
SiDimacvr: hey08:02
SiDimacvr: sebastian meant the nm-icons on the panel ;)08:02
macvrSiDi: i know , but then we would have to use the human notify-osd icons08:02
macvrSiDi: to prevent that , I'm doing the wireless notify-osd icons for breathe.08:04
macvrshall i do it in color? or is it against some notify-osd rules?!08:04
SiDicolor forbidden08:08
SiDiblack and white except for emergency icons08:08
macvrah... ok...08:10
macvrSiDi: also do the icons have to be only in 48px? anything bigger doesnt seem to get rendered well08:11
SiDithey have to be svg only08:11
macvrSiDi: i have tried using 128 px svg , but output aint that clear :(08:11
SiDidisplay the grid in inkscape08:12
SiDimake sure your paths are on the grid, not between lines of the grid08:12
macvrthe grid aint the problem... i'v tested not with my nm icons but with various other icons08:12
macvrhave to ask macslow about this08:13
* macvr will be back08:14
macvrSiDi: testing...08:33
SiDiTesting what , :P08:33
macvrandreasn: i thought you hadnt seen my request to post your comment on that bug , hence i quoted you from here... :)10:26
andreasnI did, but then I watched a movie and went offline10:26
andreasnso I felt a bit embarrassed that I didn't read your comment first :)10:27
macvri didnt know since you hadnt responded ...10:27
macvrandreasn: actually there is more spam on lp... the link and your comment was useful10:28
=== SiDi_ is now known as SiDi
macvrHi, does anyone know how to scale down the document in inkscape... I'm just not able to find it! i can see scale of the image option ...but how do i scale the whole document?15:21
kwwiimacvr: you want to make the page smaller?15:27
macvralong with the image15:27
kwwiifile->document properties15:27
kwwiihrm, don't know how to do it with scaling the contents as well15:28
kwwiiinkscape used to that by default15:28
macvrit is just that i have an 128 px svg , i want to convert it to 48px...15:29
kwwiiwell, you can scale it down but in the end it will be better to redraw it it fits to the pixel raster15:30
macvrkwwii: do you know info about the notify-osd icons?15:30
kwwiimacvr: yeah, I am making a new package today15:30
macvri'm actually doing it for testing purpose, hence didnt want to spned time on redoing stuff15:30
kwwiias we speak, so to speak15:31
macvrkwwii: the human notify-osd icons are of 48px size in the scalable folder , why?15:31
macvralso i notice the 128 px dont display well if used in the scalable15:32
kwwiimacvr: because that is the size they are being shown at so they were optimized for that size15:32
macvrkwwii: its just i have to explain to Cory  when i do them! he insists on getting everything in all the sizes...15:33
macvrkwwii: so doing the icons in 48px is enough? Only for notify-osd15:33
kwwiiin the end, you will have to make more than one svg for each icon as the different sizes do need different svg sources15:33
kwwiibut for the notify-osd stuff we only need them at 48x4815:34
kwwiiand anyway, they would be really easy to create at larger sizes if needed15:34
kwwiibecause teh style is so simple there is little extra you can add to a larger size15:34
macvrits just that they arent as crisp as the 128px original icons15:35
macvri find when the icons are done in 48px , they get displayed perfectly15:35
macvrkwwii: I'm gonna quote you on this... ;p15:35
macvrElse Cory wont believe me :(15:36
kwwiihave him talk to me if he doesn't believe you15:36
kwwiiin the end, he might say he wants them all at a larger size anyway15:37
macvrkwwii: larger size is not a prob for me, i already have it done, its just Not a sharp image...15:38
macvrkwwii: also is it against the specs to use color for the icons other than warnings?15:38
kwwiino, that rule is only for the notify-osd icons and doesn't apply to the breathe stuff anyway (unless breathe decides to keep the same style for those icons)15:40
macvrok...  :)15:43
SiDikwwii: notify-osd doesnt use 48x48 png15:59
SiDiit uses svg afaik :-|15:59
kwwiiyes, you are right16:00
kwwiibut I never said it uses png, did I?16:01
macvrkwwii: SiDi is blind somethimes ;p16:01
SiDi[16:36] <macvr> kwwii: so doing the icons in 48px is enough? Only for notify-osd16:03
SiDi[16:37] <kwwii> but for the notify-osd stuff we only need them at 48x4816:03
kwwiiSiDi: the svg's themselves are at 48x48 :p16:03
* SiDi goes bed.16:03
SiDiOh, its 5PM, cant go bed16:03
* SiDi hits head on the wall then16:04
SiDikwwii: managed to put my icons in Human yet, btw ? :p16:07
SiDiCause i'll have to patch the horrible gnome-settings-daemon once its done (note that i have no idea how to make a debian patch)16:07
kwwiiSiDi: yeah, i have a new human icon package I am working on today16:08
kwwiiit should be ready within a few hours16:09
SiDioh great16:11
kwwiibtw, everyone can join #kubuntu-devel at 0:00 cet to join in my chat about making an oxygen icon16:36
* SiDi will be at cinema. But anyway /me doesnt make icons16:38
SiDimacvr: why the hell did you assign half of launchpad to notify-osd ? :p16:54
macvrSiDi: was feeling bored ;p16:55
macvrbtw it was just 2 bugs!16:55
macvrSiDi: even macslow didnt realize it when he first commented!16:57
macvrSiDi: only today he came to his senses ;p16:58
macvrkwwii: where can i find the notify-osd icons source?17:25
kwwiimacvr: they are in the scalable dir of the icon theme18:08
macvrkwwii: i know that , but all the fields are unset! so i thought the source could give me a better picture of how it was done18:10
macvrkwwii: BTW how do you guys do that? unset? even though colors are present18:10
kwwiiahhh, that is the build system reducing the size18:10
macvrkwwii: the fill/ stroke18:10
kwwiiso anything black doesn't need to be set18:11
kwwiiie it defaults to black18:11
macvrkwwii: but the grey , transparency .18:11
kwwiiyou have to ungroup things, you know18:11
kwwiieverything is in the svg, I promise18:11
macvr i did that18:12
kwwiiwhich one are you working on?18:12
macvri was doing wireless icons... but i checked the ethernet notify icon18:12
kwwiiif you select an object look in the status bar whether it is a group or not18:14
kwwiiit might be grouped several times18:14
macvrI'm not able to identify the transparency level of the border18:14
macvrwait , let me try again18:14
kwwiiit is 30% transparent and black18:15
macvrkwwii: nope... :(  , could check the notification-network-ethernet-connected.svg , I just want to know the border transparency level18:15
kwwiithe opacity of the entire object is set to 30%18:16
macvryou are saying for the border , just to confirm?18:17
kwwiiyes, the very outer border18:17
kwwiiit does not have a stroke to it18:17
kwwiiit is a path with a hole in the middle18:18
kwwiiand although the fill says unset, that means black in svg terms18:18
macvrthat i noticed18:18
kwwiiand the entire object is set to be 30% opaque18:18
macvri just couldnt identify the transparency level!18:18
macvrkwwii: BTW why am i not able to see it?! i'm doing something wrong? or you are checking you originals?18:18
kwwiilook in the status bar next to the fill and stroke18:18
kwwiimacvr: no, I am just looking the stuff in bzr18:19
kwwiiI think it is still grouped18:19
kwwiiyou have to ungroup a total of something like 5 or 6 times18:19
macvrcheck this out > http://files.getdropbox.com/u/1325768/Screenshot-notification-network-ethernet-connected.svg%20-%20Inkscape.png18:20
kwwiihrm, seems like your inkscape is messed up18:21
macvrI know!18:21
kwwiior something else is going wrong18:21
kwwiisorry, can't help with that18:21
macvranyway its black with 30% opacity... thats enough for me :)18:22
macvrkwwii: oh another thing...18:22
macvrwhat is the color of the grey?18:23
macvrkwwii: ah ... i found the mistake! i had copied the files from the /usr/share/icons to my .icons folder!18:27
macvrsomehow the fields dont work only for the copied ones...18:27
macvrthe ones in /usr/share allow me to view the stroke/fill18:28
dashuaJust uploaded Reprise to Ubuntu-Art.org with Breathe.  I will do a wiki this week.19:04
* dashua work19:06
dashuaC ya19:06
macvranyone ? http://files.getdropbox.com/u/1325768/Screenshot.png , which color do you like? the design is not the one i'm going to use, its just the colors I'm finding it hard to choose between  4 & 7 ,22:01
macvroh now i like 8 too!22:03
kwwiiso now everyone should join #kubuntu-devel and ask intersting questions23:00

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