
CardinalFangBUGabundo: "FF"?00:03
BUGabundoFirefox CardinalFang00:03
CardinalFangAh.  Well, we want Ubuntu One to synchronize everything that's useful, including bookmarks.  It is not next, however, on our to-do list, as far as I know.00:05
CardinalFangAs my 90-minute delay to that question implies, I'm not really here.  And now, I go AFK again.00:07
chaslinuxUnison AFAIK00:07
CardinalFangSee you 'round when I'm more attentive, BUGabundo.00:07
chaslinuxYou can sync FF with Xmarks00:07
chaslinuxxmarks plugin00:07
CardinalFangIndeed, and Google had something for a while, IIRC.00:07
BUGabundoCardinalFang: *had*00:08
BUGabundobrowser sync00:08
BUGabundo_great_ tool00:08
dobeythere are several ffox sync things already, yes00:46
BUGabundohey dobey00:46
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kruxerhey guys :)08:51
kruxerI've subscribed for 1 month but I've not receved any mail to register! Should I wait longer?08:52
BUGabundohail yofel11:30
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
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BUGabundoot ?!!? OMG22:33

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