
A2C2Ais it possible to "interrupt" upstart's init sequence in such a way that you get to choose whether to start or skip starting each service? if you're familiar with Gentoo's init, what I'm after is what happens when you press i during init.10:46
ionHow would that be useful?10:47
A2C2Afor debugging 10:48
A2C2Ait has been invaluable for me while creating various gentoo-based mini-distros10:49
A2C2AI guess that means this is not possible in upstart?10:50
JamesB192A2C2A: and you can't sit baselayout atop upstart why? it's not a feature of sysvinit either.18:18
JamesB192sysvinit is told basily to just call rc on runlevel changes, I had an upstart job that did the same thing until I switched my box back to sysv, and I don't remember what I did w/ the ebuild for upstart. 'man inittab' and 'nano /etc/inittab' are probably your friends. substitute the editor/pager? of your choice for nano.18:26
mbieblA2C2A: Keybuk expressed interest in such an "interactive" mode21:10
mbieblbut upstart currently doesn't have support for that natively21:11

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