
=== mcasadevall is now known as NCommander
jumentoushey all, i'm setting up a reprepro server that will contain a partial mirror that clients will use but i also want to do a net install from there,06:53
jumentousi get no kernel modules were found and when i look up anna's source this apparently means that there is no kernel-version string on the packages,06:53
jumentoushowever when i check packages.gz out on a real server there is also no kernel-version attribute06:54
jumentousanyone have an idea of what may be going on06:54
icarus901jumentous, i suggest apt-cacher; you can quiet that message with "d-i anna/no_kernel_modules boolean true" in a preseed.cfg07:18
jumentousi haven't seen apt-cacher but the problem is that i will later need to add my own packages to it, as well as control what updates are let through rather than the simple apt-proxy07:23
jumentouswill look at cacher07:23
jumentousicarus901, it was more about why would anna not recognise the kernel packages when they are essentially copied off upstream and can i debug it somehow07:25
icarus901unfortunately it's not something with which i am familiar beyond that point07:26
jumentousok, do you know if Kernel-Version is a package tag as it doesn't appear to be07:27
=== sonicmctails is now known as mcasadvall
hardawaycjwatson: How was your holiday?12:31
hardawaycjwatson: Don't know if you noticed but ubiquity is still at version 1.13.4 when other cds are at 1.13.6--the manifest has not changed from June 1512:33
jerroomehi guys12:41
jerroomeI have to install a low memory system, but the installation takes more than 2 hours, it hangs at localedef, gen etc ... . I tried to remove the executable locale files with early command, but it's always recreated. does anyone have an idea how I could fasten up the install process ? I thought maybe booting with a liveusb, partitionning the drives and then copy the content of each partition from a previously installed syst12:45
jerroomelike to reach an installation which takes less than 30 min12:45
cjwatsonhardaway: like I told you, just wait until it manages to build. It's not a problem with ubiquity, it's a problem with UNR builds in general right now. I believe it's scheduled to be fixed today but it is not in my hands so there is no point asking me about it12:51
cjwatsonjerroome: try 'd-i pkgsel/language-packs string' (i.e. set that question to empty) in your preseed file12:52
cjwatsonshould work as of jaunty, probably not before that12:52
jerroomethat's what I'm doing, but it still hangs at 75%12:52
jerroomeisn't it possible to just skip language locals ?12:53
cjwatsondon't know then, sorry. feel free to post to the mailing list with a complete description of your setup, logs, etc. ...12:53
cjwatsonjerroome: skip> that's what that preseed is supposed to do!12:53
cjwatsonif it isn't working, I consider it a bug that needs to be investigated12:53
jerroomewould you agree to have a look at my preseed file ?12:54
jerroomeand pxe ?12:54
jerroomeI would pastebin it ....12:54
cjwatsonI'm happy to have a look12:54
jerroomeok, just one second12:54
cjwatsonthough I'm busy with other coding work right now12:54
jerroomeIn case you find some time pxe : http://paste.ubuntu.com/206195/ and preseed : http://paste.ubuntu.com/206199/13:00
jerroomeearly_command part is a try to skip locales in an quite unproper way ....13:01
cjwatsonI need syslog from an installation attempt too, preferably with DEBCONF_DEBUG=developer on the kernel command line13:03
cjwatsonif the installation attempt completes successfully (even if slowly), the syslog will be saved in /var/log/installer/syslog13:04
jerroomeI'm installing it on a faster machine and pastebin that too13:05
jerroomecjwatson : I was completely wrong, I wasn't taking the right preseed file, the option works fine ..... sorry for the time you took to look at my file ....13:51
cjwatsoncool, glad to hear that it works now13:54
jerroomeI should have looked my apache log more precisely :), but it's cool that it's working now14:00
jerroomedo you know if it's possible to fasten up the part " configuring linux modules" at 83 % ?14:01
cjwatson"fasten" doesn't mean what you think it means in English :-)14:02
cjwatsonI have a phone call now, will get to you after that14:02
jerroomeyour right, I don't want to fasten, but to make it quicker :)14:03
jerroomeno problem, thank you for all the help you already gave me14:04
cjwatsonjerroome: I'm not sure what step you're talking about there. Are you translating that back from French? If so, could you just give me the French text?14:36
cjwatsonHard to grep for approximate text you see ...14:36
jerroomeI can't give you the exact text, but which packages take long time14:39
jerroomeit starts with linux-image-generic_2.
jerroomeuntil linux-generic_2.
jerroomefrom linux-generic_2. on, it takes more than 20 minutes to pass to the next get14:40
jerroomethe next step is selecting and installing software14:41
jerroomedoes that help you out ?14:42
cjwatsonwell, that's probably building the initramfs14:45
cjwatsonthere's not a lot I can do to help you there14:46
cjwatsonit's just not terribly quick14:46
cjwatsonmost of the relevant code there is in kernel packaging, initramfs-tools, etc., not in the installer14:47
jerroomeso I can't change anything about it  ?14:49
cjwatsonI think it's unlikely, sorry14:50
cjwatsonat least I don't know how you might14:51
jerroomeonly a last question :) shouldn't the installer skip to install language-pack-en ?14:52
cjwatsonwe wanted to have that always installed to make support easier - in particular we can guarantee that the en_US.UTF-8 locale always exists which (unfortunately) is a useful property to be able to assume14:53
jerroomedo you know what a fast install time is for a 64MB machine with a 664MHz cpu ?14:54
cjwatsonjerroome: for a longer version of this answer, see https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-discuss/2009-February/006884.html14:54
cjwatsonjerroome: no, I don't14:54
jerroomethank you cjwatson14:58
jerroomeand have a nice day14:58

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