuisJaLOL i see the page and says java is not working in my pc...01:51
ign0ramusLuisJa, i would uninstall however you installed java, and use the kubuntu-restricted-extras version01:52
LuisJahow i can do that?01:52
ign0ramusdraik, does "lsmod | grep via-rhine" give any output?01:52
ign0ramusLuisJa, how did you install it?01:52
LuisJasudo apt-get sunjava601:53
LuisJai believe01:53
draikign0ramus: via-rhine, no. via_rhine, yes.01:53
ign0ramusdraik, hmm... let me read more01:53
ign0ramusLuisJa, do you have "sun-java6-plugin" installed?01:53
LuisJaoh yes, is that01:54
LuisJasudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin01:54
ign0ramusLuisJa, yes01:56
ign0ramusdraik, do you also have the "rt2500" module loaded?01:56
draikign0ramus: That would be listed with lsmod, right? If so, I don't see it anywhere and assume "no"01:57
ign0ramusdraik, yes, and then no.  ok.01:57
ign0ramusdraik, wth? everyone is saying that "acpi=noirq" is a valid fix...01:58
draikign0ramus: I disprove01:58
ign0ramusdraik, i know... granted this thread was from an older kernel...01:59
ign0ramusdraik, have you seen this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-config/+bug/11128202:00
draikign0ramus: Rebooted and about to login. Gimme a sec02:01
draikign0ramus: Looking02:02
ign0ramusLuisJa, you still there?  if so, restart firefox and test your java again02:02
draikign0ramus: No, but I am reading it now02:02
LuisJasrry i was eating02:03
LuisJawhat did u say me?02:04
max__Every time i try to open the "configure konqueror" tab it crashes my computer. Does anyone know why this would happen?02:04
ign0ramusLuisJa, did you test your java install?02:05
ign0ramusdraik, basically, have you tried the 'irqpoll' grub option?02:05
LuisJaign0ramus: i closed firefox and tested java again with the link u give me but it says it still is not working in my system02:06
ign0ramusLuisJa, "sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin" then restart firefox02:07
LuisJaLOL ign0ramus u r ubuntu god dude, thx, runescape is now working with my kubuntu :D02:09
ign0ramusLuisJa, good to hear! :)02:09
ign0ramusLuisJa, i wish everyone's problems were as 'difficult' as yours :)02:10
LuisJayesterday u were not here so i decided to wait until today, because no one can help me like u dude lol02:10
draikign0ramus: Sorry, been reading. I'll try that in a bit02:10
LuisJaseriously u save me from the pain of changing from vista to linux and viceversa :)02:10
LuisJai owe u one lol02:10
ign0ramusLuisJa, like i tell you, i can only try.  ask draik... there are plenty of things i cannot fix ;)02:10
ign0ramusLuisJa, you don't live too far... if i get out your way, you can buy me 1 drink :P02:11
LuisJaPanamá not too far? lol02:11
LuisJagood, i will buy u one chivas real lol ;)02:11
ign0ramusLuisJa, oh, nvm... yeah, that's a bit far for una cerveza :P02:11
LuisJaoh i just noticed one thing02:12
LuisJain the verification box says this:02:12
LuisJaYour r using an older version of JRE02:12
ign0ramusLuisJa, that's ok.  i am too :P02:12
LuisJaoh lol ok02:13
ign0ramusLuisJa, stick with the packaged ones... if you install the newer binary from sun, it makes things messy :)02:13
kaddi_newest java version is 6.14, if you installed java6 you should have at least 6.1302:13
LuisJaok, thx bro :p02:14
ign0ramuskaddi_, i saw that too, but i have 1.6.0_002:14
draikign0ramus: I think I fixed it02:14
ign0ramusdraik, really?02:14
draikign0ramus: The update is downloading right now.02:14
ign0ramusdraik, what'd you do?02:14
draikign0ramus: Something YOU said.02:14
kaddi_ign0ramus: really? how odd.. 1.6.0 is 2 years old and has some serious security issues.02:14
ign0ramusdraik, bwahahahahaha02:15
max__Hi, I think something is really wrong with my kubuntu, I installed this morning(fresh install) and since then I've had four programs (jackctl, konqueror, kpackagewin, and quassel) all make my system completely lock up. How can i figure out why they are doing this, and stop them from continuing to do this?02:15
ign0ramuskaddi_, i have all the offical jaunty repos, and installing java6 and doing 'java -version' reports 1.6.0_002:16
draikign0ramus: When you said that comment about the 'old kernel', I thought, "What about my older kernel, 2.6.28-13? It's not old, but it's my actual latest one." Booted up into that one with the acpi=noirq and VIOLA!02:16
LuisJaahh... holda ign0ramus there is something rare02:16
LuisJano sound in runescape :(02:16
ign0ramusdraik, haha!02:16
LuisJabut very fast at least :)02:16
kaddi_ign0ramus: ah, I did apt-cache policy it said 6.1302:16
LuisJai thinked it will go slow as hell lol02:16
ign0ramusLuisJa, probably an issue with pulseaudio02:16
ign0ramusMamarok, are you there? we have something rare!02:17
draikign0ramus: DOWNLOAD COMPLETE!!!02:17
ign0ramusdraik, success!02:17
LuisJacan we fix that?02:17
draikign0ramus: AND I STILL HAVE INTERNET/NETWORK ACCESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! \o/\o/\o/\o/\o/\o/02:17
ign0ramusLuisJa, yeah, Mamarok is the expert on this one, though, and i don't think she's around02:17
LuisJaoh well...02:18
ign0ramusdraik, that's almost worthy of a kirby dance!02:18
draikign0ramus: Oooohh, yeah. Do it02:18
ign0ramusdraik, no way dude.02:18
ign0ramusah what the heck02:19
ign0ramusdraik, ok, i'm done here for tonight... guess what i'm going to do?02:19
BluesKajhave one for me , ign0ramus02:20
draikign0ramus: NO clue.02:20
ign0ramusBluesKaj, haha! i really need to slow down :P02:20
ign0ramusi'll have one for you too, draik02:20
ign0ramusgnite all02:20
draikgenii: Guess what finally got fixed?02:21
draikgenii: That's vague, I'm sure. Answer: My network02:22
max__Hi, I think something is really wrong with my kubuntu, I installed this morning(fresh install) and since then I've had four programs (jackctl, konqueror, kpackagewin, and quassel) all make my system completely lock up. How can i figure out why they are doing this, and stop them from continuing to do this?02:23
macheljacksonI get an error when I invoke Kget saying: Plugin loader could not load the plugin: kget_bittorentfactory.  Any idea?02:24
draikI wonder if that also fixed my USB issue. One way to find out. Good morning/day/afternoon/evening/night everyone.02:28
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dhqmy amaroK2.0.2 doesnt have an equalizer02:41
coz_hey guys... how to install kdm themes?02:42
kaddi_dhq: it's not implemented yet. It is on their list, but not ready.02:46
dhqkaddi_: hmm ok02:46
dhqguess i will have to use a better player ... anyideas which is good02:47
macheljacksondhq: Mplayer, it also get equalizer.02:48
max__dhq: You can also just install amarok 1.4.02:48
dhqwell which other player is good02:49
dhqwanna try something new02:49
max__Hi, I think something is really wrong with my kubuntu, I installed this morning(fresh install) and since then I've had four programs (jackctl, konqueror, kpackagewin, and quassel) all make my system completely lock up. How can i figure out why they are doing this, and stop them from continuing to do this?02:50
kaddi_dhq: from what I find with google this is more of a problem with phonon than with amarok. amarok 2.2 does not seem to have the eq yewt, though02:51
dhqkaddi_: which player has an equalizer with kde402:52
kaddi_dhq: idk, I use amarok2 but I ain't to happy with it either, for different reasons. I'm no user of inbuilt equalizers02:53
Serpardumwhat are the names of the disk partion software?  I forgets02:53
g0usldhq try VLC I have been using it for years It is on the Gnome desktop here02:54
Serpardumlet me see kaddi_... thanks02:54
dhqg0usl: but it doesnt have a playlist and all02:54
Serpardumthat o ne I don't have installed.  must be anotehr one02:54
kaddi_qparted or kparted?02:54
g0uslIt should have02:55
Serpardumkparted not foudn.  I have parted02:55
Serpardumtext based02:55
g0uslYeah the version here does, just checked02:55
kaddi_the gparted, kparted and qtparted are simply frontends for parted02:56
dhqkaddi_: do you know any mp3 players with equalizers02:57
Dragnslcrqtparted isn't maintained anymore. The new program is partitionmanager02:57
kaddi_dhq: no I don't use equalizers.. amarok1.4 has been mentioned. the gnome-default-musicplayer is called rythmbox, but I'm sure there are more02:59
kaddi_Dragnslcr: thanks, didn't know that :)02:59
DragnslcrYeah, though it's very weird having a KDE program without a k in the name03:00
khaije|amaltanyone else get a google voice invite today?03:00
max__Hi, I think something is really wrong with my kubuntu, I installed this morning(fresh install) and since then I've had four programs (jackctl, konqueror, kpackagewin, and quassel) all make my system completely lock up. How can i figure out why they are doing this, and stop them from continuing to do this?03:01
kaddi_Dragnslcr: I've found all those new names way to confusing and simply but aliases up for the most important apps. :D You know why they decided to get away from the k-names?03:02
DragnslcrI think most of them are still ksomething03:02
DragnslcrI don't count Quassel, since it's still not as good as Konversation03:03
kaddi_hehe, agreed :D03:03
Dragnslcrmax__- completely lock up as in you have to hit the power button on your computer?03:03
max__Dragnslcr: Yes.03:04
DragnslcrMost of the times I've seen that, it's a hardware issue, often the video card overheating and locking up03:04
DragnslcrIs it freezing randomly, or can you reproduce it reliably?03:05
max__I can reproduce it.03:05
max__It only happens with certian programs.03:05
max__Each time, every time.03:05
max__Ive got a Nvidie Geforce 8200M for a graphics card.03:06
DragnslcrDoes it happen as soon as you start those programs, or after some time?03:06
max__As soon as i stat them, except for Konqueror, which only locks up when i try to go to "konqueror settings"03:07
DragnslcrI think you may be quite a bit over my head on this one03:07
Serpardumthanks, gparted works fine03:07
DragnslcrAll I can think of is to install the debug packages and see if you get anything useful in a log file03:08
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togeticanyone want to help me to get X working? http://pastebin.com/f4078070e03:20
oddyhi everyone03:23
oddyam i at the right place03:24
oddythis is my first time here03:24
oddyis this some sort of help club?03:24
SerpardumUsing partiionmanager and gparted I don't see an option for creating NTFS.  How do I add that functionality?03:29
DragnslcrLet me look up the package name03:30
Serpardumhmm. I already have taht installed :/  let me see if Ic an run it03:31
Serpardumalready got that.  dang.  I guess i"ll have to go with fat3203:32
DragnslcrLet me check03:32
DragnslcrSerpardum- try ntfsprogs03:39
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Serpardumlet met ry Dragnslcr03:52
WerenerdEvening all. I just upgraded to KDE4 and for the life of me I cannot get the weather to work. I tried putting my zipcode, but it is never found. Anyone have this problem?04:06
togeticWerenerd: i had problems with weather widget as well, it was awhile go though, so i can't say if it's been fixed or not04:08
togeticthis was about 3-4 months ago04:08
max__How do I disable effects?04:08
togeticmax__: system settings04:09
togetickmenu > computer > system settings04:09
max__togetic: where in sys settings?04:09
max__Found it.04:09
togeticit's been awhile since i've used kde, nearly 2 weeks now since x.org is giving me problems04:10
togeticstill :\04:10
togetici've begged on about 6 channels for help tonight too04:10
dhqi have kubuntu 9.04 ... now i have a 1tb harddrive and want to share files over the local network using a web browser with admin capabilities what do i do04:15
BluesKajdhq, install samba and you can use the smb client in the addressbar, like so. smb:/04:21
BluesKajwith konqueror04:21
dhqBluesKaj: i dont wanna use samba04:22
dhqBluesKaj: i need something professional04:22
BluesKajor dolphin /places/network04:22
BluesKajprofessional ?04:22
dhqBluesKaj: yup04:23
dhqlike have a username and password with a webinterface04:23
BluesKajwell, most will ask for a username and pw , even samba04:24
dhqBluesKaj: i need to create usernames and pass for individual users04:25
BluesKajthat's done on the server shares04:27
BluesKajanyway sacktime for me04:29
SerpardumI was borusing with firefox and I did.. something.. with mouse and then I saw all my open windows where I could select one, not like the alt tab.  How do I do that on purpose?04:48
geniiSerpardum: Likely uoi clicked on the down-arrow to the right of the tabs, it lists open windows04:56
Serpardumit was more like that alt-tab, with the window pictures, but instead of them being 3d like that does, it showed them all on teh desktop flat04:59
SerpardumI have never seen it before like that, I know the down arrow is a list05:00
geniiSerpardum: In Compiz if you do ctrl-alt-downarrow/uparrow it has a similar effect.05:09
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Matthew_CDoes kubuntu have a way to split a winxp disk and install dual-boot w/o hurting existing winxp?05:15
tak_My name Anh kiet05:16
tak_I from VietNam05:16
tak_And you05:16
Serpardumctrl-alt-down arrow does nothing05:16
geniiMatthew_C: The livecd partitioner can resize any partitions if you install the filesystem support for whatever it is. So if you have ntfsprogs installed it can resize ntfs partitions, tc05:19
Matthew_Chow can i know what filesystem xp is using?05:21
genii!vn | tak_ You may be interested that there is also a Vietnamese ubuntu channel :05:21
ubottutak_ You may be interested that there is also a Vietnamese ubuntu channel :: Để được trợ giúp về Ubuntu bằng ngôn ngữ Việt, xin vui lòng /join #ubuntu-vn. Rất vui lòng được giúp đỡ05:21
geniiMatthew_C: 2000,XP, Vista, Win 7 all use NTFS05:21
tak_how conect ISA server to OS Kubuntu05:22
geniiMatthew_C: win3.x,95/98/ME all use FAT05:22
geniitak_: As I understand, ISA server is just a proxy. So you can just tell Kubuntu to use whatever the ISA IP#/Name and ports the other boxes would use on it05:25
SirMooIs "You may be interested" correct English? Aint it "You might be"?05:27
geniiSirMoo: Probably05:28
LuisJaMamarok: ei mama, i got one java problem, i am playing runescape in kubuntu but i dont have sound, what can be happening'05:31
SirMooAint sound a common RS issue?05:33
SirMooI no longer play but having done support on there in the past, I'm guessing it's not really a kubuntu problem.05:36
ComunisTicohi i need help with my pc. i bought a a 1gb memory expansion for my laptop and when i try booting the screen wont turn on05:40
ComunisTicoi have no idea what could it be. with 8.10 the pc would turn on but froze around 1 hour after booting, no it just ont turn up on 9.0405:40
SirMooAre you using the correct ram. o.O05:42
yogaI already install the w32codecs package, by I still cannot play wma file in Amarok?06:13
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numeni want to use wifi with my kubuntu 7.10, with ubuntu it works, but ist there no wifi manager with kubuntu?07:12
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SerpardumI'm trying to play an (admittedly cheap) DVD of a movie.  It shows the previews, but won't show the movie.  I go to the cd directory, and it won't play the VOB files.    This is a video I rented from RedBox, B movie at best.  Any ideas?07:18
CoJaBo-AztecSerpardum: Do you have the DVD-CSS stuff installed?07:19
CoJaBo-AztecSerpardum: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs07:20
numeni want to use wifi with my kubuntu 7.10, with ubuntu it works, but ist there no wifi manager with kubuntu?07:22
netdaemonquestion about the default quassel package in kubuntu...will i be able to connect to the core component from another machine?07:23
netdaemonor do i need to install quassel-core for that functionality07:23
geniinumen: 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) is no longer supported or maintained07:25
geniinetdaemon: You may want to ask in #quassel (if you can find someone awake in there)07:26
numengenii i tried with 9.04, but there is no wifi manager, too07:28
geniinumen: I'm not currently on kde4 ... but I believe you need to add the Network Manager widget or so07:31
jazmangot an old pc amd 400 256 ram any ideas on good linux distro for it other than puppy or dsl07:43
geniiXubuntu ? ;)07:43
jazmantrying soon07:43
jazmanhardy i going may have to go to draper07:43
dsmith_hi I cannot get glxgears to run07:44
dsmith_Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".07:44
dsmith_i have to enable glx, but not sure on how07:44
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geniijazman: Also Vector Linux is pretty good minimal type dist07:48
jazmangood ill look it up07:48
CoJaBo-AztecWhen copying ~10,000 JPEG images using Dolphin, how do I stop it from displaying a "failed to set permissions" error for every siingle one of them?07:49
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geniiCoJaBo-Aztec: You're copying files to or from a FAT or NTFS drive?07:52
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CoJaBo-Aztecgenii: NTFS or mounted share, both give the same error.07:55
makuseruHi, can someone help me with wireless? Under the "Network Manager" icon it shows "WLAN Interface Disconnected" under the 'wireless' tab. But when I click the check mark for connect nothing happens, there is an option for "connect to hidden network" but when I click on that it just opens a dialog box and asks for a "ssid".07:57
shadeslayermakuseru: then put your ssid and click connect07:57
shadeslayerhidden networks do not broadcast their essid07:58
shadeslayermakuseru: also is there some kind of switch to bring the wifi card up??07:59
makuseruWhat is an ssid?07:59
makuseruI dont think there is. I'm not sure.07:59
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shadeslayermakuseru: ok do >> sudo ifconfig wlan0 up << in a terminal08:01
shadeslayerthen >> iwlist scan << for wireless networks08:01
shadeslayerill brb...08:01
shadeslayermakuseru: now...did any info come up on the last command?08:03
SirMooWhat exacally IS swap space?08:05
shadeslayer!swap | SirMoo08:06
ubottuSirMoo: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info08:06
netdaemonSirMoo: think page file08:06
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:06
netdaemonhrm...still slightly confused by the "mono" version and the quassel-{client,core} bits08:09
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:11
shadeslayernetdaemon: i am *always* confused by their versions.....thus i use irssi :)08:12
netdaemonshadeslayer: i usually use weechat + screen but i'm intriqued by quassel, mainly out of lazyness for maximizing and clicking long links...08:13
shadeslayernetdaemon: hehe...well i think i have the quassel with distributed core component08:14
netdaemoni was trying to connect from another system, doesn't seem it wants to08:15
netdaemonalright yes, you need the split components if you want the screen like features it seems08:15
shadeslayernetdaemon: yep..08:15
netdaemoni'll be back in a sec then08:16
shadeslayermakuseru: there??08:16
netdaemoni'm on the monolithic client right now...08:16
netdaemonthis will work wonderfully :)08:21
shadeslayernetdaemon: hehe..08:21
netdaemonhmm i should probably look into apparmor...08:22
netdaemoncontain this silly quassel-core :)08:22
SirMoo"The attempt to mount a file system with type ext2 in SCSI1 (0,0,0), partition #3 (sda) at / failed.08:26
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SirMoo>_> Twice now.08:26
SirMooWha'd I do wrong? D=08:27
geniiSirMoo: Are you getting this message during boot?08:29
SirMooNo, I'm trying ot reinstall.08:29
max__Hi, can someone help me figure out how to use my wireless connection? When I click on Network Manager in the tray it says "wlan interface disconnected" and when I click the check to connect, nothing happens. But there is text that says "connect to hidden network" and when i click that a box opens that says "enter hidden ssid and press enter"08:29
geniiSirMoo: Can you pastebin result of: sudo fdisk -l08:31
genii(I imagine you are on the livecd)08:31
SirMooMm. No. o.O I pop it in... and click install.08:32
SirMooI've done it three times now. (each time something ends up going wrong and I can no longer boot to Kubuntu after I boot to VISTA )08:32
geniiSirMoo: From inside Windows?08:32
SirMooNo. I booted to the CD.08:32
shadeslayermax__: in a terminal type >> sudo ifconfig wlan0 up <<08:33
Gamarok__hey shadeslayer08:33
shadeslayerGamarok__: hey08:33
geniiSirMoo: If you booted up to the graphical interface of the cdrom, this is the "livecd" I speak of08:34
SirMooThen clicked the install thing... Go through the steps... Partion I have sda1 (ntfs) (I think it's a recovery?) then sda2 (ntfs (vista)) then sd3 (ext2) kubuntu which I want to redo... and sda5 is swap.08:34
shadeslayerSirMoo: why ext2? why not ext3 or ext4?08:35
SirMooWhats the difference?08:35
SirMooo.O I just clicked which ever I felt at the time.08:35
geniiext2 is fine. You can convert it ext3 or 4 later if you want08:36
netdaemonext3 has journaling, which makes data recovery quicker08:36
netdaemonsay after...a power outage08:36
shadeslayerSirMoo: well ext4 boots up pretty fast :)08:36
netdaemondata is less likely to get corrupt with an ext{3,4} filesystem08:36
geniishadeslayer: filesystem reviews aside, the problem at the moment is to find why install is failing08:37
shadeslayergenii: ok08:37
SirMooAfter the first few times it never failed... I have no idea why it's failing now though.08:37
SirMooMount point is / right?08:37
geniiSirMoo: The "root" filesystem is mounted at  /   normally, yes.08:38
shadeslayerSirMoo: a pastebin of sudo fdisk -l would be nice08:38
geniiSirMoo: You can open Konsole on the Kubuntu install cdrom to issue the command08:39
SirMooAs I said. It's not the desktop. o.O08:39
shadeslayerSirMoo: then which cd do you have?08:39
SirMooMy options are "Try Ubuntu (plus other stuff) then install ubuntu then check cd for defects and a few other things.08:40
geniiSirMoo: You said you booted up the cdrom. And it has something you can click on (eg: graphical)08:40
shadeslayerSirMoo: use the try ubuntu option08:40
shadeslayergenii: i think he's still on the menu ><08:41
* genii makes more coffee08:43
shadeslayerSirMoo: any progress?08:44
SirMooEhh. I switched to ext4 and now I'm not getting the error.08:45
shadeslayerSirMoo: best of luck with the install :)08:48
SirMooMy real problem ends up being I can boot to Kubuntu fine... then I restart and boot to Vista then restart and can no longer boot to Kubuntu. D=08:48
SirMooHints why this makes about installation five or six this week.08:48
shadeslayerSirMoo: does grub load?08:49
SirMooIt says loading grub then goes to another screen and shows a blinking underscore.08:49
shadeslayerSirMoo: s console with grub>08:49
geniiAnd then you get the:  <SirMoo> "The attempt to mount a file system with type ext2 in SCSI1 (0,0,0), partition #3 (sda) at / failed.    ?08:50
SirMooGenii, completely different.08:50
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SirMooAlright. the install is just about done.08:50
shadeslayerSirMoo: what error do you get after you boot into vista and try to boot kubuntu?08:50
SirMooI don't get an error. just a black screen with a blinking _08:51
shadeslayerSirMoo: you get grub though,right??08:51
SirMooI'm pretty sure I do. I belive it says LOADING Grub or something along those lines.08:51
geniiSo boot sector is fine08:51
shadeslayerSirMoo: yes,then it displays an option of various OS's08:52
shadeslayergenii: seems fine to me,i think maybe the grub menu.lst is at fault maybe08:52
SirMooD= Now where is my CD case.08:53
shadeslayeryay for new neon packages :)08:53
geniishadeslayer:  Since it happens after he runs Windows, reboots and then it fails... my suspicion is that Vista is using the partition for something, like a scratch disk or such stupidity.08:54
fg56xfdHi. Under my network manager when I try to connect to wifi, it says "enter hidden ssid and press <enter>" what is a ssid and how can i find it so i can enter it?08:54
shadeslayergenii: probably...08:55
shadeslayerfg56xfd: are you the same person i answered 2 times already?08:55
shadeslayerlooks like it...08:55
SirMooAlright... I just booted up to Kubuntu for the first time this round....08:55
geniishadeslayer: Hehe you scared em off good08:55
SirMooNow I'ma restart and try to boot to vista.08:56
shadeslayergenii: his connection times out every time -_-08:56
shadeslayerSirMoo: good luck08:56
SirMooD= Yeah08:56
SirMooAlright.. Grubloading stage 1.5 yadda yadda. That what you were talking about08:57
fg56xfdHi. Under my network manager when I try to connect to wifi, it says "enter hidden ssid and press <enter>" what is a ssid and how can i find it so i can enter it?08:57
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SirMooo___o Repetition!08:57
numeni have problem with kubuntu 8.10, my screen allways goes black and after a half second, i have the kde, what is the problem?08:57
SirMooMmkay, so vista loaded fine and is working now time to restart.08:59
geniinumen: I'm not clear on your problem. The screen goes off a lot then comes right back on again?08:59
numenits like blinking08:59
numengenii it switchs black and after very short time, i have back, the kde desktop09:00
numenit looks like, screen switchs off09:00
SirMooOmfg! It worked!09:00
SirMooD= Wait. Now a blank screen.09:00
SirMooBut no underscore... that could be good. YAY! Loading.09:01
SirMooMaybe it's just the ext 2 thinger?09:01
SirMooAnd since I did ex4 all it well?09:01
geniiSirMoo: If you had ext4 previously and told it during install ext2 and not to format the partition could be the issue09:01
SirMooI'd offer hugs now since it seemed to work. But it might make some of yall uncomfortable.09:02
* SirMoo nods.09:02
numengenii you know, what i mean?09:02
geniinumen: I think so.09:03
numenyou know, where is the problem?09:03
geniinumen: It turns off in the middle of using it, or only when you have not touched it for a minute or a few minutes?09:03
numengenii while using it09:04
max__Hi. Under my network manager when I try to connect to wifi, it says "enter hidden ssid and press <enter>" what is a ssid and how can i find it so i can enter it?09:04
numenmax__ ssid is the name of your network09:05
geniimax__: You find the name by using a computer that is physically plugged into the wifi router, going to it's admin screen and looking it up there09:07
geniinumen: Is your video card some Radeon or Radeon HD ?09:09
ubottupong is an old atari game. It's fun!09:12
max____Hi, In my Network Manager it shows my wireless as "wlan interface" and it says disconnected. But when I click the check nothing happens. Theres a text field that says "connect to hidden network" and when i hover over that it says "enter hidden ssid and press <enter>" What is an ssid and how can I find it so I can enter it?09:13
geniimax__: You find the name by using a computer that is physically plugged into the wifi router, going to it's admin screen and looking it up there09:14
geniimax____: Quit popping in with the same question over and over when it's been continously anserd09:14
max____genii: I'm not meaning to. My irc client is being flakey and disconnecting me every few minutes.09:15
geniimax____: See the above answer09:15
eldarhi!what it is?09:15
max____So how can I find the name from a computer that is plugged into the router?09:15
geniimax____: It's depndant on the router make and it's admin screens/layout. Consult the manual09:16
max____genii: Is there no command that will just tell me the name of it? All the manual says is how to install its software.09:19
geniimax____: There is no command which will tell you09:20
max____So how do I find it then?09:21
numengenii what should i do, for my kde problem?09:21
geniimax____: Just point your web browser at the IP of the router, login to it if neccesary, poke around until you find the page that says what it calls itself.09:22
geniinumen: You didn't answer my Q of what video card you have. Intel cards have one prob which a fix is known. ATI has an entirely different know issue, different fix. Etc09:23
numenits an sis video card09:23
numenits onboard card09:25
numeni want to use it, cause of the tvout signal for my tv09:25
geniinumen: Hmm. Then I don't have some quick-fix based on the model. You could try if you like the way of editing the xorg.conf described here: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1170931.html09:26
genii4th post down09:27
numengenii but this is for ati cards09:28
geniinumen: The xorg.conf edit there is for all of X and not specific to ATI09:29
numeni know09:29
geniinumen: Try then just the DPMI line09:29
numennot the complete block?09:30
geniinumen: Try first the:  Option "DPMS" "false"                    which goes under the: Section "Monitor"    part of your xorg.conf09:30
numeni will try later09:31
numeni am now installing linuxmce09:31
geniinumen: Then restart X, see if the problem persists. If it persists, try the other longer block09:31
fg56xfdHi. When ever i try to connect my wireless connection it always fails. How can I figure out why it's failing.09:43
geniifg56xfd: Max, we've gone over this09:44
fg56xfdgenii: Ive got the ssid entered and its seeing my router. its just failing to connect09:45
geniifg56xfd: If your router uses some kind of encryption, make sure you are telling the network manager to use the same kind. And put in the right password09:46
fg56xfdgenii: I dont see anything about encription in the settings just a "protection mode" which is off.09:48
fg56xfdWhen ever i try to connect it just says "connecting" for a long time then "connection failed"09:49
geniifg56xfd: Then it's not even getting to the point of negotiating with the router09:50
fg56xfdI just tried using the security encription and made sure they were both set to the same thing, but it still just said "connection on wlan interface failed"09:52
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genjixhey if i downloaded a kubuntu 9.04 cd a while ago10:03
genjixis there any point to re-downloading and burning a new disc?10:03
genjixor is it the same image10:04
Bouibi every body10:04
Bouibhi every body10:04
leuhiahis kubuntu have a kppp ?10:33
shadeslayerleuhiah: yes10:33
shadeslayer!info kppp | leuhiah10:34
ubottuleuhiah: kppp (source: kdenetwork): modem dialer for KDE 4. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.2.2-0ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 673 kB, installed size 3664 kB10:34
leuhiahuhmmm ic because i have ubuntu but when i download my modem driver it dialout but the problem it wont connect that's why i switch to kubuntu10:34
leuhiahkppp only runs my modem in SLAX distro10:34
shadeslayerleuhiah: dial up support is very scarce...10:35
leuhiahand i want kubuntu to try and make sure that kppp is working to my modem10:35
shadeslayer!dialup | leuhiah10:35
ubottuleuhiah: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up10:35
leuhiahuhmmm ic10:35
leuhiahi tried that also but no luck connecting to the net10:35
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leuhiahi hope kubuntu will dialout my connection10:37
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shadeslayerleuhiah: please see the link ubottu provided :)10:38
leuhiahyah i tried that also shadeslayer but no luck and i try pppconfig wvdial but still no luck so i switch to another distro that can easily connect to the net i like ubuntu but problem is dialing out for my internet connection10:39
=== numen^ is now known as numen
fg56xfdHi. Every time I try to connect to my wireless network it says "Connection on WLAN Interface Failed" How can i figure out why its doing this so i can fix it?10:53
numengenii adding this lines in config file does not help10:55
numenany other ideas?10:58
numeni dont know, why my kubuntu dissables the screen, its not blanking after time, its more a blinkin10:59
numenand it just happens, if i use the mice10:59
numenor if i do something with my keyboard11:00
RizRhi. quick q. is it possible to get "thumbnail view" enabled in KDE's default file open dialogue so that the files are listed in thumbnail form with option to increase/decrease size in view (rather than the default and only column view option)?11:15
RizRIt's true that preview can be seen by clicking on the file but it would be convenient to see previews while scrolling. Much quicker so image files11:16
tom___hello, im trying to set up and older computer with kde apps and openbox. I would like to use plasma widgets, but when i start plasma it draws the desktop as well, any help?11:25
tom___hi marco11:25
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oldude67can i ask questions about beta version karmic in here, is there like major bugs reported about it yet?11:58
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millungmplayer crashes12:17
millun"mplayer interrupted by signal 13 in module: play_audio12:18
Sargihi, im using k3b in Ubuntu 9.04. In which config file can i change the font size?12:36
Crissiafter update to 4.3beta2 my kde is very slow12:37
Peace-Crissi: ??12:37
Peace-what dou y mean with very slow12:37
Crissistarting up needs 1-2min12:37
Peace-boot time?12:37
Crissithen, background is nothing12:38
Crissiwhy the hell kde4 is buggy12:38
Peace-is not buggy12:38
Crissiit is.12:38
Tm_TCrissi: no cursing please12:38
Peace-is a bad installation12:38
Peace-omg another nob12:38
Tm_TCrissi: if you think you have found a bug, please report them in launchpad12:39
Crissii got crashes on 4.2.2 which mostly in qt4 (assertions), but the code is ok. with kde4 trunk a lot is better but its far from stable kde12:39
Peace-here it works12:39
Tm_TCrissi: I have it all mostly stable, so see what I said12:40
Crissiso i have decided to update the jaunty box to 4.3beta but that mades it more bad then better12:40
Tm_Tcomplaining about bugs here won't get them fixed (;12:40
Crissiits not stable.12:40
Crissiask the ppl outside.12:40
Peace-here it is12:40
Tm_TCrissi: it's stable for us, really, stop this rant, it's not helping anyone12:40
Crissithey dont like kde4 if you ask for the stability12:40
Peace-just because i have installed well .12:40
Peace-i repeat here is stable12:41
Crissifor now... the jauny box is unuseable12:41
Crissiits not.12:41
Crissiforget the lies of kde devs12:41
Tm_TCrissi: stop now or I will12:41
Crissisee thne reality.12:41
Peace-this is a gnome guy12:41
Tm_TPeace-: don't feed it either12:41
Crissii'm using kde since 1.0 beta112:41
Peace-Tm_T: of course12:42
Crissibut kde4 is the worst release ever.12:42
Peace-well done12:42
Tm_TCrissi: you are only muted, if you like to discuss here about support, see me in #ubuntu-ops12:43
Peace-!offtopic | peace12:43
ubottupeace: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!12:43
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drurewinfo !sitebuilder12:44
drurew!infor sitebuilder12:44
drurew!info sitebuilder12:44
ubottuPackage sitebuilder does not exist in jaunty12:44
Tm_Tdrurew: you can /msg the bot too (:12:44
drurewim needing a site builder12:45
drurewanyone have any ideas or links12:45
Peace-mm i have on my mind the name12:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bluefish12:46
Tm_Toh, interesting12:46
drurewyeah bluefish is nice12:46
Peace-but it's not stable on jaunty -.-''12:47
drurewi found one with paralells but dont want to build with it for its liscence information, cant host the app on my server12:47
drurewgimp has a useable sitebuilder... ill probly use that12:48
yamihow can one find out which driver their wireless card is using? I tried lsmod but i dont recognise any of the names12:48
numenyami you should find with lsmod12:51
numenor with lspci12:51
drurewi was just gonna say tthat12:51
yamilsmod, i've tried.. but i dont recognise which module 'is' the wireless driver12:53
Crissiback to jaunty.12:53
Crissidoes anything have problems with 4.3beta? here its horrible slow and plasma use a lot of cpu12:54
Crissiafter upgrading from 4.2.212:54
Peace-Crissi: what video card have you?12:58
Peace-is an intel?12:58
Crissinvida gforce 620012:58
Peace-are driver properly installed12:59
Crissibut.. the problem with nvidia cards is not an nvidia problem. its a qt4 problem. i have latest legacy driver from jaunty.12:59
Crissisorry, here is an older card...12:59
Crissilet me look12:59
Crissigforce2 mx40013:00
Crissikde4 dont makes the users lucky.13:05
MamarokCrissi: take offtopic ramblings to #kubuntu-offtopic, support only here, please13:06
Crissithen, tell me how i can fix the broken 4.3 on jaunty13:07
Crissi- new user13:07
Crissi- deleting .kde13:07
MamarokCrissi: what is broken? you need to be more specific13:07
Crissi- buying anew grahics card13:07
Mamarokit's not proken for me13:07
Crissiplasma uses a lot of cpu13:07
Mamaroknot slow for me13:07
MamarokCrissi: how did you install it?13:08
Crissistarting systemsettings need some minutes13:08
Idhanis here someone using denyhost??13:08
Crissifrom package: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu jaunty main13:08
Crissijust upgraded from 4.2.213:08
MamarokCrissi: not, the intial Jaunty, was it an upgrade or a clean installation?13:08
Crissiupgrade from hardy for a while13:08
MamarokCrissi: and you have no missing packages?13:09
Mamarokor packages that were held back?13:09
Crissifrom 3.x?13:09
Crissior from 4.2.213:10
MamarokCrissi: no, when you installed KDE 4.3 beta 2 I mean13:10
Crissiok.. 4.2.2... let me check13:10
Crissii'll remove all 4.2.213:10
giuseppe_hi guys, do you know how to find an old pastebin?13:10
MamarokCrissi: no, that was not my question, please13:10
giuseppe_I lose a file configuration for my wifi card13:11
Mamarokgiuseppe_: if you don't have the link anymore, search for the name of the psoter eventually, depends on the pastebin13:11
Crissiyes, there old 4.2.213:11
giuseppe_Mamarok: well, I used www.pastebin.com13:11
MamarokCrissi: I didn't tell you that, I asked: did you have packages held back when you upgraded to 4.3?13:11
Mamarokgiuseppe_: well, you gave a name, didn't you? You can search for your name then13:12
giuseppe_Mamarok: but I'm not ale to search any data13:12
Crissii'll try to upgrade the pkg or delete13:12
giuseppe_Mamarok: but how? I cannot find the search field13:12
MamarokCrissi: please, read what I asked you!13:12
Mamarokgiuseppe_: in the sidebar menu?13:12
Mamarokof pastebin.com13:12
Mamarokgiuseppe_: sorry, I thought there was a search field, but eventually see the history of your browser for pastebin URLs13:14
MamarokCrissi: also, you seem not to have a complete installation of KDE 4.3 anyway, no wonder it doesn't work correctly13:15
giuseppe_Mamarok: well now I find13:15
drurewhey mamarok13:20
drurewbein busy?13:20
Mamarokdrurew: hi13:21
Mamarokdrurew: do you have a question?13:21
drurewno mamarok , sorry ...i wont be buggin you13:21
Mamarokno problem :)13:22
Peace-Mamarok: but i just want know is correct do you have a question? or have you a question?13:24
Peace-well is not offtopic sorry13:24
MamarokPeace-: its "do you have a question?"13:25
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:27
drurewsee mamarol taught me something13:28
Mamarokdrurew: it was more about grammatical correctness :)13:28
Mamarokdrurew: use the tabulator to complete nicks, it prevents typos13:28
drurewMamarok: yeah hey thats cool13:29
drurewjust gotta love bash13:29
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handxIs there anybody?13:39
Mamarok!ask | handx13:40
ubottuhandx: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:40
drurewhi handx13:40
handxwhy that there was nobody sent messages?13:41
drurewit must be the summer heat13:41
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handxIs there anyone know that how to make kdebug debug pascal file?{not GDB but the GUI program}13:43
Mamarokhandx: thes is a support channel, for discussions and random chat, go to #kubuntu-offtopic13:43
Mamarokouch, pascal? doesn't that have a built in debugger?13:44
handxjust in GDB not KDebugger13:44
topramen<makdaknife>........are you busy?....if not then answer pm please13:45
Mamarok!pm > topramen13:45
ubottutopramen, please see my private message13:45
topramen<ubottu>.....I wanted to ask makdaknife a personal question if I could?13:46
topramen<ubottu>and yess i did see your private message13:47
topramen<ubottU> and <Mamarok>....<i'm having the same problem I had two days in a row>..which is I'm still tring to install ubuntu on my acer aspire 5515 on my Laptop and I cant get it to install properly.....it stalls after the loading Linux Kernel...can someone in here assist me with this problem?13:53
Mamaroktopramen: ubottu as just a bot, no need to talk to it :)13:54
Mamaroktopramen: what CD version do you use?13:54
topramen<Mamarok>.....LOL!!!...A Bot as in Robot...OK...well consider it done.....13:55
topramen<Mamarok>....i'm using Ubuntu Hardy 8.04 Lts version13:55
Mamaroktopramen: that Acer Aspire is a netbook?13:56
topramen<Mamamarok>....no a Laptop13:57
handxof couse it is a netbook13:57
Mamaroktopramen: then you need the netbook edition, the normal edition doesn't work well for netbooks13:57
Mamaroktopramen: I just googled it, that is a netbook, so you need the Netbook remix13:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about netbook13:58
Mamarokhm, let's see13:58
handxyou'd better using ubuntu 9.04 for netbook13:58
Mamarokhandx: guess what I just told him...13:58
topramen<Mamarok><handx>....I dont see anywhere on it where it says notebook13:58
handxI really don't know13:59
Mamaroktopramen: see here: http://www.canonical.com/projects/ubuntu/unr13:59
Mamaroktopramen: well, according to Google it is a netbook13:59
topramen<Mamarok>........ok so what's the difference between a notebook and a Laptop?14:00
handxit runs slow14:01
handxand it is smaller14:01
Mamaroktopramen: my bad, it's a normal laptop, I was on the wrong link14:02
topramen<Mamarok>.....what's the difference in the software version you mention earlier?14:02
Mamaroktopramen: anyway, if you want KDE, you should use Kubuntu 9.04, it's more likely to work then14:02
Mamaroktopramen: well, netbooks usually don't have CD dirves, so it can be installed from a USB stick, also they have little power and small screens, small harddisks14:03
Mamarokso it's ok for surfing the web and reading mails, but not for much more14:04
topramen<Mamarok>....well I dont have a note book as I stated earlier I have a laptop with a lot of hardrive a dvd/cd player/burner and a amd athlon 64 processor......I have a ubuntu hardy version 8.04 L.T.S..disc and I am currently using the software on my desktop which I'm relaying with you all presently ...14:06
Mamaroktopramen: wait, I corrected myself, see above :)14:07
Mamaroktopramen: but if you want KDE4, you will need Kubuntu 9.0414:07
MamarokUbuntu 9.04 is only LTS for Gnome, not for KDE14:07
DragnslcrYou mean 8.0414:08
topramen<Mamarok>...Ok...but what I want to know now is what's the difference between the software and why want it go on my laptop but it will go on my desktop?14:08
Mamarokright, 8.0414:08
sourcemakerwhen I use the kernel 2.6.28... then I have a system freeze starting X1114:09
Mamaroktopramen: I don't know, sometimes it can only be installed with the alternate CD, depending on CPU and other factors14:09
topramen<Mamarok>...where online can I download the Kubuntu 9.04 version?14:09
Mamaroksourcemaker: that's not the kernel, sounds more like the graphic card driver14:09
sourcemakerMamarok: it's nvidia14:10
Mamaroktopramen: second14:10
Mamaroktopramen: do you want Gnome or KDE?14:10
topramenwhat's the difference and what's better?14:10
Mamaroktopramen: that entirely depends on your personal preferences14:10
topramenwhich ever's more secure14:11
Mamarokthose are different desktop environments14:11
Mamaroktopramen: security doesn't depend on the desktop, but on the underlying system wich is the same for both14:11
topramenwell i've been using both to be honest with you KDE and GNOME14:11
Mamaroktopramen: then you have an idea of the difference14:12
topramenI only see the KDE or GNOME when I do updates14:12
Mamarokkeep in mind though that Kubuntu ships KDE4, which is quite different from KDE314:12
Mamaroktopramen: well, you see a visual difference of course, in colour, layout and the applications have different names14:13
shadeslayertopramen: google around for a preview of kde 4.3...youll get a idea :)14:13
digmoreor google reviews14:14
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shadeslayeri can provide a screenshot if you wish :)14:14
topramenok kool14:14
Mamarokshadeslayer: those are on the web too, and tons of videos on youtube too14:14
shadeslayerMamarok: videos too?14:15
shadeslayerMamarok: kool then :P14:15
Mamaroktopramen: just google for KDE4 screenshot or video, you will find those14:15
digmorehow do I disable some ttys, because the memory is limited and it is very slow14:15
shadeslayerdigmore: one sec :)14:15
phhdigmore: edit /etc/inittab and drop some getty lines14:16
shadeslayerdigmore: http://tuxtraining.com/2008/09/28/how-to-make-ubuntu-extremely-fast/14:16
shadeslayerphh: apart from that theres one more step i thunk14:16
phhshadeslayer: mmm don't think so but maybe14:17
topramenok I appreciate it...one more question <people>.......what is a good place to download a secure version?14:17
Mamarokdigmore: but the tty doesn't use much memory, you should disable 3D first, that's eating a lot14:17
shadeslayerphh: i quote " With the new upstart mechanism in place, things are a little different. "14:18
Mamaroktopramen: which one do you want? On Kubuntu.org you will find the KDE one, on ubuntu.com the Gnome version14:18
phhshadeslayer: yeah i just read it :D14:18
Mamaroktopramen: also, Linux is secure by default :)14:18
shadeslayerphh: ;)14:18
topramendoesn't matter but I just found something on google but want a good referral .14:19
shadeslayertopramen: i recommend torrents :)14:19
Mamarokshadeslayer: those download links have torrents...14:19
topramenwhat is torrents?14:19
shadeslayer!torrent | topramen14:20
ubottutopramen: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P14:20
shadeslayerMamarok: whats the factoid??14:20
topramenok thanks bot14:20
Mamarokshadeslayer: that one :)14:20
Mamarok!info ktorrent14:20
ubottuktorrent (source: ktorrent): BitTorrent client based on the KDE 4 technology platform. In component main, is optional. Version 3.2.1+dfsg.1-0ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 1612 kB, installed size 4500 kB14:20
ubottuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P14:21
ubottuPeer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information14:21
Mamarokoh, there's a FAQ in the link14:21
shadeslayerMamarok: no the one which points towards the torrent file of kubuntu ?14:21
Mamarokshadeslayer: it's on the frontpage of the website, no need for a link14:21
BluesKajwhat about wget ?14:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wget14:22
Mamarok!info wget14:22
ubottuwget (source: wget): retrieves files from the web. In component main, is standard. Version 1.11.4-2ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 235 kB, installed size 1932 kB14:22
MamarokI wouldn't use it for an iso, unless the server is very fast14:22
Mamaroktorrents speed up when there are enough seeders14:23
shadeslayertopramen: after you download remember to check the md5 sum :)14:23
BluesKajfrankly i've never tried wget with larger files over 500mb14:23
ubottuLearn more about Ubuntu Mobile at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded14:27
BluesKajMamarok, I'm testing this with wget and I'm getting 540K/s which is close to my DSL limit for DL speed http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/karmic/alpha-2/karmic-desktop-amd64.iso14:30
=== wildkatze is now known as Akallabeth
shadeslayerBluesKaj: ftp downloads are unreliable imho14:33
Mamarokshadeslayer: and why should they be more unrelyable than a torrent? think...14:34
shadeslayerMamarok: because torrents have hash checks?14:34
Mamarokshadeslayer: well, if there is no seeder with the complete image you are borked anyway14:35
Mamarokhsh check or not14:35
shadeslayerMamarok: which can hardly be the case with kubuntu 9.04 :)14:35
BluesKajshadeslayer, it's quick enuff , and it works for web based content , not just ftp14:36
weedarI'm unable to choose VNC as connection-type in KRDC (running 4.3 beta), is this a common bug or am I lacking a package? (it worked a little while ago)14:46
shadeslayerweedar: i think the network manager is being reworked..14:51
weedarshadeslayer: but krdc is a separate package?14:51
shadeslayer!info krdc14:52
ubottukrdc (source: kdenetwork): Remote Desktop Connection client for KDE 4. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.2.2-0ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 379 kB, installed size 720 kB14:52
shadeslayerweedar: looks like it14:52
weedarOh well, guess I can just use vncviewer for now :)14:53
avihaybhi, I be haveing a long standing problem with sound in firefox on a laptop runing kubuntu 9.04 with an onboard intel 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio controller (rev 04). the sound usualy works fine but after a few hours, it can suddenly get choppy. the short term solution is to restart firefox (with my usual 40 open tabs... :-<)15:01
avihaybI also had problems with amarok changeing songs while haveing a virtual machin runing (useing a hipervisor),  causing the computer to freaze it's display.15:04
avihaybbut that seems to have been solve when hald was replaced with the new "thing"15:05
shadeslayeroh you mean udev?15:05
avihaybsystem that replaces hald15:05
shadeslayerah.. ok15:05
shadeslayeris this a karmic system?15:05
avihaybforgot the name, I think it was composede of two words15:05
avihaybmissing a letter somewhere...15:06
shadeslayeravihayb: i dont think hald has been replaced in jaunty15:06
shadeslayeronly in karmic...15:06
shadeslayeravihayb: ok my bad..15:07
poleykielonaHi, i've instaled another system which is Ubyntu 9.04, and i dont see eth0 when typing ifconfig. What shall I do ? I dont have this problem on kubuntu15:07
avihaybok, so it was probebly a hal upgrade?15:07
drurew /msg !info sftp15:08
shadeslayeravihayb: as im gathering,udevd (replacement for hald) is here since intrepid15:08
shadeslayerpoleykielona: what does lspci | grep ethernet show?15:09
BluesKajpoleykielona, install Wicd for neteork managment15:09
avihaybI don't know, all I remember is aproveing a package removal and replacement about a weak ago15:09
shadeslayerBluesKaj: wicd is only a graphical replacement...how does it help with ifconfig?15:10
poleykielonaI dont know, I'm now on Kubuntu (at the same maschine)15:10
avihaybit should give you the same output in either os15:10
shadeslayerpoleykielona: open a konsole via alt+f2 > konsole15:10
poleykielonahow could i install Wicd when I dont have internet ?15:10
BluesKajpoleykielona, the widget network manager is unstable and unreliable15:11
poleykielonashadeslayer: i have console opened15:11
shadeslayerpoleykielona: lspci | grep ethernet15:12
BluesKajshadeslayer, it's not a graphical substitute , it's a standalone app15:12
shadeslayerBluesKaj: so it helps with ifconfig as well?15:12
BluesKajwicd that is15:12
poleykielonanothing happened15:12
shadeslayerpoleykielona: you probably dont have a ethernet card or it is undetected15:12
poleykielonaor pehaps I shall try it when logged on ubuntu15:13
shadeslayerpoleykielona: by ifconfig you do mean that you are looking for ethernet devices?15:13
poleykielonahow could i not have card while I'm online ?15:13
avihaybhow is wicd at creating secured ad-hoc wireless networks?15:13
shadeslayeravihayb: pretty good15:14
shadeslayerpoleykielona: is this a wifi connection?15:14
avihaybtime I stop setting it unsecure manually15:14
poleykielonawhen I type in console "ifconfig" i only get "lo"15:14
BluesKajavihayb, it has the option but if you have wifi network then wicd is vg at detecting any broadcasted nets15:14
poleykielonabut when I type it in kubuntu i get "lo", "eth0", "wlan etc"15:15
poleykielonai have internet via cable - eth015:15
avihaybno, I want my laptop to create a ad-hoc secure network (since my card doesn't support AP mode (master))15:16
poleykielonasummary: i see "eth0" in kubuntu, but not in ubuntu15:16
poleykielonawhat shall i do to see it also on ubuntu15:16
avihaybcurrently, I'm running with no network manager, and runing nm-applet when I need to connect to wireless, or my own shell script to create a nonsecure ad-hoc15:17
shadeslayerpoleykielona: 1)ubuntu support is in #ubuntu , 2)what happens when you connect the cable in ubuntu? do you get connected?15:18
poleykielonashadeslayer: I know that ubuntu support is on #ubuntu, but those systems are simmilar. 2) nothing happends when i connect cable on ubuntu15:20
shadeslayerpoleykielona: can you open any site?15:20
shadeslayerin ubuntu15:20
poleykielonaliteraly nothing, and thats my problem15:21
shadeslayerone sec15:21
poleykielonano, i can't open any website in ubuntu15:21
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shadeslayerpoleykielona: ill be back in a sec15:22
poleykielonashadeslayer: thanks for patient15:22
Daylahmm.... i want to install second life on kubuntu, how do i go about this?15:27
shadeslayer!games | Dayla15:27
ubottuDayla: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php15:27
avihaybpoleykielona:  the only thing I can think of that could help you find the problem is:15:27
avihaybin kubuntu: lsmod > kmoduls.txt15:28
avihaybin ubuntu: lsmod > umoduls.txt15:29
poleykielonawhat would it do ?15:29
avihayband then run a diff on bouth files to see what ubuntu doesn't load15:29
shadeslayerpoleykielona: lists all the modules loaded15:29
avihayblsmod, lists all the moduls that are loaded. you can do it in console15:29
Daylaok... second life is on neither of those lists15:30
avihaybthe > filename, tells "it" to write the output to a file15:30
poleykielonaok, I'll try15:30
poleykielonanow i need to logout from kubuntu, or could I have 2 systems at the same time ?15:31
bazhangDayla, only thing I see is the one at getdeb.net ; perhaps the forums will have better choices15:31
avihaybwhat CPU do you have?15:31
poleykielonacore 2 duo15:31
shadeslayerpoleykielona: uh...have you put gnome on a kubuntu install?15:31
shadeslayerpoleykielona: or do you have 2 seprate ubuntu installs15:32
bazhangpoleykielona, need to logout of kde session15:32
poleykielonano, they are totally different systems, kubuntu is from website as kubuntu, and ubuntu from website as ubuntu15:32
avihaybthen you can run one of the system in a CPU virtualisation virtual machine like KVM oe vbox15:32
shadeslayerpoleykielona: you mean one different partitions right?15:33
bazhangpoleykielona, you are dual booting ubuntu and kubuntu?15:33
avihaybbut the virtualisation software will emulate a different network card15:33
poleykielonayes, they have different partitions, different home  etc15:33
poleykielonaok, now I see that 2 systems on the same time is beyond my proficiency15:34
bazhangit's not possible15:34
bazhangif you mean to have two systems launched at the same time, without a virtual machine involved15:35
poleykielonasummarize: i need to reboot15:35
avihaybwhy not?15:36
poleykielonathanks guys, you have free beer when you visit poland15:36
shadeslayerpoleykielona: you do know that KDE and gnome can co-exsist15:37
avihaybwow, wicd looks powerfull, I can't remember why I avoided installing it?15:37
eljakhello, how or what tool i should use to configure my wireless and wired connections? under kde?15:37
avihaybwell, eljak everyone seem to like wicd15:38
shadeslayereljak: the network manager plasmoid or wicd15:39
poleykielonashadeslayer: i've installed ubuntu not because of gnome, but because i've find "ubuntu studio"distribution - with a lot of stuff and optimized for music. I prefer KDE15:39
avihaybI just unstalled it, but up untill now, I used the console for the wired connection, and nm-applet for wireless15:39
shadeslayerpoleykielona: ah..15:39
BluesKajavihayb, I use wicd eth0 as default , but i can still use the wifi option if the cat5 craps out15:39
BluesKajwhich it has in the past ...the cat literally chewed thru the cat5 cable :)15:40
BluesKajdhcp/eth0 connect wire15:41
avihaybok, I get it15:41
eljakavihayb: thanks i will try it15:41
avihaybtime to reask the question I came here for15:41
Daylaso, i have the linux version of second life downloaded, how do i install it?15:42
avihaybhi, I be haveing a long standing problem with sound in firefox on a laptop runing kubuntu 9.04 with an onboard intel 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio controller (rev 04). the sound usualy works fine but after a few hours, it can suddenly get choppy. the short term solution is to restart firefox (with my usual 40 open tabs... :-<)15:42
shadeslayerDayla: is it a .deb?15:42
bazhangDayla, in what format15:42
Daylait is in a zip format15:43
Daylathe linux compressed format15:43
shadeslayerDayla: what are its contents?15:43
Daylaa crap ton of files15:43
shadeslayerDayla: does it have a cmakelists.txt ?15:43
BluesKajavihayb, i think you found your prob , too many open pages ... cpu overload15:43
Daylai havent looked for such a file15:43
topramen<Mamarok>.....please tell me what i need to do to get the right codecs to get my brasero software to work so I can burn the Kubuntu cd15:43
shadeslayerDayla: if it does and also contains ./configure then you need to compile15:44
Mamaroktopramen: second15:44
avihaybnope, fire usualy takes 7% cpu, and it's a dualcore15:44
Daylano, it doesnt15:45
avihayband I can play sound normally at the same time with amarok15:45
Mamaroktopramen: you don't need codecs for ISO burning, something is wrong with the media I guess, try burning at lower speed15:45
shadeslayerDayla: hmm,what about install.txt15:45
topramenok...i use the maximum speed15:46
bazhangDayla, where was this downloaded from15:46
BluesKajavihayb, intermittent probs  are the most difficult to track down and solve15:46
topramenis it kool to do burning while online?15:46
Daylathe second life website15:46
shadeslayertopramen: why not15:46
Mamaroktopramen: you shouldn't, use 8x15:46
topramenjust always thought taht would be dangerous15:46
topramenok 8x it is15:46
Mamaroktopramen: well, being online doesn't disturb, no, why should it=?15:46
glenda_i'm having some minor display problems with an intel 82815 chip set.  can anyone help?.  when i run glx gears i see the gears turning but they seem incomplete and i have horizontal lines covering the screen.  I also have a lot of jitter over the entire display.  my xorg file is pretty generic, no driver specified, maybe i need to specify a driver?15:47
topramenjust a thought that occured been thinking that way for a while15:47
Mamaroktopramen: the higher the burning speed, the most likely you have errors, especially on cheap media15:47
glenda_topramen: make sure your laser is clean, wipe it off with a qtip & rubbing alcohol15:47
shadeslayer!intel | glenda_15:47
ubottuglenda_: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.15:47
bazhanghttp://www.byteme.org.uk/secondlife/apt-get-a-secondlife.html Dayla there are repos here15:47
topramenLOL...well I'm using a hp pavilion 2006 desktop15:48
topramenMamarok...::I dont know the typ of burner I have15:48
Mamaroktopramen: media means the CD you are burning on to15:49
avihaybI've been disconnected, so I might ave missed a message or two15:49
shadeslayeravihayb: nope ;)15:49
glenda_shadeslayer: i was having the same problems before my upgrade to 9.04.  i think xorg is misconfigured, i could use some help to make sure the correct driver is being used15:52
shadeslayerglenda_: the intel chips are not supported as of now15:52
shadeslayer(in 9.04)15:52
Mamarokshadeslayer: arghs...15:52
Mamarokshadeslayer: some Intel chipsets have problems, not *all* of them!15:53
shadeslayerMamarok: did i do something wrong?15:53
* shadeslayer checks links15:53
shadeslayerglenda_: one sec15:53
Mamarokshadeslayer: in particualr the chipset on the eeePc has a problem15:54
shadeslayerMamarok: so only the i91515:54
Mamarokshadeslayer: that's one I know of, yes15:55
shadeslayerMamarok: ok,im having a look at the release notes15:55
shadeslayerglenda_: can you pastebin the xorg.conf?15:56
topramen<Mamarok>....I'm still having the same problem..it's now saying i'm having errors somthing something then I tried it again and then it said not enough disc space and i'm using a memorex dvd-R blank disc15:56
glenda_shadeslayer: hold...15:56
Mamaroktopramen: you are burning a CD iso on to a DVD-R?...15:57
Mamarokwhat a waste of space15:57
topramenso am I not suppose to use a dvd-r on an ISO?15:58
glenda_shadeslayer: http://pastebin.com/f5d84549015:58
shadeslayerglenda_: read this for starters : http://wiki.compiz-fusion.org/Hardware/Intel15:59
topramen<Mamarok>....Was I not suppose to use a DVD_R on an ISO Burn?15:59
avihaybone of thease someone will make a set of programs/drivers, that will turn a large space disk, into multiple small ones.15:59
avihaybOh, wait, linux can already do that16:00
shadeslayerMamarok: ive found a xorg.conf for the intel 82815,would you mind having a look,just to confirm it its advisable to use it?16:01
avihaybwell, it's just isn't comfortable yet...16:01
shadeslayerglenda_: i think the xorg.conf might be incomplete,not sure...16:01
shadeslayerMamarok: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/xorg.conf-for-intel-82815-chipset-608658/16:02
shadeslayerack,shes gone for now16:02
shadeslayerglenda_: have a look at http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/xorg.conf-for-intel-82815-chipset-608658/ , not very sure about it16:02
topramencan anyone tell me what an ISO is?16:02
bazhangtopramen, its the format you burn to get an Ubuntu/Kubuntu livecd/installer disk etc16:03
Mamarokshadeslayer: that's very old...16:03
shadeslayertopramen: image of a CD16:03
shadeslayerMamarok: im searching,but as of now i cant get anything else16:03
glenda_shadeslayer: i use envyng-qt with nvidia cards, is there a similar program with intel cards?16:04
topramenok...but why cant I burn it on a dvd-r?16:04
shadeslayerglenda_: hmm,i have a nvidia card,never heard of that before...16:04
bazhangtopramen, you can16:05
topramenwell why want my brasero burn my new iso i've downloaded?16:05
Mamarokshadeslayer: check here: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/314050 <-- it says fix released16:05
topramenBAZHANG....do you know of a good place online to download a D.O.D...Wipe Clean Program16:07
topramendoes anyone know?16:07
bazhangtopramen, shred16:08
topramenis shred a site?16:08
bazhangtopramen, no, its a command16:09
shadeslayerglenda_: you can use sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg if you were not facing problems ( this command resets the xorg 016:10
topramenok so do I type that command in the terminal or konsole?16:10
glenda_shadeslayer: i've tried that, it only sets it to the default generic xorg.conf file16:10
bazhangtopramen, please read the manual very carefully before using it16:10
ign0ramusbazhang, i don't think shred works very well on ext3/ext4 FS's16:11
topramenManual to what?16:11
shadeslayerglenda_: im all out of options then,i cant seem to find anything else,google around16:11
glenda_that's why i'm here, i couldn't find anything either16:11
bazhangign0ramus, really? thought it was a part of coreutils16:11
ign0ramusbazhang, it's still included, but due the journaling nature of ext3/ext4, shred doesn't work as effectively as on other FS's16:12
shadeslayerglenda_: theres a channel #xorg,try asking there :)16:12
bazhangign0ramus, okay thanks; any advice for topramen ?16:12
glenda_will do, thanks16:12
ign0ramusbazhang, i've heard about 'wipe' but i have never used it16:12
bazhangtopramen, think you should listen to ign0ramus 's suggestion of 'wipe'16:13
TaMonKeinis there free alternative to gimp on linux?16:13
bazhang!info wipe | topramen16:13
ubottutopramen: wipe (source: wipe): Secure file deletion. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.21-6 (jaunty), package size 42 kB, installed size 136 kB16:13
bazhangTaMonKein, gimp is free16:13
TaMonKeinbazhang: i know that, but i dont like that gimp opens so many windows..16:14
ign0ramusbazhang, topramen: also, DBAN works on Linux and is widely regarded as one of the best way to clear all data off a drive16:14
bazhangTaMonKein, what is your end goal?16:14
ign0ramustopramen, http://www.dban.org/16:14
TaMonKeinbazhang: i want image editor which does not open ~3 windows of stuff..16:15
topramenOk thanks...16:15
ign0ramusTaMonKein, isn't there 'gimpshop', which opens in a single window like photoshop?16:16
TaMonKeinign0ramus: did not know about that.16:16
Peace-TaMonKein: krita16:17
Peace-TaMonKein: use 1.6 version16:17
Peace-the versin 2 is still buggy16:17
Peace-for me16:17
ign0ramusTaMonKein, http://www.gimpshop.com/index.shtml16:17
Peace-TaMonKein: krita and krita-plugin16:17
TaMonKeinpeace ok i'll try both of them :P16:18
topramenBAZHANG or IGN0ramus...can you all please tell me what i'm doing wrong when burning my new ISO and why want it burn....it gets all the way to 99% and then stops and says error16:18
ign0ramustopramen, what app are you using?16:18
bazhangtopramen, using k3b or gnomebaker?16:18
topramenhold on let me go check16:18
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topramenit says Kubuntu-9.04-desktop-amd64.iso16:19
ign0ramustopramen, no, what app are you using to burn the .iso?16:20
bazhangtopramen, I meant the burning app16:20
topramenit's brasero16:20
ign0ramustopramen, that could be your issue right there :/16:20
topramenok so i dont need to use that app?16:20
bazhangtopramen, buggy imo16:21
ign0ramustopramen, my gnome friends all now use k3b ;)16:21
topramenok i see i have that one also hold on let me try and use that one16:21
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bazhangtopramen, better results with k3b (kde) or gnomebaker (gnome), though you can use both/either with kde/gnome16:21
avihayb_I find gimp as pretty much useless for a new user. why? because it's very counter intuitive. it has all the bells and whistles, but you have to know where and how to look.16:22
ign0ramustopramen, i guess the first thing to do would be to verify the integrity of your .iso ... you can check here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM16:23
ign0ramusavihayb_, that's true of every advanced editor, be it for video/pictures/audio et16:23
topramenok i'm using it now but i says it want me to use a cdrw instead of a dvd-r...16:23
avihayb_kolourPaint is a microsol+ level paint software16:23
coz_any problems with cooliris and firefox...it doesnt want to show up in    kubuntu?16:24
ign0ramustopramen, in k3b, you must choose whether you want to use a dvd or cd16:24
avihayb_ign0ramus: have you ever tryed paintshop pro 5?16:24
avihayb_or 6 or, even 7?16:24
ign0ramusavihayb_, i have X2 on my windows partition16:24
avihayb_I didn't know they went beyond X16:24
topramenwhen you say verify the itegrity...are you saying the disc that will be burned or what i've downloaded?16:24
ign0ramusavihayb_, http://www.corel.com/servlet/Satellite/us/en/Product/118495154705116:25
bazhangtopramen, the iso16:25
avihayb_anyway, psp5, is so intuative, it's great working with16:25
avihayb_abd it's very powerfull and advanced16:25
ign0ramusavihayb_, psp is very intuitive, but hardly powerful or advanced when comparing against gimp or photoshop16:26
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avihaybwell, I'm wineing photoshop, because psp wouldn't wine properly for me16:26
ign0ramusavihayb, http://www.justlinux.com/forum/showthread.php?t=11219516:27
avihayband beside haveing better filters, I don't see a big gap16:27
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avihaybthat's old, and I never tryed psp816:29
topramenThis K3b is some very confusing software to use16:33
ign0ramustopramen, really?  you open the app, select what type of project you want, drag and drop, and click 'burn'...16:36
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toprameni did but it didn't work but I will keep trying to do that16:43
ign0ramustopramen, if you are using a dvd, make sure to select 'burn dvd iso image'16:45
topramenon the setting it says simulate,create image, only create image,remove image, and verify written data...which do I select?16:46
avihaybnot more then Nero burning rom with the stupid "SMART start"16:46
topramenThe Joliet extensions (which are needed for long filenames on Windows systems) restrict the length of the volume descriptior (the name of the filesystem) to 16 characters. The selected descriptor 'kubuntu-9.04-desktop-amd64' is longer than that. Do you want it to be cut or do you want to go back and change it manually?16:48
topramenis what it says when i want to burn the iso16:49
bazhangcut it16:49
avihayb_I'm guessing it's the cd-name, and there for the length of the name doesn't matter16:50
topramenit's a working now just hope it plays in my laptop16:52
bazhangtopramen, be sure to set bios to boot from cd/dvd drive first16:53
topramenwill do16:54
topramenit doesn't eject when done and i'm kinda confused because it says 100% in the overall progress but only 86% in the Device buffer...is that normal or finish burning?16:56
avihayb_maybe it's just finalizeing the disk16:57
bazhangtopramen, for k3b it will take a moment to finalize/finish, then give a green bar and a pinging sound accompanied by the word success16:57
topramenok i guess it's not finish...the buffer is at 86% and I have'nt heard the success yet but it says success at the very top of the monitor in a seperate box16:59
bazhangtopramen, success with a green bar?16:59
topramenok I have'nt saw it yet so i guess it's not finish yet16:59
bazhangshould be in a separate bar, over the burning window17:00
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avihayb_I guess I was too late17:03
avihayb_he tryed to warn us, but now he is gone, proebly forever17:04
topramensomeone please check this out to see if everythings okhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/204984/17:05
ralph_someone on this channel?17:07
ralph_oh hi17:08
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avihayb_topramen: It doesn't report any errors17:08
ralph_well a lot of names here but no chat ;)17:08
avihayb_I usualy ask it to varify the output17:08
shadeslayerok,my friend just managed to rm -rf /boot (dont ask!) , ive managed to setup grub,but how do i auto-generate the menu.lst anf the intrids?17:09
avihayb_ralph_: you'll find that most prpole only respond to specific help questions17:09
topramenok well it didn't go sucess neither but it says it waas finished i guess it's done....but never ejected from my drive...i guess this iso is not going to work on my laptop and i will need to try and burn another one17:09
avihayb_why assume the glass is half empty17:11
ralph_well then - anyone know why kubuntu chrashes or comes on again when I want it to suspend to disk?17:13
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ralph_I have this behaviour on 3 Laptops and 1 Desktop17:13
avihayb_open the drive yourself, frankly, varios burnig software that eject my drive by themself, cased me some damage, since something was blocking the drive17:15
avihayb_and try the cd for yourself17:15
avihayb_you can also try it out on the computer you burned it on17:15
topramen<avihayb>......are you familiar with the K3b software?17:20
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avihayb_not really, I used it, but I never realy explored all it's options.17:21
avihayb_just try to read from the cd with your file manager17:21
topramenwell i see options i've never ever saw before and am trying really hard to make sure i'm doing all the neccessary steps to burn this iso17:22
avihayb_to burn ISO, I just drag droped them into the program, and it did all the rest for me17:22
topramen<avihayb>....are you familiar with the kubuntu 9.04 desktop i386?17:23
avihayb_I installed from the alternate cd17:25
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avihayb_but what's the problem?17:25
topramen<avihayb>...will the kubuntu 9.04 desktop i386 work on a laptop?17:25
avihayb_how well is up to the laptop specifications17:25
avihayb_everything from the last three years should be fine17:26
topramenas for the laptop it's newly bought 3 months ago.....well I have the ubuntu 8.04 hardy version on disc presently now and installed on the desktop that i'm relaying with you on now but I cant get it to install on my acer aspire 551517:27
topramen<avihayb>......are you at all familiar with what i'm talking about?17:29
shadeslayercan anyone pastebin the output of ls /boot please , it would be really helpful17:40
Mamarokavihayb_: pastebin, please!17:42
shadeslayeravihayb: thanks :)17:42
avihayb_memtest86+.bin       System.map-2.6.17-10-generic       vmlinuz-2.6.17-10-generic   sory for the lazyness17:43
shadeslayerMamarok: do you have any idea on how to restore /boot?17:46
Mamarokshadeslayer: what did you do again?17:46
shadeslayerMamarok: not me! my friend removed /boot17:46
yoga How do I search for bugs?17:47
shadeslayer!bugs > yoga17:47
ubottuyoga, please see my private message17:47
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Mamarokyoga: are you interested in a particular bug?17:47
shadeslayerMamarok: i have 9.04 on a usb and a 6.04 cd lying here....somewhere17:48
Mamarokshadeslayer: how did he do that?17:48
shadeslayerMamarok: some other guy ' advised ' him17:49
Mamarokshadeslayer: brilliant...17:49
yogaI want to find out a "bug" is really a bug and it's been file.  When I start Kget I get and error message say cannot load plugin ktorrentfactory.17:49
shadeslayerhe wanted to use the windows bootloader17:49
Mamarokask that other guy to get it back on then again, sorry, but that is just dumb17:49
Mamarokyoga: install ktorrent?17:49
yogaMamarok: Yes ktorrent already installed.17:50
shadeslayerMamarok: will sudo update-grub from a CD not work?17:50
Mamaroksahdehow could it? He removed the kernels...17:50
Mamarokshadeslayer: ^^, sry17:50
Mamarokyoga: also, kget is just a frontend to wget, is it installed?17:51
shadeslayerMamarok: hmm...so a reinstall is in session?17:51
laz0rshadeslayer: you need to reinstall the linux-image and probably the grub package, although I think the needed files for grub should also lie around somewhere under /usr/share/grub or something like that17:51
yogaMamarok: Yes wget also installed.17:51
Mamarokshadeslayer: well, unless you can find an indentical /boot to recopy, then run the recovery tool17:52
shadeslayerMamarok: how about the ones on the live CD?17:52
Mamarokyoga: which KDE version? as kget doesn't show a dependency to ktorrent at all17:52
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Mamarokshadeslayer: well, I doubt that, but you can try17:53
Mamarokshadeslayer: where did he get that advice from, somewhere in our channels?17:53
yogaMamarok: KDE 4.2.9017:53
shadeslayerMamarok: no17:54
yogaDid you install Kget on KDE 4.2.90?17:54
shadeslayerMamarok: someone he knows17:54
Mamarokshadeslayer: tell him he should very fast get rid of that 'friend' then, unless he repairs it for him17:54
laz0rshadeslayer: boot with the live cd, then chroot into the installed system and reinstall all necessary packages, thats what i would try17:55
shadeslayerMamarok: and the same guy once formatted the linux partition of another friend and left him with no bootloader17:55
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shadeslayerlaz0r: chroot ?17:55
shadeslayerwhat if i reinstall and dont format the drive on which kubuntu is currently residing? will that do the trick?17:57
laz0rshadeslayer: you can mount the harddisk into some directory, then run 'chroot /bin/sh' (or something like that, i'll take a look in a second for the exact command) in that directory to 'change the root filesystem' to that directory17:57
laz0rso then you have a shell running in your old, broken system17:57
laz0rwhich you can use to reinstall the packages you need to get the system booting again on its own17:58
shadeslayerlaz0r: im on his machine right now on a live USB...can you give me the exact commands?17:58
laz0rdo you have a shell with root access open?17:59
shadeslayerlaz0r: sure18:00
laz0rok, is the old root filesystem mounted18:00
yogaMamarok: Kget has a torrent plugin.18:00
laz0rok, cd into the directory where the old root is mounted18:01
laz0rand just try running chroot /bin/sh18:01
shadeslayerlaz0r: chroot: cannot change root directory to /bin/sh: Not a directory18:01
Mamarokyoga: you can load it anyway, the plugins is just not ready yet18:02
laz0roops, then chroot . /bin/sh probably18:02
shadeslayersomethings happening18:02
shadeslayerok i have a blank cursor18:02
laz0rok, now you changed the root dir to be the old system, the shell is just sh, and there are probably no environment variables set18:03
shadeslayerlaz0r: the terminal changed to ubuntu:sh18:03
laz0rjust try running ls /, see if it really is the old root18:03
laz0rand not the live systems root18:03
shadeslayerlaz0r: yep18:03
laz0rok, can you run things like dpkg --list?18:04
shadeslayerlaz0r: yep18:04
laz0rok, then examine the output of dpkg --list for the kernel package that was installed on the old system18:04
shadeslayerlaz0r: this is going pretty good.....:)18:04
laz0rdpkg --list | grep linux-image18:05
laz0ror  grep for kernel, i have actually no idea how those packages are called...18:05
shadeslayerlaz0r: ii  linux-image-2.6.28-13-generic              2.6.28-13.44                               Linux kernel image for version 2.6.28 on x8618:05
shadeslayerlaz0r: there are 2 more , one is a older kernel and one is linux-image-generic18:06
shadeslayerlaz0r: should i run dpkg --reconfigure ?18:07
laz0rmmh, ok, now what i would try is getting that package from packages.ubuntu.com and out it somewhere locally so you can reinstall it via dpkg18:07
laz0ror, better yet, look in /var/cache/apt/archives18:07
laz0rit should be laying around there18:07
laz0rok, on my machine it is not in /var/cache/apt/archives, but maybe it is on yours18:08
shadeslayerlaz0r: does apt-get work on this?18:09
laz0ri guess not, but you could try18:09
shadeslayerit does :)18:09
amaurithe is not fouder game the sims 218:09
laz0ryea? ok, then somehow force apt-get to reinstall the kerne18:10
amaurikerne system kurubutu18:11
shadeslayerlaz0r: i guess linux kernel-generic will do the job?18:11
amauriyes or no18:11
amauriok ..18:12
laz0rif you just do apt-get install linux-image it will probably just say that it is already the newest version18:12
shadeslayerlaz0r: i think i have to run dpkg --reconfigure....apt-get says its already installed18:12
shadeslayerlaz0r: haha18:12
laz0rif you do --reconfigure it will just reconfigure, not reinstall it, the files that are gone will be gone afterwards also18:13
laz0ri think18:13
shadeslayerlaz0r: so what do we do?18:13
laz0rso maybe just remove linux-image, then install again?18:13
laz0rtry with apt-get -s remove linux-image, if that only wants to remove the kernel, try it18:14
laz0rwithout the -s18:14
avihayb_or apt-get reinstall18:14
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amauricompiler c++ for linus emule game the EA GAMES PC18:14
laz0rwell, that might be a wise thing to try before remove18:14
shadeslayeri just removed it and reinstalled18:15
laz0rand did the image show up again in /boot18:15
amauri#include <iostream>   // biblioteca nescess�ria para a fun��o std::cout18:15
amauri#include <cstdlib>18:15
laz0rand, if apt-get removed the modules also, you might want to install those too18:16
Mamarokamauri: what are you doing?18:16
shadeslayerlaz0r: one sec....it was just a meta package....did not completely set up , so i removed the modules too and reinstalling right now18:17
lovrei have set up a panel to stay under windows, but when i go to the screen edge, it shows up over the windows. How can i make it not to :) ???18:17
shadeslayerlaz0r: this will tale 20 min :)18:17
amauritake *^_^*18:18
laz0rmmh, ok, there is a risk i won't be at my computer in 20 min, but i'll come back18:18
kubuntu_salut touos le monde18:18
shadeslayerlaz0r: i dont think anything else is needed right>18:18
Mamarok!es | julian__18:18
ubottujulian__: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:18
Mamarok!fr | kubuntu_18:19
ubottukubuntu_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr18:19
laz0ractually, if that works, there is not much else to do, just reinstall grub the same way, make sure the config is right and the initrd image for the kernel is there (run update-initramfs and update-grub) and then everything should work again18:19
Mamarok!es > julian__18:20
ubottujulian__, please see my private message18:20
julian__i would like to get the wep key for a router18:20
shadeslayerlaz0r: ok,thanks *alot*18:20
julian__can some one help me?18:20
Mamarokjulian__: just ask your question18:20
laz0rshadeslayer: you're welcome18:20
julian__Mamarok: how can i crack the key for a router?18:21
Mamarokjulian__: I don't know, and this is hardly a question for this channel, we do not 'crack' things here18:21
julian__Mamarok do u know where can i get a chat or help for this?18:22
Mamarokjulian__: no, sorry18:22
julian__Mamarok: no problem... thanks18:22
Mamarokyou are welcome :)18:23
topramenis anyone here familiar with the k3b software?.....if so can someone walk me through the process?18:25
ubottuk3b is a feature-rich and user-friendly burning application for KDE (and, as all KDE applications, works fine on GNOME). For a guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto18:26
Mamaroktopramen: what process you mean, using it?18:26
Mamaroktopramen: I can, but it works like all other CD/DVD burner/ripper18:26
shadeslayerMamarok: i think he meant a guide18:27
topramentrying to burn iso....i thought it went well but on my laptop i'm trying to put it on it says media failure18:27
Mamarokshadeslayer: I know :)18:27
shadeslayerMamarok: ok..:)18:27
Mamaroktopramen: could you please put that error message in http://paste.ubuntu.com?18:27
Mamaroktopramen: you have everything k3b related installed, haven't you?18:28
Mamaroktopramen: see here for the dependencies: http://pastebin.com/d34ca339b18:29
topramenyes I think I do.... I dont get an error....after selecting the project I want on the welcome page then drag my iso to it...I want to know why I cant select burn?....it only lets me select burn only when I click on18:31
Mamaroktopramen: well, tat's the way it works, it shouldn't start automatically, so you can change settings if necessary18:32
topramenhold on i'm trying something new18:32
Mamarokthat* even18:33
topramenI was told that it was suppose to say success in a green bar but it does'nt...is there any thing else I need to dowload on the k3b to make my burns complete ?18:36
Mamaroktopramen: well, type sudo aptitude install k3b to check if nothing is missing first18:37
shadeslayertopramen: nope....you can try and use dd if k3b is unsucessful18:37
topramenok hold on18:37
avihayb_topramen: well, I'm packing up and going to school (where they block IRC, among others) good luck18:37
topramenok thansk18:38
Mamarokshadeslayer: ...18:38
shadeslayerMamarok: cli ftw :)18:38
shadeslayerMamarok: ??18:38
Mamarokshadeslayer: I try to do a walk through, do you mind?18:38
shadeslayerMamarok: ok okk...im going18:38
=== ruben is now known as Guest92024
Guest92024alguien pueda decirme como puedo poner una foto como fondo de pantalla?18:40
=== Guest35573 is now known as Nathan
=== Nathan is now known as Nathan`
draik!es | Guest9202418:41
ubottuGuest92024: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:41
Mamaroktopramen: which one now of these pastebins?18:41
Mamaroktopramen: the second one says it worked ok18:42
topramenwhat about the first one?18:42
Mamaroktopramen: wait...18:42
topramenwell I tried re-burning different iso's and I keep getting media failure on my screen18:43
Mamaroktopramen: not from what I can see in the second pastebin18:43
Mamaroktopramen: did you try opening the burnt CD in Dolphin or running it on the laptop?18:44
topramenno did'nt use or familiar with dolphin but yess i've been putting it in the laptop after every burn and it keep saying media failure18:44
Mamaroktopramen: well, remove it from the drive in your PC, put it back in and see if you can open it with Dolphin18:46
topramenok you mean remove it from the disc drive and open the iso from my desktop?18:47
Mamarokyes, it should pop up normally if it can read the CD18:47
topramenyes it displays with the mb and a list of other stuff18:48
Mamaroktopramen: did you try putting another CD (audio or video) in that laptop to see if it's not the drive?18:50
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topramenno i will do that but I know it's not the drive..it's a new laptop...but I will try reburning it to a cd-r instead of a dvd-r18:51
Mamaroktopramen: that's a good idea, indeed18:52
fabcalhi there18:53
mubuHey everyone. I have the desktop cube and rotate cube activated in compiz fusion settings. However now, when I use the mouse scroll it scrools between the different desktops (sides of the cube). How can I disable this key binding? Thanks18:53
fabcalhi everyone18:53
Mamarokmubu: are you using Gnome?18:53
topramendoes it matter if I select the raw cd mode or not?18:54
fabcalsorry everyone: very possibly that I am going to ask a stupid question: Am I right here in ordr to ask about VMWARE (not) running on Ubuntu?18:55
Mamaroktopramen: well, normall you shouldn't change anything in the settings for data CD, it's configured correctly by default18:55
Dragnslcrfabcal- you can ask here, or you can try #ubuntu (which has more people)18:57
=== aaron___ is now known as aaronp_
fabcalDragnslcr: - let me make a try just here18:58
fabcalDragnslcr - R U familiar with VMWARE Server 20.1?18:58
fabcalDragnslcr -  VMWARE-Server 2.0118:59
=== atilla is now known as atillux
topramenWell I did a stupid move I forgot to close the tray in the disc drive, but now my new problem is I cant select the iso from the k3b desktop bin so I had to drag it from the desktop to the keb bin19:00
Mamaroktopramen: when you say bin, you mean the trash can?19:05
topramenno I mean up in the corner of the k3b box where you select what you want to burn19:06
Mamaroktopramen: well, just close k3b and restart it19:06
topramenwell i initially did that but for some strange reason it's stuck at 50% overall progress....19:07
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nate__i installed a script using script manager for amarok but i dont know how to access it19:08
Mamaroktopramen: 50% progress in burning? you mean you closed k3b while burning?19:08
toprameni mean after I figured out that I left the cd drive open and then closed it...the burn highlighted and then I started the process19:08
topramenwhat is kde and do I need to do a seperate download to get the burning process to work right?19:10
shadeslayerlaz0r: there?19:11
Mamaroktopramen: wait, I don't understand what you said19:11
Mamaroktopramen: what are you burning right now?19:11
dan___KDE is a desktop enviroment19:11
topramenstill the same ole iso19:11
topramenit's stuck at19:12
Mamaroktopramen: wich ISO is it? Ubuntu, Kubuntu, 9.04?19:12
topramen.90% device buffer19:12
topramenkubuntu 9.0419:12
shadeslayerlaz0r: i cant do a normal boot since it says something about scripts-top,wheras on a recoveryboot  i get to a intramfs shell...19:12
Mamaroktopramen: did you check the md5sum?19:12
topramenyess but i didn't understand what I was looking at19:13
Mamaroktopramen: could you please do the following: type md5sum followed by a space then the name of the iso and give me the iso name and the number that comes out in http://paste.ubuntu.com19:14
topramencan you show me exactly how i need to type this in the konsole?19:15
Mamaroktopramen: well, exatly as I said, if you are in the same folder than your iso package, you can use the tabulator:19:17
Mamaroktype md5sum kubuntu then hit the tabulator and it should complete automatically19:17
topramenok  you mean in the k3b tabulator?19:18
laz0rshadeslayer: scripts-top is something in the initramfs i think, what does it say exactly? did you run update-initramfs?19:18
Mamaroktopramen: no, in a konsole19:18
topramenok hold on19:18
shadeslayerlaz0r: yes,i ran update-initramfs19:19
shadeslayerlaz0r: it said scripts-top/usplash_image not found and then about modprobe devices19:19
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shadeslayerlaz0r: i think linux-image-2.6.28-13-generic is not bein set up correctly....19:20
laz0rthe usplash error is probably because we didn't reinstall usplash19:21
shadeslayerlaz0r: http://pastebin.com/f7c9543b319:21
topramenit says no such file or directory19:21
laz0ri guess that also has some files under /boot/grub19:21
Mamaroktopramen: where is your iso file?19:21
shadeslayerlaz0r: i removed the word splash,no effect...19:21
topramenit's on my desktop19:21
Mamaroktopramen: ah, then you need to go to the desktop folder19:22
topramenand then do what when I get there?19:22
shadeslayerlaz0r: any info from that paste?19:23
Mamaroktopramen: well, in a konsole I mean, in the desktop folder, you type md5sum followed by the complete iso file name19:24
laz0rnot really, the exact error from the boot process might be helpfull, and i would try to reinstall usplash, it probably was installed and might have some files under /boot19:24
laz0ruh, kubuntu-desktop depends on usplash, so better not remove it...19:24
shadeslayerlaz0r: ok ill note it down19:24
topramendo I need to type it like this  md5sum kubuntu desktop?19:25
shadeslayerlaz0r: i actually did...and just reinstalled it :P19:25
laz0rmmh, ok, make sure you install all packages that were removed because of their dependencies19:25
Mamaroktopramen: well, no, you need to go to the folder first, type cd Desktop and hit return19:26
shadeslayerlaz0r: http://pastebin.com/d6bf3d9719:26
Mamarokthen you type md5sum kubuntu and hit the tabulator button before hitting enter, it should complete automatically19:27
topramenwell i did that in the konsole and it said bad command19:27
Mamaroktopramen: hm, strange19:28
Mamaroktopramen: you should copy that iso to your home folder, no idea where it ended up19:28
shadeslayerlaz0r: you see :5 not fully installed or removed.19:28
Mamaroktopramen: can you open Dolphin please?19:28
laz0rshadeslayer: Setting up linux-image-2.6.28-13-generic (2.6.28-13.44) ...19:28
shadeslayerlaz0r: yeah..19:29
laz0rit seems the linux-image wasn't setup correctly19:29
shadeslayerlaz0r: thats what im talking about19:29
shadeslayerlaz0r: it still isnt..19:29
topramenwhat do you mean copy it to my home folder?19:30
shadeslayerlaz0r: and now after installing usplash its : 12 not fully installed or removed.19:30
topramenand yes i have dolphin open now19:30
laz0rdoes the apt output give you any clues why it isn't setup correctly?19:30
shadeslayerlaz0r: ok tell me one thing19:30
Mamaroktopramen: can you drag the iso file to the dolphin window please?19:30
shadeslayerlaz0r: if i make a copy of everything except /boot reinstall and then copy everything back...will it be like the original system?19:31
topramenwhich windo in dolphin?19:31
Mamaroktopramen: to an empty space, careful not to put it into a folder19:31
Mamaroktopramen: default you should be in your home folder19:31
laz0rshadeslayer: that can be tricky, but it should be possible19:32
shadeslayerlaz0r: ok,tricky in the sense?19:32
topramenok i did in the home window in dolphin19:32
Mamaroktopramen: ok, back to a Konsole then :)19:32
laz0rshadeslayer: make sure all permissions get copied too, don't copy special filesystem like proc and sys19:32
toprameni'm there so now what?19:32
shadeslayerlaz0r: what?19:33
laz0rforget about proc and sys, those should only be a concern when the system is running, which it isn't19:33
Mamaroktopramen: there you are in your homefolder also by default, type again md5sum kubuntu (foillowed by a tbulator press to make it complete the name), then enter19:33
shadeslayerlaz0r: theyre empty as of now :P19:33
Mamaroktopramen: you should see the complete name of the iso file in that line19:33
shadeslayerlaz0r: so reinstall?19:34
shadeslayerlaz0r: if there is *no** other way?19:34
laz0rwell, when i want to clone my system, i always use rsync, that has options to keep the permission, and more importantly, it can also keep device nodes (or whatever these are called)19:34
laz0ri don't know, if you have a second harddisk you can safely try installing ubuntu onto that harddisk, then copy everything back that you need19:35
shadeslayerlaz0r: this machine has a 200 GB partition....which is about 180 GB free.....19:35
shadeslayerlaz0r: no 2nd HD :(19:36
laz0rwell another partition should do as well19:36
shadeslayerlaz0r: ok im making a folder there....how do i rsync this partition?19:36
topramenit want work for some reason i typed it in several different types of ways and still want work19:37
topramenwhen you say tbulator you mean type the word tbulator behind kubuntu?19:38
Mamaroktopramen: when you type ls kubuntu*, does it list the iso in the konsole?19:38
Mamaroktopramen: no, there is a tabulator key on your keyborad, the one with two arrows19:38
shadeslayerlaz0r: ack! i cant mount that partition too!19:39
laz0ri used grsync to clone my filesystem last time i did that19:39
topramenok yess i have one hold on19:39
shadeslayerlaz0r: ok got it to mount wheww19:39
topramenyou mean the tab button19:39
shadeslayerlaz0r: man grsync ?19:39
Mamaroktopramen: exactly, sorry, tab is short for tabulator :)19:40
laz0rthere you can check all the options you need, if you dont have grsync/ can't install it, you'll have to look at the rsync manpage for all the options you need19:40
shadeslayerlaz0r: i dont have grsync....19:40
topramenjust say tab please that's all I've ever known19:40
Mamaroktopramen: don't put too many signs, please19:40
Mamarokone ! is enough19:41
topramenok no I see where it pulls up the iso name19:41
shadeslayerlaz0r: i think rsycn /media/disk /media/Data/backup will do it19:41
laz0rshadeslayer: wait a sec19:42
shadeslayerlaz0r: sure19:42
Mamaroktopramen: so you should get a long number output after some time, followed by the ISO name, that's the line I need19:42
topramenhold on I will pastbin what it says19:42
Mamaroktopramen: you can paste it here, it's only one line19:43
laz0rshadeslayer: ok, i just looked, i used the following options for rsync: rsync -r -t -p -o -g -v --progress -l -H -D --numeric-ids /home/lazor/foo/ /home/lazor/bar/ /media/passport19:43
topramenok hold on19:43
shadeslayerlaz0r: ok,that completely images the disk?19:44
topramenthis is what it said19:44
Mamaroktopramen: and the iso name?19:44
laz0rshadeslayer: ignore the dirs, just the options are important, that should preserve permission, all device files and symlinks19:44
shadeslayerlaz0r: and after that ill reinstall and resync everything back to my /19:45
shadeslayerexcept /boot19:45
laz0rshadeslayer: does the partition you are backing up to have an ext3 filesystem?19:45
shadeslayerlaz0r: nope....NTFS19:45
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laz0rshadeslayer: ok, that might be a bad idea to back up to ntfs19:46
shadeslayerlaz0r: what do i do then?19:46
laz0rshadeslayer: ntfs does not support symlinks nor ext3 permissions19:46
Mamaroktopramen: ok, that is correct, now you should do the same with your burnt CD, wait I tell you the exact line to type19:46
shadeslayerlaz0r: no idea...19:46
shadeslayerlaz0r: ok,then what to do?19:46
topramenso i need to put the cd back in the drive now?19:47
Mamaroktopramen: yes, please19:47
Mamaroktopramen: then you type this in the konsole: md5sum /dev/cdrom19:47
laz0rshadeslayer: well, find some place to backup to, or fix the problem with the linux-image/bootprocess19:48
laz0rshadeslayer: is there really that much on that system that you need to keep?19:48
shadeslayerlaz0r: ok,lemme check19:48
topramenok hold on19:49
laz0ryou can backup all stuff from /home for example on the ntfs filesystem, that should be ok, then reinstall, after reinstall install all apps you have installed via apt-get manually, and everything should be ok again19:49
shadeslayerlaz0r: ok,im going to keep just the apt-archives...fair enough?19:49
laz0ri assume you did not change things in /etc?19:50
shadeslayerlaz0r: /etc?19:50
shadeslayerlaz0r: no19:50
laz0ronly the apt-archives? why those?19:50
shadeslayerlaz0r: alot of stuff i setup,low broadband speed19:50
topramenthat is what it saidhttp ://paste.ubuntu.com/205098/19:50
shadeslayerlaz0r: dont want to download everything again....19:51
laz0rshadeslayer: ok19:51
shadeslayerlaz0r: no problem right? just copy paste or rsync ?19:51
laz0rshadeslayer: the archives? just copy them, there should be no special files in there19:52
Mamaroktopramen: that is strange, it should output a number, not the list of the files and folders19:52
shadeslayerlaz0r: 600 MB of downloads there :(19:53
defrysktopramen, rewitable?19:53
Mamarokshadeslayer: did you mount the CD?19:53
shadeslayerMamarok: what CD?19:53
laz0rshadeslayer: maybe you need pkgcache.bin too, but i dont know19:53
Mamarokshadeslayer: sorry, wrong nick :/19:54
shadeslayerlaz0r: ill copy it just to be sure19:54
shadeslayerMamarok: np19:54
laz0rshadeslayer: in /var/cache/apt are some files that look like they are needed by apt to determine which files are in the archive and which are not19:54
Mamarokdefrysk: oh, that's why he doesn't get a checksum?19:54
defryskMamarok, use cdrw19:54
defryskor topramen that is19:55
defryskMamarok, probably19:55
topramenit's cd-r19:55
defrysktopramen, try it anyway19:55
yang_hey is there some1 who can help me with a sound problem?19:55
shadeslayerlaz0r: done :)19:55
shadeslayer!sound > yang_19:55
ubottuyang_, please see my private message19:55
yang_were do i find it?19:55
yang_nvm found it19:56
Mamarokdefrysk: well, I try to exclude that it's a drive problem, but if there's no checksum this is hard to do19:56
topramenok what do you want me to ty besides what i've tried already?19:57
defryskmd5sum /dev/cdrw19:57
yang_hey i dont have a system settings -> sound system ; but i do have system settings - > multimedia19:58
yang_witch doesn't contain an enable sound system. button. is there a cll way?19:58
shadeslayerlaz0r: im going offline since i dont want it to update right now :)19:59
shadeslayerlaz0r: thanks btw19:59
shadeslayerbye all19:59
yang_cya ty19:59
topramen<mamarok><<<<Did it not download correctly?<<<<20:03
Mamaroktopramen: no, the checksum of your iso file is ok, it's good20:04
topramenwell why want it burn correctly?20:04
Mamaroktopramen: please do not use so many special characters, it's difficult to read20:04
topramenok sorry about that20:05
Mamaroktopramen: did you do that line above defrysk told you to?20:05
topramenno I didn't pay it any attention....let me scroll up20:05
Mamaroktopramen: if you want to highlight somebody, just type the nickname of the person, that's enough to raise attention :)20:06
ZeroKewli have ubuntu and firefox and when i play games on yahoo like yahoo pool and i open a table then close it the lobby is gray20:06
Mamaroktopramen: just type md5sum /dev/cdrw20:06
OsamaKPer <http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2.90> I added the line to my Sotware Source, but I got a key problem. Where can I find its pubic key?20:06
ZeroKewlwhat could cause this it always has done this and it annoying and i have to close and reopen the lobby to fix it20:06
topramenok it did the same thing when I tried that line in the konsole20:06
Mamaroktopramen: no number output?20:07
topramenwhat do you mean no number output?20:07
Mamaroktopramen: well, it should calculate the checksum of the CD you just burned20:08
Mamaroktopramen: do you still see the CD content in Dolphin?20:08
ZeroKewlso no one knows how to fix it20:09
toprameni'm adding some settings in the properties where it says advanced settings...set uid,gid, and sticky20:10
Mamaroktopramen: why?20:11
Mamaroktopramen: don't tuch that, why would you do that?20:11
topramenwell I thought maybe that would help with the installation on my laptop20:11
Mamaroktopramen: you shouldn't modify any default settings of an ISO20:12
topramenso your saying the cd iso i just made is't executeable?20:12
Mamaroktopramen: what name do you see on top of the window? it should read media/ then something20:12
Mamaroktopramen: if you did burn it as an ISO it is bootable20:13
topramenare you talking about in the dolphin window?20:14
Mamaroktopramen: yes20:14
topramenwell in dolphin...in the home section it says kubuntu-9.04 desktop-i386 iso20:17
Mamaroktopramen: no, I was asking for the CD, you should still have it in the drive, no?20:17
Mamarokand you should tell me what header is in the window showing the content of the CD20:17
topramenyess it's in the drive but where on the computer shall I look for the info you requested?20:18
Mamaroktopramen: in Dolphin20:18
topramenwell it says the same thing in the Home window in dolphin kubuntu 9.04 i38620:21
Mamaroktopramen: the CD is not in the home folder...20:23
topramenwhere is it in dolphin?20:24
defrysktopramen, /media/cdrom020:25
topramenso do i type that in the konsole?20:26
Mamaroktopramen: are you sure you did burn a bootable CD with that ISO?20:27
topramenI was hoping I did....I downloaded the iso from www.kubuntu.org20:28
Mamarokyou did select burn CD image, right?20:28
Mamaroktopramen: the download is ok, we already checked that20:28
topramenlike 34 times already 3 times with a dvdv-r and once with a cdr-r20:29
Mamaroktopramen: do yu have the possibility to get a CD from a local LUG or so?20:31
topramenhuh!...not familiar with a local LUG?20:31
Mamaroktopramen: the local Linux User Group = LUG20:32
topramenok but If I do that I still will have the same problem I have now...my laptop want boot from any disc but a windows disc for some strange reason20:33
Mamaroktopramen: we try to narrow donw the problem, to find out where the error lies20:34
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topramenI think what ever the problem lay with the ubuntu installation disc I'm currently using now that want go on my laptop lays in the laptop it self.....and what ever problem with the new iso i burned today lays with the k3b20:37
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topramenI will be back a bit later i'm gonna try burning this disc offline...I hope that's where the problem lay20:39
=== wweng is now known as hubar_
hubar_hi all. Question, how do I go about configuring kdm? All options are greyed out in my jaunty.20:41
hubar_i was running gdm before, and had to remove gdm to let kdm take over.20:42
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+120:43
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madalinafter trying to restart my X (/etc/init.d/gdm restart) the server crashes and i cannot do anything without a reboot. Any hints ? Ubuntu 9.04 (upgraded)20:57
ign0ramusmadalin, have you tried reconfiguring gdm?20:59
madalinign0ramus: how and why ?20:59
madalini'm sshd into that computer and i'm streaming using winamp (on wine) and have setup so that it runs automatically..21:00
ign0ramusmadalin, how: "dpkg-reconfigure gdm"21:00
ign0ramusmadalin, why: if /etc/init.d/gdm restart  is crashing X, then its possible its not configured properly21:00
madalinign0ramus: well, after a reboot everything seems to be working fine, as X is starting as it should..21:01
ign0ramusmadalin, you can always check the gdm or xorg logs to see why the crashiness too.21:01
madalinwell, what would i be looking for ?21:03
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ign0ramusmadalin, any errors near the end of the log that could possibly crash the server... the possibilities are numerous21:04
shadeslayerlaz0r: thanks for the help....new install...working :)21:06
hubar_hmm anyone has policykde installed?21:07
madalinign0ramus: if i'm reconfiguring gdm will this affect any saved sessions (autorun programs) on the current user ?21:08
Brad777Hello I am having some small trouble with my sound. I was using 32 bit kubuntu using aoss to launch teamspeak2 and that worked fine. Now that I'm using kubuntu64bit after launching teamspeak2 with aoss it hogs the sound card...21:08
ign0ramusmadalin, not sure, as gdm and the gnome autostart system are different than that of kde and kdm21:08
draikign0ramus: Hey there. All is well with my interwebs21:08
ign0ramusdraik, good to hear21:09
draikign0ramus: Now, onto my USB issue...21:09
ign0ramusdraik, whats the issue with that?21:09
madalinthanks ign0ramus21:09
draikI am now able to see my 500GB external, however, doing a transfer of many files (total of 129GB), it fails after 9GB21:10
ign0ramusmadalin, np21:10
ign0ramusdraik, using cli or a file manager?21:10
draikign0ramus: Konqueror21:10
ign0ramusdraik, does "cp" or "mv" also fail?21:11
Brad777draik, Dolphin > konqueror 'nuff said try using dolphin to start it21:11
Brad777sorry to barge in ign0ramus lol21:11
ign0ramusBrad777, no problem. you've convinced me with your striking arguments and i wish to subscribe to your newsletter21:12
Brad777ign0ramus, lawl I have no news letter21:12
* ign0ramus is a sad panda21:12
draikign0ramus: I will try 'cp' right now.21:12
draikBrad777: I never cared for Dolphin the app. The animal is really awesome and cute21:13
draikSide note: I have been watching Planet Earth and the dolphins are some sketchy mofos. They lead the bait fish up to the top level for birds to feast and keep them there while they eat too and only let them go when they are full.21:14
Brad777draik, I prefer specific purpose apps because multipurpose apps always seem to have problems with complicated things21:14
ign0ramusdraik, do you remember the last thing i said last night?21:15
draikign0ramus: About the drinking and having one for me?21:15
ign0ramusdraik, http://i42.tinypic.com/21ke3qg.jpg21:15
draikBrad777: That is WAY too awesome21:16
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit21:16
Brad777So... nobody knows how to fix my sound?21:17
draikign0ramus: I'm going to have a collection of these things. I have a friend of mine that used to work at a radio station and was live on the webcam. She put up a piece of paper saying, "Hey Draik". Snapshot it and have it saved.21:17
shadeslayer!sound | Brad77721:17
ubottuBrad777: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP321:17
ign0ramusdraik, sweet21:17
shadeslayerpretty big netsplit :)21:17
draikBrad777: So it seems I let my dolphin escape21:17
Brad777shadeslayer, I don't see anything under system settings that says sound system21:19
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit21:19
shadeslayerBrad777: me neither....i wonder if that factoid is wrong.....21:19
Brad777shadeslayer, i believe it is xD21:19
draikBrad777: The xfer rate is less than 1.2MB/s21:19
Brad777draik, ?21:20
draikBrad777: xfer rate with dolphin21:20
shadeslayerany ops here who can help us??21:20
ign0ramusBrad777, its now 'multimedia'21:21
shadeslayerok guys,bye....im bored...and sleepy :)21:22
darkdelusionsHey guys when i am having issues trying to add myself to the www-data group on my media server every time i add myself it telling me user already exists but when I check my groups i dont have the www-data group on my account http://pastebin.com/m65b68938 any ideas21:23
Brad777ign0ramus, I see nothing that says to check box to enable audio system...21:23
ign0ramusBrad777, wait, what is your initial issue? i must have missed it.  no sound at all?21:23
Brad777Hello I am having some small trouble with my sound. I was using 32 bit kubuntu using aoss to launch teamspeak2 and that worked fine. Now that I'm using kubuntu64bit after launching teamspeak2 with aoss it hogs the sound card...21:25
Brad777ign0ramus, after launching ts2 everything loses sound21:26
ign0ramusBrad777, ok... i don't know much about teamspeak2, but can you set it to use alsa?21:26
Brad777ign0ramus, no you have to use aoss21:26
draikI canceled Dolphin. Taking too long at less than 900kb/s21:26
ign0ramusBrad777, do you get any notifications about sound devices not working?21:27
Brad777draik, ? really it shouldn't go any slower...21:27
draikIt starts off at about 30-35MB/s, then dies down to 750-900kb/s21:27
draikI'm doing it through CLI now; cp -v * /folder/path/location/21:29
Brad777ign0ramus, http://brad777.pastebin.com/m500ee8121:35
draikWhat's better, cp -v or rsync -v ?21:35
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draikign0ramus: Had to jump on my server. Taking as much stress off the desktop for this transfer21:41
stwolfhey can someone help me out with compiz on kde 4.2 desktop on ubuntu jaunty21:44
draikign0ramus: Maybe it is the geek part of me, but I realized it is a SATA drive. I can go to a local shop and get an external SATA drive reader and just pull the content this way. I think the geek part of me just wants to buy more toys instead of solving the USB issue.21:45
stwolfI have it instaled and load the compiz fusiion icon but whin i reload the window manager it goes to white21:45
stwolfnot sure why21:45
Brad777stwolf, if you hold on just a sec i can help you i just gotta remember how i fixed it21:46
hubar_hmm question, what is the KDE way to configure samba settings? (like which workgroup you belong to)21:48
LaeborgClub3D Radeon PCI-E HD4350 1024MB is this one fine supported ?21:49
topramen<IGN0RAMUS>.....ARE YOU THERE?21:52
mark____Laeborg......should work fine21:52
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yogaIn Software Updates - KDE Control Module, the botton "Apply to all avaiable updates" will also update the blocked updates ?21:53
Dragnslcryoga- I don't think so, no21:54
hubar_What does "blocked updates" mean?22:07
Dragnslcrhubar_- if a new version of a package has new dependencies, the package won't be upgraded normally so that new packages aren't installed without you asking for them22:11
topramencan anyone here tell me what's going on here ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/205176/22:12
COm_BOYhi everyone.. i want that when i resolve my local addresses i.e. i.e. abc.com the query should go to a local DNS server otherwise all other queries should go to international DNS22:14
COm_BOYi have made configuration   echo nameserver >/etc/resolve.conf22:14
COm_BOYthis configuration gives you a default ... nameserver.. but i want 2 name server and want to define policy on them22:15
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yogatopramen: you probably hit the tab key twice on the command line prompt, didn't you?  For reply, just type q to quite --more--22:22
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Brad777Hello I am having some small trouble with my sound. I was using 32 bit kubuntu using aoss to launch teamspeak2 and that worked fine. Now that I'm using kubuntu64bit after launching teamspeak2 with aoss it hogs the sound card... errors: http://pastebin.com/m65b68938 alsafile: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=2376453cb456100ee90d0477b57a93cfbbaeb0a522:32
automaticalhey, i'm having a problem with an atheros card in my laptop, using any distro 9.04 upwards wont allow me to connect to my WPA network22:48
automaticalhas anyone else experienced this issue?22:48
kaddiautomatical: I can't connect to WPA-networks with knetworkmanager either. I switched to wicd which works fine22:51
automaticalcheers, i'll give it a go22:51
shadeslayerautomatical: i think WPA doesn not work in knetwork manager22:51
kaddiinstalling wicd will uninstall networkmanager though22:51
automaticalkaddi: shouldn't be too much of a problem22:52
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kaddiautomatical: I just like to add this, because I kind of panicked when I saw networkmanager uninstalling. ;) Everytrhing went fine though ;)22:52
Serpardumjust to double check, kubuntu is jaunty right?22:53
kaddiSerpardum: What do you mean? the latest release of kubuntu is jaunty.  the different "versions" of ubuntu are called hardy, intrepid, jaunty, the next release in october will be called karmic. The K in front of ubuntu stands for a different windowmanager. ubuntu uses gnome as default, kubuntu uses kde22:55
automaticalkaddi, shadeslayer: cheers guys, wireless going good now :D22:55
kaddiSerpardum: so you can say the latest release of kubuntu is jaunty, but kubuntu is not jaunty, it comes in many different versions ;)22:55
Serpardumahh, okay22:57
Serpardumso jaunty is ther versino number.  9.04 is jaunty22:57
Serpardumgot it22:57
kaddiyes :)22:57
SerpardumI always thought that was the name of ther person who made that version ^^22:57
shadeslayerautomatical: good to hear22:59
kaddihehe, the ubuntu version names are always composed of an adjective and an animal name. they are incremented alphabetically. the last versions where feisty fawn(7.04), gutsy gibbon(7.10), hardy heron(8.04), intrepid something (8.10)and now jaunty jackalope (9.05). Because those names are long, usually only part of it is used.23:00
kaddiand it taught me some new words over the last couple of years :p23:02
shadeslayerkaddi: we know :)23:02
kaddithat was directed at Serpardum ... forgot to address it23:03
SerpardumKarmic Kangaroo?23:05
shadeslayerSerpardum: Koala23:05
shadeslayerkaddi: hehe..23:05
shadeslayerSerpardum: Karmic Koala :)23:06
shadeslayer!karmic > Serpardum23:06
ubottuSerpardum, please see my private message23:06
SerpardumI am getting an error installing vbox 3.0_3 beta.  kpackagekit seems to be the villian according to a bug report.  Is there another way to install the .deb?23:07
topramen<<<Can anyone tell me what's going on here in the pastebin?....   http://paste.ubuntu.com/205205/23:08
shadeslayerSerpardum: sudo dpkg -i <package>23:09
shadeslayerSerpardum: i hope all other dependencies are satisfied23:09
kadditopramen: I think it is probably going to be easier to answer your question if we knew what problem you have. Your paste has almost 2000 lines, noone will read through this23:11
essenI'm getting minor corruption problems with radeonhd and kde 4.2.4, anyone else experiencing this?23:11
kaddi(or at least I wouldn't)23:11
Serpardumman plasma crashes a lot.  it crashed whn I uninstalled virtualbox-2.223:11
topramenwell i'm so sorry about that...i didn't know it was that long23:12
topramenhow do you change the font color in here?23:12
Serpardumhere is ?23:13
Serpardumwhat is your client?23:13
* Serpardum pokes topramen23:14
essenfor example, the plasma "apostrophe" in the task looks messed up when the mouse is not over it...23:14
Serpardumsudo apt-get install libcurl323:15
topramenwhat do you mean pokes?23:15
Serpardumit hangs on: o% [Connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com (]23:15
Serpardumtryign to get your attention23:15
SerpardumI asked you a questin.  what client you  using, konversation?23:15
topramenwho me?23:16
Serpardumthere it goes finally 10 minute slater23:16
SerpardumYou asked "how do you change the font color in here?"23:16
Serpardumand I asked you what your client was.23:16
topramenyess sorry LOL!!...yes i'm using Konversation23:16
shadeslayerSerpardum: lag maybe?? or a overburdened connection23:16
Serpardumsettings -> configure konversation -> colors23:17
shadeslayerok brb...im fed up of quassel...switching to irssi23:18
SerpardumI like konversation myself23:18
Serpardumit's more like mirc which I like23:18
topramenok thanks but still trying to figure out how to change color but i guess i will in a few23:19
shadeslayerah...much bettet23:19
SerpardumI told you?23:19
Serpardumsettings -> configure konversation -> colors23:19
Serpardumtopramen: settings -> configure konversation -> colors23:20
topramenok i went there  but i'm trying to figure out how to make them change when i make a reply to you all23:20
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hubar_question, what is the name of application that will change gtk font under qt?23:50
topramen<<<Is anyone here familiar with the kubuntu 9.04 i386 version?23:54
cattellarhello, I just installed kubuntu but it is not detecting my wireless network. lspci mentions my "broadcom bcm4328 802.11a-b-g-n", Im guessing that's my card. What can I do?23:54
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx23:55
topramen<cattellar>...i'm having that same problem as well....i just installed kubuntu i386..9.04 and i dont know how are where to look to find my wireless to turn it on and off23:55
cattellartopramen, we'll see what can we do23:56
cattellartopramen, have you installed the propietary driver?23:58
topramenI'm not familiar with what that is23:58
hubar_hmm no one knows?23:58
ActionParsniphubar_:knows what?23:58
hubar_question, what is the name of application that will change gtk font under qt?23:59
hubar_I remember there used to be one.23:59
ActionParsniphubar_: i thought font files were OS independant23:59
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer23:59
hubar_err, ActionParsnip you are wrong.23:59

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