
khelvanHi, this is a newbie question, but I want to run a script at boot (twonkymedia.sh to start twonkymedia) but don't know how - can someone please tell me what to do to run this script at boot (without requiring a console login)?01:09
BigJBkhelvan: you need to add it to /etc/rc.local01:12
BigJBwho should the script run as?01:12
BigJBkhevlan: echo "/usr/local/twonkymedia/twonkymedia.sh start" >> /etc/rc.local from http://wiki.hifidelio-user.de/doku.php?id=twonkymediaserver01:14
BigJBsorry, that should be: echo "/usr/local/twonkymedia/twonkymedia.sh start" >> /etc/rc.local01:14
khelvanBigJB - Thanks! The script can run as the local user.01:35
d3buganyone around that can help me with a login issue with xchat that i was unable to resolve in #xchat  ?01:50
d3bugjic someone is looking, the problem is that i need to log into an ircx server which requires that i send 3 very specific commands in place of the normal NICK command that is issued automatically...01:52
d3bugxchat sends the NICK command, and waits till after the motd to send the 3 commands which is too late by then01:52
d3bugsoren, my question is:  is there any way to change that default behavior ?01:53
=== shunobies is now known as shunobies_away
* shunobies_away is away: Gone away for now02:01
MTecknologywhat's uvirtbot?03:30
=== shunobies is now known as shunobies_away
* shunobies_away is away: Gone away for now03:37
MTecknology!away > shunobies_away03:38
ubottushunobies_away, please see my private message03:38
MTecknologykees: you excited to see babies?04:34
MTecknologykees: sorry... I meant to say that to my gf in bitlbee instead of here04:35
=== s_markow_ is now known as s_markow
OregonJimI installed Ubuntu server 9.04 and EBOX.05:28
OregonJimI want a home fileserver, and can access fileshares with my05:29
OregonJimWin 7 box, but when I try using an Xp machine, the username/password doesn't work.05:29
OregonJimIs there something in Xp I need to do to make it work properly?05:29
OregonJimNo one wants to tackle this, huh?05:31
OregonJimDarn and I was hoping for some insight from you folks.05:31
OregonJimIs anyone listening here?05:33
OregonJimHello. Am I managing to post now?05:34
ScottKNot very patient.05:38
MTecknologyIn and out in 4 min :P05:40
=== pquarles is now known as p_quarles
scott197879hi there. trying to setup a file server on my old pc. i'm pretty rusty with linux, but it's slowly coming back to me. I would also like the computer to be a media server... can I have both?06:18
rdw200169scott197879, i don't see why not!06:18
rdw200169scott197879, you ought to try what ever flavor of file server you want, and pair that up with something like the Twonky Media Server (best for xbox360)06:19
rdw200169scott197879, i think, though, you have to pay for twonky, i can't remember anymore06:19
scott197879i will look into it. thanks for the info.... xbox is what i am looking for specifically.06:20
=== pquarles is now known as p_quarles
rdw200169scott197879, i will have to look it up, but there's an NAS out there that uses Twonky06:24
rdw200169scott197879, honestly, for your purposes, this would be perfect, gimme a sec, and i'll find it06:24
scott197879thanks for the help! looks like i would have to install a gui for ubuntu server if i went with twonky?06:25
dalfzthe logwatch package doesn't leave any logwatch.conf, just creating a /etc/logwatch emtpy directory tree. bug?06:26
dalfzthis is  the LTS server06:26
MTecknologydalfz: it's not empty while it runs, it clears it when it's done - iirc06:29
rdw200169scott197879, oh, no!  you can do *anything* with most apps either through a web interface or the command line06:29
rdw200169scott197879, twonky has a web interface06:29
dalfzMTecknology, but where is logwatch.conf ?06:29
MTecknologythere it's one afaik06:29
scott197879excellent... like i said, learning about ubuntu server as i go!06:30
rdw200169scott197879, so, it would work like administering a linksys router06:30
MTecknologydalfz: you just run it w/ w/e params you need06:30
MTecknologydalfz: you run it from a script or cron anyway, don't you?06:30
dalfzcron yes06:31
rdw200169scott197879, don't worry, just make sure you keep reading *everything* ;)06:31
rdw200169scott197879, one day, you will realize that a Linux Server is easily more powerful than anything Microsoft can come out with ;)06:31
MTecknologydalfz: wow... I just realized you can have it send mail from the app... I've been using it in a script :P06:32
rdw200169scott197879, and, that its easier... but that level of nirvana only arrives after a lot of heartache...06:32
rdw200169scott197879, and anger, and frustration, and bewilderment...06:32
scott197879already figured out! trying to transition everything over to linux now... too bad all of my experience has been with ms!06:32
dalfzMTecknology, yea good summary in the nightly mails :)06:36
MTecknologydalfz: that's what I use it for too, but I do a higher detail 1/wk06:37
keesMTecknology: your girlfriend's name is kees?  ;)06:40
MTecknologykees: k<tab>06:40
MTecknologyI need to start using 2 letter tab completes06:41
MTecknologydalfz: fyi - I just use logwatch --detail=10 --range=all --mailto=admin@server.com06:42
keesMTecknology: I suspected.  ;)06:42
scott197879looks like twonky is for windows??06:43
dalfzMTecknology, thanks, besides range mine is identical06:43
rdw200169scott197879, it is probably also for windows, but i know for sure that they have a linux server06:45
rdw200169scott197879, you may be mis-understanding its use06:45
rdw200169scott197879, the purpose of Twonky Media Server is to provide UPnP services in Linux such that, for example, an Xbox360 would be able to interface with the aforementioned Linux Server for Music, etc...06:46
MTecknologydalfz: oh, if you're curious... My cron is * * * * 106:46
rdw200169scott197879, natively, Linux Servers are uncapable of providing reliable UPnP services, since UPnP is primarily a Microsoft technology, likewise with Bonjour, etc...06:46
MTecknologydalfz: I just realized all is probably a bad idea though :P06:47
rdw200169scott197879, Twonky is an excellent implementation of UPnP roughly guaranteed to operate reliably with Microsoft Products, like the Xbox36006:47
scott197879i will have to try to find the package for linux then. so far i've only found the windows install from their webpage.06:49
rdw200169scott197879, further, UPnP, being primarily a MS technology, was originally meant to only be used with Windows products on the server side... i.e. Windows Media Center edition06:49
rdw200169scott197879, thus, to interface a linux-based server with microsoft products via UPnP, it was likely approached via the wireshark method... i.e. inspecting the packet traversals between UPnP devices and programming accordingly to mimic the behavior06:51
rdw200169scott197879, with that information, i'm sure you can understand that programming a linux equivalent UPnP service would be time-consuming and costly, hence, Twonky can make money selling a product that 'just works'06:51
rdw200169scott197879, there are free implementations of UPnP, but they are more difficult to use, require more, uh, configuration file mangling, and may not always work in the way intended06:52
scott197879lol... in my hands i'm sure they would not work the way they're intended to. i think i should keep it simple for now!06:53
rdw200169scott197879, ahh, surfing the twonky site, i can see that things have changed since i was there last...06:59
scott197879a little more windows friendly, eh?07:00
rdw200169actually, not that bad.  i managed to get it working in under 5 minutes from the .zip for linux on their site07:11
scott197879any idea how xbmc works on ubuntu server?07:54
rdw200169scott197879, i think xbmc requires a GUI, like gnome/kde which implies that its rather useless with ubuntu-server07:56
rdw200169scott197879, its not really a server-type application, more of a front-end for music management07:57
scott197879ahhh i see07:57
rdw200169scott197879, hence, its more appropriately used on a desktop directly attached to a TV/Monitor etc...07:57
rdw200169scott197879, servers, on the otherhand, are generally defined by their lack of a monitor/keyboard etc...07:57
rdw200169scott197879, or at least their need for one (hence the fact that most servers are accessed via SSH/Serial etc...07:58
scott197879thanks for thr help... research continues....09:26
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning13:45
samferryDuplicity ftw13:49
=== DragonLord- is now known as DragonLord
hikenboot_hello do the nvdia packages that are available in ubuntu work with xen ? I am unable to get the nvidia\ installer working with a custom kernel14:43
hikenboot_xen dom 0 that is14:44
mobi-sheepWhat would be the best way to make backup of home directory?  I don't care for other folders /etc/ /sys/ /dev/ etc -- I think.15:15
=== lamont` is now known as lamont
Tom_Assis there some cpu frequenzy scaling in the server edition? My Amd Opteron 148, 2,2GHz, seems to be currently in "Performance mode", but can I put it to "Powersave" and "Ondemand" somehow?17:15
Tom_Asswhen I had desktop on that computer I could change between those modes17:16
giovani3Tom_Ass: those words are meaningless, but yes, you can change the clock speed18:05
giovani3apt-cache search cpufreq18:05
_rubencpufreq-selector (1) - tool to set CPU frequency18:06
giovani3there are many tools18:07
giovani3some are daemons, others change the value once18:07
Tom_Assmeaningless, as in there won't be an actual powersave?18:07
giovani3meaningless as in those words correlate to nothing the cpu uses18:07
giovani3the cpu's clock speed can be adjusted18:07
giovani3there's no "powersave" mode for the cpu -- that's a word used by the utility you're used to18:07
HarryyHi, how can I remove the ctrl+alt+del hotkey from rebooting my server? Or at least ask me for a promot asking to reboot? It is annoying to have it reboot by default.19:50
Tom_AssHarryy, https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/console-security.html19:52
RishiRamrajHi All. I'm currently doing research on chroot jails for a new web service I'm developing. I've found a bunch of new options like FreeBSD jails, tools like makejail jailer and jailtool, and other virtualization solutions. Does anyone have any experience with these tools?20:43
andolRishiRamraj: You might want to take a peak at OpenVZ.20:54
Nafalloor vserver ?20:55
nick125RishiRamraj: Are your VMs going to be persistent or just temporary?20:55
=== giovani3 is now known as giovani
OregonJimHello. I need help configuring a Ubuntu 9.04 server as a home file server.21:03
OregonJimI used ebox to set it up after installation, including Samba, but I can only21:04
OregonJimmap a drive from one computer. When I try to map a network drive from my Xp Pro21:04
OregonJimmachine, I enter the username and password and nothing happens. Am I missing something?21:05
OregonJimsad that no one can answer i\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\21:17
RishiRamrajnick125: Thanks, will look into OpenVZ. Not entirely sure what you mean by persistent or temporary. Can you elaborate?21:25
nick125RishiRamraj: Are you going to keep the VMs running a long time or are you going to destroy them quite often?21:48
RishiRamrajnick125: They'll be running a long time.21:48
nick125I would check into Xen and KVM as well.21:49
RishiRamrajGotcha. Thanks!21:49
* nick125 cleans up his "office"21:50
nick125I can't believe I haven't been using this awesome 22" monitor for so long21:50
nick125Maybe I'll move my server over to Ubuntu this weekend..21:52
=== cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson
=== RoAk is now known as RoAkSoAx
jeevesis anyone here today?23:02
mr_danielmany enterprises use Microsoft based products to build up a IT infrastructure, for example ActiveSync or other technology23:03
mr_daniela typical infrastructure can look like this here: http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/1521/bildschirmfotog.png23:04
mr_danielhow can I build a equivalent infrastrucutre with linux and open source?23:04
mr_danielwhich has the same and/or more features available?23:04
giovanimr_daniel: either you're trolling, or seriously confused about what you're asking23:04
mr_danielI guess I am confused ;)23:05
mr_danielI just want to know how a enterprise it infrastructure can look, which is build on open source and linux23:06
mr_danielwhat is wrong with my quesion?23:06
giovanibecaue "an enterprise IT infrastructure" is a meaningless concept23:07
giovanithere's nothing inherently different about an enterprise than any other organization23:07
giovanibut most enterprises use *nix anyhow23:07
mr_danielI used the wrong words23:08
mr_danielI mean of course small and mid size companys. Many of them (I guess so) use a Microsoft Exchange Server to provides some features like calendar, company wide address book, and of course email functionality23:09
mr_danielalso ActiveDirectory is an important part in a microsoft based network23:10
giovaniok, so you're asking about groupware23:10
giovaniright, AD is a windows thng, so?23:10
giovaniyou haven't really asked a question that has an answer23:10
mr_danielI am asking about software which helps companies with their IT, but yea you are right, I am asking about groupware23:10
mr_danielok, sorry for that23:11
giovanionce again, your question is so incredibly broad, it doesn't have an answer23:11
giovani"helps companies with their IT"23:11
jeeveswhat is the directory that stores e-mails on a postfix server?  my copy is hooped after a bad upgrade and I need to reinstall it23:26
jeeveshow can I make a full statefull backup of one server to another accross SSH?23:31
giovanijeeves: mail is stored whereever you've configured it to be23:32
giovanisometimes /var/mail, sometimes in the user's home directory23:32
giovaniall depends on how you've configured it23:32
giovaninot sure what you mean by "stateful backup"23:32
jeevesgiovani, I had someone else set up this box to do v-hosting, and after a system upgrade, everythign fell apart.  they used packages from the dev's sites, and not from APT, so when I did the upgrade, everythign fell apart23:33
giovanitalk to them23:33
jeeveswhere to start.  LOL23:34
giovaniyou talk to them about what they did23:34
giovaniand ask them how they configured your server23:34
jeevesfrom what I got (I didn't know a lot about Linux when we built the box).  it started as a Ubuntu 7.1 box, then I forced through an upgrade to 9.1.  The system is set up to do web hosting, and curently there are 9 domains on there, and a bunch of e-mail accounts.23:35
jeevesright now, the users use IMAP for their e-mail (it's still small, so we'd like to keep it on the server).23:36
giovanithat really doesn't matter23:37
jeevesand so far, since the upgrade, a LOT of stuff has broken due to not being installed from APT.  I think the e-mail setup had Postfix, dovcot, spam assaian, and clamAV installed23:37
giovaniyou need to talk to them about how it was configured so you can back up your data23:37
jeeveslol, they've left on a month long vacation!  Arrgghhh.  FML23:38
jeeveshow do I compress the entire drive (and maintain the premissions) into a TAR file again?23:52
Faust-Cjeeves, man -8 tar23:53
Faust-Clol jk23:53
Guest14623I have a server with two nic cards running with jaunty .23:54
Guest14623both nics have public pppoe static address's from my ISP. i have managed to get both nics activated with the appropriate ip .23:54
Guest14623My issue is when i try to ping my 2 nic it comes back unsuccessful , however i can see that the 2nd nic is getting the packets ok but just not sending them back . Please let me know if you need more info23:54
Guest14623Here is a copy of my ineterfaces file23:54
Guest14623# The loopback network interface23:54
Guest14623auto lo23:54
Guest14623iface lo inet loopback23:54
Guest14623# The primary network interface23:54
Guest14623auto eth023:54
Guest14623iface eth0 inet ppp23:54
Guest14623auto ppp023:54
Guest14623iface ppp0 inet ppp23:54
Guest14623provider dsleth023:54
Guest14623auto eth123:55
Guest14623iface eth1 inet ppp23:55
Guest14623auto eth023:55
Guest14623iface eth0 inet ppp23:55
Guest14623auto ppp023:55
Guest14623iface ppp0 inet ppp23:55
Guest14623provider dsleth023:55
Guest14623auto eth123:55
Guest14623iface eth1 inet ppp23:55
Guest14623auto ppp123:55
Guest14623iface ppp1 inet ppp23:55
Guest14623provider dsleth123:55
Guest14623pre-up /sbin/ifconfig eth0 up # line maintained by pppoeconf23:55
Guest14623pre-up /sbin/ifconfig eth1 up23:55
giovanihe can't stop23:55
giovanihis client queues it up23:55
giovaniwhen he pastes -- most do23:55
Faust-Ci used to use nopaste23:56
Faust-C /exec -o nopaste <file>23:56
Faust-Cor whatever it was23:56
andol!paste | Guest1462323:57
ubottuGuest14623: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic23:57
Guest14623sorry , i was not too sure how to explain my issue .. will do23:58

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