
ebroderIs there any chance of seeing dpkg 1.15 merged into Karmic at this point, or is it too late in the release cycle?00:31
ebroderAnybody? I'd like to see the fix to Debian #476899 make it into Karmic, but I don't want to expend the effort if I'd be wasting my time00:37
ubottuDebian bug 476899 in dpkg "dpkg: Leaves new conffiles as file.dpkg-new if the conffile is" [Normal,Closed] http://bugs.debian.org/47689900:37
* ajmitch would probably ask again in a few hours when people are less likely to still be on their weekend00:38
ebroderFair 'nuff00:38
ajmitchthere's still a few weeks until feature freeze so it's far from impossible00:39
TheMusoMaybe another 10-12 hours at least, since the people who work on dpkg are in EU timezones.00:39
ebroderajmitch: More than a few weeks; I just don't know what kind of special treatment dpkg gets00:39
* ajmitch wouldn't really be willing to do that merge right now :)00:39
ebroderMoM says it's a small merge. Not convinced I believe it, but you know00:40
ajmitchI imagine that it'd probably be done inthe next week or so if it happens00:40
ajmitchlast upload mentioned waiting for 1.15.1 in the changelog00:41
ebroderOh, I missed that00:41
ebroderI guess I'll go ahead and file a merge bug, even if I'm not going to do the merge myself00:42
andrew_sayersFWIW, 1.15.3 will cause some heartache.00:44
ebroderhow so?00:44
andrew_sayersFixes bug #39116500:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 391165 in dpkg "Dpkg::Deps mishandles newlines in Build-Dependencies" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39116500:45
andrew_sayersI've spent a good portion of the past week reporting bugs in packages that will break when that goes through.00:45
andrew_sayersTake a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/~andrew-bugs-launchpad-net - you can spot when I noticed this issue :)00:45
ebroderUgh. Sounds like fun00:46
andrew_sayersYeah, I had to download every .diff.gz to file all them :s00:47
andrew_sayersAnyway, those packages will break when 1.15.3 hits.00:47
ebroderBreak as in fail to install?00:47
andrew_sayersFail to build.00:47
ebroderOk. That's slightly less concerning00:47
anderskIs someone aware that packages.ubuntu.com is only showing karmic packages?00:47
andrew_sayerspackages.ubuntu.com is up?00:48
ebroderYeah, but ==andersk on only showing karmic packages00:48
andrew_sayersSince it was down for almost 24 hours, I'm guessing it's been reformatted or something.00:49
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shayaanyone have an issue w/ the firefox-3.5 segfaulting on startup in karmic?02:35
billybigriggerno probs with 3.5 yet02:40
shayasegfaulting for me on startup in libstdc++02:41
shayainstalling dbg libs now02:41
shayathough very very large02:41
shayaI think I see the problem02:45
shayalibxul from 1.8 is being loaded02:45
shayaseems to be that eclipse pulls in the libxul (1.8) lib into /usr/lib/02:47
shayafirefox-3.5 (xul 1.9) then links against it02:48
shayaand boom crash02:48
shayaand removed and it works02:48
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* ccheney finds it interesting that twitter apparently can't handle over 18 tweets/s (reading article about MJ and Google)03:11
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icarus901anyone getting signature validation failures when trying to pull security updates?04:23
icarus901no proxy here04:23
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dholbachgood morning06:32
jumentoushi anyone, i was looking for some help understanding anna and the install process, i realise this probably isn't the place but can someone point me in the right direction06:50
superm1hi pitti. i forgot to follow up. did jockey-text look sane, or did you want to see any other changes to it?07:00
StevenKMorning pitti07:01
pittigood morning07:01
* StevenK blinks at how he misread superm1 saying hi pitti as pitti greeting the channel07:01
pittihey StevenK :)07:02
pittisuperm1: sorry, didn't get mailed about it, and didn't look over the weekend07:02
ajmitchhello pitti07:02
pittisuperm1: I opened https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~superm1/jockey/jockey-text now as a reminder07:02
StevenKpitti: I had one dorky question about the MIRs for UNR -- does ubuntu-netbook-remix-default-settings really need an MIR given it's effectively a bunch of gconf defaults and some packaging around them?07:03
superm1pitti, no problems. just wanted to make sure i had some time later this week to sort out anything with it necessary.  switching a few things to depend on such changes and wanted to time it all right07:03
pittiStevenK: MIR bug/task, yes; wiki page for trivial packages, simple language bindings, etc., no07:03
pittiStevenK: for small packages, just have a quick look at the bugs in D/U07:04
StevenKpitti: Right, okay, so I'll leave the task in the bug alone, but I won't write an MIR for it.07:04
pittiStevenK: and such meta-packages don't generally require any effort at all, ubuntu-mir just has a quick look at the packaging07:04
StevenKpitti: And there is no task for the meta package (unr-meta), should I add one?07:04
pittitkamppeter: bug 361772 confuses me; it went through a successful SRU, but people have still problems, and there are several open tasks; what's the status of this?07:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 361772 in foomatic-db-engine "black squares appearing instead of some letters when printing" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36177207:14
tkamppeterpitti, I am looking through it currently to update the status. There were two situations how users could run into a Ghostscript upstream bug. One was fixed by the foomatic-db-engine SRU, the other gets fixed by the CUPS SRU of bug 382379.07:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 382379 in poppler "pdftops CUPS filter has several problems" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38237907:32
tkamppeterAn additional measure to fix this problem is a change on the Ricoh family PPDs on the OpenPrinting web server which I did some weeks ago.07:33
pittitkamppeter: I just moved cups/poppler to -updates, FYI07:33
tkamppeterpitti, Great. Thanks.07:34
tkamppeterpitti, I have updated bug 361772, marking the CUPS tasks as "Fix Released" and referencing to bug 382379.07:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 361772 in foomatic-db-engine "black squares appearing instead of some letters when printing" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36177207:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 382379 in poppler "pdftops CUPS filter has several problems" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38237907:38
pittitkamppeter: thanks07:38
pittitkamppeter: the open ghostscript task is still valid then?07:39
tkamppeterpitti, yes. The upstream bug in Ghostscript is not fixed yet. We do not need to do an SRU when the Ghostscript developers fix the problem, as the changes in foomatic-db-engine, in cups, and also automatic updating of PPD files of existing print queues in all printer driver packages prevent from the Ghostscript bug affecting any Ubuntu user.07:43
ebroderpitti: Just saw the build failures for xen-3.3 to karmic. I swear these built the last time I touched them :)07:50
ebroderI'll try to figure out what's up07:50
pittiebroder: oops; thanks07:50
ebroderpitti: Do I bump the version number when the package FTBFS's?07:51
pittiebroder: yes, you need to07:51
pittiand a new changelog07:51
ebroderOh, as in leave the ubuntu10 entry in there and add a separate ubuntu11 one with just these changes?07:52
ebroderOk. Will do07:52
StevenKpitti: So, I'm happy to leave the tasks as New, should I set them to something else when I have the MIR attached to the bug report?08:14
pittiStevenK: that's fine08:14
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al-maisanMoin pitti, how are you?08:15
pittihey al-maisan; good, thanks!08:15
pittiand you?08:15
al-maisanpitti: not too bad :)08:15
al-maisanpitti: I was wondering  what a "fake sync" is ..08:16
pittial-maisan: ah, it's essentially: take our orig.tar.gz, apply the debian diff.gz, add a "-Xbuild1" changelog with "fake sync from Debian (different orig.tar.gz)"08:16
al-maisanpitti: I see .. thanks!08:17
pittial-maisan: that's something mvo can do easily, not necessary to upload a patch or so08:18
dholbachal-maisan: it's cases where we can't sync because soyuz (and dak) already know a file named project_version.orig.tar.gz with a different md5sum08:18
al-maisanpitti: even better, the ball is mvo's court now :)08:18
al-maisandholbach: gotcha!08:19
ebroderHey pitti: Xen died because it's being built with -Werror and threw a bogus warning. How bad would it be to add a -Wno-error for that particular subdirectory?08:25
pittiebroder: you can't fix the warning?08:25
pittiebroder: no-error is fine for me08:25
ebroderI'm not seeing an easy way to fix the warning08:26
ebroderOk, I think -Wno-error is the most straightforward fix, honestly08:26
pittiebroder: calling memset with zero length?08:27
pittithat doesn't make sense08:27
ebroderYeah. It's actually calling memset with sizeof(a_struct) where a_struct is an empty struct08:27
pittiwhat's the code doing?08:27
pittiebroder: couldn't you just comment out that memset then?08:27
ebroderHmm...I guess that wouldn't actually change anything...08:28
* tjaalton hugs doko for the new eclipse :)08:28
dholbachpitti: sponsoring king! :)08:31
pittidholbach: well, that's still you according to the statistics :)08:31
dholbachpitti: I just noticed that you're working on it right now08:32
dholbachand that's great :)08:32
jameshpitti: do you how hard would it be to write a dh_shlibdeps style program if I've already got the logic to determine file dependencies?08:33
pwnguinnew eclipse?08:34
pittijamesh: what is a file dependency?08:34
pittijamesh: in general, dh_* are pretty easy (just look at it, it's perl)08:34
pittithe dh lib does all the ground work for you already08:35
jameshpitti: This is to try and automatically calculate dependencies for Erlang programs08:35
pittijamesh: everything it needs to do is to set a dpkg variable ${your:depends} to the value you compute08:35
jameshpitti: I did a proof of concept Python program that can scan the Erlang .beam files, determine what they import, scan the /usr/lib/erlang directory to find those modules and finally do "dpkg -S" to find the package names08:36
pittijamesh: dh_shlibdeps is 88 lines of code, of which you can probably reuse most08:36
pittijamesh: oh, that wouldn't be debhelper then, though08:37
pittisince that has to work at build time without all the (potetial) dependencies being installed08:37
pittiif you build-depend on them, it would work, of course08:37
pittibut then you already figured them out?08:38
pwnguindoko: excellent08:38
jameshpitti: from the small sample of Erlang packages I've looked at, they generally build-depend on their dependencies08:38
jameshI'm not sure if that's due to a requirement in the compiler or not though08:38
pittijamesh: could be; for programs with test suites during build you also generally need them08:39
jameshpitti: out of interest, if this job weren't being done by debhelper, what would do it?08:44
pittijamesh: as I said, if the purpose is to fish out the three needed dependencies from your erlang-all-libs-meta package, dh is fine08:44
pittijamesh: there is little precedent for figuring out dependencies which aren't installed by b-deps, I'm afraid08:45
pittijamesh: for C programs, people generally determine build dependencies by a combination of reading configure.ac, READMEs, and try&error08:46
ebroderpitti: Should I open a new bug for the Xen FTBFS bug, or just attach it to the one with the ubuntu10 patch?08:46
jameshpitti: I basically want something that will get correct minimal dependencies for binary packages and not break when the next upstream release comes out08:46
pittiebroder: as you wish; reopen it if you do the latter08:47
jamesh(or reduce the set of dependencies if upstream drops a dependency)08:47
pittijamesh: dh sounds fine then, if you assume that b-deps pull everything in that you potentially need08:47
Guest53149hi all08:55
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ttxdoko: I posted a workaround patch for the SHA384withECDSA ca-certificates-java issue on bug 392104.09:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 392104 in ca-certificates-java "[Karmic] Update to ca-certificates 20090624 prevents ca-certificates-java from installing" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39210409:07
cjwatsonebroder: I have the dpkg merge half-done, just haven't quite got round to finishing it09:13
cjwatsonebroder: still intending to do it09:13
ebrodercjwatson: Great! I'll trust that you can handle it way better than I :)09:14
ebroderI'm not trying to pressure you or anything, I just was trying to poke around to see what the situation was09:14
dokotjaalton, pwnguin: and I'm filing a bug report to remove this package again, because it does include a handful or more third party libs inside the eclipse package. if you want to keep eclipse, please fix these bugs, hint, hint ;)09:27
ttxdoko: one issue is that the patched ca-certificates-java won't build in current karmic (with ca-certificates preventing ca-certificates-java to install as a build-dep)09:29
lesshastehi.. I have a weird bug where after a poweroff (shutdown -h or shutdown -P) my laptop skips grub when it restarts but after a restart (shutdown -r) it doesn't09:30
ttxdoko: so ca-certificates might need to be temporarily reverted first09:30
lesshastethe problem is that I am missing some key facts.. does jaunty have some script that kick starts the kernel super fast somehow? (kexec?)09:30
lesshastethat might be causing this09:30
cjwatsonlesshaste: only if you have the kexec-tools package installed. Do you?09:30
dokottx: yes, two ca-certificates upload (buildN) with the -java upload in between should work09:31
lesshastecjwatson: I believe not09:31
cjwatsonlesshaste: can you check, please?09:31
lesshastecjwatson: locate kexec only shows files in the linux headers09:31
cjwatsondpkg-query -W kexec-tools09:31
lesshastedpkg-query -W kexec-tools09:32
lesshasteNo packages found matching kexec-tools.09:32
cjwatsonin that case, forget kexec, it's not your problem.09:32
cjwatsonI have seen another bug report to this effect, but have no idea what could be causing it09:32
lesshastecjwatson: so on a technical level, which part of the system could skip grub?09:33
cjwatsonnone that I'm aware of09:33
cjwatsonyou're sure the whole of grub is actually being skipped, and not just the grub menu?09:33
lesshasteno I am not sure but I can't find any useful logs09:33
cjwatsonthere won't be any09:33
lesshasteis there a way to turn on logging somehow for this?09:33
cjwatsonwhat settings do you have for timeout and hiddenmenu in /boot/grub/menu.lst?09:34
lesshastehttp://launchpadlibrarian.net/28500841/menu.lst is at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+bug/38993009:34
ubottuUbuntu bug 389930 in grub "grub menu skipped after shutdown" [Low,New]09:34
lesshasteit's also clearly assigned to the wrong place which doesn't help09:35
cjwatsonno it's not, it just has a stray task on gnome-power-manager09:36
lesshasteit's assigned to grub now09:36
cjwatsonit's assigned to grub *as well*. Launchpad bugs can have tasks on multiple places09:37
lesshasteumm.. hang on.. possible user error09:37
ebroderpitti: Fix for xen-3.3 is attached to bug #393376. I'll subscribe ubuntu-main-sponsors soon, but I want to at least pretend to test the resulting package before I do. Hopefully that'll be some time tomorrow09:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 393376 in xen-3.3 "xen-3.3 3.3.0-1ubuntu10 FTBFS" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39337609:39
tjaaltondoko: where is the package developed?09:39
tjaaltondoko: I mean the repository09:39
tjaaltondoko: if there is one09:40
lesshastecjwatson: sadly no user error :(09:40
cjwatsonlesshaste: you could try pressing Escape at boot to see if that brings up the grub menu09:40
cjwatsonlesshaste: other than that, I have no idea. sorry.09:41
tgpraveenhi i wanted to know will we get that delta debs feature in alpha 3 or 4?09:42
tgpraveenis any work being done on it. it would really make it easier for ppl like me on slow connection to help out in testing09:42
chrisccoulsonhey cjwatson - i'm not sure if you saw my message the other day about your gnome-session issue09:43
lesshasteback in a moment09:44
dokotjaalton: I updated the packaging in the debian pkg-java repository09:44
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cjwatsonchrisccoulson: I did, but don't know what to say. It reproduces for me by calling the D-Bus RequestReboot() method in a live CD.09:45
cjwatsonnothing special going on09:45
chrisccoulsonhmmmm. that's strange. did you manage to test by running "gnome-session --debug" from a failsafe xterm, and redirecting the output to some permanent storage? the log may show what is causing it09:48
tjaaltondoko: ah great09:50
cjwatsonchrisccoulson: haven't yet, sorry09:50
cjwatsonchrisccoulson: I'm rsyncing an updated image right now, will try after that09:51
chrisccoulsoncjwatson - no problem. it will hopefully show what is going on :)09:51
dupondjepitti: availible ? :D09:54
pittihi dupondje09:54
lesshastecjwatson: ha! cracked at least some of it :)09:56
dupondjecould u maby get the newest git from gvfs into repo's ? :P09:56
pittidupondje: seb128 has an upload ready, I think09:57
pittidupondje: at least for the latest release09:57
dupondjeis newest09:57
pittiright, "upload ready" -> not uploaded yet09:58
dupondjeoh ok :P09:58
dupondjecause mounting is broken :(09:58
seb128how broken?09:59
dupondjeseb128: I subscribed you to the bug :)09:59
lesshastecjwatson: are you still here?09:59
seb128I got over 300 emails yesterday I'm not read of reading yours09:59
dupondjeseb128: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gvfs/+bug/39305109:59
ubottuUbuntu bug 393051 in gvfs "Unable to mount any media in nautilus." [Undecided,Confirmed]10:00
seb128gvfs didn't change are you sure it's a gvfs bug?10:00
cjwatsonlesshaste: yes. I was waiting for you to clarify your statement10:00
seb128anyway it's monday morning let's catch up with normal tasks before looking at cracky bugs10:00
cjwatsonI didn't think I needed to say "go ahead" before you would ;-)10:00
chrisccoulsonwasn't there a devkit-disks and gdu upload before the weekend? mounting seemed to break after that10:01
dupondjeit was10:01
seb128chrisccoulson, read backlog?10:01
dupondjeand it was a bug reported into gnome, and its fixed in the git atm10:01
lesshastethe laptop is a Toshiba,  after a poweroff and restart the Toshiba logo appears and then it goes straight to booting linux without seeing grub, however, it seems that grub is actually running during the part where you can only see the Toshiba logo!10:01
seb128we should forbid people to upload on friday afternoon ;-)10:02
dupondjecheck the bugreport, somebody applied the patch I mentioned, and it fixed it10:02
lesshaste tested this by using the down arrow and pressing enter to boot into windows instead of linux.10:02
seb128dupondje, no need to check the bug, I've things ready on disk but that was the weekend and I don't work over the weekend10:02
lesshastecjwatson: strange eh?10:02
seb128we should close the bug tracker during the weekends that would avoid being flooded while you take a break ;-)10:03
dupondjedon't break anything !10:04
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i'm sure users would find other ways to complain10:04
seb128not really "lo"l, it's stressful to start monday with 800 bug emails in your inbox10:04
chrisccoulsonlike e-mailing u-d-d10:04
seb128chrisccoulson, I'm used to ignore this list by now ;-)10:04
lesshastecjwatson:  so whatever part of the system attempts to display to the screen preboot doesn't work after a poweroff (-P), but does work after a restart (-r)10:05
cjwatsonlesshaste: may just be a broken BIOS then? dunno10:06
cjwatsonI'm not likely to be able to fix it10:06
cjwatsonbest I can suggest is that you see if grub2 has the same symptoms10:06
lesshasteI'll update the bug report and hope someone reading it is interested10:08
lesshaste what part of linux is running when the grub menu is showing?10:09
cjwatsonno part of Linux is running.10:09
cjwatsonGRUB's job in this context is to load Linux, therefore clearly Linux isn't running yet ...10:10
lesshastecjwatson: yes of course.. that was a bit dim of me10:14
lesshastecjwatson: so it really is a question of whether grub can fix whatever the bios has screwed up it seems10:14
lesshasteand grub is only supported grub2 these days :(10:14
lesshastewhich isn't in jaunty10:14
lesshasteis there an easy way to upgrade to grub2 on jaunty?10:15
pittimdz: did you actually commit your patch for bug 391021? I don't see it in trunk10:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 391021 in apport "Dependencies.txt could be sorted" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39102110:26
cjwatsonlesshaste: see my mail to ubuntu-devel-announce a little while ago10:33
pittijames_w: hm, bzr bd -S just blew up for me, is that known? (trying to download upstream tarball) http://paste.ubuntu.com/206107/10:40
pittijamesh: hm, same for bd-do (I now have the orig.tar.gz)10:43
lesshastecjwatson: oh... let me check that10:44
lesshastecjwatson: hmm.. choosing it chained won't actually test whether it can initialise the screen though will it10:47
cjwatsonlesshaste: probably not10:49
cjwatsonwell, dunno10:49
cjwatsonit'll probably try to initialise the screen whether it's chained or not10:49
mdzpitti, it is definitely committed11:01
mdzbut is it pushed?11:01
mdzpitti, revno: 147611:02
mdzcommitter: Matt Zimmerman <mdz@canonical.com>11:02
mdzbranch nick: apport11:02
mdztimestamp: Tue 2009-06-23 10:53:14 +010011:02
mdz  Sort the list of dependencies so it's easier to scan (LP: #391021)11:02
mdz        checkout of branch: bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Eapport-hackers/apport/trunk/11:02
pittimdz: weird, 1476 is "ui.py: Do not reject non-distro package reports if report sets CrashDB (for third-party destination). (LP: #391015)" for me11:02
pittimdz: see http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~apport-hackers/apport/trunk/changes11:03
pittimdz: so somehow your commit got lost, weird11:03
cjwatsonnot sure how that could be allowed to happen to a checkout, since commits to a checkout actually commit to the master first and then pull11:04
mdzpitti, looks like it is out of sync somehow, I will fix11:04
cjwatsondon't suppose you used commit --local?11:04
cjwatson'bzr up' should tell you11:04
pittimdz: hang on, I don't think you can currently commit to trunk11:04
cjwatson(and should leave you with an uncommitted merge if necessary)11:04
mdzpitti, Committed revision 1490.11:04
pittiperhaps checkouts get confused if push fails due to -EPERM11:04
mdzcjwatson, I think I probably committed locally (thinking I was bound), and then later did 'bzr bind'11:04
cjwatsonyes, you need push as well as bind in that case11:05
mdzthe resulting state shows no pending changes with 'bzr status' but in fact there are de facto uncommitted changes11:05
cjwatsonwhich is a bit annoying and confusing, I remember filing a bug about that ages ago11:05
cjwatsonI think bind should automatically push11:05
mdzso I forgot about the commit because I couldn't see it anywhere11:05
mdzcjwatson, at the least, bzr status should show outstanding changes11:05
cjwatsonor tell you if it couldn't11:05
pittimdz: I added you to ~apport-hackers now11:05
mdzpitti, thanks11:05
pittipush should work now11:05
mdzpitti, 1490 should be there now11:05
pittiright, appears on loggerhead11:06
lesshastecjwatson: I see my exact laptop is in the list https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Grub2Testin11:07
pittiseb128: apport 1.5 should now work around these constant "412 Precondition Failed" things, as well as fix the recent IndexError; testing/uploading backports now11:09
seb128pitti, nice!11:09
pittiwell, with "work around" -> "except HTTPError: pass" *shrug*11:10
Keybukmdz: bzr missing would have told you what was up11:13
mdzKeybuk, hmm, that's not part of my normal workflow11:13
Keybukbut I agree, local extra revisions should be included in status output of a checkout11:13
Keybuksince you only tend to learn missing if you follow a local branch/push to trunk workflow11:13
tseliotcjwatson: I need to check the product name of a laptop so that the debian-installer proceeds with the installation only on that specific model. I'm using dmidecode to check the product name. Would /etc/rcS.d/ be the right place to perform the check? (or maybe /usr/lib/base-installer.d ?)11:21
cjwatsondo you just want to halt or something if it doesn't match, or do you want to display UI?11:22
tseliotcjwatson: just halt and print a string of text with the reason why it stopped11:23
cjwatson/usr/lib/debian-installer-startup.d/ would be appropriate, then11:23
cjwatsonerr, sorry, make that /lib/debian-installer-startup.d/11:24
tseliotcjwatson: ok, thanks. Is this documented somewhere?11:25
tseliotah, maybe this one? http://d-i.alioth.debian.org/doc/talks/debconf6/paper/index.html11:27
mdzpitti, I wonder why LP didn't automatically link the bug to that commit11:32
pittimdz: did you specify --fixes lp:12345?11:32
pittiit might just lag11:32
mdzpitti, no, I just put it in the log message11:33
mdzI thought that took care of things automatically11:33
pittiit doesn't parse log messages11:34
pittimdz: for ubuntu packages, debcommit parses LP: #xxxx out of debian/changelot11:34
mdzpitti, hmm, interesting.  I wonder why not.11:35
mdzit seems a natural thing to do11:35
cjwatsontseliot: that's a sensible paper yes11:36
tseliotok, thanks11:37
lesshastecjwatson: hah! https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub/+bug/37482312:02
ubottuUbuntu bug 374823 in grub "GRUB menu not showing up at cold boot" [Undecided,New]12:02
lesshasteit's just a matter of finding the right words it seems12:02
pittiseb128: ok, please delete all the retracer cron mails sent by now; all following breakages are real, I'll look into them12:04
lesshastenot that there is a solution there either really12:05
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dupondjeseb128: seems it blows another error now :s12:23
dupondjeafter upgrading gvfs12:23
dupondjeseb128: added comment to12:27
dupondjehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gvfs/+bug/393051 :p12:27
ubottuUbuntu bug 393051 in gvfs "Unable to mount any media in nautilus." [Low,Fix released]12:27
seb128dupondje, do you have policykit-1 installed?12:28
pittiright, I guess somethign needs to pull in policykit-1-gnome12:29
seb128pitti, something being whatever ask for the credentials, grepping for PolicyKit1 in gvfs returns nothing12:30
pittiseb128: hm, tricky12:31
pitticlient programs don't need to know about PK any more, that's one of the nice things12:31
pittibut I wouldn't like devicekit-disks to depend on -gnome, since it will also be used in KDE12:31
pittiso, of course we can add it to ubuntu-desktop, but not everyone has that12:31
pittiseb128: do you think it would be too evil to add a dependency to gvfs?12:32
seb128I'm fine adding it to gvfs12:32
pittiseb128: i. e. replacing the policykit-gnome one from gnome-mount?12:32
pittisince gnome-mount is no more either12:32
seb128but how does it work?12:32
seb128who does the polkit calls?12:32
seb128gvfs or devicekit?12:32
pittiI'm not entirely sure, TBH; some clever callback mechanism12:33
seb128alright, let's add the depends to gvfs12:34
seb128did you mir, etc policykit-1 already?12:34
pittiit's just a new upstream version, it went to main12:34
pittiit just changed name to be co-installable until everything is ported12:34
glatzor_hello mvo. I just merged my gobject branch of aptdaemon. all the threading is now gone!12:34
pittihey glatzor_12:35
glatzor_servus pitti and seb128 !12:35
seb128pitti, ok, let me grab some coffee and I will do the gvfs update with the depends12:35
seb128hey glatzor_12:35
vadi2Hi. Does anyone know anything about the "rebootless kernel upgrades" from http://www.ksplice.com/uptrack/ ? Is the thing safe to use?12:37
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dupondjeseb128: wasn't installed, installed it now, but still doesn't work13:02
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dupondjeseb128: ok it worked now after reboot :)13:05
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pittidupondje: right, it currently has an .autostart file, thus you need to restart the session13:25
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* apw wonders who is an archive admin today13:36
jpdsapw: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArchiveAdministration#Archive%20days13:39
apwjpds, perfect thanks13:41
ograpitti, thanks for the seed change :)14:04
pittiogra: ?14:04
ograf-spot and tomboy for arm14:05
pittiah, I just updated it to drop udev-extras from standard, but you're welcome :)14:05
directhexis mono behaving itself on arm today?14:05
ogradirecthex, only f-spot ...14:05
ograbanshee and tomboy have probs, havent debugged deeper yet14:06
directhexoh? tomboy's not working? that's odd, i thought it was fully managed14:06
ograit works fine until i try to use the notification icon14:06
directhexleft or right click?14:07
ScottKpitti: When you have a moment, I'd like to discuss clamav in -proposed for Jaunty (it's a point release update).14:07
ogradirecthex, either14:07
ogradirecthex, Bug 39112414:07
pittiScottK: ah, another round?14:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 391124 in tomboy "tomboy crashes on ARM hardware if notification icon is clicked" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39112414:07
ScottKpitti: We're about to do another round of major updates in -backports, but for Jaunty it should be updatable into -proposed with the existing minor version update authority, so it's a separate issue.14:08
pittiScottK: I see, so they should go to -proposed directly14:09
ScottKFor Jaunty, yes.14:09
directhexogra, looks like a gtk# problem. i'd forward it upstream asap14:09
ograwill do14:09
ScottKpitti: The question is about packaging updates.  When I've done point release updates in the past, I've packaged the new upstream for that release based on that release's packaging and not updated the packaging more than absolutely required.14:09
ogradirecthex, mono-debuuger would surely be helpful :P14:10
pittiScottK: right, makes sense14:10
ScottKpitti: The clamav package we released Jaunty with was still not terribly mature, so I'd like to capture the packaging improvements too this time.14:10
ScottKSo I'm curious how you feel about that and how much detailed justification you want.14:10
pittiScottK: what would that change in particular?14:10
pittiScottK: changes to debconf, any conffiles, etc. are generally a no-go area IMHO14:11
ScottKThere are some improvements in the inits.  All the debconf translations now match the actual questions.14:11
pittiScottK: cleanup to rules, debhelper, etc. (internal build process) is bearable14:11
pittitranslation fixes are okay, we update them regularly anyway14:11
directhexogra, yes, but the debugger's backend is C - and someone would need to port it to arm. until novell start getting demand from commercial arm/linux users (their main arm port is osx) then it'll not be a priority for upstream14:12
ScottKpitti: How about init scripts?14:12
pittiScottK: not for debconf translations generally, but it's the same result for the user14:12
ogradirecthex, yeah, understood, and apparently its not an easy task14:12
pittiScottK: I'm not fond of conffile changes post release, since they cause prompting and potential hassle14:12
ScottKpitti: OK.  I'll look through it in detail and make sure I only pull out what makes sense.14:13
directhexogra, well, being written in C is like kryptonite for me, so this is one i can't help with :p14:13
ScottKpitti: Thanks for the feedback.14:13
ogramcasadevall took a look and told me its not trivial ...14:13
pittiScottK: whichever approach is easier then, I guess (revert init script changes and keep the rest, or just update upstream version and keep packaging)14:13
pittiScottK: thanks for working on this!14:13
ograso we'll live with gdb14:13
ScottKpitti: OK.  No problem.14:14
lessshastecjwatson, hello again.. I just attempted sudo apt-get install grub-pc14:14
lessshastecjwatson, are you about? It didn't quite work out14:14
lessshasteI get http://pastebin.com/f9a0cc84 rather worryingly14:17
lessshasteI am attempting to upgrade to grub2.. sadly the ubuntu upgrade script made a mess so would anyone be able to look at my edited menu.1st please before I reboot to make sure I will still be able to log in again!  http://pastebin.com/f66d8145614:25
lessshastenoone kind enough?? :(14:30
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cjwatsonlesshaste: I don't see what point you're trying to make with those pastebin entries14:56
cjwatsonlesshaste: what is worrying? what is wrong?14:56
dvestalcjwatson: I think that lessshaste was trying to get someone to make sure that he had setup his grub menu.lst file correctly.15:05
cjwatsondvestal: thank you but I'd already been talking with lesshaste earlier and know what he was doing15:06
cjwatsondvestal: I'm also continuing the conversation on #ubuntu-kernel now15:06
dvestalcjwatson: ahh. sorry then.15:06
shayaanyone here using the firefox-3.5 package besides me?15:06
shayaits incompatible w/ the libxul0d package15:06
shayainstant segfault if both are installed15:06
lesshastedvestal, but thanks15:07
pittitseliot1, superm1: I uploaded a new jockey with all the recent broadcom wl changes; testing appreciated!15:23
tseliot1pitti: great, thanks. I was planning on bugging you about this ;)15:24
pittithis also drops libglade, to make seb128 a tad happier :)15:24
tseliot1pitti: what's the name of the new module (which replaces libglade)?15:25
pittitseliot1: gtk.Builder15:25
tseliot1pitti: thanks, I'll remember to use that from now on15:26
james_wpitti: yeah, there's a big filed, I think I know how to fix it15:26
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pittijames_w: great, thank you15:28
Caesartjaalton: are you tjaalton or timo-aalton on Launchpad?15:54
Caesarsorry timo-aaltonen15:55
dholbachCaesar: probably the one with more karma :)15:55
Caesardholbach: ah yes, good idea15:55
dholbachit's tjaalton15:55
dholbachhe's in ubuntu-core-dev too15:56
CaesarGot him15:56
* Caesar waves15:57
Caesartjaalton: hi, I just filed the first of the two libxcb bugs we discussed15:57
CaesarI'll file the second one with the patch when I get to work15:57
tjaaltonCaesar: ah, great15:57
tjaaltonok, I'll have a look tomorrow15:57
* Caesar heads to work15:57
pittimdz: (just replied to bug report as well); udev-extras removal is deliberate, it's dead15:59
pittimdz: or, rather, merged into udev itself15:59
mdzpitti, oh, the versioned conflict confused me16:00
mdzConflicts: hotplug, ifrename, libdevmapper1.02 (<< 2:1.02.08-1ubuntu7), udev-extras (<= 20090618)16:00
pittimdz: we added that just in case we'll ever have an udev-extras with new staging stuff16:01
pittibut right now, the udev-extras git head is empty, and kay has no plans to re-fill it16:01
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ogracjwatson, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/mobile-arm-karmic-subarches-in-debian-cd used to be dead, but given that we will have to support two different armel SoCs both using two different bootloaders we will need to revive it, do you have any problem if we implement it similar as the ps3 thing ?16:13
ogras/as the/to the/16:13
cjwatsonogra: fine by me as long as you guys maintain the code ;-)16:14
ogra(i think i remember to have heard rumours the ps3 hack isnt liked very much)16:14
ograok, thanks :)16:14
cjwatsonI'm fine with it actually16:14
ograi'll steal from it then16:15
cjwatsonthe bit I don't like is that they're two separate CDs16:15
cjwatsonI'd rather that they were a single CD, since most of the content's the same16:15
cjwatsonif you can arrange for a single image that boots both ways, that's clearly technically superior16:15
cjwatsonif you can't, the ps3 hack is fine16:15
ograright, having u-boot for one board and redboot for the other makes two images somewhat required in armel land16:15
lesshastehi again16:17
alkisgasac, if you'd need any more info or any patch-beta-testing for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/391040 I'd be happy to help.16:32
ubottuUbuntu bug 391040 in network-manager "When eth0 is unmanaged, system connections for other NICs aren't displayed nor used" [Undecided,New]16:32
ScottKslangasek: Ping.  Let me know when your coherent enough to deal with clamav backporting ....16:45
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FJ_SanchezI need help to fix a dependency problem17:26
FJ_SanchezI want to manually change version deps17:26
FJ_SanchezHow can I do this?17:26
kb9vqf_Anyone here willing to rescore a PPA build?17:54
kb9vqf_This one https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-389-directory-server/+archive/ppa/+build/1097734 and related were affected by a certificates bug that has since been fixed, but it'll be many hours before it rebuilds17:54
Ampelbeinkb9vqf_: perhaps you are better off asking in #launchpad.17:57
kb9vqf_Ampelbein: Thanks for the suggestion!17:57
asacalkisg: does it work if you name your iface ethtest (instead of eth0)18:04
alkisgasac: eh, rename it from udev rules?18:04
c_kornhello, I am trying to package pidgin-2.5.8 using the diff.gz of 2.5.7 in karmic. but after configure these errors occur: http://pastebin.com/d64f79db118:06
alkisgasac: sorry, my X crashed, if you replied about how to rename my eth0 to ethtest I didn't see it18:09
asacalkisg: no. rename it in the interfaces18:12
asacalkisg: replace iface eth0 ... with iface ethYOUR18:12
asacand auto eth0 with auto ethYOUR18:12
asacalkisg: after changing that you need to sudo killall nm-system-settings18:13
alkisgBut #iface eth0 inet dhcp is commented out - or do you want me to modify eth1 which uses a static ip instead?18:13
Caesarslangasek: you around?18:17
alkisgasac: with the following /etc/network/interfaces, I'm still not able to manage system connections for ethYOUR: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/20640218:17
Ampelbeinc_korn: did you update the autoconf patch?18:18
c_kornAmpelbein: yes.18:18
asacalkisg: well. you still have eth1 in there18:19
asacalkisg: try to change that to ethYOUR218:19
c_kornthis is the autoconf patch I applied18:19
alkisgasac: ok, trying18:19
robbiewcjwatson: Keybuk: do you know what the current status of bug 383697 is?  I can't tell from the last few comments.18:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 383697 in util-linux "lsb_release crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38369718:22
alkisgasac: Yes, now I'm able to manage the connections - but of course that was expected, because eth1 no longer has a static ip.18:22
alkisgIt's the same effect like I didn't declare any ethX interfaces at all...18:22
Ampelbeinc_korn: looking.18:23
Ampelbeinc_korn: builds fine here.18:30
cjwatsonrobbiew: no progress since I sent that patch, AFAICS ...18:32
cjwatsonKeybuk: do you want me to rework it as an Ubuntu-specific patch as implied by your last comment (it would involve nothing more than removing that block) or are you happy to apply my patch as-is?18:32
kb9vqf_I am trying to get a fix into the official archives for bug 357556 , and have attached a debdiff/followed all the steps on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Sponsorship/SponsorsQueue -- is there any way to speed the process along or do I just wait?18:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 357556 in xscreensaver "phosphor crashed with SIGSEGV in fileno_unlocked()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35755618:37
Ampelbeinkb9vqf_: xscreensaver is in main so the correct team to subscribe is ubuntu-main-sponsors.18:40
kb9vqf_Ampelbein: OK18:41
Ampelbeinkb9vqf_: i unsubscribed u-u-s and subscribed ubuntu-main-sponsors18:41
kb9vqf_Ampelbein: I am also looking for an SRU...I'm updating the description now18:42
kb9vqf_Ampelbein: OK, I have the SRU request added to the bug18:44
kb9vqf_This is my first attempt at this procedure; please go easy on me :)18:44
Ampelbeinkb9vqf_: no problem ;-)18:46
asacalkisg: please post output of nm-tool19:06
alkisgasac: working (ethYOUR): http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/206444        -      not working (eth0/eth1): http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/20644519:15
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c_kornAmpelbein: did you build the package in karmic or jaunty?19:38
Ampelbeinc_korn: karmic. but i think i know why it built: i used autoreconf to build, not just autoconf.19:40
c_korndidn't you just test the diff.gz for the new version?19:41
c_kornI try to build it for jaunty19:41
sianisfta: ping19:44
ftasianis, pong19:48
sianisfta: could you please see this: https://answers.launchpad.net/gwibber/+question/7506819:48
ftasianis, is it in the upstream tree?19:49
shawwhere can I ask about PPA issues?19:50
sianisfta: I don't know, we translated it at: https://translations.launchpad.net/gwibber19:50
sianisfta: there is no hu.po here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~gwibber-committers/gwibber/trunk/files/head%3A/po/19:51
ftasianis, ok, i'll ask upstream how they manage their translations19:52
sianisfta: thank you, let me know if you have question19:52
shawif I have PPA trouble, where's the best place to ask about it?19:57
shawcody-somerville: thanks!19:58
asacalkisg: are eth1 and eth0 the only interfaces you have?20:02
alkisgasac: yes20:02
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maxbwgrant: Hi, any news on that xserver-xorg-input-synaptics upload? :-)21:25
shayawhat's going on w/ udev/udev-extras and ubuntu-standard?21:31
maxbshaya: If you still have problems with that after "apt-get update", you have a slow mirror21:32
slangasekCaesar: pong21:33
superm1pitti, took a look at the handling for 'wl' now with the bcmwl-kernel-source package and jockey. it's really close to right now.  jockey just needs to unload b43/ssb and then load 'wl' and then things should be functional off the live disk21:36
shayamaxb: using archive.ubuntu.com21:47
shayathough appears its fine now21:47
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pittisuperm1: thanks; can you please file a bug and assign it to me?23:02
Caesarslangasek: o hai23:23
CaesarI had a random Ubuntu development question for you23:23
CaesarI'm half-tempted to email ubuntu-devel instead for wider circulation23:24
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slangasekCaesar: aw, I'm not wide enough?23:28
* slangasek eats more doritos23:28
CaesarIn a nutshell, my question was...23:29
cjwatsonkirkland: do we need whatever patch https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=504787 was referring to? I don't seem to be able to boot PAE guests here ...23:29
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 504787 in kvm "F11 - cannot boot 32bit PAE kernel guest under Qemu/KVM" [Medium,Closed: nextrelease]23:29
CaesarWhen Ubuntu merges a package from Debian unstable, is that the end of paying attention to what happens to it in Debian?23:29
CaesarFor a concrete case, I'm thinking specifically of libxcb in Hardy23:30
CaesarDebian just updated Lenny's version of it to address performance issues23:30
CaesarIt's the same underlying version that is in Hardy23:30
CaesarSo if I hadn't noticed and filed bugs against Ubuntu, would Ubuntu have noticed?23:31
kirklandcjwatson: what are you trying to boot?23:31
CaesarBy extension, what happens if RC bugs get filed against the Debian version after it's been synced into Ubuntu?23:31
slangasekCaesar: merges, or syncs?23:31
cjwatsonkirkland: install of today's server CD23:31
kirklandcjwatson: i'm able to boot the karmic i386 server cd23:31
Caesarslangasek either I guess23:31
cjwatsonkirkland: the server CD installer itself isn't PAE23:31
cjwatsonkirkland: you need to actually install it23:32
cjwatsonand then try to boot the resulting system23:32
kirklandcjwatson: ah, okay, let me do that23:32
slangasekCaesar: in the case of a sync, there's not generally perceived to be an obligation on the part of the syncer to track the bug status of the package in Debian going forward, and the tools currently available don't exactly facilitate that23:32
cjwatsonkirkland: now, admittedly I was experimenting with grub2 and LVM ... but as far as I can tell it's got past the obvious problem points there and is reading the filesystem successfully23:32
slangasekCaesar: in the case of a merge, you're "touched-it-last" for the package and are expected to watch whether there are further updates from Debian that should be merged in the cycle23:32
cjwatson(I tend to do experiments like that with the server CD just because it's quicker)23:33
cjwatsonkirkland: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=499596 might be a better report, and the workaround suggested there (-cpu qemu32) works for me23:36
kirklandcjwatson: what's your host running?23:36
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 499596 in qemu "32 bit KVM guest hangs enabling NX protection; booting with -cpu qemu32 works" [Medium,Closed: nextrelease]23:36
cjwatsonkirkland: karmic i38623:36
kirklandcjwatson: what cpu?23:37
kirklandcjwatson: pae, or non-pae on the host?23:37
cjwatsonflags           : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe nx lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts pni dtes64 monitor ds_cpl vmx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr pdcm lahf_lm ida tpr_shadow vnmi flexpriority23:37
kirklandcjwatson: curious, do you have any older pae-kerneled images lying around?  do those work, or are those broken too?23:39
cjwatsonkirkland: not easily - jaunty server i386 worked not *that* long ago though23:39
kirklandcjwatson: right, i have definitely tested that one pretty extensively, don't know that i've tested karmic-i386 lately23:40
kirklandcjwatson: i'm onsite at eucalyptus, pulling the karmic-i386 iso now23:40
cjwatsonthe patch in http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/development/source/SRPMS/qemu-0.10.50-6.kvm86.fc12.src.rpm/qemu-fix-cpuid-trimming.patch?extract=true doesn't seem to apply23:40
kirklandcjwatson: if you're slightly brave, you can try the daily build of qemu-kvm at https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-virt/+archive/virt-daily-upstream23:41
kirklandcjwatson: qemu-kvm will be replacing/providing/conflicting qemu and kvm very soon23:41
kirklandcjwatson: that's built from upstream git, which might have this patch, perhaps23:43
kirklandcjwatson: you can bzr branch lp:qemu-kvm and check the logs23:43
kirklandcjwatson: otherwise, i'm downloading the iso now and can try to reproduce it here23:44
cjwatsonhttps://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-virt/+archive/virt-daily-upstream description needs a sudo before tee23:45
kirklandcjwatson: thanks23:49
kirklandcjwatson: is there any way do disable graphics mode in the server installer, such that i can use kvm -curses?23:49
kirklandcjwatson: if so, I could boot/install this entirely remotely without vnc :-)23:50
kirklandcjwatson: *very* low bandwidth :-)23:50
geofftkirkland: you're asking about putting fb=false on the kernel command line?23:51
kirklandgeofft: oooh, will that do it?  /me tries23:51
cjwatsonkirkland: DEBIAN_FRONTEND=text23:52
cjwatsongeofft: that probably won't work quite right ...23:52
geofftoh, is there something newer that I missed?23:52
cjwatsonyou want to actually instruct the *installer* not to use a framebuffer, I think23:52
cjwatsonoh, sorry, fb=false is actually an installer option, I forgot that23:53
cjwatsonbut still, I'd suggest DEBIAN_FRONTEND=text anyway23:53
kirklandcjwatson: this is a kernel boot option?23:53
cjwatsonin low-bandwidth environments you probably want the lighter-weight frontend. It's actually as old as d-i :-)23:53
cjwatsonkirkland: yes23:53
directhexd-i has a non-text-based frontend?23:54
cjwatsonnewt != text23:54
cjwatsonI mean, as it happens, yes it does, but I think kirkland means how to turn off the full-screen thing23:55
cjwatsonkirkland: waiting for qemu-kvm to download23:55
kirklandcjwatson: heh, i'm waiting for the iso to download23:56
kirklandcjwatson: hmm, the bootloader itself goes graphical, which busts kvm's -curses option23:58
cjwatsonhold down shift at boot, if you can23:59
cjwatsonI think it's shift23:59

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