
micahgping asac08:35
BUGabundohey micahg11:05
BUGabundoup already, on a Sunday too ?11:05
micahgBUGabundo: haven't been to sleep yet :)11:06
BUGabundothat's... bad!11:08
BUGabundo(firefox-3.6:11673): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_column_id: assertion `GTK_IS_TREE_SORTABLE (sortable)' failed11:09
BUGabundo[New Thread 0x7f0b55c56950 (LWP 12308)]11:09
BUGabundo[Thread 0x7f0b55c56950 (LWP 12308) exited]11:09
BUGabundoProgram received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.11:09
BUGabundo[Switching to Thread 0x7f0b83f5e710 (LWP 11673)]11:09
BUGabundoguudie! a reproducebla FF crash11:09
BUGabundoI think it's a know GTK bug with sort list11:11
micahgstevel reported a similar bug in ff3.011:14
micahgbug 39300511:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 393005 in firefox-3.0 "firefox crashes with "gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_column_id: assertion `GTK_IS_TREE_SORTABLE (sortable)' failed" in file selection dialog" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39300511:14
BUGabundoyeah but it is a GTK known bug11:14
BUGabundonot a FF one11:14
BUGabundoseveral ppl suffeting from it on +111:14
micahgdo you have a bug #?11:14
BUGabundobetter change Affects11:15
BUGabundono micahg11:15
BUGabundonot that many gtk bugs eheh11:15
BUGabundoshould be quick to find knowing the error trace11:15
micahgBUGabundo: bug 39139811:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 391398 in gtk+2.0 "Applications segfault with gtk+ version 2.17.2 when selecting listbox values" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39139811:16
BUGabundoyeah could be it11:17
BUGabundohow do you think we should do?11:17
micahgI'm just going to post a comment11:18
BUGabundoset affect to gtk and leave FF invalid to get extra hits?11:18
BUGabundo'cause removing FF will just make ppl file new bugs on Firefox11:18
micahgwell, I can add FF on the gtk bug11:18
micahgthe gtk bug is master11:18
BUGabundohumm dupe that one, and mark FF invalid I guess11:19
micahgnow that I know what it is, I can just dupe the ff bugs11:19
BUGabundosee, you should be on +1 too11:19
micahgI have do work on my Ubuntu install :)11:20
BUGabundoI meant the #, not OS version11:21
BUGabundovery annoying bug, making navigation on the Open PATH bar unusable :((11:21
micahgnah, I don' thave time to read all that11:22
micahgWere those 2 bugs the same error?11:26
BUGabundowhich too?11:29
BUGabundomine and the reported?11:29
BUGabundoor both you mention?11:29
micahgno, the 2 I mentioned11:30
BUGabundoa quick look at trace seems so11:30
BUGabundobut feel free to download the BT and compare11:30
micahgthe ff bug didn't have a BT11:31
BUGabundoask steve for one11:32
BUGabundoor I can reproduce one pretty easy11:32
micahgwell, he'll check the bug in the morning11:32
micahgand either contribute to it11:32
BUGabundojust need to get the gdb libs (again)11:32
micahgor yell at me for duping it :)11:32
BUGabundoyeah, if it isn't some one will undupe or file a new11:32
micahgI'm wondering if I should tag the gtk bug metabug11:33
BUGabundoask on #-bugs11:34
micahgI unduped it11:41
micahgthere was another similar bug with a separate upstream11:41
micahgwhich leads me to believe that this one might be different as well11:41
micahgdifferent symptoms11:41
* micahg really needs to get some sleep11:42
BUGabundoits Noon here11:45
BUGabundoanyone ever heard of http://www.ksplice.com/ ? upgrading without reboots13:26
BUGabundo$ firefox-3.613:49
BUGabundoGdk-ERROR **: The program 'firefox-3.6' received an X Window System error.13:49
BUGabundoThis probably reflects a bug in the program.13:49
BUGabundoThe error was 'BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)'.13:49
BUGabundo  (Details: serial 1853 error_code 3 request_code 20 minor_code 0)13:49
BUGabundofta: do you know this one ?13:49
andrew_sayersIf I test an extension in the latest ubuntu-mozilla-daily, is it safe to mark the extension as working in 3.5?14:35
BUGabundoI guess14:41
andrew_sayersBUGabundo: Fair enough, may the fox smite me down if I am wrong :)14:45
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg
ftafta@ix:~ $ firefox-3.623:34
ftaINTERNAL ERROR on Browser End: Could not get the plugin manager23:34
ftaSystem error?:: No such file or directory23:34
ftaasac, ^^23:34
BUGabundohey fta23:36
ftagasp, same in safe mode23:37
BUGabundoI need to start 3.6 3 or 4 times for it to work23:38
BUGabundo--syns does help23:38
BUGabundothere's a trace up, in the log here23:38
ftaok, not the same23:40

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