
pittiGood morning06:58
tgpraveeni hope this  is the right place to discuss about the changes to notify osd in karmic ie dx-karmic-notify-osd07:26
tgpraveenin that there is a Consistent feedback for multimedia keys item07:28
tgpraveendoes this mean i will get a notification for every time i click play, forward, next on my keyboard. if so then is it not a abuse of the notification system. it really does not notify me of anything as i am the one who clicked and hence this would be useless07:29
tgpraveenthe correct way would be that banshee upon clicking play puts a notification of the song being played <--- and this is a bug on banshee bugzilla which is being/has been fixed and now if we give notification for play key. then each time i hit play there will be two notifications one for play key and one from banshee07:30
tgpraveenam i wrong in interpreting this blueprint?07:31
pittirobert_ancell: why are bug 195737 and bug 392368 two separate bugs with two contradicting proposals?08:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 195737 in compiz-fusion-plugins-main "Set "open" animation to glide 2, not glide 1" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19573708:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 392368 in compiz-fusion-plugins-main "Set default window open/close animation to fade" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39236808:04
pittirobert_ancell: I'm about to sponsor the first one, but the second one confuses me08:04
didrocksgood morning pitti08:06
pittihey didrocks08:07
robert_ancellpitti, the second one is not for sponsorship. There was a lot of comments in the former bug about using fade over glide.  I opened the latter so the former can be closed without complaints08:08
pittirobert_ancell: so 195737 is "invalid"? (that's also an identified paper cut bug)08:09
pittibut why didn't you just update the bug title?08:09
robert_ancellNo, 195737 is valid.  There was a request to change both animations to glide to be consistent which was agreed by everyone that this was better than the previous case (mixed animations).  The papercuts project agreed.08:11
robert_ancellAs part of the discussion though people were suggesting that we shouldn't use glide at all, but instead use fade.  This has had less discussion (there are almost certainly performance effects of using fade)08:12
robert_ancellI took the position we should change from glide1+glide2 to glide2 for both and we may in the future change to fade if that is better (needs more discussion though)08:13
pittirobert_ancell: ok, could you please make 392368 a duplicate of 195737 and update the bug status/title?08:13
pittiI'm happy to sponsor this, but right now I have no idea what to change08:14
pittiso far I prepared a glide1 -> glide2 update, but then I noticed the other bug08:14
robert_ancellpitti, they are not duplicates.  195737 is essentially "be consistent" and 392368 is "fade is smoother than glide"08:14
pittibut one says "set open animation to glide-2", the other "set open animation to fade"08:15
pittithey really shouldn't both be open08:15
robert_ancellone says "open animation" the other says "open/close animations"08:15
pittistill, same contradiction for open08:16
robert_ancell"Set "open" animation to glide 2, not glide 1" = "Set open animation to be the same as close animation (i.e. glide 2)"08:16
robert_ancell"Set default window open/close animation to fade" = "Change window animations from glide to fade"08:17
robert_ancellThese are probably better description, I will update them if that makes more sense08:17
robert_ancellpitti, updated08:19
pittiasac: bug 280214 has a simple patch; I can't commit to ~network-manager, though, can you please apply it?08:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 280214 in network-manager "Typo in /usr/share/doc/network-manager/README.Debian" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28021408:20
pittirobert_ancell: xscreensaver> nice, does that mean that the new version is actually smaller than 5.07?08:29
robert_ancellpitti, I didn't check size but it dropped a number of screensavers so I expect so!08:30
robert_ancellpitti, :)  Is there an easy way to query the installed size from the .deb?08:31
pittirobert_ancell: dpkg -I .deb08:31
pittirobert_ancell: but .deb size is more interesting, though08:31
robert_ancell2160 now08:31
robert_ancellpitti, also xscreensaver has been targeted by the papercuts proj so it will almost certainly be split (with only ~5 left in the default install)08:31
pittirobert_ancell: 718k is -data ?08:32
robert_ancell448k data08:32
robert_ancell2M for -gl08:33
pittiok, so it shrunk a little08:33
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone08:52
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i figured out the gnome-screensaver upgrade issue last night08:52
pittihey chrisccoulson, hey seb12808:53
pittichrisccoulson: wow!08:53
chrisccoulsonhi pitti08:54
chrisccoulsonthe screensaver issue is quite an easy fix. basically what is happening, is the old jaunty gnome-screensaver process tries to spawn the new karmic gnome-screensaver-dialog when you try to unlock the screen, and it passes it a deprecated option, causing it to fail to start08:55
hyperairwhat's supposed to launch devicekit-power?08:55
hyperairit doesn't seem to start up automatically =\08:56
chrisccoulsonthe fix is basically http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~chrisccoulson/gnome-screensaver/upgrade-fix/revision/32#debian/patches/06_unbreak_upgrade_from_jaunty.patch08:56
pittihyperair: d-bus activated08:58
pittihyperair: if you have -1ubuntu1, you need to dist-upgrade (that was brokeN)08:58
hyperairokay then =p08:58
pittichrisccoulson: great work!08:59
chrisccoulsonpitti - if you think the patch looks correct, i'll push it to the ubuntu-desktop branch:)09:04
pittichrisccoulson: it makes sense, anyway09:05
pittichrisccoulson: I guess you tested it :)09:05
chrisccoulsoni did, and it seems to work ok09:05
seb128hello chrisccoulson pitti09:50
seb128nice for gnome-screensave09:50
chrisccoulsonhi seb12809:50
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asacpitti: committed. thanks09:56
pittiasac: danke09:56
asacpitti: http://pastebin.com/f1f5027de09:58
asacpitti: withotut that i cannot link against libgudev09:58
asacseems the .la files dont get the /usr/lib/ dir09:59
pittiasac: ah, indeed09:59
pittiasac: that doesn't break the .so -> so.0 symlink?10:00
asacNM builds properly with it10:00
asaclet me check10:00
asac-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  1022 2009-06-28 23:55 /usr/lib/libgudev-1.0.la10:00
asaclrwxrwxrwx 1 root root    21 2009-06-28 23:59 /usr/lib/libgudev-1.0.so -> libgudev-1.0.so.0.0.010:00
asaclrwxrwxrwx 1 root root    21 2009-06-28 23:59 /usr/lib/libgudev-1.0.so.0 -> libgudev-1.0.so.0.0.010:00
asac-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 25800 2009-06-28 23:55 /usr/lib/libgudev-1.0.so.0.0.010:00
pittiasac: I built devkit-disks, g-d-u etc. against it just fine10:01
pittiasac: ah right, I thought libgudev was in /lib10:01
asacno its not10:01
asacyou installed them manually in usr/lib, even though make install puts them  in lib/10:01
pittiright, then libdir makes sense10:02
asacpitti: so what i could do is build NM ... however, building applet against NM would fail10:02
pitti$ grep libdir /usr/lib/libgudev-1.0.la10:02
asacseems the pkg-config files of NM would get busted this way10:02
pittiasac: ok, makes sense; want to upload yourself, since you have it ready?10:03
asacpitti: yes.10:03
asacpitti: i guess i shall commit it10:03
pittiplease do10:03
pittiasac: I check udev in the meantime (when Keybuk uploads this, gudev will be built by udev source, and u-extra goes away)10:04
asacpitti: ok.10:04
pittiasac: right, fixed in udev bzr head10:04
asacpitti: 20090615+1-4 is still UNRELEASED. forgot to push?10:05
pittiasac: no, forgot debcommit -r; fixed and pushed, sorry10:06
pittiasac: thanks for fixing this10:06
asacpitti: is that a native branch?10:11
pittiasac: no orig.tar.gz, yes10:11
asacpitti: the version confuses bzr builddeb then10:12
asaci think10:12
asacat least10:12
asacit has a -4 (pkg revision)10:12
pittiit's not bd'ed10:12
pittijust debuild -S10:12
asacyeah. bzr in theory bzr builddeb should work with all legal branches ;)10:13
Keybukpitti: even my hand import of udev is failing at the moment10:16
asacpitti: i might be dense or the previous upload was dirty; just debuild -S in the branch gives me this debdiff: http://pastebin.com/f62b8225710:17
pittiasac: ah, you don't use -i?10:18
pittiasac: anyway, I can do the upload for you, might be quicker10:18
* pitti does10:18
asacpitti: yeah. but even then the Makefile.in stuff et all .... also consider to use a real native version (e.g. without -1) ... that would  not confuse all the tools ;)10:19
asacpitti: thanks10:19
pittiasac: uploaded10:19
asacpitti: its all committed10:19
pittiasac: debian/README.source has some bits, but it's pretty mad for this10:19
pittisince you manually have to generate the autobreak bits :/10:19
asacpitti: hmm. put it in debian/rules ;)10:20
asacanyway. thanks. i will try to keep out of that ;)10:20
pittiwell, the entire package will disappear in a matter of days :)10:20
asacgood ;)10:20
Keybukpitti: am guessing that kay has rebased this tree in some way :-/10:30
pittiyay rebase10:31
Keybukah, no10:32
Keybukjust a non-trunk merge10:32
Keybukbzr fast-import is not very good10:32
Keybukif someone does their own development, merges from trunk, then pushes10:32
Keybuksometimes it can't work it out10:33
Keybukof course, this now means I have to push --overwrite and upset everyone ;)10:38
pittiI'll remember to pull --overwrite :)10:38
* didrocks prepares to be upset :)10:40
Keybukpitti: uploaded GIT head10:54
Keybuklet's see if it builds ;)10:54
pittiKeybuk: thanks!10:54
andreasnmpt, did any more action happen on this? http://live.gnome.org/Nautilus/ProgressWindow11:19
mptandreasn, not that I know of11:19
andreasnI wonder if it's easier to implement in baby steps. Right now the thing that hurts my eyes the most with that dialog is the lack of a word in the cancel button, so I'm looking into fixing that by hand11:20
seb128ok, I've cleaned my emails backlog from the weekend, took me some hours11:40
pittiseb128: \o/11:46
pittiKeybuk: seems udev didn't actually get accepted?11:47
Keybukyeah, dunno why ;)11:48
Keybukthink I forgot the tarball11:49
* Keybuk uploads again11:49
pittiKeybuk: hm, some *.install file is broken, it seems (scsi -> ata renaming?)11:58
Keybukpitti: yeah was just reading that11:58
KeybukI think Kay dropped scsi_id.config ;)11:58
* Keybuk tries again12:02
Keybukoh arse, missed the udeb12:10
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seb128hey mvo12:56
mvohey seb12812:57
seb128mvo, did you have a chance to review my update-notifier changes? ;-)12:57
mvoseb128: not yet, let me do it now12:58
seb128mvo, no hurry I was just curious don't bother if you are busy with other things12:59
=== WelshDragon is now known as YDdraigGoch
mvoseb128: merged13:13
mvoseb128: I upload in a bit13:13
seb128_mvo, I was saying that I pushed a minor change13:14
mvo<mvo> seb128: merged13:15
seb128_dunno if you read that or wrote something13:15
mvo seb128: I upload in a bit13:15
mvoyes, I saw the change13:15
seb128_ok cool13:15
* seb128_ hugs mvo13:15
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pittiKeybuk: I updated ubuntu-meta to not pull in udev-extras any more13:39
pittiudev-extras killed from archive, too14:06
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rickspencer3pitti: hi. so can I try automagic python build on Jaunty?15:29
pittirickspencer3: https://edge.launchpad.net/~pitti/+archive/apport-retracer has backports for hardy, intrepid, and jaunty15:31
rickspencer3pitti: so should we go ahead and implement $quickly package?15:32
pittirickspencer3: I did a ton of fixes and improvements over the weekend, so the upstream build/install part works wonderfully now15:32
pittiapport and jockey are fully converted15:32
pittirickspencer3: well, it doesn't build a debian/ dir for you yet15:32
rickspencer3I can try it on bug-zapper later today15:32
rickspencer3what does it do?15:32
pittirickspencer3: "./setup.py build" and "./setup.py install" now DTRT15:33
pittithey know how to generate POTFILES.in, extract translations, where *.ui and D-BUS files need to go, all that15:33
rickspencer3pitti: can we just write a few lines of code in package.py to kick of building the deb?15:33
pittirickspencer3: for a general template, yes; figuring out build/binary dependencies is the tricky part15:36
mptmvo, glatzor_: How many top-level application categories are there for a .desktop file? Ubuntu has ~6 out of the box (Accessories, Games, Graphics, Internet, Office, Sound & Video), but how many others are there?15:45
mvompt: http://standards.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/latest/apa.html should have them15:46
mvompt: well, all of them :)15:47
mptah, great, thank you15:47
mptmvo, is there an easy way at the moment of browsing the Ubuntu applications that are in those "Additional Categories"?15:49
mvompt: not from the top of my head, maybe seb128 knows? the information is available in /usr/share/app-install/data15:55
pittikenvandine: for quite a while, most of the time the u1 file sync is disconnected for me; do you have this as well? is it intended?16:39
pittirickspencer3, didrocks: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-karmic-quickly is still in drafting, can this get ready this week?16:46
rickspencer3pitti: yes ... sorry, thought it was done16:46
pittirickspencer3: FYI, we are down to 4 specs in drafting16:48
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didrockspitti, rickspencer3: I modified and integrated pitti's remark a week ago.17:58
pittididrocks: oh, can you please set it back to 'review' then, when you are done with editing?17:59
didrockspitti: I just first wanted that rickspencer3 agrees to my changes. That's why I didn't set it to "review" yet :)17:59
didrockspitti: can you please send me or pastebin an example of setup.py file for AutomagicPythonBuildSystem so that I can work on it for quickly?18:00
pittididrocks: the one on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Specs/Karmic/AutomagicPythonBuildSystem is actually still relevant18:01
didrockspitti: perfect, thanks :)18:01
pittididrocks: the real jockey setup.py looks slightly more complicated:18:01
pittididrocks: but that's just to be nice to other upstreams who package it (distutils version check), you don't need that18:02
pittiand two special cases in the source layout (which are uncommon for your class of apps as well)18:02
didrockspitti: ok. I will just try to figure out the changes (distutils version check ;)) just for my self understanding :)18:03
pittigood night everyone18:42
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didrocksrickspencer3: I think you really should bzr pull now :)22:17
* rickspencer3 pulls22:17
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didrocksrickspencer3: I added support for executing any command wherever you are in the project tree22:17
rickspencer3didrocks: that is soooo awesome!22:17
didrocksrickspencer3: the good news is that it's transparent for templates command ;) You just have to act as if you are always in the directory root path :)22:18
didrocksso, I didn't have the time to work on release command. I will do it tomorrow22:19
didrockstime to go to bed. Have a good evening!22:19
rickspencer3it seems to work very well22:20
didrocksgreat ;)22:21
didrocksthanks, you too!22:21
seb128_'night didrocks22:23
chrisccoulsonhi seb128_ - you happy with the gnome-screensaver patch i mentioned earlier? i was going to push it to bzr before i go to sleep22:30
seb128_chrisccoulson, where is it? I've not seen the code change but what you described made sense22:31
seb128urg, wrong click22:31
chrisccoulsonseb128 - the patch is here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~chrisccoulson/gnome-screensaver/upgrade-fix/revision/32#debian/patches/06_unbreak_upgrade_from_jaunty.patch22:32
seb128looks correct yes22:33
chrisccoulsoncool, i'll push that change now22:33
seb128can you push to bzr I will upload22:33
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
LaneyI have no luck getting this hardy pidgin patch to work22:34
Laneysomething wrong with ssl22:34
seb128did you look at what other distros do?22:34
Laneycouldn't find it easily22:36
Laneyi'll see if we can at least backport 2.5.722:36
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i've pushed the gnome-screensaver change in to ubuntu-desktop branch now22:38
seb128just curious but how did you debug this one?22:43
seb128chrisccoulson, did you send the change to GNOME?22:46
chrisccoulsonnot yet. i can attach the patch to the upstream bug report though22:46
seb128I see that you commented, you can as well add the patch too22:46
seb128thank you for the work on that, I was not sure how to debug it but I know that could be annoying issue for users ;-)22:47
seb128btw did you apply for motu now? ;-)22:47
chrisccoulsonyeah, i was expecting it to take a while to debug, as i don't know the gnome-screensaver code all that well, but it only took 30 minutes22:47
chrisccoulsoni havent got around to applying just yet. i keep getting side-tracked with other work at the moment22:48
seb128how did you debug it?22:48
chrisccoulsoni need to set aside some time this week really;)22:48
seb128there was something interesting in the log? or stracing?22:48
chrisccoulsoni just ran gnome-screensaver --debug and watched the console output22:48
seb128debug logs can be useful ;-)22:48
chrisccoulsonthe error messages from gnome-screensaver-dialog get piped back to gnome-screensaver and then printed on the console22:48
chrisccoulsonnice and easy:)22:49
seb128if you don't hurry for motu you might be after the archive reorganization and have no motu team to join ;-)22:49
chrisccoulsoni'll try and sort it this week then;)22:49
seb128ok, enough work for me for today, good night everybody22:50
seb128see you tomorrow22:50
chrisccoulsongood night seb12822:51
pochunight seb22:52
djsiegelseb128 rickspencer3-afk pitti: any idea who could handle a bug like this: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/+bug/38921222:57
ubottuUbuntu bug 389212 in hundredpapercuts "Partitions icons on desktop and file access" [Undecided,Triaged]22:57
djsiegelI want to get some more info on it, and maybe get someone looking into the complexity of the change.22:58
seb128djsiegel, I would say pitti or me, the description seems misleading though22:59
djsiegeljust changed it :)22:59
seb128djsiegel, what is an internal partition for you?22:59
ubottuUbuntu bug 389212 in hundredpapercuts "Partitions icons on desktop and file access" [Undecided,Triaged]22:59
djsiegelseb128: oh, you saw the new description22:59
djsiegelan internal partition is at least a partition on the save physical disk as your main partition23:00
seb128djsiegel, we don't show icons for things automatically mounted at boot on the desktop, that's a policy we have since ubuntu has been created23:00
djsiegelseb128: right, I agree23:00
seb128djsiegel, we don't display those on the desktop right now23:00
djsiegelI am just being explicit23:00
djsiegelseb128: yes, I know23:00
seb128what we display is ie your vista partition if you mounted it23:00
seb128which you disagree with?23:00
djsiegelyes, I get it...23:00
seb128so I don't understand the bug23:01
djsiegelI am saying, internal partitions should mount at boot23:01
seb128sounds a complicate discussion23:01
chrisccoulsondjsiegel - that should be for the adminstrator to decide by specfying them in fstab23:01
chrisccoulsonshouldnt it?23:01
seb128we explicitly don't do that23:01
djsiegelwell, we need to discuss it23:01
seb128otherwise you quickly hit the "n mount counter"23:01
seb128which means long fsck on boot, etc23:01
djsiegelseems like it's something administrators wouldn't rely on as a default23:01
seb128we decide to mount partition "on demand" right now23:02
djsiegeland many users have multiple partitions and are confused by fstab23:02
seb128that avoid all the trouble about accessing something you don't use23:02
seb128there is a bug requesting to have an property option to select what partitions to mount on boot23:02
djsiegelseb128: yes, I see that one23:02
seb128I think that would be the right way23:03
seb128but that's not a papercut, too much work for that23:03
pittidjsiegel: no, spare internal partitions should absolutely not be automounted at boot by default; this does happen on the live CD, but that's a bug (I'm on it)23:03
djsiegelWell, I have nominated this one from a user-centered design perspective.23:03
djsiegelpitti: why?23:03
djsiegelpitti: I am here to find out why23:03
djsiegelpitti: I am representing the user only here23:03
pittidjsiegel: especially not if they are windows partitions23:03
djsiegelusers are confused and want access to their data23:04
pittithey might have a hibernation image, or be unclean, and then mounting them could wreak havoc23:04
seb128djsiegel, for one reason you would trigger the disk check for those partitions you don't use every n boot which take a while23:04
pittithey can mount their windows partition in the places menu23:04
pittidjsiegel: also, we can't automount them anyway since that requires admin powers, thus we need to ask for the users' password23:04
djsiegelpitti: do we block them from mounting their parition if it has a hibernation image?23:04
pittiand "their" data is on /home23:05
seb128pitti, (not really true, the system could mount everything on boot)23:05
pittidjsiegel: no, we don't, but if you explicitly mount it, you can have an UI which points out problems, etc.23:05
pittiseb128: right, but we don't want that23:05
djsiegelpitti: really?23:05
djsiegelWell, I am still convinced we need to explore this further, technical problems withstanding.23:06
djsiegelI hear "absolutely not! no way! we don't do it that way!", but if it still creates a bad user experience, I am still interested23:06
seb128djsiegel, why do you want to mount everything on boot?23:06
djsiegelsounds like it's not a paper cut though23:06
seb128the computer location icons make it transparent23:06
pittithis was discussed several times already, actually, and IIRC the main blockers for automounting were potential data integrity breakage23:06
Laneypidgin hardy-backports seems to work at least23:06
seb128users don't have to know if things are mounted or not, they just have to use those23:06
seb128the system will do the mounting in an almost transparent way if required23:07
djsiegelseb128: bug reports from users who have multiple partitions indicating problems with those partitions not being mounted23:07
djsiegeltrouble making them automount23:07
seb128let's fix those bugs?23:07
pittidjsiegel: "multiple partitions" in what sense?23:07
djsiegelthis is one way to fix them23:07
pittidjsiegel: everything which has the Ubuntu system is set up by the installer23:07
seb128I can guaranty you you will get higher number of bugs the other way around23:07
djsiegelpitti: people with a media partition, or a windows partition, or an HFS+ partition in my case23:07
djsiegelthey share music or photos, desktop wallpapers23:07
seb128the right way is to let you select what partitions to auto-mount23:08
djsiegelmachine boots, does not mount the partition, and things misbehave23:08
pittidjsiegel: it would be nice to make it configurable to automount some partition by default indeed23:08
seb128not to auto-mount 15 partitions you don't use at every boot23:08
djsiegelseb128: do users have 15 partitions?23:08
pittibut I don't think we should greedily mount everything we can23:08
seb128triggering disk checks for those, etc23:08
djsiegelpitti: I agree23:08
djsiegelpitti: that's what I want to find out about this bug23:08
seb128djsiegel, it's a slight exageration but I've 7-8 of those on my old desktop install23:08
djsiegelI definitely think we should not do it if users have above a certain number23:09
djsiegellike 323:09
seb1282 linux install with user directory, user,etc , one xp etc etc23:09
pittidjsiegel: so perhaps we can rename it to "offer possibility to automount a particular partition"?23:09
djsiegelpitti: so, that needs discussion23:09
seb128djsiegel, why would you want to automount the system partition of an another linux install?23:09
djsiegelpitti: what kind of users have extra partitions?23:09
djsiegelwill they know what automount is?23:09
djsiegelwhere to look for it?23:10
djsiegelI am assuming very basic users who cannot figure this out23:10
djsiegelbut maybe users with multiple partitions are usually advanced?23:10
pittidjsiegel: I don't think that "very basic" users will care at all23:10
pittibut a second windows partition is probably pretty common23:10
seb128very basis users click on the icon in nautilus and the mounting is transparent23:10
djsiegelpitti: well, below a certain threshold, yes :)23:10
pittisecond/third linux partitions less so -> those are the power users23:10
seb128I don't see the issue with that23:10
seb128they don't even know if was not mounted23:11
djsiegelso, I used to use Mac OS23:11
seb128but we avoid all the technical issue23:11
pittiwell, they get asked for their pwd23:11
djsiegeland it doesn't have this concept of present-but-not-mounted in the Finder23:11
djsiegelinternal partitions are just there23:11
djsiegeljust like "Macintosh HD"23:11
djsiegelyour main partition23:11
seb128well do you know that partitions are not mounted in nautilus?23:11
djsiegelwhat's your point?23:11
seb128let's make those look like they are mounted23:12
seb128users don't need to know they are not if that happens transparently23:12
djsiegelwell, part of the problem is not explicit user action23:12
seb128so you don't trigger unrequired mounts at boot and users are not confused23:12
djsiegelit's importing music or videos or photos from another partition23:12
djsiegelor setting a desktop wallpaper23:12
djsiegelafter reboot, this content seems missing23:12
seb128well any application accessing one of those devices should mount it if it's not23:13
djsiegelI agree, we definitely should have automount control in something easier to use than ftab23:13
djsiegellike that other bug says23:13
seb128+1 from me23:13
djsiegelbut I am also wondering if there is any way to make an intelligent guess for the user23:13
seb128there might be but that's not a papercut bug23:13
djsiegelIf Ubuntu guesses I want a certain partition and mounts it at boot, that is a huge ease-of-use win23:14
djsiegelwell, what about a simple heuristic?23:14
seb128we need to think carefully about all the bugs you will hit23:14
djsiegellike, your Windows partition?23:14
seb128like disk check every n mount23:14
djsiegelah, but the hibernation problem23:14
seb128the hibernation issue23:14
djsiegeldoes mounting a hibernated disk mess it up necessarily?23:14
seb128you don't want to get your 300gig vista disk blocking your boot for an hour if you don't use it23:15
seb128not sure about the hibernation thing23:15
djsiegelthat's for sure23:15
djsiegelwell, we should definitely not fsck partitions we don't own by default23:15
chrisccoulsondo you want a feature like this: http://flomertens.free.fr/disk-manager/features.html ?23:16
seb128some of the partitions might also be password protected23:16
pittialso, once a windows partition gets a slightly corrupted FS, and we keep automoutning it, it will only aggravate23:16
pittiand we don't have perfect tools to fix them23:16
pittiof course that's more of an "excuse" than a solid technical reason, but we have to live with not having those tools23:16
djsiegelchrisccoulson: yes, maybe something more like that23:16
djsiegel"It appears your hard disc contains the following additional partitions:"23:17
chrisccoulsoni've used it before, but that project is unmaintained now. might be a good starting point though23:17
djsiegelthen the use can choose to mount them at startup23:17
djsiegelok, this looks way to big to be a paper cut now23:17
djsiegelbut still, I think we made some progres23:17
=== WelshDragon is now known as YDdraigGoch
seb128ok, really enough for this time, see you tomorrow23:28
djsiegelpitti chrisccoulson: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/+bug/39364523:28
ubottuUbuntu bug 393645 in hundredpapercuts "Don't show "Encrypt..." or "Sign" in context menus by default" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:28
djsiegelwhat do you think?23:28
chrisccoulsondjsiegel - i'm not sure about just dropping "encrypt" or "sign" - i sometimes use them at the moment, but i'm not sure how many other people use them. if they were dropped, then i wouldn't know how else to access this functionality, or where else the functionality would belong.23:31
chrisccoulsonbut i agree that the current context menu looks quite cluttered23:31
djsiegelchrisccoulson: many people use them, but fifty times as many do not and are confused by them (my assumption) :)23:34
djsiegeldoes nautilus have a plugins window?23:34
djsiegelto easily enable and configure plugins?23:34
chrisccoulsonquite possibly. but if they were removed, the functionality would have to go elsewhere23:34
chrisccoulsoni'm not sure about plugins23:34
djsiegelchrisccoulson: I think they are in a plugin already23:34
djsiegelit's just installed by default23:34
chrisccoulsonyeah, i think they are. i don't know if its possible to disable them at runtime though23:35
awaltondjsiegel, they're installed by seahorse23:56
awaltonand no, nautilus doesn't have a plugin window nor a way to disable/add plugins at runtime23:56
djsiegelawalton: ok, thanks, that's what I thought23:57

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