
asac___when i run daily.sh first lines are:00:00
asac___00:47 < asac___> /home/asac/Development/ubuntu.bzr2/fta/ppa-scripts/sync-ppa.pl -p /home/asac/Development/ubuntu.bzr2/fta/ppa-scripts/confs/ppabot-pkgs-karmic.conf -c  /home/asac/Development/ubuntu.bzr2/fta/ppa-scripts/confs/ppabot-karmic.conf -i00:00
asac___00:47 < asac___> * Doing 'nm.head.ppa'...00:00
asac___so it directly goes to ppa branch00:00
asac___00:47 < asac___> Using saved parent location: /tmp/bot/nm.head/00:00
asac___00:47 < asac___> No revisions to pull.00:00
asac___and tries to update it from "branch" location (aka nm.head)00:00
asac___but doesnt pull even though i have "lp" configured00:00
asacah i think now its better00:01
ftaaccording to http://pastebin.com/f17138edf, you need a 'ppa' entry in your ~/.dput.cf00:03
ftaoverride it with dput_target00:03
asaci dont want to dput right now ;)00:04
asacfirst i want to feel comfortable how the branches are updated etc. that it builds00:04
ftai use ~/.dput.cf to locate the lp account to push the .ppa branch (just this one, not the .ppa.$dist)00:08
ftait's tied to the ppa, same account00:08
ftalike https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily00:09
ftadaily has no option to prevent the dput.. as its only purpose is to dput something00:12
asac$ bzr merge ../nm.head00:13
asacNothing to do.00:13
asacif i get that it means that it stops?00:13
asaci guess removing the $dist branches will retrigger00:14
asactoo bad. i guess a local branch would help ;)00:15
asacits a bit odd ... it creates intrepid and hardy even though i set al_dist to explicitly empty list00:16
asacfta: ok so it creates network-manager_0.8~a~git.20090621t095302.810b021-0ubuntu1_source.changes00:17
asacbut tries to push00:17
ftareally? it has no way to know if it's not in the conf file00:17
ftait's not what you want?00:17
asacwell ... it tries to push something it didnt produce ;)00:17
asaci want it to create ~ppa1 i guess00:18
asacbut it goes for ubuntu100:18
asacdo i need this iteration_tag thing?00:18
ftaas i said, it doesn't support your in-source deb thing00:18
asacits not in source ;)00:19
ftai don't understand then, you have something wrong somewhere00:20
asacthats for sure ;)00:20
asacjust wonder why the version it produces is different from the version it pushes00:20
ftait's not supposed to do that (obviously)00:20
asaci now uncommented the iteration_tag line in .conf00:20
ftathe commented value is already the default value00:21
ftastart with this instead: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~fta/+junk/ppa-confs/files00:21
asacmade no difference00:21
asaci think i know whats going on00:21
ftagood, because i'm blind without full traces00:23
ftaripps, so? does it work for you now?00:23
asachow can i find in perl if that directory exists?00:23
ftaasac, er? you want to patch the code?00:24
ftaasac, it's most probably something else00:24
ftaif -d "/foo/bar"00:24
asacfta: well. how can i check if the file exists00:24
asacyou use `bzr branch ...` there00:24
asacdoes that mean i can just use bash there`00:25
asaci guess not00:25
ftaif -f "/foo/bar/bazé00:25
asacwithout brackets?00:25
ftaif (-f "/a/b") { cmds } or cmd if -f "/a/b"00:26
BUGabundodtchen: still around? no audio with flash now :(00:26
asacactually i want to do : "cd test; ln -s . debian"00:26
asacif (!-f "test/debian)00:26
ftawhy not00:27
asacwell ... i dont think i know how to "cd" inside perl ;)00:28
ftaman perlfunc00:30
ftayou need perldoc00:30
asaci think i dont need that even ;)00:30
asaclets see what happens now00:30
asackingdom for a local git branch ;)00:31
* asac pays for being lazy :)00:31
asacok now it kicks off00:31
mbanausing 3.5 from the repo ... haven#t updated in ages00:56
mbanacauses it to crash sometimes00:56
mbanaespecially with pages with a lot of ads00:56
BUGabundouse daily ppa mbana?01:08
mbanano from ubuntu repo01:11
BUGabundofta: ^^^^^01:12
asac___check out dailies ;)01:16
asac___i that helps upload will happen soon01:17
NafalloJun 27 00:21:36 wizard NetworkManager: <debug> [1246058496.001846] periodic_update(): Roamed from BSSID 00:90:D0:DD:39:97 (magicalforest) to 00:90:D0:DD:39:97 (magicalforest)01:19
NafalloJun 27 00:29:36 wizard NetworkManager: <debug> [1246058976.000662] periodic_update(): Roamed from BSSID 00:90:D0:DD:39:97 (magicalforest) to 00:90:D0:DD:39:97 (magicalforest)01:19
Nafalloasac___: ^-- woot?01:19
mbanai prefer using hte repo ver.01:34
=== ripps_ is now known as ripps
BUGabundobom dia11:06
BUGabundoasac: ping11:06
BUGabundoasac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/204837/11:06
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
BUGabundofta: ping12:49
ftaBUGabundo, ?12:51
BUGabundofta: FF 3.5 is out?12:51
ftacontentless pings...12:51
ftai have no idea12:51
BUGabundomy wind desktop just got an update12:51
BUGabundoand About page says 3.512:51
BUGabundono beta no rc12:51
BUGabundofta: I like ping-pong. what can I do ? :p12:51
ftait's because RC is really a release candidate, if it's good enough, it's the final (no code change)12:52
BUGabundoyeah I know... still13:28
=== asac_ is now known as asac
andrew_sayersasac: Could we talk about nspluginwrapper and screensavers now?14:52
=== asac_ is now known as asac
BUGabundohi everyone20:42

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