
pooliehi, can anyone here help with launchpad comment spam?00:32
pooliespm: are you home?00:32
pooliein https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/21567400:32
thumperpoolie: he is, but was looking for fud00:32
ubottuUbuntu bug 215674 in bzr-gtk "uncommit needs an option for saving commit messages" [High,Fix released]00:32
pooliefooled again by bug 277352 - it looks like that user has not placed any comments00:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 277352 in malone "should be easier to search for closed bugs" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27735200:37
spmpoolie: hi, yes - will fix01:09
* wgrant is glad to see geographically-distributed LOSAs.01:15
mwhudsonyes, hooray for that01:15
spmpoolie: removed, and user suspended.01:15
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spmtechnically I think it fair to say that last week we 3 *were* geographically distributed.01:16
spmrelative to our homes... ;-)01:16
NCommanderwgrant, launchpad issues?01:17
wgrantNCommander: A few times during the week.01:17
NCommanderwgrant, hrm, seems all the icons disappeared off the main page, and on my team page01:17
wgrantNCommander: That's just a bug, which is filed.01:18
NCommanderpretty serious bug01:18
wgrantCustom branding vanishing could not in any way be regarded as serious.01:19
Zankoi have a litte question about translation:01:21
Zankoi have imported a .po file for the french version of my project, however launchpad says that 18 of 18 strings are untranslated in french01:22
Zankoalso the .po file is still marked as "need review" in the import queue01:23
Zankocan someone help me ?01:23
Zankohow to make launchpad to use my po file ?01:23
wgrantZanko: The strings are shown as untranslated because the file hasn't been imported yet - 'Needs Review' indicates that it needs manual review by one of the Launchpad Translations people.01:25
wgrantOnce they approve it, the strings should show as translated.01:25
Zankook thanks01:25
Zankothis is a bit strange no ? I mean, I am the creator of the project, I have added the translation to the bzr repo, why review it ?01:27
pooliethanks spm01:28
Zankoif i'm not trusted to add translation to a project i created, why should i be trusted to add code to it ?01:29
wgrantZanko: Possibly because translations affect the whole of Launchpad, as suggestions are shared between projects. But I don't know for sure.01:30
Zankoyou're probably right, i had'nt think to this01:31
mwhudsonZanko: have you seen https://help.launchpad.net/Translations/ImportPolicy ?01:31
Zankono thanks i will read it01:32
SnovaThe OpenSourcing page says that Code hosting will not be released publicly- how much does this encompass?01:33
pooliehm that's odd01:41
poolieSnova: it's to-be-announced01:47
pooliei think at least the web ui relating to code will be released01:47
SnovaOk. There are some neat features that would be nice to have in a local installation, I'm just wondering what scope of them will remain. (Assuming I can set it up :P)01:48
pooliewhat kind of thing?01:48
SnovaHonestly, I can't name anything specific.01:50
SnovaThe code section, now that I look closely at it, has little on the surface that I would need in a private installation. I suppose I'm simply curious what will be missing.01:52
thumperSnova: what is your rationale for running a local copy?01:53
Snovathumper: Mostly just to mess with it. I don't do anything serious, and if it becomes too much effort, I probably won't.01:55
SnovaI tend to start a lot of little personal projects and having a Launchpad around would be handy- but they're never large/involved enough to justify an actual project on LP.01:56
poolieit's kind of an interesting observation01:56
poolieif running your own copy seems easier then the work to make a project on lp is probably too high01:56
poolieor if not work, the degree of emotional commitment or something01:57
pooliedegree of publicity01:57
wgrantA few people have made this point in the past couple of weeks.01:57
wgrantProjects are pretty permanent, I guess.01:57
SnovaIt's not a lot of work. They just don't merit being made public, what you said about sums it up.01:57
pooliethere's a big jump between +junk and a real project01:57
pooliecomes back to this idea of a nursery or something01:57
SnovaOccasionally I'll produce something I wish to share with a few people, but a simple +junk branch serves me well enough. Any "bugs" people report I either write down or fix immediately.01:58
wgrantBut running one's own Launchpad seems like utter overkill.01:58
SnovaYes... lately I've been happy to find how easy it is to create a Trac instance, and I can tear it down in a heartbeat. launchpad.net would require filing an answer... so I tend not to.01:59
pooliedoes it really, to make a new project?02:00
pooliethat's definitely too slow02:00
wgrantNo, it requires one to *remove* a project.02:00
wgrantCreation takes seconds.02:00
thumpera project owner should be able to remove it if there is no third part contributions I guess02:01
SnovaTo remove it later. And most of my silly little projects are, eventually, going to disappear. I have one "official" project on LP that I grew bored with quite some time ago.02:01
thumperit is hard to decide when to allow something to be made "unpublic"02:01
wgrantWhat do other hosting sites do?02:01
thumperSnova: someone may take it up though...02:01
SnovaAlso, I tend to do most coding after I can't use the internet, and thusly LP...02:02
thumperSnova: if you are just wanting to share code, loggerhead does that pretty well02:02
wgrantSnova: DVCSes solve that problem.02:03
pooliesomeone should write this up...02:04
SnovaSo they do, but only the code part.02:06
thumperSnova: what exact problem are you trying to solve?02:06
SnovaI don't have a problem. This started when I inquired as to what elements of LP Code weren't going to be published, and I found my answer almost immediately (that it isn't specified). :)02:07
wgrantI would have expected the private bits to have be determined by just weeks before the code is released...02:08
SnovaPerhaps the reason I want to create a local LP installation is to use it as something like a staging area... a place I can keep track of my little projects before they are large enough to consider publishing "officially". Once they get somewhere I don't mind using LP, but until then I find myself writing todo/bug lists.02:10
cody-somervilleI see plenty of rationale for private instances of launchpad but not for local instances. By the time I get to the point where I need a bug tracker, I've probably made an initial release.02:13
cody-somervilleAnd by rationale, I mean personal rationale02:13
SnovaHow do you define "private" and "local"? The terms are synonymous to me, both meaning "on my laptop, for me".02:13
thumperanyone attempting to contribute should be able to run a local launchpad02:13
spmSnova: if you just need a personal bug tracker etc; why not use eg flyspray?02:13
thumperat the very least to test it :)02:13
thumper`make run` will work :)02:14
wgrantspm: Because most other bugtrackers suck.02:14
thumper(with enough initial setup)02:14
Snovaspm: I've been making some use of those recently, actually, I just like Launchpad and don't mind trying to install it. :)02:14
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SiDiIs it please possible to change the exemple project in https://help.launchpad.net/Answers/AskingForHelp ?09:39
SiDiThe Exaile devs are bored of having offtopic questions apparently :)09:39
intellectronicaSiDi: sounds like a reasonable request to me. can you please file a bug on the launchpad documentation project? you're of course welcome to make the change yourself too09:40
SiDiI dont have the rights to edit it, gonna fill a bug09:44
intellectronicaSiDi: really? you should be able to edit after logging into the wiki (using your LP credentials)09:45
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SiDiintellectronica: ok, found the edit button :d09:45
SiDiintellectronica: any idea of a suitable project ? :p09:46
intellectronicaSiDi: how about https://edge.launchpad.net/null ?09:47
SiDihm yeh09:47
intellectronicaSiDi: also, it would be better to link to staging.launchpad.net, so that whatever actions users might do won't interfere with normal launchpad data09:47
SiDiintellectronica: but then they might take the uri and replace the project name and not notice they're in the staging platform09:48
intellectronicahmmm .... right09:48
intellectronicaso let's use null for now09:49
SiDichanged : https://help.launchpad.net/Answers/AskingForHelp09:49
intellectronicaSiDi: we can discuss with mrevell when he's next online and see if he has a better suggestion09:49
SiDithanks intellectronica :)09:49
SiDiyeh. I guess we should avoid any non-lp non-ubuntu project anyway09:49
SiDiits not nice for the chosen project :p09:49
wgrantTo increase the SNR across Launchpad, maybe link them to a project where asking a question suspends their account!10:10
intellectronicawgrant: SNR?10:14
wgrantintellectronica: Signal-to-noise ratio.10:15
intellectronicaah of course10:15
SiDiwgrant: it sounds a bit *drastic* for newbies10:17
wgrantSiDi: Ah yes, but they'd be newbies who clearly can't read.10:18
wgrantBut yes, using null sounds like a reasonable solution.10:19
=== BjornT changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: BjornT | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Open Sourcing: https://dev.launchpad.net/OpenSourcing
\shdear launchpadlib devs, please look at bug #81689 and remove the symlink so I can do some work for LP on windows, too ;)10:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 81689 in bzr "Branches with symlinks can't be checked out on Windows" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8168910:49
magcius\sh, that looks like a bug in bzr, not LP10:51
\shmagcius: well...lifeless writes: This is the key: contact the launchpadlib developers and ask them to not10:51
\shuse symlinks.10:51
SiDi\sh: what is windows ?10:51
\shmagcius: but yes it's also a bug in bzr ;)10:52
SiDiIt's a bug in NTFS imo :) Do you have the bzr plugin that simulates symlinks in windows ?10:53
\shSiDi: tbh I don't care...but I would like to use lplib on windows (because I want to have leonov very OS independend) I just need this bug fixed, one way or the other10:54
SiDi\sh: do you have that plugin simulating symlinks in windows ?10:55
\shSiDi: nope...regarding the plugin description it only works until bzr 0.9x10:55
SiDiWell, you should at least test it10:55
SiDiand if it doesnt work, report a bug against bazaar asking for the plugin to be ported10:56
SiDiYou can't reasonably ask developers not to use symlinks just for windows.10:56
\shSiDi: if the software is declared as OS independend which means it should run on un*x and non un*x OS, then I would think that we don't use any os dependent functionality, no?11:00
SiDi\sh: not FS indenpendant, though (this was a troll \o/). File against launchpadlib too then11:02
\shSiDi: that was the plan :)11:05
SiDi\sh: :D11:05
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Saviqhi all, guys, is there a way to migrate translations between a project series?12:09
noodles775danilos: ^^^12:14
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danilosSaviq: yeah, just upload a new POT file with exactly the same name to a new series, and translations will be migrated automatically once it's imported12:15
danilosSaviq: new POT might need manual approval if you are not using bzr imports, but feel free to ping us about it12:15
Saviqyeah that won't work since we already have changed our template names12:16
SaviqI'll need to download and upload the POs by hand, will they be fuzzy-matched?12:16
danilosSaviq: what do you mean?12:17
danilosSaviq: in general, you should try to use the same names if they are same templates12:17
Saviqdanilos: yeah they were wrong before12:18
danilosSaviq: if you do that, translators will be able to translate multiple series at the same time12:18
danilosSaviq: right, but we can easily fix them12:18
danilosSaviq: what's the project?12:18
Saviq0.5 vs 1.012:18
danilosSaviq: right, and into what series do you want to migrate translations? into trunk or from 0.5 into 1.0?12:19
Saviqfrom 0.5 into 1.012:19
Saviqthe template names in 1.0 are 'correct'12:19
Saviqthe ones in 0.5 lack 'elisa-plugin-' in them12:19
danilosSaviq: right, do you want me to fix them? (fwiw, I was looking into this recently, since we are planning on doing database migration soon to share translations, and I've got some notes on Elisa and what we need to do about it :) If we can solve it right away, even better :)12:20
Saviqyeah that would be great12:21
Saviqand if there's anything else we could do to improve the experience, please tell as we're in the process of making Elisa / Moovida as translator-friendly as possible12:24
danilosSaviq: sure, I am looking at it right now12:29
danilosSaviq: so, all template names should be as in 1.0?12:29
Saviqthe 'i18n' one isn't there in 0.512:30
danilosSaviq: ok, cool12:30
Saviqit actually shouldn't be in 1.0 either as it's a test-case, but that's a small problem12:30
danilosSaviq: oh, I can remove it as well, if that's what you want :)12:30
Saviqit will get imported from bzr on next commit anyway, no?12:30
Saviqno way to 'blacklist' a templte12:31
danilosSaviq: ah, right, it will... we can mark them as "Blocked", but won't work with bzr imports12:32
Saviqnever mind that12:32
danilosSaviq: do you want translation domain (i.e. path it's exported as) changed as well?12:32
robin_jml: hi. Is there any change in bug 382795?12:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 382795 in launchpad-code "mirror-branch using too much memory" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38279512:33
Saviqno, leave them as they are, we'd have to backport some changes into 0.5 for that to work12:33
danilosSaviq: ok, sure12:33
danilosSaviq: ok, names should match between 0.5 and 1.0 now; however, actual sharing between them will happen properly only once we do the migration (this is a relatively recent feature, and I'd love to make sure it works fine for Elisa as well)12:37
jmlrobin_, remind me where we were at with that12:38
danilosSaviq: it will take us a few days to test it all out before we can actually do it; do you mind filing a request to share translations between 0.5 and 1.0 in elisa on answers.launchpad.net/rosetta so we can keep track of it?12:38
Saviqdanilos: great, thanks - I will12:38
robin_jml: I try what you said, but it failed12:38
danilosSaviq: thank you as well :)12:39
jmlrobin_, ok. did you ask a Question on Launchpad?12:39
robin_jml: No. I am focus on my code these days. My branch is banned again several days ago.12:40
jmlrobin_, ok. so, that bug is now fixed in production12:40
jmlrobin_, your core problem though is that somehow bzr is behaving badly.12:40
robin_jml: it means?12:41
* jml thinks12:42
jmlrobin_, I mean that you can push that branch to Launchpad, but something in your local config or some thing that you are doing is causing it to fail (I think)12:42
jmlrobin_, but I don't know what that is.12:43
robin_jml: May be I should upgrade bzr to 1.17-dev?12:43
jmlrobin_, that's certainly one thing to do.12:43
robin_jml: ok, I try it.12:44
jmlrobin_, but even more important than that is to go here -- https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-code/+addquestion -- and describe exactly what you are doing, and what you see, and what you expect to see12:44
robin_jml: got it12:45
jmlrobin_, thanks.12:46
* jml -> lunch12:46
Saviqdanilos: while I have you around - I was asked about Austrian (de_AT) that isn't available in LP, is there a way to add additional languages? what would happen if we'd commit a de_AT.po file?12:57
danilosSaviq: if it's imported, it will show up; but in general, people should not have such translations (i.e. bigger projects such as GNOME disallow them)12:59
danilosSaviq: in the future, we might do more than just not show them before there's any translation, so I wouldn't count on any behaviour unless we are convinced it's the right thing to do13:00
Saviqok, thanks13:00
bullgard4What is meant by "official tags" in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/ekiga?13:02
wgrantbullgard4: Official tags are those that the project or distro's maintainers have declared as official. They are more prominent on bug pages and appear in the tag autocomplete list.13:08
bullgard4wgrant: Thank you.13:10
resolvehi folks. i have a couple of questions about the translations section13:23
resolvei see that launchpad can automatically import files from a bzr repo13:23
resolveas items are updated on launchpad, will launchpad automatically commit those changes to the repo? or does it require downloading the po files and applying them to the repo manually?13:24
Saviqdanilos: one more thing, we have a file structure like so:13:28
Saviqbut downloaded files are13:28
Saviqwill <locale>.po renamed to <domain>-<locale>.po be picked up automatically, too?13:29
danilosSaviq: it should, but in general, it's a bug in our export code (it should export paths just like you import them, which is a much better layout)13:32
Saviqah ok we'll leave it as-is then13:33
danilosSaviq: it will currently require you to rename files when you export them from Launchpad, but we definitely want to fix this bug asap :)13:36
Saviqit's not a big issue13:36
resolveto answer my own question, it seems automatic export into branch is not implemented yet13:37
resolvemy other question - i've been waiting a few days for the initial import to be improved. is there any way to clear the import queue so I can try again? the latest tarballs I uploaded a few days ago were in the launchpad-preferred dir/<locale>.po format, so they should have been automatically improved, but I suspect my previous attempts have stopped that from working13:39
resolvein the mean time one of my users uploaded an update to a single po file, and that went through quickly. do i have to resort to manually uploading each file in turn to expediate the process?13:39
resolveif there's a more appropriate place for these questions, please let me know. :-)13:51
wgrantresolve: This is the right place.13:52
wgrantMaybe danilos can help you.13:52
danilosresolve: approvals happen automatically only if you use bzr imports, or if we have already approved your previous templates manually (using same paths in tarballs)13:52
danilosresolve: in general, you should be using the same set-up as initially for it all to work correctly13:53
resolvedanilos: i started with a bzr import but the directory structure was not the launchpad-preferred way, so it blocked awaiting approval13:53
resolvei marked all those files as deleted, changed the directory structure in bzr, and then clicked 'request one time import' again13:54
danilosresolve: and, no, automatic export to branches is not ready yet (we are in the process of QAing it, so it should be ready next month)13:54
resolve(actually i went through this process 2-3x before getting it just right)13:54
danilosresolve: and they are still not imported? what's the project you are trying to import?13:54
danilosresolve: this can happen if you've got a number of different templates where it's hard for system to pick up which is which; I'll look at your project now13:55
resolvethanks - appreciated13:55
danilosresolve: are you talking about translation files?13:57
danilosresolve: I can see your POT file as being imported, but for around 24 languages you are using what is not well coped with in Launchpad13:57
resolvethe templates appear to have been approved, but the translation files are blocked13:57
resolvehmm, it should be about 12 languages - there are two domains13:58
danilosresolve: i.e. instead of using "de_DE.po" you should use "de.po", and only add country code where it's actually relevant (i.e. "pt_BR.po")13:58
danilosresolve: right, 24 files13:58
danilosresolve: if you just rename them to "de.po", "es.po", "fi.po", "fr.po"... it will all be fine and  they'll be auto-approved as well13:59
resolveokay, i'll give that a go, thanks13:59
danilosresolve: np, sorry it's so confusing13:59
resolvei realise it's still in an active state of development :-)14:00
danilosresolve: software is always in active state of development or dead, but hey :)14:01
danilosresolve: everything can always be improved :)14:01
resolvei don't suppose you know off the top of your head where I can find out which codes require the country qualifier?14:02
resolvei guess I could just change all the ones that blocked in launchpad.. :-)14:02
danilosresolve: there are only a few, where languages/scripts actually differ; out of your list, none do14:04
danilosresolve: i.e. pt_BR does, zh_CN, zh_TW, zh_HK as well, can't think of any other ones myself14:04
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resolvedanilos: okay, i've got the new files in the import queue, and i'm just waiting for the automatic approval script to reach them. i'll have a check in the morning. thanks a lot for the help!15:25
danilosresolve: it should all be fine by the looks of it (they should be auto-approved in the next few hours and then imported shortly afterwards)15:35
resolvei'm just trying to figure out the best workflow for future updates. my app is actually in a git repo, so i split the po and pot files out from that and put them in a separate bzr repo, simply for the sake of syncing with launchpad15:37
resolvei guess i'll need to write a script to pull the latest translations from launchpad periodically and reapply them to the bzr branch15:38
resolveand a script to update the template from the source and update bzr15:38
resolveone question: do I need to msgmerge each of the individual translations when I update the template? or can I rely on launchpad doing that after a new translation is uploaded?15:39
radixdid bug-branch link whiteboards disappear, or am I confused?15:46
jmlyes, they did.15:48
jmlbut ought they be regarded as mutually exclusive options?15:49
SamBjml: I think he was hoping he was just confused15:50
SamBand that they were really still somehow there, right under his nose15:50
jmlSamB, yes, I detected that nuance.15:51
oubiwannhey guys, radix and I noticed that launchpad (edge) no longer seems to have the whiteboard for branches15:52
radixoubiwann: I already mentioned that :)15:52
* oubiwann scrolls up...15:52
radixlike, 6 lines ago :)15:52
radixjml: ok. that's too bad. we used those.15:53
oubiwannyeah, like a *lot*15:53
oubiwannfor annotating multiple parent branches15:53
* SamB stocks up on sharpies so he can write on the branches anyway15:53
* oubiwann cries15:54
zirpumaybe it was getting spammed.  i'd email the ubuntu lp ops/support and ask them directly.15:56
jmlradix, what for?15:56
oubiwannjml: where do we sign the petition to bring back "Classic Whiteboard"15:56
jmloubiwann, beuno's face.15:56
radixjml: mostly what oubiwann just said. we would specify which parent branch a branch is based on.15:56
radixor to indicate other things that should be known to a reviewer or whatever.15:56
* beuno goes find a mask15:56
zirpuisn't that in the meta data w/ the working copy?15:57
radixlike, "you'll need to install the genchi package to review this"15:57
oubiwannjml: what was the reason for removing the whiteboard?15:57
beunoradix, we have branch descriptions, no?15:57
jmlradix, to me, those seem to be properties of the branch or of the merge proposal15:57
jmlnot information about the link between the branch and the bug.15:57
radixbeuno: I think those are gone, too? but even so, the bug-branch link was very convenient to edit and view, since it was right on the bug page.15:57
radixand we do everything with bugs.15:58
jmlbranch descriptions aren't gone.15:58
radixjml: anyway, that may be true, but the merge proposal system is still basically not as good as using bugs for us.15:59
radixjml: it's getting really close, but I think one of the biggest blockers is that thing that came up on launchpad-users recently (IIRC), about tracking review-responses15:59
radixthat is, knowing when someone has fixed all the issues in our last review.16:00
radixso that we can re-review16:00
jmlhow is bugs any better for that?16:00
radixjml: well, the author puts the review tag back on the bug.16:00
jmlI see.16:00
oubiwannjml: and that was something else we used the whiteboard for ;-)16:00
oubiwannjml: e.g., "+1 count: 2"16:01
* jml feels slightly demoralized16:02
jmlI feel that using the bug/branch whiteboard in this way is something of a happy abuse16:04
jmlrather than a feature.16:05
radixwell, I'm not sure what that whiteboard was originally for.16:05
radixit was pretty useful as a stopgap for other unimplemented features.16:05
jmlwho was it that said most wiki pages are prototype web applications?16:06
jmlI don't know what the whiteboard was originally for either.16:06
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jmlradix, I don't know what else to say.16:12
radixthat's okay. I think we can deal with it by using bug comments, which is what we used to do.16:15
jmlradix, do you feel that these are things that the code review system should do?16:16
radixjml: I'm not sure if it's possible for the code review system to automatically figure out what the parent of a branch is.16:17
radixalthough, hm, I guess that's what "target branch" is.16:17
jmlradix, what precisely do you mean by 'parent'?16:17
radixprobably the wrong word for it. I mean the branch that you should review the branch-for-review against.16:18
radixwe often have a branch A, which isn't yet merged, and which the same or another developer will create a branch from to continue some work that depends on it.16:18
jmlradix, because the code review system _is_ intended to handle the case of 'branch A will land on branch B but it was branched from branch C'16:18
radixoh, nice.16:19
radixdoes it already handle that?16:19
jmlradix, it just fails to match that intent with execution.16:19
radixok. :)16:19
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jmlradix, due also to UI simplification. :)16:19
radixjml: code review requests have a description, though, right? so we could use that barring any other feature.16:19
jmlradix, yes, they do.16:19
jmlradix, that's what we do (although it makes the generated diff suck)16:20
radixah. right.16:21
radixjml: although I guess we can also just set the target of B to A.16:21
jmlradix, I tried that once. it has one or two minor negative consequences.16:22
jmlradix, branch B won't be marked as merged automatically until it is merged into A (which might never actually happen), and branch A will always appear as a suggested target branch on the web ui for whoever proposes that merge.16:23
radixah, yeah.16:23
resolvedanilos: i had a ee_EE file which was an estonian translation, but ee.po came up as 'ewe' rather than estonian. i've renamed the file in bzr (and I assume it will be automatically picked up in the next few hours). is there any way to delete the ewe translation?16:36
danilosresolve: we'll have to remove it manually, please file a request in answers.launchpad.net/rosetta and we'll get to it one of these days16:37
danilosresolve: please give a direct link to a translation so it's easier for us to do it16:37
resolvewill do16:37
danilosresolve: thanks :)16:37
resolvedanilos: and sorry, just to confirm - if I update the template then export the .po files, they will have been message merged to the latest template, right?16:44
danilosresolve: that's right, as soon as updated template has been imported16:45
resolveso when I get the email from launchpad, i know it's safe?16:45
resolveapologies for all the questions - I did read the docs first :-)16:48
resolvei'll create another question on launchpad so that others can see the answer too16:50
resolveah, exporting sends an email with the location to download. that makes scripting an export a bit hard17:01
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
kb9vqf_Anyone here willing to rescore a PPA build?  This one https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-389-directory-server/+archive/ppa/+build/1097734 and related were affected by bug 392104 , but it will be many hours before the build is retried with a score of 0!17:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 392104 in ca-certificates-java "[Karmic] Update to ca-certificates 20090624 prevents ca-certificates-java from installing" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39210417:58
kb9vqf_Anyone here willing to rescore a PPA build?  This one https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-389-directory-server/+archive/ppa/+build/1097734 and related were affected by bug 392104 , but it will be many hours before the build is retried with a score of 0!18:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 392104 in ca-certificates-java "[Karmic] Update to ca-certificates 20090624 prevents ca-certificates-java from installing" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39210418:31
=== Hellow_ is now known as Hellow
bigjoolskb9vqf_: done18:54
kb9vqf_Thanks! :-)18:54
* bigjools is glad of tab completion on nicks18:55
* kb9vqf_ wonders if the build farm is completely overloaded today18:56
resolvedanilos: thanks for the reply on answers18:56
danilosresolve: np :)18:57
danilosanyway, I am out, see you all18:57
=== hsitter is now known as apachelogger
shawhi! cody-somerville sent me over here to ask about PPA trouble.19:58
shawI'm trying to build ARM, and I see some PPAs can do it and some can't.19:59
nhandlershaw: Unless you have a "special" PPA (which only a handful of people have), you can't build for ARM in your PPA19:59
shawnhandler: ah. so mcasadevall/ppa and doko/toolchain (from https://launchpad.net/builders) are special?20:00
nhandlershaw: Yes20:00
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shawnhandler: any idea who I can beg to be special too?  :P20:01
nhandlershaw: Michael was doing a lot of work on porting packages to ARM. Doko also has done some porting work (and some other stuff). Unless you are involved with porting to ARM, you are probably out of luck20:02
shawnhandler: well, that's actually what I was trying to do (port a specific tool to ARM).  is there some place to find the ARM porters and talk with them?20:02
shawnhandler: ah, found #ubuntu-arm, I'll go bug people there.  thanks!20:08
waldo323 is there a way to transfer a team membership from one launchpad account to another? (realized I have 2 launchpad accounts)22:46
waldo323nm, I found you can merge accounts22:51

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