
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
roxanI'm banned :906:22
sdebالسلام عليكم :)06:25
sdebألا يوجد عرب هنا ؟06:26
csw840915hi all looking for Ubuntu Hardy hel15:08
Nafallocsw840915: #ubuntu then please.15:08
csw840915I looked in my list for it15:10
csw840915dont find it15:10
csw840915will try again15:10
cousteaulooks like all #ubuntu-es ops have gone16:41
nikocousteau: a problem ?16:52
cousteauwell, all the flooders seem to have gone16:52
cousteauanyway... isn't it dangerous to have a channel without ops?16:57
nikocousteau: for big flood, the bot guard16:58
nikofor troll and other things human is need :)16:58
cousteauthat's the problem; if a user creates 5 nicks and floods from all of them, maybe the bot doesn't notice it16:58
cousteau(and the humans have disappeared)16:59
nikocousteau: bot see that16:59
Myrttithe fact there are no visible ops doesn't mean there are no ops at all17:04
Picifreenode guidelines suggest that we not use our operator powers until needed.17:05
cousteauthe problem is that sometimes trolls are a bit cleverer than bots17:05
cousteauMyrtti: there doesn't seem to be any one17:05
Myrttisurely #ubuntu-es has the ops call, or similar to attract attention of the ops?17:05
nikoMyrtti: !ops perhaps17:06
nikocousteau: is the guy is the flooder ?17:06
Myrttiniko: that's what I meant17:07
Piciniko: yes... we were eluding to it since most of us have that on highlight.17:07
cousteauI'll ask the bots.. there must be some help pages somewhere17:07
nikook, i quiet him 30 minutes17:07
nikotime to go home now17:07
cousteauwho did you ban??17:10
jpdsWhat a strange conversation they're having in there.17:10
cousteauI mean, who did you quiet?17:11
Myrttijpds: I agree17:11
Pici♥ gtrans.pl (at least when it doesnt crash)17:14
nikojpds: try !ops on u-es18:14
niko( if you are on u-es-ops of course :)18:14
nikoyo test18:14
nikoto test18:15
jpdsTest what?18:15
nikohilight of ops18:15
juan-arghellow my name is juan user raul  say "<raul> ESTOY MUY CACHONDO ASIES K ALGUNA XICA K M HABLE PA CHUPARMELA"19:38
juan-arguser raul trol in #ubuntu-es19:38
nikojuan-arg: actually ?19:46
nikoplease hl me, when there is some matters19:47
juan-argno (sorry y not speak english) raul disconect19:47
PiciEste canal no es sólo Inglés19:55
m4vniko: there's a !ops in u-es, but that time the kubot was being flooded as well, so Elidix gave it a !part from #ubuntu-es21:07
m4vso, *yay* for another day of flooding in ubuntu-es21:08
nikom4v: i put a !ops which highlight ops on #ubuntu-es-ops21:11
nikotry yourself21:11
m4vniko: remember that you disabled the '!' char prefix in #ubuntu-es of uBOTu-fr21:15
m4vin any case there's never many ops in #u-es-ops, only erUSUL and Roaksoak21:19
m4vniko: i rejoined the kubot in u-es, you really don't need to add !ops to uBOTu-fr21:28
m4vthe problem with ubuntu-es is its lack of reliable ops, highlighting by the bot won't help much21:30
nikom4v: perhaps, you should find guy to match somes interval where there is no ops22:51
m4vniko: you don't understand, p3l|c4n0 is the only guy that can add ops, he's been offline for a week now.23:47
m4vand when he's online, he ignores erUSUL23:48
nikom4v: i understand23:48
nikowe put out our *admin*23:49
nikosomes 6 month before23:49
nikonow things are great23:49

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