
ActionParsniphubar_: i've imported fonts from mac and vista, so i think i am not00:01
topramen<cattellar>...have you ran the lspci command yet?00:06
hubar_what does it have to do with font file?00:07
indietrashdoes anyone in here use Konsole?00:07
Dragnslcrindietrash- probably lots of people00:07
topramenyes what about the console?00:07
indietrashKonsole not console...00:07
topramenjust like terminal...what about it?00:07
indietrashand I was wondering if anyone knew how to do this: http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/6097/newsnapp.jpg with Konsole. I am using gnome-terminal in that snap.00:08
hubar_Like, how do you change firefox's title font under kde?00:08
toprameni dont know that one00:08
topramen<catellar>...what version of linux are you using on your laptop?00:10
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ActionParsniphubar_: you can change the default font in firefox prefs -> content00:27
SirMooWow. =D That was weird. MY IRC pretty much stopped working and did not let me know.00:27
hubar_ActionParsnip: but that won't change the menu font size.00:28
ActionParsniphubar_: which menu do you mean?00:28
hubar_firefox menu00:28
SirMooOnward to a question... I did sudo apt-get installl sun-java6-jre (I tihnk it was?) and then it gives me this weird screen that has like a TOS and then the word ok... and I cna't do anything after that, why?00:29
hubar_'like file/edit and stuff.00:29
ActionParsniphubar_: oh, like  file, edit, view history00:29
hubar_ActionParsnip: yes.00:29
hubar_I found out now00:29
ActionParsniphubar_: gotcha, let me see what i can find.00:30
ActionParsniphubar_: oh ok00:30
hubar_need to install gtk-qt-engine package.00:30
ActionParsnip!info gtk-qt-engine00:30
ubottugtk-qt-engine (source: gtk-qt-engine): theme engine using Qt 4 for GTK+ 2.x. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.1+svn20080816-0ubuntu7 (jaunty), package size 108 kB, installed size 508 kB00:30
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hubar_Then at least the font size works together. :)00:30
LadyNikonanyone else unable to apply 4 updates? says its blocked.00:34
LadyNikonlinux-headers-generic, resricted modules ,, linux generic, and image generic.00:35
LadyNikongood so its not just me00:36
ActionParsnipLadyNikon: you only need them if you want a new kernel. If the current kernel is fine then you do not need it00:37
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nachohola, podrian darme el canal de ubunto en espa;ol00:37
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rgarciaHi all, please could anybody tell me how do I share my files with other computer which uses Windows?00:37
LadyNikonnacho: #kubuntu-es00:37
nachomuchas gracias00:38
LadyNikonnacho: da nada00:38
ActionParsnip!samba | rgarcia00:38
ubotturgarcia: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.00:38
rgarciammm...thanks a lot ActionParsnip00:38
axelcual programa de mensajeria puedo hablar por microfono ???00:38
ActionParsniprgarcia: np man00:38
LadyNikonaxel: #kubuntu-es00:38
ActionParsnip!es | axel00:39
ubottuaxel: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:39
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hubar_hmm a question about konqueror, how do I set it to use a different font when using encodiing ch_ZN ?00:46
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rgarciaActionParsnip: what does it mean http://paste.ubuntu.com/205268/01:08
ActionParsniprgarcia: run:  kdesudo kate /etc/fstab01:09
ActionParsniprgarcia: press CTRL+END, press ENTER, then save and exit kate, then try again01:10
rgarciayes i did it01:10
rgarcialet me show you01:10
rgarciaand I've added the line which is saying in ubuntu's website..right?01:11
rgarcia/servername/WORKGROUP  /media/Ramons_Share  cifs  guest,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8,codepage=unicode,unicode  0  001:11
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alexismedinahello guys, there's someone using nepomuk here?01:15
rgarciaActionParsnip: any solution?01:15
ActionParsniprgarcia: you need to add a carridge return to the end of the line01:16
rgarciadiffe problem..see it01:16
ActionParsniprgarcia: ok the error is different :)01:16
ActionParsniprgarcia: you need to change the servername and share name01:17
rgarciawhat does it mean?01:17
rgarciachange to?01:17
rgarciawhatever I want?01:17
ActionParsniprgarcia: i'm 100% sure the servername is not 'servername' and the folder being shared is not 'WORKGOUP'01:18
nakatsufuckin powa01:18
ActionParsniprgarcia: no, you change it to the shared folder name on the folder01:18
ActionParsniprgarcia: and does the folder /media/Ramons_Share  exist?01:18
rgarciayes i've created it as mkdir /media/Ramons_Share01:19
nakatsuY'a pas de Francais ici??01:19
ActionParsniprgarcia: thats good, its case sensitive too so make sure it IS named /media/Ramons_Share and NOT /media/ramons_rhare or any other mix of case01:19
ActionParsnipthe first part of the line in /etc/fstab is the server name and shared folder on the remote system01:21
ActionParsnipso if the system named 'fileserver' has a shared folder named 'data' then the line would read: /fileserver/data  /media/Ramons_Share  cifs  guest,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8,codepage=unicode,unicode  0  001:22
rgarciais there anything wrong?? with my line?01:26
rgarcia<rgarcia> /servername/WORKGROUP  /media/Ramons_Share  cifs  guest,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8,codepage=unicode,unicode  0  001:26
ActionParsniprgarcia: is the sharedfolder on a system named 'servername'?01:29
kyleqDoes anybody know a good Torrent p2p software01:29
ActionParsniprgarcia: have you named one of your servers 'servername'01:29
ActionParsnip!torrent | kyleq01:29
ubottukyleq: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P01:29
ActionParsniprgarcia: i doubt your file sharing server is actually called 'servername'  is it?01:30
rgarciaActionParsnip: that's my problem i didnt understand that point....where do i have to name it?01:30
ActionParsniprgarcia: you need the host name of the server you are accessing01:30
rgarcialisten, i want to share folders from this computer to another one which is located in another room of the house...01:31
ActionParsniprgarcia: thats absolutely possible01:31
ActionParsnipbut your command is wrong01:32
rgarciaok...so let's do it....first help where can i see the servername01:32
ActionParsniprgarcia: you need to change it so that the command accesses the server by name, at the moment the command you keep pasting is looking for a server which is named 'servername'01:32
ActionParsniprgarcia: it depends what OS it runs to how it it gained01:33
ActionParsniprgarcia: i'm VERY sure that it won't be called 'servername' but will be called something like 'andydesktop' or 'fileserver'01:33
rgarciathis is a little bit difficult for me....ever been....01:33
ActionParsnipbut not 'servername'01:33
rgarciaso, kdeusu kate /etc/fstab01:34
rgarciaand than change it?01:34
rgarciaunderstood....but now i have to discover the servername01:35
ActionParsnipwell what OS does the fiel sharer run?01:35
rgarciathis one....01:36
rgarciathis is the mains computer, the other one works like slave01:36
ActionParsnipthats fine01:36
ActionParsnipok so the computer you are sitting at is the file sharer and is running Ubuntu linux?01:36
rgarciayes....and the other one...is Windoes01:37
ActionParsnipok thats fine, the windows system will not use fstab01:37
ActionParsnipnor do you share folders with fstab01:37
rgarciaright....I share folder with fstab because of the linux, right?01:38
ActionParsnipno you dont share folders with fstab01:38
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.01:38
rgarciasorry i've installed it01:38
ActionParsniprgarcia: you are in the wrong place, once the folder is shared you go to the windows system and connect to the share01:39
ActionParsniprgarcia: fstab is nothing to do with locally shared folders at all01:39
rgarciaok...understood...so after i do my files to be shared, i go to the other computer and connect to the share point?01:40
ActionParsniprgarcia: you can share folders by right clicking them in dolphin / konqueror and share it there01:40
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ActionParsniprgarcia: if you run the command:  hostname    it will tell you the systems name01:41
rgarciaand why am i doing this with samba? is better?01:41
ActionParsniprgarcia: andyu know the share name as you set it01:41
ActionParsniprgarcia: samba is how its done01:41
ActionParsniprgarcia: ok so run over to the windows box and click start -> run  then type: //home     and press enter01:42
rgarciaok..wait a sec01:42
ActionParsniprgarcia: any folders you have shared will appear01:43
ActionParsniprgarcia: and you can even map network drives to them01:43
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rgarciaActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/205284/    -> what does it mean?01:48
ActionParsniprgarcia: i keep telling you, the line in fstab isnt needed. You share the folder using yuor file browser then connect to it using the windows box01:49
ActionParsniprgarcia: why are you running mount -a on the linux box if you have shared the folder?01:50
rgarciayes, but when i click to share, for exampe, i go, left click, properties, share, configure file sharing, right?01:51
rgarciaops right click01:51
ActionParsniprgarcia: yes, thats the only bit you need to do on the linux side01:52
ActionParsniprgarcia: see how it has nothing to do with fstab?01:52
rgarciayes....but when i click on configure file sharing nothing happens01:52
ActionParsniprgarcia: the ONLY time you need fstab is if the windows system was running linux and you wanted to mount the share over the network01:53
ActionParsniprgarcia: try running:   sudo apt-get install samba01:53
rgarciammm understood...ok..np..ok let me try01:53
ActionParsniprgarcia: you will then get the share option. make sure you close the file manager first, when you rerun it, it will be good01:54
rgarciaok installe01:55
ActionParsnipok now close the app and rerun01:55
rgarciaafter click..nothing happend01:57
fg56xfdHi. Every time I try to connect to my wireless network it says "Connection on WLAN Interface Failed" How can i figure out why its doing this so i can fix it?01:58
ActionParsniprgarcia: http://kubuntu101.blogspot.com/2005/11/how-to-share-files-using-samba.html01:58
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* shunobies_away is away: Gone away for now02:01
rgarciaActionParsnip: do you believe that my adept from k->system-> adept does not exist?02:02
ActionParsniprgarcia: you have samba installed you dont have to worry about that step02:04
rgarciayes..but on kubuntu jaunty does not have the adept?02:04
draikWhy would Konqueror and Dolphin lose connection with my external HDD, but this doesn't happen when I 'cp' through CLI?02:04
ActionParsniprgarcia: not sure. if you read the actual step you will see its installing samba which you did earlier02:05
rgarciayes...i saw...02:06
Dragnslcrrgarcia- 9.04 uses KPackageKit by default instead of Adept, but you install packages pretty much the same way02:07
rgarciaDragnslcr: mmm nice....thax02:08
rgarciaDragnslcr: do you know why my system settings does not have administrator mode?02:10
DragnslcrIt should ask for your password if/when you do something that requires root privileges02:11
rgarciamm strange...here when i click on sharing nothing appear for me02:12
DragnslcrAll I get is boxes to put in a default username and password02:12
DragnslcrI don't have Samba installed, though, so I may be missing some stuff that you would have02:13
rgarciame either just username and password02:14
DragnslcrI haven't done much with Samba in a long time, and I was always running it on a server, so I just used a shell and Swat02:16
DragnslcrI don't know how good the KDE integration is02:16
fg56xfdHi. Every time I try to connect to my wireless network it says "Connection on WLAN Interface Failed" How can i figure out why its doing this so i can fix it?02:17
rgarciais it easier to use a shell and Swat?02:17
DragnslcrI dunno02:17
DragnslcrTry right-clicking a directory in Dolphin and go to Properties02:17
DragnslcrThere should be a sharing tab there02:18
rgarciayes..but when i click nothing happnes02:19
DragnslcrWhen you click Configure File Sharing?02:19
rgarciayes...nothing happens....02:20
DragnslcrYou don't get a prompt for your password?02:20
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rgarciano...nothing happen02:36
fg56xfdHi. Every time I try to connect to my wireless network it says "Connection on WLAN Interface Failed" How can i figure out why its doing this so i can fix it?02:52
susbwoyHi, i'm using Kubuntu 9.04. This machine worked great for a few months now and today it doesn't want to :( When choosing the kernel from grub it loads but then stops halfway through the loading of KDE. Can never get past there. /var/log/Xorg.0.log says ddxSigGiveup : closing log. What can i do??02:52
diernosajanybody there03:05
DragnslcrKinda quiet tonight03:05
draikWhy would Konqueror and Dolphin lose connection with my external HDD, but this doesn't happen when I 'cp' through CLI?03:05
diernosaji need extreme amounts of help lulz03:06
diernosajanybody wanna help a newb03:08
diernosajModes "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"03:09
diernosaj EndSubsection03:09
draik!ask | diernosaj03:09
ubottudiernosaj: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:09
diernosajCan somebody help me fix my limited resolution problem with NVIDIA driver and geforce 7800gt?03:11
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:13
LadyNikondid you do all that diernosaj ?03:13
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:14
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)03:14
LadyNikondiernosaj: goto the link03:14
diernosajyup looking now thanks you03:15
billydHello :-)03:17
fg56xfdHi. Every time I try to connect to my wireless network it says "Connection on WLAN Interface Failed" How can i figure out why its doing this so i can fix it?03:20
xwebAre you using knetwork manager to connect?03:21
diernosajWhen I install drivers from system/hardware drivers, then activate the latest 180 series NVIDIA driver, it brings up the loading window for a split second then dissappears.03:22
diernosajNothing ever happens after that.03:22
xwebwhat card do you have?03:23
diernosajnvidia geforce 7800gt03:23
xwebwireless card03:23
xwebCan you connect to the internet via a wired connection?03:24
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susbwoyHi. What could cause ~/.ICEauthority to become owned by root? KDE was unable to start because it couldn't write to it.03:29
xwebrunning some Kde aplication via sudo such as kate.03:30
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susbwoyxweb, thanks03:33
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toonzq tal  alguien sabe de alguna aplicacion para poder recuperar  mis archivos de windows03:33
Dragnslcr!es | toonz03:33
ubottutoonz: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:33
diernosajI dont have screen resolution info in my xorg.config file for my video drivers.  How can I get past the 640x480 resolution limitation with NVIDIA geforce 7800gt video card?03:34
toonzsome one knows how to recover my windows files03:34
toonzsome aplication for kubuntu03:34
toonzim from mexico03:34
xwebHow where your files lost?03:35
DragnslcrPretty sure Kubuntu can read NTFS partitions by default03:35
diernosajNo it cannot.03:35
toonzi install kubuntu03:35
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toonzand windows  desapear03:35
toonzi have use the  super grub disk03:35
diernosajThats what its suppose to do.03:36
toonzand the windows partition its lost03:36
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diernosajYou cannot use windows NTFS formatted files on linux partitions03:36
xwebif you let it use the whole drive it is likely windows is completely lost.03:36
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toonzso i cant recover my windows files   like music  and photos03:37
xwebtoonz: did you repartition your windows machine be for installing?03:37
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* shunobies_away is away: Gone away for now03:37
toonzi burn a image iso03:37
diernosajno you cannot recover any of those files in linux03:37
toonzand boot from there03:37
diernosajif you formatted the entire drive and installed linux on a full partition03:37
fg56xfdHi. Every time I try to connect to my wireless network it says "Connection on WLAN Interface Failed" How can i figure out why its doing this so i can fix it?03:38
toonz50 5003:38
toonzi activate the partition03:38
toonzwith the super grub03:38
toonzbut i dont know if the windows partition exist03:39
toonzbut it marks  that 6 error its ok03:39
xwebfg56xfd: What wireless card do you have?03:39
DragnslcrIf you didn't format the entire disk, the partition should still be there03:39
toonzi supoused that the windows partition its lost03:39
fg56xfdxweb: An Atheros.03:39
DragnslcrYou can use gparted or partitionmanager to check if the partition is still there03:39
toonzi have download the Gpar203:40
DragnslcrIf it's still there, Kubuntu should be able to read it right out of the box03:40
xwebfg56xfd: i used to use the madwifi driver for those but it was going though a rewrite the last i checked03:40
fg56xfdxweb: I have those enabeled now. But it just never connects.03:41
diernosajCan somebody help me get above 640x480 resolution? I think my monitor is the problem now.  NVIDIA geforce 7800gt graphics card has the driver loaded, but settings only have 2 resolution choices.  My xorg.conf file doesn't state any resolutions to manually change either.03:42
xwebis your access point ( wireless router) secured?03:42
xwebyou will need the wpa_supplicant to connect to a secured wireless router.03:43
Serpardumdoes Kubuntu use "Cairo Dock"?03:43
xwebifg56xfd: f its secured knetworkmanager will show a lock next to it in the list03:44
snarksterwould any of you know how to mount a mac formatted drive?03:44
xwebifg56xfd: wconfig will all so show it as secured03:44
xwebsnarkster:  what file system?03:45
xwebfg56xfd: if its secured knetworkmanager will show a lock next to it in the list03:45
xwebfg56xfd: iwconfig will all so show it as secured03:46
diernosajHas anybody been able to fix NVIDIA drivers and limited resolution problems?03:46
fg56xfdIt has a red shield next to it that says "unencrypted network"03:46
xwebfg56xfd: signal strenth?03:47
snarksterxwqeb hfs i believe03:47
fg56xfdxweb, its not showing any,.03:47
fg56xfdxweb: Bit i dont see why, the router is 6 inches from the laptop right now.03:47
snarksterwell i imaged the whole drive and it contains 2 partitions and alot of free space.03:48
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xweb snarkster: http://www.mars.org/home/rob/proj/hfs/03:48
snarkstersdb1 is fat32 sdb2 is hfsplus03:48
Guest79763i am a bit....total newbie around here03:49
Serpardum hello03:49
Serpardumhi newbie03:49
Guest79763can anyone plz beging u....(not that much but plz) tell me how to enable sound on this montstrous machine.....03:50
SerpardumIt should be enabled when you installed?03:50
SerpardumMine was anyway03:50
Guest79763(and how to enter a friging....name...:S)03:50
Serpardumtype /nick nameyouwant03:50
=== Guest79763 is now known as Sanctus
Sanctusthat;s nice...D:03:51
Sanctusanyone with experience?03:51
SerpardumOkay.. on the bottom right of your window03:51
Serpardumyou see a speaker symbol?03:51
Serpardumthat is volume control03:51
Serpardumi'ts on the bottom bar03:51
Sanctuson laptop environment hp 6830s using ubunt latest....03:51
Serpardumdo you have headphones?03:51
snarksterwell really i wanted to mount this mac drive image..  but im not sure i made it correctly.03:51
diernosajSerpardum, i removed that icon from the panel, how do i get it back?03:52
Sanctusif u mean the laptops///yeah...03:52
Serpardumit's called KMix diernosaj03:52
SerpardumJust try alt-f2 KMix and it shoudl show up03:52
Sanctuswhere can i find that?03:52
snarksterpress alt+f2 at the same time.. then type mix03:53
snarksterkmix sorry03:53
diernosajclicked to load it, and it had the bouncing speaker icon like it was loding and nothing came up.03:53
snarksterlook down by your clock03:53
Serpardumdiernosaj: that doesnt' sound good03:54
Serpardumhow did you remove it?03:54
diernosajright click remove from panel03:54
Serpardumyou sure the speaker icon isnt' in your sys tran now?03:54
diernosaji did that with other stuff i want back too03:54
diernosajim sure, all i have is icons ive added, the clock on a really wide bar, and the button to add panels remove panels add widgets03:54
Sanctusit is....long....now.....but it just want....enable sound.....03:54
SerpardumWhat is long now Sanctus?  Do you have headphones for your laptop?03:55
Sanctusyeah.....the ones that are custom.....03:55
SerpardumDid you opne the volume control?   Click on Mixer.03:55
Serpardumthey all at the top?03:55
diernosaj!Serpardum: i have the same problem trying to activate nvidia drivers from system/drivers hardware, the dialog box like its downloading comes up for a split second then dissappears and nothing ever happens.03:56
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:56
xwebSanctus: try alsamixer in a console.03:56
Serpardumheadphones not muted?03:56
Serpardumdiernosaj: try runnign konsole then ps -A03:56
Sanctusnot muted.....03:56
Serpardumthat will show all running processes03:56
Serpardumtry to see if the program you ran is running03:56
Serpardumalso, if you run from Konsole you can see the errors03:56
diernosajkmix isn't on the list03:57
Serpardumrun kmix in the konsole03:57
diernosajsh kmix from root?03:57
diernosajor sudo03:57
Serpardumjust KMix03:57
Serpardumor kmix03:57
Serpardumno sudo03:58
diernosajHorizSync 30-9503:58
diernosaj         VertRefresh 50-16003:58
FloodBotK1diernosaj: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:58
SerpardumSanctus: click the K on the bar at bottom03:58
Sanctusit has no application(program....wtvr) named as kmix at mine....:(03:58
Serpardumclick Computer -> Settings03:58
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Serpardumthen click "Multimedia"03:58
Serpardumyou should be on the audio out03:59
Serpardumwhat is on the list at the right/03:59
ryan__hi@all - just a small question - where can I find the setting for anti aliasing?03:59
diernosajdiernosaj@diernosaj-desktop:/$ kmix03:59
ryan__btw eagles0513875 r u there?04:00
SerpardumSanctus: did you run settings?04:01
Serpardumliek I said/04:01
diernosajserpardum it wont load kmix from konsole04:01
Serpardumk on bar, computer, settings, multimedia04:01
Serpardumwhat is the error diernosaj04:01
Sanctusi will make someone....(u know....by force :P fix the freaking pc o'mine one of those days)04:02
diernosajit just goes to the next line with nothing happening04:02
Sanctusi have this latest version of ubuntu 9.something....04:02
Serpardumthen it is probalby running04:02
Serpardumalthough you dont' see it.  You see no KMix in ps-A?04:02
Serpardumps -A that is04:03
diernosajps -A doesn't list kmix04:03
Sanctusit really seems like a labirinth to me....:(04:03
Sanctusbut nevertheless...i will make it one day....04:03
diernosajoh wait04:04
diernosajno thats kwin04:04
Cray2000Hello everyone, anyone here free to help get and old version of KDE online with a usb wifi adapter?04:04
diernosajno kmix IS on ps-A04:04
diernosajok so kmix is listed in ps -a04:04
Sanctuscan someone tell me where ps -a is?04:05
Cray2000terminal window?04:05
Serpardumin a terminal window, called konsole04:05
Sanctusyeah i am in the terminal .....now what?04:05
Serpardumtype ps -A04:05
diernosajtype ps -A04:06
Serpardumps shows processes.  -A shows all processes04:06
diernosajok i killed kmix, gonna try to load it again04:06
fg56xfdHow can i get Konqueror to display the actual picture as the icon in icon view?04:06
Serpardumwhat picture?04:06
diernosajI click run command - type in kmix - click on sound mixer icon - it has the bouncing speaker icon like its loading, and nothing happens04:07
diernosajhowever, all my sound does work.04:07
fg56xfdSerpardum: The picture of what ever the picture is.04:07
diernosaji cant load it to put back in panel or taskbar04:07
Sanctuswhat's sudo?04:07
Serpardumdiernosaj: that happened to me also.  I closed the speaker icon by right click and close, then did it again and it popped up04:07
Serpardumsudo = super user do04:07
ryan__found the settings for aa - can anybody tell me if subpixel hinting is good for laptop lcds?04:07
Serpardumkdesudo is kde app super user do04:07
Sanctusshall i enter kdesudo?04:08
diernosaj!serpardum what do you mean by then did it again and it popped up04:08
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:08
Serpardumran kmix again04:08
diernosajive got the command box open, has 2 icons 1 for sound mixer Kmix and other for Run Kmix04:09
diernosajeither one doesn't load anything, only in the background lists on ps -A04:09
diernosajoh snap04:10
diernosajit just loaded WTH04:10
diernosajhow does that happen04:10
Serpardumbecause you had to kil lthe one you coudlnt' see04:10
Sanctusyes i did it.....i typed sudo the ps -A and it shows me all the applications working....now what?04:10
Sanctus(for sound)04:10
Serpardumsanctus: never asked you to do that.  asked diernosaj to do that04:10
Serpardumyou are supposed to click the k on the start bar, click on computer, settings, multimedia04:10
Sanctusbut it has no k.....04:11
SerpardumYour bar at the bottom04:11
Serpardumyou have one right?04:11
Serpardumit shows the open applciatinos as tabs right?04:11
Sanctusi have two bars one up and one down04:11
Serpardumon teh far left, do you have one with a K on it?04:11
Sanctusi can see that...04:11
Serpardumit's liek a K with a almost circle around it04:12
Serpardumokay, fine.  hit alt-f204:12
Sanctuscan/....see no k....04:12
Serpardumand my alt-f2 isnt' working.  lol04:12
Sanctuswell mine does.....(ty god)04:12
Serpardumright click that bar.  add widtet04:13
Serpardumadd "Application Launcher"04:13
diernosajnewb question, top of windows, the title bar, whats the circle with the dot in the middle do on the top left?04:14
Serpardumright click the bar at hte bottom04:14
Serpardumclick on "add widget"04:14
Serpardumclick on "Application Launcer"04:14
diernosajon all desktops nevermind04:14
hubar_hmm anyone here using konqueror?04:14
Sanctusit doesn't show me anything....like that....04:14
spinfusorhow do I get out of the sun java licensing agreement when running the restricted updates? I hit enter but nothing happens.04:15
Serpardumwhat are your choices?  are you running kubuntu?04:15
Sanctusubuntu i thing.....04:15
Serpardumthen try in #ubuntu04:15
Sanctusi don't know much on it......or how to switch between them...04:15
diernosaj!Serpardum how do I put the kmix window on the task bar?04:15
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:15
xwebspinfusor: scroll to the bottom and it will let you accept.04:15
hubar_hmm anyone here using konqueror _and_ use a different language (other than English)?04:15
SerpardumSanctus: type /join #ubuntu04:15
Cray2000can anyone tell me how to connect to wifi in Kubuntu?04:16
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Serpardumwifi?  software?  your stereo?  what?04:17
xwebCray2000: use knetworkmanager04:17
Serpardumdiernosaj: I'm not sure04:17
SerpardumI"m not.. did you remove all those?04:17
Serpardumhang on04:17
Cray2000I have installed LinuxMCE on a pc and I am trying to configure it to connect to my neighbors wifi....yes I have permission.....really I do04:17
fg56xfdHow can i get Konqueror to display the actual picture as the icon in icon view. Right now it is just displaying a defualt icon for every picture.04:17
Serpardumright click bar, add widget, add system tray04:17
diernosaj!serpardum ok, it has Dock in sys tray option checked, but when i click hide or close, it goes away.04:17
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:17
Serpardumdon't close it04:18
Serpardumit should be in the system tray04:18
Serpardumyou have system tray as widget?  if not, add widget, system tray04:18
Serpardumit should be like a little black box with icons on it on your bar04:18
diernosajYES OMG ive been looking for that04:19
diernosaji removed it earlier04:19
diernosajThank you04:19
Serpardumso that's where your kmix has been going04:19
diernosajand kmix speaker control is on there04:19
FloodBotK1diernosaj: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:20
diernosaji removed the 4 desktop icon04:20
diernosajhow do i get that back?04:20
diernosajhow do I get the little 4 desktop icon back? which widget is it?04:20
JontheEchidnadiernosaj: I think the pager widget04:20
diernosajok sweet04:21
Serpardumlittle 4 desktop icon?  Not sure what that is04:21
Serpardumpaper?  let me try04:21
diernosajeek its on the right side of my sys tray04:22
SerpardumHow com ehe has 4 desktop and I only have 2? :P04:22
diernosajbecause my nvidia drivers problem is pissing me off, its a give and take situation lol jk04:22
spinfusorany good documentation on running updates for Kubuntu?04:23
Cray2000I dont have knetworkmanager. Its an older release of Kubuntu or I just dont know where to look04:23
Cray2000Would it help if I explained the setup to someone?04:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about updates04:23
ubottuSome topics are controversial and often end in negativity. Take care on subjects like war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, potentially illegal activities and suicide. The topics are not banned; stating your position is ok, but trolling, baiting, hostility or repetition are not. If you are asked to stop, do so politely. Disputes to !appeals, please adhere to !Freenode Policy and the !CodeOfConduct04:24
brian__anyone ever get these jumbled up parts of the screen when browsing the web in konqueror that goes away after you scroll down but always show up again llater04:25
Cray2000Use Firefox, konqueror is just a very basic web browser04:26
brian__ya i use opera  firefox is a little slow on my aspire one04:26
fg56xfdI just upgraded to KDE4, and now when in Konqueror i turn "Icon View" on it doesnt display an icon of each picture like it did in KDE3, it just shows a defualt icon. How can I make the icon the preview of the picture?04:26
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brian__i love all the add ons for firefox04:26
diernosajanybody know how I can move the pager widget to the left side of the system tray04:27
brian__i really like the way kde looks but it seems a little more buggy than gnome04:27
brian__i could be wrong im pretty new to linux but04:28
brian__anyo ne know of some good web sites around kde04:28
diernosajAnyone know how to move the pager widget from the right side to the left side of the bottom panel?04:30
diernosajAnyone know how to move the pager widget from the right side to the left side of the bottom panel?04:33
DragnslcrClick the settings button for the panel and you can move widgets04:33
ryan__damn I am beginning to like kubuntu :D04:35
SerpardumWhere/how do I configure compiz?04:38
SerpardumI need to disable black transparancy apparently04:38
xp-killerhelp plz04:42
xp-killerevery time i plug a ntsf hdd on linux it keep saying unclean shut down04:43
xp-killerhow can i corect this with out going back on xp?04:43
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=== K3RNEL is now known as TaMonKein
changkhokieungaoCo ai viet nam ko04:49
changkhokieungaoCo ai viet nam ko04:49
FloodBotK1changkhokieungao: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:49
=== TaMonKein is now known as sparkart
xp-killer_every time i plug a ntsf hdd on linux it keep saying unclean shut down04:49
xp-killer_how can i corect this without going back on xp?04:49
changkhokieungaoCo ai viet nam ko04:49
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Serpardumxp-killer: What do you mean by "plug a ntfs folder on linux"  physically plug it in?  mount it?04:51
diernosajlinux can't run ntfs correct?04:51
fg56xfdI just upgraded to KDE4, and now when in Konqueror i turn "Icon View" on it doesnt display an icon of each picture like it did in KDE3, it just shows a defualt icon. How can I make the icon the preview of the picture?04:52
SerpardumMay alt-f2 doesn't open up a box anymore.  Any idea how to restore the behavior or how I broke it?04:55
SerpardumIs compiz running in kde or kubunti?  I see the command exists in /usr/bin/compiz but I dont' see it running in ps -A05:00
diernosajCan anybody help me fix my nvidia drivers problems?05:09
diernosajLimited resolution 640x480.05:09
diernosajI think my monitor is the problem now.  It loaded NVIDIA graphics drivers and recognizes 7800GT card, but resolution wont go above 640x480 and wont recognize monitor.05:10
Serpardumkiernosaj: I have nvidia and it works fine for me.  what version of kubuntu you on?05:13
diernosajthe brand new one05:14
Serpardumokay, cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:14
Serpardumdo you have Section "Monitor"   Identifier  "Configured Monitor"  EndSection ???05:15
diernosajIdentifier Monitor005:15
diernosajvendorname Unknown05:15
Serpardumhmm.. yuo can try this, not sure if it will work:05:16
Serpardumsudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-org05:16
Serpardumthat's a comment in that file for me05:16
Serpardumthen see if it changes05:16
diernosajxserver-org is not installed05:17
Serpardum er, my bad.  xserver-xorg05:17
diernosajdebconf: unable to initalize front end: Dialog05:18
diernosajdialog frontend requires a screen at least 13 lines tall and 31 columns wide05:18
Serpardummake your konsole window bigger05:19
Serpardumfull screen it maybe05:19
Serpardumit's complaining that your konsole window is too small05:19
diernosajok it gave me a warning postinst warning: overwriting possibly customised05:19
diernosajfile; backup in /etc/x11/xorg.conf.2009062723192305:20
Serpardumit done?05:20
diernosajyea went to new line of command05:20
Serpardumkay, cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:20
diernosajits what you said earlier05:21
Serpardumkay, try changing resolution05:21
diernosajMonitor identifier configured monitor05:21
Serpardumif it doesn't work you may have to reboot (not sure )05:21
Serpardumthere's probably a way to restrt kde without rebooting, but I don't know it05:22
diernosajyea let me reboot, it still gives me the 2 resolutions05:22
PwntCan I get help with my sound on Ubuntu?05:25
Serpardumif it's Ubuntu, try #ubuntu05:25
jcacctsepardam, did you compiz -replace?05:34
Serpardumumm.. no05:34
jcacctthat's what i had to do in kde to get the cube working...05:34
Serpardumit's that vista in virtualbox has problems with window effects and I have to turn of the effects in virtualbox05:35
SerpardumI'm not even sure if compiz is running, but it seems to be installed so probably05:35
Serpardumwhat does compix -replace do?05:35
jcacctit chooses compiz as your window manager05:35
jcacctgo to run command, then enter compiz -replace05:35
SerpardumI don't want it as my windows manager05:35
jcacctnot your desktop manager, just your WM05:35
jcaccti think that's the only way compiz works... as your wm...05:36
Serpardumwhat is my wm now?05:36
jcacctlol i haven't the slightest fuckin clue05:36
Serpardumhwo would I find out?05:36
jcaccti suppose it's just the one that comes w/ kde05:36
jcacctwhy not try the compiz -replace thing?05:36
Serpardumso if it's not compiz then I shoudl be fine05:36
Serpardumbecause compiz breaks with virtualbox and vista05:36
jcacctoh lol we're back to that05:36
Serpardumi have a problem where I have to disable effects in compiz, but if I dont' have compiz running then I dont' have to, it's another problem05:37
jcacctis your username a reference to the spanish jews?  just curious05:37
SerpardumNo.  Made up05:37
SerpardumAnd why would it be a reference tot he spanish jews?05:37
SerpardumI google for Serpardum and only me comes up.  seems to be unique05:37
mastifal25Hello how are all our?05:37
jcacctsepardam is the name for spanish jews...05:37
jcacctwell i think it's sephardam05:37
jcacctsomethin like that05:37
Serpardumlet me ask the almighty google05:38
jcacctlol sure05:38
SerpardumSephardi respons the almighty Google05:38
jcacctyeah, taking off the -um and adding -i is the latin plural05:38
jcacctfor male nouns, usually05:38
jcacctso there'd be one sephardum, many sephardi05:39
brian__hey how can i download and install kde4 from kde 3.505:39
jcacctbrian, i imagine you'd choose kde4 from synaptic05:39
jcacctserpadum, why are you running it in a virtual machine anyway?05:39
brian__ha i couldnt find it ill try again05:39
jcacctbrian, look for kubuntu-desktop05:40
mastifal25kubuntu?, juaz05:40
mastifal25Some people what tolking spanish05:40
Serpardumwow, you're right.  Saphardum is a word05:40
Serpardumer, Serphardum05:41
jcacctlol serp, maybe it's just in your blood so you used it05:41
jcaccteven though your hostname makes me think you're in canada05:41
brian__i already have kde 3.505:41
brian__synaptic said i already have kubuntu desktop so i cand use synaptic05:41
jcacctbrian, here05:42
jcacctexcept, ya know, make sure you're using shit for your version of ubuntu05:43
jcacctah here's the package05:43
jcacctso.... sudo apt-get install kubuntu-kde4-desktop05:44
brian__ok so how do i install kde4 from kde 3.505:57
jcacctbrian, are you a fucking bot?05:59
brian__lol why05:59
brian__and no06:00
jcacctbecause i gave you the answer 10 mins ago06:00
p_quarles!language | jcacct06:00
ubottujcacct: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.06:00
brian__it didnt work06:00
jcacctthe package is called kubuntu-kde4-desktop06:00
jcacctit didn't find the package?06:00
brian__it says i already have the latest version but i have kde 3.5.1006:00
jcaccti mean from the terminal06:01
jcacctsudo apt-get install kubuntu-kde4-desktop06:01
brian__ill try again06:01
jcacctubottu, please watch my topic?06:03
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:03
brian__Note, selecting kubuntu-desktop instead of kubuntu-kde4-desktop06:03
brian__kubuntu-desktop is already the newest version.06:03
jcacctbrian, sorry then, i dunno06:03
brian__thats what it says when i do it06:03
brian__ok thanks anyhow06:03
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=== pquarles is now known as p_quarles
LeonKenadycan anyone tell me how to make USB bootable for MAC OS?06:12
bazhangLeonKenady, that is not allowed, and offtopic here06:13
LeonKenadyopp sorry06:13
jcacctbazhang, at least someone's talking...06:13
bazhangchat in #kubuntu-offtopic thanks06:14
CoJaBo-AztecThere never seems to ba anyone here when I have a question :/06:14
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eric_anyone else get here trying to join ##php?06:25
tsimpsonyou need to register or identify to join ##php06:27
CPrgmSwR2I can get to ##php just fine06:27
eric_thanks tsimpson06:27
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CPrgmSwR2wow kde 4.3 is starting to feel very well polished06:28
Serpardumhow do I find out if compiz is runing/used?  i dont' see it in ps -A06:28
* CoJaBo-Aztec wonders when the package manager will start to feel very well polished lol06:28
CoJaBo-AztecOr Dolphin even :/06:29
CoJaBo-AztecSerpardum: I see compiz and compiz.real on mine.06:29
CPrgmSwR2CoJaBo-Aztec: Why do you feel that dolphin is not polished?06:29
CoJaBo-AztecCPrgmSwR2: Displayingg a permissions error on each of 10,000 files being copied.06:30
Serpardumin your process list?06:31
CPrgmSwR2CoJaBo-Aztec: I guess I missed that one06:31
CoJaBo-AztecSerpardum: Yes.06:31
CoJaBo-AztecCPrgmSwR2: I'm guessing its a bug, doesnt seem to be any way to turn it off.06:31
Serpardumwaht version are you on CoJaBo-Aztec because I don't see it in my list06:32
Serpardumwhat ist he command to search for text in a file/output?06:33
CoJaBo-AztecSerpardum: grep?06:33
CoJaBo-AztecSome commands are oddly named lol06:33
Serpardumps -A | grep compiz produces no output fo rme06:34
CoJaBo-AztecSerpardum: It might not be running, or you might be using the KDE effects instead maybe (it has many of the same effects as Compiz, just not as configurable).06:35
SerpardumI wonder if I should do compiz -replace06:35
* Serpardum ponders06:36
CoJaBo-AztecSerpardum: I had to select it in the advanced effects in the KDE menu.06:36
Serpardumoh.  hmm06:36
Serpardumum...kde menu?  system settings?06:37
CoJaBo-AztecIt is called "Desktop Effects" for me.06:38
=== carlos is now known as Guest91752
SerpardumI'm in Desktop - System Settings -> Desktop Effects -> Advanced.  Don't see an option to enable it.  Composting Type, Keep Window Thumnails, Disable Functionality checks, OpenGL Mode, Texture filter, Enable direct rendering, use VShynch, Smooth Scaling (slower)06:39
Guest91752hola a todos06:40
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.06:40
CPrgmSwR2I find it very interesting that kubuntu is still on eclipse 3.2 when eclipse 3.5 is available06:41
CoJaBo-AztecSerpardum: Its not in sstem settings, its in the menu itself. If its not listed, there is a "desktop effects kde" package that needs installed.06:41
CoJaBo-AztecKubuntu doesnt seem to have the most up to date of many thhings.. :/06:41
Serpardumit's called "KDE Menu"?06:42
CPrgmSwR2CoJaBo-Aztec: and that concerns me somewhat06:42
CoJaBo-AztecSerpardum: The entry in the menu is called "Desktop Effects" (or something similar to that).06:43
tsimpsonthe "desktop-effects-kde" package is just a wrapper for compiz, and not recommended06:43
SerpardumI have desktop effects, but only in system settings.  hmm06:43
CoJaBo-Aztectsimpson: What is recommended?06:43
tsimpson-> the "desktop-effects-kde" package is just a wrapper for compiz06:44
tsimpson-> and it's not recommended06:44
tsimpsonas compiz has poor KDE support06:44
=== Bezerker is now known as erk
CoJaBo-Aztectsimpson: It took a large amount of trial and error to find that one, it would be nice to know what is recommended then.06:44
coz_tsimpson,  poor kde support?06:44
tsimpsoncoz_: yes06:45
coz_tsimpson,  mmm how so?06:45
tsimpsonCoJaBo-Aztec: the built-in effects with KDE406:45
tsimpsoncoz_: they don't build compiz to work well with KDE4, then focus on Gnome06:45
CoJaBo-Aztectsimpson: Built-in effects have very few config options compared to Compiz.06:46
Serpardumtsimpson: compiz settings break vista under virtualbox (invisible windows, etc..).  Mine is breaking, the suggestion is to disable 3d effects for VirtualBox.  How do I do that in the existing KDE ?06:46
tsimpsonCoJaBo-Aztec: if you want to use compiz, then you can. but be aware there will be issues06:46
coz_tsimpson,  but I am running compiz on kde 4.3 beta right now  I see not area of conflict or  disruption or non compliance with kde??06:46
tsimpsoncoz_: oh? do virtual desktops work for you?06:47
Serpardumdisable 3d effects in compiz that is.  but since I don't have compiz running, it's most likely kde efects I have to confgure, but don't see optoin(s)06:47
coz_tsimpson,  viewports  work06:47
tsimpsoncoz_: so that's a no then, you can't use KDE to configure them06:47
coz_tsimpson,  well no because compiz is now the window manager not kde06:48
netdaemonSerpardum: System Settings > Desktop06:48
tsimpsoncoz_: it's configurable in gnome I believe06:48
CoJaBo-Aztectsimpson: I had to disable the "compatibility options", other than that I have no issues (Hardy+KDE4+intel graphics, and Jaunty+KDE4+ATI graphics).06:48
tsimpsoncoz_: also the task manger will show all windows, no way to only show the ones for the current desktop06:48
CoJaBo-Aztectsimpson: Is there a better way to install Compiz on KDE in case I need to do it again?06:51
tsimpsonCoJaBo-Aztec: the desktop-effects-kde is the best way, if you really want compiz06:53
DaskreeCHhi CPrgmSwR206:54
DaskreeCHSerpardum: Are you running compiz?06:55
CoJaBo-Aztectsimpson: It seems like it will be a while before the native effects catch up to Compiz CCSM..06:55
CPrgmSwR2DaskreeCH: hey there06:56
SerpardumDaskreeCH: I shouldn't be, no.06:56
Serpardumit's not in my process list.06:56
SerpardumI'm not runnign it manually.  but I notice it is installed (I didn't install it that I know of)06:56
CoJaBo-AztecSerpardum: You probably have the compiz package installed without the effects package, so Compiz isnt actually being used.06:58
DaskreeCHSerpardum: Alt+Shift+F12 will disable it for you till you press it again or reboot06:58
tsimpsonCoJaBo-Aztec: if you want specific things implemented, you should file the request at http://bugs.kde.org/07:00
CoJaBo-Aztectsimpson: I want everything implemented, lol07:01
=== yaa_ is now known as anonimous_
Serpardumalt-shift-f12 is doing something (screen flashes)07:30
Serpardumlet me try07:30
Serpardummy alt-tab isn't working.  any idea how to reenable it?07:31
kub1How does one get the public key for  http://ppa.launchpad.net jaunty Release:  ?07:37
=== kb is now known as Guest39299
kuroswhat's the kde package of update-manager?07:42
kurospackages.ubuntu.com isn't loading :/07:42
eagles0513875kuros: there is one of 2 package managers which one you talking about the default one for jaunty07:46
kurossomething that'll auto notify in systray similar to what update-manager does in gnome07:46
SerparduI"m in in tinyirc, I can't get back into kde mode07:47
eagles0513875ahhh ok kuros its jockey07:47
SerparduI hit alt-f12 and it wnet to command prompt07:47
SerparduNot quite what I wanted   how to do I get kde back up without reboioting?07:47
kurossudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart07:47
SerparduI'll try that kuros.  thx07:48
coz_has the games data changed... i know this is minor issue  but i just noticed that my cards data has chaned to some creepy looking decks :)07:49
kuroseagles0513875: no package for "jockey"07:50
eagles0513875give me a sec07:50
kub1How does one get the public key for  http://ppa.launchpad.net jaunty Release:  ?07:51
eagles0513875kuros: its update-manager-kde07:51
kurosyou are awesome07:52
kuros(how obvious btw) /noob07:52
kurosok now i don't have to worry about forgetting updates all the time07:52
SerpardumOkay, this not going real well.  I hit alt-f12 once....07:52
Serpardumer, ctrl-alt-f12 that is07:52
coz_update-manager-kde  not found o008:04
eagles0513875coz_: thats a jaunty think08:06
coz_eagles0513875, oh ok I am on karmic08:07
eagles0513875coz_: for karmic issues please join ubuntu+108:07
coz_eagles0513875,  yeah I have so many channels opened I though I had click ed that one08:07
eagles0513875its ok no harm done bro08:08
SerpardumI guess i don't understand what ctrl-alt-f10 is giving me.  Now it seems to disable kde at all and I am only alolowed to log in and seet text consoles, the rest black empty screen08:09
kub1How do i fix this error? :  GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net jaunty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2836CB0A8AC93F7A W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems08:11
diernosaji can't believe i finally fixed my resolution problem holy shit, but now 1024x768 is my highest res.08:24
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millunhi pls help me with EXT4 issue08:31
millunmy /home is gone08:31
milluni get "block bitmap for group 896 is not in group"08:32
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duckx0rmillun: what causes you to get that error?08:37
duckx0rmillun: /home is on its own partition?08:37
duckx0rmillun: maybe this will help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=98269908:39
duckx0rif you haven't seen it already08:39
millunwhen i run fsck, it asks me whether i want to repair "checksum of descriptor of group" XY08:39
millunwill try08:39
millunit seemed to work08:44
duckx0rmillun: nice!08:44
duckx0ri'm off to bed now, so good night.08:45
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myselfI want to MANUALLY edit my APPLICATIONS ---> WINE menu, where do i go to do that to manually edit it within nautalis09:50
Sweet_Deathhow to share internet connection between PC and laptop? PC has Kubuntu 8.04 installed and has dial-up internet connection and Laptop has Kubuntu 9.04 without any cinternet onnection10:10
zoberhi, gibt es auch deutsche Wetterdienste für das weather plasmoid?10:15
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Sweet_Deathhow to share internet connection between PC and laptop? PC has Kubuntu 8.04 installed and has dial-up internet connection and Laptop has Kubuntu 9.04 without any internet connection??10:38
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bobbyyu3I have a problem with installing my printer. My other computer shares the printer with this. This computer, Ubuntu, when printing a test page, it says "Idle - /usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertoz600 failed.10:50
Peace-bobbyyu3: got to a web browser type on url10:51
bobbyyu3You mean localhost?10:51
Peace-bobbyyu3: try to set your printer10:51
Peace-then you should install samba or nfs10:52
Peace-if you have a network linux only10:52
Peace-samba if you have windows10:52
Peace-if you need of samba ----->http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2009/05/05/kubuntu-904-windows-share-with-samba/10:53
alarmhello i just installed vlc and the firefox plugin but somehow things dont seem to work correctly. i tried to play an only streaming video (which was playing with another player) but when i go to the url i get a black screen saying "waiting for video" and nothing happens...10:57
Peace-alarm: mplayer-mozzilla installed?10:59
alarmPeace-, i removed the mplayer mozilla plugin11:00
alarmso that it wont conflic11:00
Peace-i hope you haven't installed totem11:00
Peace-on kde desktop11:00
alarmno, totem is not installed11:00
alarmjust mplayer11:00
Peace-you need of a plugin for firefox11:01
Peace-that's all11:01
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alarmPeace-,  i got the vlc plugin for firefox11:01
Peace-well i use konquero and i use kmplayer and kmplayer-konq-plugin11:01
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Peace-alarm: i think it doesn't work well11:01
Peace-om my computer it sucks11:01
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Peace-alarm: anyway there are ways to fix it but unluckly i am not a firefox fan11:02
Peace-so i don't know about that11:02
Peace-i only use konqueror and arora11:02
host37am i the only one having trouble with yahoo on kopete?11:03
host37i tried pidgin too11:03
fg56xfdHi, I reccently went from the KDE3 remix of 9.04 to the regular kde4 version, and with kde4, it isnt recognizing my mp3 player when I plug it in. Anyone know how to fix this?11:03
wormholedoes your mp3 player require special (maybe proprietary) drivers or libraries ?11:06
wormholecould be these were uninstalled by the upgrade11:07
fg56xfdwormhole: it runs open source firmware. and lsusb returns it "Bus 002 Device 018: ID 0930:0009 Toshiba Corp. Gigabeat F/X (HDD audio player)"11:10
wormholefg56xfd: does /media/disk contain anything ? is it a mounting issue or a device notifier issue ?11:20
fg56xfdwormhole: No.11:21
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wormholefg56xfd: it might be a mounting issue..11:22
wormholefg56xfd: just found this - https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/7010011:23
fg56xfdwormhole: usbmount wasnt installed, just installed it, still having problems however.11:27
wormholefg56xfd:  :-S at this point i'd start googling, so i'm afraid i'm out of ideas..11:30
Mamarok!es | jackiekatz11:51
ubottujackiekatz: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.11:51
jackiekatzok hello11:51
jackiekatzsomebody can tell me hao to download the messenger in kubuntu pleaseee?11:52
Mamarokjackiekatz: what messanger do you mean?11:53
xrayhi everyone! ;)12:04
fg56xfdI have a USB mp3 player, and in KDE3 when i would plug it in and turn it on it would show up as a removable harddrive. But now in kde4 it isnt mounting and showing up. But lsusb returns the device. Anyone know how to resolve this?12:21
n3ilHello :-)12:23
fg56xfdAnd "fdisk -lu" reports it as a "Partition table entries are not in disk order".12:23
n3ilis the the correct place to seek help with something kubuntu and kontact related?12:25
Mamarokn3il: yes12:26
n3ilwell i have spent a long time on this and have to admit defeat12:26
Mamarokn3il: just ask your question on one line, please12:28
Mamarokwith version, etc.12:28
n3ilkontact will send emails ok as long as they dont have an attachment, if they do then progress reaches 98-99% then fails afet several minutes.12:29
Mamarokn3il: which KDE version?12:29
n3ilok, noob here how do i look that up? :/12:30
Mamarokn3il: in the help menu, about KDE and about Kontact12:30
n3ilkontact 1.2.412:31
Mamarokright, that is not exactly new12:31
Mamarokn3il: which Kubuntu are you on?12:31
Mamarokyou should have 2.5.10 at least12:32
Mamarok3.5.10, sorry12:32
n3ilhmm, ok12:32
n3ilthing is it was working until recently :/12:33
Mamarokn3il: so if you are using a Kubuntu version older than 8.04, you really should upgrade12:33
Mamarokn3il: which Kubuntu version do you use?12:34
n3ilok, ill try and work out how to do that and come back once i am up to date.12:34
Mamarokn3il: the version you should have is 8.04, all the others have reached their EOL12:34
n3ilright, again, where can i look up the kubuntu ver?12:35
n3ilok, looks like i have 7.1012:38
Mamarokn3il: well, upgrade to 8.04 would be a very good idea12:39
n3ilright, quickest way to do that?12:39
Mamarokn3il: set all sources to hardy instead of gutsy, then on the command line, do sudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:40
Mamarokn3il: you never had a warning that you should upgrade on your system, like in April or so?12:40
Mamarokn3il: do you know how to change the sources.list?12:42
n3iljust looking at that now....12:42
Mamarokyou need to edit it with sudo, it is located in /etc/apt/sources.list12:43
n3ilin the gui i have found the place to change the software sources, i just need the complete APT line to the repositry12:45
Mamarokn3il: in those lines, replace the word "gutsy" with "hardy" everywhere12:47
Mamarokthen you should do sudo apt-get update and the dit-upgrade in a command line to be sure it updates everything12:48
Mamarokdist-upgrade, sorry12:48
n3ilok its updating the list of software12:50
Mamarokn3il: no what?12:52
n3ilsorry, how do i set the sources again, it looks like it was still checking gutsy links12:53
Mamarokn3il: you can edit the sources.list in a console:12:54
Mamaroktype sudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list12:54
n3ilok, its updating with hardy in the url12:57
Mamarokn3il: nice :)12:58
Mamarokn3il: you need to be patient, that will take a while12:58
n3ilyeah, i am noticing that :-)12:59
n3ilok, its back to the prompt12:59
fg56xfdIm having problems with my usb mp3 player (Toshiba Gigabeat) When I used KDE3 I could plug it in and turn it on and it would show up as a USB HDD and I could just drag and drop as I wanted. But that I upgraded to KDE4, it doesnt do this. But lsusb still recognizes it "Bus 002 Device 007: ID 0930:0009 Toshiba Corp. Gigabeat F/X (HDD audio player)" and fdisk -lu says this about it "Partition table entries are not in disk order" What would cause12:59
fg56xfdthis to not mount? And how can i fix it?13:00
Mamarokn3il: well, then now comes the very long stuff, like 40 minutes minimum: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade13:00
Mamarokfg56xfd: you might try to install usbmount13:00
n3ilok, hepefully ill see you on the the other side :-) thanks for yor assistance Mamarok :-)13:01
fg56xfdMamarok: It is installed.13:01
Mamarokn3il: you are welcome :)13:02
Mamarokfg56xfd: which version of KDE4 do you use?13:02
Mamarokfg56xfd: doesn't the "new devices" notifier pop up when you plug it in?13:03
fg56xfdMamarok: No, it doesnt.13:03
Mamarokfg56xfd: strange13:03
fg56xfdAnd annoying too.13:04
Mamarokfg56xfd: of course, what does the /etc/fstab say?13:04
fg56xfdMamarok: http://paste.ubuntu.com/205572/13:05
Mamarokfg56xfd: you have no usb entry there, that's the problem I think13:06
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albolhi. Trying to use empathy for calls over gtalk. It connects, but no sound goes through. Any idea?13:09
ActionParsnipalbol: does the mic work in other apps?13:09
albolworked with recorder. will try again now to be sure13:10
albolActionParsnip: yes, it works13:13
ActionParsnipalbol: cool thats the hard part not needed :)13:14
Neremorsince i upgraded to kde4 a long time ago, all the kde3 applications in the repros have problems with the icons.13:14
Neremorthey work perfectly, but many of their icons are only displayed as questionmarks13:14
ActionParsnipalbol: ok so in empathy you may need to change your mic setting, maybe the device or volume levels13:14
Neremorwhite document with questionmark for "icon not found" i think13:14
albolActionParsnip: well, I worked hard to make it work :)13:14
Neremori would really like to use this icons, so is there a way to install them?13:15
wathekhello all13:15
wathekthere's no 4.5.2 packages of Qt in Kubuntu !?13:15
ActionParsnipNeremor: sudo apt-get --reinstall install kde-icons-oxygen13:15
albolActionParsnip: I found no device settings13:15
ActionParsnipNeremor: maybe13:15
ActionParsnipwathek: if you can find a repo then you can get it13:16
ActionParsnipalbol: let me websearch13:16
Neremorit says that it allready is the newest version...13:16
ActionParsnipNeremor: you missed part of the command i typed13:17
Neremori'm not sure whether this is because they were used in kde3 or they are gnome apps13:17
ActionParsnipNeremor: i gave the command in full so you can copy / paste13:18
ActionParsnipNeremor: typing partial commands can break your system13:18
ActionParsnipalbol: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=81904613:18
Neremoryes but not in this case ;)13:18
ActionParsnipNeremor: true but its a reall bad habit and breaking it now is good13:19
ActionParsnipalbol: change the repo line to be your releases codename (find out with   lsb_release -c)13:19
Neremorok reinstalled the icons. i will try to run an affected application to see whether it works13:19
ActionParsnipalbol: the repo goes all the way from gutsy to jaunty so will cover what you have13:19
ActionParsnipNeremor: you may need to restart x to get it "activated"13:20
Mamarokwathek: it has only just been released last week, and Jaunty is based on 4.5.1 anyway13:20
Neremorno there are still only questionmarks13:20
Neremori gonna restart x13:20
wathekMamarok, I can't even find qt 4.5.1 in the repos !13:20
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Mamarokwathek: so no need for Jaunty to have it, you can download and install it from QtSoftware, and make a local installation not to have problems with the system13:21
albolActionParsnip: strange, already moved to ppa and installed telepathy-* but it seems some parts were missing from empathy. Will check if this solves the issue13:21
ActionParsnipwathek: find a repo with it on. just because its not in the default repos doesnt mean its completely inaccesible13:21
Mamarokwathek: what KDE version do you use?13:21
wathekMamarok, I got KDE 4.3 beta 213:21
Mamarokwathek: there is libqt4, and it is 4.5.113:22
ActionParsnip!info libqt413:22
ubottuPackage libqt4 does not exist in jaunty13:22
Mamarokwathek: ActionParsnip well, no, he said 4.2.90 :)13:22
Mamarokthat will not show up in a factoid :)13:22
Mamarokalso, it would be libt4-* something13:23
wathekit seems that there's a problem with the WM with the transparent background splashscreen  using the Qt::WA_TransulucentBackground13:23
wathekMamarok, only Qt 4.5.0 that I got13:25
ActionParsnipdisable the splash screen then. they are pointless anyhoo13:25
wathekActionParsnip, lol13:26
Neremorrestarting x didn't actiavte the full set of oxygen icons13:26
wathekActionParsnip, my client wants a splashscreen13:26
Neremori still get questionmarks instead of my icons13:26
ActionParsnipwathek: my condolences13:26
ActionParsnipNeremor: try seting the icon theme in systemsettings13:26
Neremorit happens in the open, save, save as, etc. menus of openoffice for the navigation icons (upper dir, back, next, etc.) for example13:27
Neremorallready did that13:27
ActionParsnipNeremor: then i have no idea, does it happen with a different user?13:27
Neremori think these applications try to fetch the icons from the default gnome icon set because they were compiled under gnome and written for gnome, but hasn't kde something like a "bridge" to replace the gnome icon requests with kde icons?13:28
albolActionParsnip: Thanks for help. Since  there's no gtalk testing service will have to test it later.13:28
ActionParsnipalbol: np bro13:28
ActionParsnipNeremor: no idea dude. i ditch kde a while back13:29
NeremorI don't know very much about kde/gnome programing in this case, but it's an idea13:29
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Neremorok i will try to install the gnome icons13:29
Neremormaybe it will help13:29
Neremorand i hope this doesn't need the whole gnome environment installed :P13:30
fg56xfdIm having problems with my usb mp3 player (Toshiba Gigabeat) When I used KDE3 I could plug it in and turn it on and it would show up as a USB HDD and I could just drag and drop as I wanted. But that I upgraded to KDE4, it doesnt do this. But lsusb still recognizes it "Bus 002 Device 007: ID 0930:0009 Toshiba Corp. Gigabeat F/X (HDD audio player)" and fdisk -lu says this about it "Partition table entries are not in disk order" What would cause13:32
fg56xfdthis to not mount? And how can i fix it?13:32
ActionParsnipfg56xfd: the drives not in order just means that the first drive shown is not necessarily disk 113:33
fg56xfdActionParsnip: Well when I do that command, it lists everything that is mounted above that, then says that line, then lists the usb mp3 player below all that.13:35
ActionParsnipfg56xfd: ok can you pastebin the output of the command:   mount13:35
fg56xfdActionParsnip: Alright, one moment.13:36
BluesKajgood day folks13:37
ActionParsniphi BluesKaj13:37
fg56xfdActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/205582/13:37
BluesKajhey ActionParsnip13:38
ActionParsnipfg56xfd: ok so we have /dev/sda1 which is / and /dev/sda6 which is /home13:38
mib486ActionParsnip: hi im trying to get into my xubuntu system from a ubuntu live cd and it asks me for a username and password, i put mine but it doesnt seem to work, is there anyway i can log in without it? considering that im trying to do this cuz the GRUB of my brand new xubuntu installation won't load and i have to substitute it with LILO... any help?13:41
fg56xfdActionParsnip: Um, hold on, let me check.13:41
fg56xfdActionParsnip: sda1 is / and sda6 is /home.13:44
ActionParsnipmib486: if you are accessing it from live cd you could enable the root account in the live cd as changes will be lost when you reboot13:44
ActionParsnipfg56xfd: ok can you pastebin the output of:   sudo fdisk -l13:45
ActionParsnipmib486: the livecd shouldnt really need a username / password. I believe its ubuntu / ubuntu13:46
ActionParsnipfg56xfd: ok so the player is /dev/sdc113:46
n3ilMamarok: ok, update done, gonna reboot and see what happens.13:46
Mamarokn3il: fingers crossed :)13:46
n3ilbrb, hopefully! :)13:46
fg56xfdActionParsnip: Ok.13:47
ActionParsnipfg56xfd: so you could run: sudo mkdir /media/mp3player; sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /media/mp3player -o uid=100013:47
ActionParsnipshould mount it nicely to /media/mp3player13:47
fg56xfdIt mounted there fine.13:48
ActionParsnipthought so13:48
ActionParsnipok now as you used uid=1000 it is user writable13:48
fg56xfdWhy won't the computer recognize it and automount it when i turn it on like it did in kde3?13:48
ActionParsnipnot sure, log a bug13:48
ActionParsniptry this: sudo umount /media/mp3player13:49
ActionParsnipthen detatch the player13:49
ActionParsnipwait 10 seconds then re-attatch, then wait 10 seconds13:49
ActionParsnipthen run: dmesg | tail13:49
ActionParsnipsee what the kernel knows13:49
fg56xfdOk, running dmesg | tail now.13:50
mib486ActionParsnip: so how do i do?13:50
ActionParsnipmib486: if you are in the live environment you are free to enable root as the OS is running in volatile ram, so a power off / reset will reset the whole config13:51
ActionParsnipfg56xfd: not sure, looks fine13:51
ActionParsnip!rootsudo > mib48613:51
ubottumib486, please see my private message13:51
n3ilMamarok: i'm back :-)13:52
The_Toxic_MiteOn Quassel, whenever I click on a URL, it always gets opened on Konqueror, but I would like them to open on Firefox. How do I change that?13:52
fg56xfdActionParsnip: Ok, so how can I make it automatically mount without having to run that comman each time.13:52
mib486ActionParsnip: ive put the ubuntu live cd in and after a while it was loading i got to this sign-in screen in which it asks me a username and a password, thatz it13:52
ActionParsnipfg56xfd: i'd log a bug abut you may need to put that command in a script to allow you to mount it if it doesnt work on its own13:52
fg56xfdThe_Toxic_Mite: Right click, properties, then click the wrench and you can choose that from there/13:53
ActionParsnipmib486: try:   ubuntu / ubuntu13:53
Mamarokn3il: everything went well?13:53
fg56xfdActionParsnip: If what doesnt work on its own?13:53
n3ilMamarok: it seemed to. back to origional question then i guess?13:53
mib486ActionParsnip: i dont have access to a terminal, there's only a little menu saying "select language, select session, remote login via XDMCP, restart shutdown, suspend hibernate". ubuntu / ubuntu wont work... uff13:54
ActionParsnipmib486: yuo dont need it, just type ubuntu as the username and ubuntu as the password13:54
mib486ActionParsnip: i said i did it and it won't work!!13:55
ActionParsnipmib486: some forums say the username is ubuntu and the passis blank13:55
mib486ActionParsnip: not even this works... uff13:55
n3ilMamarok: kde 3.5.0 kontact 1.2.9 - sends email without attch ok with gets to 99% and there it stays.13:56
mib486ActionParsnip: anyway, ive installed xubuntu and set a password and a username, now im trying to access the system with ubuntu live cd, it might be asking me xubuntu's username and password13:56
mib486ActionParsnip: how do i reset them in order to re-try later with this live cd?13:57
ActionParsnipmib486: no, you are logging into the live environment13:57
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mib486ActionParsnip: considering that when running xubuntu GRUB won't load so i cant log-in (reason why im trying to get inside with this live cd, to change GRUB to LILO)13:57
ActionParsnipmib486: did you verify the cd as ok? did you md5 check the iso you downloaded?13:59
BluesKajmib486, this will help you repair grub http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435114:00
BluesKajor restore it14:01
n3ilMamarok: kde 3.5.10 (even) kontact 1.2.9 - sends email without attch ok, with attch gets to 99% and there it stays. Any ideas? Anyone?14:01
mib486ActionParsnip: yes i used the same cd on another pc and it works, also verified the iso14:01
ActionParsnipmib486: could be related: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/2929714:02
mib486BluesKaj: dont need to restore or repair, i need to substitute it with lilo cuz my bios won't get along with it14:02
ActionParsnipmib486: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/2773814:02
mib486was reading this https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/919314:03
mib486so it seems like im not the only one...14:03
ActionParsnipmib486: http://groups.google.com/group/foss-nepal/browse_thread/thread/97138046c29e0d7d14:03
fg56xfdActionParsnip: Alright, wrote a script to mount it, and im writing the bug report now. Thanks for all the help/14:03
BluesKajbios conflicts with grub ???14:03
mib486BluesKaj: yes, its an old laptop14:04
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ActionParsnipBluesKaj: not possible, the bios makes teh selected disk do its dance to boot14:04
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: it also holds basic settings for hardware14:04
ActionParsnipmib486: try setting bios to failsafe14:05
BluesKajyes , I'm aware but grub conflicts how ?14:05
BluesKajstill got windows on it i bet14:05
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: i cant imagine how it can / would14:06
mib486BluesKaj: u bet wrong14:07
mib486BluesKaj: GRUB can conflict with BIOS if it's an old version, as mine is, my laptop's a 486... from 1996 :D14:07
mib486thatz why u need LILO, but apparently the only way to change boot loader is to get in with a live cd14:08
BluesKajhehe, ok , then perhaps  a BIOS flash firmware update is in order14:08
mib486which in my case won't let me cuz of a phantomatic password and username14:08
mib486BluesKaj: i cant update the firmware, i tried that already but it messes up with my hardware components in somehow, so i had to get back the old one and everything was working again14:09
mib486BluesKaj: old laptop's mysteries... id say14:10
BluesKajmib486, goodness me , houston we have a problem ! :)14:10
ActionParsnipmib486: set bios to failsafe could help. Do you have a different live cd?14:10
mib486anyway, from this log in screen i should be able to ctrl+alt+f1 to run a terminal and change the passwd, but nothing14:11
mib486what the heck!!14:11
ActionParsnipmib486: you should be able to read /etc/passwd to glean the password14:11
mib486ive got xubuntu alternate cd (dunno if its live as well) and i have damn small linux live cd which i used last time to root into xubuntu's system but in the end it didnt let me cuz of dsl's kernel was too old... i was almost there... f**k! :D14:12
mib486ActionParsnip: yes but it wont let me open a terminal... im not getting it14:12
ActionParsnipmib486: if its xubuntu, it will be live.14:12
mib486even if alternate cd?14:13
ActionParsnipthe alternate cd isnt live, boot to it to test, can't hurt14:13
mib486alright letz try that14:13
mib486so i guess i should just burn a regulare xubuntu live cd14:14
mib486not alternate14:14
ActionParsnipwell no as you need the desktop dont you14:14
mib486oh no14:14
mib486i need the alternate14:14
ActionParsnipget whatever you need for the job14:14
mib486but it seems the only way to change GRUB to linux is through a live cd...14:15
ActionParsnipgrub to lilo surely ;)14:15
mib486hahahhaha yes thatz what i meant :D14:16
mib486the xubuntu cd doesn't seem to be live...14:16
ActionParsnip!info ktorrent14:16
ubottuktorrent (source: ktorrent): BitTorrent client based on the KDE 4 technology platform. In component main, is optional. Version 3.2.1+dfsg.1-0ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 1612 kB, installed size 4500 kB14:16
mib486anyway, GRUB won't load the system so i cant even access a terminal in order to install lilo, isnt there anyother way i can do it from here?14:17
ActionParsnipyou need a cd environment which you can then install lilo with14:19
ActionParsnipi think the ultimatebootcd has a lilo installer on it14:19
mib486cuz apparently some says u can decide which boot loader u want, if grub or lilo and now that i put the xubuntu cd, even if not live, im taking a look at the options (f1 f2 f3 etc.) there might be a way14:21
Erth_01hi there!anyone can help me with server connection settings?14:24
Erth_01hi there!anyone can help me with server connection settings on Konversation?14:25
ActionParsnipErth_01: depends on the server14:28
BluesKajErth_01, how can we help ?14:28
robin0800Erth_01, what version of Linux?14:31
luizbom dia a todos14:35
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BluesKaj!pt | luiz14:38
ubottuluiz: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.14:38
gustavocual  es la comunidad  en español¿¿14:39
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.14:39
ign0ramushey BluesKaj14:41
BluesKajhi ign0ramus14:42
ign0ramusBluesKaj, http://imgur.com/R9nOg.jpg14:42
BluesKajign0ramus, nice pic , just for me ? :)14:43
ign0ramusBluesKaj, i told you i'd have one for you ;)14:43
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ign0ramusquiet in here today... i guess all Kubuntu issues have been solved, eh? ;)14:45
BluesKajoh yeah , for sure :)14:45
BluesKajign0ramus, you sure did , what is that , a punchbowl or just a very big snifter ?14:46
ign0ramusBluesKaj, ot, but a huge snifter of scotch :)14:47
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DaskreeCHI can't get Compositing to work14:53
DaskreeCHIf you would like something to fix :)14:55
ign0ramusDaskreeCH, kwin?14:59
kaddi_hi, I need help quickly :/ I've been working on a text in kate and now it crashed... I hadn't saved the file yet, is there any backup kate makes on its own? If so where can I find it?15:09
BluesKajkaddi_, look in the dir you were working in15:12
kaddi_how would the file look like? random name?15:14
eagles0513875kaddi_:  :)15:18
BluesKajno it'll prolly have green logo and it'll be a copy of the kate file you were working on15:19
kaddi_ i hadn't saved the file before15:19
BluesKajno matter , I think kate will autosaves15:20
DaskreeCHign0ramus: yes15:20
BluesKajdunn o for sure15:20
kaddi_but it doesn't have a name I could check fore15:20
kaddi_I opened kate and started working on this, never saved it15:21
kaddi_heya eagles0513875 :)15:21
* eagles0513875 says to kaddi_ im in offtopipc15:21
ign0ramusDaskreeCH, so going into System Settings and enabling Desktop Effects (or whatever it's called) has no effect?15:21
kaddi_so if I haven't saved the file before will kate create a backup somewhere, does it do autosaves even though I haven't asigned the file a name yet? If it does, where does it save these files?15:24
DaskreeCHign0ramus: http://imagebin.ca/view/7k2j9r.html15:26
DaskreeCHkaddi_: try in #kde as well15:27
ign0ramusDaskreeCH, and clicking "Resume Compositing" has no effect? i just tried myself, and i had the same screen, but i was able to resume...15:28
kaddi_ok, Ill try in a moment, brb15:28
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Andrew``hi all.... going back to linux after a short spell back with MS... my printer has died and need to know what printers work with linux out of the box... preferably HP or canon or epson... is there a webpage that has a list of printers that work?15:28
DaskreeCHign0ramus: Kinda15:28
bazhanghttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters Andrew``15:28
DaskreeCHWhen I click it I get a notification that something is blocking compositing15:29
ign0ramusDaskreeCH, it doesn't say what?15:29
Andrew``bazhang: that page is unavailable... just temporary? or more serious?15:29
DaskreeCHign0ramus: No but if I press alt+shift+F12 I get a green checkmark15:30
DaskreeCHWhich does nothing15:30
bazhangAndrew``, not sure, ubuntuforums are down as well15:30
bazhanglet me check help.ubuntu.com15:30
ign0ramusDaskreeCH, ok, so it says Compositing Active, and you've specified what effects you want, but they don't appear as they should?15:31
bazhanghttp://openprinting.org/printer_list.cgi Andrew`` what about this one15:31
DaskreeCHIf by that you mean at all then yes15:32
ign0ramusDaskreeCH, yeah, that's what i meant... so what is the exact error message?15:32
DaskreeCHEh? From where?15:32
Andrew``cool bazhang: yes that works !15:32
ign0ramusDaskreeCH, you said you were getting a message about something blocking compositing?15:34
ign0ramusDaskreeCH, also, are you using Xrender?15:35
DaskreeCHYes it says some application is blocking compositing Pres alt+Shift+F12 to re-enable15:35
DaskreeCHnot blocking15:35
ign0ramusDaskreeCH, does "KWIN_COMPOSE=O kwin --replace &" in terminal help?15:36
DaskreeCHoh and compositing turns itself off after like 15 seconds15:36
DaskreeCHign0ramus: http://paste.ubuntu.com/205631/15:37
ign0ramusDaskreeCH, ahh... nvidia.  hang ont15:38
DaskreeCHYeah I know I just got it :( ATI works out of the box for me15:38
DaskreeCHOld cobwebby box15:38
DaskreeCHbut working :)15:39
ign0ramusDaskreeCH, ctrl+f for 'nvidia' on this page: http://www.linux-archive.org/debian-kde/311301-few-problems-kde-4-2-a.html15:41
DaskreeCHKDE 4.3 BTW15:41
ign0ramusDaskreeCH, proabably still applies - it's apparently nvidia drivers15:41
ubuntuhey are to commands in ubuntu and kubuntu the same15:42
DaskreeCHubuntu: Depends on the command15:42
ign0ramusDaskreeCH, and 4.3 is really 4.2.90 anway, right?15:42
bazhangubuntu, in the terminal mostly yes15:42
Le-Chuck_ITAHi, how do I change the look of kde3 apps in jaunty/karmic? Kcontrol is no longer there, I installed kdvi from intrepid because I need it and have the gtk-qt style15:42
DaskreeCHign0ramus: So restarting X? That has to be done every boot?15:42
ign0ramusubuntu, coretutils, yes.  apps, no15:42
bazhangubuntu, different apps of course15:42
DaskreeCHLe-Chuck_ITA: install kcontrol ?15:42
ign0ramusDaskreeCH, i honestly don't know.  just found a person with the same error (and video manu) as you...15:43
ubuntuthank you guys :D15:43
Le-Chuck_ITADaskreeCH: apt can't find a package named kcontrol, in which package is it/was it?15:43
* Le-Chuck_ITA goes to packages.ubuntu.com15:44
* Le-Chuck_ITA packages.ubuntu.com is not working15:45
ign0ramusLe-Chuck_ITA, afaik, there is no kcontrol for jaunty and greater15:45
ign0ramusLe-Chuck_ITA, many of the ubuntu sites are currently down :(15:45
ubuntuwhen i updated ubuntu 8.10 to ubuntu 9.04 some errors appeared and i couldn't start what should i do ?15:45
Le-Chuck_ITAign0ramus: in any case I added the intrepid sources to apt, because I need kdvi and kile from there15:45
DaskreeCH!kde3 | Le-Chuck_ITA15:45
ubottuLe-Chuck_ITA: Kubuntu 8.04 ships with KDE3 and full support. Jaunty does not include KDE3 but a remix install CD can be obtained at  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Kde3/Jaunty . This is not officially supported. Support, instructions and ways to contribute can be found on the wiki page15:45
Le-Chuck_ITAyes I know kde3 is no longer with us but kile is still a kde3 app, even the version in jaunty15:46
* Le-Chuck_ITA thinks15:46
ign0ramusubuntu, what do you mean 'couldn't start' ?15:46
DaskreeCHLe-Chuck_ITA: Read the Factoid :)15:46
Le-Chuck_ITAplease be merciful, wiki.kubuntu.org is down15:46
DaskreeCHOh it is?15:47
Le-Chuck_ITAI just want to change the kde3 theme in kde4.15:47
ubuntustops at cheking battery status15:47
ign0ramusLe-Chuck_ITA, try qt3-qtconfig and qt4-qtconfig15:47
DaskreeCHLe-Chuck_ITA: Right and I'm saying you need the KDE3 control panel which is on the KDE3 repo which you can't find since the Kubuntu wiki is down :0(15:47
DaskreeCHWait google Cache!15:47
Le-Chuck_ITADaskreeCH: there is a kde3 repo so I don't need to use the intrepid sources?15:48
Le-Chuck_ITAthat's good news15:48
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ign0ramuspcubuntoo_, no one.15:49
Tm_Tonly 289 nicks on this channel15:49
pcubuntoo_i am french test distribution ubuntoo15:49
Le-Chuck_ITAHmm thank you ign0ramus, qt3-qtconfig is the one, but... it seems that there is no qt3-gtk theme15:50
MamarokLe-Chuck_ITA: Qt-Curve was it IIRC15:51
Le-Chuck_ITAMamarok: no, qt-curve is a specific theme, but there is a qt4 theme that renders over gtk, googling a bit it seems that there is no qt3 version of it :(15:52
ign0ramusLe-Chuck_ITA, gtk-qt-engine (?)15:52
Le-Chuck_ITAign0ramus: that only appears in qtconfig-qt415:53
kaddi_FYI:apparently if the file wasn't saved before kate won't use auto-save. Everything is gone. :(15:53
ign0ramusLe-Chuck_ITA, ^ that is for qt4 libs, which you can still use in kde 3.5.x15:53
Le-Chuck_ITAign0ramus: thank you, I already installed it and it's working nice, but kdvi is a kde3 app. I guess I have to get used to its look :) As it always was, but now I changed to a gtk theme I like a lot.15:54
Le-Chuck_ITAthanks all15:54
ign0ramusLe-Chuck_ITA, :)15:54
DaskreeCHLe-Chuck_ITA: ^^15:54
Le-Chuck_ITAthanks a lot DaskreeCH15:56
ign0ramusAnyone know how to clear or disable "Recently Used" listings in the Kickoff Kmenu?15:56
DaskreeCHign0ramus: tun off the runner15:57
ign0ramusDaskreeCH, go on....15:58
DaskreeCHign0ramus: umm annnd leave it off?15:58
ign0ramusDaskreeCH, yeah.  in fact, if that tab wasn't there at all, i wouldn't mind ;)15:58
DaskreeCHkaddi_: sorry :-(15:59
ubuntuhi all... can anyone help me, ive just booted up the Kubuntu live dvd and it looks great, but for some reason the computer wont render text correctly... its almost unreadable15:59
ign0ramusDaskreeCH, i was happy with the classic menu, until kde 4.3 changed the setup which i am not happy with.  so now i'm testing Kickoff style, but don't like this 'feature'15:59
DaskreeCHign0ramus: try lancelot16:00
ign0ramusDaskreeCH, in place of kmenu?16:00
=== ubuntu is now known as furu
* DaskreeCH nods16:01
ign0ramusDaskreeCH, 'package lancelot does not exist in jaunty'16:01
=== furu is now known as superfuru
DaskreeCHShould be installed already16:01
DaskreeCHI thinks16:01
DaskreeCHAdd a widget and filter for lance16:02
superfuruhi all... can anyone help me, ive just booted up the Kubuntu live dvd and it looks great, but for some reason the computer wont render text correctly... its almost unreadable16:02
DaskreeCHsuperfuru: LCD?16:02
superfurubut analog cable16:02
ign0ramusDaskreeCH, ahh... lancelot is a widget, not a package.  but i don't like that one, either :P  also, it too lists 'recently used'16:05
superfurudaskreech yes its a lcd but not a dvi cable16:09
topramendoes anyone here has kde wallet?16:15
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ign0ramustopramen, yes.  you can configure behavior in System Settings > KDE Wallet16:17
furuhi all... can anyone help me, ive just booted up the Kubuntu live dvd and it looks great, but for some reason the computer wont render text correctly... its almost unreadable, im using kubuntu 9.04 and its a ati radeon 7000 card, lcd screen with vga cable16:17
toprameni'm having a terrible time trying to uninstall it...can someone please help?16:18
BluesKajBBL , stuff to do16:19
ign0ramusBluesKaj, see ya!16:19
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ign0ramustopramen, not sure if it can be uninstalled... just disable it16:20
topramenwhere do i disable it?16:21
ign0ramustopramen, where i said above16:21
ign0ramustopramen, also, you can then delete ~/.kde/share/config/kwalletrc16:22
topramenok...i will try and see if I can get that to work....>>do I type it like this in the Konsole>> ?....delete ~/.kde/share/config/kwalletrc16:23
ign0ramustopramen, 'kwalletmanager' is a package that can be installed or uninstalled, but i don't know if there are any consequences...16:24
topramenwell it the consequences cant be any worse than it's already been so far16:24
ign0ramustopramen, "delete" is not a bash command.  "rm" is.  since it is a directory, you want "rm -rf"16:24
Mamaroktopramen: be carefull with that command though! Never use it unless you are 100% sure16:26
topramento be on the safe side how would exactly type the command in the konsole to delete the kde wallet?16:27
ign0ramusMamarok, well, luckily upstream has defaulted 'rm' to '--preserve-root' for noobs :)16:27
Mamarokign0ramus: well, the other day we had a chap who erased his /boot folder...16:28
ign0ramusMamarok, ouch.16:28
Mamarokbecause somebody told him so16:28
ign0ramusMamarok, maybe i'm unsympathetic, but no one should ever just arbitrarily run commands when they don't know what they mean16:29
ign0ramusMamarok, does suck for that guy, though16:29
DaskreeCHfuru: Do you have subpixel hinting on?16:29
ign0ramusMamarok, it's the equivalent of telling someone running windows to 'delete system32'.16:29
Mamarokign0ramus: well, I had the same reaction, but some kids thik it's a joke to do amongst eachother as it seems, find a noob and ruin his system16:30
furudaskreech no i dont know where to check if i even have16:30
Mamaroksince they can't build efficient viruses16:31
furubut i did google it and it seems like there might be a problem with the opensource driver for this ati card16:31
ign0ramusMamarok, even lower than script kiddies ಠ_ಠ16:31
Mamarokign0ramus: :)16:32
DaskreeCHfuru: System settings -> Appearanace ->Fonts16:32
ign0ramusMamarok, but now we have kid gloves for everything... 'dontzap' is enabled in xorg, and 'rm' now has '--preserve-root' by default16:32
ign0ramusMamarok, in my day, you could hose an entire install with a few characters in a terminal, and we liked it that way! :P16:33
ign0ramusMamarok, </sarcasm>16:33
furuI dont have something called subpixel under fonts... just anti allaising and dpi16:33
furudaskreech found it16:33
ign0ramusfuru, click the 'configure' button16:34
Dragnslcrign0ramus- back in my day, it was more fun to hose a system in creative ways, like fork bombs16:35
ign0ramusDragnslcr, haha! while fun to conceive, why would anyone unknowingly put a string of characters like that into a terminal?16:35
DragnslcrThe real question is, why would someone unknowingly write a fork bomb and then run it on their own system16:36
ign0ramusDragnslcr, really.  but do forkbombs actually break the install, or just lock up your session?16:36
DragnslcrAnd s/their/my/16:36
diernosajCan someone help me keep my resolution settings after reboots?16:37
Dragnslcrign0ramus- it can bring down the entire system, since you can't even start a root shell to kill the bomb16:37
diernosajit goes back to the highest setting available 1024x768 after I have it set at native 1680x1050 with alot of options above that16:38
delighthi there ... i got problems with javafx (jnlp + "applet") since jaunty  ... can someone try starting an javafx programm on jaunty ? http://javafx.com/docs/articles/controls/16:38
delightjust to see if that problem is common for others too .. using sun-jdk6 on 64 jaunty16:39
dpreacherhello everyone, how are you doing?16:40
ign0ramusdelight, everything seemed to work ok here, but i quit when it wanted to install javafx and make me accept an agreement... does your issue occur after that step?16:41
delightign0ramus: yes16:41
delightits on startup time16:41
ign0ramusdelight, can't help you then, i'm afraid. i'm not going to install that.  maybe someone else can help.16:42
delightwell that would have been just a simple javafx program demonstrating the new ui-controls ... on intrepid everything worked fine :-(16:42
diernosajEverytime I reboot I lose my resolution settings, can somebody help me fix that16:42
delightign0ramus: its all good .. thnx for your help ... (even if its not really installing but i'm not into forcing or explaing that into deep right now) thnx a lot for the try16:43
topramen<ign0ramus>...what command do I type in the konsole to see if I deleted kde wallet correctly?16:43
delighttopramen: just make sure .kde/share/apps/kwallet/kdewallet.kwl16:44
delightis deleted16:44
delightthen your walled is lost16:44
topramenkool...it says no such file in the directory16:45
delightsounds good16:45
DaskreeCHign0ramus: how do I check my drivers ?16:46
delighttopramen: well thats the default wallet ... unless you created one with a custom name thats all there is ... if you want to make really sure you can look for .kwl files in that folder16:47
ign0ramusDaskreeCH, lsmod .  what nvidia card do you have?16:47
ign0ramusDaskreeCH, also, in Kmenu > Hardware Drivers , does it list any proprietary drivers?16:48
topramenok will do...hold on16:48
dpreacheri installed b43 firmware of broadcom using fwcutter and restarted networking services but sudo iwlist scan still says no scan results, can anyone tell me what's the exact iwconfig command with params to just set the SSID and keep most settings at default or auto. thank you16:48
DaskreeCH product: NV34 [GeForce FX 5200]16:48
DaskreeCHign0ramus: hardware drivers segfaults16:50
ign0ramusDaskreeCH, it looks like you should be using either "nvidia-glx-96" or "nvidia-glx-173"... do you have either16:51
DaskreeCHSeems I have 17316:52
ign0ramusDaskreeCH, and it's not working for you?16:52
DaskreeCHSeems not16:52
DaskreeCHwhat do I have to modprobe to load it?16:54
ign0ramusDaskreeCH, i would imagine "modprobe <name_of_module>"16:55
ign0ramusDaskreeCH, what happens when you run "nvidia-xconfig" ?16:55
DaskreeCHit modifies something I guess16:56
DaskreeCHDoesn't throw any errors16:56
ign0ramusDaskreeCH, i suppose you could try uninstalling the 173 and trying the 96, which also purports to support your card16:57
jseaboldHey, does anyone know how to edit ~/.bashrc to add two paths?  I currently have export PYTHONPATH=/path/to first and on the next line export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/second and only the second shows up in my pythonpath16:57
ign0ramusjseabold, can you add the second location separated by a semicolon?17:00
jseaboldign0ramus: hmm, I will try to colon17:00
ign0ramusjseabold, eg, 'export PYTHONPATH=/usr/share/python:/usr/bin/python'17:01
jseaboldign0ramus: yeah, I'm going to try it17:01
sky__where can I find the device modules for inspiron 1721 broadcom bluetooth17:01
ign0ramusjseabold, not sure if that works, but it seems to follow traditional syntax17:01
jseaboldign0ramus: yeah I've seen similar elsewhere.  I was wondering what the syntax was, and I think you might be right17:02
jseaboldign0ramus: anyway to reload bashrc without restarting x?17:02
ign0ramusjseabold, honestly, a shot in the dark, but it sounds like it could work.17:02
ign0ramusjseabold, not that i'm aware of :(17:02
ubuntu_just a test17:03
ign0ramusubuntu_, you have succeded17:03
ubuntu_thank you17:03
ign0ramusubuntu_, yw :P17:04
jseaboldign0ramus: that worked!  you can also reload bashrc by typing 'source ~/.bashrc'17:04
ign0ramusjseabold, cool. now we both learned something :P17:05
togeticif any of you are feeling generous, here's my current situation still:17:06
ign0ramustogetic, wow... you've been battling this one forever :/17:07
togeticon and off17:07
ign0ramustogetic, what nvidia card do you have?17:07
togeticnvidia geforce 5600 or something like that17:08
ign0ramustogetic, have you tried "nvidia-glx-173" ?17:09
rubikanyone here knows how to zoom java text ? everything else zooms when using ctrl + in firefox except the java text. same behavior in windows ie/firefox17:10
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togeticign0ramus: the proper one is 9617:12
togeticand yeah, i have installed everything to do with nvidia-glx-9617:12
ign0ramustogetic, and i assume you ran "nvidia-xconfig"17:13
togeticit's a geforce mx 44017:13
togeticign0ramus: several times17:14
ign0ramustogetic, have you seen this: http://preview.tinyurl.com/lzpeeq17:16
ign0ramustogetic, google cache + tinyurl, because most of ubuntu's web sites are currently down17:16
togeticthe xorg log file says it fails to load the nvidia kernel module, so it isn't properly setup. that's the problem, er.. one of them17:17
togeticthe main one right now17:18
ign0ramustogetic, have you tried manually loading the module?17:18
togeticign0ramus: no17:18
ign0ramustogetic, that would be a place to start, as well as seeing if there are any conflicting modules that may also be loaded17:18
fg56xfdHow can i stop the KNotifier thing from displaying a box every time i delete a file?17:19
ign0ramusfg56xfd, system tray settings > uncheck notify "file transfers" (?)17:20
fg56xfdign0ramus: I dont see anything remotely similar to that in system tray settings.17:22
fg56xfdign0ramus: Only a box where i can hide/show icons.17:22
ign0ramusfg56xfd, i'm using kde 4.2.90... maybe it's different for you. let me get a screenshot17:23
fg56xfdAre you asking me for a screenshot?17:23
ign0ramusfg56xfd, http://imgur.com/Zawq6.png17:24
fg56xfdI dont have anything about Information in mine.17:24
ign0ramusfg56xfd, i may not be in 4.2.4 or whatever version you're using; i'm not too sure17:25
fg56xfdHow often do these update? (i.e, how long before 4.2.4 would go to 4.2.9?17:25
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ign0ramusfg56xfd, in this case, you have to add a repo to get kde 4.3beta (aka 4.2.90), but this is not yet supported17:26
fg56xfdHow would I go about that?17:26
ign0ramusfg56xfd, although in my case, it works very well (better than 4.2.4, imho). but that is just my singular experience17:27
ign0ramusfg56xfd, http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2.9017:27
fg56xfdThank you.17:28
ign0ramusfg56xfd, np.  just remember that this version *is not yet supported*17:28
Xnet0ign0ramus: Does the 9.04 download on the Kubuntu front page use Kde 4.0?17:29
ign0ramusXnet0, i belive it ships with 4.2.217:29
Xnet0ign0ramus: alright thanks, just wondering what exact version i am using. :)17:29
ign0ramusXnet0, open dolphin/konqueror, whatever.  go to Help > About KDE17:30
ign0ramusXnet0, your version will be listed there17:30
Xnet0ign0ramus: Alright thanks. WIll do.17:30
ign0ramusXnet0, np :)17:30
kaWhat's the konsole command to report a bug in kubuntu?17:33
xp-killeri install the lates flash plugign but konqueror still not reading the streaming videos.what should i do?17:37
kaPeace: apport? "bash: apport: command not found17:41
ugurhi all i cannot open www.ubuntuforums.org site is there a problem?17:47
Mamarokugur: try kubuntuforums.net, that should work17:51
fixlis it just me or does KDE not redraw the windows propperly?17:52
uguryes it works but i need to look to a thread in ubuntuforums17:52
ugurthanks anyway17:53
Mamarokugur: you are welcome :)17:53
Dragnslcrugur- yeah, looks like it's down17:53
Mamarokugur: just be patient, they are working on the servers to make it available soon again17:53
Mamarokugur: anyway, if it is a kubuntu related question, you can find it in kubuntuforums.net eventually17:54
ugurfixl do you mean your desktop is slow and sluggish?17:54
DaskreeCHYou can report bugs from the command line?17:54
ugurit is related to a specific thread called jaunty intel performance guide17:54
fixlyeah slow and sluggish would be appropriate17:55
uguris your graphics chipset is intel ?17:55
ugurintegrated one?17:56
fixlits an ati x1300 iirc17:56
fixli'm on a Thinkpad T6017:56
uguri am usint r61i but with intel graphics chipset17:56
fixl01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc M52 [Mobility Radeon X1300]17:57
uguri was experiencing similar problems and manually installing 2.6.30 kernel helped but it is not adviced and take it to your own responsibility17:58
ugurit may or may not help17:58
fixlno i wont touch the kernel stuff for now17:58
ugurnot official17:58
fixli need a working system till i finish my bachelor thesis :D17:58
uguri think you can run many kernels side by side17:59
uguryou can have i mean17:59
fixlhm true ... forgot about that17:59
ugurand you can select one in the grub menu18:00
fixli was just wondering if there is a "quick fix" or "easy workaround"18:00
uguras far as i know 2.6.30 kernel includes some fixes for some graphics problems mainly for intel chipsets18:00
fixlhttp://i42.tinypic.com/73h6aa.jpg <-- thats what i mean18:02
uguryou might take a look on this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582&highlight=intel once the site is up again18:03
uguryes i was experiencing a similar problem before18:04
ugurin dolphin18:04
fixlthank god google caches EVERYTHING :D18:04
uguri performed optimal solution there and it worked but it may differ for your case i dont guarantee18:06
delightj ##javafx18:12
Mamarokdelight: you forgot the /18:13
delightMamarok: :-D18:13
ugurfixl - also if you are experiencing a memory leakage with okular it may be the same problem18:13
ugurbecause taking optimal configuration step helped also fix that bug for me18:14
fixlit happenes in every application18:14
fixlocular was just the one i made the screenshot of18:14
ugurafter some time using okular press ctrl-esc opening system activity window and check the memory usage of okular18:15
uguri remember sawing numbers like 300MBs :)18:15
fixli'll keep that in mind18:16
uguralso check the memory print for xorg18:18
ugureither of them18:18
topramenis anyone familiar with global hooks which are mainly found in windows?18:23
topramenreason asking is because I saw them on the linux software as well....and from my experience it's spyware that records keystrokes,mouse movements,websites, etc18:26
toniitopramen: I have no prior knowledge to it, but I'd guess it's a common function that allows software (malicious or otherwise) to tap into keyboard/mouse18:30
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topramenok....thanks <tonii>18:31
dpreachercan someone help me setup b43 firmware for my broadcom wifi? i got the firmware using fwcutter. i rebooted the machine but i still am not able to scan and detect my wifi router18:37
dpreacherthank you in advance18:37
BluesKajdpreacher, i recommend you install Wicd as your network manager , it'll detect your wificard etc18:41
dpreacherlet me give that a try...but i was hoping the terminal tools would help...anyways later on i would have to learn all the ways. will see if wicd helps18:41
davidjheinrichcan anyone tell me how safe it is to use apt-build to optimize programs / dependencies?18:42
dpreacherBluesKaj is the plasma-widget-network-manager required...wicd seems to be having some issues with that. wicd would remove network-manager on which that plasma pkg depends18:44
BluesKajwicd replaces the widget , but if you're concerned you can always remove it with widget manager18:45
dpreacherso wicd provides its own widget...18:46
dpreacheror atleast some notification icon18:46
BluesKajthe widget network management that is, dpreacher18:46
dpreacheri see18:46
BluesKajyes , you can move into the panel from the kicker/internet apps18:46
dpreacherwhat repo is wgetpaste in?18:47
BluesKajwgetpaste ?...hmmwget is in the regular jaunty universe repos i think18:48
dpreacherwgetpaste the tool to submit output of commands like dmesg directly to pastebin servers18:50
dpreacherits not wget18:51
ZeromusI keep having this problem where I try to copy a large file from one computer to another18:53
Zeromusand it stops and slows down around 80 mb copied18:53
Zeromusuntil it stops at 80.  No files will copy anymore18:53
ZeromusI'm using an old version of KDE18:54
ZeromusKDE version 3.5.618:55
Zeromusit's when I'm copying over to a samba share18:55
Zeromusanyone with any ideas?  I've searched and search but so far can't find anything.18:55
jdagcan anyone help me so i can watch youtube,i've tried flash but nothing works. Please help19:05
jdagcan anyone help??19:06
kerimAranızda TÜRK  var mı?19:09
kerimHow can install media codecs for kubuntu?19:12
Zeromuskerim install vlc19:13
Zeromusany other codecs you have to look for individually.19:14
DaskreeCHkerim: enable multiverse and install libxine1-ffmpeg19:14
kerimok thanks19:14
kerimDo you know Turkish Forum for KUBUNTU?19:15
kerimNo problem thanks...19:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tk19:16
ubottuTurk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.19:17
BluesKaj!medibuntu | kerim19:18
ubottukerim: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org19:18
davidjheinrichcan anyone help me with math atlas??19:20
ZeiPHi. I have the latest Kubuntu (9.04). I installed Firefox, set it up as the default browser and am using Prism to use Gmail. Other apps (the KDE ones) open links in Firefox just fine, but Prism opens links either in it's own window (which means that afterwards I need to re-launch Prism to get back to Gmail), or another Prism-like (no toolbars etc.) windows. How can I get Prism open links to Firefox?19:24
_hubar_ZeiP: I doubt it.19:28
_hubar_ZeiP: I think prism uses its own firefox process.19:28
ZeiP_hubar_, in Gnome it works fine.19:28
ZeiP(At least vanilla Ubuntu.)19:29
kaHow do I repport bugs in kubuntu? Peace said apport, but I can't understand what I should do with "apport"19:29
_hubar_ZeiP: really? damn I better shut up then sorry for the misinformation. :)19:29
ZeiP_hubar_, np, it's nice to have at least some answer :)19:31
BluesKajZeiP, i think prism sites have to be "prism-enabled " , so if you click on a un-enabled site link , nothing will happen19:33
_hubar_BluesKaj: I tried medibuntu but get this  GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net jaunty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 632D16BB0C713DA619:34
_hubar_err I mean this: http://pastebin.com/d543d5edd19:36
ZeiPBluesKaj, I'm currently using Prism for Gmail quite successfully. The problem is that any links (for example a link to a Slashdot story in the RSS ticker) opens in the Prism window itself, which means that after I've finished with the Slashdot story I have to close Prism and open it again in order to get back to Gmail (as there is no navigation). When clicking a Slashdot link it should open in my existing Firefox process...19:36
ugurselam kerim kpackagekit ten kubuntu-restricted-extras paketini kurduğunda video ve müzikleri açar hale gelirsin19:38
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bordenka: first install "kdelibs5-dbg" package if u haven't already which is used by many applications system wide and then u can report bugs at the crash time with useful debugging symbols19:41
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BluesKaj_hubar_, http://consult.wikidot.com/linux#medibuntu19:41
pronoyis there a way for not showing the available ntfs drives in the sidebar of dolphin ?19:42
BluesKajpronoy, right click on Volume ntfs and choose" hide"19:43
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brian__hey  i did the update to kde4 but when i check the terminal says im running 3.5.10  any idea19:44
brian__but i can download plasmids19:44
kaborden: hm. no luck installing kdelibs-dbg19:45
kakdelibs5-dbg: Depends on: libqt4-dbg (>= 4.4.3) but can't be installed19:46
brian__i think i am running kde4 but i dont know how to find out19:46
kaI have kde 4.2.419:46
kabrian__: When you log in did you choose kde4 as session.19:47
brian__it wasnt there it just said kde19:47
BluesKajopen konq and click on help/about kde19:47
brian__kde-config --version | grep KDE19:48
brian__sorry it said kde4.2.419:49
brian__but when i run the command in the terminal to see what version i have it says 3.5.1019:49
brian__and in sessions screenn it doesnt say kde4 it says kde19:50
mib486hi im installing linux in expert mode, which kernel should i install?19:51
mib486generic? image generic or image 2.6.28-11 generic?19:52
BluesKajmib486, yer the expert :) why ask us peons ?19:53
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mib486-_- im not an expert at all but i had to install it that way in order to be able to pick which boot loader i need... cuz grub doesnt work, have to choose lilo, satisfied?19:54
pronoyhow do i make dolphin not show some unmounted ntfs drives on its left panel ???19:54
BluesKaji thought the latest kernel was 2.6.3019:54
ktminihi sorry folks but im in a hurry, my connection won't last long19:55
pronoyhow do i make dolphin not show some unmounted ntfs drives on its left panel ???19:55
BluesKajpronoy, right click on the drives . choose hide19:55
ktminihow can i share an internet connection (hotspot wifi) from a kubuntu machine to a ubuntu one (by ethernet)? please answer :s19:55
dwidmannmib486: they should all refer to the same kernel19:56
pronoyBluesKaj: will it automatically do it in case of every restart ?19:56
dwidmannBluesKaj: it is, I've been running 2.6.30 for a couple weeks now at least19:56
BluesKajsame here dwidmann19:56
BluesKajpronoy, not sure i ssume it will19:57
pronoyok thanks19:57
pronoyoh btw is amarok2 in the repo for intrepid ?!?!19:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about amarok219:58
_hubar_dwidmann: jaunty has only mainline kernel build for 2.6.30 now right?19:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about amarok19:58
dwidmann_hubar_: eh? (I just grabbed the source from upstream)19:59
pronoyis amarok2 in the repo for intrepid ?!?!19:59
BluesKajmib486, what choices do the kernels give or can find any bootloader options ?19:59
_hubar_dwidmann: oh, I thought you were using the ubuntu mainline kernel build.20:00
dwidmannpronoy: it's in the kubuntu-experimental ppa probably?20:00
pronoydwidmann but its stable right ?20:01
dwidmannpronoy: yeah20:01
ktminisomebody? please20:01
dwidmannpronoy: hmm, I was probably wrong, probably kubuntu-members-kde4 ppa20:07
bosekhi all20:08
bosekneed help20:08
dwidmannpronoy: which seems to have 2.0.120:08
dwidmannpronoy: (jaunty has 2.1.1)20:09
pronoydwidmann so how to get it on intrepid ?20:12
pronoydwidmann another repo ?20:12
ugurktmini i think there is no easy way to do that you have to play with route tables20:26
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ricky_1966buona sera a tutti20:45
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ricky_1966mi capita yba cosa strana se guardo la tv o scarico un filmato avi, mpeg e altri tipi e lo guardo vedo tutti i colori sfalsati20:48
ricky_1966sapreste mica dirmi la libreria che si occupa della visualizzazione dei filmati a occhio è quella che da problemi20:48
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tinkai am a monkey20:53
topramen is anyone familiar with the DBAN NUKE WIPE CLEAN...INSTALLATION PART OF IT?<<<21:06
ZengolCould someone help me install the updated drivers for ALSA.21:31
ZengolOr walk me through it if possible.21:31
slarnI have an existing windows xp installation on one of my harddrives, and have just installed ubuntu to another harddrive. grub did not install itself to my windows harddrive (c), and my comp just auto boots to windows. How do i install grub to my windows drive so that I can dual boot?21:33
ZengolCan someone tell me how to re-install ALSA?21:51
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BluesKajZengol, sudo aptitude install alsa-utils21:56
ZengolNo packages will be installed upgraded or removed.21:57
ZengolI tried to do an update to ALSA and now it says i have no soundcard available.21:57
BluesKajZengol, which soundcard do you have?21:58
capthBrought To You By #R&A_WareZ =- *21:58
ZengolHDA Intel.21:58
ZengolIntel Corporation 82801G21:59
BluesKaj!intelhda | Zengol21:59
ubottuZengol: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto21:59
Jonas_T400hi, I have a problem with my CD/DVD-Drive. In Dolphin CDROM0 is shown, but when i put a CD in, and navigate to the cd-Drive nothing seems to be on the CD. Can anybody tell me how to test wheather the system knows the CD-Drive. The laptop is a Thinkpad T400.22:02
ZengolNothing works on that page.22:02
ZengolSays i pretty much dont have a sound card os teh drivers at all for ALSA.22:02
BluesKajsorry Zengol , that's the extent of my knowledge on intelhda's22:05
ZengolLol, thanks anyway.22:05
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Jonas_T400Jonas: no idea to my quesiton? How can i test the cd-Drive?22:06
BluesKajthere are lot of probs with intel media , lately22:07
capthyes Blueskaj is right22:07
Peppinhohi guys, can you help me about wine? I'm can't get pop-up under wine22:08
Peppinhowhat pachet have I to install?22:08
cecilieHi, when downloading the ati driver from amd.com... do i download the x org file or the xfree86 im using kubuntu 9.0422:11
BluesKajcecilie, look in the package manager for the driver for your ati card , best to install that one22:13
mubuHey guys, Im having trouble connecting to a cisco vpn with ubuntu 9.04. Everytime i try to connect with the network manager it fails. Is there any way I can see an output or log somewhere so I can see exactly what fails? Thanks22:17
capthi can not start my kdebluetooth422:20
capthhowto start kdebluetoth422:21
davherewhat would make my browsers crash?22:23
Kira_Lightdavhere: run it in windows?22:25
davhereone minute i'm caring for baby atm22:26
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* n3il eats crayons.22:32
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AndorinKatoMy friend just did a fresh Jaunty install and it won't read her wireless card, which is a D-link wda 1320... her PC is a Dell Dimension 4600... lots of forum posts online say that this card works great, but she says it doesn't. Any ideas?22:56
SerpardumWhat is a good/prefered/best graphic program for kubuntu?  I dont' seem to have anything I can modify pictures with but openoffice which doesn't do what I need23:01
UnksiSerpardum: gimp=23:01
DragnslcrKrita is pretty good, too. Probably simpler than Gimp23:02
AndorinKatoThe list of supported wireless cards has her card on there listed as working out of the box, so I imagine it's either some obscure or obvious setting that needs to be adjusted.23:02
AndorinKatoI'd help but I don't have KDE experience.23:02
Serpardumgimp, thanks.23:04
Serpardumanother question: when I go to explore one of my mounts (/dev/sdb1) I am asked for my password.  How do I give myself the rights,  to the /dev/sdb1 file or to the mount file?23:05
AndorinKatoSerpardum: Have you tried changing the read permissions for /dev/sbd1?23:07
Serpardumit's brw-brw---- root disk  but I'm a member of hte group disk23:18
Serpardumjim@jim-kubuntu:~$ sudo adduser jim disk23:18
SerpardumThe user `jim' is already a member of `disk'.23:18
Serpardumand the /media/HP_PAVILION is root root drwxrwxrwx  so shoudl be public,.23:19
Serpardummy understanding anyway. maybe I'm wrong on that23:20
Serpardumroot, owner, grop23:20
Serpardumoh.  that's why23:20
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SerpardumI should change the group on the medias to disk23:20
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AndorinKatoGuys, I need help, can someone please offer assistance?23:24
SerpardumAndorinKato: My son had the same problem, I told him to go to network and select the wireless router to connect to and it worked23:25
Serpardumdid they go to select the wireless router?23:26
Serpardumhis was linksys wireless, but you have to remember to select a router ^^23:26
AndorinKatoShe says that the system is not detecting her wireless card, so I don't think it could detect a router.23:26
Serpardumhow does she know it's not detecting her wireless card?23:26
AndorinKatoBecause Network Management is not giving her the option to configure her wireless.23:27
SerpardumI forget the command to display te devices.  hmm23:28
AndorinKatoIt'd help if I knew how to manage hardware in Linux. There doesn't seem to be anything like Windows' Device Manager.23:29
Serpardumit's a konsole comamnd to dispaly it23:29
Serpardumto display devices.  someone told me the other day when tryign to get my son's card to work, but I forget it :/23:29
Serpardumlet me try to google23:29
Serpardumifconfig is one23:30
Serpardumif it shows up there it's definately found23:31
davidjheinrichhow do I make a process use all 4 CPU's? (i.e., I have a "refocus-it" command-line program)23:31
Serpardumthere's one before that though (to see the card itself)23:31
Serpardumifconfig show anything AndorinKato ?23:33
AndorinKatoOne sec23:33
drbobbhello, can anyone tell me what happened to the kde clipboard applet in kde423:34
SerpardumI have it.23:34
Serpardumso what do you  mean "what happened to it"?23:35
drbobbSerpardum: I can't find it anymore23:35
AndorinKatoIs she supposed to have a wlan0 section?23:35
AndorinKatoI do, but she doesn't.23:35
Serpardumyou have the widget open?23:35
drbobbit's gone from my systray23:35
Serpardumot sure drbobb, it's running in my systray23:35
AndorinKatoShe only has results for eth0 and lo.23:35
Serpardumtry running klipper from command line23:35
Serpardumokay, what does eth0 report?23:36
Serpardumis there a hard ware address or is it loopback?23:36
AndorinKatoI'm rather certain that eth0 is for a wired ethernet connection. Neither of us know how to tell what it "supports."23:36
Serpardumlo = loopback23:36
Serpardumif you see eth0 and you see HWaddr it sees your card23:36
Serpardumthe hardware address is gotten from the physical card itself23:37
drbobbSerpardum: thanks, that worked. I couldn't find it in the menus, and I forgot the name of the executable23:37
Serpardumso you need to configure it23:37
AndorinKatoRight, but all this is for the ethernet card, isn't it?23:37
Serpardumoh she has another card too?23:37
Serpardumwell, yeah23:37
Serpardumif she has eth0 and not eth1 and 1 hardwired and one wireless ifconfig doesn't see it23:38
AndorinKatoAs I explained in my original message, her system is not detecting her wireless card.23:38
Serpardumhave you tried to download the driver and install it?23:38
SerpardumMy guess is she added the network card after she already had linux installed, right?23:39
AndorinKatoShe can't. She doesn't have an ethernet cord to hook up her PC. Plus her card is supposed to work out of the box with Ubuntu.23:39
AndorinKatoNo, she only just installed Kubuntu today.23:39
SerpardumI dunno23:39
SerpardumMy only suggestion would be for her to try installing the driver manualy23:39
Serpardumdownload it off another machine, put it on thumb drive/cd/etc..23:39
Serpardumthen install it23:40
Serpardumtry googling for problems also23:40
CPrgmSwR2How do I put in a request to update eclipse?23:40
CPrgmSwR2How do I put in a request to update eclipse in the kubuntu repository?23:41
AndorinKatoOk, thx23:41
AndorinKatoI'll have her download it and install it and see if that does it.23:42
AndorinKatoI find it odd because my Ubuntu install worked with wireless immediately, but I'm using GNOME.23:43
MatisseCan I change the possible actions with plugged in media?23:54
MatisseI dont want to "download pictures with digicam" from my usb-sticks....23:55

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